right now!realfreedominc.com/vip/flipfactors/pdf/vol_2_issue_32.pdf · and how to intermingle rap...

No-Nonsense Real Estate Wholesaling For Really Really Smart People Only Publisher - R. Preston Ely Vol 2, Issue 32 In This Issue FEATURE ARTICLE: The Effect Of Persistance On Your Biznass! Product Recommendation - My Comp Company! Weekly Wisdom Shot: Don't Wait! Create! This E-Zine Is Published Every Thursday And Is Currently Being Sent Out To Over 13,000 Subscribers! Quick Links My Blob! I mean BLOG! "The Fastest Road To Mega-Wealth GUARANTEED !" You Need This Information RIGHT NOW! "The best e-book I've ever read." Mike Collins, CEO Rehablist.com CLICK HERE TO ORDER NOW! Hey, Your day is sucking. I know this. Well never fear; The Flip is here . And you thought I would just skip this week like a big slacker, didn't ya? I know ya did. Admit it. You have absolutely no faith in your boy. COUGH IT UP SUCKER! I KNOW YA THINK IT NOW JUST ADMIT IT! I am soooooo bored. Until just now cuz some seriously smokin hot girls just walked in to Starbucks. WOW! God, you truly create some amazing masterpieces sometimes. And then sometimes you truly create some annoying people who I wish you hadn't done that with. But whatever. It's Your world. I'm just livin in it. This particular Starbucks that I live at is especially magical when it comes to hot chicks. It's like they keep a high powered Hot Chick Magnet in the espresso machine. I just sit here all day, write notes to you, and collect phone numbers. It's a good deal for me all the way around. Dude, you're never gonna believe this, but those really hot girls just came up and asked for my autograph. Can you believe it? a) yes b) no c) I knew this issue of The Flip would suck d) Preston you are so unbelievably ridiculous; I'm struggling to find a reasonable meaning for your existence. I feel dumber with every word I read. Ok, if you circled "a" then I really have something to sell you in a minute. It's a great deal I swear. If you circled "b" then you are smart enough to be worthy of being one of my subscribers. If you circled "c" then well that's just plain funny. We can be friends. And if you circled "d" then I hate you. Go away. There IS a reasonable meaning for my existence I don't care if NO ONE including myself knows what it specifically IS. Ass. I'm done with you. Put this issue of The Flip in your juice box and SUCK IT. Sincerely, Pre$ton Ely The Undisputable King Of Wholesaling ' Feature Article! The Effect Of Persistence On Your Biznass

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No-Nonsense Real Estate Wholesaling For Really Really Smart People Only

Publisher - R. Preston Ely Vol 2, Issue 32

In This Issue


Persistance On Your Biznass!

Product Recommendation - My

Comp Company!

Weekly Wisdom Shot: Don't Wait!


This E-Zine Is Published Every Thursday And Is

Currently Being Sent Out To

Over 13,000 Subscribers!

Quick Links

My Blob! I mean BLOG!

"The Fastest Road To Mega-Wealth GUARANTEED!"

You Need This Information


"The best e-book I've ever

read." Mike Collins, CEO Rehablist.com



Your day is sucking. I know this. Well never fear; The Flip is here. And you thought I would just skip this week like a big slacker, didn't ya? I know ya did. Admit it. You have absolutely no faith in your boy. COUGH IT UP SUCKER! I KNOW YA THINK IT NOW JUST ADMIT IT! I am soooooo bored. Until just now cuz some seriously smokin hot girls just walked in to Starbucks. WOW! God, you truly create some amazing masterpieces sometimes. And then sometimes you truly create some annoying people who I wish you hadn't done that with. But whatever. It's Your world. I'm just livin in it. This particular Starbucks that I live at is especially magical when it comes to hot chicks. It's like they keep a high powered Hot Chick Magnet in the espresso machine. I just sit here all day, write notes to you, and collect phone numbers. It's a good deal for me all the way around. Dude, you're never gonna believe this, but those really hot girls just came up and asked for my autograph. Can you believe it? a) yes b) no c) I knew this issue of The Flip would suck d) Preston you are so unbelievably ridiculous; I'm struggling to find a reasonable meaning for your existence. I feel dumber with every word I read. Ok, if you circled "a" then I really have something to sell you in a minute. It's a great deal I swear. If you circled "b" then you are smart enough to be worthy of being one of my subscribers. If you circled "c" then well that's just plain funny. We can be friends. And if you circled "d" then I hate you. Go away. There IS a reasonable meaning for my existence I don't care if NO ONE including myself knows what it specifically IS. Ass. I'm done with you. Put this issue of The Flip in your juice box and SUCK IT. Sincerely,

Pre$ton Ely

The Undisputable King Of Wholesaling

'Feature Article!

The Effect Of Persistence On Your Biznass

Page 2: RIGHT NOW!realfreedominc.com/vip/flipfactors/pdf/vol_2_issue_32.pdf · And How To Intermingle Rap Lingo In With Your Corporate Communications By Preston Ely We lost a deal last week

And How To Intermingle Rap Lingo In With Your Corporate Communications By Preston Ely We lost a deal last week. (sadface) But then we got it back this week. (happyface!) How did we bring it back to life? One word - persistence. My partner (who is NOT a compulsive liar, no matter WHAT the Flip Factor may have implied in the past) simply would not let it go. He refused to give up on it. Here's what happened - Remember that deal I told you about a few weeks ago? The one we put under contract for $18,000 that had comps at $100,000? Well the seller backed out of the deal. They wouldn't return our phone calls. Ain't that a beach? But we kept calling. And kept calling. And calling. And calling and calling and calling and calling. No one ever answered the phone. We called for a week straight. Then we called from another number. Lo and behold (whatever that means)...they answered. Here was our official deal-redeeming spiel - "Hey Jerk. We're sick of this s#$^. You promised to give us your house and now you're being an Indian Giver. No one likes an Indian Giver. You wanna be liked don't you? I thought so. Now are you gonna give us your house that you recently paid $50,000 for in exchange for $18,000 of our cash or WHAT?" There ya have it. Modify the official deal-redeeming spiel for your particular situation and watch the magic happen. Send me a testimonial. Haha. Ok, you got me. That was NOT our official deal-redeeming spiel. You see, the problem with just giving you the official deal-redeeming spiel straight away is that that is NOT FUNNY. And if it is not FUNNY, you will not continue to actually physically READ any of this. Because, as we all know, you have A.D.D., and real estate is boring. People with A.D.D. do not put up with boring things. Hence - the time wasting funny stuff must remain. It is a necessary evil. Please don't make me explain myself anymore. It seriously bores me. Which will cause me to stop writing these. So here was the actual official boring-but-ultimately-deal-redeeming spiel - "Hey Donna. Listen, I hate to keep bugging you, it's just that you and I had made a commitment on this property and we set aside the money needed to fund the transaction. We are constantly buying property and I just don't want to make the mistake of using that money for another deal that will inevitably come up, and have you call me wanting to close on our transaction. What's the deal? Are you ready to get this thing wrapped up?" It saved the day, and only by PERSISTANCE were we able to even deliver the message in the first place. Don't give up on your sellers or buyers. Stalk them. Harass them. If you don't have a few restraining orders on you at any given time then you are simply not trying hard enough. Persistence is a HUGE key to your success. Be a bulldog. Be a lion. The following are possible animals that you could choose from:


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Bad Choose wisely.

© R. Preston Ely (Don't steal my stuff.) all rights reserved WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Real Estate Investing Coach/Rockstar/Assassin R. Preston Ely publishes the critically acclaimed weekly ezine The Flip Factor. If you're ready to jump-start your life, quit your boring job, make a bajillion dollars, and have more fun and freedom, get your FREE 7 Day Mini-Course RIGHT NOW at www.prestonely.com!

Pre$ton Recommends!

"What If I Told You The Comparables That Realquest And Zillow Are Giving You Are WRONG, That You've Been Losing Money Because Of It, And That There Is a Much Smarter AND Cheaper Way To Go About

Determining Value?"

Would I Have Your Attention?

Here is the problem we were facing: Over the past couple months, a number of my students from across the United States were coming to me saying the same thing - "Preston, I did some checking on Realquest...and the sales prices they are reporting for the comps are WRONG!" At first, I paid only slight attention. But when THREE of them told me the same thing? It's time to see what the heck is really going on.

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We called Realqueer, I mean Realquest, and after about a week or nine they finally got back to us. Get this...

There are many states that DO NOT report sales prices to ANYONE. Not even their constituents. So Realquest, and I quote, "makes their best guess." Unbelievable. So we've been working non-stop for a solution as you can imagine. Not only is this unacceptable, but many of you CAN NOT AFFORD Realquest. They are freakin expensive, man. Especially now that they modified their "pay per pull" plan. It used to be $0 upfront and $3 per pull. Now it's $500 up front and $5per pull.

They think they are running a monopoly. They think we have no other reasonable choices.

Well they're wrong.

Introducing, for your "F The System" pleasure, my new comparable data company, Real Freedom Comps...

- a fraction of the cost of Realquest which frees up additional money that you can use for marketing! - owned by investors FOR investors! - we report mortgage/loan information (which helps determine value in non-disclosure states) allowing you to more accurately make reasonable offers and therefore CLOSE MORE DEALS, RETIRE, AND START LIVING THE GOOD LIFE! - SUPPORT STAFF AND COACHING TO HELP YOU DETERMINE VALUE! Unbelievable! - More accurate valuation in non-disclosure states. - For a hundred bucks a month or so you get access to comps NATIONWIDE...as opposed to just one county allowing you to go virtual without going BROKE. And much more.

Click Here For Accurate Comps

I have even more good news for you...

The First 125 People Who Sign Up Are Going To Have Their $150 Set Up Fee WAIVED And Their First 30 Days For FR:EE!

use coupon code RFTD to activate the discount (good for lower level accounts only) You don't like it at the end of 30 days? Simply cancel at no cost whatsoever! Enjoy my free comps!

This particular promotion ends Friday, March 7 at 5pm EST.

Click Here RIGHT NOW To Claim Your Spot

My partner in this tasty little side business is none other than Mark Jackson himself, America's most notorious appraiser/investor. He has about 100 or so rentals of his own. He will be COACHING you and helping you to cultivate your skills in evaluating property. You will not find this type of service ANYWHERE else! Remember, Friday, March 7, TODAY, is the deadline!

Click Here Right Now To Save Money And Get Comps NOW

Weekly Wisdom Shot!

Don't Wait. Create! And No More Sleep For You Till You Do

By Preston Ely You know how they say "All good things come to those who wait?" I came up with a better one that is kinda the same, but in reality not really. Here it is - "All good things come to those who make fun of those who wait." I've been watching people lately.* You know what I see when I look around? Waiters. Not the kind that bring you food either. Actual waiters. As in "those who wait." What are they waiting for? Who the heck knows.

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* I sure as heck don't work much so I gotta do something with my time

© R. Preston Ely (Don't steal my stuff.) all rights reserved WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEB SITE? You can, as long as you include this complete blurb with it: Real Estate Investing Coach/Rockstar/Assassin R. Preston Ely publishes the critically acclaimed weekly ezine The Flip Factor. If you're ready to jump-start your life, quit your boring job, make a bajillion dollars, and have more fun and freedom, get your FREE 7 Day Mini-Course RIGHT NOW at www.prestonely.com!

Dr Suess: Oh! Oh! I know I know! Pick me! Pick me! Oh no. It's Dr Suess. Who in the heck let this freak inside? I gotta start closing the door to my mind and locking it when I do these. You just never know when a deceased iconic children's book writer will come in and start rhyming the place to shreds. _____________________________________________________ "Waiting for a train to go or a bus to come, or a plane to go or the mail to come, or the rain to go or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow or waiting around for a Yes or a No or waiting for their hair to grow. Everyone is just waiting. Waiting for the fish to bite or waiting for wind to fly a kite or waiting around for Friday night or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake or a pot to boil, or a Better Break or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants or a wig with curls, or Another Chance. Everyone is just waiting." - Dr Suess, Oh The Places You'll Go ______________________________________________________ That's enough out of you, Suess. Shoo. Send a useful idea in here when you leave why dont ya? Waiters. Don't be one of these people. You may not think you're a waiter, but maybe you are. We tend to see ourselves in some pretty distorted light at best. Although I must admit, you're getting sharper and sharper the longer I know you. Keep up the great work. I must be rubbing off on you. ___________________________________________________________________________________ "Pray like it all depends on God, and work like it all depends on you." - Saint Augustine ___________________________________________________________________________________ You gotta get out there and MAKE whatever you want to happen...HAPPEN. You have to create it. And you're not allowed to sleep at night unless you have created it. No createy? No sleepy. Sorry bud. That's the new deal-ee-o. And stop taking all your freakin cues from other people! Why are you looking at them? They don't know what the flip is going on either! No one does! ___________________________________________________________________________________ "The light finally went on for me when I sat down to interview at a Fortune 500 Tech Firm and realized that the guy interviewing me didn't know what was going on either. I finally saw it - no one knows what's going on. It's not just me." - Michael Gerber, paraphrased from The E-Myth ___________________________________________________________________________________ The world is hungry for leaders. Not cue-following waiters. Get out there and act like you know what the heck you are doing, and maybe - just maybe - something will actually happen.

Picture(s) Of The Week

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Me And Some Angry Chinese Chick At A Fashion Show Last Week

Testimonials And Questions Or Whattheheckever.

Preston, Just wanted to brag about you for a minute, although I am sure you deserve more than a minute, started

my new business of flipping houses in January after listening to you on a teleconference. We closed our first deal in February and made $10k and we have two on the books already for March at

$15k each and working on scheduling 2 more for March. Loving it and surprised to see that it really does work. Thought it was all a lie but it really works. Very pleasantly surprised!!! Thank you for everything! Deesie Bowen



I woke up this morning and realized...there are two things I really appreciate. Michigan and Preston Ely. I woke up this morning to 8 inches of fresh snow , a gorgeous wife who is feeling ill and a Son that wants to go sledding. It is because of you and local opportunities that allow me to stay home, work from my office, do all the things I should be doing for my family and not worry about my business model going down since I am not at my other office. See you in April..By the way, where are we having lunch? Make It A Great and Profitable Day Erik A. Stark Gold Key Real Estate Kaiden Christian Properties _______________________________________________________________________________________ Preston, First of all, I want to say Praise the LORD for your openness about your faith. I find it refreshing and I am grateful to the LORD for having you use your business as part of your ministry in service to HIM and others. You should also know that after months of research and interest in getting started with real estate investing, I was pleasantly surprised that your book delivered what was promised and more; I'm like you and others who've paid for a lot of fluff and no real substance with other products. Thank you. I look forward to hearing from you. Michele F. Richardson ______________________________________________________________________________________

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Be Free!

Pre$ton Ely The King of Wholesaling Real Freedom, Inc. "In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and He answered by setting me free." - Psalms 118:5