rikvin offers a business name check

Rikvin Offers A Business Name Check A company is identified by its name, before it is associated by its product or service. At times, the name has an impact on how the business fares especially in the beginning, unless, if the reputation has already been built around the company. Singapore remains to be an attractive destination for financial investments and employment opportunities searches. It is also a favorite place among tourists from Asia Pacific. In 2010, the number of visitors in Singapore was 18 million. It is expected to grow as Resorts World Sentosa launched the Universal Studios theme park, the first and only in Southeast Asia. With this, the government is also expecting more businesses will be registered. Rikvin specializes in incorporation , among others. It particularly assists foreign companies and investors in all their business and relocation needs. The initial step in company incorporation is the registration of a company name. Rikvin provides for free its name check service. “Our name check service allows for two proposed business names to be checked by our staff,” says Rikvin, “We also ask for their e-mail address so we can notify them of the check result.” ACRA says that only names that are unique, free from obscenities, and without encroachments on trademarks and copyrights are approved. Unique names refer to names that are not similar to any other names of businesses and companies registered and reserved with ACRA. Companies and or businesses should not be mistaken for another due to their name. Upon availability and conformity, a name can be reserved for two months or can be registered. Rikvin explains that companies shall be issued with a Certificate of Business Name via an e-mail. Branch and Representative Offices should also be checked for their names, although they should bear the name of their parent corporations’ name. “Should a branch or representative office’s name is unavailable, the parent company is given the chance to decide on the name of its branch or representative office,” quips Rikvin. Rikvin offers a few packages for company incorporation. It also specializes in compliance matters such as opening of Singapore corporate bank account ,

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Post on 12-Mar-2016




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Rikvin offers Singapore Company Registration service including securing your Singapore Employment Pass and Singapore EntrePass Visa for Singapore Business Migration.


Page 1: Rikvin Offers A Business Name Check

Rikvin Offers A Business Name Check A company is identified by its name, before it is associated by its product or service. At times, the name has an impact on how the business fares especially in the beginning, unless, if the reputation has already been built around the company. Singapore remains to be an attractive destination for financial investments and employment opportunities searches. It is also a favorite place among tourists from Asia Pacific. In 2010, the number of visitors in Singapore was 18 million. It is expected to grow as Resorts World Sentosa launched the Universal Studios theme park, the first and only in Southeast Asia. With this, the government is also expecting more businesses will be registered. Rikvin specializes in incorporation, among others. It particularly assists foreign companies and investors in all their business and relocation needs. The initial step in company incorporation is the registration of a company name. Rikvin provides for free its name check service. “Our name check service allows for two proposed business names to be checked by our staff,” says Rikvin, “We also ask for their e-mail address so we can notify them of the check result.” ACRA says that only names that are unique, free from obscenities, and without encroachments on trademarks and copyrights are approved. Unique names refer to names that are not similar to any other names of businesses and companies registered and reserved with ACRA. Companies and or businesses should not be mistaken for another due to their name. Upon availability and conformity, a name can be reserved for two months or can be registered. Rikvin explains that companies shall be issued with a Certificate of Business Name via an e-mail. Branch and Representative Offices should also be checked for their names, although they should bear the name of their parent corporations’ name. “Should a branch or representative office’s name is unavailable, the parent company is given the chance to decide on the name of its branch or representative office,” quips Rikvin. Rikvin offers a few packages for company incorporation. It also specializes in compliance matters such as opening of Singapore corporate bank account , obtaining business licenses and permits, and in annual filing obligations such as for taxation and annual returns.

About the Publisher:Rikvin has successfully assisted local and foreign entrepreneurs incorporate a Singapore company . Our success rate is phenomenal, most of our enterprise clients have entrusted us, with the routine management tasks such as `book keeping and secretarial services and we continue to impress them beyond our promise. Rikvin has also successfully helped hundreds of foreign entrepreneurs register a Singapore company .

Our phones are answered during business hours by specialists and not by an answering machine. We appreciate the value of your time and understand that a person cannot be replaced by technology. This is especially true when it comes to making important business decisions. If you are interested in learning more about Rikvin’s Services kindly email us at [email protected] or give us a call at +65 64838887..