rio rio news. [july i8th, 1893....

; ¦ ¦)*'¦'¦ '•¦' Y ";- '•/'¦ '¦•.'¦¦' , . ,(.."Jt r *.-">. X; ; ! Rio News. J^UB LISHED EVERY TUESDAY. Vol. XX. RIO DE JANEIRO, JULY iSth, 1893. Ê Number 29 WILSON, SONS & CO. V 9(LIMITED) 2, PRAÇA DAS MARINHAS RIO DE JANEIRO. Ju AGENTS OF THE Pacific Steam Navigation Company Shaw, Savill ò> A Ibion Co., Ld. The New Zealand Shipping Co., Ld. Prince Steam Shipping Co., Ld. Gellatly, Hankey, Sewell &> Co's. Brazil Line. Repairs to Ships arid Machinery Havjng large workshops and eftecient plant we are now in a position to undertake repairs of ali descriptions to ships and Machinery. Coal.—Wilson, Sons & Co. (Limited) have depôts at St. Vincent, (Cape Verde), Montevideo, La Plata and at the chief Brazil Ports; and, among others, supply coal under contract, at Kio, to: The Brazilian Government; Her Britannic Majesty's Government: The Transatlantic Steamship Companies; The New Zealand Shipping Companies ; &c, &c, Coal.—Large stocks of the best Cardift steam Coal always kept in Kio depôt on Conceição Island. Tug Boats always ready for service. Ballast Supplied to ships. Establishments: Wilson, Sons & Co. (Limited), London, CardifT, St Vincent, (Cape Verde), Rio, Bahia, Pernambuco, Santos, Montevideo, Buenos Ayres and La Plata. (gffirial gimtorg U. S. LEGATION.-Petropolis. Office hours io a. m. to ip. m. E. H. CONGER. Minister. BRITISH LEGATION.—Travessa de D. Manoel, No. 8. GEORGE H. WYNDHAM, Minister. AMERICAN CONSULATE GENERAL.-dtfV-», .Largo r*0É Carioca.'*"-' O. H: DOCKERY, CorftirGeneràl. BRITISH CONSULATE GENERAL.— NV 8, Travessa de D. Manoel. WM. GEO. ABBOTT, Cônsul General. <gfettvcfc JHmtorg CHRIST CHURCH.—Rua do Evaristo da Veiga. Morn- ing service every Sunday at na.m. Evening service during cooj season according tn notice. Hcly communion after morning service on ist Sunday in the month and on srd Sunday at 9 a. m. Raptisms after morning ser- vice, or at other times by special arrangement. HENRY MOSLEY, M.A. British Chaplain. Rua das Larangeiras. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. - Largo do Cattete. English services: nt 11:30 a.m. Portuguese services : at 10.30 a. ni. and 7:10 p.m. Sun- days: 7:-,o p.m. Wednesday—E. A. TI LLY aud MA- NOEL DE CAMARGO, Pastois. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-NV15 Travessa da Barreira. Services in Portuguese every Sunday at u a.m., and 7 p. m., Sundays; and at 7 p. m. Thursdays. A. TRAJA NO, Pastor. BAPTIST CHURCH.-Rua Baião de Capanetna No. 13. Services in Portuguese every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7. p.m; and every Wednesday at 7. p.m. J. J. TAYLOR, Pastor. Residence: Rua do Bispo No. 27. IGREJA EVANGÉLICA FLUMINENSE.-Rua Larga de S.Joaquim, No. 179.—-Divine service in Portuguese on Sundays: Piayer ineeting at 10 a. m ; Worship at 11 a. m. Biblical class to study the Holy Scriptures, at sJÍ, afternoon. Gospel preaching, at 7 p. 111. 011 Wednesdays. Biblical study, and preaching, at 7 p. iu. JOÃO M. G. DOS SANTOS, Pastor. THE CHURCH <)F CHRIST IN NICTHEROY—Rua de S. José No. 25I Divine Service iu Põrtiigucse every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. and every Thursday .117.30 p.m Viole Siudies. Every Sunday .115.30 p.m. SAl.ÒMON L. GINSBURG, Pastor. iltcbiral Ptmtorij Dr. Cleary, Physiciâi and Surgeon; Oílicc 51, Rua dos Ourives. Hours, from ia to 3. Residence, Kua da Real Grandeza No. 33, Botafogo. Telephone 1556. Dr. W. Havelburg, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur; Oflice and residence: Rua i" dc Março No. 50, from 2 to 4p. m. Telephone 1016. Dr. A Stewart, late roident surgeon Glasgow Western Infirmary and sênior assistant physician City of Glasgow Fever Hospital. Oflice, 19 1" dc Março: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Residence 110 Rua da Passagem. Telephone 0506. Dr. Otto E. Inglis, Dra. Cornelia Inglis, American dentistas; Rua dc Gonçalves Dias 74. Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Dr. J. J. Marchant, Dentist, will thc English-speak- ing people of this city on very niodeiaitt terms at his new •>ftkc>. No. 31 Gonçalves I >, where he is full, piepated to pcrfuiin ali operations pcitaiuing to his profession. FLIKT & Co. 68 Bz?oad. S-b-, 3ST©-vst- Tori: COMMISSION MERCHANTS MACHINERY AND RAILWAY SUPPLIES. Sole Export Agents in New York for many of the Leading Mànufacturers of the United States. Represented by QUAYLE, DAVIDSON & Co. 121, RUA DA QUITANDA. Caixa do Correio 16.kio DE JANEIRO. Companhia Importadora Paulista. (THE S. PAULO TRADING COMPANY.) CAPITAL paid up . RESERVE FUND 5oo,ooo$ooo 54-OO0$oo° IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ETC. Warehouses:—Rua Florencio de* Abreu 15 and Largo do Ouvidor 1* Head offices and sample show rooms : Largo S. Francisco x. Address ali correspondence to JOSEPH W. MEE, Caixa 186,Mánàgiiig Director. SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL. Cable address: "CIP" São Paulo. GUILD, MILLER & Co. IRTT^ 1.° IDE MABÇO, 107 cp-o, box 1154)río de Janeiro General and Commission Merchants *-"***- -~~"k™^?#^ .—¦•¦ "steam-ship Agents Lighter owners. MILLER, GUILD & Co. RUA 24 DE MAIO, 15 (P. O. BOX ,39)SANTOS RUA SAO BENTO, 39 P. O. BOX a7a5 PAULO Agents in the Province of São Paulo for OOR"3T BBOTEEBS ôc Oo., 3-i'â.-, London. IdemOa-rciiff- General & Commission Merchants, S^eam Ship Agents, Tug Boat» Lighter and Wharf Owners. also of a Coal Depot, where a stock of "Cory's Merthyr" is always on hand. (Rio Cable address: "NAIAD" { Santos ( São Paulo T gtXiscclUxncous. RIO HARHOUR MISSION.—-V-t/ÜM-x Dome and Instt- tute.—üo. x, Travessa do Moreira, Rua do Livramento, "Saude. Bcthcl services: In English on bundays at 3 p.m. and 7 pm.; on Mondays at 7 |>.m. Free nua Easy Concert 011 Wcdiicsday.s at 7 p.m. Reading room open daily from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETYS AG- ENCYKua Sete de Setembro Xo. 7:.—On sale, tlie Holy Scriptures in Portuguese, English, French. German, Italian, Spanish and other languagc*. Also Evangélica! boilcs, tr.ict.-, hymns, in Portuguese. JUÃO M. G. DOS SANTOS, Agent RITISH SUBSCRIPTION'LIKRAKY AND READING OO.M-— 114 Rua Ó3 Assembléa.—Op«a from noon to km. For tenns. apply t j Libiarwui. HE WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE COMPANY, PITTSBURG, PA., U. S. A. MÀNUFACTURERS OF THE WESTINGHOUSE _AüT0MAHC BRAKE The Westinghouse Automatic Brnke is now in use on 22,000 engines, and 250,00c cars. This includes :61,00o Freight Cars. This is ib per cent of the entire freight car equipment of the United States. Orders have been reeeived for 100,000 Quick Action Brakcs since December, 1887. For further particulars apply to their Representatives in lirazil: Norton Megaw âP Co. 5S, Primeiro de Março. Rio de Janeiro. Grand Hotel International SITUATED ON TilE P1CTURBSQUB SANTA THERESA HILL, Rua do Aqueducto No. 108, and served every «5 minutes by thc tram-cars line from thc town (plauo incliiltuto, rua do Riachuelo) to this hotel, and Silvestre. This establishment, the first in Brazil, for its elegance, comfort and situation amidst forests and cnjoying the most magniticciit secnery views of the mountains, town. the harbor and high scas, is lhe most suitable for families and gentlemen of distinetion. Excellent restaurant, always ready. Finest wines and liqucurs. Numerous showcr and w.inn baths. Pnrest air, temperature bracing and invigoratin.;. No health resort in the world is better. Teleihone 8oiS. M AC NICOL, FOX & CO. S. PAULO: Rua José Bonifácio No. 16 P.O. Box No. 32 Tei. address: Coi.n.vox. \ and Imp } Cot > Gen mmission and ernl Merchants orters SANTOS: Rua Frei Gaspar No. 4 P. O. Hox No. 99 Tei. address: . ~\ Despatching, \ Shipping and Floxam. ) General Agents AMERICAN Bank Note Company, 78 to 86 TRINITY PLACE, NEW YORK. IJusIness Foumlod 1705. Ineorporat<Ml under I.»wh of th* Stato of Kew York, 18S9. lioorgunlzod 1870. Engravkrs and Printers of BONDS, POSTAGE & REVENUE STAMPS, LECAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK NOTES ofthe UNITED STATES; and for Foreign Covernments. ENGRAVING AND PRINTING, BANK NOTES, KIIAKK CERTIFICATES, ItONDS FOK UOVKKNMKNT8 AND COltPOUATIONB, IMtAFTS, 01IK0KB, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, STAMPS, Ac, In tho flnci-t and most urtUUo «tylo FROM STEEL PLATES, With SFKCIAI, 8AFK(ll!ARIW to 1-RKVKNT CODNTKRFKITIHQ. Special papci-B manufacturcd üxcluulvely for uio of tho Company. SAFETY COLOR8. SAFETY PAPERS. Work Exvuuted In Flreproof Itulldlnga. LITHOQRAPHIC AND TYPE PRINTING. RAILWAY TICKETS OF IMPROVED STYLES. Show Ourds, Lnbela, Oulondura. JAMES MACDONOUGH, President. AUG. D. SHEPARD, )u. _ ... TOURO ROBERTSON, } Vlce-Presldents. THEO. H. FREELAND, Sec'y and Treas. JNO.E. CURRIER, Ass't Sec'y. J. K. MYERS, Ass't Treas. BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, PHILADÈLPHIA, PENN. (Established, 1831) BURNHAM, WILLIAMS & CO., Proprietors. These locomotive engines ar* adapted to every variety ol service, nnd are built accurately to standard gauges and templates., Like parts of different engines of same class perfectly interchangeable. Passenger a nd Freigh t Locomotives, Min e Locomo- tives, Narrow Gauge Locomotives, Steam Street Cars etc, etc. AU work thoroughly guaranteed. Illustrated catalogue furnished on application of customers. •i* Sole Agents in lirazil: Norton, Megaw ã>* Co. Aro. jS, Rua /o de Março. Kio dc Janeiro: JOHN H. BELLAMY & Co. General and Commission Merchants, SHIPPING AND STEAMER AGENTS. AGENTS FOR Companhia de Fiação e Tecelagem Carioca Companhia dc Navegação Carioca Coasting Steamers. The Alliance Insurance Co* 64, Rua 1 ° de Março. P. O. Box 741.Rio dc Janeiro. Correspondence invited. HAUPT & BIEHN RIO DE JANEIRO. 53, Rua da Alfândega. Imports and Commissions. Railway Material. Kolling Stock. Machinery. Y\T R. CASSELS & Co. 13 Rua Primeiro de Março. RIO DE JANEIRO, 32 Rua do Commercio, SÃO PAULO, and CASSELS, KING <s> Co. S58, CalleCangallo, BUENOS AYRES. Importers and Agents for Mànufacturers. Further Agencies, suitable to tlieii lines of business—Hard ware, Domestic good, Specialties, etc., etc—are respectlully solicited. N OBEL'SEXPLOSlVESCo, LIMITED, Gellgnite and Dynamite In, cases of 50 lbs. ea., nett welffht Gclipnitc is a new and very powerful explosivo. Besides posscssing great brcnktng power itcommends itself for use in this country bv reason ofühc fumes nftèr cxplosioh nòt being injinious to the workere*. On this nccoimt alone great ad- vnntngc is oliiaincil òyer uiust cxplosives, by its use, and more especially when opernting iu confined places. Also patent Detonntor caps and Bickford's patent use. For fuither iiilorniatiou aud price, apply to lhe Agcnis for Brazil: Watson, liitchie & Co. No. 25, Kua Theophilo Ottoni. Rio de Janeiro. Hyland, Huggins, Haiunjond & Go. ENGINÉERS. Railway Contractors, Importers of ali Kiiids of Maclüiiery, Railway Material, Portable Railways, CoíTee Macliinery. 31, bua sAo BEisraro, 31 SÃO PAULO. Caixa do Correio, agi.

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Vol. XX. RIO DE JANEIRO, JULY iSth, 1893.Ê

Number 29





Pacific Steam Navigation CompanyShaw, Savill ò> A Ibion Co., Ld.

The New Zealand Shipping Co., Ld.Prince Steam Shipping Co., Ld.

Gellatly, Hankey, Sewell &> Co's. Brazil Line.

Repairs to Ships arid MachineryHavjng large workshops and eftecient plant we are now in

a position to undertake repairs of ali descriptions to ships andMachinery.

Coal.—Wilson, Sons & Co. (Limited) have depôts at St.Vincent, (Cape Verde), Montevideo, La Plata and at thechief Brazil Ports; and, among others, supply coal undercontract, at Kio, to:

The Brazilian Government;Her Britannic Majesty's Government:

The Transatlantic Steamship Companies;The New Zealand Shipping Companies ;

&c, &c,

Coal.—Large stocks of the best Cardift steam Coal alwayskept in Kio depôt on Conceição Island.

Tug Boats always ready for service.Ballast Supplied to ships.

Establishments: Wilson, Sons & Co. (Limited),London, CardifT, St Vincent, (Cape Verde), Rio, Bahia,Pernambuco, Santos, Montevideo, Buenos Ayres and LaPlata.

(gffirial gimtorgU. S. LEGATION.-Petropolis. Office hours io a. m. to

ip. m. E. H. CONGER. Minister.BRITISH LEGATION.—Travessa de D. Manoel, No. 8.

GEORGE H. WYNDHAM, Minister.AMERICAN CONSULATE GENERAL.-dtfV-», .Largor*0É Carioca.'*"-' O. H: DOCKERY, CorftirGeneràl.BRITISH CONSULATE GENERAL.— NV 8, Travessa

de D. Manoel. WM. GEO. ABBOTT, Cônsul General.

<gfettvcfc JHmtorgCHRIST CHURCH.—Rua do Evaristo da Veiga. Morn-

ing service every Sunday at na.m. Evening serviceduring cooj season according tn notice. Hcly communionafter morning service on ist Sunday in the month andon srd Sunday at 9 a. m. Raptisms after morning ser-vice, or at other times by special arrangement.

HENRY MOSLEY, M.A. British Chaplain.Rua das Larangeiras.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. - Largo doCattete. English services: nt 11:30 a.m.Portuguese services : at 10.30 a. ni. and 7:10 p.m. Sun-days: 7:-,o p.m. Wednesday—E. A. TI LLY aud MA-NOEL DE CAMARGO, Pastois.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH-NV15 Travessa da Barreira.Services in Portuguese every Sunday at u a.m., and 7p. m., Sundays; and at 7 p. m. Thursdays.

A. TRAJA NO, Pastor.BAPTIST CHURCH.-Rua Baião de Capanetna No. 13.

Services in Portuguese every Sunday at 11 a.m. and7. p.m; and every Wednesday at 7. p.m.

J. J. TAYLOR, Pastor.Residence: Rua do Bispo No. 27.

IGREJA EVANGÉLICA FLUMINENSE.-Rua Largade S.Joaquim, No. 179.—-Divine service in Portugueseon Sundays: Piayer ineeting at 10 a. m ; Worship at 11a. m. Biblical class to study the Holy Scriptures, at sJÍ,afternoon. Gospel preaching, at 7 p. 111. 011 Wednesdays.Biblical study, and preaching, at 7 p. iu.


de S. José No. 25I Divine Service iu Põrtiigucse everySunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. and every Thursday .117.30p.m — Viole Siudies. — Every Sunday .115.30 p.m.


iltcbiral PtmtorijDr. Cleary, Physiciâi and Surgeon; Oílicc 51, Rua dos

Ourives. Hours, from ia to 3. Residence, Kua da RealGrandeza No. 33, Botafogo. Telephone 1556.

Dr. W. Havelburg, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur;Oflice and residence: Rua i" dc Março No. 50, from 2 to4p. m. Telephone 1016.

Dr. A Stewart, late roident surgeon Glasgow WesternInfirmary and sênior assistant physician City of GlasgowFever Hospital. Oflice, 19 1" dc Março: 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.Residence 110 Rua da Passagem. Telephone 0506.

Dr. Otto E. Inglis, Dra. Cornelia Inglis, Americandentistas; Rua dc Gonçalves Dias 74. Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Dr. J. J. Marchant, Dentist, will thc English-speak-ing people of this city on very niodeiaitt terms at his new•>ftkc>. No. 31 Gonçalves I >, where he is full, piepatedto pcrfuiin ali operations pcitaiuing to his profession.

FLIKT & Co.68 Bz?oad. S-b-, 3ST©-vst- Tori:


Sole Export Agents in New York for many of the Leading Mànufacturers of the United States.Represented by


Caixa do Correio 16. kio DE JANEIRO.

Companhia Importadora Paulista.(THE S. PAULO TRADING COMPANY.)




Warehouses:—Rua Florencio de* Abreu 15 and Largo do Ouvidor 1*Head offices and sample show rooms : — Largo S. Francisco x.

Address ali correspondence toJOSEPH W. MEE,

Caixa 186, Mánàgiiig Director.SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL.

Cable address: — "CIP" — São Paulo.


cp-o, box 1154) río de JaneiroGeneral and Commission Merchants

*-"***- -~~"k ™^?#^ .—¦• ¦ "steam-ship AgentsLighter owners.



P. O. BOX a7a 5 PAULOAgents in the Province of São Paulo for

OOR"3T BBOTEEBS ôc Oo., 3-i'â.-, London.Idem Oa-rciiff-

General & Commission Merchants, S^eam Ship Agents,Tug Boat» Lighter and Wharf Owners.

also of a Coal Depot, where a stock of "Cory's Merthyr" is always on hand.(Rio

Cable address: "NAIAD" { Santos( São Paulo


gtXiscclUxncous.RIO HARHOUR MISSION.—-V-t/ÜM-x Dome and Instt-

tute.—üo. x, Travessa do Moreira, Rua do Livramento,"Saude. — Bcthcl services: In English on bundays at3 p.m. and 7 pm.; on Mondays at 7 |>.m. Free nuaEasy Concert 011 Wcdiicsday.s at 7 p.m. Reading roomopen daily from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETYS AG-ENCY Kua Sete de Setembro Xo. 7:.—On sale, tlieHoly Scriptures in Portuguese, English, French. German,Italian, Spanish and other languagc*. Also Evangélica!boilcs, tr.ict.-, hymns, in Portuguese.


OO.M-— 114 Rua Ó3 Assembléa.—Op«a from noon toIí km. For tenns. apply t j Libiarwui.



WESTINGHOUSE _AüT0MAHC BRAKEThe Westinghouse Automatic Brnke is now in use on

22,000 engines, and 250,00c cars. This includes :61,00oFreight Cars.

This is ib per cent of the entire freight carequipment of the United States.

Orders have been reeeived for 100,000 Quick Action Brakcssince December, 1887.

For further particulars apply to theirRepresentatives in lirazil:

Norton Megaw âP Co.5S, Primeiro de Março.

Rio de Janeiro.

Grand Hotel InternationalSITUATED ON TilE P1CTURBSQUB

SANTA THERESA HILL,Rua do Aqueducto No. 108,

and served every «5 minutes by thc tram-cars line from thctown (plauo incliiltuto, rua do Riachuelo) to this hotel, andSilvestre.

This establishment, the first in Brazil, for its elegance,comfort and situation amidst forests and cnjoying the mostmagniticciit secnery views of the mountains, town. the harborand high scas, is lhe most suitable for families and gentlemenof distinetion.

Excellent restaurant, always ready.Finest wines and liqucurs. Numerous showcr and w.inn

baths. Pnrest air, temperature bracing and invigoratin.;.No health resort in the world is better.

Teleihone 8oiS.


Rua José Bonifácio No. 16P.O. Box No. 32

Tei. address: Coi.n.vox. \ and Imp

} Cot> Gen

mmission andernl Merchants


SANTOS:Rua Frei Gaspar No. 4

P. O. Hox No. 99Tei. address:

. ~\ Despatching,

\ Shipping andFloxam. ) General Agents

AMERICANBank Note Company,


IJusIness Foumlod 1705.Ineorporat<Ml under I.»wh of th* Stato of Kew York, 18S9.

lioorgunlzod 1870.Engravkrs and Printers of




Special papci-B manufacturcd üxcluulvely foruio of tho Company.

SAFETY COLOR8. SAFETY PAPERS.Work Exvuuted In Flreproof Itulldlnga.


Show Ourds, Lnbela, Oulondura.JAMES MACDONOUGH, President.



THEO. H. FREELAND, Sec'y and Treas.JNO.E. CURRIER, Ass't Sec'y.J. K. MYERS, Ass't Treas.



(Established, 1831)

BURNHAM, WILLIAMS & CO.,Proprietors.

These locomotive engines ar* adapted to every variety olservice, nnd are built accurately to standard gauges andtemplates., Like parts of different engines of same class perfectlyinterchangeable.

Passenger a nd Freigh t Locomotives, Min e Locomo-tives, Narrow Gauge Locomotives, Steam Street Carsetc, etc.

AU work thoroughly guaranteed.Illustrated catalogue furnished on application of customers.

•i*Sole Agents in lirazil:

Norton, Megaw ã>* Co.Aro. jS, Rua /o de Março.

Kio dc Janeiro:


H. BELLAMY & Co.General and Commission Merchants,


Companhia de Fiação e Tecelagem CariocaCompanhia dc Navegação Carioca

Coasting Steamers.The Alliance Insurance Co*

64, Rua 1 ° de Março.P. O. Box 741. Rio dc Janeiro.

Correspondence invited.


53, Rua da Alfândega.

Imports and Commissions.Railway Material.

Kolling Stock.Machinery.


13 Rua Primeiro de Março. RIO DE JANEIRO,32 Rua do Commercio, SÃO PAULO,


CASSELS, KING <s> Co.S58, CalleCangallo, BUENOS AYRES.

Importers and Agents for Mànufacturers.Further Agencies, suitable to tlieii lines of business—Hard

ware, Domestic good, Specialties, etc., etc—are respectlullysolicited.


Gellgnite and DynamiteIn, cases of 50 lbs. ea., nett welffht

Gclipnitc is a new and very powerful explosivo. Besidesposscssing great brcnktng power itcommends itself for use inthis country bv reason ofühc fumes nftèr cxplosioh nòt beinginjinious to the workere*. On this nccoimt alone great ad-vnntngc is oliiaincil òyer uiust cxplosives, by its use, andmore especially when opernting iu confined places.

Also patent Detonntor caps and Bickford's patentuse. For fuither iiilorniatiou aud price, apply to lheAgcnis for Brazil:

Watson, liitchie & Co.No. 25, Kua Theophilo Ottoni.

Rio de Janeiro.

Hyland, Huggins, Haiunjond & Go.ENGINÉERS.

Railway Contractors,Importers of ali Kiiids of Maclüiiery,

Railway Material,Portable Railways,

CoíTee Macliinery.31, bua sAo BEisraro, 31

SÃO PAULO.Caixa do Correio, agi.

THE RIO NEWS. [July i8th, 1893.




Assets $153,000,000—Surplus $31,000,000.Branch Office in Brazil:

Rua da Alfândega No. 1, corner i° de Março,Rio de Janeiro.

LOCAL DIRECTORY:Barão de Sampaio Vianna, Chairman.Dr. J. M. Leitão da Cunha, Counsel.Dr. Azevedo Macedo, Medical-Director.

Carlos Pereira Leal, Secretary,William P. Massie, Accountant.

Correspondence to be addressed to the Secretary.

CHALK & COONAN,LonsriDOisr, s zesttos aon-a. s. paulo.

General Merchants,Shipping and General Commission Agents,

Tug-loat, Water-boat and Lighter owners,

AGENTS FOR:—Lloyd's, London.Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Co., Limited,John Sunley & Co., London,Thomas Ford & Co., Swansea,and the Brazil Line of Packets.

Oodes used:SCOTT'S, A 1, WATKINS

and A. B. C Uth Edition]

Cable address:DESPATCH-SANTOS.

P. O. Box, 136, Santos.

London address:—8 LONDON ST., FENCHURCH ST.


Established 1782.Authorized by Imperial Decree No. 84037 of

March 24th, /SS/.Insnres against risk of fire, houses, goods and merchandise,

.ind oflers the best of guarantees with the most favorable. conditions.

G. C. Anderson, Agent.iRua de S. Pedro, No. 1—ist floor.


Fire and Marine.

Capital £2,500,000Agents for the Republic of Brazil:

Walter Christiansen & Co.No. 115, Rua da Quitanda.


Capital ^i,ooo,ooosterlingReserve fund.... £ 480,000 „

Agent in Rio de JaneiroG. C. Anderson.

of London. Rua de S. Pedro No. 1—ist floor.


LONDON AND LIVERPOOLCapital /2,ooo,oooAccumulated Funds....,£6,000,000

Insures against tlie risk of fire, houses.goods andinercltandise of every kind at redueed rates.

John Moore &* Co, agents.No. 8, Kua da Candelária.



Capital (fully subscribed) ^2,1.7,500Reserve fund £ 670,355

Agents tn Rio de Janeiro

Watson Ritchie ó* Co,No. 35, Rua de Theophilo Ottoni.


COMPANYEstablished 183Ô

Capital £3,000,000Accumulated funds ^tOSTt000

Agents in Rio de Janeiro Wilson & Co.N°. ai Rua do Conselheiro Saraiva.





Capital £ 1,000,000 sterlingReserve fund... ,,1,328,751 ,.Uncalled capital. „ 2,400,751 ,.

Agent : P E. Sxvanufick,4, Travessa do Conselheiro Saraiva.


Agents in Rio de

Smith & Youle.No. 62, Rua 1 de Março.

LONDON: Prinees Street, E, C.PARIS: 16, Rue Halevy.

Rio de Janeiro: No, 2, Rua S. Pedro.

Authorised by Decree No. 591, efiith October, 1891.

Subscribed capital £ 1,500,000Realized do „ 900,000Reserve fund » 800,000


Paris, 16, rot Halcf y, Buenos Aires, MonUtidto,Rosário and Paysandú.


London and County Banking Co., L\L— LONDON.

Banque de Paris et des Pays Bas.—PARIS.Banco de Portugal and agencies.—PORTUGAL.And on all the chief chies of Europe.

Also on:First National Bank of Chicago.—CHICAGO.



HEAD OFFICE: 2 A, MOORGATE 8T.X_.o_n.c_Loxx9 E. C.

Capital £ 1,000,000Idem paid up 800,000Reserve fund 320,000

Provisional office in Rio de Janeiro :

71 Â, Rua Io de MarçoPiaws on Head Office, and Branches at:



Also on:The London Joint Stock Bank, Limited,

Messrs. Heine àP Co.

Messrs. J. Berenberg Gossler &* Co.

Banca Generale and Agencies

The Bank of Nexo York,





New York.

Receives deposits at notice or for fixed periods and transactsevery description of Banking business.



Established tn Hamburg on ibth Decembet1887 by the "Direction der Diwnto Gesellschaft"in Berlin and the " Norddeutsche Bank inHamburg," Hamburg.

Capital. 10,000,000 Marks.

BRANCH-OFFICE IN RIO DE JANEIRO.(Authorised by Decree No. 10,030.)

Draws on:


Direction der Disconto )Gesellschaft, Berlin. {Norddeutsche Bank in í and corres-

Hamburg, Hamburg. f pondents.| M. A. von Rothschild jl Sohne, Frankfurt a M. J

f N. M. Rothschild & Sons, London._ . J International Bank of London, Limitedüngiana í Union Bank ofLondon.Limited.London

{Wm. Brandi's Sons & Co., London.


Lyonnais, Paris and branches.Comptoir National d'Escompte de

Paris, Paris.Heine & Co., Paris. _»


Ship Chandlers and Commission MerchantsRua Fresca No. 8.

Caixa 302. RIO DE JANEIRO.Water supplied on short notice.


67, Rua do Ouvidor.Location and Construetion of Railways, Reservoirs and

Irrigation works; Surveys, Plans, Estimates, Reports, etc,and Pioneer work of every description carried out in accord-ance with government requirements.



Rua Sete de Setembro n. 71.KIO DE JANEIRO.

For sale, Bibles and New Testaments, in English and otherlanguages.

In Portuguese, Figu.iredo's Bible and Testaments, alsothe Protestam. Bible by Almeida, revised and coirected.

42-52. Agent, J0X0 M. G. dos Santos.


The regular sessions of theabove |T\j are held at the MasonicHall, Rua Lavradio No. 81, onthe second and fourth Saturday

of every month at 8 p.m.All Reg.-. F.*. and A.*. Mas.*, are requested to at-

tend in regalia.By Ord.-.

The See.-.





Í Credit Lyonnais, Madrid, Barcelona

and correspondents.

{Banqued*Anvers, Antwerp.

H. Albert de Bary & Co., Antwerp.

t Banca Generale, branches and corres.Italy.» •••% pondents.

( MeuricofTre & Co., Naples.

_ ( Banco Lisboa & Açores and cones.Portu**1 \ pondents.

United States.... G Amsinck & Co., New York.

Uruguay.. ( Ernesto Tornquist & Co., Montevideo." (L. B. Supervielle. do

.' (Ernesto Tornquist & Co., B. Ayres.Argentine { Deutsche Uebersee Bank, do.

and any other countriesOpens accounts current: , .Pays interest on deposits for a certain time.Executes orders for purchases and sales of stocks, shares,

etc, and transacts every description of banking business.

fàoetlger, —Nielsen,Directors.


Capital C 1,500,000Capital paid up •• 75°.°°°Reserve fund .• 500,000



10, Rua da Alfândega

Draws on Head Office and the following Branchesand Agencies:




Also 011:

Messrs. Glyn, Mills, Cuirie <&* Co.,LONDOK,

Messrs. Mattel Frires &• Co.,Paris,

Messrs. Schroder & Co., J, H, Schtoder & Co.,nachf. Hambukg,

Messrs. Joh. Berenoerg, Gossler ã* Co.Hamburg,

Messrs. Granei Brown &• Co.Genoa,

QEPP,10 Rua Frei Gaspar, 1 °

SAKTOSP. 0. BOX 32. Cable addressi-WYSAaD.

General Commission Agents and Exchange Brokers.CORRESPONDENCE INVITED.

COFFEE CULTUREin Brazil pays better than any other agricültural woik.

Small farms of twenty to one hundred acres each areoffered in exchange for manual labor.

NINETY THOUSAND ACRESof the first quality terra roxa coflee lands in the county ofAraraquara, on the Jacaré river, are to be had for thecultivation of them in coflee, a half interest in each farmgiven to the farmers who will work them. Address:


Cure of São Paulo, Brazil.J. W. COACHMAN,


BONTEGOU & LEWISRepresentatives Smith Premier Typewritér Co.


In order to induce merchants of this city to use our type-writers, we ofler tliein from stock, fur a few weeks only, a($95, or its equivalent in Brazilian money.

We keep iu stock supplies, such as erasers, ribbons, carbonpaper, etc.


A Merchant established in London, with most favourableopportunities to realize the best inarket prices for SouthAmerican produets, is open to receive consignments fromSouth America, aud at the same time to execute indents forEuropean merchandise 011 favourable terms. Applicationsfrom Agents wishing to introduce any such business must beaccompanied by references aud a photograph of the applicant,Correspondence in Spanish, Portuguese, English, Frenchand German.

Apply "H. B. D." c/o Street &€o.. 30, Cornhill, London,England.

CRASHLEY & Co.,Newsdealet s and tiooksellers.

Subscriptions received for all the leading English and Amer*can newspapers and periodicals. Agents for

The European Mail.A latgeassortment oi English novéis, of the Tauchnitt Edi*

tions,of the Franklin Square Library and ofthe Lovell Libraryconstantly on hand.

View* of Rio and neighbourhood.Orders received for Scientific and other books.

Old Brazilian stamps boughtCollcctioni of stamps purchattd

Agents for LoKgstretks Rubber Stamps.

Dealers ia Atkinsen's, Piesse&Lutin's mud ReymlPerfumeries and Pernas •_»#_¦/

No. «7, Rua do Ouvidor.

[July i8th, 1893. THE RIO NEWS





Intended sailings from Rio:Coleridge 2gth „Maskelyne óth Aug.Wordsworth _Leibnitz _-Ta-GVCHUS •••¦•¦ •....•,«-,.... ..•¦#• —Gaiileo _

The well known steamer


Calling at

Will sail on the 2gtli inst. for


This steamer is fitted with elecnic light.

These steamérs ofier the best and quickést meansof con-veyance for passengers of ist and srd class, who iniend visiiingthe United States and the Chicago Exhibition the aiitioyancesof transhipment via England being avoided.

Return tickets can now be obtained.

For cargo apply to the BrokerWm. R. McNíven,

87, Rua i.° de Marçi.For passages, parcels, etc, to lhe

Agents-JVORTOA7, MEGA.W ««* Co.58, Rua i.° de Março.


A. J. LAMOUREUX, Editor and Proprietor.

Contains a summary of news and a review of Brazilian aflairsa list ofthe arrivals and departures of foreign ves|els, the com-mercial report and price current oflhe market, tables of stockquotations and sales, a table of freights and charters, a sum.mary of the daily coflee report from the Associação Com-mercial, and ali other information necessary to a correctjudgment on Brazilian trade.

(Cash invariably in advance)Subscription: as$ooo per annum for Brazil.

$10.00 or £2 abroad (30$ when paid here).SINGLE COPIES: SOO reia; for sale at the office

of publication, or at the English Book Store, No. 67 Rua doOuvidor.

Ali subscriptions should run with the calendar year, orterminate on June 3oth and December 3ist.


Rio de Janeiro, July i8th, 1893.

The situation at the south is undoubt-edly criticai in every respect, or the nationalgovernment would not be continuirig theextraordinary measures adopted on receiptof the news of Wandenkolk's expeditionagainst Rio Grande. The cable and tele-graph lines south were closed on the çthinst, and continue closed up to the presentmoment. No telegrains from tlie southhave been delivered, no matter how in-nocentofwar news they may have been.Ali code telegrams to other parts ofthecountry, and ali political news have alsobeen forbidden. Rigorous measures havealso been adopted to prevent the departureof vessels from this port without passes, andali steamérs for Rio Grande poris have beenstopped. One steamer was sent out, fullyarmed, with orders to go through to Mon-tevideo, but at the last moment, even afterthe announcement of the capture of theJúpiter, this order was countertnanded andthe steamer goes no further than Santa Ca-tharina. On Saturday the Paiz announcedthat the President had received advices of thetlight of the Júpiter, on Sunday other tele-granis were reported (not published) whichpartly contradicted the preceding advice asto tlie destination of that steamer, and onMonday other telegrams were reported (notpublished) announcing the capture oftheJúpiter, with Wandenkolk on board, nearSanta Catharina. The telegraph lines remainclosed, however, and there are many whodoubt the news. It is to-day announced thatthe Aquidaban and Tiradentes are being luir-riedly prepared to go south, which is initself a confession that something is seriouslythe matter, of which we are not advised. Ifthe siege of Rio Grande has been raised,the Júpiter captured and Wandenkolk s ex-pedition frustrated, why is it tliát com-munications remain closed and other naval

vessels are being prepared for the south.Isis whispered that something more seriousis in the wind and that Uruguay is to beheld responsible for assistance rendered tothe federalists, but of this there is no certaininformation. The situation is aggravatingand unsatisfactory to an extreme, and it isfeared that other troubles are impendingoutside ot Rio Grande. In Santa Catharinathe state authorities are being deposedagain by the nationaíists (if we may call thePresidents friends by that name), a row isbrewing in Paraná, an "armed

peace "

characterizes the situation in Pernambuco,and in this city the forces are held in read-iness and the streets are full of ugly rumors.We are living practically in a state of siege,although martial law has not been declared.What the result is to be no one can say,but ali know that only one course is openfor a satisfactory settlement of the com-plications which beset us.


On board R. M. S. fieiil from Southampton.To Captain W. H. Milner.Decir Sir.—Before going 011 shore from tlie

voyage now ending for us, we, the unclersigned,beg lhat you will allow us to express the ohliga-lions we íeel lo you personally for the courtesy andkindness we have received at your hands, and wewish to add our sense ol indebledness to lhe otherofficers oí the ship.

We hope the happy accident ol events to comemay give us lhe opporlunity ol again having thepleasure of sailing under your command.

With ali good wishesWe are, yours sincerely,

T. G. Scoones, MnjoiV.R.E.

M. V. Kolloway,S. H. Gore,H. C. H. Conolly,E. A. E. Phipps,W. J. Je-ssop,J. G. Tameling,W. H. Lawrence,li. H. Nuding,John F. Baker,J. G. Littlèchilcl,li. O. Stanton.

Rio de Janeiro, July 71I), 1893

C. E. II. Tripp,II. A. P.earsòn,J. M. Oliver,A. L .Sell,W. H. Hnnipshire,F. W. Cliníeiison,E. 0. Landon,Capitão Alfredo Cardoza,A. McLachlan,F. Hoffmann,E. Hi Liveisidge,G. C. Lee.

THE SITUATION AT SANTOS.We are request ed to pubbsh lhe following state-

ment lrom certain shipniasters in regard to thestale of affairs in lhe port of Santos:

Santos, 71I1 June, 1893.G. R. Kennedy, Esq.,

Agent for lhe Banco dos Lavradoresand Companhia Mogyana,

Santos.Dear Sir.—In view of the unsatisfactory reports

appearing in the daily papers at home about thestate of shipping in Santos, we the undersignedmasters of vessels consiglieri to the Cia. Mogyanaand the Banco dos Lavradores, have much pleasurein contradictmg the above reports as íar as we areconcerned. You, as agent in Santos of the abovefirms, have done everything in your power lo jielpns and íacilitate discharge, and where, in qoníormilywith our chaiter-parties, demurrage lias lieen due,it has been paid regularly without question.

By means of this letter we take lhe opporlunityof thanking you for ali thc consideration byyou on behalf oí tlie Banco dos Lavradores and theCia. Mogyana.

Yours very sincerely,(Signed)

Jens C. Jargensen, master barque Christinc.William Hat li Roach, ,, ,, Coronel.G. E. Gavertsen, ,, Bonito.I\ I. Mallgraf, master barque James Wishatt.David Jones, ,, Chasca (Liverpool).Robert W.Busco, ,, Sinbad (Swansea).S. Pitinan, ,, ,, Alert.

São Paulo, July ioiIi, 1893.The above is a true copy oí lhe original iu pos-

session ol this house.Banco dos Lavradores,Secção Commercial, S. Paulo,

Eric Wisiiart,Sub-Mannger.


Rendeis of English books will be glad to be in-formed that thc lollowing new or standard workshave recently been added to the Library :

Snithey's History of Brazil, Bates' Traveis 011the Amazon, Whyinper's Traveis in the GreatAndes, Atchison's Summer Cniise 111 Winter Seas,DenPs Brazil, Turner's Argentina, Iludson'*Naturalist in La Plata. North's A Happy Life(traveis!, Wntson's Ithick.ide Runner, Francês'Beyond the Àrgentine, LyalPs Rise o( the ltrilisliDominion in índia, HutiterVs Itrief Ilhtnry uf lheIndian People*, Reine'* Partition of Afiica, Cum-eron's Across Africi, Sir Walter ScolPs Journal,Edg<:unib'.s Zephyrus a Holiday in Brazil,KnighPs Cruise of tlie Fnlcon. Villiers SluarPsAdventures in Forcits and Rivers of SouthAmerica, AndrewVi Brazil, its Conditions nnd Pro»-pects, C.-upenter'* R-uni-i about Rio, EdwinArnold'* Seas and Land-, Le Car<m's Tweniy-fiveyears in lhe Secret Service, Lilly's A Celilury ofRevolution, Chff *id's F.nher Damien among iheLepers; also eleven volumes ofthe Eniincnl Hui-li-.liSiatesmeii -erie*. including tliose oí W-ilsey, Wal-|>*»Ic, Pin. Pcel aud Gladstone, and thiileeu vol-umes of 1 lie Ruler* of índia series, including tlmseof Dalhousic, Warren Ha->lings, Cantiiug andLnwreiice.

lhe Library also receive!* by the regular mails aconslant supply of the most popular English novéistogether with the principal reviews, magazines andjournals, English and American, and the leadingEnglish weekly publications ; two London dailypapers lie on lhe library table. New half-year,July to December. Subscriptions, iS$ per annumfor clerks of subscribing rinns and 24$ andupwards for general subscribers, may be paid

'nalf-yearly. For further particulnrs apply to the .Librarian, at the premises ofthe Library, 114 Ruada Assembléa. Hours 12 to 6 p.m.

II.,Hon Secreta)y

Legislative NotesJuly 10.—Senate.—-fl'he Senate voted in 2'iid dis-

cussion the bili reguinling the revision ()f niiliiaiytrials.—Chamber of DéptãieA— Deputies Oiiicicncontinued to defend the Inidget cõmmiitee-s bili 011ciirréncy; Alluding to lhe"dividend declared bylhe Banco da Republica do Brazil, he said that thenioney for this dividend comes out of the Treasury.Deputy Alberto Brandão said he would vote bothagainst the commitlee's bili and that of DeputyGlycerio. Deputy Jacques Ourique olTered amotion, signed by himself and others, to ask forinformation in regard to the war in Rio Grande doSul. The government, he said, has not deigned togive Congress any information in regard to thatwar beyond a laconic paragraph in the Presidenfsincssnge. The government is dictatorially carryingon lhat war without authori/.ation and in doing sois usurping the powers of Congress.

Jui.Y tu—Seriate;—Tht; sitting closed three-fourths of an hour before tlie regülátjon timebecause ali but 13 senators had left. "In thisway," said the president, " we are not doing ourduty, or observing the rules nf the house."—Chamber of Deputies.—Deputy Seabra moved tostíspend the rules for the purpose of discussing themotion to ask (or information in regard to the warin Rio Grande. This the Chamber by a vote of66 to 57 refused to do. Deputy Severinò Victor-ino spoke in favor oí the budget committee's cur-rency bili. Deputy Justiniano de Serpa offered amotion, signed by híniselí and Deputy DemetrioRibeiro, to ask why the government has suspendei!lelegrnph communication. Deputy Glycerio op-posed the motion, saying tliíit he considered thegovernmenfc's action perfectly legilimate. Thisdeputy offered a resolution for holding nightsillings of the Chamber, lo be opened with anynumber of deputies and to last three hours.

July 12.— Seriate.—The Senate voted in 3rddiscussion with amendmenls the bili for removniglhe Bahia navy-yard. It also voted lo postponelhe discussion of the hill for establishing a custom-house at Caravellos. In a speech 011 the subject,Senator Manoel Victorino said that the depart-ments of the federal government know as muchabout Bahia as he knows about China or Japan.Thé Senate voted to postpone until after the adop-tion or lejeciion oí lhe proposed civil code, thehill on perpetuai ground lease. Senator AmaroCavalcanti introduced a substitute bili on the reor-ganization of the postal service.—-Chamber ofDeputies.—Tlie principal features ol the sitting weretwo vehement speeches made by Deputies JacquesOurique and Epitacio. The former declared thatas an ardent federalist, ready to share the (ate ofthe revolutionists in Rio Grande, he denotinced asa tiick the report circulated in regard to lhe pre-carious situation of Admirai Wandenkolk. Hehad observed, he said, that always 011 the eve of avote 011 impoitanl bills there were circulated re-ports unfavorable to the federalists. Just beforethe vote on the proposal for impeachment it wasreported thnt Gen. Tavares had laid down hisarms. Now on the eve of the vote 011 the currencybili it is reported that Admirai Wandenkolk ishenimed in between lhe Republica and the Caiiaiiéa.It is known, lie said, that part of lhe force sta-tioned at Rio Grande had joined Wandenkolk andthat lhe vessels sent from Rio by the governmentcan not enter the bar. A glance at lhe map willshow, he added, lhat lhe Admirai wilh the meanssupposed to be at his disposal can withstand anyforce that can be brought against him until thearrival of co-operating land forces. He warnedhis colleagues against believing tlie reports circu-lated by the governiuent, whose weakness, he said,is demonstrated by lhe extraordinary precautionswhich it takes to prevent information from reachingthe public. Deputy Epitacio said that the RioGrande rcvohition, which, in official Iclegrnms, hadso often been annihilaled, seems at last about tosweep from the soil ofthe state the cléspotism thatpoliu ted il. Tyrnnny, llireatened in its den atItarnaraty, had ciinged before lhe army and navy,nppealing piteously to their loyalty for assistance.Loyalty, he exclaimed, is a word not found inMarshal Floriano's dictionary. When, he asked,had the President ever displayed loyalty ? Whenhe deposed TlmuniatUigo írom the government ofAmazonas? When he instigated lhe bombard-ment oí the oflicial residence of Clarindo in Ceará ?When he illegally retired from lhe service officersof the army and navy? When he ruined the careerofso mnny gnllnnt young officers? When he seispies 011 the navy ? The government ask* lorassistance to overcome tbe enemies ol the republic.In thc opinion of ihe government lliòse who fightfor liberty are enemies of the republic, while thegovernment thal has con veri ed lhe constilution intoa vile and repulsive tag, claims to be the republica Idefender. Ile closed by nppealing to the membersol lhe majoiity to siihordinale their pul try preiu-(lices to tlie general welfare and lo aid 111 savmg Ilhe republic. He inoved Io inquire whether lhe jgovernment had prohibited lhe depanure of tlie |Marta and olher steamérs lor the southern ports of '.Brazil ; whelhcr it had prevented lhe OilditUl fromsailing írom Pelotas for this port; whether it ha*closed telegraph cominunicnlinn between difierentparis oflhe country ; if so, in virtue oí uliat lawhad it done this; whether it was aware (liai lhepress had been insuPed and threalcned and, if so,what steps it had Inken to guarantee tlie liberty ofthe press.

JULY 13.—Senate.—Tbe conuiiiiiee on publicworks reimrted in favor of lhe siibstilute bili ollhe Chamber of Deputies for making a grant loF. Dunker lor a railway from Rio de Jnneirj lo

Entre Rios via Petropolis. Senator Monteiro deBarros spoke on the Asialic immigration bili, offer-ing a substitute. Senator Manoel Victorino andLaper spoke on the same subject, lhe former infavor of the original bili and lhe latter in favor ofAsintic iininigrntion without accepting in totitmeither ofthe bills.-- Chambei of Deputies.—Therewas received from tlie war depârtment a communi-cation slnling that that departinent had received noinfoimalioii in regard to the attack on the CaféAmei ica in Porto Alegre. Deputy Alberto Bran-dão inoved to inquire whether the loan íor theOcsie de Minas railway had been actually obtainedand whether the government has resources inLondon íor paying interest 011 its foreign debtduring lhe present year. It is reported, he said,that the attempt lo obtain that loan had proved apartial if not total failure. Deputy Rosa e Silvacomplained of the delay ofthe jjóveriimeni in send-ing to the budget coinniittee the éstimálés for lheappropriations. The army bili was voted in y.\discussion. the number of troops being fixed' ai24,877. The amendineiits reducing the number olcadets at the military school* lo 600 and trans-íerring Io Matto Grosso the Ceará inilitary schoolwere adopted. The Chamber rejected a motion ofDeputy Brazilio dos Santos to postpone the vote onthe currency bili. Deputy Glycerio's substitutebili was adopted in 2nd discussion by a vote ol 80to 60. The first paragraph of lhe siibsiiiute bili(that which approves aU the acts of the executivelor the execution of the decree of December 171I1Jwas rejected. The 2nd paragraph (that relating tocompensation to banks of issue) was carried by avote of 63 to 61 Th c 311I paragraph was rejecled.There were adopted amendnients 01 Deputy Rosae Silva for retaining untouched tbe gold depositsfor guaranteeing the issue and for increasing thoseguarantees, when the financial situation improves,to a sum equal to 50% of lhe issue of the bank.

J.ULY 15.—Senate.— The Senate voted in istdiscussion the bili exempting lrom import dutymerchandise imported by slate and municipal gov-ernnients. Senator Elyseu Martins spoke iu favorof the Asiatic immigration bili and Senator JoaquimCatunda against that bili and the substitute.Senator Monteiro de Barros defendei! lhe latter andinoved lo recommil. — diamba of Deputies. De-puiy Alberto Brandão moved'10 inquire whatquantity of gold now remains deposited in thenational Treasury as security lor lhe bauk notes incirculation; Deputy Zama, à propôs to a telegramfrom the governor of Santa Catharina in regarei tothe deposition of municipal chambers in that stalewith assistance of the federal govern ment, sug-gested that the Chamber should answer that itdeeply regretted such a stale oí affairs, but that itwas powerless lo offer a remedy. He would liketo leam, he said, from some one able to informhim, whether the government under which he isliving is that ol a federative republic or an auto-ctacy. He is a mau who accommodates himself lo,circumstances nnd, if he is really a slave, he doesnot wish to pretend that he is a free man. But,if there are three independem branches of govern-ment, then some one in that house should have lhecourage to protest against this absorption of alipower by one man, which degrades the republicand nnnnls lhe will of the nation. Deputy LuizMurat inoved to inquire whether the governmenthas prohibiled lhe seiidmg ol hospiial supplies forthe wounded federalists in Rio Grande.

RIVER PLATE ITEMS.—The American colony in Buenos Aires gave a

banquei at the Café Paris ou lhe 41I1 inst. in honorof •* the day we celebraíe."

—The sale of a large number of inules íor Brazilis reporled in Argentina. Many of them have beenpurchased lor inilitary purposes.

—It is estimated lhat the wheat crop in the pro-vince of Santa Fé, Argentina, will be 25 per cent.larger this year lhan the crop oí last year.

—The May returns show that there were 571immigrant and passenger arrivals nt Montevideoand 710 departures, not including River Plateports.

— The exporters of llour nnd grain from Uruguayare asking lhe government of that country to securefrom Brazil lhe same concessions lhat have beengranted to lhe United States 011 the snme produets.

—On Fridny the goveriimeut issued no fevverlhan twelve letters of citizenship, fine to an Argen-tine and tlie rest to Brazilians. This i* necubar,for sometimes a* many letters are not issued in a.whole year.—Montevideo Times, [uly 2ild.

—The super-loyal editor oí the Times of Argeit-tina suggested the wearing ofa while rose 011' thetoyal wedding day. which might be used lo dis-tinguish lhe "loyal from the " British.subject. Tlie originalor of this idea should havebeen placed on exhibition with a Wrealh of whileroses around his neclc.

—Persons who cherisli the idea lhat a low st.ite*of civilization exists in Paraguay will lie likely tohave their opinions changed when lhey examinethedispliiy made by this country (m ChicagojTlie first ihutg to engage their' attention is thèhand-made lace which i* displayed iu several lar<**ecases. The art «if making il was brought íromSpain, but lias been greatly improved. There is inthis deparlmenl a line ilisplay of íancy cakes.crackers, bi-cuits and conlectionery would docredit to a shop in Paris. The largest disolny ofsiaunng materiais, aromatic, oleaginotis and medi.cinal plants iu the entire Exposition i* made bvParaguay It shows «.ver 400 medicina! plantsmany of them unknown in this country, and 100kinds o| barksemployed in tanning. h also showsthe tanning material exiracted from lhe wood ofil.e,///,*/'/m-/;,Mieeand lhe leatlier liint is producedby üs use. The lol.acco exhibiled in Uns department ati.act* much alte.iliou and ,s pronouüced l,vsome 10 be equal Io any raised iu Cuba. Seveíitiiíferent comuicrcial varieties are t-vhihited ail ofwhich are strong and aromatic. Tlie country ex-pom annually tobacco valued at $6,500.000' butnone oí 11 appears lo fui d its vvav to this countrylt nho expo.!- Paràguayan ten. worll, $ 10.000,000,most «d which is consumei „, g nUll America Inthe lorest.y building Paraguay has 6w varieties ofwood.-.\. Y. Jouiitalof Commerce, Jane 13U1

THE RIO NEWS. [July i8th, 189

—The decree was published yesterday raising thequarantiite 011 all Brazilian ports except Rio Janeiroand Santos, the former of which is still declared"suspected" and the Intter "infected." Unfortu-nately it is just the quarantine 011 Rio Janeiro thatis most o.bsiructive lo commerce and correspon-áence.—Monlevideo Times, July 51I1.

—The Buenos Aires Standard of July 4U1 wasscàhdálized because in Montevideo " the onlynotice in the papeis (English) in reference to theDuke of York's weddihg day is one to the effectthat the meeting of tlie British Cemetery will beheld lhat day, and at tlie British legation too ! ! ! "The Slanda 1 d evidenily considered that all gravematters should be postponed lo another day.

—An impòrtant proposal has been presented ' to

the Argentine government for what will be prac-tically a new port at Buenos Aires. The schemecomprises a deep channel alòhg the cily front fromLas Palmas lo a point below lhe Riachuelo, andthe construction of an island in front of lhe city400 metres wide and 10,000 metres long. Thecontractor undertakes to do the work withoutguarantee or subsidy, and will give lhe governmentone-third of the reclaimed lands. The scheme isconsidered a good one by competent authorities.

—The senators had a decidedly lucid interval 011Monday, when they rejected tlie proposal, absurdat any lime and criminal in the present situation,to give pension to a lad of 15 and of recommenda-tioiis quite unknown lo.the public, to " pursuemarine studies in Europe." It is certainly timethat our legislators found out that money extortedfrom the people by excessive taxation is not to bewasted in this manner. If the youth in question isánxious to continue his marine studies in Europe,let him do so at the expense of his friends and notof the state.—Montevideo Times, July 5th.

Provincial JSJotes

—It looks very much as ií Col. Serra Martinshad resolved to take oomplele possession of tliestate of Santa Catharina. He certainly considersthat the executive of that state is under liis orders,and that it is his duty and privilege to govern inde-pendently oí the civil authorities. It is needless toadd lhat there can never be peace and civil govern-ment as long as such officers as Serra Martins arekept in positions oí trust and responsibility. Forhis conduct 011 lhe 131I1 he should be promptlycourt- martial 1 ed.

—Telegrams from Santa Catharina on the I4thand 151b announce tlie deposition of lhe municipalcoüiícils of Tijucas, Blumenau, Tubarão, and otherplaces. In some places lhe arms recently furnishedIty lhe nationál govei-nriieiit were used. Many oflhe telegrams were signed by men with militarytitles. In all cases, lhe telegrams of the revo-lutionists denounce lhe state government as "federal-ist" and in sympathy with the Rio Granderevoliiiionists. The situation is criticai, as it isnot certain whether the state authorities will yieldwilhout astruggle. Free lelegraphic communica5.tion was suspended.

Hospital Notes.—It gives us much pleasure to announce the giít

of a fine American harmonium to the Strangers'Hospital by Mrs. C. Gudgeon, of this city. Theinstrument will be placed in the sitting-room ofthe nurses' chalet as soon as it is ready for occu-pancy, and will, we feel sure, be heartily appre-ciated by them.

—The Secretary wishes to call attention again tothe desirability of having all annual subscriptionsin before the annual meeting, which is called forthe 28th, because these coristilute the qualificationfor active membeiship ol the association. As hemay not be able to call on every one, intendingsubscribers should send in their names withoutdelay.

—Rice is selling at Uberaba íor 60$ per bag of80 litres.

—The stale legislature of Amazonas was formallyopened 011 the ioth inst.

—Telegrams from São Paulo on the I2th statedthat the conflicts there between students and thepolice had at last terminated. The governorproniised to have all offenders punished.

—In Paraná it is said lhat the government is or-ganizing

"patriotic battalions " for the purpose ofovercoming lhe òpposition in various localities.In Curityba it is charged that 50 Spaniards havebeen lately added to the police force.

—On the 141I1 the governor of São Paulo par-doned three murderers nnd all deserters of thestate police who relurn to lheir posts in 60 days.The criminais are apparently the only ones whofind cause for rejoicihg in these independence days.

—The military officer who tried to tum out lhegovernor of Amazonas toward the end of last year,Lt. Col. Geographo, has not only been releasedfrom arrest but bas been restored to his command,by order of the minister of war. In good time,service medals will probably be issued for thedeposition of governors.

—The Diário Popular, of S. Paulo, of the 151b,contains a Pecksnifnan lament from Aristides Loboon the moral decadence of the women who havebeen raising funds for the relief of wounded feder-alisls in Rio Grande. What an infinity of immor-ality and hopeless badness this world must contain—from Aristides' point of view !

—The Gazeta, a journal of Uberaba, says that.Gov. Francisco Xavier da Silva, of Paraná, liasibeen stopping incógnito for more than 20 days atthe Hotel do Commercio in that town, where lie is

;kno«rn as F. X. de Sá. Perhaps he is afi aid thatif he passes under his real name, Floriano may

-calch him and depose him.—Telegrams from Desterro on lhe uth estnt

that arms and munitions had been delivered hy lhe25th battalion to the chieis of lhe òpposition, PaulaRamos and Hercilio Luz, to be conveyed to Blu-iiiénau. It is asserted that the intention is todepose the state govemmenl. The latter, however,

•says it will die in the trench before yielding. It isibeginning to look like trouble in Santa Catharina.

—The Sâo Paulo papers ofthe 12H1 published atelegram from Col. Valladares, lhe President'**-secretary, dated the nth, giving the official versionof lhe attack on Rio Grande. It states that Wan-denkolk had captured some small vessels used inthe barra service, that he had not yet npproachcdthe city of Rio Grande, that his proclamation hadbeen unfavorably received, and lhat Rio Grande iswell defended by infanlry and modem aitillery.

—It seems lo us lhat the following curiousaccount oí a disturbance in Santa Catharina relatedby one ofthe actors, Col. Serra Martins, comman-der of the federal troops in that state. in a telegramof the 131b addressed to the Santa Catharina con-

gressmen in Rio, is worthy of being placed onrecord:—" Aíler having visited the forls duringthe day, 1 was finishing my telegrams to MarshalFloriano and lhe minisler oí war in relation thereto,when a band of music passed these headquarters,

precedei! by a crowd making a great noise, utteringseditious síiouis, hurralting íor the federalist partyand the Rio Grande revolutionists and cryingdeath to the President of the republic, to me andto the republican party. Slepping to a window, Iraised a cheer for ihe'President of the republic there was an answering cry of • death to thePresident,' mv orderlies dispersed tbe mob, orderbeing immediately restored. On descending to thestreet door I met Klyseu Guilherme, Ist vice-

president, who thus showed that he bad been withlhe mob, and I informed him that I held him res-ponsible íor this grave affront to the Marshal. Inbis presence I ordered lhe dispersai of the crowdlhat had again assembled around him and. after bishearing mv order, I invited him to step up to myoffice and

'showed him this telegram which I ininie-

diateiy dictated and sent lo the Marshal. I onlydesire jieace and order among lhe people of SantaCalhaiina.— Seita Martins, Colonel commanding |the distiict.*" I


ist Eleven vs. The Next iS.The Next 18.

P. W. Crewe, c. Fussell, b. Richards.... IIG. Wyatt, b. Richards —CD. Haines, b. Tross 8C. W. Gilfillan, c. Fussell, b. Tross —H. Barton, b. Richards 3

Robsoii, c. Fussell, b. Richards 4A. Wucherer, b. Richards —S. H. Crook, b. Gepp —J. Lockley, b. Richards 4]. Crossland, c. and b. Gepp —F. J. Colhourne, c. Tross, b. Richards... 4A. Sell, c. Young, b. Tross 4E. Simon, run out —R. C. Carrington, c. Fussell, b. Tross... —

Ford, not out 4J. Kennedy, b. Gepp —

Laurier, b. Gepp 6G. Barboza, b. Tross 3Extras 13

Total 64ist Eleven.

A. L. Tweedie; c. Robson, b. Wyatt.... 5H. Fussell, b. Haynes 2H. Tross, b. Wyatt 2J. A. Cross, retired 100F. H. Gepp, c. and b. Robson 6C. W. Young, c. Haynes, b. Wucherer.. 24A. C. E. Skey, c. Skey, b. Wucherer.... 17O. Wilmot, b. Wucherer 5H. Born, b. Barton 2A. Richards, notout —líxtras 22

Total 185

Railroad Notes—There was a bad accident on the Central line

yesterday morning, caused by a suburban trainrunning into a freight train. No lives lost.

—The minister of industry has requested theTreasury to place the sum of ^6,796 17-5. 6d. atthe disposition of lhe purchasing agent in theUnited States for the acquisition of material for theBahia railway.

—Ten metre-gatige locomotives for the SãoPaulo branch of lhe Central railway, were dis-charged on lhe 141I1 inst. at the Gambaô station.They are all irom the celebrated Baldwin Locomo-tive Works.

—The minister of industry lias ordered the pay-ment of I24,002$93l lo the Oeste de Minas com-pany, which sum is the balance of lhe expensesincurred and allowed on the line between BarraMansa and Catalão.

—The relatório of tbe minister oí industry givesthe following returns of the Paraná railway :

1891 1892Receipts.... 98i,34Ó$8i6 1,332, io6$937Expenditures 533,640 958 917-S77 946—After having defmitcly and salisfactorily settled

the questions of an extension of lime and of anenlargement ol its facilities, the São Paulo Rail-way Co. now finds itself balked by the Presidenthimself, who, we are informed, advises tlie com-pany that no concessions whatever will be grantedunless it ngrees to buy the Paulista lines for ninemillions sterling. This step is so arbitrary,illegal and immoral that we can not believe thatany executive could be guilly of it—nnd yet, thenegotiation is off, Mr. Fox has gone home, andthis is tbe reason given.

Coffee Notes—The people of the United States in 1S92 con-

sumed, per capita, 6.54 pounds of cofTee, and 1.37pounds of tea. Coffee is imitated there in manyways, besides being adulterated, and when lheprice of coflee is high tlte substitutes are largelypurchased by poor people.

—A Santos telegram of the 15U1 says that thereceipts of coffee during the week had been 26,000bags, and the sales 30,000 bags. The stock onthat date was 116,000 bags.

—According to the Jornal do Brazil a prominentmember of lhe bench rendered a decision a fewdays since to the effect that the Banco da Repuh-lica has no juridical existence, nor can liave untilCongress approves the decree of Decemlier 171I1last. In view of lhe large and impòrtant transac-tions efiected by this bank, tliis decision can notfail to excite serious apprehensions. It ought,also, to arouse Congress 10 the necessity of pro-hibiling such executive acts, which may involveheavy losses where Congress íails to concur.


The regular annual meeting of the subscribersto the Strangers' Hospital Association will beheld at the offices of Messrs. Phipps Bros. à Co.,No. 16 Rua Visconde de Inhaúma, at 1.30 p. m.,on Friday July 28th, for the receipt and approvalofthe annual reports, the election of four directorsto sueceed Messrs. Cross, Gotto, Mackenzie andTaylor, whose terms have expired, and for suchother business as may be brought before it.

By order:A. J. Lamoureux,

Hon. Secretary.

Local Notes—The Republica left for lhe south at half-past

three on the morning oí the ilth.— Thè Iwo chambers of Congress have voted the

bill authorizing the removal of tbe naval arsenalfrom Bahia.

—The coasting steamer Maytink left for SantaCatharina, via Paranaguá, on lhe nth with ammu-ni tion and supplies.

—There was a personal encounter in the Cham-her of Deputies on the nth inst. between DeputyEspirito Santo and an editor of the Tempo.

—The coasting steamer Santos left, by order ofthe government, on the 171I1 for Santa Catharina,carrying passengers and military supplies. Shecarries an armed lorce for defence in case of attack.

—On the II th the state telegraph lines relusedto send a press telegram to Pernambuco announcingthe suspension of telegrnphic communication.Aristides ought to be rejoicing mightily at thisspectacle of lurid freedom.

—The British minister called on the minister offoreign affairs on the I2th and had a long confer-ence wilh him. The Jornal intimates lhat theembargo imposed on lelegraphic communicationwas the subject of conversation.

—It is reported that lhe Júpiter was not seizedby Wandenkolk, but had been bought, armed andmanned for the purpose in view. The sttm paid issaid to have been ^35>ooo, and it is also said thatshe carried 700 men, instead of 100 as at firstrepor led.

—A small mob paraded Rua do Ouvidor on thenight of the mh inst., shouting " Long live Mar-shal Floriano! " and " Dealh to the Federalists ! "It scared the timid shopkeepers, of course ; but lherevolution in Rio Grande was hardy enough to goright on.

—The minister of industry has removed Dr.Alexandér Haag from lhe post of district chief-engineer in the state telegraph department. Theaforesaid official disappeared a short time since, andit now appears that he left íor Europe under anassumed name.

—The Jornal do Commercio of the I2th says thatoue of the last telegrams received from Rio Grande,dispatched at 6 p.m. on the 91I1 and received hereon lhe ioth, was as follows ¦—"Wandenkolk onboard has captured eight more vessels which are allarmed. Our port blockaded."

—It is a curious fact lhat while the newspapersin this city were publishing no lelegraphic newswhatever from Rio Grande last week, the provin-ciai papers were publishing telegrams from Col.Valladão, the Presidenl's private secretary, on thecourse of events in that state. Comment is un-necessary.

—According to the Jornal the steamers insidethe Rio Grande bar when Wandenkolk took pos-session were the Rio Pardo, Aymoré and Met cedesof the Lloyd Brazileiro, and lhe Itaôca, Itapiid andItaticma of the Nacional Costeira. It is alsobelieved that the Italia of the Frigorífica Co., hadlikewise been captured.

—The minister of foreign affairs has revived thephrase tiSattde e Fraternidade" for closing officialCommunications and has prohibited the use oftitles of nobility among lhe employés of his depart-ment. It is a sign that he is still young andetnotional, and nn enthusiastic disciple of theDesmoulins school of republicanism.

—Not content with arbitrarily closing all tele-graplnc communication with the south, tlie govern-ment also closed the port last week to the freemovement of merchant vessels, all departures beingprohibited wilhout lhe pass from the captain of theport. It looks as though the government hadfears about some of the vessels in this port—andperhaps some which can hardly be described asmerchantmen.

—It was said on the 12th that Wandenkolk hadmoved all the channel buoys at the Rio Grandebar, that the gunboats had gone over to his side,that he had taken several merchant steamers foundthere which he had manned and armed, and thatwilh these he had bombarded the fortifications ofRio Gtande. As the government has prohibitedthe delivery of any telegrams from the south, itwas impossible lo detei mine how far these rumorswere true.

—The weak point in Admirai Wandenkolk'sattack in Rio Grande was his confidence in receivingsupport from his írieuds. No one supportsanything i|i Brazil until its suecess is certain, andthen everybody wants the credit for it.

—The Jotnal says that on Friday telegramswere even refused for Petropolis 'íby superiororders." These oppressioii.** are only what lheBrazilian people deserve, íor in the long run apeople get no more lhan they have the spirit andmtelligence to win.

—The President has appointed Rear-AdmiraiJoaquim Antônio Cordovil Maurily as chief of theBrazilian commission at the Chicago Exposition.The recent contra-dance in the commission willenable us to send more friends and proteges overthere, all expenses paid, to see lhe " great show."

—Instead of a costly reorganization ofthe postalservice, would it not be welí to adopt a few inex-pensive measures for better serving the public atthe postoffices ? If the employés could he made towait less time and attend more carefully to theirduties, lhere would certainly be a vast improvement.

—The governor of Amazonas sends from Paráa telegram dated Manáos, July ioth, to the effectthat tlie revenue of that staie for the half yearending June 3oth amounted to 4,403,500$, andthat the state treasury has a balance 011 hand of4,000,000$, He says lhe financial condition ofAmazonas is flourishing.

—What confidence can the people place in agovernment which suppresses all telegraphic infor-mation, both to private parties and to lhe press, andthen sends out telegrams purporting to explain thesituation ? Men are largely fools, of course—buthow many of llieni will accept these official versionsoí the news ?

—On the uth the body of a man was foundin the bay near the Cães Pharoux, which wasafterwards identified as Robert Grover, mate andacling commander of (he British bgn. Diligence.A suspicion of íotil play led to the arrest of thelaborers on board, but for a time all efforts todiscover the crime were in vain. On the 1511*1,however, one of these men, a Spaniard namedRamon Bardien, confessed lhat Grover had beenthrown overboard by Julien Garcia and himself,because he had insulted them. Garcia denies thestory, but the authorities think the two men willbe found guilty of the crime.

—Among the arrivals irom Europe yesterdaywas Dr. Ferreira de Araujo, for many yearseditor-in-chief of the Gazeta de Noticias. In thedays of the monarchy he was a staunch andeloquent advocate oí free speech, free press andpopular rights, and many a cabinet has felt hislearless denuncialion of its arbitrary purposes.He lias now been absent from Brazil two years,and is therefore well outside of the complicationswhich beset us. What his course is to be forthe future*we do not know, but we trust it willnot be inconsistent with the record he has alreadymade.

—By virtue of the absence of Sr. Ladisláo Netto,lhe staffof lhe Museu Nacional has bçen enabledto expedite the work of arranging the material ofthat institution in such a manner as to permit itsopening on the 141b inst. As our readers areaware the collections were some lime ago reinovedfrom the old building facini» the Jardim d'Acclam-ação to the Bôa Vista palace. in S. Christovão.The new museum promises to be a great improve-ment on the «dd one, providing everything can bearranged before Sr. Ladisláo's return. There ismuch new material of a valuable character, and thebuilding is a great improvement on the oldmuseum.

—The leclure of Bishop John P. Newman onthe 13U), at the Methodist church, was one ofexceptional interest and entertainment. It was avivid description of the great valley ofthe Euph-rates, the ruined cities of Babylon and Nineveh,the results ofarcheological research in those places,and of many personal incidents connected with athousand miles' ride through lhat historical region.Bishop Newman is considered to be one of themost finished speakers of the day, and it is to beregretted that so few of our colony improved theopportunity lo hear him. Indiffi-rence in suchmatters reflects but little credit upon our intelli-gence, and when only 80 people are found in acity like Rio de Janeiro to Hsten to such a leclurewe must conclude that its indifference is simplymonumental.

—The Paiz of Saturday announced that thePresident and minister of marine had received tele-grams from Rio Grande to the effect that AdmiraiWandenkolk had raised the siege of that cily andhad fled in lhe Júpiter, leaving forty odd menbehind, who werc captured. The telegrams statethat this abandomnent of the attempt lo capturelhe city is said to have been due to the preparationsfor resistance made by the gunboat Cananéa, whichwith some armed merchant steamers went out tolhe barra to meet the Júpiter. Lacking the meansof resistance the Júpiter went to sea. It is alsosaid that the Republica has gone in pursuit, withorders to sink the Júpiter wherever found. Inthe meantime, however, lhe telegraph lines areclosed, and we are asked lo believe the news gra-ciously vouchsafed totts by a dictatorial government.

—The Paiz of Saturday, which plumes itselfon being the organ of the government, says thatorders have been sent to detain the lltanus andMercúrio at Montevideo and Buenos Aires. Thesesteamers belong to tlie Companhia Frigorífica,which is to be called upon to explain how theJúpiter came to be in the possession of the feder-alists. The Paiz is also good enough to inform usthat Gen. Telles has arrived at Rio Grande withhis forces, that the Republica has arrived at the barand thence went south in pursuit ol the Júpiter,that the government has ordered lhe fortification ofthe Rio Grande liar, with Krupp guns, and that theironclad Bahia has lieen ordered to Montevideo.On Sunday, however, the Paiz mentions other••government telegrams" which place the Republicanorth of the liar, and a strange steamer, supposedb> be thé Júpiter% south of the bar. It also statesthat two steamers, the Itapium and Rio Grande,had entered that port. The Pais fails to tell us,however, why the government continues to keeplhe telegraph and cable lines closed lo the public

July i8tti, 1893.] THE RIO NEWS:


—The government denies having offered thecommand of the squadron, to be sent south, tovarious naval officers, who declined to aecept.

—The tribunal de contas has passed the accountsof the City Improvements Co. for the last halfyear amounting to i,034,434$5oo.

—There were eight deaths from yellow fever inthis city ori the 131I1. Those who can make itconvenient to be absent from Rio de Janeiro nextsummer should not fail to do so.

—It is announced thát the Almirante lamandaréwhich was launched in 1890, will ready togo to sea. She hardly looks like it, unless it isproposed to turn her into a derelict.

—We are reqtiested to state that Dr. W. B.Palmore, editor of the St. Louis Christian Advo-cate, will preacli at tlie Methodist Episcopal church,Largo do Cattete, on Sunday next, at 11.30 a.m.

—The report is current that a telegram was sentfrom Itamaraty to Wandenkolk in the name of theClub Naval, advising him to await his friends atSanta Catharina, and this is how he happened to becaptured there.

—The Diatio Official of Friday contains a list ofofficers of the national guard appointed ori the 6thand I2th inst., occupying nearly 18 columns of thatpaper. And yet the revolution still continues in

JRio Grande do Sul.—The members of thecoiigregation ofthe English

church in cõmmemoralion ofthe services ol theirtalented organist, Mr. C. H. C. Sf.vile, haveavailed oí the occasion of his marriage ori the 12U1inst. to present him with a testimonial of theirappreciation and personal regard in the shàpe of apurse of 1,600$, with a view oi purchasing for him-self a piano. Our compliments and congratulationsare tendered to the newly-married couple.

—It would be interesting, if not instruetive, tohave Deputy Glycerio's theory of representativegovernment reduced to writing. He advocates theright oí the executive to issue currency, enactbanking laws, suspend laws, expend money withoutauthorizatiori, raise armiesand wage war, interferein state polities, purchase military supplies, suspendthe liberty oí telegraph communication and travei—and all this at pleasure. This is more than theCrown of Great Britairi can do. What kind of agovernment is it, then, that Deputy Glycerio ispleased to call a •* republic " ?

—We are in receipt oí a letter from Mr. RobertAllen announcing the opening of a British freeschool "for the free education, support and pro-tection of orphans," ele, and for "the educationof children of all ranks oí society." The program meis somewhat con fusing, and Mr. Allen does nottell. us how the school is to besupported, who arepromoting it and where it is to be located. Weshall be glad lo aid any scheme of this characterwhich deserves public confidence, but we must bewell informed about its organization before we canrecommend it.

—The young minisler of foreign affairs has informed the tilled* members of lhe diplomatic corps,including his permanent under-secretnry, Viscondede Cabo Frio, whose many years ol service hasmade him him known to a wide circle of foreigndiplomats, that they must all drop their titles. Itwill be ralher embarassing to Teffé, Rio Branco,Itajuba, Ladario, and others who are now residentin foreign capitais, to be shorn oftheir dignitiesbefore unsympathetic foreigners. It is perhapsunknown to the young pyrotechnic minister thatolder governments are very careful not to humiliatetheir representatives before foreign eyes.

—The forlheoming book ol Dr. Affonso CelsoJr., O Imperador no Exilio, will contam the follow-ing confidentinl letter addressed to Dr. Basson,then chief of police, bv Gen. Floriano Peixolo,then adjutant-general of the armv, on July I7lh,1889:—" Mydear Chief:—Our Emperor, thoughbeloved and revered, should be closely attended byn few trustwoithy friends in order lo prevent hisbeing insulted.

'I know that Y. E. will lake the

necessary precautions, but I wish to aid you with asmall but strong delachment acting in accord withthe authorities on duty. If you aecept my assist-ance, I beg lhat you will send me a ticket íor achair and two for general entrance whenever HisMajesty goes to the theatre. My representativewill confer with you on the subject.—Cordially andgratefully your friend, Floriano Peixoto."

—In view ofthe present situation in Rio Grandeand of the arbitrary measures adopted by lhe gov-ernment to prevent the receipt and publication olnews concerniu*! affairs down there, the followingclinping írom the Financial Nãos of June 2lstwill be of interest to local readers :—" The Bra-zilian minister in London has received the follow-ing telegram front his government, dated Rio deJaneiro, June igth:—Tlie insurgents in Rio Grandeare completely dispersed. The last band, com-manded by Guinersindo, was overtaken and sur-rounded. Their chief only sueceeded in savinghimself by taking to flight and swiinming acrossthe River Jaguary, in order to reach the frontier.The official telegrams nf the 17tli inst. con firm thisintelligence, and have lieen made public.—(Signed)Felisdello Freire, Minister for Foreign Affairs."

—The information vouchsaíed to us by tlie gov-ernment yesterday and to-day, through the médiumof the Paiz, is to the effect that the Júpiter, withAdmirai Wandenkolk on board, had been capturedon Sunday near Snnta Catharina by the ctriiserRepublica. The captured ship is to be convoyed tothis port at once. As the government proposes totreat the case as "piracy," death will logically l»ethe sentence for those captured, but it is doubtfulwhether tlie President will dare lo go to that ex-treme in view of tlie relations of Admirai Wanden-kolk. There are no news from Rio Grande, norcan there lie until the embargo on lelegranhiccommunication with the south is raised. Thisrigid embargo lias existed since the çth inst., lothe great inconvenience and prejudiceof commerce.It is announced lliis morning that lhe Áquidabanand Tiradentes are to be sent south, but no oneknows why. Affairs in Santa Cathaiina liavebecome criticai and no telegrams are allowed topass. Telegrams were even slopped yesteiday toPetropolis 011 so simple a matter as ordering fiflycheeses. The situation is not only criticai, but isbecoming inlolerable.

PUB LICA TIONS RECEIVED.Du Beri-beri et de sa Guerisonpat la Vilus-Nilo ;

by Dr. Jorge da Cunha. A discussion oí the char-acter and treatment of beri-beri.


This match composed of á team chosen fromH. M. SS. Sirius, Basilisk and Beagle, and Riowas played on the 6th inst and resulted in a welldeserved victory for the Squadron by 9 wickets.

The score was as follows : innings. 211 d innuigs.

W. Monissy, c. Bessant,b. Nugent 3

H. L. Wheatley, b. Short. iaP. Monissy, c. and b.Nu-gent 3

E. M. Brain, c. Nugent,b. Short 8

J.D. Needham, 1. b. w. b.Short 6

R. Monissy, run out 12T. G.Nicolson, c. Bessant,

b. Nugent 10E. S. Youle, b. Short..... oH.E. Barber, b. Short.... oH. G Estill, not out 1S.W.Tempest, b. Nugent. oExtras 2

b. Short oc. Bowden Smith, b. Short. 1

not out

c. Drew, b. Salter

c. Drew, b. Salterb. Short

c. Drew, b. Salter 3b. Short ob. Short 10nm out ,c. Mowbray, b. Nugent... oExtras 2

Total. 57 Total.


ist innings, md innings

Lietit. Mowbray, b, Youle o not out 4Mr. Harrison Smith, c.Wheatley, b. Youle 3

Mr. B. Smith, b. Wheat-ley 8 b. Wheatley 6

Lieut. Nugent, not out... 37Lieut. Hotham.b.Wheatley oMr. Short, b. Youle 4Bessant.b. Monissy oLieut. Salter, b. Barber... 6 not out 6Capt. Wintz, c. Nicolson

b. Barber oMr. Drew, b. Barber oMr. Johnston, b. Barber.. 6Extras 9

Total 73 Total (for 1 wickct).. 16

"THE squadron" vs. "Rio"—Retum Match.Played on Friday the I4th inst. The Squadron

was somewhat weak owing to the departure of theBeagle. Rio had a fair team but were all out for62. The Squadron then made 61 for the loss of7 wickets when Rio playing a splendid up-hillgame managed to make the match a tie. Messrs.Macham and Maude were the umpires.

The score was:

Rio.'\st innings. ¦ind innings.

A. N. Crompton 1. b.w., b.Short o c. and b. Nugent 5

E. M. Brain, b. Short. 5 b. Short 5F. Webb, b. Batchelor... 6 b. Mowbray 7R. Morrissy, run ont 11 c. Drew, b. Short oJ.D.Needham, b.Batchelor 6 b. Short 1H, C. Barber, c. Hutchin-

son, b. Batchelor 4 did not batT. G. Nicolson, c. Drew,

b. Short 7 not out 4F. S. Youle, c. Ling, b.Drew 8 b. Mowbray 2

H. G. Eslill, b. Short 6 ),,. . .Ei S. Youle, b. Batchelor. 5 üm not l)at

T. R. Morgan, not out.... c. Ling, b. Short..Extras Extras


Total. 62 Total (for 7 wickets).. 48

"THE SQUADRON."Lt. Hotham, b. E.S. Youle 10Mr. Harrison Smith,not out 14Lieut. Mowbray, b. E. S.Youle 3

Lieut. Nugent, b. Webb.. 15Mr. Short, b. Webb oBatchelor, l.b.w., b. Webb oCapt. Wintz, b. Webb ... 4Mr. Drew, b. K. Morrissy 4Worley, b R. Morrissy... oHutchinson, b. Nicolsnn. oMr. Ling, ruu out oExtras 12

Total. 02


The following is a list of events for these sportswhich will take place on the I5th August. Entriesclose July 3ist, to be handed to one of the sportscommittee, which is composed of Messrs. 11. G.Estill, li. P. Smith, C. Murly, J. D. Needhamand IT. L. Wheatley.

100 yards flat race.% mile „ „

1 mile „ „350 yards stceplechase (open).22<i yards, handicap (open).High jump.Broad jump.Boys race, handicap.Girls race, handicap.Throwing the cricket bali.3-leggèd race.Sack race.Consolation nacc.

H. L. Wheatley,Hon. Sec.

Business Notes—The American reciprócity treaty was under

consideration in the foreign affairs committee of theChamber a few days since.

—How about those municipal licenses? Willsome lawyer tell us what we are to do in case somefiscal asks for lhe docuinents 011 deposit (perhapslost) at the municipal offices ?

—The Jupitei is said to have had a large cargoof Indian com for this port. The closing oí theRio Grande l>ar 011 lhe Sth sent lhe prices of flour,beans, lard, etc, up with a run.

. —The Brazilian section at the Chicago Expo-sitiou was opened on the iíth inst.—ten weekslate !

—Tlie government has at last granted permissionC51I1 inst.) to NorMn, Megaw &'C<i„ Limited, totransact business iri Brazil as a limited liahilitycompany. It is inexplicàble why so much timewas taken to grant so simple a request.

—The bill now on its passage in Congressauthorizing exeinplions from import duties on mer-chandise imported by state and municipal govern-ments, isa measure full of mischievous possibilities.If foi* public works, etc, then no question can beraised, but when lhese governments undertakecommercial and industrial enterprises and placetheir duty-lree pròducts in competition with theduty-paid pròducts of private concerns, then thereis nothing but gross injusticè in it.

—On Saturday, the íoth inst., arrived in theMersey tlie K. M. S. Britannia, built by Messrs.Laird Bros., of Birkenhead, and belonging to thePacific Steam Navigation Co. Her dates are :Valparaiso May 6th, Coronel 71b (where mails forEurope were embarked), .Sandy Point (MagellanSlrails) 131b, Montevideo 181I1, Rio de Janeiro22nd. Lisbon June 51I1 (mails landed), BordeauxSth, Plymouth Qth. Thus mails from Chili wereplaced in London in 30 days. This work has beenexecuted by this vessel for nearly 21 years withsundry other calls en \011te, which says a great dealíor a famous construçtion and good maintenancewhen it will be uoticed that this vessel has neveromitied taking her regular turn outward from thisport, but has frequently been called upon to takeup the sailings oí her less fortunate companions.—Liverpool Courier, June 51I1.

Financial Notes—Counterfeit nickel coins are current in Pará.-rThe Jornaldo Commercio ofthe I2th says lhat

a credit of 1,500,000$ is about to be opened íoraid to lhe states of Parahyba, Piauhy and Goyaz.

—The directors of the St. John del Rey MiningCo., in lheir report for the year ended May 31,state that further capital is needed to complete theworks and lo provide for the expenditure until theyare completed.

—The government has authorized the paymentof 8,500$ to Sr. Felix Ferreira, this sum being thesecond instalment of the amount specified in hiscontract of May 4U1 last for supplying 20,000guidc-books of lhe state of Rio de Janeiro foriinmigrnnts.

—In their annual report lo December, 1S92, thedirectors ofthe Brazil Great Southern railway stalethat tlie net revenue account shows a balance of

^4,769, equal to 2 per cent. on the preference cap-ttal; but, pending tlie realisation of tlie securitiesofthe èxtension company, held by the board, thedistrilmtion ofa dividend must be deferred.

—lt is said that the government expecls toObtain possession ol the nine millions sterlingwhich it is trying to compel the English companyto pay íor the Paulista railway lines, keep the cashin London and issue apólices against the samehere in Brazil. It is something ofthe nature of aforced loan.

—The Paiz finds it singular that when the raleof exchange falls lhe price oí beef should go up.The financial editor of lhe Paiz should try his•prentice hand at lhe business and see ií he cancorrect this anomaly. Perhaps he can buy cattle iuArgentina íor gold and arrange the transaction solhat the currency price will fali when exchangefalls.

—The statèment contained in our issue of Satur-day, thal lhe committee oí lhe Stock Exchangehad refused to grant a quotation to the BrazilianWestern of Minas loan, having been telegraphedto Rio de Janeiro and published in tlie leadingnewspaper in lhat cily, has been met by the braz-iliíin government wilh a denial. The Braziliangovernment may deny as iiitich as it pleases, butthe authorities of the Slock Exchange ought surelyto know what they Iheniselves have done iu theniatter. The Weekly Official Intelligence statesmost exphcitly that a "a settling day only" liasbeen granted to the Western of Minas loan ; andthis should settle the question.—Financial News,London, June I3th.

—We learn that lhe Conde dc Figueiredo isMeav-ing Paris for Rio dc Janeiro, via Lisbon. Thisfinanciér is engaged in the formation of the Hankof Hrazil, wilh a capital of 25,000 contos of reis(national money), or about 62,500,000.*. The ca-

pitai will be divided into shares of 200 milréis,of which one half is intended for Europe and theother hall for Brazil. ' The Banque de Paris andits allied financial groüp, as well as some of hisfriends, are among tlie principal parties interestedin Kurope. The correspondents of the new bankwill be, in Paris, the Banque de Paris ; in London,Messrs. N. M. Rothschild; in Berlin, the DeutscheBank; and at Ronie, the Credito Mobiliare—LeCole Libre, Brusscls.

—The finances of lhe republic of Brazil are get-ling in a very bad way, and it is not surprising lofind that they are causing anxiety, considering theserious decline 111 lhe exchange on London at Riode Janeiro. According to the last budget state-ment there was a delicit of £ 2,000,000, and ifthe whole truth were told it is believed that thisdelicit would really stand at from £ 4,000,000 to

£ 6,000,000. There is no doubt that the llrazilian

government would have found itself in some (liffi-ciilty had not Messrs. Rothschild aud Sons come tolheir rescue in bringing out the Minas aud Westernrailway 5 per cent. loan for £ 3,710,000. Alas !this princely merchant banking lirm lias somewhatinjured its rcptitation by bringing this operationbefore the public, and the true facts respcctiiig theissue*of lliis loan may never see dayligllt. ThalMessrs. Rothschild and Sons have received a sliongrebuflf from the committee of the London StockExchange cannot be denied. They applied 10 thiscommillee for a setilement and quotation fortlie loan in question, but a settlement íor only/2.650,00o stock was effected, whilst the latterlias not yet been granted. — Vnuispoit, London,June 9th.

CommercialRio de Janeiro, July 171b, 1893

Par value of the llrazilian milréis (t$ooo), eold. 27 d.<io dp do do iu U. S.coin at .$4.86,65 per^i stg.... 54 75 cts.

do Ü* (IJ. S. coin) llrazilian gold.... i$3j7do of£i stg. iti Brazilian gold 8 890

Hank ratéofexcliancè.olTicial.oii I.ondou to-dayPresent value oí tlie llrazilian mil reis (crold)...


í tbft d(gold)... 3$4Sa

•Io do (paper).. 403 rs. gol ddo do in U.S.

,.. coin at $4 80 per ^1 stg 21.75 cValue of 4.1.00 ($4.80 per £,. sig.) in Brazi-

,", lia*" currency (paper) (:F5oS"»!«« of jCisierluig ,, 224*069

EXCHANGE.July 10.—The news from Rio Grande, that was known here

on Saturday caused a páuic iii tlie eaiiy part of the day.speculators taking all the paper they could obtain. Thobanks posled 110 rates nt opening, aud only about u o'clócklhe London & River Plate anil thè British Hank carne outat io>^ ou London, 90S 011 Paris and i$i2Ò— 1 $ 121 011Hnmburg al 90 djs: .-$791 -4I820 on New York at sight.About nnd-day lhe market recovered a part of its éqiiaiiimify,and the banks were drawing at ioS^, but (.uly with coverat io^, and lhe market continued in this condition up tolhe close. Had au eneihy been at the Kio bar, hardlymore eflect would have been produced on the exchangemarket, than Sr. Wandenkolk's raid on the entrance to UioGrande. There wasà very large business doue aud it wasreported that holders of repassed paper allowed lhe nervouspanies to have all they wanted. The transaciiòns reportedwere iu bank sterling at io*-á—ioJÍ, with repassed paperreported at io5íí and commercial sterling at lofí* —io.){.Sovereigns closed with buyers at 22$46o, sellers at a2$"550;a small lot was sold at 2 .$.|o\

July ti.—l'he market opened steady, and thè BrnsiíianlscheHank, which posted no rale yesteiday, joined the twoEnglish banks at ioj^ on London. The market was veryquiet—a tintura) sequence of the scare yesterday—and thebanks were 'drawers at jo 9*16 from the opening of tliemarket. During the day a talher firmèr iiinè was apparent,and bank sterling was done nt tojtj, and even 10 \\\\6 wasreported, but at the close to^f, was the best rate obtainableThe business done was in bank sterling at iog|iõ—tofá,with repassed paper reported at rojjj - lo-JÍ and com-mercial steiling at lhe same extremes. Sovereigns closedwith buyers at 2.'$340, sellers al a.-l^450.

July 12.—The London & River Plate Hank posted io-Jí* cuLondon and the other banks were still officially al 10^,but no business was done under ioS-íJ, and there weüitransaciiòns nt io:ii|i6, during the day, in bank steiling,at which rate bills were still to be had at the close ofbusiness. There was very little doing, and a suspicionwas current that ralher too much was drawn during thesliinip on lhe íoth, so lhat nn advance in rates wotiTd bedifficult to.sustniii, with business at a stand-still 111 the cofteemarket. The transactions reported during the day were inbank sterling at io-Jí—10 iilKi, wilh repassed paper report-ed at 10 1111 ó and commeicial al 10 11(16-10 13I16. Sov-ereigns closed with buyers at 224;3''>o, sellers nt ai.l^âo.

July 13—There were no changes in the official rates at lhebanks, and the market was quiet aud irregular. TheLondon k Kiver IMate Hank d re iv steadily at ioi<á, and tlieUrasilianische Hank realized business at io}^, against, how-ever, cover at ío% d, while tlie greater part of tlie .smallbusiness done was in bank sterling at 10 n|i6. Repassedpaper also found takers at :o í 1 [ 16 and commercial sterlingwas reported at 10.^-1013116. The ttncertainly as towhat is occurriiig in polities is charged with tlie dullness incxchmijje, but we incline to believe that speculators aredisappuinted iu the course of the market, which is not strong.At the close of business the lirasilianische Hank was draw-ing small stuiis at 10 npíi and there was money for com-mercial sterling at 1.1}^. Sovéreigiis closed with buyers ataai}>370. sellers at 224.430.

July 14. — Holiday.

July 15.—The market opened at unchanged rates viz: \a\i—lofji òn London, but the news from the south had someeffect nnd about mid-day tlie London & River Plate llankposted io:};í. '1'lièrc "'as a fair amount of business doing iubank steiling at the extremes of ioJ-J —10 13116, wilh repas-sed paper reported at 1013116-10*^ and commercialsterling at 10 ruiô-io 15*16 d. In "approved bills" forSeptember business was reported at 11. As there were noreasons for the sharp decline a few days ago, so were therenone, iu the commercial movement, for the lirmness in lhemarket to-day. If rates bc.cònstnntly altered, lhe businessin colTee, upon which the exchange maikct depends, will beseriously hanipered, and if, as it is suspecled, the bankswant bills, a good policy would seem to be to keep ratessteady for a while, and this the banks can do. At the closethere was still money for commeicial sterling at 10%.Sovereigns closed with buyers at 2t$85o, sellers at 22$3oo.

July 17—The London & Kiver Plate Bank again led themarket. At opening lhe ollicial rates were ioJÍ—io3/f, tlieformer being_ puiely nominal, and about mid-day theLondon Mt Kiver Plate advanced to vfiiv There was afair bu.siness dòing, aud lhe market was lirm during theday, but al the close there was less nnimntiúli. Therewas business doing iu coflee, which furnished some bills,anil drafts were also offered which were against tlie capital—or credit—of tlie new bank to be established here bySr. Conde de Figueiredo. Tlie extremes rates wereio-kf—11 fur bank paper, 10 15|iô—11 i|i6 f.r repassedpaper and 10 15116—11 3*16 for commercial steiling. Atlhe close bank steiling was still obtainable at 11, aud therewere takers fur commercinl at uj^í. with bills scarce.Sovereigns closed wilh buyers nt ai$6oo, 110 sellers.


803 Sovereigns 22 400 15 Apólices, 5S..1,11251 Apólices, ss.. 1,000 do ...,113».» do ..1,003 '5 Gòld ós, '63...1,750

54 do ..1,004 10 Gold ^s,'8o...1,2703,200$ do ..90.8 35,500$ A pi. Rio/ah. 104.31,200$ do .. 100 60 deb.lirz.In, niill 202


55 Republica 136 50 Republica 137Miscellaneous.

100 Crirr. Fium.... 163 50 Padaria150 Forjase listai... 24 Luso Braz.... 2

July 11.30 Apólices, ss... 1,000 1,400$ Apólices, js. 100¦ do ..1,101 do .(S. 1,110

do ..1,102Banks.

100 Commercio,wd. 225 50 Rural 205500 Kep.wd.b-0.31st 137 50 do aro

July 12.5 Apólices, 5S„i,oi2 36 Apólices, 45.. 1,1008 do ..1,003 do ..1,102

37 Gold4S/89.. ..1,275 10 do -1,104100 cons.Cr. Movei 33 do ..1,105too li.n.Cr.RI. Braz -13 do ..1.106ioo di . 45 20 do ..i,io3

25 ,, Predial.... 62 2íx>$ Uo ..110.6Banks.

410 Republica 13613 do as.... 58

Mísceitaneous.too Braz. 2

July 13.51 Apoüccs, ss.. 1,003 '7 Apólices, 4s..t,iooM9 do ..1,004 31 do ..i,toi

40^.$ do .. too do ..1,104200l1.11.Cr. Kl. Braz 43 54 do ..1,11a

Banks.100 Republica 133

Miscellaneous.102 V. F. Sapucahy 10 750 Empreiteira. .. i3

50 Allianç.i mili... 305

ioo Coinmercio,wd. 22545 Republica 114

THE RIO NEWS [July i8th, 1893.July 15.

20 Apólices, ss..i,oüo 7,800$ Apólices, 4S. 11042 cio ..i,oo- 75 deb. Quissamã

500$ do .. 100 Cent. Factory. 185Banks.

70 Commercio 220 300 Republica 127ico Consiructor.... ig 22\Á do 1:17 500200 do ... 10 500 17 Rural, is 95


314 O. Pub. 10 Ag. iS

MARKET REPORT.Rio de Janeiro, 17th July, 1S93.Exports.

Coffee.—The past week lias again been quiet and salesreported will not probably exceed 40,000 bags. The re.-.-trictions by the government on the telegraph service havekept this market somewhat in the daik as to the movementsabroad, but this mnrning telegrams are published giving asharply reduced stock in the American markets, and ií is pos-sible that news to this effect was received on Saturday, forthere was considerable desire shown to buy on that day,which was checked by an advance in the rates i.f exehange.Receipts have sharply increased, and has the railwav hasprincipally contributed to this increase, it may be fairly in-fened that henceforth the supply will gradually improve, butdealers are still firm in their pretensions and 011 Saturdaywere reported to be asking 21^000 per arroba for No. 7,against bids of 2o.1'5"'o - 20+6110. Whether correct, or not,tíien exists a belief that business in coftee will be resumedduring the current week unless the banks determine to pie-vent this by sharp ádvances in exehange; the uncertainty inthis market is the most unsatisfactory feature in the trade atpresent. On the íotli brokers advanced quotations by 600—Soo rs. per arroba; but on the 12th these were declarednominal, and the market elosed as mentioned above, viz :21 $000 asked and 2c$50o—2o$6oo bid for No. 7.

The weekly report from Santos gave receipts, for fourdays, at 26,000 bags, sales for the week 27,000 bags, andstock /06,00o bags. Good average was quoted at 14$500, or50 rs. higher than last week.

The shipments since our last report have been:33.060 bags for the United States10,473 »> Europe

— ,, Cape of Good Hope740 ,, River Plate and West Coast479 ,, Coastwise

4*4.752 bags.The vessels cleared with coflee are:

United States: bags

July 3 New York Gr str Salemo 2,10011 Paltimore Amer lug Francês 10,99813 New York Ital str Madona delia Costa 17,60215 do Blg str Galileo 18,998Europe:

July 11 England Br str Magdalena 93712 Trieste Aust str Szent Laszlo 7/0112 Marseilles 'Ft^trAqititaiiie 2.97514 Hamburg Ger str Ceaid 596Elsewhere :

July 9 River Plate Fr str Ordnoque 710Keceipts for the past week have been 58,905 bags, against

42,638 bags for the preceding week aud 41,504 bags for theweek before.

Stocks were this morning estimated to be 153,785 bags,in ali hands.

Brokers' quotations this morning are nominal. No cha ngewas made 111 the pauta 011 Saturday it remaining at t Í330per kilogramme, and the officials quotations were follows, viz:

per 10 kilos.Ordinary ist i5$66oGood 2iid 14 93oOrdinary and 13 500

Vessels loading and to load. bags.New York Br str Sirius

do Blg str Coleridgedo Ger str Colônia

Antwerp and London Br sir Trent...-do and Bremen Ger str Condor

Hamburg Ger str CintiaMediterranean Ital str Stura

do ,, Vittoriado „ Palmas


_2 5S £ P_Ü (» ft 5

o •osr_



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We have again had a week of moderaie receipts from abroadand dcaleis lepott a lair movement in tile markets, Flourhas been fairly actne, but stocks are only slightly leduced, andAmerican flour remains unchanged notwithstanding the lowerrates ofexchangé that ruled during ihe week. We have hadno receipts of pine. and the markets are more or less nominal:Pitch pine !s still ftat, while White seems t» Le fairly wellsupparted. Kerosene is unchanged, and flat, but lard israther higher, under tlie scare that the supply from the southmight beeome reduced. Two cargoes of Rangoon rice havecome in, but no change is reported in the market, and codfishis nominally unchanged, as retailers are irr.poning their o»nsupplies. Although our supply of Indian cern is largely fromthe sonhem sutes, the r.e»s from the south advanced theprice cí ali cereais, and cern participatec a the advance,

The other articles we quote are unchanged. Exchange re-covered from the shock given it a week ago, and 011 Saturdayseemed rather inclined to gi to the other extreme, but thecourse of the market depends almost entirely 011 the banksand the coffee mai ket.

Flour.—Receipts have been 5,000 bags, or 2,500 brls.per Itabira from Montevideo. Stocks are only slightly re-duced, viz ; 15,500 brls. American and 4,500 brls. River Plale,111 first hands to-day, but brokers report that the market hasbeen fairly active. Quotations for American flour are un-changed, while River Plate and city mills are rather higher.The quotations furnished us to-day are :

Trieste nominalRichmond ist 2^250—23$5oo

do 2iid nominalllaltimore ist 23 250—23 500

do 21ld 2i! 750—23 000Western & Interior 22 750—23 500River Plate 21 500—22 500City Mills 20 00c—26 000

Pitch Pine.—There are still 110 receipts and the marketis uüininally unchanged, and flat, at 56^00—58.iiooo per doz.

White Pine.—Receipts nil, and brokers quote at 180—190 rs. per foot, ar.d firm.

Spruce Pine.—Two cargoes are now 011 the way to thismarket.

Swedish Pine.—Nothing new to report.Kerosene —Quotations of 7$6oo—7$8oo per case are

continued, and the market is still flat. There have been 110receipts.

Lard.—With no receipts of foreign and the supply ofdomestie from the south threatened by political events, themarket has advanced, and is firm. at 850-880 rs. per lb. forGeorge's lard, in lots, with other marks quoted at 830—850 rs.

Rice,—Receipts have been 36,912 bags per Bay of Bengaland 15,697 bags per Spirit ofthe Morning, from Rangoon,and 100 hags via Europe. Quotations are unchanged atíS.fooo—;6$uco per bag.

Codfish.—Receipts are 749 cases per Cintra and 1.170cases per Curityba, from Hamburg. No changes are report-edin the mai ket, for nearly ali the Norwegian fish now ar-living cumes direct to retailers.

Bran. —No foreign arrives and city mills bran is quoted at4$7oo—5$ooo per bog.

Indian Com.—The Magdalena brought 650 bags fromMontevideo. In sympathy with other cereais corn has ad-vauced andbrokers quote River Plate at ufãoo—i2$ooo perbag, and firm. Hor native corn dealers quote at ufooo -12.ÍÍ500 per bag, according to quality.

Hay.—There have been no receipts and quotations of'30—150 rs. per kilogramme are unchanged.

Turpentine.—-Receipts nil and brokers now quote at830—880 rs. per kilogramme.

Rosin. —Quotations of i2$ooo*—2n$ooo per bri. are aboutunchanged. There have been no receipts.

Coal. —Receipts since our last report are:1,651 tons per Globits. from Cardiff.3,coo ,, Earnxcltffe, do1.534 11 Sainarkaiid, fiom Leith.«i537 >• Haiig,nsttnd, from Grimsby.

ali to dealers and companies.Cement. — Receipts are 4,700 brls. per Apollo from Antwerp.

No changes are made iu quotátiiins, viz* Biitish io$ooo—n.fooo, German 9.^500-iu$ooo and French lo.fooo — i2$ooo,per bri.

SANTOS.Messrs Holworthy, F.llis b* Co. have kindly furnishedus with the following statisties:

Comparative Statement of Exports of Coffee fromSantos during the past 8 Crop Years. In Bagsof 60 kilos each.

o S.S* 2__Sp»?f•Pm*-1 2.,o-i'i?.3&. PI "i . JJ _J _? £__

rm 3 "I _ C-iX . . ¦ 2.» 5 s."— p n %... • • fi b p 2o -y. s. . •'..•£.'.... . . . . ff.. • .•>...*__

... .-...?

-" .r •*0\ *n M N M J_ S2U» N\) - O COM O?<-" vo vi ,0C -\n

"onO? Vj L .«- Oj 4- Oi {j\ — Oj OO O 4- 9?»>» OCO**. M4»*VJ C\« ^

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, , ü>>, N OJ OJ K í?^? » i0»00 n Ul Cl » 4. *0 |CC OJ

*q 4». ó*» O - M Cn \0 '

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Rangoon—Ur ship Allegiance; 1180 tons; George; 104 ds;rice to John Moore & Co.

Paranaguá'—Nor lug Gdmbeta; 299 tons; Johansen; 8 ds;sleepers to Central lirazil railway.

7 ULY 1,.Rangoon -Br ship Bay of Bengal; 1408 tons; Campbell; 103

ds; rice to order.JULY ti,.

ANTWKRP-Ger hk Apollo; 1124 tons; Weisse: 54 ds; sundriesto Wm. Samson & Co.

Rangoon—Br bk Spirit of thc Worning; 599 tons; Page;109 ds; rice to Norton, Megaw & Co.

JULYts.Cardiff—Nor bk Globits; 991 tons: Hoei; 54 ds; coal to

Brazilian Coal company.Br ship Earnscliffe; 1775 tons; McKenzie; 55 ds; coal

to Brazilian Coal company.Santos—Amer lug Kate; 960 tons; Crosby; 10 ds; ballast to


JULY 16.Leith—Brbk Samarkand; 1103 tons; Whiltou; 59 ds; coal

to B. Rodrigues & Co.Grimsby—Nor ship Haügersttnd; 1035 tons; Ostradt; 70 ds:

coal to order.Pakahvba—Norbk Agur; 429 tons; Olsen; 22 ds; cotton to



Sydney—Br ship EritCs Isle; 1725 tons: Di.von; ballast.Barbados—Br bk Zcbina Gondey; 1104 tons: Maiiniiig; do.Mossoró'-Norbk Latona; 543 tons; Gehrsen; do.

JULYu.Plymouth f. 0.-Br lug Red Rose; 176 tons: Fish; salted

hides.Miramichi—Ital bk Sírio; 59S tons: Bartollo; ballast.Sr. John, n. b.—Br ship Karoo; 1938 tons; Ronet; do.Lobos de Tierra—Br bk Bombay; 952 tons; Johnson; do.Mossoró'—Nor lug A Ibatros; 328 tons; Osmundsen; do,

JUL Y ia.Baltimore-Amer lug Francês; 644 tons; Thompson;

coffee.Philadelphia—Amer bk Penobscot; 1046 tons; Rimby; same

cargo.Portland—Br bk Birdston; 711 tons; Jenkins; ballast.Porto Rico—Norbk Longfellow; 805 tons; I.undsen; do.Aracaju'—Swed bk Zàima; 334 tons; Andersen; do.

JULY x-i.Savannah—Port bk Audácia; 563 tons: Ferreira; ballast.

JULY iS.Pensàcola—Ital bk Fedelta; 628 tons: Fasee; ballast.

CLEARED AND READY FOR SEA.Barbados—Nor hk Prince Louis; ballast.

Br lug Ina Barclay; doBr bk Osaka; do

VESSELS AFLOAT & LOADING FOR RIO.A lexander Keith.....tig*l€S>¦¦••• - •••¦¦• ¦ .AgitesAittoinetteAskoyAnakonda'iÀvoniiiore ,

Alexander BlackA dele LubkorAmyBay cfFttudy ,British AmericaBa rbadiauBaltimoreBertaBianche &* Louise...BamsCatherineCounty of Pembrokc.Colitiiibus,CoraC. C. Hornung.CardiganshireCou n tess of Rolhes..,Choice Don EnriqueDom Pedi oilDona Francisca .....DaiunÉdenEstrellaEmmanuclEi iinontonEdwa rd Percyl-uldaFlora P. Stafjford....,FortunaFernandaFortunaGcvdltãGlad TidingsGem maGood NewsGaelllasselnoderIleiga ..I/l.tfll. ..•••• »••••• ft V.v •••••• •••••• • • a 1Isabel/smtrJohn CarswellJames .S taf)ord.J ulius ,Á"(i te Bu rrillKiu ross-shireLyiLaura

MaduraMaipo...........MarceloMerionethMontgomcry Cast,Maria C.Medes tinoMaria VizeuMicronesiaMydleueMarie Bernr.....NaunyNova UniãoNeophyte.........OtgaOrebOlwe MountPrime Robeit..../*/x.r>i»._...........Professor AWh..Queen ifScots....Quiteriaòcaiuutell BrotherScottish Atoort...SardanhaSen finei.Súphifrn ••••••....•ÒCrn \P€t£m •••••¦•••TtWPmX ............TrítonTabsrValttt.xVent r.tVan GalfttIVytiustay.IVendur.iV.urier.

•'-•.. a ••


St. Simon'sOportoMarseillesPensàcolaHamburg

. NewportCardiffPhiladelphiaHamburgBaliimnreCardiffPensàcolaNew YorkBaltimoreWestdtwickCardiff

. CardiffPensàcolaRauyoonCaidiffHamburgCarlshamiiCardiff

* NewcastleCardiftPensàcolaBaltimore

, CardiftGaspeLiverpoolRangoonGothenburgCardiffHamburgRangoonCardift

, SwanseaOportoNew castleBrunswickBaltimoreFrederikstadBaltimoreGreenock

Marseilles1'ensacolaGothenburgGhentOportoSaguenay RiverPensàcolaNew York 'OportoPensàcolaGreenockHamburgDrontheimWesterwickPensàcola(.'ardiffLondon

CardiffRangoonMarseillesMarseillesOportoCardiffCardiftWesterwickOportoOportoYarmouthOp rtoMarseillesNewportCardiffMarseillesSaigonI.CItílOportoPensàcolaCardiffRangoonBrunswickOportoCardiffPensàcolaI.oi;d •:!LiverpoolBristolCardiftBata via

GrimsbyCardilTNew York

so May

7 June19 May29 May29 May

35 June

5 June

4 June15 June

12 Apr17 May

2 June

30 May»4 June

6 June

10 Apr28 Apr

18 May

a Apr29 May

3 May13 June17 June13 May13 May19 May12 June12 June30 May16 May31 May12 June

>S AprJune

21 May29 May

10 May19 May12 May10 June12 June

S May8 June

9 lime10 June

29 May3 June

14 May9 June

22 June1 June9 May

19 May

June26 May

iS June23 May


lô June«7 Junelõ June





Orénoque FrMagdalena BrSzent Laszlo AusColônia GerPeniusular PorBritannia BrAquitaiue FrMauuka BrArawa BrCeará GrHerschel BrBellarden BrCurityba GrCondor Gr

Bordeaux* igdRiver Plate adSantos id

do 28hLisbon* 26dLiverpool* 2idRiver Plate 3_Antwerp* 3$dLyttleton 22c!Santos 19I1Liverpool* 25dRosário* i3dHamburg* 23dBremen* ssd

Mess MaritimesRoyal MailKombauer & CE. Johnston & CKarl Vaiais & CWilson Sons & CKarl Vaiais & CW. Samson & CWilson Sons & CE. Johnston & CNorton, M. & c

doE. Johnston & CH. Stoltz & C



July 101010IIIIIIIIII12'3»314M'4>5'5'51616

La Plata FrSalemo GrBéarn FrMagdalena BrOrénoque FrCaxton BrColeridge BlgMoçambiquePortCintra GrAquitaiue FrKntannia BrArawa BrBellarden BrSzent Laszlo AusCeará GrPeninsular PortMad.d'Costa ItalGalileo BlgCouutyDuwn Br

Bordeaux"New York*Kiver PlateSouthampton*Kiver PlateLiverpoolSantos


Marseilles*Valparaiso*London*LiverpoolTrieste*Hamburg*Lisbon*New York





Same cargo.Sundries


Same cargo-Sundries



Calling at intermediate ports.




A mericaii

lug Kate

A ustriait

bk BanMaz'nichbk Slavia


bkMoorhillsp Lord Shaft'bybk Rouianoff....bk R. Morrow..bk Scotiabk Cyprussp Canadalug Mersey......bk Osakabk Balktuiiah....sp Manx King ..sp Marathon....bk Beechwood .bg Betseybk Florence....bk BrucNayCasllebk Nellie Moodylug Vikingsp Maciiliauishsp Cmlcw ......bk Chilena....bk Alliance....lug Laconia ..bkC. of Anglesealug Ina Barclay..lug Baldwinsp Norwootlsp Glenhreck....sp Allegiance....sp Bay of BengalbkS. ofthe M'ngsp Earnscliffe....bk Samarkand ..


bl: Anna Agnele


900 July 15

565 June244°3 39

bk Gertrude..


bk G. N. Wilcoxsp Susanna...hg Bi uno .vi Linabl; Concórdia..lug Axelsp Melpomenehk Anuiubk Pallasbk Apollo









May 51718

June 58


July 1345777

111214I¦ 6




hk Lincelleshk Zctirobk Coiucli- Zino


lug Victoriabk Homewood..bk Sagasp Germanic...bk Carstcii Boe..bk Trosbk Prince Louis.bkCamülabk Favoritbk Neptun......bkNatvigbg Kornmo.....lug Gambetta....bk Globussp Haugersund..bk Agur


bk Isolina......bk Glama.......bk Triumpho....bk Margarida...


bk Felix........


bg Vigilante



56l19 >9l*.'03250




June 14

July ó

May 19june 8


London...Cardiff...PensàcolaNew YorkApariicla*.PascagoulaCardiff....Macáo....London...Cardift....Grimsby..Greenock.NewcastleHamburg..CardiftPensàcola.Brunswick.P. Alegre..LeithCardiff....Rangoon..Rangoon..New York.Cardift....Rosário....1'hila'phia.Cardiff....Cardiff ...Rangoon..Rangoon..-lang mn..Cardiff....Leith

To order

To orderGeral de C. & L




Hamburg..CardiftLiverp .ol..Cardiff.....S. Fr co SulCardiff....Riuiuòoii..I.ond.111 . .Antwerp ..

Geral de C..& I.Wilson Sons & CGeral de C. & I.G. Gudgeon & CGeral de C. & I.Geral de C. & I.Braz. Coal Co.Mossoró-Assú CoInd. do Braz. Co!B. Rodrigues & CGas Co.Gas Co.Ind. do Braz Co.To order ,S. W. TempestInd. do Biaz, Co.Ind. do Braz. Co.Tu orderGas Co.Braz. Coal Co.Alvares P. & CTo orderIn distressLage Irmãos'. de Souza & C'orton,

M. & CLage IrmãosWilson Sons & Clohn Moore &CFonseca, S. & C.Norton, M. & C.Braz. Cal Co.B. Rodrigues & C

To order

773|June 4JM,.rseilles°44 5! Marseilles..975| 18 PéllSHCola.







Mar. 2May 19, ,9June 6







15 Oporto._July 9 Oporto..

F. Mazon

(11 distressBraz. Coal Co.P.S.Nic.lson&CH; Rodrigues & CSantos Abreu & CLage IrmãosFerraz Sob & CWalter, C. & CW. Samson & C.

Ròiix D. & CInd. do Brazil

To orderF. P. PassosH. Stoltz & CBraz. Coal Co.C. Hecksher & CC. Hecksher & CTo orderWalter, C. & C.Wilson Sons & CIn distressTo orderH.Stoltz&CCent Braz R.R.Braz. Coal Co.To orderTo order

C.Abranches&CMacedo Jr. íi CTo orderTo order

JunenjGrang^th.jIn distress

379 May iSjMacáo....jMossoró-Assú C.I

July i8th, 1893.] THE RIO NEWS:

STOCK AND SHARE LIST.«Taxly 15tla., 1893.













Apólicesdo goldQO #•••'••••••¦••••¦

Gold Loan 1868do 1889

State of Minas Geraes..,do

State of Rio de Janeiro.


200$—1,000$200 —1,000




Last salt I Clostng quotations

1,002 $000 I,OC0$0O0—I,O02$0001,100 000 1,105 000—1,109 °°°

1,750 000 1,750 000—1,850 0001,710 0001.375 000 ——1,020 000 ——1,000 000 ——1,043 000 1.030 003—1,050 000





£3,049,610• •••5,000,000












308,000t, 500,000



(í 337.500a.58?.3°°6,956,100



, 600,000£148,000










Apr.-Oct.Jan.—JulyMar. -Sept.














BragantinaCampos and Carangola .Geral do Brazil

doJuiz de Fóra and Piau.Leopoldina......

do gold

Oeste de MinasSapucahyS. Isabel do Rio Preto.

do goldSorocabana

do goldUnião Valenciana.......

8 tf6





Cant. e ViaçSo FluminenseCarrisUrbanos

do ,PernambucoVilla Isabel ,





£5°£11 5 s.







Lloyd Brazileiro.,

Cbntrai.Sugar Factorirs

PurezaQuissamã ...Kio Branco


AlliancaAmerica FabrilBrazil IndustrialCariocaConfiança Industrial .....Industrial MineiraManufactora Fluminense..PetropolitanaProgr. Industrial do BrazilKinkS, ChristovãoS. LázaroS. Pedro de Alcântara..União Industrial S. Sebastião


Agricola do KibeirSo Preto..Banco de Viação do Brazil..Banco Credito Movel.consolsBrazil AgricolaEmpreza de Obras Publicas

doLavoura,Ind. & Colon,...Nacional de Óleos.Saneamento do RioServiços Marítimos

Last salt


2 5003


18 500300





Closing quotations

i$5oo— ....

116 000— ....

Capitalpaid up




200 180200 185200 169

300 303200 70200 2C2200 302200 200 50030O 192300 310

£90200 300300 195300300 100

I OO£32 IO 106


.... —igofooo

.... —X90$ooo


10,000,000$\, 000,000









40,000,000. 30,000,000







3,000,000190,000,00 1















31$000 34$500




Capitaipaid up







CariocaLloyd BrazileiroNac. Navegação CosteiraNorte e Sul


3$ooo—Aug. 9a







55 000

Closing quotations




7,500,0004,000,0004,000,000¦ ,500,00o«,000,0008,000,0008,000,000(,000,0005,000,0004,000,0001,000,0008,000,000

Capitalpaid up













AlliancaArgos FluminenseAtalaiaBonança.....Brazil FederalConfiançaFidelidadeGarantia....GeralIndetnizadoraIntegridade •••LealdadePrevidente •••••ProsperidadeUnião Com. dos VaregistasVigilância


i$ooo—.15 000—,

1 000—July1—July-july


1 500—,4 000-

000—,10 000—,13 000—,

000—,I ooo—,











9$ooo400 00010 00010 000

• •11 000

175 000140 00047 00017 00045 000

5 00040 000IO 00)47 000

7 000

Closing quotations

.... — 7o$ooo90$000— ........ —17a 000

... — 55 000

... — 70 000

40 00018 000

10 000—


5,000,000$ 1,000,000$1,600,000 330,0009,000,000 300,000

800,000,000 60,000,000

80,000,000 5,000,000ao,ooo,ooo 5,000,00040,000,000 8,000,00018,000,000 9,400,00060,000,000 6,705,000

• ••• 9,700,000II, 0/3,750

8,000,000 1,600,00030,000,000 6,000,00010,000,000 10,000,0003,000,000 900,000

70,000,000 ....•••• ••••: ,600,0003,000,000



* 3,800,0001,000,000




5,000,000$• •••









84,186556 82694.78»


AlagoanaCabo Frio •••CataguazesGeraldo Brazil

doMinasdeS. JeronymoMuzambinho..............Nordeste do BrazilNorte de S. PauloOesie de Minas

do 2 3 series.

ParaopebaPeçanna to Araxá

?uilombo... •••••• •••••»•••

ijticaUnião Sorocabana-Itauna..

do 3 seriesUniSo ValencianaVassouras e Paty do Ali «esViação Férrea Sapucahy....

TRAMWAYSCarioca...—-•••••• ••••••Corcovado (and hotel)......

Íardim Botânico

•etnambucoS. ChristovãoVilla Isabel


Im.—jan. 916 %-jan. 93

6J< ?Í-Feb. 84

i4$ooo—luly 913 000—July 936 000—jan. 93

.. —July 938 000—July 9>

Nominal Lastvalnt salt

40$ 85$0O040 43 0003070 t 000

aoo 1 00035 4 00060 130 000

40 60 000

40 8 000soo 80 000

75 99 00065 45 00040 51 00040 1 500

900 86 000IOO 90 OOO900 toe 00060 35 000

900 10 00040 l6 WM

900 10 000

900$ aootooo

aoo 160 000IOO 130 000aoo 303 000soo

Closing quotation

.... — 3$i000

3*000— 4 500

• ••• ™f £ OOO

9 5 o— to 500

.... —i6o$ooo.... —140 000






















Reserverund Name Dividend























Agricola do BrazilAllianca do BrazilAuxiliarBolsa.BrasilianischeBrazil e LondresBrazil-Norte America......Classes LaboriosasCommercial do Rio de Jan.CommerciantesCommercio

do 2 series......Constructor do BrazilCredito CommercialCredito GarantidoCredito MercantilCredito MoveiCredito PopularCredito Real do Brazil....

do 2 seriesCredito Rural e Intèrnac...Depósitos e Descontos.....Franco-BraziteiroIniciador de MelhoramentosIntermediárioLavoura e CommercioLondon & Brazilian, Lmted.Metropolitano do Brazil....Mercantil dos Varegistas...OperáriosParis e RioPopuhrRepublica do Brazil

do 2 seriesRio de JaneiroRio e Matto GrossoP.urale Hypothecario

do 2 seriesSociedade BancariaSul-AinericanoUnião Ibcro-Aiiiericano....


Credito Real S. 2 series

Mercantil, Sanlosdo 2 series.

S. PauloUnião S. Paulo


5 «5010 00020 00010%-

5 0002 000696p.a

10 000

00010 000

2 000000000000

15ÇÓP..12 500



000-1 200-

ooo-7 000

M?óp.a10 *ó-

10 000300000


000356 000-

3 00c-000000000


io9òp.a5 oop

-Jan. 93-July 91-Jan. 92-Feb. 91May. 92-Feb. 93—J uly 921—July 92'•-July 931—July 91'—July 93-,!,»y 93•feb; 93-Juy 91-July 92'—July 91)—Jiily 93

y—j .111.92—Jan. 921—Jan. 92— july 92-July 93-Jan. 93•July 93-July 93-J"ly 93—Apr.92¦Oct. "'>—JaiK ,-Aug.9-July•-lulyJuly-July ,.-July 92-July 93-July "•>



a 11an.






4°3001002 0O200200100«00IOOIOO200200100200200




Lastsalt Closing quotations

37$ooo60 000

250 000

75 000

14 0002 000

190 000

7 000220 00042 00019 000

160 000155 °00138 00035 °°°10 00055 Oü023 00012 000

210 00053 °°°14 000

220 000100 000

5 °°°180 000



191 000—195^030

2>9 000—

19 coo—42 000

— 44 000

10 500—

!o00p.a—July 93io%p.a-July 93

8 000—July 932 000—July 936 000—Jan. 938 ?úp.a—Jan. 93




io 000— 15 000


127 000

58 000

70 000

30 000210 000

95 000100 000

21 000

7 000

150^00024 000

250 000

40 000123 000

75 000

7 000—

126 000—127 00051 000—

191 000—198 000

90 000— 97 000


Present Interest RateAmount payable °/„

.«í Jan.—July 6»7.537.3°° j do 511,062,300 Apr.—Oct, 6

268,200 do 76,763,800 .... 6

8,000 .... 56,136,600 May—Nov. 6

500,000 ....i°.°73»7°° Jan.—Jul. 6


Credito Real do gold

Credito Real de S. Paulo..Credito Rural c InternacionalRepublicado Brazil

do goldPredialUnião Agricola do Brazil...União, S. Paulo




Last sale I Closing quotations



.... — 44 %

... — 80 °n










Cafitalpaid up



















AlliancaAmerica FabrilBrazil IndustrialBrazileira^.nriocn ••¦•¦•• •••••*••••¦•Confiança IndiistrialCorcovadoD. Isabel.......Industrial MineiraManufactora Fluminense...PetropolitanaProgresso Ind. do Brazil..Kinko* I«íizíiro• •••••• •¦¦••••>•¦

do 3 seriesS. Pedro de Alcântara ....União Industrial S. Sebastião

Divide ndpaid

i6$ooo—Jan. 9312 000—Feb. 93

.. —Feb. 93000—Aug. 90

.. -July 9313 000—July 933 100—July 91

12 000—Apr. 92

000—July 897 000—July 92

14 000—July 888 'íop.a—Aug. 91

— Ian. 933 400—jan. 91

Nominal Lastvalue sale

200$ 305$ooo200200 330 000200 206 000200 220 000200 250 000200 125 000200 232 000300 300 000200 205 000200 I40 000300 l60 000SOO 200 000300 235 000100 7 000200 I30 000200 8 000


Closing quotation.


280 000— ....

.... —340$oso

150 000— ....

.... —250 003


«./"-< cp&

8,000,000$ 2,400,000$8,000,000 3,400,0004,5 0,000 4,500,0007,ooo,uOO 7,000,0001,030,000 900,000

768,400 768,4006,000,000 3,400,000

15,000,000 4,500,00010,000,000 4,000,00020,000,000 20,000,00060,000,000 60,000,00012,000,000 13,000,000

50,000,000 50.000.00013.000,000 13,000,0006,600,000 6.600,000

80,000,000 4,000,0007,500,000 5.350.0001,200,000 1,200,000

85,000,000 8,750,000

50,000,000 10,000,00010,000,000 3,000,00010,000,000 3,500,0008,000,000 4,000,000

10,000,000 3,000,00010,000,000 10,000,000












Agricola de Paranapanema.Agricola do_ Ribeirão Preto.Brazil TctritorialCant. e Viação Fluminense.Carros Tattersal Morcaux..Carruagens Fluminense....Central do Brazil..Centros Pastoris do Brazil..Ceres Brazileira...........Docas de SantosEmpreza de Obras Publicas.Industrial do BrazilMelhoramentos no Brazil...

do do de S. Paulo

Metropolitana...........Nacional de Forjas e Esl'osNacional de ÓleosNova Era RuralObras Hydraulicas do BrazilRural do Brazil..........Saneamento do Kio......Serviços Marítimos......Torrcns BrazileiraUnião In. dos Est. do Braz.

Dividend Nominal Last rú,i«* »..«, value sale

Clostng quotatton,

3$ooo -luly 91 60$ 18Í00010 "/„—July 91 60 ..15 9ó—July. 91 90 3 000 —

4 000—luly 91 soo 315 000is %— Feb. 93 90 55 000 -.. —Jan. 93 200 163 000

4 000—July 93 80 40 000 ——1 800— Jan. 93 60 16 000 ——10 %—Aug. 91 80 14 000

.... soo .. ——•5"/»—Sept.91 aoo 18000 i7$ooo— .. —Feb. 93 soo .. ¦500—July 91 200 38 000 20 000— 25J003Int Jan. 91 100 ao 000000—Aug. 92 200 30 000 ——

.. —Mar. 93 4° ao 000 .... —1S0 000.... 100 34 000 19 0:0— 24 000

5 000—Jan. 91 .. 35 0003 500—July 91 aoo 9 000 —-

.... 40 a 000000—Jan. 93 60 3S 000 —.

i2°ip.a—luly 91 70 35 000«3}40'o—July 9' ,0° 3o °°° ••-• — *3 oas5 000—jan. 93 80 st 500 45 000— ....000—july 91 200 ao 000 —

•" ...... .......






Loading Both ; Coveted Pier No. 17, East RivetFor Freight and General information apply to

Thomas Norton,104 Wall St., New-York.




New York:Sirius July 22iidColeridge* , 29thMaskelyne* Aug 6th

* Receives ist and 3rd class passengers.Calling at Victoria if sufficient inducement offers.

New Orleans.Herschel 25/30

Valparaiso, Callao and other Ports.Bellaura Aug. 6th

Intended sailings from Santos forNew York:

Coleridge* July 23rdRosse ¦. „ 3ist

*" Receives ist and 3rd class passengers.Calling at Victoria if sufficient inducement ofiers.

For further imformation apply in Santos toMessrs. F. S. Hampshire & Co., Agents.

In RioFor cargo apply to the Broker

Wm. R. McNiven,87, Rua i° de Março.

For passages, parcels, specie, etc, to theAgents-NORTON, MEGAW & Co.

58, Rua 1? de Março



Under contracts with the British and BrazilianGovernments for carrying the mails.



July 27

Aug. 8

.. 24






Southampton and Antwerp calling Ba-hia, Pernambuco,Las Palmas S.Vicent,Lisbon and Vigo.

Southampton Antwerp calling Bahia,Maceió Pernambuco, Las Palmas,Lisbon and Vigo.

Montevidéu and Buenos Aires.

This Company will have steamers from and to Englandwice per month.

Insurance 011 freight shipped 011 these steamers can betaken out at the Agency.

For freight, passages and other information apply loKua de S. Pedro No. 1, Sobrado.

G. C. Anderson,





Calling at Lisbon, Bordeaux and Plymouth.Potosi July 3istGalicia.... Aug. 141I1

These popular steamers are fitted with the electric light andali modem convemèiicés. Insurance policies may be takenout at the agency 011 merchandise, baggage and values.

For freights apply to F. D. Machado,

No. 4, Rua de S. Pedro;and for passages and other information to

Wilson Sons & Co., L'd., Agents,

No. s, Praça das Marinhas.




Due at Rio de Janeiro.Aorangi July iSthRuapehu August 2jth

These steamers are first-class in every respect and arecelebrated for quick h nicwaid passage* and superior ac-commodations. Call at Tbnehiffk and PLYMOUTH; pas-engers may land at latter port.

For freights apply to F. D. Machado,

No. 4, Kua de S. Pedro;and for passages and other information to

Wilson Sons & Co., L'd , Agents,No. 7, Pra;j cas Marinhas.


The Original and Genuine

WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCEbears the Signature, thus:—


Wholesale and for Export by tke Proprietors, Woreester; Crosse $ Blaekwell, London, te., &e.: and byGrocers and Oilmen throughout the World.RETAIL E-VE-R-yWIlEI-tE.





HOMEWARDS-Due at Rio de Janeiro.Coptic August nthlonic Sept. aist

Steamers superior in every respect and fitted with everyconvenience for the comfort of travellers. Call at Tenkriffband Plymouth ; passengers may land at latter port.

For freight apply to F. D. Machado,No. 4, Rua de S. Pedro;

and for passages and other information toWilson, Sons & Co. L'd., Agents,

No. 2, Praça das Marinhas.



Capital. . . 40,000,000 Marks.Regular Lines of Steam Packets between

Bremen — United States,, Brazil

River PlateChina, Japan

,, AustráliaDepartures from Rio de Janeiro on the Sth

and sjrd of each month toBahia, Lisbon, Antwerp and Bremen.

Passengers and cargo for ali ports of the diflferent linesaccepted.

Passage Rates: ist.-cl. $rd.-cl.Rio—Antwerp, Bremen 500 Marks. 140I000

11 —Vigo 500 ,, 130-j'ooo,, —Lisbon 500 ,, 120^000

For further information apply to

HERM. STOLTZ & Co., Agents.


of e-veirar "hcln-O". axLd rAesorijybicra. at

No. 79 Rua Sete de Setembro

lst floor.


WINE MERCHANTS.Importe rs of

Oporto, Douro and Lisbon wines of the best qualitiesbottles, or in casks, and under the private marks ofthe house.

Sole Agents forBlandv Brothers & Co.,

Exporter of Madeira Wines;G.Preller&Co., Bordeaux,

Exporter ot Bordeaux Wines;E. Remv Martin & Co.,

Exporter of Cognac

Dealers inBurgundy, Rhine and Mosel wines, Sherries, Champagne

Cognacs and Liqueurs ofthe best brands.

<Rua da Alfândega, 8).

TRua da Alfândega, No. 58. Kio de Janeiro.

w ILLIAM SAMSON & CO.Steamship Agents



Rio de Jane iro, Rua S. Pedro No. 1, V. O. Uox 1113Buenos Aires, Calle Cuyo No. 429, ,, ,, ,, 905Montevidéo, Calle Zabála No. 30, ,, ,, „ 253Rosário, Calle Bojada No. 156, „ „ „ 54

Cable Address;—SAMSON.


Representatives of

60RY BROTHERS & Go., Ld., LondonIdem

A constant supply of fresh steam coal "Cory's Merthyr'aiways on hand. Prompt delivery at reasonable priees.

Tugboats aiways ready for service.


Rua |.° de Março No, 62,DEPOT:

Ilha dos Ferreiros


Circulntes in Montevidéo and tlie Rcnublic of UruguayBuenos Aires and the Argentine Republic, Europe aud theUnited States.

This paper is absolutely independent and is the onlyacknowledced reprcseiitative organ of English interests inthe Republic.

Its recent articles on financial topies have secured generalattention on account of their aceuracy and outspokenness.

FIRST CLASS ADVERTISING MÉDIUM.Advertisements and subscriptions received by post.For terms, etc, apply to THE MANAGER,

Calle Treinta y Tres 61—Montevidéo.


Metal-Bodied Rubber Type.S. T. LOXGSTRETII,

Office and wcrks: i3, Travessa do Ouvidor, ist floor.NB.—Special attention given tolarge stamps tirade-marks)

and large type for marking coffee bags.

Business Signs Engraved

w ILSON & CO.21 Rua Conselheiro Saraiva,

Rio de Janeiro.Importers, Exporters

and General Commission Merchants.


Northern iFire) Assurance Company, London.Telephone No. 193. p. o. Box. No. 167.


Villányi,Hungarian Claret,

Château Palugyay.TOKAY WI3STE

is the best reconslituent for convelesceuts from fever andclimatic diseases; recommendèd by most of the medicaiauthorities, especially for females and childien.

Sole Importers:Rombauer è> Co.

78, General Camara. Rio de Janeira

TO LET.Nicely furnished room in a house situated in a verv 1,mi,i,.

place, splendid garden, bath, gas, &c. V nealtl,y

Águas Férreas, Rua Indiana No, is.


of different qualities imported direct from Bordeaux.Special depot of P. Salins & Fils ainé, Bordeaux, for the

sale of table wines.AU orders delivered at the residence in bottles, cases 01


Rua do Carmo 14,Rio de Janeiro.


Travaux et !* UD'ENTREPRI8E8

« BRÉS.L , 7g R0A a 0 Dg BARÇft ?g


mpreza Estivadora,


Quickest dispatch given to Steamers.and sailing vessels.

NECTANDRA AMARÁMarvellous discovery in the Brazilian Vegetatior»

The application of a medicinal substance s.ilely by itselfpresents before the modem therapeuties ali the advantageswhich can be expected with relati n to the sick as well as toits own quality as a medicinal agent; and the once famouspnlypharmacy has finaliy been substituted by the applicationof simple remedies.

The advantage ofit is doubtless with the sick, becausegiven solely, one knows easily what to refer 10, either to tlieimprovements or to new symptoms, which perhaps may an-pear. v

Thewhle difficulty, however, isto find out the agentwhich will fill in a complete and perfect way the conditionspresented; the more we, therefore, simplify the therapeutiesthe more probabilities we shall, have of a good success. *

We have ali reasons to refer the„d>áforesaid to the present-case, because the question is of a simplejremedy, that is, one-which contains only the tincttfre 0} .which is composedNectandra Amara.The following analysis was expressly made by my colleague

and friend Dr. Gustavo Peckolt for the International For-mulary ; he was assisted in this work by his worthy fatherthe glury ofthe phatmaceutical class of Brazil:" Nectandra Amara " is used safely and with efficacy incases ofatonic dyspepsia, diarrhéas and dysentery, be itacute or chronic, leucorrhéa, etc , etc. ; and furthermore aliCreparations

of the Chemist Antero Leivas are recommendèdy different well-known physicians, so that there can not beany doubts abnut their effects. " 1 From the Formulário

Internacional ofDr Pires de Almeida, an eminent Braailiaaphysician.) Sea Sickness.

Every traveller should be provided in his sea voyages witfiia bottle .f tineture of Nectandra Amara, to use againstthe terrible sufferings of. this sickness, as soon as it appears.A teaspoonful (5 grammes) ofthis tineture, in a tablespoonful(ao grammes) of purê water, token every two hours, willOily

and with efficacy relieve him against ihis evil and itto know lhat he, who is provided with this tineture,

possesses a powerful remedy to cure any kind of stomachdiseases or disarrangements ..f the bowels

The tinctuieof Nectandra Amara of Antero Leivas issold at ali chemist in Brazil.

The depôt of the manufacturer is in Rio de Janeiro atNo. 7a Rua de S. Pedro.

NECTANDRA AMARA PILLS.For ali diseases ofttie stomach and disonlersof the bowelsÇv

there is no more powerful medicine than these health-givingpills which for -/foco per b x or ia$óoo foro hxes and20*^800 for bnxes, j*o speedily in a registered packet bypost to help the sick in any part of Brazil, or abroad, fromwherever they may be ordered. Adress Joaquim Bueao,de Miranda, rua de S. Pedro No 70, Rio de Janeiro.





m• **** iSSí

MA Eg rQD Cfl S*

GREftfltarfOURESRheumatism, Neuralgia, Sclatlca,

Lumbago, Backarhe, Headachejoothache,

•old by DroggtiU and Dwlm «T*ry where. Fifty Cull •bottle. Dlreetioni in II Languacti.N THK VUAJtLEd A. VOttELEU CO.

tuiuaw» at






STRANGERS' HOSPITAL,xio, Rua da Passagem.

Now open for the reception of patients.NoN-scnscRiDKtis will be admitted on presentation ofar-

Order of Admit lance signed by any subscriber. The paymentofa sum equivalent to a fortnight*s treatment, or a guaranteefor ali expenses from sume resident in good standing, will berequired.

Applicants for adinission should present themselves between10 aud 11 a.m., ifp.ssil.le, orslioitld >eeoneof the visit»ing physicians (Drs. Rocha Faiia, Bandeira, or Stewart)before going there. in order to sccuie piompt medicai stten-dance.

Patients employing other physicians can go direct to lheHospital, but should carry with them lhe physician's instnic-

tions^ as to assignuieut — whether in lhe ordinary or leveswatds, and u hether in a general ward or private room.

Orders ofadmittance niay be frvcuredat consulting offices of lhe regular visiting physicians are:

Dr. Kocha Faria No. 1 Rua i° de MarçoDr. Bandeira No. 55 Rua dos OurivesDr. Stewart, At the Hospital and No. 19, x° de Março-

The visiting hours are, for lhe present, 2 to 3 in the after»necn and S to 9 in the evening.

Tvp Aldina, 79 Sete, de Setembro.