riv rs · land & water australia, the murray-darling basin commission, csiro land and water and...

Australia’s inland rivers occur across the vast, predominantly arid regions of the continent, comprising 70 per cent of its land area. The management of inland river systems is emerging as a significant challenge for the Australian community. These systems have highly variable flows, they come and go, flood large terminal wetlands or lakes, wet vast floodplains, create diverging and converging channels, dissect new watercourses, and dry out to meandering braided channels, billabongs and waterholes.We need to develop specialist policies on which to make decisions concerning inland river management. While our present knowledge may appear inadequate, the demand is urgent and we must respond to pressing management issues now. continued page 3 EDITION 18, 2001 RP RP ia IN AND RIV RS and riparian zones RIVER AND RIPARIAN LANDS MANAGEMENT NEWSLETTER l e

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Page 1: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

Australia’s inland rivers occur across the vast,predominantly arid regions of the continent,comprising 70 per cent of its land area.The management of inland river systems is emerging as a significant challenge for theAustralian community. These systems havehighly variable flows, they come and go,flood large terminal wetlands or lakes, wet vastfloodplains, create diverging and convergingchannels, dissect new watercourses, and dry out to meandering braided channels,billabongs and waterholes.We need to developspecialist policies on which to make decisionsconcerning inland river management.While our present knowledge may appearinadequate, the demand is urgent and we mustrespond to pressing management issues now.

continued page 3

EDITION 18, 2001


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Page 2: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

This publication is managed by the Land & Water Australia GPO Box 2182, Canberra ACT 2601

Land & Water Australia’s missionis to provide national leadership in utilising R&D to improve thelong-term productive capacity,sustainable use, management and conservation of Australia’sland, water and vegetationresources. The Corporation willestablish directed, integrated andfocused programs where there isclear justification for additionalpublic funding to expand orenhance the contribution of R&D to sustainable management of natural resources.

Land & Water Australia’s Home Page is: www.lwa.gov.au

Edition 18, January 2001RipRap is published throughoutthe year. Contributions andcomments are welcomed andshould be addressed to the Editor.

Editor: Dr Siwan Lovett

Feedback and comments to:Dr Siwan LovettProgram CoordinatorRiparian Lands R&D ProgramLand & Water Australia GPO Box 2182Canberra ACT 2601Tel: 02 6257 3379 Fax: 02 6257 3420Email: [email protected]: www.rivers.gov.au

Designed by: Angel InkPrinted by: Goanna Print

ISSN 1324-6941


Theme: Inland rivers and riparian zones 1 and 3Management of our inland rivers — a matter of choice 6ARIDFLO — Environmental flow requirements

for Australian arid zone rivers 10Third Australian Stream Management Conference 16Invitation to nominate for 2001 Riverprize 17Understanding large floodplain ecosystems 18Ripper clearance and publications 22It’s a Wrap: News from around Australia 23

CON entst

From the EditorWelcome to 2001 and another year of RipRap! In 2001 and beyond,

RipRap is being expanded to become Land & Water Australia’s river and

riparian newsletter.This will see the themes for RipRap expanded to move

beyond the riparian zone, with this edition on ‘Inland Rivers and Riparian

Zones’ the first of these ‘broadened’ RipRaps. The format for RipRap will

stay the same, and I am sure readers will enjoy the range of topics we cover

this year. This edition is a terrific one, with four great articles by some of

the researchers working on Australia’s unique inland rivers systems, as well

as some fantastic colour photographs.We also have a good ‘wrap up’ of the

work going on in inland rivers across the States and Territories. I hope you

enjoy reading this edition and, remember, if you have an idea for a RipRap

theme, don’t hesitate to drop me a line!


Page 3: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

Inland river characteristicsVariabilityInland rivers are characterised by highly variableflows. In many rivers, flows are commonly verylow or there is no flow, with flow regimesdominated by occasional large flows producedby high rainfall events. Northern draining rivershave highly seasonal flows driven by monsoonalrains in the wet season and no rain in the dryseason.

ScaleInland river systems function at a landscape scaleand are influenced by geography, time, distance,and the extensive nature of flood events. Riverflows and floodplain wetting can occur over greatdistances and with long lag times from where therain originally fell.

BiodiversityBiodiversity exhibits boom and bust cycles,coinciding with flood and drought. Biota areequipped to deal with such variability andrespond rapidly to water. Diversity of habitats,from saline to freshwater, variability of flows,high temperatures, and plenty of sunlight resultsin high abundance and diversity of plants andanimals on rivers and their floodplains.

ManagementInland river systems span State and Territoryborders, however, implementing effectivemanagement arrangements is difficult in theabsence of formal agreements between thesejurisdictions. Recent progress has been madewith the signing of the Lake Eyre BasinInter-governmental Agreement. Institutionalarrangements are not well developed, with theresponsibility, capacity and legislative basis toact. Management regimes generally operate at alocal or regional scale.

Water resource developmentDiversions, regulation and floodplain develop-ment, including off-stream storage and inter-ception of overland flows, are increasinglymoving out into previously unregulated inlandriver systems. Property and development rights,as well as impacts on downstream users and theenvironment are major issues.

Land usePastoralism and rangeland grazing are the mostextensive land uses, with the most productiveareas located on the floodplains. Indigenouslands, oil and gas extraction, mining and tourismare also major owners and land users.

CommunityInland Australia has low population densitieswith people living on remote rural properties andstations, or in scattered settlements and towns.Interestingly, the Australian community livingoutside the region exercises a strong influence onpolicies affecting inland river systems.

SocietyInland rivers are strongly ingrained in Australianculture.Aboriginal land management and culture,droving, paddle steamers, Burke and Wills, Clancyof the Overflow and pastoralism, among others,evoke emotion and influence how people feelabout the management of inland rivers.

ResearchUntil recently, little research had been conductedon inland river systems and how they function.Contemporary ecosystem theories derived fromtemperate, perennial streams, do not apply toinland rivers. Answers are needed that are specificto the management needs of these systems.


By Brendan Edgar

Inland rivers also have a range of characteristics that makethem unique within Australia and across the world. Thesecharacteristics, such as highly variable flows and thelandscape scale at which they function, mean that new andinnovative approaches are required for management. Thefollowing article discusses these characteristics and links themto the principles required to manage inland rivers. It alsonotes the research that is being undertaken to fill in ourknowledge gaps about these unique systems.

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Principles for inland river managementA set of principles for inland river management may assist the community,policy makers and managers to make decisions for a sustainable future.The principles upon which to base inland river management and policiescould recognise that:

Research gapsAchieving a sustainable balance between waterallocations for river health and for consumptiveuse requires an understanding of ecologicalprocesses. It is equally important to make know-ledge accessible to all parties in order to achievelasting decisions with broad community owner-ship. High priority areas of research include:

Whole system managementAn essential aspect of our understanding ofinland rivers functioning is the need to quantifythe links between the different components ofthe system (wetland, river channel, floodplain).Relative contributions from each componentunder different flow regimes, and how the overallecology depends on these interactions need to beinvestigated in view of potential changes in flowregulation.

Social/institutional factorsNatural resource management is complex, and thefactors that influence the adoption of researchresults are often social, legal, economic, policy andinstitutional. It is important to understand thecommunity’s relationship to inland rivers and thenature of the drivers for change; socially, politicallyand economically. We need to know more aboutthe institutions that implement change, and whatcapacity building within communities is requiredto move forward to a sustainable future.

Understanding variabilityHydrologic variability may be associated withincreased habitat and food web complexity. It is likely that the persistence of many species in dryland rivers relies on maintenance of inter-mittency, although there is little information tosupport this hypothesis. The variable flow ofrivers promote a diversity of physical andchemical conditions and these, in turn, lead tohabitat patchiness and increased biodiversity.

Understanding flood pulseEach river has a flood pulse with unique patternsof stage, amplitude, flood timing, flood duration,rate of flood rise and fall, and flood frequency,and may differ in ways that have diverse biological consequences.An understanding of flowhistory is needed to identify independent measuresof hydrological variability, each with biologicalsignificance, and including the ecological ramifica-tions of the hydrological features of the flood pulse.


IN AND RIV RS and riparian zonesl e

1. Naturally variable flow regimes, the dry phase, and the mainte-nance of water quality are fundamental to the health of inland rivereco-systems.

2. Flooding is essential to floodplain ecosystem processes and makesa significant contribution to pastoral activities.

3. Structures such as dams, weirs and levees can have a significantimpact on the connectivity along rivers and between the river andits floodplain. Solutions are needed to either minimise theseimpacts or find alternatives.

4. Water is essential to rural industries and communities who havethe responsibility at the local level to manage water resources.

5. Catchment management and integrated surface and groundwatermanagement, are important concepts that need to be put intopractice.

6. Sufficient knowledge exists to ensure that water resource allocation decisions are made on a sustainable basis. A strongcommitment is needed to access and utilise best available scientificinformation.

7. New developments should be undertaken only after appraisalindicates they are economically viable and ecologically sustainable.Promoting greater water efficiency is essential to achieving sustain-able industries.

8. High conservation value rivers and floodplains need to be identi-fied, and in some cases, protected in an un-regulated state.

9. Stressed rivers need to be identified, and priorities established fortheir rehabilitation.

10. Improved institutional and legal frameworks are needed to meetcommunity river management aspirations.

11. With all parties making a commitment to work together, manage-ment regimes can be developed that are ecologically, economically,socially and culturally sustainable.

Coongie Lake wetland, Cooper Creek system, SA. Photo by Roger Charlton.

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Managing flowsWe need to understand how flow and climatevariability relates to indicators of river health. Byintegrating the climatic, hydrological and riverhealth aspects of the system we can determinebetter operating decisions on water releases foragriculture and the environment. The develop-ment of sophisticated flow management regimesis needed in regulated systems with environ-mental allocations. An experimental and adaptivemanagement approach is needed — testing theperformance of management systems as we go.

Understanding wetlandsDependant wetlands are a critical component of inland river systems. They are often mostaffected by river regulation and diversions, andan improved understanding of their role in riverecology is needed.

Floodplain managementWhat are the floodplain processes that driveinland river ecosystems? How do grazing,nutrients and contaminants affect floodplain andriver processes, and what are the most effectivemanagement options for a sustainable future?

Many of the questions and issues raised in this article will be covered at aNational Workshop on Inland Rivers, see below.


IN AND RIV RS and riparian zonesl e

Coolibah tree, Coongie Lake, part of the Cooper Creek system, SA. Photo by Roger Charlton.

The National Rivers Consortium, comprisingLand & Water Australia, the Murray-DarlingBasin Commission, CSIRO Land and Waterand the WA Water and Rivers Commission,in conjunction with the World Wide Fund forNature (WWF) and Environment Australia,are hosting a major workshop on Australia’sInland Rivers.

The workshop, to be held in Alice Springson the 27–28 March 2001, will:~ bring together a select group of Australian

scientists, policy makers, landholders andrepresentatives from the community andindustry

~ review the status of existing scientificknowledge about the driving forcesbehind Australia’s inland river systems;

~ draw out the management principles thatshould be adopted in setting policies forinland rivers, and in evaluating develop-ment proposals;

~ identify key information gaps and how they can be best incorpo-rated into the design of an integrated program of research anddevelopment on inland river systems; and

~ raise national awareness of the importance of these river systems.

For further information on the workshop, or on the issues raised in this article, contactBrendan Edgar, Program Coordinator, National Rivers ConsortiumGPO Box 2182, Canberra ACT 2601Tel: (02) 6257 3379 Fax: (02) 6257 3420Email: [email protected]

National Workshop on Inland Rivers

Policemans Waterhole, CooperCreek, Innamincka, SA. Photoby Roger Charlton.

Page 6: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

By Richard Kingsford Most people know that much (70%) of Australiais arid, but how do we characterise the inlandrivers that flow through this landscape? It isremarkable that our Macquarie Dictionarydefines a river as a ‘considerable natural streamof water flowing in a definite course, or channels,or series of diverging and converging channels’.Would the Paroo or Diamantina Rivers qualify?These rivers do not often carry high volumes ofwater and, in many places, may not even have a definite course or channel. One of the mostimportant desert river systems in the world is Cooper Creek, whose name hardly reflects this distinction (!). The Cooper can cover100 000 km2 of floodplain when it is in flood.These inland rivers flood over extensive flood-plains and often end in what is called a terminallake system, with the Cooper and Diamantinaterminating in Lake Eyre, and the Paroo nearlyalways ending in the Paroo overflow lakes.

The other distinction that our inland rivershave is high variability. Years may pass with noflooding, and then a huge flood can inundatevast areas of the catchment. The characteristic‘boom’ and ‘bust’ cycles of our inland rivers isdistinctive and the ecology follows the hydrology.As a result, during floods tremendous bursts oflife occur as invertebrates build up populations

— fish breed and frogs colonise and breed, withthe birds following the ‘boom’ cycles of theirprey. Soon after the Diamantina River started tofill Lake Eyre, banded stilts established a colonyas their crustacean prey became abundant.Australian pelicans followed soon afterwards.Elsewhere on Cooper Creek, Australian pelicans,straw-necked ibis and cormorants bred in largecolonies.

As our knowledge of the hydrology andecology of inland rivers grows, however, so doesthe pressure to turn these waters to ‘productive’use. Australia is the driest inhabited continentand our arid regions probably have some of thelowest densities of human populations anywherein the world, however, there is still tremendouspressure to use the water in the rivers thatcourse through the centre of our continent for irrigation. The argument goes that ruralcommunities will prosper and the export dollarswill ‘flow’, but Australia is probably in a uniqueglobal position as the flow of many of our desert rivers remains uninterrupted by dams or diversions. The Cooper, Diamantina-Georgina,Fitzroy and Paroo are all rivers that go throughtremendous floods that are inevitably followedby droughts. Currently, we are being asked tomake choices about these rivers, with the next


MA AG MENT of our inland rivers —a matter of choice

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This page: Inundated coolibahs(Eucalyptus coolabah) on thewestern shore of Lake Goolangirieon lower Cooper Creek during the 1990 flood. Photo by Jim Puckridge.Opposite: Riparian redgums(Eucalyptus camaldulensis) on theNorthwest Branch of lower CooperCreek. Photo by Jim Puckridge.

Will they bedeveloped or willthey be left alone?It is a question of choice.

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50 years illustrating the impacts of thosechoices. Will they be developed or will they beleft alone? It is a question of choice.

Before making decisions that could havelong-term negative impacts, we must considerthe ecological costs arising from development ofthese water resources if particular decisions aremade.To do this, we have to look elsewhere anduse the body of knowledge that exists about theimpacts of water diversions and dams on riversystems in Australia and around the world.

With few exceptions, management of mostrivers in the Murray-Darling Basin have followeda well trodden path of resource development.For many of the southern rivers (for exampleMurray, Murrumbidgee), governments builtmajor dams in their catchments (for exampleHume, Burrinjuck, Blowering) and then deliv-ered water to downstream irrigation areas.Government water agencies started life as ‘WaterConservation’ agencies around the turn of thecentury when ‘conservation’ meant conservingwater in dams.The dams stored water that wouldhave otherwise flowed onto the floodplains of ourmajor rivers or out to sea.

There have been major ecological prices topay for this development. Large and importantfloodplain wetlands such as the MacquarieMarshes and the Gwydir, as well as forests such as Barmah-Millewa, have shrunk as waterwas denied them. Their margins were colonisedby terrestrial plants, and fish and waterbirds

For furtherinformation

Dr Richard KingsfordNew South Wales NationalParks and Wildlife ServicePO Box 1967Hurstville NSW 2220Tel: 02 9585 6488Fax: 02 9585 6606Email:[email protected]

declined in diversity and numbers with thesechanges. Graziers, who paid premium price forthe land, owned most of the floodplains and theyrelied on the regular flooding of the rivers toproduce the nutritious grass for their cattle.

Much of this water resource developmenthas occurred over the last 50–100 years.The lastmajor river to be developed in the Murray-Darling Basin was the Condamine-BalonneRiver. Over a period of little more than ten years,flows to the Narran Lakes, which lies at the endof this system, have been reduced by 75%.Such declines in flows have been followed bymajor long-term declines of biodiversity on theMacquarie, Gwydir, Murray and MurrumbidgeeRivers.There are also less well-known ecologicalcosts that have come with water resource development of inland rivers — these caninclude increasing salinity, blue-green algalblooms and increasing levels of pesticides.

Elsewhere in the world, the impacts of waterresource development are even more dramatic. InAsia, many rivers have their flows tapped duringthe drier part of the year.The Aral Sea, one of thegreatest ecological disasters of the 20th century,is the starkest reminder of the consequences ofremoving water from inflowing rivers. Over a27-year period from 1960–87, diversion of watercaused water levels in this huge inland sea(68 000 km2) to drop by 13 m, with the wetlandarea decreasing by 40% and having severeimpacts on biodiversity. More than 80% of


Will we continue to make the samemistakes that were made in theMurray-DarlingBasin for ourremaining rivers? Or will we take ouracquired knowledgeand ensure that therivers that makeAustralia unique will still respond tothe highs and lows ofour erratic climate?

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native fish species disappeared, and a fishingindustry employing 60 000 people and catching48 000 tonnes in 1957, collapsed to zero. Only 38 of the original 173 species that lived in thedeltas survive. Deltaic vegetation has decreasedconsiderably. Salts from the dry lake bed aremobilised by dust storms and deposited across200 000 km2.Wetlands have shrunk by 85%.

The impacts on human health have also beensevere. In China, the lower parts of the Huang-Ho (Yellow River) have dried for 70 days per yearin the ten years before 1996, including 122 daysin 1995.Water levels in Qinghai Hu have dropped10 m, with a direct impact on salinity (althoughcauses or their ecological consequences are notyet well understood). In India, diversions fromthe Ganges means it no longer reaches the sea forall or part of the year, and in 1988 resulted in a75% reduction in flow to Bangladesh, increasingsalt-water intrusion of mangroves.

These international examples are remindersof the choices we now face when it comes tomanagement of our inland rivers. Our govern-ments will make decisions based on the evidenceput before them and be informed by the currentdevelopment culture of the day. Sometimes, the‘ecological’ part of the equation will not even beconsidered. It has seldom played a significantpart in the past until it is too late. Everyone nowacknowledges the Murray-Darling Basin riversare in poor health; our Federal system devolvesresponsibility for land and water management tothe States which means that upstream States canstill largely determine what happens on the riverswith little input from downstream users.

It is hoped that the Lake Eyre Basin canbenefit from the experience of the Murray-Darling Basin, with the Lake Eyre BasinAgreement forging new partnerships that arefounded in ecology.There is new understandingamongst the Lake Eyre Basin community andthis is being translated into new policy initia-tives. However, governments and communitiescan change and it will be interesting to see whatpath our generation will choose and how it willimpact on future generations. Will we continueto make the same mistakes that were made in theMurray-Darling Basin for our remaining rivers?Or will we take our acquired knowledge andensure that the rivers that make Australia uniquewill still respond to the highs and lows of ourerratic climate?


By Jock DouglasThis is Queensland’s Channel Country, where inland rivers radiate;the counterpoint to Barrier Reef; twin wonder of the State.Here the sandhills and the floodplains shift in furnaced summer blast,Until a northern ‘wet’ can send cool waters down at last.Then the slow spread of this lifeblood across alluviums deep and rarerestarts a verdant cycle, all the way down to Lake Eyre.

It’s a place of glorious contrast, of aridity and mud,of broad horizon beauty, and recurring rainless flood;where wide rivers are called creeks, with infrequent inland flows;when a patient landscape flourishes, revegetates and grows.It’s a place to know the very soul of Australian earth and sky;Where human intervention has luckily passed by.

The flooding creates green from brown and all life multiplies.The bare earth sprouts a billion plants and birds congest the skies.The pelicans, the black cockatoos, the pink and grey galahs,compete for space with wheeling clouds of green budgerigars;while native sorghum, river couch and nutritious Cooper cloverwith coolibahs and bellalies give a paradised changeover.

This unequalled inland country has a profound history:a sad saga of Burke and Wills and their fateful “dig” tree.Cattlemen have since followed, led by Conrick and Durackto the finest cattle grazing lands in Australia’s vast outback.They respond to nature’s rhythms and its seasonality.Channel Country management’s a speciality.

Now come the kings of cotton with their dollars and their clout.The Murray-Darling’s conquered, so they’re moving further outwith their dozers and their graders and their chemicals, to showhow to vanquish Channel Country and exploit the Cooper flow;to transform this natural system from its treasured unspoiled state;to dominate it and subdue it; to excavate and irrigate.

It’s time now to decide how far “development” should go;and if our culture values what local people know.The decision made will truly test our wisdom and our sense.It may bring such reaction that would change Governments.And the ghosts of Cooper tribal chiefs say “Will you never learn?This happened here before, to us — perhaps it’s now your turn.”

Jock Douglas © October 1996

In Cooper CountryMA AG MENT of our inland riversn e

Page 9: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

EW AMEand direction for majorscience funding bodyOne of Australia’s key research fundingorganisations has a new name.Land & Water Australia is the new name of the Land and Water ResourcesResearch and Development Corporation (LWRRDC).

The Chairman of Land & Water Australia, Alex Campbell, announcedthe change at the organisation’s 10th anniversary workshop at TrappersHotel, in Goulburn, NSW.

Mr Campbell told the workshop, “the change isn’t simply cosmetic.The new name also represents a change in direction for Land & WaterAustralia, which currently manages over $20 million of R&D investmenteach year”.

Mr Campbell said “earlier projects tended to separate land, water andvegetation issues. Land & Water Australia is now taking a more integratedapproach, considering these issues together at farm and catchment scales— just as landholders and communities have to.We are also placing moreemphasis on the social and institutional dimensions of natural resourcemanagement, and on using the R&D we invest in”.

Significant initiatives for 2001 include the Ord-Bonaparte program,a major joint venture in the Kimberley with the CSIRO, and WesternAustralian and Commonwealth agencies; important new work through theNational Dryland Salinity Program; and major catchment projects throughthe National Rivers Consortium.

Mr Campbell said the announcement is timely. “The floods in NSW,Western Australia’s drought and the recently announced figures on drylandsalinity (based on Land & Water Australia supported R&D) all demon-strate the need for information to help those managing Australia’s naturalresources.”

“Significantly, Land & Water Australia isn’t simply looking at moreresearch.We are placing more weight on the ‘D’ in R&D, developing usefulmanagement tools and options for anyone from landowners to policymakers.”

For more information

Website: www.lwa.gov.au • Email: [email protected] • Main switch: 02 6257 3379


MOREINFORMATIONon wetlands …Following the success of our 1997 publi-cation ‘Are there seeds in your wetland?Assessing wetland vegetation’, two morebooklets on wetland revegetation issueshave been produced. They are:~ ‘Are there plants in your wetland?

Revegetating wetlands’ and ~ ‘Does your wetland flood and dry?

Water regime and wetland plants’.The first booklet covers aspects such as:a survey of the wetland to assess its reveg-etation needs; sources of new vegetation;important considerations in revegetation;and potentially useful classes of wetlandplants.

The second booklet explores theimportance of water regime in wetlands,including: cycles of wet and dry — what is‘normal’?; relationship of water regime todiversity of plant communities; monitoringwater regime (including how to measureunderground water level); and the possi-bilities of returning water regimes to amore natural pattern if they have beenmodified.

All three booklets came directly fromthe results of Land & Water Australia-funded wetland research programs at theUniversity of New England.

For copiesAFFA Shopfront:

toll free 1800 020 157


Page 10: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

By Jim Puckridge, JustinCostelloe, Julian Reid,Michael Good andVanessa Bailey

What is ARIDFLO and why is it important?The Environmental flow requirements forAustralian arid zone rivers project, or ARIDFLO,is a major two-year multi-disciplinary researchproject on selected rivers of the Lake Eyre Basin.It aims to develop an interactive predictive modelof hydrology-biology relationships for Australianarid zone rivers.

Increasing interest by governments, commu-nities and scientists in the rivers of inlandAustralia has meant that this project is of criticalimportance. It is especially so in the Lake EyreBasin, which is the largest internally drainingbasin in Australia (Morton et al. 1995), and one where the rivers are largely untouched by development. The Lake Eyre Basin RegionalInitiative is a community driven process working with governments and stakeholderstowards economic and ecological sustainabilityin the Basin. The Catchment Committees and Coordinating Group established under that Initiative released their Strategic Plans on

21 October 2000. All of these plans includesurface water management as a key naturalresource management issue. On the same date,the Commonwealth, Queensland and SouthAustralian Governments signed the Lake EyreBasin Agreement. This Agreement sets outprocesses and structures for all governments towork together to address the management ofwater and related natural resources. In relation toARIDFLO, the Agreement contains principlesthat refer to environmental flows and recognisethe environmental values of the Basin. This situation provides opportunities for researchersto assist in informing communities and govern-ments as they work toward sustainable manage-ment.

There is ample evidence that arid zone riversare hydrologically, geomorphically and biologi-cally different from rivers in more humid zones.They are hydrologically much more variable(Puckridge et al. 1998), their geomorphology isless stable, and many of their plants and animalsare more opportunistic. Australian arid zonerivers show these characteristics to an extremedegree. It is essential then, that we base ourmanagement of such rivers on locally specificinformation, and not attempt to extrapolate fromfindings in rivers in wetter environments or from other continents.

Knowledge of the hydrology and ecology ofthe rivers of the arid zone is limited.This is dueto the size and remoteness of the arid zone, thedifficulty of attracting funding to an area consid-ered largely undeveloped, and an historicallyheld belief that rivers in the arid zone are nearly always dry. Hydrological cycles andcorresponding biological responses take placeover large temporal and spatial scales in aridzone rivers, and their study therefore requiresexpensive, long-term projects covering wideareas. The ARIDFLO model is intended toprovide input to determining environmentalflow requirements of Australian arid zone rivers,as well as to help prediction of the impacts thatupstream water resource developments wouldhave. The model will also have application to the restoration of the semi-arid rivers of theMurray-Darling Basin.


ARIDFLO —Environmental flow requirements for Australian arid zone riversARIDFLO

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What are the management issues ARIDFLO addresses?There is very strong community and govern-ment interest in the management of inland rivers,especially in the Lake Eyre Basin. For example,proposals such as the Currareva cotton projectfor Cooper’s Creek in Queensland (Walker et al.1997), has confronted managers with thestrength of community concern about waterresource exploitation in these rivers, andhighlighted the paucity of information relevant to the determination of environmental flows insuch systems. The critical management issuesthat ARIDFLO addresses are the inadequacy ofhydrological data, the more severe inadequacy of ecological data, and the very limited under-standing of environmental flow requirements forAustralian arid zone rivers.

Many Australian arid zone rivers, even somevery large systems, are hydrologically ungaugedor very sparsely gauged. The Diamantina, forexample, which is over 1000 km long, has onlyone gauging station rated over the full range offlows. Further, many such rivers have complexgeomorphology, high transmission losses anderratic spatial patterns of rainfall, so flood pathprediction is extremely difficult.These are majorissues for industries dependent on beneficialflooding, and also for managers trying to assessimpacts of water resource use. The hydrologicmethodology of ARIDFLO will describe flowregimes in arid floodplain rivers for which nolong-term flow data exist. The methodology willachieve this by using satellite imagery, rainfall,climatic, hydrographic and geomorphologicaldata, as well as local landowner’s records. TheARIDFLO model will combine the outcomes

of this approach with the results of biologicalsampling to provide improved understanding ofthe environmental flow requirements of arid zone rivers. It will also help managers predict thelikely biological outcomes of water resourcedevelopments and provide a monitoring programto support adaptive management.

What is the science behind ARIDFLO— how will it assist management?ARIDFLO is based on three premises:1. That field data on hydrology and biology,

collected at appropriate temporal and spatialscales and subjected to sophisticated model-ling techniques, can be used successfully to develop models of hydrology–biologyrelations in large rivers. Such an approachcannot establish cause-effect relations withthe certainty of experimental science, butexperiments on large rivers are seldomfeasible. As long as management is genuinelyadaptive, such models are valuable inputs.

2. That knowledge of hydrology–biologyrelations in relatively unmodified rivers caninform the management and restoration ofmodified systems.

3. That in large, highly variable rivers, samplingdesign and analysis must be structured atmany scales. The ARIDFLO project willtherefore be stratified at four spatial scales —rivers (3), river reaches (5), waterbodies(35), sites within waterbodies (70), and three temporal scales — multidecadal (flowregime), multiannual (flow history) andsubannual (flow pulse) (sensu Walker et al.1995).


ARIDFLO — Environmental flow requirements for Australian arid zone rivers

Goyder’s Lagoon Waterhole on the lower Diamantina River. Photo by Peter Hudson.

For furtherinformation

Jim PuckridgeDepartment of Environmental Biology University of Adelaide SA 5005Tel: 08 8303 3998Fax: 08 8223 5817Email:[email protected]

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Although ARIDFLO will only be able to directlymonitor responses over one year — an extremelyshort timespan for arid zone rivers — this year’sdata will be supplemented with data from aprevious five-year study in this region(DRY/WET, Puckridge et al. 1999). ARIDFLOwill also extend its window in time using remotesensing, rainfall data, landowners’ records, andgrowth signals in fish otoliths.

The ARIDFLO project will use thehydrology–biology relations developed in theearlier DRY/WET model as hypotheses to be tested. ARIDFLO will test the predictions ofDRY/WET against the new biological datacollected in the one-year sampling program.Theprogram will cover arid zone rivers in the LakeEyre Basin in South Australia and Queensland,and will sample fish, macroinvertebrates,zooplankton, riparian plants and waterbirds.Flow, rainfall and patterns of wetland inundationwill be monitored, and waterbody geomor-phology described.

From the outcomes of the testing ofDRY/WET, and in collaboration with pastoral-ists, industry representatives, interest groups,water resource managers and other wetlandsexperts, the first generally applicable model ofrelationships between flow regime, ecologicalprocesses and biological community structurefor Australian arid zone rivers will be developed.Finally, an environmental monitoring programfor the Lake Eyre Basin Rivers will be designed.

Preliminary results Sampling

Fortuitously, the year 2000 has brought thebiggest floods in the Lake Eyre Basin since 1990.This has provided ARIDFLO with the opportu-nity to sample from an extreme flood peakthrough the drawdown phase and, potentially,right to the drying phase in many waterbodies —thereby capturing biological responses to a widespectrum of short-term events.

Sampling in April close to the flood peakwas, unfortunately, hampered by flooded tracks.Nevertheless, 24 waterbodies in 5 river reacheswere sampled. In August, most tracks were dryand 65 sites in 33 waterbodies and 5 riverreaches were successfully sampled for all biolog-ical assemblages. In both April and August, aerialsurveys of waterbirds covered not only these sitesbut ranged more widely over the wetlands of theBasin. The waterbodies sampled were chosen tocover a broad range of flood frequencies anddrying times, and relating biological structuresand processes to these long-term hydrologicparameters will be an important component ofthe ARIDFLO model.


Data from the Diamantina Lakes and Birdsvillegauging stations on the Diamantina River wereanalysed to identify the scale of transmission


ARIDFLO — Environmental flow requirements for Australian arid zone rivers

ARIDFLO team members servicingfykenets in Fish Hole, on the NealesRiver. Photo by Peter Hudson.

Part of a breeding colony ofAustralian pelicans in wetlands of the Georgina River – Eyre Creeksystems, SW Queensland, April2000. Photo from the ARIDFLOproject.

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losses during flow events within this 330 km reachof river. Our analysis indicated that for flow pulseswith total flow volumes at Diamantina Lakes ofless than 1.2 GL, between 75–94% of the totalflow volume did not arrive at the downstreamgauging station at Birdsville. These extremelylarge decreases in discharge with downstreamdistance are typical of the rivers of the Lake EyreBasin (c.f. Knighton & Nanson 1994) and theircauses and effects are currently being investigated.

Eighteen automatic depth loggers and asalinity logger have been installed at key locationsin the three river systems. The loggers on theNeales-Peake rivers are providing the only hydro-graphic data recorded for this system. On thelower Diamantina and lower Cooper, the loggerdata will be used to constrain transmission lossesand the timing of flow events downstream of thegauging stations at Birdsville and Innamincka.Cross-sections and physicochemical depthprofiles at depth logger sites will be used in thehydrological analyses of waterbody water regimesand will assist in the geomorphological classifica-tion of waterbodies.

The depth loggers indicate that water levelsin the studied waterholes on the Neales and Peakerivers have remained very stable since the flowevent in April, indicating that a long-sustainedresidual flow is still balancing water losses due to evapotranspiration. Around the OodnadattaTrack, the recession flow is responsible for rapidincreases in salinity in some of the waterholes.This long, saline flow recession possibly indicatesa contribution from saline groundwaters to theNeales-Peake river (see below, Implications ofwater quality variation associated with flooding).


Biological responses to floodingZooplankton diversity in the Lake Eyre Basinrivers during flooding is unexpectedly high, andseveral new species have already been identified.The structures and composition of zooplanktonand macroinvertebrate assemblages have alsovaried strikingly between waterbodies andbetween sampling times. It remains to be seen to what extent these variations are related tohydrology.


ARIDFLO — Environmental flow requirements for Australian arid zone rivers

To optimize the contribution ARIDFLO can make, the sampling program of the projectneeds to be extended beyond its one-year timeframe. At the very least the samplingshould encompass two calendar years, to provide replication over seasons, and to provideopportunity to follow the present flood conditions through drawdown to drought.

Inset: The south shore of LakeToontoowaranie on the lower CooperCreek. Photo by Peter Hudson.Left: Inundated ephemeralvegetation in floodplain swamp at the junction of Cooper Creek and Whitula Creek floodplains, SW Queensland, March 2000. Photo from the ARIDFLO project.

“Transmission losses” arethe water losses in a riverreach due to evaporation,transpiration (vegetationuptake of water), seepageinto the channel andfloodplain, and ponding in terminal waterbodies.

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Larvae and young juveniles of bony herring,desert rainbowfish and Lake Eyre hardyheadwere abundant in both April and August. Such aprotracted and aseasonal spawning is likely to bean opportunistic response to the February–Aprilflooding, and suggests that the Lake Eyre Basinfish assemblage is unusually responsive to hydro-logical events.

A large tally of waterbird species and somevery large numbers of individual species havebeen recorded on the 2000 flood event.We haveestablished that at least 45 species of waterbirdbred during the floods; significantly, manyspecies have bred through the autumn-wintermonths, but we expect greater spring breedingactivity along the Lower Cooper. Many of thewaterbird colonies have not been previouslydocumented scientifically. Initial estimatessuggest that in August there were 250 000 water-birds on Lake Gregory alone, and that the totalwaterbird population in the study regionnumbered in millions over April to August.

Finding the locations of many of the largemixed-species breeding colonies has relied oninformation provided by pastoralists and otherresidents. This demonstrates the knowledge andexperience in the local community. Two large-scale geomorphological features — tributaryjunctions and river bends — appear to be crucialin providing sufficient water-residence time forthe large colonial nesters to complete a successfulbreeding cycle.

Implications of water quality variation associated with flooding.A widespread disease affecting most fish speciesand involving skin ulceration and fungal infectionwas apparent in April, and there were reports onthe lower Cooper and upper Diamantina of largefish kills. In August, the incidence of this diseasewas greater and in the upper Diamantina inQueensland it was epidemic. The epidemic wasaccompanied by very low dissolved oxygen levelsand evidence of stress even in healthy fish. Thecause of this is being investigated.

Fish assemblage variability is apparentbetween waterbodies, particularly in the NealesRiver and its tributaries.This river, because of itssmaller size and high gradients (compared to theCooper and Diamantina), has a more rapid floodprogress, so its waterbodies are connected for arelatively brief time. In addition, some of thesewaterbodies are subject to highly saline inflowsduring flood recession. Waterholes that becomedisconnected early in the flood recession canremain quite fresh while waterholes upstreamand downstream become saline. The likelysource of these saline inflows is the GreatArtesian Basin, however, further work is requiredto confirm this. As a result of these features, theNeales is an extreme example of a spatiallypatchy aquatic system, in which refugia forfreshwater-dependent species must be crucial.This patchiness is reflected in the dramatic varia-tions in fish assemblages between waterbodies.


ARIDFLO — Environmental flow requirements for Australian arid zone rivers

Hauling a 2 metre larval fish seinenet in the Northwest Branch channelof lower Cooper Creek. Photo by Jim Puckridge.

Inundated microchannels of the Cooper Creek floodplain, SW Queensland, April 2000. Photo from the ARIDFLO project.

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ARIDFLO and inland river water managementThe management of Australia’s inland rivers issubject to increasing community, governmentand scientific interest. The development andmanagement of some river systems in Australiahas left a legacy of salinity, poor water qualityand massive loss of biodiversity.This has resultedin reduced economic and social opportunities aswell as a huge loss of conservation values.

Australia’s inland arid zone rivers are nowamong the last in the world of their type that arerelatively untouched by development. Commu-nities, governments and all stakeholders are inagreement that sustainable development in thesearid river basins is a priority. The challenge forthe scientific community is to work with commu-nities and governments to develop our under-standing of these rivers.

ARIDFLO is an important step in thatprocess.The ARIDFLO model will be available asa predictive tool in the assessment, managementand monitoring of water use projects in the aridzone, and in the restoration of arid zone riversalready affected by water resource use. It could beused to predict the likely outcomes of differentwater-allocation options. The model will bepublicly released on CDROM (with a User’sGuide) and in two versions — one for government/ corporate agencies and one for landowners.

ReferencesKnighton, A.D. & Nanson, G.C.

1994, Flow transmission alongan arid zone anastomosing river,Cooper Creek, Australia.Hydrological Processes, vol. 8, pp. 137–54.

Morton, S.R., Doherty, M.D. &Barker, R.D. 1995, NaturalHeritage Values of the Lake EyreBasin in South Australia WorldHeritage Assessment, CSIROreport for Department ofEnvironment, Sport andTerritories, Canberra.

Puckridge, J.T., Sheldon, F., Walker,K.F. & Boulton A.J. 1998, Flow variability and the ecologyof large rivers. Marine andFreshwater Research, vol. 49, pp. 55–72.

Puckridge, J.T., Costelloe, J.F. &Walker, K.F. 1999, DRY/WET:Effects of changed water regimeon the fauna of arid zonewetlands, Environment Australiaand Land and Water ResourcesResearch & DevelopmentCorporation, Canberra.

Walker, K.F., Sheldon, S. & Puckridge J.T. 1995, A perspective on dryland riverecosystems, Regulated Rivers:Research and Management, vol. 11, pp. 85–104.

Walker, K.F., Puckridge, J.T. &Blanche, S.J. 1997, Irrigationdevelopment on Cooper Creek,central Australia — prospects for a regulated economy in a boom-and-bust ecology. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, vol. 7, pp. 218–29.

Beyond the lifespan of ARIDFLOthere are two clear issues. First, it isessential that there is improved,ongoing collection of basic waterquality and hydrologic data on allmajor rivers of the Lake Eyre Basin.Results of ARIDFLO will be able toidentify river reaches where such datacollection would be particularlybeneficial. Secondly, if the communityis to get value for money frominvesting in research it is importantthat the results of research are usedin decision-making. This is morelikely to happen when all keystakeholders have been consulted onthe research, as they have been in thecase of ARIDFLO.

ARIDFLO — Environmental flow requirements for Australian arid zone riversA channel downstream of Stewartwaterhole on the Neales River. Photo by Peter Hudson.

Page 16: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

Who will attend?The conference is expected to attract peoplefrom catchment groups, academia, river-reliant industries and all levels of governmentacross the country as well as internationally.Held every two years, the conference encour-ages scientists and practitioners to share theirfindings with a broad audience of researchers,educators, policy makers, regulators, advisors,community facilitators and stream users.Thefocus is on credible science and practicallearnings in the fields of ecology, hydrology,geomorphology and socio-economics.

About the programThe theme of the conference is The Value ofHealthy Streams, providing a focus on thetechnical aspects of the following majorthemes:~ Ecosystem service~ Hydrological connectivity~ Bio-physical integration~ Tools and techniques

Other associated eventsThe conference will be held in conjunctionwith the Brisbane RiverSymposium over29–31 August, an annual event focused onsocial aspects of river management. The two events will be complementary, with theconference focused on the pure and appliedscience aspects of stream management,and the symposium focused on institutionaland investment aspects. A common day,Wednesday 29 August, will link the two eventsand form a bridge for the change in themes.

The conference will also be associatedwith the Third Australian Fishways TechnicalWorkshop to be held on 30–31 August. Theworkshop will address issues related to thedesign and operation of fishways to providefish passage over stream barriers such asweirs and barrages.

Considering submitting a paper or poster?Have you done something relevant to the confer-ence themes recently, or do you have any viewson these key subjects? If so, why not contribute aposter or paper to the conference? Please send tothe Conference Convenor an abstract of whatyou would like to contribute. Abstracts must beless than 250 words in length. Based on theseabstracts, the conference committee will inviteauthors to submit a full paper, either for oralpresentation at the conference or to support aposter presentation at the conference. Selectionwill be based on the technical relevance of theabstract to one of the four key topics. Thenumber of oral and poster presentations will be limited by available time and space at theconference so authors are urged to demonstrate how their paper will contribute to one of the four major themes. Also, while papers based oncase studies are welcomed, authors need toemphasise in their paper the key technical lessonsthat can be learned from their experience.

Requirements for full papers and posters willbe advised at time of invitation. All invited paperswill be fully refereed and will be published in theconference proceedings. At least one author ofeach paper and poster is expected to be presentat the conference. Papers presented at the confer-ence will be 15 minutes in length, with 5 minutesfor questions. Posters will be on display for thefull length of the conference and a special sessionwill be dedicated for viewing posters and discussion with their authors. Novel forms ofpresentation are encouraged, for example videos,GIS systems, etc.

What by when? Deadlines for authorsReceipt of abstracts 29 JanuaryInvitation to submit full paper 26 FebruaryReceipt of draft paper 23 AprilReceipt of final paper 25 JuneReceipt of poster 20 AugustPresentation of paper/poster 27–28 August


THE VA UE of Healthy StreamsThe Third Australian Stream Management Conference

Please note: Papers regarding cultural, institutional and investment aspects of stream management should be directed to the RiverSymposium.

For furtherinformation

For any issues, queries, orsuggestions, please contact the conference convenorMr John AmprimoDepartment of Natural ResourcesGPO Box 2454Brisbane QLD 4001Tel: (07) 3224 7668 Fax: (07) 3224 8359E-mail:stream.conference@dnr.


Further details will also be published regularly on the Third Australian Stream ManagementConference website atwww.catchment.crc.org.au/


27–29 August 2001 Brisbanel

Page 17: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature


The Thiess Services $100 000 International and National $25 000 Riverprize acknowledgesoutstanding achievement in river management —both in Australia and anywhere in the world.TheRiverprize is awarded each year as part of theInternational Riversymposium during Brisbane’sRiverfestival.

Who should enter?If you are involved in river management or havecontributed to successful river managementinitiatives, you are invited to nominate for theprestigious Thiess Services International andNational Riverprize.

What is Riverprize?Riverprize represents a serious commitment toimproving river management and will beawarded as part of the Fourth International RiverManagement Symposium in Brisbane from29–31 August 2001. Riverprize showcases theworld’s best practice in river management andgives river managers an opportunity to examineand adopt more effective management practices.

How is it judged?Riverprize is judged by an international panelcomprising key river management figures andrepresentatives of national and internationalorganisations.The primary judging criteria is theability to demonstrate progress and achievementsin effecting real river management outcomes.

How do I enter?Simply download the Riverprize nominationform from www.riverfestival.com.au and forwardyour submission to Riverfestival RiverprizeNomination, PO Box 5696,West End Qld 4101.

When do nominations close?Nominations for Riverprize close 20 April 2001.

DatesThe Riversymposium is part of Riverfestival —Australia’s major international river and watercelebration. The 2001 Riversymposium will beconducted in association with the AustralianStream Management Conference 27–29 August.

For further information about Riverprize and the Fourth Internation River Management Symposium

Riversymposium Organiser,Tel: (07) 3846 7444 Fax: (07) 3846 7660 Email [email protected] or visit our web site:www.riverfestival.com.au

Right: 2000 Riverprize award. Below left: Riversymposium conference.Below right: Peter Krause, Chairman Grand River Conservation Authority,Canada accepting 2000 Riverprize from Jim Soorley, Lord Mayor Brisbane andMartin Albrecht, Managing Director Theiss Services.

INVI ATION to nominate for 2001Thiess Services International and National Riverprize

29–31 August 2001 Brisbanet

Land & Water Australia is one of the main sponsors of the National Riverprize award.

Page 18: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

IntroductionLarge floodplain ecosystems are a feature ofAustralia’s dryland rivers and generally containextensive wetlands.There are 744 of these flood-plain ecosystems listed in Australia as ‘important’,but only 263 of these are located in drylandregions. However, a glance at any map ofAustralia would suggest these numbers to be anunderestimate. Floodplains are a vital part of any riverine ecosystem because their biota rely on them for refuge, breeding and replenishmentof food resources. Floodplains are associated witha wide range of river types. In the drier regions ofthe country they are found adjacent to sinuousanabranching or distributary systems — thoserivers that carry flow in more than one channel.Because of this, and the complex geomorphichistory of these rivers, they contain a diversearray of physical habitats, including anabranches,floodplain backwaters, cutoffs, shallow floodwaysand flat plains. Floodplains are, therefore, areas ofhigh biophysical diversity.

Floodplains are also sensitive to humandisturbance. The character of many floodplainshas been altered since European settlement bylarge-scale development and the loss of hydro-logical connectivity caused by flow regulationand the construction of levees.This is especiallyevident in many areas of the Murray-DarlingBasin. In the Barwon-Darling, for example,approximately 23.9 million megalitres of wateris stored in large dams — water that was origi-nally important for the inundation of flood-plains. Furthermore, water extractions for avariety of purposes can influence the hydrologyof river systems.Water diversions are equivalentto over 60% of the natural flow at Menindee on the lower Darling River. Large areas ofproductive floodplains are now isolated from theriver channel because of the construction oflevees. There are over 10 000 km of floodplainlevees in the New South Wales section of theMurray Darling Basin alone. As a result, thehealth of many floodplains has declined andthere are concerns over the management ofthese important ecosystems.

Our understanding of the biophysicalprocesses in these large complex systems is,however, relatively limited. In this article wedescribe the character of a large floodplain

By Martin Thoms, Ralph Ogden, Neil Sims,Heather McGinness andJohn Foster

ecosystem, along with the consequences ofaltering its natural processes, functions, andconnectivity.

Ecosystem processes in the lower Balonne floodplainThe lower Balonne floodplain straddles the NewSouth Wales and Queensland border downstreamof St George (Figure 1). This large floodplaincovers an area of approximately 19,880 km2 andis typical of the many floodplains in the Murray-Darling Basin. Its integrity is maintained byhydrological connections between the floodplainand river channels of the region. This floodplainis fed with water, sediments and nutrients fromthe Condamine-Balonne catchment — whichcomprises 14 per cent of the Murray DarlingBasin. Hydrological variability is a feature of thissystem, which is influenced by climatic conditionssuch as El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)events. This is evident because flows in theCondamine-Balonne correlate significantly withthe Southern Oscillation Index (SOI).The long-term hydrograph of the Condamine Balonne ishighly variable, with a large proportion of averageflows occurring in very wet years and duringmajor floods. Indeed, the coefficient of variation(CV) for flows in the Condamine-Balonne rangesfrom 1.35 to 2.78 , which is comparable to otherdryland systems worldwide.

Associated with this highly variable flowregime is a dynamic wetting and drying cycle ofthe adjacent floodplain surface.The wetting anddrying regime of floodplains is recognised as an


UN ERST NDING large floodplain ecosystemsd a



Barwon River Walgett

Lightning Ridge


Briarie R





Lake Narran


n Rive


Birrie R

iverCulgoa River




Q L DN S WAngledool

St George

Beardmore Dam






e River

Bow Creek

Burbar Creek Weilmoringle

Maranoa River0 50 100 km

Figure 1: The Lower Balonne floodplain complex

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important factor in determining the distributionand structure of plants and animals, as well ascontrolling the exchange of nutrients and carbonbetween river channels and floodplains.

Remotely sensed images have enabled theinvestigation of large scale flooding patterns in the Lower Balonne floodplain. Landsat TM is an earth resources remote sensing satellite thatmeasures the strength of sunlight that reflects offland surfaces. A series of remotely sensed imageshas been used to investigate the relationshipbetween floods of different sizes and the extent of floodplain inundation (Figure 2). Using theseimages a detailed flooding map has beenconstructed for the Lower Balonne, that highlightsthe main flow paths across the floodplain and theareas most susceptible to inundation.

The distribution of floodwater stronglyinfluences the distribution of floodplain vegeta-tion communities across the lower Balonnefloodplain. There are five main vegetationcommunities in the lower Balonne that tend tovary across the floodplain in response to distancefrom individual watercourses, and along thefloodplain in response to how the region isflooded. Coolibah (Eucalyptus microtheca) andRiver Red Gum (E. camaldulensis) are locatedadjacent to watercourses, while lignum(Muehlenbeckia cunninghamii) and nutgrass(Cyperus bifax) can be found in areas of moder-ately high inundation frequency. Areas that arenot watered as often (that is, that have a lowinundation frequency) are dominated by openand dry grassland types, particularly Neverfail

(Eragrostis setifolia), Lovegrasses (Eragrostis spp),Buffle Grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) and chenopods.The distribution of the various vegetationcommunities resembles a patch work quilt, witheach patch having its own story of watering,supply of nutrients and how it came to be.

The landscape of the Lower Balonne flood-plain is old. Approximately 65 million years ago,subtle movements in the earth’s crust in centralNew South Wales and southern Queenslandcreated a large depression downstream ofSt George. Into this, sediments and nutrientsfrom the upper Condamine and Maranoa catch-ments were deposited. Over time, the area hasexperienced marked climatic changes resulting in a complex sequence of sediment deposition.As a result, the modern floodplain landscape is also complex (Figure 3). Downstream ofSt George, the Condamine Balonne River dividesinto six individual river channels; the Ballandool,Balonne Minor, Bokhara, Briarie, Culgoa, and


UN ERST NDING large floodplain ecosystemsd aE1

47• 30




• 30'




0 25 50 km 0 25

58 821 Ml/d 160 512 Ml/d

50 km





• 30'



• 30'


Figure 2: Remotely sensed images showing the area of floodplain inundated with various discharges.

For furtherinformation

Associate Professor Martin ThomsCRC for Freshwater EcologyUniversity of CanberraACT 2601Tel: (02) 6201 2933 Fax: (02) 6201 [email protected]

Figure 3: The complexity of theLower Balonne region. These aerialphotographs show the various landforms in this floodplain complex.

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Narran. Each of these systems are different intheir size, character, and how they convey wateronto their adjacent floodplains. Indeed, thepresent floodplain ecosystem is comprised of acomplex mosaic of different morphological units.

Recognition of the complexity of floodplainsurfaces is important. Individual morphologicalunits such as levees, billabongs and anabranchchannels, have a unique set of physical, chemicaland biological characteristics. Nutrients andcarbon stored in floodplain soil are important fora range of biological activities. Our studies haveshown that there are important differences in the content, or store, of nutrients and carbon in the different floodplain morphological units.On average, there is relatively more carbon in the morphological units closer to river channelscompared to those at distance. These differentmorphological units also release nutrients andcarbon at different rates during flooding(Figure 4). Importantly, morphological unitslocated in the riparian zone or those associatedwith other anabranch channels, are relativelymore reactive in terms of the release of nutrientsand carbon in comparison to other floodplainmorphological units.

Floodplains have been described as flatfeatureless tracts of land adjacent to riverchannels that are wet every now and then. Thisstudy of the lower Balonne would suggest other-wise. Regular inundation is important for therelease of nutrients and carbon from floodplainsoils and from any plant material that may be present on the surface. There is a pulse ofnutrients and readily bioavailable carbon duringflooding and this can cause a rapid increase ofmicrobial activity and nutrient cycling processesthat result in a highly fertile and productivesystem. Our studies suggest there are areas offloodplain that are relatively more productivethat others — areas that, as a result, may requirea higher management priority than others.

Ecosystem changes in the lower BalonneFloodplain ecosystems like the lower Balonnehave been subjected to the loss of hydrologicalconnectivity as a result of water resource andlarge scale land development. Similarly, flows in the Condamine Balonne system have beenmodified by large-scale water abstractions forirrigation. A comparison of simulated (Integrated

Abstractions upstream of St George, combined with continuedharvesting of water from the from the Lower Balonne floodplain, have thepotential to significantly influence the long term ecological sustainabilityof the lower Balonne floodplain. Using a series of remote sensing imagesthat date back over 15 years, the longer term vegetation response toinundation in the lower Balonne has been investigated. This has demon-strated that the vigour of floodplain vegetation increases dramaticallyduring a 5 to 40 day period following a flood. However, between 1985 and1999 there has been a slight but significant decline in the medianNormalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), a commonly used indexof vegetation vigour, for the entire lower Balonne floodplain.This resultedfrom increased water stress associated with significant water resource andfloodplain development in the region. Indeed, some floodplain regionsexperienced marked changes in NDVI, with noticeable declines since 1993.

Quantity Quality Model data from the Queensland Department of NaturalResources) ‘natural’ and ‘current’ flow data illustrates the changed flowregime of the Condamine Balonne (Table 1). Median flows at St Georgehave been reduced by nearly 30 % and there have been flow reductions overa range of flow magnitudes.These results are consistent with the impact ofwater resource development in other catchments of the Barwon-Darling.Between 1988 and 1994, there was a 32% increase in the amount of flowdiverted from the upper Darling system.

Table 1: Hydrological change in the Condamine Balonne system at St George.


UN ERST NDING large floodplain ecosystemsd aNear channel environment


In-channel environmentSecondary channelsDistal environment




Flat plain


Flood runner



OxbowLevee Bank

Figure 4: The storage and release of carbon between different geomorphic units of the Lower Balonne River Floodplain.Boxes are proportional to total carbon storage in surface sediments (%) and the arrows are proportional to dissolvedorganic carbon concentrations detected in overlying water after 24 hours of inundation (ppm).

Simulated flow data (IQQM) are given for the 1900–98 period.

Natural Current % change

Median annual (ML) 976 997 688 457 – 29.53%

1.5 ARI (MLD) 31 813 16 672 – 47.59%

2 ARI (MLD) 56 287 43 879 – 22.04%

5 ARI (MLD) 123 663 118 268 – 4.63%

10 ARI (MLD) 183 788 166 832 – 9.22%

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There has also been a substantial loss ofnatural surfaces in the Lower Balonne floodplain(Table 2). This can have a significant influenceon the transfer of carbon and nutrients betweenthe floodplain and its river channel. In the lowerBalonne, it has been calculated that reductions of up to 98 per cent in the potential supply ofdissolved organic carbon from the lower Balonnefloodplain during some flood events, haveoccurred.

Table 2: Floodplain development in the Condamine Balonne downstream ofSt George.

~ The texture and geochemistry of sediments has also changed,suggesting a different upstream source of sediments. It is pertinent tonote that some of the sediment cores have high salinity levels. Meansalinity values range from 0.17 to 1.56 mS. Plant growth can be inhibited by high soil salinity. Levels of 0.6 mS can affect growth whilelevels >1.8 mS are detrimental to sensitive crops while levels >7.7 mSare detrimental to tolerant crops such as cotton. In parts of the LowerBalonne floodplain salinity levels are high (5.9 mS) at relatively shallowdepths (~1m) and are detrimental to plant growth.

Summary Australian floodplain ecosystems have a relatively short history ofEuropean occupation and development — impacts are generally less than200 years old. Despite this, severe environmental degradation is evident inmany places. Understanding the natural and modified response behaviourof these ecosystems is paramount for improved management.

It is important to recognise that river-floodplain ecosystems respondto disturbance over a range of levels — from organism-level responses,through population and community changes and, finally, ecosystem-levelchange. Observed responses will, therefore, depend on the organism, groupof organisms or ecosystem in question. Additionally, there will be a lag timebefore an ecosystem response can be detected in floodplains, and the extentof this lag time will depend on the ecosystem level in question. For manyof the more familiar organisms (fish, riparian trees), there would be aconsiderable lag time, with recent water resource and floodplain develop-ment taking decades to detect.

Floodplains are important ecotones between the land and waterboundary that regulate interactions in riverine systems. Active manage-ment and restoration of these ecotones is a priority in many areas and hasbeen the focus of recent research. Effective floodplain managementrequires an integrated approach in which both land and water issues areconsidered.


Sediments deposited in floodplains are indicativeof the environment in which they were laiddown.They provide historical records of materialtransported from the upstream catchment and ofbiota living within the floodplain river system.The physical, chemical and biological characterof these sediments can be used to reconstruct thecondition of floodplain rivers before and afterthe advent of human activities.

Sediments contained in cores extracted from the Lower Balonne floodplain systemreveal how this floodplain has functioned overthe last 1000 years and how it has changed inrecent years. Figure 5 shows a typical sedimentcore extracted from the Lower Balonne flood-plain. The stratigraphy (the study of the orderand relative position of layers of sediments) ofthe sediment cores highlights a marked changein the nature of sediments being deposited in theLower Balonne approximately 60–80 years ago.

The sediment core shows us that, prior toEuropean settlement, the Lower Balonnereceived pulsed inputs of sediment, nutrients andcarbon — a characteristic of dryland ecosystems.However, since European occupation thefollowing has occurred.~ Rates of sedimentation have increased by an

order of magnitude (1.63 to 11.06 cm year–1).Large quantities of sediment accumulate inflood plain areas because of increases insediment supply resulting from upstreamland use changes.

Presence, not layer of lense



Carbonate particles

Gravel particles

Organic material

Mud balls


Sandy mud

Muddy sand


Pre European sedimentsRegular fining upwards cycles

Post European sedimentsChaotic sedimentation

UN ERST NDING large floodplain ecosystemsd a

Figure 5: The stratigraphy of a sediment core extracted from the LowerBalonne. The Pre and Post European sedimentation periods are indicated.

1988 1999

Cropped area (ha) 4 300 38 650

Dam storage capacity (ML) 54 750 592 500

Dam surface area (ha) 1 825 19 750

Total area (ha) 6 125 58 400

Page 22: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

I have just done a stocktake of RiparianProgram products and can make availableto you the following publications. Many areavailable in multiple copies for you to useas workshop materials, for your catchmentgroup or just because you missed out!

FREERipRapEdition 10: Streambank stabilityEdition 12: Managing the riparian zone

within a total farm systemEdition 13: Benefiting from overseas

knowledge and experienceEdition 14: Managing and rehabilitating

riparian vegetationEdition 15: Seeing is believing: the value of

demonstration sites (only 20 left!)Edition 16: Managing snags and Large Woody DebrisEdition 17: Monitoring and evaluation

FREERiparian Management Fact Sheets Fact Sheet 1: Managing riparian landsFact Sheet 2: Streambank stabilityFact Sheet 6: Managing stockFact Sheet 7: Managing snags in rivers

FREERiver Restoration Video — an introductionCovers a Bob Newbury training course, run in Australia afew years ago, and outlines a planning process for riverrestoration.

If you would like copies of any of the above please send an email [email protected] or send us youraddress details and information aboutwhich of the products you would like to:Riparian Lands R&D ProgramGPO Box 2182, Canberra ACT 2601Tel: (02) 6257 3379 Fax: (02) 6257 3420

RPP RCLEARANCE!!i e USE UL riparian management tools

These publications are available from the AFFA Shopfront. Toll free: 1800 020 157

Riparian Land Management Technical Guidelines ($25 plus P&H)Volume 1: Principles of sound management. Volume 2: On-ground management tools and techniquesLovett, S. & Price, P. (eds) 1999 ISBN: 0 642 26775 8Australia’s top scientists have come together to producea two volume set based on the findings of five years ofresearch undertaken through Land & Water Australia’sRiparian Lands Program. Volume 1 provides infor-mation about the physical and ecological processescharacteristic of riparian lands, with Volume 2 providing seven guidelines covering topics that range from the control of nuisanceaquatic plants to managing riparian land for terrestrial wildlife.

A Rehabilitation Manual for Australian Streams ($25 plus P&H)Volume 1: Concepts and planning. Volume 2: Rehabilitation toolsRutherfurd, I., Jerie, K. & Marsh, N. 2000This manual is designed to help those professionalmanagers who are accepting the challenge of rehabili-tating the physical and biological condition of Australianstreams. It is based on an evolving set of ideas andcontains gaps in our knowledge that need to be filledand it is hoped that the manual will grow and maturealong with the infant stream rehabilitation industry.Also available on the web at www.rivers.gov.au and www.lwa.gov.au

Stream Stabilisation for Rehabilitation in NE Queensland ($25 plus P&H)Kapitzke, I. et al. 1998 ISBN: 0 642 267189This manual identifies some of the primary problemsand causes of river degradation as well as treatmentsand management techniques. It recognises that thesustainable use of streams depends on a range offactors such as geology, hydrology, climate, ecology,sociology, culture and economics.As well, a free brochure accompanies the manual

THE PRO UCTS continue!!Several Demonstration and Evaluation of Riparian Restoration Final Reportsand Associated Publications can now be accessed via the Web!

The Reports cover work undertaken in the: Clarence Catchment,NSW; Bega Valley Catchment, NSW; Johnstone River Catchment, Qld;Regeneration and Recruitment of Native Riparian Species,Tas; and LargeWoody Debris in Sandy River Systems,WA.

Each of the final reports has an easy to read introduction, with thereport’s contents broken up into sections that are easy to download inportable document format. In addition to the final reports, are informationproducts arising from the demonstration projects: Repairing FarmWaterways: Blackwood Stories (see It’s a Wrap WA for details); Myth Busters(Bega Valley); Riparian Restoration Case Studies (Bega Valley)

Full details of where you can get a hard copy of these publications is also provided,so go ahead and check them out at www.rivers.gov.au under the publications menu!




Page 23: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

Tasmania has recently established a RivercareTechnical Extension team to provide experttechnical advice on river management andrehabilitation to groups developing Rivercareplans and conducting on-stream works. Theteam is jointly funded by the State and theNatural Heritage Trust (NHT), and represents asignificant leap forward in river managementwithin Tasmania. In the past, Tasmania hasgenerally struggled to adequately resource suchprograms, and this now provides a great oppor-tunity to improve the way in which rivers aremanaged.

The team brings together a diverse range ofskills including vegetation management (nativeand introduced), aquatic and riparian ecology,engineering, geomorphology and Rivercareplanning. The mix of the team reflects the needto approach river management in a holisticfashion, recognising that rivers are complex,integrated systems.

The Rivercare team will provide support togroups in a number of ways, with planning anintegral part of the program. The team will workwith groups and/or their consultants to developplans that reflect both the needs of the groups andtheir river. The aim is to provide a catchmentperspective that will enable groups to use theplans over a 5–10 year period.The Rivercare teamwill also provide direct support to groups under-taking works on streams, for example, willow andother weed removal, stabilising channels, revege-tation and stock control.The team will also focuson protecting areas that are in good condition andrestoring in-stream and riparian fauna habitat.Another important aspect of Tasmania’s Rivercareprogram is putting in place suitable managementand maintenance arrangements for life beyondNHT. The Rivercare team is working with the

groups and local government to help establishsuch arrangements.

The team is based in Hobart and Launcestonwithin the Department of Primary Industry,Water and the Environment’s Land and WaterManagement Branch. The Inland FisheriesService also has a fisheries extension officer whoworks closely with the team. Staff include:~ Team leader: Michael Askey-Doran

(Hobart)~ Ecologist: Peter Cale (Hobart)~ Revegetation/weeds officer: Michael Noble

(Launceston)~ Engineer: David Klye (Launceston)~ Geomorphologists: Guy Lampert

(Launceston) and Sharon Cunial (Hobart)~ Inland Fisheries Extension Officer:

Dave Jarvis (Hobart)

To contact the Tasmanian Rivercare team

Michael Askey-Doran Coordinator – Rivercare Technical extension teamLand and Water Management BranchDepartment of Primary Industry, Water and the EnvironmentGPO Box 192B, Hobart TAS 7001Tel: (03) 6233 6168Fax: (03) 6224 3477Email: [email protected]


It’s a RAPwNews from around Australia’s States and Territories

asmania by Michael Askey-DoranTRivercare support in Tasmania

Where’s the river gone? TheTasmanian Rivercare Team at work.

Page 24: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

The Murray River Frontage Action Plans Projectis a fantastic opportunity for everyone who uses,enjoys or lives near the Murray River to improvethe condition of frontages, for the benefit ofpresent and future generations. Frontagemanagement is everyone’s responsibility, as theentire community benefits from a healthy riversystem.

The Murray River Frontage Action PlansProject provides an opportunity for the Malleecommunity to give something back to theMurray River. The Project, set to spend1.4 million dollars over the next three years,will see the Mallee Catchment ManagementAuthority (CMA) link with Crown WaterFrontage License-holders, natural resourcemanagement organisations and the wider Mallee community, in a drive to protect andenhance the valuable Murray River Frontage.

The concept behind the Frontage ActionPlans resulted from outcomes of the Review ofCrown Water Frontages conducted by the MalleeCMA in early 1999. The Review involved extensive community consultation, includingpublic meetings at Sea Lake, Boundary Bend,Mildura and Cowra Station. It was discoveredthat management of Crown Water FrontageLicenses could not be accomplished in isolationfrom the rest of the frontage. Through commu-

Figure 1: The Crown Water frontage “melting pot”

nity input, the idea of Frontage Action Plans wasput forward to address outcomes of the Reviewand the Draft Mallee Waterway and FloodplainManagement Strategies. The task was to take allvalues, uses, user groups and threats on thefrontage and develop a simple and effectivemanagement system, see Figure 1.

The Project will see the development ofFrontage Action Plans for three sections of the Murray River, from Nyah to Robinvale,Robinvale to Merbein and Merbein to the SouthAustralian Border. Development of the plans isbeing driven by the Mallee CMA through acommittee comprising license-holder represen-tation, Mallee CMA, Natural Resources andEnvironment (NRE), Parks Victoria, Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Centre, MilduraRural City Council, Swan Hill Rural CityCouncil, NSW Department of Land and WaterConservation, Sunraysia Rural Water Authorityand the North West Region Aboriginal CulturalHeritage Program.

Implementation of each Frontage ActionPlan will be accompanied by the establishmentof a range of demonstration sites. Communityinput and support has been essential for theconsultation process for the Review of CrownWater Frontages and will continue to be essen-tial to the success of the Murray River Frontage


Plans to improve national treasure

ictoria by Arron WoodV


WeedsPest animalsGrazingOver useSalinityErosion etc


Very poorPoorModerateGoodExcellentTenure

LicencedUnlicencedForest ServicesParks VictoriaCommittees ofmanagementPrivate land





Licenced CWFs

Subset of all frontagesLicenced for grazingConditions on useRecreation permitted (no camping)


Land VictoriaParks VictoriaForest ServicesCAWMallee CMALocal government Water authoritiesLandholdersNSW DLWC

Adjacent land use

Grazing CroppingIrrigated pasture HorticultureVineyards RecreationPark or reserve ForestTown












Page 25: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

Action Plans. Interested land managers andcommunity representatives in each area havebeen invited to join one of three working groups,for the three sections of the Murray River.In addition, there will be plenty of opportunityto be involved through activities including sitevisits to particular frontages, workshops todiscuss issues and solutions and public meetingsto discuss draft Plans.

The Murray is one of the only rivers world-wide that retains unimpeded access along thelength of frontage located on the Victorian side.This frontage supports irrigation infrastructure,high recreation use, some grazing, biodiversityvalues and significant Aboriginal and Europeancultural values and sites of significance.

The planning process is due for completionin early January 2001 and will involve three community working groups for the threesections of the Murray River. Outcomes of thePlans may include upgrade of visitor facilities,track ripping, revegetation and an incentiveprogram for license holders. It should be recog-nised that many license-holders have done agood job in protecting sections of the frontage,and now it is time for the rest of the Malleecommunity to do their bit.

Once Plans for the Murray are complete, it isanticipated that a similar process will be used forthe Southern Creeks located in the Mallee Region.These include sections of the Lalbert, Tyrrell,Yarriambiak, Dunmunkle and Outlet Creeks.

In future it is likely that this process will beadopted by other Catchment ManagementAuthorities with Murray River Frontage. It is theultimate goal of the project to have a consistentprocess for the entire length of the Murrayfrontage (southern bank only) located in Victoria.

For further information

Arron WoodWaterway/Floodplain ManagerMallee Catchment Management Authority253 Eleventh StreetMildura VIC 3500Tel: (03) 5022 4373 Fax: (03: 5022 4379Email [email protected]


Land and Water Australia has identified eight good reasons tomanage water frontages effectively. Reasons include; decreasederosion, greater bank stability; improved water quality, reducedalgal growth; healthier land and water ecosystems; better stockmanagement; increased capital values of properties; shade andshelter for livestock; lowered water tables, and; increased fish stocks.In short, good frontage management means a healthy and productiveMallee Region, both for us, our kids, downstream residents and allthose people who travel to enjoy what the region has to offer.

The many values of the Murray frontage. Access management is an integral component of the project.

ACCV crew tree planting and track ripping as part of the Murray River Frontage Actions Plans Project. This site has beenfunded to the value of $37 000 to raise the profile during Plan development.

Page 26: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

The Queensland section of the Murray-Darling Basin has a large catchment area of approximately260 000 km2. There are four major river catchments; the Condamine (24 500 km2), Border Rivers(38 500 km2), Maranoa Balonne (64 000 km2) and the Warrego Paroo (130 500 km2). The riverinestyles are diverse, ranging from high mountainous rainforest streams along the Great Dividing Rangein the east, to the braided streams, expansive floodplains and wetlands near the NSW Border in the west.

RiverReach ‘Implementing Sustainable Riverine Managementin the Queensland section of the Murray-DarlingBasin’ is a project jointly funded by the NaturalHeritage Trust and the Queensland Government.The project is popularly known as ‘RiverReach’,and has a time frame of June 1998 to September2001. At the start, the project faced a number ofchallenges, namely, the low level of communityskills and understanding about riverine manage-ment; limited information and understanding ofriverine condition and trend; prior river manage-ment intervention impacts; rural populations thatare small and highly dispersed; the logistics ofproject delivery; and, poor knowledge of inlandriverine management techniques.

To overcome these challenges, initial projectplanning identified three broad areas of invest-ment:1. increased education and awareness

of riverine management issues;2. promotion of community based

on-ground works; and3. the development of strategic riverine

management plans.

Education and awarenessCommunity education and awareness raisingabout the issues associated with riverine manage-ment has been a central goal of RiverReach.Thishas occurred through a range of activities, forexample, the provision of extension material,riverine planning workshops, field inspectionsand evaluations, skills enhancement throughcommunity involvement in project development,and demonstration works.

In addition, through RiverReach, technicalstaff have developed a river planning workshopmodule to facilitate delivery of educationalmaterial and to complement the process of project

proposal development. The workshops arecoupled with field inspections and enable localunderstanding and demonstration of riverinephysical and ecological processes.The workshopsalso enable management practices to be examinedin the light of theoretical application.

On-ground worksIn order to undertake community basedon-ground works, RiverReach advertised widelythroughout the catchments for communitygroups to lodge Expressions of Interest (EOI) inriverine projects. Subsequently, over 220 organ-isations from 16 groupings including catchmentmanagement, landcare, water users such asagricultural producers, local government, RiverTrust, conservation, indigenous and educationalgroups were approached individually, as well as through newsletters and the printed press toregister interest in planning riverine manage-ment projects.


ueensland by Charles EllwayQRiverReach — Implementing sustainable riverine management in the Queensland section of the Murray-Darling Basin

RiverReach on-ground works. Remote area watering system for seedling revegetation for the Moama Station revegetationproject, north of Eulo and on Cookara Creek, tributary of the Paroo River. Generally revegetation is encouraged in semi-aridareas, however, in this situation revegetation will assist stabilisation of the creek bank, retard avulsion formation and reducewaterhole sedimentation.

For furtherinformation

Charles EllwayRiverReachDepartment of Natural ResourcesPO Box 2Warwick QLD 4370Tel: (07) 4661 0229 Fax: (07) 4661 5215 Email:[email protected]

Page 27: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

66 EOIs were received, and they covered abroad range of community organisations, themes,scales and scope. In all, 25 EOIs were receivedfrom Landcare or catchment groups, 11 fromShire Councils, 14 from individuals and 16 fromcommunity groups. The scope of proposalssubmitted encompassed urban and rural streamreaches and ranged widely from access to extension workshops, to catchment scale rivermanagement plans.

Proposals received during the calls wereassessed and evaluated by the ProjectManagement Committee and approvals weregained for 28 project proposals. Successfulproposals included works involving riparianbuffer strip stock management fencing,nuisance vegetation management, revegetation,provision of off-stream watering points andslump rehabilitation.

PlanningThroughout the catchments there are numerousnatural resource strategic management plans,however, there is a dearth of information onriverine systems in the Basin. Accordingly,RiverReach is contributing to a number ofplanning initiatives including the State of theRivers Survey and Report for the Maranoa /


RiverReach Planning. Recentlyformed avulsion on Redford Creek,which runs into the Maranoa Rivervia Billin Creek. The extent of theriver red gum root system is clearlyevident. The photo was taken duringthe State of the Rivers Survey of the Maranoa–Balonne LowerCondamine.

On-ground works. ‘Cup and saucer’ off-stream watering point associated withstock managment fencing project adjacent to the Condamine River at Warra.Project undertaken by the Brigalow–Jimbour Floodplains Group Inc.

Balonne / Lower Condamine (completed in 1999and currently in draft form) and the StrategicRiverine Enhancement Plan for the DumaresqRiver / Macintyre Brook and Tributaries.

It has become apparent from the uptake ofextension advice and materials during the past24 months that there is increasing communityawareness and a strong interest in extensionadvice on riverine management solutions in inlandregions. Greater community support can beachieved through the methods already outlined,however, the completion of on-ground works willinvigorate this interest within a wider community.

Future considerationsWhile there is a feeling that RiverReach isheaded in an appropriate direction, there are fundamental chunks of information that arerequired to achieve a fully integrated approachto riverine management. There is a need foron-going research into the state of our rivers toimprove our understanding of river systems.RiverReach is a community sponsored projectdirected at improving riverine managementthrough enhancing community activities andskills. As such, it is not funded to conduct the riverine research required to prioritisesubcatchments for riverine rehabilitation. Forexample, RiverReach cannot fund research intogeomorphological and ecological aspects ofstream reaches. This sort of information isrequired to ensure prioritisation processesprotect first, and rehabilitate second.

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Unfortunately, without a commitment toon-going funding, the current NHT initiative inthe Queensland section of the Basin will notrealise the longer-term outcomes so criticallyimportant to underpin sustainability in ourriverine environments. Indeed, there will besignificant unsatisfied expectations and demandsarising from the initial RiverReach projectshould the initiative not continue past the life ofRiverReach.

ConclusionThese are still early days in formulating anyresponse to the problems derived from manage-ment practices over the past 150 years over thislarge area of the Basin. Challenges are numerousand compounding, however, it is felt thatRiverReach is on the path to addressing manyoutstanding riverine management issues andproblems in the Basin, albeit on a preliminarybasis. There is an on-going need for riverinemanagement education and awareness activitiesas well as fundamental research into riverinesystems in the Queensland section of the Basin.

By John AmprimoThe Queensland Government recently passedthe Water Act 2000, the first major revision ofwater law in the State since 1989. The revisionwas largely driven by the Council of AustralianGovernment’s Water Reform agenda of improvedwater resource planning and higher water useefficiency. Features of the Act that relate toriverine health include:~ process and criteria for the development of

water resource plans, including settingenvironmental flow objectives;

~ formalisation of water resource plans assubordinate legislation to ‘lock in’ the rules;

~ allocation of river-related resources (waterand quarry material) within the principles ofecologically sustainable development. [Notethat the assessment of proposed works toaccess or take the allocated resource willbecome part of the State’s whole-of-govern-ment Integrated Development AssessmentSystem, allowing allocation and developmentissues to be clearly separated];

~ ability to allocate overland flow water andregulate works that divert overland flowwater in areas specified in a water resourceplan, to ensure sufficient proportions ofrunoff and flood water reach or return tostream systems;

~ process for setting and monitoring operatingrules for rural water service providers, suchas storage operation, irrigation water releases,etc; and

~ control of activities that threaten the physicalintegrity of riverine areas, such as destroyingnative vegetation, excavating, or placing fillwithin the bed and banks.

Some parts of the Act become effective in thelatter part of this year (for example, waterresource planning and the separation of stateirrigation assets into a corporatised body calledSunWater) with the balance being implementedby March 2001 (for example, water licensing,riverine quarry material approvals, etc).

continued on next page


ueensland continuedQ

RiverReach extension. Primary school students observing river processes in a school sandpit model at Clintonvale StateSchool. The school sandpit is a handy tool for demonstratng stream erosion and sedimentation processes.

New Water Law for Queensland

Page 29: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature


For furtherinformation

John AmprimoRiverine ManagementDepartment of Natural ResourcesGPO Box 2454Brisbane QLD 4001Tel: 07 3224 7668 Fax: 07 3224 8359Email:[email protected]

As reported in Issue 17 of RipRap, the ACT hasthe Riparian ACTion program that complementsthe Bidgee Banks project in NSW. RiparianACTion is an initiative of Environment ACT toconserve known remnant vegetation within theriparian zone along the Murrumbidgee River andits tributaries, and to ameliorate streambankerosion in the ACT.

At present, a total of $62 200 is available in devolved Natural Heritage Trust funding to land owners and managers to assist with fencing, materials, earthworks, tubestock, directseeding and so on.This funding is to be matchedby in-kind or monetary contributions by theapplicant.

Projects are being targeted for funding onthe basis of an assessment of local tributaries of

the Murrumbidgee River on the basis of channelcondition. This assessment has now produced apriority list of stream reaches for on-groundwork. A field extension officer has been engagedfor the project to approach the targetedlandholders about initiating riparian restorationprojects on the priority sites.

For further informationJohn FeintACT NHT CoordinatorEnvironment ACTPO Box 144Lyneham ACT 2602Tel: (02) 6207 5584Fax: (02) 6207 2244Email: [email protected]

ustralian apital erritory by John Feint A C TRiparian ACTion

The inclusion of water resources develop-ments into the Integrated DevelopmentAssessment System provides opportunity forother agencies (EPA, Fisheries Service) and localgovernment to provide direct input to the assess-ment and approval of proposals. Any agency orlocal government that has jurisdiction to controla type of development through an existingapproval process will have a power of veto overthe proposal, as well as the right to impose condi-tions if collective approval is given. This willresult in a more unified approach to develop-ment approval. In addition, the system providesfor third party appeals on impact-assessedproposals, giving communities and interestgroups an opportunity to input to the decisions.

There are no changes to riparian manage-ment powers in the new Act. Earlier riverineprotection provisions have been retained “as is”but will be reviewed over the next 12 months toensure they meet the State’s objectives efficientlyand effectively. Major issues requiring attentioninclude: obligations of riparian landholders tomanage their riverine lands; rights of riparianlandholders to use riverine lands for certainpurposes; suitability of riparian agro-forestry;clearer definition of a watercourse; control ofland-use impacts on stream condition and

ambient water quality; the use of streamimprovement works to constrain naturalprocesses; adjustments to land titles when streamboundaries move naturally; and, riparian vegeta-tion management (including weeds).

In parallel with this review, a Natural RiversPolicy will be developed to identify key riverinevalues that must be considered as part of anyfuture water resource planning process. TheQueensland Government is concerned aboutthe incremental loss of the State’s natural riverassets, as there is only a limited number ofstream systems that have not been significantlymodified by land use development or flowextraction, regulation or impoundment. Theseremaining systems are concentrated in the Gulfof Carpentaria and Cape York, with a few on theeastern coast and in the far west of the State.The new policy will facilitate an improvedunderstanding of the significance of thesenatural values, including ecosystem services andsocial enjoyment, and set some broad State-wideobjectives for the values. The natural valuesidentified for a particular system could be usedalong with other inputs, such as socio-economicvalues and local community expectations, tomake informed river development and manage-ment decisions.

Turn over for

more information on

Bidgee Banks

Page 30: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

Illalong Creek tributary. Micheal Grogan (land owner) andLori Gould (Bidgee Banks projectofficer) discussing possibilities for rehabilitation of gully.

Bidgee Banks is a two-year, closely targetedfinancial incentive scheme aimed at improvingthe health of the Murrumbidgee River and itstributaries in NSW. It is funded by the NaturalHeritage Trust through Murray-Darling 2001,and is managed by Greening Australia (ACTand SE Region). The project is also in partner-ship with the NSW Department of Land andWater Conservation (NSW DLWC).

BackgroundVarious research reports have highlighted anumber of issues in the Upper and MidMurrumbidgee Catchments. One of these issuesis gully and stream bank erosion, which is a keysource of nutrient and sediment deposits in theMurrumbidgee River and its tributaries; another,is the decline of native riparian vegetation. Inmost cases the two are closely related. Numerousstudies also recognise that bank stabilisation andthe rehabilitation and protection of riparianenvironments, are critical for improving waterquality, increasing biodiversity, providing habitatand improving aesthetic and capital values withinthe landscape.

ObjectivesThe Bidgee Banks project is targeting these issuesusing a devolved grant system in the Upper andMid Murrumbidgee Catchments. Funding isavailable to groups and individuals interested incontributing to the project. Major aims include:~ an increase in biodiversity of in-stream and

surrounding riparian environments, resultingin habitat for both aquatic and terrestrial lifeand more functional ecosystems;

~ a step towards improving water qualitythrough a reduction in sediment and nutrientinput; and,

~ an increase in the value of land and waterresources, along with the protection of infra-structure.

Funding and operationalA total of $680 500 is available for the Year 2000,stretched across the Upper and Mid Murrum-bidgee Catchments, and a further $670 000 isanticipated for the year 2001. Two coordinatorswere employed to implement the project — onebased in Wagga Wagga for the Mid Catchment,and one based in Canberra for the UpperCatchment. They are guided by a steeringcommittee with representatives from GreeningAustralia, NSW DLWC, and community repre-sentatives from the Upper and Mid Murrum-bidgee Catchments.

Bidgee Banks is open to all members of thecommunity whether they are individuals,businesses or community groups. Assistance canbe sought for fencing materials, tubestock, directseeding, earthworks, materials such as rock, andalternate stock watering points. Applicant contri-butions include some materials, labour and sitemaintenance after works are undertaken.

Prioritisation of sitesIn order to determine where funding is bestspent, a priority system of sub-catchments has been adapted from the ‘Stressed RiversAssessment Report’ (by Christoph Zierholz andJohn Scown, DLWC), based on erosion andconservation priorities. Under this blanket of sub-catchment priorities a number of other factors aretaken into account on a case by case basis.


ew outh ales by Lori GouldS WNBidgee Banks

Page 31: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

These factors include the return on invest-ment, upstream and downstream status, linkswith intact reaches and other natural valueswithin the landscape, placement in the sub-catchment, previous works undertaken, plans forthe future, interest from the community, andeducational, scientific and promotional values.This is all determined by site visits, maps andinterviews with applicants. A rapid assessmentapproach has been adopted in order to get workson-ground works underway quickly.

Monitoring and evaluationFormalised monitoring and evaluation ofon-ground works will be undertaken by theAustralian National University for the UpperCatchment, and Charles Sturt University,(Wagga Wagga Campus) for the Mid Catchment.A small amount of data will be collected fromeach site by the project coordinators also.

In addition to this, it is a requirement of theparticipants to take ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos ofthe site for a photo monitoring record. Sites willbe mapped on a GIS database, and will relate tothe photographs.

The project to dateOn ground works began at the end of April 2000and, to date, there has been interest throughoutthe Mid and Upper Catchments. There havebeen approximately 60 site visits, 30 applicationsapproved (many with work started already), and16 applications being waited upon.

Projects range in value from $150 to$19 000. One example, is a project on the upperpart of the Yass River where a 5 kilometre stretchof river across 5 properties is being rehabilitated.It will be fenced from stock, revegetated withnative species, undergo erosion works (a smallamount of rock armouring) and priority (midstream) willows will be controlled.

Another example, is the construction of awetland in the upper Jugiong catchment to helpminimise erosion by reducing the velocity of thewater. In addition, the creek will be fenced fromstock and remnant vegetation will be enhancedwith additional plantings. The wetland will befenced and planted with aquatic species.

These are two examples of approximately30 projects funded by the Bidgee Banks projectto date.

For furtherinformation

Lori GouldBidgee Banks Project OfficerGreening AustraliaPO Box 538,Jamison ACT 2614Tel: (02) 6253 3035Fax: (02) 6253 3145Email:[email protected]


Gundaroo Creek. Bidgee Banksfunding has been approved toprotect riparian vegetation fromstock grazing planned for the near future. Has been de-stocked for 5 years.

Page 32: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature


Dead and dying trees, bare salt scalds andstream-bed scouring may not look very nice butit doesn’t cost landholders money, at least not inthe short to medium term.

Not everything we do or invest in can beevaluated in cold hard cash, but that doesn’tmean they are not often valuable, even essential,to good land management.

The Blackwood Basin Group has beenworking with 11 farmers in the Blackwood Basinto demonstrate and evaluate riparian restorationtechniques. This Land & Water Australiasponsored project is demonstrating practicalmethods of rehabilitating three saline creek areasand assessing the costs and benefits of restora-tion on six other properties. The case studiescontained in the booklet present the results ofthree years of monitoring.

This booklet takes a look at the reasons,both financial and non-market for spending timeand money on restoring creeks and surroundingareas.

A study of landholder’s views about riparianzone management is also documented in thebooklet. Farmers from the middle BlackwoodBasin were surveyed to assess attitudes toriparian management, and to gain a general viewof the past and present condition of the riverenvironment.

The 11 farmers involved in the projectdecided to do something about the degradedconditions of their own creeklines and riverfrontage. With financial assistance from Land &Water Australia, they each planned and carriedout their own restoration activities includingfencing, revegetation and trialing various sitepreparation techniques. The Blackwood BasinGroup has monitored the results of these restora-tion activities since 1995 and economists fromAgriculture Western Australia evaluated thefinancial costs and benefits of the restorationwork.

The farmers were motivated by a range ofreasons for revegetating their creeklines andriverbanks. Although some of the revegetationoptions chosen may eventually yield a financialreturn, most of the motivation was driven byconcern for the environment, biodiversity andnatural beauty.

Copies of the booklet are available free tofarmers in the Blackwood Basin and at a cost of $10 to others. For further information or toobtain a copy of “Repairing Farm Waterways —Blackwood Stories” contact:

Alice KarafilisBlackwood Basin GroupPO Box 231, Boyup Brook WA 6244Tel: (08) 9765 1555 Fax: (08) 9765 1455Email: [email protected]

Repairing Farm Waterways — Blackwood stories

estern ustralia by Alice Karifilis W A

“You can’t put a monetary value on restored land. It used to be a thorn in my side, seeingthe sheep eroding the banks, but seeing it restored is peace of heart, peace of mind. I’mhappy I made the move.” Trevor Sprigg (one of the farmers involved in the project)

You can also viewthe booklet at thewww.rivers.gov.auwebsite under the ‘publications’menu item.

Page 33: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature


About the Healthy Rivers UnitThe Healthy Rivers Unit (HRU) is part of theEnvironment Protection Agency (EPA) of the SA Department for Environment and Heritage(DEH). In earlier days, riparian projects in SAwere focused on the catchments of the MountLofty Ranges Watershed under the Riparian ZoneManagement Program (RZMP). Through thisprogram, riparian surveys and communityconsultation meetings have been completed andmanagement recommendation reports releasedfor a number of areas.The latest of these reportsA Watercourse Survey and Management Recommen-dations for the Myponga River Catchment by S. Kotz, D.Thomas and S. Rixon can be found athttp://www.environment.sa.gov.au/epa/

The HRU now has a number of riparianmanagement projects underway in semi-aridcatchments of SA. In the last two years, we havemoved into unchartered territory for SA riparianmanagement — the semi arid systems of the MidNorth Region and the Eyre Peninsula (Tod Rivercatchment). Community interest in decliningwatercourse led to us initiating a range of riparianprojects, as managing these semi-arid riversystems presents a number of unique challenges,namely:~ they have a highly variable hydrological

regime;~ there is a dependence by aquatic ecosystems

on groundwater;~ there is a lack of knowledge about these types

of riverine environments;~ there are difficulties with rehabilitating

riparian vegetation; and~ there is a lack of any catchment management

administrative framework (for example, lackof Catchment Water Management Board).

Two of the riparian projects addressing thesechallenges in these semi arid area catchments are:1. The Mid North Riverine Management

Planning Project; and 2. Determining riparian vegetation for the Mid

North Region Project.

The Mid North Riverine Management Planning ProjectThe Mid North Riverine Management Planning(MNRMPP) project was initiated by the EPA,in response to local community concerns aboutwater resources and watercourse managementissues in the Mid North Region of SA. Theproject commenced in May 1998 and is fundedby the Natural Heritage Trust and DEH. It aimsto achieve healthy rivers through planning forbetter watercourse management and by deter-mining environmental water requirements. Overthree years, the project will develop river manage-ment plans for the Wakefield, Broughton andLight river systems located north of Adelaide.The specific objectives of the MNRMPP are:~ to develop river management plans that

incorporate recommendations for water-course management and an assessment ofenvironmental water requirements;

Managing semi-arid streams in South Australia

outh ustralia by Sharon Rixon and Diane FavierS A

Port Augusta






0 100


Port Lincoln


Cape Jervis




Port Wakefield






Port Pirie

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~ to integrate watercourse management actionsof landholders and key stakeholders;

~ to integrate watercourse management andenvironmental water requirement issues intoother regional and district planning andimplementation strategies; and

~ to increase community understanding ofwatercourse management and environmentalwater requirement issues.

Regional stakeholders, through representationon the Project Reference group, provide a localadvisory role to the EPA project staff and facilitate the integration of river managementinformation into the plans and work programs oftheir organisations. The project has adopted aholistic approach to river management thatconsiders environmental water requirementstogether with addressing riparian land manage-ment problems such as bed and bank erosion,stock and weed management and rehabilitationof riparian vegetation.

Assessment of watercourse condition andenvironmental water requirements runs more orless concurrently with a process of communityconsultation and involvement (Figure 1).


From left to right: Jane Bradley (Project team), Lance Lloyd (Consultant Ecologist),Bruce Murdoch, (Hydrologist), PaulMcEvoy (Aquatic biologist) and JasonVanLaarhoven (Project team) inspecta Melaleuca brevifolia habitat site on the Light River during the expertpanel Broughton catchment field trip.

Glen Scholz (Project team) setting a fyke net during the fish survey of the Wakefield River.

For furtherinformation on the Healthy RiversUnit activitiesSharon RixonHealthy Rivers Unit ManagerEvaluation BranchEnvironment Protection AgencySA Department forEnvironment and HeritageTel: (08) 8204 9411Email:[email protected]

For furtherinformation on the Mid NorthRivers ProjectDiane FavierProject LeaderHealthy Rivers UnitEnvironment Protection AgencyDepartment for Environment and HeritageTel: (08) 8207 1909Email:[email protected]

Watercourse management priorities and options


CONSULT KEY STAKEHOLDERS(Project reference group, Landcare advisors)

~ Endorse project methodology~ Promote project

LANDHOLDER MEETING 1~ Introduce project~ Discuss watercourse management issues

and goals~ Collect landholder flow and rainfall


LANDHOLDER MEETING 2~ Discuss key riverine environments and

environmental water requirements

LANDHOLDER MEETING 3~ Discuss watercourse management issues

identified by EPA project team~ Determine subcatchment management

priorities and options

PROJECT PLANNING~ Review background information on catchment~ Commence airborne video survey

Environmental water requirementsRiparian assessment~ Analyse aerial video~ Groundtruth data~ Produce GIS maps

Identify issuesIdentify issues based on~ Assessment of

watercourse conditions~ Technical management

principles and guidelines

Data collection~ Geomorphology~ Ecology~ Hydrology

Scientific panel~ Identify environmental

water requirements

Figure 1: Overview of the river management planning process

outh ustralia continuedS A

Page 35: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature


Community meetings provide landholders withthe opportunity to identify watercourse manage-ment problems and to participate in developingmanagement solutions.This helps ensure that theplans have community ownership and heightensthe prospect of plan implementation throughon-ground action.

A rapid assessment method, based on aerialvideography, is used to determine the currentcondition of watercourses. This data is used toproduce maps for discussion at communitymeetings, to identify watercourse managementissues and to select sites for assessment of environ-mental water requirements. Field studies involvinghabitat assessment, fish and macroinvertebratesampling are undertaken at sites in different river geomorphic zones. This data, together with hydrological data and modelling, is analysed by a scientific panel who use their professional knowledge and expertise to determine the criticalflow parameters for each river geomorphic zone.

A River Management Plan for the WakefieldCatchment (by D. Favier, S. Rixon, G. Scholz,EPA), released in May 2000, is the first of thethree management plans to be produced by theProject. The plan contains important baselineinformation on the Wakefield River and its majortributaries, targets local and catchment widewatercourse management needs, and providesvaluable information for water resource anddevelopment planning. The plan is available forviewing at the EPA website: www.epa.sa.gov.au

It is hoped that the long-term outcomes ofthis project for the Wakefield, Broughton andLight Rivers, include improved health and diversity of riverine ecosystems, reduced erosionand sedimentation, improved water quality andreduced stock and weed management problems.

Determining riparian vegetation for the Mid North RegionThroughout the Mid North catchments, themajor watercourse management issue confrontinglandholders is a lack of native vegetation.Currently, there is very limited information on thepresent and Pre-European structure of riparianvegetation associations throughout the Mid Northregion. Community members have little informa-tion on what indigenous species to plant andwhere to establish appropriate vegetation. As aresult, there is work being undertaken in the

region to address this lack of information. Forexample, a Land & Water Australia fundeddemonstration/ evaluation project in the MidNorth Rivers will focus on the use of riparianvegetation in bank stabilisation and other erosioncontrol works.This project will also:~ develop a practical watercourse management

guide for Mid North landholders~ develop and trial erosion control riparian

rehabilitation works (inset photo).Community representatives and organisationsassociated with land management in the MidNorth region, have indicated that this vegetationinformation will be a valuable addition to theirown natural resource programs. For example, thisinformation can be used as a planning tool andtechnical reference for NHT funded communityon-ground works programs currently under wayin the Mid North. These programs are focusingon protecting and enhancing the riparian zonesin the Broughton and Wakefield catchmentsthrough fencing and revegetation projects.

The HRU has developed a riparian vegeta-tion assessment methodology and, through aconsultancy, have had a vegetation inventory and condition assessment of selected ripariansites in the Mid North region undertaken. Thiswill provide landholders and planners with ariparian vegetation reference list to enable themto determine the most appropriate vegetation forplanting along localised areas of watercourse.The condition assessment of selected ripariansites will provide guidelines for the most cost-effective methods for site rehabilitation.

Above: Watercourse ManagementOfficers, Glen Scholz and AndrewPhilpott taking a cross-section across an survey site on theWakefield River.Left: On-ground works to rehabilitateMid North watercourses face manychallenges due to the seasonal and‘flashy’ nature of the flows, severityof degradation and lack of trialedon-ground rehabilitation practices. At the site proposed for the Land &Water Australia SA erosion controltrial, Anne Brown from GreeningAustralia inspects the watercourse to help EPA staff with identifyingin-channel areas opportunities forrevegetation using the draft riparianspecies list.

Page 36: RIV RS · Land & Water Australia, the Murray-Darling Basin Commission, CSIRO Land and Water and the WA Water and Rivers Commission, in conjunction with the World Wide Fund for Nature

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Dr Siwan Lovett, Program CoordinatorRiparian Lands R&D ProgramLand & Water AustraliaGPO Box 2182, Canberra ACT 2601Tel: 02 6257 3379, Fax: 02 6257 3420Email: [email protected]

Some Land & Water Australiapublications are available fromthe AFFA Shopfront situated in the Edmund Barton Building,Core 2 Entrance (off BlackallStreet) Barton ACT 2601Toll free: 1800 020 157

Disclaimer The information in this publication has been publishedby Land & Water Australia toassist public knowledge anddiscussion and help improvethe sustainable managementof land, water and vegetation.Where technical information has been provided by or contributed by authorsexternal to the Corporation,readers should contact theauthor(s) and make their own enquiries before makinguse of that information.

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RPR Pi a Edition 10, 1998: Streambank stabilityEdition 11, 1998: Riparian zones: what are they? (None left, please see Web)

Edition 12, 1999: Managing the riparian zone within a total farm systemEdition 13, 1999: Benefiting from overseas knowledge and experienceEdition 14, 1999: Managing and rehabilitating riparian vegetationEdition 15, 1999: Seeing is believing: the value of demonstration sitesEdition 16, 2000: Managing snags and Large Woody DebrisEdition 17, 2000: Monitoring and evaluation


(Copies of most of these editions are available.)