river monitoring site 7

River Monitoring Site #7 By: Chris Frick, Derek Novotny, Hanna Aukerman ,and Miranda Cotter

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River Monitoring Site #7By: Chris Frick, Derek Novotny, Hanna

Aukerman ,and Miranda Cotter

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Is there anything (chemical or natural) in the water that we need to remove to make it clean so it’s enjoyable for recreational purposes?


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Tests❏ Habitat Assessment❏ Macroinvertebrates Test❏ Total Solids❏ Nitrate❏ Total Phosphates❏ pH❏ Dissolved Oxygen


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❏ Soft bottom stream❏ Little or no pools❏ Lots of vegetation❏ Lots of submerged logs for

macroinvertebrates❏ The flow of the water was calm

Background On Our HabitatD

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After adding up all 10 parameters we got a total score of 40/52. Some main things that caused a lower score is:Pool Variability- Score: 1 which means there are small-shallow or no pools at all. These pools can be used as an habitat for many different animals.on-

Riparian Vegetation- Right bank was fine left bank score- 1 meaning the width of the riparian vegetation is less the 20 feet.

Sediment Deposition- Score: 2 meaning that more than half of the bottom affected with major deposits; pools shallow, heavily silted; large deposits may be present on both banks; sediment deposits are an obstruction to the water flow.

Habitat AssessmentD

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Background on Aquatic Macroinvertebrates

❏ Aquatic Macroinvertebrate means “invertebrate that is big enough to see without microscope” that live in water

❏ Usually are insect larvae or nymph stages that need water to live then grow up and live out of the water


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ID MacroinvertebratesC

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Macroinvertebrates Data Collected❏ Group 1: Sensitive to pollutants, we found nothing (Multiplier of

4)❏ Group 2: Semi - sensitive to pollutants, we found 11

macroinvertebrates (Multiplier of 3)❏ Group 3: Semi - tolerant to pollutants, we found 17

macroinvertebrates (Multiplier of 2)❏ Group 4: Tolerant to pollutants, we found 12 macroinvertebrates

(Multiplier of 1)

❏ Each group has different importance to the health of the river so they each have different multipliers to get an index score to show the health of the river


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Health of River Based on Macroinvertebrate Life

Number of Animals in Group 1

0 (x4) 0

Number of Animals in Group 2

11 ( x3) 33

Number of Animals in Group 3

17 (x2) 34

Number of Animals in Group 4

12 (x1) 12

Totals 40 79

❏ 79/40 = 1.975❏ We had an index score of 1.975, which showed that the health of the river was poor


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Background on Total Solids❏ Total Solids is the amount of minerals in the water. (calcium,

nitrogen, iron, sulfur, etc.) ❏ High amount of total solids can lead to lower water quality and

less aquatic life. ❏ These minerals can get trapped in the sediment which is why we

need to dredge it. ❏ The safe amount for humans to consume is 500 mg/L according

to U.S EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Ours was at 4000

mg/L which is very unhealthy.


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Date: 5/16/14Water sample: Site #7Time:10:15amWeather: IndoorsTest: Weight of beaker w/ residue:1 11.5 gramsWeight of empty beaker: 111.1 gramsWeight of residue: .4 gramsQ value: 20Official Reading: 4000 mg/liter

Total Solids D

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Background on Nitrates Common Sources-❏ Fertilizer/manure❏ Some Animal Feeds❏ Sludge/ GarbageEffects That High Nitrates Have on Humans-❏ High Nitrate levels can lead to Blue Baby

Syndrome in young infants (Bacteria Disease)❏ High Nitrates can reduce oxygen supply to major



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Nitrates A safe amount- 10 mg/literDate: 5/16/14Test Location: Site #7Time:10:08amWeather: OvercastTests: 1st (.4 mg/liter) 2nd (0 mg/liter)Official reading: .2Q value: 92Since our reading was only.2 we do not need to remove any nitrates.


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Background on Phosphates❏ All living organisms that live in the

water need phosphates to make DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) and ATP (Adenosine triphosphate).

❏ Sources include- Human/animal waste, fertilizers, industrial waste.


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Total PhosphatesDate: 5/14/14Test Location: Site #7Time:10:45amWeather: Inside, 70 degreesTests:1st(4) 2nd(4) Official reading: 4Q value: 18


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Background on pH❏ pH is the acidity in the water❏ Water with a 7 pH is considered the middle and

neutral amount. ❏ Water with a 6-0 pH has more acidity.❏ Water thats above a 7 pH has more alkaline or

chemicals.❏ Ours was at an 7 which means its healthy. ❏ Most common source is human waste (oil,

garbage, etc.)


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PH (Acidity)Date: 5/14/14Test Location: Site #7Time: 10:08amWeather: OvercastTests: 1st (7), 2nd (7), 3rd (7).Official reading: 7Q value: 88


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Background on Dissolved Oxygen❏ For drinking purposes, higher levels are better as it taste better❏ Too much can cause a boost in photosynthesis, that can cause

plant overgrowth and eventually that could cause fertilizer run off❏ Below 5 mg, aquatic life is put under stress❏ Below 2 mg, could cause aquatic life death❏ Oxygen enters the water either from photosynthesis from the

plant or from natural spreading from the atmosphere. ( NOAA. com)

❏ Fact: The colder the water


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Dissolved OxygenDate: 5/14/14Test Location: Site #7Time:10:08 amWeather: Overcast Tests: 1) 8 mg/liter= 65% Saturation 2) 6.5 mg/liter= 55% SaturationOfficial reading: 7.25 mg/liter= 60% SaturationQ value: 59


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Water Quality❏ Water Quality is the chemical, physical and

biological of any water. ❏ WQI Value: 32.11❏ Fair Quality❏ www.floridakeys.noaa.gov


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Real Life Example of Solution (Model)


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Solution❏ Many of the things that we need to remove

are contained in the sediment therefore we need to dredge the sediment.

❏ Develop an “Adopt A River” organization to help keep the river clean.

❏ Restrict the use certain fertilizers to insure the health of the river after dredging.


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Covering the CostSince dredging can costs about 150,000 dollars we need to find other ways that we could bring in money.❏ Beaches (Charge Entry Fee)❏ Rent non motorized vehicles (Canoes, Kayaks,

Paddle Boats, Etc.) ❏ The sediment contains minerals that benefit

plants, therefore we could package it and sell it as fertilizer to local stores.

❏ Ask for donations


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❏ Source for nitrates- www.ext.colostate.edu❏ Source for dissolved oxygen-

www.ext.colostate.edu❏ Source for the water quality-

