riverside county flood control and water conservation district murrieta creek flood control,...

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District and Water Conservation District Murrieta Creek Flood Control, Environmental Restoration and Recreation Project June 2006 Zully Smith Senior Civil Engineer Special Projects Section

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Riverside County Flood ControlRiverside County Flood Controland Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek Flood Control, Environmental

Restoration and Recreation Project

June 2006Zully Smith

Senior Civil Engineer

Special Projects Section

Murrieta Creek 1993Murrieta Creek 1993

Murrieta Creek Flood Control, Environmental Restoration and Recreation Project

Partnership with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

+$100 million

7.5 miles of Channel

Riparian Corridor

Multi Use – Multi Benefits

Murrieta Creek Flood Control, Environmental Murrieta Creek Flood Control, Environmental Restoration and Recreation ProjectRestoration and Recreation Project

Existing ConditionsExisting Conditions

Proposed FacilityProposed Facility

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Proposed Design @ B Street

Existing Condition @ B Street

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

FACTS AND FIGURESFACTS AND FIGURES Construction contract for Phase 1 was awarded on September Construction contract for Phase 1 was awarded on September

30, 2003 and work was initiated in December 2003.30, 2003 and work was initiated in December 2003.

Ground Breaking Ceremony took place on November 12, 2003 at Ground Breaking Ceremony took place on November 12, 2003 at the Temecula Community Center.the Temecula Community Center.

Contract was awarded to Oregon Mountain Contractors and Contract was awarded to Oregon Mountain Contractors and managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.managed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Phase 1 included the construction of approximately 3000 LF of Phase 1 included the construction of approximately 3000 LF of trapezoidal earthen channel with 2:1 side slopes and a 70 foot trapezoidal earthen channel with 2:1 side slopes and a 70 foot vegetative strip along the east side (left bank – looking vegetative strip along the east side (left bank – looking downstream.)downstream.)

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

First Street Bridge

Murrieta Creek

Phase 1 Construction

December 2003

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek

Phase 1 Construction

Over 300,000 cubic yards of dirt were removed from the channel as the invert was excavated to a depth of approximately 20 feet.

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek

Phase 1 Construction

Ditches were excavated for the placement of the irrigation systems.

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek

Phase 1 Construction

Decomposed granite was placed along the access road/ equestrian trail and riparian vegetation was planted in the channel invert and slopes.

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek

Phase 1 Construction

In October 2004 the skies clouded up and the wettest winter in Southern California history began.

… and then the rains came.

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek

Phase 1 Construction

The slopes suffered erosions as large amounts of sediment were deposited in the invert.

The vegetation that had just been placed hadn’t had a chance to become established and much of it was lost.

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek

Phase 1 ConstructionNovember 2004

More rain – more damages…

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek

Phase 1 Construction

Oregon Mountain Contractors began the cleanup process in late November 2004.

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek

Phase 1 Construction

Oregon Mountain Contractors completed the project and turned it over to the Corps of Engineers on December 16, 2004.

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek

Phase 1 Construction

December 27, 2004 was the first day of almost 11 straight days of rain in the Murrieta Creek Watershed.

… and then more clouds brought more rain.

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation DistrictMurrieta Creek Phase 1 Construction

January 2005 The channel conveyed over 11,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) of tributary stormflows. (Design capacity for Phase 1 is 22,300 cfs.)

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek

Phase 1 Construction

Once again, the majority of the vegetation had not had a chance to become sufficiently established and the project suffered extensive damages.

The rains continued through April 2005 causing multiple problems with the irrigation system and un- established slopes.

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek Phase 1


… and whatever didn’t wash away began to bloom in a spectacular display of color.

Spring is in the air…

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek

Phase 1 Construction

Summer 2005 - The Corps constructs a new drop structure just downstream of the 1st Street Bridge to prevent further erosion downstream and to stabilize the system upstream and prevent any further headcutting. The majority of the Federal funds appropriated in 2005 ($1.8 million) were used to make repairs.

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek

Phase 1 Construction

Repairs are made to the large erosions along Pujol Road (west bank) and drainage ditches are constructed to covey the flows safely into the creek.

Fall & Winter 2005-2006

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek

Phase 1 Construction

Once again, Phase 1 is in full bloom.

Spring 2006

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek Phase 1 Construction The Corps will award what is hoped to be the final contract to make the last of the repairs, which will include the excavation of the invert to design grades, the regrading and recompacting of the slopes and the reestablishment of the vegetated corridor along the east side and the slopes. This is scheduled to be completed by Fall 2006.

Summer 2006

Riverside County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation Districtand Water Conservation District

Murrieta Creek Phase 1 Construction

Stay tuned for more exciting news and updates.

Should you have an questions regarding the Murrieta Creek Flood Control, Environmental Restoration and Recreation Project, please contact

Zully SmithSpecial Projects Section 951-955-1200.

Summer 2006