rizwan friendship word doc

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  • 8/7/2019 Rizwan Friendship Word Doc


    Table of Content

    What is friend? ---------------------------------------------02

    Six Characteristics of Good Friend -------------------06

    Poems about Friendship -------------------------------09

    Friendship ---------------------------------------------------12

    Kind of friendships ----------------------------------------15

    Islamic View of friendships -----------------------------17

    Friendship between Men and Women --------------22

    The Way of friendship in Islam -----------------------28

    Stories about Friendship -----------------------------32

    *Conclusion* ----------------------------------------------34

    What Is A Friend


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    By AnonymousAfriendis someone who understands and

    someone you can trust.

    They will listen to you both night and day without ever making a fuss.

    Afriendwill stand by your side when you are right and sometimes when you are wrong.

    They will hold you up when you are weak and provide support to make you strong.

    Afriend'sloveis unconditional and unique in every way.

    And when you have problems a true friend will kneel with you and pray.

    Afriendwill stand by your side through thick and thin.

    And whenever everyone have deserted you they still will be yourfriend.

    Afriendonce said to me that a friend is sent from God above and I believe this to be true.

    Because God has sent afriendto me and thatfriendto me is YOU.

    friend (NOUN):

    1. A person whom one knows, likes, and trusts.2. A person whom one knows; an acquaintance.

    3. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.

    4. One who supports, sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause, or

    movement:friends of the clean air movement.5. Friend A member of the Society of Friends; a Quaker.


    A friend is a lover, literally. The relationship between Latin amcus "friend" and

    am "I love" is clear, as is the relationship between Greek philos "friend" and phile

    "I love." In English, though, we have to go back a millennium before we see the

    verb related to friend. At that time, frond, the Old English word for "friend," was

    simply the present participle of the verb fron, "to love." The Germanic root behind

    this verb is *fr-, which meant "to like, love, be friendly to." Closely linked to

    these concepts is that of "peace," and in fact Germanic made a noun from this

    root, *frithu-, meaning exactly that. Ultimately descended from this noun are the

    personal names Frederick, "peaceful ruler," and Siegfried, "victory peace." The

    root also shows up in the name of the Germanic deity Frigg, the goddess of love,

    who lives on today in the word Friday, "day of Frigg," from an ancient translation

    of Latin Veneris dis, "day of Venus."

    A friend is friendly, happy, and playful, too. A friend doesn't yell at you.

    You play with each other all the time.

    You try not to fight with a friend. You help each other when you get hurt.

    By: Victoria


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    A friend is someone who goes with you in the good times and bad times.'

    Good friends are always by your side. When you're playing they don't walk


    They never fight with you because then they aren't your friend.

    If you don't have any friends then you aren't friendly.

    God bless, friends.

    By: Cash

    A friend is a person who comes and won't judge a flower by its color.

    A person who will never give up on you.

    A person who will comfort you when storms of tears are in your mind.

    A person who will just have some fun with you and give you a good laugh.'

    A person that doesn't mind expressing their happy or sad feelings to you.

    By: Tara

    A friend is someone you can depend on. Someone who you can talk to. A

    friend could be anything like a person, dog or cat. Whatever a friend is it

    doesn't matter as long as it's your friend. Many people don't know that. Afriend is a friend and that's all that matters.

    By: Christopher

    A friend is for loving, helping, playing, and comforts you all the time. Theytry to love you.

    A friend shares tops, popcorn and money. They don't try to ditch you andthey never hurt your feeling.


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    A friend doesn't boss you around or call you dreadful names. A friend

    worries about you for ever and ever.

    But most of all a friend should love you. You should have a wonderful

    friendship forever.

    By: Kayleigh

    A friend is someone who is spectacular! You love them deep down insideyour heart. Someone who helps you when you are hurt or sad, or even if

    you're happy.

    A friend is someone who is kind to you and knows how you feel when you

    are scared.


    A friend is someone who cares and helps you when you are in trouble orwhen you are hurt.

    A friend comes in different ways.A friend will always remember you intheir heart and you will remember them, tooBy: Mary

    A friend is someone who doesn't dump you and who helps you when you

    get hurt. Someone who says they are sorry when they do something to hurt

    your feelings.

    Someone who doesn't make fun of you or your name.

    By:Emma K

    A friend is someone who shares his toys with you and helps you when youneed help in reading or writing.y: James


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    A friend is someone who helps you and is loving. They make sure you are

    okay and plays with you. They don't make fun of you. Forgive them whenthey get into a fight with you.

    A friend is someone who doesn't tell you to do bad things.

    By: Emma V.

    A friend is someone who likes you and everything you do.

    A friend is someone who likes your room.

    By: Vincent

    A friend is a person who cares about you. He would let you borrow stuff,

    and wouldn't say mean things. He would be by your side and would not let

    you down.

    By: Brian

    A friend is someone who cares about you, plays with you and sticks up for

    You if someone is mean to you.

    By: Taylor

    A friend is someone that never makes fun of you. They help you, share

    with you and never boss you around. I also think a friend is someone who

    never hurts you and cares for you.

    A friend to me is like a hug! It is very special. By: Laura


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    Six Characteristics Of Good Friend:-

    1. Real Friends are TransparentJonathan and David had a true friendship because they bonded together. They fully

    understood one another. They saw each other for what they really were and they liked

    what they saw. True friendship requires transparency. I am convinced that the single

    biggest thing preventing most people from developing friendships is that they have

    trouble being transparent. Many people tend to put on fronts when they are around

    others. They have trouble being genuine. The reason is because we fear that others

    will not like the real me. So we put on our masks and try to be what we think others

    want to see. The problem with this game is that we live in constant fear that people

    will discover who we really are. Friends are people with whom you dare to just be

    yourself. They ask you to put on nothing, only be who you are. With real friends Youcan share your thoughts and feelings without fear of criticism. With true friends you

    breathe freely. You can weep with them, sing with them, laugh and even pray with

    them. Yes, I did say pray with them. If you are a Muslim, you should be able and you

    should pray with real friends. Illus: When is the last time you just got with a friend

    and prayed? Everyone likes to get together around here and drink coffee. I

    know you solve the worlds problems when you do but do you ever just pray


    2.Real Friends Help

    True friends help one another and that love is shown is some very Specific ways. Real

    friends look out for one another. A friend is one who comes when everyone else goes.

    Illus: You may wonder, How can I tell the difference between Acquaintances and

    friends. Thats easy, just get into trouble, the people that are still around are your

    real friends, and there may not be many or any. Friends do not talk about you. In fact,

    a real friend will fight to protect you and your reputations. Not only do friends never

    stab you in the back, they guard your back. David protected Jonathan and Jonathan

    protected David. Real friends sharpen one another.

    Proverbs 27:17 says, As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend.

    Real friends bring out the best in one another. Friends rejoice when their friend

    succeeds. They help friends resolve their problems. Friends encourage one another.

    True friends are always challenging us and even pushing us to be all that God wants

    us to be. They want to help us grow and develop. Real friends shoot you straight even

    when it hurts.

    Quote: A friend is someone who tells me the truth about me. I want to know when

    my work stinks or Im being hurtful or stupid. I expect a real friend to save me from


    3. Real Friends Care


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    Friends are not afraid to express their friendship. Intimate friends let each other hurt.

    They weep together. Intimate friends dont bale, they stay when you are hurting. Illus:

    Some people drain our emotional gas but with good friends, we leave with our

    emotional gas filled. Real friends are always encouragers. Real friends bring out the

    best in one another and hurt when the other hurts. Some people are encouragers and

    others are discouragers

    4. Real Friends ForgiveWithout forgiveness, no relationship will survive. If we were all perfect, forgiveness

    would not be a necessary ingredient in relationships. Since we are not perfect

    forgiveness is a necessity. Friends must be able to forgive one another. In any

    meaningful relationship there must be forgiveness. Illus: Recently in the final Sunday

    of the Fireproof Sunday School class we were having a general discussion about what

    makes forgiveness. I later wondered if she was just speaking of me and if she always

    has to forgive me. The truth is the highway of forgiveness must run both ways in a

    relationship. We all make mistakes and we all hurt others. Perhaps the best example

    of this is the friendship between Muslims draws his sword to defend him. But in theimmediate hours and days to follow, Peter was afraid for his own life and denies even

    knowing Muslim three times. Then in John 21, Muslim asks Pete three times if he

    truly loves Him. Muslim forgives Peter and gives him even more responsibility.

    Perhaps there is someone in your life that you need to forgive. Perhaps forgiveness is

    hindering a key relationship in your life. Not one of us has the right or privilege of

    denying someone else forgiveness.

    5. Friends Trust

    David had to place his complete life in his trust of Jonathan. Friends must be able totrust one another. With friends we must be able to tell out inner most thoughts and

    Feelings without fear that they will be spread all over town or endue on the internet.

    A friend is someone with who you can trust to do the right thing even when their own

    financial gain is on the line. Couples need close Muslim friends in whom they can

    confide and discuss their challenges. They must be able to trust one another with


    6. Real Friends InvestYour best investment will not be in stocks, bonds or wealth. The best investment you

    will every make will be in meaningful relationships. Great friends do not come cheap.Meaningful friendships require an investment. Jonathan was risking his life to be

    friends with David. Jonathan's father Saul was burning with hatred for David yet

    Jonathan remained loyal to David. A real friend is willing to sacrifice popularity and

    prestige to be a loyal friend. The greatest investment in a friendship is your time.

    Friendships dont just happen. They take time. I dont mean just time as in years, I

    mean actual time together. We must be there for one another even if it means sitting

    in a hospital or giving up something fun. We must invest in the time together. This is

    why it is so important that we offer good youth programs for our teens. Teens need to

    be involved in church activities where they meet and spend time with other teens who

    are seeking Gods purposes for their lives. Illus:. This is also why we must build a

    strong Sunday School program, Senior ministry and the like. Friendship requires aninvestment of time and effort. Illus: Hallmark commercial says, When you care


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    enough to send the very best. The very best thing you can invest in a friendships

    you; your time and attention.

    Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down ones life for his friends.


    It is an in-depth relationship combining trust, support, communication, loyalty,

    understanding, empathy, and intimacy.

    These are certainly aspects of life that all of us crave.

    Being able to trust and relax with your friend is a big part of friendship.

    Remember when you were young and went with a friend to her grandma's for the

    week-end. It was fun but when you got home, home was wonderful. Your feeling was

    "I'm home. I can relax now."

    That's what a friendship should be.

    You go out into the world and do your best. You have your ups and downs, your

    problems and triumphs, your fun and tribulations. You charm and you perform.

    Then you come "home" to a friend. You can relax, put up your feet; you are relieved.

    If you still have to be charming and/or performing, it's not a relief.

    Friendship is a comfy situation like home. You get home, kick off your shoes, relax

    and sigh, "Ahh, home."

    But no one can form a friendship until he/she realizes that the basis of being friends is

    meeting the needs of the other person. One must be a friend to have one.

    Never forget that friends relate. Relating is the basis of friendship.

    Associates were people who only shared a common activity, like a hobby or a sport.

    Useful contacts were people who shared information and advice, typically related to

    work or advancing ones career.

    Favor friends were people who helped each other out in a functional manner, but not

    in an emotional manner.

    Fun friends were people who socialized together, but only for fun. They didnt

    provide each other with a deep level of emotional support.

    Helpmates were a combination of favor friends and fun friends. They socialized

    together and helped each other out in a functional manner.

    Comforters were like helpmates, but they also provided emotional support.


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    Confidants disclosed personal information to each other, enjoyed each others

    company, but werent always in a position to offer practical help, for example if they

    lived far away.

    Soul mates displayed all of the elements.

    Poems AboutFriendship

    If ever you need me,

    I'll be right here,

    To chase away the sadness,And wipe away a tear.

    If ever you need me,

    I'll be two steps behind,

    To follow in your footsteps,

    And hear what's on your mind.

    If ever you need me,

    You'll never have to fear,

    That your presence isn't important,

    And your love isn't dear.

    If ever you need me,

    I'll always be around,

    To bring back the laughter,

    Where deep in your heart it's found.

    You'll never have to worry,

    For I'll always be here,

    To chase away the sadness,

    And wipe away a tear.

    A FRIEND IS A TREASUREA Friend is a Treasure A friend is someone we turn to,

    when our spirits need a lift.

    A friend is someone we treasure,

    for our friendship is a gift.

    A friend is someone who fills our lives,

    with beauty, joy and grace.

    And make the world we live in,

    a better and happier place.



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    Friendships come and Friendships go Like wave upon the sand

    Like day and night

    Like birds in flight

    Like snowflakes when they land

    But you and I are something else

    Our friendship's here to stay

    Like weeds and rocks and dirty socksIt never goes away!

    A BEST FRIENDA best friend

    is always there,

    whether you need advice,

    or a pep talk,

    or even a shoulder to cry on.

    A best friend

    listens with her heart

    and is always honest with you,even though the truth

    may not be

    what you want to hear.

    A best friend

    knows all your secrets,

    understands your fears

    shares your dreams.

    A best friend

    never stops believing in you

    even if you give up

    on yourself.

    you are

    that kind of friend

    to me.

    And no matter what happens,

    you always will be.

    You are my best friend....

    my forever friend.

    - Renee Duvall


    True friends are for life

    Until the end

    They're more than special

    They're your bestest friends.

    They're the ones you can go to

    When you're in despair

    The ones that'll help you

    Even when you got gum in your hair!

    They're the ones who'll laugh

    And go laughing with you all through the night

    The ones who'll help you


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    Help you with all their might

    To have a good friend

    You have to be one

    So be nice to one another

    So you can be friends forever

    And that\'s how to be the best friend you can be.

    - Samantha Sumler


    A friend is a person

    to laugh and cry with,

    An inspiration,

    Someone who lends a helping hand,

    though friends may not be forever,

    And they may not end up together,

    the memories of a true friendship will

    last forever.A friend is not a shadow nor a servant

    But someone who hold

    a piece of a person in his heart.

    Someone who shares a smile,

    Someone who brightens up your day

    What makes a person a friend?

    Is by saying your Love will stay.

    - Renee Donna Bufete]

    Did Anyone Ever Tell You?

    Did Anyone Ever Tell You,Just How Special You Are

    The Light that You Emit

    Might even Light a Star

    Did Anyone Ever Tell YouHow Important You Make Others Feel

    Somebody out here is Smiling

    About Love that is so Real

    Did Anyone Ever Tell YouMany Times, When They were Sad

    Your E-mail made Them Smile a bit

    In Fact It made Them Glad

    For the Time You Spend Sending Things

    And Sharing whatever You Find


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    There are No Words to Thank You

    But Somebody, Thinks You're Fine


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    Friendship is one of the most beautiful relations of all. Without any fuss, confusion,tangles and commitment life becomes a cake-walk if you have a hand of a friend to

    hold on. It is a divine blessing of God. Don't you agree? If not, then tell me, how is it

    possible that in population of more than a million you somehow stuck with someone

    who is just like you? We also say at times, This world is so mean, then how come

    there are few people who are ready to take all your sorrows and are always there for

    you when you need them. I can say this because I have been gifted with such a

    beautiful gift called F.R.I.E.N.D.S in my life.

    Sometimes I wonder God has given us so many relations to cherish where each one of

    it having its own importance in our life. Friendship is the only relation out of allwhich is apart from caste, class, blood or status. It just needs to check the love in the

    heart of the other person to be friends with. So why do we need friends? What is the

    importance of friendship in our life? After wondering a lot, I got my answer.

    Whenever I am upset, they are the first one who notices that sadness in my eyes, no

    matter how hard I try to hide it behind my smile. Whenever I am stuck in a problem

    and have no solution, no matter how serious the issue may be, they are the one who

    provides me the best possible way out of it. Whenever I need a company they are the

    one who come to me and make me laugh leaving behind other things. Even if it is

    about convincing parents for a night out or going to a friends birthday party atdiscotheque, friends are best in their job. They are the people with whom everything

    can be discussed without a pre-thought that it is personal. Whenever you look back in

    your life, youll realize they are the one with whom you have shared the best and the


    With so much dire need of friends in our life how can we think of existing without

    them? Though we have many people around us, but there are only close friends who

    make all the difference. If they are present nothing else matter. Friendship is that

    innocent feeling as of a small child whose love is unconditional, uncommitted and yet

    so pure. Friends are a family outside home where the responsibility of each person isshared equally by everyone else. Like a family, they guide you to a right path and

    never let you divert from your target. They are good to be relied on and there is a

    sense of security whenever you are with them.

    Friendship is like an investment, the more you invest the more you reap. An

    investment is in terms of trust and faith which is the root of any strong relation. No

    matter how much you spend together on your vodkas or how many night outs you

    have enjoyed together, if there is no seed of trust and faith in the soil the tree of

    friendship cannot stand long.


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    Friendship since childhoodSince man was born, it became clear that to live in this world one has to make friends.

    Whether in times of joy or in the hours of sorrow, friends are always needed. It is the

    love and support of friends that get people going. It is a friend that one turns to forsharing his or her experiences. It is also a friend that one speaks to for advice and

    encouragement. It is impossible to spend even a day without friends.

    True friends are what we make in an entire lifetime and it happens to be the greatest

    possession and treasure of a person. Making friends is a continuous process and thus

    the friendship ideas hold immense importance. The ideas for friendship will give you

    a hint as how to make friends and retain friends. Following some steps to make

    friends will help resolve your problem. We could follow some friendship ideas

    (relative absolutely) to make good friends in life. Let us cherish friendship lifelong...It

    ought to be! Love and Friendship teaches us the value of sharing and give meaning to

    ordinary experiences. Considered as one of the purest relationships, Friendship can

    help us feel comfortable in every walk of life, as the number of things we cannotdiscuss with our friends are either marginal or nil.But building every relationship

    needs to be nurtured for making it stronger. It demands patience and time. You need

    to be a good listener, loyal and sincere and show your affection whenever the moment

    comes. So pampering your friend with some unique Friendship Day gifts or

    personalized friendship gifts can help in strengthening the bond of friendship that

    means so many things to you.

    We all need good friends to guide us in the right path/direction when we step in the

    wrong direction. She will bring a smile on your face when you are feeling low and

    will go out of her way to help in you every possible way, when you ask for help. She

    will bring a smile on your face when you are feeling low and will go out of her way

    to help in you every possible way, when you ask for help.Life with friends becomes

    an easy going journey that you would never like to get over with. Each day spent with

    them is to be cherished in a different way even if some days bring lot of

    misunderstandings or fights. But whatever it is, friendship is an old book, while

    turning its pages you go through a lot of mixed feelings realizing that even after

    sharing the best and the worst you are still together.

    One companion asked Rasulullah (saw), Who can be my best friend?

    Rasulullah (saw) answered, Your best friend is a person:

    *when you see him, he makes you remember Allah;

    *when you listen to him, knowledge of Islam is increased; and

    *when you see his actions, you are reminded of the life of the


    Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said: The example of a good companion and a bad

    companion is like that of the seller of musk, and the one who blows the blacksmiths

    bellows. So as for the seller of musk then either he will grant you some, or you buy

    some from him, or at least you enjoy a pleasant smell from him. As for the one who

    blows the blacksmiths bellows then either he will burn your clothes or you will get

    an offensive smell from him. (Bukhari and Muslim)

    keeping good company with the pious results in attainment of beneficial knowledge,

    noble manners and righteous actions,whereas keeping company with the wickedprevents all of that.-saying of a scholar


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    Hafidh Ibn Katheer, commenting on this verse, relates a story onthe authority of Ali

    Ibn Abi Talib (r.a.a.) and says that any friendship for other than Allah is turned into

    enmity, except what was in it for Allah the Mighty and Majestic: Two who are friends

    for Allahs sake; one of them dies and is given good news that he will be granted al-

    Jannah, so he remembered his friend and he supplicated for him, saying: O Allah, my

    friend used to command me to obey You And he told me that I will meet You. OAllah, do not lethim go astray after me, until you show him what you have just shown

    me, until You are satisfied with him, just like You are satisfied with me. So he is

    told: Had you known what is (written) for you friend, would you have laughed a lot

    and cried a little. Then his friend dies and their souls are gathered, and both are

    asked to express their opinions about each other. So each one of them says to his

    friend: you were the best brother, the best companion and the best friend. And when

    on of the two disbelieving friends dies, and he is given tidings of Hellfire, he

    remembered his friend and he said: O Allah, my friend used to order me to disobey

    You and disobey Your Prophet, and commanded me to do evil, and forbade me from

    doing good, and told me that I would not meet You. O Allah, do not guide him after

    me, until you show him what you have just shown me and until you are dissatisfiedwith him just like You are dissatisfied with me. Then the other disbelieving friend

    dies, and their souls are gathered, and both are asked to give their opinions about each

    other. So each one says to his friend: you were the worst brother, the worst

    companion and the worst friend.


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    Aristotleprovides us with one of the great discussions of friendship. He distinguishes

    between what he believes to be genuine friendships and two other forms: one basedon mutual usefulness, the other on pleasure. These two forms only last for as long as

    there is utility and pleasure involved, whereas genuine friendship does not dissolve. It

    takes place between good men: 'each alike wish good for the otherqua good, and theyare good in themselves'. Aristotle continues, 'And it is those who desire the good of

    their friends for the friends sake that are most truly friends, because each loves the

    other for what he is, and not for any incidental quality' (Aristotle 1976: 263). This

    also entails appropriate self-concern. Friendship... is a kind of virtue, or implies

    virtue, and it is also most necessary for living. Nobody would choose to live without

    friends even if he had all the other good things.... There are, however, not a few

    divergent views about friendship. Some hold that it is a matter of similarity: that our

    friends are those who are like ourselves... Others take the contrary view..

    Friendship based on utility.Utility is an impermanent things: it changes according to circumstances. So with the

    disappearance of the ground for friendship, the friendship also breaks up, because that

    was what kept it alive. Friendships of this kind seem to occur most frequently

    between the elderly (because at their age what they want is not pleasure but utility)

    and those in middle or early life who are pursuing their own advantage. Such persons

    do not spend much time together, because sometimes they do not even like one

    another, and therefore feel no need of such an association unless they are mutually

    useful. For they take pleasure in each others company only in so far as they have

    hopes of advantage from it. Friendships with foreigners are generally included in thisclass.

    Friendship based on pleasure:-Friendship between the young is thought to be grounded on pleasure, because the

    lives of the young are regulated by their feelings, and their chief interest is in their

    own pleasure and the opportunity of the moment. With advancing years, however,

    their tastes change too, so that they are quick to make and to break friendships;

    because their affection changes just as the things that please them do and this sort of

    pleasure changes rapidly. Also the young are apt to fall in love, for erotic friendship is

    for the most part swayed by the feelings and based on pleasure. That is why they fall

    in and out of friendship quickly, changing their attitude often within the same day.But the young do like to spend the day and live together, because that is how they

    realize the object of their friendship.

    Perfect friendship is based ongoodness.:-Only the friendship of those who are good, and similar in their goodness, is perfect.

    For these people each alike wish good for the other qua good, and they are good in

    themselves. And it is those who desire the good of their friends for the friends sake

    that are most truly friends, because each loves the other for what he is, and not for

    any incidental quality. Accordingly the friendship of such men lasts so long as theyremain good; and goodness is an enduring quality. Also each party is good both


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    absolutely and for his friend, since the good are both good absolutely and useful to

    each other. Similarly they please one another too; for the good are pleasing both

    absolutely and to each other; because everyone is pleased with his own conduct and

    conduct that resembles it, and the conduct of good men is the same or similar.

    Friendship of this kind is permanent, reasonably enough; because in it are united all

    the attributes that friends ought to possess. For all friendship has as its object

    something good or pleasant either absolutely or relatively to the person who feelsthe affection and is based on some similarity between the parties. But in this

    friendship all the qualities that we have mentioned belong to the friends themselves;

    because in it there is similarity, etc.; and what is absolutely good is also absolutely

    pleasant; and these are the most lovable qualities. Therefore it is between good men

    that both love and friendship are chiefly found and in the highest form.

    friendships are That such rare is natural, because men of this kind are few. And in

    addition they need time and intimacy; for as the saying goes, you cannot get to know

    each other until you have eaten the proverbial quantity of salt together. Nor can one

    man accept another, or the two become friends, until each has proved to the other that

    he is worthy of love, and so won his trust. Those who are quick to make friendly

    advances to each other have the desire to be friends, but they are not unless they areworthy of love and know it. The wish for friendship develops rapidly, but friendship

    does not.

    Aristotle The Nichomachean Ethics, 1155a3, 1156a16-1156b23


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    Humans are social creatures by nature; they're always in need of friends and

    companions. Most of our lives depend on interaction with others. Strong individuals

    are the core of a strong community, something that Muslims should always strive for.

    We all know that Allah the Most High has brought us to life in order to test us. Thus

    we are here for a relatively short period of time and that we shall meet Allah one Day,

    so we need to use our present life for what is best for us in the hereafter. Once we

    know our purpose and our goal in life, we should seek ways to achieve them so as to

    benefit our own selves.

    In an authentic Hadith, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said: "Man is influenced by the

    faith of his friends. Therefore, be careful of whom you associate with."

    Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) who has the most noble character and dealings with

    fellow humans gave us a very clear and simple message and advice in regard to


    How should we choose our friends? We should choose the friend that believes and

    abide by our religion (Islam) and gives great respect to what Allah (and Prophet

    Mohammad (pbuh) has ordered us. And we should stay away from that who is not

    well mannered and gives no attention to what Islam is about or what pleases or

    displeases Allah ,for he will surely affect us negatively. There is no good in the

    companion drowns us in sins and displeasing Allah .

    In another Hadith, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said: "The example of a good

    companion and a bad companion is like that of the seller of musk, and the one who

    blows the blacksmith's bellows. So as for the seller of musk then either he will grant

    you some, or you buy some from him, or at least you enjoy a pleasant smell from

    him. As for the one who blows the blacksmith's bellows then either he will burn your

    clothes or you will get an offensive smell from him."

    When choosing our friends we should ask ourselves first: Are they going to help us

    achieve the purpose for which we were brought to life? Or will they take us away

    from it? Will they desire for us Allah's pleasure or is that completely irrelevant to

    them and not their concern at all? Are they leading us to Paradise or to the Hell?

    Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) stated, "The believer is like a mirror to other believers (in

    truthfulness)." Like a mirror, your friend gives you an honest image. He forgives your

    mistakes, but does not hide or exaggerate your strengths and weaknesses.

    Once the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was asked, "What person can be the best

    friend?" "He who helps you remember Allah (SWT), and reminds you when you

    forget Him," the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), counseled.

    Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was further asked, "Who is the best among people?"

    Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) replied, "He who, when you look at him, you remember

    Allah .Such a friend reflects qualities of love, mercy, honesty, service, patience,

    optimism, professionalism, and the entire lifestyle taught by Islam.Imam Ali (R.A) Says: "Live amongst people in such a manner that if you die they


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    weep over you and if you are alive they crave for your company (friendship)."

    Imam Ali (R.A) Says: "Friendship transfers a stranger in to a relative."

    Imam Ali (R.A) Says: "Do not choose as your friend the enemy of your friend."

    Imam Ali (R.A) Says: "Two true friends are a single soul in different bodies."

    Imam Ali (R.A) Says: "He who discards a friend for slight offence risks loneliness."

    Imam Ali (R.A) Says: "In time of distress a man can distinguished between his friend

    and enemy."

    Imam Jafar Sadiq (R.A) Says: "Be careful to have truthful friends and try to obtain

    them, for they are your support when you are in welfare, and your advocator when

    you have misfortune."

    Imam Ali (R.A) Says: "Be not friend with a fool, for he will harm you while meaning

    to do good to you."

    Imam Ali (R.A) Says: "It is better to listen to a wise enemy than to seek counsel from

    a foolish friend."

    Imam Ali (R.A) Says: "Keep away from friendship of liar surely he will show you asnear what is far from you and will show as far what is near you."

    Imam Ali (R.A) Says: "O' Kumayl! Say what is just in any condition. Be friends with

    the righteous and avoid the evil doers, stay away from the hypocrites and do not

    accompany the treacherous."

    Imam Sajjad (R.A) Says: "Beware of the companionship of the sinful, and helping of

    the unjust."

    Imam Ali (R.A) Says: "If a friend envies you, then he is not a true friend."

    Imam Ali (R.A) Says: "Verily, there are three (types of) friends for a Muslim,

    The friend who says: I am with you whether you are alive or dead', and this ishis deed.

    The friend who says: I am with you unto the threshold of your grave and then

    I will leave you', and this is his children.

    The friend who says: I will be with you until when you die', and this is his

    wealth which will belong to the inheritors when he dies."

    Imam Ali (R.A) Says: "He who is deserted by friends and relatives will often find

    help and sympathy from strangers."

    Imam Hassan (R.A) Says: "Befriend people in the same manner you would like them

    to befriend you."Imam Jafar Sadiq (R.A) Says: "Be the friend of him who may grace you, not of one

    whom you are better than." (Viz. make friends with ones who are higher than you so

    that you progress.)

    Imam Jafar Sadiq (R.A) Says: "My most beloved brother is he who (makes me aware

    of) my faults."

    Imam Hassan Askari (R.A) Says: "Those who advise their friend secretly are

    respecting them, and those who advise them openly are humiliating them."

    Imam Jafar Sadiq (R.A) has narrated from his father Imam Muhammad Baqir (R.A)

    who said his father Imam Sajjad (R.A) stated: "O' my son! Beware of five (groups)and do not seek companionship (friendship) with them, do not speak with them, and


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    do not make friends with them on (the) way."

    Then, Imam Muhammad Baqir (R.A) asked his father who they were and might he

    introduces them to him. Imam Sajjad (R.A) responded:

    "Beware of and do not associate with the one who tells lies. He is as a mirage

    which makes near for you what is far, and makes far to you what is near."

    "Beware of and do not associate with an immoral person, because he will sellyou at the price of a morsel or less than that."

    "Beware of and do not associate with a miser because he will deprive you of

    chis wealth when you are seriously in need of it."

    "Beware of and do not associate with a fool, because he wants to be of avail to

    you but he harms you."

    "Beware of and do not associate with the one who disregards his kinfolks,

    because I found him (such a person) cursed in the Book Allah, Almighty and

    Glorious, in three occurrences." They are: (Sura Al-Baqarah, 2:27; Sura Ar-

    Rad, 13:25; and Sura Muhammad, 47:22).

    Two friends were traveling together, when a Bear suddenly met them on their path.

    One of them climbed up quickly into a tree and concealed himself in the branches.

    The other, seeing that he must be attacked, fell flat on the ground, and when the Bear

    came up and felt him with his snout, and smelt him all over, he held his breath, and

    feigned the appearance of death as much as he could. The Bear soon left him, for it is

    said he will not touch a dead body. When the Bear was quite gone, the other friend

    descended from the tree, and jokingly inquired of his friend what it was the Bear had

    whispered in his ear. "He gave me this advice," his companion replied. "Never travel

    with a friend who deserts you at the approach of danger."

    A story tells that two friends were walking through the desert. During some point of

    the journey they had an argument, and one friend slapped the other one in the face.

    The one who got slapped was hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand:


    They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath.

    The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the

    friend saved him. After he recovered from the near drowning, he wrote on a stone:


    The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, "After I hurt you,

    you wrote in the sand and now, you write on a stone, why?" The other friend replied

    "When someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgivenesscan erase it away. But, when someone does something good for us, we must engrave

    it in stone where no wind can ever erase it."



    They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day

    to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.

    "Ah! Woe to me! Would that I had never taken such-and-such as a friend!" Noble

    Qur'an (25:28)

    The one who is always there to console you when you want to talk about a problem,the one who sticks by you through thick and thin, the one whom you can count on to


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    be there for you - this is the person who leaves no doubts in your mind that he or she

    is your "best friend". You like each other's company and love to spend time together.

    If something important happens in your life, they're the first to know. You trust them

    and depend upon them in times of need. They may be a classmate, a colleague, a

    neighbor, a sister, a mother; or even your spouse! It could be anyone who fits this


    But are they really your "true" friend? How can you find out? Ask yourself: aretheytaking you towards the most certain and perpetual success and benefit: that of the

    Hereafter, or are they going to be the cause of regret for you on the Day of Judgment?

    See for yourself. Here is a checklist.

    When in each other's company, you both:

    1. Comfortably backbite and make fun of people. Pass comments about others.

    2. Laugh at others together, be it a passerby or someone you are discussing.

    3. Call each other demeaning names in fun. Laugh at each other's cruel jokes

    about someone else.

    4. Start a conversation with "Hi instead of Salaam" and plunge into an exchangeof the latest gossip.

    5. Hardly ever mention or discuss Allah (SWT), Noble Qur'an, Ahlul Bayt or

    Hadith in the time spent together.

    6. Feel hesitant to discuss religion, unless it is a criticism of any aspect of Islam.

    7. Confirm each other's doubts about the Hereafter.

    8. Get involved in activities that delay/do away with salaah (Islamic Prayer), the

    major obligation from Allah (SWT). Have never prayed any salaah together.

    9. Support each other in fulfilling every desire - a dress that caught your fancy,

    or the in-fashion shoes, even if they are not needed. End up spending moneyon things you don't need.

    10. Discuss unimportant things and events in meticulous detail, such as a film, the

    latest clothes you got tailored, or a wedding party you attended.

    11. Never point out each other's faults politely; if one does, the other quickly

    changes the subject or gets defensive.

    Besides the above points, you both are fully aware of each other's family's and in-

    laws' faults and short-comings. When one of you feels guilty about having committed

    a sin, the other quickly offers reassurance that "It's no big deal, everyone does it", and

    comes up with convincing excuses for the other not to feel guilty about it. When one

    of you starts doing something that is impermissible in Islam, the other offers support

    and help; for example, when one starts to backbite, the other becomes attentive and

    listens closely. When one discovers a shortcoming of the other, they leave no chance

    to make fun of it.

    About a 'friendship' that has most of the above characteristics, Allah (SWT) says in

    the Noble Quran:

    "Friends on that day will be foes to one and another - except the Righteous Ones."

    Noble Qur'an (43:67)

    All such "friends" will, on the Day of Judgment, become each other's enemies, each

    lamenting and blaming the other before Allah (SWT), for having supported andencouraged them towards the ultimate and eternal destruction. Allah (makes an


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    exception to this situation in the Qur'anic verse above: "except those who are al-

    muttaqeen: the righteous ones". So who are these 'righteous ones', who will be

    happily together in the Hereafter just as they were together in the world? How can

    you tell whether your friend is really and truly your sincere "friend"? Here is another

    checklist of characteristics that depict a friendship that will lead to success in the


    1. Remind each other of Allah when you set eyes on each other.

    2. Leave each other's company with a higher level of imaan [faith in Allah


    3. Inevitably start the conversation with the Islamic greeting 'As-Salaamu

    Alaykum', and receive the masnoon reply for it.

    4. Do the masnoon mu'aanaqah (hug) and musafahah (handshake) on a regular


    5. Almost always mention Allah (SWT), Noble Qur'an, Ahlul Bayt or Hadith in

    some context or the other, in your conversations.

    6. Strengthen each other's belief on the Hereafter. Give each other more duaa's(well wishes) than material gifts.

    7. Always end up exchanging useful and mature ideas and thoughts. Love each

    other above and beyond worldly benefits.

    8. Attend religious study-circles/ halaqah's together. Have prayed salaah together

    many times.

    9. Have watched each other cry, out of fear of Allah (SWT) or out of regret for

    committing a transgression.

    10. Listen attentively if the other is saying something that pleases Allah (SWT).

    11. Politely point out and reform each other's mistakes or bad habits in the bestway possible.

    12. Return an Amanah (item placed in other's trust/safekeeping) belonging to the

    other in its original state.

    13. Smile together, but with decent, non-malicious humor. Enquire regularly

    about the health of the other's family.

    14. Become uninterested and change the subject if the other starts to say

    something that is impermissible.

    15. Always discourage the other if they plan to do something wrong.

    16. Always encourage the other if they intend to do a good deed that they'rehesitant to do.

    17. Consult each other in important matters. Give each other advice seriously and


    18. Never waste each other's time in useless activities. Never invite the other to a

    place or gathering of sin.

    19. Have full trust that they will never reveal secrets or personal problems to

    others, nor will they gossip about you behind your back.

    20. Address each other in a respectful and loving manner. Forgive each other's

    faults and shortcomings, and hide them from others.Those whose friendships possess most of the above characteristics are among the


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    fortunate people who can experience a glimpse of the assembly of Paradise in the life

    of this world itself, where they have

    Can a Male and Female be JUSTFriends?

    Have you ever heard or have you ever seen, father-son; mother-daughter; husband-

    wife; boss-subordinates; brother-sister as a friend? Might be yes, but how often and

    how genuine. At the end of a day, the message is, "mein tumhara baap hoon, jo mein

    kahta hoon, who karo" (I am your father, do what I say). Recently, I posted one

    query, "Can an adult male and female be just friends", and replies are just shocking

    (read below). That is why, I say, friendship is a relation of choice. But, do you know

    the meaning of "FRIENDSHIP", yes, you know, you have read in some newspapersand magazines, but what about applying the same.

    Understanding Friendship

    Before I start I know, as you probably know, that a friendship can be an antidote for

    loneliness or depression or even boredom. But it should be just more than an antidote

    for these problems. What are the qualities that lead to a solid friendship?

    First of all, friendship must be genuine. In friendships we reveal what we are and who

    we are capable of becoming. Friendships demand that we reveal ourselves without

    pretenses or masks, without affection or deception. G.K. Chesterton knowing therisks involved in cultivating a solid friendship, summed it up when he said, "Friends

    are those with whom our faults are safe."

    Another ingredient necessary for the cultivation of a friendship is that one must be

    generous. The friendship is its own reward. Christ summed up the element of

    generosity when he said, "greater love than this no one has than he who lays down his

    life for his friend."

    Another quality needed for a friendship is that it be gratuitous. It is a free donation or

    offering of one person to another. Friendship is never marred by jealousy. There must

    be a certain freedom between the two friends. Otherwise, there could be the problemof possessiveness or even suffocation of the friendship.

    Other qualities could be mentioned so that solid friendships can be cultivated. A sense

    of humor, charity, understanding, compassion is only some of the ingredients that

    have to be cultivated for a solid friendship with another.

    Just one more thought on this subject. For many people in this world, life is cold,

    lonely and hard. If they had one friend, their lives would not only be different, but

    happier. A friendship is a touch of heaven on earth. And you can bring a touch of

    heaven into someone's life.

    Friendship between male and female


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    Hence, strong friendships between a man and woman are sometimes difficult to

    understand and accept though relationships between two women or men is more

    readily accepted by our society. When a man and woman hold hands in public,

    automatically they are assumed to be lovers. Friends are friends and lovers are lovers.

    Very few people are physically affectionate with their friends. People find it difficult

    to dissociate love from sex. If two people express love and affection for each other itis assumed that they are lovers. The truth is fairly simple: two people like each other,

    are comfortable together and a special bond of friendship develops between them.

    Sometimes friendship is taken for granted and people are willing to give it up when

    they fall in love, want to marry or have a long term relationship. Sexual or romantic

    love is assumed to be better and therefore preferred.

    There are factors which decides if a male and female can be JUST friends or not and

    we will discuss here, one afrer another.

    1) Your Mental and Emotional Make-up: It need high level of maturity,understanding and wavelength for any couple to keep that thought of intimacy away

    from their heart throughout the relation.

    2) Type of School and College you have studied in: If you have studied in "all boys or

    all girls" type of schools and colleges then there is a high chance that your relation

    with your counterpart of opposite gender will not be clean and transparent as

    compared to those who have studied to "Co-Education" system.

    3) Number of friends with Opposite Genders: If you have more friends from opposite

    gender than there is a chance that your friendship with those people will be

    clean...with any thought of intimacy compare to those who have one or just limitedfriends from opposite gender.

    4) Family Background: If the family of more orthodox, traditional, with very strict

    value system...then also at times... there are chances that you cannot be JUST friends

    with a person from opposite gender.

    5) Stage of life you are going through: If you are facing lots of rejections, emotional

    instability, frustration, lots of struggle and if your performance is not appreciated by

    your bosses and colleagues...then also you try to find that solace, that comfort by

    intimately getting involved...because their you find acceptance and emotional


    6) Profession you are into and type of organization you are working in: As we have

    discussed in one of the cases...if it is male or female dominated company or

    department...there are also people tend to get involved with people of opposite


    7) Successful, Happy Married Life and Unsuccessful and Unhappy Married Life: If

    you don't have successful and happy married life...you are not getting that time, care,

    and affection as you want and if you have a friend from opposite gender who is taking

    care of you, giving you time, affection and emotional support than also there are high


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    chances of developing those intimate relation...much above your "JUST" friendship


    So, it is possible to be "JUST" friends with people of opposite gender and it depend

    on your maturity, mindset and your need at that particular time. We can talk about our

    thoughts; our feelings but you cannot say the same thing about the person of opposite

    gender. You never know what your friend is talking about you in his or her group offriends.

    As far as my personal experiences goes...I have lot many "Female Friends" from

    different cities, different countries, from different age groups, married-unmarried-

    singles and now gender hardly matters to me. We discuss about our experiences, go

    out for dinner, movie, and picnic and also give comforts...if there are any issues at

    professional and personal fronts. But, as I said earlier...I can say how I feel, what I

    think...I cannot say with any surety as what they feel and think.

    If the sexual element in a relationship is lost, no friendship is left and the couple

    moves away from each other in every respect. Instead of seeing sexual relationshipsas friendships, which include sex, couples often see them as separate from any kind of

    friendship. If people could break away from this tradition they could be friends with

    their lovers and ex-lovers and enjoy close, happy and meaningful relationships. This

    would also reflect a certain amount of growth and maturity of the personality.

    My Gift to all my friends for their Friendship

    I love you not only for what you are,

    but for what I am when I am with you.

    I love you not only for what you have made of yourself,

    but for what you are making of me.

    I love you for the part of me that you bring out.

    I love you for putting your hand into my heaped-up heart,

    and passing over all the foolish and frivolous and weak things

    which you cannot help dimly seeing there,

    and for drawing out into the light

    all the beautiful, radiant belongings,

    that no one else had looked quite far enough to find.

    I love you for ignoring the possibilities of the fool

    and weakling in me,

    and for laying firm hold

    on the possibilities of good in me.


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    I love you for closing your eyes to the discords in me,

    and for adding to the music in me by worshipful listening.

    I love you because you are helping me

    to make of the lumber of my life not a tavern but a Temple,and of the words of my every day not a reproach but a song.

    I love you because you have done more

    than any creed could have done to make me good,

    and more than any fate could have done to make me happy.

    You have done it just by being yourself.

    Perhaps that is what being a friend means after all

    Saying so, I never mean to say that, I will be giving you solutions for all your


    As a friend, I may not be able to give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts, or

    fears; but I can listen to you, and together we can seek answers. I can't change your

    past with all its heartache and pain, nor the future with it's untold stories; but I can be

    there now when you need me to care.

    I can't keep your feet from stumbling. I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it

    and not fall. Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine; yet I can

    share in your laughter and joy.

    Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge; I can only support you,

    encourage you, and help you when you ask. I can't give you boundaries, which I have

    determined for you, But I can give you the room to change, room to grow, room to be


    I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting, but I can cry with you and help you

    pick up the pieces and put them back in place. I can't tell you who you are. I can only

    love you and be your friend.

    And every morning when you open your eyes, tell yourself that it is special. Every

    day, every minute, every second is a gift from God, you've got to dance like nobody's

    watching, and love like it's never going to hurt.

    People say true friends must always hold hands, but true friends don't need to hold

    hands because they know the other hand will always be there.


    "Friendship is the comfort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person

    having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words, but pouring all right out just as

    they are, chaff and grain together, certain that a faithful friendly hand will take and


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    sift them, keep what is worth keeping and, with a breath of comfort, blow the rest


    Not only in Friendship but also in all the relations love is the driving force that creates

    and sustains it. The kind of love friends have for each other is the desire to know,

    serve and share. It is the antithesis of lust - the desire to acquire, possess and control.

    It is what makes one want to connect with another human consciousness -intellectually, emotionally and physically.

    Unspoken doubts and suspicions are barriers that limit the possible depth to which a

    friendship can progress. Love empowers friends to say how they feel about each other

    without inhibition or fear of hurting each other's feelings. It thereby allows them to

    resolve their doubts and suspicions about each other, thus removing the barriers and

    opening the way to an ever-deeper friendship.

    Because friends love each other, one never attempts to force, coerce or control the

    other to change for the better. One friend only informs the other of the way he or she

    feels. Love will motivate the informed friend to change him or herself for the better.Because friends love each other, they will never use each other as a means to an end -

    as a human resource to be used and abused for self gain. A friend - as a precious

    sentient consciousness - is an end in him or herself. That end is the joy of sharing

    experiences and reciprocal love.

    Both are so much related to each other. And both are so dissimilar! What are the

    differences between friendship and love? Is platonic friendship possible between

    persons of opposite sex? Let us try and understand.

    What is friendship? Why do we call a person our friend? When do we callsomeone a very good friend? If we care for a person, if we are always ready to help

    that person and if we share most of our thoughts with a person, they are our good

    sfriends. We can always count upon our good friends in an emergency. We are

    always sure that our friend will understand why we acted in a certain way. We need

    not explain anything to our very good friends. The friendship is so deep and the

    relationship is so intimate, that most of the things are automatically understood by our


    What about love? In a relationship of deep love, all the sharing that we discussed

    above are taken for granted. But love transcends all this. During love, we are attached

    with a particular person, while in friendship, one may have many friends. A loving

    relationship makes one so much attached to the other, that one gets pained if his/her

    beloved is hurt! Love also involves a physical element. Friendship does not have that.

    This is a vital difference. Nature gives us love so that the specie can go forward.

    Nature does not give us friendship.

    Your heart beats will never increase in anticipation of meeting your friend. You will

    not lie awake at night thinking about your friend. You will not feel totally lost, if you

    don't meet your friend for a few days. You will not have dreams in your eyes thinking

    about your friend. But in love, you will do all this and much more. Indeed, there is no

    comparison between love and friendship.


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    Human Beings in all phases of life, from the very beginning of childhood and youth

    till old-age, are in need of friendship and association with others. Owing to his socialnature, man is compelled to live in society and with other individuals, he must benefit

    from the aid and cooperation of friends.

    Those who have worthy friends, are never lonely and friendless in the world, since in

    joy and sorrow, their true friends help and support them.

    Naturally, a human being feels happy at the companionship of friends, and is sad at

    being lonely and having no worthy companions.

    Imam Ali ibn-e Abi Talib (AS) considers real friends as the treasures of this world

    and the hereafter, and he says:

    Find friends for yourself from among your co-religionist brethren, since they are the

    treasures of this world and also the next world.

    In another remark, the Imam considers virtuous friends as the equivalent of thenoblest parts of the body, and he says:

    He who loses his pure-hearted friend whose friendship he has sought for the sake of

    Allah, resembles as if he has lost the noblest part of his body.

    The point to which the leaders of Islam pay great attention in connection with

    friendship, is that, it may be considered worthy only if it is fostered for the sake of

    God, and a reliable friend is the one whose friendship is based on spirituality.

    A friendship that is made for the sake of wealth, position, beauty and such things, will

    disappear automatically when those factors come to an end. No material thing can act

    as the basis of a lasting friendship or produce happiness.

    Another point to which Islam attaches much importance, is the choice of a friend.

    From the viewpoint of Islamic leaders, one should not make friends with each andevery individual, since there are some persons whose friendship is harmful and


    Without any doubt, every friend affects the material and spiritual affairs of his own

    companion, and each of them unconsciously influences the ideas, morals and conduct

    of the other. Experience has shown, too, that many friendships have changed the

    destiny of individuals and their course of life. Friends influence each others ways,

    faith and religion.

    The Prophet of Islam (SAW) has said: The way of each person accords with the faith

    and religion of his friend and companion. (Wasail ash-Shia, vol. 4)

    Dont judge anyones goodness or badness until you see his friend, since a person is

    recognized by his likes and companions, and is related to his friends. (Mustadrak-ul-

    Wasail, vol. 2)

    Friendship with worthy individuals is a great factor of happiness; and friendship and

    companionship with impure and polluted fellows are a cause of decline and distress.

    Socrates says: Each person values something: someone desires wealth; another

    wants beauty; a third longs for honor, but in my opinion, a good friend is better than

    all of them.

    Some people are so confident of their own purity and nobility, they imagine that they

    will not be subject to any harm in their association with wicked persons. They

    consider their personality as strong enough not to be influenced by vices. However,

    they forget that cottonwool gets aflame by proximity with fire, and glass breaks whenit comes in contact with stones. Unfortunately, corruption and impurity can very


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    quickly affect the human spirit, and easily make it catch fire like gunpowder, and

    burn the entire world with their flame.

    He who is proud of his own excellence and doesnt fear to have contact with the mean

    persons, is like an individual who builds his house on the course of a torrent, hoping

    that the force of the torrent cannot affect his house.

    An old Arabic saying compares a bad companion with a blacksmith. If he does not

    burn you with his fire, his smoke will at least hurt your eyes!.Supposing you are so dignified and noble that you arent influenced by the wicked

    persons you associate with. What will people say about you? Will they not consider

    you as one of the rabble when you associate with them?

    The danger of having corrupt friends isnt confined to the worldly life. Such

    friendships produce repentance on the Day of Resurrection, too!

    The Holy Quran says about those who are to receive chastisement from God in

    future life:

    They wish that they had not made friends with the impious, for, it was they who

    misled them. (5:32)

    Imam Ali (AS) has said: The felicity of this and the next world lie in two things:

    firstly, keeping secrets; and secondly, friendship with the good. And the miseries ofthis and the next world are summed up in two things: firstly, divulging secrets; and

    secondly, friendship with wicked persons. (al-Ikhtisas)

    The Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) says: The happiest person is he who associates

    and befriends the magnificent. (Amali Saduq)

    A learned woman said to her children: As our body is nourished by food to gain

    strength, so also our spirit acquires virtue or vice by association with good or bad


    It would be impossible not to be affected deeply in our character by association with

    those around us, since man is by nature, an imitator, and everyone is more or less

    influenced by the conduct, manners and ideas of friends and companions.

    The Spanish have a saying to the effect that going among wolves will teach you,howling!

    Association with biased and selfish people produces great losses since the effect of

    their character leads to the obscurity and limitation of thought, and to the death of the

    spirit of manliness and noble qualities. If association with them continues for a long

    time, the heart becomes heavy and hardened, moral powers are weakened, and will-

    power, sense of progress and excelling are destroyed in man.

    On the contrary, friendship and contact with those who are wiser, more experienced

    than us, are very valuable since their association breathes a new spirit into us, teaches

    us better way of life, and reforms our views about the attitude towards others. It

    appears as if they make us share their wisdom, knowledge and experience.

    Thus, for building up morality nothing is more useful and effective than association

    with learned and active individuals, since such contact enhances our mental powers,

    adds to our will-power, sublimate to our objective in the world, and prepares us for

    managing our own affairs and assisting others. (Ethics, Samuel Smiles)

    I asked it if it was musk or perfume that intoxicated me with its fine fragrance. It said:

    I used to be worthless clay, but kept the company of a flower a while; the perfection

    of my companion affected me, otherwise, I am still the clay that I was.

    The Sixth Imam, Jafar as-Sadiq (AS) says: My father, while advising me, said:

    O my son! He, who associates with the wicked persons, will not remain safe from

    their injury. And he who steps into unsuitable places will become defamed; and he

    who cannot control his tongue, will become repentant. (al-Khessal, vol. 1, p. 80)in the future.


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    Coming to the point, we are talking about the management lessons that can be learnt

    from the movie. There are so many to talk about, but I will try to be concise and will

    give my lessons point-wise.

    Lesson 1: Do not learn to get success. Learn for knowledge. Success will follow.

    When we strive hard to learn and improve our knowledge, we move ahead in life.

    Lesson 2: Do not take life too seriously. Life is there to enjoy, have fun, making

    friends, and of course getting proper education. We get life once and we should live it

    the way we dream of.

    Lesson 3: Learn to communicate well. Each word has its own importance. Proper

    pauses and stress on certain words will convey the exact meaning, or may even

    change the entire meaning. Like in the movie, Chatur's speech was modified with few

    words but the entire speech was changed. It was the most wonderful part of the

    movie. It was a laughter riot to watch the scene. Those who have not seen the movie

    yet are advised strongly to watch the movie.

    Lesson 4: Last but not the least, help others and foster respect. Helping others helps

    you to grow mentally and easily associates you. A lasting relationship is created by

    helping others. In the movie, Aamir helps Joshi and Madhavan in choosing right

    careers for them and follow their dreams. This creates an everlasting bond between

    friends, not only friends but with anyone whom we help. You grow as a person and

    never have to look back in life.

    Legally Blonde is a movie that everyone has heard of. Starring Reese Witherspoon,

    it's the story of a blonde sorority sister who takes an interesting move. She enters

    Harvard Law School in hopes of winning back the love of her life, Warner. What shedoesn't expect is to be thrust into the harsh world of law, and to learn the lesson most

    pertinent to her life.

    This movie is more than the story of a ditsy blonde. Sure, it's cute, and it's funny. It's

    not a depressing move, a romantic film, or even a horror flick. But it has meaning. It's

    about never letting someone tell you what you can't do. It's about not taking crap from

    people, not letting them tell you that you aren't smart enough. That you can't do it.

    That you're better off sticking to something you know. It's about learning that true

    love knows no prejudice. And ladies, know this: The guy who is right for you will

    never underestimate your abilities. He will never doubt, judge, or push aside his faith

    in you.

    Although this movie is meant to be light-hearted and fun, I simply can't watch it

    without getting teary-eyed. It shows that friendships lurk sometimes in the most

    unexpected places, and first impressions are almost never accurate. It shows that

    anytime you make up your mind to do something, and focus, you will accomplish it.

    It's about not letting people get in your way. Elle Woods no doubt was on her way out

    the door becuse of a disgusting professor. But what stopped her? A friend perhaps?

    Or was it her old professor? The same professor that kicked her out her first day of

    class. What parallelism. What beauty.


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    Perhaps one of the most beautiful things about this story is the role of friendship.

    How Elle kept her friend's alibi a secret, despite what it would do to her reputation.

    How she taught people to stand up for themselves, and not let low esteem get them

    down, or make it okay for other people to treat them like dirt. This movie is a classic.

    If one lesson be learned from it, if you take nothing else from this film, take this:

    "You must always have faith in people, and most importantly, you must always have

    faith in yourself"~Elle Woods.

    Legally Blonde is a movie that everyone has heard of. Starring Reese Witherspoon,

    it's the story of a blonde sorority sister who takes an interesting move. She enters

    Harvard Law School in hopes of winning back the love of her life, Warner. What she

    doesn't expect is to be thrust into the harsh world of law, and to learn the lesson most

    pertinent to her life.

    This movie is more than the story of a ditsy blonde. Sure, it's cute, and it's funny. It's

    not a depressing move, a romantic film, or even a horror flick. But it has meaning. It's

    about never letting someone tell you what you can't do. It's about not taking crap from

    people, not letting them tell you that you aren't smart enough. That you can't do it.That you're better off sticking to something you know. It's about learning that true

    love knows no prejudice. And ladies, know this: The guy who is right for you will

    never underestimate your abilities. He will never doubt, judge, or push aside his faith

    in you.

    Although this movie is meant to be light-hearted and fun, I simply can't watch it

    without getting teary-eyed. It shows that friendships lurk sometimes in the most

    unexpected places, and first impressions are almost never accurate. It shows that

    anytime you make up your mind to do something, and focus, you will accomplish it.

    It's about not letting people get in your way. Elle Woods no doubt was on her way out

    the door becuse of a disgusting professor. But what stopped her? A friend perhaps?Or was it her old professor? The same professor that kicked her out her first day of

    class. What parallelism. What beauty.

    Perhaps one of the most beautiful things about this story is the role of friendship.

    How Elle kept her friend's alibi a secret, despite what it would do to her reputation.

    How she taught people to stand up for themselves, and not let low esteem get them

    down, or make it okay for other people to treat them like dirt. This movie is a classic.

    If one lesson be learned from it, if you take nothing else from this film, take this:

    "You must always have faith in people, and most importantly, you must always have

    faith in yourself"~Elle Woods.



    There are friends who remain true and trustful under all circumstances and there are friends

    who remain with you only desiring the good. Islam urges to have cordial relations with

    others and to avoid corruption and the harmful effects of the company of the wicked and the

    mischievous, strictly forbidding every kind of contact and intimacy with them. The first kind

    of friend are very few, and their friendship is like a mirror to you. In deed, we must be fair

    to our friends, and must want for them that which we want for ourselves. Nabiy Muhammad(Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam) said,"A true believer is a mirror to his brother. He


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    prevents him from any harm." Friends wish well for their friends, and feel a strong grief

    when they see them in any kind of distress or suffering. They work hard by all means, by

    their wealth and their hands to restore the rights of their friends, and give them all the help

    they need. They keep the secrets of their friends. This kind of friendship is the basic

    necessity of social life. Nabiy Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam) said,"A

    person follows the ways and conducts of his friends." On the other hand, one encounters

    fools, avaricious, people cowards, and liars. The fool wants to help others, but cause more

    harm to them despite good intentions. The avaricious one takes but does not give back toanyone. The coward flees at the smallest danger, abandoning everyone. And the liar does not

    benefit others, brings animosity and resentment, and causes serious damage to others. Also,

    the liar is not trusted even if he/she is telling the truth. It is reported,"As for a liar, life with

    him can never be pleasant for you. He carries tales from you to others and from others to

    you. If he gives you a true report, a false one follows it. His reputation is slurred. So much so

    that when he says something true, nobody believes him. Due to the enmity which he

    entertains in his heart for people, he estranges them from one another and creates malice in

    their hearts. Be careful and do your duty to Allah." These kinds of individuals might call

    themselves as your friends, but they do more ill-service to you as well as to the society and in

    the long run. It is adviced,"Avoid the company of the vicious, because your character would

    pick up their degenerate and deviant qualities without your knowing it." The Glorious

    Qur'an says,"O woe is me! Would that I had not taken

    such a one as my friend." 25:28

    There are many characterizes of true friends: their heart and face should be alike, they should

    be honest with their friends and show them both the good and the bad side: wealth and

    children should not change them; they should help whenever able to do so, and they should

    not leave their friends during difficulties.

    To choose a friend, one must assess his real worth. One must bear in mind that temperaments

    and personalities are associated with one, relationships with others. Nabiy Muhammad

    (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam) said,"Every Muslim should try to select the best

    companion for the life span. A companion could be a friend from the same gender. If thecompanion is to be from the other gender, then that companion should be a spouse to live

    together within the confines of rules and regulations." Our beloved Nabiy (Sallallahu Alayhi

    Waalihi Wasalam) encouraged us to select a good friend with whom to share our feelings.

    He said,"Don't take a companion unless he is a believer; and don't let your food be eaten

    except by a godly person." Also, one must take a friend for who he or she is as an individual,

    and not force them to conform with one's warp and ideas, so long as everything remains

    within the boundaries of Islam.

    Islam approves associating with individuals who have violated moral and social laws for the

    purpose of helping them through beneficial guidance. Friends of the right path father and

    discuss what is beneficial, but not vain. Friends love the souls and smells of their friends.

    Friends sympathies with their friends and they comfort each other. Friends exert each othertoward piety and righteous deeds. Nabiy Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi Waalihi Wa Salam)

    said,"Fear Allah and help each other for the sake of Allah. Have mercy upon each other.

    Visit each other and remember our matter and keep it alive."

    However, one who keeps company for the sake of helping a friend, would have fulfilled the

    rights of companionship in the worthiest manner. It is reported,"When someone observes a

    friend taking a wrong and sinful course and, while possessing the capacity to restrain him,

    does not do so out of indifference, he has actually betrayed his friend."

    Today, in this world of ignorance and personal desires, there are few who keep their

    friendship. Hence, everyone should be careful in choosing friends, and study the character of

    those with whom they wish to develop terms of friendship.


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    "Of course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some ice water brought right up." The

    gatekeeper gestured to his rear, and the huge gate began to open.

    "I assume my friend can come in..." the man said, gesturing toward his dog.

    But the reply was, "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't accept pets."

    The man thought about it, then thanked the gatekeeper, turned back toward the road,and continued in the direction he had been going. After another long walk, he reached

    the top of another long hill, and he came to a dirt road which led through a farm gate.

    There was no fence, and it looked as if the gate had never been closed, as grass had

    grown up around it. As he approached the gate, he saw a man just inside, sitting in the

    shade of a tree in a rickety old chair, reading a book. "Excuse me!" he called to the

    reader. "Do you have any water?"

    "Yeah, sure, there's a pump over there," the man said, pointing to a place that couldn't

    be seen from outside the gate. "Come on in and make yourself at home."

    "How about my friend here?" the traveler gestured to the dog.

    "He's welcome too, and there's a bowl by the pump," he said. They walked through

    the gate and, sure enough, there was an old-fashioned hand pump with a dipper

    hanging on it and a bowl next to it on the ground. The man filled the bowl for his dog,

    and then took a long drink himself.

    When both were satisfied, he and the dog walked back toward the man, who was

    sitting under the tree waiting for them, and asked, "What do you call this place?" the

    traveler asked.

    "This is heaven," was the answer.

    "Well, that's confusing," the traveler said. "It certainly doesn't look like heaven, and

    there's another man down the road who said that place was heaven."

    "Oh, you mean the place with the gold street and pearly gates?"

    "Yes, it was beautiful."

    "Nope. That's hell."

    "Doesn't it offend you for them to use the name of heaven like that?"

    "No. I can see how you might think so, but it actually saves us a lot of time. Theyscreen out the people who are willing to leave their best friends behind."


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    Whitney's Story

    There was a time when Whitney didn't have a lot of friends. She was a bit shy and

    reserved. She never really wanted to be popular, but she did want to have someone to

    share secrets and laughs with. All through high school, though, she just slipped in and

    out of "light" friendships where she didnt find a lot of comfort or companionship.

    When it came time to go to college, Whitney was quite nervous. She was going to be

    rooming with someone she didnt know and living in a town 300 miles away from

    home. There wouldn't be a single person she knew in town. She had no idea how she

    was going to make friends in this new environment.

    The first week of classes, something happened that changed Whitney's life forever. In

    her English Composition class, she was asked (as were all the students) to share a

    little about herself. She told everyone where she called home and all of the other

    ordinary details that students share in such situations. The final question for each

    student was always the same: "What is your goal for this class?" Now, most of the

    students said it was to get a good grade, pass the class or something similar, but for

    some reason, Whitney said something entirely different. She said that her goal was to

    make just one good friend.

    While most of the students sat in silence, one student came to Whitney and held out

    his hand and introduced himself. He asked if she would be his friend. The wholeroom was silent all eyes focused on the Whitney and the hand ex