rl- m planning group minutes 14th dec 2015

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Meeting of the Red Labour / Momentum Planning Group

Tyneside Irish Centre

14th December 2015

11 in attendance

Facilitators: Diane Jones (Newcastle Central CLP)Ed Whitby (Newcastle East CLP) - until 19:00Taking notes: Rachel Broadbent (Newcastle East CLP)

Present: Ronan Dodds (Ncl East), Mietek Padowicz (Ncl East), Mark Winskell (Ncl East), Joan Hewitt (Tynemouth), Sue Mathieson (Ncl Central), Gavin Thompson (Ncl Central), Jamie Driscoll (Ncl North), Eric Scarboro (Jarrow)

IntroductionMeeting started at 18:30. Apologies noted. Members of the group introduced themselves.

Momentum GroupsThere was a discussion about the various Momentum groups that have been set up in the region and how they would interact. It was agreed to carry on as we are and see what happens.

Rules and procedures groupThe dissemination of information was highlighted as important, with particular focus on the structure of the Labour Party and the process and timing required for the submission of resolutions. Existing document platforms already exist; scribd and a wiki site. Methods such as flow charts and videos. There is also a leaflet prepared by Newcastle East CLP which could provide a good starting point.

The following members of the rules and procedures group were all agreed unanimously: Ed Whitby

Ronan Dodds

Mietek Padowicz

Mark WinskellThe following were also nominated and agreed should they be willing to accept: Helen Hughes (Gateshead) Dave Marshall (Washington & Sunderland West)

Suggested a live document be developed followed by a workshop. It was also suggested that a main meeting could be on the subject of how the Labour Party works.Social MediaThe existing Facebook Pages are (numbers on 15/12/15):

Red Labour Tyne & Wear (390 likes)

Momentum Northern (1,692 likes) (formerly Jeremy Corbyn for Labour Leader Campaign ) Momentum Tyne & Wear (197 likes)

Also various Twitter accounts

It would be useful to have more supporters contributing material offers to become editors can be sent to the admins. There was a discussions on what the link between these sites are and whether there was overlap. A concern was raised regarding the anonymity of people who post as admin on these sites. An idea was put forward that people posting under a group identity could end each post/tweet with their initials for further . discussion at a future meeting.There was a deviation from the agenda at this point regarding internal Labour Party politics and Red Labours potential role within CLPs.

Back on to social media, it was suggested that Admins should be members of the steering group to increase accountability as they could then report back at meetings. This was then widened to suggest that members of the steering group could nominate people to be Editors . These people would be co-opted to the group, thus accountable.

There was seen to be a need for a social media coordinator to liaise on contributions to the Tyne and Wear pages. It was unanimously agreed this role would be taken by Rachel Broadbent.

Offering SpeakersEric Scarboro discussed his plans to go out to places (workingmens clubs, community meetings etc) to engage people outside the Labour Party and discuss the benefits of Corbyns approach. It was suggested that it could involve a five minute videos to initiate debate and a three person panel.

Eric Scarboro to write a plan for the meetings.

It as suggested that the events need to be sustainable, short preparation time, same subject each time so the facilitators can build up skill in answering questions. The best subject was considered to be why vote Labour in 2020.

Eric Scarboro to set the first one up in Gateshead, Joan Hewitt to set one up in Tynemouth and both to report back to the group.

It was commented that the Labour Party should be have been doing this type of thing for years.

Take resolutions to Branches/ConstituenciesAgreed that this is an import function of Red Labour. Draft resolutions can be posted on Facebook pages, and sent to Diane Jones for sharing on Scribd.

Stand for ElectionThe importance of getting new Labour Party members to branch and open CLP meetings was reiterated.

At branch and open CLP AGMs (unsure when they are held) members of the steering group are encouraged to stand for posts (if not already ready).

Build our supportIt was suggested that all of us invite others in our friend/acquaintance/colleague networks to join the mailing list, and that all supporters are asked to do this. Diane will add this request to a mail out.

Talk SocialismAll members of the steering group are encouraged to attend Talk Socialism meetings and get involved.

Next years session are still in planning but should be set soon. Outline plan is:

Main Talk Socialism session, same day every month in Irish Centre

Talk Socialism Reading Group discussing Ha-Joon Changs Beginners Guide to Economics, same day every month, venue to be decided possibly Bar Loco depending on disabled access. ??

Discussion underway to set up a Durham Talk Social session at the Peoples Bookshop.

There will also be a planning meeting at some point soon to discuss future session topics, and discuss ideas on taking Talk Socialism forward.

Joan Hewitt offered to facilitate a session after April.

Future Momentum MeetingsTopics suggested for future public Momentum meetings:

Trident - National demonstration scheduled for the end of February

EU - to address the in/out referendum, Diane Jones to share material with links to pros and cons

Local Government - to discuss possible actions on spending cuts

Regional Mayoral Election - to discuss how to influence the outcome (it was assumed that it is inevitable that well have an elected Regional Mayor)

The preferred topic was for a meeting on the Mayoral Election and was subject to further discussion:

Meeting could discuss what principles a Mayor would need to stand on to get our endorsement

It was suggested the panels for the meeting could consist of Geoff Walker, Malcolm Brain and Michael Lloyd

The meeting could culminate and in the drafting of a resolution which state Red Labour/Momentums position

To get wider public involvement it was suggested that after the meeting the principles discussed could form the basis of a survey (using Survey Monkey) to canvass opinion.

Meeting closed at 20:13