rlumw|t art i?,chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83026413/1878-03-28/ed...for the plttsburg...

fD . eDue. J. A. Scudder, Katie, Belle. ywete, Glolen brown, Eva. Departures. , d11 Gaze~lle. Belle, Assumption Ona- John, Kate Kinney, J. H, ianna. :.; Te Arrive. S• ,. l, uachita Belle, Bayou Sara: As- x 5. t, ary, Lafourche: Alvin Martha. lie, lower coast; Bart Able. Red river; S)IBerei upperlost A. C. Donnally, Ot i; rtha.pelousas ; Natchez. Vlk5s- 3i e. Howard, J. B. M. Kehlor. St. Louis. S iWhaer yesterday was not so pleasant, aeing a windy, cloudy and rainy one. , was not very brisk. 4 I@ is P. Chouteau laid over, and will V t y positively at 5 p. m. for all way SMemphis. The Chouteau is a regu- rade, Is as staunch as they make them, id ct olass passenger accommodations,. t horwegan commands, seo. Milten- ption has changed her hour for ednesdays from In a. m. to 12 m. e rth, M. henison master, Eug. Quatre- , will arrive to leave Saturday for the e art Able will arrive to leave Saturday, l •sual. for Grand Ecore. peerless Natohez will arriveto-night from S lbufrfl and rcturn Saturday. as usual. pt, Jas. .McElroy, of the St. John, who went to Louisville to contract for a new boat. graphed Tuesday to Mr. E. O. Melancon. thitie had completed all contacts for anew n Rouge packet. and would arrive home ursday (this) morning. The fleet Katie leaves to-day for all town and mail ladings to Greenville. Theew Orleans and Red River Transporta- tlon Company's steamer C. H. Durfee, C. W. de master, W H. McChesney clerk, is at the landing receiving to leave Saturday for Shrove- new and handsome Golden Crown, W. P. master, Eug4hinkle cle k, of the C.. L. acket line, arrived yesterday even- . t roeci tving to leave Saturday for the o"ruh to COlncinnati. The crown is an Z g great favoritewith the traveling pub- Snasorujtof herexcellent accommodations, auan earl visit to Mr. Shinkle. who is always pase in order to secure a choice of rooms. , 5onnally, with a big trip,will arrive r morning. Son A, Sfudder arrived Tuesday night afne trip and will return to Memphis and d,leaving to-day at .m. Cam. pt. Frank iommand, Chas. H. Dix clerk. The as made a remarkable season in this doming In full each trio. She is a good t and a well managed one. esas and Macon packet Tensas. L V. master. H. Molaison clerk, leaves Satur- . m. without fall. The Tensas pays attention to all Black river business. .a Porter, clerk of the Kate Kinney. yesterday evening for St. Louis. .Eugene oWWent up in charge of the office, with the onof turning it over to Ed Groves when MarLouiseels met, and resuming his posi- > aontat boat. :H e •kert has recovered about ]oo bales , rof thlShannon's cargo and will have the a o, ull5 bales, out by Saturday, when Sse 1ome to the city to be docked.after which return and take out the machinery. o'due and Delahoussaye sold the Tom f Caet. Fred Blanks yesterday, for alter, of the Goose, who will run her up { r. Terms private. . Sudder has made twelve trips emlis trade. and during that time has tt,94 bales cotton and 111 211 sacks cot- n s . an average of over 3579 bales and 9267 S ra trip, 6big showing, truly. S harlie Arthur, FRank Stone and H. C. in accompanied by Mr. Terrell. of the oe Ioard of Underwriters. arrived by the n e tin yesterday morning. Capts. Stone a in came over to buy the Ella Hughes, L •ing ~suited, returned last evening Golden Crown burst a boiler above Car- olto A waassisted to the landing by the harles organ had a fine trio out-up- 00 passengers. Stlranis Belle leaves daily at 7:30 a. m. Sienvllle street for Westwego. running in orcon with the New Orleans and Texas rod to Donaldsonville. The fleet and unusually regular tri-weekly -up,•egoast packet Mary Ida, J. A. Ruiz mas- -ter.'W. Nlcoile clerk, leaves this 10 a. m. oiptly for the Ben Tureaud plantation. The a aylight boat, both ways. T e splendid passenger and United States steamer Katie, J. M. White ma-ter, Curt clerk, leaves to-day at 5 p. m. for eg, Greenville and mail landings. Sle e t Wild Gazelle will arrive to leave to- row. as usual, at 11 a, m. for the lower coast :.to. ' lia [Store. The Gazelle is very S ry Tete, making semi-weekly trips ,t0• B Lefourche. through to Thibodaux, the lauding this morning, and will to morrow at 10 a. m. J. F. Aucoin in 1tt•id, M. H. Landry clerk. united Btates mail and passenger packet G Allen, ohn J. Brown master, 8. S. Streck leaves to-morrow at 5 p. m. for Bayou 6 1 xehlange Clippings. aoris Globe-Demoerat March 25: om eoeisive steps will be taken this week to ta new arrangement to run a line of boats n S Louis and New Orleans. None but boat will be admitted into this line. o1y boats that can afford to make all way are wanted. Capt. John A. Scudder y be the head or the line, and should t to take the position nothing but a # tderfaI chain of adverse circumstances o ldprevent the line from winning the patron- a St. Louis shippers. This buiness Ii i boiled down to what Hoyle would e lt trump," and it is two to one that i der will have a handful of trumps yi against the cards. The commerco of is will again look up, and again our Sriends will say Bt. Louis is b t place to do business with when a te rline of steamers are started. The An- o Line is a fair sample of the results of rea- tt itf in running time. The fight will be Sontested, for the Plttsburg commo- . ll, its sai. fight and stay as long as SOne. Bat this time he has to cope with an arm as strong, a ourse as long and a brain keen" as his own, one that knows only one tin and that is how to win. About three Smionths of cutting of rates like last week, and ~,,oilationl or compromise of some sort may •-* I •lookep for. evening the advertisement of the t L o. ts and New Orleans "Anchor Line" handed into this office, thu officially con- ng the statements made 7by the Globe- uin the past week. Capt. John , ai retained by the new line as gen- r o'March 3.--The trip of the Grand Lake d barges to the Wabash and Lower Ohio will i no doubt cause a flutter among the towboat i t operations have been confined to Of course the trade is free to all i no reason why Col. Reardon should a if he wished to. but the tonnage e trade was in excess of freight. ..Company barges make a large Sh d Lake is, perhaps, the largest th as navigated the Wabash, and t e ahead of her had only room treamto turn around. She will Lhe Bundsy evening, with all five of her 1r.hs Avalanche, March 26: The James HoWard passed down last night. having room for 500 tons. Bhe put off here 1365 sa corn., sosacks oats and 9 bags 'ottondand tookoi O 800 sacks corn in Madrid Bend. She haddere 800bales cotton and 615 sacks oil cake. TheJ. B. M. Keblor. nearly six days out from S . Louis. arrived yesterday and put off s3o tons, incaluding 2280 bbls flour, 150 half bbls, 5s bbla ,. Oe ' sacks bran .258 sacks oats, 295 tierces r. 5 bles lard oil and 70 packages sundries. Shehad on 2coe tons and is similar to an ox o team--she will get to her place of destination if you give her plenty of time. The John Means and barges also passed t Gwn Sunday. [By Telegraoh.] Maxrtsm March 27.-To C. G. Wayne. New rWleass: Steamer A. C. Donnally will arrive ETtrrayv mornina. E. A, DONNALLY. MAARTNE NEWS. 0'1103 NEW ORLIANJ DMH•ORaT., March 248, 1378. 3 leared Yesterday. ster•shiplew York. Quick. for New Yor-- C A Whitney &co Steamahip St Mary, Lewis, for Galveston, in ballast, C A Whitney &co 8pa• bark an Fernando. Calgada, fororde~nx- Puig. Corral &oo Brit sobr hbeneser. Bethel for Naesaw, N P- Master A rrived. tsmeahip City of Mexico, McIntosh, from Mexioan Porte, to llg. Corral &co-•d die 1I 3ora batk N H Kandtian, Peterson. 53 days from Rio .d Janelro, to Jobhnston, Gordon &eo-les dis ~irk EBlliott, Ritoble, Hatchinsona, 9 days fm Savn. 4 A K Miller & o-Point Mel• Villa de Llanes, Lleaes, 11 days from Vera lt. ( , to AveadanoBrose-- die r3 SmTonob ith,• 2Toso, 8 days fm avasa, •+++,:++.m .-- ,ommr _+ ++ +i+++ y *..++,++i +++ + ?+++• + .+', '+ ! tiek White. 'rom Green•d•el Avin. eoovelL from Lower Coast Sell• (•omstock, from Upoer Coast Ri•aleo mer, Taylor. from Port Eads Eva, Terrebone. from Ba3ou Lafourche Hesry Tee, Anooia. from Bayou Lafourche eloew-O.mias Up. Ship Regina, Corning, 53 days from Liverpool, to master- Below-Waltine Orders. Nor bark Albert, A ndersen, 50 days from Havre, in ballast, to master- NEW Y ARK--Per steamship New York--3--9 bales cotton 110 bales moss 3 6 bales hides 578 bdls w a do 2271 dry do 1450 pigs lead 487 bbls molasses 49 sacks wool i67 bhds sugar 61 bales raper stook 2433 bxa beef 59 bbls pork 174 bble oil 56 pkges sundries BORDEAUX-Per bark lanFernando-9501 sacks corn 1440 pse staves NABSAU-Per sohr Ebenezer-35 bbls flour 1 box bacon 9 k;gs butter 38,000 feet lumber 50,000 shingles LLVERPOOL-Per ship Fearnought, cleared 15th inst-2002 sacks oilcake Imar tas. LIVERPOOL-Per steamship Thessalia-82 vkgs mdse C A Whitney &co-2 do Stauffer Macoready & co-7 do Anderson & Simpson--20 do Batt son, Wis- dom & Bowling--S5 casks mustard 5 cases do Burke & Thompson-4 bales bags C F Conrad-I1038 bxs tin plate Bridge. Beach &oo-928 do 72 tcs soda ash 79 pkgo eartbenware 27 bales bags order B AVANA-Per steamship St Louis--696 hhds sn. gar I case preserves Agar & Lelong-4 cases cigars 8 Plassan leesipts of Preatee. CINCINNATI-Per steamer Golden Crown-I bx mdee N H Applegate- 100 bbls potatoes s D'Amico &co-lot mdse A Baldwin &co-1 iron sate W H Barnett--lo pkgL mdse Burke & Thompson-:'6 bbls potatoes C T Buddecke & Son-lot mdse Bodley Bros -10 Ihds meat Barstow & Deeves--64 shrets iron Block & Pollock-large lot mdse C A Whitney &oo- 37 pkge radseo J H Campbell-l1 pkgs eggs ,59 boxes cheese E F DelBandio--i5 bbls apples H DelBondlo- 3 pkgs mdse H D Coleman & Bro---- bbis whisky J Doboi--5 do L'Estrolo-2. bbls meal 10 boxes eggs L H Fairchild &co--10 cases tobacco S Flatow-0l hfbbls beef t H Flashpoll er-50 ierces hams D Fat- jo &co-3 pkge mdse L Fox-473 bbls flour 108 sacks bran Glover & Odendahli-9 stoves G W W Good. wyn-16 boxes eggs D A Given & Son-15 pkgs mdse J Grimm--50 pkge glass J Gauche--5 no H Gold. smith-1 pkge mdse Goethe & Haid-lot do H Haller -1ij bbls potatoes 200 bbls flour 216 bales hay How- ard & Preston -73 empty bbls Capt S lIeno-6- pkge mdse A Hansen--15 do E J Hart &co-- do Hall a Erne-14 pkgs eggs I pkge butter A Julian-85 bbls potatoes 25 bbls apples J Keller- 4129 sacks corn 4 boxes eggs T King &co-3 pkgs mdse Knowlton, Whiltcmb &co-2t0 boxes cheese C H Lawrence &oo -1 safe A Lambert--lot mdse J Levy &co--6 pkgs mdse J A Lum &co-100 sheets iron Isgan & Makin- son-20 bdls paper J Meyer--18 bbls potatues Mel- ville & Peters-83 pkgs eggs 2 bbis beans 27 kegs lard 48 coops poultry Miller & Meyer-90 bbls flour l9o bbls potatoes 1020 sacks torn 25 teo meat IS hhds bacon 10 bxr hams W H Mathews & Bro-20 boxes axes H J Mullen-1' boiler Thomas MoJ-lot mdse P McCabe-- pkgs mdse N O & R T o- -16 do NO & M R R--10 pkgs eggs 149 boxes che, se Newman & Jones-I case tobacco J L Nasits--16 boxes mldse M L Navra--lot mdse E Offeer----182 bbls potatoes 61 sacks bran 100 bales hay Chass Pleasents--5 bbls of points Bienville Oil Co-lot nmdse T Paderas-100 bxs glass Roberts &co--lot mdse Rice, Born &co-51 coops poultry W Ret ille--• pkgs mdae L Reder &co -50 bbls whisky Schmidt & Ziegler--3d pkgs mdse Stauffer, Macready &co--lot mdse M Schwartz & Bro. -111i0 sacks corn Schwabaeher & Hirsch- 51 boxes cherse Smith Bros &oo-1 safe P E Parszin-22 bbls oil Cobhran & Fearing-lot mdse A Simon--ll pkgs mdse J B Solari & Son-12 do J H Scoot-95 do Strat- ton & Mayer-7 do D Schnmacher- 20 bbls flour to Schwabacher, Frowenfeld & Pfeifer---- pkgs mdse J Schwarts-10 do F N ihayer- 10 bbls whisky U '1 benrer--t empty bbls Union Oil Co--12 bble flour 78 bbls meal Vairin & Mortimer-200 do 100 bbls sour 330 sacks corn 91 sacks oats 3 boxes eggs Jos West & co-100 bbls grits T T White..300 bxra soap Zuberbier & Behan-lo tfurniture and sundries to order MEMPHIS-Per steamer John A Scaddtr---- 1 bales cotton Richardson & May-542 do to order -234 Me3er, Weis &ic--183 McGehee. Snowden & Violett -137 Buckner &co-126 Lehman. Abraham toco--l• Jno Phelps &co--124 Allen Nugent &oo--11 S B Newman &o-111ll Clapp Bros &co-99 J L Harris & co-90 W C Black &oo--69 J W Burbridge &co--55 H & B Beer-50 T L Airey too--49 Graham. Black diooe-41 8 Gumbel-35 H & C Newman--31 Payne, Kennedy &oo-30 Allen. West & Bush-30 Bickham & Mofie-27 Chafle. Hamilton & Powell--295 Stewart Bros eoo-24 Jno Chaffe & Sons-14 Jurey & d illi-- 6 J Barnet &co-6 Nallse & Cammack-4 Chas Gal. lagher-- T J Carver-- Forstall & Jumonville-1729 sacks oiloake H & B Beer--42 do Anderson & Simp son--89 do T L ALrey &oo-931 do order-1410 sacks cotton seed mealA A Greenwood &oo--3(0 do order- 550 do Geo Heck &co-13u4 sacks oilcake 45 bbls cot- ton a ed ashes J W Barbridge &oo-77m• bbls oil J Al- dige--9877 sacks oc tton seed N O Cotton Seed Asso- ciation--10 t 7 do Buckner &co-sundry mdse Blanks Line-do N O d B R T Co--1 boxes bacon Vose Bros -9 hhds tobacco MoGehee. Snowden & Violett-2 pkgs sundries Scherok & Berkson--endries to order -Total 1964 bales cotton 3944 sacks cotton seed 4675 sacks oiloake 2290 sacks cotton seed meal I hhda to- bacco bGR INVILLE-Per steamer Katie-191 bales cote ton Richardson & May--146 Graham. Black &oo-94 Buckner &oo- -71 Allen, Nugent &co--59 John I Noble-48 Llapp Bros &coo-46 J L Harris &co- 43 Ar Miltenberger & Pollock-42 S B Newman &ed -4I Jno Chafes & lons-3l Chafe, Hamilton & Powell- 25 Meyer, Weis oo-17 H Allison &oo--li H & C Newman-14 G W Sentell &co-1-l Payne. Kennedy &oo--1 Stewart Bros &ce-ill McGehee. Snowden & Violett-8 Forstall & Jumonville-7 Gwyn & Dyer- 7 Lehman, Abraham &oe-7 W S Donnell-5 Clat- borne &co--5 S GUmbel-3 Jno Phelps &co-3 Jno T Hardie &co--2 T J Carver-2 Ben Gerson-2 Jorey & Gillis-1 Allen. West & Bush-1 Hirsch, Adler &oo- 2237 sacks cotton seed N 0 Cotton deed Association- sundries to order-Total 966 bales cotton 2237 sacks cotton seed SHREVEPORT-Per steamer C H Dnrfee-672 bales cotton N O d R T Co-107 order-101 Chaffe. Hamilton & Powell-67 Jno Caaffe & Sons-66 Kirk- patrick &co-30 Jno Phelps ice-18 T L Airey eoo -15 W C Black ico-13 J W Bnrbridge oo-5 Ben Gerson-3 C L Walmsley &eo-1- Gragard & dFarrar- 1 Mever, Weis &coo-1 J P Harrison ir &co--I 8 W Rawfins-200 sacks oiloake 141 bbls oil i no Chafle d Sons-98 sacks cotton seed N 0 Cotton Seed Associa- tion--3 head hogs 53 head cattle C Mehle &co--40 do Aycock. Mitchell &ao-sundries to order-Total 1101 bales cotton 98 sacks cotton seed 200 sacks oileake 141 bbls oil UPPER COAST-Per steamer Belle-62 hhds su- gar P Lanaux-2 do A M Tourne-2 sac s seed cot- ton A L Choppin- 15 sacks rough rice J Foerster- sundries to order-Total 64 hhds sugar 2 sacks seed outtod 21 sacks rough rice LOWER COAST--Per steamer Alvin- 1 hhd sugar I bbl do 1 bbl molasses 1 keg do Lagan & Ma3klson-30 bbls molasses J D'Aquin--6 do J Vil- lavasso-S sacks rough rice J Fserster-sundries to order-Total 1 hhd sugar I bbl do 37 bbls molasses a. BAYOU LAFOURCHE-Per steamer Henry Tete -20 hhds sugar Conger & Kelly-4 do P Lanaux--27 bbls molasses C Jaubert &co--1 do L Terrebonne- snundries to order-Total 24 hhds sugar 28 bble of molasses BAYOU LAFOURCHE- Per steamer Eva-17 hhds sugar Conger & Kelly-- do R Beltran-sun- dries to order-Total 2t hhds sgtar PORT EADS-Per steamer Rice Farmer--sundries o order RECEIPTS AT THE NEW BASIN. Amite River-Per steamer Alice- 10 hhds sugar A Tertrou-4 do Bush & Levert--2 bales cotton H Heyman-40,000 feet lumber 30 cords wood and sun- dries to M B Mnnoy-Total 14 hhds sugar 2 bales of cotton Pascagoula-Per sohr Oloff--45,000 feet lumber to H Buddig Wolf River-Per sohr Elba-28,000 feet lumber to H Buddig Pearl River--Per schr Petronia H--26,000 feet lumber to W W Carre &co Bonfouca..Per sohr Moneta -40 cords wood master RECEIPTS AT THE OLD BASIN. Pearl River-Per sohr Alice McGulgen--35,000 feet lumber to order Pascagoula-Per schr Henriette-1600 bbls charcoal to master Pearl River-Per schr Try A gain- 30,000 feet of lumber to order Mandeville-Per schr Mary Jane----18 cords wood to master Pascagoula-Per schr Anthony R-1800 bbls char- coal to master Bobr Lake Flower. from La Chincbe. in ballast Sloop Willie Dear, from La Chinche, in bahast By Railroads. NEW ORLEANS AND MOBILE RAILROAD March 97--50 bble oil J Aldige---4 bble candy L Me lal-95 bbl bottled beer S Herman-170 pkgs beer G Yalet-ll pkge mdse G Siegar--1 box do C Wil- cock-5 pkgs mdse Friend & Cohn-4 do Runge &co -1 box glassware W H Decker-20 pkgs tobacco A Delpit &oo---0 bbls whisky Heidenhiemer Bros-l bx saddlery J P Boone-2 boxes mdse Folsom Bros- 12 bxs Iron H D Coleman & Bro- 25 buckets lard Clark & Meader- 10 bble whisky C H Merritt-100 bbls lime L M Gex-105 do 8 Jamieon--200 bble flour Prudhomme & Briggs-23-' hbds bacon order- 17.2 sscks cotton seed N 0O Cotton Seed Assoclition- 4 pkgs paper Marshall &co-4 do R W Milsop--3 do H Hkalier-2 do J J Moore-18 dr z pails Rice, Born & co-2 pkge mdse P Coleman-2 cases wine P Geloi & Bro-2 tarpaulins E R Poole-sundries to order-To- tal 600 bales cotton 172 sacks cotton seed ETrain No 2-60 bbls rosin 8 bbls turpentine Simp- son & Tricon-50 bbls grits 30 bbls cornmeal 20 bbla hominy Prudhomme & Bri ggs-l tee rice H B Wil- son--15 bbl whisky Baresfide & Mase-1 case shoes Mrs M W sr- pkps madse R Bsrkslse-s oases Whitley t- ets alde wd aeten -75 boxes tobacco J J Irby & 8n--19 iaIs mdae Lebman. Abraham &co-t case •sper G Illis & Bro -10 eases mads E Booth-l00 bble lime 3 Voelkel- 50 bbls oil J Aldige--• bbls whisky F Dolhoede-5 page mdse W J Fellett-t oer iron A Griffith-- bbl wine W J F Race--1 tieroes hams Barstow & Deeve -9 do 4 toe boo n Sohwabaoher & Hirsch--0 boxes mdse Thoe Simms & Levy- 10 do Wid B Reihl-25 doz wasbboards J G Spor-6 sacks seed E'r Vidier- 95 nails butter C H Lawrence &co- 15 phks wagon stiff Bodley Bros- 1 organ W T Morris-S6 pkgs to- baco J J Irby & Son-0o do 8 Hernsheim & Bro-5s bbls oil J Aladie-2 bbls wineD P8tRmble-21 wheels Steele & Crarke-5 pkgs mdse B T Blessing-2 boxes do H Goldsmith-1 do H Wright--7 bales cotton to Allen, West & Bosh-1 H & U Newman-saundries to order-Total 8 bales cotton MORGAi'8 LOUISIANA AND TEXAS RAIL- ROAD March 97-6 hhds sugar Richard Millllken 1 do J W Burbridge &co-4 do Jno Chaffe & one---15 do John Calder-4 do 6 bbis molasses O Hopkine-35 do Jno B King &eo--48 do J M Lockhart--I-- do Lf C Keever-lb do 2 hhds sugar I bale cotton L Bibolet- 2 do 10 bales moss L 8urle &co-3 do Odell & Wright -18 sacks rough rice F P Sevin-5 bales mess L Bi- bolet---1 do M J Cbapsky--Total 3 bales cotton 18 sacks rough rice 32 hhds sugar 121 bbls molasses Cliaton-Per steamship Whitney- -17 bales hides 174 bales cotton C A Whitney dtoo-3 Clapp Bros &co -363 sacks cotton seed N O Cotton Seed Association -18 boxes shonlders 35 bble pork Miller, Grigsby & o--530 sacks bones Stern a Fertilihing Co-50 beeves C A Whitney &co -Total 177 bales cotron 363 sacks cotton seed Brazes Santiago and Galveston-Per steamship IC Hattis--88 bales skins 16 bales wool, bhles hair 14:0 pigs lead $1500 in specie 0 A Whitney &co-S800 do L Blum $806 do J H Keller-5$%l do Gordon & Go- mila-$2'3ou do Marks Bros &co--bl93 do 8ohmidt & Zeigler-$ 50 do Zuberbier & B, han--7 bales hides Illinois Central Railroad-Total $10,270 in specie; CHICAGO, ST LOUIS AND NEW ORLEANS RAILROAD March 27-502 bales cotton to order--31 Richard- son & May- 30 Meyer, Wets kco--21 Biokbam & Moore-19 S Gumbel -- 19 Viaden, Hawkins &co-15 SBHenderson---- Allen, Nugent&o---9 Britt n & Maysou-9 March & Schlenker-7 Stewart Bros &co -- 6 Jno Phelps &co--5 Chaffe, Hamilton & Powell-4 Felix Walker--3 Lehman, Abraham &co-2 T L At- rev &co-•i Allen, West & Bush-2 L H Gardner doo -1 Alone, Boherck & Autey-Total 696 bales cotton I cask glassware J H Menge-1 ort bee hives J M Dowling-12 crates buggy tops I bdle castings J A Lum &co--6 bbls parsnips 2 bbls onions G W Davi- son &c~--10 cases mdse M McGraw-30 bbls auples EH I Cordell-1 box machinery 0 ttnuber-1 bx books Mi-s J P Moore--3 cases candy Reis & Reusch-29 cases mdee Finlay & ThomDSon-2 bdls iron H M~ Manuas- bx dusters P Thormahlen- 3 pkge mdse E J Hart &oo-- bhis cards Smith Bros &co--7 pkgs osrs G Sciaccalnga-60 bxs sewing machines Wilson S M Co- 40 sacks peas Dymond & Gardes-- oa e of cigars S Hernsheim & Bro-ll hhde tobacco order-4 do Gunther & Stevenson-300 brhs soap Thee Simms & Levy-300 do Loohte & Cordes-300 do 25 bbls whis- ky J Nelson co-25 do Joe David--0 do G Aicklen -50 do Smith Bros &co--:50 boxes cheese C H Law rence aco-5 bxs castings A Baldwin &co-16429 pes meat order F Whitaker,& Son- 1650 do W H Ma- thews & Bto--I car pig iron M 8. hwartz & Bro--2 cars wood J S Gatlin-39t sacks oilcake Anderson & Simpson-177 sacks cotton seed Louisiana Oil Co-150 pkgs beer F Hollander-- horse Leonard & Maxwell -11 boxes eggs Miller & Meyer--41 do Wescoat & Csaeon-2 cars wheat L J Higby-15 firkins butter 5 hf boxes tobacco 3 pkgs mdse C A Whitney &co Memoranda. By Telegraph. New York, March 97, 1878. To A Monlt n The steamship Hudson. Capt Gager, arrived at 6 o'clock this morning New York, March 27, 1878. To C A Whitney dco The steamship Morgan City, Read. arrived at 8 o'clock this morning STEAMBOATS. MEMPHIS. REGULAR MEMPHIS AND BENDS PACKET. Leaves on THURSDAY. March 29, at 5 D m. FOR NATCHEZ, VICKSBURG, Greenville. Arkap li, Terrene, He- lena, Memphis and the Bends-The splendid passenger steamer CHA. P. IICHUTEAU, W. H. Thorwegan master. Geo. Miltenberger clerk. will leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board or to J. B. WOODS & CO 104 Common street. BROCKETT & CARTER, 3 Magazine street. Through bills lading signed to Pine Bluff and stations of the Little Rock. Mississippi River and Texas Railroad. via Arkapolls Ark., and to Little Rock and stations on the Memphis and Little Rock Railroad. via Hopefleld Ark BROCKETT & CARTER, mh2 38 Magazine st reet. REGULAR MEMPHIS AND BENDS PACKET. Leaves on THURSDAY March 28 at 5 p. m. S FOR NATCHEZ. VICKSBUIIG. Greenville. Arkapolis, Terrene. Helena, Memphis and the Bends- The passenger stearmer JNO. A. OCUDDER, J. F. Hicks, master, Chas. H. Dix. clerk, will leave as above, paying particular attention to all way and plantation business. Through bills lading to all points on White and Ar- kansas rivers, via Terrene. For freight or passage apply on board or to mh2s a C. G. AYNE. 106o Gravier street. Mrs. K. C. LOGAN, The Latest Novelties in Millinery and Dress Making. No. 14 BAEONNIE STREET, (Next to Grunewald Hall,) Address, P. O. Box 1305. NEW ORLEANS. fe17 3m Corsets a Specialty. SOUBY'S RlUMW|T ART I?, 113 - CANAL STREET - 113 (Over E, A. Tyler's Jewelry Store.) Every description of Photograph taken in the most artistic style. Prices to suit the times. GOOD PICTURES GUARANTEED. felo tf AoI ' -y TO-DAY BY - UNIiL KE, 14 Exchange Place. oc261Y TO THE LADIES. DB. BILLE has returned from Paris and opened an office at 196 Canal street, between Dryades and Rampart. Dr. Bille has the se- cret of Ninon de l'Enclos, who, up to her death in her seventy-second year of age retained the beauty, vivacity and spirit as when she was twenty years of age. By Dr. Bilie's treatment, which is pleasant, even enjoyable, ladies can do away with all cosmetics and paints, as the skin becomes soft and white, the eyes regain their wonted lustre and strength, and vivacity re- turns. The old become young, and the young, who have ruined themselves with late hous, and excesses, become beautiful and full of the vigor and fire of _youth Alldiseases and troubles peculiato laes teaed by a harmless and painless methxod. Consultations and oor' tsO fit DL VF G M C srreet 01110 AILWAY AND OONNFATIONS. Through bills of lading and through pass9 e ger tickets to all landings on Red River, and all railway stations in Texas. The best route to TShe followin splendid and fast steamers composing the line will leave as advertised be- low- La elle, Maria Louise, Texas 0. H. Durfee,' Col. A.P. Kouns, Lotus No. 8, W. J. Behan, Bonnie Lee. Dawn, Kate Kinney. FOR 8BREVEPORT JEFFER- son, Hot Springs, and all land- ings on Red Biver and railway stations in exas. FOR SHREIVEPORT. C. f. Durfee C. W. Stinde, master. Leaves SATURDAY, March 30, at 5 p. m, No wharfboatcharges, drayageor commission will be charged at mouth of Red River, or at New Orleans, in forwarding freight consigned to the company by bill of lading. For freight or passage apply on board of the boats or at the office of the company No. 111 Gravier street. JOS. A. AIKRN. President. M. W. JOY0E. Agent. HITE & CARLIN BRITTON & EPLER, ja4 LOAD & MoPEAKE. Agenfe, WEEKLY GRAND ECORE PACKET. FOR GRAND KOOR.E, MONT. o gomery,. Alexandria, Norman's Bar. bln's and way landings--The steam. er- NEW BART ABLE. RBichad Sinnott, master Geo. Hamilton, clerk. Leaves every SATURDAY. at 6 p. m. Will leave as above. For freltht or easpag apply on board or to R. W. ADAMS. No. 21 Commercial Place, P. 8.-Freight consigned to wharfboat, mouth of Red river or to agents at New Orleans. for steamer Bare Able, will be forwarded free of charge. auso BAYOU MACON AND TENSAS. REGULAR BAYOU MACON AND TENSAS PACKET. SFOR FLOYD, DELHI, WARSAW, Crockett's Point, Upper and Lower Tensas and all way landings-The light draft passenger steamers W. J. POITEVE NT, J. B. Sullivan, master, Leaves - March -, at 5 p. m. TENSAS, L. V. Cooley, master. Will leave SATURDAY. March so, at 5 p. m. Paying particular attention to all way and plantation freights. For freight or passage ap- ply on board or to BRITTON & EPPLER, 82 Gravler street, HITE & CARLIN 4 Tchoupitoulas st. LORD & MoPEAKE, 46 Camp street. nofl tf LAPOITU•BI. SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOUBOHE AND COAST PACKET. THROUGH TO LAUREL VALLEY. Leaves every TUESDAY t at p. m.. and SAT- URDAY at 10to a m. .Ib.. THE SPLENDID PASSENGER steamer 5T . MARY Joe Dalferes. master. E. Alcoll, clerk, Pays particular attention to way business and returns down the coast every MONDAY and TMURBDAY. For freight or passage apply on board. nola tf SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOURCHE AND COAST PACKET THROUGH TO THIBODAUX. Leaves every WEDNESDAY at 12 m. and SATURDAY at 6 p. m. THE NEW PASSENGER STEAMER ASSUMPTION. P. A. Charlet. master N. Z. Dupuis, clerk. Pays particular attention to way business, and returning leaves Thibobaux every Thursday and Sunday evening, coming down the coast in daylight Fridays and Mondays. For freight or passage apply on board or to B. RIVET. nos 106 Decatur street. P. S.--Hs a clerk on the landing during the day at the head of Bienville street to receive freight. SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU LAFOUBOHE AND COAST PACKET. THROUGH TO THIBODAUX. Leeaves every MONDAY at 5 p. m. and FRI- DAY at to a. m. AI t THE NEW PASSENGEBR TEAMEN HSNRY TET•. J.F. Auooln master, M. H. Landry clerk. Pays particular attentinn to way business. Re- turning leaves Thibodaux every Tuesday and Saturday; coming down the coast Wednesdays and Sundays in daylight. For freightor pas- sage apply on board or to B. RIVET, 105 Decatur street, P. 8.-Has a clerk on the landing during the day at the head of Blenville street to receive freight. BAYOU SARA. BEGULAR SEMI-WEEKLY BAYOU SARA , AN1 COAST PACKET. Leaves every WEDNESDAY and 8ATURDAY at 5. m. FOR BAYOU SARA WATERLOO, Hermitage. Port Bickey, Baton Rouge Plaquemine and way land- ings-The fast and splendid passenger steamer OUACHITA BELLE. (Bepresenting new boat building), John C. Libano, master, John Ha Mosso. clerk Leaves as above, returning down the coast every MONDAY and FRIDAY. For freight or pssage aplyl on board or to Bpassa ITTON EPPLEB 8 Graver at. LORD & MoPEAKE. 46 Camp street. ause C. G. WAYNE, 100 Gravier street. BAYOU SABA SEMI-WEEKLY PACKETS. STB. GOV. ALLEN. ST. --- John J. Brown Master A. Du as Maste FOB BAYOtU SABA EARt O Hermitage. Port Hudson, Lobdell' Store, Baton Rouge. Flacuemine, and poetofioe landings- U Steamer Gov. Allen, Leaves every MONDAY and FRIDAY at 5 p. m Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 6 p. m. Commencing early. For freight or passage aMlon board or to No. 4 Tchoupitoulas street. JANNEY A WORK. iyl No. 106 Common street. UPPER COAPT. SPRING AND SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. NEW ORLEANS AND UPPER COAST TRI- WEEKLY PACKET. SFOR BEN TUREAUD'S, WEL- ham , and all plantation landings- The steamer MARY IDA, J. A. Ruiz master, Ede. Nicolle clerk. Leaves TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS and sAT- URDAYS, at 10 a. m. Returning down the coast on alternate days and in daylight. For freight or passage apply on board or to fe24 tf W. J. COMAUX, 20 Conti street. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Leaves every MONDAY, WEVDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 1O a. m. SFOB ASHLAND PLANTATION, Ascension parish, Donaldsonville and all coast landings-The fine side-wheel passenger steamer BELLE (In place of Blue Wing No. s.) J. A. uomstock. master. Geo. M. Woods and Chas. Dean, clerks. Will leave as above. Returning, leaves Ash- land Plantation Tuesday. Thursday and Sun- day, coming down the coast in daylight. For freight or passage apply on board or to ap2s 8. HENO, 19 Conti street. P.S. All freight delivered in the da ime. DONALDSONVILLE. FOB DONALDSONVILLE VIA NEW ORLEANS AND TEXAS RAILROAD. THE STEAMER ST. FRANCIS BELLE, William Gibson. master. Will leave the head of Bienville street at 7:80 a. in, for Westwego with passengers for all sta- tions on the New Orleans and Texas Railroad. Returning, will arrive at 5:00 p. in. Same boat. connecting with Sunday Accommodation Train will leave at 8 a.m., returning same day at :46 p. m. Freight received at the same place uno to 3:80 o'clock will be delivered at its destination next morning. ocm i tf C. E. PAYNE. Suverintendent. W. A. ROBERTSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OPELOUSAS, Parish of St. Landry. During my temporary absence from Opelon sas all business direoed to me cre of wlllbepromptly ateoded to. deut* ".LLL U 3 L 0NEW MARY HdUSTON. ON|• OF THE ABOVE T M qq leaveTHII pNSe ewyv Orleans everUr AY and SATUR A connecting with all railroads and packet lines running out from Cincinnati giving through bills of aing to all points. No through rates and all in oration AYNE Aent, o002 106 Gravier street. Leaves SATURDAY March 30. at 5 p. m. FOR C1NCINNATI. LOUISVILLE. EVANS- ville, Henderson. Shawneetown, Paducah, Cairo, Memphis. and all intermediate points-The steamer OOLDEW CROWN, W. P. Walker, master. Eug. Shinkle. clerk. will leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board or to C. G. WAYNE, 106 Gravier street. mh23 J.F. DOUGLASS, 106 Gravier street. VIC•OL URS, GREENVILLE AND IENDS. UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET. Leaves every TUESDAY at 5 lpm. SFOR VICKSBURG, NATOHU __i___Davis' Bend and intermediate land ings--Ti steamer IOBEET L. LEE. William Campbell, master. A. Me ay clerk. leaves as above, connectfng at Vicksburg with Parisot's Line for all points on the Yazoo. Sun- flower. Deer Creek and Tallahatchie. R. W. ADAMS. JANNEY A WORK. HITE A CARLIN. ent. Will give through bills of lading to Trenton. Monroe, and all stations on the Vicksburg. Shreveport and Texas Railroad via Delta, La. W, B. BBOCRETTF, Agent, denl as Magazine street. FOR GREENVILLEE VICKSBURG AND THE aENDS. Leaves every THURSDAY at C p. m. FOR GREENVILLE. VICKSBURG and the Bends-The fine and fast passenger paketS KATIE. J. M. White master. Curt. Holmes clerk, connecting at Vicksburg with Parisott's Line for all, .oints on Yazoo and Tallahatchie river a. Boat reserves the right .to pass all landings that the captain may deem unsafe. JANNEY & WORK, BROCKETT & CARTE•. R. W. ADAMS. Through bills lading given to Trenton, Mon- roe and all stations on Vicksburg. Shreveport and Texas Railroad via Delta. W. B. BROCKETT, Oc6 38 Magazine street. SATURDAY VICKSBURO UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET, Leaves every SATURDAY. m. FOR VICKSBURG, DdAVS' BmEBB Natchez and all intermediate lan - ings-The passen er packet NATCHES. T. P. Leathers master J. F. Muse clerk., connecting at Vicksburg with the Parisot Line for Yazoo, Tallahatchie and Sunflower rivers and with Anchor Line for Memphis, Cairo and St. Louis. This boat reserves the right to pass all land. Ings that the Captain may consiler unsafe. For freight or passage applyc n board, or to JANNEY & WORK, loe Common street. HITE & CARLIN. 4 Tchoupitoulas at. Will give throng' bills of lading to Trenton. Monroe and all sations on Vicksburg, Shreve- port and Texas Railroad, via Delta. La. W. B. BROCKETT, Agent, mry as Magaz ne street. OPELOUSAB. REGULAR OPELOUSAS PACKET. Leaves every SATURDAY at 5 p. m. , •FOR WASHINGTON. OPELOU- sas, Port Barre, Simmsport, Church- ville and all landings on the coast, Atchafalaya river and Bayou Courtableau-The very light draft passenger steamer BERTHA, M. Kenison. master, Eug. Quatrevaux, clerk, will positively leave as above. For freight or passage apply on board or to HITE & CARLIN, Agents, No. 4 Tchoup toulas street, Connecting at Washington wfthline of barges for Bayou Bceuf. P. 8.-Connects with steamer Minnie at Simmsport for Bayou des Glaizes. fee BEGULAR OPELOUSAB PACKET. Leaves every TUESDAY at 6 p. m. SFOR WASHINGTON, OPELOU- sas, Port Barre. Simmsport, Church- ville. and all landings on the Coast. Atchafalaya river and Bayou Courtableau-The new and light draft steamer FANCHON, H. H. Broad master, Thee. Jobin clerk, will leave as above. For freight or passage ap- ply on board or to BRITTON & EPPLEB, 81 Gravierstreet. R. W. ADAMS. 21 Commercial Place. Connects at Washington with line of barges for Bayou Beuf, and with steamer Minnie at Simsport for Bayou des Glaizes. ia22 tf LOWER CO0AT. LOWER COAST PASSENGER INDEPEN- DENT EXPRESS LINE-SPEED. SAFETY AND COMFORT. STHE STAUNCH AND SWIFT passenger yacht WILD GAZELLE, J. Hamilton, master, C. E. Holmes, clerk. For Magnolia Store and all way landings, leaves New Orleans foot of St. Louis street at 11 a m., MONDAYS' WEDNESDAYS and FRI- DAYS. returning TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS, at 4 p. m. Receives all light freight and valuable packages. For freight or passage ap ly on board. No one is authorized to contract any debts in the name of the bdat except on written order of the captain approved by the clerk. P. B.--Shippers will be held responsible for freight bills. mhw FrMoWe tf BATON ROUGE. REGULAR COAST AND BATON ROUGE PACKET. Leaves every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 5 p. m., SThe passenger steamer ST, JOHN J. P. kcElroy. master. Leaves as above for Baton ouge, Plaque- mine, Donaldsonville and all coast landings re- turning every FRIDAY and MONDAY EVE- INGS. For freight or passaage aply on board or to se tf E. O. MELANOON. 82 Blenville at. BTEAMSHIPS. BOSTON. FOR BOSTON-THE STRICTLY first-class iron steamship READING, Colburn, Commander, Will have immediate dispatch. For freight WILLIAM CREEVY Agent, felo tf 49 Carondelet street. --------- ----- ---------------------------- HAVANA. FOR HAVANA. CEDAR KEYS AND KM3 WEST. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. LEAVING EVERY WEEK The first-class steamship MARGARET. Baker. Commander. will leave wharf foot of Calliope street. SATURDAY. March 23. at 8 p. m. Passage rates to Havana, $4o; Excursion tic ets, $0o. Passage rates to Jacksonville. o0, includ state rooms and meals. Through bills of lading issued to all points in Florida. For Freight or e apply to .L L ROBERTS, 120 Common street. Over Louisiana National Bank The steamship ----- _ - follows on the ---. vAv I SHIPS. FOR LIVERPOOL - THE Al FAST sailing American ship J. A. THOMSON. Captain Thompson, is now loading for the above port, and having the greater portion of her cargo engaged, will have uicek dispatch. For balance of freight apply to DEAN d& CO., h2739 oCarondolet street. TEXA S. M30AM IEWW V. . MAUIL rBWtE&UMWe The following low-pressure Iron Steaganigl orm these lines o t HARLAN 0. HARRIS. W. . H MORGAN, JOhEPHINE. ST. U7SSMN W TNEY ' H T 03.J]L CGINEON. ITY OF NORFOLK 0 AR•NSAS Plrinr from Morgan City.lr In connection wlt organ as Louisiana and Texas Bailroad. Fmr Ildianela, vi• Qa1vsstiU- - •mere leaving Maran Oitt SATUBDAZ T oEDAY, THU RDAY connect at Galn transferrin there to Steamer CITY 01 1iO.' FOLK bot freight and passengers. Through bills lading aigned to Hosoand to all points be and on the Houston andTeua Centraland G. H. and S. y A. I ., Internations and Great Northern Railroad. and New Orleans and Texas Railroad, via Clinton, and the Tex T an portation Oompany, re rht charged sa per new card rates. an Antonlo rei hts received and forwred via Clinton and Galveston. Houston and oo Antonio BEllway. o Ur lrazns Santitago, via Gals The iron steamer L C. HARRIS Will leave Morgan City THURSDAY, March 28. No corn received without orders. daghterage at Brazos iantlago at risk and a. ndense of eonsi ecs Freight received for and bills lading signed only to Browns••le, via Rio Grande BRailrod. asr new tar less sl per cent. Freight Dy ale In gold. For eoorpus Chriati, Fulteaon 4 Std Mary's, via Galveston and Bock- port--The iron steamer ARANSAS, Will leave Morgan City on Lighterage to Oor uts Christi (if any) latkisk and expense of consignees. Freight for St. •Iar't, and Fulton landed IG FreYOfr all the above polnts recelved at the Deot organ's Louisiana and Texas Raleroa Toot of Layette street. daily. until s, p.m. PASSENGER AND MAIL ROUTU. Fer Galvestan. Houston antd Indhu•i Passengers'take Railroad Ferryboat foot oti. Ann street, at 8:8o a. in.. reaching Morgan U at 12:2 p. m.. there connectinge with steamers JOSEPHINE on MONDAY. MORGAN on TUESDAY. WHITNEY on WEDNESDAY. HUTCHINSON on THURSDAlY. JO8EPHINE on FRIDAY. •BgAN~ on SATURDAY. .HITNEY on MOND AY. First class fare to Shrevepor? $24 7sl-TImE s Excursion tickets for the round trip to VIQ veston and return, good for thirty days, issued at $i1. Tickets and statermooms secured unt L, •. dail (Sundays excepted), at Agent's omee orS the Ferv aInding, on morning of de Through tiokets will be issuaed from th tothe principal Doints on the Houston entral Ealroad, on the Internatlo Great Northern Railroad, and Texas ailrad0. QA. WHITNEY & 00.. Agents. NeW TeORH. MORGAN'S NEW YORK LINE STEAMSBIP$. The following Al Iron StealaihlIS form this line- LONE BTAR, ALGIER, NEW YORK, MORGAN ITY. The Iron Steamship- ALGIERS, WEDNESDAY. April 3. INSURANCE TO NEW YORK X. Freight for the above port received at thedepd~ of Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Bailroad,to of Lafayette street, daily until I p. m. For fretht aPDIy to oHAr . AWH ITNEY & 00., Agents. iel ly Oor. Nathez and %laaasine stree.l UREMEN. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD. STEAM BETWEEN BREMEN AND NEW.OB. LEANS., VIA HAVRE. SOUTH- AMPTON AND HAVANA. The steamships of the North Ge• . man doyd will resume their Regular Trips. as follows: From Bremen. From New rleans, FRANKFURT Feb. 2o, about March 2. NURNBERO. March 20o about April 24, HANNOVER,-- ----_ These steamers touch outward at Havre aan Havana. and on their home trip at Havana and Southampton. PRIOES OF PASSAGE: From Bremen. Southampton or Havre to Na. vana or New Orleans-Cabin, 16o (gold): s•tgg . 7 age, tN I (gold) From N Orleans to Southampton, Htavu Bremen-Oabin, $10so (gold); Steerage oO(gol)•.• From New Orleans to Eavanya-abln.S (gold), Steerage, $15 (gold). Children under ten years. half pride; ohff dren under one year, free. EXCURSION To the Paris Exhibitioan. Reduced Rates for First Cabin Only. From New Orleans to Paris and back to NeoW Orleans by a steamer of this line, (gold) $210 From New Orleans to Paris and back to Ne York by a steamer of this line. (go d) $280. From New Orleans to Paris an Mck to Bati i more by a steamer of this line. ( Od) $210. Tickets of the last named class (Baltimore) are good only to October 31. 1878. The oompany reserves the right to chang•the route of the steamers, their advertised days of departure and the prices of rlee. Paseage tickets from Bremen, utham or Havre to New Orleans issued by the und ee- anal rt ar Union street. LIVERPOOL. LIVERPOOL SOUTHERN 8. S. LIN• , Tons. Commanders. ALI ...... .... 12so......J. George. CHANOEIR ....... 205o......0. Reynolds. CHRYSOLITE ....... 10oo...... Jones. COGNA ......... loo......W. Aiken. COMMANDEBR. .... 1600......R. Ellis, CARDOVA ...... .1417...... W. Lang. COUNCELLOR ..... 2500oo......W. Tutton. DiOV EB ........ •o'.....H. ,B. Williamisol ......... 2010...... W. Jackson. I1RE QUEEN. ...... 118...... Williams. GLADRIAOR......... lOo.......L. Jcones. HISTORIAN ........ 185o60......W. Wallace. LEGISLATOR....... 2160...... T. Burley. MEDIATOB .......... 2010......J. Hanney. OBERON............. o.....1220. J. Campbell. STATFMAN .... .. 1850.....:W. Hughes. VANGUARD....... 1406...... W J. Heel. WARRIOR ........... 1220......W. L. Jonees, The steamshio OBERON, Cam pbell,. lommandeg, will sail on or about April 1st. 1878. from her wharf, foot of Esplanade street. Will receive cotton and sign through bills of lading for the Continent, between Hevre and Cronstadt. These steamships, being of light draft wi cross the bar of the Milssissippi at all {Imes without detention. For freight apply to] DECAN & 00., del ly 89 Carondelet stree•. NEW ORLEANS AND LIVERPOOL. DIEGO..... .164 tons.... Capt. GOansag. GUILLERMO... 1226 tons... Caprt. Ehevairl, PEDERICO.... .1425 tons... -Capt. Bidehea. PEDRO.......... ee tons.... Carpt. Mungici. CAROLINA ....... lsI tons .... Capt. iestra, GRAOIA .......... 9sos tons.... Capt Arizuma. RITA............. 869 tons.... Capt. Gartes. JUANA............ 757 tons.... Capt. Oastana g, The above powerfully built steamships nil enter the New Orleans and Liverpool trade GtiU ing the coming tall. Will reeetve cotton 1) sign through bills of lading to any port of Continent of Europe. i The steamship RITA, will sail from her wharf 8ATUI WAX. Nov M. For freight and first class a ap• o

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fD . eDue. J. A. Scudder, Katie, Belle.ywete, Glolen brown, Eva.

Departures., d11 Gaze~lle. Belle, Assumption Ona-

John, Kate Kinney, J. H, ianna.:.; Te Arrive.

S• ,. l, uachita Belle, Bayou Sara: As-x 5. t, ary, Lafourche: Alvin Martha.

lie, lower coast; Bart Able. Red river;S)IBerei upperlost A. C. Donnally,Ot i; rtha.pelousas ; Natchez. Vlk5s-3i e. Howard, J. B. M. Kehlor. St. Louis.S iWhaer yesterday was not so pleasant,

aeing a windy, cloudy and rainy one., was not very brisk.

4 I@ is P. Chouteau laid over, and willV t y positively at 5 p. m. for all way

SMemphis. The Chouteau is a regu-rade, Is as staunch as they make them,

id ct olass passenger accommodations,.t horwegan commands, seo. Milten-

ption has changed her hour forednesdays from In a. m. to 12 m.

e rth, M. henison master, Eug. Quatre-, will arrive to leave Saturday for the

e art Able will arrive to leave Saturday,l •sual. for Grand Ecore.

peerless Natohez will arriveto-night fromS lbufrfl and rcturn Saturday. as usual.

pt, Jas. .McElroy, of the St. John, whowent to Louisville to contract for a new boat.

graphed Tuesday to Mr. E. O. Melancon.thitie had completed all contacts for anew

n Rouge packet. and would arrive homeursday (this) morning.

The fleet Katie leaves to-day for all town andmail ladings to Greenville.

Theew Orleans and Red River Transporta-tlon Company's steamer C. H. Durfee, C. W.

de master, W H. McChesney clerk, is at thelanding receiving to leave Saturday for Shrove-

new and handsome Golden Crown, W. P.master, Eug4hinkle cle k, of the C.. L.

acket line, arrived yesterday even-. t roeci tving to leave Saturday for the

o"ruh to COlncinnati. The crown is anZ g great favoritewith the traveling pub-

Snasorujtof herexcellent accommodations,auan earl visit to Mr. Shinkle. who is always

pase in order to secure a choice of rooms.

, 5onnally, with a big trip,will arriver morning.

Son A, Sfudder arrived Tuesday nightafne trip and will return to Memphis andd,leaving to-day at .m. Cam. pt. Frank

iommand, Chas. H. Dix clerk. Theas made a remarkable season in this

doming In full each trio. She is a goodt and a well managed one.esas and Macon packet Tensas. L V.

master. H. Molaison clerk, leaves Satur-. m. without fall. The Tensas paysattention to all Black river business.

.a Porter, clerk of the Kate Kinney.yesterday evening for St. Louis. .EugeneoWWent up in charge of the office, with the

onof turning it over to Ed Groves whenMarLouiseels met, and resuming his posi-

> aontat boat.:H e •kert has recovered about ]oo bales, rof thlShannon's cargo and will have the

a o, ull5 bales, out by Saturday, whenSse 1ome to the city to be docked.after which

return and take out the machinery.o'due and Delahoussaye sold the Tom

f Caet. Fred Blanks yesterday, foralter, of the Goose, who will run her up

{ r. Terms private..Sudder has made twelve trips

emlis trade. and during that time hastt,94 bales cotton and 111 211 sacks cot-

n s . an average of over 3579 bales and 9267S ra trip, 6big showing, truly.

S harlie Arthur, FRank Stone and H. C.in accompanied by Mr. Terrell. of theoe Ioard of Underwriters. arrived by the

n e tin yesterday morning. Capts. Stonea in came over to buy the Ella Hughes,L •ing ~suited, returned last evening

Golden Crown burst a boiler above Car-olto A waassisted to the landing by the

harles organ had a fine trio out-up-00 passengers.Stlranis Belle leaves daily at 7:30 a. m.

Sienvllle street for Westwego. running inorcon with the New Orleans and Texasrod to Donaldsonville.

The fleet and unusually regular tri-weekly-up,•egoast packet Mary Ida, J. A. Ruiz mas--ter.'W. Nlcoile clerk, leaves this 10 a. m.

oiptly for the Ben Tureaud plantation. Thea aylight boat, both ways.

T e splendid passenger and United Statessteamer Katie, J. M. White ma-ter, Curt

clerk, leaves to-day at 5 p. m. foreg, Greenville and mail landings.

Sle e t Wild Gazelle will arrive to leave to-row. as usual, at 11 a, m. for the lower coast

:.to. ' lia [Store. The Gazelle is veryS ry Tete, making semi-weekly trips

,t0• B Lefourche. through to Thibodaux,the lauding this morning, and will

to morrow at 10 a. m. J. F. Aucoin in1tt•id, M. H. Landry clerk.

united Btates mail and passenger packetG Allen, ohn J. Brown master, 8. S. Streck

leaves to-morrow at 5 p. m. for Bayou

6 1 xehlange Clippings.aoris Globe-Demoerat March 25:

om eoeisive steps will be taken this week tota new arrangement to run a line of boats

n S Louis and New Orleans. None butboat will be admitted into this line.

o1y boats that can afford to make all wayare wanted. Capt. John A. Scudder

y be the head or the line, and shouldt to take the position nothing but

a # tderfaI chain of adverse circumstanceso ldprevent the line from winning the patron-

a St. Louis shippers. This buinessIi i boiled down to what Hoyle woulde lt trump," and it is two to one that

i der will have a handful of trumpsyi against the cards. The commerco ofis will again look up, and again our

Sriends will say Bt. Louis isb t place to do business with when a

te rline of steamers are started. The An-o Line is a fair sample of the results of rea-

tt itf in running time. The fight will beSontested, for the Plttsburg commo-

.ll, its sai. fight and stay as long asSOne. Bat this time he has to cope with

an arm as strong, a ourse as long and a brainkeen" as his own, one that knows only one

tin and that is how to win. About threeSmionths of cutting of rates like last week, and

~,,oilationl or compromise of some sort may•-* I •lookep for.evening the advertisement of the

t L o. ts and New Orleans "Anchor Line"handed into this office, thu officially con-

ng the statements made 7by the Globe-uin the past week. Capt. John

, ai retained by the new line as gen-

r o'March 3.--The trip of the Grand Laked barges to the Wabash and Lower Ohio will

i no doubt cause a flutter among the towboati t operations have been confined to

Of course the trade is free to alli no reason why Col. Reardon shoulda if he wished to. but the tonnagee trade was in excess of freight.. .Company barges make a largeSh d Lake is, perhaps, the largest

th as navigated the Wabash, andt e ahead of her had only room

treamto turn around. She willLhe Bundsy evening, with all five of her

1r.hs Avalanche, March 26:The James HoWard passed down last night.

having room for 500 tons. Bhe put off here 1365sa corn., sosacks oats and 9 bags 'ottondandtookoi O 800 sacks corn in Madrid Bend. She

haddere 800bales cotton and 615 sacks oil cake.TheJ. B. M. Keblor. nearly six days out from

S . Louis. arrived yesterday and put off s3o tons,incaluding 2280 bbls flour, 150 half bbls, 5s bbla,. Oe ' sacks bran .258 sacks oats, 295 tiercesr. 5 bles lard oil and 70 packages sundries.

Shehad on 2coe tons and is similar to an oxo team--she will get to her place of destination if

you give her plenty of time.The John Means and barges also passedt • Gwn Sunday.

[By Telegraoh.]Maxrtsm March 27.-To C. G. Wayne. NewrWleass: Steamer A. C. Donnally will arriveETtrrayv mornina. E. A, DONNALLY.


March 248, 1378. 3

leared Yesterday.ster•shiplew York. Quick. for New Yor--

C A Whitney &coSteamahip St Mary, Lewis, for Galveston, in ballast,

C A Whitney &co8pa• bark an Fernando. Calgada, fororde~nx-

Puig. Corral &ooBrit sobr hbeneser. Bethel for Naesaw, N P-


A rrived.tsmeahip City of Mexico, McIntosh, from Mexioan

Porte, to llg. Corral &co-•d die 1I3ora batk N H Kandtian, Peterson. 53 days from Rio

.d Janelro, to Jobhnston, Gordon &eo-les dis~irk EBlliott, Ritoble, Hatchinsona, 9 days fm Savn.

4 A K Miller & o-PointMel• • Villa de Llanes, Lleaes, 11 days from Vera

lt. ( , to AveadanoBrose-- dier3 SmTonob ith,• 2Toso, 8 days fm avasa,

•+++,:++.m .--,ommr _+ +++i+++ y *..++,++i + ++ • + ?+++• + .+', '+ !

tiek White. 'rom Green•d•el

Avin. eoovelL from Lower CoastSell• (•omstock, from Upoer CoastRi•aleo mer, Taylor. from Port EadsEva, Terrebone. from Ba3ou LafourcheHesry Tee, Anooia. from Bayou Lafourche

eloew-O.mias Up.Ship Regina, Corning, 53 days from Liverpool, to


Below-Waltine Orders.Nor bark Albert, A ndersen, 50 days from Havre, in

ballast, to master-

NEW Y ARK--Per steamship New York--3--9bales cotton 110 bales moss 3 6 bales hides 578 bdls wa do 2271 dry do 1450 pigs lead 487 bbls molasses 49sacks wool i67 bhds sugar 61 bales raper stook 2433bxa beef 59 bbls pork 174 bble oil 56 pkges sundries

BORDEAUX-Per bark lanFernando-9501 sackscorn 1440 pse staves

NABSAU-Per sohr Ebenezer-35 bbls flour 1 boxbacon 9 k;gs butter 38,000 feet lumber 50,000 shingles

LLVERPOOL-Per ship Fearnought, cleared 15thinst-2002 sacks oilcake

Imar tas.

LIVERPOOL-Per steamship Thessalia-82 vkgsmdse C A Whitney &co-2 do Stauffer Macoready &co-7 do Anderson & Simpson--20 do Batt son, Wis-dom & Bowling--S5 casks mustard 5 cases do Burke& Thompson-4 bales bags C F Conrad-I1038 bxs tinplate Bridge. Beach &oo-928 do 72 tcs soda ash 79pkgo eartbenware 27 bales bags order

B AVANA-Per steamship St Louis--696 hhds sn.gar I case preserves Agar & Lelong-4 cases cigars8 Plassan

leesipts of Preatee.CINCINNATI-Per steamer Golden Crown-I bx

mdee N H Applegate- 100 bbls potatoes s D'Amico&co-lot mdse A Baldwin &co-1 iron sate W HBarnett--lo pkgL mdse Burke & Thompson-:'6 bblspotatoes C T Buddecke & Son-lot mdse Bodley Bros-10 Ihds meat Barstow & Deeves--64 shrets ironBlock & Pollock-large lot mdse C A Whitney &oo-37 pkge radseo J H Campbell-l1 pkgs eggs ,59 boxescheese E F DelBandio--i5 bbls apples H DelBondlo-3 pkgs mdse H D Coleman & Bro---- bbis whisky JDoboi--5 do L'Estrolo-2. bbls meal 10 boxes eggsL H Fairchild &co--10 cases tobacco S Flatow-0lhfbbls beef t H Flashpoll er-50 ierces hams D Fat-jo &co-3 pkge mdse L Fox-473 bbls flour 108 sacksbran Glover & Odendahli-9 stoves G W W Good.wyn-16 boxes eggs D A Given & Son-15 pkgs mdseJ Grimm--50 pkge glass J Gauche--5 no H Gold.smith-1 pkge mdse Goethe & Haid-lot do H Haller-1ij bbls potatoes 200 bbls flour 216 bales hay How-ard & Preston -73 empty bbls Capt S lIeno-6- pkgemdse A Hansen--15 do E J Hart &co-- do Hall aErne-14 pkgs eggs I pkge butter A Julian-85 bblspotatoes 25 bbls apples J Keller- 4129 sacks corn 4boxes eggs T King &co-3 pkgs mdse Knowlton,Whiltcmb &co-2t0 boxes cheese C H Lawrence &oo-1 safe A Lambert--lot mdse J Levy &co--6 pkgsmdse J A Lum &co-100 sheets iron Isgan & Makin-son-20 bdls paper J Meyer--18 bbls potatues Mel-ville & Peters-83 pkgs eggs 2 bbis beans 27 kegslard 48 coops poultry Miller & Meyer-90 bbls flourl9o bbls potatoes 1020 sacks torn 25 teo meat IS hhdsbacon 10 bxr hams W H Mathews & Bro-20 boxesaxes H J Mullen-1' boiler Thomas MoJ-lot mdse PMcCabe-- pkgs mdse N O & R T o- -16 do NO& M R R--10 pkgs eggs 149 boxes che, se Newman &Jones-I case tobacco J L Nasits--16 boxes mldse ML Navra--lot mdse E Offeer----182 bbls potatoes 61sacks bran 100 bales hay Chass Pleasents--5 bbls ofpoints Bienville Oil Co-lot nmdse T Paderas-100bxs glass Roberts &co--lot mdse Rice, Born &co-51coops poultry W Ret ille--• pkgs mdae L Reder &co-50 bbls whisky Schmidt & Ziegler--3d pkgs mdseStauffer, Macready &co--lot mdse M Schwartz & Bro.-111i0 sacks corn Schwabaeher & Hirsch- 51 boxescherse Smith Bros &oo-1 safe P E Parszin-22 bblsoil Cobhran & Fearing-lot mdse A Simon--ll pkgsmdse J B Solari & Son-12 do J H Scoot-95 do Strat-ton & Mayer-7 do D Schnmacher- 20 bbls flour toSchwabacher, Frowenfeld & Pfeifer---- pkgs mdseJ Schwarts-10 do F N ihayer- 10 bbls whisky U'1 benrer--t empty bbls Union Oil Co--12 bble flour78 bbls meal Vairin & Mortimer-200 do 100 bbls sour330 sacks corn 91 sacks oats 3 boxes eggs Jos West &co-100 bbls grits T T White..300 bxra soap Zuberbier& Behan-lo tfurniture and sundries to order

MEMPHIS-Per steamer John A Scaddtr---- 1bales cotton Richardson & May-542 do to order -234Me3er, Weis &ic--183 McGehee. Snowden & Violett-137 Buckner &co-126 Lehman. Abraham toco--l•Jno Phelps &co--124 Allen Nugent &oo--11 S BNewman &o-111ll Clapp Bros &co-99 J L Harris &co-90 W C Black &oo--69 J W Burbridge &co--55H & B Beer-50 T L Airey too--49 Graham. Blackdiooe-41 8 Gumbel-35 H & C Newman--31 Payne,Kennedy &oo-30 Allen. West & Bush-30 Bickham& Mofie-27 Chafle. Hamilton & Powell--295 StewartBros eoo-24 Jno Chaffe & Sons-14 Jurey & d illi--6 J Barnet &co-6 Nallse & Cammack-4 Chas Gal.lagher-- T J Carver-- Forstall & Jumonville-1729sacks oiloake H & B Beer--42 do Anderson & Simpson--89 do T L ALrey &oo-931 do order-1410 sackscotton seed mealA A Greenwood &oo--3(0 do order-550 do Geo Heck &co-13u4 sacks oilcake 45 bbls cot-ton a ed ashes J W Barbridge &oo-77m• bbls oil J Al-dige--9877 sacks oc tton seed N O Cotton Seed Asso-ciation--10

t7 do Buckner &co-sundry mdse Blanks

Line-do N O d B R T Co--1 boxes bacon Vose Bros-9 hhds tobacco MoGehee. Snowden & Violett-2pkgs sundries Scherok & Berkson--endries to order-Total 1964 bales cotton 3944 sacks cotton seed 4675sacks oiloake 2290 sacks cotton seed meal I hhda to-bacco

bGR INVILLE-Per steamer Katie-191 bales coteton Richardson & May--146 Graham. Black &oo-94Buckner &oo- -71 Allen, Nugent &co--59 John INoble-48 Llapp Bros &coo-46 J L Harris &co- 43Ar Miltenberger & Pollock-42 S B Newman &ed -4IJno Chafes & lons-3l Chafe, Hamilton & Powell-25 Meyer, Weis oo-17 H Allison &oo--li H & CNewman-14 G W Sentell &co-1-l Payne. Kennedy&oo--1 Stewart Bros &ce-ill McGehee. Snowden &Violett-8 Forstall & Jumonville-7 Gwyn & Dyer-7 Lehman, Abraham &oe-7 W S Donnell-5 Clat-borne &co--5 S GUmbel-3 Jno Phelps &co-3 Jno THardie &co--2 T J Carver-2 Ben Gerson-2 Jorey &Gillis-1 Allen. West & Bush-1 Hirsch, Adler &oo-2237 sacks cotton seed N 0 Cotton deed Association-sundries to order-Total 966 bales cotton 2237 sackscotton seed

SHREVEPORT-Per steamer C H Dnrfee-672bales cotton N O d R T Co-107 order-101 Chaffe.Hamilton & Powell-67 Jno Caaffe & Sons-66 Kirk-patrick &co-30 Jno Phelps ice-18 T L Airey eoo-15 W C Black ico-13 J W Bnrbridge oo-5 BenGerson-3 C L Walmsley &eo-1- Gragard & dFarrar-1 Mever, Weis &coo-1 J P Harrison ir &co--I 8 WRawfins-200 sacks oiloake 141 bbls oil i no Chafle dSons-98 sacks cotton seed N 0 Cotton Seed Associa-tion--3 head hogs 53 head cattle C Mehle &co--40 doAycock. Mitchell &ao-sundries to order-Total 1101bales cotton 98 sacks cotton seed 200 sacks oileake 141bbls oil

UPPER COAST-Per steamer Belle-62 hhds su-gar P Lanaux-2 do A M Tourne-2 sac s seed cot-ton A L Choppin- 15 sacks rough rice J Foerster-sundries to order-Total 64 hhds sugar 2 sacks seedouttod 21 sacks rough rice

LOWER COAST--Per steamer Alvin- 1 hhdsugar I bbl do 1 bbl molasses 1 keg do Lagan &Ma3klson-30 bbls molasses J D'Aquin--6 do J Vil-lavasso-S sacks rough rice J Fserster-sundries toorder-Total 1 hhd sugar I bbl do 37 bbls molassesa. BAYOU LAFOURCHE-Per steamer Henry Tete-20 hhds sugar Conger & Kelly-4 do P Lanaux--27bbls molasses C Jaubert &co--1 do L Terrebonne-snundries to order-Total 24 hhds sugar 28 bble ofmolasses

BAYOU LAFOURCHE- Per steamer Eva-17hhds sugar Conger & Kelly-- do R Beltran-sun-dries to order-Total 2t hhds sgtar

PORT EADS-Per steamer Rice Farmer--sundrieso order

RECEIPTS AT THE NEW BASIN.Amite River-Per steamer Alice- 10 hhds sugar

A Tertrou-4 do Bush & Levert--2 bales cotton HHeyman-40,000 feet lumber 30 cords wood and sun-dries to M B Mnnoy-Total 14 hhds sugar 2 bales ofcotton

Pascagoula-Per sohr Oloff--45,000 feet lumber toH Buddig

Wolf River-Per sohr Elba-28,000 feet lumber toH Buddig

Pearl River--Per schr Petronia H--26,000 feetlumber to W W Carre &co

Bonfouca..Per sohr Moneta -40 cords wood master

RECEIPTS AT THE OLD BASIN.Pearl River-Per sohr Alice McGulgen--35,000

feet lumber to orderPascagoula-Per schr Henriette-1600 bbls charcoal

to masterPearl River-Per schr Try A gain- 30,000 feet of

lumber to orderMandeville-Per schr Mary Jane----18 cords wood

to masterPascagoula-Per schr Anthony R-1800 bbls char-

coal to masterBobr Lake Flower. from La Chincbe. in ballastSloop Willie Dear, from La Chinche, in bahast

By Railroads.


March 97--50 bble oil J Aldige---4 bble candy LMe lal-95 bbl bottled beer S Herman-170 pkgs beerG Yalet-ll pkge mdse G Siegar--1 box do C Wil-cock-5 pkgs mdse Friend & Cohn-4 do Runge &co-1 box glassware W H Decker-20 pkgs tobacco ADelpit &oo---0 bbls whisky Heidenhiemer Bros-lbx saddlery J P Boone-2 boxes mdse Folsom Bros-12 bxs Iron H D Coleman & Bro- 25 buckets lardClark & Meader- 10 bble whisky C H Merritt-100bbls lime L M Gex-105 do 8 Jamieon--200 bble flourPrudhomme & Briggs-23-' hbds bacon order- 17.2sscks cotton seed N 0O Cotton Seed Assoclition- 4pkgs paper Marshall &co-4 do R W Milsop--3 doH Hkalier-2 do J J Moore-18 dr z pails Rice, Born &co-2 pkge mdse P Coleman-2 cases wine P Geloi &Bro-2 tarpaulins E R Poole-sundries to order-To-tal 600 bales cotton 172 sacks cotton seedETrain No 2-60 bbls rosin 8 bbls turpentine Simp-son & Tricon-50 bbls grits 30 bbls cornmeal 20 bblahominy Prudhomme & Bri ggs-l tee rice H B Wil-son--15 bbl whisky Baresfide & Mase-1 case shoesMrs M W sr- pkps madse R Bsrkslse-s oases

Whitley t- ets alde wd aeten-75 boxes tobacco J J Irby & 8n--19 iaIs mdaeLebman. Abraham &co-t case •sper G Illis & Bro-10 eases mads E Booth-l00 bble lime 3 Voelkel-50 bbls oil J Aldige--• bbls whisky F Dolhoede-5page mdse W J Fellett-t oer iron A Griffith-- bblwine W J F Race--1 tieroes hams Barstow & Deeve-9 do 4 toe boo n Sohwabaoher & Hirsch--0 boxesmdse Thoe Simms & Levy- 10 do Wid B Reihl-25doz wasbboards J G Spor-6 sacks seed E'r Vidier-95 nails butter C H Lawrence &co- 15 phks wagonstiff Bodley Bros- 1 organ W T Morris-S6 pkgs to-baco J J Irby & Son-0o do 8 Hernsheim & Bro-5sbbls oil J Aladie-2 bbls wineD P8tRmble-21 wheelsSteele & Crarke-5 pkgs mdse B T Blessing-2 boxesdo H Goldsmith-1 do H Wright--7 bales cotton toAllen, West & Bosh-1 H & U Newman-saundries toorder-Total 8 bales cotton


March 97-6 hhds sugar Richard Millllken 1 do JW Burbridge &co-4 do Jno Chaffe & one---15 doJohn Calder-4 do 6 bbis molasses O Hopkine-35 doJno B King &eo--48 do J M Lockhart--I-- do Lf CKeever-lb do 2 hhds sugar I bale cotton L Bibolet-2 do 10 bales moss L 8urle &co-3 do Odell & Wright-18 sacks rough rice F P Sevin-5 bales mess L Bi-bolet---1 do M J Cbapsky--Total 3 bales cotton 18sacks rough rice 32 hhds sugar 121 bbls molasses

Cliaton-Per steamship Whitney- -17 bales hides174 bales cotton C A Whitney dtoo-3 Clapp Bros &co-363 sacks cotton seed N O Cotton Seed Association-18 boxes shonlders 35 bble pork Miller, Grigsby &

o--530 sacks bones Stern a Fertilihing Co-50 beevesC A Whitney &co -Total 177 bales cotron 363 sackscotton seed

Brazes Santiago and Galveston-Per steamship ICHattis--88 bales skins 16 bales wool, bhles hair 14:0pigs lead $1500 in specie 0 A Whitney &co-S800 doL Blum $806 do J H Keller-5$%l do Gordon & Go-mila-$2'3ou do Marks Bros &co--bl93 do 8ohmidt &Zeigler-$ 50 do Zuberbier & B, han--7 bales hidesIllinois Central Railroad-Total $10,270 in specie;


March 27-502 bales cotton to order--31 Richard-son & May- 30 Meyer, Wets kco--21 Biokbam &Moore-19 S Gumbel -- 19 Viaden, Hawkins &co-15SBHenderson---- Allen, Nugent&o---9 Britt n &Maysou-9 March & Schlenker-7 Stewart Bros &co-- 6 Jno Phelps &co--5 Chaffe, Hamilton & Powell-4Felix Walker--3 Lehman, Abraham &co-2 T L At-rev &co-•i Allen, West & Bush-2 L H Gardner doo-1 Alone, Boherck & Autey-Total 696 bales cotton

I cask glassware J H Menge-1 ort bee hives J MDowling-12 crates buggy tops I bdle castings J ALum &co--6 bbls parsnips 2 bbls onions G W Davi-son &c~--10 cases mdse M McGraw-30 bbls auplesEH I Cordell-1 box machinery 0 ttnuber-1 bx booksMi-s J P Moore--3 cases candy Reis & Reusch-29cases mdee Finlay & ThomDSon-2 bdls iron H M~Manuas- bx dusters P Thormahlen- 3 pkge mdseE J Hart &oo-- bhis cards Smith Bros &co--7 pkgsosrs G Sciaccalnga-60 bxs sewing machines WilsonS M Co- 40 sacks peas Dymond & Gardes-- oa e ofcigars S Hernsheim & Bro-ll hhde tobacco order-4do Gunther & Stevenson-300 brhs soap Thee Simms &Levy-300 do Loohte & Cordes-300 do 25 bbls whis-ky J Nelson co-25 do Joe David--0 do G Aicklen-50 do Smith Bros &co--:50 boxes cheese C H Lawrence aco-5 bxs castings A Baldwin &co-16429 pesmeat order F Whitaker,& Son- 1650 do W H Ma-thews & Bto--I car pig iron M 8. hwartz & Bro--2cars wood J S Gatlin-39t sacks oilcake Anderson &Simpson-177 sacks cotton seed Louisiana Oil Co-150pkgs beer F Hollander-- horse Leonard & Maxwell-11 boxes eggs Miller & Meyer--41 do Wescoat &Csaeon-2 cars wheat L J Higby-15 firkins butter 5hf boxes tobacco 3 pkgs mdse C A Whitney &co

Memoranda.By Telegraph.

New York, March 97, 1878.To A Monlt n

The steamship Hudson. Capt Gager, arrived at 6o'clock this morning

New York, March 27, 1878.To C A Whitney dco

The steamship Morgan City, Read. arrived at 8o'clock this morning




FOR NATCHEZ, VICKSBURG,Greenville. Arkap li, Terrene, He-lena, Memphis and the Bends-The

splendid passenger steamerCHA. P. IICHUTEAU,

W. H. Thorwegan master.Geo. Miltenberger clerk.

will leave as above. For freight or passageapply on board or to

J. B. WOODS & CO 104 Common street.BROCKETT & CARTER, 3 Magazine street.Through bills lading signed to Pine Bluff and

stations of the Little Rock. Mississippi Riverand Texas Railroad. via Arkapolls Ark., andto Little Rock and stations on the Memphis andLittle Rock Railroad. via Hopefleld Ark

BROCKETT & CARTER,mh2 38 Magazine st reet.


S FOR NATCHEZ. VICKSBUIIG.Greenville. Arkapolis, Terrene.Helena, Memphis and the Bends-

The passenger stearmerJNO. A. OCUDDER,

J. F. Hicks, master, Chas. H. Dix. clerk,will leave as above, paying particular attentionto all way and plantation business. Throughbills lading to all points on White and Ar-kansas rivers, via Terrene. For freight orpassage apply on board or to

mh2s a C. G. AYNE. 106o Gravier street.

Mrs. K. C. LOGAN,The Latest Novelties in

Millinery and Dress Making.No. 14 BAEONNIE STREET,

(Next to Grunewald Hall,)

Address, P. O. Box 1305. NEW ORLEANS.

fe17 3m Corsets a Specialty.



(Over E, A. Tyler's Jewelry Store.)

Every description of Photograph taken in themost artistic style. Prices to suit the times.


AoI '



UNIiL KE,14 Exchange




DB. BILLE has returned from Paris andopened an office at 196 Canal street, betweenDryades and Rampart. Dr. Bille has the se-cret of Ninon de l'Enclos, who, up to her deathin her seventy-second year of age retained thebeauty, vivacity and spirit as when she wastwenty years of age. By Dr. Bilie's treatment,which is pleasant, even enjoyable, ladies can doaway with all cosmetics and paints, as the skinbecomes soft and white, the eyes regain theirwonted lustre and strength, and vivacity re-turns. The old become young, and the young,who have ruined themselves with late hous,and excesses, become beautiful and full of thevigor and fire of _youth Alldiseases andtroubles peculiato laes teaed by a harmlessand painless methxod. Consultations and oor'

tsO fit DL VF G M C srreet

01110 AILWAY AND OONNFATIONS.Through bills of lading and through pass9 e

ger tickets to all landings on Red River, and allrailway stations in Texas. The best route to

TShe followin splendid and fast steamerscomposing the line will leave as advertised be-low-La elle, Maria Louise, Texas0. H. Durfee,' Col. A.P. Kouns, Lotus No. 8,W. J. Behan, Bonnie Lee. Dawn,Kate Kinney.

FOR 8BREVEPORT JEFFER-son, Hot Springs, and all land-ings on Red Biver and railway

stations in exas.

FOR SHREIVEPORT.C. f. Durfee C. W. Stinde, master.

Leaves SATURDAY, March 30, at 5 p. m,

No wharfboatcharges, drayageor commissionwill be charged at mouth of Red River, or atNew Orleans, in forwarding freight consignedto the company by bill of lading.For freight or passage apply on board of the

boats or at the office of the company No. 111Gravier street. JOS. A. AIKRN. President.



FOR GRAND KOOR.E, MONT.o gomery,. Alexandria, Norman's Bar.

bln's and way landings--The steam.er-

NEW BART ABLE.RBichad Sinnott, master Geo. Hamilton, clerk.

Leaves every SATURDAY. at 6 p. m.Will leave as above. For freltht or easpag

apply on board or to R. W. ADAMS.No. 21 Commercial Place,

P. 8.-Freight consigned to wharfboat, mouthof Red river or to agents at New Orleans. forsteamer Bare Able, will be forwarded free ofcharge. auso



SFOR FLOYD, DELHI, WARSAW,Crockett's Point, Upper and LowerTensas and all way landings-The

light draft passenger steamersW. J. POITEVE NT,

J. B. Sullivan, master,Leaves - March -, at 5 p. m.

TENSAS,L. V. Cooley, master.

Will leave SATURDAY. March so, at 5 p. m.Paying particular attention to all way and

plantation freights. For freight or passage ap-ply on board or to

BRITTON & EPPLER, 82 Gravler street,HITE & CARLIN 4 Tchoupitoulas st.LORD & MoPEAKE, 46 Camp street.

nofl tf



THROUGH TO LAUREL VALLEY.Leaves every TUESDAY t at p. m.. and SAT-


steamer5T . MARY

Joe Dalferes. master. E. Alcoll, clerk,Pays particular attention to way business andreturns down the coast every MONDAY andTMURBDAY. For freight or passage apply onboard. nola tf


THROUGH TO THIBODAUX.Leaves every WEDNESDAY at 12 m. and

SATURDAY at 6 p. m.


P. A. Charlet. master N. Z. Dupuis, clerk.Pays particular attention to way business, andreturning leaves Thibobaux every Thursdayand Sunday evening, coming down the coast indaylight Fridays and Mondays. For freight orpassage apply on board or to

B. RIVET.nos 106 Decatur street.P. S.--Hs a clerk on the landing during the

day at the head of Bienville street to receivefreight.


THROUGH TO THIBODAUX.Leeaves every MONDAY at 5 p. m. and FRI-

DAY at to a. m.


J. F. Auooln master, M. H. Landry clerk.Pays particular attentinn to way business. Re-turning leaves Thibodaux every Tuesday andSaturday; coming down the coast Wednesdaysand Sundays in daylight. For freightor pas-sage apply on board or to

B. RIVET, 105 Decatur street,P. 8.-Has a clerk on the landing during the

day at the head of Blenville street to receivefreight.



Leaves every WEDNESDAY and 8ATURDAYat 5. m.

FOR BAYOU SARA WATERLOO,Hermitage. Port Bickey, BatonRouge Plaquemine and way land-

ings-The fast and splendid passenger steamerOUACHITA BELLE.

(Bepresenting new boat building),John C. Libano, master, John Ha Mosso. clerk

Leaves as above, returning down the coastevery MONDAY and FRIDAY. For freight orpssage aplyl on board or toBpassa ITTON EPPLEB 8 Graver at.

LORD & MoPEAKE. 46 Camp street.ause C. G. WAYNE, 100 Gravier street.


John J. Brown Master A. Du as MasteFOB BAYOtU SABA EARt O

Hermitage. Port Hudson, Lobdell'Store, Baton Rouge. Flacuemine,

and poetofioe landings- USteamer Gov. Allen,

Leaves every MONDAY and FRIDAY at 5 p. m

Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at 6 p. m.Commencing early.For freight or passage aMlon board or to

No. 4 Tchoupitoulas street.JANNEY A WORK.iyl No. 106 Common street.



SFOR BEN TUREAUD'S, WEL-ham , and all plantation landings-The steamer

MARY IDA,J. A. Ruiz master, Ede. Nicolle clerk.

Leaves TUESDAYS. THURSDAYS and sAT-URDAYS, at 10 a. m.

Returning down the coast on alternate daysand in daylight. For freight or passage applyon board or tofe24 tf W. J. COMAUX, 20 Conti street.


SATURDAY at 1O a. m.SFOB ASHLAND PLANTATION,Ascension parish, Donaldsonvilleand all coast landings-The fine

side-wheel passenger steamerBELLE

(In place of Blue Wing No. s.)J. A. uomstock. master.

Geo. M. Woods and Chas. Dean, clerks.Will leave as above. Returning, leaves Ash-land Plantation Tuesday. Thursday and Sun-day, coming down the coast in daylight. Forfreight or passage apply on board or to

ap2s 8. HENO, 19 Conti street.P.S. All freight delivered in the da ime.




William Gibson. master.Will leave the head of Bienville street at 7:80a. in, for Westwego with passengers for all sta-tions on the New Orleans and Texas Railroad.Returning, will arrive at 5:00 p. in. Same boat.connecting with Sunday Accommodation Trainwill leave at 8 a.m., returning same day at :46p. m.

Freight received at the same place uno to 3:80o'clock will be delivered at its destination nextmorning.ocm i tf C. E. PAYNE. Suverintendent.



Parish of St. Landry.During my temporary absence from Opelon

sas all business direoed to me cre of

wlllbepromptly ateoded to. deut*

".LLL U 3 L


ON|• OF THE ABOVE T Mqq leaveTHII pNSe ewyv Orleans everUr

AY and SATUR Aconnecting with all railroads and packet linesrunning out from Cincinnati giving throughbills of aing to all points. No through ratesand all in oration AYNE Aent,

o002 106 Gravier street.


ville, Henderson. Shawneetown, Paducah, Cairo,Memphis. and all intermediate points-Thesteamer

OOLDEW CROWN,W. P. Walker, master. Eug. Shinkle. clerk.

will leave as above. For freight or passageapply on board or to

C. G. WAYNE, 106 Gravier street.mh23 J.F. DOUGLASS, 106 Gravier street.



SFOR VICKSBURG, NATOHU__i___Davis' Bend and intermediate land

ings--Ti steamerIOBEET L. LEE.

William Campbell, master.A. Me ay clerk.

leaves as above, connectfng at Vicksburg withParisot's Line for all points on the Yazoo. Sun-flower. Deer Creek and Tallahatchie.


Will give through bills of lading to Trenton.Monroe, and all stations on the Vicksburg.Shreveport and Texas Railroad via Delta, La.

W, B. BBOCRETTF, Agent,denl as Magazine street.



and the Bends-The fine and fastpassenger paketSKATIE.

J. M. White master. Curt. Holmes clerk,connecting at Vicksburg with Parisott's Line forall, .oints on Yazoo and Tallahatchie river a.

Boat reserves the right .to pass all landingsthat the captain may deem unsafe.


Through bills lading given to Trenton, Mon-roe and all stations on Vicksburg. Shreveportand Texas Railroad via Delta.

W. B. BROCKETT,Oc6 38 Magazine street.



Natchez and all intermediate lan -ings-The passen er packetNATCHES.

T. P. Leathers master J. F. Muse clerk.,connecting at Vicksburg with the Parisot Linefor Yazoo, Tallahatchie and Sunflower riversand with Anchor Line for Memphis, Cairo andSt. Louis.

This boat reserves the right to pass all land.Ings that the Captain may consiler unsafe.

For freight or passage applyc n board, or toJANNEY & WORK, loe Common street.HITE & CARLIN. 4 Tchoupitoulas at.

Will give throng' bills of lading to Trenton.Monroe and all sations on Vicksburg, Shreve-port and Texas Railroad, via Delta. La.

W. B. BROCKETT, Agent,mry as Magaz ne street.



, •FOR WASHINGTON. OPELOU-sas, Port Barre, Simmsport, Church-ville and all landings on the coast,

Atchafalaya river and Bayou Courtableau-Thevery light draft passenger steamer

BERTHA,M. Kenison. master, Eug. Quatrevaux, clerk,will positively leave as above. For freight orpassage apply on board or to

HITE & CARLIN, Agents,No. 4 Tchoup toulas street,

Connecting at Washington wfthline of bargesfor Bayou Bceuf.

P. 8.-Connects with steamer Minnie atSimmsport for Bayou des Glaizes. fee


SFOR WASHINGTON, OPELOU-sas, Port Barre. Simmsport, Church-ville. and all landings on the Coast.

Atchafalaya river and Bayou Courtableau-Thenew and light draft steamer

FANCHON,H. H. Broad master, Thee. Jobin clerk,

will leave as above. For freight or passage ap-ply on board or to

BRITTON & EPPLEB, 81 Gravierstreet.R. W. ADAMS. 21 Commercial Place.

Connects at Washington with line of bargesfor Bayou Beuf, and with steamer Minnie atSimsport for Bayou des Glaizes. ia22 tf




J. Hamilton, master, C. E. Holmes, clerk.For Magnolia Store and all way landings,

leaves New Orleans foot of St. Louis street at11 a m., MONDAYS' WEDNESDAYS and FRI-DAYS. returning TUESDAYS. THURSDAYSand SATURDAYS, at 4 p. m. Receives all lightfreight and valuable packages. For freight orpassage ap ly on board.

No one is authorized to contract any debts inthe name of the bdat except on written order ofthe captain approved by the clerk.

P. B.--Shippers will be held responsible forfreight bills. mhw FrMoWe tf



Leaves every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAYat 5 p. m.,

SThe passenger steamer

ST, JOHNJ. P. kcElroy. master.

Leaves as above for Baton ouge, Plaque-mine, Donaldsonville and all coast landings re-turning every FRIDAY and MONDAY EVE-INGS.

For freight or passaage aply on board or tose tf E. O. MELANOON. 82 Blenville at.



FOR BOSTON-THE STRICTLYfirst-class iron steamship

READING,Colburn, Commander,

Will have immediate dispatch.For freight WILLIAM CREEVY Agent,felo tf 49 Carondelet street.

--------- ----- ----------------------------HAVANA.



The first-class steamship

MARGARET.Baker. Commander.

will leave wharf foot of Calliope street.SATURDAY. March 23. at 8 p. m.

Passage rates to Havana, $4o; Excursion ticets, $0o.

Passage rates to Jacksonville. o0, includstate rooms and meals.

Through bills of lading issued to all points inFlorida.

For Freight or e apply to.L L ROBERTS, 120 Common street.

Over Louisiana National BankThe steamship ----- _ - follows

on the ---. vAv I


FOR LIVERPOOL - THE Al FASTsailing American ship

J. A. THOMSON.Captain Thompson,

is now loading for the above port, and havingthe greater portion of her cargo engaged, willhave uicek dispatch.

For balance of freight apply toDEAN d& CO.,

h2739 oCarondolet street.


M30AM IEWW V. . MAUIL rBWtE&UMWeThe following low-pressure Iron Steaganigl

orm these lines o tHARLAN 0. HARRIS. W. .HMORGAN, JOhEPHINE. ST.


AR•NSASPlrinr from Morgan City.lr In connection wltorgan as Louisiana and Texas Bailroad.

Fmr Ildianela, vi• Qa1vsstiU-

- •mere leaving Maran Oitt SATUBDAZT oEDAY, THU RDAY connect at Galntransferrin there to Steamer CITY 01 1iO.'FOLK bot freight and passengers.

Through bills lading aigned to Hosoandto all points be and on the Houston andTeuaCentraland G. H. and S. y A. I ., Internationsand Great Northern Railroad. and New Orleansand Texas Railroad, via Clinton, and the TexT an portation Oompany,

re rht charged sa per new card rates.an Antonlo rei hts received and forwred

via Clinton and Galveston. Houston and ooAntonio BEllway.

o Ur lrazns Santitago, via Gals

The iron steamerL C. HARRIS

Will leave Morgan CityTHURSDAY, March 28.

No corn received without orders.daghterage at Brazos iantlago at risk and a.

ndense of eonsi ecsFreight received for and bills lading signed

only to Browns••le, via Rio Grande BRailrod.asr new tar less sl per cent.

Freight Dy ale In gold.

For eoorpus Chriati, Fulteaon 4Std Mary's, via Galveston and Bock-

port--The iron steamerARANSAS,

Will leave Morgan City on

Lighterage to Oor uts Christi (if any) latkiskand expense of consignees.

Freight for St. •Iar't, and Fulton landed IGFreYOfr all the above polnts recelved at the

Deot organ's Louisiana and Texas RaleroaToot of Layette street. daily. until s, p.m.

PASSENGER AND MAIL ROUTU. Fer Galvestan. Houston antd Indhu•i

Passengers'take Railroad Ferryboat foot oti.Ann street, at 8:8o a. in.. reaching Morgan Uat 12:2 p. m.. there connectinge with steamers



First class fare to Shrevepor? $24 7sl-TImE sExcursion tickets for the round trip to VIQ

veston and return, good for thirty days, issuedat $i1.

Tickets and statermooms secured unt L, •.dail (Sundays excepted), at Agent's omee orSthe Ferv aInding, on morning of de

Through tiokets will be issuaed from thtothe principal Doints on the Houston

entral Ealroad, on the InternatloGreat Northern Railroad, and Texasailrad0. QA. WHITNEY & 00.. Agents.


MORGAN'S NEW YORK LINE STEAMSBIP$.The following Al Iron StealaihlIS


The Iron Steamship-ALGIERS,

WEDNESDAY. April 3.INSURANCE TO NEW YORK X.Freight for the above port received at thedepd~

of Morgan's Louisiana and Texas Bailroad, toof Lafayette street, daily until I p. m.

For fretht aPDIy tooHAr . AWH ITNEY & 00., Agents.

iel ly Oor. Nathez and %laaasine stree.l






The steamships of the North Ge• .

man doyd will resume their Regular Trips.

as follows:

From Bremen. From New rleans,FRANKFURT Feb. 2o, about March 2.NURNBERO. March 20o about April 24,HANNOVER,-- ----_

These steamers touch outward at Havre aanHavana. and on their home trip at Havana andSouthampton.

PRIOES OF PASSAGE:From Bremen. Southampton or Havre to Na.

vana or New Orleans-Cabin, 16o (gold): s•tgg . 7age, tN I (gold)

From N Orleans to Southampton, HtavuBremen-Oabin, $10so (gold); Steerage oO(gol)•.•

From New Orleans to Eavanya-abln.S(gold), Steerage, $15 (gold).

Children under ten years. half pride; ohffdren under one year, free.

EXCURSIONTo the Paris Exhibitioan.

Reduced Rates for First Cabin Only.

From New Orleans to Paris and back to NeoWOrleans by a steamer of this line, (gold) $210

From New Orleans to Paris and back to NeYork by a steamer of this line. (go d) $280.

From New Orleans to Paris an Mck to Bati imore by a steamer of this line. ( Od) $210.

Tickets of the last named class (Baltimore)are good only to October 31. 1878.

The oompany reserves the right to chang•theroute of the steamers, their advertised days ofdeparture and the prices of rlee.

Paseage tickets from Bremen, uthamor Havre to New Orleans issued by the und ee-

anal rt ar Union street.



Tons. Commanders.ALI ...... .... 12so......J. George.CHANOEIR ....... 205o......0. Reynolds.CHRYSOLITE ....... 10oo...... Jones.COGNA ......... loo......W. Aiken.COMMANDEBR. .... 1600......R. Ellis,CARDOVA ...... .1417...... W. Lang.COUNCELLOR ..... 2500oo......W. Tutton.DiOV EB ........ •o'.....H. ,B. Williamisol

......... 2010...... W. Jackson.I1RE QUEEN. ...... 118...... Williams.

GLADRIAOR......... lOo.......L. Jcones.HISTORIAN ........ 185o60......W. Wallace.LEGISLATOR....... 2160...... T. Burley.MEDIATOB .......... 2010......J. Hanney.OBERON............. o.....1220. J. Campbell.STATFMAN .... .. 1850.....:W. Hughes.VANGUARD....... 1406...... W J. Heel.WARRIOR ........... 1220......W. L. Jonees,

The steamshioOBERON,Cam pbell,. lommandeg,

will sail on or about April 1st. 1878. from herwharf, foot of Esplanade street.

Will receive cotton and sign through bills oflading for the Continent, between Hevre andCronstadt.

These steamships, being of light draft wicross the bar of the Milssissippi at all {Imeswithout detention.

For freight apply to]DECAN & 00.,

del ly 89 Carondelet stree•.

NEW ORLEANS AND LIVERPOOL.DIEGO..... .164 tons.... Capt. GOansag.GUILLERMO... 1226 tons... Caprt. Ehevairl,PEDERICO.... .1425 tons... -Capt. Bidehea.PEDRO.......... ee tons.... Carpt. Mungici.CAROLINA ....... lsI tons .... Capt. iestra,GRAOIA .......... 9sos tons.... Capt Arizuma.RITA............. 869 tons.... Capt. Gartes.JUANA............ 757 tons.... Capt. Oastana g,

The above powerfully built steamships nilenter the New Orleans and Liverpool trade GtiUing the coming tall. Will reeetve cotton 1)sign through bills of lading to any port ofContinent of Europe.i The steamship


will sail from her wharf 8ATUI WAX. Nov M.For freight and first class a ap• o