r,m+relationship in a3 s1

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  • 8/3/2019 R,M+Relationship in A3 S1


    Tom Burns


    Romeo, Mercutio and their Relationship in Act 3 Scene 1

    In Act 3 Scene 1, Romeo is portrayed as being very pacifistic, and peaceful. This is shown

    when Mercutio and Tybalt have a duel, and he says to them both:

    Gentlemen, for shame forebear this outrage!Tybalt, Mercutio, the Prince expressly hath

    Forbid this bandying in Verona streets.

    Hold, Tybalt! Good Mercutio!

    This shows he is willing to go against the wishes of even his closest friends to stop violence,

    which could show his fear for the aftermath. Also, Mercutios death leads to Romeo killing

    Tybalt, and Romeo could have been splitting up the fight because he knew he would not be

    able to cope with one of the possible outcomes emotionally. One of the words he uses in

    this is Gentlemen, which shows his high level of respect for both Mercutio and Tybalt as

    friend and enemy. Shakespeare will have used this word so that this scene had thisparticular effect and not used a word such as fighters or boys as this would have made it

    more informal and not shown Romeos respect for both men. Another interpretation of this

    quote could be that it shows Romeo as being scared of the violence in general because

    otherwise he would have allowed the fight to continue and not interrupted it. This could

    give the reader the impression that he is an innocent, and has a slightly childish view on the

    violence between the two opposing houses.

    In this scene, Mercutio says things that make him seem like he is longing for a fight. He shows

    this when he says:

    O calm dishonourable, vile submission!

    Alla stoccata carries it away.

    Tybalt, you ratcatcher, will you walk?

    This quote shows he is someone who believes that arguments can be resolved with

    violence, and it will be the quickest way of dealing with things. In this quote, Mercutio uses

    the word ratcatcher, which could be mean that he looks upon Tybalt as if he is someone

    who catches rats to make a living. This would be a job for poorer people with no

    education, meaning he thinks of Mercutio as unintelligent, and this job would require no

    academic knowledge to do, therefore reinforcing the idea that Tybalt is unintelligent.

    Another interpretation of this quote could be that it portrays Mercutio as a well-educated,

    up to date person, because of his advanced knowledge of fencing vocabulary. This would

    mean Shakespeare intended him to be a character that has an underlying smarter side to

    him, and he doesnt always have a hard, fight loving exterior.

    In this Act 3 Scene 1, Romeo and Mercutios relationship can be seen as a very strong one. A

    quote that suggests this is:

  • 8/3/2019 R,M+Relationship in A3 S1


    Tom Burns


    My very friend, hath got this mortal hurt

    In my behalf; my reputation stained

    This quotation reinforces Romeo and Mercutios strong relationship when Romeo say My

    very friend. This shows that he cares a great deal about Mercutio and even more so

    because he has been mortally injured. Another interpretation of this quote could be that

    Romeo is a self-centred person (when he says my reputation stained) and that his

    relationship with Mercutio is weakened because of his stuck up nature. Shakespeare could

    have used this to show that Romeo may have a loving caring for others exterior, but he is

    really just worried about himself and his impression upon others.

    After having written this essay, I can conclude that Romeo has a pacifistic view on life,

    Mercutio is aggressive yet surprisingly clever, and their relationship is ruined by Romeos

    self-centred nature.