rmv questions(1) 1

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  • 8/20/2019 RMV Questions(1) 1


     Number Question Choice A Choice B Choice C Choice D

    1 What does a Class D driver's license allow you to operate? Any vehicle. Any vehicle in assachusetts. !nly passen"er vehicles.


    $ 1% years. # years.

    & ow lon" be(ore your license e)pires may you renew it? * wee+s. * months. & months. 1 year.

    *, Can you ma+e a ri"ht turn on a steady red tra((ic li"ht? Never. Always.

    ## What does a double solid yellow line mean? -hat you may never cross these lines.

    $* Behind the truc+ only. e(t and ri"ht o( the truc+ only. /i"ht o( the truc+ only. 0ront behind le(t and ri"ht o( the truc+.

    $# When is it o+ay to pass a truc+ or bus on the ri"ht? Anytime tra((ic is heavy. Anytime.

    What are you re2uired to do i( you are involved in an accident? 3ou are not re2uired to do anythin".

    ,# 4t doesn't really matter. At least *$ (eet. At least 1%% (eet. At least 5%% (eet.

    ,$ !ne out o( three. !ne out o( ten. !ne out o( twenty. !ne out o( (i(ty.

    ,, #% mph. 5% mph. $% mph $$ mph.

    61 -he shape o( a 7railroad crossin"7 si"n is? Diamond. 82uare. /ound. -rian"le.

    6# *%% (eet. 1$ (eet. # (eet. 3ou do not need to stop.

    6$ When is it o+ay to tail"ate another vehicle? When they are drivin" too slow. Never. When tra((ic (low is heavy. At any time.

    9% 4t is the (astest movin" lane.

    9* When is it o+ay to ma+e a :;turn? At the crest o( a hill or near a curve. 4t is never o+ay to ma+e a :;turn.

    1%% What should you do i( another driver is tail"atin" you? 8lam on your bra+es. 8peed up as (ast as you can. 8lowly bra+e until you stop.

    1%# Criminal violations.

    1%9 1% *% #% 9%


  • 8/20/2019 RMV Questions(1) 1


     Number Question Choice A Choice B Choice C Choice D

    1#, 1;* years. &% days;1 year. 1$;&% days. -here is no revocation period (or that o((ense.

    1#6 1%;1$ days. 1$;&% days. &% days;1 year.

    1#9 &% days;1 year. 1$;&% days. 1%;1$ days. -here is no revocation period (or that o((ense.

    1&$ .%%%$. .%%1. .%1. .%*.


  • 8/20/2019 RMV Questions(1) 1


     Number Question Choice A Choice B Choice C Choice D

    ** What is the best way to determine how (ast to drive?

    *# When is it o+ay to drive (aster than the posted speed limit? When tra((ic (low is li"ht.

    *5 What is the speed limit on roads near a school? #$ mph which is seldom posted. $% mph.


    *& What does a steady red tra((ic li"ht mean? 8top only i( other vehicles are present. 8top and wait until the li"ht is "reen. .

    *6 What does a (lashin" red tra((ic li"ht mean?

    *9 What does a steady yellow tra((ic li"ht mean?

    #% What does a steady "reen li"ht mean? -o slow down be(ore proceedin". -o stop.

    #1 Do not enter the intersection.

    #* What color are stop si"ns? Blue. White. 3ellow. /ed.

    #5 When do you obey directions "iven to you by a tra((ic o((icer? !nly when there is heavy tra((ic.

    #$ Whenever there is heavy tra((ic. Whenever tra((ic has come to a stop. Anytime.

    36 It is legal if traffic has stopped. It is legal whenever there is heavy traffic.

    #, When may you enter an intersection? Whenever the tra((ic li"ht is "reen. Whenever you need to ma+e a turn. When tra((ic has stopped.

    #6 When may you drive across a crosswal+? Whenever the tra((ic li"ht is "reen. Whenever you need to ma+e a turn. When tra((ic has stopped.

    #9 When ma+in" a ri"ht turn you want to turn (rom which lane? 0rom the lane (arthest to the le(t. 0rom the (ar ri"ht lane. 0rom whichever lane you choose. 3ou may not ma+e a ri"ht turn.

    5% When ma+in" a le(t turn you want to turn (rom which lane? 0rom the lane (arthest to the le(t. 0rom the (ar ri"ht lane. 0rom whichever lane you choose. 3ou may not ma+e a le(t turn.

    51 When may you turn le(t on a red tra((ic li"ht? At any time. !nly i( you use your turn si"nal (irst.

    5* When they are in a crosswal+. When they are in an intersection. 3ou do not need to yield to pedestrians.

    5# Any vehicle with passen"ers.

    55 Any vehicle with passen"ers.

    5$ Any vehicle with passen"ers. An oncomin" vehicle. No one has the ri"ht;o(;way at an intersection.

    5& Who has the ri"ht;o(;way at a rotary tra((ic circle? ehicles already in the rotary. Any vehicle with passen"ers.

    5, When may you use the shoulder o( a road (or passin"? Anytime. Whenever there is heavy tra((ic. Whenever tra((ic has come to a stop. Never.

    56 When may you use a sidewal+ (or passin"? Anytime. Whenever there is heavy tra((ic. Whenever tra((ic has come to a stop. Never.


    3ou should always drive as (ast asthe posted speed limit.

    3ou must travel as (ast as tra((icallows you to.

    3ou should drive as (ast as yourvehicle can "o.

    3ou must never travel (aster than isreasonable and proper (or the currentconditions and public sa(ety.

    When tra((ic is movin" (aster thanthe posted speed limit.

    3ou must never drive (aster thanthe posted speed limit.

    4t is usually o+ay to drive (aster than theposted speed limit.

    *% mph which may be posted invarious ways.

    -here is no speed limit on roads near aschool.

    What must you do i ( you come across road construction ormaintenance wor+ and there are oran"e warnin" si"nsannouncin" a lower speed limit?

    3ou must travel as (ast as tra((icallows you to.

    3ou only need to obey theseposted speed limits i( you see wor+crews.

    3ou must obey these posted speedlimits.

    3ou do not need to obey these posted speedlimits.

    8low down but not come to acomplete stop.

    8top and wait until there are noother vehicles.

    8low down but not come to acomplete stop.

    8top only i( other vehicles arepresent.

    8top and not to "o until the l i"ht is"reen.

    Come to a complete stop obey the ri"ht;o(;way laws and proceed when it is sa(e.

    -hat you should accelerate nomatter what the conditions.

    4t is a warnin" that the tra((ic li"ht ischan"in" (rom "reen to red youmust stop i( sa(e to do so.

    -hat you should stop no matter whatthe conditions.

    4t is a warnin" that the tra((ic li"ht is chan"in"(rom red to "reen you need to prepare to "o.

    Go but only a(ter yieldin" to other

    vehicles bicycles or pedestrians inthe road.

    Go re"ardless o( other vehiclesbicycles or pedestrians in the road.

    What should you do i( a tra((ic si"nal at an intersection isblac+ed;out and not (unctionin" at all?

    Continue throu"h the intersectionwithout stoppin".

    -reat the intersection as havin" "reenli"hts.

    -reat the intersection as havin" stop si"ns inall directions. =roceed when sa(e to do so.

    !nly when that o((icer is with thestate police.

    !nly when they don't con(lict withany tra((ic si"ns si"nals orpavement mar+in"s.

    @ven when they overrule any tra((icsi"ns si"nals or pavement mar+in"s.

    When may you use a hi"hway brea+down lane as a travel


    Durin" the hours o( use that are

    clearly posted.

    What is the rule about blocking an intersection with yourvehicle?

    It is illegal to block anintersection with your vehicle.

    It is legal if the traffic light changesand you are still in the intersection.

    When there is enou"h room (or youto sa(ely drive throu"h to the otherside.

    When there is enou"h room (or youto sa(ely drive throu"h to the otherside.

     Anytime there are no other vehiclesaround.

    !nly i( you are turnin" (rom a one;way streetonto another one;way street.

    When must you yield to pedestrians who are wal+in" in orcrossin" a roadway?

    3ou must always yield to thesepedestrians.

    Who has the ri"ht;o(;way at a (our;way stop that has stopsi"ns in all directions?

     A vehicle that has come to a (ullstop at the intersection (irst.

    ehicles that arrive to the (our;waystop (rom a (aster speed Eone.

    No one has the ri"ht;o(;way at a (our;waystop.

    Who has the ri"ht;o(;way at a (our;way stop that has stopsi"ns in all directions?

    No one has the ri"ht;o(;way at a(our;way stop.

    ehicles that arrive to the (our;waystop (rom a (aster speed Eone.

     A vehicle on the immediate ri"ht o( anothervehicle that has stopped at the intersection atthe same time.

    Who has the ri"ht;o(;way at an intersection where someone isma+in" a le(t turn?

    ehicles behind the person ma+in"the le(t turn.

    ehicles behind the personapproachin" the rotary.

    No one has the ri"ht;o(;way whenapproachin" a rotary.

    What must you do i( you come upon a school bus or schoolpupil transport vehicle with li"hts (lashin" or a stop si"ne)tended?

    :nless you are travelin" on a

    divided hi"hway you must stop nomatter which side o( the road youare travelin" on.

    3ou must stop i( you are travelin"on the ri"ht hand side o( the road.

    3ou must stop i( you are travelin" onthe le(t hand side o( the road.

    3ou do not need to stop unless you seechildren.

  • 8/20/2019 RMV Questions(1) 1


     Number Question Choice A Choice B Choice C Choice D

    $% 3ou do not need to stop at any point.

    $1 3ou do not need to stop at any point.

    $5 Are you allowed to throw lit ci"arettes (rom a movin" vehicle No. 3es at anytime i( you are over 16. 3es.

    $$ When is it o+ay to use your horn? When necessary to avoid accidents.

    $& What should you N!- do when enterin" or e)itin" a hi"hway?

    $, What should you N!- do when drivin" on the hi"hway? Weave in and out o( tra((ic.

    $6 When does the law re2uire you to use your headli"hts? !nly i( other vehicles are present. 3ou are not re2uired to use your headli"hts.

    $9 4( other drivers complain. i"h beams are o.+. anytime.

    &% What is a "ood drivin" tip (or drivin" in rain?

    &1 What is a "ood drivin" tip (or drivin" in snow?

    &* What should you N!- do i( your vehicle s+ids? it the bra+es. Be prepared to steer le(t and ri"ht a (ew times.


    &$ !nly once in the li(e o( the vehicle.


    &, 3our premium may "o down. 3our premium will "o up. -here will be no chan"e. 3ou will not need insurance.

    &6 3our premium may "o down. 3our premium will "o up. -here will be no chan"e. 3ou will not need insurance.

    &9 -he shape o( a 7stop7 si"n is? Diamond. -rian"le. 82uare. !cta"on 6 e2ual sides.

    ,% -he shape o( a 7yield7 si"n is? 82uare. :pside down trian"le. !cta"on. Diamond.

    ,1 What does a (lashin" yellow tra((ic li"ht mean?

    ,* What should you do when you see a 7yield7 si"n?

    ,5 What is true about motor vehicle crashes in this country? -hey seldom happen. -hey result in very (ew deaths.

    ,& What are speed limits based on? Conditions when they are at their worst. 4deal drivin" conditions.

    ,6 Nothin" i( you have the ri"ht;o(;way. 3ou must yield to the pedestrians. 3ou must yield i( it is convenient.

    ,9 When may you let your vehicle bloc+ a crosswal+? When the tra((ic (low tra((ic is heavy. Never.

    6% 7!+ay to.7 78ometimes permissible.7 -hese si"ns do not pertain to motorists. Access or movement is prohibited thin+ 7No.7


    What must you do i ( you see or hear an emer"ency vehiclecomin" (rom any direction?

    3ou must stop immediately nomatter what the conditions.

    =ull to the center o( the road andstop until the vehicle has passed.

    =ull as close as possible to the ri"htside o( the road and stop until thevehicle has passed.

    What must you do i ( you see or hear an emer"ency vehiclecomin" (rom any direction and you are in the middle o( anintersection?

    8top in the middle o( theintersection.

    Continue drivin" throu"h theintersection and pull over as soonas it is sa(e.

    =ull to the center o( the intersectionand stop until the vehicle has passed.

    3es i( it is near a rural area li+e a(orest or (ield.

    -o e)press an"er or complain aboutother drivers' mista+es.

    -o try to "et a slow driver to move(aster.

    4n a tra((ic am to try and "et other vehiclesmovin".

    a+e sure you are in the properlane well in advance to enter or e)itthe hi"hway.

    4( you miss your e)it stop andbac+up on the hi"hway.

    3ield the ri"ht o( way to drivers alreadyon the hi"hway.

     As you approach and enter a hi"hway travellane increase your speed to match that o(vehicles already on the road.

    8tay to the ri"ht and only use thele(t lane (or passin".

    Drive in the middle o( your lanestayin" between the lines.

    When chan"in" lanes use your rearviewmirror and use your directional si"nals.

    !ne;hal( hour a(ter sunset until one;hal( hour be(ore sunrise.

    # hours a(ter sunset until # hoursbe(ore sunrise.

    -o properly drive with hi"h beam headli"hts you should lowerthem

      4( you are within $% (eet o( an

    oncomin" vehicleH *% (eet o( avehicle in (ront o( you.

      4( you are within $%% (eet o( an

    oncomin" vehicleH *%% (eet o( a vehiclein (ront o( you.

    4ncrease your speed to arrive atyour destination sooner so that youmay avoid the weather.

    Decrease the space between youand other vehicles in order toprevent rain (rom hittin" thehi"hway.

    Decrease your speed and increase thespace between your vehicles andothers.

    3ou do not need to chan"e your drivin"behavior in rain.

    4ncrease your speed to arrive atyour destination sooner so that youmay avoid the weather.

    Decrease your speed and increasethe space between your vehiclesand others.

    Decrease the space between you andother vehicles in order to prevent snow(rom hittin" the hi"hway.

    3ou do not need to chan"e your drivin"behavior in snow.

    @ase o(( the "as and shi(t into


    -urn your steerin" wheel in the

    direction o( the s+id.

    Who is allowed the special privile"es o( a disabled plate orplacard?

     Any person usin" a vehicledisplayin" the plate or placard.

     Any relative o( the disabled personwho has been "ranted the plate orplacard.

     Anyone who has a disabled plate orplacard in his or her possession.

    -he disabled person who has been o((icially"ranted the plate or placard.

    When is a vehicle re2uired to under"o a sa(ety and emissionsinspection in assachusetts?

    -here are no such inspections inassachusetts.

    When the vehicle chan"es ownersand then on a yearly basis.

    !nly when the vehicle chan"esowners.

    What vehicles are re2uired to have insurance inassachusetts?

    No vehicles are re2uired to haveinsurance.

    !nly passen"er vehicles arere2uired to have insurance.

    !nly commercial vehicles are re2uiredto have insurance.

     All vehicles on the road are re2uired to haveinsurance.

    :nder the 8a(e Driver 4nsurance =lan 8D4= what happens i(you are a sa(e driver and +eep your drivin" record clean?

    :nder the 8a(e Driver 4nsurance =lan 8D4= what happens i(you are convicted o( a criminal or civil motor vehicle violationor i( you are (ound to be at (ault in an accident?

    8low down and come to a completestop.

    8top and not to "o until the li"ht is"reen.

    =roceed with caution and stay alert.oo+ both ways when crossin" anintersection.

    4t is warnin" that the tra((ic li"ht is chan"in"(rom "reen to red.

    8low down and be prepared to stop.

    et tra((ic pass be(ore proceedin".

     Accelerate to prepare (or any

    possible tra((ic.

    8low down and then (orce your way

    into tra((ic.

    Come to a complete stop no matter what +ind

    o( tra((ic is visible.-hey result in very (ew deaths amon"children and youn" adults.

    -hey are the leadin" cause o( death amon"children and youn" adults.

     A speed that is never sa(e to travelat.

     A speed that is always sa(e totravel at.

    What must you do i ( you see any pedestrians enterin" orusin" a crosswal+ in your path o( travel?

    Nothin" i( others are not yieldin" theri"ht o( way to the pedestrians.

    When you are stopped at a redli"ht.

    When the li"ht is "reen and tra((ic isnot movin".

    When you see a si"n that uses a red circle with a dia"onal

    slash what does that circle and slash mean?

    What must you do i ( a (la" person or police o((icer is directin"tra((ic around a wor+ Eone?

    3ou must obey the (la""er's oro((icer's si"nals.

    3ou may obey the (la""er's oro((icer's si"nals i( it doesn't con(lictwith other rules o( the road.

    3ou may obey the (la""er's or o((icer'ssi"nals i( it is convenient.

    3ou must obey the (la""er's or o((icer'ssi"nals only i( he or she is with the 8tate=olice.

  • 8/20/2019 RMV Questions(1) 1


     Number Question Choice A Choice B Choice C Choice D

    65 At any time. Any time there is no train in si"ht. Any time the train is stopped. Never.

    6& What is the main cause o( rear;end crashes? =eople drivin" too slow. eavy tra((ic (low. De(ective bra+e li"hts. -ail"atin".

    6, ow (ar ahead should you si"nal your turn? 3ou are not re2uired to si"nal a turn. Whenever it is convenient. 1$ (eet be(ore a turn.

    66 3ou will not be able to slow down..

    69 3ou will not be able to stop.

    91 When are you re2uired to use your turn si"nals? When you chan"e lanes. !nly when other cars are present. !nly when tra(( ic ( low is heavy. 3ou are not re2uired to use tra(( ic si"nals.

    9# What color are "eneral warnin" si"ns? 3ellow. /ed. Blue. Green.

    95 What are 7ri"ht;o(;way7 rules? /ules that are (or pedestrians only.

    9$ What is best to remember about 7ri"ht;o(;way7? -here is no such thin" as ri"ht;o(;way. 4t is somethin" to avoid.

    9& Drive slowly. Always drive with your windows down. Avoid loud noise levels inside your vehicle.

    9, What should you loo+ (or i( you hear a siren? A (ire. !ne or more emer"ency vehicles. . An accident.

    96 ow do you +now i( you are tail"atin" a truc+? 4t is not possible to tail"ate a truc+. -here is no way to accurately tell. 4( you can't see a truc+'s rearview mirrors.

    99 3ou can never (ollow too closely. -here is no way to accurately tell. By usin" the 7two;second7 rule.

    1%1 What is drivin" considered in assachusetts? A ri"ht o( every citiEen. An earned privile"e. A ri"ht o( every citiEen over *1 years o( a"e.

    1%* -he driver is responsible (or hisFher actions.

    1%5 3ou may en"a"e in restricted drivin". 4t is a warnin" you may still continue to drive.

    1%$ What are the penalties (or brea+in" a motor vehicle law? !nly a (ine. !nly loss o( license. -here are no penalties.

    1%& No. !nly i( you have an attorney with you. 3es.

    1%, Bein" under *1 years o( a"e. Bein" over #$ years o( a"e. Bein" over 5$ years o( a"e. =enalties are always the same.

    1%6 Bein" over #$ years o( a"e. Bein" over 5$ years o( a"e. Bein" a repeat o((ender. =enalties are always the same.

    11% Nothin" will happen.

    111 No. No unless it is a speedin" citation. !nly i( it is a citation over

  • 8/20/2019 RMV Questions(1) 1


     Number Question Choice A Choice B Choice C Choice D

    1*% 3ou may be arrested.

    1*1 3ou may be arrested.

    1** 3ou may be arrested.

    1*# 3ou may be arrested.



    1*, ovin" violations only. Accident surchar"es only. None o( the above.

    1*6 #% days. *% days. 1% days. # days.

    1*9 Nothin". 4t will be suspended inde(initely.

    1#% 3our license will be suspended (or 1$ days.

    1#* !nly when the law re2uires it.

    1## 3es

    1#5 8uspend your drivin" privile"es

    15% 1$ days. &% days.

    151 3ou may only drive your own car.

    15* 3ou are not re2uired to do anythin".

    15# !nly permitted to drive to wor+. 3ou are not permitted to drive. Not permitted to drive with passen"ers. !nly permitted to drive your own car.

    155 3ou may (ace a (ine only.

    15$ 4s a (ee re2uired to reinstate a suspended or revo+ed license? No. 3es.

    15& 3es. No.

    15, No. 3es.

    156 3es. No.

    159 3es. No.

    What may happen to you (or not respondin" truth(ully and (ullyto a police o((icer who has re2uested you to provide yourname and address?

    No action may be ta+en by theo((icer.

    No action may be ta+en by the o((icer i (you are under *1.

    No action may be ta+en by the o((icer i( youare over *1.

    What may happen to you (or not respondin" truth(ully and (ullyto a police o((icer who has re2uested you to provide thevehicle owner's name and address?

    No action may be ta+en by theo((icer.

    No action may be ta+en by the o((icer i (you are over *1.

    No action may be ta+en by the o((icer i( youare under *1.

    What may happen to you (or not respondin" truth(ully and (ullyto a police o((icer who has re2uested you to produce yourdriver's license on demand?

    No action may be ta+en by theo((icer.

    No action may be ta+en by theo((icer i( you are over *1.

    No action may be ta+en by the o((icer i (you are under *1.

    What may happen to you (or not respondin" truth(ully and (ullyto a police o((icer who has re2uested you to show a validre"istration certi(icate to the motor vehicle?

    No action may be ta+en by theo((icer.

    No action may be ta+en by the o((icer i (you are under *1.

    No action may be ta+en by the o((icer i( youare over *1.

    What happens with tra((ic o((enses you have committed inother states?

    they cannot be placed on yourdrivin" record and will be i"nored bythe /.

    they will be placed on your drivin"record but will not count towardlicense suspension inassachusetts.

    they will be placed on your drivin"record and treated by the / as i(they had occurred in assachusetts.

    they are o((enses which the / does nothave access to.

    What happens i( your license or drivin" privile"es have been

    suspended or revo+ed in another state?

    3ou are allowed less violations in

    assachusetts be(ore suspension.

    3our assachusetts license will

    only be valid in assachusetts.

    3our assachusetts license will onlybe suspended i( you are under *1

    years o( a"e.

    3our assachusetts license may be

    suspended or revo+ed.Which surchar"eable events count toward possible licensesuspension?

     Both movin" violations and accidentsurchar"es.

    ow lon" will your driver's license be suspended (or i( youreceive three speedin" violations within a 1*;month period?

    What will happen to your license i( you accumulate $surchar"eable events within # years?

      4t will be suspended unless youare under *1 years.

      4t will be suspended inde(initely unless youcomplete a Driver /e;-rainin" =ro"ram.

    What will happen i( you accumulate seven , surchar"eableevents such as a speedin" violation on your drivin" record

    within a three;year period?

    Nothin" will happen i( all the events

    occurred in assachusetts.

    3our license will be suspended (or

    &% days.

    3our license will be suspended (or #%


    When does the /e"istrar o( otor ehicles have the ri"ht tosuspend or revo+e your driver's license?

    -he /e"istrar does not have thatri"ht.

    -he /e"istrar does not have thatri"ht without a public hearin".

    When the law re2uires it or when the/e"istrar considers you to be a threat topublic sa(ety.

    Does the /e"istrar have a ri"ht to suspend your license oryour ri"ht to operate i( you commit a serious motor vehicleo((ense and pose an immediate threat to public sa(ety?

    -he /e"istrar does not have theri"ht to ta+e any action.

    -he /e"istrar cannot ta+e anyaction without a hearin".

    -he /e"istrar may only suspend learner'spermits.

    What does the /e"istrar have a ri"ht to do i( it is determinedat a hearin" that you have operated a motor vehicleimproperly?

    8uspend your drivin" privile"es i(you are under *1 years o( a"e.

    -he /e"istrar does not have the ri"htto ta+e any action.

    -he /e"istrar does not have that ri"ht to ta+eany action without a hearin".

    ow lon" will your assachusetts driver's license besuspended i( your drivin" privile"es have been suspended orrevo+ed in another state?

    :ntil your out;o(;state drivin"privile"es have been reinstated.

    3our assachusetts driver's license will notbe suspended durin" this time.

    What does it mean i( the / suspends or revo+es yourdriver's license?

    4t is a warnin" you may stillcontinue to drive.

    3ou may only drive inassachusetts.

    4t means you have lost your drivin"privile"es.

    What are you re2uired to do i( your license is suspended orrevo+ed?

    eave your driver's license at thehouse when you drive.

    -urn in your license immediately to the/.

    !nly turn in your driver's license i( you areunder *1 years o( a"e.

    What happens i( the / has suspended or revo+ed yourlicense (or any reason?

    What will happen i( you are drivin" while your license issuspended or revo+ed?

    Nothin" will happen i( you only drivein assachusetts.

    Nothin" will happen i( you are inyour own car.

    3ou may (ace a considerable (ineandFor ail sentence.

     A (ee is only re2uired i( you havemisplace your suspended license.

    -here is no (ee to reinstate a (irst timesuspension.

    4( you owe a (ee (or a par+in" violation can you renew yourdriver's license?

    -he / will only re(use to renewyour license i( you are in prison.

    !nly i( unpaid (ines (or par+in" tic+etstotal

  • 8/20/2019 RMV Questions(1) 1


     Number Question Choice A Choice B Choice C Choice D

    1$% No. 3es.

    1$1 What is true about alcohol dru"s and drivin"?

    1$* 1F* o( hi"hway deaths. 1F# o( hi"hway deaths. 1F5 o( hi"hway deaths. 1F6 o( hi"hway deaths.


    1$5 Can one alcoholic drin+ in an hour a((ect your drivin"? 3es. Depends on the time o( day. No.

    1$$ Who is immune to the e((ects o( drin+in" alcohol? eavier people. =eople that drin+ alcohol o(ten. =eople that drin+ alcohol with meals. No one.

    1$& No. Depends on the person. 3es. Depends on the vehicle.

    1$, Which o( the (ollowin" will "et alcohol out o( your body? Drin+in" blac+ co((ee. -a+in" a cold shower. @atin" (ood. Givin" your body time to process the alcohol.

    1$6 !nly drin+ alcohol with a meal.

    1$9 What is measured by blood alcohol content BAC? -he amount o( alcohol in a drin+. -he amount o( blood in your body.

    1&% ow is blood alcohol content BAC determined? @ither a blood or breath test. A urine test. @ither a written or coordination test.

    1&1 ow o(ten you consume alcohol. ow much you have had to drin+. ow much you concentrate. -he town or city you are in.

    1&* ow much you concentrate. -he speed at which you are drivin". -he type o( vehicle you are drivin".

    1 What the alcohol is mi)ed with. Where you consumed the alcoholic bevera"e.

    1&5 Appro)imately 1F6 oE. Appro)imately 1F5 oE. Appro)imately 1F* oE. Appro)imately 1 oE.

    1&& A (ine and license suspension. A (ine. icense suspension. -here are no re2uired penalties.

    1&, A (ine. A (ine and license suspension. -here are no re2uired penalties.

    1&9 -here is no chan"e. 4t is increased. 4t is eliminated. 4t is reduced.

    1,% Drive care(ully when drun+.

    1,1 -o per(orm a (ield sobriety test only.

    1,# .%*. .%5. .%&. .%6.

    1,5 No action is ta+en.

    1,$ Not as li+ely. -wice as li+ely. al( as li+ely. -he same li+elihood.

    1,& -here is no penalty.

    1,, -here is no penalty.

    4( you have unpaid child support can you renew your driver'slicense?

    !nly i( your unpaid child supportbalance is lar"er than

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     Number Question Choice A Choice B Choice C Choice D

    1,6 A #% day to &% day license suspension. -here is no penalty.

    1,9 -here is no penalty. A &% day to 9% day license suspension. A 9% day to 1 year license suspension.

    16% A 1$ day license suspension. -here is no penalty.

    161 When may you drin+ alcohol while drivin"? When you are over *1 years o( a"e. Never. When it is not hard alcohol. When you are on rural hi"hways.

    16* What happens i( you re(use a breath test? No action is ta+en.

    16# A (ine o(

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