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Robotics American Nicaraguan School Managua, Nicaragua

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  • 1. Robotics
    American Nicaraguan School
    Managua, Nicaragua

2. Course Introduction
The hot new technology within five years will include:
computer programming
electronic embedded systems
engineering design
and mathematics
Robotics has the ability to teach these concepts.
At the same time 21st Century skill sets like:
Time management, resource allocation, teamwork, problem solving, and communications.
3. Three Laws of Robotics
A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.- Isaac Asimov I, Robot
4. The Myth of the Three Laws of Robotics Why We Cant Control Intelligence Singularity Hub - by Aaron Saenz May 10th, 2011
intelligent machines that would coexist peacefully with humanity a myth
The Three Laws of Robotics are a myth, and a dangerous one.
never bet against intelligence, even when its human.
-Here in the real world, Im not sure we can avoid it. Our machines are our tools, and the human with the best tools wins. We have strong economic and political pressures to build intelligent machines. Already were surrounded by narrow AI, computers that can learn a little in particular areas of expertise and get better over time. It may take a century, or as little as a decade, but Im pretty sure well have general, human-like AI as well. It could be in a computer, or in a robot, doesnt really matter. Machine intelligence is coming. A. Saenz
5. Welcome to ANS - Robotics
What are the goals of this class?
What is the definition of a robot?
What is the definition of engineering?
What is the definition of programming?
What is the definition of a system?
What does it mean to manage a project?
Safety an Attitude
6. The NXT Hardware
Introduction then ongoing
The NXT Controller Revision of NXT Manual
Motors, Multiple Sensors & Gears
Introduction to NXT Sensors Basics of electronics
Lego Mindstorms NXT Parts Identification
Building your first robot Basics of Programming
Planning Brainstorm
Designing Flow chart basics
Building Hand-on operations
Testing & Evaluating
7. ROBOTC Software
Introduction to programming in C.
Introduction to ROBOTC 2.0
Download Program Samples
Manage Challenges and competitions
Programming ROBOTC - Programming Syntax lessons
Behaviors/variables/functions & psuedocode
Loops & Whitespace/Comments/ reserved words
8. Forward/Backward/Turning - Movement NXT
Speed and Direction -
Turning Engineering Lab
Labyrinth Challenge LOGO algorithms
Moving Forward/Backward & Turning
Motor Power Engineering - Synchronizing
Synchronized Motors & Sensors
Synchronized Motors Engineering Lab Programming algorithms
Introduction to Encoders Flow charting - Testing
9. Class organization
Rules & Safety Measures
Grading/Rubrics for Evaluation
Lab Procedures Safety*
Keeping an Engineering Journal
* Safety is an Attitude - What safety is and what safety is not.
Its a fact that most accidents are preventable with the development of a safe attitude.
10. Instructor
Noel S. Rios (Mr.)
I am starting my 18th year of teaching at ANS
Love computers, and Robotics has been my dream for years. I am so excited about this course that I already feel its going too fast. Click on the boxes below to link to our first videos:
Team 1 Project 1:
Team 2 Project 1:
11. References
The Myth of the Three Laws of Robotics Why We Cant Control Intelligence
Singularity Hub A. Saenz May/2011 -
The Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon Universityis our source of academic information on basic and applied robotics technologies relevant to industrial and societal tasks.
Lego Mindstorms NXT-Education Hardware & Software-
Robot C Software Mindstorms -
LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 -
With Inspiration and Assistance of a Teacher & Friend: Mr. Nael Faraj, Technology Manager
American Community School
P. O. Box 310 Amman 11831