roboviz – compusteer network programme interim summary

mbining the strengths of UMIST and e Victoria University of Manchester RoboViz – CompuSteer RoboViz – CompuSteer Network Programme Network Programme Interim Summary Interim Summary Key Partners: Anja Le Blanc, Paul Kuchar, Martin Turner, Rob Richardson, Aladdin Aayesh, Ghada Al Hudhud

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RoboViz – CompuSteer Network Programme Interim Summary. Key Partners: Anja Le Blanc, Paul Kuchar, Martin Turner, Rob Richardson, Aladdin Aayesh, Ghada Al Hudhud. On The Menu. Groups Involved Schedule of Events – Past and Future What is Computational Steering – narrow view. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: RoboViz – CompuSteer Network Programme Interim Summary

Combining the strengths of UMIST andThe Victoria University of Manchester

RoboViz – CompuSteer RoboViz – CompuSteer Network ProgrammeNetwork Programme

Interim SummaryInterim Summary

Key Partners:

Anja Le Blanc, Paul Kuchar, Martin Turner, Rob Richardson, Aladdin Aayesh, Ghada Al Hudhud

Page 2: RoboViz – CompuSteer Network Programme Interim Summary

15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 2

On The Menu

Groups Involved Schedule of Events – Past and Future What is Computational Steering – narrow view. What is Robotic Tele-presence Component

– Of a Robot– Of the Access Grid

Networking Issues– RAT and VIC definitions– Synchronization– Packet Loss– Latency in the system

Conclusions (wait until Easter)

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 3

Cross-University Visits: Robotics

Centre for Computational Intelligence, Research Group, Intelligent Mobile Robots and Creative Computing @ De Montfort University

Manchester Robotics @ The University of Manchester

Groups Within the Network

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 4

Groups Within the Network

Cross-University Visits: Visualization Skills

Virtual Environment Centre @ De Montfort University

Manchester Visualization Centre @ The University of Manchester

And the Access Grid Support Centre

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 5

Schedule of Events


– 21 May - initial conference phone session for bid completion.

– May Preliminary Access Grid Sessions: Assignment of key objectives.

– Early June - 2 people visit Manchester minimum 2 days

– Late June Access Grid feasibility test of robot communication – delayed due to holidays.

– August – 3 people visit DMU minimum 2 days

– Late September Feasibility test link: IP control

– December - 2 people visit: Purpose proposal writing, minimum 2 days

– January - Second Feasibility test link – remote observation and control

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 6

CompuSteer Schedule

1st Visit – workshop, De Montfort University visit to Manchester: June 2006

1. e-Science Access Grid enabled talk by DMU: fully recorded.

2. Description of DMU intra-robot communication library: prototype proof of principle used in Virtual Environment Centre (DMU) and live with a set of two pioneer robots

3. Tours and experience of Manchester Robot lab., and Visualization/Access Grid spaces

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 7

CompuSteer Schedule

Access Grid Sessions, July-August 2006

1. Impossible Problem Proposition – see later

2. Network design and grant proposals: DTC – Defence Technology Centre; Innovation Fund, SEAS Sensors


1st (July 2006) and 2nd proposal stages (due November 2006)

Full partner calls on range of Defence Technology Centres (due Spring 2007)

EU/EPSRC research opportunities: key personnel (AI communications) being contacted

PhD proposals inc. cross university supervision/advisory status being possible.

3. Software/driver installation feasibility program of tests.

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RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 8

SEAPI – High level API SEAPI – High level API network simulator network simulator OverviewOverview(slide 1 of 2)(slide 1 of 2)

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 9

• MBDA Distribute Simulation Interconnect Library

• Minimum Overhead on Application

• Implements – DIS and HLA

• Flexibility

• Open Systems

• License Management

• Cornerstone of Re-use

• Used across MBDA

• Projects & Functions

• Deployable

• CD Rom

• User Guide

• Worked Example

• Tutorials























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DIS/HLA Highway

Synthetic Environment Application Programmers Interface (SEAPI) –

with Permission (slide 2 of 2)

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 10

CompuSteer Schedule

2nd Visit – workshop, Manchester visit to De Montfort University: August 2006

1. Tours and experience of DMU Robot lab., and (IOCT, Institute of Creative Technology) Access Grid and experimental space

2. Camera and video driver install-fest

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 11

CompuSteer Schedule

Future Visits/Workshop, December-January 2006

1. e-Science Access Grid enabled talk by Manchester to give.

2. Full duplex communication trials – discussed simultaneously over Access Grid

3. Three network prototype to be tested simultaneously: Intra robot comms., robot steering comms., and command centre (Access Grid) cross comms.

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 12

Often large racks of CPU clusters controlled remotely, in a possible Grid manner, outputting visual or data analysis,

Computational Steering is …

Archimedes Eureka momentUniversity of Manchester Physics 2000 cpu box – Reynolds House

Think laterally now – use Robotic Control and Tele-presence ideas.

A s


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CFD and FEA computational steering model

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 13

RoboViz – Computational Steering Ideas for Robot Telepresence

Two Assumptions

1. There are now extensive computational processing elements within robot.

2. Recent computer simulations have shown novel emergent behaviours with 20-30 different (virtual) robots using 'animal-like' intelligence rules.

Thus this allows semi-autonomous computation processing modules designed to solve a specific task - as a cluster - and then relay information back to a command and control centre.

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 14

Pioneer Robots

Think of them as – “Linux Box on wheels” – with other bits.

Components: CPU blades are now Robots

One of dozens of possible webcam’s and drivers to be tested!

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 15

These CPUs come with unusual add-ons:

Sonar Sensors

Laser Scanner

Robotic arm grip

Proximity Detectors

but Linux Box limitations – low processor performance and low power requirements.

Components: Data status lines

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 16

Firewire cameras

“Access Grid” clone camera – installable :-)

USB?? Camera - possible

(not shown)

Do have standard Linux Box limitations – drivers :-(

Components: They do have Cameras





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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 17

System needs three Networks:-

Data stream from Robots to Command Centres

– Light weight camera capture and encoding - RTP vic format

– Integration via wi-fi-bridged network-multicast-Access Grid environment

– Use of various stream formats; vic (video), rat (audio), custom (data)

Command Streams to Robots

– VNC Virtual commands to bridging wi-fi robot/machine, or

– Direct TCP/IP to robot (AI blackboard information - simple e-mail/status type system)

Between Command Centres

– Standard Access Grid Environment

Networking – Proposed Links

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 19

What is a Robot ‘Cluster’?

Think of 100’s of robots: need intra-robot communication – with semi-autonomous actions.

Use Flocking Rules:

1. Alignment

2. Collision Avoidance

3. Cohesion

Now Add Steering:

4. Direction Control – command centre instructions.

Simulator – VR environment, using all the rules including directed computational control for fire extinguishing task. Ghada

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Combining the strengths of UMIST andThe Victoria University of Manchester

What is the Access Grid?What is the Access Grid?

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RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 21

What is the Access Grid?

An “Advanced Collaboration Environment”

Large-scale display – typically a whole wall

Multiple video streams from each site

Natural, full-duplex audio with echo cancellation

Uses IP multicast for video/audio

Commodity equipment

Open Source software

Commercial software, (inSORS)

Usually, but…

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What is the Access Grid?

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What is Multicast?

Compared with Unicast.

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Combining the strengths of UMIST andThe Victoria University of Manchester

What Can I do with the What Can I do with the Access Grid?Access Grid?

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What can I do with Access Grid?

A 12-site meeting between UK nodes

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What can I do with Access Grid?

A meeting with three UK nodes and Pittsburgh

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What can I do with Access Grid?

Performance Art

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What can I do with Access Grid?

Virtual Genomics 2004

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What can I do with Access Grid?

SC Global 2004 ~ 41 Sites

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What can I do with Access Grid?

SC Global 2004 ~ 41 Sites

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RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 31

Reminder - Who has AG Nodes in the UK ?

Belfast Birmingham (2) BGS (2) Bristol (3) Cambridge Cardiff (3) Central Lancashire Daresbury (3) De Montford (2) Diamond Light

Source Durham East Anglia Edinburgh (2) Essex

Glasgow (2) Hull Imperial College Lancaster (5) Leeds (2) Leicester Liverpool (2) Loughborough Manchester (8) NERC Newcastle (4) Nottingham (2) Oxford (2) Portsmouth (2)

RAL (2) Reading Salford (3) Sheffield (3) Sheffield Hallam Southampton (2) Surrey (3) Sussex UCL (3) Wales Warwick Westminster Wolverhampton York

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RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 32

Over 80 nodes

…and rising!


Virtual Research Environments

e-Social Science


Seminars, etc.



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Combining the strengths of UMIST andThe Victoria University of Manchester

Packet Based Data – Test Packet Based Data – Test MusicMusic

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RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 34

Packet Based Data


UDP – packet loss – latency etc.

Synchronisation issues

Buffer optimisation for a fixed delay latency

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VIC - Videoconferencing Tool

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RAT - Robust Audio Tool

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Packet Based Music

24, 33, 10, 0, 234, 1, 54, 3, 1, 43, 56, 46, 7, 23, 4, 23, 76, 38, 91, 3, 10, 68, 59, 1

24, 33, 10, 0234, 1, 54, 3

1, 43, 56, 467, 23, 4, 23

76, 38, 91, 310, 68, 59, 1

24, 33, 10, 0234, 1, 54, 3

1, 43, 56, 467, 23, 4, 23

76, 38, 91, 310, 68, 59, 1

24, 33, 10, 0, 234, 1, 54, 3, 1, 43, 56, 46, 7, 23, 4, 23, 76, 38, 91, 3, 10, 68, 59, 1

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RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 38

Play-out Buffering

24, 33, 10, 0234, 1, 54, 31, 43, 56, 467, 23, 4, 23

24, 33, 10, 0

234, 1, 54, 3

1, 43, 56, 46

7, 23, 4, 23

24, 33, 10, 0

234, 1, 54, 31, 43, 56, 467, 23, 4, 23

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RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 39


24, 33, 10, 0

24, 33, 10, 0

24, 33, 10, 0

234, 1, 54, 3

234, 1, 54, 3

234, 1, 54, 3

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Combining the strengths of UMIST andThe Victoria University of Manchester

Latency and LossLatency and Loss

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RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 41


Network Latency

(Prioritise Traffic to guarantee












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RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 42


24, 33, 10, 0234, 1, 54, 31, 43, 56, 467, 23, 4, 23

24, 33, 10, 0

234, 1, 54, 3

1, 43, 56, 46

24, 33, 10, 0

1, 43, 56, 467, 23, 4, 23

7, 23, 4, 23

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15th September 2006

RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 43

Latency vs Loss

Latency Loss

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Combining the strengths of UMIST andThe Victoria University of Manchester

Experimental SpaceExperimental Space

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RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 45

Suitability of Spaces

Experimental remote control to create a feasibility proof-of-principle test-bed environment:

1. Multiple DMU robots (autonomous, emergent behaviour)

2. via Manchester Access Grid enabled Command Centre

3. with advice from other Command CentresStereoscopically equipped Access Grid spaces and areas for maze creation

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The “Impossible Aim”

A long term aim is that we wish to build a robust system, over a poor network to control a minimum of a thousand small autonomous robots with less than a dozen individual human operators, all potentially at different physical locations.

Probably not possible.

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Summing up – demo etc. in Easter.

RoboViz is a small step in the way to consider robotic autonomous engines, as connected computational engines, that have to be steered and also have local communication modes towards each other as well as to and from command centres and operators.

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RoboViz, CompuSteer Workshop 48

Search and Rescue Robots

Silly Aside.

It is possible to modify AIBOs for the Access Grid! as they appear to be programmable into web-servers.