robust method for detection of copy-move forgery...

Robust Method for Detection of Copy-Move Forgery in Digital Images Saiqa Khan # , Arun Kulkarni * Computer Engineering Dept#. ,Information Technology Dept * , Thadomal Shahani Engineering College., Mumbai, India [email protected] [email protected] Abstract- There is various forgeries possible on digital images such as image tampering, copy-move forgery and image compositing. Out of these, copy-move forgery is a type of image forgery, in which a part of original digital image is copied and pasted to another part in the same original image to make it, forged one. This paper describes blind image forensics approach for detecting copy-move forgery. In this technique forged image is reduced in dimension using DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) [1]. Then the compressed image is divided into overlapping blocks of fixed size. These blocks are sorted using lexicographic sorting and duplicated blocks are identified using Phase Correlation as similarity criterion. Detected forgery is displayed with the help of duplication map that gives count of pixels forged. This approach drastically reduces the time needed for the detection process and improves the accuracy of detection. Keywords- Copy-Move forgery; digital signature; digital image forensics; DWT; phase correlation I. INTRODUCTION Today, advanced digital cameras make it easy to create digital image forgeries. Digital signature and watermarking techniques have been used in the past to detect image manipulations and forgeries. But the significant drawback in digital signature or watermarking technology is that the data must be preprocessed, such as embedding watermark in the images. This makes them relatively difficult to apply on images [2]. A specific form of digital tampering is Copy-Move forgery, in which a part of the image itself is copied and pasted into another part of the same image to conceal an important object or sometimes to show more than one object. Because the copied part comes from the same image, its important properties will be compatible with the rest of the image and thus will be more difficult to distinguish and detect these parts. In Fig.1, an example of copy-move forgery can be seen; where the original image (Fig.1 (a)) has one military tank whereas in forged one (Fig.1(b)), cloning tool of Photoshop has been used to show more than one military tank, from the original image itself[3]. Many researchers have developed techniques for detecting copy-move image forgery. Since the key characteristics of Copy-Move forgery is that the copied (a) (b) Fig. 1 Example of copy-move forgery (a) original image (b) tampered image part and the pasted part are in the same image, Therefore, this relation can be used as a basis for accurate detection of forgery by looking for identical or duplicate image regions. To make the computation quicker, J.Fridrick proposed an effective blocking approach, in which the image blocks are represented by quantized DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) coefficients, and a lexicographic sort is adopted to detect the Copy-Move blocks [5]. A.C.Popescu developed a similar method by applying the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to yield a reduced dimension representation [6].G. Li developed a sorted neighborhood method based on DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) and SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) [7].The DWT and SVD method suffers from the drawback that the computation of SVD takes lot of time and it is computationally complex. In this paper, a wavelet based approach is presented where the usage of wavelet transform for compression of tampered image has been tested and phase correlation is used as similarity checking criterion for identifying duplicity of overlapping blocks formed. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: proposed algorithm is described in Section 2. Section 3 presents the 69 978-1-4244-8594-9/10/$26.00 c 2010 IEEE

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Robust Method for Detection of Copy-Move Forgery in Digital Images

Saiqa Khan#, Arun Kulkarni*

Computer Engineering Dept#. ,Information Technology Dept*,

Thadomal Shahani Engineering College.,

Mumbai, India [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract- There is various forgeries possible on digital images such as image tampering, copy-move forgery and image compositing. Out of these, copy-move forgery is a type of image forgery, in which a part of original digital image is copied and pasted to another part in the same original image to make it, forged one. This paper describes blind image forensics approach for detecting copy-move forgery. In this technique forged image is reduced in dimension using DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) [1]. Then the compressed image is divided into overlapping blocks of fixed size. These blocks are sorted using lexicographic sorting and duplicated blocks are identified using Phase Correlation as similarity criterion. Detected forgery is displayed with the help of duplication map that gives count of pixels forged. This approach drastically reduces the time needed for the detection process and improves the accuracy of detection.

Keywords- Copy-Move forgery; digital signature; digital image forensics; DWT; phase correlation


Today, advanced digital cameras make it easy to create digital image forgeries. Digital signature and watermarking techniques have been used in the past to detect image manipulations and forgeries. But the significant drawback in digital signature or watermarking technology is that the data must be preprocessed, such as embedding watermark in the images. This makes them relatively difficult to apply on images [2].

A specific form of digital tampering is Copy-Move forgery, in which a part of the image itself is copied and pasted into another part of the same image to conceal an important object or sometimes to show more than one object. Because the copied part comes from the same image, its important properties will be compatible with the rest of the image and thus will be more difficult to distinguish and detect these parts. In Fig.1, an example of copy-move forgery can be seen; where the original image (Fig.1 (a)) has one military tank whereas in forged one (Fig.1(b)), cloning tool of Photoshop has been used to show more than one military tank, from the original imageitself[3].

Many researchers have developed techniques for detecting copy-move image forgery. Since the key characteristics of Copy-Move forgery is that the copied


(b) Fig. 1 Example of copy-move forgery (a) original image (b) tampered image

part and the pasted part are in the same image, Therefore, this relation can be used as a basis for accurate detectionof forgery by looking for identical or duplicate image regions.

To make the computation quicker, J.Fridrick proposed an effective blocking approach, in which the image blocks are represented by quantized DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) coefficients, and a lexicographic sort is adopted to detect the Copy-Move blocks [5]. A.C.Popescu developed a similar method by applying the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to yield a reduced dimension representation [6].G. Li developed a sorted neighborhood method based on DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) and SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) [7].The DWT and SVD method suffers from the drawback that the computation of SVD takes lot of time and it is computationally complex.

In this paper, a wavelet based approach is presented where the usage of wavelet transform for compression of tampered image has been tested and phase correlation is used as similarity checking criterion for identifying duplicity of overlapping blocks formed.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: proposed algorithm is described in Section 2. Section 3 presents the

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experimental results and evaluation of the proposed scheme. Finally, the conclusions are given.


A. First Phase This phase deals with detection of reference and

matching blocks on the lowest level of wavelet transform compressed image as shown in Fig. 2 [1-3].

Fig. 2 Detection of Reference and Match Blocks

B. Second Phase This phase deals with checking on different DWT levels

to produce more robust output as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3 Comparison of reference and matching blocks at all pyramid level

In the proposed method, candidate blocks are considered as regions in LLL-1 level image, divided into blocks and then compared. After this level, they are compared directly until original image is encountered. On the original image, final match is performed.

C. Discrete Wavelet TransformThe transform of a signal is just another form of

representing the signal. It does not change the information content present in the signal. The Wavelet Transform provides a time-frequency representation of the signal. The basic idea of using Discrete Wavelet Transform is to reduce the size of the image at each level, e.g., a square image of size 2j ×2j pixels at level L reduces to size 2j/2 × 2j/2 pixels at level L+1.

At each level the image is decomposed into four sub images. The sub images are labeled LL, LH, HL and HH. LL corresponds to the coarse level coefficients or the approximation image. This image is used for further decomposition. LH, HL and HH correspond to the vertical, horizontal and diagonal components of the image respectively [8].

Fig. 4 An image and its Wavelet Transform

These sub images can be combined together to restore the previous image which was decomposed. An example image along with its wavelet transform applied up to level 3 is shown in Fig. 4. If the number of levels used for decomposition is ‘L’, then the matching is performed on the LL image at level ‘L’ denoted by LLL. Fig.5 shows the image pyramid [10].

Fig. 5 Image pyramid At each iteration, the images used for matching of

overlapping blocks are LLL, LLL-1,…..LL1..LLL image is the image at the lowest (coarse) resolution.LLL image is used for matching of blocks and then these matched blocks are carried to the next higher level. Final match is performed on the original image itself.

RGB image

Gray scale conversion

Wavelet Transform

Overlapping block pixels into a matrix

Matrix sorting

Phase correlation calculation between rows

Candidate block co-ordinates into a new matrix

Maximum contrast blocks selection

Candidate blocks

Candidate blocks as regions in LLL-1 image

Region dividing into blocks and comparison

Region comparison directly on LLL-2 image

Region comparison directly on original image and duplicated blocks detection

Candidate duplicated blocks

Creation of duplication map

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C. Phase Correlation This is a method of image registration.This can be used

for template matching [7]. The ratio R between two images ‘img1’ and ‘img2’ is calculated as follows:

R = F (img1) ×conj (F (img2))

||F (img1) ×conj (F (img2)) ||

where ‘F’ is the fourier transform, and ‘conj’ is the complex conjugate. The inverse Fourier transform of ‘R’ is the phase correlation ρ.�Fig. 6 shows phase correlation between two blocks.�

Fig. 6 Phase correlation between two blocks


In our experiments, we have tampered several images by copying and pasting one image block over another, in the same image. We have downloaded several images from the Internet.

Our data set consists of data set I which has 60 forged images (using Adobe Photoshop cloning tool), data set II having 20 noisy images (Noise level ranges from 5% to20% normal noise), data set III which has 10 images saved with low JPEG levels (level ranges from 4 to 9 using Adobe Photoshop) and data set IV having 40 original images with natural duplication in them.

We have compressed images using DWT as compression method and used phase correlation as similarity checking criterion [8]. We have used block size based on image size and this block size will be doubled as we move to next higher DWT level.

The detected results over tampered image for all DWT levels are shown in Fig. 7.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)Fig.7 Forgery detection result (a) original image (b) tampered image(c) detection result on LLL level image (d) detection result on LLL-1 level image (e) detection result on LLL-2 level image (f) detection result on tampered image

To see how these methods perform under the modifications, we have used US currency note image to illustrate detection as shown in Fig.8 [2-3].

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f) Fig.8 Forgery detection result (a) original image (b) tampered image(c) detection result with 15% normal noise(d) detection result with 25% normal noise(e) detection result with 35% normal noise (f) detection result with 45% normal noise

The Fig. 9 shows the performance of the algorithm results for the image having more than one duplicated regions [2-3].

(a) (b) (c) Fig.9 Forgery detection result (a) original image (b) tampered image having more than one duplicated result

The Fig. 10 shows the performance of the algorithm results for the image having uniform contrast.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig 10. Forgery detection result (a) original image (b) tampered image (c) detection result (d) duplication map


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A. Comparison with Existing Approaches In this section, we shall compare our approach with

other existing ones. The image used for the comparison is of size 128×128.


Algorithm Image represent-


Block size

Block Number

Feature Dimen-

sion Popescu[4] PCA 16×16 12769 128

Proposed DWT 8×8 3249 64

As is well known, the sort matrix scale is the major factor affecting the computation complexity. The total amount of its rows denotes block number, and the total amount of columns denote feature dimension. Table 1 lists the comparison results.

In our approach block size for 128×128 size image is 8 × 8 on DWT first level. Then it will be 16x16 on original image but sorted matrix size is less because of region comparisons. From Table 1, it is obvious that the sort matrix in our approach is smaller in size than those in other two approaches under the same experimental condition.

To examine how this method performs under the edge sharpening performed after the forgery is shown in Fig 11.

(a) (b)

(c) (d) Fig 11. Forgery detection result (a) original image (b) tampered edge sharpened image (c) detection result for PCA method (d) detection result for DWT based method

B. Effect of the normal noise values on the detection time The first comparative test evaluates the performance

of the algorithm under different normal noise values. The test image is saved in JPEG format. The original testimage with forged image and its corresponding results forPCA and our method is shown in Fig. 12.

For this testing, the block size, b, was set dynamically based on image size. The value of block size is doubled in the next level of DWT and this process of block value continues until final image (highest resolution) is reached for final detection [3].

The normal noise (Nn) values added after forgery in Adobe Photoshop varied from 0 <= Nn <= 12 measured in percentage. The Time for detection (Td) under different normal noise values are computed and plotted in Fig.13

Fig. 12. Forgery detection result (a) original bird image (b) tampered image (c) detection result for PCA method (d) detection result for DWT based method

Fig. 13.Detection time comparison under different normal noise (Nn) levels

C. Effect of the JPEG quality levels on the detection time The second comparative test evaluates the

performance of the algorithm for tampered images saved under different JPEG quality levels (Jq)[3].

The JPEG quality levels varied from 2<= Jq <= 8 measured in percentage. The Time for detection (Td) under different JPEG quality level values are computed and plotted in Fig. 14.

Fig. 14.Detection time comparison under different JPEG quality (Jq) levels

From the results of Fig. 13 and Fig. 14, we can find that the proposed method works soundly for different

(a) (b)



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retouching scenarios like JPEG quality level changes and normal noise change values. D. Detection on an image having natural duplication

The applicability of any copy-move forgery algorithm depends highly upon the requirement that it should detect forged duplicated regions in an image but it should not detect regions which have natural or original duplication in them.

The Fig. 15 shows the result of detection using PCA and DWT based proposed method for medicalbottles image where the image has original duplicated region in it.

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 15. Forgery detection result (a) original twin tower image (b) detection result for PCA method (d) detection result for DWT based method

IV. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK In this paper an algorithm for detecting copy move

forgery using wavelet transforms is proposed. Our algorithm has lower computational complexity that means this is optimized version of the algorithm proposed in [1] since exhaustive search for identical blocks is performed only on the image at the lowest resolution.

This algorithm works even for the images where the attacker has made detection more difficult by applying noise and JPEG quality level changes. Although duplicated regions with rotation through angles and scaled regions cannot be detected. In the future, we would like tosearch for some mechanism to deal with these problems. In addition to this, the same can be extended to work on videos.


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[2] Saiqa Khan, Arun Kulkarni, “An Efficient Method for Detection of Copy-Move Forgery Using Discrete Wavelet Transform,” International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 2, No. 5, pp: 1801-1806, Aug 2010

[3] Saiqa Khan, Arun Kulkarni, “Reduced Time Complexity for Detection of Copy-Move Forgery Using Discrete Wavelet Transform” International Journal of Computer ScienceApplications, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp: 31-36, Sep 2010.

[4] Sarah A. Summers, Sarah C. Wahl “Multimedia Security and Forensics Authentication of Digital Images”

[5] J. Fridrich, D. Soukal, and J. Lukas, “Detection of copy-move forgery in digital images,” Proceedings of the Digital Forensic Research Workshop. Cleveland OH, USA, 2003.

[7] A.C.Popescu and H.Farid, “Exposing digital forgeries by detecting duplicated image regions,” Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA: TR2004-515, 2004.

[8] G.Li, Q.Wu, D.Tu, and Shaojie Sun, “A sorted neighborhood approach for detecting duplicated regions in image forgeries based on DWT and SVD,” IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo, 2007.

[9] Stephane G. Mallat “A Theory for Multiresolution Signal Decomposition: The Wavelet Representation” IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.11, no.7, pp. 674-693, July 1989.

[10] Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Steven L. Eddins,“Digital Image Processing using MATLAB”, Second Edition, Pearson Publications, 2004.

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