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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Dr. Rocco Lupoi,Assistant Professor (Lecturer),The University of Dublin, Trinity College,Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering,Parsons Building,Dublin 2,Ireland


To whom it may concern:

Dylan Greene conducted his master’s thesis here in Trinity College Dublin from September 2014 – May 2014. I supervised his project, the “Development of a CNC Cold Spray laboratory facility”. Dylan designed, built and configured the 3 axis CNC machine. Dylan was also employed with us from June 2014 – September 2014 to conduct a commercial feasibility study for novel Cold Spray applications.

Throughout his time here Dylan demonstrated strong technical aptitude. He was able to make steady progress in his work and met all of his project goals. Dylan displayed a keen attention to detail, solid mechanical and manufacturing knowledge and self-motivation. As a team we developed the first Cold Spray facility and conducted the first Cold Spray tests in Ireland. Dylan quickly became proficient at Cold Spray experimentation itself.

Dylan was a good communicator and showed this by working alongside many different groups of people to reach his project goals. Dylan displayed great initiative by sourcing some of the assembly components that he could not design and have built in-house. He always carried himself in a professional manner and was a pleasure to work with.

I highly recommend you to consider Dylan for a position within your organization.

Kind regards,

Dr. Rocco Lupoi