rock angel wings interview

Even amongst the Camden hipsters swirling the tube station, Laura Jamie Edginton has made sure that we can spot her. The cofounder of designer handbag brand Rock Angel Wings (RAW) has thrown on a black leather jacket, a red bandana to hold down her fringe and the final touch of a single feather earring, which could only be credited to a not so secret love of Mr. T. She looks as if she fancies herself a bit of a rock star and even dabbles in drumming, but unless you pry it out of her you wouldn’t know that her company is out to be more exclusive than Louis Vuitton and that Johnny Depp is next in line for their one of their customized pieces. Even as she awaits her green tea outside a little Italian restaurant she mutters how she wishes her partner Amber Creagh were there because she would have better answers for us. Instead, LauraJamie believes in letting the beautifully handmade leather satchels and accessories bearing their trademark guns and angel wings speak for themselves. Your line is influenced by the Hispanic religious art and culture in LA. Was that something that just got under your skin being there or did you have a eureka moment in front of a shrine of sorts? L J: Just the whole of downtown of LA inspired us. Walking through the city you pass all the graffiti with the Virgin Marys and Lady Guadalupes. It’s just so colourful. Amber and I loved walking down all the back alleys…. Two blondes wandering the back alleys of LA. Very sensible. So you never came across a strapping ponytailed Mexican man who blessed you with an epiphany? Haha. No, nothing quite so spiritual. We just lived around the art and embodied it. We travelled through southern California in 2005 and fell in love with LA. We were on our way to Sandiego but never made it. Do you think you would've ended up doing something similar to RAW without inspiration from the city of angels? Has London been a bit neglected in the creative process? Yes and no. We actually thought of the company here. Amber’s nan made her this leather satchel when she was three in a country western design, which is what these bags typically are. It’s so worn out and beautiful and soft. One day we were sitting in Amber’s room and she came up with the idea to make bags like her grandmother’s but with tattoo designs on these traditional bags. Because of my Designers Laura Jamie Edginton and Amber Creagh “This Beverly Hills shaman [….] We slept on his table for awhile…” INTERVIEW BY MONICA TAVARES PHOTOS BY ROCK ANGEL WINGS

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Post on 09-Mar-2016




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Monica tavares interview with Rock angel Wings


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Even  amongst  the  Camden  hipsters  swirling  the  tube  station,  Laura-­‐Jamie  Edginton  has  made  sure  that  we  can  spot  her.  The  co-­‐founder  of  designer  handbag  brand  Rock  Angel  Wings  (RAW)  has  thrown  on  a  black  leather  jacket,  a  red  bandana  to  hold  down  her  fringe  and  the  final  touch  of  a  single  feather  earring,  which  could  only  be  credited  to  a  not  so  secret  love  of  Mr.  T.  She  looks  as  if  she  fancies  herself  a  bit  of  a  rock  star  and  even  dabbles  in  drumming,  but  unless  you  pry  it  out  of  her  you  wouldn’t  know  that  her  company  is  out  to  be  more  exclusive  than  Louis  Vuitton  and  that  Johnny  Depp  is  next  in  line  for  their  one  of  their  customized  pieces.  Even  as  she  awaits  her  green  tea  outside  a  little  Italian  restaurant  she  mutters  how  she  wishes  her  partner  Amber  Creagh  were  there  because  she  would  have  better  answers  for  us.  Instead,  Laura-­‐Jamie  believes  in  letting  the  beautifully  handmade  leather  satchels  and  accessories  bearing  their  trademark  guns  and  angel  wings  speak  for  themselves.  

Your  line  is  influenced  by  the  Hispanic  religious  art  and  culture  in  LA.  Was  that  something  that  just  got  under  your  skin  being  there  or  did  you  have  a  eureka  moment  in  front  of  a  shrine  of  sorts?  

L  J:      Just  the  whole  of  downtown  of  LA  inspired  us.  Walking  through  the  city  you  pass  all  the  graffiti  with  the  Virgin  Marys  and  Lady  Guadalupes.  It’s  just  so  colourful.    Amber  and  I  loved  walking  down  all  the  back  alleys….  


Two  blondes  wandering  the  back  alleys  of  LA.  Very  sensible.  So  you  never  came  across  a  strapping  ponytailed  Mexican  man  who  blessed  you  with  an  epiphany?  

Haha.  No,  nothing  quite  so  spiritual.  We  just  lived  around  the  art  and  embodied  it.  We  travelled  through  southern  California  in  2005  and  fell  in  love  with  LA.  We  were  on  our  

way  to  Sandiego  but  never  made  it.  









Do  you  think  you  would've  ended  up  doing  something  similar  to  RAW  without  inspiration  from  the  city  of  angels?  Has  London  been  a  bit  neglected  in  the  creative  process?  

Yes  and  no.  We  actually  thought  of  the  company  here.  Amber’s  nan  made  her  this  leather  satchel  when  she  was  three  in  a  country  western  design,  which  is  what  these  bags  typically  are.  It’s  so  worn  out  and  beautiful  and  soft.  One  day  we  were  sitting  in  Amber’s  room  and  she  came  up  with  the  idea  to  make  bags  like  her  grandmother’s  but  with  tattoo  designs  on  these  traditional  bags.  Because  of  my    








Designers  Laura-­‐Jamie  Edginton  and  Amber  Creagh  

“This  Beverly  Hills  shaman  [….]  We  slept  on  his  table  for  awhile…”  



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Christian  background  I  came  up  the  idea  of  with  including  Biblical  quotes  on  the  back.  We  started  looking  up  quotes  and  instead  of  finding  really  religious  ones  we  looked  for  ones  about  faith  and  love  and  hope,  things  that  anyone  can  relate  to.  We  did  start  making  them  in  LA  because  the  leather  was  cheaper  and  the  sun  on  the  patio  was  nice  as  opposed  to  the  impossible  London  rain.  So  it  would’ve  happened  here  but  the  concept  was  really  embraced  by  LA  because  there  was  already  a  basis  for  this  religious  art.  We’ve  had  to  amend  our  company  a  bit  in  the  UK  because  people  aren’t  really  into  the  religious  quotes  but  prefer  more  lyrics  or  movie  quotes.  Confucius  does  well  here  too.  I  must  read  more  of  him.  







Did  Amber  always  know  the  technique  or  did  you  learn  another  way?  

Well  Amber’s  mum  knew  and  she  taught  her  some  basics  when  she  was  a  kid.  But  then  we  went  to  this  place  called  Tandy  in  Hollywood  and  the  guy  gave  us  a  20  minute  tutorial.  He  taught  Amber  how  to  carve  and  me  how  to  stamp  letters  and  we  came  back  a  week  later  with  a  satchel  which  he  thought  we  had  just  bought  off  of  Melrose  Avenue!  It  was  our  first  ever  bag  and  he  couldn’t  believe  we’d  done  

it  in  a  week.  He  said  we  had  talent  and  we  were  just  so  happy.  We  were  lucky  to  do  the  workshop  because  it  wasn’t  that  expensive  but  we  had  no  money  and  that  means  everything  is  expensive.  It  felt  like  we  were  meant  to  do  this.  Every  bag  somehow  works  even  if  we  fuck  it  up.  Once  I  got  a  bit  carried  away  with  the  hole  puncher  and  went  all  the  way  around  a  piece  which  should’ve  ruined  this  custom  bag.  We  just  re-­‐laced  it  and  now  we  do  that  on  a  lot  of  our  satchels.  


You  have  a  tattoo  of  the  trademark  guns  and  angel  wings.  Did  you  have  that  before  the  brand  was  formed?  

Hmmm.  We  didn’t  have  much  money  but  I  had  enough  for  a  tattoo.  Not  sure  how  that  works  but  my  friend  recommended  I  have  it  done  through  Baby  Ray  who  usually  has  a  6  or  7  month  waiting  list.  I  walked  in  6:30am  wanting  little  guns  and  wings  on  my  wrists  which  Amber  had  drawn  from  an  idea  I  had.  I’ve  been  terrified  of  guns  since  I  was  a  kid  and  I’ve  always  had  vivid  dreams  where  I  get  shot.  I’m  just  convinced  that’s  how  I’m  going  to  die…  makes  you  wonder  why  I  ended  up  in  downtown  LA.  Anyway,  the  original  design  looked  a  bit  like  a  butterfly  and  it  wasn’t  exactly  what  I  had  wanted  but  I  love  that  we  have  the  drawing  to  this  day.  I  didn’t  realize  Baby  Ray  was  actually  the  most  

famous  tattoo  artist  EVER  and  that  he  wouldn’t  do  this  tiny  thing  because  it’s  all  about  the  art  for  him.  He  simply  refused  me.  Then  I  just  decided  to  go  with  whatever  he  wanted  so  he  redid  the  design  to  a  massive  size  that  actually  should’ve  wrapped  around  my  hips.  I  loved  what  he  did  with  the  design  so  much  and  when  we  talked  to  him  about  our  bags  he  just  said  that  the  design  was  ours  if  we  wanted  it  for  our  logo.    

What  message  do  you  have  on  your  personal  piece?    

“To  dust  you  are  and  to  dust  you  will  return.”  I  chose  it  because  when  we  were  in  LA  there  were  so  many  people  that  think  they’re  better  than  you,  but  at  the  end  of  the  day  you  can’t  take  it  with  you.  







You  recently  commissioned  bags  for  Kate  Moss  and  Jamie  Hince  (The  Kills).  How  did  that  come  about?  

We  were  lucky  to  have  a  connection  through  some  friends  and  so  we  gave  Kate  some  samples  which  she  absolutely  loved,  but  then  we  didn’t  hear  anything  for  about  four  months.  Then  our  friend  came  back  to  us  saying  that  Kate  and  Jamie  had  gotten  matching  anchor  tattoos  which  they  wanted  on  the  front.  The  design  was  so  simple  at  first  because  that’s  all  they  wanted.  We  gave  her  a  list  of  

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20  quotes  which  she  didn’t  like,  but  then  she  gave  us  some  lyrics  from  one  of  Jamie’s  songs  “Cheap  and  Cheerful”  (I  want  you  to  be  crazy  'coz  you're  boring  baby  when  you’re  straight)  to  put  on  the  back.  So  now  we’re  just  on  the  lookout  for  some  pictures.  We’ve  also  recently  been  commissioned  by  Nikki  Sixx  and  Tommy  Lee  after  running  into  their  manager  in  LA.  We  had  been  trying  to  get  a  bag  to  Tommy  Lee  since  we  started  the  company.  He  was  the  first  person  we  thought  had  to  have  one.  As  soon  as  we  get  enough  money  for  leather…  we  don’t  have  any  money  at  the  moment.  Ridiculous.  

What  would  you  like  RAW  to  become?  Would  you  want  the  wide  availability  that  other  designer  handbag  successes,  or  would  you  prefer  to  stay  exclusive  and  still  sit  on  the  floor  with  Amber  and  bits  of  cow?  

It’s  kind  of  up  in  the  air  at  the  moment  because  we  had  this  idea  of  what  we  wanted  and  it  was  going  to  go  off  track  a  couple  of  months  ago  when  we  were  going  to  have  to  make  80  bags  for  Duran  Duran.  80  for  the  whole  crew!  But  then  that  fell  through  because  we  would’ve  had  to  have  them  mass  produced.  That  kind  of  destroyed  us  because  we  didn’t  want  to  do  that  so  soon.  Our  idea  is  to  create  this  image  of  a  celebrity  lifestyle  brand.  Everybody  has  been  saying  we  have  to  get  them  mass  produced  and  make  money,  but  we  don’t  want  to  make  that  much  money  at  the  moment.  We  would  rather  people  have  something  that  is  so  personal  and  that  will  last  a  lifetime.  Eventually  what  we  want  to  do  is  carry  on  with  the  customizing  but  then  do  another  line  called  “RAW”  which  is  massed  produced.  So  it  would  be  in  

the  same  style  but  not  the  same  quality.  We’re  still  thinking  it  through  though  because  obviously  we  know  the  Rock  Angel  Wings  bags  will  last  an  entire  life,  as  tried  and  tested  by  Amber’s  nan.  Me  and  Amber  have  never  wanted  to  be  super  duper  rich  or  anything,  we  just  wanted  to  do  something  we  loved  and  make  a  bit  of  money  and  make….  things  that  make  people  happy.  Seeing  someone  appreciate  what  we  do  is  fantastic.  When  were  out  and  wearing  our  cuffs,  if  someone  talks  about  it  for  long  enough  I’ll  just  take  it  off  and  give  it  to  them.  Amber  and  I  can’t  make  cuffs  last  for  more  than  three  days.      


Have  you  been  back  to  your  design  Mecca  recently?  

We  went  back  to  visit  a  couple  of  weeks  ago  actually.  We  saw  our  old  partners  in  a  company  called  Silverlake  who  really  believed  in  what  we  were  starting  back  in  the  day.  Its  run  by  this  crazy  Beverly  Hills  shaman  called  Durek  Verrett.  He’s  amazing.  He  had  some  of  our  bags  left  over  from  the  last  project  we  did  and  he  told  us  to  take  them  back  because  they  had  our  aura  and  they  belonged  to  us.  We  used  to  make  our  bags  by  his  pool  in  LA  because  he  took  us  in  when  we  had  nowhere  else  to  stay.  We  slept  on  his  table  for  awhile  until  he  asked  us  to  sleep  in  his  bed  to  keep  the  night  demons  away  from  him.  He’s  just  fantastic.  I  mean,  this  is  a  man  who  would  wake  us  up  at  2am  

saying  “I’ve  got  a  new  song….  My  pocket  calculator/my  pocket  calculator/I’m  calculating  one/I’m  calculating  two/I’m  calculating  me  and  you….”  He  does  know  he’s  a  wackjob  though  so  I  don’t  feel  like  I  have  to  worry  about  him.    

What’s  the  division  of  labour  between  you  and  Amber?  

It’s  exactly  the  same.  She  does  the  carving  and  I  do  the  stamping.  We  just  make  them  together  little  bit  by  little  bit.  We  actually  haven’t  learned  to  do  each  other’s  jobs.  Amber  went  to  art  college  so  there  are  things  she  does  better.  I  am  artistic  but  I  can’t  draw.  My  version  of  drawing  a  person  is  hilarious.  One  time  we  came  back  from  California  and  we  were  a  bit  bored  so  we  drew  people  we  knew  from  LA  and  guessed  who  they  were.  Amber  would  have  tears  falling  down  her  face  laughing  at  my  pictures,  but  she  could  always  guess  who  it  was  because  she  knows  my  train  of  thought.  We’ve  known  each  other  for  9  years  but  we’ve  only  been  friends  for  5.  We’re  from  the  same  place  but  I  hated  her.  She  used  to  come  into  the  Pizza  Express  where  I  worked  wearing  badges  with  her  face  on  them….  

Says  the  grown  woman  wearing  a  sheriff’s  badge.  

Hollywood  Sherriff  to  you.  ■