rock island daily argus. -...

vol XXXVIII. NO 110. ROCK ISLAND, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 27, 1890. PRICE FIVK TENTS. L. -- y i sV 1 HE r iNd ira Tl l OaEMORNINC IN AAV ' I inc. )ANTA(LAU5 50AP aasa a s. Ira v r a. . . r 1 M. HAS W YERBURY. Manager. SSka A f VoRKAll BfH WILL VANISH . fl rwi.i vjriDvrw iiy J7) FMYOW . C f 3 Gas AND HF.M.KK IN Wrought and Cast Iron and Lead Pipe Hone, Parking, Sewer and Drain Tile. Steam and Gas Fixtures. SMTHest work at fair prires. Estimate furnished. Office unci -- h p 219 18th St. Ttlrptione 1182 W. B. has puri hasnd the well known Fourth Ave. and Tenth Street, and hopes to retain the custom ot his predecessor He will make a great effort to perpetuate ttn good name of this Old that it tiae always enjoyed by dealing only in the best goods AT THE LOWEST PRICES. ROLLIN Successor to A St., bet. First and and done. Hand sold and . to & He a share of the trade and will make as low as the THE A Proprietor ot the Old Rock Island Daily Argus. 4 WASHINGTON ""'"alB YERBURY, PLUMBER, Fitter- - BARKER, Wagner Grocery Established Grocery Rock Island, IE damson & Rnick, Shop Nineteenth Second Avenue, Rock Island, 111 General Jobbing Repairing promptly igj-Seco- nd Machinery bought, repaired. New Eim Street Grocery GEO. (Successor Danquard Browner) ANJD FEED Family Groceries and solicit prices lowest. Telephone connections. GIVE NEW STORE TRIAL. THOMAS Cor. Third avenue and Eighth street, Has opened with an entire stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, Flour, Feed, Etc. SJ0"Freati Farm Produce always on hand and Will and give patron, price, and treatment Mr. "mart ataeSNI a r.n.wal of I... old trail, try a. i.f vor. and well-kno- COMPLETE IN ALL - For Catalogues Addrrsa J. C DUNCAN, Davkkport. Iowa OHLWEILER & SPILGER, and Shop Third avenue, between 10th and 11th streets, (Fred Koch's old stand.) 0-A1- I kinds Of Carpenter work and repairing done. Satisfaction guaranteed. Davenport RUIOK, PRACTICAL MACHINIST, BROWNER, FLOUR SMART, DEPARTMENTS- .- Contractors Builders, Business College. -- Steam Provisions, Adams Wall Paper Co., LERCH & SUTCLIFFE, Managers 300 Patterns of New StyleB in Wall Papeb tVPainting, Graining and Paper Hanging. 0IMICK BLOCK. Twentieth Street, Rock Island, 111. near Third Avenue. ' KEE? TO THE BIGHT. Do not N imposed on by any of the nnmeroni Imitations, robtlMilea, etc., which are flooding the world. There la only one Swift's Specific, and there 1 nothing Hke it. Onr remedy lame no M rotah, Arwnle, or any nola-anc- OnuUft KDTH whatever. It hmlds op the gen eral health rrnm the firt dose, and never tailed toer dkcale contagious blood poison and IU effect! r om the aystem. Be sure to get the gemlne. I ud yrrnr address for our Treatise ou Biood and Ma llseaaes, which will be mailed p St TFT SPECinCCO . Atlanta. Qa. Pure: Palatable! Popular! 61MRAKTEF.II Purr fUel nrp-n-tnn.-- t rtn. in Jarrt, Ilgmj In bottleA. Hon Lefprn tind it lnTaloabie for BoopT. J uw. Moat Sucert, Houtllo.i, etc. Hflink' nhrpirtan. for .omltd. Infitnts mni oth- Appettvlns and turertgllijeiiina.' Asia j mr dniBKisi or grocer (or Armc ur's Beef Extract Or "tOt f..r Mm: i" narkHe and de.-- pure pampblet, 10 ARMOUR & CO., Chicago. Tie Great Restorer ! m mi .w w 9 KrftP Blood Purtier, Tonic, Nerve and Brain Food. A rtont Rem rkable Rernerly Which I'n ,,,iiere and Krailicsteii Dlaease There may he nc ailment so serloue bnt that a faithful course of this medicine will r tow you to health Wc iruly a Nawt It to b- THE BKsT coraponnd (purely v etabli-- which con be prepared, aud ned Sirs -- La t4ritipe" has added another ter- ror to the list, it is with r -- nt faction we can ass:.r yen this medicine will overcome It snd leave Jot free from Its hanefnl effects. Many of yon know something of the unparal-rlle- virti os of thi wonderful compound, which not only t ill Ids anil tones np the wrstlng cner-gla- a, nut i aNo purifies the blood and eradicates all diseas It is a pnre nd eleeant veireiable eomponnt and iust wia! is needed. hraggiats can get It end for d,vi-- and circulars. It is wt rranted We shall be happy to lend pamphlet givtnc many particulars to all who wish then , 1 1 00 per botile. For further par- ticulars address THE G.tEAT RESTORER WORKS, 1SK P iriland Ave. Minnf apolis, Minn. ROCK ISLAND RON WORKS. -- ALL KINDS OF- - Cast Iron Work don a specialty of fnrniah-in- g all kinds of Stoves with Castings, nt 8 cents per pound. NISTH ST. AND 7th AVE. r. E DOWNING. Proprietor. J. M. BUFORO, GENERAL Insurance Apt IV old Tin nd Ttm tried Own part reire!iid. LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. w as any reliable com. ny aaa aAaasL Yoar petrunae SSMlBwt m la A7-.:- Uock. A. D. HUESING, -- Real Estate-- - AND Insurance Apt Represents, amonr other time-trie- d and 'ire Insurance Companiea, the following Roy . Insurance Company, of England Wfi Chester Fire Ins. Co., of N. Y. Bufiilo German Ins Co , Buffalo N T. Roc teeter Gtrrman Ins. Co. Roch'r N Y German Fire Ins. Co.. of Peoria, III. OtthMM Ira Ob., mi PittsburKb, Pa. Sun Fire Office, London. Union Ins. Co. of California. Security Ins. Co. New Haven, Conn. Wil raukee Mecbansc's Ins. Co. Mil waukte, Wis. yfflct No. 1606 Second Ave.. ROCK ISLAND. ILL. GOLD MEDAL, FAKIS, 1678. m W. BAKEE & CO.'S Breakfast Cocoa No Chem icals it- imtsI m In pr paraUm It ltd mart iknn sAraV ft the strength of Um iiuxi. with Stan-It- . Arruwroot or 8iifr, and i Iltcrrlon- far OKf ronooitcml. emttnp Umm Ikan mm CrM m ttp It m dHkiouii, Daarifthtiig. EaKII.T mnl admirably aUa;it-- for invalid a well mm tor in hemtth Hold by GrocM r fvprywher W BAKER & CO.. Dorchester. Mass PEERLESS DYESbest Por BLACK STOCKINGS. ;... it. 4S) ( alnra that nelthar nan uii Ewr Bold hr Drusxista. Also Pcerlew Prrmie Taint. 6 colon. P.4.Imc 1 nimilrv Hliiintr. Peerlew Ink Powder 7 cotora. Shoe A- HarneaaDraaaino. PearleH F.ig Dye. S colura A PLOT FOR A STORY. The Roraaiitie Vjih . r Itla; t'haelie and) Metutii! Nanre. "Plots for Htoiies hav nut all been used, as some people aiwert," remarked W. A. Jennings, of Wyoniing. to a Phila- delphia Press reporter. "A friend of mine," be continued, "who lives out in the cattle country of the Big Horn basin, was a witness in 18M to one of the most remarkable weddings of which I ever heard. At that time a few settlers had gathered in and formed the nucleus of what is now a prosperous farming region, but the away of the cowboy vraa undis- puted. The tirst wedding in that section on Owl Creek was that of Big Charlie and Meettitse Nance, a native sage brush belle. The bride and groom came 9e mity-f- i ve mileu on horseback to the 'quire's, and in exactly the same fashion. When within a few miles of the squire's home they met tbat otticial, surrounded by half a dozen Oowboya. Then the bride got restive and nervous, declaring that she wouldn't marry any man on earth. But the jude, the eowboy and the groom were equal t. the occasion. At a short distance stood a oornl. "Take her over ti 1mm msJ, '..-.- . mat put her in," i bis honor. "As Meetutse Natn-- heard this order she made a w ild break for the hills, but In r il ivs of freedKn v mn over. She was run down am! SMSid a volley of femitiiiii sage brush eloquence, the de- lighted U)s started on a lope for the corral. Reaching this, Nance leaped from her bronco and started like a scared deer for some adjacent brush, but it was no go. However, she fought .igorously. and his honor ordered: Hobble her. bojS.1 The boys wei in rcsUMes. A pair of rawhide hobbles were stripped from a cayuse's neck, and their twist adjusted about the sturdy ankles of the struggling bride. She was taken into the corral, and his honor, mounting the fence, bade the groom lake his place by her side and catch on to her hand. This done, his honor the look of dignified importance called for by the occasion, and said: " "Big Charlie and Meetutae Nance, you come into this ton al single. I now pronounce you a couple. Big Charlie, uuhohble vour wife.' But this Big Charlie found it difficult to do, and it was not until one of the cowboys had gently cast his lariat over the newly made wife that the husband was able to turn the lady loose. Then t lie justice called his loys together, and saying "come on, boys, we hain't got no I'usincss bere now,' led them awav. One of the boys looked back, and the happy couple were busy unpacking their camp ing outnt, and the honeymoon had evi- - iently begun. In the Lobby. Opera just over. "So delightful, was it not? I feit so anxious to hear the new tenor that I" "Isn't he. really? We heard him first in "Did you, indeed? That, thev sav. is his greatest crea" "His very greatest- but than, I simplv adore W'ag" "Oh, Wag " "Wag" "Wagner. The moonlight on the" "And the groupings: soeffective. Such fresh young faces in the cho'' "That is where the charm of hi music lies. You seldom tind in choruses'' "Almost never on the American stage. But then, as a nation we are sedly defi- cient in mu" "Deplorably so. Ah. our carriage lias" "And so has ours. Good-night- ; you mast co" T certainly shall. Good night. " M. S. B. in Judge. Self rr im Could No Further Oo. Smifkins is stupidity and conceit rolled into one. "That imbecile." said some one, re- ferring to him, "spends his time in try- ing to put the fool s cap on the heads of other people." "But bow great a risk Le runs," was the sarcastic reply, "of catching cold himself. Judge. A Vary Hard Naoae. Mcl-iugl- e See tbat man over there? He has the hardest name in the citv to forge. McFangle Does he write a verv diiU- - cult hand to imitate? "No; his name is Steele." Lawrence American. Faithful to the Frwsent. ' Which do you prefer, Mr. Youug- - blood, brunettes or blondes?" asked a reigning belle, and he replied. "It depends altogether on which I'm with." Somervillt- - Journal. He Carried Hi. i ... k. Home. Barber How would you like to have your hair cut, sir? Customer With scissor- -, sir! Did ve s'pose I wanted it done with a table- - knife? Puck. Jessie I'm sure Charlie loves me, but he's afraid to propose. Bessie Well, that shouldu t surprise vou at all. New York Sun. A Surprialnc I .... rfc Mr. Kennelly (wbo always travels with his dog) Look here, waiter: you've got to get me another sandwich. I just turned to look out of the window and tome blamed thief took the other mi-- i Puck. Ths Bast Basalt- - Every ingredient employed in produc- ing Hood's Saraaparilla is strictly pure, and is the beat of its kind it is possible to buy. All the roots and herbs are care-fell- selected, personally examined, and only the best retained . So that from the time of purchase until Hood's Saraapa-rill- a is prepared, eTer?thin is carefully watched with a view to attaicins; the best result Why don't you try it? The sanitary commission of Vienna recommended electricity instead or hang ing for executions Their Bas mat Booming. Probably no one thing has cnused such a general revival of trade at Haitz A Babnsen's drug store as their giving away to their customers of bo many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it awaya cures and never disappoints. Coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all tbroat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by gelling a trial bottle free, large sizefl. Every bottle warranted. EPOCH The transition from long lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the individ- ual. Such a remarkable event is treas- ured in memory and the agency whereby the good health has been attained is gratefully blessed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bit- ters. So manv feel they owe their res- toration to health, to the use of the great alterative aud tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of kidneys, liver or stomach, of long or short standing you will surely find relief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at '". and 81 per bottle at Hartz Jt Bahnsen's drug store. B17CKLKN 8 A UN ICA RALVB The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevet sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns und all skin eruptions, and posi- tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bv Hartz & Bahnsen. Eli Circles, of Carroll county, Mis souri. won a $35 sewing machine ty pro- ducing twelve ears of corn that weighed eighteen pounds eleven ounces. AllVIC M auTHSUB Are you st night ind broken of your rest by a sick child mSMuag md crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and ?et a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for ehildrei teething. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer im mediately. Depend upon it mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysentery, diarrhoea, regulates the stom- ach and bowels, cures wind colic, soft- ens the gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole sys- tem. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Teething is pleasant to" the taste, and hi the prescription of one if the oldest and best female nurses and phi. sicians in the United States, and is ft r ale by all druggists throughout the world. Price M cents per bottle. As soon as its bacillus was discovered 'la grippe" went out of business. mpn From asiBg for Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat and Incipient Ixtg T.oubics It is jileasant t the taste an J will cure the most obstinate cold. Prepared try BEOS,, HXTS8B&S& Sold by aH druggists at 25 cents e: bottle. Insist on bavin? it. HUMPHREYS' 1R. lit Hi'HREYN' srKcjrtcs hi p 9i lent ifl a!t and carefully prepared prtwcripUoua . uaed for many years in prlrtttepract Ice with auccoab.and for over thlrfTyearausedhy the people. alngle Spe- cific la a special cur, tor the named. Tnaae Specific cure without drugging, pnrg-tn- or reduclug the system, and are In fact and deed the astvercisn reanrdtenofihr World. usi of ruiNciP.t. Noa. craxs. prices. 1 I rtrrm . cpestion. tnnamroation . . rw, w .rm rever, u orm Uolic ryu.L lil.rrhrs. of Children or Adults Uysi iterri Orlplng. CoUc.. Cholera irtu. ..itaig Coasho, Cold, bronchitis Nearafatlai. Tooinache. Faceache 9 Hrtdirtrm Bleat HcadacLe. Vertigo 10 prspepala. blllou. Momach.. 11 $upjreaaed or Painful Period 1'A whites, too Pro fuse I triod 1 3 Croup. CoiutU. liifliiult Krvfctnlug 14 Malt Rheum, ri ;. -- ..ela. Lruptiona. 13 BkraaatUin. fcncuniutlr I'aln.. 1 l ever at.d Auue. CBiua, Malaria 1 7 Pilca. Blind or Bleeding fl 4 utarrh, Int.u aaa, Co!J tu thefiiad li) Whooploe Cough, Vt. lent Cong ha. ii tienernl Itehtlit .1 hyslcal W eakness t Kidi 1 v II i' Nrnoai Dehillty .1.1 E rtnary Weakn'esn, Wet ttn Bed. . aseaol thcUeart.r aipit&uun 1.1 Sold by Druggists, or sent posntald on receipt of price. Da. HrKrn bits' 5U;al. (144 page, richly bound in cloth and gold, mailed free. Humphreys' .YledlclneCo.iQi' Fulton St. I t . SPECIFICS. Paris Exposition, 3889: 3 Grand Prizes 5 Gold Medals. MENIER CHOCOLATE PUREST, HEALTHIEST, BEST. Ask for Yellow Wrapper. iiamch mm, mm MmMUMtt wu DuE.G.Wests NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. jpi for Hysteria, Dizzine', Fits. .... rsl rU, Wke fnlnaai. Mental Oepiession. Sufunin ot tlx Brain rv ultlng tu insanity and leading 10 mieiy ceeav and .laath. Premator. Old Age. Barranaea.-- . Loa, ot Power in either ass. lneolumary Lo-- .. .J pertnalort ho:a b ot the hralu. se:tiiae or uer Indulgence Kaeh box contains oo month's treat meot SI a box. six tor SI. ent tv mall prepsii aaeh ordar lor ia boxes, V.U1 saoo j . n. iruarantee to munev If Khja treatment I ailn 1., cure isuaiautaa. issued and gvnala sold onl by BABTZ BAHNSEN, Drn?gists. Sole Agents, corner Third avenue and Twentieth street. Hock Island, 111. Elff O htm given nnlve. aal satisfaction in the mw to i, c a tp.h cure of .lonorrhaa and OsaraQteM nt tc tlleet. 1 prescribe il and KgM caa feel aafetnreronimerie-in- CX a .! kr the It to all kofterers- - vflE QtncmnaUjsW A. J. -- 1 om it, ai.ti.. Onlo.Vt Decatur. Ill PKICE. ei.4M. FOR MEN ONLY! MKITIV t L0"T - fATXHIO KAJTBC0D ; M rVOI Crtner--' aad NERVOUS DEBILITY t 1 I D ID Weakaeas of Body and Kind: Effe.u V J MKX of Errors ot Exceaaisin Old or Toung skasl. '! RkUMMtb f.H. 'u .1 nisMti. a. oauasa rsnrsnf asMii . Ahwrfutstr saCsiHa. IIOS. iiliHHi-- n !. la . 4a. Br. Ie.tif from M .:t.- ; r.' rl... ,, I n In caa wrH. laeai. Ba.1.. f.M ,alaa.U. m4 pSasaaaagShg res. aaaajta fMM astolCAt SB . BFHI8. 1 t. A Box of Safety Matches Free to smokers of BBBXvni BWKflssa xtvxtxeaxervxi BPXjastaVwBaeTaal VaSSaaKars THE TRAVELERS GUIDE. RIH'K ISLAND ft PACIMC CUICaOO. corner Fifth avenue and Thirty first street, J. F Cook, agent. TRAINS tLSAVS. tARHtVK Council Bluffs ft Miuneao- - I l:4il am 1(45 am ta Dav Kiprest f Kansas Otty Day Express pm tlshalnosa Kxpresa 8 t8 pm It :05 pm i 'on m- il Bin fit ft Minneao- - I 7:45 7:15 am pm ta Express f Council lilntls A Omaha I lOiBl I'll am Limited Vestlhnle Ex.. f pm; Fansas City Limited 9 54 pm I'M am Denver Vestibule Express . 11 :13 pm 3:&Sam t Going west. Going east Pally. BURLINGTON Kl'tT I E- - C, B. A 4J. First avenue and bixtvenlh st . M J. Yog, e, agent. TRAINS. taava. taaiva 8t L a is hi press s W sin 7 Tu am Bt. Louis Bxpreae T OO pm 8 St. Panl Bxprcee 7 50 am Be Paul Express 7:10pra Keanlstown Passenger 8:45 pm ii :06 am Way Frel ht (Monmouth) ... 9:00 am I mi pm Way Freight (Sterling) II sro 9:40 am Sterling Passenger 8:00 am 5 '50 pm Dnbnonc . 10:6 sm 9:10 pm Dsily. MILWAUKEE A ST. PAUL CHICAGO A Sonthwestern Division De- pot Twer tletb street, between First and Second avenoe, E. D. W. Holmes, agent. TRAINS. LlAVB. Axnr. r Mail and K .er. - "6:4 an St. Pant Express 8 :00 pm 11:15 am rt. ft Accon modal n .... a :tai ;,n 10:10 a., Fl A Arrnr modatioa 7:86 an t :10pm OCR INLAND ft PEORIA RAILWAY- - R pot First sveniie and Twentieth street. TRAINS 1 XATI. AH.HK. (j Past fix press 8:30 im 7:30 pm Mall and Express 2:10 am 1 :80 pm Cable Accommodation S 80 pm 5:30 pm S 10 am :i:00 pm 4 00 pm 8:05 am s9 aaaaae MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO THE East and South East. OolNO EAST. OOINO WEST. Mall Fast Mall Fast and Ex. Express and Ex Expreas I. 30 pm 8 15 am IvR. Isl dar 1 30 pm 7.30 pm 3.14 pm -- 'ei, ar . Orion . v 18.48 ( Hi 6.48 pm S 27 pm i,. am: Cambridge. 12 15 pm 6.28 pm 5 57 pro u 50 am! . ..Galra... 11.54 am 6 56 pm 4 35 pm 10 97 ami Wyoming.. 11. IS am 6 17 pm 4 57 pm 10.60 am Prlnceville . 10 64 am 4 67 pm fi ' ' pm 11 85 am .Peoria 10 00 am 4.10 pm 9 10 pm 1.15 pm Bloomlngton 8.16 am I. 10 pm 11.15 pm 3 55 pm Springfield 6 45 am II. 15 pm 11.56 am 7 35 pm St. Lonls. Mo 7 55 pm 7.06 am II. am 8 57 pm Danville, 111. 2.15 am 10.56 am 6 00 am 7.15 pm Terre Hante 10.25 pm 8 16 am 8 55 am 1 20 am Evansvllle. s 05 pm 1 00 am 3.40 am a nri ,,n. Indianapolis. 11.15 pm 7.45 am T.Hi am l.onisvllle . 7 43 pm 7 85 am 10.30 pm 'lnrinnati O 7 13 pm Passenger trains arriv,- and depart from Union depot Peoria. Accommodation train leaves Rock Island 6 45 p. m. arrives at Peoria 2 SO a. m Leaves Peoria 7 '16 p. in. arrives ai Rock Island 1 06 a. m. car: r. branch. Accom. Ml A Ac. Accoas. I.t Rock Inland. at) am 9.10 ara 4.00 pm Arr Reynolds... 7 40 am '.0.20 am 5 05 pm " Cable S.15 am 111 00 am 5 40 pm A c. om. '1ft Ac, A ccom. l.v. Cable ti.J" am 11 50 pm1 8.45 pm Ar Reynolds 7 10 an, 1.46 pm! 4.25 j m Rock Island. 6 05 am 3.10 pm1 6.30 pm Chair car on Fast Express between Rock Island and Peoria in both directions H. B SUDLOW, H. 8TOCKHOUSE, Superintendent. Gen'l Tkt. Agent. 'MiLWAum FAST M 4IL TRAIN with Electric lighted end Uleam heated Vestibuled trains between Chi- cago, Milwaukee, St Panl and Minneapolis. TRAN-- iNTIN I NTAL ROUTE with Elec'rlc lighted and Steam heated Vestlhnled trains be- tween Chicago and Coancil B.ufls. Omaha or St. Paul and the Pacific Coast. GREAI' NATIONAL ROUTE between Chicago Kansas City and St. Joseph, Mo. 5700 MILE OF ROAD reaching all principal jwints In Illinois, Wisconsin. Minnesota. Iowa. Missouri, South Dvkota and North Dakota. For maps, time tables, rates of passage and freight, etc , apply to the nearest station agent of the Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Panl Railway, or to any railroad agent any where in the world. ROSWEI.L MILLER A V. H CARPENTER. General Manager Gen'l Pass A 1. Agt. IWF t information in reference to Lands and Towns owned by by the Chicago. Milwaukee A M. Paul Railway umpany. write to H. G. Han-ge- Land commissioner Milwaukee. Wisconsin. THE MOLINE SAVIN6S BANK (Charted by the Legislature of Illinois.) MOLINE, - ILLS. Open daily from 9 A M. to I P M , and on Toes nay and Saturday Kvcninge from 7 to 8 o'clock. Interest allnweil n Desposits at the rate of 4 per Cent per Annum. Deposits rHCfiveti in amounts of $1 and Upwards. SECURITY AND ADVANTAGBS. The private property of the Trustees la respon sible to tba depositors. The officers are prohibi ted rrom norrowiug any or Its moneys. Minors and married women protected by special law. Opncxa-- : a. W. Whxelock. President: Poa- - tib Skihhir, Vice President; C. F. HrasswAv. Cashlet. TausTxaa: 9. W. Whaelock, Porter Skinner, C. r. Hemenwav. .1 Silas Leas. G H Edwards Hiram Darling, A. S. Wright, J. S. Keator, L. H. Hemenway. C. Vitztbam. WMT 1'be only chartered savings Bank In Rock Island County. LOTOS FACE POWDER Ladies p. their compleuon tbonld ecure tt SAMPLE BOX CWATIS of the IttLtrfct lmiKrted und acknowl- edged .is Uie best FACE POWDER. Guaranteed to be perfectly harmlea.. lmpercepti bla. durtbls and n.ei-iw- e let al everywhere Pil.t, SSc wad SOe per Ron. Asr root druggist for it or write for postid sample bo? to J. f. LLOYD CO., Sole Importers. T aaa 4M V4 ...l,itigi..i. SUrect, CHICAOO. LOTOS FACE POWDER For Sale by thb Following Drdgsibts Marshall &, Flsber, Hartz & Bahnsen, and Frank Nadler John Volk & Co., OKNEEAL CONTRACTORS House Builders. Mannfactnrers of Bash, Doors, Blinds, Siding, Flooring, Wainscoating, and all kinds of wood work for builders. Eighteenth St., bet rhtrd and Fonrth at., BOCK ISLAND. may be found 3a THIS PAPER Bla at GEO. P. NcvaPAPam ADTuiauta Frmxact tiO Spruoa ttreet). where tising contracts NEW YORK. HXmtMH UNACQUAINTED WITH THB OEOOBAFHT OP THB OOUKTBT, WILL OBTAIN MUCH VALUABLE INFORMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY, Inoludlno' main lines, branches and extensions East and West of the Missouri River The Direct Route to and from Chicago, Joliet, Ottawa, Peoria, La Salle, MoUne, Rock Island, In ILLINOIS Davenport, Muacutine. Otturawa, Oskaloosa, Dee Moines, Wlnteraet, AudutxinHarlan, and Council Bluffs, in IOWA Minneapolis and St, Paul, in MINNESOTA Watortown and Sioux Falls, in DAKOTA Cameron, St. Joseph, and Kanttas City, in MISSOURI -- Omana, Fairbury , and Nelson, in NEBRASKA Horton. Topi ka, Hutchinson, Wichita, Belleville, Abilene, Caldwell, in KANSAS Pond Creek . Kingrflsher, Fort Reno, in the INDIAN TERRITORY and Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, In COLORADO. FREE Recllnln Chair Cars to and from Chicago, Caldwell. Hutchinson, and Dodge City, and Palace Sleep- ing Cars between Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Traverses new and vast areas of rich farming and ,iailiitj lands, aflbrdlng the best facilltioe of intercommunication to all towns and cities east and west, northwest and southwest of Chicago, and Pacific and transoceanic Seaports. MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS, Leading all competitors In splendor of equipment, cool, well ventilated , and free from dust. Through Coaches, Pullman Sleepers, FREE Roclining 8 hair Cars, and (east of Missouri River) Dining Cars Dally between Chicago, es Moines, Council Bluffs, and Omaha, with Free RecUninir Chair Car to North Platte, Neb., and between Chicago and Colorado Springs, Denver, and Pueblo, via St. Joseph, or Kansas City and Topeka. Splendid Dining Hotels (furnishing meals at seasonable hours) west of Missouri River. California Excursions daily, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to uud from Lake, Ogden, Portland, Los Axurelee, and San Francisco. The DIRECT LINE! to and from Pike's Peak, Manitou. Garden of the Gods, the Sanitari- ums, and Scenic Grandeurs of Colorado. VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE, Solid Express Trains dally between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul, with THROUGH Roclining Chair Cars (FREE) to and from those points and Kansas City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit Lake, and Sioux Falls, via Rock Island. The Favorite Line to Pipestone, Water-tow- n, Sioux Falls, and the Summer Resorts and Hunting and Fianing Grounds of tho Northwest. THB SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to travel t tween Cincinnati, lnalanapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St. Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. For Tickets, Maps. Foldere, or desired information, apply to any Ticket Office in the United Statoa or Canada, or addreaa E. ST. JOHN. JOHN SEBASTIAN, Oeaeral Manager. CHICAOO. ILL.. Qen'l Ticket ft Pass. Agent THE MOLINE WAGON. HOLIXE, ILL. THE MOLINE WAfJM CO Majiulacturers ol FARM, SPRING and FREIGHT WAGONS A fall and complete line of PLATFORM and other Spring Wagon". et.erialiy adpted to the Western tradf, of snperi ir workmanship and finish Illustrated Price List free on application See the MOUNK tVAGON before purchasing. CHAS. DANNACHER: Proprietor of Brady Street All tta&l of CUT FLOWERS tonstahtly on hand. UREENHOl'SES FI. 'WKH HTohB, One Block North of Central Park. 403 Brmtv Street The lamest In Iowa DAVENFURT, lOWA- - J". HVI. CHRISTY, Steam Cracker Bakery, MANUFACTURER OF CRACKERS AND BISCUITS. Ask your Grocer for them. They are best. The Christy "OYSTER and the Christy "WAFER " ROCK INLAND. ILL :CITY PAINT SHOP: DBUCKMILLER fc CO.. -- All kinds of - Painting, Graining, Paper Hanging and Kalaoniitiing. "All work warranted and done to order on short notice. 8hop No. 310 Seventeenth street, bet. 3d and 4th avenne. IB AUGUSTANA usiness College. -- New and fully equipped. New furnishings throughout. Will compete with any. Send for circulars. Ttrnos : Four months, $29; Six months, $86; Nioe montha. 950 Addres V. W. FENN, Rock Maid, Ills. .1. T. DIXON,. MERCHANT TAILOR. And Dealer in Mens Fine Woolens. 1706 8eoond Avenue, GrUS ENGLIN, ERCHANT TAILOR, Bnford'B Block, Second ave., Rock Island. Z3T Cleaning and repairing dose neatly and cheaply. ROCK ISLAND HOUSE BARBER SHOP AND BATH ROOMS. Hare been nnder the management of Mr. HARRY FAT, a first c las- - barber, who s a share of public patronage. Tbe ahop has been renoTated. and throughout and the bath rooms recarpefed.nD fact everything is in first -- class chape.

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Post on 19-Mar-2018




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Page 1: Rock Island Daily Argus. - · rwi.i vjriDvrw iiy J7) FMYOW. C f 3 Gas AND HF.M.KK IN


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HE r iNd iraTl l OaEMORNINC IN AAV '

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aasa a s. Ira v r a. . . r 1



SSka A f




rwi.i vjriDvrw iiy J7)FMYOW

. C f


Wrought and Cast Iron and Lead PipeHone, Parking, Sewer and Drain Tile.

Steam and Gas Fixtures.SMTHest work at fair prires. Estimate furnished.

Office unci -- h p 219 18th St. Ttlrptione 1182

W. B.has puri hasnd the well known

Fourth Ave. and Tenth Street,and hopes to retain the custom ot his predecessorHe will make a great effort to perpetuate ttn good name of this

Oldthat it tiae always enjoyed by dealing only in the best goods


ROLLINSuccessor to A

St., bet. First and

and done.Hand sold and

.to &

He a share of the trade and will make as low

as theTHE A

Proprietor ot the Old

Rock Island Daily Argus.






Wagner Grocery

Established Grocery

Rock Island, IE

damson & Rnick,

Shop Nineteenth Second Avenue,

Rock Island, 111

General Jobbing Repairing promptlyigj-Seco-nd Machinery bought, repaired.

New Eim Street GroceryGEO.

(Successor Danquard Browner)

ANJD FEEDFamily Groceries and

solicit priceslowest. Telephone connections.



Cor. Third avenue and Eighth street,

Has opened with an entire stock of

Groceries, Dry Goods, Flour, Feed, Etc.SJ0"Freati Farm Produce always on hand

and Will and give patron, price, and treatmentMr. "mart ataeSNI a r.n.wal of I... old trail, try

a. i.f vor.

and well-kno-


-For Catalogues Addrrsa

J. C DUNCAN,Davkkport. Iowa


andShop Third avenue, between 10th and 11th streets,

(Fred Koch's old stand.)

0-A1- I kinds Of Carpenter work and repairing done. Satisfaction guaranteed.








Contractors Builders,

Business College.



Adams Wall Paper Co.,

LERCH & SUTCLIFFE, Managers300 Patterns of New StyleB in Wall Papeb

tVPainting, Graining and Paper Hanging.0IMICK BLOCK. Twentieth Street, Rock Island, 111.

near Third Avenue. '

KEE? TO THE BIGHT.Do not N imposed on by any of the nnmeroni

Imitations, robtlMilea, etc., which are floodingthe world. There la only one Swift's Specific,and there 1 nothing Hke it. Onr remedylame no M rotah, Arwnle, or any nola-anc-

OnuUft KDTH whatever. It hmlds op the general health rrnm the firt dose, and nevertailed toer dkcale contagious blood poison andIU effect! r om the aystem. Be sure to get thegemlne. I ud yrrnr address for our Treatise ouBiood and Ma llseaaes, which will be mailed

p St TFT SPECinCCO . Atlanta. Qa.

Pure: Palatable! Popular!61MRAKTEF.II Purr fUel nrp-n-tnn.--

t rtn. in Jarrt, Ilgmj In bottleA.Hon Lefprn tind it lnTaloabie for

BoopT. J uw. Moat Sucert, Houtllo.i, etc.

Hflink' nhrpirtan. for .omltd. Infitnts mnioth- Appettvlns and turertgllijeiiina.'

Asia j mr dniBKisi or grocer (or

Armc ur's Beef ExtractOr "tOt f..r Mm: i" narkHe and

de.-- pure pampblet, 10

ARMOUR & CO., Chicago.

Tie Great Restorer !

m mi .w w9 KrftP

Blood Purtier, Tonic, Nerveand Brain Food.

A rtont Rem rkable RernerlyWhich I'n ,,,iiere and Krailicsteii Dlaease Theremay he nc ailment so serloue bnt that a faithfulcourse of this medicine will r tow you to healthWc iruly a Nawt It to b- THE BKsT coraponnd(purely v etabli-- which con be prepared, audned Sirs -- La t4ritipe" has added another ter-ror to the list, it is with r -- nt faction wecan ass:.r yen this medicine will overcome Itsnd leave Jot free from Its hanefnl effects.

Many of yon know something of the unparal-rlle-

virti os of thi wonderful compound, whichnot only t ill Ids anil tones np the wrstlng cner-gla- a,

nut i aNo purifies the blood and eradicatesall diseas It is a pnre nd eleeant veireiableeomponnt and iust wia! is needed. hraggiatscan get It end for d,vi-- and circulars.

It is wt rranted We shall be happy to lendpamphlet givtnc many particulars to all whowish then , 1 1 00 per botile. For further par-ticulars addressTHE G.tEAT RESTORER WORKS,

1SK P iriland Ave. Minnf apolis, Minn.




Cast Iron Workdon a specialty of fnrniah-in- g

all kinds of

Stoves with Castings,nt 8 cents per pound.

NISTH ST. AND 7th AVE.r. E DOWNING. Proprietor.


Insurance AptIV old Tin nd Ttm tried Own part


w as any reliable com. ny aaa aAaasLYoar petrunae SSMlBwt

m la A7-.:- Uock.


--Real Estate-- -AND

Insurance AptRepresents, amonr other time-trie- d and

'ire Insurance Companiea, the followingRoy . Insurance Company, of EnglandWfi Chester Fire Ins. Co., of N. Y.Bufiilo German Ins Co , Buffalo N T.Roc teeter Gtrrman Ins. Co. Roch'r N YGerman Fire Ins. Co.. of Peoria, III.OtthMM Ira Ob., mi PittsburKb, Pa.Sun Fire Office, London.Union Ins. Co. of California.Security Ins. Co. New Haven, Conn.Wil raukee Mecbansc's Ins. Co. Mil

waukte, Wis.yfflct No. 1606 Second Ave..



Breakfast Cocoa

No Chem icalsit- imtsI m In pr paraUm It ltd

mart iknn sAraV ft the strength of

Um iiuxi. with Stan-It- . Arruwrootor 8iifr, and i Iltcrrlon- far OKfronooitcml. emttnp Umm Ikan mm CrM

m ttp It m dHkiouii, Daarifthtiig.EaKII.T

mnl admirably aUa;it-- for invalida well mm tor in hemtth

Hold by GrocM r fvprywherW BAKER & CO.. Dorchester. Mass


;... it. 4S) ( alnra that neltharnan uii Ewr

Bold hr Drusxista. AlsoPcerlew Prrmie Taint. 6 colon.P.4.Imc 1 nimilrv Hliiintr.Peerlew Ink Powder 7 cotora.

Shoe A- HarneaaDraaaino.PearleH F.ig Dye. S colura


The Roraaiitie Vjih . r Itla; t'haelie and)Metutii! Nanre.

"Plots for Htoiies hav nut all beenused, as some people aiwert," remarkedW. A. Jennings, of Wyoniing. to a Phila-delphia Press reporter. "A friend ofmine," be continued, "who lives out inthe cattle country of the Big Horn basin,was a witness in 18M to one of the mostremarkable weddings of which I everheard. At that time a few settlers hadgathered in and formed the nucleus ofwhat is now a prosperous farming region,but the away of the cowboy vraa undis-puted. The tirst wedding in that sectionon Owl Creek was that of Big Charlieand Meettitse Nance, a native sagebrush belle. The bride and groom came9e mity-f- i ve mileu on horseback to the'quire's, and in exactly the same fashion.When within a few miles of the squire'shome they met tbat otticial, surroundedby half a dozen Oowboya. Then the bridegot restive and nervous, declaring thatshe wouldn't marry any man on earth.But the jude, the eowboy and thegroom were equal t. the occasion. At ashort distance stood a oornl.

"Take her over ti 1mm msJ, '..-.-. matput her in," i bis honor.

"As Meetutse Natn-- heard this ordershe made a w ild break for the hills, butIn r il ivs of freedKn v mn over. She run down am! SMSid a volley offemitiiiii sage brush eloquence, the de-lighted U)s started on a lope for thecorral. Reaching this, Nance leapedfrom her bronco and started like ascared deer for some adjacent brush,but it was no go. However, she fought.igorously. and his honor ordered:Hobble her. bojS.1 The boys wei in

rcsUMes. A pair of rawhide hobbleswere stripped from a cayuse's neck, andtheir twist adjusted about the sturdyankles of the struggling bride. She wastaken into the corral, and his honor,mounting the fence, bade the groomlake his place by her side and catch onto her hand. This done, his honor

the look of dignified importancecalled for by the occasion, and said:

" "Big Charlie and Meetutae Nance,you come into this ton al single. I nowpronounce you a couple. Big Charlie,uuhohble vour wife.'

But this Big Charlie found it difficultto do, and it was not until one of thecowboys had gently cast his lariat overthe newly made wife that the husbandwas able to turn the lady loose. Thent lie justice called his loys together, andsaying "come on, boys, we hain't got noI'usincss bere now,' led them awav. Oneof the boys looked back, and the happycouple were busy unpacking their camping outnt, and the honeymoon had evi- -

iently begun.

In the Lobby.Opera just over.

"So delightful, was it not? I feit soanxious to hear the new tenor that I"

"Isn't he. really? We heard him firstin

"Did you, indeed? That, thev sav. ishis greatest crea"

"His very greatest- but than, I simplvadore W'ag"

"Oh, Wag "

"Wag""Wagner. The moonlight on the""And the groupings: soeffective. Such

fresh young faces in the cho''"That is where the charm of hi music

lies. You seldom tind in choruses''"Almost never on the American stage.

But then, as a nation we are sedly defi-cient in mu"

"Deplorably so. Ah. our carriagelias"

"And so has ours. Good-night- ; youmast co"

T certainly shall. Good night. " M.S. B. in Judge.

Self rr im Could No Further Oo.Smifkins is stupidity and conceit rolled

into one."That imbecile." said some one, re-

ferring to him, "spends his time in try-ing to put the fool s cap on the heads ofother people."

"But bow great a risk Le runs," wasthe sarcastic reply, "of catching coldhimself. Judge.

A Vary Hard Naoae.Mcl-iugl- e See tbat man over there?

He has the hardest name in the citv toforge.

McFangle Does he write a verv diiU- -

cult hand to imitate?"No; his name is Steele." Lawrence


Faithful to the Frwsent.' Which do you prefer, Mr. Youug- -

blood, brunettes or blondes?" asked areigning belle, and he replied.

"It depends altogether on which I'mwith." Somervillt- - Journal.

He Carried Hi. i ... k. Home.Barber How would you like to have

your hair cut, sir?Customer With scissor- -, sir! Did ve

s'pose I wanted it done with a table- -

knife? Puck.

Jessie I'm sure Charlie loves me, buthe's afraid to propose.

Bessie Well, that shouldu t surprisevou at all. New York Sun.

A Surprialnc I ....


Mr. Kennelly (wbo always travels withhis dog) Look here, waiter: you've gotto get me another sandwich. I justturned to look out of the window andtome blamed thief took the other mi-- i


Ths Bast Basalt- -

Every ingredient employed in produc-ing Hood's Saraaparilla is strictly pure,and is the beat of its kind it is possible tobuy. All the roots and herbs are care-fell-

selected, personally examined, andonly the best retained . So that from thetime of purchase until Hood's Saraapa-rill- a

is prepared, eTer?thin is carefullywatched with a view to attaicins; the bestresult Why don't you try it?

The sanitary commission of Viennarecommended electricity instead or hanging for executions

Their Bas mat Booming.Probably no one thing has cnused such

a general revival of trade at Haitz ABabnsen's drug store as their givingaway to their customers of bo many freetrial bottles of Dr. King's New Discoveryfor consumption Their trade is simplyenormous in this very valuable articlefrom the fact that it awaya cures andnever disappoints. Coughs, colds,asthma, bronchitis, croup, and all tbroatand lung diseases quickly cured. Youcan test it before buying by gelling atrial bottle free, large sizefl. Everybottle warranted.


The transition from long lingeringand painful sickness to robust healthmarks an epoch in the life of the individ-ual. Such a remarkable event is treas-ured in memory and the agency wherebythe good health has been attained isgratefully blessed. Hence it is that somuch is heard in praise of Electric Bit-

ters. So manv feel they owe their res-

toration to health, to the use of the greatalterative aud tonic. If you are troubledwith any disease of kidneys, liver orstomach, of long or short standing youwill surely find relief by use of ElectricBitters. Sold at '". and 81 per bottleat Hartz Jt Bahnsen's drug store.

B17CKLKN 8 A UN ICA RALVBThe best salve in the world for cuts,

bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevetsores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,corns und all skin eruptions, and posi-tively cures piles, or no pay required. Itis guaranteed to give perfect satisfactionor money refunded. Price 25 cents perbox. For sale bv Hartz & Bahnsen.

Eli Circles, of Carroll county, Missouri. won a $35 sewing machine ty pro-

ducing twelve ears of corn that weighedeighteen pounds eleven ounces.

AllVIC M auTHSUBAre you st night ind broken

of your rest by a sick child mSMuag mdcrying with pain of cutting teeth? If so,send at once and ?et a bottle of Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup for ehildreiteething. Its value is incalculable.It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it mothers,there is no mistake about it. It curesdysentery, diarrhoea, regulates the stom-ach and bowels, cures wind colic, soft-ens the gums, reduces inflammation, andgives tone and energy to the whole sys-tem. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrupfor Children Teething is pleasant to" thetaste, and hi the prescription of one ifthe oldest and best female nurses and phi.sicians in the United States, and is ft rale by all druggists throughout the

world. Price M cents per bottle.

As soon as its bacillus was discovered'la grippe" went out of business.

mpnFrom asiBg for Coughs, Colds, SoreThroat and Incipient Ixtg T.oubics

It is jileasant t the taste an J will curethe most obstinate cold. Prepared try

BEOS,, HXTS8B&S&Sold by aH druggists at 25 cents e:

bottle. Insist on bavin? it.

HUMPHREYS'1R. lit Hi'HREYN' srKcjrtcs hi p 9i lent ifl a!t and

carefully prepared prtwcripUoua . uaed for manyyears in prlrtttepract Ice with auccoab.and foroverthlrfTyearausedhy the people. alngle Spe-cific la a special cur, tor the named.

Tnaae Specific cure without drugging, pnrg-tn-

or reduclug the system, and are In fact anddeed the astvercisn reanrdtenofihr World.

usi of ruiNciP.t. Noa. craxs. prices.1 I rtrrm . cpestion. tnnamroation . .rw, w .rm rever, u orm Uolic

ryu.Llil.rrhrs. of Children or AdultsUysi iterri Orlplng. CoUc..Cholera irtu. ..itaigCoasho, Cold, bronchitisNearafatlai. Tooinache. Faceache

9 Hrtdirtrm Bleat HcadacLe. Vertigo10 prspepala. blllou. Momach..11 $upjreaaed or Painful Period1'A whites, too Pro fuse I triod1 3 Croup. CoiutU. liifliiult Krvfctnlug14 Malt Rheum, ri ;. -- ..ela. Lruptiona.13 BkraaatUin. fcncuniutlr I'aln..1 l ever at.d Auue. CBiua, Malaria1 7 Pilca. Blind or Bleeding

fl 4 utarrh, Int.u aaa, Co!J tu thefiiadli) Whooploe Cough, Vt. lent Cong ha.ii tienernl Itehtlit .1 hyslcal W eaknesst Kidi 1 v II i'

Nrnoai Dehillty .1.1E rtnary Weakn'esn, Wet ttn Bed. .

aseaol thcUeart.r aipit&uun 1.1

Sold by Druggists, or sent posntald on receiptof price. Da. HrKrn bits' 5U;al. (144 page,richly bound in cloth and gold, mailed free.Humphreys' .YledlclneCo.iQi' Fulton St. I t .

SPECIFICS.Paris Exposition, 3889:

3 Grand Prizes 5 Gold Medals.


PUREST, HEALTHIEST, BEST.Ask for Yellow Wrapper.

iiamch mm, mm MmMUMtt wu

DuE.G.WestsNERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT.jpi for Hysteria, Dizzine', Fits. .... rsl rU, Wkefnlnaai. Mental Oepiession. Sufunin ot tlx Brain rvultlng tu insanity and leading 10 mieiy ceeav and.laath. Premator. Old Age. Barranaea.-- . Loa, ot Powerin either ass. lneolumary Lo-- .. .J pertnalort ho:a

b ot the hralu. se:tiiae oruer Indulgence Kaeh box contains oo month's treatmeot SI a box. six tor SI. ent tv mall prepsiiaaeh ordar lor ia boxes, V.U1 saoo j . n.iruarantee to munev If Khja treatment I ailn 1.,cure isuaiautaa. issued and gvnala sold onl by

BABTZ BAHNSEN,Drn?gists. Sole Agents, corner Third avenue and

Twentieth street. Hock Island, 111.

Elff O htm given nnlve.aal satisfaction in the

mw to i, c a tp.h cure of .lonorrhaa andOsaraQteM nt tc tlleet. 1 prescribe il andKgM caa

feel aafetnreronimerie-in-CX a .! kr theIt to all kofterers- -

vflE QtncmnaUjsW A. J. -- 1 om it, ai.ti..Onlo.Vt Decatur. Ill

PKICE. ei.4M.


M rVOI Crtner--' aad NERVOUS DEBILITYt 1 I D ID Weakaeas of Body and Kind: Effe.u

V J MKX of Errors ot Exceaaisin Old or Toungskasl. '! RkUMMtb f.H. 'u .1

nisMti. a. oauasa rsnrsnf asMii .

Ahwrfutstr saCsiHa. IIOS. iiliHHi-- n !. la . 4a.Br. Ie.tif from M .:t.- ; r.' rl... ,, I n

In caa wrH. laeai. Ba.1.. f.M ,alaa.U. m4 pSasaaaagShgres. aaaajta fMM astolCAt SB . BFHI8. 1 t.

A Box of Safety Matches Free to smokers of

BBBXvni BWKflssa xtvxtxeaxervxiBPXjastaVwBaeTaal VaSSaaKars


first street, J. F Cook, agent.

TRAINS tLSAVS. tARHtVKCouncil Bluffs ft Miuneao- - I

l:4il am 1(45 amta Dav Kiprest fKansas Otty Day Express pmtlshalnosa Kxpresa 8 t8 pm It :05 pmi 'on m- il Bin fit ft Minneao- - I 7:45 7:15 ampmta Express fCouncil lilntls A Omaha I

lOiBl I'll amLimited Vestlhnle Ex.. f pm;

Fansas City Limited 9 54 pm I'M amDenver Vestibule Express . 11 :13 pm 3:&Sam

tGoing west. Going east Pally.

BURLINGTON Kl'tT I E- - C, B. A 4J.First avenue and bixtvenlh st .

M J. Yog, e, agent.

TRAINS. taava. taaiva8t L a is hi press s W sin 7 Tu amBt. Louis Bxpreae T OO pm 8 :0.pmSt. Panl Bxprcee 7 50 amBe Paul Express 7:10praKeanlstown Passenger 8:45 pm ii :06 amWay Frel ht (Monmouth) ... 9:00 am I mi pmWay Freight (Sterling) II sro 9:40 amSterling Passenger 8:00 am 5 '50 pmDnbnonc . 10:6 sm 9:10 pm

Dsily.MILWAUKEE A ST. PAULCHICAGO A Sonthwestern Division De-

pot Twer tletb street, between First and Secondavenoe, E. D. W. Holmes, agent.

TRAINS. LlAVB. Axnr. rMail and K .er. - "6:4 anSt. Pant Express 8 :00 pm 11:15 amrt. ft Accon modal n .... a :tai ;,n 10:10 a.,Fl A Arrnr modatioa 7:86 an t :10pm

OCR INLAND ft PEORIA RAILWAY- -R pot First sveniie and Twentieth street.


Past fixpress 8:30 im 7:30 pmMall and Express 2:10 am 1 :80 pmCable Accommodation S 80 pm 5:30 pm

S 10 am :i:00 pm4 00 pm 8:05 am

s9 aaaaae


East and South East.OolNO EAST. OOINO WEST.

Mall Fast Mall Fastand Ex. Express and Ex ExpreasI. 30 pm 8 15 am IvR. Isl dar 1 30 pm 7.30 pm3.14 pm -- 'ei, ar . Orion . v 18.48 ( Hi 6.48 pmS 27 pm i,. am: Cambridge. 12 15 pm 6.28 pm5 57 pro u 50 am! . ..Galra... 11.54 am 6 56 pm4 35 pm 10 97 ami Wyoming.. 11. IS am 6 17 pm4 57 pm 10.60 am Prlnceville . 10 64 am 4 67 pmfi ' ' pm 11 85 am .Peoria 10 00 am 4.10 pm9 10 pm 1.15 pm Bloomlngton 8.16 am I. 10 pm

11.15 pm 3 55 pm Springfield 6 45 am II. 15 pm11.56 am 7 35 pm St. Lonls. Mo 7 55 pm 7.06 amII. am 8 57 pm Danville, 111. 2.15 am 10.56 am6 00 am 7.15 pm Terre Hante 10.25 pm 8 16 am8 55 am 1 20 am Evansvllle. s 05 pm 1 00 am3.40 am a nri ,,n. Indianapolis. 11.15 pm 7.45 amT.Hi am l.onisvllle . 7 43 pm7 85 am 10.30 pm 'lnrinnati O 7 13 pm

Passenger trains arriv,- and depart from Uniondepot Peoria.

Accommodation train leaves Rock Island 6 45p. m. arrives at Peoria 2 SO a. m Leaves Peoria7 '16 p. in. arrives ai Rock Island 1 06 a. m.

car: r. branch.Accom. Ml A Ac. Accoas.

I.t Rock Inland. at) am 9.10 ara 4.00 pmArr Reynolds... 7 40 am '.0.20 am 5 05 pm

" Cable S.15 am 111 00 am 5 40 pmA c. om. '1ft Ac, A ccom.

l.v. Cable ti.J" am 11 50 pm1 8.45 pmAr Reynolds 7 10 an, 1.46 pm! 4.25 j m

Rock Island. 6 05 am 3.10 pm1 6.30 pm

Chair car on Fast Express between Rock Islandand Peoria in both directionsH. B SUDLOW, H. 8TOCKHOUSE,

Superintendent. Gen'l Tkt. Agent.


FAST M 4IL TRAIN with Electric lighted endUleam heated Vestibuled trains between Chi-cago, Milwaukee, St Panl and Minneapolis.

TRAN-- iNTIN I NTAL ROUTE with Elec'rlclighted and Steam heated Vestlhnled trains be-tween Chicago and Coancil B.ufls. Omaha orSt. Paul and the Pacific Coast.

GREAI' NATIONAL ROUTE between ChicagoKansas City and St. Joseph, Mo.

5700 MILE OF ROAD reaching all principaljwints In Illinois, Wisconsin. Minnesota. Iowa.Missouri, South Dvkota and North Dakota.For maps, time tables, rates of passage and

freight, etc , apply to the nearest station agentof the Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Panl Railway, orto any railroad agent any where in the world.ROSWEI.L MILLER A V. H CARPENTER.

General Manager Gen'l Pass A 1. Agt.

IWF t information in reference to Lands andTowns owned by by the Chicago. Milwaukee AM. Paul Railway umpany. write to H. G. Han-ge-

Land commissioner Milwaukee. Wisconsin.

THE MOLINE SAVIN6S BANK(Charted by the Legislature of Illinois.)

MOLINE, - ILLS.Open daily from 9 A M. to I P M , and on Toes

nay and Saturday Kvcninge from 7 to8 o'clock.

Interest allnweil n Desposits at the rateof 4 per Cent per Annum.

Deposits rHCfiveti in amounts of$1 and Upwards.

SECURITY AND ADVANTAGBS.The private property of the Trustees la respon

sible to tba depositors. The officers are prohibited rrom norrowiug any or Its moneys. Minorsand married women protected by special law.

Opncxa-- : a. W. Whxelock. President: Poa- -

tib Skihhir, Vice President; C. F. HrasswAv.Cashlet.

TausTxaa: 9. W. Whaelock, Porter Skinner,C. r. Hemenwav. .1 Silas Leas. G H EdwardsHiram Darling, A. S. Wright, J. S. Keator, L.H. Hemenway. C. Vitztbam.

WMT 1'be only chartered savings Bank In RockIsland County.


Ladiesp. their compleuon tbonld ecure tt

SAMPLE BOX CWATISof the IttLtrfct lmiKrted und acknowl-edged .is Uie best

FACE POWDER.Guaranteed to be perfectly harmlea.. lmpercepti

bla. durtbls and n.ei-iw- e let al everywherePil.t, SSc wad SOe per Ron. Asr rootdruggist for it or write for postid sample bo? to

J. f. LLOYD CO., Sole Importers.T aaa 4M V4 ...l,itigi..i. SUrect, CHICAOO.

LOTOS FACE POWDERFor Sale by thb Following Drdgsibts

Marshall &, Flsber,Hartz & Bahnsen,

and Frank Nadler

John Volk & Co.,OKNEEAL


House Builders.Mannfactnrers of

Bash, Doors, Blinds, Siding, Flooring,Wainscoating,

and all kinds of wood work for builders.Eighteenth St., bet rhtrd and Fonrth at.,


may be found 3aTHIS PAPER Bla at GEO. P.NcvaPAPam ADTuiauta Frmxact tiO Spruoattreet). wheretising contracts NEW YORK.



THE CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILWAY,Inoludlno' main lines, branches and extensions East and West of theMissouri River The Direct Route to and from Chicago, Joliet, Ottawa,Peoria, La Salle, MoUne, Rock Island, In ILLINOIS Davenport, Muacutine.Otturawa, Oskaloosa, Dee Moines, Wlnteraet, AudutxinHarlan, and CouncilBluffs, in IOWA Minneapolis and St, Paul, in MINNESOTA Watortownand Sioux Falls, in DAKOTA Cameron, St. Joseph, and Kanttas City, inMISSOURI --Omana, Fairbury , and Nelson, in NEBRASKA Horton. Topi ka,Hutchinson, Wichita, Belleville, Abilene, Caldwell, in KANSAS PondCreek . Kingrflsher, Fort Reno, in the INDIAN TERRITORY and ColoradoSprings, Denver, Pueblo, In COLORADO. FREE Recllnln Chair Cars toand from Chicago, Caldwell. Hutchinson, and Dodge City, and Palace Sleep-ing Cars between Chicago, Wichita, and Hutchinson. Traverses new andvast areas of rich farming and ,iailiitj lands, aflbrdlng the best facilltioeof intercommunication to all towns and cities east and west, northwestand southwest of Chicago, and Pacific and transoceanic Seaports.

MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS,Leading all competitors In splendor of equipment, cool, well ventilated , andfree from dust. Through Coaches, Pullman Sleepers, FREE Roclining8hair Cars, and (east of Missouri River) Dining Cars Dally between Chicago,

es Moines, Council Bluffs, and Omaha, with Free RecUninir Chair Car toNorth Platte, Neb., and between Chicago and Colorado Springs, Denver,and Pueblo, via St. Joseph, or Kansas City and Topeka. Splendid DiningHotels (furnishing meals at seasonable hours) west of Missouri River.California Excursions daily, with CHOICE OF ROUTES to uud from Sr.ltLake, Ogden, Portland, Los Axurelee, and San Francisco. The DIRECTLINE! to and from Pike's Peak, Manitou. Garden of the Gods, the Sanitari-ums, and Scenic Grandeurs of Colorado.

VIA THE ALBERT LEA ROUTE,Solid Express Trains dally between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul,with THROUGH Roclining Chair Cars (FREE) to and from those points andKansas City. Through Chair Car and Sleeper between Peoria, Spirit Lake,and Sioux Falls, via Rock Island. The Favorite Line to Pipestone, Water-tow- n,

Sioux Falls, and the Summer Resorts and Hunting and FianingGrounds of tho Northwest.

THB SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities totravel t tween Cincinnati, lnalanapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St.Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul.

For Tickets, Maps. Foldere, or desired information, apply to any TicketOffice in the United Statoa or Canada, or addreaaE. ST. JOHN. JOHN SEBASTIAN,

Oeaeral Manager. CHICAOO. ILL.. Qen'l Ticket ft Pass. Agent



Majiulacturers ol FARM, SPRING and FREIGHT WAGONSA fall and complete line of PLATFORM and other Spring Wagon". et.erialiy adpted to the

Western tradf, of snperi ir workmanship and finish Illustrated Price List free onapplication See the MOUNK tVAGON before purchasing.

CHAS. DANNACHER:Proprietor of Brady Street

All tta&l of CUT FLOWERS tonstahtly on hand.UREENHOl'SES FI. 'WKH HTohB,

One Block North of Central Park. 403 Brmtv StreetThe lamest In Iowa DAVENFURT, lOWA- -

J". HVI. CHRISTY,Steam Cracker Bakery,

MANUFACTURER OF CRACKERS AND BISCUITS.Ask your Grocer for them. They are best.

The Christy "OYSTER and the Christy "WAFER "ROCK INLAND. ILL


-- All kinds of -

Painting, Graining, Paper Hanging and Kalaoniitiing."All work warranted and done to order on short notice.

8hop No. 310 Seventeenth street, bet. 3d and 4th avenne.


usiness College.-- New and fully equipped. New furnishings throughout. Will compete

with any. Send for circulars.Ttrnos : Four months, $29; Six months, $86; Nioe montha. 950

Addres V. W. FENN, Rock Maid, Ills.


And Dealer in Mens Fine Woolens.1706 8eoond Avenue,


Bnford'B Block, Second ave., Rock Island.Z3T Cleaning and repairing dose neatly and cheaply.


Hare been nnder the management of Mr. HARRY FAT, a first c las- - barber, who s

a share of public patronage. Tbe ahop has been renoTated. andthroughout and the bath rooms recarpefed.nD fact everything is in first --class chape.