rock sound magazine

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  • 8/11/2019 Rock Sound Magazine


    Cover Price: This is the price

    that the readers buy the

    magazine for. The cover price is

    shown on the front cover. This

    also represents the social

    classification for the

    demographics of the magazine.

    The demographics of this

    magazine would range from

    class B to D because they would

    be able to afford this magazineweekly. The people who are

    grouped in these social classes

    would listen to the same kind of

    music because they are using

    similar media consumption.

    The barcode always

    appears on the right

    hand side of the front

    cover. The bar code is a

    black and white serial

    number which can be

    read by a computer or

    app. This also tells the

    target audience what the

    date and issue number

    of the magazine is, so

    the audience know

    ff / buzz word, the magazine is giving away a

    e item, so this is influencing the reader to buy

    magazine, more because of the free item,

    cause the reader is intrigued what songs are

    the CD . So, if the reader wants the free CD

    y must buy the magazine.

    he skyline is telling the audience the genre of music, the genre of the magazine is rock music. You can tell this by one of the

    nds that are featured; Paramore is a rock band. There is also a pull quote about Paramore being in the UK, this is also a

    chnique that the magazine uses to make the reader buy the magazine. The skyline is also a puffbecause its advertising a free

    ster and cd which is convincing the reader to buy the magazine so they can have these free items. They have also used a small

    mage on the Skyline, with the band / artist name, so the reader could identify them.

    This is a pull quote from

    the main cover story

    which is being said in the

    perspective of the lead

    singer, you can tell this by

    the image of him being

    bigger on the page than

    the other band members.

    A pull quote is used to

    break up a piece of text

    on a magazine, it also

    helps to intrigue the

    reader to read the story

    behind the quote. The

    colour yellow is

    connoting the light and

    hope for the singer, since

    he was having trouble and

    his band members helped

    him through it. The

    reason why the other half

    of the quote is white is

    because its reflecting his

    life now which is good.

    The reason why this pullquote is on the front cover

    is because people can

    relate to the singer, since

    people do have problems,

    this is also showing a very

    different side of

    representation for the

    singer, since now he is

    being shown as a normal

    person and not a famous

    person because people

    will stereotype famous

    people not to have

    everyday problems like

    normal everyday working

    people. The font is a bold,

    san serif font that has

    yellow and white as its

    font colour. Its in capital

    letters to emphasise the

    point of the singer to the

    reader and to get the

    message / opinion of the

    singer to the readers.

    he Masthead

    in red, bold,

    n serif font.

    he reason

    hy the font is

    d, is to

    nnote that

    e magazine

    s passion,

    ve and

    wer. The

    go is also in

    e masthead,

    hich is

    owing the

    ader the logo


    agazine and

    if they seeis logo again

    ey will know

    s belongs to



    entity). The

    ain image, is

    vering the

    ord sound on

    e tile which


    at the image


    mportant to

    e magazine

    an the


  • 8/11/2019 Rock Sound Magazine


    The website is mentioned at the

    bottom on the price tag becauseits out of the way but the reader

    could miss this is because its so

    small. The reason why

    magazines have websites is so

    there target audience, can go on

    the website and get the latest

    and up to date news from the

    magazine. The font is a san

    serif, black font.

    This is a puff because its

    influencing the reader to buy

    the magazine, by saying over

    19 new bands to know about

    inside the magazine. The +

    19 is in a bold san serif font.

    The new bandsis in the

    colour yellow and in a bold

    but smaller san serif font and

    its in capitals which

    emphasis to the reader this is

    important and the reader

    should take notice.

    Underneath are some bands

    names in a white san serif

    font in capital letters; this is

    to tell the reader the

    importance of the bands. The

    and more, is to intrigue the

    reader to look inside this is in

    a yellow san serif font and

    this puff is on a greenbackground

    ain Cover Line: Six Monthsis the length of time they will be in the jungle, it is bold yellow san serif font the reason why its in

    ellow is it connotes to honour and loyalty because they planned to complete the months in the jungle. Inside, Bring me the, is in a

    old san serif font because its connoting to the light after the experience they have been through. Horizon, word is in yellow and

    hite colour because at the end of the six months they do get to see the light; its in a bold serif font. The main cover line is all in

    apitals to empathise the point of the article but some of the font size is smaller than others to convey they are important to the

    over line but not as important.

    Colour Scheme: The colour scheme for this issue is green, yellow and white. These

    colours are used because of the relationship with the main cover line / article because it

    was in a jungle which they are connoting to the reader. Red and black are also used

    which also compliments the colours because it helps balance the light and dark colours

    on the front cover and during the magazine. The layout of the magazine needs to be

    simpler because there is a lot to taken in just looking at the magazine so people can

    easily miss cover lines and other things on the front cover.

    The green and white

    symbol must be

    symbolising the Junglewhich is linked to the

    main cover line because

    its behind the main

    image of the band and

    in front of the image

    and behind the main

    cover line.

    e cover lines

    es are in a

    ld, san serif

    nt in green

    d white

    lour. There

    a bit of space

    between the

    nopsis, so

    u can tell the


    tween them,

    en as white

    ts. There is


    hich is about

    e of thever lines on

    e cover. The

    x of the 2

    lours is

    nnoting the

    ht and

    odness of

    e music. The

    ver title is in

    llow san

    rif font, with



  • 8/11/2019 Rock Sound Magazine


    The main title, this tells the reader that it is the contents page; this is a white san

    serif font, bold. The white connotes to the rock music being heavenly

    perfection. The colour is used to convey the music is like no other genre of

    music and that rock music has a very high standard to live up to. The reason

    why the font is in capital letters is to inform the reader, that the title is important

    to this page. The text is on a black background because the colour is connoting

    the power of rock music has over its target audience. The colours also

    complement each other.

    he Editorial

    ote iselcoming

    aders to the

    agazine and

    ving the

    aders an



    oing to be

    side, which

    written by

    e editor of

    ock Sound.

    he note

    arts off with

    elcome to

    ock Sound


    he font of

    Welcome To

    ock Sound!

    a bold, san

    rif font.

    he colour

    d of the

    nt is

    onnoting the

    ve and

    assion the

    ditor has for

    usic. Thats

    hy there is

    so a picture

    f him

    outing toe heavens.

    he font of

    e editorial

    tter is a

    ormal, black

    n serif font.

    Images are

    featured on the


    because they

    relate to the

    feature and

    regular articles.

    They also give

    the reader

    something else

    to look at

    besides thewriting in the

    contents so it

    will be less

    boring for the

    reader to look at.

    The pictures are

    bright to look at

    so it makes the

    reader feel the

    contents page is

    livelier. The

    reader will be

    more excited to

    see images of

    their favourite

    bands / artist, so

    this will make

    them want to

    buy the

    magazine more,

    instead of seeing

    lists of artist /

    bands. The

    images are in the

    centre of thecontents page

    which grabs the



    attention once

    on this page,

    which makes

    them want to

    read on to find

    out about the


    Using Rock sound .TV at the bottom of the page is brand

    dentity and is used to remind the reader what magazine they

    re reading so next time they want to read the magazine they

    an buy the magazine.

    The folio

    numbers are at

    the bottom of

    the page this

    tells the reader

    what page they

    are on in the

    magazine. The

    font is in a

    bold, black,

    serif font.

    The main featured articles of the magazine have a red san serif font for their page number

    with a bold san serif font for their title. There is also a little synopsis underneath

    explaining what the article is going to be about, in a grey san serif font. The Noise is a

    sub-heading for the contents page. This mentions some of the featured articles, it also

    tells the reader what pages the articles are on.

  • 8/11/2019 Rock Sound Magazine


    The folio numbers are at

    the bottom of the page

    this tells the reader what

    page they are on in the

    magazine. The font is in

    a bold, black, serif font.

    Using Rock sound .TV atthe bottom of the page is

    brand Identity to remind the

    reader what magazine they

    are reading so next time they

    want to read the magazine

    they can buy the magazine.

    ured article titles are

    yellow san serif

    which conveys to

    eader that its the

    n title for the

    ured articles inside

    magazine. There is a

    psis underneath the

    n title explaining to

    eader what the

    les are going to be

    ut. The font is in a

    , smaller san serif

    here is also a sub

    eading, On The

    over,to tell the

    aders what

    rticles appeared

    n the front page.

    he font is in a

    lack, bold san

    erif font to provide

    statement and

    ecause the bandho appears on the

    ontent has black t-

    hirts on.

    The reason why there is folio on the content page is to tell the reader what page the article is on so the

    reader can go directly to that page without trying to finding in the magazine. The font of the folio numbers

    is in a bold san serif font which is in a large font than the featured articles because it has to stand out to

    direct people to that article. Thee font colour is black. The colour for the folio also matches the

    background colour. The font is in bold which makes a statement of being important which is why the

    magazine is using the colour for the folio numbers. Its on a red background because its compliments the

    mood the magazine wants to set.

    Here the

    magazine has

    used a line to

    separate the

    two columns

    of text for

    this article.

    The line is

    white to

    blend into the

    article, this isknown as a


    because the

    vertical space


    columns or

    between two

    pages in the

    same spread.

    There is also

    a flush usedin this article

    because type

    that is set so

    that one

    margin is

    even, as in

    flush right ,

    meaning the

    left margin is

    straight while

    the left one is


    The Reviews box is to help separate up the page,

    it also looks like a thought box because its themagazinesthoughts on those bands since its a

    review. There is a bold, san serif black font for the

    title. The sub heading of the box is in a san serif

    bold red font. The text is in a small font in black

    san serif font but in capitals to mark the

    importance of the bands being reviewed.

    ross the top is a sub

    e called In the

    ck Sound Thisonth, this is in a

    ite san serif font but

    ld font. Its then link

    the puff called 19

    w bands, this is a

    umn which gives

    reader page

    mbers to the article

    out the new bands.

    ere is little

    scription about the

    posure of the bands,a grey san serif font.

    d it also gives the

    ge number between

    ere you can find the

    icles. Its on a black

    ckground to connote

    wer and elegance of

    s music. The bands

    me is in capital

    ers to emphasise

    importance of

    m. They are in a

    ld san serif font in

    ours of white and


  • 8/11/2019 Rock Sound Magazine


    This is the Rock Sound logo, which is brand identity because its reminding

    the reader what magazine they are reading and also next time the reader

    sees this logo they will know it belongs to Rock Sound magazine. Next

    time the reader / audience want to buy the magazine and they see this logo

    they know its Rock Sound magazine. The logo also is telling the reader is

    that if you play this cd you have to play it a 100 % volume. There is also

    brand identity with having the at the bottom.

    The folio

    numbers are

    at the bottom

    of the page

    this tells the

    reader what

    page they are

    on in the


    The font is in

    a bold, bold,

    grey serif


    This is a sub story insert which runs alongside the main

    story. It has a title The light at the end of the tunnel. This

    is relating to the experience of Matt Heavy. The font is a

    bold, white sans serif font which connotes the journey they

    have had. Underneath the title is the tagline of the sub

    story which sums up the story, vengeance might be a

    pissed =off record but as Matt explains, theres more to it

    than fur and disgust so they are relating it back to the

    article but getting the front man thoughts of the experience.

    . The font is san serif font, in the colour yellow because its

    connoting also to the light that got the band through the

    experience. The text is in san serif white font, its a quote

    from Matt Heafy and also an image of the singer to see

    who the sub story is talking about. .

    he sub heading is in a bold, san serif font. It uses the colour white because its connoting to goodness and about how innocent the band was before they

    perienced life in the Jungle. The reason why the band name is yellow is because thats conveying to the audience the light of belief the band had to have to

    rvive the experience. The sub heading sums up what it is about perfectly, its introduced the reader to the article they are about to read, its a bit long to be

    nest and not catchy enough to be a sub-heading.

    Here the

    magazine has

    used a line to

    separate the

    two columns

    of text for

    this article.

    The line is

    white to

    blend into the

    article, this is

    known as a


    because the

    vertical space


    columns or

    between twopages in the

    same spread.

    There is also

    a flush used

    in this article

    because type

    that is set so

    that one

    margin is

    even, as in

    flush right ,meaning the

    left margin is

    straight while

    the left one is


    he article is in a san

    rif white font. This is

    ling the readers

    out the bands

    perience in the

    ngle. There are two

    ragraphs which startth capital letters and

    a yellow san serif

    nt. This is to

    mphasise that these

    o paragraphs are the

    ost important out of

    e whole article

    cause they are

    plaining to the

    ader, where the band

    now and did the

    nd actually survive

    e jungle. In the

    ticle on this band the

    ain colours have been

    llow, white and

    een because these

    lours connote

    lours of the jungle

    d are a

    presentation of the


    image, of the band is on both pages, with a bleed that extended this and the next page.

    back ground is a forest green to connote the jungle.

  • 8/11/2019 Rock Sound Magazine


    The image, of the compass is connoting the idea of the

    main article to the readers, because the band was in a

    jungle for six month, so they had to use a compass in the

    woods. The colour green is connoting the colour of theleaves / trees because in a jungle there is just trees in the

    landsca e and nothin else around.

    The Folio

    numbers are

    at the bottom

    of the page

    this tells the

    reader what

    page they are

    on in themagazine.

    The font is in

    a bold, bold,

    grey serif


    The quote I thought I was going to be killed, is a quote by one of the members of the band. The

    quote is in a bold, san serif font with the colour of the font being white. The reason I think why they

    have used it is since the main image is of the band in a jungle scene; they are making it even more

    personal to the band by using the experience of a member (Matt Heafy). The reason why its at the top

    of the page is because its shows the band rethinking about the experience to the reader.

    he main title for this article is a play on word of brave new world,

    stead the title is Grave New World, since the band thought they were

    ing to die in this experience, since the world brave is replaced with

    ave. Grave connotes to death or something that is dead. The Grave New

    orld, could also have the meaning that the jungle is dangerous since

    ave can also mean this. The font size is big so the reader can tell that this

    the title of the story, its also a quote by Caren Gibson one of the

    embers of the band. The font is bold and is a san serif font. The reason

    e colour of the font is green and white is because its connoting to how the

    nd saw the light at the end of the turnel of this experience. The colour

    een is connoting because they were in a jungle for six months is

    brand identity

    because its

    reminding the

    reader what

    magazine they

    are reading

    and also next

    time the reader

    sees the

    they will know

    it belongs to

    Rock Sound

    magazine. This

    is also the link

    to their

    website so the

    reader can go

    online to findout more about


    he main

    mage is of

    e band

    rivium, in a

    ngle sceneecause the

    agazine is

    onnoting the

    ticle through

    e image,

    ecause the

    and were in a

    ngle for 6

    onths. The

    and isearing all

    ack which is

    eir signature

    olour for the

    othing they

    ear. The

    and poses

    e conveying

    at the

    xperience forem was

    ugh because

    ey look all

    ugh. The

    mage takes

    p the whole

    f the page,


    onveys to the

    ader that

    is image is
