rockaway, «u tlint being one of...

, are Ja»tlX pronA of 10 minus—our Town and Newnpaper; botJi an ROCKAWAY RECORD It it'i Ntwi, Ada., or Jot Printing, phone Rockaway 220; we are alwaya flM to itrve yon ROCKAWAY. N. I., THURSDAY, APRIL 24,1930 plate Beef, lb. Frankfurters, lb. - - Forequarter of Lamb, lb. of Lamb, lb. 33c Rump of Veal, lb. - - Home Made Sausage, lb. - - Sirloin Steak, lb 4 g c C o t t a g e H a m s , lb. - ... R i b l i m b C h o p s , lb. - - • Bound Steak or Roast, lb 45 C FreBh «*illet of Haddock, lb 25 C FreBh Green Beans, lb 25c Fresh Green Peas 2 lbB. for 35c Full l i n e of Fresh Fish and Vegetables Hagan's Cash Market MAIN ST. TEL. 62 ROCKAWAY, N. J. NOTICE Savings Department Depositors We hav« Installed a National Bookkeeping Machine In our Sav- lnjB Department andhereafter all transactions OB your SaTlngs Pasa Books will printed In plain type and Indelible Ink. NEW, PA8B BOOKS WILL BE ISSUED. KINDIA PRESENT OLD BOOKS at your convenience. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ROCKAWAY, NEW JERSEY Your Furs are valuable and Should be protected • • • Our modern cold storage vault will protect theiq from fire, theft and moths. Our rates : are reasonable. National Union Bank Dover, N. J. ranirmTTT- '"L"^ 1 —.'. Four Rockaway School-children Injured 1 By Autos In Three Weeks! You may not De to blame for an accident that may happen but you mayhave to shoulder the responsibility of paying L-tor the damages. . *_ "C** not Inaure before the wnexpoctad occurs, for a frac. t Bockawaj, H. J. 1 «on of what a hospital bill may cost you. SEE US TODAY! E . J . MATTHEWS & SONS *0 West Main Street Ex-President Out For Morrow Ull« Attention to Hit Many Quallfl- cutl«n» for I!. S. Senator ('0OM1K9E ON MORROW The iollewlua; tribute lit prill to AmbiiHtitulor Mi.rnm by former Prml. denl r«nlldite In an Introduction to Hewlett H. Howland'n "IMght Watt, ney Morrow i A Nkrieh In Admlrm- Uun," |iukllith)>d by The Century Co*, puny. H la noarly forty years nine* Dwlghl Whitney Morrow and I en- tered Ainherst College logetlier In tbe Clans of '85. Perhaps the most r*- marknlile thing about thle rem&rktblt man In that while tils circumstance* have greatly ehanmd since thoe* days, lie bos remained the same. Hli father was a teacher and a good one, liut teachers were paid even leai than now, «u tlint being one of several ohlldrtn, tin' young man was obliged to euni hla own wuy. He was master of the •Ituntlon, us lie has slnoe, shown hlniaelf able, to master what- ovoi' sltuutlou in which lie hm found himself. UP waxKirtvct with on aJ>U- lly lint entered the. field of nonius, uiillrliiK In Ills liiilusliy, studious, thoughtful, of high mull, hill without liny of I ho attributes that usually charactorUe 11innn us u precise, ex- act, hookworm in rollout' life. While wns simple mill unassuming, friendly mill Hymputliellc, ho was al- ways dignified, He WUH using what ho had (or what wivu b««t. He hail no clement of selfishness. Ho never strove to excel liny one, or defeat any one, hit was simply doing IIIB best to jierforni bin dullea to his family, his class, nnd hla college, ll« had ohar- ncter, Hven then ln> wim n publicser- vant. His thoughts were not on him- self, but on tin- things mill people nliout him. It Is »nld at him by llu> rllppaut that In thinks at others so much and ot hlmimlf BO little that, when he takes • train he doea not always whom h« la KOMIK. But liv neHty started for anyihliiK whim ho did not ronoh hi* domination, lie alwnya ar- rives. The circumference of IIIH success Proclamation ttorangh of Kni'kiiniiy, M. .1. WHBRKAS, tho observance of day- Hght saving i» a custom that meet* with general approval; Therefore, I, I). Morris Nichols, Mayor of the Borough or Rnc.kaway, pursuant to 1'enolullon of the Mayor tnd Counedl, do hereby issue this proclamation, and recommend that daylight saving be adopted; that all Cloaks ho advanced one hour at 2 o'clock Sunday morning, April, 2T, HMD, and to so remain until 2 o'clock Sunday morning, September 28, 1930, when Standard Time will again be restored. Olven under my hand and the cor- porate seal of the Borough of Rock- «way thin twenty-second iluy of Ap- ril, one thousand nine hundred and thirty. I). MOHRIS NICHOl.,8. Mayor 'Attest: """ JA8. I). MAY, Clerk. -o- Blanche Fisher Bride Of A. J.Johnson lVrtornmn 1 nt rnmbrteruui t'hurch Her Unborn Child To Be At Playhouse Will Him I'er Kirn l>tty», M«mlnj. To Kril Today and Krlday, "TrooperH Throo" will be shown for tho last tlm™. A story of tho army wlthoul u villain! And not n win- phtiini! Thai's "TrooperB Thrne," tho Tlffnny nll-tHlkliiK prmlui'tlon taiturhiK Hex Irfnso, Dorothy Oulllver, Roscot Km us and Slim Sumnicrvllln. Thv hero In lila own worst enemy, being II smart ulock who needs a lot ot freshncnii tuken out nf him—and It l»! The II. 8, Caval'ry, ll« work and piny day by liny, Is tho background for this original story by Arthur (luy I3mpoy, On Saturday, Ken Mnymird returiiH to the Hayhouso In "The Fighting: legion," nnolher ol Ken's groat an-' tlon plcturen. Ken Maynnrd ptrforniH | Mies Hlanche Fisher, duughter of Mr. mid Mm. (leorge K, Fisher, of Wall Htroet, was united In marriage to Arthur J. .lohnson, of Toledo, Ohio, formerly of Ropkaway, last Thursday afternoon, in the Pr««hy- tei'lan Church at five o'clock, with Rev. IS. C. Kulienga, pastor, officiat- ing. The bride was attended hy Mildred Peach, of I'ulaakl, N. V., and Miss Harriet Patch, of Oswego, N. Y. Mr, Frank Johnson acted an best man, while Stirling Fisher and Charles Johnson were ushers. ' The bride was attired In a gown of leaf grwn georgette trlmmeil with blege luce with lull of blege lace straw and wore a corsage bouquet of ttlkis o( Uie viilky unit ovolitda. Thu lii'lUeiuniildu wore gowiin of biege and pink flgurud chiffon with black lace straw hats nnd wore corsage bou- quets ot sweet peas and roses. ! A brief organ recital preceded the ceremony, the Lohengrin Wedding March lining used. Mrs. Charloa L, I Curtis presided nt Hie organ. A weddlnx dinner was served to the bridal party and their puronts at six o'clock ut Hay's In Movrlstown. The couple will reside at 8212 Qlen- wood iivpiinc, Toltdo, Ohio, after their rulurn friini u wedding trip In the South. They exirect to be nt home iiTtor April 28th. MIHH Flslier IH a graduato of the University of SyraciiBe, N. Y., nnd hits boon <ii>'iiiil«t of tho Presbyter- Inn Chui'ch for several yeuis, Mr. .loluiHon wns a deuccti and trus- tee of the l'rvHhytflrlan Chuvoh until liIH renioviil In the WOHI after aocopt- IIIK a prvHlllon there. knowMhe moBt daring stunt of his daredevil %I Wareer—« fifty foot leap from a cliff Into a i Ivor astride HIP hack of his trusty horse "Tarian"—In his latesi Universal talking picture "The Fight- Ing Legion." IUIB been widely expanded since I first > Next week, Monday to Friday, "Her knew Mr. Morrow, for he ban been ' tinhorn Child" will lie shown three eminently aiuxemiful In the law, In j times dully. Thin talking picture banking nnd In diplomacy. Hut wllli \ when In nlnge plivy form took nud- nll hla success, with all the power' lences by storm when it was first that has come to him and all the ac-' prenented more than ten years ago. clulm Unit has Hiirroundeil him, his j Hero Is a story with thrilling dialogue nnd clean, laughable comedy, terrific suspeimo nnd a thunderbolt climax. This bill will remain Intact for I he first five <lnyn of next week, Monday (Continued on page three) (Ivll War Velcnm Ihsiil John A. tlnrrnbrnnl, one of the six remaining Civil War veternna In lhl« vicinity, Massed away nt lil» homo on While Meadow avomu 1 , early this morning. Mr. Uarrubrant wne Si yearn of ugo, nnd b«cntta« of Infirmities lias been conrinod to his homo for several yiiara. He served three yearn «a a volunteer In the Slttb N. .1. Regiment. Thp funeral aorwes will hi< held Sntuvduy aftor- noon at bin late homo on While j Meadow avinmo, with the Kov, V. S. Friday. MnrrU nnd OrmiRp Jll»sloiini> Soclcly Tho i'roHbylorlnl Miaslomiry So- ciety of MorrlH anil Orango will bold Its fiftieth annual mooting In the Prmbytorlnn Chnrcli of Orange, Mv. Minnie Krc»nm« The dcnlli of Mrs, Minnie Freeman wife of CharUia W. Freeman of Mor- ris nveniie, came us a great shock to the community. Her (lea111 occurred nl. "X o'clock Monday morning In the Dover" (Icnernl HospltHl whoru she huil lieen tuken Just week previous. lOvorMhliiK hail heel) done to HIIVO her life, lull In vain. Mrs, Freeman was Hfty-three yei\r» t>( nge. Funeral services will be held tills uflernoon, Tliursdny, ' 2:!IO from her lute home on Morrl.s avenue, with Rev. Andrew H. Wood, ofllolntlnK, IHnlill will be made In the Dcnvllle cemetery, Mrs. Freeman WUH a chnrter mem- IHM' of tho Dcnvllle Uiidonomliiutlon- ul Church and for ninny years hint been u Beginners' Department teach- er. She leaven liov IUIHIUUHI mid a stsli'i 1 , Mrs. IA»WIH Peer, of this place, mid Mrs. Hurry Dreyfus, u Mister, of Nowurk, and n bout of frlondn to niflurn liur loss. Chas. M. Myers Passes Away Wa» Ncll.kniMui In l»eiiillle,_J' 14 tK»( of HlifrlU M of The death of Chuiles M. Myers ot Orchard. Street, occurred at hli horn* ourly Sunday Jiiorntaig. Mr. Mywt wu» 7S years of age and had btti uonlined to his lied since Chrlatmu "'' nlglit under the o r e of a phyrfolaij nnd a trained nurse. His eonditloai wan mioh that last week he w u ablit to alt up, Mr. Myera wa» bonk la - Uoonton and has continuously r». sided In this vldiijpy. for nta* years he was collector for Roeka.. way—Denvliio Towiiiulp, Mr. Myera w u th* father ot tlrtl children, three or WJUMU ar* llrtal two daughter), Mra. Nathan J a n t j of orchard street and Mra. Raymotuj J. Parks, of Twbor, and a son, Soar- iff Fred 8. Myers at home, He ajjlo leaves to mourn Ida loss two b»lt« alsters, Miss SadlB Gardner ant ltT*f at the Myers home, and Mi*. Hlf> Cook ot Orohanl street, and on« h»it> brother, Albert Oardner ot Puwlo; ' and u hast of relatives and trttadi, He also leavea seven grandohlMrtn, Mr, Myers was a member ot tha .lunlor Order of Mechanics ot Rook> away. Funeral servicei w»r» IMI^ "" Wednesday afternoon from hla hW«, residence with Rev, Joseph M, Bl«*>. ln« olllclatlng. six grandsons aotedl \ as pallbearers. Burial was mad* la the family plot, Rockaway oemetary,, ' Mr. Myers wn» a widower, hla wtt» having paused away In 1025. Until he retired Hoverul yours ago Mr, Myers was a gonerul contractor. In politics he wag a strong Republican, He was always intereated In thi pro- gross or Danville, In the DMYIU* M. K. Ohuruh, and eep«clatly tn nil tam. Hy life. There wan a light In hli «y»» that made one feel he had something one wanted—something whloh tha whale world wants—a true friend, Whenever ho met you and extended his bund there was a smll« on hit face and a twtnkla of |ladn«m in hU ,• eyea. As the yeara grew upon him, u ' he lingered In his hone from an af- fliction waiting for the end to coma one can almost imagine he was quqt* Ing Robert Browning, the poet: Grow old along with me! The host Is yet to he, The \m of •life, for whoih tho tlrrt was made. Our times are In His hand Who salth, "A whole I planned, Youth shows but half; trust Ood, see all; nor be afraid". land Itond, Thursday, Mny First, at 10 a. m. There will ho ffrocitnus fnini tho Preihylerlnn Hoard of Niitloiuil Mlanlonn by MIKS 1!HIIIIH ORK: from Boat Shew anil Itncm In l.uko Me- luiMk I'rngrnin lk'UHon, oltUiatliiK. (nnl of Thnnks still confined to the lied, nnd tho death of my mother, mnny kind oxpresulons of sympathy were resolved, nil of whloh I BiniKclnte very much. I take Ibis menim of thanking those for their kind words. 1 especially thank those who donated cars and flowers at the funeral ot my mother ftnil tho Rev K. C. Kuliongn. whoofficiated nt the services held at the grave, also the nnllbcaiws, nnd Funeral Director Ooo, W. Wliltham. D. 0 OR DON FICHTKR Mrs, Mlnol C. Morunn from tbe New I Jersey Synodlcal Society liy tlx lirosl- dont, Mrs. Taleli a. Oreen. An htator- kial nddroas )vill be given hy Ml". .1. W. B. CuBhlnx. honornry liresiilent ot the I'reabyterlnl Society. Tho nftdrnoon ROS«IOH will Invludo an lllllllvpiwiry IUIIIICSH hy Mrs. Chaa. K. Roys, IXir, rienn of Wolln College and Young Peoiiln's Work will ho pre- sented by Miss Mary K. Moore,, Sec- retary of Young People's Department ot tho llonrd ot Foreign MIBHIIHII General Electric Refrigerators $10 down—2'/ 2 Years To Pay Come in and aee us about this new Easy way to purchaso a General Electric Refrigerator. Thousands in useand no owner has paid one cent for repairs or ser- vice. 0. P. Dickerson T>1. Boekaway 807 Hrnvlllr Civic Association A social meeting of thr Deiivlllc Civic Association will be held In the i Old Suhoo! Building, Monday even- lug, April 2Sth, at olglit o'clock. Mr, Wlllnrd M. Apgar, Secretary or the llockaway Chamber of Commerce, will be the guest speaker nnd will talk on "Co-oporatlon and Advertis- ing for the benellt of tho Commun- ity," A report of all members Is re- quested at this time. o AugUBtus Teotes, ot Nt. .Komhlo nvenuo, MorrlBlown, wns lodged In the county Jail Tuesday on complaint nt a twelve-yonr-old girl, n resident of Mt, Komhlo avenue. It Is alleged that he attempted to attack the girl. Tho arrest wiw made by Trooper John P. Callahan nnd nrralgned before Re- corder Louis Tremallo and commit- ted to the county jnll, Teates denied the charge, and told pollco that bo bud boon drinking for nevcral days and could not romemher any such In- clilent na that named In tho com- plaint, ^ The 2nd minimi motor boat show will open ut the iJike Mohawk Coun- try Club, Sparta, N. J , Saturday Mny lTlh at 2:30 P. M. uml will bo open, wllihoill clinrKc, to the gencrnl public dully Including *°Snturdnyti nnd Sun- days from 10 A. M. until I) V. M. The show will close MnySOth. This yenr Hie Ijike Mohawk Country Club Is liliinnlng lo take the entire Income received from the rental of space to exhibitors nnd use the same for tho promotion of nn Outboard Regatta Decoration Day. o Dnjllghl NIIVIIIR Stnrts SnnditT Daylight nnvlng becomes effective In New Jersey Similar ut 2 a. 111., when you iniml movo your clocks forward an hour nnd lenve them there until 2 u .m., Sunday, Sept. 2S, whenday- Hulil savhiR ends. Sixteen states will adopt daylight snvinK In some form tilts year, o Dance Hm-kawny Kebeknh l.oilgc, No. 8(1, will hold a dunce in Odd Fellaftx Hull on Wednesday evening, May 7th. Rlchter'a Orchontrn, of Newark, will furnish tho music for tho occa- sion nnd both modern and old fash- ioned dances will bo enjoyed. Ainerlen Klrxl lo tUfu HcprtiHontatlvuH ot the five domin- ant naval powers ot the world, Aroer. len, Croat Britain, JajMui, France &nd Italy, Tuesday afternoon affixed their signature*! to an «poch-niakjng treaty, limiting the nuvios nf three ot thwn nnd reAtvlcting the navies ot the oth- er two. Coloilel Henry L. Stlmson, Anwrl- urn Secretary of State, nnd hla ool- lengueH on the American delegation, wore tho first to sign the hlatorta document. M. llrland, Freuch Foreign Minister, J. Uunmny MaoDonald, Brit- ish Prlino Minister nnd Admiral Qlus- epp» Slrliinnl with their delegatloat followed. RulJIro WnXatsnkl, » tovmer Frltn* Minister of Japnn, and those ot thfl 'I'uayo delegation who have worked with him through tho three months and one day of lone and difficult ne- gotlntlons, wore the lust of tha five powers reprosenteil to affix their 8lg- until res. William (1. Hurtslg, nn Monday, wns appointed a nntlonul councilor from tho Morrlstown Chamber of Commerce, to attcml tbe mcotlng of the United States Clinnmer of Coni- morco at Waahlnglnn, D. C, next Sunday. Mr. Hurttlg Is a. anu-Hi-Unv of Mr. .1oiln H. Miller. Ilenillle Ulrl Married The marriage ot Mlns EUiabeth Peer, oliloiit diuiKhter of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart R. l'eer, ot Oruhard street, to Mr. llerninn Stewart, ton of Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley of Pnllaade Park, took place Sunduy afternoon nt 4 o'clock n tho MIdvaU', N. J. M. K. Church with Rov, Kiui L, ll(vmp> ton olllclatlng. Tho bridesmaid waa Miss Beatrice Cisco, cousin ot tha bride, mid Wilbur Cramer, acted aa beat math both ot Mldvalo, The bride was gowned In blue georgollc with lint to mutch. Fit- teen guottts were present. A wodd- liiK supper wns nerved to tbe bridal couple nt the home ot the pnronta of the groom. Mr. nnd Mrs. Htc.vvart will mak« their home In Pulleade Park, . —l 0—— Mlas lOllpn Lonorgan, nt MnrrlB- town, ovonlng chief operator at Mor- rlstown office, lias been ajipctnted chief operator In charge ol the new Deuvllle-Rnckaway telenhnnc ex- change,

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Page 1: ROCKAWAY, «u tlint being one of several ohlldrtn, tin' young man was obliged to euni hla own wuy. He was master

, are Ja»tlX pronA of10 minus—our Town and

Newnpaper; botJi a n ROCKAWAY RECORD It it'i Ntwi, Ada., or JotPrinting, phone Rockaway220; we are alwaya flM

to itrve yon


plate Beef, lb.

Frankfurters, lb. - -Forequarter of Lamb, lb.

of Lamb, lb. 3 3 c

Rump of Veal, lb. - -Home Made Sausage, lb. - -Sirloin Steak, lb 4 g c

C o t t a g e H a m s , l b . - . . .Rib l i m b C h o p s , lb . - - •Bound Steak or Roast, lb 45C

FreBh «*illet of Haddock, lb 25C

FreBh Green Beans, lb 25c

Fresh Green Peas 2 lbB. for 35c

Full l ine of Fresh Fish and Vegetables

Hagan's Cash MarketMAIN ST. TEL. 6 2 ROCKAWAY, N. J .

NOTICESavings Department Depositors

We hav« Installed a National Bookkeeping Machine In our Sav-lnjB Department and hereafter all transactions OB your SaTlngs PasaBooks will b« printed In plain type and Indelible Ink.



Your Fursare valuable and

Should be protected • • •Our modern cold storage vault will protecttheiq from fire, theft and moths. Our rates :are reasonable.

National Union BankDover, N. J.

ranirmTTT- ' " L " ^ 1 — . ' .

Four Rockaway School-children Injured1 By Autos In Three Weeks!

You may not De to blame for an accident that may happenbut you may have to shoulder the responsibility of paying

L-tor the damages. . *_"C** not Inaure before the wnexpoctad occurs, for a frac.


Bockawaj, H. J.

1 «on of what a hospital bill may cost you.


E.J. MATTHEWS & SONS*0 West Main Street

Ex-President OutFor Morrow

Ull« Attention to Hit Many Quallfl-cutl«n» for I!. S. Senator('0OM1K9E ON MORROW

The iollewlua; tribute lit prill toAmbiiHtitulor Mi.rnm by former Prml.denl r«nlldite In an Introduction toHewlett H. Howland'n "IMght Watt,ney Morrow i A Nkrieh In Admlrm-Uun," |iukllith)>d by The Century Co*,puny.

H la noarly forty years nine*Dwlghl Whitney Morrow and I en-tered Ainherst College logetlier In tbeClans of '85. Perhaps the most r*-marknlile thing about thle rem&rktbltman In that while tils circumstance*have greatly ehanmd since thoe*days, lie bos remained the same. Hlifather was a teacher and a good one,liut teachers were paid even leai thannow, «u tlint being one of severalohlldrtn, tin' young man was obligedto euni hla own wuy. He was masterof the •Ituntlon, us lie has slnoe,shown hlniaelf able, to master what-ovoi' sltuutlou in which lie hm foundhimself. UP wax Kirtvct with on aJ>U-lly lint entered the. field of nonius,uiillrliiK In Ills liiilusliy, studious,thoughtful, of high mull, hill withoutliny of I ho attributes that usuallycharactorUe 11 innn us u precise, ex-act, hookworm in rollout' life. Whileh« wns simple mill unassuming,friendly mill Hymputliellc, ho was al-ways dignified, He WUH using whatho had (or what wivu b««t. He hail noclement of selfishness. Ho neverstrove to excel liny one, or defeat anyone, hit was simply doing IIIB best tojierforni bin dullea to his family, hisclass, nnd hla college, ll« had ohar-ncter, Hven then ln> wim n public ser-vant. His thoughts were not on him-self, but on tin- things mill peoplenliout him.

It Is »nld at him by llu> rllppautthat In thinks at others so much andot hlmimlf BO little that, when he takes• train he doea not alwayswhom h« la KOMIK. But liv neHtystarted for anyihliiK whim ho did notronoh hi* domination, lie alwnya ar-rives.

The circumference of IIIH success

Proclamationttorangh of Kni'kiiniiy, M. .1.

WHBRKAS, tho observance of day-Hght saving i» a custom that meet*with general approval;

Therefore, I, I). Morris Nichols,Mayor of the Borough or Rnc.kaway,pursuant to 1'enolullon of the Mayortnd Counedl, do hereby issue thisproclamation, and recommend thatdaylight saving be adopted; that allCloaks ho advanced one hour at 2o'clock Sunday morning, April, 2T,HMD, and to so remain until 2 o'clockSunday morning, September 28, 1930,when Standard Time will again berestored.

Olven under my hand and the cor-porate seal of the Borough of Rock-«way thin twenty-second iluy of Ap-ril, one thousand nine hundred andthirty.

I). MOHRIS NICHOl.,8. Mayor'Attest: """

JA8. I). MAY, Clerk.-o-

Blanche FisherBride Of A. J.Johnson

lVrtornmn1 nt rnmbrteruuit'hurch

Her Unborn ChildTo Be At Playhouse

Will Him I'er Kirn l>tty», M«mlnj. ToKril

Today and Krlday, "TrooperHThroo" will be shown for tho lasttlm™. A story of tho army wlthoulu villain! And not n win- phtiini!Thai's "TrooperB Thrne," tho Tlffnnynll-tHlkliiK prmlui'tlon taiturhiK HexIrfnso, Dorothy Oulllver, RoscotKm us and Slim Sumnicrvllln. Thvhero In lila own worst enemy, beingII smart ulock who needs a lot otfreshncnii tuken out nf him—and Itl»! The II. 8, Caval'ry, ll« work andpiny day by liny, Is tho backgroundfor this original story by Arthur (luyI3mpoy,

On Saturday, Ken Mnymird returiiHto the Hayhouso In "The Fighting:legion," nnolher ol Ken's groat an-'tlon plcturen. Ken Maynnrd ptrforniH |

Mies Hlanche Fisher, duughter ofMr. mid Mm. (leorge K, Fisher, ofWall Htroet, was united In marriageto Arthur J. .lohnson, of Toledo,Ohio, formerly of Ropkaway, lastThursday afternoon, in the Pr««hy-tei'lan Church at five o'clock, withRev. IS. C. Kulienga, pastor, officiat-ing.

The bride was attended hy MildredPeach, of I'ulaakl, N. V., and MissHarriet Patch, of Oswego, N. Y. Mr,Frank Johnson acted an best man,while Stirling Fisher and CharlesJohnson were ushers. '

The bride was attired In a gownof leaf grwn georgette trlmmeil withblege luce with lull of blege lacestraw and wore a corsage bouquet ofttlkis o( Uie viilky unit ovolitda. Thulii'lUeiuniildu wore gowiin of biege andpink flgurud chiffon with black lacestraw hats nnd wore corsage bou-quets ot sweet peas and roses.

! A brief organ recital preceded theceremony, the Lohengrin WeddingMarch lining used. Mrs. Charloa L,

I Curtis presided nt Hie organ.

A weddlnx dinner was served tothe bridal party and their puronts atsix o'clock ut Hay's In Movrlstown.

The couple will reside at 8212 Qlen-wood iivpiinc, Toltdo, Ohio, after theirrulurn friini u wedding trip In theSouth. They exirect to be nt homeiiTtor April 28th.

MIHH Flslier IH a graduato of theUniversity of SyraciiBe, N. Y., nndhits boon <ii>'iiiil«t of tho Presbyter-Inn Chui'ch for several yeuis,

Mr. .loluiHon wns a deuccti and trus-tee of the l'rvHhytflrlan Chuvoh untilliIH renioviil In the WOHI after aocopt-IIIK a prvHlllon there.

knowMhe moBt daring stunt of his daredevil%I Wareer—« fifty foot leap from a cliff

Into a i Ivor astride HIP hack of histrusty horse "Tarian"—In his latesiUniversal talking picture "The Fight-Ing Legion."

IUIB been widely expanded since I first > Next week, Monday to Friday, "Herknew Mr. Morrow, for he ban been ' tinhorn Child" will lie shown threeeminently aiuxemiful In the law, In j times dully. Thin talking picturebanking nnd In diplomacy. Hut wllli \ when In nlnge plivy form took nud-nll hla success, with all the power' lences by storm when it was firstthat has come to him and all the ac-' prenented more than ten years ago.clulm Unit has Hiirroundeil him, his j Hero Is a story with thrilling dialogue

nnd clean, laughable comedy, terrificsuspeimo nnd a thunderbolt climax.This bill will remain Intact for I hefirst five <lnyn of next week, Monday

(Continued on page three)

(Ivll War Velcnm Ihsiil

John A. tlnrrnbrnnl, one of thesix remaining Civil War veternna Inlhl« vicinity, Massed away nt lil»homo on While Meadow avomu1,early this morning. Mr. Uarrubrantwne Si yearn of ugo, nnd b«cntta« ofInfirmities lias been conrinod to hishomo for several yiiara. He servedthree yearn «a a volunteer In theSlttb N. .1. Regiment. Thp funeralaorwes will hi< held Sntuvduy aftor-noon at bin late homo on While jMeadow avinmo, with the Kov, V. S.


MnrrU nnd OrmiRp Jll»sloiini> Soclcly

Tho i'roHbylorlnl Miaslomiry So-ciety of MorrlH anil Orango will boldIts fiftieth annual mooting In the

Prmbytorlnn Chnrcli of Orange,

Mv. Minnie Krc»nm«

The dcnlli of Mrs, Minnie Freemanwife of CharUia W. Freeman of Mor-ris nveniie, came us a great shock tothe community. Her (lea111 occurrednl. "X o'clock Monday morning In theDover" (Icnernl HospltHl whoru shehuil lieen tuken Just week previous.lOvorMhliiK hail heel) done to HIIVOher life, lull In vain. Mrs, Freemanwas Hfty-three yei\r» t>( nge.

Funeral services will be held tillsuflernoon, Tliursdny, ' 2:!IO fromher lute home on Morrl.s avenue, withRev. Andrew H. Wood, ofllolntlnK,IHnlill will be made In the Dcnvlllecemetery,

Mrs. Freeman WUH a chnrter mem-IHM' of tho Dcnvllle Uiidonomliiutlon-ul Church and for ninny years hintbeen u Beginners' Department teach-er. She leaven liov IUIHIUUHI mid astsli'i1, Mrs. IA»WIH Peer, of this place,mid Mrs. Hurry Dreyfus, u Mister, ofNowurk, and n bout of frlondn toniflurn liur loss.

Chas. M. MyersPasses Away

Wa» Ncll.kniMui In l»eiiillle,_J'14tK»(of HlifrlU Mof

The death of Chuiles M. Myers otOrchard. Street, occurred at hli horn*ourly Sunday Jiiorntaig. Mr. Mywtwu» 7S years of age and had b t t iuonlined to his lied since Chrlatmu "''nlglit under the o r e of a phyrfolaijnnd a trained nurse. His eonditloaiwan mioh that last week he w u a b l i tto alt up, Mr. Myera wa» bonk la -Uoonton and has continuously r».sided In this vldiijpy. for nta*years he was collector for Roeka..way—Denvliio Towiiiulp,

Mr. Myera w u th* father ot tlrtlchildren, three or WJUMU ar* llrtaltwo daughter), Mra. Nathan Jant jof orchard street and Mra. RaymotujJ. Parks, of Twbor, and a son, Soar-iff Fred 8. Myers at home, He ajjloleaves to mourn Ida loss two b»lt«alsters, Miss SadlB Gardner ant ltT*fat the Myers home, and Mi*. Hlf>Cook ot Orohanl street, and on« h»it>brother, Albert Oardner ot Puwlo; 'and u hast of relatives and trttadi,He also leavea seven grandohlMrtn,

Mr, Myers was a member ot tha.lunlor Order of Mechanics ot Rook>away. Funeral servicei w»r» IMI^ ""Wednesday afternoon from hla hW«,residence with Rev, Joseph M, Bl«*>.ln« olllclatlng. six grandsons aotedl \as pallbearers. Burial was mad* lathe family plot, Rockaway oemetary,, '

Mr. Myers wn» a widower, hla wtt»having paused away In 1025. Untilhe retired Hoverul yours ago Mr,Myers was a gonerul contractor. Inpolitics he wag a strong Republican,He was always intereated In thi pro-gross or Danville, In the DMYIU* M.K. Ohuruh, and eep«clatly tn nil tam.Hy life. There wan a light In hli «y»»that made one feel he had somethingone wanted—something whloh thawhale world wants—a true friend,Whenever ho met you and extendedhis bund there was a smll« on hitface and a twtnkla of |ladn«m in hU ,•eyea. As the yeara grew upon him, u 'he lingered In his hone from an af-fliction waiting for the end to comaone can almost imagine he was quqt*Ing Robert Browning, the poet:

Grow old along with me!The host Is yet to he,The \m of •life, for whoih tho tlrrt

was made.Our times are In His handWho salth, "A whole I planned,Youth shows but half; trust Ood,

see all; nor be afraid".

land Itond, Thursday, Mny First, at10 a. m. There will ho ffrocitnus fninitho Preihylerlnn Hoard of NiitloiuilMlanlonn by MIKS 1!HIIIIH ORK: from

Boat Shew anil Itncm In l.uko Me-luiMk I'rngrnin

lk'UHon, oltUiatliiK.

(nnl of Thnnks

still confined to the lied, nnd tho deathof my mother, mnny kind oxpresulonsof sympathy were resolved, nil ofwhloh I BiniKclnte very much. I takeIbis menim of thanking those for theirkind words. 1 especially thank thosewho donated cars and flowers at thefuneral ot my mother ftnil tho RevK. C. Kuliongn. who officiated nt theservices held at the grave, also thennllbcaiws, nnd Funeral DirectorOoo, W. Wliltham.


Mrs, Mlnol C. Morunn from tbe NewI Jersey Synodlcal Society liy tlx lirosl-dont, Mrs. Taleli a. Oreen. An htator-kial nddroas )vill be given hy Ml". .1.W. B. CuBhlnx. honornry liresiilent otthe I'reabyterlnl Society.

Tho nftdrnoon ROS«IOH will Invludoan lllllllvpiwiry IUIIIICSH hy Mrs. Chaa.K. Roys, IXir, rienn of Wolln Collegeand Young Peoiiln's Work will ho pre-sented by Miss Mary K. Moore,, Sec-retary of Young People's Departmentot tho llonrd ot Foreign MIBHIIHII

General ElectricRefrigerators

$10 down—2'/2 YearsTo Pay

Come in and aee us about thisnew Easy way to purchaso aGeneral Electric Refrigerator.

Thousands in use andno owner has paid onecent for repairs or ser-vice.

0. P. DickersonT>1. Boekaway 807

Hrnvlllr Civic Association

A social meeting of thr DeiivlllcCivic Association will be held In the

i Old Suhoo! Building, Monday even-lug, April 2Sth, at olglit o'clock. Mr,Wlllnrd M. Apgar, Secretary or thellockaway Chamber of Commerce,will be the guest speaker nnd willtalk on "Co-oporatlon and Advertis-ing for the benellt of tho Commun-ity," A report of all members Is re-quested at this time.

• oAugUBtus Teotes, ot Nt. .Komhlo

nvenuo, MorrlBlown, wns lodged Inthe county Jail Tuesday on complaintnt a twelve-yonr-old girl, n residentof Mt, Komhlo avenue. It Is allegedthat he attempted to attack the girl.Tho arrest wiw made by Trooper JohnP. Callahan nnd nrralgned before Re-corder Louis Tremallo and commit-ted to the county jnll, Teates deniedthe charge, and told pollco that bobud boon drinking for nevcral daysand could not romemher any such In-clilent na that named In tho com-plaint, ^

The 2nd minimi motor boat showwill open ut the iJike Mohawk Coun-try Club, Sparta, N. J , Saturday MnylTlh at 2:30 P. M. uml will bo open,wllihoill clinrKc, to the gencrnl publicdully Including *°Snturdnyti nnd Sun-days from 10 A. M. until I) V. M. Theshow will close Mny SOth. This yenrHie Ijike Mohawk Country Club Isliliinnlng lo take the entire Incomereceived from the rental of space toexhibitors nnd use the same for thopromotion of nn Outboard RegattaDecoration Day.

oDnjllghl NIIVIIIR Stnrts SnnditT

Daylight nnvlng becomes effectiveIn New Jersey Similar ut 2 a. 111., whenyou iniml movo your clocks forwardan hour nnd lenve them there until2 u .m., Sunday, Sept. 2S, when day-Hulil savhiR ends. Sixteen states willadopt daylight snvinK In some formtilts year,


Hm-kawny Kebeknh l.oilgc, No. 8(1,will hold a dunce in Odd FellaftxHull on Wednesday evening, May7th. Rlchter'a Orchontrn, of Newark,will furnish tho music for tho occa-sion nnd both modern and old fash-ioned dances will bo enjoyed.

Ainerlen Klrxl lo tUfu

HcprtiHontatlvuH ot the five domin-ant naval powers ot the world, Aroer.len, Croat Britain, JajMui, France &ndItaly, Tuesday afternoon affixed theirsignature*! to an «poch-niakjng treaty,limiting the nuvios nf three ot thwnnnd reAtvlcting the navies ot the oth-er two.

Coloilel Henry L. Stlmson, Anwrl-urn Secretary of State, nnd hla ool-lengueH on the American delegation,wore tho first to sign the hlatortadocument. M. llrland, Freuch ForeignMinister, J. Uunmny MaoDonald, Brit-ish Prlino Minister nnd Admiral Qlus-epp» Slrliinnl with their delegatloatfollowed.

RulJIro WnXatsnkl, » tovmer Frltn*Minister of Japnn, and those ot thfl'I'uayo delegation who have workedwith him through tho three monthsand one day of lone and difficult ne-gotlntlons, wore the lust of tha fivepowers reprosenteil to affix their 8lg-until res.

William (1. Hurtslg, nn Monday,wns appointed a nntlonul councilorfrom tho Morrlstown Chamber ofCommerce, to attcml tbe mcotlng ofthe United States Clinnmer of Coni-morco at Waahlnglnn, D. C, nextSunday. Mr. Hurttlg Is a. anu-Hi-Unvof Mr. .1 oiln H. Miller.

Ilenillle Ulrl Married

The marriage ot Mlns EUiabethPeer, oliloiit diuiKhter of Mr. andMrs. Stewart R. l'eer, ot Oruhardstreet, to Mr. llerninn Stewart, tonof Mr. nnd Mrs. Stanley of PnllaadePark, took place Sunduy afternoonnt 4 o'clock n tho MIdvaU', N. J. M.K. Church with Rov, Kiui L, ll(vmp>ton olllclatlng. Tho bridesmaid waaMiss Beatrice Cisco, cousin ot thabride, mid Wilbur Cramer, acted aabeat math both ot Mldvalo,

The bride was gowned In bluegeorgollc with lint to mutch. Fit-teen guottts were present. A wodd-liiK supper wns nerved to tbe bridalcouple nt the home ot the pnrontaof the groom.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Htc.vvart will mak«their home In Pulleade Park, .

—l 0——

Mlas lOllpn Lonorgan, nt MnrrlB-town, ovonlng chief operator at Mor-rlstown office, lias been ajipctntedchief operator In charge ol the newDeuvllle-Rnckaway telenhnnc ex-change,

Page 2: ROCKAWAY, «u tlint being one of several ohlldrtn, tin' young man was obliged to euni hla own wuy. He was master













REG'LAR FfcLLERS Puddinhead Didn't Say Which Kind of Pin By GENE BYRNES

Ruth—la » Rush

Ruth—In a Rush (or a position.Ruth—In a Rush for a (rain.Ruth—In a Rush for (he borderline.Always In a mad rush she becomes

hopelessly entangled with unfortunate• hut persistent suitors, stray lunatics,Irresponsible elopers, an Inquisitivestation mistress In a little countryvillage and eventually finds herselfhandcutfet'

Like Ruth herself, this merry com-edy goes with a rush.

The charactersMrs. Brownell, Ruth's aunt, Ellen

Grant.Juliet Raymond, Ruth's Secretary

and friend. Julia Hritc.

Ruth MacDon&ld Moore. Always Inn Rush, Selgllnde Hart.

Susie, a maid, Lena Chlarella.Lronnrd Bruce, poor but aristocrat-

ic. Vincent Grant.Wayne Ashley, rich but uncultured,

John Hrlti.Dwlght Lambert, an eloper, John

BumBlde.Pefgy Patton, another eloper, Ella

Ryan.Gilbert Lansing, a writer, William

Gallagher, tPhillip Grant, a millionaire, James

Ryan.Sadie Sodaatrom, a ticket agent,

Bessie Hart.

Jean Moore Foster, Ruth's Bister,Ella Grant.

This Is the last chance to remindyou of a splendid evening's entertain-ment awaiting you next Monday ev-ening, April 28th. The play is givenIn St. Cecilia's Hall by the PlayersDramatic Club, associate of St. Ce-cilia's Parish. A pleasant surpriseawaits you In the ability ot thta or-ganisation under the supervision ofWilliam Robshaw.

8:13 sharp. AdulU 50c. Children

Hare you noticed how chesty "Gus"Stober appears? "Qua" has reasonsto teel proud. The stork brought abouncing girl on Friday to hla hdme.Both the mother and child are doingnicely.

23r*v-enfs a day

Will buy a KelvinaforT T E R l is your opportunity to enjoy theX T . benefits of automatic Electric Refrig-eration while paying for a Kelvinator outof your regular iqcome. So small are themonthly payments you will scarcely missthem.

This offer applies to any of the new1930 Kelvinator models. See them today.Note the graceful lines and beautiful trim-mings. Let us explain the Ice-O-Thermictubes which give you automatic fast freezingwithout attention or regulation on yourpart The new Kelvinators have many otherspecial features in which you will be in-terested. Ask any of our employees for °information or call at our store.

These liberal terms are fora limited time only. Socome in today and see thebeautiful new Kelvinatorsat our store. Or phone andone of our employees will

llcall to seeyou.

These Special Terms to Our Gistomtn Only

New Jersey Power & Light CompanyOf Hi*

Associated Gas and Electric System30 W.BIackwell Street. /3BJJS. # Dover. l*»w Jersey


SUITSPopular in Style

and PriceThe satisfaction of being well-dressedis easily attained in our new Men'sShop. . .

new coloringsfine weaves

worthy fabrics .correctly styled....

$ 22 5 0 $28the New

S 0

MEN'S SHOPOpen Evenings


88-43 West Blackwcll Street phono DOTCT 82

> —delivery service21st.YEAR, OP RELIABILITY

Painter and

E m b a l m & pMMlfl

OMelul Bervice


Analyted as the Purest StrlJprofluced. Taken from , JSpring. More atlmulallni ,tresnlng than other »»(,„

GEOBGE F. TOHB,,Telephone « s EotkJnj ]


SLoem«k«tWest Main Street, Bttkin^l

Shoes Repaired Quickly ail lijfManner

^'H. BLANCHARDACajManufacturers 01

KOCKAWAY 1IAKB KUIwith or without hamUN

All kinda ot Edge Tools ulliMowers SharpeneJ

Union Street Phone I


ContractorCarpenter and Bottler J

Tel. MlTfaln Street, JIDCUITIJ, !, I


West Main StreetItoekaivnj, Htm Jenq

Everything m Hardwin iPaints, Oils, Varnishes, Brutal

Here's Instant]From Bunion Paint]

andSoftlActually Reduces the S


Be Picked

two-ounco bollk el 1-jp _ « . Oil (full strength) toto»well-stocked druggist ha> tlnanm'reduce the inflammation, »"*2;Jpain much quicker than any nnMJI!ever used. „ J

Youi bunions msj be »o imlB".inflamed that you think S»»fTV|another etep. Your ehne! miy I™ Mthev are cutting right into t»e,«»;™feel sick all over with the mart"lure and pray for quick relictbe done?

Two or three applications'Emerald Oil and in nfite» 'the pain and soreness di^Pfmore applications at tegular interthe swelling reduces.

• And as for soft corns, a lejjlions each night nt bed lime"6eem to shrivel riplit up fnt -,•--

Druppista guarantee M°™«"Oil to end your loot troubles«"nek.

Success,9 Parts Management

r ^ H E Associated G . M 7llrioSy»ttm,»n««"" |IBIr.l

h »*»£ *O M el the country'"

billion dollirj

. T h o SAllotment Certificate' »'Company, priced rt » ' • "•"•about 6%.

Associated Gas anSeeurilics


o I " c o ( > l

Soier, K- J-

Page 3: ROCKAWAY, «u tlint being one of several ohlldrtn, tin' young man was obliged to euni hla own wuy. He was master


resident OutFor Morrow

continued Jroln pag« on«>

has not changed. H« remainsunassuming, considerate of

gp.poiled, using W» resourceslie!,, of others end giving uis

^ t talents to the public scr-io not believe there Is any oneows him who does not rejoicesuccess and power which heied. He remains of the people.« r Is their power. His vic-vlll alw»y» be their victories.. he had graduated with the

honors which could be con-upon him by the college androte of his class-mates, I saw

,t him except when he returnedherst. I knew he became anant factor In the firm of which

. Reed was the head afterIred from Congress. HIB Inter-Ihs college was great, m s t,ene-

to It many and his service onird of trustees has been ot the.

Importance. He attracted theon of a banking firm, whichm they wanted him not merelye of his talent, for talent wasul and easy to buy, but they

blni for liis character, whichIceleas. So he was given a

rslilp in the house of J. P. Mor-Co.

was just at the outbreak of theWar. Since that time he hasngaged on the financial andis side of public affairs, often

with the problems of theStates and foreign govern-Durlng the war lie went twice

•ope and was many times Inand France as civilian ad-

!o General Pershtng and theng Council, where hlB efficiency[cognized by French and Ital-coratlong and our Dtstinguisli-vlce Medal. He refused to ac-commlsslon as a general be-

lie felt he could be of more help'Milan. He is always thinkingit he can do to help.Member ot Air Force Proliers

after this he began to be soappreciated as a scholar andnlnlstrator that he was soughtpresident by some of our lead-llversltles. That kind of workilly appealed to him. But hisi advised him that he was per-ig a greater public service inlajiclnl field than he could doeducator, so lie <lid not thenany change. I think his ownis were that he had propertyi and wished to devote himself

to the service of his fellow-contacts with him while [ wasislilngton were very infrequent,

ve^tlga" o H , • ,al C"""" °U * ta" '"« t " » » » * « i l 7 « * their success. I

ionrilcllng opinions a 0 that n unani-mous report was made and a five-year plan adopted by Uw Congress lorpthe flyiiiu advinavy

but when It seemed necessary to re-assure the public concerning military

viation in th f l l

BOCKAWAI EECOBB mnalways remain, Just one of them, un-encumbered by his property, think-ing t h i h h

ce of the army and

Later, vili«n I learned lie had deter-mined--to retire from active business,I offered him the Ambassadorship toMexico. Ever since the revolution Inthat country our relations with themhad presented problems. While suchprogress had been made Unit H was

isllile to recognize their govern-ment, there remained much to lie ad-justed. The situation was very diffi-cult und delicate. It was clouded withsuspicions and misumlerslanulnss.What was needed was to convince thegovernment <>f Mexico that, our gov-ernment intended to deal with themon a basis of justice und merry andexpected them to deal with us on abasis of justice. It was ait attempt toreestablish confidence bused on fairdealing. It would be difficult to Im-agine a harder assignment. But Mr,Marrow never Imil any taste Tor shambattles. lie would never be attractedby the tinsel of diplomacy. He wannot usking for honors as personalglor.v, hut only for a chance to serve.When I say that he has completelyreestablished an era of good feelingbetween the two governments undhcen the means of setting their do-mestic difficulties* on the road to solu-tion, the extent of his success can heunderstood. It was a great victoryfor us, but greater for Mexico—ofpeace and good-will resting In jus-tice. For the time being he has paci-fied Mexico.

It in significant ttiat he was calledto Washington to advise on the legalaspects of the naval limitations con-ference now being held, and that hewas sent as one of our delegates toLondon, where he now Is,

These things do not happen liychance. There la much less luck Inpublic affairs than some suppose.For many years, Mr. Morrow has beena profound student of public relations.He has a wide knowledge of politicalhistory over the entire world. He IsIntimately acquainted with the affairsof Cuba, South America and Europe.I know tliat his Information concern-ing Mexico, past and present, is notexceeded by any other person. Andto knowledge should be added thatJudgment which comes from a con-scientious desire to do good.

Wltlt tills very Inadequate presenta-tion I must leave Mr. Morrow. I firstmet him as the representative of thegreat mass of our fellow citizens,which we call the people. There will

l p I t o a ripescholar, an able lawyer, a great busi-ness man, a wise statesman, and adevoted husband, father and patriot.When most men would retire heseems always just beginning—begin-ning some new service tor his friendsand neighbors, for his country andfor humanity. It is the glory of theUnited States that It can produce suchcitizens.

CALVIN COOLIDGE.Northampton, March 20, 1930.

$3.25 for a $4.25 PaintSelling Post -80-20" Lead & Zinc

Paint WITHOUT SALESMEN, directto house owners, eaves $1 a gallonand results in better paint in these3 ways:

MORE WHITE LEAD—LBBS ZINC—SHIPPED BEFORK IT SETTLES.Only 33 23 tor a H25 paint. Freightprepaid.

The saving is yours. Write tor par-ticulars; sell to yourself.

Charles H. Post Faint Co.177 William St, N. T.


Kstule of 1'eter Burton, DeceasedI'ursuunt to the order of the Surro-

gate o[ the County of Morris, made onthe Ninth day of April, A. D. onethousand nine hundred and thirty,notice is hereby given to all personshaving claims against the estate otPeter Barton, late of the County ofMorris, deceased, to present the sameunder oath or affirmation, to ,the sub-scriber on or before the Ninth day ofOctober, next, being 3ix months fromthe (late of said order and any Cred-itor neglecting to bring in and exhibithis, her or their claim under oath oraffirmation within the time so limit-ed will be forever barred of his, her

their action therefor against theAdministrator.

Dated the Ninth day of April, A. D.1930.

WARREN EARLS, Administrator.ULYSSES C. DAVENPORT, Proctor,Dover, N. J. 41tS

Sure Relief"MAKES YOU Fit i BcrreR"

e RelieYOU Fiti. BcrreR."


ELL-ANSFOR INDIGESTION254 and 75* Pk«'s.Sold Everywhere


Special Sale of360


Made possible by a specialPurchase!

Fabrics are strong and tub-fast, with deep hems; finishedseams, full cut; pockets in thepants.These suits are built to wearas well as they look.

sizes 2 to 8

33-43 West Blackball Street

—delivery service

phone Dover »8



can you find'all these Timeand Temper-saving features


a new cookingtechniqu* yaw

ihould learn.

Th* biggnt

cooking turloco

yeu'v* *v*r


tamers thai

teldom m*d


A. wip*

of a cloth

and It's dean

forth* day.

Noopen gram to

caw* Hoping

V M M I I .

A special

warming <on* to

k**p food fresh

and hot.

Awholomool can be

coolttd around

on* burner.Sp**d


hot, fart, rapid

boiling Ram*.




Small Down Payment

cosy MOftlnly Foyinftnts


ThafsJust the Jog

N O W CONSIDER: An oven that's spe-cially constructed for uniform circulationand built in the range at fabfe level, out ofthe way; with an accurate time and tem-perature chart that insure! perfect results;and heat-retaining insulated walls, ifwanted. A broiler (also at table level) ofan unusually generous size. A completeassortment of sizes and models withoutthe old "stand-up" oven to bring upthe question of light. And beauty -slim, gleaming, colorful beauty that wiltmake a new room of your kitchen.

JERSEY CENTRALPower and Light Co.

aqls your assurance ofQuality andDependability

"withan Q]^that counts


a scraVbody' s

d. Mot

, j witht h » t '

There's no greater as-surance of used carvalue than the Chev-rolet red "OK thatcounts" tag, foundonly on the used carstocks of Chevroletdealers. This tag guar-antees that the car

bearing Itcarefully c


It has beencarefully checked andthoroughly recondi-tioned by expert me-chanics. If you wantreliable transporta-tion—insist upon aused car "with an OKthat counts."


The (treat reception accorded the new Chev-rolet since it* Introduction, January lit, ha*brought uniuually large number* of fine usedcan to our ahowrooma. To make room for fur-ther trade-lm we nuut clear our atock* at once. •Therefore we are offering the** spectacularvalues for 3 day* only—typical selection*from oui used car stocks. Buy now and profitby these extraordinary saving*.



is tuny


PONTIAC COACH—In excellents l m p e H H ,like new, only $145 down.Balance easy tBima. This car la tullyequipped, with trunk nnd -spare • tire

1928 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE—Perfect condition and guaranteed lo 1»one-of the finest 1928 Chevrolets on thomarket. 4ft4<Only

1»2S WHIPPET COACH—A real bar-gain for a days only. Perfect condition.A demonstration will convince ^ou ofit» fine performance. Only — — - —$!10 down.

1928 CHEVROLET COUPE—Juat asclean aa a pin Inside and out, with goodmotor, brand new tires, bumpers, largesteering wheel. (80 down pay-ment. 3-day special. Only .,

E. ARTHUR LYNCH, Prop.Sales Boom and Service Station

Main Street XeL 133 Kockowar, X. J.

Buy "OK" U»e4 Can From Your Chevrolet Dealer

Page 4: ROCKAWAY, «u tlint being one of several ohlldrtn, tin' young man was obliged to euni hla own wuy. He was master


Rockaway RecordBattred Host Office. Rocfcswsy, N. J

na Seeoad Class Matter _AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY

Issued Everv ThunderOSCAK PEER, PrMtd«nt-ManageT

SIDNEY COLLINS, EditorTelephone Connection!

Office 220—Rockawey—Hou» S55«4-M Dover

Office: Main Street. Rock»w*y^ N J.


The linker Theatre

Tuuiglit will Iw tin- l»al om>omiuU.vt« act' Itkiuirtt na.rtheliue»s In 111*latt'St si-nsittlmi "Sim of'Hi* Oocts." aFirst National and Vllaphon» produc-tion. b.i.-t<l on tin' wusathmtU Ri>xBwirli umiil liy the niinc name itui>eii» wllli n thrllllni! polo (tamo ho-tween tnn rolU'ijv (gams Itarllii'l-mess in Ilif roll' of S I I I ' I M la 1lu<Blur of one Irani mid Is railed uponto mnkr several s;>«l«cul»l plays.Having mvivtut his training aa a hoyat 1 Unison Military Ai-atkwny, Bar-ttt«tm*Hs is an *xtiellt>nl horeeiwm.The supporting cast. iiuiud«s Con-sumee Dennett. Mildred Van Doriiand ninny oilier stars.

"Be Yourself," Hit' feature at the


AVBH8, Kaymond Fuller, on AprilL'2iid. Moved huaband of HarrietAyre« and father of Bttwart, Maryuiitl Kulwrt Ayrea. Funfral serrtoesw>>ri' held Wednesday, Ajirtl llrd, atN; im l>. M. at Ui« Church In th* O»r-d«u, Korrest Hill, Long Island. 1u-tvrmeut will Iw Friday

Frdm Amerioa to ParisCECIL'S

PER-MO VAPORIs Now Acclaimed

Permanent Wave $6.00with Finger Wave & Shampoo

No Gratuities, PLEASE

Want ColumnMinimum chart* for ada In this ool-unm 4th' tor US words or less. CH1<must accompany all adt,

CHAKLKS A R1OHTERIn announcing Ills candidacy for

Ouitiiirr «t Un> (tuning primary i<lw-toln, Cuarle* A, Rlghi«r need* nointroduction He has served »n» termin I hat ofllre. and made « mad roc-urd. and his official duties at the

h*ker for Friday only. The casl In- ' S h * r l l r s o n V < " I1"*'"" * r w " *eludes Kannl.. Hrl«-, Robert Arm- | lNlr*t1"15 *"1>1"'wl u> H* " " • h l>"strong. Uorirnd* A«or. Harry Or»e« . | *_™«» d » . w ^ ™ M M * P hl» ''0. 1'at Collins. Hudd Pine and four "t«'ii-y«ir-ol(l Jimmy Tolaon.

bright for til* nomina-tion and >>!<H'tlon. Mr. Klght*r Is

••Burning V»~"Z th«'7*atur» for!""11 s "1UU* m a " ""> * b f t " " "»•Saturday. M»r> Brian I, <be girl a i ^ ; l u r * ''*<T h l m- «*rn<Kl l i y ""««"•

WAMTKII -An aatlslant gardener.{Muxt understand flowers and rags-jluliliw. Apply K. D. Jsugvr. opposite

I In Itockaway ltlr«r Country Club.Ask for Mr, Delaney. 4M8

mirS£~VoiT' MpPowner iJiiiwll b«low tout, attractive home, allrooms. All modern Improvements,liatli, steam heat, water, gaa andelectric. Copper screens. Large two-floor garage, fruit trees and shrub*All in A-l condition. Inautre'of Jos-eph M. Reese, 114 Maplo Arenue,Rockaway, N. J. Phone Rockawsy408. «ttl

I'OK SAtE—On«~browu foldingbsby carriage. Just the thing for thebaby when you go on a trip. Used on-ly half doien times. Also one honeshcxfly or rocker, brand new. Willnull both for 14.50. Apply at ReoordOffice

Avion, the boy. ty and imtufirlou* habits. We know

Monday and Tuosdav, th* Baker |<* n o b*"CT "«» tor o a r »•!»»»«*»prswm* William llalnw In his l«t«t uirai* u> *"dor»«.lilt "Tlii> litrl Said No." a story of » ' • 0young: college sraduatp's fight for the *girl he loves and the liard raps h»*"*"has to eudurv b#for? Iu> suc.v--»'« | ^The cast im-tudes Tolly Moran, Mdrle ^,(,^,,1,Pressler and othorit.

,„1>r , , u , M r |

RcK'kawaydinner for

Dr. Hulsart

St. CetlllaN

The last Lraml evening devotion

is retiring from his office uv Super-iutendent of Morris County Schools.

A pnu'tkt! game » u played lastIwuek between KockHway nnd Whar-held on Oood Friday was a veryi

strong public testimony ot the faith :£ n - T 1 * » r 0 » *» 8 l T - r ' l n f»™f »'that In In this parish. Wh«n a par- «<»»*»»•ish as a unit attends every evening N « ' Tuesday. April 29, Bobby Fuldevolion during the entire season ofLent, regardless of weather condi-tions, nnd finishes as strong m thestart on Ash Wednesday, then ««have the Faith.

Almighty God has been very goodto thte pariah lu many ways. He has,t int ol all, given us the Gift ot faithand. has bestowed on us the graco otperseverance to enable us to keepthat talth and make us strong Chris-tians and soldiers of Christ. He hasgiven as a pastor, who Is a lender aswell as a Priest. He has seen til toIncrease the attendance at all devo-tions to such nn extent that manymust stand. The material necessitiesol the parish have had divine guid-ance and It Is the fervent prayer nfthe people thai we have the grace to jcontinue to be worthy ot these bless-ings and that our appreciation of them |be Increased. |

The Holy Name Society delegateswill attend the annual convention tobe held April 27th at St. Joseph's HallIn Newark.


"PROBATION AFTEH DEATH"•will be the subject ot the Lesson-Ser-mon In all Churches ot Christ, Scien-tist, on Sunday, April 27, 1930.

The Golden Text Is: "Follow peacewith all men, and holiness, withoutwhich no man shall see the Lord"(Hebrews 12:14).

Among the citations which comprise jthe Lesson-Sermon la th« followingfrom tne Rtblt". "It ye then be risenwith Christ, seek those things whichare above, where Christ slttoth on theTight liniul ot God" (Coloaslans 3:1).

The Lesson-Sermon also includesthe following passage from the Chris-tian Science textbook, "Science andHealth with Key to the Scriptures" byMary Baker Eddy: "It Is only whenthe so-called pleasures and pains ottense pass sway In our lives, that wefind unquestionable signs ot the bur-ial ot error and the resurrection tospiritual lite" (p. 338).

' O

Food RequirementsAccording to Prat. V. II. Mottrom,

an adult woman needs but 2,500 ml-orlej a <]ny. An adult man engaged Ineciltiitnry occupation requires 3,000calories dully. A roan doing hard workshould have 3,000 calories. The physi-ological reason given Is thnt the teml-nine organism ntlllset food more eco-ooiulcnltj limn man. A child's fowlshould not be m-obortloaed accordingto his vc«, as ha requires more tlinnbair the food ot an adult. Boys andrfr!s ot fourteen are to be cowldtrvd

«M udulta tu food utilisation,

ton and t\te Pupnct Show will return.A good attendance Is urged go n» tomake this iterfornmnce a euweas,

Gloriotts Gladiolus

MU«d colors, $1.00 doien. Mtiedbulbleis, $1.00 per 100. Luther Dur-bank's creations, mixed, $3.00 doien.Burbank bulblets, }2,00 per 100. Largeflowering exhibition varieties, 10c to110.00 each. Burbank's Shasta Delayor Coreopsis seed (both perennials)25c packet. Crowing Instructions withevery order. Call evenings or Satur-day afternoon.

Philip O. Buoh106 Hockanar A»en«e


S««I«T U the Ma<l»«MI thonld imagine that a madhouse

would be an excellent place to hecane In. I'd a long sight mther llvvin i nice, quiet, secluded madhousethan In Intelhxtuul clulis full of tin-Intellectual ixoplo. all chattering u.m-sense about tlio nearest hook of philos-ophy; or In some ot tnose earnest, el-bewlng sort of Movements that wantyou to go in for Service and help t«jtmke away Bnmeliody else's toys.—r"rom{•The Poet and tue Lunatics," by O.K, Clieslertou,

O. P. Dickerson

1'OK KKNT-Hoiue on EasternHeights, 8 rootnt, light, and coal andg u rsnge. also garage. TelephoneRockaway X3S. 41U

fOK Ri'.VT—One house on Dlam-ond Spring Road and one on OrchardStreet In De&vllle. N. J, Inquire ofMrs. K. Le«U« Todd, 131 Meple Ave.,Rockaway or Tel. Rockaway 169, tt

SEMI-LUSTRE- A 8herwlo-WU-lltmi Paint Hied QB yout walls orwood work gives a, hard, durable,washable finish—with an etginellgins. Easiest ot an palnti to apply.Hartley's Paint Store, 51 N. SussexSt., Dorer, SJtf

UGNVIL1.K I'KIH'KKTV—Vacant orImprored. For Rent or Sale. Houses,lungalows, lots. Charles W. Rodgers,

lione Rockaway 100 or 401. 88t8t'OK KKNT-ln the newly retnod-

led brick building on Wall street,me seven room apparlment, and oneiur room appartmeat. Improvement*,

ind rent very reasonable. Apply to'Inher Agency, Building £ Loan OF-Ice, Wall slreot, Rockawny, N. J. tf.

FOB S*LK OR KENT—Two «-room\ouaes at Dtnvllle, N. J. All modemimprovements. . Inquire st 5 Kdge-*ood Road, Denvllle Park, or Tele-ihone Rockaway 4H-R. tt

I'OK RENT—Apartment In QuIgWviou«e on Main Street Lights, Water>nd Gas. Inquire Floyd Hller. tt

PlayhouseTel. Dover 813

„ saasaWaaaMgaHsBWea| Today and Frldaj-Jtst. ft Eve.

Milt*) lftr*8Bt1' '"EVIL Jfift^Mc


SaU Mat ft Ei*. Ren. Prices

Ken MaynardIn

Fighting LegionLast ot "Voice Fton The> Sky"•SSVSSaSHSgBKgjBJBJBJ

5 daysslosHaj, April 88

HaUsee aas Kttnlng

IS A h Sta*i Kockawar, IT. 1

BXPERTS from PARIS arenow using this process of CEC-IL'S, PER-MO VAPOR Patent-ed which takes less time andyou've never seen a lovelierwave. Call BOONTON 402 lorappointment. CECIL'S. YourHAIR-Dresser. Open Eveningslly Appointment.

Established Ten YearsBOONTON, If. J.808 Main Street

Orchid Beauty ShoppeAnnounce. Reopening

Permanent Wave

Special $5.00tor limited time

Phone RockuwAjr 110

Located in DenvtUenext door to Post Office

2nd floor

Open Evenings ByAppointment


Charles A. Rfcp"™ur 3Pd, fofhy Chin. A. Rigta,fOu,n

Will NextMonth TakeCare of Itself

• « - - 9 - > ' . • » • < • • • - - . •

A,Real EstateInsurance

BondsState Highway

Tel. 514 HocVawayResidence:

Near Pyramid Hosiery



**Att-1Wi*gKmKl«mttf '

Mrs, Lena Psracandola, forty-aer-!i, of Boontoo manor, Is tn the Mor-Istown Memorial Hospital as th«suit of her mlstakng poison tor a

curt stimulant early Sunday morn-It. Her screams attracted her sls-Mu-lav, who rushed her to the hos-Ital, but she la now home.

Probably, but auppose It doemi't, will yon Iwshort ot funds or will you have euwu moneyto tide you over? It pay* to lie |>r«p&reil, lortltlt or any other emergency nat lornottlng theopportunities that ready cash 8iimntliiii>n niieimup.

An Interest account here, iircwliiit a littleeach week, plus the generous Intprtmt wo pay,Is tha surest nnd most practical wuy In pn-pa re.

8% Interest on Checking Account* <tt1500 and over

4 U Interest Compounded Quarterlyon Special Thrift AccountN «« MM

and up.

The National Iron Bankof Morristown

Morrhtown New Jersey"BUB8TAN1AL A8 IT'S NAME"

Open Saturday Evenings from 7 to 9



^W^J h/JJJjj

It is only the gambler that trusts to luck.The wise man or women provides againstfinancial loss and worry by saving a littleout of each week's pay. Why not try thesystematic way of saving?

New Series Open Now

ENROCKBuilding & L~.oan Asso.

Main Street, Rockaway, N. J.

Page 5: ROCKAWAY, «u tlint being one of several ohlldrtn, tin' young man was obliged to euni hla own wuy. He was master

" •J g I ) A V

ckaway Record

Local BriefsL .inly and taw Amos 'n Andy

(,,iri.nirls »UPP« served Fridayilui PreibyUriaii Cliurcli.

Dearborn and mother,ruistiir lii Pattrson as turn*\ uourin H. D«arbo»n and im,i-

Rangers , baaeliullUl* VMlaliurgli rittld

I team May », *n ( l t h« NewarkL nuiiurliiilnt team May 4 ul

mier Mayor « • » • " iV. Bllcklt'hj i] ntiifliied to his home on

lor the pa»t week wllhlm», H» 1" reportedJgvtil ililn morning,

I duller Ayrea, whoseoil In another column, was

i rly a resident ot Roekway, llv-Ayrsa house on Muln

, iiotv owuiid by Mayor 1), Mm

fclcliota.Chamber of Commerce will

[ Wtuhiesdny evening, April 80lli,It Rock-a-By* Inn ut 8 o'etouk.| will IHI a very Important meet-

1 mi address will be madn byJoinlneiit speaker.

swit'll warrant Issued by Jimlot I tn' 1'ouce Rlohard 1'. Doney,

,r John Rande* wus aearoh-Roukaway toy BUI* Trooper J.ilty, (or tools alleged to Imvo

from the Dreesy Shuck,Ine Mill. HanOea was hold umloiIn]I lo uwult action of thv grand

en" Supploe, ona ot the mostliar twlriew ot the Twilight;ue, In now u member ot the rogu•quad of the World ChumploutdBllililu Athletics. Last year,a", wlio halls from Hamilton, NKM II iiltdher on the Twlllitlit:u« ni|i winning team, linker

Urn lint roRUlar meettmt or theI ot Director! of the Denrnok

dim & IMVH Asaootatton, a dtvl-n i declared at the rate ot 1)%

tin flnus.1 year which ends Aprilluao. The association Is five

• old and now has assets ot elA new serins will b»

nil my 1st,'.» enjwment ot Mlsm Irone Wtl.dtuxliter ot J. H. Wilson, of Den-, to Mr. Irving Slober, son of MrMrs, Uustave Btober, of Mount

w, wus announced at * party lustt it the horn* of Miss Wilson'sr, Mrs. Walter Maotlruth, nt Hon-

Mtmi Wilson, ta iv former ro»l-ot Itovkawoy,

ithouifh uo otflolal action him lioi»\n, the Hoard ot Eilucutlmi, «frltlown, has Informally nitreoi!no biwhig bouts, sponsorod by nn

vlduul promoter and tor his Iwne-«U1 tu>r«att«r be permlttoil to•d on Memorial Field, This in-utlon lias been oonununlontvd t»twlniit minister* who urged thert to iilnoo a ban on hoxlnx houts

'hen two aars oollldeil on tho nowlirlilne on tlitt bovor-rh>nvllli'

1, Into Thursday Rltornoon, thrwwere Injured, |jear«nd iSoiilt

Fred l.ynoh, of Mt. Tabor, n nHie bridge lu a coupe drlvoi

* tormer, when ft sedan operatedMM. en>nste Cameron, ot Muplo-

agMnat tholr machine.*»ro tronted for cuts nt the ofth'e'. Anthony Hubert, In Uoekawrny.

• Ceinorou also auttored twim

•prtHnnlntlve Brnest It.fUlntli-Ul, has declared he would»U«t his stand, on prohibition In•aos ot opposition from Wesley

Stanner. ot Oranfortl, nn nvowod' Ackerman said h« would be «>n-•M In his dry stand Uironghoutcoming primary onmpalgn. midth«t this wfta not the first timek«d met with opposition boeausekl> Attitude toward prohibit lo.u

New Jersey representative sntiltad heard on several ocoimhi

prohibition w«s to be imulp•w l«su« In hla dUtrtot, Annmint* «• StiuiMr'g owidhlacy was thoanwrt owiilWay1 "leflnlto word that AckorinniiDid receive opposition In tlu' pii-f?Ul»ns Lodge, Odd. Fellows, Mon-»l|ht inauilad. the tolktwliw ot-

"•: Noble grand, Stephen lloriiH-»ke-»rand. Karl Hulmes: rlitir

Wtn, njohiird 0an*5»n; l»n•Jtw. O«or«» B. Whltham; wardw«nw Vandtrhoot; oonduotor.

D«ok»r: right »«ono siip-Thomss Hnnnon; lolt MWIW", Gus Krlukson; out»ldo

JJ Br, Raymond L, Mott; InaldoW Kiward Quhniby: right «««>«<•*>H»r et Tkie-grand, Ward C«P

"*• l»tt seen* auppprter of vloo' ^vlng Matthewi, A bnnquot

'I with Btsphen Byrmm n» thecl>«t. A nwtoh game of q«oli»

»n Mott and George Tonkin and?h> Brooks



TKI.KFHtlM-. UFFKI AT 1». M U M , 01'f M 11


Vluw ill' iiiioriiliirs mi duly ul (In. ni'W ltm>lBi'rvli-i. April i s . | | W , , ( H i l m V h Ml,v,,r,

"Hollo. Mi)thi.r. This Is the (lintnull nvor HM> IIUW IMISI'II."

Wllh (his I,,Id1 nu.ssiDd, h|H,k,.iiover II ti'li'|iliiin,» li> il» W | ( , , , 1), Mor-ris Nk'hols , Mayor ol Hnukaway, ln-auguruted noiiimoii Iwltery ti>l«plmno

ut tlm unw Koi'knwuy tol«llibiino i-oiilni| offli-o IIIIIIIIIIIK in lli'ii-

mill ClKI'l) KtllldH, 1 )!••<VtlU>.Nlrlmln nmilii tho mil fniin

tlio ivnillun room u( Mu' new liulld-ItlK lit :i ii'chu'k IIIHI Krlduy ufUn-iuinu(A|irll l«i In ilio in-uHniK!,. or iihmittwi'iily DOIIVIIUI and Kiicknway I-I-HI-ilonlw. AH 1H> I-IIIIIOVIMI I ho roet'lvoi-(nm\ \\w lunili to mnlti> Iho cull hoItnvo tln> Hlmml fur tln> i-uliivor wlilt-hIn an IIIHIIIII! brniiulit to u i-llumxinoiillm ol' cnri'i'ul pliinnliiK unil ou-glnvvrliiK \v<n-k nvwaaary for thoI'ouHtrudllon «ml liiBiiilliitlim nf tin)ntnv Hwltcliliiiui'd.

M. II. Kurly, tlu> N«w Joriwy Hi'llToU'iiliono (•i)iii|iuny'n illHti'lit truffleKU|ioi-lutoiiilonl. IniiiU'dlulol.v IIIIHHI'II(bo "nil" KIKIIIII to tiili>|ilioiii< monvtnUunoil lu tlio now cotitnil iiftlov

ly coitinion l)ii(u.ry IL<IV|IIIOIIIMIIITIK Nicho ls imikliiK first

und n> nuntnvr Rvmin wiiltlnit ox-IM'riiinlly I'm- rIiiii miiiiiuiit hi I.lie o ldt'i'iilriil Hfficn In Hoiikawuy. Thinwnnilon I'lilpH, which up unti l HimIliniV Imtl lilut'kml ull li'U'iilioilt) c l r -

tliroiiKli I In' n«w HWlU'libuurd,wwi> J»rkod from their planra und mlliln Kiimo Ilmi> tolophnuv nitu In Uu>nlil offli'ii hrnlio ull iiiiun'ctloim to theDili MvlU'h'hoiinl. An o))oi'Hl<ir In tlionow iifrii'u took Mr. NICIIOIH' rail andIn i\ moinpiu \w « M lullihiK to Mm.Nlrholx.

Prior tn thi' firm cull tlio telephonefon-dti «l both ct'iitrul uftl(»n liiulI'lH'i'fully Hyni'hn>nlriMl tholr tlnwIIIWCH with Mnyur Nlolioln" watt'li noHint Ilic huuilrrtlH nf oounertlonI'lniiiKOH rould lie mlidn ill tlio munoiniiinivnt. Tlic HWltclilionrd cuttivcr,ono of Ilio niiiNl lntrr»HtliiK oiinlncer-IIIK I'outH In modern lulopliony WUHIIL--IUIIIIIIIHIUHI without liny Intorruptlonto nervlrp, AltluiURh tho nrtual out-ovor roQiilred only mi liimiiiit It wanumiiiipllHliw] only uftor nioiitlm ot

1! HWlll'llllimi'll Willull WUB CUt Illtllcoll over tho new hoard.

prciiiirutlnii mid riirefill i-oordlnationof ciik'liutrlng effort.

While n repr<MeiiUiUve groupWHII-IIIMI th« cutovoi-, inuny telephoneun-r.H in hoih Dnnvlllo and Uoclcawayweru waiting /with Inleront for themoiiionl when the now central officewent Into utivA'o. Hundreds of CBIIBKolllK Illl'oUfdl the HUItchliOHl'il iliu-ItiK Hie first hour i>( Itn UHO wereevidence of tlio iteneral laterent Inthe now common battery servicewhich WIIH Introduced to moat In-crausltiK telephone n«eth of thesegrow I IIK conynunltles.

K. I), Jenkinn, manuger for theTelephone Company, mild that thenew Hwltchboard began Burvlcc withpractically no trouble reported. Al-though considerably umaller than themagneto hoard which It roplucoH, thenew nwltclilioiiril lion u canucity tormany moro telephoneH and It In ex-pectoil to ctire for telephone mxiiln Inllockuwuy ulitl Denvllle for the noxtfew yearn without iHlilltloim beingninili' to It.

Karl Kox, of lloiigliind avonue, WIIKoperuloil on for up|iondl«ltlii Tuomluytiftortioou ut Dovtii' (Uiiieral MiMpltnl.

Tho (Minlraol for ooiiHlruHIng curbsgutttti'g mill Htdnwnlkx on WHItn Mmiil-aw nnd llmutlnnd uvomiOH lian IHMMInwnrilod by Iho borough offk-lals toDim Cnrro, ot Kllmiboth, low lilildvr.

Work him bogun tin tbo building ofn diim lit the lower ond of the oldcanal liunln to afford n awlininlnx poolfor th« (ihlhlrnn. The work In IIOIIIKHponnorcd by the Chimihor of Coin-tnorco.

oNi>n Jersey rnrni Iliiniiii In Organ-

Ino Tommlilp I oinmlttei-nien

Tho Now Jormiy 1'arm Uuroiiu l»culling » mooting on May !>, l»3t). atthe atorllng llolol. Tronlon. of ullnivmboi'K of tho Township Commit-tooa In New Jersey. It 1» Iho Inlon-lion to orgunlse oomniltt«oinon In n»tuti> group, alnitlar t« tb*' State \»-anvlntlon of Kreelinldorn. This mov*In III aronrd with tho Knrm-t«-markotKnad Program <if Iho Stale anil Na-tional Farm lluromi. nnd I" t" '»'•quaint tho Twnxblp ()f(li-lal» to wlmil» being dono for Towiwhlp llond i-o-lief. Also lo iHirfovl a iiennnuiMit or-Riinlantlun In eonshlei1 fill tiro and nm-tuul henefllH.

Tho Niitlonul Kuril! lluromi Is lint-ting on » pnHtvnni nt 12.4f> Sivturttuy,April £0, milti over Station WMZ on-lltltMl "Farm lo Market Itouils'. Ifyou are interested '» Township Hoadsor In uountry developmonl. you areInvited to llxton lu.

In spite of tho heavy rainfall onThursday afternoon, thv fli'rt cook-Ing ulniw onnducted by Ml»8 Huhy B.Klhbo, Homo ai-rvli'o DlreoUir of theJersey Conlral Power » I-lglit Corn-puny was \vt>ll ftttendvd by wwm>«from n o w r and vicinity. Those clans-isa ur» being hold In u kltehen III th«Hinr or tlio Him 1'oinpaii.v's ofMce, 4!'North Sussex Ktroel, Dovor, on thvfirst and third Thursday of tho monthwhich tiro opon lo the public with nochiifito to. those attending Ihv inwl-

Tho noxt olass will bo hi'hl Tliura-

ilny May flral, at two-llilrty o'clock.

Tlio suhjM't if!" >>eJ'8|>rl»H Salads

mid Siiliid P

DUi»lnf«l « ' PKyileUMPlnruell iilTvi'tt'd to reimrd nil d«<-

tots wllh a sovereign illmtaln, wrllons mlumnlsi In iho Miim-hcalor Cliinrdl-an "O«ll Is oil fiixh ami words," ho,1,.,-huvil at Bowiiiy-thim "Thi\v uronil nlllio, Mrst »f «» thoy throw Iton the wonthor; then there must bo aehnnue of «wuos « ' Sir VV. Jonnor,after KluiulorliiK ««•' l<liMMl»Hna In "Musual way. aoiil me to nourniMiii.iith,nnd Oull wants to semi me to Knm; Iahwtld Ilka to twul both ot them toJericho," And Joaeph Chamborlnln'*Insistent* thnl lo go up to bed ami toCdtno ilown again eonatlltUed exowlsaenough for any man must havt booni I O N trial to hla dottora,


Roekaway, N. J.

Hev. ICIdred C. Kuliongn, Pastor

Junior King's Duunlilor* I iifelorlawtll lie held In Iho cliui-cb parlors,Frlilay evening, April !!IUh, frnni 5:111)lo S:OI> o'clock, Tho girls Imvo al-ways served n vory fine illnuor andwe would like lo have us many aspossible attend und thus enomn-uROthem. This luiB mil luson imtronlwHlIn the past an II should and your pres-ence will be iiptirooliitiMl Iiy Iho youngIndies.

The annual election o( Killers willbe held next Sunday morning. TheIdlers of Mr. unil Mrs. Peter Vim DnrMark and tholr llneo children, Nellie,Morris und Jacob Imvo been receivedfrom the Monlvllle llel'onnoil Cbiircb.

The liiurch WIIH bountifully decor-ated Itonler Htintlny, nnd many thi\»Uniii-e oKPi'esHed to the Junior King'sliuiiRhlors mill all those who iniidepossible tho wonderful dlxplny.

Sunday evening there will lie n I'n-lon Service.

Wulcli for notice of Hperlal fcntui'cIn the Newark Kvunlng News.

It. v, (Mins. Plntt will preiich SIIII-duy evening In Vnlon Chapel.

Thursday, Friday, and Saturday,April Mill, 2Mb, and 20th, "The (llr!Scout Trull" a talking moving picturewill ho shown ut the Jersey Thonti'o.MoiTlmowii. Adventures, thrillinglint rescues unil everything, tllndysl,ec, tlio heroine, Is n real tllrl Scoutnml nummers nt Mount Tabor, WithII will he shown Mary Brian III "Monare I,Ike That", taken from the stugepiny "Tho Show Off", nnd an "Ourtiling" comedy, tllrl Scouts who wearI heir uniforms <>r show their mem-bership curds will ho admitted lo thedutnrdn.v matinee for 2l)o. (Any sentIn the house.) Don't miss this pic-ture. Take your parents und yourfriends.


Km'. Andrew B. Wood, Pastor

(Munch School Classct (or all ageswill be bold Sunday morning nt 0:30.

Al HlMfi Kev. Andrew 1) Wood willpreucli nt the morning worship oor-Vke.; At 7:45 P. M. Kev. Wood will agnlnpreuib| Tljn l.adte.B' iVuxtllnry wl|l be en-tortniucd by MIH. II-II Mitiiboll. Mon-day evening, May Ii nt tho New ChurchHome.

Kadi ot tho following will hold Itsregular monthly business meeting Inthe Now Church Home, Wednesdayevening, May 7: Trustees, Deaconsand Deacononsos, nnd the ChurchCommittee.

The Church was crowded lo overflowing Sunduy ovonliiR, whon tlioChurch School had charge of the ev-ening program. The winners iu tlioSunday School "Ilunny Hop" Contestwere: First, Miss Jnnct Stager; Sec-ond, Mrs. Mamie Uioklngblll; ThirdStephen It. Soflclil, giving his cred-it* to Waller Freeman-, Fourth, MisslOdlth linger; Fifth, Mlsn Helen Tan-king. Knch of the winners received n]irl«e of nn Hunter bunny.

Twelvo now members wore accepted Into memliershlp at tho morningaorvlce.

Charged with being Hie operator olthe automobile which struck nnd Imd-ly Injured two youths nt DoontonJolm Pleven, ot Montvtlle, was com-mitted to tho County .lull, Sundnynight, I'levou was held without buitin n charge of nseault with nn auto-mobile and wus committed by Hocordor It. Percy Itolnton on this chnrgountil ball wan sot. On a charge olfulling to stop nftor nn accldont andrendering nld, bo was found guiltyand sentenced to sorvc thirty daysIn the county Jnll.

Don't ForgetThe SQUARE CLUB

DANCELinooln School Auditorium

Friday Evening, April 25th, 1930

8:30 P.M.

Suggestions for your Lawn and GardenLawn Seed

"It Pays to Buy Oond Lawn Seed"Red Top—A Bladud Gram, Looks I.Ike Velvet, 1b 90cWonderlawn—"A Mixture of Quality", lb SueBlue Grass—• A Sod producing grass, Base of all mixtures, ll>. 10cShady Lawn—An excellent mixture for shady spots, lb 59c

FertilizerTo have u beautiful luwn, good fertllzer Is as necessary as water.Bone Meal... .5 lbs* Wf 1 10 lbs., W)f | SS lb*, »1.W| 40 lba, »2.r*Sheep Mil II u re fi lbs, 50c| 10 Ib.N »0ci 25 lbs, M.2S; f>0 lbs tS.SKVlgoro „. .8 llw, GOct S5 I K »1.75

Garden ToolsGood Tools—Make Oood Gardenti

Claidcti Rakes lie, »US,

Lawn flukes 75c, We, 91M,

Lawn Rollers , tliJ&O

Forks »UB, »18S

Wheelbarrows UM, »7.6O, $8.00

Flower Ou»rd Fencing UP—tc fU| if—10c ft.

S. H. Berry Hardware Co.Telephone 017

Store Ilourm TiSO A. HI. to 0:00 F. M. Saturdays 9lOO P. ST.

Dover, N. J.


Scranton-Lehigh, Old Company's Lehigh,and Plymouth Red Ash Goal

Strait & Freeman Coal Co.Phone 13 or 2-W Plione 210 ot 488 Bockaway

Fredericks &Former ly Nat iona l Beef C o .

Fresh Killed Fowls lb. - - - - 39cGross Rib, solid meat, lb. - - - 39cChuck Roast, lb. 27cPork Loin, rib end, lb. - - - - 30cRolled Shoulder Lamb. lb. - - - 29c

Fish and Vegetables


Harry Fredericks Vernon E. TaylorTelephone 13S


Lehigh GoalBituminous Coal

Tel. Itooknwny 408


Prompt Deliveries

A LL good Ideas endure.Pooling umall aavlngR to

provldo funds to build homes,the World old idea that la

back ot our highly successfulassociation.

RoekawayBuilding & Loan

Associationflco. E. Fisher


Permanent Waving

Rose MarieBeauty Shoppe

!>2 Enst lilnckwell Street ,

Dover, New JerseyPhone Dover 108C

Girls—Come early and makeyour appointments for yourpermanent wave.

Page 6: ROCKAWAY, «u tlint being one of several ohlldrtn, tin' young man was obliged to euni hla own wuy. He was master


Club Activities

At a special meetiug of the Rocka-way Tennis Club held at the home ofJohn Cannon on Keller Ave., Tues-day evening, plans for trie comingaeutjou were discussed. Junior Can-non was elected to tie the delegatefrom Rockaway to represent the clubin the North Morris Tennis League.The Hoaglaud avenue courts are ex-pected to be in pluyliiK shape in twoweeie. Any tennis pluyers who arenot members of the local club andare interested in Joining the same,may secure information frqni CliffordM. Matthews, secretary and treasurerfor the ensuing year.

Wai RiuraThe name* of six Morris County

girls are included in the list of l t lstudents of toe New JerBey Collegefor Woiu«a who woo scholastic hon-ors during the past academic year.They were announced Tuesday byMian Esther K Hawes, registrar. Thefollowing students had an averagegrade of 19 or higher: Miss MargaretC. Iluiila, Butler; Miss Marion ROUB-ell, Dover, and Miss Josephine B. Cal-ler. Mountain Lakes, Class of 1930.Miss Margaret K. Dobbs, Morristown.and Ml 33 Rose Stoti, Boontau, Classof 1931, and Miss Rose J. MarniKa,Booutou, Class of 1932.

"My Bell Rang!"You'iebeen disappointed,too, when you've an-swered the telephone andfound no one on the line.Whoever called you hungup before you reachedyour telephone, andwhen he did that theconnection was takendown and there was noway for us to tell youwhere thecall came from.This happensl6,000 rimesa day in New Jersey.

You can improve yourservice quite a lot by an-swering as promptly asyou can, and by givingthe person you call timeenough to answer.

Incidentally . . .With an extension telephonehandy in the upstain hall, or

perhaps in the bedroom, you

can answer much mote quick-ly, for you save all that tun-ning around to get to the maintelephone.



JUST TRY ITAsk your Oldsmobile-Viking dealer togive you the famous "II-Test" dem-onstration that proves Oldsmobile's

Balanced Design.

The surest way to learn all the facts about amotor car is to drive it yourself. Then youcan tell exactly how it euits you. Then youar» in a position to compare it with other carson a price and performance basis.

For this reason, we urge you to come i n -to inspect Oldsmobile's many fine features—to drive the car and put it through yourown performance tests.

Without changing the tried and provedfundamentals which hare made this car sodependable and so popular, Oldsmobileoffers important improvements which addmaterially to style, comfort, performance,and value.

These advancements include smarterFisher Body lines, resulting in longer, lowerappearance—increased roominess in bodyinteriors—more comfortable seats—greaterengine efficiency—moreresponsive steering — andImproved, fully - enclosedfour-wheel brakes. Just tryOldsmobile and you'll knowwhy it is gaining in publicfavor everywhere.



E. Affair ITBOB, Pr»p~-T«l. l i t


•895/.*.&. Z

«y Arthur BrisbaneTo Euro** for $«, Mays*

Japan in South America.

Bigger and Faster Ship*.

Eat Vitamin D.

HERE Is real flying newt, Importantto all Interested In moving about

i> earth.Henry Ford ha« perfected an all-

metal airplane drlresn by » Pacltard-Dlesei motors, burning crude oil. Themachine Is expected to carry 11 pas-sengers one hundred miles at a fuelcost or »!.16. This meana the fuelcost of taking 11 passenger* acromthe continent or across the oceanwould be J84.80, lesii than »8 each.There is no coBt lor right of way,little tor terminals and for wear andear.

What is more Important. In Ford'siplnlon, is the fact that Ore. haiards,

eiplosions, carburetor adjustments,electric Ignition, all dangerous ele-ments ID flying, are eliminated.

"The pilot sits In front of an Instru-ment board like that o( an automo-bile and talks over a radiophone with-»ut Interference from the motors."

Concerning flying, It Is apparentlytrue that "we haven't seen anythingjret."

Japan's plan for extensive colonil-ng la Braiil is iiroceedlng energeti-cally. Hashlro Fukuhara, who organ-ised and manages the "JapaneseColonlntlon Company ot PlantationsIn Braiil," has secured 2,(04,000 acres.

Hundreds at thousands ot Japanesecan lire and grow prosperous on thatfertile soil.

The crops will include cotton, rice,tobacco and the COCOR bean.

Intelligently managed, Brasll's Japa-nese colony will sell supplies to Itsmembers below usual prices. Threemillion cocoa trees will be planted Inthe next two years.

The development of cotton landsill, of course, influence world prices

latabllshed in Europe. Coupled withenergetic British development of cot-ton In Africa, this Interests Americancotton growers.

Hashlro Fukuhara's idea Interestsforth and South America.There are fertile lands and opportu-

nity for tens of millions of JapaneseIn Braiil. There may also be some,problems In the Asiatic settlement.

But It is Brazil's problem and buai-less, not ours.

After Germany launched the greatsteamship Bremen, It was said thatBritish and Americans could not af-ford a 50,000-ton ship. It would costmore to build and run than It couldearn. But launching of the Germansupor-ship Europa, has stirred up theold Cunard Line and It will build twopassenger ships of 70,000 tons, eachtaster than any passenger ship on theocean.

The first one will be ready In 192.1.The British do not mean to lose

control o! ocean traffic.

The wise Germans announce a mer-ger ot the Hamburg-American andNorth German Lloyd Ltne3. The twobig companies will "retain their Iden-tities," while cutting oft needless over-head expense.

W. K. Whitfleld wants everybodyto know that the Mediterranean flyhas disappeared from Florida, onlytwo samples of the larvae found Inthe entire State since last August.Mr. Whitfleld represents 70,000 acresot Florida citrus trnlt.

W. J. Howey, representing 60,000citrus fruit acres In Lake County,Florida, says the fly liaa vanished,anyhow it wouldn't amount to much.They have had It In Spain tor nearlya century, yet today Spain produces30,000,000 boxes ot oranges ngalnstFlorida's 9,000,000 to 13.000,000 boxes.

Good news from one part of thecountry Is good news tor all of thecountry.

Sir Thomas Llptoa launches hisBailing yacht. Shamrock Number Five,to take the cup from America, If hecan. A bottle of champagne startsShamrock the Fifth on her way. .

Simultaneously t h r o e AmericansVanderbllt, Aldrlch, Astor, launch thecold water boat Enterprise, one olfour American boats that will defendthe title.

Sailing races are nbw as unimpor-tant as greyhound races. Excessivedepth of centre-boards, and 'relianceon them to offset heavy sail .area,make the hull design unimportant.

The Interesting fact Is that Briton.bulkUng sailing boats tor centuries,cannot compete with modem Ameri-can boat builders. Youthful Inventivegenius Is better than aged experience.

Or. Price, scientist, ot Cleveland,aaya "Vitamin D" prevents diseasescalled "degenerative," suea as cancer,heart disease, lnfluenca and nnenmonla..

Dairy farmers will be glad to hearthat Dr. Fries recommends Sprlnbutter, from the milk of cows gratlnIn sunshine. This Vitamin D ha callthe "Sunlight Vitamin." Cows get ttuvitamin, stored up by the aun, ISpring grass, and return It In themilk.

t© 1930, King Feilutu Srulkile. Inc.)


Jakeyour choice

You can shovel, poke, sift, run up and down the basementstairs and smoke up the house again next winter

orYou can use gas heat and regulate your furnace from a littleindicator on the wall in any room.


Even temperatures in any weather. No noise. Nomotor. No dirt, soot or ashes. No fuel tie-ups. No tripsto the cold basement—night or morning. A warmhouse when you get up. No tanks or bins to fill. Aod—you pay for gas after you use it.


Special Rue For House Heating. Get foil infor-mation today. The coupon below is for your

". convenience. Uic4t. No obligation.

JERSEY CENTRALPower and Light Co.

JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT CO., Jersey Central Bldg., Asbury Park, N. J.

Gentlemen: Please send me free information regarding GAS House Heating.

me '.

Street ,


It you don't know how to lay outthat adr.—we do. Cull 320.

Smooth YourShavingTroublesAway!

Paint themin the morning

use themin the afternoon

Kleuo Skating Cran

39 centsIts penetrating; lathtrsoftens the beard cloM to

, the skin and enables TOBi to sweep it ott smooth U d

ttoitlemen1! Tale

25 centsSoothes the skin and re-motes the thine, ailchtlrscented and quite Invis-ible on the tact. 8old on-ly at Snail Stores.

Sold only at Recall Stores

GERARD'SMala St. Rootaway, If. j .

Pkoat tt


DEVOE Mirrolac Enamel Joes Us work- * n d it dries in Just 4 hours! Use it o«wold icebox, table, chairs, walls, «and drainboard.

Mirrolac is easy to use. It

staooOily and evenly- I* n n s "° u n

orkr. It dries but hard and sat'nf.any streaks or brushmarks to tattle oinexperience in painting. «•

And Mirrolac costs little. $3 worth wtransform nearly any kitchen—»nof 26 stunning colors.

J. H. Jackson Lumber CompanyB««lum»r, S. J. Wharton, »• *

Page 7: ROCKAWAY, «u tlint being one of several ohlldrtn, tin' young man was obliged to euni hla own wuy. He was master

SPAY, APEIL ti, 1830

NOTICEk ,p«dal meeting of the stockhoid-

ol the Kodtaway Building £ Loanion of Rockaway, N, J., will

Id in their Rooms, No. 31 WallMI, Hockaway, N. J. on May 2nd,K| for the purpose of amending thedilution and By-laws ot the

, A««ociation, relating to Parn- O;i 50, Article U to read as fol- -

iar,. t6. If .a payment stipulated Inmi aud mortgage executed to ne-

loan, become* 2 months past, and unpaid, or If the taxes and

icnts or the premiums on ln-. remain unpaid for the space

I Three month! after they become,, or from tbe time ot their payment

I by the Auoclatlon, or uponto obtain insurance, then the

(tire amount secured by such bondj mortgage shall. become due at

L , without notice, and the Board• Directors may thereupon proceed•last tlie security in BIICD. wanner

J they may deem best, not contraryI law, to recover the amount loaned,

1 the expenses of such proceedingsill be charged against the mort-

• provided that the Board of Dl-irs are hereby empowered to pur-i the equity in redemption or to

rchose the property in case ot fore-ire.118 open from 7:30 to 8:30 P. M.ROCKAWAY BUILDING & LOANASSOCIATION.

George E. Fisher, Secretary.


Notice la hereby given that the ac-ut ot the subscriber, Executor otrnry P. Doland, deceased, will bedlted and stated by the Surrogate,d reported for settlement to thephans' Court ot the County of Mor-, on Friday, the Second day of May,it.Dated, March 20th, 1930.


Executor1LSON C. DOLAND, Proctor,llton Bldg, Morrlstown, N. J. S8t5

SHliBirrs SALE



Joseph O. Concl&ldl has been nam-ky Commander Eugene E. Cooper,William Hedges Baker Post, Amer-n Legion, to assist In forming aIformed rifle squad. Mr. Conclaldl

member of the National Ridesoclatlon, and chairman of the Leg-Advisory Boy Scout Committee.

*1''"•'<"• »ulo of mortgug,.upreni-

Ueturuable Juno 20th. A. D 1830Holland, Scertao * Ward,


All the following tract or parcel of•»« ana premises hereinafter par-

" y described, nitmite, lying andin the Borough ot MouaUln

a. . , kt l l e bounty of Morris and

State of New Jersey.Hying designated as Lots A-One

(A-l) and A-Two (A-2) on Block "13"as shown on map entitled "Map otLake Arrowheud, D«nvllle-Mt. Lakes,™ r l ' County. N. 1, surveyed April1926, by Arthur 11. Brohmer, Survey-or, Uoonton, N. J.,.The approximate amount duo onthis execution In J8.726.32 besidesSheriff B execution fees

April 8th, 198(1.FRED S. MYERS,

Sheriff.Advertised In The Jerseyraon and

Roekaway Record.Printer's Fees—$17.64.


Extol* oi Howard Mnnson WllbyDeceaied

Pursuant to the order of tho Sur-rogate ot the County of Morris, madeon the twenty-sixth day ot March, A.D. one thousand nine hundred andthirty, notice Is hereby given to allpersons having claims against the es-tate ot Howard Musson Wllby, late ofthe County ot Morris, deceased, topresent the same under oath or af-firmation, to the subscriber on or be-fore the twenty-sixth jay of Septem-ber next, being Six months from thedate of said order and any Creditorneglecting to bring in and exhibit his,her or their claim under oath or ot-flrmatlon within the time so limitedwill be forever barred of his, her ortheir action therefor against the Ad'mlnistator C. T, A.

Dated the Twenty-sixth day ofMarch, A. D., 1930.

WILLIAM A. HEOARTY,Administrator C. T. A.


Park Square Building,Morrlstown, N. J. 3815

of Safety andEarning PowerNow—right here in Jersey—isan opportunity for safe,profitableinvestment in 6% CumulativePreferred Shares of the JerseyCentral Power and Light Co.

A FREE BOOKLETInvestors who desire more specificinformitlon about the investmentmerits of the Jersey Central Power«nd Light Co., will find it in abooklet just published. It is free,write for it, u»e the coupon below.


If the Jersey Central Power and Light Co. was

standing still it would have no securities to offer.

But Jersey Central Power and Light Co. is grow-

ing—every day in the year. This growth is your

opportunity. It enables us to issue from time

to time securities with which to make needed

improvements and extensions to the Company's

lines and equipment.

Gtsy'PaymentTlatL;**W U» Innator of moderate mctui n»y uh«T " * * »ftW« opportunity, •Wim.ybt |m-«"•*<• out Em Monthly Stvinj for !nv,.i-• " MM. Tm Dollm down .rd Ttn DoltmJ"»O»!h wkh Ml InttrMt credited to |«yrn">»• • U» due of pqnttnt nufca invMimrnl c»j.

r tad Lltbt O».,

Gmlimn, -Flu* *uimymfr« hM,h




JERSEY CENTRALPower and Light Co.

Iy<ouVe missing a real treat if youhaven't yet tasted the temptingflavors of CRANE'S ICE CREAM. Ther1

a dealer in your neighborhood.

To Ice Cream Dealers/We solicit your business on these important points:

Quality —CRANE'S ICE CREAM is one of the finest qualityand best tasting ice creams in this city.

Service —Always on time; efficient and prompt deliveries.Price —Absolutely right. Let's talk it over! A postal

or phone call will bring a representative.



GMI Mtirkvt St., Nownrk Tel. Mitchell 8880

First National BankMorristown, New Jersey


Fully Equipped To Do Every Kind OfBanking Business

Silver VaultsFireproof Storage RoomsSafe Deposit Boxes

Travelers' Checques letters of Credit

3% InterestOn Checking Accounts of $500 and over

4y2% InterestOn Savings Accounts of $5.00 and upward

credited January, April, July and Ootober



SAM CIARDICorner Main and West Now Streets, Hookawaj

Cleaning and PressingOur work Is done thorough and clothes mnelo to look ne'w

We also dye any kind of garment and do mendingFelt and Straw Hats Cleaned and mode to look like now.

All Orders Called For and DeliverodTelephone, Kockaw*y 491

Advertise in the Record — It brings results


The MORRIS COUNTY SAVINGS BANK31 South Street, cor. Dollort Strwt

M 0 R 1 U S T 0 W N , NEW JERSEY

A Mutual Snvlnifs Bank

The ONLY Suvlngs Unnk In Morris County



Interest Paid Since 1938

4!£%at the rate of 41/$

Assets Over tli.7ao.OOO DollarsNntlonal find Stntt> Hunks nnd Trust Corapftnlos are NOT Bavlnn

Punks, nml Savins" or Thrift Popcinltors In such Institutions huve NOTthe special protection nf tho Savings Dank Laws ot tin State of N»wJorsoy.


How One Woman Lost20 Pounds of Fat

Lort Her Double Chin—Lo»t Her Prominent Htpi—Lost Her Sluggishnew

d i n e d PhrtJnl V i g o r — V W K I O D U M U — a Shtprlj

K you're f«t—remove tho ctunlKRUSCIlEiN SALTS enntain the

nix mineral will! your Imily orpnt,lUndi ind ncrvts mutt linvo to iuno-lion properly,

When your vital nriunt fall to per.form (lielr work corrcclly—voiir btmrloand kidneys o«n'l throw o(f tlwl »a«lemttexitl—b«tor« v<"> m l t o it—you'tt(riming hldrwisly <al!

Try h a l t a t e a s p o o n f u l ofKUIISCIIKN SALTS In a tin., of lintviator «Ycry morning—In tlireo wx>U(rt on tho Bctles anil note how manyVounili vf (nl have vanlthnl.

Nollco alio that you how (lined?in energy—your skin is clearer—youreyes iparklo with glorious hcallh—you*feel younurr In body—kwnct in mind.KRUSCIIEN will giro any fat persona joyous surprisn.

Cot an 85o botlte of KRUSCIIENSALTS I latls four weeks). If even thisfirst bottle doesn't convince you tlibIs trio easlol, safest and surest way tolose fat—If you don't fwl a superbiinprovoinont In health—BO gloriouslyenergetic—vit;oroii:-l j alivc-M-youcmoney gladly relumed,

Page 8: ROCKAWAY, «u tlint being one of several ohlldrtn, tin' young man was obliged to euni hla own wuy. He was master














30 W. Blackwell St

Dover, N. J.




DoverMr, and Mv». Arthur Woods, "t

Brooklyn, N, V,, niienl Boater within hitler's brother mtd »l»t«r-ln-law,

Mr. ami Mm. Jom'i'h 8tiuder, ot Bakeravenue. Mrs. Woods' fntlier, Frank

tlwm humstew visit.Hubert f. llulsv, ot Now York Uni-

versity l» aiwmllng the Barter vaea-loti wltli Ills rather. William Oulse,

Sr., In DtivlH IUTIIUC.

A Wate boy has arrived at the homeor Mr, and Mra. John'McOuIre, ofNorth »tn>et.

Wllmer <:. l?i»h»r, of Kast Dloker-tmii sheet, fractured Ula right armM>VI>UII daya ago when ti ladder OH

•h he waa at work In his homebroke under litiu,

A uumber ot nwinliera of the Wom-an's Club enjoyed a trip to Bills 1»-liincl last Saturday, Mra. TheodoreAndre wo, chairman of the Educa-tional Committee arranged Hie trio.

Mr». William Hlley, a former real-mi ot this place Is vlalUng Mr. and

Mra. Wulter Golds worthy, in Ann St.Mr. Richard Fngan and daughter.

Miss Nora, ot Harvard street, havebeen visiting their daughter and Bis-ter, Mrs. Donald McNeil, In Totteit-vtlle, S. I.

Samuel Miller of Philadelphia, wasa guest over Sunday, ot Mr. and Mre,Harry Gllea, in rassalc street.

The Dover BualnoM Girls' Clubwill hold their fifth annual whist,bridge and dance In Moose Hall, to-morrow night.

Mrs. B. TompkliM, ot Second street,la (trloualy 111 at her home. Mre.Tomnklns aou and daught*r-tu-law,of Chicago, are spending several*e»kt with their parents.

tlev. and Mrs. H, n, Leech, of theMethodist parsonage. In East Black-well street, had as guests over Blister,their children, Mr. and Mra. 011mLeech, ot Newark, and Mr. and Mrs,Paul Riuhter, and son, of Railway.

Mr. and Mrs. G«orge O'Connor, otJersey City, are upending severalduya with relatives life.

Mr. and Mrs. James Hart of NorthSussex street, have as their guesttheir son, James Hart, ft student atNew York University tor his Eastervacation.

Mr, and Mrs. Edward O'Kelly, otPrinceton avenue, are the proud par-ents ot a baby girl born In Dr. Mills'private hospital In Morrtstown lastweek.

Miss Lillian May Heriog, ot Read-ing, Pa., and George Arthur Schwlnd,ot Berry street, were united in mar-riage Saturday afternoon In MoonBall, by Rev. H. A. Beyer, paator ofthe flood Shepherd Lutheran Church.The attondanta wer« Mts» Stella Fre-inenski, of Stanhope and Frank Kief-«r, ot this place. A rectntton follow,ed the ceremony and Mr, and Mrs.Sohwlnd will reside In their newlyturnlahed hom« In Berry street.

Mra. Wilfred Keats and son, LaVern, of Shaverstown, Pa., are visit-ing her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Fred-erick Taylor, In Kst Blackwell street.

Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur A. Langdon,Jr., and family, ot Allentown, Pa.were guests Saturday at the home ofMr. and Mrs. A. W. Ktaer, In Harvardatreet. Mr. and Mrs. Klaer returnedwith them to Allentown and spentKast«r there.

The Mines Mildred Beet and SarahFraellch, students at the Women'sCollege at New Brunswick, are spend-ing the Baiter vacation with theirparents,

Dr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Frltts, ofPrinceton avenue, and Mr, and Mrs.G. W. Johns, ot Hlliabeth street, wereweek-end guests In Washington, D. C.

Professor Walter B. Pltkin and son,ot South Morris street, have returnedfrom a visit to the West Indies.

An eight-pound boy was born toMr, and Mrs. Leo Grosate, ot Bakeravenue, In Dr. Mills' private hospital,Morrlstown, last Wednesday.

Join R. Edwards, ot Lincoln aven-ue. Is able to be about again follow-ing an tltnesa ot several weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Spargo, otEaat Orange, spent the week-end withthe former's (mother, Mrs, Irene Spur-go, In Mt. Fern.

Mrs, John B. Reeves and children,of Baker street, are spending thisweek with relatives in Bcranton, Pa.

DenvilleMr, and Mra. Joiieph W. Cisco, of

Rlvcrdale Park, returned last weekfrom Florida.

Mr. aud Mra, Harold Jagger, of Jer-sey City, were week-end guests ofrelatives In Denville.

The death of Mre. Miller, mother-in-law of R«v, Andrew B. Wood, oc-curred at the Brooklyn hom* of Rev.nud Mrs. Wood, Saturday morning.Funeral services were held Tuesday t | a n

afternoon at Franks Funeral Parlors, t h e w o r i , j [n

I Baltimore, Md. She was 8S years ofI age mid had been an Invalid for some

"Today we stand before th« realityof the Resurrection. It challengesus. W« face it either as enemies whosee that Christ cannot be destroyed,and that He rlues porpetually In Judg-ment to defeat those who oppose Him,arther by Bfteklng to undermine oroppose His wrk, or else we face thingreat realtty as friends who knowthat because He lives, we shall livealso, and who, upon the assurance ofthis faith in the life everlasting, andin the everlastlngness of the Chris-

t, venture to possessrighteousness for the

time.The Executive Committee ot the

Morris County Council of ReligiousEducation will enjoy a chicken din-ner In the new church home of theUndenominational Church, Mondayevening, April 28th.

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Green re-urned Tuesday after several months

spent In St. Petersburg, Florida.Mr. and Mrs. William Perkins and

son, William, Jr., ot Fatrlawn wereguests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. DavidA. DJckereon, of Church street.

Mra. Mary Flsh«r, of North Port, L.I, is visiting with her brother andslater-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. WilliamH, Dtokereon, of the Old BoontonRoad.

Mr. and Mra. Richard McGowan, otNew York City, and Mtsa Grace Ly-ons of Brooklyn, were week-endguests of Mrs. Cella McGowan, ot theMorrlBtown Road.

Mrs. Henry Keeffe and daughter,Dorcas, ot Morrlatown Road, spentthe week-end In Massachusetts.

Mrs. Grace Owen, ot 'rabor, Isspending several days in AsburyPark.

The Denville Public Library dur-ing 1SS9, circulated 14,341 books, anIncrease of 4,248 over 1928.

Mr, and Mrs. Henry Thelle, Jr., ofCedar Lake, had as weekend guests,Mr. and Mra. Henry Thelle, Sr. otNewark.

Mrs. Frederick Swart, of Auburn,N. Y, la the guest ot her son anddaughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. K.Swart, of Lake Arrowhead.

M1B» Nettle Hlley, of Newark, spentthe week-end In Denville with herstaters, Mm. Elsie Curry and Mrs,James O'Leary, ot Church street

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ewald, Sr., ofDiamond Spring Park, have OB guesteMr. and Mrs. Henry Ewald, Jr., ofJersey City.

Mrs. James Deo Prior* and son, otLincoln Park, are guests of Mr. andMrs. Edward McKenna at their homeat Indian Lake,

Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Wleters andCharles E. Harrison, ot Beat Orange,were week-end guests ot Mr. and Mrs.A. Selden Walker, of Cedar Lake.

Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Neven recent-ly entertained for their daughter.Miss Helen Nevtn, whose marriageto Mr. John H. Bacheller, of DenvUleand Newark, took place at St. Peter's

hurch, Mountain Lakes, Tuesday, althe Rockaway River Country ClubHouse. Thirty-five guests were pres-ent at the dinner party.

Mr. and Mrs. Horatio Beam, ot theRockway Road, are entertaining Oeo.Amreln and Miss Clara Amreln, ofFallston, Md.

The Misses Grace Reynolds andIrene Murray, ot Newark, and MissEva Coughlln, ot Elisabeth; ChrlBto-

Ancient Builders' tde*of Humor Quit* Modem

The builders ot the old churches InEngland war* not so lerloui but thatthe; now and then perpetrated ft Joke,iren la atone. On nor* (nan on* ottheir creation! they carved In relief• scene representing a monk preach-ing solemnly to a Dock ot geese. Thesame humorous spirit It sometimes tobe detected lu the domestic architec-ture ot early times,

Just upon the boundaries ot Bo*tonlslilra and Hertfordshire formerlystood an old rambling farmhouse Theliving-room was long and low, and »nthe venter beam tbat wont across tho


pher Murray and E. A. FOBter, olNewark, were week-end guests ofMies Catherine Rowe, of DenvillePark.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Clark andfamily have vacated the house occu-pied by them during the wintermonths on Morris Avenue, nd return-ed to Cedar Lake.

Mrs. K. R, Dovlson, ot Tabor, Is en-tertatntng her daughter, Mrs. W. XWright and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoffman, olE&at Orange, entertained out-oTtown guests over the week-end altheir bungalow here.


Capacity crowds fined the Com-munity Church on Easter Day, withevery seat taken at all services, andsom« forced to stand In the aisles. Iithe morning, the pastor, Dr, JosenlM. Blessing, received four Into themembership of the church, baptisingone.

Speaking on the challenge ot Eas-ter, he Bald, "The risen Christ chal-lenged the world ot His day, and Hechallenges the modern world aa well.When their crucified enemy appear-ed on the scene Baster morning, Bisenemies knew that they had lost thetight. Henceforth they must deal witha toe that could not be killed. Theywere doomed, and they knew It.

"On tho other hand His friends, dlsappointed and chagrined over Hlideath, took new courage for the)now realited that their Master wa<celling wns Inscribed this leeend: ..

you are cold, go to llerttnrdshlro." |Dlvluo, and that their cause could nThis (wmlngly tntiospltnhle Invlta-1 '«<•• "l*n tho assurance ot tho Im

tlnn wai explained by the fact thatone-half of the room was in one ctuut-ty and ono-halt In the other. The tlra-nlato was In Hertfordshire.

DerlBhnble nature ot their rcllglaithey ventured to conquer tbe "worlwith ft sword of love, winning tholiway through enduring cheerfully, thetmme ot the crosa.

MesBlah who once more rises fromthe grave that men have digged forHim through their Indifference, theirpettiness, their psychology of defeat.

-Will' we qutt the fight of rlght-UBneaB, to be haunted by a Christho cannot perlBh? Or shall WB «n-•r the list* again in defense of the!ie permanent principle of living:

Christian Way; and the one im->rlshable personality: the Risen

The entire altar space of th« church•08 filled with Easter flowers, pre-lented by Mr. and Mrs. HarryJrookes, Mrs. A. H. Buckelew, andhe Denville Troop, Boy Scouts ot.merlca.At night tie children of the Sun-

lay School presented an Easter pro-;ram entitled: "Eternal Spring."he program was under the direction

Mr. Elmer Jones, Superintendentthe Sunday School and his staff,

assisted by the Sunday School orches-tra.

Friday, April XSth—The Olrl Scoutrroop will hold its first anniversaryupper and meeting at the church,vlth several prominent speakers ln-erested In girls' work present asuests. The troop, which waa organ-led a year ago, is under the leader-ihlp of Miss Madeline Schroeder.

Following the banquet, the ladiesif the Foreign Missionary Societyfill present motion pictures on "Lifeml Customs in Korea", and a Koreantudent, Mr, Choy, of Drew Unlvera-;y, will BPeak In explanation of theilma, and also display Korean cur-3s, which will be plaoed on sale.

Sunday, April 27th—-The SundaySchool will meet at 9:30 A. M., underhe leadership of Elmer Jones.

At 10:45 A. M. The morning wor-ihlp will be held at the church. Therrmon BUtiJect will be: "The Meas-re ot Power."At 7:00 P. M. The Intermediate and

lenior Epworth Leagues will meet,ind the Bible Forum will he held forhose above League age.

At 8:00 P. M. the pastor will preachagain, taking for his sermon eubject:"Where is Your Heart?"

Tuesday, April 29fh—Women's Mis-ilonary Societies. Reception,

Wednesday, April 30th—The Prim-iry and Junior Leagues will meetoday immediately after school.

At eight o'clock, the mid-week ser-vice will be held at the church. To-night the pastor will give the secondof a series ot five talks on "The Lawsthat Govern Prayer," using as asourcebook, Dr. S. D. Qordon'B bookon that subject The discussion to-night will center In "Thtngo that In-terfere." There will be special musi-cal numbers.

Thursday, May 1st—The Ladles'Id Society will meet this afternoon

it 2:30.The Ladles' Aid Society will holdChicken and Waffle Supper at the

church tonight from 6 to 8 P. M.Tickets 75c.

Orchestra practice at the church,t 8:00 P. M.

Friday, May 2nd—Olrl Scout meet-Ing at the church, at 3:43 P. M,"

Choir practice at 8:00,


Quality Always—



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Friday evening, April 26th, tho Jr.O. V. A. M. Degree Team wP' drill un-der Cant. Tiei James. 1 le uniformswill be reassigned and nil those un-able to be present, wishing to retaintheir uniforms must got In touch•with Capt James or A. B. Schillingbefore Friday nlglit.

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