rockrose ecotourism-ethnobiology sheet 10-figtree

Of the approximately 700 species of the genus Ficus, family Moraceae, only the fig tree (Ficus carica) is deciduous and grows as native to the Mediterranean. Like all Ficus, it contains a white latex that flows easily from cuts in the leaves or from the unripe fruit. In Spain, nu- merous species of the same genus are grown as houseplants and as outdoor ornamentals in warm areas. The fig tree is a distinctive tree with smooth gray bark. In winter, we can recognize it by its tortuous branches with thick endings. Large lobed leaves with small deciduous stipules sprout in the springtime, while one or two inflo- rescences appear in the axil of each leaf. Figure 1. Some fig varieties from the San Vicente Mountains (Toledo): 1.- Cordobés. 2.- Cuellodama. 3.- Morenillo. 4.- Negro. 5.- Pataburro or oñi- gal. 6.- Verdejo. The wild fig tree, which grows on the river banks or in ravines, is quite common in south- ern and eastern sections of the Iberian Penin- sula. In addition, there are about 800 varieties which have been cultivated since ancient times, approximately 40 of which are cultivated in Spain (Tejerina, 2010). Just the names of hundreds of varieties of figs in different languages, along with their numer- ous synonyms, make up a rich lexical heritage. Wild fig and some old varieties of cultivated figs have a very special pollination system. A small wasp, Blastophaga grossorum, has co-evolved with the fig tree, taking care of pollination. Figs have female, male and sterile flowers. The female flowers of each fig mature earlier than male flowers. In the sterile flowers, the female wasp lays her eggs (penetrating through the fig basal hole). The wingless male wasps are born inside the figs, fertilize the females and then die. Gravid winged females depart from the figs loaded with pollen (at this time the male flow- ers inside the fig are mature), seeking new figs in which to deposit their eggs and repeat the process (Blanco, 1996). Wild figs are not edible, since they have a corky texture and are not sweet. Most culti- vated figs contain only female flowers, so they are sterile. 1 Daughter of the Mediterranean

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Page 1: ROCKROSE ECOTOURISM-Ethnobiology Sheet 10-Figtree

Of the approximately 700 species of the genus

Ficus, family Moraceae, only the fig tree (Ficus carica) is deciduous and grows as native to the Mediterranean. Like all Ficus, it contains a

white latex that flows easily from cuts in the leaves or from the unripe fruit. In Spain, nu-

merous species of the same genus are grown as houseplants and as outdoor ornamentals in

warm areas.

The fig tree is a distinctive tree with smooth

gray bark. In winter, we can recognize it by its tortuous branches with thick endings. Large lobed leaves with small deciduous stipules

sprout in the springtime, while one or two inflo-

rescences appear in the axil of each leaf.

Figure 1. Some fig varieties from the San Vicente Mountains (Toledo): 1.-

Cordobés. 2.- Cuellodama. 3.- Morenillo. 4.- Negro. 5.- Pataburro or oñi-

gal. 6.- Verdejo.

The wild fig tree, which grows on the river

banks or in ravines, is quite common in south-ern and eastern sections of the Iberian Penin-

sula. In addition, there are about 800 varieties which have been cultivated since ancient times, approximately 40 of which are cultivated in

Spain (Tejerina, 2010).

Just the names of hundreds of varieties of figs in different languages, along with their numer-

ous synonyms, make up a rich lexical heritage.

Wild fig and some old varieties of cultivated figs

have a very special pollination system. A small wasp, Blastophaga grossorum, has co-evolved with the fig tree, taking care of pollination.

Figs have female, male and sterile flowers. The female flowers of each fig mature earlier than

male flowers. In the sterile flowers, the female wasp lays her eggs (penetrating through the fig

basal hole). The wingless male wasps are born inside the figs, fertilize the females and then die. Gravid winged females depart from the figs

loaded with pollen (at this time the male flow-ers inside the fig are mature), seeking new figs

in which to deposit their eggs and repeat the

process (Blanco, 1996).

Wild figs are not edible, since they have a corky texture and are not sweet. Most culti-

vated figs contain only female flowers, so they

are sterile.


Daughter of the Mediterranean

Page 2: ROCKROSE ECOTOURISM-Ethnobiology Sheet 10-Figtree

This special fruit develops from tiny flowers which are enclosed in a receptacle that be-

comes fleshy, sweet and juicy when ripe (except in wild figs). These complex fruits, whose scientific name is syconia , appear in the

leaf axils of new branches. In certain varieties of figs, called brevales, some dormant buds

(especially at the end of the branch), will de-velop the following spring with the movement of the sap. These early fruits are called brebas

and appear on the branch that was formed the previous year (before the growth scar of the

new year). These brebas mature earlier than figs, which are found on newly grown shoots

from the year in course.

According to Roman tradition, Romulus and Re-mus were found at the foot of a special fig tree,

called the Ruminal Fig, which was planted in the Roman Forum from time immemorial and replaced over and over again when it died. For

the Romans, figs were a prized fruit which they

cooked with liver.

On the Iberian Peninsula, remains of figs have

been found in 15 archaeological sites, while the wood has only been found in 6, thus suggesting a more important use of the fruits than of the

wood, similar to today’s use. (Mata et al, 2010).

Classic authors such as Strabo, Polybius, Cato, Columella and Pliny wrote about the fig tree, its

agronomy and its varieties (Mata et al, 2010).

In the Islamic world, the fig was one of the plants mentioned in the Koran, thus making it a muba-

rak (blessed) tree conferring baraka (blessings) when planted.

In his work titled Umdat, Abuljayr, an XI century

agronomist from Seville, described over 40 differ-ent varieties of figs known in his time in Al Anda-lus (the Muslim Middle Age Kingdom of Spain).

Some, such as the Qurtubi (from Cordoba), the nigrār and the burḏāl (verdal) are still known to-day (Bustamante et al, 2007).

In Spanish literature the fig tree planted in the garden of the poet Miguel Hernandez in Orihuela

(Alicante) is of renown fame.


Figure 2.- Figs and brebas.

Page 3: ROCKROSE ECOTOURISM-Ethnobiology Sheet 10-Figtree


Cultivated fig trees are sterile and can therefore only be propagated by woody cuttings (often T-shaped) or with root regrowth. Cuttings have to be almost com-pletely buried, while stems with roots are easier to plant. In both cases, the percentage of success is very high.

Cultivated fig trees are usually grafted onto a wild

tree. Branches from different varieties of figs may

be grafted onto the same tree, as we have seen in

the Sierra de San Vicente.

Heavy frosts damage the aerial part of fig trees,

which then have to be cut back in order to resprout.

In La Mancha (Spain) the fig tree is often planted in

protected gardens where it is better able to resist

winter frosts.

Traditional uses

This fruit is prominent in human consumption and also for some farm animals, especially pigs.

Figure 3.- Outlines of fig varieties in the Sierra de San Vicente

In order to store figs for longer periods of time,

one strategy has been to diversify the varieties of fig trees. We have studied this case in the

Sierra de San Vicente (Toledo), where people have planted several varieties of figs, early and late. Or the same variety is planted in higher

or lower areas, thus lengthening the harvesting


In the countryside of Southern Spain, figs are

dried in order to provide nutrients for many months. To do this, people spread the figs out

on a large cane tray (cañizo) and leave them to dry in the sun during the day. At night the figs are stored to protect them from dew. Once

dried, they are blanched in water with anise and then saved with flour. In the XI century,

Abulhayr already mentioned this custom of dry-ing figs during grape harvest time (Bustamante

et al, 2007).

These dried figs are used to make a local deli-cacy, called a "wedding", which is prepared by

cutting a fig down the middle with a pocket knife and stuffing it with nuts or peanuts. Simi-larly, the famous Spanish fig cake (pan de

higo). is made with dried figs and nuts.

Figure 4.- Fig tree orchard in Lietor (Albacete).

Brebas are very difficult to dry (Blanco, 1996).

In the Segura Mountains (Albacete), figs pre-

served in a syrup made with honey or boiled grape juice (arrope) are quite popular. Often

prepared in a double boiler with anise, the

syrup can be stored for years.


Page 4: ROCKROSE ECOTOURISM-Ethnobiology Sheet 10-Figtree

Recipe: figs in syrup (Lupi Córcoles,

Lietor, Albacete).

A sweet way to preserve and eat figs in syrup :

3 kg. of ripe figs, soft but not mushy. The

stem must be intact.

1 kg. of sugar.

A glass of water.

2 tablespoons of anise seeds.

Boil all ingredients in a pan for two hours.

If refrigerated, this syrup will last a couple of

months, although it can be kept for years if cooked

in a double boiler for 20 minutes.

Figure 5: “Wedding” made of fig and nut (up) and syrup figs (down).

Fermented figs can be distilled to make spirits.

Figs as food

Dried figs contain up to 65% sugar, along with vitamins A, B and C, potassium salts, iron, cal-

cium, manganese and bromine (Blanco, 1996, Tejerina, 2010). Dried figs are very energetic

and have been used to fatten pigs in times of


Medicinal uses

Dried figs usually form part of medicinal cough syrups in Mediterranean folk medicine. These

remedies are based on preparing figs with vari-ous medicinal plants such as oregano or thyme

and sweetening them with sugar or honey. They are also mildly laxative (Blanco, 1996, Te-

jerina, 2010, Verde et al., 2008).

The latex from fig trees is highly irritating to the skin and will burn off warts when applied

directly. This latex contains a mixture of en-zymes known as ficin, which produces a prote-

olytic effect.

The fig tree was one of the magical plants used to treat children with hernias on Saint

John’s night . To do this, a woman named Juana and a man named Juan had to pass the child through a partially broken off branch of a

fig tree, which was then retied to the tree. In this way the hernia was believed to disappear

(Verde et al, 2008).

Other uses

The wood is very soft and is a poor firewood, said to make lots of smoke and produce head-

ache. A popular folk saying states that “Fig wood should be cut by my son and burned by

my daughter-in-law".


Page 5: ROCKROSE ECOTOURISM-Ethnobiology Sheet 10-Figtree

The fig tree is a fundamental plant in Mediterranean cultures, forming an important part of the landscape, diet and traditional knowledge


Blanco, E. 1996. Higos y brevas: la curiosa

fructificación de la higuera. Quercus 120: 8-


Bustamante, J., Corriente, F. y Tilmatine, M.

2007. Kitābu´Umdati TTabib Fi Ma´Rifati NNabāt likulli labib de Abulhayr Al´Isbili.


Mata, C. et al (eds.) 2010. Flora Ibérica, de lo real a lo imaginario. Servicio de Investiga-

ción prehistórica del Museo de Prehistoria de

Valencia, Diputación de Valencia.

Tejerina, A. 2010. Usos y saberes sobre las

plantas de Monfragüe. Ed. Itomonfragüe.

Verde, A., Rivera, D., Fajardo, J., Obón, C. y

Cebrián, F. 2008. Guía de las plantas medi-cinales de Castilla-La Mancha. Ed. Altabán.


Texts: José Fajardo and Alonso Verde

Pictures and drawing: José Fajardo

Design: Miguel R. Brotons