rocky mountain legal writing conference call for proposals · rocky mountain legal writing...

1 Gweithgaredd Addysgol Creu gweithgaredd addysgol ar gyfer eich myfyrwyr wrth ddefnyddio gwefan Casgliad Y Werin Cymru Cyfnod Allweddol neu Lefel Cyfnod Allweddol 2 Testun Hanes yr 20fed Ganrif, Yr Ail Ryfel Byd, Caerdydd Teitl Ymchwilio i Gymru adeg y Rhyfel – Caerdydd yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd Awdur Glamorgan Archives & Comisiwn Brenhinol Henebion Cymru Testun Rhagarweiniol Sut oedd bywyd bob dydd yng Nghaerdydd yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd? Bydd yr adnodd dysgu hwn yn helpu'r dysgwr i ateb y cwestiwn pwysig hwn. Drwy ymchwilio i gopïau digidol o brif ffynonellau yn Archifau Morgannwg, bydd dysgwyr yn meithrin dealltwriaeth o fywyd bob dydd yng Nghaerdydd yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd. Bydd pob tasg ymchwilio fer yn gysylltiedig â chasgliad o ffynonellau digidol cynradd yng Nghasgliad y Werin Cymru ac fe gyflwynir cwestiwn pwysig am agwedd arbennig ar fywyd bob dydd yn ystod y rhyfel. Mae nodiadau i gyd-fynd â'r 'prif ffynonellau’ i gynorthwyo'r disgyblion gyda phob ymchwiliad. I ddechrau, bydd y disgyblion yn penderfynu ar ba ddyddiad y dechreuodd y rhyfel, yna, byddan nhw'n ymchwilio i gyrchoedd awyr, pobl yn gorfod symud o'u cynefin, dogni a Diwrnod Buddugoliaeth yn Ewrop. Mae'r nodiadau cymorth i athrawon yn rhestru'r amcanion dysgu, yn rhoi gwybodaeth gefndir ar gyfer pob tasg ymchwilio a syniadau ar gyfer gweithgareddau dysgu ychwanegol sy'n addas ar gyfer disgyblion Cyfnod Allweddol 2.

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Page 1: Rocky Mountain Legal Writing Conference Call for Proposals · Rocky Mountain Legal Writing Conference Call for Proposals We are excited to announce that the Eighteenth Annual Rocky

Rocky Mountain Legal Writing Conference Call for Proposals

We are excited to announce that the Eighteenth Annual Rocky Mountain Legal Writing Conference will be held on March 23-24, 2018, at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law. The theme of this year’s conference is “Wellness for You, Your Students, & Your Career,” but the Program Committee encourages proposals on any subject of interest to those teaching legal writing and research. Presenters have two time options: 25-minute presentation: These presentations typically address teaching methods or assignments that have been especially successful for you. 50-minute presentation: These presentations may be an individual or panel presentations. A panel presentation should consist of a moderator and at least two presenters (preferably 3-5 presenters). *Each participant may submit up to two proposals, but each participant can present only once at this regional conference. The deadline for proposals is Friday, December 8, 2017. To submit a presentation proposal, please send the following information to Wendy-Adele Humphrey at [email protected] and Samantha A. Moppett at [email protected]:

1. Contact information for all presenters and co-presenters; 2. Title of presentation; 3. Brief description of the presentation (200-word maximum); 4. Time needed for the presentation (25 minutes or 50 minutes); and 5. Technology needs for the presentation.

Click HERE for registration information and additional details about the conference. As always, registration is free, though we will need all participants to register so we have an accurate head count. We hope to have decisions made by mid-December to give everyone enough time to make travel plans. We look forward to receiving your proposals and seeing you at the conference! Program Committee, Wendy-Adele Humphrey, Co-Chair (Texas Tech) Samantha A. Moppett, Co-Chair (Suffolk) Suzanna Moran (Denver) Ken Swift (Houston)