role of non muslimjm

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Post on 30-May-2018




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  • 8/14/2019 Role of Non Muslimjm




    There is a meaningful hadith, TheProphet of Islam has said that:

    God Almighty will strengthen thisreligion (Islam) through a Fajir (onewho is not a true Muslim) person


    Islam is an ideology of humandevelopment and no process of

    human development can endurewithout involving humanity at large.

    There are several references fromthe history of Islam that illustrate

    this oint.

    [email protected]

  • 8/14/2019 Role of Non Muslimjm


    The Prophet of Islam spent hisfirst thirteen years of

    prophethood in Makkah. Atthat time in Makkah, there

    existed a tribal system.It was necessary for everyone to haveprotection under any one of the tribal

    chiefs. So, according to this

    prevalent custom the Prophet availedhimself of the protection of two of thelocal chieftains. Abu Talib and Mutim

    bin Adi alternatively, both of whohappened to be non-Muslims.

  • 8/14/2019 Role of Non Muslimjm


  • 8/14/2019 Role of Non Muslimjm


    After the migration of the Prophet, aseries of armed conflicts occurred

    between the Prophet and his opponents.One of the military campaigns of hisopponents, known in Islamic history asGhazwa al-Ahzab, was so severe that

    even the Quran refers to it asone of themost terrifying moments in Islamichistory. At the time, the Muslims hadbecome quite helpless against their

    opponents. The only thing that easedthis most difficult of situations was therole a Madinite playeda role which we

    may described as that of a middleman

  • 8/14/2019 Role of Non Muslimjm


    in the night when Madinah wassurrounded by enemy forces.

    He said, I have become aMuslim in my heart but I havenot made it public yet. So the

    Mushriks and the Jews bothhave trust in me. Realizingthat this man was in a position

    to play a peace-making rolebetween the two parties sinceboth trusted him, the Prophet

    said, You are the only one inCONTINUE.

  • 8/14/2019 Role of Non Muslimjm


    ere ore s man egan onegotiate between the two

    parties and history tells us thatit was this man who cleared thepath to peace at this juncture

    between the two rival parties. Itwas because of this mans

    effortsthat the enemy decidedto liftthe siege of the city ofMadinah and return back to

    their homes.CONTINUE

  • 8/14/2019 Role of Non Muslimjm


    From these few examples, it is

    clear that non-Muslims arealso helpful to the cause ofIslam in many ways. Islamic

    development is such auniversal process that allMuslim and non-Muslim

    forces contribute towards itsfulfillment.God bless all ofus