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Project report



Ms. Riddhima pramod sawant ( Banking and Finance) Part-I

Semester III Roll no 90

Submitted to


Sydenham College Of Commerce and Economics

B-road, Churchgate Mumbai 4000202015-16


It is certified that Ms Riddhima pramod (Banking and finance) Part-II semester III have submitted the project report in the subject RSEARCH METHODOLOGY entitled ROLE OF RESARCH IN MAKING DECISION that her work is original and fulfils the partial requirement of passing the examination in this subject.

Name & signature of the prof. Prof. DR. S.S . Sawant


Sydenham College of commerce and economicsB-Road, churchgate, Mumbai 400020Date:


Serial noIndex

1What is research?

2Characteristics of research

3High quality research

4Steps for making a good research

5Research design

6Types of research design

7Importance of Research in Business Decision Making

8Market and consumer research

Importance of Operations Research in Decision-Making

Simplifying Complexity

Marketing Research and Decision Making

Decision making

The Decision-Making Process


What research is ????The systematic process of collecting and analysing information in order to increase our understanding of the phenomenon about which we are concerned or interested

research is based on direct experience / observation by a passenger.

research is based on valid procedures and principle.research is a cyclical process, it starts with a problem and end with a problem.

Research utilise proven analytical procedures in gathering the data , whether historical , descriptive , experimental or case study.

characteristics of research originates with a question or problem. requires clear articulation of a goal. follows a specification plan or procedure. other divides main problem into sub problems. guided by specific problem, question or hypothesis. accepts certain critical assumptions . requires collection and interpretation of data. cyclical in nature.Good Research Project Should address an important question , advance knowledge. the scope and limitations of the work to be clearly defined . the process to be clearly explained so that it can be reproduced and verifiedby other researcher. a thoroughly planned design that is as objective as possible.

High quality research.good research require high ethical standard be applied.all limitations be documented data be adequately analysed and explained.All findings be presented unambiguously and all conclusion be justified by sufficient evidence.Steps for making a good researchRaising A Question Suggest Hypothesis Literature ReviewLiterature EvaluationAcquire DataData AnalysisData InterpretationHypothesis Support.

Research Design

definitionTask of defining the research problem is the preparation of the research project, popularly known as research design

Decisions regarding what, where, when, how much , by what means concerning an inquiry or a research study constitutes a research design

Meaning A research design is the arrangement of conditions and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure.

Research design have following parts:

Sampling design :Which deals with the methods of selecting items to be observed for the study.Observational design :Which relates with the condition under which the observation are to be create.Statistical design :Which concern with the questions of the how the information and data gathered are to be analysed?Operational design :Which deals with techniques by which the procedures satisfied in sampling.Different research design Incase of exploratory research study In case of descriptive and diagnostic researchIn case of hypothesis testing research studies.

In case of exploratory research study :this method is also termed as formulative research studied.The main purpose is that of formulate the research problem. Three methods are The survey of concerning literatureThe experience surveyThe analysis of inside stimulating.

In case of descriptive and diagnostic researchThe study determine the frequency which some thing occure.

Qualitative research is research dealing with the phenomena that are difficult to qualify mathematically, such as a beliefs , attributes and symbol.The researcher aim to gather an in depth understanding of human behaviour and the reasons that govern such behaviour .The qualitative method investigates the why and how of decision making not just what, where, when .

Advantages:it enables more complex aspetcs of a person experience to be studiedfewer resdtriction are placed on the data to be collected not everything can be qualified easily individuals can be studied in more depth.Good for exploratory research and hypothesis generation The participants are able to provide data their own words and in their own way.

Disadvantage:It is more difficult to determine the validty and reliability of linguistic data.There is more subjectively involved in analysing the data Time consuming.

Quantitative research:It refer to the systematic imvestigation of any phenomena via statistical , mathematical techniques.The object is to develop and employ mathematical models , theories.Generally it include scientific methodsThe generation of model , theories, and hypothesisThe development of instrument and methods for measurementExperimental controlModelling and analysing of dataEvaluation of result.

Advantagesit allows the researcher to measure and analyse the datathe researcher is more objective about the findings of the rearech it can use to test hypothesis in experiments.

DisadvantagesThe main disadvantage of this is the context of the study is ignored.It doesnt study things in a natural setting A large sample of the population must be studied for more accurate result.

Importance of Research in Business Decision MakingBusinesses conduct research for many reasons, such as gathering crucial information about consumers and business customers.The key function of management is take decisions and without help of the research and analysis of present situation and future forecasting , decisions may not be effective. So research helps to take right decisions.Based on research, management can make intelligent and well informed decisions.Businesses use research to ascertain the success of their advertising. For instance, a dairy manufacturer may want to find out what percentage of the people saw its latest tv commercial. The dairy manufacturer may find that more individuals become aware of its advertising the longer the tv ad runs. The company may decide to run its tv ads at different times if few people have seen the adsA business can make well-informed decisions due to research. In the research process, the business will be able to acquire details about key business areas, analyze it, create a strategy and distribute business information.

Reports, presented to the top management, often contain details on consumer and employee preferences and all the available channels for sales, marketing, finance and production. Management makes use of these details to determine the best strategy.

Research is a necessity at all stages and phases of business operations.

Initial research is needed to evaluate whether getting into the given kind of business would be profitable and whether there exists demand for the proposed product.

Regarding the staff, a correctly carried out research can uncover important details on their satisfaction quotient, the difficulties experienced by them and how the problems related to relationships at the workplace could be handled. An analysis into the results would allow the management to bring about changes for the all round effective functioning of the organisation and its employees.

The workers can be trained and coached in line with the needs. This would help personal as well as professional development improving overall organizational performance.

Research is important for managerial decision making. All strategic business areas are analyzed and evaluated; then techniques for more efficient procedures are created.

All businesses usually have many ways of doing an activity. Through proper research, the organization will be able to pick the most effective, productive and profitable one. Research could possibly be applied to marketing, production, finance, IT and Human resources.

Research can answer questions for various problems, from getting a grip on industry trends, identifying new products to produce and deliver to the market, or deciding on which site to locate an outlet, to better understanding what it needs to fulfill customer demands.

Research can also help evaluate if a product is accepted in the market. Research aids expansion into new markets.

Research helps in testing the potential success of new products. Businesses have to understand what kinds of products consumers would like before they market them.

For instance, a restaurant may in the beginning, interview focus groups to test types of burgers. The focus groups will probably include small teams of consumers.

The goal of the focus group may be to figure out which burger customers prefer. Ultimately, the company may test the burgers through surveys with larger groups of people. The above points state the importance of research in business decision making.

Research is necessary to gather facts and statistics with regards to a companys customers, employees and competitors.

Based on these numbers, businesses are able to make better managerial decisions.

Businesses of all sizes engage in extensive research to help improve and expand. For small businesses and start-ups, effective, cost-efficient research can be an important step toward long-term success.

Developing an understanding of the relationship between research and business decisions helps ensure your business is getting the most out of its research efforts.

Basics of Business Research in Decision-MakingResearch is an important part of a business decision-making process, especially when it comes to major structural changes or new product lines.

This is because its often less difficult for a business to replicate past successes than it is to develop an entirely untested approach.

Even highly innovative companies rely on extensive information about consumer needs, market trends and management practices when developing a business strategy.

In some cases, an effective business manager must also be able to recognize some of the weaknesses of research and rely on her own experience or intuition to guide decisions.

Market and consumer research :

One of the most valuable kinds of research in business decisions is market research. This is information a business collects or purchases about its potential consumers and their buying habits, with the goal of better understanding their customers needs. This information is then used to make decisions about new product offerings, pricing and advertising to best meet the markets demands.

It also provides information to indicate when a business strategy is underperforming or unlikely to be effective, so that your business can cut costs where necessary.

Competition Research

Its wise for a business to always keep a careful eye on its competition. Research into the activities and plans of competitors called competitive intelligence provides insight about their potential weakness and opportunities for your business growth. In addition, competitive intelligence can indicate weaknesses, including places where competitors are particularly effective in meeting consumers needs.

Armed with this information, managers can make strategic decisions about how to best position their business to secure a solid place in their market.Short comings of business resarch:While research is highly useful to guide business decisions, managers should use it with an awareness of potential weaknesses. Many errors can arise in the research process. For example, if a problem is inaccurately stated in a particular study, the questions researchers ask may not be relevant to the business actual challenges.

In another situation, the variables business researchers are able to examine may not actually be useful for making conclusions. Its important to remember that research is often only as good as the data available, and that it must sometimes be used with caution.

Importance of Operations Research in Decision-Making

Operations research applies sophisticated statistical analysis and mathematical modeling to solve an array of business and organizational problems, as well as improve decision-making.

As the business environment grows more complex, companies and government agencies rely on analysis to inform decisions that were once based largely on management intuition.

Originally developed by the U.S. Department of Defense during World War II, operations research has helped many large companies and government agencies make better decisions, boost performance and reduce risk.

Simplifying Complexity

Modern challenges associated with a global economy and the growth of technology have increased the complexity of the business environment.

Modern corporations often strive to serve a global, rather than a regional or national, customer base and face worldwide competition.

By relying on sophisticated mathematical models and advanced software tools, operations research can assess all available options facing a firm, project possible outcomes and analyze risks associated with particular decisions.

The result is more complete information on which management can make decisions and set policy, according to the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, INFORMS for short, a national organization of operations research professionals.

Maximizing Data

Companies collect large amounts of data but may feel overwhelmed by the volume and lack the time or expertise to fully analyze these data, transforming them into useful information on which to base decisions.

Operations research uses advanced mathematical and statistical techniques, such as linear programming and regression analysis, to help organizations make the most of their data, according to INFORMS Science of Better website.

Through detailed analysis of the data, operations research analysts can help uncover options that lead to higher profits, more-efficient operations and less risk.

Adding valueIn its executive guide to operations research, "Seat-of-the-Pants-Less," INFORMS reports that operations research has added value to organizations in the public and private sector alike.

For example, INFORMS reported that UPS used operations research to redesign its overnight delivery network in such a way that saved more than $80 million between 2000 and 2002. Meanwhile, New Haven, Connecticut, used operations research to determine the extent to which the city's needle exchange program reduced HIV infection rates.ConsiderationsINFORMS outlines five signs for organizations that could benefit from operations research. indicators are facing complex decisions, having problems with processes, having trouble with risk, not making the most of available data and needing to overcome stiff competition. Operations research analysts can help organizations overcome these challenges.

CASE STUDY Improving strategic decision makingA CIMA case studyRESARCH Financial accountants keep records of business transactions such as sales invoices. They use these records to prepare a firm's accounting statements.

Management accountants evaluate and interpret this financial data to advise the senior managers in the business.

They play important roles in managing business performance and improving decision making.


CIMA is the leading and largest professional body for management accountants with over 171,000 members and students operating at the heart of business in 165 countries. Its members work in financial and non-financial roles throughout organizations and carry out all their training and experience requirements in business itself. This provides them with a unique insight into how their organisations operate. CIMA's mission is to be the first choice for employers in the qualification and development of management accountants.Young people obtain the CIMA qualification and then membership for many reasons. Some want a career in accountancy but do not just want to work with numbers. They look for management and leadership roles where they can contribute to business performance.Others are already managers in business but want to improve their skills in financially-based decision making. CIMA people are financially qualified business leaders and are not limited to working in accountancy practices and finance departments. They are active across a range of management roles in retailing, manufacturing, property, energy and government services.

Marketing Research and Decision Making

Marketing research plays two key roles in the marketing system.

First, as part of the marketing intelligence feedback process, marketing research provides decision makers with data on the effectiveness of the current marketing mix and offers insights into necessarychanges.

Second, marketing research is the primary tool for exploring new opportunities inthe marketplace.

Segmentation research and new product research help identify the most lucrative opportunities for a firm.

Marketing Research Defined

Now that you have an understanding of how marketing research fits into the overall marketing system, we can proceed with a formal definition of the term, as stated by the American Marketing Association:

Marketing research is the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to themarketer through informationinformation used to identify and define marketing opportunitiesand problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing

Importance of Marketing Research to ManagementMarketing research can be viewed as playing three functional roles: descriptive, diagnostic, and predictive.

Its descriptive function includes gathering and presenting statements of fact. What is the historic sales trend in the industry? What are consumers attitudesand beliefs toward a product? Opening a pack of bacon is a messy job.

Bacon lovers have to reach into the package, and if they only pull out a few slices, theres no easy way tostore the remainder.

Oscar Mayer marketing researchers hear plenty from consumers about what they disliked about its former bacon packaging.

So marketers figured the best solution would be a packaging innovation that eliminated the chore of placing the opened pack in a resealable plastic bag or wrapping it in plastic or foil.

This unwanted task was done so that the last piece of bacon would be as fresh as the first.

Recently, Oscar Mayer Center Cut Bacon was introduced in a new Stay-Fresh ReclosableTray. The flip top lid allows easy access to the bacon inside. The top snaps closed, making it readily resealable. The flat tray makes for simplified storage in the refrigerator.5

The second role of research is the diagnostic function, wherein data and/or actions are explained. For example, what was the impact on sales when the Oscar Mayer package design was changed? How can product/service offerings be altered to better serve customersand potential customers? Since kids eat over 5 billion ounces of ketchup each year, Heinz decided that the heavy users (kids) should have a lot to say (via marketing research) about how to make ketchup fun. Heinz listened and watched children using ketchup, which resulted in a new bottle design, name selection, and color. The true ketchup connoisseurs helped create Heinz EZ Squirt green ketchup! More than 10 millionbottle were sold in the first seven months! This was followed up a year later withFunky purple ketchup.

The final role of research is the predictive function. How can the firm best take advantage of opportunities as they arise in the ever-changing marketplace? Kraft Foods noticed that consumers were flocking to low-carb diets.

The company used marketing research to determine if this was a fad or long-term trend. Determining that low carb was more than a fad, it entered into an alliance with Arthur Agatston, the creator of TheSouth Beach Diet.

The result was certain Kraft products being labeled South Beach Diet Recommended. Further marketing research led to a broad line of products entitledThe South Beach Diet brand. Products include cereal, meal replacement and cereal bars, refrigerated sandwich wraps, frozen entrees, and frozen pizza.

Drive for Quality and Customer Satisfaction

Importance of Keeping Existing Customers

Understanding the Ever-Changing Marketplace

Decision making

Organisational Decision making

the process of responding to a problem by searching for and selecting a solution or course of action that will create value for organisational stakeholders.

There are basically two kinds of decision that managers called upon to make:

Programmed and non-programmed

Types of Problems and Decisions

Structured problems * Involved goals that clear.*Are familiar(have occurred before)*Are easily and completely defined- information about the problem is available and complete.

Programmed decision *A repetitive decision the can be handled by a routine approach.Programmed vs. Non-programmed Decisions

CharacteristicsProgrammed decisionsNon-programmed decisions

Type of problemStructuredUnstructured

Managerial levelLower levelUpper level


InformationReadily availableAmbiguous or incomplete

Time frame for solutionShortRelatively long

Solution relies on Procedures,rules, and policiesJudgment and creativity

The Decision-Making Process

Identify a problem and decision criteria and allocating weights to the criteria.

Developing, analyzing, and selecting an alternative that can resolve the problem.

Implemented and selected alternatives.

Evaluating the decisions effectiveness.

The decision making process-Example

Identification of a problem My sales Reps need new computers!Identification of Decision CriteriaMemory and Storage, Display Quality, Better Life,Warranty, Carrying weight

Allocation of weights to criteria

Memory and Storage-10, Display Quality -8, Better Life -6,Warranty -4, Carrying weight-3

Development of alternativesToshiba, HP, Soni Vaio, Qosmio, Gateway, Apple iBook, Lenovo, Dell

Analyzing of alternativesToshiba, HP, Soni Vaio, Qosmio, Gateway, Apple iBook, Lenovo, Dell

Selection of alternativesToshiba, HP, Soni Vaio, Qosmio, Gateway, Apple iBook, Lenovo, Dell

Implementation of alternativesEvaluation of decision alternativesToshiba


1. Business case

2. Economics times newspaper.

3. Resarch paper on health care.