roles of regimes

1 13 th International Export Control Conference Portorož, Slovenia 7-9 May 2012 Ambassador Sune Danielsson Head of Secretariat

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13th International Export Control Conference

Portorož, Slovenia

7-9 May 2012

Ambassador Sune Danielsson

Head of Secretariat

41 WA Participating States


Category 2 - Materials Processing A new Note under 2.E.1. to control the “technology”

for the integration of probe systems into Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMM).

Probes are critical components of CMMs (a good CMM requires a good probe). Actually, the type of probe determines, to some

extent, not only the capability of the CMM, but also the application. CMMs are the most important pieces of equipment to

ensure military hardware meets the very high design tolerance (most often in micron) required for advanced applications.

Integration technology is the key element to control.


Category 5 Part 1 - Telecommunications New entry 5.A.1.i. to control systems or equipment

designed to intercept and process mobile telecommunications.

Interceptors of mobile communications without crypto-analysis

are normally not specially designed for military use, but are a technology of concern.

Since 2005, mobile communications are more and more used by

the military for open or undercover operations where no dedicated protected tactical network is available.

As a consequence, free availability of this interception equipment may jeopardize force capabilities. 4

Category 7 - Navigation and avionics Raster-type head-up display software



Best Practice Guidelines on Internal Compliance Programmes

for Dual-Use Goods and Technologies

ICPs can help exporters to abide by national export controls

WA Participating States agree to encourage exporters to develop and implement Internal Compliance Programs, which can be a pre-condition for approval of general licenses

Size, organizational structure and other circumstances of the exporter will determine the nature of the ICP


Best Practice Guidelines on Internal Compliance Programmes

for Dual-Use Goods and Technologies (2)

Elements for effective ICPs are set out in a rich annex covering:

Commitment to Compliance Internal Organizational Structure Export Screening Procedures Shipment Control Performance Review Training Record Keeping Reporting and Corrective Action


Best Practice Guidelines on Subsequent Transfer (Re-export) Controls

for Conventional Weapons Systems contained in Appendix 3

to the WA Initial Elements

WA Participating States have agreed that government-to-government agreements, end-user assurances (EUC) and export licenses will contain a re-export clause

Subsequent transfers should require the prior authorization of the original exporting government

Re-export to third parties of arms produced under license should be consistent with agreements/ EUCs/licenses for transfer of production technology


Elements for Controlling Transportation of Conventional Arms Between Third Countries

Limited to the transportation of arms between third countries

States are encouraged to consider measures to prevent nationals from transporting arms in violation of:

• Licensing requirements in exporting and importing countries

• UN Security Council embargoes States may consider operating a licensing system for

the transportation of arms between third states or using brokering controls


MANPADS Elements (adopted in 2000, modified in 2003 and 2007)

MANPADS exported only to governments Consent of exporting country required for

re-exports Each transfer subject to an individual license Observance of safety measures, including

technical performance and/or launch control features

Prudent procedures for secure disposal and destruction of excess MANPADS stocks

WA ready to assist in MANPADS disposal


Controls on ITT Intangible Transfers of both dual-use and

conventional weapons technology also are controlled: Technical information (blueprints, manuals, etc.) Technical assistance (training, consultancy, etc.)

Transmission: Both electronic and oral

Focus on:

National Legislation: Definition and scope of controls Industry and Academia

- Require record-keeping, compliance checks - Promote awareness and self-regulation 11

WA Outreach

The Arrangement conducts outreach to non-Participating States, industry and other interested groups to promote effective export controls and to explain how the WA operates.