roman technology stations. roman toilets and baths 1. if we walked into a roman toilet today, we...

Roman Technology Stations

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Roman Technology Stations

Roman Toilets and Baths

1. If we walked into a Roman toilet today, we would probably feel uncomfortable with the lack of privacy.

2. There were big public toilets that had room for lots of people at the same time. They were not meant to be comfortable and there was no flushing mechanism.

Facts about Roman Baths

3. By 500 AD there were almost 900 baths in Rome

4. Typical bath served as community center, fitness center, restaurant and performance center

5. There is little evidence that men and women had separate bathrooms.

6. Before stepping into a series of baths, visitors exercised in open courtyards.

7. The apodyterium was a changing room with shelves to tuck away clothing and other belongings (like a locker room today)

Public Health8. Romans were first civilization to have public health system. True9. It was easy to find a natural source of water in Rome. False10. The Romans needed to find a way to dispose of rubbish. True11. Aqueducts were used to transport water. True12. In 100 AD, there were 15 aqueducts. False13. The public baths were very popular. True14. People held meetings in the public baths. True15. There were no public toilet facilities in Rome. False16. Sewers were built to take rubbish out of the city. True17. The Tiber River took the rubbish to the sea. True

Public Health (continued)

18. Describe one thing Romans did to fix their public health problems:Romans looked at cause and effect situations for why people got sick in the first place (they practiced preventative measures). They provided clean water through aqueducts and removed sewage.


19. What does the construction of sewers like Cloaca Maxima, toilets and aqueducts tell us about Roman ideas about sanitation? The Romans wanted to become more sanitary and clean. They took pride in being clean and disease free.

20. What job do you think was in demand in a wealthy location like Pompeii? Why?A plumber had an important job because the people in Rome depended on having running water.

21. A Roman bath is equivalent to a modern day country club, spa, gym, or swimming pool.

Plumbing (continued)

Things that a person could do at a public bath were:22. Meet friends/socialize23. Go to gym to workout/have a good meal24. Play games/be entertained

Roman Roads

What are 2 reasons why the Roman roads were built straight?

25. So the army could take the shortest route (winding roads take longer to get to where you are going)

26. On winding roads, bandits/robbers can be hiding around bends

Roman Roads (continued)

Roman Roads (continued)

32. What would be one advantage of our roads today being built like Roman roads?They were built so that rain would drain away and not make roads muddy.

33. What would be one disadvantage of our building roads like the Romans?

It would be time consuming to make roads with the amount of rocks needed (to build all of the layers).

Roman Technology

What does the expression “All roads lead to Rome” mean?34. Rome was the center of the ancient civilized world. Name 2 advantages the roads provided for the Romans:35. Roads made it easier to travel and move troops36. Roads made it easier to collect taxes and trade with faraway provinces.37. What type of natural disaster destroyed part of the structure of the Colosseum? Earthquakes

Roman Technology (continued)

List 4 things that Romans invented or improved upon in regards to technology:38. sewers39. roads40. bridges41. Colosseum (for entertainment)

What was considered the greatest Roman engineering achievement? 42. Sewer system43. Because Rome was set in a valley (among 7 hills) and there is

nowhere for the dirty water to go; but sewers solved this problem.


44. What was the purpose of aqueducts? To bring water from the countryside to city

List the parts of a Roman aqueduct and explain purpose of each part.

Question Part Purpose

45 trench To move water that follows contours of the land

46 tunnel To bring water through a mountain

47 pressurized pipe To force water up the other side (after traveling down a valley)

48 wall To cross shallow depression

49 arcade To move water