romans 8:39 t messenger he presbyterian · dickens’s ebenezer scrooge.) regardless of how the man...

Continued on next page Neither height, nor depth, nor anything else will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39 The Presbyterian Messenger MONTHLY NEWSLETTER OF BURLEY FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH JANUARY 2019 Greetings from the Pastor Page 1: Greetings from the Pastor 2: Bits N Pieces 3. Session Highlights Pastor Search Update 4. A Hand Up 5: Scripture Lessons Committee Chairpersons YTD Tithes & Offerings Birthdays & Anniversaries Upcoming Events 6: Calendar Servers 7. Christmas 2018 8: Presbyterian Women 9. December 2018 cont. 10: Committee Reports 11. Committee Reports 12: Contact Info Prayer Corner Inside This Issue Did you know the month of January is named after the Roman god Janus? Janus is pictured as a man with two faces. One face is looking backward and the other forward. The beginning of a New Year is a time to review the past and to plan for the future. The past can’t be changed. But a person can receive forgiveness for sins and failures. And hopefully learn from past mistakes. The Bible teaches that the future is in God’s loving hands. It teaches that all plans and goals be blanketed with the words: “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” (James 4:15). Lord willing, we begin 2019 by answering one of the most important life questions. The question is: What is the point of life? Hopefully, you have answered that question. And your answer is the right one. Spoiler alert! There is only one correct answer. In January 2019 we will begin a study of the Book of Ecclesiastes. The author is billed as one of the wisest men who ever lived. Solomon is his name. Ecclesiastes is his personal journal and a record of an experiment he conducted. Solomon used all of the resources of his Bill Gates sized wealth and God-given wisdom to discover the purpose of life. What did he discover? Solomon discovered when God is excluded from the equation everything is meaningless. Enough for now. Plan to attend as many Sundays as possible. Make the time to read Ecclesiastes a number of times and from different translations. It is a privilege to serve as First Presbyterian Church temporary pastor. Keep praying that the Risen Lord Jesus will extend His call to a minister to join us in our Gospel work in the Mini-Cassia Community. In Jesus’ Love, Pastor John

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Page 1: Romans 8:39 T Messenger he Presbyterian · Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge.) Regardless of how the man got there, the author recognizes the futility of such efforts and concludes, “Two

Continued on next page

Neither height, nor depth, nor anything else will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. —Romans 8:39

The Presbyterian Messenger



Greetings from the Pastor


1: Greetings from the Pastor

2: Bits N Pieces

3. Session Highlights Pastor Search Update

4. A Hand Up

5: Scripture Lessons Committee Chairpersons YTD Tithes & Offerings Birthdays & Anniversaries Upcoming Events

6: Calendar Servers

7. Christmas 2018

8: Presbyterian Women

9. December 2018 cont.

10: Committee Reports

11. Committee Reports

12: Contact Info Prayer Corner

Inside This Issue

Did you know the month of January is named after the Roman god Janus? Janus is pictured as a man with two faces. One face is looking backward and the other forward. The beginning of a New Year is a time to review the past and to plan for the future.

The past can’t be changed. But a person can receive forgiveness for sins and failures. And hopefully learn from past mistakes. The Bible teaches that the future is in God’s loving hands. It teaches that all plans and goals be blanketed with the words: “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” (James 4:15).

Lord willing, we begin 2019 by answering one of the most important life questions. The question is: What is the point of life? Hopefully, you have answered that question. And your answer is the right one. Spoiler alert! There is only one correct answer.

In January 2019 we will begin a study of the Book of Ecclesiastes.

The author is billed as one of the wisest men who ever lived. Solomon is his name.

Ecclesiastes is his personal journal and a record of an experiment he conducted. Solomon used all of the resources of his Bill Gates sized wealth and God-given wisdom to discover the purpose of life. What did he discover? Solomon discovered when God is excluded from the equation everything is meaningless. Enough for now. Plan to attend as many Sundays as possible. Make the time to read Ecclesiastes a number of times and from different translations.

It is a privilege to serve as First Presbyterian Church temporary pastor. Keep praying that the Risen Lord Jesus will extend His call to a minister to join us in our Gospel work in the Mini-Cassia Community.

In Jesus’ Love, Pastor John

Page 2: Romans 8:39 T Messenger he Presbyterian · Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge.) Regardless of how the man got there, the author recognizes the futility of such efforts and concludes, “Two

The meaning of Epiphany Epiphany, which comes from the Greek word epiphaneia, means “an appearance” or “a revealing.” Centuries ago, the church set aside January 6, the 12th day after Christmas, to mark the revealing of Jesus as Christ to the wise men, who were Gentiles. Jesus’ first followers were Jewish, so the revelation of the divine Christ to the non-Jewish magi reminds us that Jesus came to earth to save the whole world.

Symbols of Epiphany include light, a star, a crown (or three crowns) and a globe or stylized portrayal of the world. The color of Epiphany is green to symbolize life, growth, hope and eternity.

On the church calendar, the Epiphany season lasts until Ash Wednesday, which is determined by the date of Easter.

Praying for unity

Every January, the Christian church worldwide marks the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. This ecumenical “octave,” or eight-day observance, lasts from January 18 (the Feast of St. Peter) to January 25 (the Feast of St. Paul). The week is based on Jesus’ prayer to his heavenly Father in John 17:21 that his followers “may all be one … so that the world may believe that you have sent me” (ESV). Jesus knew that if Christians were fiercely divided, people outside the faith wouldn’t want to learn more about him. The theme for the 2019 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is from Deuteronomy 16:20 (NRSV): “Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue.”

Neither height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of

God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:39

In his book Awed to Heaven, Rooted in Earth (Fortress Press), Walter Brueggermann writes an Epiphany poem: … this is a time to be born. So we turn to you, God of our life God of all our years, God of our beginning … We dare pray that you will do for us and among us and through us what is needful for our newness. Give us the power to be receptive, to take the newness you give … There is a time to be born, and it is now. We sense the pangs and groans of your newness. Come here now in the name of Jesus. Amen.

A prayer for new beginnings

How fitting that the Epiphany season and the new year coincide! Epiphany reveals a new King, the beginning of his ministry, his new disciples, his first healings, his “new teaching—with authority” (Mark 1:27). We, too, experience newness, now and year-round. But newness can be tough. So we trust that God, who “[makes] all things new” while banishing “mourning and crying and pain” (Revelation 21:4-5), walks with us in this new year—and always.

Lord Jesus, the Magi brought you precious gifts. Help us also give you our very best—always.

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer” (Psalm 19:14)

Page 3: Romans 8:39 T Messenger he Presbyterian · Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge.) Regardless of how the man got there, the author recognizes the futility of such efforts and concludes, “Two


Continued on next page

The Presbyterian



Session Highlights Greetings from the Session,

The Session met on December 12th for our regular monthly meeting. There was a quorum present and regular business was conducted. Pastor John opened the meeting with prayer, lit the Christ Candle and led a short devotional.

Business items approved: The Gideons will give a short presentation on Jan. 20th; Presbytery meeting will be on Feb. 16th at the Church in the Tetons in Driggs; Dan S and Dottie will be the lay readers for January; the Children’s Christmas Program will be on Jan. 6th; The Christmas Eve offering will be given to the Mini-Cassia Women’s Shelter; the An-nual Congregational Meeting will be Jan. 27th; The annual budget meeting will Jan 6th after Worship.

The Session asked that Barbra make a photo inventory of the church for insurance purposes. If anyone would like to help with this call the church office.

The JOY sign in front of the church was positively received by the congregation. We will use it again next year. The church decorations, Nativity display, Poinsettias, Ad-vent readings, Christmas Eve service, and all of the Fellowship goodies made our Christ-mas celebration memorable. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way. Everything was wonderful!

Tithes for November were $13,493 and expenses were $6554.

Thank you for your generous support of the church in 2018. Our church remains an active part of the community because of all of you. Your individual tithing report will be sent to you in January.

The Deacons continue to minister to those in need. If you have prayer, health or financial needs, contact the Deacons. Lee Bay is the treasurer. Darla Holl is Chairperson.

Building and Grounds reported that a water shut off valve will be installed for the main water supply into the church. The Manse is available for rent. Contact Dale Martin if you know of potential renters. The Committee will be pursuing a fund-raising campaign to raise funds in the neighborhood of $10,000 to repair the large stained-glass window in the sanctuary. It is leaking. It must be repaired to prevent further damage to the window and its surrounding wood. There will be more information about this project as the new year unfolds. Start saving your loose change.

Thank you for your generous donations of 37 Christmas Child boxes and the 17 gifts for Angel Tree. Many children had happy Christmases because of you!

The meeting closed at 8:35 P.M. with prayer. Have a wonderful and safe Happy New Year celebration! Respectfully submitted, Kathy Poulton, Clerk of Session

Election of the Pastor Search Committee was held on Dec. 2 at a Called Congregational Meeting. Dan Wittman, Darla Holl, Jerry Vegwert, Tyson Germann, and Lee Bay were elected to the committee. Paul Pugh will be the alternate. The committee will be meeting in early 2019 to begin the process of searching out and finding a pastor to fit our congregation. They will need our support and constant prayer. This is not an easy assignment.

The next steps will be presenting the Mission Study to the Presbytery for approval. After approval, the Presbytery will give the committee the necessary information to begin receiving information from pastors seeking new congregations. The job will not be easy or quick. There will be much discernment, reading and discussion. Please begin praying for this committee today and everyday as they go about a difficult task.

Page 4: Romans 8:39 T Messenger he Presbyterian · Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge.) Regardless of how the man got there, the author recognizes the futility of such efforts and concludes, “Two

A Hand Up

If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. Ecclesiastes 4:10

My children have enjoyed the thrill of a backyard ice-skating rink during our

cold Idaho winters. When they were young, learning to skate was

challenging: persuading them to deliberately set foot on the hard, icy surface

proved difficult because they knew the pain of falling. Each time their feet slid

out from under them, my husband or I would reach out to pull them again to

their feet, se"ing them upright and steadying their frames.

Having someone there to help us up when we fall is the gift of a helping hand

depicted in Ecclesiastes. Working with another makes our work sweeter and

more effective (4:9), and a friend brings warmth to our lives. When we

encounter challenges, it helps to have someone come alongside with practical

and emotional support. These relationships can give us strength, purpose,

and comfort.

When we find ourselves fla"ened on the cold ice of life’s hardships, is there a

helping hand nearby? If so, it might be from God. Or when someone else

needs a friend, could we be God’s answer to lift them up? In being a

companion, we often find one. If it appears that no one is nearby to lift us to

our feet again, we can find comfort in knowing that God is our ever-present

help (Psalm 46:1). As we reach out to Him, He’s ready to steady us with His

firm grip. —Kristen Holmberg

Thank You, Father, for helping me up when life knocks me down. Thank You for the

people you’ve used to encourage and strengthen me. Yours is the most faithful

friendship I have.

How can you open yourself more fully to God’s presence in your life?

INSIGHT The author of Ecclesiastes (“the Teacher,” 1:1–2) is in the midst of a long lament about the

meaninglessness of living for this world only. This particular section concerns a lonely rich man the Teacher has observed. Perhaps he has trampled all others on his way to the top. (Think of Charles

Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge.) Regardless of how the man got there, the author recognizes the futility of such efforts and concludes, “Two are better than one” (4:9).

Throughout Ecclesiastes, the Teacher’s larger point is that living with an earthbound view is cruelly dissatisfying. We toil and strive, yet we remain haunted by a vague sense that we’re missing

something. As with all Scripture, Ecclesiastes must be understood within the context of the entire Bible. The early church fathers Jerome (ad347–420) and Ambrose (ad 340–397) were among the

first to note that the companion we’re missing is Christ Himself.—Tim Gustafson

Page 5: Romans 8:39 T Messenger he Presbyterian · Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge.) Regardless of how the man got there, the author recognizes the futility of such efforts and concludes, “Two

Building & Grounds Dale Martin

Christian Ed & Worship Dan Shockey

Fellowship Brent Germann

Finance Carleen Clayville

Missions & Evangelism Gary Hollinger

Personnel & Nominating Paul Pugh

Committee Chairpersons


Tithes $13,493.25

Expenses $6,553.74

YTD Totals:

Tithes $88,841.00

Expenses $74,603.58

LOOKING AHEAD Mark your calendar—

FEBRUARY 03: Communion / Cupcake Sunday 13: Session 7:00 pm 16: Stated Meeting, Church in the Tetons MARCH 01: World Day of Prayer 03: Transfiguration of the Lord 03: Communion / Cupcake Sunday 06: Ash Wednesday 10: 1st Sunday in Lent 10: Daylight saving time begins 13: Session 7:00 pm 17: 2nd Sunday in Lent 20: First Day of Spring 24: 3rd Sunday in Lent 24: Easter lilies on sale now thru April 14 31: 4th Sunday in Lent APRIL 07: 5th Sunday in Lent 07: Communion / Cupcake Sunday 10: Session 7:00 pm 14: Palm Sunday / Holy Week begins 18: Maundy Thursday 21: Easter Sunday/Resurrection of the Lord 21: One Great Hour of Sharing

2018 Year to Date

Tithes and Expenses

JANUARY SCRIPTURE LESSONS Read the Book of Ecclesiastes a number of times and from different translations. Please also read the Scripture verses for each Sunday from the Lectionary. God’s Word is a life changing power!

January 6 [Epiphany of the Lord / Communion Sunday] Isa. 60:1-6; Ps. 72:1-7, 10-14; Eph. 3:1-12; Matt. 2:1-12

January 13 [Baptism of the Lord] Isa. 43:1-7; Ps. 29; Acts 8:14-17; Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

January 20 [2nd Sunday after Epiphany] Isa. 62:1-5; Ps. 36:5-10; 1 Cor. 12:1-11; John 2:1-11

January 27 [3rd Sunday after Epiphany] Neh. 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10; Ps. 19; 1 Cor. 12:12-31a; Luke 4:14-21

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword,

piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,

and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts

and intents of the heart. - Hebrews 4:12

Thank you to those who keep our walkways and parking lot shoveled and safe for all—you are appreciated!!!

Please be mindful of the thermostat during these colder months. For the health of the piano and organ please do not turn the thermostat below 65° And when using the church always remember to put the thermostat back down to 65° so we can be wise stewards of our resources. Thank you!

January Birthdays & Anniversaries

03 David Shockey 03 Cecil Napier 10 Erika Wittman 15 Kristi Pugh 16 Ruthy Rayburn 16 Melissa Fuelling 19 Susan Shockey 22 Pam Hoffbuhr 24 Jean Plummer 28 Dan Shockey 28 Ben & Dottie Maggart 29 Monday Matlock 30 Zoey Germann

God Bless Your Special Day!

Thank you for all the ways you show your love for Linda and I. The list of the things you do is a long one. It includes: Christmas cards, with fun things in them, plates of goodies, gift certificates to fine restaurants, etc., gift of money from PW, and most of all your faithful participation in Christ’s work in and through Burley First Presbyterian.

Love, Pastor John and Linda

Page 6: Romans 8:39 T Messenger he Presbyterian · Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge.) Regardless of how the man got there, the author recognizes the futility of such efforts and concludes, “Two

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1

New Year’s Day— Office Closed

Happy New Year!


3 2:30 pm Bible study 4:30 pm Choir Practice



6 Epiphany of the


9:30 am Sunday school

10:45 am Worship & Communion Children’s Program

Budget meeting after worship


8 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast

9 7:00 Session

10 2:30 pm Bible study 4:30 pm Choir Practice

11 12

13 Baptism of the Lord 9:30 am Sunday school 10:45 am Worship



7:30 am Men’s Breakfast

Annual Reports Due

Newsletter Articles Due



2:30 pm Bible study 4:30 pm Choir Practice

18 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins

19 10:00 am PW meeting

20 9:30 am Sunday school 10:45 am Worship Gideon Speaker, Charles Stevens Potluck after church

21 22 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast


24 2:30 pm Bible study 4:30 pm Choir Practice

25 26

27 9:30 am Sunday school 10:45 am Worship Annual Congregational meeting

28 29 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast


31 2:30 pm Bible study 4:30 pm Choir Practice


Head Usher: Lee Bay Head Greeter: Dan Shockey

Communion Servers: Carleen Clayville, Dale Martin, Lee Bay, _____

Liturgist: 1/6 Dan Shockey, 1/13 Dottie Maggart, 1/20 Dan Shockey, 1/27 Dottie Maggart

Children’s Time: 1/6 Kathy Poulton, 1/13 Kathy Poulton, 1/20 Kathy Poulton, 1/27 Kathy Poulton

Coffee Hour: 1/6 Fellowship, 1/13 _____, 1/20 _____, 1/27 _____

As we begin a new year, we’d like to encourage you to sign-up to be a Liturgist, or give the Children’s message, or help during Coffee Hour. You can find Sign-Up Sheets on the door in Fellowship Hall.

Page 7: Romans 8:39 T Messenger he Presbyterian · Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge.) Regardless of how the man got there, the author recognizes the futility of such efforts and concludes, “Two

December 2018 . . . What a wonderful time of year!

Ladies enjoying the annual PW Christmas Brunch December 15, 2018

Cookies ready to be made into plates to take to special people and shut-ins

So many delicious goodies to enjoy! PW Christmas Brunch—December 15, 2018

Jean Plummer Carolers at Highland Estates December 16, 2018

Carolers, bringing joy to our shut-ins

Page 8: Romans 8:39 T Messenger he Presbyterian · Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge.) Regardless of how the man got there, the author recognizes the futility of such efforts and concludes, “Two

A great big Thank You to the Presbyterian Women for the very generous Christmas gift. You are always so kind!

Barbra Moore

Presbyterian Women

Thine, not mine

Winter warmth

O God, you give the winter’s cold, as well as summer’s joyous rays. You warmly in your love enfold, and keep us through life’s wintry days. —Samuel Longfellow

Sheillah Sheldone Charles, an articulate 9-year-old Kenyan featured in a BBC News Africa video, attributes her artistic gifts to God. It’s comical to hear her say, “I also teach children,” but her rationale is profound: “If you have a talent, don’t just say: ‘It’s mine alone. I should not teach others.’ So you should also share your talent out there.” Jesus’ parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 teaches us to share our God-given abilities for purposes larger than our own. Sheillah is a fine example: Besides teaching children, she often draws women to highlight their suffering and their importance. Surely the Master exclaims, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (v. 23, ESV).

PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN OF BURLEY The Burley PW met on Saturday, Dec. 15 for our Annual Christmas Brunch. Carleen Clayville, Moderator, welcomed all in attendance. Kathy Poulton gave the opening prayer, the PW Purpose was recited, and the candle was lit. Carleen and Kathy were the hostesses, they served an egg casserole and muffins. During the brunch, the business meeting was held. Kathy gave a short program on Christmas, The group, voted to give monetary gifts to the Church staff, and other special projects, again this year.

A motion was made to make a contribution to the Mini-Cassia Women’s Shelter, in Rupert. The ladies spent the rest of the time making cookie plates for the people that will be caroled on Sunday, December16, and to take home or give to friends or family, and fellowshipping. Kathy furnished the materials for the craft “make it and take it”, of a Christmas ornament that was hand decorated. With this Christmas Brunch, our PW is continuing a tradition that was started many, many years ago.

In Christ's Service, Carleen Clayville, Moderator

The Usher and Greeter list for 2019 has been updated and mailed out. We want to thank each of your for volunteering in this capacity.

A church that runs smoothly allows us to stay focused on God. Please know that you are appreciated!

Page 9: Romans 8:39 T Messenger he Presbyterian · Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge.) Regardless of how the man got there, the author recognizes the futility of such efforts and concludes, “Two

Caroling to Gerald & June Stoller

and folks at Pomerelle Place

Christmas 2018

Folks enjoying Christmas Carolers December 16, 2018

Gerald & June Stoller

Gay Neiwert

Harold & Frieda Gebauer

Page 10: Romans 8:39 T Messenger he Presbyterian · Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge.) Regardless of how the man got there, the author recognizes the futility of such efforts and concludes, “Two

Committee Reports FINANCE REPORT

The Finance Committee wishes to thank all of you who returned their pledge and talents forms this past month. We appreciate you! If you have yet to return yours, and wish to, please contact anyone on the committee or session. We take very seriously the commitment of being a good steward of the church’s (and your) money. It is not an easy job, as it seems there always upkeep and repairs to pay for. Please pray for your Session and Deacons, especially in our transition time.

Have a fantastic New Year! May your New Year be filled with health & happiness and all good things!

With God's blessings Your Finance Team

Reading resolutions

Every January, many Christians resolve to read the entire Bible in on year. That’s a worthy goal, but God doesn't require us to read a certain number of verses or chapters per day. Instead, he tells us to simply be in his Word—and thus be with him—so he can grow our faith, light our path and assure us of his love and forgiveness. God’s Word is a precious gift, but we need to “unwrap” it! F. B. Meyer offers this helpful advice for a new year of discovering (and rediscovering!) Scripture: “Read the Bible, not as a newspaper, but as a home letter. If a cluster of heavenly fruit hangs within reach, gather it. If a promise lies upon the page as a blank check, cash it. If a prayer is recorded, appropriate it and launch it as a feathered arrow from the bow of your desire. If an example of holiness gleams before you, ask God to do as much for you. If the truth is revealed … entreat that its brilliance may ever irradiate … your life.”

Naomi Bliss

Mayna McGill

Page 11: Romans 8:39 T Messenger he Presbyterian · Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge.) Regardless of how the man got there, the author recognizes the futility of such efforts and concludes, “Two


• Jan. 1: New Year’s Day—Office Closed

• Jan. 6: Epiphany of the Lord • Jan. 6: Communion / Cupcake

Sunday • Jan. 6: Children’s Program • Jan. 6: Budget Meeting after

worship • Jan. 9: Session • Jan. 13: Baptism of the Lord • Jan. 15: Annual Reports Due • Jan. 15: Newsletter Articles Due • Jan. 18: Week of Prayer for

Christian Unity • Jan. 20: Gideon Speaker,

Charles Stevens • Jan. 27: Annual Congregational

Meeting after church

Kingfisher faith

In a video on his publisher’s website, Eugene Peterson tells of watching a kingfisher repeatedly dive for fish in a lake. Peterson counted 37 dives before the kingfisher caught it’s supper! “And he’s the king fisher!” Peterson chuckles. From the bird-watching episode, he gleaned a ministry lesson: It may take a long time and many attempts—maybe dozens! - before something works out. God calls us to live out his love faithfully, even when we don’t seem to be accomplishing anything. Maybe we extend 36 invitations to worship, work 36 monthly shifts at a food bank or utter 36 prayers without seeing results. “What’s the point?” we wonder. But the kingfisher urges us on: “Maybe number 37 is the charm!” In the words of St. Paul (and mixing fishing and farming metaphors): “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9, NIV).

A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other .


Thank you for your gifts in kind on Communion Sunday to help feed local families supported by the Helping Hands food bank in Burley. Many families depend on that assistance every week.

The committee delivered 37 shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child on

November 19th, and 17 gifts on December 15th & 18th to local Angel Tree children in the name of a parent in prison. You were very generous in purchasing and wrapping gifts this year! This program truly blesses local children whose parents are in prison and encourages the local care givers as well. Their care givers picked up the gifts at the church this year to put a place as well as a face to the gifts.

Thank you for supporting these programs serving those in need close to home. Your continued prayers are needed to support these efforts to bring the love of Jesus Christ to a desperate world.

We appreciate your cheerful participation in advancing the cause of Christ far beyond First Presbyterian Church, Burley. You make a difference!


Jan. 6th: Cupcake Sunday

Jan. 20th: Potluck dinner after Worship

Respectfully submitted, Terrie Shockey

Page 12: Romans 8:39 T Messenger he Presbyterian · Dickens’s Ebenezer Scrooge.) Regardless of how the man got there, the author recognizes the futility of such efforts and concludes, “Two








TEMPORARY PASTOR: Pastor John L. Ziulkowski Pastor’s office hours: Wed. & Thurs 9am—1pm (also available after hours by appointment)

John’s Email: [email protected] John’s Cell: 208-430-5359

Office Administrator: Barbra Moore Office Hours M—F 9am—1pm Office phone: 678-5131 Office email: [email protected]

Clerk of Session: Kathy Poulton Director of Music: Paul Pugh Pianist: Susan McGee & Julieann Germann Organist: Mayna McGill Nursery Attendant: Bonnie Stanley Custodian: Lee Bay Prayer Chain: Gay Neiwert 678-2760

Service Times: Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am

First Presbyterian Church (USA) 2100 Burton Avenue Burley ID 83318 Visit us on the web at:

Prayers: If you know of someone who is in need of our prayers, please contact the church office. Prayer Chain: If you have an emergency prayer request, or would like to join the prayer chain, please contact Gay Neiwert (678-2760)

Return Service Requested

The Presbyterian Messenger and The Lord’s Day Bulletin are published by

The First Presbyterian Church of Burley, Idaho. Please submit your Newsletter items by the

15th of the month and Bulletin items by Wednesday.

We offer up prayers for . . .

• All who are fighting cancer and those recovering from various illnesses and injuries

• Prayers of thanksgiving for: A Beautiful and Joyous Advent/Christmas Season • Prayers of support and encouragement for all our shut-ins and those in care centers • All who have lost loved ones: Candie Wyckoff as she grieves the loss of her father-in-law • The poor, lonely, abused, or struggling with addiction • Our church leaders • Our Pastor Search Committee Members • Our military service persons • Our government leaders • All who have lost jobs • Those facing financial uncertainties • Wisdom for those making difficult decisions • Our partnership ministries: KAIROS, Women’s Shelter & Helping Hands, Operation Christmas

Child and Angel Tree • And we encourage you to join other congregations in praying through the Presbytery: December 2018—January 2019: First Presbyterian Church Burley, Buhl. Church in the Tetons-Driggs. Anna Gheen, Allison Maus, Tito Rivera, Reverends. Peter DeBaun, Robert Henley, Ronald Lavoie, Pamela Mayes, Alan Oliver, John Wall, Phil Price, Cathy Chisholm, Phil Hagen, Laura Baarda and Steve Knudson, Rhett Downing, Kaitlyn Fisher, Robert Pedersen, Chris Talkington, Barbara Corwin and Bob Kukachka.