ron donelson, md, ms selfcare first, llc

Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC Directional Preference: Classification through Mechanical Assessment

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Directional Preference: Classification through Mechanical Assessment. Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC. Enter. Red Flags?. Classification through Mechanical Assessment and Diagnosis. Independent Management. Y. N. Y. Patient Specific Functional Reactivation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Ron Donelson, MD, MSSelfCare First, LLC

Directional Preference:Classification through

Mechanical Assessment

Page 2: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Matched DirectionalExercises +

Postures, Remains better

Matched DirectionalExercises +

Postures, Remains better

Trunk StabilizationTrunk Stabilization

Patient Specific Functional Reactivation

Patient Specific Functional Reactivation


Functional Optimization: Quota

based exercise

Functional Optimization: Quota

based exercise





Red Flags?Red





Motor Control RestorationMotor Control Restoration



Independent Management

Surgical/Interventional Appropriate Candidate?Surgical/Interventional Appropriate Candidate?




Adjunct Treatments


Active Rest, Activity

Modification CBT, FRP,

Manual Therapy

Classification through Mechanical Assessment

and Diagnosis

Page 3: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

What I’ll cover:Context: Four challenges with our spine care dilemma. Where do we need to go?

Directional preference: How it’s determined; Reliability and validity evidence; Why is it first in the algorithm?

How does it impact the remaining algorithm and future research?

Page 4: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Mafi et al (2013) – National Ambulatory and Hospital Medical

Care Survey: An acceleration of the development of chronic pain, work disability, more opioid prescriptions and narcotic addiction, use of injections and surgery, and guideline-discordant care.

“U.S. Spine Care System ina State of Continuing Decline”

(BackLetter, Oct 2013)

Context: Our Dilemma#1

Mafi J, McCarthy E, Davis R, BE L. Worsening trends in the managementand treatment of back pain. JAMA Intern Med. 2013

Page 5: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

A huge effort has been invested to improve RCT design and the Levels of Evidence research construct:

1. Systematic reviews typically conclude: “insufficient evidence”, “more research must be done”

2. Many treatments persist with little supportive evidence

3. Spine care costs keep increasing with no evidence of better outcomes


Page 6: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Every process is perfectly designedto get the results it gets.

Paul Batalden

Insanity: doing the same thing overand over again and expecting

different results.Albert Einstein.

Page 7: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

“There is so much variability in making a diagnosis that this initial step routinely introduces inaccuracies which are then

further confounded with each succeeding step in care.”

Quebec Task Force Report:

Spitzer, et al: Scientific approach to the assessment and management of activity-related spinal disorders (The Quebec Task Force). Spine, 1987. 12(7S): p. S16-21.

Context: A Fundamental Shortcoming#2

Page 8: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

The diagnosis “is the fundamental source of error….. Faced with

uncertainty, physicians become inventive.”

Spitzer, et al: Scientific approach to the assessment and management of activity-related spinal disorders (The Quebec Task Force). Spine, 1987. 12(7S): p. S16-21.

Quebec Task Force Report:

#2Context: A Basic Clinical Shortcoming

Page 9: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC



Red FlagsTumor


HNP’s w/Neuro Deficit

All Others!(Non-specific)



LigamentSI Joint


Facet Spondys

Internal Disc

“Black Box” Classification

“Diagnostic Triage”

“The fundamental source of error.”

QTF Report

85%Clinical Guidelines?

Page 10: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Intuitive Empirical Precision medicine

Context: A Glimpse at the Solution

• Intuitive: highly trained professionals solve med. problems through intuitive experimentation (“Experience-Based Medicine”)

• Empirical: data amassed to show certain ways of treating patients on average (“Evidence-B medicine”)

• Precision: diseases diagnosed precisely; standardized, predictably effective treatment that addresses the cause, not the symptom(Diagnosis-Based medicine”)


Page 11: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC


Red flags



Our most precise anatomic diagnosis….

But how precise is it?There is no standardized

predictably-effective treatment.

How precise are our diagnoses now?


Page 12: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Our dilemma

85% - no diagnosis

10% - anatomic diagnosis, but it’s imprecise

Need a paradigm shift!


Levels of Evidence

Yet spine careis in decline!

The best treatment for


Page 13: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Two surveys of international LBP researchers:

#1 LBP research priority:

Identifying and validatingLBP subgroups

Borkan, et al: A report from the second international forum for primary care research on low back pain: reexamining priorities. Spine. 1998 Costa, et al: Are we making progress? Spine, 2012


Page 14: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

T-O Link

D-T Link

A-D Link

A-D-T-O Research Model for Validating Subgroups




OutcomeSubgroup RCTs: Which is the best treatment?Prospective subgrp cohorts: Does subgroup-specific treatment improve outcomes? Reliability studies: ∙ test findings ∙ subgroup classification

Kevin Spratt, AAOS 2003

RCTs that target NS-LBPare “doomed”.

To validate diagnostic subgroups that enhance individualized care……

Page 15: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Matched DirectionalExercises +

Postures, Remains better

Matched DirectionalExercises +

Postures, Remains better

Trunk StabilizationTrunk Stabilization

Patient Specific Functional Reactivation

Patient Specific Functional Reactivation


Functional Optimization: Quota

based exercise

Functional Optimization: Quota

based exercise





Red Flags?Red





Motor Control RestorationMotor Control Restoration



Independent Management

Surgical/Interventional Appropriate Candidate?Surgical/Interventional Appropriate Candidate?




Adjunct Treatments


Active Rest, Activity

Modification CBT, FRP,

Manual Therapy

Classification through

Mechanical Assessment

and Diagnosis

Page 16: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

MDT - a dynamic mechanical test-drive:patients perform standardized end-range spine bendingand loading tests to see how the symptoms respond.

Reproducible response patterns characterize & classify the underlying problem into mechanical subgroups:

• most have subgroup-specific mechanical treatments• others have objective indications for other diagnostics

How would your car mechanic evaluate your car?A history A test-drive

Mechanical Diagnosis & Therapy (MDT):

Page 17: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Key: perform movements repeatedly and to end-range.

Directional Preference Reduce Centralize Abolish


Directional Vulnerability Produce Increase Peripheralize

Monitor Pain Response Relatedto Directional Loading StrategiesMonitor Pain Response Related

to Directional Loading Strategies

Insight: persistence / recurrences

Single direction

“Rapidly Reversible LBP”






Page 18: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Prevalence of dir. pref. & centralization:

Donelson(Spine 1990) 84-89 %Sufka (JOSPT, 1998) 60-83 %Werneke (Spine, 1999) 77 %Karas (Phys. Ther. 1997) 73 %Donelson(Spine 1991, ISSLS 1991) 58 %Delitto (Phys. Ther. 1993) 61 %Erhard (Phys. Ther. 1995) 55 %Kopp (CORR, 1986) 52 %Long (Spine, 1995) 43 %Donelson (Spine ,1997) 49 %Laslett (Spine Jrnl, 2005) 32 %



How common is dir. pref.: a reducible derangement?

Acute, ChronicAxial pain, SciaticaDegenerative disc


Page 19: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

• Rapid recovery from current episode• Decreased recurrences (50-70% first yr)

– not well-documented in the literature….yet– Where recurrence prevention is rewarded:

payers’ claims data of 5,000 patients shows that re-utilization of services after MDT care: <10%

• Immense cost savings

What is the Treatment for a Dir. Pref?

Matching Directional Exercises, Posture, Education

Page 20: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

The underlying pain-generator is:

1. mechanical

2. reversible (mechanically, directional, & lasting)

3. likely something displaced (a “derangement”)

DP and centralization:clues that help make a diagnosis

Page 21: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

A derangement:a “patho-mechanical” diagnosis

2 types are identified by mechanical testing:– Reducible: a directional preference that centralizes

the pain and restores full motion – Irreducible: no centralization or dir. pref.;

every direction of testing increases or peripheralizes the pain

Page 22: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Patho-Anatomic vs. Patho-Mechanical Diagnosis?

Patho-Anatomic Diagnosis:

1. disc herniation: MRI can’t differentiate betw a painful and non-painful finding.

2. even if it is: a. only 10% of LBP population; b. “imprecise”: doesn’t identify a standardized, effective treatment.

Patho-Anatomic Diagnosis (reducible derangement):Reliable dx: a. 70-89% of population; b. the treatment is standardized and predictably-effective.

Page 23: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

The Use of Lumbar Extension in the Evaluation and Treatment of Patients with Acute Herniated Nucleus

Pulposus: A Preliminary Report

Anatomic AND mechanical diagnosis:

Kopp, Alexander, CORR 202:211-8, 1986

Trial of Extension

67 pts. w/ sciatica + neural deficits

33 (48%) irreversible

32 under-went surgery

2-5 day: all 34 pain-free; no surgery

Extension: 3-4 sessions/day

34 (52%) reversible

Same anatomic dx: 52% reducible, 48% irreducible der’tsIf fully tested, 10-15% more had a dir. pref.

Page 24: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Pt. Type Resolved Improved No Chge Worse

Duration Acute (13%) 90% 10% 0% 0%

Subacute (32%) 44.5% 52% 3.5% 0%

Chronic (55%) 32% 59% 9% 0%

Location LBP-only (47%) 51% 49% 0% 0%

Thigh (18%) 42% 50% 8% 0%

Leg/Foot (17%) 42% 50% 8% 0%

NeuroLoss (17%) 33% 50% 17% 0%

Treating Dir. Pref. (N = 72) with 2 weeks of matching exercises

Donelson R, Long A, Spratt K, Fung: Influence of DP on two clinical dichotomies: acute versus chronic pain and axial low back pain versus sciatica. PM&R, 2012

Page 25: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

A-D D-T T-O Construct

Reliability Predictive Validity RCTs Disc ModelSpratt – 90 Kopp – 86 Karas - 97 Schenk - 03 Kopp – 86

Kilby – 90 Williams – 91 Donelson – 97 Fritz - 03 Donelson – 90

Spratt – 93 Donelson – 90 Snook – 98 Long – 04 Alexander – 92

Riddle - 94 Donelson – 91 Sufka – 98 Brennan – 06 Spratt – 93

Wilson – 99 Delitto - 93 Werneke - 99 Browder - 07 Donelson – 97

Fritz - 00 Spratt – 93 Werneke – 01 Kilpikoski - 09 Snook – 98

Razmjou – 00 Erhard - 94 Larson - 02 Petersen - 10 Derby – 00

Werneke – 01 Long – 95 Oliver - 10 Guzy - 11 Laslett – 05

Kilpikoski - 02 Scannell - 09

Clare - 04 8 Alexander - 12

Fritz - 06




Reducible Derangement (DP/Cent’n) Literature

9: Formal MDT training:Kappa = 0.9, 0.823, 0.7

% agreement: 88-100%2: Little MDT training: Kappa = .2 to .4

Page 26: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

A-D D-T T-O Construct

Reliability Predictive Validity RCTs Disc ModelSpratt – 90 Kopp – 86 Karas - 97 Schenk - 03 Kopp – 86

Kilby – 90 Williams – 91 Donelson – 97 Fritz - 03 Donelson – 90

Spratt – 93 Donelson – 90 Snook – 98 Long – 04 Alexander – 92

Riddle - 94 Donelson – 91 Sufka – 98 Brennan – 06 Spratt – 93

Wilson – 99 Delitto - 93 Werneke - 99 Browder - 07 Donelson – 97

Fritz - 00 Spratt – 93 Werneke – 01 Kilpikoski - 09 Snook – 98

Razmjou – 00 Erhard - 94 Larson - 02 Petersen - 10 Derby – 00

Werneke – 01 Long – 95 Oliver - 10 Guzy - 11 Laslett – 05

Kilpikoski - 02 Scannell - 09

Clare - 04 8 Alexander - 12

Fritz - 06




Reducible Derangement (DP/Cent’n) Literature

Outcomes improve >7X if exercise dir. matches DP.

50% of disc surgeries avoidedAcute, chronic, axial, sciatica: rapid recoveries in 2 weeks

Page 27: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Outcome Prediction(D-T Link)

DP and Centralization are better than:

Page 28: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

A-D D-T T-O Construct

Reliability Predictive Validity RCTs Disc ModelSpratt – 90 Kopp – 86 Karas - 97 Schenk - 03 Kopp – 86

Kilby – 90 Williams – 91 Donelson – 97 Fritz - 03 Donelson – 90

Spratt – 93 Donelson – 90 Snook – 98 Long – 04 Alexander – 92

Riddle - 94 Donelson – 91 Sufka – 98 Brennan – 06 Spratt – 93

Wilson – 99 Delitto - 93 Werneke - 99 Browder - 07 Donelson – 97

Fritz - 00 Spratt – 93 Werneke – 01 Kilpikoski - 09 Snook – 98

Razmjou – 00 Erhard - 94 Larson - 02 Petersen - 10 Derby – 00

Werneke – 01 Long – 95 Oliver - 10 Guzy - 11 Laslett – 05

Kilpikoski - 02 Scannell - 09

Clare - 04 8 Alexander - 12

Fritz - 06




Reducible Derangement (DP/Cent’n) Literature

Page 29: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC



Exercises vs. Alt.Treatments

Prev (%)


Subjects (N)







/ Wors

e (%)

Brennan Manipulation 1 yr 123 +

Brennan Stabilization 1 yr 123 +

Browdr Stabilization 6 mon 48 + +

Kilpkski Manual Ther. 89 6 mon. 119 * * +

Kilpkski Advice-Only 89 6 mon. 119 + + +

Schenk Jt. Mobilztn Disch 31 + +

Long Opp. Dir’n Ex. 74 2 wks 230 + + + + 33/15

Long “Guidln-Based” 74 2 wks 230 + + + + 34/15

Petersen Manipulation 6 mon. 350 + + +

RCTs of the Directional Preference subgroup

Page 30: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

After TESIs, MDT exam repeated

69 non-centralizers

van Helvoirt H, et. al. Transforaminal epidural steroid injections followed by Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy to prevent surgery for lumbar disc herniation. Pain Medicine. 2014.

16% 16%


46%@ 1-year: 62%

remained excellent w/o surgery



underwent TESIs.

Page 31: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Why is Dir. Pref. Determination the First Stopin this Decision-Making Algorithm?

Strong evidence across the entire ADTO modelHigh prevalence of dir. pref. across all durations and

all LBP presentationsTreatment is highly consistent with current guidelines:

activity/movement, self-care educ’n, re-assuranceSafety: no known risk or reported complicationsMeets Christensen’s ‘precise diagnosis” definition.No question or controversy on Exer. Com.

Page 32: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

Consequences of Starting WithDir. Pref. Determination

• The DP subgroup, successfully treated and very large, leave a much smaller subset to move to next decision point.

• Prior RCTs of NS-LBP: the DP subgroup was not excluded, so many with a dir. pref. are randomized and treated with a non-directional approach.

• Future research: should follow the ADTO model and existing subgroup evidence. First: identify/exclude those with a dir. pref.

Page 33: Ron Donelson, MD, MS SelfCare First, LLC

If operating on the wrong leg is considered a “medical error”,

John Wennberg, MDDartmouth Atlas

what do we call operating on (injecting) someone who doesn’t need it?

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