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  • 8/2/2019 Ronald Paper



    Gertrudes Guerreiro*([email protected])

    Departamento de EconomiaUniversidade de vora


    Antnio Caleiro([email protected])

    Departamento de EconomiaUniversidade de vora


  • 8/2/2019 Ronald Paper



    May 14, 2004


    Despite being a small country, Portugal is characterised by significant regionaldisparities which are evident from the analysis of numerous indicators such asthe level of income or the unemployment rate. These regional disparities acquirecharacteristics that, in a sense, do not respect the traditional pattern as the oneexpected when assuming that standards of living decrease with the distance ofeach region to the region where economic prosperity is higher. Plainly, thismeans that, besides the geographical map, it is possible to construct analternative map of the regions of Portugal which, by its characteristics, iscertainly much more interesting from the regional economics point of view. Thiscan be done through the use of multidimensional scaling as it allowsrepresenting graphically the regions in a way to reproduce as close as possiblethe economic distances of the regions as measured by traditional indicators. The

    analysis of the multidimensional scaling output makes it then possible, on theone hand, to verify how geographical distances are related with economic onesand, on the other hand, to verify if the Portuguese regional economic policieshave, indeed, contributed to a diminishment of those regional disparities.

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    1. Introduction and Motivation

    Despite being a small country, Portugal is characterised by significant regional disparities

    which are evident from the analysis of numerous indicators such as the level of income or the

    unemployment rate. These regional disparities acquire characteristics that, in a sense, do not

    respect the traditional pattern as the one expected when assuming that standards of living

    decrease with the distance of each region to the region where economic prosperity is higher.Plainly, this means that, besides the geographical map, it is possible to construct an alternative

    map of the regions of Portugal which, by its characteristics, is certainly much more interesting

    from the regional economics point of view. This can be done through the use of

    multidimensional scaling as it allows representing graphically the regions in a way to

    reproduce as close as possible the economic distances between the regions as measured bytraditional indicators. The analysis of the multidimensional scaling output makes it then

    possible, on the one hand, to verify how geographical distances are related with economic

    ones and, on the other hand, to verify if the Portuguese regional economic policies have,

    indeed, contributed to a diminishment of those regional disparities.

    As is well-known, region and space are different concepts. Space can be defined by disperse

    economic data (in different localisation), because what is really important, what gives

    coherence to space, is the nature of interdependent relations. But the concept of region

    implicates proximity. In other words, for the concept of region, physical distance is important

    as the elements that compose a region have to be nearby.

    In accordance with the objectives of the analysis, there are different ways of space

    organization to form regions. The first one is based on the criterion of homogeneity, resulting

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    In a sense, planning is like a compromise criterion to establish the better regional board to

    political aims and also tries to use the advantages of the other ones.

    The polarization must be established taking into account the centrality, which means defining

    a net of centres (central locals) that guarantees an effectiveness distribution of goods and

    services and the correspondent accessibility.1 The functional regions (criterion of

    polarization) allow establishing the hierarchy on a system of regions, in other words allow

    establishing a system of different sizes regions, each one containing a higher number of much

    small regions, of an inferior order.

    That being said, the way space can be divided in regions should be present when verifying to

    which extent the, say, economic distance between Portuguese regions is related with spatial

    distance. This is, indeed, the basic goal of our study. The rest of the paper is structured as

    follows. In section 2, brief descriptions of the data and of the methodology that will be used to

    achieve the purposes of the paper are presented. Section 3 offers the analysis of the results

    obtained when using the multidimensional scaling techniques to give an answer to the

    question: how distant are the Portuguese regions in terms of (per capita) purchasing power.

    Section 4 concludes.

    2. Brief Descriptions of the Data and of the Multidimensional Scaling Methodology

    As said before, we will use data for purchasing power, at the municipality level, for the

    Portuguese mainland.2 It may be illuminating to start by presenting the definition due to the

    Portuguese Statistical Office (Instituto Nacional de Estatstica) which is the source of the

    data: The per capita indicator is an index number that compares the purchasing power

    regularly manifested by the municipalities or regions in per capita terms with the average

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    That being said, let us consider the following figures, which give a graphic image of the data:

    Figure 1 Purchasing Power in 1995 Figure 2 Purchasing Power in 1997

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    From the figures above presented, it is apparent that, during the period 1997-2002, the

    purchasing power in Portugal has become more equally distributed.5 Nevertheless this fact, it

    also true that, because basically the municipalities with the lowest levels of purchasing power

    under 50% improved their position whereas those with values between 50% and 100%

    remained basically the same, behind that equalization is hidden a clear and persistence

    disparity in the level of purchasing power. In order to shed some light on this evolution and

    how it may be related with the geographical localisation of purchasing power we then propose

    to use multidimensional scaling techniques.

    Given a (geographical) map, it is obviously easy to calculate the (geographical) distance

    between the points located on the map. In simple terms, what multidimensional scaling does

    is the inverse operation, that is, it finds a map which (most) plausibly has generated those


    Generally speaking, the first stage of multidimensional scaling consists on obtaining the

    dis/similarity data matrix, say being constituted by the elements ijd , which is done by

    assuming some concept of distance (e.g. Euclidean) between the objects. Using thisinformation on the dis/similarity, in a second stage a solution is obtained consisting of a

    configuration, that is on the localisation of the objects on a space of a small number of

    dimensions (usually two or, at most, three) where the distances between the points on that

    space, ij

    d , approximate, as most as possible, the dissimilarities between the data points.7

    By doing so, when the structure underlying the data generation process is complex,

    multidimensional scaling thus provides a useful graphical representation of the data as, for

    instance, it may allow to visualise, on the one hand, how distant/dissimilar are the objects

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    accordance to some concept of distance (e.g. geographical), are indeed closer/similar to


    Given the nature of the data on purchasing power, the distance as measured in Euclidean

    terms, seems to be inappropriate. To illustrate the problem let us consider, for instance, four

    municipalities, A, B, C and D, such that the purchasing power indexes are 60, 80, 100 and

    120. In mere Euclidean terms, the municipalities A and B are as distant as municipalities B

    and D are. Plainly, the absolute distance, i.e. 20, means much more for municipalities A and B

    than for municipalities C and D. Hence we propose another measure of distance which indeed

    eliminates this problem. The distance between municipalities i and j, as measured by the

    indexespi andpj, is given by the following expression:


    2i j j i


    i j

    p p p p

    d p p

    = +

    , (2.1)

    in a single index case or, in case ofn indexes:

    , , , ,

    1 , ,



    ni t j t j t i t


    t i t j t

    p p p pd

    n p p=

    = +

    . (2.2)

    3. How distant are the Portuguese regions? Analysis of the results

    The multidimensional scaling results were obtained as follows: in the first place, a distance

    matrix was calculated for each of the four years, using expression (2.1); in the second place,

    this distance matrix was considered as an input for a multidimensional scaling MATLABroutine.8 The following figures plot the results.

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    Figure 5 The MDS configuration for 1995 Figure 6 The MDS configuration for 1997

    Figure 7 The MDS configuration for 2000 Figure 8 The MDS configuration for 2002

    The very first comment on the figures gives respect to the apparent similarity of the

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    and, in 2002, is even higher, 97%; see Appendix 1. This result is clearly important to

    understand what the figures are showing us. It means that municipalities that are located in the

    first and fourth quadrants are, on average, similar from the point of view of purchasing power

    whereas the same happens with municipalities located in the second and third quadrants.

    Moreover, this also would mean that within the two groups what would distinguish the

    localisation should be the latitude, in case of being true that the North-South dichotomy is

    preponderant or the longitude, in case of being true that the Interior-Littoral dichotomy is,

    indeed, preponderant. As is clear from the correlation matrix in appendix 1, that is not indeed

    the reason explaining the values behind dimension 2.

    This being said, in order to shed some light on the issue, let us consider the following figures,

    which plot the localisation of municipalities (by the 4 quadrants) in space.

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    Figure 11 The localisation for 2000 Figure 12 The localisation for 2002

    The general lesson is that there are central places (quite evident in the case of Lisbon and

    Oporto) that, in general, coincide with the capitals of districts that, in fact, are characterised

    by a higher level of purchasing power and that tend to be surrounded by municipalities less

    privileged. This is in clear agreement with the fact that the population of the interior is

    concentrated in medium-size cities where the standard of living is fairly high. See Ministrio

    da Economia (2003). This, nevertheless, does not completely shadows the fact that, in

    general, the municipalities located in the littoral are characterised by higher levels of

    purchasing power. Despite being true that the dichotomy regions under pressure versus

    sleepy regions is much more evident than the dichotomy littoral versus interior, as

    i t d t b f i t F (2003) it i l t th t th j t f th l

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    like to put in contrast with the ones obtained when considering the evolution that took place

    between 1995 and 2002, in what concerns purchasing power. It turns out that

    multidimensional scaling may indeed combine all the information provided by the four years

    under analysis, thus giving a unique picture of all the period under analysis. This can be

    done by the use of an aggregate distance level such as provided by expression (2.2).

    Following the same procedure as above described, the use of (2.2) produced the following

    multidimensional scaling map.

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    Lisbon and Oporto are indeed closer in terms of purchasing power, namely Cascais and

    Oeiras in relation to Lisbon and S. Joo da Madeira in relation to Oporto. From figure 13 it

    also comes as evident the privileged position of some municipalities located in the Algarve

    such as Faro and Albufeira but, interesting enough, it also puts in evidence that other

    municipalities of the Algarve are far from being closer to those two, such as Aljezur, Castro

    Marim and Vila do Bispo. Finally, two (among possibly) other municipalities located in the

    interior of the country, Alvito and Gouveia, quite far in geographical terms, are indeed close

    in terms of their quite low levels of purchasing power.

    4. Conclusion and Directions for Further Investigation

    This application of multidimensional scaling showed that, despite the average geographical

    distance between Portuguese municipalities being low, the same does not happen with the

    economic distance as measured by the (per capita) purchasing power index. Despite the

    apparent approximation of municipalities, Portugal is still characterised by considerably high

    regional disparities.10 Purchasing power is concentrated mainly around major cities such as

    Lisbon, Oporto and Faro, all located in the littoral but some medium-sized cities located in the

    interior still (?) function as attraction points because of their standards of living.

    The policy implications of the situation as described above should be evident. A recent report

    asked for the Portuguese government indicates that those municipalities belonging to the

    less-favoured Portugal, that is, those with a (per capita) purchasing power index smaller

    than 75% of the average level must be positively discriminated by the use of fiscal, financial

    and social incentives.See Ministrio da Economia (2003). A crucial objective of the regional

    policy should indeed be to invert the vicious tendency to purchasing power concentration.

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    measures of distance. For the reasons above explained, the Euclidean distance was not

    considered and, instead, a modified concept of distance as given by expression (2.2) was used.

    This was, clearly, one possibility among others. The use of other measures of distance is to be

    considered in further studies.

    5. References

    Costa, Jos Silva (ed.) (2002), Compndio de Economia Regional, Coleco APDR,


    Cox, T.F., and M.A.A. Cox (1994), Multidimensional Scaling, Chapman & Hall, London.

    Domingos, Estela (1999), Dinmica de Desenvolvimento Espacial Uma abordagem atravs

    da distribuio regional de receitas fiscais, 5,Prospectiva e Planeamento, Departamento de

    Prospectiva e Planeamento, Ministrio do Planeamento, 29-47.

    Ferro, Joo (2003), Dinmicas Territoriais e Estratgias de Desenvolvimento, Portugal

    1991-2001,Revista de Estudos Demogrficos, 34, Instituto Nacional de Estatstica.

    Instituto Nacional de Estatstica (2002a), O Pas em Nmeros.

    Instituto Nacional de Estatstica (2002b), Estudo sobre o Poder de Compra Concelhio.

    Ministrio da Economia (2003), Relatrio Programa de Recuperao de reas e Sectores


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    Appendix 1 -- The Correlation MatrixPP 1995 PP 1997 PP 2000 PP 2002 Dim.1 1995 Dim.2 1995 Dim.1 1997 Dim.2 1997 Dim.1 2000 Dim.2 2000 Dim.1 2002 Dim.2 2002 longitude latitude

    PP 1995 1.000

    PP 1997 0.971 1.000

    PP 2000 0.968 0.967 1.000

    PP 2002 0.944 0.954 0.942 1.000

    Dim. 1 1995 0.932 0.896 0.882 0.922 1.000

    Dim. 2 1995 0.699 0.698 0.650 0.736 0.595 1.000

    Dim. 1 1997 0.921 0.940 0.901 0.951 0.967 0.631 1.000Dim. 2 1997 0.530 0.567 0.510 0.559 0.359 0.864 0.407 1.000

    Dim. 1 2000 0.919 0.915 0.939 0.944 0.954 0.595 0.964 0.380 1.000

    Dim. 2 2000 0.603 0 .615 0.603 0 .626 0.442 0.882 0.479 0.919 0.471 1.000

    Dim. 1 2002 0.893 0.899 0.881 0.971 0.947 0.650 0.969 0.413 0.956 0.490 1.000

    Dim. 2 2002 0.371 0.387 0.335 0.384 0.212 0.793 0.246 0.906 0.213 0.864 0.236 1.000

    longitude -0.407 -0.433 -0.439 -0.495 -0.452 -0.277 -0.488 -0.156 -0.500 -0.200 -0.524 -0.038 1.000

    latitude -0.276 -0.305 -0.239 -0.331 -0.325 -0.219 -0.361 -0.087 -0.305 -0.039 -0.364 -0.004 0.195 1.000