rond avenue. there are · thirteenth ybar,: no. 55. asbury park, new, jersey, monday, march 6,...

THIRTEENTH YBAR,: NO. 55. ASBURY PARK, NEW, JERSEY, MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1899. ONE CERT Eor Exchange. An elegant residence prop- -erty~at-Wind6orr-N .-J.I- for property in Asibury . Park, also Two .well located Jots at —■Belmar,- N. J., -for either— Asbury Park or Ocean Grove/ property. D C . COVERT’S M s a to c e Afcenitf 715 M attison Avenob Asbury Park StSBURY PARK and OCEAN GEOVB ( Hotel Branawiclc, Omcxa -j Railroad Depot and f’rlncipal Offlce 818 Cookman Avsnu *. Goods Stored a t reasonable rates, - Telephone connection. P. o . Box 667, - - - - AflDtmr PABK. TO HAVE YOUR CLOCKS AND WATCHES PUTIN OMEtt W HOSW E ARB HOT SO BUSY. if your eyes trouble ydti we can fit tbem with glia&es tliat will1 give) you peridot', vision a t --- -- W IS E M A N ’S 6‘45 CWftaM Aveflne. FIVE DQNTS DOST^thlnk your oouah (or oold will disappear until you have used "Yarn’s Cough Balsam.” 1 DON’T expect to have thatjpalu In tbe side or baok relieved, or the musoles pf the chest, until you bave bathed ] freely with “ Ham’s Rheumatic Bpeolflo," ’ DON'T believe ln all these; advertised guaranteed cures, but try “ Ham's Anti- Headache Powders,’’ and you wtl Ibe gatlo- iled—perfectly harmless. DON'T you know that Ham's Floral -Ammonia” Is justrtiiathing-'that Is taiaidtf ‘ to keep the hands soft, smooth and white t DON’T be afraid to oak for a free sample of any of them. Prepared only by ... . 167 Main Street, Asbuiy Park. Money to Loan 1500. $1,000, 11,600, $2,000 13,000, 94,000, |B,000, $8,000 at S and 8 per oent. First Bonds and Mortgages bought and sold. Loans qulokly made. -Real Estate Now Is the time to Bechre desirable furnished cottages for 1890. »Insurance ' W ritten in cbmplete form and ln reliable contpanles which pay losses promptly. Agent for the Ameri- can Surety Company. •' j . i For particulars pertaining to any of the ttboye subjects apply to T. Frank Appleby - • Yon know the location. Corner Jfattlson •Avenue and Mn.ln Street, ' ■'. ‘ ^BU^Yip>Ri?, N. j;; - ,( Cor.M»In Ave.^nfl PUjrrlhi.pkfliw.y, . , t - . OCBAN OROVB. we offer to del tfcett dent.l ;J a '5\: v \ •*tW,-Wce;»««!(lent. ... ..... ,. , . ^M ’i n r o r ; A s i ’tC M « « r "SPAN1SHWAB RELICS: ~ TWO GUNBOATS SUNK "AT GUANTANAMO. Now »t the Washington Navy Yard. Battle Scarred Rifles From the F leet Sank:at S antiago—worollworlc . From the Cristobal Colon—Cuban Machetes and Anolent Battleoxes. Washington, March 6, [Special.] — Washington, as tho" capital of tho nation', ia qtiictly bntTtcftdlly^jKrq^Jrlftg^quito a collection of relies from tho late Spanish Vfar. * With tho heads of the dQpartmontd and andvy yard iii this city, it is natural fch&t iiiiiny objects of luterest should bo .tpopght horo and placed on exhibition. Perhaps the largest and most..important relics, if such thoy may bo called, now to [ho seen arptho t^vo Spanish gunboats, Al* varado aiiij Sandoval, whlph were taken ho,wovor, being sunk before being aban- doned by the dons. These are not gunboats in the ordinary sense of tho word, but moro- Iy1diminutive cruisers 113 foot long, resem- bling our J-orpedo boajs, excopt that they lack torpedo attachments and have the flat, instead of round deck. Neither can develop a speed of over 11 knots an hour and aro hence moro interesting as relics than aa additions to Undo Sam’s navy. Ono of these “gunboats’’ carriod two 6 pound rifles of modern make; the other ono a 6 pounder and a 1 pounder of repeat- ing,design. When tho sea is more quiet, tho two vessels aro to bo sent to Now York for overhauling and may subsequently bo put into the revenuo service. V(ft^ss^’Ksa*rw*'8j^aJttl*hftOrdnancerf*weA5«uw«?<bTi»e'; Aside from these boats, tho navy yard has quite a largo display of Spanish ord- nance, mainly rifles taken from tho Viz- caya,. Cristobal Colon and Oq uondo after tho conflict off Santiago. There arc 17 gunB ln this lot, all of one design, with a bore of 17 centimeters, or about 5X inohes. Many bear tho marks 'of having beon through hard service, ^nd all havo tho ap- pearance of having nndorgohe groat heat, probably the result of tho. fires which broke out on the several vessels after thoy were beached. Alongside tho guns aro as many shields, all scorched and-powder stained, some scarred, othors piercod by American shells, one' In particular bearing evidence of thogood American marksman- ship in tho way of. a hotp made, by a 10 / .Ipim qhp^ npt ^ten .Inohes irpm thaoenter. On one of the rifles', too, fs a roau-k or dent made by" a small American shell, Evidently a 6 pounder, which, striking at' a glance, faiifcj tb do set ions d^ta age. The mounts ,of ‘ the ^jiAnlaH guus are atoolijhgiptho yard, but in a-separate pile. It Is said to theV u 5tirofktp intention of'tho $epart- m ent to distribute theso guns to several clti 6 S about tho country for exhibition as relics, for they arO of no use as ordnance. From the Cristobal Colon. ^ jjo U ^ r^ on exhibition. Is the aorpHwprk,token from t£d stern of the i Cristobal Colon. This is the property of jthefriavy department, but, being of huge dimensions and weight, has Iboeri turned over to tho N ational mdsbum. This scroll, :resembling m uch,a bird w ith. outspread wings, centers atound tho Spanish coit of arms, Tho entire figure 16 of'brass and •covers, whon spread, a length of 80 feet;’ itaporlng from pointe at either ond to'the jodafc of arms, whioh In Itself is six feet oft more ln height.* Whon -finally mounted, this scroll will rnalio ono of tho largest ex- hibits in the museum. Aside from this, many relics of smaller sizo are on view In tho museum—relics from Cuba and Ma- nila, Spanish and American. Tho first thing to catch tho eyo is a part of tlie sil- ver service from tho Malno, comprising a loving cup, a soup tureen ahd two vegeta- ble dishes, the former ^ presented by Mqtoe citizens in Now Orlcans and tho last throe, by tho state of Maine. Other Malno rollos are displayed, showing marks of the terri- ble explosion, but tho stiver escaped un- soratohod. ''X Otber Re}lck,. In anothor caso aro ploces of armor from Spanish balls, flags of tfrpco used on mem- orable occasions, captured Spanish em- blems from Cuban fields and many relics brought homo by American o£^cers,.show- ; Ing the means Whoreby tho Spaniard made yrar, his rifles, rovolvors, sabers, bullets and powder, An Interesting rolio in this connection is an old Springflold rlflo cap- tured in Cuba from the enemy, whioh was made in the days before broochloading rifles wero knownt(and .yet. that'anqlent plooG of bidnanco y?as usod in t^ose Mod- ern qays, • The submarino minowhiol^waa picked up by tho United States steamship Marblehead at Guantanamo, rusty, scarred and covered with barnacles, also stands among the , othor exhibits, along sldo pf powder cans^bent.and, dented, taken from tho Maine after her.'destruction. A com- plete collection of Cuban machetes has been n^ado,kshowing tho various designs used lp the, different parts of the. island, and even so ancient a weapon as the bat- Ucax (was recovered at £atr$iago after the surrender. Fionji'ao Amerloan ship was taken an olootriq' fan which was used to expel smoko from a turret during an en- gagement after largo guns had boon fired. Its scars and bruises bear ovldonco of tho service it onco rendered. Theso and hun- dreds of small rolios'ato all placed on ex- hibition for tho benoflt of the resident and visiting public, and the collection is being steadily Increased by relics constantly con- tributed. 1 Hellos at Expositions. There ip no doubt that tho peoplo of the United States will havo an opportunity to see the more important rolicsof thq war, or at tho least those which can be trans- ported readily. Tho .different expositions that ore to .bo held throughout the country will h^yo nmong tholr attractions all the rellbs that can be collected and placed on exhibition. The government's very lib- eral the matter of, exposition 9 , and, con- gress soems to be willing to givo theto the indorsement anil appropriation. Three have beon provlded I during , the lAst ses- Blonrrone, at JPhtfodelpliia, one at Buffalo and another at Tolodo, In the next oon- gross it is eSiHiot^d that a liberal appro- priation, will bf) mlidei .for the- Ldulsiana PuMias^I/^odlfcicm at St. Lonls, to be; helfyln 1908. Jb vtaa notloodin,tho ^ouso that thesecnons seeking approjfiriations; fartfiO expositions act^d in vfry gre^t'.har-, mony. ' :*The crepresentAtives • from jNew! York,^ Pennsylvania;^ phlo and the IjouIb- iana purchase Voted toj^thor! and made a{ common causa ^n supporting tho different! pro^sltlbnSjDUt^tfwi -^very^xp(Js]tion of 1 a n a t i o n a l : o h a r M p t e r has] had a goverprpon^ ejchibltj no m atter inj What part qf th 0 (^uUtry hGldj ia preopdent! t lcit wUl no doubt bo followed in the fu-i 9, Wi Donk." ; 1 Oqean . Lodge, J^9.*!83, hndiTSea . Side, Lodge;^No; 80,\Ain^loan Order ‘tTnitedj W otk^in. bptb r^f |Ijong Branch! have- made, Uberal don^lQpa/ .fund^orj the erection of a proposed new wing afc[ tb^ Monmouth Memprlfil hospital. “GOODORDBKMAlMTAINEPr- So SaTS Chief of Township Police. No Sewer Dl.onsslon. The Neptune township committee held a meeting In tbeir South Main street ofllce Saturday afternoon, every member being present.'"Olitafde ’of "the passing of a large budget of bills, very jlttle>bu 6 !aes_K#sirftHflncteil. __ Chief of Police S. B. Guerin submitted bis annual report, showing the number of arrests made during the year for vari- ous offenses. Oases-of drunkenness and disorderly conduct were Bhown to be in the majority. The chief complimented and valiant services,~andJ.referred'wletr pride to the fact that excellent order had been maintained at all times. The report was received and Sled, Chief Querln offered a' resolution in- structing the olerk to request all justices of the peace in the township to furnish the committee at'on^e with a report of all tbe orlminal cases tried before them during the year, together with the nameB'-nf=mthe;"'defendRnt8r''‘nTid"tho amount of flneajn band. The resolution waa adopted. A petition was read from residents of Summerileld avenue, west of Proipect avenue, asking .that the East Jersey Coast W ater company be requested to lay its mains ln that Sreet, in order that property owners might connect there- with, The petition waa referred to the water company, with'the request that It be granted. It was expected that, some discussion would take place regarding the ap- of a new sewer compaay for a franchise to operate a system in Nep- tune township. A representative of the company was present, but no aotion ^S6fttlreEw“TKef65nilp¥ny"&^'been’clr~ culating a petition among the residents of the township., in order to asoertain, if possible, how m my people would con- nect with tbe sewers if tbey were con- structed. The canvassers Bay they have not met with very good sucooss up to this time. _____________________________ < BRADLEY BEACH PRIMARIES. Citizens and; Republican. Each Nom- inated Candidate*. f Primary meetings to place In nomina- tion candidates to be voted for at the approaching spring election Interested the voters pf Bradley. Beach Saturday night .... Two .tickets .were named, one containing,the. Republican candidates, ,the other being,ndude hb of men of both pattlee and calldd a-Citizens’ ticket, j The Citizens’ primary was held in Poland’s hall, and li'sAld to have been a lively meeting. F. 0. H. Hooy was chairman.^ There appeare.d_ to be. the. usual .'vtwo, factions '.present, and nothing tbat the one portion oould do seemed to please or satisfy tbe other. After conalderable dlscuBsfon,.however, tho following candidates were declared elected to’pteoe otv the tloket: ' Mayof—A. T. Rogers. ' Council—C. B. Poland, Ellas Soul- thorpe. Commlseloner of Appeal—William OrlfBn, er. Four persons vfrere named for council- manio candidalee. ; Poland and Scul- tborpe, the successful men, received 80 and 36 votes respectively. Addison HutohlnBon and Ellhs Brower received 15 and 8 votes respectively. The Republicans held their primary in tbe oonnoii room. C. A. Bennett called tbe meeting to order, and D. F. Qant was made chairman, with H. P. Gant as secretaiy. The nominations made are as follows: Mayor—A. R. Yarnall. Council—C. A. Bennett, William GIN ford. Commissioner of Appeal—Joseph T. Steward. Bennett had 83 votes and Gifford 80 for the nomination of candidates os councilmen, and Charles Rogers re. ceived one vote. B. Frank Herbert and William Larra- ..bp.«..w.<y^9PR^.oJ:fiA»-c.oromlttoaJtdJll]. vacancies, should any occur. ---------- ArsCNDAVWEDDING:-"' ------ Miss Myrtle Raymond Becomes the Bride of Mr. Phil. Heer. A qulet’home wedding was celebrated yesterday afternoon at 1 o’clock at the reBldence of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bear- morn, TOG Sswall avoniie, tBIS city. Tbe contracting parties were Phil. Heer of No,w,-York_j 3 lty.. anfl-Mlss.Myxtle-Bay.., moud, a niece of Mr. Bearmore, who haa” made her home in this city for sev- eral months past. The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. Z. Clark Marten, pastor of the First Baptist churoh, in the presence of about-SO nearrSlatl vee andfriends.T he Jiousa was elaborately decorated for the occasion, and'the gathering was a very pleasant one. - Oscar Noetling of New York city, acted as best man, and Miss Belle Rog- ers of Red Bank was tbe bridesmaid Miss Lulu Brand of Belmar played the wedding march, and tbe pretty young bride was given away by her uncle. A wedding dinner followed the cere- 'm ony;'‘Mr:iand,'Mf»f,He£)rrrert‘tinJ’a''i afternoon train, amid a shower of rice and many congratulations. After an extended honeymoon trip they will take up tbeir residence in Brooklyn. The guests at tbe wedding included people from New York, Brooklyn, Red Bank, Belmar, Avon and thia city. THE PEOPLE'S SAY. NINE WERE BAPIIZ&D. Membership ,f First Baptist Ghnrch ia khoreaslnit. The.morntng and evening services at tbe First Baptist ohurch yesterday were very- impressive in character. In the morning tbe holy communion was ad* ministered by the pastor, Rev. Z Clark Marten, and seven persons were ’given the right hand of fellowship- as mem - bers. ’ The ohurch was crowded long before tbe time for the evening service to be- gin, and manyrgersons were unable to enter the building. Nine young persona received tbe rite of baptism. Eleven S ersons were baptizad the previous Sun- »y, making tbe total 20. Evangelist Yan De Veqtbr.prdacbed a thrilling ser- mon lost evening upon the subjeot; "Christ bnd Barabbas—Whom Will You ChooSe?” The revival services will be continued evfiry night tbis week, Chalk talks to the children will be given by Mr. Van De Venter .Wednesday, Thursday and Fridfty afternoons " at 8 80. Special young people’s Bervice tomorrow (Tues- day) night, with one of Mr. Van Da- Venter’s best ohalk talks. The interest is deepening and many persons are be- ing saved. Christian .workers of all danomitaations are Invited to be present and help along tbe work. | Fine Presentation of Cantata. Don’t fall, to see a realistic and dra- matic presentation of the Bible story of Ruth and Naomi at the High Sohoo! building. Ocean Grove, tomorrow (Tues- daa) nlglit, March 7, at 8 o’clock sharp. Nearly 100 exqulBlte costumes from New York will ,,be used,' aa well as speoially selected scenery. * A 'full chorus of GO voices -metuilly trained' in'fspng and aotion,-with the following soloists, will give tbis beautiful cantata; Mrsi Mollie Meeker-MorrlBon ,of 'New , Yoirk. ;Mr,| John Hee^,.tenor, Bed. Bank, Mrs. J. E.i Burt, Miss Bertha Martih, Misa S. Jennie Td^V«ttd,,%S.'.F^i|ii^ Morehotab, Jttrs. U R. Zacharies, ;M to Grace Hoffman, and Messrs. Martin, Burtis, BryiUj ahd H unt? See advertisement oiTflraC $age. F x r c c r r o s '- m t rv vs' n I gh T' “Citizen'’ Oflera a Saggestton. E ditor P ress :—Having read with much interest the articles appearing in T he D aily P ress relative to raining funds for advertising Asbury Park as a winter resort; I respectfully offer a sug- guiitioti.on the ettme line.— - - - -- - ■ .......... It is generally concedsd that to raise funds as proposed in the article wbioh appeared in the Press recently over the signature of Dr. J. F. Davison, cannot be done without special legislation. I would therefore suggest that the money now raised by collecting licenses, and whioh, aa I understand, amounts to something over $ 10 , 0W) annually,' be set aside and used' as an advertising, music and entertainment fund. In making this suggestion T am not aware of tho amount raised .annually by general taxa- tion. It occurs to me, though, that the same should be sufficient to liquidate all current ^expenses ,of onr local gov?rn- manfcproviding'the anm now deducted ($3,000) for the payment of rauolc bn the beach remain in the funds raised by igeneral taxation. - Jn glancing over our city treasurer’s jpgrti for‘t|le year 1897 I note that over $ 1 Z,000 was paid into the treasury for lioensee, and-npon inquiry I learn that the amount collected from thesame soourob for the'year 1898 is considerably ln excess of the previona year. This question arises: Why ^annot $10,000 of thlH ffind b i applied as above stated, aUd the balanoe ln excess of $ 10,000 te placed in the general taxation fund and applied as necessity may deman^l? Since the. thought relative to using the lioense fund occurred to me, I have mentioned the same to several of our business men, all of whom pay a license fee to this iclty of from $10 to $60 an- nually; and in every instance they bave expressed' themselves as follows: “If I Jcnew or felt tbat the money I am now paying as a license fee was to be uee&QS an advertising and music fund, I would pay tbe same with perfect willingness, and at the same time be glad to do so, .for • I would then feel. that I would sooner or later get some return for my money." This artiole, as well as all previous ones of a like character that have ap- jpeared in tbe columns of the P bess , will have the usual exceptions taken thereto,'but to my mind the plan as herein suggested is a much better one than that now in existence, viz,, that of raiaing funda of this character by sub- scription, and where a few pay the fid- dler and all do tbg dancing, while by adopting the plan as suggested in thin pockets of the majority, and would, I think; be satisfactory to all. In conclu- sion, permit me to add that Aabury Park must oe made an all the year resort. With said end continually in view, somo one of our citizens will, )f this line is continued, hit upon a plan whereby the subject in question will have been attained, and the world at large 'will learn that Asbury Park Is an ideal all the year resort. "C itizen ." E ditor P bess :—I was one of the audience in the Reformed ohurch on Feb. 27 and heard the leotuEB-by-XUv Stryker onithe “Three Italian Cities.” He spoke with much'knowledge and in un unbiased manner. I give my opinion unreservedly because I (Ived In Turin four years. Rev. Mr. Gill’s remarks were, incorreot, and I can prove that suoh Is the oase if required. J ohn B. Bianco . Philadelphia Inquirer Sonvenlr. W e are in receipt of a beautiful sou- venir number of The Philadelphia In- quirer, Issued March 2, in commemor- ation of the tenth anniversary qf the present management. This souvenir number is a 40-pace newspaper, illus - trating in a graphic way the tremen- dous strides made by The Inquirer since 1880, when James Elverson assumed tbe control. One of the most interesting features of the souvenir is a speoial sup- plement printed on heavy super-calen- dred paper, in which appear handsome reproductions of photographs in balf tone of the many departments of The Inquirer. Tbese half tones show all of the most reoent devices and appliances known in the newspaper world for the tnrning out of a great metropolitan newspaper, and Iprove conclusively that The Inquirer plant is one of the very best equipped in the entire countrg. Spring Meeting Tomorrow. Tomorrow'the spring meeting of the Northern New Jersey Congregational ponference will be held In the First Con- gregational churoh, tbls city, Tbe pro- gram was announced in last Tuesday's PiIesb. Ssaalons at 10 8 B a. m. and 2.15 p,' m. pinner will be'served the"dele- gates at the Grand Central hotel. Sec- ond avenue. There are 86 churches In R he conference, ahd the' delegates wilt lUtiiber 123 or more. The sessions will oe'open to all. Ethel Brpwpr Sllgbtly Improved. - Ethel Brower," tbe young -daughter of Mr^'flifcMrs.' jyjUlam B fiw er iqf.! ley Beach, who waa bo horribly burned on Saturday, as related in'the'Pnsss, iq reported .today’ as being' a little' im- prosed. iShe Is still In a precarious con-' dltlon, which, causes much anxiety among her pftrehtfl and fttandsi. • ^ ' The ' ttospel ' of good g o to la'-what we .. .worman'Mount ol this city is confined mop& & Co.fdru&glate^—Adv. tf, j .'to hia honlaby Illness, 1 T . Fair tn April. The ladles of the Grabd Avenue Re- formed church'wilihotd a fair ib. Edu- catiohal ' hall, for tbe benefit of the Churbh, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday* April 4, 5 and 6 " Thetr ob- itapt lia to h«ln'Jiquia*te the floating debt of the churoh. -- ..'NormanM ount of this city Is confined Candidates Are Busy Moving About t ho Voters. The Neptune townshfp eleotion which takes place M-irch 14, one week from to- morrQw, promisfs .to .be. an ’interesting contest. Both Bides at this time are free to offer predictiona of victory for their j-e8pectlv«—candidates,— ®te—Republi- cans, as usual, are claimii^feverything. in sight, while the Democrats are con- ducting a quiet but forcible campaign, and expect to pluck some of tbe plums from the political tree. The tight for the office of committee ^nan promises to bo tlie riin-t hotlv con- tested, while that of constable will also provoke an Interesting contest.' For com- mitteeman the Republicans have nomi- nated John Hulshart for' reelection. Hia opponent on the Demooratic side is John M. Laight. Knowing- that there fs a certain amount of opposition to Mr. Hulshart on tbe West Side, Mr. Laight feels confident of vifctory. He is mak- ing a very active oampaigp. and even at thiQ '_tTm^'lWi'?fv b'tf(T 6tne 'profl'cfeni'ffi'Kiv- inR the political handshake For the position of constable there are six candidates, three on either side. The Republican nominees are Joseph Mc- Laughlin, L O. Humbert' and Sidney T. Hampton. The Democratic Oandidates are W. R. Hill, H. Liebenthal and W. R. Wilson. The probabilities are that the weakest man upon the Republican ticket will be made the subjeot of un- conditional slaughter upon the part of the Democrats. In this way they may be enabled to elect one, if not more, of tbe constables The other offices are of minor import- ance, and the struggles for honors will n.fiti.4!S-.J9f,grmt»^S»«:eeentJndicav tions, however, the election promises to be ’ .lively enough to satisfy the anxiety of the old time politician. The workers will be on the scene early, and the battle of ballots wjll be waged in earnest until the polls close. EPWORXH LEAGUERS. Seven Societies Sent Delegations to a ' Oronp Meeting. » The group meeting of Epworth League chapters held last Friday ni«ht in this oity was an occasion of great interest to the members of the societies. Seven of the ten chapters of Group No. JO were represented. A special trolley car filled with about 40 members of tbe chapters at Long Blanch arrived early. Mana- squan sent two stageloads of leaguers, but the roads were so bad the party did not arrive at the church until nearly 9 o’clock. The program anf ounced in the P bess F riday was observed. W. B. Stout had charge of the preliminary song and E rayer service. The welcome greeting y the pastor. Rev. Dr. Wight, was hearty and cordial, and the response by John Hulshart of West Grove was brief and appropriate. Mr. Hulshart is first, vioe-president of the New Brunswiok District Epworth League, and this was the fourth monthly group meeting held in the district. The officers of the recently formed Epworth League chapter of the church ln which the group meeting was hel{l were then installed by W. D. Hendrick- son, president of tbe district. The offi- cers are: / President—Wesley Bi Stout. Vice-President—W. B. Tonkins. Second Vice-President—(mercy and help department) Mtfs. McDevitt. iThird Vlce-Presldeht — (literal^ de - partment) George Brown. Fourth Vice-President— (social depart - ment) Harry Jackson. Bacretary—Miss Mary Warren, Treasurer—Edward E. Hammell. President Stout gave an address, the oifering was taken, and then Joseph P. Johnson of Oceandrove oonducted an Ideal Epworth League devotional meet- ing, the subjeot being "ThaNew Birth.” There was a scripture reading, prayers. 'WrA0.-MtiiHP.n~ minutes. 'The consecration service in charge of Rev. W. G. Moyer of West Grove ended tbe exercises. The letter follows: B badley, N. J., March, 4,1899 E ditor Press :—The enclosed package I received through tbe mail laat evening without any accompanying letter of ad- vice. Presuming that it was Bent to me by tbe ’’citizens” of Aaburj Park, 1 bave the honor to 'return the same, through you, to the proper committee of ’’citizens” with my compliments, and remark iliaLI.(umH[d«r..thettfuiie-an'in- sult to undeserved Injury, and unless this character of treatment ceases I shall be -obliged to demand a public hearing, in order that the “people may know by honorable means the«true Standing of certain "citizens” and''m y- self in the late volunteer service. Respectfully, J. R, M uddell, Latg,captain Co. A, Third N. J. V. I, The package referred to by his "royal highness” contained one of the medals such as were presented to the members of Company A on tbe evening of the welcome home reception. Captain Muddell and about 25 others who were not present that evening, were, accord- tng^to'tHa ii1 ofUI'of ,''tire''cntiiriiittf!e, each' entitled £o a medal. Where the ad dresses were known the medals were sent by mail, not on March 8, aa the let- ter indlcatea, but immediately after the reception as the postmark still on tbe package shows. The captain says.he wants the people to know his true standing In tbe volun- teer service Right along thia line may we ask, in the language of a member of bis oompany, who is the patriot, the man who goes to war for $10 '50 per month and lives on Alger’s embalmed beef, bacon, beans and hardtack, or the man who wears the gilt and polish and eats the oream at $150 per Cap*ain Muddell bas proven that the trust imposed upon him by the anxious families of this city, when the war broke out, was misplaoed. His own men bave expressed their sentiment by ask- ing for his resignation, and who la bet- ter fitted to judge his aots than those who'were subjected to hiB command?. If he wants a public hearing there is no doubt but what he can get it at any time or place, but the people of Asbury Park can judge the man by the insult- ing letter whioh appears above. OFFICER’S BARD WORK. Interfered .With While in Disoharge of His Duties. Robert Rhoades was arrested Satur- day afternoon about 4 o’clock by Town- ship Officer Davis, oharged with being a disorderly person. W alter G, Harris Interfered with the officer, and as a re- sult he was also arrested. Justice Dodd held Harris under $100 bail, and Rhoades wajs fined $2 and tbe costs, 75 oents. The amount was paid and Rhoades was re- leased. Harris secured a bondsman and was also liberated. In the scuffle that ensued when the tffloer was interfered with by .Harris, the latter was thrown ’against a windowtof Goleuberg’s cigar store, oi^Springwood avenue, shivering the glass to atoms. A crowd gathered, making it difficult for the officer to handle his men, but he finally landed them in jail.- --- We Will Iiose Good Peoplo. Mr. and Mrs. George Allerdyce of 808 Seventh avenue, spent several days in Philadelphia last—week. They have leased one of the handsomest houses in the Quaker City, and will move tblther In.about a month.' Tbeir departure from this city will be greatly regretted by a host of friends whom tbey have made during their year’s sojourn here, and who have thoroughly appreciated tbeir unfailing kindness, courtesy and genial- ity as neighbors and hosts.. Tbey bave been tbe leaders in most' of the winter festivities of Seventh avenue, and tbey will be very much missed. WlicoIimHi'a M onthly M eeting. The March meeting of the Asbury Park Wheelmen takes plaoe at the Bangs avenue clubhouse tfinight nt 8 o’olook. The question -of the club’s withdrawal from the League of Ameri- oan Wheelmen will come up for final action, and it Is Important that every member should be preaent. This same subject was considered last year, and a motion to withdraw was defeated, but matters have takefh a different turn bf late, andtbe\p«»peots are thatlthe olub will vote by a \jarge majority to sevir connections wltfc the National le^gnfil 1 \ W What\U "Rntlj.? A beailtlful cantata, to be given in the High Sohpol building, Ocean Grovo,\ncxt Tuesday night, March 7, with over 50 voloos, 80 costumes tand apodal scenery brought from New %Vqpr. .yoOT.TC^i^ed feat find llbre^to ap j . 1?. Appleby7^ omoe now; and'be lij youi; peat, when'the curtain n r fctj fi'p’qlock shskTpj, Ladles 'will pleaBQ' ! move their hats. Day’s ioe cream duri Intermission and a t cibse. > . . ■ W C KETURNED THE MEDAL. Captain J. R, Bf added Sends Com' mltteo a Saucy Letter. ' The P ress has veceived the following letter, whioh toiil doubtless be of inter est to, the publio,jfor, whom was in- tended. The iettsr is characteristic of its author, and goes to show what brass ‘button s^nd^hfralderHtrHpHTtrg'TtBbto'TTr do for sanje men in the short period of nine months. If he. greeted his com- pany while in service with the same spirit with which he greets the citizens pf this city in his letter, we are_not sur- prised that his friends &re- few- and far betweettT VOLUNTEERS VS. OREOS. Membors of Company A Comprised a Basket Ball. Team. Basket ball at Central hail Saturday night interested a crowd pf about 400 persons. Th® contestants were the Oreos Athletic -club’s first team and a team made up of members of ■'Company A, Third New Jersey volunteers of this city. The soldier boys put up a good game and were loudly applauded for their work. The score, however, showed that the OreoB were too much 'for the volunteers. At the end of the first 20- minute-half of the game the score was 18 to 0 in favor of the Oreos, and they increased this lead in the second balf to 29 to 8. Haggerty of the volunteers’ team was injured, and his place was taken by Wiseman. The lineup was as follows^ OREOS—297 rOSlTIOK. COMPANY A—3 Applegate right forward ...... .. Dudley Rushton \ left forward.Harrison (capt)' Woodward ............. loft back ............... Walters Watson, .............. right baok ..............Pancoast Goals scored: Applegate 7, Sutphen 4, Rushton 4, Pancoast 1. Goals from fouls: Rushton and Dudley 1 each. Referee. Dr. R. F. Doran; timer, Mc- Donald; scorer, Rushton. The Company A team will play again Saturday night at 8 o’olock at the same place. OBITUARY. F or R ent One of the most desirable stores on Mattison avenue. Price right to tfesirable tenant. Our list of yearly houses is complete. If seekiagjt house let us give you particulars. (* , . MILAN ROSS AGENCY 208 Main Street. Monmouth Trust -AND- Safe Deposit Company Monmouth Building, Asbnry Park, N. J. , CAPITAL, $ 100,000. SURPLUS, $ 25,000. Bxecutea all trostrkaowtrto thclaw;------------- Ivoaas money on bond and mortgage. Receives deposits subject to check and allows Interest on dally balances. Acts as Trustee, Registrar and Transfer Agent. Pays coupons. Makes demand and time loans on approved collateral. Safe deposit vaults.- A. C. TWINING. President, a. H. M. HARVEY, Vice President. BRUCB 3. KEATOR, SecreUry. D. C. CORNS LI/« Treasurer. DIRECTORS: O. H. Brown, H; Buehanon, ). C. Cornell, W. J. Harrison, Col. G. B. M. Harvey, George P. Kroehl, Bruce S. Keator, M. D. Isaac C. Kennedy Henry Mitchell, M. D.t John P. O’Brien, Thos. F. Ryan, Milan Ross, A. C. Twining. H. H. Vreeland, ) G.D. W.Vroota,- iOHN F. SEGER. 2Ianufacturer of and Daaler la High-Grade Fish- ing Tackle. Anglers' ©very requirement con- stantly on* hmdU Bop tiring of every description at snort notice. A full lino of choice imported and domestic cigars. 047J Cookman A venue . < Opp. TenBroeok’. Market Benjamin DnBols WyckofT. Word haa reaohed Asbury Park of the death'on Wednesday, March 2, at Pine Bluff, N. C., of Rev. Benjamin DuBois Wvckoil. in tbe 85th year of his age. With his-wife anil .daughter the de - ceased left this city November 30 last, for a sojourn in the south, in the hope that his health might be benefitted thereby. There are six ohildren—two sons and ' four daughters—Miss Mary Wyckoff of thia city, a teacher in one of the Bradley Beaoh schools, being one of the latter. A more extended notice will appear In the PBESS tomorrow. Banquet for Policemen. Asbury Park’s “finest,” better khawn as the B'oadway squad, comprising all the regular policemen of this city, under command of Chief Smith, will enjoy a complimentary banquet tomorrow (Tues- day) evening, at S o’clock, at Weir’s hotel, Cookman avenue,, and all of our blue coated guardians of the peace are expected to enjoy Proprietor Weir’s hos- pitalities. Apleasanttlme is anticipated, and it is reported that some of tbe offi- cers have begun to raet already, in or- der to be'prepared for tbe event. Did Not Get W Ife's Insurance. Mrs. Daniel ‘Yetman, who recently died at Navesink, was a member of the Daughters of Liberty. At. th? time of her death She was in arrears for dues, but not, having, been suspended by the lodge, t'ho funeral benefit of $200 was colleated by the order. The husband mad^a demand for .the mqney, but the lodge refused to* pay tt to him:- They paid the doctor's and undertaker’s bills, aud have appointed a committee to ex- pend the.'balance on Mrs. „Yetman’s children," ■ ' ■ oy Severely Injured. Bryan 'Borden, the 4-vear-old non of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Borden ot tbls oity, met With a serious and painful ac- cident about 3 80 o’clock this afternoon. Thp little Mellow, was. playing, on the pqrch of, tho Borden- resident^, 1110 Main street when he fell therefrom,’ Hi W eft - broken and theelbow ‘jifalqid?W,.v\ipr.'-ai B. Elnmp.uth'i wtts sUmmi pd, fee.Alttlo/pjitrent waa put under, the imtiieooe bf chloroform, and the4 toipc«tioa'wa8 reduced. ' '- -y- ' There’s no “Hobson’s(Mice” in buying a Plano of us. You should remember this. You can’t gp aBtray even If you buy a cheap piano, for It will be the best of its kind. W e sell a good reliable instrument for . the..price of a “ make believe’.’. elsewhere. Only 510 down puts a piano ln your house. K. A. TUSTING Mattison and Bond, Aabury Park. Headache. Many thousand people suffer from chronic headache, find- ing no relief either in medi- cine, moderation of work or other remediea. In many caaea the troublo is caused in dofective eyes, which canf be remedied by skilled application bf proper lenses. i LEECH, STILES & CO Eye Specialists. At 322 Main Street E very F riday . Hours 11 to 5 P. M. OUn f b im CAHbiNAL PoiNVS » Capltal( v f : $100,000 5 T | Surplus, ' :JL* 970.000 First National Bank of Asbnry Park kATTISON AVH. AND BOND ST. Ocean Qrove Branch: Association Building, main Avenue,J OFFICERS - Gbo, F. Rxobbx., tfrest. O. H.-B^owir, 1st VlcerPreat, M. h. BkMUAtf, 2d Vlce-Prest, M. V. Baaum, Cashier. •• - « ^c; H. Bcoxr, Asrt. cauhicr DIRECTORS | “ V * -■ G. P.-Kroehl, MaWoh R. Margsmw, Oliver H. Brown , * • ’ . Bruce B.' Keator, B. W: Kiricbpde,. •- ~ D, C. Corert, . r *'Isaac C. Kennedy, Chas^YottU. . ViMilan Boas,’ 1 1 Milan Boas, i . in. ww&XlMlia, '■ShenaanB.Oviatt, ;6amnelJohn»bo, ■* . ■?:;v •’^C««lgn K xciahit • bd«kht 'and''iiid ^ C6!Iec* •• Uona pllw pily,«cta‘Qi«fled|eai«2--^ • your Easiness favors re*pectlnUy solicited. ?

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Page 1: Rond avenue. There are · THIRTEENTH YBAR,: NO. 55. ASBURY PARK, NEW, JERSEY, MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1899. ONE CERT Eor Exchange. An elegant residence prop- -erty~at-Wind6orr-N .-J.I-


Eor Exchange.

An elegant residence prop- -erty~at-W ind6orr- N .- J . I-for property in Asibury . Park, alsoTw o .well located Jots at

—■ Belmar,- N. J., -for either— Asbury Park or Ocean Grove/ property.

D C . COVERT’SM satoce Afcenitf

7 1 5 M a t t i s o n A v e n o b

A s b u r y P a r k


( Hotel Branawiclc,Omcxa -j Railroad Depot and

f ’rlncipal Offlce 818 Cookman Avsn u *.Goods Stored a t reasonable rates, -

Telephone connection.P. o . Box 667, - - - - AflDtmr PABK.




i f your eyes trouble ydti we can fit tbem w ith glia&es t l ia t w ill1 give) you

peridot', vision a t --- --

W IS E M A N ’S6‘45 CWftaM Aveflne.

FIVE DQNTSD O S T ^ th ln k your oouah (o r oold will

disappear u n til you have used "Y a rn ’s Cough Balsam.” 1

D O N ’T expect to have th a t jp a lu In tbe side o r baok relieved, o r th e musoles pf the chest, un til you bave bathed ] freely w ith “ Ham ’s Rheum atic Bpeolflo," ’

D O N 'T believe ln a ll these; advertised guaran teed cures, b u t t ry “ H am 's Anti- Headache Powders,’’ and you w tl Ibe gatlo- iled—perfectly harmless.

D O N 'T you know th a t H am 's Floral -A m m onia” Is ju s tr tiia th in g - 'th a t Is taiaidtf ‘ to keep the hands soft, sm ooth and w hite t — DON’T b e afra id to oak for a free sample o f any of them .

Prepared only by . . . .

16 7 Main Street, Asbuiy Park.

Money to Loan1500. $1,000, 11,600, $2,000

13,000, 94,000, |B ,000, $8,000 a t S a n d 8 p e r o en t. F ir s t B o n d s a n d M ortgages b o u g h t a n d so ld . L o a n s q u lo k ly m ad e .

-Real EstateN o w Is t h e t im e to Bechre

d e sirab le fu rn ish e d co ttages fo r 1890.

»Insurance' W ritte n in c b m p le te fo rm

a n d l n re lia b le co n tp a n les w h ic h p a y losses p ro m p tly . A g en t fo r th e A m e ri­c a n S u re ty C o m p a n y .

• ' j .iF o r p a r tic u la rs p e r ta in in g to a n y o f

t h e ttboye sub jec ts a p p ly to

T . F ra n k A p p le b y -• Y o n k n o w th e lo ca tio n .

C orner Jfa ttlson •Avenue an d Mn.ln S treet,

' ■'. ‘ ^BU^Yip>Ri?, N. j;; - ,(

Cor.M»In Ave.^nfl PUjrrlhi.pkfliw.y,

. , t - . OCBAN OROVB.

w e offer to del tfcett

den t.l ;Ja '5\:v \ •*tW,-Wce;»««!(lent.

... .....,. , . ^ M ’i n r o r ; A s i ’tC M ««r



N ow » t t h e W a s h in g to n N avy Y a r d . B a t t l e S c a r r e d R if le s F r o m t h eF le e t S a n k :a t S a n t ia g o —w o ro llw o rlc

. F r o m th e C r is to b a l C o lo n —C u b a nM a c h e te s a n d A n o le n t B a t t le o x e s .

W ashington , M arch 6, [Special.] — W ashington, as tho" capital of tho nation', ia q tiic tly bntTtcftdlly^jKrq^Jrlftg^quito a collection of relies from tho late Spanish Vfar. * W ith tho heads of the dQpartmontd and a n d v y yard iii th is city, i t is n a tu ra l fch&t iiiiiny objects of lu terest should bo .tpopght horo and placed on exhibition. Perhaps the largest and m ost portant relics, if such thoy may bo called, now to [ho seen a rp th o t^vo Spanish gunboats, Al* varado aiiij Sandoval, whlph were taken

ho,wovor, being sunk before being aban- doned by the dons. These are n o t gunboats in the o rd inary sense of tho word, b u t moro- Iy1 d im inu tive cruisers 113 foot long, resem ­bling o u r J-orpedo boajs, excopt th a t they lack torpedo a ttachm ents and have th e flat, instead o f round deck. N either can develop a speed of over 1 1 kno ts a n hour a n d aro hence moro in teresting as relics th a n aa additions to U ndo Sam ’s navy. Ono of these “ gunboats’’ carriod tw o 6 pound rifles o f m odern m ake; th e other ono a 6 pounder and a 1 pounder of repeat­ing,design. When tho sea is m ore quiet, tho tw o vessels aro to bo sent to Now Y ork fo r overhauling a nd m ay subsequently bo p u t in to the revenuo service.

V(ft ss ’Ksa*rw*'8j aJttl*hftOrdnancerf*weA5«uw«?<bTi»e';A side from these boats, tho navy yard

has quite a largo display of Spanish o rd­nance, m ain ly rifles taken from tho V iz­caya,. C ristobal Colon and Oq uondo a fte r tho conflict off Santiago. There a rc 17 gunB ln th is lo t, a ll of one design, w ith a bore of 17 centim eters, o r abou t 5X inohes. M any bear tho m arks 'o f hav ing beon th rough hard service, ^nd all havo tho a p ­pearance of h av ing nndorgohe groat heat, probably the resu lt of t h o . fires w hich broke o u t on th e several vessels a fte r thoy w ere beached. Alongside tho guns aro as m any shields, a l l scorched and -pow der stained, some scarred, othors piercod by A m erican shells, one' In pa rticu la r bearing evidence of thogood A m erican m arksm an­ship in tho w ay of. a hotp m ade, by a 10 / .Ipim qhp^ n p t ten .Inohes irp m thaoen ter. O n one o f th e rifles', too, fs a roau-k o r d en t m ade by" a sm all A m erican shell, Evidently a 6 pounder, w hich, s trik in g a t ' a glance, faiifcj tb do se t ions d^ta age. T he m ounts ,of ‘ th e jiAnlaH g uus a re a to o l i jh g ip th o yard, b u t in a-separate pile. I t Is said to

theV u5tirofktp in ten tio n o f'tho $epart- m e n t to d istribu te theso guns to several c lti6S ab o u t tho coun try for exhib ition a s relics, fo r they arO of no use a s ordnance.

F ro m th e C risto b a l Colon.^ j j o U ^ r^ on exh ib ition . Is th e

aorpHwprk, token from t£d s tern of th e i C ristobal Colon. T his is th e property of jthefriavy departm ent, b u t, being of huge dim ensions and weight, has Iboeri tu rn ed over to tho N ational m dsbum . This scroll,: resem bling m u c h , a b ird w ith . outspread w ings, centers a tound tho Spanish c o it o f arm s, Tho e n tire figure 16 o f 'b ra s s and

•covers, whon spread, a leng th of 80 feet;’ i taporlng from pointe a t e ither ond to 'th e jodafc of arm s, whioh In Itself is six feet oft m ore ln height.* Whon -finally m ounted, th is scroll w ill rnalio ono of tho la rgest ex­h ib its in the m useum . A side from this, m any relics of sm aller sizo are on view In tho m useum —relics from C uba an d Ma­n ila , Spanish and Am erican. Tho first th in g to catch tho eyo is a p a rt of tlie s il­ver service from tho Malno, com prising a loving cup, a soup tu reen ahd tw o vegeta­

b le dishes, th e form er presented by M qtoe citizens in Now Orlcans an d tho la s t throe, by tho s ta te of Maine. O ther Malno rollos are displayed, showing m arks of th e te rr i­ble explosion, b u t tho stiver escaped un- soratohod. ''X

O tb e r Re}lck,.I n anothor caso aro ploces o f a rm o r from

Spanish balls, flags of tfrpco used on m em ­orable occasions, captured Spanish em ­blem s from C uban fields and m any relics b ro u g h t homo by A m erican o£^cers,.show-

; Ing the m eans Whoreby tho Spaniard m ade yrar, h is rifles, rovolvors, sabers, bu lle ts an d powder, A n Interesting rolio in th is connection is a n old Springflold rlflo cap­tu red in C uba from th e enemy, w hioh w as m ade in the days before broochloading rifles wero know nt(and .yet. t h a t ' anq len t plooG of bidnanco y?as usod in t^ose Mod­ern qays, • The subm arino m inowhiol^waa picked u p by tho U nited S tates steam ship M arblehead a t Guantanam o, ru s ty , scarred an d covered w ith barnacles, also stands am ong th e , o thor exhibits, a long sldo pf powder cans^bent.and, dented, taken from tho M aine a fte r her.'destruction. A com­plete collection o f Cuban m achetes has been n^ado,kshow ing tho various designs used lp the, different parts of the. island, and even so ancien t a weapon a s th e b at- Ucax (w as recovered a t £atr$iago a fte r th e surrender. F ion ji'ao Am erloan sh ip was taken a n olootriq' fan which w as used to expel smoko from a t u r r e t d u rin g a n en ­gagem ent a fte r largo guns had boon fired. I ts scars and bruises bear ovldonco o f tho service i t onco rendered. Theso and h u n ­dreds of sm all rolios'ato a l l placed o n ex­h ib ition fo r tho benoflt o f th e residen t and v is itin g public, and the collection is being steadily Increased by relics constantly con­tributed .

1 H e llo s a t E x p o s it io n s .There ip no doubt th a t tho peoplo o f th e

U n ited S tates w ill havo a n opportunity to see th e m ore im portan t ro licso f thq w ar, o r a t tho least those w hich can be tra n s ­ported readily. Tho .different expositions th a t ore to .bo held th roughou t th e country w ill h^yo nm ong tho lr a ttrac tions a ll the rellbs th a t can be collected an d placed on exhibition. T h e g o v e rn m e n t's very lib ­e ra l the m a tte r of, exposition9, and, con­gress soems to be w illing to givo theto the indorsem ent an il appropriation. Three have beon provlded I d u rin g , th e lAst ses- Blonrrone, a t JPhtfodelpliia, one a t B uffalo a n d ano ther a t Tolodo, In th e nex t oon- gross i t is eSiHiot^d th a t a liberal appro­priation , w ill bf) mlidei .for th e - L dulsiana PuM ias^I/^odlfc icm a t S t. Lonls, to be; helfy ln 1908. Jb vtaa no tlood in ,tho ouso th a t th e se c n o n s seeking approjfiriations; fartfiO expositions act^d in v fry gre^t'.har-, m ony. ' :*The crepresentAtives • from jNew! York,^ Pennsylvania;^ p h lo a nd th e IjouIb- ia n a purchase Voted to j^ th o r! an d m ade a{ com m on causa ^n supporting tho different! p ro^sltlbnS jD U t^tfw i -^very^xp(Js]tion of 1 a n a t i o n a l : o h a r M p t e r has] h ad a goverprpon^ ejchibltj no m a tte r inj W hat part q f th 0 (^uU try hGldj ia preopdent!

t lcit wUl no doub t bo followed in th e fu-i 9, Wi Donk." ; 1

O qean . Lodge, J^9.*!83, hndiT Sea . Side, Lodge;^N o; 80,\A in ^ lo a n O rder ‘ tTnitedj W o tk ^ in . b p tb r^ f |I jo n g B ranch ! have- m ade, U beral d on^ lQ pa / . fu n d ^ o r j th e e rec tio n o f a p roposed n ew w in g afc[ tb ^ M onm outh M emprlfil hosp ita l.

“G O O D O R D B K M A lM T A I N E P r -

S o SaTS C h ie f o f T o w n s h ip P o l ic e .N o S e w e r D l.o n s s lo n .

T h e N ep tu n e to w n sh ip com m ittee h e ld a m ee tin g In tb e ir S o u th M ain s tre e t ofllce S a tu rd a y a fte rn o o n , every m em b er b e in g p re sen t.'"O lita fd e ’o f "the p ass in g o f a la rg e b u d g e t o f bills, very j l t t l e >bu6!aes_K #sirftH flncteil. __

C h ief o f P o lice S. B. G uerin su b m itte d b is a n n u a l re p o rt, sh ow ing th e n u m b er o f a rre s ts m a d e d u rin g th e y e a r fo r v a r i­ous offenses. Oases-of d ru n k en n ess a n d d iso rderly co n d u c t w ere Bhown to be in th e m a jo rity . T h e ch ie f co m p lim en ted

an d v a lia n t services, fe r re d 'w le tr p rid e to th e fa c t th a t ex ce llen t o rd e r h ad been m a in ta in e d a t all tim es. T h e re p o rt w as received an d Sled,

C hief Q u erln offered a ' reso lu tion in ­s tru c tin g th e o le rk to req u est a ll ju s tic e s o f th e peace in th e tow nsh ip to fu rn ish th e c o m m ittee a t'o n ^ e w ith a re p o rt o f a ll tb e o rlm in a l cases tr ie d before th e m d u rin g th e y ea r , to g e th e r w ith th e nameB'-nf=mt h e ;" 'd e fen d R n t8 r ''‘nT id"tho am o u n t of f ln e a jn b a n d . T he re so lu tio n w aa ad o p ted .

A p e titio n w as read from re s id en ts of S um m erile ld avenue , w est o f P ro ip e c t avenue , a sk in g . th a t th e E a s t J e rse y C oast W a te r com pany be req u ested to la y its m a in s ln th a t S r e e t , in o rd e r th a t p ro p erty ow ners m ig h t co n n ec t th e r e ­w ith , T h e p e titio n waa re fe rred to th e w a te r com pany , w ith 'th e re q u est th a t It be g ran ted .

I t w as exp ec ted th a t, som e discussion w ou ld ta k e p lace re g a rd in g th e ap-

■ o f a new sew er c o m p aay fo r afran c h ise to opera te a system in N e p ­tu n e to w n sh ip . A rep re sen ta tiv e o f th e com pany w as p resen t, b u t no ao tion ^ S 6 f tt lre E w“TK ef65nilp¥ny"& ^'been’clr~ c u la tin g a p e titio n am ong th e re s id en ts of th e tow nsh ip ., in o rd e r to a so e rta in , if possible, how m m y people w o u ld c o n ­n e c t w ith tb e sew ers if tb e y w e re c o n ­s tru c te d . T h e canvassers Bay th e y h av e n o t m e t w ith v e ry good sucooss u p toth is tim e ._____________________________

<B R A D L E Y B E A C H P R IM A R IE S .

C it iz e n s and ; R e p u b l ic a n . E a c h N om ­i n a t e d C a n d id a te * .

f P r im a ry m ee tin g s to p lace In n o m in a­tio n c an d id a te s to be vo ted fo r a t th e a p p ro a ch in g sp rin g e lec tio n In te re s ted th e vo te rs p f B radley. B each S a tu rd a y n ig h t. .. .T w o .t ic k e ts .w ere n a m e d , o n e c o n ta in in g ,th e . R ep u b lican can d id ates , ,the o th e r being,ndude h b o f m en o f bo th p a ttle e a n d calldd a-C itizens’ t ic k e t, j T h e C itizens’ p r im a ry w as h e ld in P o la n d ’s h a ll, a n d li'sA ld to h a v e been a live ly m ee tin g . F . 0 . H . H ooy w as c h a irm a n .^ T h e re appeare.d_ to b e . th e . u su a l .'vtw o, fa c tio n s '.p resen t, a n d n o th in g tb a t th e one p o rtio n oou ld do seem ed t o p lease o r s a tis fy tb e o th e r. A fte r conalderab le d lscuB sfon,.how ever, th o fo llow ing c an d id a te s w e re d ec larede lec ted to ’p teoe otv th e t lo k e t:

' M ayof—A . T . Rogers.' C ouncil—C. B. P o lan d , E llas Soul- thorpe .

C om m lseloner o f A ppeal—W illiam O rlfBn, er.

F o u r persons vfrere nam ed fo r c ouncil- m an io cand idalee . ; P o lan d a n d Scu l- tborpe , th e successfu l m en , rece iv ed 80 a n d 36 v o te s respec tive ly . A dd ison H utohlnB on an d E llhs B row er rec e iv ed 15 a n d 8 votes respectively .

T h e R epub licans he ld th e ir p r im a ry in tb e oonnoii room . C. A . B e n n e tt ca lled tb e m ee tin g to o rde r, and D . F . Q an t w as m ad e ch a irm an , w ith H . P . G a n t a s sec re ta iy .

T h e n o m in a tio n s m ade a re as fo llow s:M ayor—A. R . Y arna ll.C ouncil—C. A. B en n e tt, W illiam GIN

ford.C om m issioner o f A ppeal—Jo se p h T.

S tew ard .B en n e tt h a d 83 votes an d G iffo rd 80

fo r th e n o m in a tio n o f c an d id a te s os councilm en , a n d C harles R ogers re . ceived one vote.

B . F ra n k H e rb e r t a n d W illiam L a rra - ..bp.«..w.<y^9PR^.oJ:fiA »-c.o rom lttoaJtdJll]. vacancies, sh o u ld a n y o ccu r.

---------- A rsC N D A V W E D D IN G :- " '------

M iss M y r tle R a y m o n d B ec o m e s th e B r id e o f M r. P h i l . H e e r .

A q u le t’hom e w edding w as celeb rated y e ste rd ay a f te rn o o n a t 1 o’c lock a t th e reBldence o f M r. an d Mrs. L. H . B ear- m orn, TOG S sw all avoniie, tBIS c ity . T be c o n tra c tin g p a rtie s w e re P h il. H eer of N o,w,-York_j3lty .. anfl-M lss.M yxtle-Bay.., m oud , a n iece o f M r. B earm ore, w ho haa” m ade h e r hom e in th is c ity fo r sev­e ra l m o n th s past.

T he w edd ing cerem ony w as perfo rm ed by R ev. Z. C la rk M arten , pasto r of th e F ir s t B ap tis t ch u ro h , in th e p resence of about-SO n e a r rS la t l vee a n d f r ie n d s .T h e Jiousa w as e lab o ra te ly decorated fo r th e occasion , a n d 'th e g a th e rin g w as a very p le a san t one. -

O scar N o e tlin g o f New Y ork c ity , ac ted as best m a n , an d Miss Belle Rog­e rs o f R ed B ank w as tb e b ridesm aid M iss L u lu B ra n d o f B elm ar p layed th e w ed d in g m a rc h , a n d tbe p re tty you n g b rid e w as g iv en aw ay by h e r unc le .

A w ed d in g d in n e r followed th e cere-'m o n y ; '‘Mr:i a n d ,'M f» f,He£)rr r e r t ‘ tinJ’a''ia f te rn o o n tra in , am id a show er of rice a n d m an y co n g ra tu la tio n s. A fte r an e x ten d ed honeym oon trip th ey w ill ta k e u p tb e ir re s idence in B rooklyn.

The gu ests a t tb e w edding inc luded peop le from N ew Y ork , B rook lyn , R ed B ank , B elm ar, A von an d th ia c ity .

T H E P E O P L E 'S SA Y .

N IN E W E R E B A P IIZ & D .

M e m b e rs h ip , f F i r s t B a p t i s t G h n r c h ia k h o re a s ln i t.

T h e .m o rn tn g a n d even ing serv ices a t tb e F ir s t B ap tis t o h u rch y es te rd a y w ere very - im pressive in ch a rac te r . I n th e m o rn in g tb e h o ly com m union w as ad* m in is te red b y th e pasto r, R ev. Z C la rk M arten , a n d seven persons w ere ’g iv en th e r ig h t h a n d o f fellow ship- as m em ­bers.’ T he o h u rc h w as crow ded long be fo re tb e tim e fo r th e even ing serv ice to be­g in , a n d m a n y r gersons w ere u n a b le to e n te r th e b u ild in g . N ine y o u n g persona re ce iv ed tb e r i te o f bap tism . E leven

Sersons w ere bap tizad th e p rev ious S u n - »y, m a k in g tb e to ta l 20. E v a n g e lis t

Y a n D e V eq tb r.p rd acb ed a th r i l l in g se r­m on lo s t e v en in g upon th e su b jeo t; "C h ris t b n d B arabbas—W hom W ill Y ou ChooSe?”

T h e rev iv a l serv ices w ill b e co n tin u e d evfiry n ig h t tb is w eek, C h alk ta lk s to th e ch ild ren w ill be g iven b y M r. V an De V e n te r .W ednesday , T h u rsd ay a n d Fridfty a fte rn o o n s " a t 8 80. Special y o u n g people’s Bervice to m o rro w (T u es­d ay ) n ig h t, w ith one o f M r. V a n Da- V en te r’s best oha lk ta lk s . T he in te re s t is deepen ing a n d m an y persons a re be ­in g saved. C h ris tia n .w orkers o f a ll danom itaations a re In v ited to be p re sen t an d he lp a lo n g tb e w ork . |

F in e P r e s e n ta t i o n o f C a n ta ta .D on’t f a l l , to see a re a lis tic a n d d r a ­

m a tic p re sen ta tio n o f th e B ib le s to ry o f R u th a n d N aom i a t th e H ig h Sohoo! bu ild ing . O cean G rove, tom orrow (T ues- d a a ) n lg lit, M arch 7, a t 8 o’c lo ck s h a r p . N early 100 exqulB lte costum es from N ew Y o rk w ill ,,be used ,' aa w e ll a s speo ia lly selected scenery . * A 'f u l l ch o ru s o f GO vo ices -m e tu il ly t r a in e d ' in 'f s p n g a n d ao tio n ,-w ith th e fo llow ing so lo ists, w ill g ive tb is b e a u tifu l c a n ta ta ; M rsi M ollie M eeker-M orrlBon ,of 'N ew , Yoirk. ;M r,| J o h n H ee^ ,.tenor, B ed . B an k , M rs. J . E .i B u r t , M iss B e r th a M artih , Misa S . J e n n ie T d ^ V « ttd ,,% S . '.F ^ i |i i^ M oreho tab , Jttrs. U R . Z ach arie s , ;M to G race H offm an , an d Messrs. M artin , B u rtis , BryiUj a h d H u n t? See a d v e r tis em e n t oiTflraC $age.

F x r c c r r o s ' - m t r v v s ' n Ig h T'

“ C i t i z e n '’ O fle ra a S a g g e s tto n .E d ito r P re ss :—H a v in g read w ith

m u ch in te re s t th e a rtic le s ap p ea rin g in T h e D a il y P r e ss re la tiv e to raining fu n d s fo r a d v er tis in g A sbury P a rk as a w in te r resort; I re sp ec tfu lly offer a sug- guiitioti.on th e ettme line.—- - - -- - ■..........

I t is g enerally concedsd th a t to ra ise fu n d s as proposed in th e a r tic le w bioh ap p eared in th e P r e s s recen tly over th e s ig n a tu re o f D r. J . F . D avison, c an n o t be done w ith o u t special legislation . I w ou ld th e re fo re su g g es t th a t th e m oney n ow ra ised by c o llec tin g licenses, and w hioh , aa I u n d e rs tan d , am o u n ts to so m eth in g over $10 ,0W) annually ,' be se t a sid e a n d used ' as an ad v ertis in g , m usic a n d e n te r ta in m e n t fund . In m ak in g th is su g g estio n T am not a w are o f tho a m o u n t ra ised .annua lly by g en era l t a x a ­tio n . I t o ccu rs to m e, though , th a t th e sam e sh o u ld be sufficient to liq u id a te a ll c u r re n t ^expenses ,o f onr local gov?rn- m a n fcp ro v id in g 'th e anm now d educted ($3,000) fo r th e p ay m en t o f rauolc bn th e beach re m a in in th e funds ra ised by igeneral ta x a tio n . -

J n g la n c in g o v er o u r c ity tre a su re r’s jp g rti f o r ‘ t |l e y e a r 1897 I n o te th a t

o v e r $ 1 Z,000 w as pa id in to th e tre a su ry fo r lioensee, a n d -n p o n in q u iry I learn th a t th e a m o u n t co llected from th e sa m e soourob fo r th e 'y e a r 1898 is considerably ln excess o f t h e previona y e a r . T h is q u e stio n a rises : W hy ^ an n o t $10,000 of thlH ffind b i ap p lied as above s ta ted , aUd th e ba lanoe ln excess o f $ 10,000 t e p laced in th e g en era l ta x a tio n fu n d a n d ap p lied as necessity m ay deman^l?

S in ce th e . th o u g h t re la tiv e to u s in g th e lioense fu n d occu rred to m e, I h ave m en tio n ed th e sam e to several o f o u r business m en , a ll o f w hom pay a license fee to th is iclty o f from $ 10 to $60 a n ­n u a lly ; an d in every in s tan ce th e y bave expressed ' them selves as fo llow s: “ I f I Jcnew o r fe lt tb a t th e m oney I a m now p a y in g as a license fee was to be uee&QS a n ad v er tis in g an d m usic fu n d , I w ould p a y tb e sam e w ith pe rfec t w illingness, a n d a t th e sam e tim e be g lad to do so, .for • I w o u ld th e n f e e l . th a t I w ould sooner o r la te r g e t som e r e tu rn for m y m o n ey ."

T his a rtio le , as w ell as a ll previous ones o f a lik e c h a rac te r th a t h ave ap- jpeared in tb e co lum ns o f th e P b e s s , w ill h ave th e u su a l excep tions tak en th e re to , 'b u t to m y m ind th e p lan as h e re in suggested is a m uch b e tte r one th a n th a t now in ex istence, viz,, th a t o f ra ia in g funda of th is ch a rac te r by su b ­s c r ip tio n , a n d w here a few pay th e fid ­d le r a n d a ll do tbg d ancing , w h ile by a d o p tin g th e p lan as suggested in thin

p o ckets o f th e m a jo rity , a n d w ould , I th in k ; be s a tisfac to ry to all. I n co n clu ­sion , p e rm it m e to add th a t A abury P a rk m u s t oe m ade an all th e y e a r resort. W ith said end co n tin u a lly in view , som o o n e o f o u r c itizens w ill, )f th is lin e is co n tin u ed , h it upon a p la n w hereby th e su b jec t in question w ill h av e been a tta in e d , a n d th e w orld a t la rg e 'w ill le a rn th a t A sbury P a rk Is an idea l all th e y e a r re so rt. " C it iz e n ."

E d ito r P b e s s :—I w as one o f th e au d ie n ce in th e R eform ed o h u rch on Feb . 27 and h eard th e leotuEB-by-XUv S try k e r on ith e “ T hree I ta l ia n C ities.” H e spoke w ith m u ch 'k n o w led g e a n d in un u n b ia sed m an n er. I g ive m y opin ion un reserv ed ly because I (Ived In T u rin fo u r years. Rev. M r. G ill’s re m ark s w ere , in co rreo t, an d I c an prove th a t suoh Is th e oase i f requ ired .

J o h n B. Bia n co .

P h i l a d e lp h ia I n q u i r e r S o n v e n lr . W e a re in receip t of a b e a u tifu l sou ­

v e n ir n u m b e r of The P h ilad e lp h ia I n ­q u ire r , Issued M arch 2, in com m em or­a tio n o f th e te n th a n n iv e rsa ry q f th e p re sen t m anagem en t. T h is so u v en ir n u m b er is a 40-pace new spaper, illu s ­t r a t in g in a g rap h ic w ay th e tre m e n ­dous s trid es m ade by T h e In q u ire r since 1880, w hen Jam es E lverson assum ed tb e co n tro l. One o f th e m ost in te re s tin g fe a tu re s of th e souven ir is a speoial s u p ­p lem en t p rin ted on h eavy super-calen- d re d p aper, in w hich ap p ea r handsom e rep ro d u c tio n s o f p h o tog raphs in b a lf to n e o f th e m any d ep artm en ts o f T he In q u ire r . T bese h a lf to n es show a ll of th e m ost reo en t devices an d app liances kn o w n in th e new spaper w orld fo r th e tn rn in g o u t of a g re a t m e tro p o litan new spaper, an d Iprove co nclusive ly th a t T h e In q u ire r p la n t is one o f th e very b est equipped in th e e n tire c o u n trg .

Spring Meeting Tomorrow.T o m o rro w 'th e sp rin g m e e tin g o f th e

N o rth e rn N ew J e r s e y C ongregational ponference w ill be he ld In th e F ir s t C on­g reg a tio n a l c h u roh , tb ls c ity , T be p ro ­g ra m w as anno u n ced in la s t T uesday 's P iIesb . Ssaalons a t 10 8B a. m . a n d 2.15 p ,' m . p in n e r w ill be 'se rv ed the"dele­g a te s a t th e G ran d C en tra l h o te l. S ec ­on d avenue. T h e re a re 86 c h u rch es In

Rhe conference, ahd the' delegates wilt lUtiiber 123 o r m ore. The sessions will oe'open to all.

E t h e l B rp w p r S l lg b t ly I m p r o v e d .- E th e l Brower," tb e y o u n g -d a u g h te r o f

M r^'flifcM rs.' jy jU lam B f iw e r iqf.!ley B each, w ho w aa bo h o rr ib ly b u rn e d on S a tu rd a y , a s re la te d in 'th e 'P n s s s , iq rep o rted .to d ay ’ as b e in g ' a l i t t l e ' im - p ro sed . iShe Is s till In a p re c a r io u s con-' d ltlo n , w h ich , causes m u ch a n x ie ty a m o n g h e r pftrehtfl a n d f t t a n d s i . • ^

' T he ' ttospel ' o f good g o t o la '-w hat w e.. .w o rm an 'M o u n t o l th is c ity is confined

m op& & Co.fdru&glate^—Adv. t f , j . 'to h ia h o n la b y Illness, 1 T

. F a i r t n A p r il .T h e ladles o f th e G rabd A ven u e R e­

fo rm ed c h u rc h 'w il ih o td a fa ir ib . E d u - c a tio h a l ' h a ll, fo r tb e b enefit o f th e C hurbh, on T uesday , W ednesday a n d T hursday* A p ril 4, 5 a n d 6 " T h e tr ob- itap t lia to h « ln 'J iq u ia* te th e floa ting deb t o f th e c h u ro h . --

. . 'N o rm a n M o u n t o f th is c ity Is confined

C a n d id a te s A re B u sy M o v in g A b o u t t ho V o te rs .

T h e N ep tu n e tow nshfp eleotion w hich tak e s p lace M-irch 14, one w eek from to- morrQw, p rom isfs .to .be. a n ’in te re s tin g con test. B oth Bides a t th is tim e a re free to o ffer p red ic tiona o f v ic to ry fo r th e ir

j-e8p ectlv«—can d id a te s ,— ® te —R epubli­cans, as u su a l, a re c la im ii^ fe v e ry th in g . in s ig h t, w h ile th e D em ocrats a re co n ­d u c tin g a q u ie t b u t forcible cam paign , a n d ex p ec t to p lu ck som e o f tb e p lum s from th e po litica l tree .

T he tig h t fo r th e office of co m m ittee ^nan prom ises to bo t lie riin-t h o tlv con- te sted , w h ile th a t o f constab le w ill also p rovoke a n In te re s tin g co n test.' For com ­m itteem an th e R epublicans have n o m i­n a ted J o h n H u ls h a r t f o r ' ree lection . Hia opponen t o n th e D em ooratic s id e is J o h n M. L a ig h t. K now ing - th a t th e re fs a c e r ta in am o u n t o f opposition to M r. H u ls h a r t on tb e W est S ide , Mr. L a ig h t feels confiden t o f vifctory. H e is m a k ­ing a very a c tiv e oam paigp . a n d even a t thiQ'_tTm 'lWi'?fv b'tf(T6tne 'profl'cfeni'ffi'K iv- inR th e po litica l h an d sh ak e

F o r th e position o f constab le th e re a re s ix can d id a tes , th re e on e ith e r side. The R epublican nom inees a re Jo sep h M c­L au g h lin , L O. H um bert' and S idney T. H am pton . T h e D em ocratic O andidates a re W . R. H ill, H. L ieben tha l an d W. R. W ilson . T he p robab ilities a re th a t th e w eakest m a n upo n th e R epublican t ic k e t w ill be m ade th e su b jeo t o f u n ­cond itiona l s la u g h te r upo n th e p a r t of th e D em ocrats. In th is w ay th ey m ay be enab led to e lec t one, i f n o t m ore, of tb e constables

T he o th e r offices a re o f m in o r im p o r t­ance , a n d th e s tru g g les fo r honors will n.fiti.4!S-.J9f,grm t»^S» -P «:eeentJndicav tions, how ever, th e e lec tio n prom ises to be ’.lively enough to sa tis fy th e anx ie ty o f th e old tim e po litic ian . T he w orkers w ill be on th e scene e a r ly , and th e b a ttle o f ballots w jll be w aged in e a rn es t u n t i l th e polls close.

E P W O R X H L E A G U E R S .

S e v e n S o c ie tie s S e n t D e le g a t io n s to a ■' O ro n p M e e tin g .

» T he g roup m ee ting o f E p w o rth L eague c h ap te rs he ld la s t F r id a y n i« h t in th is o ity w as a n occasion o f g re a t in te re s t to th e m em bers o f th e societies. Seven of th e te n c h ap ters of G roup No. JO w ere rep resen ted . A special tro lley c a r filled w ith ab o u t 40 m em bers o f tb e ch ap ters a t L ong B la n ch arrived early . M ana­sq u an s en t tw o stage loads of leaguers, b u t th e roads w ere so bad th e p a r ty did n o t a rriv e a t th e c h u rc h u n ti l n e a r ly 9 o ’clock.

T he p rog ram a n f o u nced in th e P b e s s F rid ay w as o bserved . W . B. S to u t had c h a rg e o f th e p re lim in a ry song and

Era y e r serv ice. T he w elcom e g ree tin g y th e p asto r. Rev. D r. W ight, w as h e a r ty and cordial, a n d th e response by

J o h n H u ls h a r t o f W est G rove w as b rie f an d ap p ro p ria te . M r. H u ls h a r t is first, v ioe-president o f th e N ew B runsw iok D is tr ic t E p w o rth L eague , and th is w as th e fo u r th m o n th ly g ro u p m ee tin g held in th e d is tric t.

T he officers o f th e re cen tly fo rm ed E p w o rth L eague c h ap te r o f th e ch u rch ln w h ich th e g roup m ee tin g w as hel{l w ere th en in s ta lled by W. D. H e n d ric k ­son, p re s id en t o f tb e d is tric t. T he offi­cers a re : /

P res id en t—W esley Bi S tou t. V ice-P res iden t—W . B. T onkins. Second V ice-P res iden t— (m ercy and

he lp d ep artm e n t) Mtfs. M cD evitt.iT h ird V lce-P res ldeh t — (li te ra l^ de ­

p a rtm en t) G eorge B row n.F o u r th V ice-P residen t— (social d ep art­

m e n t) H a rry Jack so n .B acretary— Miss M ary W arren , T reasu re r—E d w a rd E. H am m ell. P res id en t S to u t g ave a n address, th e

o ife rin g w as tak en , a n d th e n Joseph P . J o h n so n o f O c e a n d r o v e oonducted an Ideal E p w o rth L eague devo tional m eet­in g , th e su b jeo t being " T h a N e w B ir th .” T here w as a s c r ip tu re read in g , p rayers .

'WrA0.-MtiiHP.n~m inu tes . 'T h e co nsecra tion serv ice in c h a rg e of R ev . W . G. M oyer o f W est G rove ended tb e exercises.

T h e le tte r fo llo w s:B b a d l e y, N. J . , M arch , 4,1899 E d it o r Pr e s s :—T he enclosed p ack ag e

I rece iv ed th ro u g h tbe m ail laat ev en in g w ith o u t an y a ccom pany ing le tte r o f a d ­v ic e . P resu m in g th a t i t w as Bent to m e by tb e ’’c itizens” of A ab u rj P a rk , 1 b av e th e h o n o r to 'r e tu r n th e sam e, th ro u g h you , to th e p roper c o m m itte e of ’’c itiz en s” w ith m y c o m p lim en ts , and re m a rk iliaL I.(um H [d«r..the ttfu iie-an 'in - su lt to und ese rv ed In ju ry , a n d unless th is c h a ra c te r o f t re a tm e n t ceases I shall be -obliged to d em an d a p u b lic hearin g , in o rd e r th a t th e “ people m ay know by honorab le m ean s th e « t r u e S tan d in g of c e r ta in "c itiz en s” a n d ''m y ­self in th e la te v o lu n tee r serv ice .

R espectfu lly ,J . R, M u d d e l l ,

L a tg ,ca p ta in Co. A, T h ird N . J . V. I, T he package re fe rred to by h is " ro y a l

h ighness” c o n ta in ed one o f th e m edals such as w ere p resen ted to th e m em bers o f C om pany A o n tb e ev en in g o f th e w elcom e hom e recep tion . C ap ta in M uddell an d abou t 25 o th e rs w ho w ere not p re sen t th a t ev en in g , w ere , accord- tn g^ to 'tH a ii1 ofUI'of ,''tire''cntiiriiittf!e, each ' e n titled £o a m edal. W h ere th e ad dresses w ere know n th e m edals w ere s en t by m ail, n o t on M arch 8, aa th e le t­te r ind lca tea , b u t im m ed ia te ly a f te r th e recep tio n as th e p o stm ark s till on tb e p ackage show s.

T h e c ap ta in s ay s .h e w a n ts th e people to know h is t ru e s ta n d in g In tb e v o lu n ­tee r serv ice R ig h t a lo n g th ia lin e m ay w e ask , in th e la n g u ag e of a m em ber o f bis oom pany , w ho is th e p a tr io t, th e m an w ho goes to w a r fo r $10 '50 per m o n th a n d lives on A lge r’s em balm ed beef, bacon, beans a n d h a rd ta c k , o r th e m an w ho w ears th e g ilt an d po lish an d ea ts th e oream a t $150 p e r m

Cap*ain M uddell bas p roven th a t th e t r u s t im posed upon h im by th e anx ious fam ilies o f th is c ity , w h en th e w a r b roke o u t, w as m isplaoed. H is o w n m en b ave expressed th e ir s en tim en t by ask ­in g fo r h is re s ig n a tio n , an d w ho la b e t­te r fitted to ju d g e h is ao ts th a n th o se w h o 'w e re su b jec ted to hiB com m and?.

I f he w an ts a pu b lic h e a r in g th e re is no d o u b t b u t w h a t he c a n g e t i t a t an y tim e o r p lace, b u t th e people of A sbury P a rk can ju d g e th e m an by th e in su lt­in g le t te r w hioh appears above.

O F F I C E R ’S B A R D W O R K .

I n t e r f e r e d .W ith W h ile i n D is o h a r g e o f H is D u tie s .

R obert R hoades w as a rre s te d S a tu r­d ay a fte rn o o n abou t 4 o’clock by T o w n ­sh ip Officer D avis, o h a rg e d w ith being a d iso rderly person. W a lte r G , H a rris In te rfe red w ith th e officer, and as a re ­su lt he was also a rres ted . J u s tic e Dodd he ld H a rris u n d e r $100 bail, and R hoades wajs fined $2 and tb e costs, 75 oents. The a m o u n t w as pa id and R hoades w as re ­leased. H a rris secu red a bondsm an and w as a lso libe ra ted . I n th e scuffle th a t ensued w hen th e tffloer w as in te rfered w ith by .H arris, th e la tte r w as th ro w n ’ag a in s t a w in d o w to f G oleuberg’s c ig a r sto re , o i^S pringw ood av en u e , sh iv erin g th e g lass to a tom s. A crow d ga th e red , m ak in g i t d ifficu lt fo r th e officer to h a n d le h is m en , b u t he fina lly landed th e m in jail.-

—---W e W il l I io se G o o d P e o p lo .

Mr. and Mrs. G eorge A lle rdyce of 808 S even th avenue , sp en t severa l days in P h ilad e lp h ia la s t—w eek . T hey haveleased one o f th e handsom est houses in th e Q uaker C ity , and w ill m ove tb lth e r In .ab o u t a m o n th .' T b e ir d e p a rtu re from th is c ity w ill be g re a tly re g re tte d by a host o f fr ien d s w hom tb e y have m ade d u r in g th e ir y e a r’s so jo u rn here , an d w ho h ave th o ro u g h ly ap p rec ia ted tb e ir u n fa ilin g k indness, co u rte sy a n d g en ia l­i t y as neighbors an d hosts.. T bey b av e been tb e leaders in most' o f th e w in te r fe s tiv itie s o f S even th avenue , a n d tb e y w ill be very m u ch missed.

W licoIim H i'a M o n th ly M e e tin g .T he M arch m e e tin g of th e A sbury

P a rk W heelm en tak e s plaoe a t th e B angs avenue c lubhouse tfin igh t n t 8 o’olook. T h e q u estio n -o f th e c lub ’s w ith d raw a l from th e L eag u e o f A m eri- o an W heelm en w ill com e up fo r final ac tio n , an d i t Is Im p o rta n t th a t every m em ber shou ld be p reaen t. T his sam e su b jec t w as considered la s t y ear, a n d a m o tio n to w ith d ra w w as d efeated , b u t m a tte rs h ave takefh a d ifferen t tu rn b f la te , a n d tb e \p « » p e o ts a re th a tlth e olub w ill vo te by a \ja rge m a jo rity to s e v ir connec tions wltfc th e N a tio n a l le^gnfil 1

\ WW h a t \U " R n t l j . ?A beailtlful can tata , to be given in the

H igh Sohpol building, Ocean Grovo,\ncxt Tuesday night, March 7, w ith over 50 voloos, 80 costum es tand apodal scenery brought from New %V qpr. .yoOT.TC^i^ed fea t find llbre^to ap j . 1?. Appleby7 omoe now; and'be lij youi; peat, w h en 'th e curta in n r fctj fi'p’qlock shskTpj, Ladles 'will pleaBQ' ! move th e ir hats. Day’s ioe cream duri Intermission an d a t cibse. > . . ■ W C

K E T U R N E D T H E M E D A L .

C a p ta in J . R , Bf a d d e d S e n d s C om ' m l t te o a S a u c y L e t te r . '

T h e P ress has veceived th e fo llow ing le tte r , w hioh toiil doub tle ss be o f in te r e s t to, th e p u b lio ,jfo r, w hom w as in ­tended . The ie tts r is c h a ra c te r is t ic o f its a u th o r, an d goes to show w h a t b rass‘b u tto n s^nd^hfralderHtrHpHTtrg'TtBbto'TTr do fo r sanje m en in th e s h o rt pe rio d o f n ine m onths. I f he . g ree ted h is co m ­p a n y w hile in serv ice w ith th e sam e s p ir it w ith w hich he g ree ts th e c itiz en s pf th is c ity in h is le tte r, w e a re_ n o t s u r ­p rise d th a t h is friends &re- fe w - a n d fa r betw eettT

V O L U N T E E R S V S. O R E O S .

M em b o rs o f C o m p a n y A C o m p r is e d a B a s k e t B a ll. T e a m .

B asket ball a t C en tra l h a il S a tu rd a y n ig h t in te re s ted a crow d p f a b o u t 400 p e rso n s. Th® co n te s ta n ts w ere th e O reos A th le tic -club’s firs t te am an d a te am m ad e u p o f m em bers o f ■'Company A, T h ird N ew J e rse y v o lu n tee rs o f th is c ity . T h e so ld ie r boys p u t u p a good gam e a n d w ere lo u d ly a p p la u d ed fo r th e ir w o rk . T he score, how ever, show ed th a t th e OreoB w ere too m u ch 'fo r th e v o lun tee rs . A t th e end o f th e firs t 20- m in u te -h a lf o f th e gam e th e sco re w as 18 to 0 in favo r o f th e Oreos, a n d th e y inc reased th is lead in th e second b a lf to 29 to 8.

H a g g er ty of th e v o lu n tee rs ’ te a m w as in ju re d , an d h is p lace w as ta k e n by W isem an . T h e lin eu p w as as fo llow s^OREOS—297 ■ rOSlTIOK. COMPANY A—3A pplegate rig h t fo rw a rd .. . . . . ..D udleyRushton \ left forw ard .H arrison (capt)'

W oodw back ...............W altersW atson ,..............rig h t b a o k ..............Pancoast

G oals sco re d : A p p leg a te 7, S u tp h en 4, R ush ton 4, P a n c o a s t 1. G oals from fou ls: R u sh to n a n d D ud ley 1 each . R eferee. D r. R . F . D oran ; tim e r, Mc­D onald ; sco rer, R ush ton .

T he C om pany A te a m w ill p la y ag a in S a tu rd a y n ig h t a t 8 o’olock a t th e sam e place.

O B IT U A R Y .

F o r R e n t

One o f the most desirable

stores on Mattison avenue.

Price right to tfesirable tenant.

Our list o f yearly houses is

complete. If seekiagjt house

let us give you particulars.(* , • .


208 Main Street.

Monmouth Trust-A N D -

Safe Deposit CompanyMonmouth Building, Asbnry Park, N. J. ,

CA PITA L, $ 100,000.SU RPLU S, $25,000.

Bxecutea all trostrkaowtrto thclaw;-------------Ivoaas money on bond and mortgage.Receives deposits subject to check and allows

Interest on dally balances.Acts as Trustee, Registrar and Transfer Agent. Pays coupons.Makes demand and time loans on approved

collateral.Safe deposit vaults.-

A. C. TWINING. President, a. H. M. HARVEY, Vice President.BRUCB 3. KEATOR, SecreUry.D. C. CORNS LI/« Treasurer.


H; Buehanon,). C. Cornell,

W. J. Harrison,Col. G. B. M. Harvey, George P. Kroehl, Bruce S. Keator, M. D.

Isaac C. Kennedy Henry Mitchell, M. D.t John P. O’Brien,Thos. F. Ryan,Milan Ross,A. C. Twining.H. H. Vreel and,

)G.D. W.Vroota,-

iO H N F . S E G E R .2Ianufacturer of and Daaler la High-Grade Fish­ing Tackle. Anglers' ©very requirement con­stantly on* hmdU Bop tiring of every description at snort notice. A full lino of choice imported and domestic cigars.

047J Co o k m a n A v e n u e .< Opp. TenBroeok’. Market

B e n ja m in D n B o ls W yckofT .W o rd haa reao h ed A sbury P a rk o f the

d ea th 'o n W ednesday , M arch 2, a t P ine B luff, N. C ., o f R ev. B en jam in D uB ois W vcko il. in tb e 85 th y e a r o f h is age. W ith h is - w if e an il .d au g h te r th e de­ceased le f t th is c ity N ovem ber 30 last, fo r a so jo u rn in th e so u th , in th e hope th a t h is h e a lth m ig h t be benefitted th e reb y . T h ere a re s ix o h ild ren—tw o sons a n d ' fo u r d a u g h te rs—Miss M ary W yckoff o f th ia c ity , a te a ch e r in one of th e B rad ley Beaoh schools, be ing one of th e la tte r . A m ore e x ten d ed n o tic e w ill ap p ea r In th e PBESS tom orrow .

B a n q u e t fo r P o lice m e n .A sbury P a rk ’s “ fin es t,” b e tte r k h aw n

as th e B 'o a d w ay squad , co m p ris in g a ll th e re g u la r policem en o f th is c ity , u n d e r com m and of C hief S m ith , w ill en joy a co m p lim e n ta ry b an q u et tom orrow (T ues­day ) e v en ing , a t S o’clock , a t W eir’s ho te l, C ookm an avenue,, and a ll o f ou r b lue co a ted g u a rd ian s o f th e peace a re ex p ec ted to e n jo y P ro p rie to r W eir’s hos­p ita litie s . A p le a s a n tt lm e is a n tic ip a ted , a n d i t is rep o rted th a t som e o f tb e offi­cers h av e b eg u n to raet a lre a d y , in o r­d e r to be 'p rep a red fo r tb e even t.

D id N o t G e t W Ife 's I n s u r a n c e .Mrs. D aniel ‘Y e tm an , w ho re c en tly

d ied a t N avesink , w as a m em b er of th e D au g h te rs o f L ib erty . At. th ? tim e o f h e r d e a th She w as in a r re a rs fo r dues, b u t no t, h a v in g , been su sp en d ed b y th e lodge, t'ho fu n e ra l benefit o f $200 w as co lleated by th e o rd e r. T h e h u sb an d m a d ^ a d e m an d fo r .the m qney , b u t th e lodge re fused to* p a y t t to h im :- T h ey p a id th e d o c to r 's a n d u n d e r ta k e r’s bills, a u d h a v e a p p o in ted a c o m m itte e to e x ­p end th e . 'b a la n c e on M rs. „ Y etm an ’s c h i ld r e n ," ■ ' ■ ‘

oy S e v e re ly I n ju r e d .B ry an 'B orden, th e 4-vear-o ld non of

M r. a n d M rs. H a rry B orden o t tb ls o ity , m et With a serious an d p a in fu l ac­c id e n t ab o u t 3 80 o’clock th is a fte rnoon . T hp l i t t le Mellow, w as. p la y in g , on th e p q rc h of, th o Borden- re s id en t^ , 1110 M ain s t r e e t w hen h e fe ll therefrom,’ Hi W e ft - b roken and theelbow‘jifalqid?W,.v\ipr.'-ai B. Elnmp.uth'i wtts sUmmi pd, fe e .A lttlo /p jitre n t w aa p u t u n d e r, th e imtiieooe b f chloroform, and the4 toipc«tioa'wa8 reduced. ' '- -y- '

There’s no “Hobson’s (Mice”

in b u y in g a P la n o o f us. Y o u

s h o u ld rem em b er th is . Y o u

c a n ’t gp aBtray ev en If y o u b u y

a c h ea p p ian o , fo r I t w ill be th e

b e s t o f i ts k in d . W e sell a

good re liab le in s tru m e n t fo r

. th e ..p ric e o f a “ m a k e be lieve’.’.

e lse w h e re . O n ly 510 d o w n p u ts

a p ian o ln y o u r house.


Mattison and Bond,

Aabury Park.

Headache.Many thousand people suffer from chronic headache, find­ing no relief either in medi­cine, moderation of work or other remediea.

In many caaea the troublo is caused in dofective eyes, which canf be remedied by skilled application bf proper lenses.


L E E C H , S T IL E S & COEye Specialists.

A t 322 M ain S t r e e t E v e r y F r id a y .

H ours 11 to 5 P . M.

OUn fb im CAHbiNAL PoiNVS »Capltal(

v f : $ 10 0 ,0 0 0

5 T | Surplus,' :J L * 970.000

First National Bank„ of Asbnry Park


Ocean Qrove B ra n ch : Association Building, m a in Avenue , J

OFFICERS -Gbo, F. Rxobbx., tfrest.

O. H.-B^owir, 1st VlcerPreat,M. h. BkMUAtf, 2d Vlce-Prest,

M. V. Baaum, Cashier. •• - « ^c; H. Bcoxr, Asrt. cauhicr

DIRECTORS | “ V * -■G. P.-Kroehl, MaWoh R. Margsmw,Oliver H. Brown , * • ’

. Bruce B.' Keator, B. W: Kiricbpde,. • -~ D, C. Corert, . r* 'Isaac C. Kennedy, C h as^ Y o ttU . .Vi Milan Boas,’11 Milan Boas, i . in. w w & X l M l i a ,'■ ShenaanB.Oviatt, ;6amnelJohn»bo, ■*.

■?: ;v•’^C««lgn K xciah it • bd«kht 'and''iiid C6!Iec* ••

Uona pllwpily,«cta‘Qi«fled|eai«2--^• your Easiness favors re*pectlnUy solicited. ?

Page 2: Rond avenue. There are · THIRTEENTH YBAR,: NO. 55. ASBURY PARK, NEW, JERSEY, MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1899. ONE CERT Eor Exchange. An elegant residence prop- -erty~at-Wind6orr-N .-J.I-

T he Daily Press.E S T A B L IS H E D 1 0 87


P U B L IS H E D E V E R Y e v e n i n g--------- (EXCEPT BDKD1Y)


0 0 7 M attison A v e n u e , A s b u r y f a r k .

T E R M S Ok' S U B S C R IP T IO N S !One year (strictly In advance).......................$8.00One week .................. Oo6Ingle copies. V.r'.: .T..v. . ~ n ".01

A d v e r tis in g R a te s oo A p p lic a tio n .

MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1890.

W e h ave a n o th e r of th o se poor fa th e r­less w a if 0 th a t so o ften find th e ir w ay to th e n e w s p a p e r office a n d fo r W ant o f a bfetter nam e are com m only know n as •'anonym ous pom m unicationa.’' T he fa c t th a t It h as no one to s tan d sponsor fo r i t is no t nearly bo -m arvelous as th e m isconception^ and halluc ination^ , w h ich com pose it. Tbe w rite r, w hoever h e m ay be, a sserts th a t th e m oney ra ised

^ fo r^ .advettisjpg^ .A gbury^park .J.aatye .ay w as used by th e co m m ittee in a ju n k e t to A tlan tic C ity . This w ill no d*oubt be in te re s tin g to th e co m m ittee , b u t th e ‘.‘fa th e rle ss w a if” know s positive ly th a t s u c h 1 is th e t ru th . T h en , h a v in g c o n ­d em n e d ad v ertis in g , th e w rite r proposes to m a k e A sbury P a rk a w in te r re so rt by h a v in g th e business m en b u ild a la rg e h o te l, firstcla8s in every p a rtic u la r , by su b sc rib in g fo r a c e r ta in n u m b er o f shares . T he business m en shou ld do th is , th e w rite r con tinues, because " th e y a re th e ones thac profit m oat by la rg e C row ds d u r in g s u m m er a ^ d w in te r.” H e f u r th e r o ffers as a p ro p e rty ow n er to r is k $i00 in such a v en tu re . As i t w ould ta k e ju s t abou t th is a m o u n t from every m an , w om an and ch ild re s id in g w ith in th e co rp o ra te lim its of A sbury P a rk to p u t an idea l,ho te l in o p era tio n a n d g ive i t sufficient financ ia l b ack in g to in su re its u ltim a te auccfcss; w e suppose th e w r i te r feels th a t he has done h is share , an d if AsbViry P a rk fa ils to becom e a w in te r re so rt it w ill n o t be th ro u g h an y f a u l t o f his. T here a re o thers ju s t lik e th e w rite r fc*f th e co m m unication , b u t th e y never b u ilt a c ity no r d id muQh fo r i t a f te r i t w as built.

MR. CANNON'S STATEMENT.W h a t th o W a r C o n g r c s i U n a A p ­

p r o p r in t e d .‘ W ash ing ton , M arch 6. — The official

”*tffteirrem ' or Mr. C annon oTTTHnol^TtTTe c h a irm a n o f the house app rop ria tions com m ittee , sum m ing u p th e ap p ro p ria ­tions o f the F if ty -fifth congress, shows a n a g g reg a te app ro p ria tio n by th e en ­t i r e congress of $1,566,890,016 and fo r the session ju s t closed a to ta l of $673,658,400, w ith a u th o rity fo r co n tra c ts su b jec t to fu tu re app rop ria tions am o u n tin g to $70,000,000. C hairm an C annon’s s ta te ­m e n t is as follows:

“ The ap p ro p ria tio n s m ade a t th e s e s ­sion pf congress Ju st dlosed a m o u n t a p ­p ro x im ate ly to $673,658,400 a n d 'sh o w an a p p a re n t reduc tion of $219,573,000 under

TOULON IN MOURNING.F r e n c h N a v a l M a g a z i n e B lo w n

U p W i t h A w f u l R e s u l t s .

D R U G S T O R E C H A T .


M any M ore B e liev e d to H av e Been K il le d —O ver- O u e K O iiilred -W ou ix l-f O - T a dlvecl ITy D e e o T iii io ii tn r tl OTS m o k e le u u l*o*vder. > '

Toulon, F ran ce , M arch G—T h^ n av a powdfer m agazine a t L a G o u tran T ’be­tw een L e Seyrie and Toulon, In the de­p a rtm e n t of Vai;, sou th ern F ran ce , ex­ploded.-yesterdoy^:i^i.-,.Q£;e--flgldler&. on d u ty a t th e m agazine w ere killed, and a num ber of in h a b ita n ts of th e sur-

ty corpses have a lre a d y been recovered. F if ty th o u san d k ilog ram s of b lack pow­d er exploded. I t looks as. though a volcanic e ru p tio n had occurred , the co u n try being sw ep t-a lm o st bare w ith ­in a rad iu s nf tw o m iles, houses de- s tr6 y e a ,^ re e s —o v ertu rn ed and~distortedT fields d e v a s ta te d and covered w ithstones and im palpable b lack d u s t. /

All the bodies found o r recovered are te rr ib ly m u tila ted . S ixteen w ere found in the rocks n ear the shore, an d It is feared th a t o th e rs w ere p rec ip ita ted in ­to the sea.'

A vehicle m oving a long a road neat th e sea w as lifted bodily in to th e wa-

th^expIttHof Its occupan ts being drow ned.

T elegram s from Nice say the explo­sion w as d is tin c tly fe lt there . .

I t is believed th a t th e explosion orig- iQated in chem ical decom position in sm okeless pow der. T here Is no sugges­tion of foul play. JThe whole c ity Is In m ourning, h a g s ra re a t h a lf m ast, the th e a te rs a re d raped a n d th e casinos closed. Both the governm ent, a nd m u­nicipal au th o ritie s a re fo rw a rd in g re ­lief funds. M. Lockroy, m in is te r of m a­rine, has te leg raphed 10,000 francs (abou t $2,000) tow ard th e m aintenance of th e fam ilies of the victim s, and* a public su bsc rip tion h a s been opened h e r e / ''^ saY flr^f'tH ^atyfiW a^e^erto^ftio tisrO nr w eighing 50 k ilogram s fell In th e suburb P o n t de Las.- Signs of the explosion are ev iden t ii) all the su b u rb s tff Toulon and in -the c ity itself. E ven a t St. Je a n de V ar, five m iles d is ta n t, w indow s were sh a tte red ahd doors p a tte red In.

L a te r re p o rts show th a t of the seven sen trie s fou r w ere killed o u trig h t and th e o th e rs severely in ju red . T he cor­poral w as lite ra lly scalped, the scalp overhang ing Ills face like a Veil. I t Is believed th a t 15 a re s till burled in the debris. ---

A la rg e num ber of so ld iers a re now em ployed In * c learing aw ay" the~debrTs7 b u t the w ork Is very .difficult. I t Is Im­possible tn a scerta in accu ra te ly the num ber killed, bu t It is believed £hat nG few er th a n 100 w ere Injured.

A lthough It w as a c lear n ight, th e ex­plosion w as so terrific a s to produce a s lig h t ra in fa ll.

For coughs o f all kinds use White Pine Cough Balsam. It cures coughs ; that is what it is made for. First dose re­lieves. 25 and 50 cents.

:N o t h m g s t 3 r p « s e s S t < » i f e f e f i “ Malt Extract as a reliable spring tonic. I f you can’t eat, Malt will give you an appetite. If you can’t work, Malt will give you strength. I f you can’ t sleep, Malt will make you drowsy. I f you can’t col­lect your bills, Malt will put new snap in you. Malt is good for most everything. 20 cents a bottle ; six for $1.

R e c e p tio n F o r M cK in ley In G e o rg ia .S avannah , M arch '6 .^ p re s ld e ii t M c­

K inley will in c lu d e ^ fh e G randTA rm y colony? th e c ity o f F itzge ra ld , am ong the poin ts he will v is it d u rin g h is tr ip to S enato r H a n n a ’s hom e a t T hom as- vllle. T he th re e local G rand A rm y posts, th e C onfederate cam p, th e city council and c itizens w ill a rra n g e for a reception. An aud ito rium will be e rec t­ed for th e event. T he 'governo r a n d two fo rm er governors of G eorgia, leading ed ito rs of the s ta te and tou ring editors from New E n g lan d will a tten d .

th e ap p ro p ria tio n s m ade a t th e p reced ­in g session. T his Is a ttr ib u ta b le to the

, la rg e expenses occasioned by th e w a r w ith Spain th a t w ere provided fo r d u r in g the preced ing session.

“The e n tire ap p ro p ria tio n s m ade by th e F if ty -fifth congress ag g g reg ate $1, 668,890,016.28.^ Of th is sum $482,562,083.47 I* d irec tly chargeab le to our la te w ar w ith Spain o r Incident there to . D educt­in g th is charge from th e w hole am ount of th e app ro p ria tio n s , th e rem ainder, $1,084,327,632.81, rep resen ts the o rd inary or_ n o rm al ap p ro p ria tio n s m ade by the- F if ty -f if th congress.

"T h e ap p ro p ria tio n s m ade by th e p re ­ced ing congress, th e F if ty -fo u r th , am o u n ted to 151,044,580,273.87. A com-

»> p a r Iso n- -sho ws* nd ri cts e j-l tv-^ord 4 na r yap p ro p ria tio n s m ade by th is congress o v e r those m ade by th a t congress, th<: F if ty -fo u r th , of $39,747,000, b u t th is a p ­p a re n t Increase is m ore th a n accounted fo r by increases u n d e r e ig h t Item s alone —nam ely , fo r pensions, $4,000,000; for th e posta l serv ice , $16,000,000; fo r r iv e rs a n d harH brs, includ ing w o rk * n d e r con­tr a c ts previously au thorized , $3,600,000; fo r new sh ips fo r th e navy, $6,000,000; fo r beginning the w ork of the tw elfth

•census, $1,000,000; fo r th e P a ris /e x p o s i­tion , $1,200,000; fo r new public buildings, In c lu d in g th e build ing fo r the d e p a r t­m e n t o f ju s tic e and fo r s ite and p a rtia l c o n stru c tio n of the new governm ent p r in t in g office, abou t $5,000,000, an d for p a y m e n t of* ju d g m en ts rendered a g a in st th e governm ent on account of F rench

. spo lia tions and under the B ow m an act, $3,100,000.**

Sea P ig e o n S e rv ic e .P a r is , M arch 6.—Le F ig a ro s ta te s th a t

a serv ice of pigeons betw een the F ren ch tra n s a t la n tic liners i a nd th e shore will be In a u g u ra te d th is m onth an d th a t a l ­m ost c 6 n s ta n t com m unication betw een th e s tea m ers and th e land Is henceforth Insured . T he first th ing is to tra in th e p igeons on th e passage from H av re to N ew Y ork fo r tw o o r th re e passages. W hen th e tra in in g is over, a dozen p igeons w ill be sen t to H a v re each week to leave by the s team er, from w hich th e y w ill be released a f te r the vessel h as passed th e Scllly islands.

II<5rmlt Kurin F o n n d D ead .H elena , M on.,,-M arch 6.—T he body © 1

E. H . Eads, a b ro ther o f the fam ous en ­g in e e r /J a m e s B uchanan E ad s , who de­signed and co n stru c ted the E ads jettlep a t the m outh of the M ississippi, has been found in his' cabin up Mile M ining gulch, e igh t m iles from ElUston. E ads w as 70 years.o ld and ev iden tly had died from exposure o r som e n a tu ra l cause. H e lived alone In the m o u n ta in s a sh o rt d is tance from the sum m it of the Maine range, w here he had p rospected fo r gold a nu m b er of years. ,

T rn n w u o rt F ro in - th e -P h ilip p in e* .--San F rancisco , M arch 6.—The tra n s ­

p o rt C ity of Puebla has a rrived a t th is p o rt a f te r a n uneventfu l voyage from M an ila - H er. passengers- Include LleU-

a n t B rad b u ry of Los Angeles, 20 con­va lescen t soldiers of various regim ents, six sailo rs from the B altim ore whose te rm s have expired and M iss W est, a R ed Cross hosp ita l nurse. T he Puebla m ade th e tr ip from th e P h ilipp ines In 39 days, including a s to p of s ix d a y s a t N agasak i.

K Ire In S c ra n io ti,S cranton , P a., M arch 6.—T he lives of

n early 100 persons w ere jeopard ized by a fire in the L ack aw an n a V alley H ouse block. The flam es s ta r te d In W . J . W elchel’s Jew elry s to re on th e ground floor and com m unicated to the hotel a p a r tm e n ts on th e second, th ird and fo u rth floors. All the occupan ts o f the hotel w e re -ta k en out safely , b u t clad, on ly In th e ir n igh t-c lo th ing . T he loss will no t exceed $10,000, a n d $5,000 of th is falls, on Jew e le r W eichel.

F lo o d a t T ro y .Troy,. N. Y., M arch 6.—T he ice In th e

uppeh H udson, th e M ohaw k an d th e H oosac riv e rs broke up la s t n igh t a f te r seve ra l d a y s’, thaw a n d a \varm rain . T he re s u lt 'I s a flood a t th is po in t and n o rth o f here w hich th re a te n s to be d is­a s tro u s . T he Ice Is h eav y -an d a t Me* chan lcv ille has formed* a gorge of g re a t s t r e n g th . ' T h e b a ck u p caused by th ia gorge h a s subm erged a il ad jo in ing low land*, and the roadw ays a re under w ater.

S b e r ld n n L eave* G ib r a l t a r .G ib ra lta r, M arch 6.—T he U nited

S ta te s tra n s p o r t S heridan h a s balled.

. F r e e o f C h a r g e . “Any ad u lt suffering from a cold settled

on the breast, bronchitis, th ro a t o r lung troubles of any nature, who will call a t

..K inm onth & Co’s, drug store will be p re­sented w ith a sample bottle of Boachpe’a G erm an Syrup, free of charge. Only dhe b o ttle giVen to one person, ana none to chil­d ren w ithou t order from parents. ..

No th ro a tm r lung remedy * ever h ad anch a sale aa Boscheo’s German Syrup In all p a rts of. th e civilized world. Tw enty years ago toiUiqria'.of bottles w ere- given away, and y ou r druggists will tell you tb a t Its success was- marvelous. I t la raally th e

-on ly T hroat an d .Jm n a -Remedy generally , endorsed by physlolans.1 One 75 cent bottle t i l nH nn 'U nnnlnn DaI.1 nil

T * n n ff-ll-Y am en S u p p o r ts E n g la n d .London, M arch 6.—A ccording to the

P ek ing corresponden t o f The T im es, the tsung-II-yam en su p p o rts d r e a t B rita in a g a in s t the p ro te s t ,of th e R ussian gov­ernm en t reg a rd in g tiie term s of the N^wchw an g ratlw 'ay ex tension J o a n n e - cenTly subscribed In London, the’ground of R ussian objection being th a t the c lause appo in ting a B ritish sub jec t ch ief engineer of the lin e is In conflict With the R usso-C hlnese agreem ent.

l*ion'i)^rii>- in tn e a o b tn .B lrm in g V m , -Ala., M arch 6.—The T en­

nessee CijhI, Iron and R ailroad com pany h a s p o s t' d notices *of an advance of w ages oC 2% c en ts a ton, ta k in g effect M arch 1, th e advance being caused by th e recen t ad v an ce In Iron. A nother advance Is expected by1 th e m iners inA pril. ' •

C h in e se C a p tu re R e b e l L ead er* London, M arch 6.—The Shanghai cor­

responden t of T he D aily Mall say s th a t th e leader b f th e rebels In th e province of A n-H oul (N gan-H ooi), 'th e no torious desperado NUI, has been cap tu red , 52 of his bodyguard, being klllecj.

S t a t e o f Ohio, Ci t s o f T o led o , 1 L ucas-C ounty , , • i

F rank J . Chen ey makes ,0ath th a t he la' the senior partner* of th e firm of F . J . Cheney & Co., doing business In th e City of Toledo, County and S ta te aforesaid, and th a t &ald firm will pay- the sum o f ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of C atarrh th a t cannot be oured by the use of Hall's CATAimii Cure . 'V-

, . •’ FRANK J . CHENEY,Sworq tp before m e and subscribed in iny

presence, tliis 0th day of December, A. D. Io90.' / , . • v - •

. . A..-W. GLEASON,j .sEA-L | H otary PabUo,H all’s C atarrh d u re fa taker. Internally anfl a c ts directly on the blood and mucotis sur­faces of the system. Send,for testimonials, free. F . J . CHENEY & CO., .Toledo, O.

Our Prescriptions made with “ Drugs that C u re” bring quick results.

It will soon be - “ movingtime.' You”catfalways move corns by using Corn Slayer. Costs 1 5 cents, cures i 5 eornsr

March is the month-when Floral Toilet Cream is most

as soft as an infant’.s. Im­proves the complexion. 25 cents.


There is- no Emulsion made anywhere at any price-that is superior to our own Emulsion at 60 cents a bottle. A strong assertion, but here is our guar­antee to refund your money if not as represented, Other Emulsions are not guaranteed.

M a t t i s o n A v e , P h a r m a c y .

W ILL EN LIS T NATIVES.P r e s i d e n t D e c i d e s t o A d o p t

M i l e s ’ S u g g e s t i o n .


S e c r e t a r y A lg e r n n d . G e n e r a l C o r ­b i n W o r k i n g o n t h e P la n * F o r t h e N ew S y s te m —N o T r o u b l e I n G e t t i n g R e c r u i t s E x p e c te d .

W ashing ton , M arch 6.—T he w o rk of reorganizing th e p resen t a rm y up to the lim it and w ith in th e te rm s of the re o r­gan ization bill has a lre ad y been.referred by the p residen t to the sec re ta ry of w ar, A d ju ta n t G eneral C o rb in .,and ColonelT hom as W ard , an a ss is ta n t a d ju ta n t general. T hey will call in to conference w ith them fro jn tim e to tim e G eneral Schw an, M ajo r_ Johnson a n d Mtajor H u s ta n t, the la t te r tw o h av ing had m uch experience In the o rgan iza tion of the g re a t vo lun teer arm y.

The big ta sk of these officers will be the o rg an iza tio n of. the 35,000 volunteers. The o rgan iza tion of the re g u la rs u p to 6b,000 will be an easy m a tte r. T he re ­c ru itin g re p o rts show th a t the force h a s been ra ised to 59,000 men in th e regu la r a rm y ,-b u t. to th l3 -m u st-b e added -ab o u t4.000 in th e hosp ita l corps, m ak in g a p resen t to ta l of 63,000. T he bpard ex­pects th a t th e re will be Innum erab le of­fers, to th e re c ru itin g offices fo r th e nec-

A m a jo rity o f th e board believe th a t -st) f a r a s Cuba and P o rto R ico a re con ­cerned fou r-fifth s of the troops could well be na tives. On th e basis of 15,000 v o lun tee r troops fo r Cuba, 12,000 could be n a tiv es and 3,000 A m ericans; an d on the basis of 6,000 In Porto Rico 1,200 only m igh t be A m ericans. T his would leave17.000 vo lun teers fo r serv ice In th e P h il­ippines. I t Is believed by th e board itha t10.000 of these should be A m ericans; be­cause of the u n c e r ta in ty of th e experi­m ent and the expected difficulty o f o r­g an iz ing ,a la rg e num ber o f F ilip inos on the A m erican basis.

T he p resen t plan therefo re involves10.000 A m ericans fo r th e Philippines,3.000 fo r Cuba and abou t 4-200 fo r P o rto Rico, or a to ta l of 15,000 A m ericans aa th e nucleus for the v o lun tee r tro o p s to g a rriso n th e Philippines, Cuba an d P o r­to R ico. One ol' the board th in k s th a t it m ay be tw o years before a F ilip ino will be en lis ted Into the A m erican arm y.

The p residen t is expected to o rder the re c ru itin g for th e in c re a se d a rm y before h e leaves W ash ing ton on h is proposed to u r fo r re s t. /


/S now ed Up In W y o m in g ,C heyenne, W y., M arch 6.—A n u rg en t

m essage fo r re lief has been received from the Cheyenne, and N o rth e rn tra in In th e snow a t Iror{ M ountain . T he p ro ­visions a re reduced to a few b ean s and a little coffee, w ith 42 persons on board to be fed. T hey have been snow ed in fo r six days, and the conditions a re d espera te , as the ad jacen t ranches, w here food h a s heretofore been o b ta in ­ed, a re abou t o u t o f provisions. H on. John F . M cD erm ott and Jo h n a n d F^ W. Foxton, who w alked In from the im prisoned * tra in , rep o rt th e c u ts d rifted level fu ll of hard show betw een here an d .Iron M ountain and th a t .th e onl£ Way* of g e ttin g th rough w ith a t ra in w ill be by shoveling. ^A re lie f t»a in w ith ia .su p p ly b of provisions an?T 100 shovelers has been sen t.

-F a tm s to r in in A la b a m a . .■ D eca tu r, Ala., Mo^ch 6.—A te rrib le

s to rm o f wind, l\ail and lig h tn in g struck , th is 'p la c e Sunday night, doing g re a t dam age and re su ltin g 'i n th e loss of four. lives. T he huge tow er of th e Long D is tan ce Telephone com pany, 140 feet high, w hich carrie s th e w ires sp an n in g the T ennessee rlvef, w as snapped like a reed. S everal m a n u fa c tu rin g p la n ts a re su spended a s a re su lt of .thfe d a m ­age to bu ild ings and. m achinery .

M n b o n a t A t l a n t i a C ity*A tla n tic C ity, M arch. ’ 0.-Xjohn W il­

son of 37 INorth* C aro lina avenue, w ho says he is a frien d ojC M artin M ahon, w an ted a s „a w itness in t h e F a y n e Moore tr ia l , jn N e ^ :Y o rk , s^ys -M ahop has b e e i r v ^ i t ln g In*this c ity and m ade the 0 ta tem tm trto_‘:h lm ; th a t he did . n e t in tpnd rp tum incr to annealr a e a in a t tfi«

jabout itr told-iii a-plaia way,-will be^jiisPasf “ e f f f e t t h / e l h ^ r a w i n g ^ f r a ^ e a s t h e f a i r y t a l e sindulged in by .some merchants.-

^Wehavemovedonedoor-wesfefromthe-store we have'occupied for the5 p’asf two years, thus giving the much needed roomw e t e . q u i r e d f o r o u r i r i c r e a s e d _ s to c k . :7: ; _

In our own wav we shall endeavor' toplease all that favor us .y$th their; patrdn?.:,* age. You know what that .way is ; Offer

-in g^e-latest arid-best in -Mea’s-Funilsll~— Good and Hats always'just as cheap,

but-more often cheaper,- than o d s-o f-th e same class can be bought elsewhere./

T o t h e L a d i e sEast year we added to our stock Shift

increase our trade with our regular line, and to .our surprise it has proved a great success.

East week we advertised a waist that, was made to sell for $1.50 at 75 ®cents. Some of the choice ones are gone. The balance we will close out at 60 cents each, and every waist is fully guaranteed by us in all respects.

We.have found a num berorpatterns:o£.Ia6C:..'. a r ‘ '■ n an w t d a l t h a t l w .e j w

iij slipttLorder/ - • TKese-beds arfc all'riehh'manv.These beds arfe all right, many of them> Kan’dsdmely brass ’ trimmed, arid ‘a ir of-

oh the^rodd and ,vended room. ' ; : ■>: A very neat bed; always sold at $3 :50, ‘now■ $ 2.50 . -- 'V

^siother—with-riice-brass-mounting9rfor«K• rly $3-9Ss now $3 .oo. — v .-..-.s. .

One riiore elaborate.'reduced froiri'feep

One Of our;handsomest;beds,regularly,sold at $ 10 .00, now'only.$6,so., ' ' : . \

The finest ;in: :pur -stock/ solid'^ferasfs ■’ imouritings, a beauty/reduced from $ 15 .00 to

n $ 8 .0 0 . 1 * -. x - ,*

This Isiari offering that you should imtrietii

Y o u c a n ’t;, e x p e c t t h e s e b a r g a i n s t o l a s t l o n g , s o c o m e in q u i c k l y . ,

WALTER W. DAVIS,14J an d 1 4 5 'M ain S freet, & b ^ - t e l c , IT. J .

-£ k



"Mister House iu n te r”n ij- on o iu o h th le f t , a n d

y e a r ly " h o u se s M e. r e n t in g • ‘‘l ik e h o t esikes.”


M l notices


Notloe-lB-hereby-glTen-that-!in-elBotlo!5 wUl be held «nder the laws of thlB tato, oa

TUESDAY, MARCH 11,1899.The following officers will be e lected :

1 Township Committeeman.1 Ovsrseersot tbe Poor. i8 Constables.——— • " ' .......1 Cemmlssioner o f Appeal.2 Surveyors o f the Highway.8 poundkeepers.

P o l l s W i l l O p e n a t G A v M , a n d C lo s e a t 7 P . M .

The places of holding the election to ths various districts in N eptnne. township are th e sam e as those gsv-an te low for the m eet­ing of the Boards o f E eg is try and Election.

Ths Boards of R egistry and Election of N eptune io sush ipw fll m eet in th e ir respea- tiye dlstrio ts oa

T u e s d a y , M a r c h 7 , J9 9From 1 p. m. to 9 p. xn., fo r th e purpose of revising and correcting ihe reg is try liBts as r ^ n l r e d b y tho el®otlc®:lap8.,»B g IfUl i.*-» inMT-

The places for holding th e election and the m eeting of th e Boards of R egistry and Election for N eptune ^township a re as fol­lows:

F I R S T D IS T R IC T —Fees Brothers’ Ho­tel, South Main street.

SE C O N D D IS T R IC T —Unexcelled E n­gine House, Coilies avenue,, W est Grove. (

T H I R D D I S T R I c r —G oodW tll Engine House, Bummerfleld avenue, W est Park .'

JO SEPH HARRIS, Township Clerk.

Good business property, known as the “ Bond Street Bakery. Eight room' dwelling, store, bakery In basement, and *barn. Inquire a t 414 Bond s treet . 6158*

A s b u r y P a r k , H ig h S c h o o l

S t a r C o u r s e

S A T U R D A Y , M A R . 1 1AT 8.IU P . M.. IN

A s s e m b ly H all

Temple Male Quartette

★ ★

S in g le A d m issio n , ’ - ' - W ith R e se rv e d S e a t, -

Tickets on sale^at T asting’s.

5 0 C en ts 7 5 *

i l i r a ten a y o * M i n i s t r y .lyondon, .M arch '6.—T he M ontevideo

co rresponden t o f T h e T im es says:. "P res id en t CuestaS 'haq m ade th e fo l­low ing a ss lg n m ep t0v pr po rtfo lio s : Dr.. S a ju rn ino Cam po, m in is te r o f th e In­te rio r ; Benor C hm pestegnl, m in is te r of ^ n an ce ; Senor C ar joa M ^ria Pena,* to ln r iBter 6f .ag ricu ltu re ; S en o r H erre ro Bfl- p lnosa, m in is te r o f fo reign a ffa irs , and G eneral N lcom edos G astro , m in is te r d t w ar.” . ■ .

S te a m e r S a n k . in t h e O a m b er la n 'd .C larksville, Tenn., M arch* 6.r^WhIIe

going th ro u g h the^’d ra w o ^ th e . Louis* v ll le . and N a sh v ille , ra ilro ad b ridge across the C um berland river, h e re ‘the •steam er,vH . W . “ B u tto rff j ^ a a blow n a g a jn s t th e s tone p ie rs a n d su n k . ..T he 1 8 -passengers a n d ’a ll th e crew: reached the sho re In sn fetv . • T he flteam pr Wh«

twenty-flre wordr Inserted, under this heading for„ twentr-flve cents. first Insertion and fifteen oents each Bpbseqnent Insertion.

s i o ^ W A H T i s b .AddressBox O^.iUburyPark,;—

▲ MISSING TRUNK. , :Ml*s Piflard last symmer le ft-a sole leather

trunk withsonmf ri end-unknown to h e rm o t her ^qlg-inpa_j»idmipl&trattx of h i r estate, mformatlon to R&s. Miller,-40 Second7ave.. Long' Branch. -65>60*

FO E RENT."House suitable for twofsmQIes; hasSroomson.

second floor and water; 6 rooms op first floor; two cellars; located on Ocean Park avenuol Bradley Beach, one block from Main Street. Inquire of ^V. Gundaker. - - - -v-. . ^

Wanted to rent, 8 furnished rooms-.for house­keeping; no children. -Address P, Press office.

B6-P7* 1 '*•

F O R 8 A L E .A gentlecarriage.horsft.^ Good speed, bqt

fectiy safe fo r alady to d r iv e y e a r s did; .reason for selling, leaving town. Also, a good single harness. Apply to G, D*_Allarajce, SOS Seventh Ave. J ' ' ' ' . »87*

tOBT,Maltese Cat named "Jag*’; two bells on leather

collar. Liberal reward for information or return to 507 Asbury avenue. - 68-57*

FORSALB*Four pool tables and fixtures; reasonable

terms. Marshall’s pool room, 1205.Springwood ““ Due. BfHXS*

t o r e n V .Three rooma (or U*ht housekeeping, mil im-

proveniffct.':. For further particulars apply to O. O.TJAVENPOBT,

■I McCabe building; 8fc.

TO LOAN.$2,000, *2,600, la.ffO, or t!,S® a t 8 per cent;

j u r a , fsw $2 oooati per eetw.These amounts sow oa . Loana ^ulcklv

m«de, W. B„ BBEG1.K.W-tf SSS Main StjAahury Park.

M an roe and gm ory, .It roonus, 9 to d rooms,- - pissajbiEg, d ty w ater, *800,-" ■ :.Third nvthne,' nasr,XO«K]r, 8 rooms, 5 bed

-oc-jrs n l!' ImproyemeLte, unfuraished ; ' "1276, ftirnishealSOO; ; — t Kmovy iitreet,i.iieap,’Wesleyia&e, 10 roomjtjB

tied rooms, all-improvements, I8B0.-. -SeyeB»:Irisd-M »Snrl8'nj0msrSrB6dTcoaBr

' a U iir - 0 . ' vF lat, Coofema i and Bona. i 'TOoms, t bed

rooms, a l l jnSi>roVenSM!f3! # 0.‘ ' ■Fourth avomio, a s a r Hedk, 14 jcd!SB,-9 bed

room k sH Im provem ehti-^m SU botias- ..j . « flOC-r'-v; • '

5= raom srairsia~ provements,,.*laper month. :. -

Main street,.near. jrortb Jutoa&. f&vk st»-, tion, 8 rooms’. 4. bed rcorae, plumbing,

. d ty w ater, t m ! .......... ' ...., - - V . ;Ia l« -avenafc-B oai-J ;’uiory,.f! wb-'JI. -* ’.«d.

.-oota--. fum ace,'d lar w ater, s e# sr, etc;, 1300/ • ' : ’’

M unroe avenue, n e a r Grand, 8 niofns, B bed- rooms, all improvem ents, furnished,■ $450. ,. , , ' .

Second avenue, isear’Grand, M tom ai 8 bed room s,all improvement^-fla® b>ja^t6E0.

F o u rth avenue, n e a r M ains 7 rooms, 2 be-1 ; - ri>oinij; blty -water, sSwer, 1300/

.XhiKl-avenni). &eapGrand,-lS - room8,-10bed jiioms. fill lmnroveinent&fnrnishsd,l500.

F o u r a ana Bona, 0 i-.ioms, 0 bed rooms, all '.saprOyesasistoi *400.

Third avenue, inear Main, T rooms, 8 bed .WOMB, i m . -4 . ... . . ,

A sbury avenue, ne&r Bmofy,11roomB, o bea m^room ^Aot.aiLd-COld. 'water, gaa.-bath,,

SeccBd avenue, !Smory,12 rooms, S fesdrooms, bath , h o t and cold w ater, etc., $375. . .

Em ory, near Fourth, 8 rooms, i bed rooms, all improvements, $800.

Second Bond,' 9 rooms,-' all improve-' ments, p a rtly furnished, t250.

WEST ASBURY PARE.F ifth avenup, n o rth side, 10 roosnis, 5 bed

rooms,all lmprovem ents,new house,tS5C Pine .rest, facing SewsSi avenue, 7 jooms,

8 bed rooms, flGO.1 . 3- ■■F ifth avenue, sou th sit 7 room s, 8 bed

rooms, b a ts ; p inm proveifte'stS teQp. _ W est Bangs avenae, oorner, 8 rooma, * bed

rooms, and 5mm, ©75.W est Sum m eifleld sv r h m , to room ^ 8 bed

M O N M O U T H R E A L T Y CO.L. S. TAR SAKT, Manager

Room 12,' M onm outh BuildingA ll kinds of Insurance! In tlw bestcom|toh!f,tt

tw ik ik g & 'VA# B a h t.

BOARD. ,Cottage bohrd, 608 First avenue; all Improve,

ihentft. Mrs. V- H. JeweU.'

, THB CROWN, n'-.-'145 Malaavenue, Ocean Grove. Open all the

Sear. The most homelike boarding house In cean Grove. Bteam‘heat, baths and all im-

-provements. Terms reasonable. S52tf

S T A N L E Y H O U S E> ^Daytona, Flaj

Open November 15 to April 15. Located on the borders of the Halifax river, one-half mile from the Atlantic. A delightful place to spend the winter amid sunshine and flowers., Terms mod­erate. 0 . SEB G WICK HUNT, Mgr.

Summer season, Yorkshire, Asbuir Park. -

BOARDERS WANTED.The Hanlon, 831 Cookman avenue; open all th e

year; terms low.

WHEN IN LAKEWOOD“ Stop at Th« Towers, Main Street opposite Laurel House. TermB reasonable,

OBAB. J . HUNT, PropT Bummer season. Atlantic House. Ooean Grove.J.F. Oapsn. Gilbxbt O. Higbt.

CAPBN ft HIQBY Architocta

784 Broad Street, Newark. N. J.


CONTR/jCT IN G PAINTEB. Postofllce bo* 067. Asbtoy Par*. N. J .

CONCERNING PIANOS.If my sole business wks the Belling of planoe 1

could not possibly do so a t the prices I- charge. As a piano toner I am not dependent on safes: Its all right when I do sell, but not at aU reoxs- baby that I should. If yon don’t believe this andchoose to pay a dealer 9850 or S800 for a piano

sell for $175, you are the loser. Pm notI can* VWI PCU iUl •110, IUU MO uia sosor#. A LU UUbworrying at au. If you want a piano and care

wind bag. You naturally aak,-Howcan I'nnder sell big Concerns? No expenses,ulhe answer. A beautiful $175 mahogany Imperial sold In W.: Bummerfleld avenue la»t Saturday. Let me give you J, & 0. Fischer prices^TU hwnjyonr eyea»

(PianoTuner 15 vear*)* . •;''t - ■ i ' v 810 Cookman Avenne,

Parker!s Hotel fmdRestiuirMt■ * Next to,First NatlonaHBank.. *.> V. - :

REQULAI^ DINNER, 50 Cent5. :;- (njR aPECiALriB:-';'; . ^

WelsU Raiebfi, Oystere ;-;' :;Steamed Clams : . - -• Devfled 0*abe; / .'foe CJrenm. :■ '

~ L o o k e t th e ~toUdwii)K. OaU and B eeus andget partlcalara.

M unroe avenue, n ear Grand - Sxsms, gas, c ity w ater, I


xubb6d-and-sorubbed In -whlrlpooi-tif^nov*- tog water. The rubbing loosens the dirt aus tha/w6ter .,r!eiiv-s pad washra it out by being foressd taotef'sSl tortb-thrpng^’the fibres rii ths c!btliy. r Many washers nave- iJs-a-isisae.-ttiM robbed tli,, g ^ rm e n ^ .an d 'others that :aoved t,6t>v,'ater,' botlfte the- €'Omblr;&‘i'.os 0 both thaVm&lEes & .'icceflj -

RemovalB ostonD en tis ts

D R . R . F . D O R A N ,SncQMwr


7 1 5 . 7 1 7

M a t U s o n A v e n u eWinckler’s Bnlldlrjr

W A L L P A P E R .»AC0 B DOLL, J r .

Practical Paper Hanger ani •*, Decorator

H as ou h a sd th e la rgest tuid ftnest new designs o t - -

W A L L P A P E RFroxn Q o p e r R o l ia n d n p w o r dRoom -Ms;il<Uni!v. freiri 2 )t*»n t8 per

' foot a n s s & j t th a to h a lljw p , ill v a r

Fepff Jton8fing, Palntifl2-anfl Wall j Ttatlng;by ekllled mHkmewat low- eet pilbee. Only, give'ua a trial and compare prioese

541 COOKMAN; A V E .idjoiliir.g Btelnb(W:5i’«lirge«lorc

. , Asbury jpariC 1

’ J A C O B S C H D f A B T Z j

MASON A M B U ILD E R ,■ ; : ‘ N i 'J . ' !

Srtcklifs.ifc- ttid PtUrtCTlnaf. In ‘«dl

P A W L E Y ’ S*s1 9 0 0 'W a sb e r

“ PreTents ttiaf “ Tired Peeling:.” 'The Lady Slte WbSIe Udog it.

V f | l _ f - “ v T V t •’ I T ; ' v HOW THE MACHIK1; IS OPERATED.'

The w ork is simple and easy; them aehlne • la turfied to ith e r ig h t a k a to th e le t£ back: i 5 a - i5Hb?: a b o u t‘hol( w ay rixiim d each time, fo r from->6jto,xa minutee,.accorc!lng to th® requlrstoehta c f th i doftiea youar;,- :waalilDg. Ten_ t a tw elve m inu tes w ashes th e w ors t isoiledigarroonta :i‘srfectlyfe!e/in. T h e m achine holfla^nd w ashes a t one tim e, " bIjc sheets, o r clothes to th a t am ount.

A ^ jtb e tu b Is.revqSved, bacfc..'andforth,, th e ^ m ie n ta a re tossed 'a n d tum bled a n d .


wAlNdERS.r .

W e hava a g rs a t varie ty , a t prices isn g - js g , isecordlng to th e quality , from ofle- jioll££.Tip, JmS J n - th ls oiho-'^—th s b e tt Is .the cheapest. O ur Ugh-grade- BALL-BSARIKS-W rJBgerear® nam ed i i ' te r ou r W asher, .“1000.”

^ O A P . t .......................... •-

11 He who th e best*6f Its kind fisds- hls m oat proS table advertisem ent In wb&& he-sells.”

W h a t you pay fo r an artto le la im portant,, b o t.w h a t you g e t In re tn rli fo r y ou r money, is m ore im portant, \

*1 jFurniture, Stores and House

- Furnishings


Get Your Heatefs Fjxed Nowi

If they need repaiis or cleaning now Ibi the time to attend to them. Is yonr Bunge «*?Odok Stove ia good oonditionJ^H not, call upon ns. Prompt at*? ‘tention, tellable work and low prices. : ,

T.E O’Brien & Co.6 4 0 ! M a t t b o a , A ve .


S t e r l i n g s , - $ 5 0 a n d $ 7 5

D A Y T p jifs , * ' a n d $ j r sO r i e h t s , $ 3 5 . i s o . a n d $ 6 5

S i*A U )i$G S »r. * ’ * $ 5 0 a n d $ 7 5 -. , Z x m m y , • - - - $ 4 0 a r i d : $ s pi p , f c H ¥ s ^ R s ; ; $ '4 o , ; '$ 5 d W ' ;

G R /tW E O R D S ,' $ 2 5 ,• $ 3 5 a n d - ^ s o • N y a c k S , - | . $ 3 5 , $ $ 0 a n d ' . $ 3 5 C h > u n l e s s , . ■ - v - $ 7 3

These prices cannot be M aten fshen qual­ity Lh coesWoiw!. O rders placcd now wliS Ins a re p rom pt dellverice. ’v


Page 3: Rond avenue. There are · THIRTEENTH YBAR,: NO. 55. ASBURY PARK, NEW, JERSEY, MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1899. ONE CERT Eor Exchange. An elegant residence prop- -erty~at-Wind6orr-N .-J.I-



B a k i n q P o v v d e r

‘MadefrotnT3ure 'cream of tartar.

S a f e j p i a f & r t k e f o o d

a g a i n s t a l u m .

A lum BttunaeeftTCf


JjO O I. S D IM A R ^


ftess^' s 1 Interest \lroo Small for * ' B e<iU lne— Happenings Personal

- »u& O t h c n > U e - t t i t - W U I rE e ) p to /m *ke the H f»to rjo r A ib n u P n k , -Neptnna'Toweahlj? ami Violnltr.

Tbs rsanlar monthly meeting of Wes iey Engicfl aod Hose company tor March will be held jgnlght a£i{SPv ■' ■• '.


OOUPILID n r p. o. fiyxvzxi::

MABOH;' B!j«h Tide. I Low Tide. Bon Buna. m. j ikiu. 1 a.m. I P.®. a.m.■9.51 10.81 . &4« ' 8 06 6.84 MM

Thnrs . . . . 10.8* 11.01 •4 81 .4.40 66311 sit 18 OC 6.8S 6.80 ■5 51154.01 lltvfl -82S "6.80 6A50 6.55roe ' ffl.8! 7.85 7^0 o n 650

. a,tsc E81 &61 6.8fl 6.57I'TUflS'•«•••• 8.1S ,8 M 9,45 •10.00 6.28 6,5.*"Wod-.*#*** 4.«1 . 4M 10.40 11.M • 88 5.59Thurs,... 5.80 6 61 11:40 18.00 6.22 m‘fw tB at..>.••• 7.W 18.61 /1.16 e.ifl ‘6.08Bon.,«•••« 7.61 aie 1.41 8.01 6.17 .6.04

aa7 Otfl 880 846 6.15 6.05Tries...... 9,Sfl 0.«J 8.16 8.88 6.18 fl.Ofl-W ed...... 10.10 10.8.1 4.04 4.12 6.12 6.07Thur* ..., IO.RO ,11.W .4 52 4.69 6.10 o.ohw ti........... 12 00 5.44 B60 6.W 6.W)B*. ia.M 12 46 6^9 0 46 6.07 0.10

1.1c 1.41) 7^0 7.B0 6,05 0.11Mon..,*.. S4.0H £ 61 8.89 8.65 6 04 fi.12Tuos...... . 8 0(1 8.49 0.88 9.01 608 16.18Wad........ 4.00 4.8H 10.24 10.41 6.00 'n 14T haw ..,. 44H 6.80 11 03 11.88 6.5H 6.15

1 Fri. . . . . . . 6.S1 "6.00 11.46 12.00 557 6.16B at....... 6.18 688 19,f6 18.80 5 65 6.17Bun...... fl.M 7.14 18.44 18. ft!) 5.58 fl.lHM on...... , 7.80 7.6I 1.81 1.35 5 52 619

> T uea..... 1 8.10 H 81 • 8.00 811 5.50 620Wedr..... ?',860 0.41 2.45 8.KQ 6.4* 0.81Thurs.... 0.84 1000 880 8.W 5.47 628

I Fri. 10.1211 18 68 4.80 '4 80 546 6.28

M A R C H . 1899Su. Mo. Tu. We, Th. •r. Sa.

1 2 3 4 ‘

5 6 7 8 9 1 0 1 1

1 2 CO 14 15 16- 17 18

19- -20 -2 1- - 2 2 -23- -24- ^ 5-

26 27 28 29 30 31SWOON’S PHA8E8. ,

-n J E h lr d ^ - 11:00 1- - y -T in t- .Quarter 4 p.m. ^Quarter& • i i 1 * * » ■ »p.m. ;©is

to a tp. m.

27 '£ £1 8 ]

P B E S S C jSTjE N D A T I.'

m d e n » e d I i U t o f C o m in g E v e n ts fo r Q u lo k

'needay, M arch 7—Boards o f reg is try and election fo r Neptune tow sahlp w llls ita t polling places from 1 to 9 p. m .

Tuesday, • March 7—C antata “R uth” In as- o£ H igh School building, Ocean Grove.

PaeSday. M arch 7—Spring m eeting o&ithe n o rth e rn New Jersay Congregational conference a t - F i r s t Congregational church, A sbnry ,park .

Wednesday, Miirch !fctK xty;tftlrd annual. conferenbo;‘o f N ew 'Ie rsey Methodises a t A tlantio 'C ity. |T '

Istm bajr. March" I t—Boston Temple Q nar io tte In H igh Sdjoijl ahditoriunL

Jotiday, M arch 18—Milkmaid's' sfocfabM ot Simonides Court, No. 1, Tribe of Ben

; H ur, in K . of P. hall. .Tuesday, M arch 14—Borough election a t

Allenhurst.Jaesday, March 14—Spring eleotlon InNop-

tune township, ifsdnesday, M arch 15—-Event o f Asbury

. ’a rk w heelm en (to be decided) a t stats*- I house.

5mrsday,-M arch-10—BaHeacine-minstrelfl in 'Park Opera House,

frlday, M arch 17—Spring nraslo begins TO th e beach.

I»turday, M arch lS —E leven thann ive _

sociable.Wednesday, M arch 28~Dance a t Asbury

P a rk wheelm en’* olub house, taesday, M arch 31—Annual banquet of the

A sbury P a rk Board, o f T rade a t th a.G randC entral hotel,; ; ' ------

MUday, A pril a - a w te r .fenday, A pril 8—Rennlon and b an q u et

Ocean Grove A uditorium choir.Irarsday,' May 11—Banquet o f th e Spaniah- . American W ar, V eterans' Association,

Company A, New Jersey V olunteer in­fan try . •

X. T h e W e a th e r .•' Tlie*government weathsf bulietia re- eivw at the PBSesoffiee this noon says: 'air tonight and Tuesday.

ifii. ■; M ESH .FOB TCT3v5»AY.

-There lives more faith i s honest daabt. Believe me, than in helf the creeds.

—Xfflwyaqa,BREAKFAST. i ' ’Stewod Prunes.

'Broiled Crisp Bcsos. Baked Potatoes,... CJ0ff«l.

M m cS » S ,,. * Casseroles ot ChlckeQ

Heised Bisoaite. Choootote.Sliced Orongea.

DINNEB.~ Bonlllon. Sippets of .

Stewed Shruap. Bice./enlflon steaks. Jelly. Celery.

■ Bwcet Potatoes ia. CRSSinei, • - .■ tettaoo, ‘ F tsm h Ur- BB1HB

' Orange Cream Pie. QrnyereC Coffee,

«0C8 Oi £1101 imtter, ono tab!aat>ooJif... . . . half teaspoonfnl colt, ono-fourth tea-;;

^wenf*!! pepper and ' dasli of cayenne- 1 ' jcw lth the'.'ohlokenr: Pill the cavity . [ ’ c t each mold with the chicken ana pn« '

’ on each an upper, covering ct rlae.' Poaoh •.SOminute*..' • . . -.rM ■ ■ <;

&>to? ■ ftd ' . ■VVjlcott i a Fa. ■'*N ew York', M arch 6.—U nited B ia les

S enato r E d w ard -O W olco tt o f C olora- io a n d M ra. W oIcott',hax-a 'a g ree .i to sop’a ra te .' .Though th ey Kail fro m .Colo* raflo a n d reside rsow iiri W ashlngt(ra,-tfco r e l t i s 'b e ln g pre^orbd in itfew .York. 33ie action^ will-! no t, be; confcaieflj th e sols ch arg e be lng jn c o m p a tib ilf ty of lem ser. m « 6>.> wag le a m td in th is s ity y s s te rd ay . B ey o n d ' it , how evnr(, C hprles, C. B ea ijia ii,. counsci for.'.M re, Woipott,- re fu te d to t i jp a •'#ord.,' I t jam e a s a'B.ur'prlee to th e m ariy’ifrlends'

tb e coiiple;lp:thlB city , w h s r^ ss f iito * ' an 'd '.M rsi W olco tt b'avq .J ccm ei-eV ew year, 1 - ■;/

have.1 come:-every

Mr. A nd 3trs. G « jrg « E . H opper o f th is c i ty w e n t to P h iia d e ip h ia S a tu rd a y to M tend th e fa n a ra l o f » re la tiv e . ^ T h « -A sh a ry P a rk W iredSsaen'wlil hold a m e e tin g 'to n ig h t a t 8 o ’c lock , tb io be-{ng-thi fa? a for the! jffifflUar.jWO.ay asesIoo. i

Quit a nuniber it people from the adjaoent towns will witness the oaotata ' ’R a th r ’- to r - fc a g iv f 'o - t jm o w w H i^lar Itf the High School,building, Ocean Grove, A Spring Lata party will number 80,j.1Francirs/ A ^ BfonS f i S ’ r em o v o iih iu family from 181 Webb avenue. Ocean Qrove. to their handsome new home re- cSntly completed at-the -iiowbeast oor- ner of La'WTMice avenue and Broadway.

Mrs J. EVBradiey w ill attend to or. de'rs for dreeamakiag and iacUes’ tailor-

“ iCabe "ing at her1 rooms In'the MoCabe & Mar- «s rn Liuildlng, corner aiaio street and Lake avanne. Her card appears in the

Tho next entertainment in the Star cdtfrae will take place Satnrday night of this w eek, In the Aabnrj' Park High School .^smbli^rpom. "Ebe attraction will be the TimpU; aiate aaartsfte of Boston—a fine musical organization.

Captain Bsrteil of the local Salvation Araay.corps has returned from Chicago, whither she K'erat to attend the fussral of a dec«ased sister. Captain Bartell had previbiislr spent her vacation in Chi­cago, and had returned to Asbury Park When the second summons came an nounciug her sister’s death.

Byron VanBenschoten, who was run dpw*-, by ’freight train at the Spring- .wood avenue creasing on the alght of March 18, ard wbosa escape from in- stant dsath-waaionly-short;of amiranier w rapidly rocoveripg from tha effects of th e 'fer ita shook.' ’ It Is said that ksj la now able to sitln a-rolllngnebalr and ba pushed about. At thia rate he will soon be able to resume his usual occupation.

Q U I E T A T M A N IL A .

ID eaaltofV -J-liiX iitf—Co»t t in g e SonI’c ilro M noiitl.

M anila, M arch 6.—Tlie U nited S tates t r a n s p o r t ’Ohio a rrived yeste rd ay , In the la s t two. d ays th e re h a s been a very noticeable change in M anila fo r the b e t­ter^ probab ly due the a rriv a l o f re ; en forcem ents for. th e A m erican troops. Num bers of people a re seen u p o n 1 the s treets, and the a m o u n t of business tra n sac te d in th e sto res h a s m arvelous IjTtlYcresied. Y esterday" th e L u n e ta w aa blocked 'w ith carria g e s fo r th e flrst.tlfrif since the ou tb reak , an d th e band o f the T w entie th reg u la rs played a nu m b er oi a irs , and i t w as h a rd to believe . th a t a s ta te ol w a r existed .

O utside the c ity th e re w as desu lto ry firing th ro u g h o u t th e day, and a t v a ri­ous ppints. th e .sha rpshoo tera . wcre~mo8 t annoying. A t San P ed ro M acati the rebels a re y e ry ac tiv e , e rec tin g in - tren ch m en ts in fro n t of th e .position oc­cupied by the W ash in g to n troops,- a l­though a tw o gun b a tte ry of th e S ixth a rtille ry repeated ly sh elled th em . Theenem y, a re fi&ty. a ll ye to ; th e fa c t th a t M ausers have a m uch longer ra n g t th an the S prlng fle ld s an d a r e co n tin ­ually ta k in g "po t sh o ts ’ n com parative safety .

The A m erican sold iers d islike thie passive re s istan ce and a re eager fo r the excitem ent of a n ac tiv e cam paign .

D espite the h ea t the h e a lth o f the m en lp th e tren ch es h as im proved re ­m arkab ly . » "

A ss is ta n t E n g in ee r W lnsh lp o t th e gunboat B enning ton w as w ounded in bo th legs ^yesterday by, a volley from the shore., .The M aritim e s team e r E l C ano haa arrived fTom Jloilo w lth>advices th a t all Is Quiet th e re an d thaV buslnesa is b risk ;

reports, a re levying upon the supplies In th e h an d s of th e n a tiv e s and serious­ly in te rfe r in g w ith th e w ork upon th e p lan ta tions.

Ther Y a le - H a r v a r d R a c e ’.N ew H avpn, M arch 6.—The R eg iste r

•ay s: "T hero is a chance th a t Y ale and ■ J ta y a rd m ay no t row a t N ew London th is y ear. W hen th e m an ag ers of th e tw o v a rs ity crew s v isited t h a t ’c ity re c en tly th ey found th a t , the board of trad e had done no th ing tow ard a s s u r­ing the crew s of a su b s ta n tia l g u a ran tee of expenses. M an ag er P res to n of th e Yale n ayy s ta ted . th a t severa l o th e r cities have m ade handsom e financial offers fo r th e races, and th e Y ale and- H a rv a rd m an ag ers have ag reed th a t the New London board o f tra d e m u s t d raw up a defin ite ag reem en t and p re ­s e n t 'I t soon. E xce llen t^cou rses e ither a t H a rtfo rd o r Springfield a re availab le, aiid bifSs. a re likely .to be askgd fo r from th e boards of tra d e In these p la c e s / '

* A C o n n e c tic u t T ra g e d y , i Tprrlnfctori, Conn.* M arch 6. — M rs. F red e rick N orton , w ho w as assau lted , by her h u sband a t th e ir home In H a rw ln - tQhv“on W ednesday 'm o rn in g , h a s died from h e r in ju ries . N orton beat h is w ife on th e fa c e w ith a drQ m stick and s truck h e r on the back of the h ead .w ith a f la t­iron. fra c tu rin g h e r skull. H e th e n com ­m itted suicide by shooting . M rs. Nor* $onv-.died w ith o u t reg a in in g conscious-r ness. T hey w ere bo th you n g people an d hafl been m arried o n ly , slndo la s t Juno. No o th e r reason bu t th a t o f tem ­po ra ry In sa n ity can be given fo r th e tragedy .

(v Q aeen o f B e lg iu m V ery III.B russels, M arch 6.—In th e official re ­

po rt issued la s t n lg h t_ th e doctors w ho q re a tte n d in g Q ueen. M arie 'H en rle tte , who ts . su ffering from b ronch ial pneu- nrjonla, describe h e r m a je s ty 's condition a s d espera te . I f is doub tfu l if sh e w ill live th rough the n igh t. All th e m em bers of h e r fam ily .w ith, the exception ofP rin cess C lem entina a re ’a t her bedside; The la s t ’sac ra m e n t h a s been ad m in is­te red .' /. :iV; ;» I * . .

T he P o p e’* R eiparlcaM e V ita lity .Rome; M arch 6 ,—H is ; Holiness th e

[Dope ro se ;a t h a lf p.aist 10 y e s te rd ay an d r e tu rh e d 'to be!d a t 1:30 13 [e h a sresuh^ed .hi^ o rd in a ry 1 d iet, a n d 'b is ooU> dltlori, m e n ta lly , a n d physically , Is-goo/3.'- H d ta lk ed w ith iils physic ians and , to th e ir am azem ent, reoi^*}. en tire liupt porUon' of 'ttie seven th can to ’of ,Da^te*p ■1P ir d d l8e,*‘ cpm m entlng upqi^ 'various* passages as. he proceeded.

Spanlslii H o ld te r i K e a c h H o m e ,1 ,V alenc la ;‘f<l^iircii ‘ ' 6: -^ T h e - • a team ^r

Cherlbon^. C ap ta in A lllard /. c h a r te re d ,b y ' th e . S p a n is h , governm bi^t*, h a a \ a rr iv e d h e r^ »from \Clenfuegoa w ith re p a tr ia te d S p an ish .troops. ’ j ; i V^; . :V-, « ■ . ' j .

’ RIBBON j s e i^s e '- ^ s. '

IS and 20c RfobonB per yard . lO o SO an d 85c Ribbons per yard -1 7 c

There s tbo lilbboDi story. Plain, acvam tahed, tru th fu l. I f you don’t need them, some one will.

WAff S r e a t U u ttte S to r e 9j%atti$on j i v e .



Do yoa Hko to save money ? O ther peoplo do. Y o u caac’, s i t if you will.

ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE BIG FAIRAnd People are l^oHowing the Road

THINGS YOU NEED?Chamber Pails, covered. flalvaaliedTtrofi-Pttlia-. Foot Tubs,Coal Ecutt'ci!, good o n es ...Roasting P a n s ......................-idq t,-T in-Paili-w arran ted .Tea K e ttlm ............................Best F lour Steves.........H eavy W aalrBollers,...........■eate-flnddlesrrTTiT— , —Tea P o ts ................................Coffee P e te ........................ .Table Oil Cloth, per y a rd . .. Floor Oil Cloth, per y a rd ... Balvatiteed Iron Oil C an s ...Tin Oil Chns .........Frying P an s ...........................Knives arid Forks, e ach__W ash B a s i n s . .

15oTrrrr.-........ 19o 150 100r.v.rrlOO......... 10o iiio

— .TT180 10O,.... 10O ISO ’On 15o ICO 70


KITCHEN THINGS:T ea S tra iners ....................................................lo


•W<sairfn<rBhro Table Spoons..Tea Spoons—Tacks, per b o z .M atoJiBaiOfi.;Tack H am m ers................................................ 3 iTootbploks, per box.......................................4cFlue S topper....................__ _____ ^ „ 5c

!W«HghlBg SprlD gs. ' .......... '.. ,7oB ifonit and Cake C u t te r . , ............................ 2cB o lts .......................................... 5oCelling Hooks.................................................. yoBcrow D riv e r ;., ...................... 5cHlng»s, per p a ir ..................................... 5cCan O p en er U ....................................ScIron S tan d s ......................................................8cTaok P u llers ......................... - ........................5cApple Corer................ Sc

KITCHEN THINGS:Ironing W a x .......................Tsppfif lioxes .......................... 2oCake T urners............................. 5oL ocks.....................................Pot Chains, w ith handle ............. t 5oBig B E r a l f i e r s ..............T....................... 5cChopping Knife, b e s t....................................lOoLamp b u rn e rs ............................... 5qPicture g n o h s ....... . riJ-2dStove L if te r . . s . . . . . . . . . . . 4..................... .• 2cM ustard Spoons. ........ , , l cMachine O iler.................. ........... ...........Potato) Knives, good ones.........Cork S drew . .......................................Scrpb B ru s h .. ....... .................Scoops ................... .................................Nutmeg G ra te r.......................................Glass Lemon Squeezer.................. „ ..


B e S u r © a n d S e e t h e I S m b r o i d e r i e s

ITA LY ’ S CLAIM R EFU S EDO h in a W i l l N o t L e a s e Sari-

M un B a y . ,


etl a t 4 h e P o r t —A d m ir a l C r e n e l S n ll« F o r t h e B o a t—'C o m m e n t. In I lo m e o n t h e S l tn a U o n .

’■ P ek ing , M arch 6.—T he7 tsung -il-ya- m en (Chinese foreign office) hgjs re tu rn - ed t o th e I t a lia n cha rg e d 'a ffa ires. M ar- quls Salvago R aggl, his d is p a tc h . con- ‘ ta in in g the dem and of th e I ta lia n gov­e rnm en t fo r a lease of San-M un bay on th e sam e conditions as those under w hich G erm any holds K iaochau bay', accom panying it. w ith a le tte r declaring th a t the C hlnesa-goverrnnent-ia-unablp to g ra n t th e request.

The dem and of th e Ita lia n govern­m ent fo r a 99 year lease of San-M un bay, province o f C hehkiang, as a 'c o a l- in g jJ ta t lo n and n a v a l b ase included also a dem and lo r th e concession • ol th ree Islands off th e coast o f C hth- k iang , w ith th£ r ig h t to co n stru c t a ra ilro ad from San-M un bay. to P o-yang

-la£e—and—to -p re fe re n t ia l—railroad—and J a i - » ^ t t » o n - A v e . | m in ing priv ileges w ith in a spliere of Influence covering th e sou th ern two- th ird s of C hehkiang province, 1

A ccording to a d ispatch from Peking la s t F rid ay , th e action of the Ita lia n government* had caused g re a t excite ­m en t th e re not op ljrfam ong th e C hi­nese, b u t a lso a m o n g 'th e fo reign ,diplo- m a ts f ‘ th e ^C h in ese ' being* cony!need th a t G rea t B rita in 'w a s chiefly responsi­ble fo r the dem and and th a t It had been m ade to em phasize G re a t 'B r ita in ’s d is­p leasu re a t the tu rn w hich the n o rth ­ern ra ilro ad question ha<? taken .

T h e-rep resen ta tiv es of a g re a t power, accord ing to the sam e d ispatch , w as r e ­po rted to have said th a t the m om ent h a d a rriv ed fo r in te rn a tio n a l control of China, ahd i t w a s a lso asse rted th a t it th e policy of "spheres of influence" w as to i»e in a u g u ra ted th e U nited S ta tes w ould doubtless have a Bay in th e m a t­te r, w ith a probable p reference fo r the prov ince of Chiy.

DrmtsiaKersMrs. J. p . BRADLEY,

D r e s s m a k in g a u j l L a d ie s T a ilo ring -, Main Street and Lake Avenue,

McCabe Bdiloino, Asnrnv Park,53 tf Formerly with Mrs. Bennett.— — / - . 1

We are still in the race and in it to stay, W hj ? Honest gooda at loweBt prices.

P r c r c e ,~ $ ^ o r $ s o ,$ d 6 “ C lin ln ress,$ 65.

B a r n e s , $ 5 o , $ 6 5 ; C h a ln te s s , $ 7 5 . Eagle, $ 3 5 , $ 3 5 , $ 50 , $ 60,

Cash or ^instaimente, A ll guar­anteed. ' ' .

Q . T. SA N FO R D ,s tju ry -P a ik ,

J o h n N , B u r t i s


7 0 S M a ttlso n ;A v en u oCoS eti aafl Burial Coaketa oh aand or

fnralaiiod w o rd a r . ■ ' 'PioturB Fram ing in all ntvUw ® sofotmtv.

T H R E E T R A I N S W R E C K E D .

I t a l i a n A d m ir a l E m b a r k s F o r C h in a .' ilom e, M arch 6.—L ittle a tte n tio n is paid here to the re fu sa l of th e Qhineseg overnm en t to g r a n t s t h e —requestedlease of San-M un bay, to be used as a n av a l base and coaling s ta tio n . No d oubt is en te rta in ed th a t the conces-

. Blon.-WiU’be^m ad ev afte^ ::f u r th e r tn^go£ i ro J»Gp^net-has^e tn—

b ark ed on the I ta l ia n c ru iser S trom - boli a t .N a p le s to tak e com m and o f th i I ta l ia n squadron in C hinese w aters.

G en era l C lay’* M ind A ffected .L exing ton , .Ky., M arch 6.—The friends

o f G eneral CffsBius JVfarcellus C lay a re a la rm ed a t w h a t th e y believe is . th e collapse of his m ind. Since R iley Brock an d D o ra R ichardson , h is divorced child w ife, w ere m arried G eneral C lay h a s n o t been h im self, and s i ts in m oody . condition In Mis lib ra ry a t W hitehall. H e has te leg raphed to^ Sen­a to r W illiam L in d say a t W ash ing ton a n incoheren t appeal, fo r congressional a id to Bavte his life, s ay in g th a t- h im ­se lf an d h is fo rm er w ife h a d been im ­prisoned five years and w ere pursued by a v en d etta ’.

W ln d n lo rm a t N ln s n ra .N ia g a ra F a lls , M arch 6.—A gale yes­

te rd a y afte rnoon caused so m e 'd am ag e . T h e w ind cam e in g u sts , te a r in g signs from th e ir fa s ten in g s &nd s trip p in g sec tlo n s of roofing from some buildings. E lec tric lig h t w ires w ere torn down. T he old e levato r a t th e B u tte ry w h irl­pool s ta tio n was blow n over. I t c rash ed- th rough the pavilion a t the^foo t of th e cliff, damaging" th e p ro p erty ~ IlH h e pav ilion and causing a stam pede am ong th e people ln the neighborhood. N o one w as h u rt. T he loss is large.

V a le n c ia 8a ll> F o r M an ila .San F rancisco , M arch 6.—The tra n s ­

p o rt V alencia h a s sailed lo r M anila v ia H onolulu . She carried abou t 150 re c ru its fcrf th e in fa n try ,’ a rtille ry an d hosp ita l co rps an d w as laden w ith supplies of a ll k in d s foif th e troops ln H aw aii a n d th e Ph ilipp ines. The m ost Im portan t Item 5 f Jier cargo w as $1,500,000 in coin,, under the charge, of M ajor E ugene Coffin, pay-, m a ste r , U. S., A. T his v ast sum w ill be \ised f(>t,~~the p aym en t of so ldier^; and a ll out a frac tion of It w ill be d isburseda t M anila, ._________ •

H i u m Dy a . . .A thens, Tenn., -M arch 6. — A terrlflo

to rp ad o h a s 'p a s s e d -over a portion of M adlsonvllle and M onroe coun ty , w ith d isas tro u s results.. E a rly in the even- lng^Q. s tro n g w ind a rose ,' and fcevefal hou rs M ater a cyclone ab o u t 70 y a rd s Wide s tru c k a portion of M adlsonvllle, k illing th ree persons, w ounding io o r 12 o the rs and com pletely destroy ing 12 o r 15 houses and several barns. \

: — \B ro o k e o n ^antlairo** O a m u l.ln lu P avana,.M arch 6.—Governor.General

Brooke, referring—to _ th e complaints m ade a t Santiago that a largoTsumber

laborers had'; been thrown o u t of . _rU b y ,an. apparent reduction ,!n the

financial .'allotm ent fo Santiago\p r p t- in o i^ says.tlj^ t tho funds furnished the several 'provinces by the. authorltio*: a i Havaha^have in a ll cases been equSii-to the respeotlvA reauisitlbns.

r r . *■ ■ . " . .in

(P ln n ic e d a t t h e S a m e T im e I n t o I L a n d s l id e N e a r A lto o n a .

A ltoona, P a ., M arch 6.—T he P ennsy l­v an ia ra ilro ad ’s "new spaper flier’* and t\Vo f re ig h t tra ins- w ere w recked 3C m iles e as t of th is c ity by a landslide a t 1 A rdenheim . -T w enty cars and three locom otives w ere broken up, tw o o f the tra in m e n killed and tw o in jured . The 30 passengers on the filer escaped a l­m o s t w ith o u t a sc ra tc h . T he dead a re ; E n g in ee r R o b ert M cCutcheon, H a r r is ­b u rg ; F irem an G. C. Trostle, H a r r is ­bu rg . T he,w ounded a re : E xpress Mes- sen g e r Ja c o b M et ter, H a rr is b urg, c ru sh ed m o rta lly ; B aggage M aste r L. T. V anam an , H arrisb u rg , scalp wounds.

T he flier le ft H arriB burg 12 m inutes l a t$ .and was;.m aking 60. mllep . a n -houj.

sy lv an la h a s fou r tra ck s a t Ardenheim . On one w est bound tra c k a fre igh t t ra in o f 60 ca rs w as pulling a little a h ead of th e passen g er tra in , w hich w as on the ad jo in ing w est tra ck . A n­o th e r f re ig h t tra in of 40 cars w as com­in g e a s t 6 n ^ o . 3 tra c k r The three tra in s en te red a cu t abou t the ^ame tim e. W hen ab o u t h a lf w ay th rough, th e west* bound fre ig h t piled in to lan d slid e w hich h ad probab ly occurred o n ly a few rpom ents before. T^|a loco­m otive and e ig h t cars of the freigh t w ere th row n over on th e tra c k invfron t of th e flier.

T h e eng ineer o f the passenger tra in h a d on ly tim e to reverse his engine w hen h e p lunged in to the grinding w reckage, to death . A lm ost Sim ulta­neously the eas t bound freigh t s tru ck th e landslide a t the o th e r side. The p a ssen g er t ra in plowed deep in to the Wreck. T h e^o co m o tlv e Anally reared upon Its d rivers and tu rned over on its side, c ru sh in g th e engineer and fire­m a n to d eath . T he tw o express cars behind th * locom otive w ere sm ashed tc k in d lin g wood. The w reckage took flre, a n d for a tim e i t seemed th a t th e In­ju re d express, m essenger, who was h ea rd c ry in g for help, wduld be burned

.to jdea th .T he Mifflin, H untingdon an d Spruce

C reek w reck ing crew s w ere ta k e n tc th e scene and the in jured finally re s ­cued. The body of th e engineer was found w ith one charred hand clutching th e reverse lever. The firem an’s body w as also p a rtly consum ed; In a ll lb f re ig h t cars, tw o express cars and three locom otives w ere destroyed.

^ a q a e b A n n a Overflowing*W llkesbarre , P a ., M arch 6.—Tl»e S us­

q u e h an n a riv e r has risen rapid ly , and la s t n ig h t I t overflowed its • b anks be­tw een P o r t Bowkley and P lym outh , The low lands betw een-'W ilkesbarre and P lym ou th on the w est side of the rlvei a te en tire ly subm erged, and the s tre e t ^ a rs a re unable to run . A t South W llkesbarre the people living on the low;lands w ere com pelled to v aca te their hom es.- Some who rem ained in .th e ir houses u n til the la s t m om ent had to be tak en aw ay in boats.

P r o f e s s i o n a l

OR. JOSEPH H. BRYAN.Successor to Dr. Bruce 8. Keator. 221 A iborj

avenue. Office Hours, 10 to 12 a. m .,7to Bp. m Telephone connection

0k. F, F. COLEMANNorthwest corner Fourth ave. and Kingsley st. Offlce Hours; 9 to 10 a. m., 1.80* to 2.80 p. m

7to8p. m, .

DR. MARQARET Q. CURRIE,128 Main avenue, £cean Grove, If. J,

---- * - 17 to 10 a. ra, ~Oflloo Hours >2 to 5 p.m.

) 7 to 10 p. m.

QRftELtrPRENTISSUPHAM.806 Third Avenue, Asbury Park, N. J .

Offlce hours until 10 a. m., 12 to 2, 8 to 7.80 p. m. Telephone Call 291

H. S. KINMONTH. M. 0.710 Grand avenues and a t Klimonth A CO.'J

Drug13tore~724 Oddkifiih avenue, “• UjBtiury Park, N. J.


(Graduate of University of Pennsylvania), ' Oorner Cookman avenue and Emory street, ova

LeMalstrt’s, opposite post offloe. Entrance on Emory street. Am bury Park.

Offlce hours from 9 a. m. to 5. p. m. Telephone 931.

rQ E O ri.T 'D rT O M P K lN S T D ^D iS iDentist, 617 Mattlnon avenue (the Keator blook.

near postoffice), Asbury Park. Teeth extracted painlessly without rendering the patient unoon* sclous. Gas administered. Office hours 9 a.m . to 5 p. m.

y o n W ill n o t oe m a d e nnconaclons, b n t y o u r to o th w ill be p a in leaa ly re* m oved i f A lg ine is u sed ..



Consultation aod examination free,■ We administer trash gaa



business. Acknowledge Rooms 9-10 Appl eby Bulldln g.Transacts Mneral lei,

ments taken forall stal

S m nllitox In C le.veland.Cleveland, M arch A case o( sm a ll­

pox has been dlscovefed in a dow n tow n a p a r tm e n t houso in w hich n e a r ly 400 people a re living. T he vic tim Is. a n a t­to rn ey and w as the room m ate of F re d - e r l tk L. 'h if t, a ss is tan t county solici­to r, T he sick m an w as’ sen t'tftL _ thp sm allpox h o s p ita l w hile Mr. T aft, w as com m itted to the detontlon h o u s e /a n d all in m ates of the build ing w ere quar* antJned.- ' * \ :A' ..

♦. u ra cre a fo jtmnOtf. .*•'H u n tsv ille^ A la., M arch 6.—T he th ird b a tta lio n of th e Sixteenth- in fa n try h a s beeri ordered tp San ;F ranclsoo to ‘ ako tn in so o rt t o t ManllsL ; . .. \ ; v


Plans and speclflcations furnlsh^^at short no-' 4Ioo*-^otel’Worfc«TjpecfcBrttyr^lfl‘taLks'A’v«Ifa6r

Do YOUBaye H eadache O r N eura lg ia?

Axe you tak ing medicloo th a t don’t euro I I t bo, try Black’s Headache A ntidote. I t is guaranteed to cure, guaranteed to be perfectly harmless and as good as everything else sold here, and th a t is th e best. 10 cent package sure cure. Don’t forget

, Black’s Emulsion of Cod L iver Oil w ith Hypcphosphites, If you need a ionic a fte r th e Grippe. There Is nothing b etter. 60 cent? a bottle.

Chas. J . B lack , Apothecary,B * O pposita PoEtofflca.

T O L O A N ........A t ‘H w P e r C en t

$ 1 , 5 0 0

2 , 0 0 05 . 0 0 0

o r

1 . 0 0 03 . 0 0 0

4 . 0 0 0 N

6 . 0 0 0, A t Bijc P e r Cex&t< (

4 J . W . H e t r i c k & S o n

625. Mattison Ave. K ea to r 'B lo c k .

The Late Unpleasantness .. of the w eather caused m any people

to see th e advantages Of family crashing a t 4 cents a p o u n d .' Good m any peoplo have found It good any kind of w eather. W e'll call anywhere.' ’' ‘ . 1

New Nook Bands and Now W rict Bands p u t on Shirts free ..

Snow Flake Laundry.’ 816 and 818Cooknan A ysau t; ^ -J-'

T “

Straw s Show Whieh Way the Wind Blows. SO THE CONSJAKT RUSH OF BUSINESS AT

J . J . P a rk e r 'sshowe-tbaiHthe-people-appreciate-good~baTgEiflr'VfceTrttrey~tee~

them. Although onr prices are very low, wp guarantee the quality of everything we sell to be as represented or refnnd yonr 'money,' ' ' .......' '' r ; " "■ ......... ..

THIS,W EEK’S REMINDERS. A 3 5 c . P a i l o f L J j d l s _ ia x L g lc .—T h in k o f i t— 0 po.unds o f F in e B ic h JsS ly fo r a i c . —p u t u p in .

h a n d y l i t t l e pa ils , a n d a n y flavo r t h a t y o u lik e . C o u ld n ’t do n icer.

-2 L a r g e C a n s C a l i f o r n ia , W h i t e O r a p e s f o r 2 5 c .H a v s y o n been th in k in g w h a t k in d o f f r u i t y o u c an h a v e for a

c h an g e ? L e t us su g g es t th e se . T h e y a re d e l ic io u s . , .......

5 l b s . F a n c y C r e a m e r y B u t t e r f o r $ 1 .0 0 .T h te is good, p r im e B u tte r—w?. se ll n o th in g e lse . T h e p ric e is

-v e ry lo w 'fo r th is q u a lity , a n d s h o u ld a t t r a c t y o u r a tte n tio n .-— - -

O u r . F a m o u s S t a r F l o u r , $ 4 . 1 9 B a r r e l .T h is F lo u r Sb w o rth m o re m o n e y T a k e a d v an tag e o f th is o iler.

I t i s a b e a u tifu l b read -m ak er. l fy O u J u s e b len d ed flo u r i t w ill cer- s ta in ly p lease you. ‘ (

I f y o u w a n t a n all S n r in g -w h e a t, ta k e C l u r G r e a t X X X X . J i i fsa-at ■ i r , i

s in ce i t h a s beco m e so p o p u la r , som e a re im ita t in g i t w ith a X X X X o f in fe r io r q u a lity . ' . '

A 2 0 e . B r i c k o f N e w C o d f is h f o r 1 0 c .We s h a li c o n tin u e o u r S p ec ia l S a les in a ll k in tis o f F is h d u r in g

th e L e n te n Season.

T r y a P o u n d o f o u r 4 0 c . T e a .D elic ious, so o th in g a u d re fresh in g . I t w ill d e lig h t you . W e a re

also se llin g a n E x c e lle n t T ea for 2 5 c .

W h i t e C h ie f S o a p , L a r g e S iz e . 3 C a lt e s f o r 1 0 c .O n ly a l i t t le le ft to sell a t. th is p iice , a n d if o u r cu sto m ers o n ly

knew v h a t a b a rg a in th is soap is th e re w o u ld n 't t e a n y of ic. •

B est C leaned C u rra n ts , 3 1-lb box- B es t O a tm ea l, 2 lbs for 5c, __

B es t H eedleis R a l-in e , 4 1-lb box- B est W .hile B eaus, 5 Q ls for 25c.e s for 25e, Hoda C ra'ckors, a lw a y s fre sh a n d

C alifo rn ia P ru n es , 4 lbs for 25c. • c risp , 5 lbs for 2oe,N e c ta rin es , 3 lbs fo r 25 e. L ead in e B tove P o lish , 3c B o x u

W e c a n n o t te ll you in th is or a n y o th e r-a tk e r tis e m e n t, o f a ll ou r B arg a iu s. W ertttp te yo u a few prices a s rem in d e rs , au d iu v ite yo u to o u r e io es. T h e goods a n tP p r ic e s w ill clo tlic rest, .

SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ANfr MONDAY .T h e B e s t C a l i f o r n ia H a m s 5 1 - 2 C e n t s a P o u n d .


J . J ! P A R K E R ,T H E G R O W E R ,

J—Ofcher-8 tore<Long Branch,

6 0 4 , 606 , 608 C o o k m an A ventae, -Corr-Lske-AvenucHind-Malii-Streetr

Manasquan,[ttle Falls.

Tel. 69 A SB U RY P A R f .

J i s b u r y P a r K f i o t e i s H s b u r y P a r K S o t e u

F A M IL Y H O T E L jGrand and Sewall Avenuey

OPEN ALL TH E YEAR.Steam heat. Ele'ctrlc lights.

All modern im provem ents.. - Suo parlor. Reasonable prices.

The Wellington' Fifteenth Season.

W ill open fo r the year M A R C H 10 , 1SD9, under same managem ent. Send tor d& criptlvs booklet. . FRAMK B. SMITH.

The StaffordCorner Fifth Avenue and HeclrStreet — Open All Tbe Year

New house; newly famished. Steam heat, gas, electric lights, baths and.... . -. • *--* — -* — ' *■ -if.guests,1 Blnett

Sunsetlake; ;two.

'or terms attdress HKtl. A. L . G U Y.

»w,, . _r*o, _*11. possible Improvements for- the^comfort and enjoymentofTguesta locallon.tor " " "........

Grand Central Hotel Second avenue, near the beach. M O W O/TBJV

8pecial terras for the spring months.A. *TEKHUNE, Proprietor.

~ . w a 408 Seventh avenue. Near'Soventh avenue sun parlors. Open allW f I € k \ \ 1 * ^ 1 1 T the year. Bteara heat, baths, gasj large and comfortable rooraa..

L » L 4a u i V l l l . Special terms for winter and spring months. 8 . FLYNN.

w-« f m \ 404 8eventh Avenue. Now open. Large, cheerful roomaI H p V V thoroughly heated. Near Seventh Avenue 8un Parlor.1 F T * * * ▼▼ a ^ a ^ . T erm s reasonable . .

« a L I _ a f Open all the year. Enlarged and ImGrand Avenue HotelThe Orange Corner Grand and Munroe avenue*, one block lrom electria

cars, five minnte* from beach or railroad station. Special rate* for families Bnpfcrior tabl*. Bteam heated. Open all the vear.


The Philadelphia Two minutes’ walk trom beach. Open entire yea,* _ * " J * * Summci

307 Sunset Avenue.

Steam heat. Modern fmprovfimfats. ______rates, $8 to $ 15. Fall and winter prices, |5 to Sfl. Families considered.

/ * ■ « w__w a „ 1 (Focmerly St. James). Corner Cookman ave*C , n t n A l ' P 1 5 1 1 t l n T f t I nue and Webb street. Open all the year. Com- v i l l i 1 a i / l - V a manding full view of the sea. Brotd porchetjlarge,airy,oomfortablerooBUi. B t e a ........................ * * “terms for the fall and winter months.

Bteam heated throughout. Service and culsme excellent. 81E. VAN AK!

■ Z T O c e a n 6 r o w e B o n i s O c e a n G r o v e h o t e l s

The Alaska1 and 5 Pitman avenue, 4 and 6 McCUntock street. This hotel la

ated 1______ . ... ippllbatha. The location Is of the bett.iooleet from boardwalk and

3 and 5 open all the year, months.

Bun pnrlors and well heated rooms for the cool Tlie only hotel in Ocean Grove sup

close to auditorium and post office.plied with sea water from boardwalk and

N. H. KILMER, Proprietor.

Palo Alto 80 South Main street, Ocean Grove, Tablo supplied with milk and vegetables from our own farm. All modern Improvements. Terms mooerate. H. A. TBUAX.


$800.00 to$ 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0

FREE ! FREE !Now is your chance to have

N E W Neck Bands and N EW W rist Bands put on your shirts in place o f the ones worn out! lSend them io the


Lots for Sale, no m oney're­quired. .

W I L L I A M G I F F A S D ,

' • 222 MAW STRBBTKealJEatate and iHflnrance, .

Imperial Laundrym G90KMAN AVERUE

W e are putting them on free o f charge to our customers. Send us a postal card and our wagon will call and get and return them.

TOTES’ EXP8E8 8 1 STSK tlffi

Qrpve and North Asbnry Depots.

Office, lltd 5cQun(^f2el£ AveoB*,

Page 4: Rond avenue. There are · THIRTEENTH YBAR,: NO. 55. ASBURY PARK, NEW, JERSEY, MONDAY, MARCH 6, 1899. ONE CERT Eor Exchange. An elegant residence prop- -erty~at-Wind6orr-N .-J.I-

■ a s




Collector and Treasurer,

F e b r u r a y 1 3 , 1 8 9 9 ,

A ssessed v a lu a t io n o f 1.8'\S . . A c tu a l a s s e s s m e n t .................

RECEIPTS.C a sh b a la n c e o n h a n d F e b r u a r y

10 : 1), 1 8 0 8 ........................ '.....................fS ta te s . “ 115;Curbing ...................................Bonds........................................... . . . . 20,L icenses..................... . ..................L; E. W atson, rebate on road ,Wm. Gilford, am ount overpaid

. on 8. H. bond . . . ....... : ..............Room re n t ............. ..............P. F. Dodd, from ftpes .........1898 taxes .............. -......................... 8,1S97 “ ,.3S9C “ . . . . . . . . 1,

i8P8 u “ •Property redeemed from 1SJ5 tax

sale — ......... .......................

500,r»oo on

588 04 TwrtKT,4*8 01 000 00 281 50

75 00

570 7*2 20 00 2 00

S08 00 807 80 ,177 82 •'•'-‘T’-fiO*

3 50

55 87

§50,388 3-3. E X P E N S E S .

B o n d s . . . , . .................................\ $19.333 1ftB t r e e t s ......................................................... 3,751 18N o t e s ........................................ 0.320 33Curbing........................... . ................ .8,815 17I n te r e s t o n b o n d s — '. .................... 1 , WO 00In terest and discount on notes . 154 03Statrf and county t a x ...................... 3,21 S 75Lights ........................................... 778 08Salaries . . .v........................................ ' 437 50

'P o lice ................ 471 20Board of H ealth ............................... 258 27Removal of g a rb a g e ...................... 125 op1S97 fu n d .................. 5>2 25

Fire and w a te r................................. • 5 00P o o r . j ....................Wm. Gifford, in terest on S. R.• bond, 1897 ........................ ..............Wm. GMTard, township school

money, 1897.................................... Inc’d ....................................................

Cash bal. on hand general fund .." "H ** " C u rb in g . .. . . .

1 50

. 13S 00

500 00 918 51

3,509 00 594 85

150,388 32 AifOUNTS DUE BOROUGH.

From cu rb in g ....................................$ 5,053 11. “ unpaid taxes for 1898 . . . . . . 4,008 92, «■ **• - 1897 . 2,171 95*--« property sold for 1896 taxes 541 68| “ poll tax for 1897...................... 13 00

M “ “ 1898.................... '109 00

$12,497 61Respectfully submitted,


it«m!zed report of disbursements fo r the year ending Feb. 13,1899:V b c h tr

, _Feb. 6.

238 H P Gant, postage and>ervlc€s....9 C 50S20 H P Gant, salary as clerk . 25 00140 H P Gan (^ re tu rn in g w rit In S m ith

and Borough trial..................... 7 00341 Atlantic Ooast Klectric Light Co.,

for light.................................... 114 11243 David Harvey, J r., for taking testi­

mony In Smith and Boroughtrial............................................ 27 05

Teb. 24.943 Atlantic Coast Electric Light Co.,

fo r l ig h t......................... . . . . . . . . 50 67144 Atlantic Coaat Electric Light Co.,

for light........................................... 59 75t45 J E Y arna m ission on ta x e s . . 110 59246 J E T a m all. balance d u e from 1895,

ta x sa le ........................................... 18 56247 T E H ankins, service a s police 4 00248 -A D H arvey , serv police * 4 00249 W m L arrabee , expenses to New

York and Trenton..................... 11 24250 S S W hite , service as p o l i c e . . . , , . . . . . 5 fcO* 1 J C W ooley, services a s police 2 50

W m Giffard In te res t on stone roadb on d ..................................•............... 18$ 00

258 W m Giffard, tow nship sch jo l m oney 500 00M arch 8

254 Wm Flood, services as p o l ic e .. . . . . . ICO155 C J Downey, s tre e t su p e rin ten d en t. 10 3725C John H eckm an, work on s tr e e ts . . . 10 03257 W W P ark er ty p e w ritin g f >r s ts . . 78258 J H Y eom ans, p r in tin g ...................... 2? 51250 11 L M addox, m arsh a l's s a la ry 50 00

M arch 8.280 Mrs J W Poland, for land on Newark

avenue .............................................U)1 3Irs J W Poland, fo r land on N ew ark

a v * * n u e .. .. . . . . . . l ........... D iscount on 8200 note A sbury Park

and Ocean G rove b a n k .............M arch 21. >»

2G2 H P Gunt, election ex p en ses ............ 14 70203 Daniel Rogers, w ork on d r a i n s . . 4 02*

Tob early to talk ofV , V‘ '

Spring- Goods?Certainly not, when the Spring months ai*e here! W e

need tnsplration to make • seasonable announcements, other than the demands.for early showing. . Our department lines are already about made up, and the markets have never offered better advantages. — £■— ----- —

Are yon its neeifof F n ra iir fea h d Oarpfets orM attings? T r e d o n d f mean, th esh od d y kind now so prevalent, bub the hAnest sort ,; timh: righ t and prioed right ? If bo, yon shonld attend out special sale. Otir large stock of carpets, purchased at rook-bottom figures, wont last long at the prosent pricing. Here are the threa leaders:

Sm ith’s world famous Velvets, the #1" grade, reducod to 80c. 8 y a r d ,. — ;—3axony-Aatmin8tors,-Bsnally^sold-at4^i7^■now^gpin^6-?5ej-ai-yardr

• N ine W ite Tapestry Brnssels, cheap at 70o., marked down to 50c.

M A T t f lN C r S .Last week wo received 600 rolls of Japanese ahd Chinese Mattings.

The cheapest we have marked at $3.98 per roll. Batter qualities at better -priceg-o£~courser but-every-rollgood-Jmluo-and-good~material.

M A T T R E S S E S .

Dress GoodsIn all weaves and colorings are already bought and being

I t is not generally known that wo manufacture and renovate Mattresses, bnt wo do, aud do if right,..too: ILyo'ur. Mattfosa needs rendrating-we will do the job thoroughly for $1.25, calling for •the same and delivering it when tha work is completed: Ready made mattresses we are sellingthis week as follow s: ‘ ...... .................

shipped. The demand for Wash Goods, will be simply enor­mous, and we have provided accordingly, in our

Hosiery and NotionsDepartment will be found the favorite trimming laces which are so necessary to the finish of the Summer gown..

Coat Reefers and JacketsFor Spring service are about ready now for shipping and have been carefully selected to suit the well known require­ments of our patrons.

X ^ l i 'a i z f r B x o d B i o r E j 'B o l d e l B e w h e j e i i t s s i ^ s i n ^ p f i c e i s r s s . ^ FFull Bize Hnek^sold elsewhere at 13.60; our price $2.98.F o il size African Fibre, sold elsewhere at $ 4 .7 5 ; .oar price #3,48.Hsal^Hairr 40 pounds,-sold-elsewhere-at $6.75 onr pribe iS iiS r1:- ;Best mixed Hair, 40 pounds, sold elsewhere at our price $ 8 .68.Our Special S. A. Hair, sold elsewhere at $15 00; oar price $11.98. Special made Mattresses "at special prides.


Main Street.

Salaries . . . . . . . 1 . .......... 050 00M aintenance-....................................... 1,500 00I n t e r e s t . . ............................. 1,800 00Police-....................... < . . . . . ................ 350 00L igh ts ................ 1,000 00G arbage.................. 200 00Fire .and W a te r . .................. 200 00

H. P . GANT,Borough Clerk.

Millinery,The perfection of grace and finish is always our endeavor and success. We suffer from ho competition in this department and hold practical sway over the entire field. Already selec­tions of enormous proportions have been made atjd are now arriving, Two of dur head workers are now in the city studying style and effect. > ^

W e will announce a series of opening days a little later and invite special attention thereto.


NEW SPANISH £ABINET>S ilv e la W il l In n n tfu r ii te n R e g im e o f

M adrid . M arch 6.—The new c a b in e t has tak en office. The m in is try Is com ­posed as follows: P rem ier and m in is te r of foreign a ffa irs , Senor S ilvela; m in is­te r of the in te rio r, Senor D ato ; m in is te r of finance, M arquis V illa V erde; m inis-

-ter- o f Justice, Senor- D u ra n ;-m in is te r o t w ar. G eneral P o lav ie ja ; m in is te r of pub lic w orks and of the colonies, M ar­quis P id a l; m in is te r of m arine, A dm iral Gomez Iraaz.

I t Is expected th a t G eneral M artinez de C am pos will become p re s id en t o f the sen a te . r- - -

The cab in e t council h a s decided to supp ress th e opinions of fULformer ls te rs . S(enor Silvela,, the .new prem ier, says^th 'e fedvernineht lia s begun a t th e to p In aettijig .^n expm pje of ;econom y.

T h e p rp^ram m e" o f Senor S ilvela in - ch ides p ro tec tion to in d u stry , com m erce |and a g ric u ltu re / tho rough re fo r/n , }n. m u n ic ip a l and provincial adm lnli^rra- tion, sw eeping a rm y ' re fo rm at th e for-

i r n ^ t l o n ^ C ^ - r e a l l y - e f f i o i e z i t - M v y r - w l t^ - ^

. . Ne; aud f Y o rk a n d N ew ark , 7.15,9.10 a m , 2^e

r o r E U n b e th , 9,10 a m , 8.86“a n d 5.27 n m.For R ah w ay , 9.10 a m, 5W5 « ad 6. « p m.For M ata w an , i i o a m, 8 ^ 5 an d O jStpm .

F or R ed B ank , 7.1! F o r P h ilade lph ia ,

7 .5 9 ^m , 12.20, a rF o rO a m d en ▼ ^T re n to n an d B orden tow n, 7 &

7.59 a m , 13J30 a tid 4.07 p m. . »^ o r p a m d e n an d PhlladeIplila, Tta T d n u B iver

1*18 n m. % ,B l r j r . I s l u d n tn n M U .

ja te a ta t io n a , ’ i »ib p m . . \__ ; j« “ a St*nneiUft« atatloiul l.O i a m , 2.5S,n.t8 p m.

'» 0J1! Ik. Tl» Ksnabotl! JanoSWsi, W 9 a m ,12jeo a n 1107 n m.

T u n e s u u n > n v t o s s fo b A jn fm r pamk

« w * s u t td n . XiO a M a r i <.!« p i . . . a

m u n i i t i M a t ! i n sP : — ’A a a v n r r i n — -- - - -

mmAYmsiSSM V i 7.W I nw l O l p ■ .

V oucher No. 1698.

A ug. 3-822 H L Maddox, M arshall’s s a la ry f

A ug 4,333 L M T ay lo r, c u rb in g .. .

A ug. 8.D iscount on $1,00 fiote.

• A u g 0.824 L M T ay lo r, c u rb in g .,—

1,000 00fi 00

1,500 00

W atson, se ttin g c u rb in g ..Aug. 11,

— Note of L E W atson , e x tra w ork g ra d in g ................... ........................

Note o f L E W atson , g rad in g an dgrav e lin g tw o b locks on P a rkP lace a v e n u e ................................

Aug. 27. Note o f L M JTaylor, f o r c u rb in g ...

Aug. 29. Note of P o tts & W atson fo r Ailing in

hole on B radner p ro p e r ty ..........A uk , 13,Discount on $15,000 n o te .....................

325 P o tts & W atson , g rad in g and -grave l l n g .......................

Aug. 24.— D iscount on 83,000 n o te .

Aug. 30. .320 L M T aylor, fo r c u rb in g .

231 64

525 87

15 33

500 00

205 Edw ard r a n i all, work on s t r e e ts . . . 4 50iCC T im othy Sm ith, police s e rv ices 3 00267 E dw ard Brand, woi k on s tre e ts . , . 3 752C8 Benj B ennett, ju d g e of election and

ex p en ses .......................................... 30 002C0 A R Y arnall, fo r p u ttin g g la s In

council ro o m s ........*,........... 50270 Edw Y arnall, com m ission on m oney

c o lle c te d ......................... 8 til271 A D H arvey , w ork on s t r e e ts , . . . . . . 0 75272 A D H arvey, pollcs s e r v i c e s . . . . . . . . 3 00

M arch 29.273 O ias Cooper, w ork o n 's tre e ts 0 002T4 A H GilTard, work on s t r e e t s I I *J5

April 11.275 John M L ig h t, lu m b er fo r d ra in s . . . 260 19270 J t) Newlin, locks-and h a s p s . . . . . . . . 2 15277 Buchanon S: Sm ock, lum ber fo r

drains’ - ............................ 53 582T6 C J Downey, s tre e t su p e rin ten d en t. 35 00279c J L K inm onth. s fo r advertising

grad ing ............................................. 13 00280 J L K inm onth , p r in t in g .................... 21 25281 J L K inm onth, advertising for curb*

I n g ,e tc . ........... 4 002S2 Edw Y arnall, w ork on d ra in s 17 24

"283 W m G undaker, takin» down lock-up • 1 5 0284 . A T Jo n es, rem oving fu rn itu re 2 50295 A tlan tic C oast E lec tr ic L ig h t Co.,

for lig h t .................................. 54 012H5 H L Maddox, M arshal's s a la ry 50 00287 N iart R ogers ‘se ttin g g rade s tic k s .. 270 00J88 A H G iffard, w ork on d ra in s ‘ 8 25SS9 Dennison & Son, p rin tin g bonds.’. . . f3 75290 Gifford & Son, building cu lv ert 125 00

A pril 14.‘91 P o tts & 'W atson, g rad ing and g rav ­

e lin g ........................ .......................... 2,201 85292 C H B en n ett, rem oving garbage , *97 25 00203 C H B ennett, rem oving g a rb a g e . . . . 15 CO

April si3.291 C H B ennett, rem oval o f g a rb a g e .. 10 00©5 C K H all, Post No. 41, O. A. K con­

trib u tio n . . . . . ................................ 15 00 Discount on 84.000 no te A sbury Park

aud Ocean G rove b a n k . ....... 10 00Ju n e 0

— N ote in A sbury P a rk and « »ceanGrove B a n k .................................... 3C0 00

236 J C WooN-y, service** a s p o l ic e 3 50297 H L MaHdox, M arslialPs s a la ry — 20 00

Ju n e 21 ................ .......... ........ .................238 I’o tts W iileon, oracling and g rav ­

eling.................... 3.829 S>9209 Note, A sbury P a rk a nd Ocean G rove

Itm k and in te r e s t . . . . ........... 4,020 33tCO P o tts & W atson, g rad ing and g rav ­

e ling ........................... 2,183 39301 P o tts , t W atson , g rad ing and g ra v ­

e ling .................................. 1,012 33» 192 P o tts W atson g rad in g and grav­

eling ........................ 2 /0 6 77 Ju n e 28. , •■* — Discount on $50 ' n o te. A sbury Park

and Ocean O rove b a p k . . . . . . . . 7 07& 5 I I L M addox, M arshall’s s a la r y . . . . 50 00SOI A R Y arn a ll, P o lan d ’s tr ia l 10 00S05 C H. B en n e tt, rem oval of g a rb a g e .. 50 00

Ju ly i. - j5«5 P o tta & W atson , g rad in g and grav-

■ • e lln g ........................................... 1,730 40,JuIy 7» #

SH) A sbury P a rk and Ocean GVove Wank,8 m o n th s in te re s t on 920.000

. bonds ........ .t - t "**• 500 00Ju ly 12. • -

867 . C J Downey, s tre e t sup erin ten d en t. 109 00808 H L M addox, expenses o f H Poland

,to F reeh o ld .................................. 1 75809 D F G an t, goods fo r B oard o f H ea lth . \ 09

Ju ly 18810 P o tts & W atson , g rad lx g an d g r a v

e l l n g . . . . . . . . . . ................... -2,247.19812 C A B en n e tt, R ecorder of tria l, J W

P oland and Jo h n H a r t -11 90SIS Mrs J R eynolds, fo r Waahlng by o r- .. *

d e r o f B oard o j H e a l th . . . 758 t4 . Edw. Y arn a ll, s tam p s, i , . 1 0 0» 5 W D Flood, bu ry in g c a t by o rd er o f

. B oard o f H e a l t h . . . . . . . ............. 50318; J o h n H L ig h t, lu m b e r fo r d r a in s . . . . 55 59 31T W 'J P a y n te r , g ro ceries f o r B oan l

• . , o f H e a l th . . . - i - . : * .......... S3 J Heeb HoIl, p p p e rln g c o u ic l l room s 20 00 819 O W W a tte ,i ro c e r le 8 fo rp o o i,.» .4. . . 151 8fi0 N eU leL arrab ee roon l r e n t , . . . 140 00 fill. Jo h n M arshall. tAklng w itnesses to

51 F re eh o ld ................ 4 oO- j n i m ' - - . ■

381 H L M addox, M arsha ll’s s a la r y . . . . , 50 00

Sept. I . t_ — P o tts A W atson’s n o te , fo r g rad in g •

i- N e w a rk ave. fro m Ocean av e .

S ept. K ; , Note o f L M T ay lo r, fo r c u rb in g ., . .

Sept. 13.327 L E W atson, e x tra w o rk g rad in g ..328 Edw H ank lnson , a tten d in g c o u rt a t

F reehold .......................................329 Edw Y arnall fo r s ta m p s .. . . . . . . . . . .33 J J E Lannlng , go ing to New Y ork on

Bond ac c i u n t . . '. ........... -330 J E L ann lng ,six m o n ths’ sa la ry an d

tria l .........3-31 C has Lewis, lu m b er fo r s t r e e t s . . . .

005 47

5-55 5 00

80 0052 90

Voucher No. ‘ -

1698.Dec. 21.

887 L M T aylor, c u rb in g ........ D iscount on $500 n o t e . . . ,

1,003 00 5 00

« J a n 4.1 A T Anplegate, State and County

3,218 75J a n 9.

890 In te re s t on $20,000 ro ad bon d ..........J a n . 17.

891 Ocean Grove A ssociation fo r w aterfo r s tre e ts ...........................

392 R ob t Peterson , J r , fo r w indow glass J a n . 31.

893 J L K inm onth, p rin tin g ord inancesfo r cu rb ing , stree ts , e tc ..............

394 S A P a tte rso n , expenses of Poland’str ia l ....................... ...........................

895 A sbury P a rk P rin tin g House, p ’tin g Feb . 13.

— Cash on h a n d .* ,........................... 4,103 91

500 00

152 70 8 00

200 00 1 00

fo r tif ic a tio n o£. t h e c o as ts a iid g e i i e r a l financ ia l reorgan iza tion . T he p re m ie r ' ‘has in v ited the p residen ts o f cham bers of com m erce an d a g ricu ltu re th ro u g h ­ou t th e co u n try to re p a ir to S fad rld to co n ce rt w ith th e governm ent th e neces­s a ry m easures.

The C arlls ts a re show ing signs o f re ­v iv ing ac tiv ity . A band of 2,000 d e se rt­ers from th e Spanish a rm y is now g a th ­ered n e a r the F ren c h fro n tie r, re fu sing to r e tu rn to Spain, a lthough th e m en have been pardoned. C arlis t dem on­s tra tio n s , I t la reported , have tak en p la c e ^ t^ V a le n c ia —t t i t no d e ta ils —are p rocu rab le here.

G erm any Is sa id to h ave renew ed ne­go tia tions for th e p u rch ase of .the C aro­line Islands. *-

s o t n i f f. . i m m x * o a» * n m r , n u u i m L m a . . «

ro rB a l t fa o o n a n d W asfciagtoa ,1 l0 J8 0 a iJ 8 8 a ia ,M L 0 9 m j


S ept. 10. • Disc

. 10 10 00

. 1000 00

Iscount on $5,C03 n o t e . . . . . . •••S ept. 17.

Note o f L 3! Taylor, fo r c u rb irg . Note of L M Taylor, fo r cu rb in g .

Sept. 29. . ‘ Note tn A sbury P a rk and Ocean

Grove b a n k .................................... 500 00

332 H P K oster, w a te r used on s tr e e ts . . 100 00C J Downey, sp rink ling s tr e e ts 239 80J T Stew art, bMd’g tan k on K osters 21 00Benj B ennett, assesso r's s a la ry 200 00J H M arrlner, w ork on s tree ts 2 25H L Maddox, M arshal’s sa la ry 180 00

T ota l expenses ....................... . ,f50,383 32

-Respectfully submitted,----EDWARD YARNALL,


JTo tiie M ayor and .Councilm an-of'the Bor-

Gentlemen W e hereby certify th e fore­going to be a complete account o f the re­ceipts and expenditures of th e Borough of Bradley Beach from Feb. 15. 1898 to Feb. 13 1899.

The am ounts received-and paid o u t by the Borough collector for accounts of the $orough during said year.

A. R. Y arnall , Mayor,W illiam L arrabee ,A. A Taylor, *B. F rank H erbert , (

Finance Committee.A t te s t : H. P. GANT, Borough Clerk.

The following Is the budget of expenses th a t the Mayor and Council deem necessary for the ensuing year:S tre e ts .............................. $2,500 00

N ix o n I t e t n r n a to A lb a n y ,A lbany, M arch 6 —S peaker 'N ixon haa

re tu rn ed to th is c ity from h is hom e a t W estfield, C h au tau q u a coun ty , w here he h a s been su ffering from a n a t ta c k of pneum on ia fo r t,he p a s t s ix w eeks. H e is looking well fo r one who haB experi­enced th a t period of suffering. H e will preside a t the session of the assem bly fo r th e f lrs t tim e since h is Illness- to ­m orrow morning-.

Is essential to health. A re you su re th e bread you use Is free from InjuHoufl ingredi- ente ? O ur bread Is absolutely pure, whole­some and digestible. I t Is w inning new ^ t o m e r s for us every day. A tria l so* aciteu.

O U R C A N D I E S A r e F R E S H

G H B ennett, rem oving g a rb ag e . Edw Y arnall, fo r s tam ps "■ " " in sEdw Y arnall, s ix m onths s a la r y . . . .N ational P n ss In te llig en t Co."? a d ­

v ertising bids fo r c u rb in g .. . . . .A H Gifford, w ork on s tree ts. . . . . . .Edw Y arnall, worse on street® .........J a s M cLaughlin, scraping s tr e e ts . .

345 J Robinson, a tten d Ip g p r iso n e rs .. . .310 P a t H ag g erty , work on s tr e e ts ........

O ct. 18. *347 H P G ant, six m o n th ’s s a la r y ..........3 7 H P G ant, posting n o tices . ........3-18 H L M addox, m ar. h a ll 's sa la ry a n d

expenses to F reehold . . . . . . . . . .319 J L K inm onth , p rin tin g for cu rb ing

50 0013 00

l¥5 00

JR 00 2 621 502 51

14 80 1 78

50 0015 00

23 €0 83 00

N ote in A sbury Potrk ,and OceanG rove b an k , borough purposes 1,5(0 00

O c t. 25.350 W K B radner, m edicinef B. o f H . ..351 A H O pdyke, B. o f H . p r in t in g . . . ..352 Jess ie Vandeveer, ty pew riting

c u rb in g ................. .........................353 W alte r S tew art, w ork on Main s t .• - Nov. «!.— - ........................... - .............351 J U W ooley, e x p *npes to Freehold

on Poland t r i a l ..............................335 A D H arvey , expenses to F reehold

on Poland tria l H A Borden, fo r b o o k s , . . . . .

N eptune tow nship, p risoners’ raeals J H Y oum ans, p rin tin g fo r cu rb in g Dally F inancial News, p rin tin g fo r, c u rb in g - ............................ ..

W m Gifford, p u ttin g in C u lv e r t .. . .W m Gifford, build ing g u tte rs ..........Benj B ennett, m easuring c u rb in g ..Edw Yarnall, s tam ps ..........................Daniel Rogers, w ork on s tre e ts ........Wm Gifford, p u ttin g In g u tte rs '. Jacp b Styles, m oving s a fe . . P p tts & W atson , for g rav e l..L E W atson, expanses to T ren ton ,

bond a c c o u n t . . . .......................309 ‘A tlan tic C oast E lectric L ig h t Co.,

fo r l ig h t ...........................«..............370 H P G ant, two pets o f license nu m ­

b e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a .

371 L ^ W atso n jstree ts a ro u n d d e p o t. .872 L E W atson, se ttin g c u rb in g ...........373 To reduce cu rb ing n o te In A sbury

P ark and Ocean Grove b a n k . ..874 Discount on $7,500 n p t e .

Dec. 20.

4 83 4 305 00 3 00

2 000 02

10 CO 1 00 4 60

18 8? 84 00 35 00 87 50

1 03 8 97

10 00 8 00

80 00

80 00

921 00 99 17

500 00 158 75

375 J E L annlhg. sa la ry878 Jerry Wajfoeil. work on Btreets .....<

13 50OIO J«rrjr nrtuuou, wuift uu n iv touj.. . . . - 1 5087V E dw ard B ran d , w ork on s t r e e ts . . . . . ,2 10

19 00 50 00

b i t n a o n x O a t ^ F o p i O l f l e e i n V ^C olum bus, O., M arch 6.—-It is an ­

nounced here th a t £x- C ongressm an Tom L. Jo h n so n of C leveland is to be a c an d id a te fo r th e D em ocratic nom ina­tion fo r governo r and Is to soon begin h is p re lim in a ry canvass. T he a n ­nouncem en t le m ade by a p ro m in en t D em ocratic po litic ian in th is c ity .

B o y B u r g l a r S h o t .Bradford-, Ta., M arch 6.—T hom as No-

ian, 18 y ears old, son of a w ell know n oil p ro d u c e r,'w as sho t in the b ack and p robab ly fa ta lly W ounded w hile try in g to effect a n e n tra n c e into,4&i.,ho;i*se fo rm er S en a to r Lew is E m ery . The^Em ­ery fam ily is o u t o f tow n. T he shoo t­ing w as done by a w a tch m an gu ard in g the place.

N o w i s l t h e T im eT 'O have your Letter Paper, E n ­

velopes, Bill Heads and

..................... other. .office-stationeiy-printLl

ed. You have the time to 'attend to it. W e

have the time to show yoy proofs and give

your work; special attention, which cannot be

had anywhere during the rush preceding the

summer season. Successful men plan their\

work so they “can give their personal super­

vision to it. You will .not have time next

summer. You will have time during the ne^t

Why not attend to it ? ’six weeks.

878 Benj Bennett, soliciting names ford e p o t . . , ...............

879 C H Bennett, removing garbage, v. .880 Edw Yarnall, for sale of *90 taxes

and expanses. ..................... .881 Chas WilljiM, commissioner of ap-

’ p e a l . ........882 Wm Furlong* commissioner of ap-* •;

• -peal................ •.......... .883 Sprays Printing Go*, for printing .•

summons for record*894 8 W Etchell,'examining engine.......885 Uriah White, pipe at„Koster’s tank 880 AT Jones, commissioner of appf*

88 84

C 00

0 00

T h e D a i l y P r b s s P m k t e r y6 0 7 n a t t i s o r ; A v e n u e


PENNSYLVANIA RA1LROU>,The Standard Railroad of Americi*

On an d a f te r O ctober 4,1898, n u n r a u u n abbttrt p ia k —w k u - dats

7.07 prn.

'w id 4. J7 p m !

9.10a m, &85 a id W T p m .’ 1,1 S t., an d TrenuMi, 7.89,


B a k e r a n d C o n f e c t i o n e r ,

636 COOKMAN AVE. Horton's ice Cream.

The Lu xury of Home Made Bread

May be enjoyed in every lionise holti There u a knack in the m aking and only good b a to n w ith tho bast of material can hope to produce snoh bread as we deliver to onr enstoniers every day.

Ice Cream delivered daily.

W IN C K L E R ,B a k e r a n d C o n f e c t io n e r ,

7 1 7 M a t t i s o n A v e n u e .

P l u m b i n g, T i n n i n g

F u r n a c e W o r k

J . E . F L IT C R O F TO p p o s i t e P o & t o f f lo o


C o o k m a n 4 h d E W Sory ]

C c 5 6 k i f ia n ah c i M a ir i ' ). < r - M M

The Dawn -bt ■Spirifig* tisEverjthin.g iib« .joints 'W t.&fjjearfy "aWlngf <ti1 OeiitlfeSj)r&^

•AifeWTibre=<diil!y;;brse*e8 iid=;-wiBfer>'-? ithisig .ol the past and Bpring will tdake ita' an-

o o m u n o u m o u w o j j i i u g - u a c .y4j«*W f»gWin te r haa beea relegated, to the rear -and evoiy^departmenB-iB-te-with new-spring-good & E sp ecia lly , is th is, trne* 11^millinery,.' shoe,' farnitare, • carpet, ^ n W -fitfnlm(ny*li ^ ' ‘ K m ; Sd

1 ». .** • < ; • I.. ’ '..... -......e ..... ........................

B l a c kThose U£dy blaok:_dres4Lgood8, display, tea dayaaffo. bal

held n p . l t h a b iizsard i'^ lved lla te Jaat week and ars howfeatuted in.thc spring lr#8s g^ode deptom fiat. These goode^. nearly 100 pieces in 11, wore rptitf^ed tip b y our lynx-eyed bnyer at the Levieon Bros. Co. sale. This firm (wntroTs'weJfamon*^Gold MedalgO'o^s, iongnoted.for perfection

cheap and ‘will, aa give Onr patrohs t&o benefij. of dtir find, qnote the bargain pricea-on a faw of-'the-iie.w.’BpK'ftg Bhitlhga:

Fancy JaqnatflB, ishoap St J59b,; rednced to 88p.Extra eatin finished Jaqnards, former .price 69o. j’ now 44c.Fancy figured Jaqnards, 45 inches wide, natty and eerricable, ahorfld . be 79c ; special price 49c. o:

Figured granite cloth, 44 inches wide, a bargain at 98o.; onr price,ole, Crepon, 44 inches wide, ao ideal spring suiting; the $1.17 kind at only

75o. 'Mohair, 44 inches wide, good value at $1.25; cat to 83o.

, Victoria Silk Warp Henrietta, 45 inches wide,[should sell at $1.49; om price $1.19. ■ v

. Henriettas, all wool, 38 inches wide, always sold at 65c ; our price this week 48c. j,i tenrielfaa, aouDlo warp,- 45 mcueB wide, good yalueat 89o .; marnec down to 63c.

Recollect these goods 'are of this season’s weaving and designs and would bo priced much higher were it not that we bought them way dowx below tegular values.

Spring Wash Goods.The special sale of seasonable wash goods goes merrily on; Nevfii

waa the ^took larger, the designs and effects more varied or the pricei lower. These goods will be in great demand at the Awakening of spring and thrifty ahoppera are purchasing now, while the assortment fa compete.

Merchant Tailoring.It’s none fc>o early to think about a sprissg sa lt or a spring overcoat

Easter w ill b e^ ere before you know it , and Easier tdeaus new clothiiij for moat men. O p o u t t o jsnjoy repntatiohs t o their art in mddn{ 'clothes1 fit. Garments are never turned out from t^e Steinb& lf establish m ents unless the workmanship is psrfeot ia^evei^y jarfienkr. Thc spring anitings, trouserings, overcoatings and Vestings ha?e arrived, so drop'ii and look them over critically. We knQW yii can'IsatiBfy yon on flt tihcprice. -

Ready Made Clothing.All the ready made olothing in our stores is manufactured in ooi

establishments or in this vicinity. Designed and cut by artiste, the yerj best m aterial used in the m aking n p , is i t any Wonder that our read] made clothing is almost equal to the made to order kind ? N W ligh t weight clothing for men, youths and children, not the Sweat Shop brand but home-made garments at honest ?a|

Every day ia bargain day at the Steinbach Oompany.

A lso g ir ls w a n te d to e x a m in e N ig h t S h ir ts .


J am es H . S axton,

F U N E R A L D I R E C T O R I 5 ? R a i r s t r e e t r x s u n r y p a r t .

A fine line of casket? on band to seleet ftom. Flower deelgns a special­ty. Open day apd night.

.Telephone, 21-a.Bealdence, 410 Sewall avenue.


*n ttrftcH »C oaS *ns«4B xclnslT ely ,Ia*sr

l n t O e tn U n e js Sua C o M » r t ’

B U SIN E SS LOTJPor S a l 0

. ■ •; ^ ’•

' Xiot adjoining'McCabc’ Meat mar­ket, on iMaln street. If 'refiasies!, a baiidlngin&n.wUl bematie.

- Enquire of - . , * •!■ \ ; C . T . & A IL B V . /

’•’W feai' 80 ’A! i n ' Vot»LrW knij'good pelitSnz, . ! : j. . . ; ; - .::.v


Mixed PaintsDealer (■O O S, BRUSHESvasssS hes

:jBMDlMRE; MD NOTIOjJS I ;i i i WbCIit fft la ta ix mai Rxt*rSr»

' lU |Q M t ( I C l l M n a U | | in s . - 'T '

O ff lc r ? o o Malfa S t 4 ‘ C fV ;5 « ira l l A r t . ' '

c u w . ; ■» tfir-i ia t A v t s v t . U B O & Y ' t i c b b

time Cables

T im e tab le <n effect N ovem ber fid, 1698

Y b t.N o w l

v u m LUTi aaitrar pam i

lewaric and Elisabeth Via iiu iral iamv 1912,400, A80 p uu- 8na daken station, 7 » a m,* 18 p m

and Trenton Tla EUisabethnoil6 So^aoojafn,* 12.1% 400 pm.-Bnndays ttoo

.Interlaken station, 7^7a m ,418pm. ■u 'yA-y fo r Baltlmorp and Waahlngton, 080,SOOia. i» ^1118,400-p mi Sondays croqt Interiakear.eta

|r£% uton| BethfiSttQ. I Allentinro and jbUlfil Ghunk» 0 SO, 6 00 a mV Ifil IB, 4 oo, p m Ban day

’xronrlstortakaastation, 4ISp nu v *■ %* *• V i r . im n w r iw rn ^ B e r a s M n ^ M ) » m l l* l3 p C ! trarBoBWo Aad - ■ tU F, . w. B. B.p m,^raS»Ti'tr*,S3 S«-attte!

■Mtaa.4tBpm._ ‘ *;-;v , . .'.A : , , .■ , • ■.

. ’ '. aiirow ya lo isjmaT riax.

t5»TO s S f Y o rk F e n y , '-------------------------------------

eoTBopt.1 f) s i - J t ft 48SS 1 .

~n. &va. )fM«. A*t.■■•■•I .....r.. ......7 ’ -

Advertise 11 T H E P R E S S