ronen shaltielsergei artemenko university of haifa

Lower Bounds on the Query Complexity of Non-Uniform and Adaptive Reductions Showing Hardness Amplification Ronen Shaltiel Sergei Artemenko University of Haifa University of Haifa

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Page 1: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Lower Bounds on the Query Complexity of Non-Uniform and Adaptive Reductions Showing

Hardness Amplification

Ronen Shaltiel Sergei Artemenko

University of Haifa University of Haifa

Page 2: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Functions That Are Hard on Average

Function g:{0,1}n→{0,1} is p-hard for a family of circuits if for every circuit in this family Prx← Un







Page 3: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Circuits fail to compute some inputs

Circuits fail to compute noticeable fraction of inputs

Almost random guessing

Hard on worst case Mildly average-case hardStrongly average-case hard

Hardness Variations

p=1 p=1- δ p= ½ + ε

For simplicity assume δ=¹⁄₁₀

Page 4: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Derandomization, Pseudorandomness [Yao82, BM84, NW94,…]

Cryptographic primitives [Yao82, BM84,…]

Applications of Functions That Are Hard on Average

These applications require functions that are very hard on average p=½+negligible

Page 5: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Hardness Amplification

strongly average-case hard g=Amp(f)

worst case hard for

mildly average-case hard f

Example: Yao’s XOR lemma (δ=¹⁄₁₀)If function f (x) is (1-¹⁄₁₀)-hard for circuits of size at most s, then function g(x1,…,xk)=f(x1)⊕⋯⊕f(xk) is (½+ε)-hard for circuits of size at most s'=s·poly(ε)<s for large enough k, e.g. k=poly(log(¹⁄ε ) ) .

Assumption: f is worst case/mildly average-case hard for circuits of size at most s.Conclusion: g=Amp(f) is strongly average-case hard for circuits of size at most s'.

Page 6: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Hardness Amplification

strongly average-case hard g=Amp(f)

worst case hard for

mildly average-case hard f

Assumption: f is worst case/mildly average-case hard for circuits of size at most s.

Example: Direct product/concatenation lemma (δ=¹⁄₁₀)If a function f (x) is (1-¹⁄₁₀)-hard for circuits of size at most s, then function g(x1,…,xk)=f(x1)∘⋯∘f(xk) is ε-hard for circuits of size at most s'=s·poly(ε)<s for large enough k.

Conclusion: g=Amp(f) is strongly average-case hard for circuits of size at most s'.

Page 7: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Hardness Amplification

In all hardness amplification results in literature target function g=Amp(f) is hard for circuits of size s'<s

(actually, s'≤ε·s). Implies that ε≥¹⁄s .

Problematic in some applications

worst case hard for

mildly average-case hard f

Assumption: f is worst case/mildly average-case hard for circuits of size at most s.Conclusion: g=Amp(f) is strongly average-case hard for circuits of size at most s'.

strongly average-case hard g=Amp(f)

Page 8: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Size Loss

Circuits of size at most s

Circuits of size at most s'

Natural question:Is this size loss necessary?

We will show that size loss is necessary for certain proof techniques.

Page 9: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Proof by Reduction

f is (1-δ)–hard for size s

g is (½+ε)-hard for size s'

∃D of size s' such that Pr[D(y)=g(y)] ≥ ½+ε

∃C of size s such that Pr[C(x)=f(x)] ≥ 1-δ

Proof by reduction: Existence of circuit C is shown by providing a reduction R (an oracle procedure) s.t. C=RD.


Page 10: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

“Uniform”: R(·) is an “efficient” oracle TM.

Various Notions of Reductions

Known: These types of reductions cannot prove most hardness amplification results in literature [STV99].

“Non-uniform”: R(·) is a “small” oracle circuit that is also allowed to receive a “short advice string” α as a function of f and more importantly of the oracle D supplied to R.

“Semi-uniform”: R(·) is a “small” oracle circuit.

More precisely: A non-uniform reduction R(·) satisfies:∀D s.t. Pr[D(y)=g(y)]≥½+ε∃α=α(f,D) s.t. Pr[RD(x,α)=f(x)]≥1-δ

Essentially all known hardness amplification results are proven using such reductions

Page 11: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Number of Queries Size Loss

In this work we show that every reduction must make q=Ω (¹⁄ε ) queries.


size loss!

If reduction R makes ≤ q queries to oracle D, then circuit C can be constructed by replacing every oracle gate with circuit D.


Page 12: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Theorem*: Every reduction R(·) must make q=Ω (¹⁄ε ) queries to oracle even if R(·) is non-uniform and adaptive (i.e.,

it makes adaptive queries).*For standard parameters of hardness amplification.

Comparison to [SV10]: [SV10] only handle non-uniform non-adaptive reductions. Our results apply to a more general class of hardness

amplification tasks (non-Boolean g, errorless amplification, “function-specific amplification”).

[SV10] gives a better bound of q=Ω(log(¹⁄δ ) ⁄ε2) for Boolean case. (Our results apply to a more general setup in which there are upper bounds of q=Ω(log(¹⁄δ ) ⁄ε).

Our Results (Informally)

Page 13: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Given functions f,g consider (distribution over) oracles D: With probability 2ε, D(y)=g(y). With probability 1-2ε, D(y) answers a fresh random bit. ⇒ Pr[D(y)=g(y)]≥½+ε (so that RD has to approx. compute f).

Folklore e.g. [R]: A reduction R(·) that makes o(¹⁄ε ) queries is unlikely to get any meaningful information.

Þ RD cannot compute f (even approximately).Þ Contradiction (meaning that # of queries = Ω(¹⁄ε ) ).

Difficulties for general reductions: Non-uniform reductions can use advice string to locate queries y

on which D answers correctly. Furthermore, adaptability may allow a non-uniform reduction to

find “interesting” queries y (based on the adaptive strategy of whether or not previous queries answer).

Something About the Proof

Page 14: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Difficulties for general reductions: Non-uniform reductions can use advice string to locate

queries y on which D answers correctly. Furthermore, adaptability may allow a non-uniform reduction

to find “interesting” queries y (based whether or not previous queries answer).

Our approach: Following [SV10] we show that advice string does not help a

non-adaptive reduction to find queries that answer (except for few queries which we can handle).

For adaptive reductions, consider “hybrid executions” of RD:◦ First t queries are not answered.◦ Remaining q-t queries are answered according to oracle distribution.

Hybrid executions are in some sense non-adaptive (the t+1’st query is known in advance).

We first bound the information that R gets on g in hybrid executions.

Then we show that with high probability real and hybrid executions coincide.

Something About the Proof

Page 15: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Size loss is inherent in reductions showing hardness amplification even in the most general case (non-uniform and adaptive reductions).

Not an impossibility result for hardness amplification: only rules out certain proof techniques.

Limitations apply to essentially all proof techniques in literature. See discussion in paper.

Our lower bounds on # of queries match upper bounds in some (but not all) settings:◦ Direct product lemma with constant δ [KS03].◦ Errorless amplification with constant δ [BS07,W11].

Open: Improve lower bounds to match upper bounds:

◦ For non-constant δ.◦ For Boolean target function.

Can we develop other proof techniques for hardness amplification? (See e.g., [GST05,A06,GT07]).

Conclusion and Open Problems

Page 16: Ronen ShaltielSergei Artemenko University of Haifa

Thank You…