root cause analysis for shipping internal auditors

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  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions


    The Core of Problem

    Solving and Corrective



  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    Why Do Root Cause Analysis?

    Just fix it, there is too much to do.

    We dont have time to think, we need results


    Usual Approach - fix symptoms without regard

    to actual causes

    Root Cause Analysis - structured and thorough

    review of problem designed to identify andcorrect what is causing the symptoms

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions


  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions


  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    Definitions Cause (causal factor): a condition or event that

    results in an effect

    Direct Cause: cause that directly resulted in the


    Contributing Cause: a cause that contributed tothe occurrence, but by itself would not have

    caused the occurrence

    Root Cause: a cause that, if corrected, would

    prevent recurrence of this and similaroccurrences

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions


    1. Specific underlying causes

    2. Those can reasonably be identified

    3. Those management (ship or shore)

    has control to fix.

    4. Those for which effective

    recommendations for preventingrecurrencescan be generated.

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    Root cause analysis is a problem solving process for

    conducting an investigation into an identified non-

    conformity or observation. Root cause analysis is acompletely separate process to incident management

    and immediate corrective action, although they are

    often completed in close proximity.

    Root cause analysis (RCA) requires the auditor to lookbeyond the solution to the immediate problem and

    understand the fundamental or underlying cause(s) of the

    situation and put them right, thereby preventing re-

    occurrence of the same issue. This may involve the

    identification and management of processes, procedures,activities, inactivity, behaviours or conditions.

    What is Root Cause Analysis (RCA)?

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    Identification of

    preventive measures

    Prevention of recurring


    Introduction of a logical

    problem solving

    process applicable to

    non- conformities and



  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    Steps to Root Cause Analysis

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    It should be noted that this is a simplified

    process flow, which is typical of themajority of situations. However, for a

    complex non-conformity, such as a major

    fire, root cause analysis will become

    proportionally more detailed, require extraactivities and can require considerable


    For example, some or all of the followingsteps may be required:


  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    Establish a root cause team to investigate the issue

    Compilation of a summary of the event or non-conformity (ie a

    summary of what was wrong)

    Confirmation of the sequence of events

    List of dates/times (for example when the non-conformity was

    discovered and when the last acceptable monitoring result was

    obtained)A list of implicated materials or processes

    Any other relevant data or information (for example records, test

    results, information from staff in the relevant area or complaints)

    Investigation of possible scenarios & collation of information (forexample this may include material or environmental testing or

    liaison with technical experts and regulatory authorities).


  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions


  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    An important part of any non-conformity management is the

    identification of the root cause and the implementation of suitable

    action. There are a number of requirements as under:

    Senior managementto ensure the root cause of audit non-

    conformities have been effectively addressed to prevent


    Identification of the root cause of non-conformities and

    implementation of any necessary corrective action.

    Following an audit, the root cause of non-conformities shall be

    identified and an action plan to correct this, including timescales,

    must be provided.

    Review of risk assessment and evaluation of incidentsCorrective actions and prevention of re-occurrence

    Where is RCA Required?

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    There is no single prescribed method of conducting root cause

    analysis and any structured approach to identifying the factors

    that resulted in the non-conformity can be used, many tools andmethods have therefore been published (two popular methods are

    highlighted below). The choice of root cause methodology may be

    dependent on the type of issue/non-conformity being investigated.

    Whichever method of root cause analysis is used it is usually

    necessary to commence with, and record the knownfacts. Depending on the situation these may include:

    What the non-conformity is

    Implicated equipments/processes

    Any immediate corrective action completed

    How to Complete Root Cause Analysis?

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    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    Throughout the process it should beremembered that the key question that

    root cause analysis is seeking to answer


    What system or process

    failed so that this problem

    could occur?


  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    Why did this occur?

    The documented policy didnt include

    the requirement or

    The procedure wasnt trained to staff

    In these situations the subsequent steps

    of the investigation and action can be

    planned immediately.


  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    On other occasions the cause is not

    immediately clear and investigative steps willbe required, for example:

    Does the operator understand the procedure?

    Does the method laid out in the policy work iffollowed precisely?

    Does the specified time/procedure achieve the

    expected outcome?

    In these situations it is necessary to gather

    and collate evidence


  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    AND THEN Once the underlying cause has been established, the

    next stage of the process is to establish a proposed

    preventive action plan, indicating the action that will betaken to prevent the nonconformity recurring. The

    preventive action plan should include a defined

    timescale in which the action will be completed and

    define who is responsible for completion. An important final step of an effective root cause

    analysis is to consider monitoring or verification activity.

    This is necessary to ensure that the changes to (or new)

    activity or procedures is fully operational, that it iseffective in managing the root cause and that it does not

    inadvertently introduce any additional problems.

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions


    Verificationwould be done to checkthat the preventive action is fully

    embedded and effective.

    Later,review of effectiveness ofpreventive action would be done to

    confirm that the preventive actions

    are effective.

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    Methods of Root Cause Analysis

    The 5 Whys is the simplest method forstructured root cause analysis.

    It is a question asking method used to

    explore the cause/effect relationshipsunderlying the problem.

    The investigator keeps asking the

    question Why?until meaningful

    conclusions are reached

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    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    The 5 Whys

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    Delivering Maritime Solutions


  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    In this example it would be easy for the investigator to

    stop the analysis part way through thinking that all the

    conclusions had been reached (ie that this was purely a

    training issue), however, the further questions revealuseful information about the nature of the cause and

    therefore the appropriate action.

    The issue actually had a number of causes that

    contributedto the incident:

    Incomplete or ineffectivetraining procedure

    Inadequate checks and balances by the

    supervising staff

    Lack of knowledge of the Safety Procedures

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    Proposed action can now be planned, for


    Update training procedure to ensure sign off(& possibly a supervision step)

    Post Notices in control locations to serve as

    reminders Ensure an individual is responsiblefor

    completing the procedure.

    Ensure all staff fully understand and aretrained in the awarenessof the risks.

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    Fishbone method

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions


  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    FISHBONE METHOD This type of RCA is a causal process, it seeks to understand the

    possible causes by asking what actually happened?, When?,

    Where? Why?, How? and So what?in other words a possible

    cause is identified and the consequences and significance isinvestigated for each of the group categories.For example:

    What happened? - Procedure was not followed correctly

    Why? - Staff member was untrained in the procedure

    When? - Monday morning

    Where?Engine room

    How? - Lack of time

    So what? (i.e. is this important)


  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    CAUTION The root cause shou ld be someth ing that can be

    managed or changed,wh ich means that i t normal ly

    relates to a sys tem or p rocess and occasionally analterable behavio ur. For examp le, it is of ten

    tempting to reach a conclusion such as they

    forgot, not enough time, not enough money, not

    enough staff, staff sickness or made a mistake,these answers may be true, bu t in mos t cases they

    are ou t of our co ntro l , whereas root cause analysis

    sho uld lead to contro l lable, manageable or

    adjustable pro cesses.Danger:The FISHBONE Diagram is a list of potent ia lroot causes. This includes bothprobable causes, real causes and guesses.

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    Delivering Maritime Solutions

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    Inclusion of Root Cause Analysis in the

    Audit Report

    The NC/Observation Note of the internal auditreport, complete with root cause analysis and

    proposed action(corrective & preventive) plan

    is to be reported (in the relevant sections)

    The root cause and the proposed preventive

    action must be determined by the auditee. The

    auditor should only guide the auditee based on

    his experience in determining the root causeand the proposed preventive action .

  • 8/12/2019 ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS for Shipping Internal Auditors


    Delivering Maritime Solutions

    Any Questions ?

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