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Sl. No.

Contents Page No.

1. Short title and commencement 1

2. Application 1-2

3. Definition 2-4

4. Scale of pay of post 5

5. Drawal of pay in revised pay structure 5-6

6. Exercise of option 6-8

7. Fixation of initial pay in revised pay structure 8-10

8. Fixation of pay in revised pay structure of

employees appointed as fresh recruits on or

after 1st day of January, 2006


9. Rate of increment in revised pay structure 11-12

10. Assured Career Progression Scheme 12-17

11. Date of increment in revised pay structure 17-18

12. Fixation of pay on promotion on or after 1st day of January, 2006


13. Training Incentive 19-21

14. Re-evaluation and restructuring of certain posts 21-26

15. Payment of arrears 26-27

16. Classification of employees 27

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17. Overriding effect of rules 27-28

18. Relaxation of rules 28

19. Schedule-I (Part-A) 29

20. Part-B - Revised Pay Structure 30

21. Part-C - Correspondence between the existing

scales and revised scales


22. Part-D- Correspondence between the existing

scales and the revised scales.


23. Part-E – Entry Pay in the Revised Pay

Structure for Direct Recruits appointed on or

after 01-01-2006.


24. Schedule II (Part-A) 34

25. Form of fixation of initial pay in the revised pay

structure under the Tripura Civil Services

(Revised Pay) Rules, 2009


26. Fitment table in the Revised Pay Band 38-62



Illustrations showing the fixation of Pay under Tripura State Civil Services (Revised Pay ) Rules, 2009




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No.F.6(1)-FIN(PC)/2009 Government of Tripura Finance Department

Dated, Agartala, the 5th May, 2009.


In exercise of the power conferred by the proviso to article 309 of

the Constitution of India, the Governor is pleased hereby to make the

following rules; namely:-

1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be

called the Tripura State Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2009.

(2) Save as otherwise provided hereinafter, they shall be deemed to

have come into force on the first day of January, 2006.

2. Application. – (1) Unless otherwise provided in any provision hereinafter, by or

under these rules, these rules shall apply to persons appointed in

regular scales of pay to services and posts in connection with affairs

of the State Govt. of Tripura except members of All India Service,

Tripura Judicial Service, members of the Services to whom UGC &

AICTE scales of pay apply.

(2) Unless specifically extended under express order of the

Government, these rules shall not apply to –

a) Employees / workers engaged by Autonomous Bodies/ PSUs/

Cooperatives Banks except specifically relaxed by the Govt. for

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particular case(s) for adoption;

b) Persons not in whole time employment;

c) Persons paid out of contingencies;

d) Persons paid on a monthly fixed pay basis including those paid

only on piece rate basis;

e) Persons employed on contract basis except where the contract

provides otherwise;

f) Persons re-employed in Govt. service after retirement;

g) Persons in employment / re-employment / contract under different

schemes funded fully/ partly by the Govt. of India;

h) Any other class or category of persons whom the Governor may,

by order, specifically exclude from the operation of all or any of

the provisions contained in these rules;

3. Definition. - (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, - (a) "existing basic pay" means the pay drawn in the prescribed existing

scale of pay, including stagnation increment(s), training incentive in the

form of increment, if any, but does not include any other type of pay like

special pay etc.;

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(b) "existing scale" means –

(i) In relation to a Government employee, the existing scale

applicable to the post held by the employee or, as the case may

be, the personal scale applicable to him on account of his

advancement to a higher scale under specific or general orders of

the Government as on the 1st January, 2006, whether in a

substantive or officiating or temporary capacity, and

(ii) in the case of the employee who was on the 1st January,

2006, on deputation or on foreign service or on leave or who

would have on that date officiated in one or more lower posts but

for his officiating in a higher post, the scale of pay applicable to

the post which he would have held but for his being on

deputation or on foreign service or on leave or, as the case

may be, but for his officiating in a higher post;

(c) "existing emoluments" mean the aggregate of-

(i) existing basic pay,

(ii) dearness allowance appropriate to the basic pay at index

average 536 (1982 =100)( i.e. 74%) on basic pay including

bunching benefits;

(d) “present scale", in relation to any post specified in column (2) of

Part D of Schedule I, means the scale of pay specified against that

post in column (3) thereof

(e) "pay in the pay band" means pay drawn in the running pay bands

specified in column (5) of Part D of Schedule I;

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(f) "grade pay" means a fixed amount corresponding to the pre-

revised pay scales/posts;

(g) "revised pay structure", in relation to any post specified in

column (2) of Part D of Schedule I, means the pay band scale and

grade pay specified against column (5) and column (6) of that Part;

(h) "basic pay in the revised pay structure" means the pay drawn

in the prescribed pay band plus applicable grade pay but does not

include any other type of pay;

(i) "revised emoluments" mean the pay in the pay band plus the

grade pay of an employee in the revised pay structure; (j) "Schedule" means the Schedule appended to these rules.

(k) “bunching benefit” -the term bunching benefit means that the older

employee shall be given the benefit of one increment in the existing

pay for 10 completed years of service from the date of entry into the

State Govt. service under regular scale and two increments for 20

completed years of service from the date of entry in the State Govt.

service under regular scale. The benefit provided shall be treated as a

one time measure at the time of fixation only under these rules i.e.

on the date of coming over to the revised scale;

(2) Words and expression used but not defined in these rules

shall have the same meanings as respectively assigned to them in the

relevant circulars, notifications, rules issued/ framed/ adopted by the

State Govt of Tripura from time to time till date.

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4. Scale of pay of post. –

From the date of commencement of these rules, the pay band and

grade pay of every post specified in column (2) read with column (3) of

Part D of Schedule I, shall be as specified in column (5) and column (6)

respectively thereof. 5. Drawal of pay in revised pay structure. –

Save as otherwise provided in these rules, every Government

employee shall draw pay in the revised pay structure applicable to the

post, to which he is appointed,

Provided that a Government employee may elect to continue to draw

pay in the existing scale until the date on which he earns his next

increment in the existing scale or until he vacates his post or ceases to

draw pay in that scale between the period 1st January, 2006 and 31st

December, 2006 with both days inclusive;

Provided further that in cases where a Government employee has been

placed in a higher pay scale between the period from 1st January, 2006

and the date of Notification of these rules on account of promotion or

upgradation of pay scales, such Government employee may elect to

switch over to the revised pay structure from the date of such

promotion or, as the case may be, upgradation. Explanation I. - The option to retain the existing scale under the first

proviso to this rule shall be admissible only in respect of one existing


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Explanation II. - The aforesaid option shall not be admissible to any

person appointed to a post on or after the 1st day of January, 2006,

whether for the first time in the Service or by transfer from another post

and he shall be allowed pay only in the revised pay structure.

6. Exercise of option.-

(1) The option under the provisos to rule 5 shall be exercised in

writing in the Form appended to part-A of Schedule II so as to reach

the authority mentioned in sub-rule (2) of this rule within three

months of the date of publication of these rules in the Official Gazette:

Provided that –

(i) a Government employee, who on the date of publication of these

rules in the Official Gazette, is on leave or deputation or on foreign

service, the said option shall be exercised in writing so as to reach the

said authority within three months of his return from such leave or

deputation or foreign service, as the case may be; and

(ii) a Government employee, who is under suspension on the date

of publication of these rules in the Official Gazette, shall exercise the

said option within three months of the date of his return to his duty

or within three months of the date of publication of these rules in

the Official Gazette, whichever is later.

(2) The option as mentioned in sub rule-1 shall be submitted by all

the concerned Government employee to their respective Head of Offices.

But officers borne under TCS, TPS TFS, Gazetted portion of Tripura

Secretariat Service, Gazetted portion of Tripura Stenographer Service,

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Head of Departments shall submit their respective option to the Finance

Department ( Est. Branch).

(3) If the option under sub-rule (1) has not been received by the

Head of Office or the authority as indicated in sub-rule-2 above

within the period mentioned in rule-5, the employee shall be deemed

to have elected to be governed by the revised pay structure with effect

from the 1st day of January, 2006.

(4) The option once exercised shall be final.

Note 1. – A Government employee whose service is terminated on or

after the 1st day of January, 2009 and who is unable to exercise the

option on account of discharge on the expiry of the sanctioned posts,

resignation, dismissal or discharge on disciplinary grounds within the

prescribed period, shall be entitled to the benefits of exercising option

under this rule.

Note 2. – A Government employee, who died on or after 1st day of

January, 2006 and could not exercise the option within the prescribed

period, shall be deemed to have exercised option for the revised pay

structure on and from the 1st day of January, 2006 or from such

subsequent date as is considered most beneficial to him, if he was


Note 3. – A Government employee who was on leave on the 1st

January, 2006 and is entitled to leave salary shall be allowed the

benefits of exercising option under this rule.

Note 4. – A Government employee whose existing scale of the post was

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revised with effect from any date notionally before publication of these

rules may be allowed the benefits of exercising option under this rule

on the basis of notional basic pay in the existing scale.

7. Fixation of initial pay in revised pay structure - (1) The initial

pay of the Government employee who elects or is deemed to have

elected under rule 6 to be governed by the revised pay structure

incorporated in these rules on and from the 1st day of January, 2006,

shall, unless in any case the Governor by special order or otherwise

directs, be fixed in the following manner, namely:-

(i) for the purpose of fixation of initial pay in the revised pay structure

effective from 1st January, 2006 bunching benefit in the form of one

increment shall be provided in the existing scale of pay of the

concerned employee for 10 completed years of service from the date of

his/her direct entry in the cadre service of the State Government or, as

the case may be, in the State Government Department. Subject to

fulfillment of these criterion, those who have completed further 10

years of service, i.e. total 20 years of service will be provided further

one increment in the existing scale for the purpose of fixation of initial

pay in the revised pay structure. The reference date for calculation of

completed years of service of 10/ 20 years will be 31st December, 2005.

This bunching benefit would be admissible only as a one time measure

for the purpose of revision under these rules.

(ii) on providing the bunching benefit, increment(s) provided under rule-

11 & 13 and benefits provided under rule-14 of these rules for the

eligible cases to the existing basic pay, pay in the pay band of the

employee who continued in service after 31st December, 2005, shall be

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determined notionally as on 1st day of January, 2006 or the date of

coming over to the revised pay scale as per option exercised , by way of

multiplying with a factor of 1.74 and rounding off the resultant figure

to the next multiple of 10;

Provided that if the minimum of the revised pay band is higher than

the amount so arrived at in accordance with the provisions of this item,

the pay shall be fixed at the minimum of the revised pay band;

(ii) After the pay in the pay band so determined, grade pay

corresponding to the existing scale shall be added;

(2) Subject to compliance of rule-6, the initial substantive pay of the

employee in the permanent post on which he holds lien or would have

held a lien had his lien not been suspended, and in respect of his

pay in the officiating post held by him shall be fixed separately in the

manner indicated in sub rule(1);

Note 1.- The Government employee who is on leave on the date of

commencement of these rules and is entitled to leave salary, shall

become entitled to move to the revised pay structure notionally from

1.1.2006 or from the date which he elects under rule-5 read with rule-6

of these rules. Similarly, where the Government employee is on study

leave shall get the benefit of these rules. Note 2.- The employee under suspension, shall continue to draw

subsistence allowance based on existing scale of pay and his pay in

the revised pay structure shall be subject to the final order of the

pending disciplinary proceedings.

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Note 3.- Special Pay, Personal Pay, NPA, honorarium and any other

addition to the pay will not be included in the “emoluments” as defined

in rule-3 of these rules for the purpose of computation of fixation of


Note 4.-Where the amount of existing emoluments exceeds the

revised emoluments in respect of any employee, the difference

amount shall be allowed as personal pay to be absorbed in future

increases in pay. Note 5.- Where in the fixation of pay under sub-rule (1), the pay of the

Government employee, borne under same cadre enjoying same grade

pay scale or, as the case may be, in the same Department enjoying

identical post and pay scales, who, immediately before the 1st day of

January, 2006, i.e 31st December, 2005 was drawing more pay in the

existing scale compared with other Government employee junior to him

in the same cadre or the case may be, in the same Department, gets

fixed in the revised pay band at a stage lower than that of such junior,

his pay shall be stepped up to the same stage in the revised pay band

as that of the junior. Note 6. - Where the employee is in receipt of personal pay on the 1st

day of January, 2006 or on the date of coming over to the revised pay

structure which together with his existing emoluments exceeds the

revised emoluments, the difference representing such excess shall

be allowed to such employee as personal pay to be absorbed in future

increases of the pay.

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8. Fixation of pay in revised pay structure of employees appointed as fresh recruits on or after 1st day of January,2006.– (1) The pay of direct recruits to a particular post carrying a specific

grade pay shall be fixed on or after the 1st day of January, 2006, at

the entry level pay in the pay band as indicated in Part E read with

Part D of Schedule I to these rules.

(2) The provisions of sub-rule (1) shall also be applied in the case of

those recruited between the 1st day of January, 2006 and the date of

publication of these rules:

9. Rate of increment in revised pay structure. – (1) The rate of increment in the revised pay structure shall be two and

half per centum (2 ½ %) of the sum of the pay in the pay band and

grade pay applicable and the resulting amount shall be rounded off

to the next multiple of 10.

(2) The amount of increment shall be added to the existing pay in the

pay band.

Provided that in case the employee, who reaches the maximum of his

pay band after addition of the amount of increment to the existing pay

in the pay band, shall be placed in the next higher pay band after one

year of reaching such a maximum and at the time of placement in the

higher pay band, benefit of one increment shall be allowed while the

grade pay shall remain the same in the higher pay band and such

Government employee shall continue to move in the higher pay band

till his pay in the pay band reaches the maximum of pay band-4 (PB-4):

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Provided further that in case the employee, who reaches the maximum

of his pay band after addition of the amount of increment to the existing

pay in the pay band-4(PB-4), neither further increment shall be granted

to such a Government employee nor such an amount of increments

shall be added to the existing pay in the pay band.

10. Introduction of a new scheme titled ‘Assured Career Progression’ (ACP) Scheme with effect from 1st January, 2006 in replacement of existing CAS introduced under TSCS( Revised Pay) Rules, 1999.- (1) Under the new scheme (A.C.P ) , all Government employees in the

PB-1, PB-2 & PB-3 shall be entitled to get a maximum of three financial

up gradations, the first after 10 years of service under regular scale ,

2nd after another 7 years of service ( total 17 years) and 3rd after

further 8 years of service( total 25 years) in their service career

provided the concerned employee had not got up to three numbers of

benefits of scale up gradations including promotions already. In case of

PB-4, the employees borne under Grade Pay Rs.3700/- (against pre-

revised scale of Rs.7800-15,100/-), under Grade Pay Rs. 4500/-

(against pre-revised scale of Rs.10,000-15,100/) and Grade Pay Rs.

4800/- (against pre-revised scale of Rs.10,650-15,850/-) would be

entitled to get 3, 2 and 1 financial up gradations respectively under the

scheme provided the concerned employee had not got scale upgradation

including promotion up to 3,2 & 1 respectively already.

(2) While determining eligibility of the Government employees under

this ACP, it should be considered how many times the concerned

employee got the benefit of scale-upgradation including promotion after

his direct entry into the service in the State Govt. or, as the case may

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be, after his direct entry into the cadre service of the State Govt. in

which he is presently serving. Each case of promotion or scale

upgradation availed by him after his direct entry into cadre where he is

presently serving or , as the case may be, in the post/service of a

Department will be treated as consumption of one ACP. This will mean

that for those employees who entered the cadre service through

promotion, the benefit of this promotion along with promotion/scale

upgradation availed by him before entry into the cadre service will also

be counted as consumption of ACP.

(3) For providing benefit under ACP ( other than benefit already

provided under CAS), every Head of Office shall initiate proposal under

prescribed formats (which are being circulated subsequently by the

Finance Department) to the Head of Department for the employee(s)

whose ACP becomes due. On receipt of these proposals from the Head

of Offices, the Head of Department will arrange scrutiny at his end and

issue formal communication sanctioning the ACP in favour of eligible

cases. On receipt of the communication of sanction, the Head of Office

shall make fixation under ACP and record the same in the service book

of the concerned employee.

(4) Those Government employees who had completed 10 years of

service before 1.1.2006 but had not got or consumed any benefit of

promotion/ scale upgradation under revised pay rules framed in the

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past by the State Government from time to time, they will now be

provided the benefit of 1st ACP from the date of his coming over to the

revised pay structure under these rules. Similarly those Government

employees who had completed 17 years of service before 1.1.2006 but

had got/consumed no benefit or got/ consumed one benefit

promotion or scale upgradation under revised pay rules framed in the

past by the State Government from time to time, they will now be

provided the benefit of 2nd ACP directly from the date of his coming

over to the revised pay structure under these rules. In respect of

Government employees who had completed 25 years of service before

1.1.2006 but had not got/ consumed any benefit of promotion/ scale

upgradation or got/ consumed upto two benefits of promotion/ scale

upgradation under revised pay rules framed in the past by the State

Government from time to time, they will now be provided the benefit of

3rd ACP directly from the date of his coming over to the revised pay

structure under these rules. The benefit under this provision should be

allowed subject to fulfillment of all conditions stipulated in this rule.

(5) The scheme envisages grant of only financial benefits (through

financial upgradation) to the Govt. servant concerned on a personal

basis and shall, therefore, neither amount to functional/ regular

promotion nor would require creation of new posts for the purpose.

(6) The financial upgradation under the scheme will be purely

personal to the employee concerned and will have no relevance to his

seniority position. There will be no change in his designation or

functional/reporting responsibilities. Moreover, other benefits/facilities

available for the promotion posts would also not be available to

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him/her until and unless the official has been duly promoted to the

higher post.

(7) Only the benefit of fixation of pay will be available at the time of

financial upgradation under this scheme. For this, an increase of one

increment in the existing pay in his/her Pay Band (i.e. 2.5% of Band

Pay plus Grade Pay) along with next available Grade Pay shall be

admissible as benefit of financial upgradation under this scheme.

However, in cases where financial up-gradation and promotion fall in

the same Grade Pay, in that case if any employee has already got the

benefit of financial upgradation under ACP, he will not get any further

financial benefit of increment etc for his promotion in the same Grade

Pay. He will, however, thereafter be entitled to the higher designation

and all the functional responsibilities and facilities available for the

higher post.

(8) Besides providing one increment @ 2.5 % and the next available

Grade Pay under the ACP, the concerned employee will continue to

remain in his existing Pay Band. However, in the event of his crossing

the maximum of the Pay Band as a result of this upgradation, she/he

will move to the next higher Pay Band but without any change in the

earlier Grade Pay.

Provided, those Government employees who had got the benefit of

CAS under TSCS ( Revised Pay) Rules, 1999 between period 1.1.1999 to

31.12.2005 moving to the promotion scale without having benefit of FR

22(I)(a)(1) but got/ will get functional promotion in the same pre-

revised pay scale or to the revised pay structure corresponding to the

same pre-revised pay scale after coming over to the revised pay scale,

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will be entitled to get the benefit of one increment under revised pay

structure at the time of functional promotion in the same pay scale .

(9) Grant of higher pay scale under the Scheme shall be conditional

to the fact that an employee, while accepting the said benefit shall

deemed to have given his unqualified acceptance for regular promotion

on occurrence of vacancy subsequently.

(10) If a Government employee, after availing the financial

upgradation under the ACP Scheme subsequently refuses to accept the

regular promotion, the financial up gradation already granted will not

be withdrawn. However, the subsequent financial up-gradations will get

postponed suitably by the Administrative Department.

(11) For the purpose of movement under ACP, the concerned

Government employee shall be eligible to opt to get his pay fixed from

the date of his next increment as provided in the Note No.1 & 2 below

rule 12.

(12) Those Government employees who got benefit of CAS after 1st

January, 2006 and exercised option to come to the revised pay

structure before the date of receipt of benefit of concerned CAS

provided under the TSCS( Revised Pay) Rules, 1999, their pay shall be

fixed notionally in the revised pay structure providing the benefit of

ACP in place of CAS provided earlier. Those employees who had been

provided benefit of CAS-3 on completion of 29 years of service on or

after 1.1.2006, they shall be entitled to 3rd ACP benefit on completion of

25 years in place of 29 years of service under CAS. But such benefit

will not be admissible prior to 1.1.2006.

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11. Date of increment in the revised pay structure:- (1) In respect of all employees, there shall be a uniform date of

annual increment and such date of annual increment shall be the 1st

day of July every year:

Provided that in case of a Government employee who had been

drawing maximum of the existing scale of pay for more than a year

on the 1st day of January, 2006, but has not received stagnation

increment for want of provision, one increment in the unrevised pay

scale at the rate provided in the last slab shall be allowed on the 1st

day of January, 2006 and thereafter the provision of this rule shall


Note 1.- In case of Government employees completing six (6) months

and above in the revised pay structure as on 1st day of July, shall be

eligible to get the increment. Those employees who opt to come over to

the revised pay structure on the 1st day of January, 2006 irrespective of

their date of increment availed during calendar year 2005 they shall be

granted the first increment notionally in the revised pay structure on

the 1st day of July, 2006.

Note 2. - If the Government employee opts to come under revised pay

structure on any date between the 2nd day of January, 2006 and 30th

June, 2006 ( both days inclusive ), on the ground for availing his/her

increment in the existing pay scale or as the case may be for other

ground, his pay in the revised pay structure should be fixed

accordingly, but his date of next increment shall be 1st day of July,


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Note 3. - In case of the Government employees whose date of

increment falls on the 1st day of January, 2006, the increment in the

pre-revised pay scale granted as on the 1st day of January, 2006 is to

be computed and after that their pay in the revised pay structure

should be fixed on the 1st day of January, 2006 subject to exercise of

option by them under such cases the concerned Government

employee shall get their next increment on the 1st day of July, 2006.

12. Fixation on promotion on or after 1.1.2006 – In the case of

promotion from one grade pay to another in the revised pay structure,

the fixation will be done as follows:-

i) One increment equal to 2 ½ % of the sum of the pay in the pay band

and the existing grade pay will be computed and rounded off to the next

multiple of 10. This will be added to the existing pay in the pay band.

The grade pay corresponding to the promotion post will thereafter be

granted in addition to this pay in the pay band. In cases where

promotion involves change in the pay band also, the same methodology

will be followed. However, if the pay in the pay band after adding the

increment is less than the minimum of the higher pay band to which

promotion is taking place, pay in the pay band will be stepped up to

such minimum.

(ii) In case of promotion from HAG + to the Apex scale, after adding one

increment in the manner prescribed in these Rules, the pay in the pay

band and existing grade pay will be added and the resultant figure will

become the basic pay in the apex scale. This shall not exceed

Rs.50,400/- .

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(iii) The benefit of fixation of pay available at the time of normal

promotion under this rule shall be allowed in case of movement under


Note 1. - In case the employee opts to get his pay fixed from his date of

next increment, then on the date of promotion, initially his pay in the

pay band shall continue to remain unchanged, but only grade pay

admissible for the post or grade to which he is promoted shall be

granted. Further re-fixation shall be done on the date of his next

increment, i.e., 1st day of July. On that day, such an employee shall

be granted two increments; one annual increment and the second on

account of promotion. While computing these two increments, basic

pay prior to the date of promotion and grade pay corresponding to

such pay in the pay band shall be taken into account. After allowing

such increments, grade pay of the higher post/ scale shall be allowed.

Note 2. - In case the employee opts to get his pay fixed in the higher

post or grade from the date of his promotion he shall get his first

increment in the higher grade on the next 1st July, if he was promoted

between the periods from the 2nd July to 1st January. However, if he

was promoted between periods commencing from the 2nd January and

ending on the 30th June of a particular year, he shall get his increment

on the 1st July of the next year.

13. Training Incentive :- ( 1) In supersession/ modifications of

existing circulars, notifications issued from the State Government

relating to training incentives, the following provisions are made;

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(i) Those teachers who had obtained B.Ed degree/ UGBT certificate

between the period form 01.01.1986 to 31.12.1995 after expiry of

7(seven) years of service but did not get any benefit of training incentive

shall be provided one increment in the pre-revised scale on 01.01.2006

or from the date of coming over to these rules for the purpose of revision

of their pay under these rules.

(ii) Those teachers who had obtained B.Ed/ UGBT certificate before

entry in the service and had not got any other form of training incentive

shall also be provided one increment in the pre-revised scale as

incentive on 01-01-2006 or from the date of coming over to these rules

or from the date of his appointment whichever is later for the purpose of

revision under these rules.

(iii) In respect of Physical Instructors who were recruited under old

RR ( before B.P.Ed. was made as an essential qualification ) obtained

B.P.Ed degree as in-service candidate and had not got any other training

incentive shall be provided one increment in the pre-revised scale on 01-

01-2006 or from the date of coming over to these rules or from the date

of his appointment whichever is later for the purpose of revision under

these rules.

(iv) The Foresters who were provided one increment as incentive

against completion of training after 01.01.1996 and later the same was

adjusted with next increment before 31.12.2005 shall be provided revival

of the benefit on 01-01-2006 or on the date of coming over to these rules

for the purpose of revision under these rules. in cases of other foresters

who were granted such incentive after 1.1.2006, subsequent adjustment

with next increment in the revised pay structure shall not be made.

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(v) In respect of following categories of employees the existing system

of providing training incentive in the form of one increment is replaced

with lump sum incentive grant indicated in table below ;

Category of training

Category of employee involved

Duration of training

Lump sum incentive amount

B.Ed. Teacher One year Rs.3000/- T.Ed Teacher Six months Rs. 2000/- CETE Teacher Six months Rs.2000/- UGBT Teacher One year Rs.2500/- CPE Teacher Six months Rs.1500/- VLW training Agri Asst 1+1 = 2 years Rs.2500/- Forestry training Forester One year Rs.2500/- B.P.Ed PI ( recruited

under old RR) One year Rs.3000/-

Accounts Clerks Six months Rs.2000/- Note : This system of providing lump sum incentive grant will take effect from 1st January, 2009 for all cases who have completed training on or after 1.1.2009. 14. Re-evaluation and restructuring of certain posts.- (1) Re-designation of the post of Sr. Instructor.- With a view to

maintain difference, the post of Sr. Instructor ( Non-Gazetted ) in the

Polytechnic Institute ( now TIT) carrying existing pay scale Rs.5000-

10300/- shall be renamed as Instructor by amending the concerned

RR. The RR of the post of Sr. Instructor ( Group-B Gazetted) in the

Polytechnic Institute ( now TIT) carrying pre-revised pay scale of

Rs.6500-12300/- shall, however continue to retain the present


(2) Modified pay scale to District Education Officer .-- Existing pay

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scale of Rs.11000- 18000/- provided to Joint Director of School

Education Department shall also be provided to the existing District

Education Officers of in the Education ( School) Department with effect

from 1st January, 2006 or from the date of coming over to these rules

by computing the benefit notionally from his date of appointment as

District Education Officer upto 31.12.08. The required follow up action

is to be taken from the Department.

(3) Modified pay scale to the General Manager in the I & C

Department.- Existing pay scale of Rs.11000- 18000/- shall also be

provided to the existing General Managers in the I & C Department

with effect from 1st January, 2006 or from the date of coming over to

these rules by computing the benefit notionally from the date of his

appointment as General Manager upto the 31.12.2008. The required

follow up action is to be taken from the Department.

(4)) Correction of the name of department.- The post of Assistant

Investigator/ Jr. Computer inadvertently shown against Planning &

Coordination Department- Evaluation Organization in 15th amendment

of the TSCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 1999 stands modified and be shown

as a post of Planning ( Economics & Statistics) Department.

(5) Rationalization of pay scale for the post of Book Binder under

GA(SA) Department.-The post of Book Binder in GA(SA) Department

shall carry the same scale of pay as exists for the identical post in the

GA( P & S) Department and Revenue Department for future

recruitment. The GA(SA) Department shall amend the recruitment rules

of the post accordingly. Provided that the existing higher pay scale of

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Rs.3200-6030/- given to the present incumbent of GA(SA) Department

shall be treated as personal to him without any further benefit of CAS

or ACP till his superannuation.

(6) ) Stepping up of pay .- Where pay of a junior become higher than

that of his senior as result of providing the benefit of promotion

followed by CAS-2 under TSCS( Revised Pay) Rules, 1999 in

comparison with his senior who was provided benefit of CAS-1 followed

by promotion as per example cited below, the pay scale of the senior

shall be stepped up to the higher pay scale provided to his junior from

the same date junior got the higher pay.

Example: On completion of 10 years of service as LDC without

promotion a senior LDC in the Department first got CAS benefit ( from

pay scale of Rs.3300-7100 to Rs.4000-7890/-) and then got promotion

to the post of UDC in the pay scale of Rs.4200-8650/-. Under the

provision of CAS he consumed two upgradations. On the other hand,

his junior first got promotion to the post of UDC ( Rs.4200-8650/-)

from the post of LDC ( Rs.3300-7100/-) and thereafter on completion of

7 years of service as UDC without promotion he got CAS-2 benefit and

moved to the pay scale of Rs.5000-10,300/- taking analogy that he

had consumed CAS-1 while getting promotion to the post of UDC and

thereafter on completion of 7 years of service as UDC without any

further promotion he got benefit of CAS-2 in the pay scale of Rs.5000-

10300/-. As a result, pay scale of the senior UDC in the same

Department became lower than his junior. To remove this anomaly, the

pay scale of the senior shall be stepped up to the pay scale of Rs.5000 –

10300/- with re-fixation of pay notionally from the date of arising such

anomaly but with financial benefit from 01-01-2009.

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(7) Same benefit to Ex-Cadre Drivers with Drivers in the Cadre

Service.- The benefits of pay scales and grade movement admissible to

the Cadre Service Drivers shall be extended to the ex-cadre Drivers by

amendment of the concerned recruitment rules. The benefits under

this sub-rule for eligible cases would be admissible notionally from the

date of coming over to the revised pay structure under these rules with

financial benefit from 1.1.2009

(8) Classification, qualification, pay scale and re-designation of Data Entry Operator.- a) The existing Data Entry Operators who are working in different

Departments shall be classified in following two categories, namely:-

(i) Those who are under graduate having certificate of computer

education from recognized institution shall get Grade Pay against pre-

revised pay scale of Rs.3300-7100/-. The post shall be re-designated as

LDC or LDA as exists in the Department and accommodated in the

seniority list of LDC or as the case may be LDA next below the

seniority position of the existing incumbents so that their future

promotion prospect is not hampered.

(ii) Those who are Graduate and having Degree or Diploma with at

least ‘O’ level Certificate of computer education from a recognized

institution shall be provided with Grade Pay against pre-revised pay

scale of Rs.4200-8650/- The posts shall be re-designated as UDC or

UDA as exists in the Department and accommodated in the seniority

list of UDC or as the case may be UDA in the Department next below

the seniority position incumbents so that their future promotion

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prospect is not hampered.

iii) If any incumbent is in receipt of any financial benefit higher than

the above, this shall be treated as personal to him treating that such

person had already consumed proportional scale upgradation while

determining eligibility of ACP in future.

iv) In future no new post with designation of Data Entry Operator or

Computer Operator shall be created in any Department. Existing

vacant posts, if any, shall not be filled up under such designation.

Such posts shall be re-designated as LDC or, as the case may be LDA,

(v) The essential qualification for recruitment of LDC or LDA shall be

knowledge of computer operation in addition to existing educational

qualification. All recruitment rules for the posts of LDC or LDA shall be

amended accordingly.

(9) Classification, qualification and pay benefit for the post of Librarian.- (i)) Under graduate Jr. Librarian shall remain in the Grade Pay against

pre-revised pay scale of Rs.3300-7100/-.

(ii) Graduate Librarian without Degree in Library Science enjoying pre-

revised pay scale of Rs.4200-8650/- shall be provided with the benefit

of Grade pay against this pay scale under revised pay structure. But

such benefit will remain personal to them and their further promotion

will depend upon their acquiring of Degree in Library Science.

(iii) Job of Librarian requires specialized skill and knowledge. So the

Departments where posts of Librarian exist, the RRs shall be amended

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keeping in view the amended RRs of the Higher Education Department

for the post. The amended RRs shall be applied prospectively for future


16. Payment of arrears.- (1) Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in these rules, or in

any other rules for the time being in force, no arrears of pay &

allowances to which a Government employee may be entitled in

respect of the period from the 1st day of January, 2006 to the 31st day

of December, 2008, shall be paid to the employee.

(2) (a) The arrears of pay & allowances to which the employee may be

entitled to in respect of the period from the 1st day of January, 2009 to

the 31st day of March, 2009, shall be impounded in the GPF account of

the respective employees. This impounding shall be withdrawn from

the month of April 2010. The benefit of revision of pay and allowances

for the month of April, 2009 payable in May, 2009 shall be provided in


(b) The Government employee, who had proceeded on

superannuation or had retired during period between the 1st day of

January, 2006 and the 31st December, 2008, shall not be entitled to

any arrears of pay & allowances.

(c ) The Government employees, who retired on or after the 1st January,

2009 and before publication of these rules in the Official Gazette, shall

be paid arrear pay & allowances for the period from the 1st January,

2009 upto the date of his retirement, in cash.

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Explanation.- For the purpose of this rule, "arrears of pay &

allowances", in relation to the Government employees, means the

difference between the aggregate of pay and allowances to which he

is entitled on account of the revision of pay and allowances under these

rules for the period in question and the aggregate of the pay and

allowances to which he would have been entitled for that period had his

pay and allowances not been so revised.

17. Classification of employees.- From the date of commencement of these rules, the employees shall be

classified as Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D in the following


(i) Group A - The Government Employees holding all posts in

the pay band No. 4 and HAG + scale with grade pay ranging from Rs. 3700 to 6500 and Apex Scale.

(ii) Group B - The Government Employees holding all posts in the pay band No. 3 with grade pay ranging from Rs. 2600 to Rs. 3500.

(iii) Group C - The Government Employees holding all posts in the pay band No. 2 with grade pay ranging from Rs. 1600 to Rs. 2400.

(iv) Group D - Government Employees holding all posts in the pay band No. 1 with grade pay ranging from Rs. 1200 to Rs. 1500.

18. Overriding effect of rules:- The provisions of same as otherwise provided (eg. CAS/ACP), the

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provisions of the Tripura State Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1999

shall stand repealed and the provision of fundamentals Rules to the

extent or in consistency, if any, with these Rules shall not apply.

19. Relaxation of rules:- Where the Governor is satisfied that the operation of all or any of the

provisions of these rules causes undue hardship in any particular case

or class of cases, he may, by order, dispense with or relax the

requirement of all or any of these rules to such extent and subject to

such conditions as he may consider necessary for dealing with the case

or class of cases in a just and equitable manner.

(S.K. Roy) Principal Secretary to the

Government of Tripura

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Details of the existing scales of pay mentioned in column (3) of Part D of this Schedule Sl. No. Existing Pay Scales ( in Rs.) Span (Years) 1 2600-55-295-60-3285-65-3545 16

2 2650-65-3300-70-4350 25

3 2750-70-3800-75-4925 30

4 2900-75-3800-80-4760-90-5660 34

5 3050-80-4010-90-4910-100-5910 32

6 3200-90-4280-100-5480-110-6030 29

7 3300-100-4800-110-5900-120-7100 35

8 4000-110-5650-120-6850-130-7890 33

9 4200-120-6000-130-7300-150-8650 34

10 5000-130-6690-150-8940-170-10300 36

11 5500-150-7750-175-9500-200-10700 31

12 6500-200-10500-225-12300 28

13 7450-225-11500-250-13000 24

14 7800-275-10000-300-15100 25

15 10000-300-15100 17

16 10650-325-15850 16

17 11000-350-18000 20

18 11150-375-18275 19

19 12000-400-18400 16

20 14150-450-20000 13

21 18400-500-22400 08

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Revised Pay Structure

Sl. No. Name of Pay Band

Pay Band Scale Grade Pay

1 PB-1 Rs. 4530-13000 Rs. 1200

2 PB-1 Rs. 4530-13000 Rs. 1300

3 PB-1 Rs. 4530-13000 Rs. 1400

4 PB-1 Rs. 4530-13000 Rs. 1500

5 PB-2 Rs. 5310-24000 Rs. 1600

6 PB-2 Rs. 5310-24000 Rs. 1700

7 PB-2 Rs. 5310-24000 Rs. 1800

8 PB-2 Rs. 5310-24000 Rs. 2000

9 PB-2 Rs. 5310-24000 Rs. 2100

10 PB-2 Rs. 5310-24000 Rs. 2400

11 PB-3 Rs. 9570-30000 Rs. 2600

12 PB-3 Rs. 9570-30000 Rs. 3100

13 PB-3 Rs. 9570-30000 Rs. 3500

14 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs. 3700

15 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs. 4500

16 PB-4 Rs..13575-37000 Rs. 4800

17 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs. 5000

18 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs. 5100

19 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs. 5600

20 PB-5 Rs. 24625-40600 Rs. 6500

21 PB-6 Rs. 41400-50400 Nil

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PART -C Correspondence between the existing scales and the revised scales

Existing Pay Structure Revised Pay Structure

Sl. No. Existing Pay Scales (Rs.) Name of Pay Band Pay Band Scale Grade

Pay 1. 2600-55-2985-60-3285-65-3545 PB-1 Rs. 4530-13000 Rs.1200

2. 2650-65-3300-70-4350 PB-1 Rs. 4530-13000 Rs.1300

3. 2750-70-3800-75-4925 PB-1 Rs. 4530-13000 Rs.. 1400

4. 2900-75-3800-80-4760-90-5660 PB-1 Rs. 4530-13000 Rs. 1500

5. 3050-80-4010-90-4910-100-5910 PB-2 Rs.5310-24000 Rs. 1600

6. 3200-90-4280-100-5480-110-6030 PB-2 Rs.5310-24000 Rs. 1700

7. 3300-100-4800-110-5900-120-7100 PB-2 Rs.5310-24000 Rs. 1800

8. 4000-110-5650-120-6850-130-7890 PB-2 Rs.5310-24000 Rs.2000

9. 4200-120-6000-130-7300-150-8650 PB-2 Rs.5310-24000 Rs.2100

10. 5000-130-6690-150-8940-170-10300 PB-2 Rs.5310-24000 Rs. 2400

11. 5500-150-7750-175-9500-200-10700 PB-3 Rs.9570-30000 Rs. 2600

12. 6500-200-10500-225-12300 PB-3 Rs.9570-30000 Rs. 3100

13. 7450-225-11500-250-13000 PB-3 Rs.9570-30000 Rs. 3500

14. 7800-275-10000-300-15100 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs. 3700

15. 10000-300-15100 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs. 4500

16. 10650-325-15850 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs.4800

17. 11000-350-18000 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs. 5000

18. 11150-375-18275 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs.5100

19. 12000-400-18400 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs. 5600

20. 14150-450-20000 HAG + Scale Rs. 24625-40600 Rs. 6500

21. 18400-500-22400 Apex Scale Rs. 41400-50400 Nil

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PART -D Correspondence between the existing scales and the revised scales

Existing Pay Structure Revised Pay Structure P re-revised Pay Scale No.

Posts / Services

Existing Pay Scales (Rs.)

Name of Pay Band

Pay Band Scale

Grade Pay

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1 All posts /

Services carrying existing

scales shown in column (3)

2600-55-2985-60-3285-65-3545 PB-1 Rs. 4530-13000 Rs.1200

2 -do- 2650-65-3300-70-4350 PB-1 Rs. 4530-13000 Rs.1300

3 -do- 2750-70-3800-75-4925 PB-1 Rs. 4530-13000 Rs.. 1400

4 -do- 2900-75-3800-80-4760-90-5660 PB-1 Rs. 4530-13000 Rs. 1500

5 -do- 3050-80-4010-90-4910-100-5910 PB-2 Rs.5310-24000 Rs. 1600

6 -do- 3200-90-4280-100-5480-110-6030 PB-2 Rs.5310-24000 Rs. 1700

7 -do- 3300-100-4800-110-5900-120-7100 PB-2 Rs.5310-24000 Rs. 1800

8 -do- 4000-110-5650-120-6850-130-7890 PB-2 Rs.5310-24000 Rs.2000

9 -do- 4200-120-6000-130-7300-150-8650 PB-2 Rs.5310-24000 Rs.2100

10 -do- 5000-130-6690-150-8940-170-10300 PB-2 Rs.5310-24000 Rs. 2400

11 -do- 5500-150-7750-175-9500-200-10700 PB-3 Rs.9570-30000 Rs. 2600

12 -do- 6500-200-10500-225-12300 PB-3 Rs.9570-30000 Rs. 3100

13 -do- 7450-225-11500-250-13000 PB-3 Rs.9570-30000 Rs. 3500

14 -do- 7800-275-10000-300-15100 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs. 3700

15 -do- 10000-300-15100 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs. 4500

16 -do- 10650-325-15850 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs.4800

17 -do- 11000-350-18000 PB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs. 5000

18 -do- 11150-375-18275 FB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs.5100

19 -do- 12000-400-18400 FB-4 Rs. 13575-37000 Rs.5600

20 -do- 14150-450-20000 HAG + Scale Rs. 24625-40600 Rs. 6500

21 -do- 18400-500-22400 Apex Scale Rs. 41400-50400 Nil

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PART – E Entry Pay in the Revised Pay Structure for Direct Recruits

appointed on or after 01-01-2006

PB-1 (Rs. 4530-13000/-)

Grade Pay Pay in the Pay Band Total 1200 4530 5730 1300 4620 5920 1400 4790 6190 1500 5050 6550

PB-2 (Rs. 5310-24000/-)

Grade Pay Pay in the Pay Band Total 1600 5310 6910 1700 5570 7270 1800 5750 7550 2000 6960 8960 2100 7310 9410 2400 8700 11100

PB-3 (Rs. 9570-30000/-)

Grade Pay Pay in the Pay Band Total 2600 9570 12170 3100 11310 14410 3500 12970 16470

PB-4 (Rs. 13575-37000/-)

Grade Pay Pay in the Pay Band Total 3700 13580 17280 4500 17400 21900 4800 18540 23340 5000 19140 24140 5100 19410 24510 5600 20880 26480

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Form of option (See rules 5 and 6)

*(i) I …………………………………………………… hereby elect the revised pay structure with effect from 1st January, 2006. *(ii) I …………………………………………………… hereby elect to continue on the existing scale of pay of my substantive / officiating post mentioned below until: (a) The date of my next increment raising my pay to Rs……………… the existing scale : (b) The date of my promotion to the post / grade……………………………… in the existing scale of pay of Rs…………………………………… raising my pay to Rs………………… N.B: Option once exercised is final. Declaration.- I hereby undertake to refund to the Government any amount which may be drawn by me in excess of what is admissible to me on account of erroneous fixation of pay in the revised pay structure as soon as the fact of such excess drawal comes / brought to my notice. Date:_____/______/_______


Station:__________________________ Name:______________________________


Office in which employed, Department:_________________________ _____________________________________

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Form of fixation of initial pay in the revised pay structure under the Tripura Civil Services (Revised Pay ) Rules, 2009.

1 Name of the Department and Office


2 Name and designation of Government Employee


3 Status (substantive / officiating)


4 Existing scale of pay


a) in substantive post


b) in officiating / temporary post


5 Date of option


6 Existing basic pay as on date of option


7 One increment for every completed 10(ten) years of service subject to maximum 2(two) increments as admissible under bunching benefit :


8 a) Training incentive in the form of 1(one) addl. increment specially provided under this rule to be subsumed b) Other addition, if any to the existing pre-revised pay

: :

9 Total (6+7+ 8)


10 Pay after multiplication by a factor :

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1.74 :and rounded off to next of 10(ten) rupees.

11 Revised pay band and Grade Pay corresponding to existing scale(as shown at Sl. No. 4 above)

: PB Rs. Grade Pay Rs.

12 Pay in the revised pay band in which pay is to be fixed


13 Grade Pay to be applied in terms of Tripura State Civil Services (Revised Pay ) Rules, 2009


14 Revised basic pay (Sl. No. 12 & Sl. No. 13)


15 Date of effect


16 Date of next increment


17 Pay on ………….( on next DNI )


18 Regulation of pay after fixation of pay on the date of coming over to the revised pay structure

a) In case of CAS under TSCS( Revised Pay) Rules, 1999 which will be treated as ACP under TSCS( Revised Pay) Rules, 2009

i) Name of post


Date of effect


Revised pay band and grade pay corresponding to existing scale of pay


Pay in the pay band


Grade Pay to be applicable :

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Revised basic pay ( Sl.No.iv + v)


Date of next increment


Pay on next DNI : b) In case of promotion to higher post/

grade after 1.1.2006


i) Name of post


ii) Date of promotion


iii) Revised pay band and grade pay corresponding to the existing scale of pay


iv) Pay in the pay band :

v) Grade pay to be applicable :

vi) Revised basic pay ( Sl.No.iv + v) :

vii) Date of next increment :

viii) Pay on ……..( on DNI)


19 Pay on 1.7. 2006


Pay on 1.7.2007


Pay on 1.7.2008 :

Pay on 1.1.2009 :

Signature of Head of Office/



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Table – 1

Pre-Revised Scale – 1. Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs.2600-55-2985-60-3285-65-3545/ Pay Band-1 Rs.4530-13000/

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

(In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay ( In Rupees)

1 2 3 4

2600 4530 1200 5730

2655 4620 1200 5820

2710 4720 1200 5920

2765 4820 1200 6020

2820 4910 1200 6110

2875 5010 1200 6210

2930 5100 1200 6300

2985 5200 1200 6400

3045 5300 1200 6500

3105 5410 1200 6610

3165 5510 1200 6710

3225 5620 1200 6820

3285 5720 1200 6920 3350 5830 1200 7030 3415 5950 1200 7150

3480 6060 1200 7260

3545 6170 1200 7370

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Table – 2

Pre-Revised Scale – 2. Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs.2650-65-3300-70-4350/- Pay Band -1 Rs.4530-13000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 2650 4620 1300 5920

2715 4730 1300 6030

2780 4840 1300 6140

2845 4950 1300 6250

2910 5070 1300 6370

2975 5180 1300 6480

3040 5290 1300 6590

3105 5410 1300 6710

3170 5520 1300 6820

3235 5630 1300 6930

3300 5750 1300 7050

3370 5870 1300 7170

3440 5990 1300 7290

3510 6110 1300 7410

3580 6230 1300 7530

3650 6360 1300 7660

3720 6480 1300 7780

3790 6600 1300 7900

3860 6720 1300 8020

3930 6840 1300 8140

4000 6960 1300 8260

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4070 7090 1300 8390

4140 7210 1300 8510

4210 7330 1300 8630

4280 7450 1300 8750

4350 7570 1300 8870

Table – 3 Pre-Revised Scale – 3 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs.2750-70-3800-75-4925/- Pay Band -1 Rs.4530-13000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 2750 4790 1400 6190

2820 4910 1400 6310

2890 5030 1400 6430

2960 5150 1400 6550

3030 5280 1400 6680

3100 5400 1400 6800

3170 5520 1400 6920

3240 5640 1400 7040

3310 5760 1400 7160

3380 5890 1400 7290

3450 6010 1400 7410

3520 6130 1400 7530

3590 6250 1400 7650

3660 6370 1400 7770

3730 6490 1400 7890

3800 6620 1400 8020

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3875 6750 1400 8150

3950 6880 1400 8280

4025 7010 1400 8410

4100 7140 1400 8540

4175 7270 1400 8670

4250 7400 1400 8800

4325 7530 1400 8930

4400 7660 1400 9060

4475 7790 1400 9190

4550 7920 1400 9320

4625 8050 1400 9450

4700 8180 1400 9580

4775 8310 1400 9710

4850 8440 1400 9840

4925 8570 1400 9970

Table – 4 Pre-Revised Scale – 4 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs.2900-75-3800-80-4760-90-5660/- Pay Band -1 Rs.4530-13000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 2900 5050 1500 6550

2975 5180 1500 6680

3050 5310 1500 6810

3125 5440 1500 6940

3200 5570 1500 7070

3275 5700 1500 7200

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3350 5830 1500 7330

3425 5960 1500 7460

3500 6090 1500 7590

3575 6230 1500 7730

3650 6360 1500 7860

3725 6490 1500 7990

3800 6620 1500 8120

3880 6760 1500 8260

3960 6890 1500 8390

4040 7030 1500 8530

4120 7170 1500 8670

4200 7310 1500 8810

4280 7450 1500 8950

4360 7590 1500 9090

4440 7730 1500 9230

4520 7870 1500 9370

4600 8010 1500 9510

4680 8150 1500 9650

4760 8290 1500 9790

4850 8440 1500 9940

4940 8600 1500 10100

5030 8760 1500 10260

5120 8910 1500 10410

5210 9070 1500 10570

5300 9230 1500 10730

5390 9380 1500 10880

5480 9540 1500 11040

5570 9700 1500 11200 5660 9850 1500 11350

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Table – 5 Pre-Revised Scale – 5 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs.3050-80-4010-90-4910-100-5910/- Pay Band -2 Rs.5310-24000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 3050 5310 1600 6910

3130 5450 1600 7050

3210 5590 1600 7190

3290 5730 1600 7330

3370 5870 1600 7470

3450 6010 1600 7610

3530 6150 1600 7750

3610 6290 1600 7890

3690 6430 1600 8030

3770 6560 1600 8160

3850 6700 1600 8300

3930 6840 1600 8440

4010 6980 1600 8580

4100 7140 1600 8740

4190 7300 1600 8900

4280 7450 1600 9050

4370 7610 1600 9210

4460 7760 1600 9360

4550 7920 1600 9520

4640 8080 1600 9680

4730 8230 1600 9830

4820 8390 1600 9990

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4910 8550 1600 10150

5010 8720 1600 10320

5110 8900 1600 10500

5210 9070 1600 10670

5310 9240 1600 10840

5410 9420 1600 11020

5510 9590 1600 11190

5610 9770 1600 11370

5710 9940 1600 11540

5810 10110 1600 11710

5910 10290 1600 11890

Table – 6 Pre-Revised Scale – 6 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs. 3200-90-4280-100-5480-110-6030/- Pay Band -2 Rs.5310-24000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 3200 5570 1700 7270

3290 5730 1700 7430

3380 5890 1700 7590

3470 6040 1700 7740

3560 6200 1700 7900

3650 6360 1700 8060

3740 6510 1700 8210

3830 6670 1700 8370

3920 6830 1700 8530

4010 6980 1700 8680

4100 7140 1700 8840

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4190 7300 1700 9000

4280 7450 1700 9150

4380 7630 1700 9330

4480 7800 1700 9500

4580 7970 1700 9670

4680 8150 1700 9850

4780 8320 1700 10020

4880 8500 1700 10200

4980 8670 1700 10370

5080 8840 1700 10540

5180 9020 1700 10720

5280 9190 1700 10890

5380 9370 1700 11070

5480 9540 1700 11240

5590 9730 1700 11430

5700 9920 1700 11620

5810 10110 1700 11810

5920 10310 1700 12010

6030 10500 1700 12200

Table – 7 Pre-Revised Scale – 7 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs. 3300-100-4800-110-5900-120-7100/- Pay Band -2 Rs.5310-24000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 3300 5750 1800 7550

3400 5920 1800 7720

3500 6090 1800 7890

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3600 6270 1800 8070

3700 6440 1800 8240

3800 6620 1800 8420

3900 6790 1800 8590

4000 6960 1800 8760

4100 7140 1800 8940

4200 7310 1800 9110

4300 7490 1800 9290

4400 7660 1800 9460

4500 7830 1800 9630

4600 8010 1800 9810

4700 8180 1800 9980

4800 8360 1800 10160

4910 8550 1800 10350

5020 8740 1800 10540

5130 8930 1800 10730

5240 9120 1800 10920

5350 9310 1800 11110

5460 9500 1800 11300

5570 9700 1800 11500

5680 9890 1800 11690

5790 10080 1800 11880

5900 10270 1800 12070

6020 10480 1800 12280

6140 10690 1800 12490

6260 10900 1800 12700

6380 11110 1800 12910

6500 11310 1800 13110

6620 11520 1800 13320

6740 11730 1800 13530

6860 11940 1800 13740

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6980 12150 1800 13950

7100 12360 1800 14160

Table – 8 Pre-Revised Scale – 8 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs. 4000-110-5650-120-6850-130-7890/- Pay Band -2 Rs.5310-24000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 4000 6960 2000 8960

4110 7160 2000 9160

4220 7350 2000 9350

4330 7540 2000 9540

4440 7730 2000 9730

4550 7920 2000 9920

4660 8110 2000 10110

4770 8300 2000 10300

4880 8500 2000 10500

4990 8690 2000 10690

5100 8880 2000 10880

5210 9070 2000 11070

5320 9260 2000 11260

5430 9450 2000 11450

5540 9640 2000 11640

5650 9840 2000 11840

5770 10040 2000 12040

5890 10250 2000 12250

6010 10460 2000 12460

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6130 10670 2000 12670

6250 10880 2000 12880

6370 11090 2000 13090

6490 11300 2000 13300

6610 11510 2000 13510

6730 11710 2000 13710

6850 11920 2000 13920

6980 12150 2000 14150

7110 12380 2000 14380

7240 12600 2000 14600

7370 12830 2000 14830

7500 13050 2000 15050

7630 13280 2000 15280

7760 13510 2000 15510

7890 13730 2000 15730

Table – 9

Pre-Revised Scale – 9 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs.4200-120-6000-130-7300-150- 8650 /- Pay Band -2 Rs.5310-24000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 4200 7310 2100 9410

4320 7520 2100 9620

4440 7730 2100 9830

4560 7940 2100 10040

4680 8150 2100 10250

4800 8360 2100 10460

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4920 8570 2100 10670

5040 8770 2100 10870

5160 8980 2100 11080

5280 9190 2100 11290

5400 9400 2100 11500

5520 9610 2100 11710

5640 9820 2100 11920

5760 10030 2100 12130

5880 10240 2100 12340

6000 10440 2100 12540

6130 10670 2100 12770

6260 10900 2100 13000

6390 11120 2100 13220

6520 11350 2100 13450

6650 11580 2100 13680

6780 11800 2100 13900

6910 12030 2100 14130

7040 12250 2100 14350

7170 12480 2100 14580

7300 12710 2100 14810

7450 12970 2100 15070

7600 13230 2100 15330

7750 13490 2100 15590

7900 13750 2100 15850

8050 14010 2100 16110

8200 14270 2100 16370

8350 14530 2100 16630

8500 14790 2100 16890

8650 15060 2100 17160

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Table – 10

Pre-Revised Scale – 10 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs. 5000-130-6690-150-8940-170-10300/ Pay Band -2 Rs.5310-24000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 5000 8700 2400 11100

5130 8930 2400 11330

5260 9160 2400 11560

5390 9380 2400 11780

5520 9610 2400 12010

5650 9840 2400 12240

5780 10060 2400 12460

5910 10290 2400 12690

6040 10510 2400 12910

6170 10740 2400 13140

6300 10970 2400 13370

6430 11190 2400 13590

6560 11420 2400 13820

6690 11650 2400 14050

6840 11910 2400 14310

6990 12170 2400 14570

7140 12430 2400 14830

7290 12690 2400 15090

7440 12950 2400 15350

7590 13210 2400 15610

7740 13470 2400 15870

7890 13730 2400 16130

8040 13990 2400 16390

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8190 14260 2400 16660

8340 14520 2400 16920

8490 14780 2400 17180

8640 15040 2400 17440

8790 15300 2400 17700

8940 15560 2400 17960

9110 15860 2400 18260

9280 16150 2400 18550

9450 16450 2400 18850

9620 16740 2400 19140

9790 17040 2400 19440

9960 17330 2400 19730

10130 17630 2400 20030

10300 17930 2400 20330

Table – 11

Pre-Revised Scale – 11 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs. 5500-150-7750-175-9500-200-10700/- Pay Band -3 Rs.9570-30000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 5500 9570 2600 12170

5650 9840 2600 12440

5800 10100 2600 12700

5950 10360 2600 12960

6100 10620 2600 13220

6250 10880 2600 13480

6400 11140 2600 13740

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6550 11400 2600 14000

6700 11660 2600 14260

6850 11920 2600 14520

7000 12180 2600 14780

7150 12450 2600 15050

7300 12710 2600 15310

7450 12970 2600 15570

7600 13230 2600 15830

7750 13490 2600 16090

7925 13790 2600 16390

8100 14100 2600 16700

8275 14400 2600 17000

8450 14710 2600 17310

8625 15010 2600 17610

8800 15320 2600 17920

8975 15620 2600 18220

9150 15930 2600 18530

9325 16230 2600 18830

9500 16530 2600 19130

9700 16880 2600 19480

9900 17230 2600 19830

10100 17580 2600 20180

10300 17930 2600 20530

10500 18270 2600 20870

10700 18620 2600 21220

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Table – 12

Pre-Revised Scale – 12 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs.6500-200-10500-225-12300/- Pay Band -3 Rs.9570-30000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 6500 11310 3100 14410

6700 11660 3100 14760

6900 12010 3100 15110

7100 12360 3100 15460

7300 12710 3100 15810

7500 13050 3100 16150

7700 13400 3100 16500

7900 13750 3100 16850

8100 14100 3100 17200

8300 14450 3100 17550

8500 14790 3100 17890

8700 15140 3100 18240

8900 15490 3100 18590

9100 15840 3100 18940

9300 16190 3100 19290

9500 16530 3100 19630

9700 16880 3100 19980

9900 17230 3100 20330

10100 17580 3100 20680

10300 17930 3100 21030

10500 18270 3100 21370

10725 18670 3100 21770

10950 19060 3100 22160

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11175 19450 3100 22550

11400 19840 3100 22940

11625 20230 3100 23330

11850 20620 3100 23720

12075 21020 3100 24120

12300 21410 3100 24510

Table – 13

Pre-Revised Scale – 13 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs. 7450-225-11500-250-13000 /- Pay Band -3 Rs.9570-30000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay In Rupees)

Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 7450 12970 3500 16470

7675 13360 3500 16860

7900 13750 3500 17250

8125 14140 3500 17640

8350 14530 3500 18030

8575 14930 3500 18430

8800 15320 3500 18820

9025 15710 3500 19210

9250 16100 3500 19600

9475 16490 3500 19990

9700 16880 3500 20380

9925 17270 3500 20770

10150 17670 3500 21170

10375 18060 3500 21560

10600 18450 3500 21950

10825 18840 3500 22340

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11050 19230 3500 22730

11275 19620 3500 23120

11500 20010 3500 23510

11750 20450 3500 23950

12000 20880 3500 24380

12250 21320 3500 24820

12500 21750 3500 25250

12750 22190 3500 25690

13000 22620 3500 26120

Table – 14

Pre-Revised Scale – 14 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs. 7800-275-10000-300-15100/- Pay Band -4 Rs.13575- 37000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised

Basic Pay (In Rupees)

Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 7800 13580 3700 17280

8075 14060 3700 17760

8350 14530 3700 18230

8625 15010 3700 18710

8900 15490 3700 19190

9175 15970 3700 19670

9450 16450 3700 20150

9725 16930 3700 20630

10000 17400 3700 21100

10300 17930 3700 21630

10600 18450 3700 22150

10900 18970 3700 22670

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11200 19490 3700 23190

11500 20010 3700 23710

11800 20540 3700 24240

12100 21060 3700 24760

12400 21580 3700 25280

12700 22100 3700 25800

13000 22620 3700 26320

13300 23150 3700 26850

13600 23670 3700 27370

13900 24190 3700 27890

14200 24710 3700 28410

14500 25230 3700 28930

14800 25760 3700 29460

15100 26280 3700 29980

Table – 15

Pre-Revised Scale – 15 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs. 10000-300-15100 /- Pay Band -4 Rs.13575-37000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 10000 17400 4500 21900

10300 17930 4500 22430

10600 18450 4500 22950

10900 18970 4500 23470

11200 19490 4500 23990

11500 20010 4500 24510

11800 20540 4500 25040

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12100 21060 4500 25560

12400 21580 4500 26080

12700 22100 4500 26600

13000 22620 4500 27120

13300 23150 4500 27650

13600 23670 4500 28170

13900 24190 4500 28690

14200 24710 4500 29210

14500 25230 4500 29730

14800 25760 4500 30260

15100 26280 4500 30780

Table – 16

Pre-Revised Scale – 16 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs. 10650-325-15850 /- Pay Band -4 Rs.13575-37000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4

10650 18540 4800 23340

10975 19100 4800 23900

11300 19670 4800 24470

11625 20230 4800 25030

11950 20800 4800 25600

12275 21360 4800 26160

12600 21930 4800 26730

12925 22490 4800 27290

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13250 23060 4800 27860

13575 23630 4800 28430

13900 24190 4800 28990

14225 24760 4800 29560

14550 25320 4800 30120

14875 25890 4800 30690

15200 26450 4800 31250

15525 27020 4800 31820

15850 27580 4800 32380

Table – 17

Pre-Revised Scale – 17 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs. 11000-350-18000/ Pay Band -4 Rs.13575-37000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 11000 19140 5000 24140

11350 19750 5000 24750

11700 20360 5000 25360

12050 20970 5000 25970

12400 21580 5000 26580

12750 22190 5000 27190

13100 22800 5000 27800

13450 23410 5000 28410

13800 24020 5000 29020

14150 24630 5000 29630

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14500 25230 5000 30230

14850 25840 5000 30840

15200 26450 5000 31450

15550 27060 5000 32060

15900 27670 5000 32670

16250 28280 5000 33280

16600 28890 5000 33890

16950 29500 5000 34500

17300 30110 5000 35110

17650 30720 5000 35720

18000 31320 5000 36320

Table – 18

Pre-Revised Scale – 18 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs. 11150-375-18275/- Pay Band -4 Rs.13575-37000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised

Basic Pay (In Rupees)

Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4

11150 19410 5100 24510

11525 20060 5100


11900 20710 5100


12275 21360 5100


12650 22020 5100


13025 22670 5100


13400 23320 5100


13775 23970 5100


14150 24630 5100


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14525 25280 5100


14900 25930 5100


15275 26580 5100


15650 27240 5100


16025 27890 5100


16400 28540 5100


16775 29190 5100


17150 29850 5100


17525 30500 5100


17900 31150 5100


18275 31800 5100


Table – 19

Pre-Revised Scale – 19 Revised Pay Band + Grade Pay

Rs. 12000-400-18400 /- Pay Band -4 Rs.13575-37000/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4

12000 20880 5600 26480

12400 21580 5600


12800 22280 5600


13200 22970 5600


13600 23670 5600


14000 24360 5600


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14400 25060 5600


14800 25760 5600


15200 26450 5600


15600 27150 5600


16000 27840 5600


16400 28540 5600


16800 29240 5600


17200 29930 5600


17600 30630 5600


18000 31320 5600


18400 32020 5600


Table – 20

Pre-Revised Scale – 20 Revised HAG+Scale + Grade Pay

Rs. 14150-450-20000/- Rs.24625-40600/-

Revised Pay Pre-Revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees) Revised Pay in the running Pay Band

( In Rupees)

Grade Pay (In


Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2 3 4 14150 24630 6500 31130

14600 25410 6500 31910

15050 26190 6500 32690

15500 26970 6500 33470

15950 27760 6500 34260

16400 28540 6500 35040

16850 29320 6500 35820

17300 30110 6500 36610

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17750 30890 6500 37390

18200 31670 6500 38170

18650 32460 6500 38960

19100 33240 6500 39740

19550 34020 6500 40520

20000 34800 6500 41300

Table – 21

Pre-revised scale (Scale -21) Apex Scale

Rs.18400-500-22400/- Rs.41400-50400/- with no Grade Pay

Pre-revised Basic Pay

(In Rupees)

Revised Basic Pay (In Rupees)

1 2

18400 41400

18900 42530

19400 43650

19900 44780

20400 45900

20900 47030

21400 48150

21900 49280

22400 50400

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Illustrations showing fixation of Pay under Tripura State Civil

Services (Revised Pay ) Rules, 2009 Illustration 1: A Government employee with basic Pay of Rs. 2820/-p.m. in the existing scale of pay of Rs. 2600-3545/- opted for fixation of his Pay in the revised Pay Structure w.e.f. 01.01.2006. 1 Existing Scale of Pay Rs. 2600-55-2985-60-3285-65-


2 Pay Band applicable PB-1 Rs. 4530-13000/-

3 Existing Basic Pay as on 01.01.2006

Rs. 2820/-

4 Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.74

Rs. 4906.80-

5 Pay in the Pay Band (PB-1)

Rs. 4910/- (rounded off to the next multiple of 10)

6 Grade Pay admissible corresponding to the existing pay Scale

Rs. 1200/-

7 Revised Basic Pay : Total of Pay in the Pay Band and Grade Pay (5+6)

Rs.6110/- as on 1.1.06 with DNI as on 1.7.06

8 Pay as on Date of Next increment ( i.e. DNI )

Rs. 6270/- as on 1.7.06 ( Rs.6110/- plus 2.5% of Rs.6110/- i.e Rs.160/- )

9 Pay as on 1-7-2007 Rs. 6430/- (2.5% of Rs.6270/- i.e. Rs.160/- plus Rs.6270)

10 Pay as on 1-7-2008 Rs. 6600/-(2.5% of Rs.6430/- i.e Rs.170/- plus Rs.6430/-)

11 Pay on 1-1-2009 (DNI ) Rs. 6600/- Illustration 2: A Government employee with basic Pay of Rs. 3450/-p.m. in the existing scale of pay of Rs. 2750-4925/- opted for fixation of his Pay in the revised Pay Structure w.e.f. 01.01.2006.who completed 10 years of service as on 01.01.06 1 Existing Scale of Pay Rs. 2750-70-3800-75-4925/-

2 Pay Band applicable PB-1 Rs. 4530-13000/-

3 Existing Basic Pay as on 01.01.2006

Rs. 3450/-

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4.a) One addl increment for 10 years completed (@ existing pre-revised rate)

Rs. 70/-

b) Total of 3 + 4 Rs.3450 + 70 = Rs.3520/-

5 Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.74(3450+70)x 1.74

Rs. 6124.80

6 Pay in the Pay Band (PB-1) Rs. 6130/- ( rounded up to the next of 10)

7 Grade Pay admissible corresponding to the existing pay Scale

Rs. 1400/-

8 Revised Basic Pay :Total of Pay in the Pay Band plus Grade Pay (6+7)

Rs. 7530/- as on 1-1-2006.

9 Date of Next increment


10 Pay as on 1-7-2006

Rs. 7720/- ( Rs.7530 plus Rs.190/-

11 Pay as on 1-7-2007

Rs.7920/- (Rs. 7720/- plus Rs.200/-)

12 Pay as on 1-7-2008

Rs. 8120/-( Rs.7920/- plus 200/-)

13 Pay as on 1-1-2009

Rs. 8120/-

Illustration 3: A person/ employee with basic Pay of Rs. 4730/-p.m. in the existing scale of pay of Rs. 3050-5910/- completed 20 years of service as on 01.01.06 opted for fixation of his Pay in the revised Pay Structure w.e.f. 01.01.2006.

1 Existing Scale of Pay Rs.3050-80-4010-90-4910-100-


2 Pay Band applicable PB-2 Rs. 5310-24000/-

3 Existing Basic Pay as on 01.01.2006 Rs. 4730/-

4.(a) Two addl increment ( for completion of 20 years of service at existing pre-revised rate of increment)


(b) Total of 3+4(a) Rs. 4910/-

5 Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.74 i.e ( 3 + 4)x 1.74

Rs. 8543.40

6 Pay in the Pay Band (PB-2) Rs. 8550/-(rounded off to the of 10)

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7 Grade Pay admissible corresponding to the existing pay Scale

Rs. 1600/-

8 Revised Basic Pay : Total of Pay in the Pay Band and Grade Pay (6+7)

Rs. 10150/- as on 01.01.06 (the Pay Band plus Grade Pay (6+7)

9 Date of Next increment 01.07.06

10 Pay as on 1-7-2006 Rs. 10410/-

11 Pay as on 1-7-2007. Rs. 10670/-

12 Pay as on 1-7-2008 Rs. 10940/-

13 Pay as on 1-1-2009 Rs. 10940/-

Illustration 4: A Government employee with basic Pay of Rs. 5640/-p.m. in the existing scale of pay of Rs. 4200-8650/- opted for fixation his/her pay in the revised pay structure w.e.f. 01-01-2006. He/She was promoted to Head Clerk/Accountant on 24-03-2006 in the pay scale of Rs..5000-10300/- and opted for fixation of his/her pay on promotion on the date of next increment of the lower post. He/she has completed 15 years of continuous service as on 1-1-2006. 1 Existing scale of pay Rs. 4200-120-6000-130-7300-

150- 8650/- 2 Pay Band applicable PB-2, Rs. 5310-24000/-

3 Existing Basic Pay as on 01.01.2006 Rs. 5640/-

4 1(one) increment for completion of every 10(ten) years of continuous service.

Rs. 120/-

5 Total (3+4) Rs. 5760/-

6 Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.74

Rs. 10,022.40

7 Pay in the Pay Band (PB-2) Rs. 10,030/-(rounded off to the next multiple of ten)

8 Grade Pay admissible corresponding to the existing pay Scale

Rs. 2100/-

9 Revised Basic Pay total of Pay in the Pay Band & Grade Pay (7+8) on 1-1-2006

Rs. 12,130/-

10 Pay fixed on promotion as on 24-3-2006 .

Rs.12,430/-(Rs. 10,030/- + Grade Pay Rs.2400/-)

11 Pay re-fixed on 1-7-2006 Rs.13,060/-( Rs.10,030 +Rs.310/- + Rs.320/- + Rs.2400/-)

12 Date of next increment 01-07-2007

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Illustration 5: A Government employee with basic Pay of Rs. 5640/-p.m. with DNI as on 01-01-2007 in the existing scale of pay of Rs. 4200-8650/- opted for fixation his/her pay in the revised pay structure w.e.f. 1-1-2006. He/She got CAS in the next higher pay scale of Rs. 5000-10300/- on 01-10-2007 under ROP,1999 and he/she completed 15 years of continuous service as on 01-01-2006 1 Existing scale of pay Rs. 4200-120-6000-130-7300-150-

8650/- 2 Pay Band applicable PB-2, Rs. 5310-24000/-

3 Existing Basic Pay as on 01.01.2006 Rs. 5640/-

4 Add 1(one) increment for completion of every 10 (ten) years of continuous service as on 01-01-2006

Rs. 120/-

5 Total (3+4) Rs. 5760/-

6 Pay after multiplication by a factor of 1.74 (rounded up to the next multiple of ten)

Rs. 10030/-

7 Pay in the Pay Band-2 Rs. 10030/-

8 Grade Pay admissible to the existing pay scale

Rs. 2100/-

9 Revised basic pay total of pay in the Pay Bend & Grade Pay (7+8)

Rs. 12130/- with DNI as on 01-07-2006.

10 Pay as on 01-07-2006 Rs. 12440/-(Rs. 10030+310+GP Rs. 2100)

11 Pay as on 01-07-2007 Rs. 12760/-(Rs. 10340+320+GP Rs. 2100)

12 Pay fixed on CAS on 01-10-2007 Rs. 13380/-(Rs. 10660 + 320 + 2400 /-)

13 Date of next increment 01-07-2008


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To: 1. All Departments/ Head of Departments.

Copy to :

1. Secretary to the Governor, Tripura, Agartala

2. Secretary to the Chief Minister, Tripura, Agartala

3. PS/PA to all Ministers, Tripura

4. Joint Secretary to the Chief Secretary, Tripura

5. Secretary, Tripura Legislative Assembly, Agartala

6. Registrar, Guwahati High Court, Agartala Bench, Agartala

7. Secretary, TPSC, Agartala

8. Accountant General (Audit), Tripura

9. Sr. Dy Account General (A&E), Tripura, Agartala

10. Secretary, Yusuf Commission of Enquiry, Agartala

11. Director, General Administration ( P & S) Department, Govt. of Tripura , for publication in the next Tripura Gazette

12. GA (Confidential & Cabinet) Department. This refers to Memo

No.F.1(19)-GA(CAB)/2008, dated 30th April, 2009

13. All Treasury Officers/ Sub-Treasury Officers