rosemary works newsletter 20th june 2014

This week in nursery class we have been learning about bugs so we decided to go on a mini beast hunt in the mud kitchen! We were all armed with our special bug hunting equipment and dug high and low to find different creatures before heading back to class and completing a checklist of the things we had found. See the pictures to find out our discoveries! Press here for more. Reception Class had another session with one of our lovely mums who taught the children how to tap dance. They are growing in confidence and thoroughly enjoying the sessions so a massive thank you to Ulrike for giving up her time to further enrich the children’s experiences. Here’s a selection of photos from their latest session. Press here for more.

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Page 1: Rosemary Works Newsletter 20th June 2014

This week in nursery class we have been learning about

bugs so we decided to go on a mini beast hunt in the

mud kitchen!

We were all armed with our special bug hunting

equipment and dug high and low to find different

creatures before heading back to class and completing

a checklist of the things we had found. See the pictures

to find out our discoveries! Press here for more.

Reception Class had another session with

one of our lovely mums who taught the

children how to tap dance. They are growing

in confidence and thoroughly enjoying the

sessions so a massive thank you to Ulrike for

giving up her time to further enrich the

children’s experiences. Here’s a selection of

photos from their latest session. Press here

for more.

Page 2: Rosemary Works Newsletter 20th June 2014

Sports Day was the highlight of the week and indeed one of

the many in our school calendar. It was the perfect setting at

Shoreditch Park with wonderful weather and a fantastic


So on Wednesday 17th

June, the school headed off up the road

to Shoreditch Park and took part in a variety of races, field

events and of course the Parents’ races.

All children had the opportunity to throw the shot-put,

javelin, discus and water balloons, to race short and long

distance and relay, and to cheer on their teams.

The children were placed into teams of Red, Blue and

Yellow and wore predominantly those colours. For

each event, they could either win a 1st

, 2nd

or 3rd


sticker, and all the while, the adults were on the

lookout for which children would be worthy of the

coveted medals for showing exceptional


As the Early Years children did their races, the older

children were on the field hurling javelins, shot-puts

and discuses and then they swapped. Once all the

events were complete, it was time for the parents

to race. It was a legendary battle resulting in near-

carnage in the men’s race. Congratulations to Susan

and Ross for pipping their opponents to the post! I

have an unmissable video of sports day including

these races (in slow motion for extra drama) on the

blog. Press here to view.

The results:


– 226 points – Blue Team


– 227 points – Yellow Team


– 228 points – Red Team

So congratulations to Red Team, but well done

to everyone. As you can see, it couldn’t have

been a closer competition.

Thank you to everyone for coming along, the

staff who helped put the event together and, of

course, to the children for helping to create a

wonderful atmosphere. There were no bad

losers, gloating winners or bad tempers. All

children displayed the very best of what we

really appreciate about Rosemary Works’


Page 3: Rosemary Works Newsletter 20th June 2014

It was all about Sports Day today in Celebration Assembly. Children received

certificates for trying their best, never giving up, cheering on their team and

congratulating their friends regardless of which team they were in and for that, they

deserved this accolade.

Instead of prizes this week, we gave out eight medals for one girl and one boy from

each class for going just that little extra mile to demonstrate sportspersonship. Even

though all the children were excellent during Sports Day, these children were

amazing. Press here to see all the photos from Sports Day on our Facebook page

(you don’t need to befriend us to see them, nor have a Facebook account, but if

you wish to ‘like’ the photos or follow Rosemary Works, that would be great!).

The Musician of the Week went to Violet in Nursery Class. Paul said that she is doing

so well with the preparations for the summer show. She has made a huge

improvement throughout the year and her singing voice has really come along! It

was fantastic to hear her 'belting it out' whilst practising the 'Alice in Wonderland'

songs this week. She is always so well behaved in lessons and kind to her friends.

Keep it up and well done you!

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Nursery Class .......... Verity & Alexi

Reception Class ...... Erica & Henry Year 1 ........................ Hazel & Jimmy

Year 2/3 ................... Matilda & Josef

Nursery Class Martha for sharing really well this week! Martha always ensures that she takes turns and that each of

her friends has a go of a particular toy and is always very kind and polite when talking to her friends. Well done Martha!

Reception Class Rafi, for fantastic listening and dancing when George's mummy came in to do more tap dancing with

us this week. We were really impressed with how well you copied and tapped out the different steps -

super rhythm Rafi, we loved your moves!

Year 1 This is for Aina for being a real super star this week. She worked really hard in PE over the last few

weeks and has been wonderful in class!

Year 2/3 Cosmo for never giving up during our Sports Day., Cosmo had oodles of team spirit, sportspersonship

and even when others were winning, he kept going. It’s admirable and worthy of Star of the Week. Well done Cosmo!

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Week 1 Dish of the Day Alternative

Option Vegetables/Sides

Salad Selection

Dessert Tea

Monday Egg fried rice with

sweet and sour sauce Sandwich selection

Seasonal variety Mixed salad

Sponge cake

Cheese on toast & fresh


Tuesday Fish Cakes

Fishless Cakes (cheese)

Sandwich selection

Peas Mixed salad

Fresh fruit

Tomato pasta & sponge cake


Jacket Potato with choice of: cheese,

beans, tuna, cauliflower cheese or chilli

Sandwich selection

Guacamole Mixed salad

Flapjack Vegetable

soup & fresh fruit

Thursday Veggie Lasagne

Tomato Pasta/Plain pasta with


Garlic bread Mixed salad

Yoghurt Beans on toast & rice pudding

Friday Vegetable Pilaf Sandwich selection

Boiled eggs Grated carrots

Fresh fruit

Margarita pizza & seasonal fruit


Dress Up and Dance

Today we hosted Dress up and Dance for Macmillan Cancer Research. The children came to school in either sporty or dance clothes and we all had a go at the set dances that Macmillan supplied. Year 1 and 2 particularly enjoyed the routines as you’ll see in the video here. Thank you for all your contributions. Next week I will reveal how much money we raised for this excellent cause. At the time of press, we hadn’t run the fruit smoothie and fruit kebab stall, so watch this space to see how that went!

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For Your Diary…

Mapping out the rest of the academic year so you can book time off to not miss a thing!

WB 23rd June .................................................................................. Parent/Teacher Consultation Week

8th July ................................................................................................ Summer Show 3pm

9th July ................................................................................................ Summer Show 3pm

12th July .............................................................................................. Summer Fete

17th July .............................................................................................. Last Day of Term (Picnic in the Park)

18th July .............................................................................................. Teacher INSET + Play Scheme + Nursery OPEN

FINAL REMINDER - Parent Teacher Consultations NEXT WEEK

The online consultations booking form is now live and can be accessed here or on our blog under the Parents tab. Please ensure you book your time with your child’s class teacher as soon as possible. There are limited time slots. If you need any help with the booking process, please let me know.

Thank You and Good Luck to Sheryl

As of today, Sheryl starts her maternity leave. Sheryl has been with Rosemary Works School for four years and has waved her magic to many of our children. She is such a lovely teacher that we’re sure she will be a lovely mummy too and we all thank her for all that she has done for us at school and wish her all the very best with her little family. We all very much look forward to seeing him/her. Thank you Sheryl x