roster: surviving members of the 95th...

ROSTER Surviving Members of the 95th Regiment, 0. V. I. October 1 7th, 1 9 16 Thirty-First Annual Reunion to be held at MEMORIAL HALL, COLUMEUS, OHIO Tuesday, October 17th, 1916

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Page 1: Roster: surviving members of the 95th · 2003. 6. 27. · ROSTER Surviving Members of the 95th Regiment, 0.V. I


Surviving Members

of the

95th Regiment, 0.V. I.

October 1 7th, 1 9 16

Thirty-First Annual Reunion

to be held at


T u e s d a y , O c t o b e r 1 7 t h , 1916

Page 2: Roster: surviving members of the 95th · 2003. 6. 27. · ROSTER Surviving Members of the 95th Regiment, 0.V. I

OFFICERS 1915-1916

William Holler, Co. F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .President W. D. Heyl, Co. A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vice President H. Warren Phelps, Lieutenant Co. H . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Secretary Fred Weadon, Com. Sergt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer Rev. G. A. Funkhauser, Co. A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chaplain


John Walton, Co. A. Henry Bower, Co. B. Wm. Y. Postle, Co. C. W. H.. McFarland, Co. D Henry A. Miller, Co. E. John H. Reed, Co. F. William Holler, Co. F. Joseph F. Maitland, Co. G. Luther Noble, Co. H. William A. Forester, Co. I. C. L. Barlow, Co. K.

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William Neil King, Thomas E. l Iumphreys, Edward L. Taylor, Jr.

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Major and Brt. Lieut. Colonel U. S. V. W. R. Warnock,

Dr. E. P. Hoover, W. H. Grubs, Fred Weadon, Prof. W. H. Lott,

Clark L. Barlow,

Urbana, Ohio.

Dayton, Ohio. 77 W. 2nd Am. , Columbus, Ohio 84 W. 5th ,4ve., Columbus, Ohio. 720 W. Washington St., Los

Angeles, Cal. 123 E. Schiller St., Columbus, Ohio




Page 5: Roster: surviving members of the 95th · 2003. 6. 27. · ROSTER Surviving Members of the 95th Regiment, 0.V. I

COMPANY A, 95th 0. V. I. Capt. J. G. Heal, *J. H. Squires, John L. Mock, Wm. U. Heyl, Wm. M . Walton, Daniel W. Ellis, J . C. Potts,

J . J. A d a m , Benjamin S. Bowser, Eli Dennison, David Evans,

John E. Fell, Fred Fishinger, G. W. Edwards, George Ford, Rev. G. A. Funkhouser, Michael Ham, Rev. J. P. Landis,

T. N. Paulk, J. P. Walton, J. W. Winteringer, G. H. Young, Wm. T. Peyton, Wm. F. Craig, Joseph W. Wileox,

Visalia, Cal. Topeka, Kans. 1247 S. High St., Columbus, Ohio. 42 BuLtles Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Hilliartl, Ohio. Panama, Neb. 2394 Indianola Ave., Columbus,

Ohio. Westerville, Ohio. Hilliard, Ohio. Lane Station, newi t t County, 111. 1433 Prttnklin Ave., Columbus,

Ohio. Sandusky Home, Ohio. Hilliard, Ohio. Weldon Springs, Mo. 1766 Oak St.,Columbus, Ohio. 27 N. Summit St., Dayton, Ohio. Columbus Grove, Ohio. Cor. 2nd and Euclid Ave., Dayton,

Ohio. Elk City, Okla. 59 Terrace Rve., Columbus, Ohio. Hilliard, Ohio. Evans, Colo. Hilliard, Ohio. 312 N. Pine St.,Indianapolis, Ind. Missouri.

COMPANY B, 95th 0. V. I. Lieut. I. G. Peetrey, The Briars, Round Hill, Va. J. S. Bower, Mt. Sterling, Ohio. Henry Bower, Mt. Sterling, Ohio. H. H. Bostwick, Georgesville, Ohio, R. F. D. No. 1. Jacob I3ussard, London, Ohio, R. F. D. No. 2. W. T. Buss&, London, Ohio, R. F. I).No. 2.


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COMPANY B, 95th 0. V. I.-Continued

S. i 1 . i<lc.luatl-tls, Lilly Chapel, Ohio. I?'.:\1. K ixns , 101 Hosack St., Columbus, Ohio.

. 1 : . f iun t , 1,os Angeles, Cal. S. [ < . Ford, Pulaski, Pulaslii County, Ind. ( ieo. W.�+ugh, West Jefferson, Ohio. ,J:mes A. Porter, London, Ohio. IVm. Rutter, 272 E. 11th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. 1:eiij. F. Ricards, Dunlap, Kans. Theodore Smith, Sunimerlord, Ohio. 11;. S. Vent, London, Ohio. ,John Y. U'ithrow, 582 W. 3rd St., Pomona, Cal. Lawrence Sheehan, Willow Springs, Mo. ii'.FI. Nichols, Orient, Ohio, R. F. D. 3, Eox 68. Win. Johnson, Smithshire, Ill. .J. W.Robey, Washington C. H., Ohio. .J ,I i ia t11an 1cInrI t1ey, Craigville, Ind. .Jo.seph H. Koontz, Hepler, Kans.


COMPANY C, 95th 0. V. I. .I ohn Vex, 1137 Franklin Ave., Columbus,

Ohio. Henry L. Althen, Camp Chase, Ohio. (;eo. 131.0 ther1y, Grand Rapids, Ohio. .Jas. 13. Holt, London, Ohio. John McGuire, London, Ohio, R. F. D. No. 3. Jackson I'oole, Gambier, Ohio. Win. Y. Postle, 55 N. Harris Ave., Columbus, Ohio 1'Izr~iPeters, Scott, Miss. Lliehael Miller, South Grand Rapids, Mich.

COMPANY D, 95th 0. V. I. A. 3. Ricltett, 1329 E. 1st Ave., Cedar Rapids,

Iowa. W.It . I!orlnntl, West Jefferson, Ohio. .IOhll T". [:(Jwcll, 570 N. Garra Ave., Pomona, Cal. .In.;. 11. Iliwl;e, Lock Box 604, Long Beach, Cal.


1 I


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COMPANY D, 95th 0.V. I.

Wm. A. Borland, John Bennett, Sylvester Ih-ucker, John A. Gunderman, John Frizzell, Binton Kramer, D. D. Leady, J . R. McCoy, W. H. McFarland, Oliver Merritt,

H. A. McRill, w.rr. mcoy, I3enj. McColly, Wm. O’Harra, Chas. Riddell, J. M. Wilcox, E. J .Watkins, Ralph Bennett, James Sherry, Almerin D. Martin, John W. Foor.

Lynnius, Mo. IbIartinsville, Ill., R. F. D. 1. Winemack, Pulaski County, Ind. Hilliard, Ohio, It. F.L>. Il)eland, Ill. Canal WTinchester, 0. Shawtown, 0hio. West ,Je;ferson, Ohio. 316 W. 3rd Ave., Columbus, Ohio. 59 Avery Ave., Holleywootl, Los

Angeles, Cal. Newark, Ohio. 360 IVilbur Live., Columbus, Ohio. Alarion, Ohio. 1321 Hunter St., Columbus, Ohio. Grand Island, Neb. Worthington, Ohio. 10 W.,Jason Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Westerville, Ohio, R. F . D. 3. 154 W. 3rd Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Penalosa, Kans. Snndusky Home, Ohio.

COMPANY E, 95th 0. V. I. Josiah Douglas, Amos P. Flowers, Levi R. Legge, H. A. Miller, W. R. Shaul, Jas. W. Rudisill, James J. Mesick, Isaiah O’Bryant,

Oliver H. Castle, Orlando G. Castle,

Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Rosewood, Ohio. Mt. Vernon, Ill. Montmorenci, Ind. Cable, Ohio. Zanesfield, Ohio. Mechanicsburg, Ohio. Rosewood, Champaign County,

Ohio. 19 W. South St., Indianapolis, Ind. 827 Oak St., Springfield, Ohio.


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Yeoman.;, Wm. Holler, ?J. H. Itces, Wm. E. ('heck, Thos. J. Carmichacl, I-Iamilton C. I h y u c , 0. Lovegrove, W. D. Nash, Jos. Simms, Israel Wilson, Geo. C. Wilcos, Sanford A. Arnold, Samuel Farmer, George Haines, Charles Ewing,

COMPAXY F, 95th 0. V. I. ('apt. Isaac N.I)nvitlson, 1531 Strickland Ave., Los Angeles,

t'al. ('ap1. a n t 1 I,t. ("01. ty.s.

('ol'd. 101s. 11. 1242 Sei l Ave., Columbus, Ohio. (;ranirille St., Newark, Ohio. 'r'aiaskala, Ohio, R. F. D. 5. '!'oboso, Licking County, Ohio. ('elina, Ohio. I,nttg, Ohio. Hilliard, Ohio. Sewaric, Ohio. Mt. Perry, Ohio. Granville, Ohio. Ih-omaugli, h20. I x n e t l , Pawnee County, Kans. Guslis. Neb. l h r i i m ~ ille, Ohio. 4202 Woodland Park Ave., Seattle,


COMPANY G, 95th 0. V. I. Lieut. Allen C. Stover, 4G5 Ilouglas I:oulevard, Chicago, Ill. Daniel Coleman, Jos. M. Maitland, W. H. Brownfield, Clark Dix, Harrison Landsdown, Wm. H. McClurg, S. R. Moore, H. D. Pyle, G. W. Riddle, J. S. Rockey, John M. Smith, David Smith,

('ropsey, 111. IJrbana, Ohio. I>e (iraff, Ohio, R. D. 4,Box 22. Marion, Ohio. Edgerton, Johnson County, Kans. Irwin, Union County, Ohio. filclntyre Ave., Zanesville Ohio. St. I'aris, Ohio. 160 W.5th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. Cliristiansburg, Ohio. IVooclstock, Ohio. 1Vc.s t rV1id clleburg, Ohio.


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13enj. Sweet., Henry 1,. Tooniirc, Jos. I,. Wren, Lewis H. Taylor, Samuel H. Strayer, Wm. A. Snooli, Wm. Kinsinger, Christopher Frey,

nlanlittto, Kans. St. Paris, Ohio. DeCraff, Ohio, R. E'. L). No. '1. Miiier:il Sprin,ns, I h r r y County, &lo. 1102 Seil Ave., Columbus, Ohio. 82-2 N. Alain St., Lirna, Ohio. illuscotah, Knns. Sidney, Ohio.

COMPANY 11, 95th 0. V. I. Capt. J. (i . Bull, Creston, Iowa. Capt. and Brt. Col. I' S. 1.. Jas. Kilbouriie, G O i E. F l ' o v m S t . , ('olumhus, Ohio.

Lietit. 11. W. I'helps, ,1. F. T'iehman, Luther Noble, It. H. Connelly,

Thomas Collins, I:. W. Culbertson, Jlilton E. Raker, J h n I:ruenning,> Iarshall ('ompton, John I).Dean, Christopher Davis, Thomas Fitzpatrick, C;. W. Guitner,

Lawrence Greenwood, John Odell, Noble Patterson, W. C. Powell, McKentlree Sebring, John W. England,

Sti I,innootl Aye., ( 'olumbus, Ohio. 4111 C'liurch St. , (ialveston, Tex. \\.'estei~ville, 0i:io. 461 13. Naghten St,, Columbus,

Ohio. C'oliiiribus, Ohio. She par(1 , (111io , S m F i ~ d i i c 'al. n - C > i e!'T i l l 0, I t . F.L). 'I. ;eorue,\ ille, Clhio.

()hi0 Soldiei., ' lionie. Grove ('it>-, Ohio. Trenton, Midi. State Soldiers' Home, Smtluslry,

Ohio. Elvart, Mich. Peru, Jntl. 9th Ave., Columbus, Ohio. 145 Kinq Ave., ('olunibus, Ohio. Sc;v Y<e>ton, Jlnrke ('ounty, Ohio. Courbon, Crawford ('ounty, Mo.

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COMPANY I, SCith, 0. V . I .

S. Fravel, James Williams, I. T. Compton, Maurice Evans, John Fogle, Wm. A. Forrester, Emerson Gould, Daniel Hare, James R. Jones, Peter Painter, Daniel Pickering, 1’.M. Robinson, David Rush, Henry Smothers, Levi Wolf e, S. H. IJoyle,

70 N.21st St., Columbus, Ohio. 172 ’ E. Noble St., Columbus, Ohio Illack Lick, Ohio. I:lack T,ick, Ohio. 616 Star Ave., Milo, Ohio. Iteynoldshurg, Ohio. 2012 E. Flanders St., Portland, Ore. Loveland, Colo. Ridgeville, Ill. Soldiers’ Home, Sandusky, Ohio. Hillsborough, Ind. McComb, Ohio. rroiono, 111. Aclrian, Micli. Reynoldsburg, Ohio. Uawson, Shelby County, Ohio.

CQMPANY I<, 95th 0. V . I . Sinard IJeach, Jno. F. Evans, Jas. F.Bethartis, Ilorman Ihistol, John K. Douglas, Ceo. W. Gossard, Daniel N. Grifith, Andrew Hale, Leonard Morgan, Jacob Meyers, Jacob Peterman, Isaiah Tracy, Samuel Worrell, John Williams, Wallace W. Lewis,

Champaign, 111. 2 LO Connel Ave., Columbus, Ohio. 1\Iechnnicsburg, Ohio. Richmond, Intl. Uoswell, Benton County, Ind. Washinc.ton C. H., Ohio. 11 Myrtle St., Claremont, N. 14. West Jefferson, Ohio. West Jefferson, Ohio. Hone Springs, Kans. IJondon, Ohio. Range, Ohio. Springfield, Ohio. Plain City, Ohio. West Jefferson, Ohio.


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Died Since Reunion 1915

Simon Tingley, Co. B. Benjamin H. Elliott, Co. C. Frank McGuire, Co. C. Eli Bennet, Co. C. William McCoy, Co. D. Ezra Smith, Co. F. Otis W. Smith, Co. G. Fred Hoisington, Co. G. S. W. Shrum, Co. H. Andrew Morrison, Co. I. Benjamin F. Allen, Co. K.

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The Champlin Press Columbus,Ohio
