rotary club of diamond creek inc bulletin 21/02/2012

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Rotary Club of Diamond Creek Inc Weekly Bulletin for Tuesday 21/02/2012


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RI President

Kalyan Benerjee Rotary Club of Vapi


David Anderson Rotary Club of Yea


Pat Miller Rotary Club of Diamond Creek

Club Officers President Alan Jones Vice President PP Clyde Hulme President Elect Steve Crosling Secretary & Attendance Eileen Gatt Treasurer & Public Officer Greg Adams Directors and Standing Committees Club Administration PE Steve Crosling Membership John Egan Public Relations PP Bev Baker, Service Projects PP Alan White Rotary Foundation PP Linda Gidlund Who ya gunna call ! President Alan Jones 0414861558 Secretary Eileen Gatt 0427712688 Treasurer Greg Adams 0419355842 Editor: Greg Adams Art Director: Greg Adams Advertising : Greg Adams Bottle washer : Greg as well Editorial: send to [email protected]

Caution: The Bulletin contains no calories, vitamins, minerals or proteins. In fact, it is devoid of nutritional value. Nevertheless, it is a supplement much sought after and regularly devoured by the Rotarians of Diamond Creek.

rotary club of diamond creek inc.


V o l u m e 2 0 I s s u e 2 8 2 1 s t F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 2

Note: The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the Club or its members

District 9790

On the Cover

The Diamond Creek Primary School Sails are now in position

Conference—how to get there and where to park.

Did you know Our District has 1867 members.

308 female and 1559 Male

296 Active and 12 Honorary Females and

1477 Active and 82 Honorary Males

And our longest serving Members are Ed Bourchier RC of Numurkah and Brian Greed RC of Benalla both serving 55 Years !

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Bem-vindo à Austrália

bom dia companheiro

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Life events

the program/up and coming calendar and who’s doin what

21st February 2012 Tuesday 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Dianna Coop Partners Night

Attend Uncle Arthur, Chair Thermostat Rod, Beans Greg, Door man Patty Cake, Art Work Baby chuck David, Prize Greg the builder.

Feb 8 Phil Chambeyron—Birthday, Lillias Wearne—Birthday

Feb 10 John Egan joined this club 2 years ago

Feb 23 Phil Chamberyon, Alan Jones joined Rotary 5 years ago and John Egan

Joined Rotary 13 years ago

Mar 2 Pat Millar joined Rotary 12 years ago.

Mar 5 Eileen Gatt—Birthday.

Blast from the past - the year 2007-2008 RI President : Wilfrid J. Wilkinson President: Linda Gidlund PRESIDENT'S REPORT Rotary International normally sets up pilot projects that test new programs for three years. The Club Leadership Plan has undergone this test and review before implementation throughout the world. In the previous year, our club adopted the Club Leadership Plan (CLP) and this year the implementation began. Our club is finishing a phase of development. I am committed to standardising the operation of our club, the current board and incoming board are committed to procedures that take less time and provide more fellowship and fun. Please reflect on the year and consider what we do well and what we could do better. We achieve so much; chunks in all aspects of an effective club except membership. In my view, a core need in Rotary is member education with long term and new members. Feedback: " from members 'best club assembly yet'; club assemblies increasing communication; enjoyable meeting " recent feedback from a guest speaker is that we create a welcoming environment that makes people feel at home A bulletin is published each week for meetings, not including holidays so how many were published this year; 45 !!! Thank you, Brian Bowen. What is the notable closing statement for the Sergeant-at-Arms this year? Memories of the sergeant session bring these words to mind: "As always, it has been a business doing pleasure with you." Steve Crosling, Sergeant-at-Arms A quote that I modified to thank the Board Members and Chairman for their work this year: "Ask not what your club can do for you but what can you do for your club." Linda Gidlund President

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Welcome our Guest Speaker

Dianne Coop After nearly 55 years with so many fears and insecurities - fears around death and loss; Self image issues that lead to anorexia; lack of confidence and a resultant break up; crippling osteoarthritis and two hip replacements - Dianne Coop decided it was time to take control of life and think differently. And so began a thirst to learn from the Masters - Bob Proctor, Christofer Howard, Brian Tracy, John Demartini, Marianne Williamson, Marci Shimoff, Robert Anthony, Dan Millman, Wayne Dyer, Esther and Jerry Hicks - to name few. As her life turned around and she was able to experience freedom, peace, love and self-acceptance, she developed a Game Plan that others could follow to start living a more fulfilled and empowered life. "I Choose to be Free, I Choose to be Me ... so can you", along with its accompanying "Companion Workbook", is a complete framework for changing your mindset and tuning in to who you are and where you are heading in life. As a Director of Inspired Thinking Australia Pty Ltd, Dianne is passionate about informing, inspiring and empowering others who lack confidence and feel insecure. She is stepping out as a speaker, workshop facilitator and author and would love to hear about and share your success stories. Her book is available now.

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from the president keeping up with the joneses! “


past presidents Brian Bowen 1978-1979 Heidelberg North

Bob Eycken 1983-1984 Alperton UK

John McCrohan 1992-1993

Ron Gordon 1993-1994

Chris Doupe 1994-1995

Cliff Wearne 1995-1996

Ern Wardell 1996-1997

Rod Mackenzie 1997-1998

Steve Sampson 1998-1999

Robin Chapple 1999-2000

Peter Marriage 2000-2001

Rob Lloyd 2001-2002

Bev Baker 2002-2003

Joe Di Natale 2003-2004

Geoff Swan 2004-2005

John Gatt 2005-2006

John Arthur 2006-2007

Linda Gidlund 2007-2008

Alan White 2008-2009

Pat Millar 2009-2010

Clyde Hulme 2010-2011

 All of us, as Rotarians, have the opportunity to make a difference in both our local community and on the interna onal arena.  Our reason for undertaking these projects is not for acknowledgement.  However this year, we do have the chance for our club to be recognised in several ways.  Tradi onally Rotary has always recognised clubs with the Presiden al Cita on.  This year, however, it is being called the District Governor’s Cita on.      Our District is also giving an Award for Club of the Year, which will be announced at District Changeover in the middle of the year.  Clubs actually self‐ nominate for this award and Diamond Creek will certainly be pu ng in a nomina on at the end of May.  Whilst we would love to win, we also think that it is important that the District is aware of some of the wonderful work that has been taking place in our club this year.    On an even larger scale, Rotary Interna onal has introduced the Changemaker  Award   This award is open to all Rotary Clubs and there is no limit to the number of awards given as long as the clubs meet the required criteria.  The blurb on the applica on brochure states:  The Changemaker Award will recognise Rotary Clubs that make an extraordinary impact during 2011 – 2012 through their work in the Avenues of Service.  Clubs are invited to undertake a challenging array of ac vi es in each avenue, with the goal of making posi ve and significant change in their communi es and in the world.    Ac vi es must be completed by 1 March 2012.  This is no easy award to achieve.  There are actually 34 Criteria on the list and to achieve the award, a club must achieve a minimum of 13.  But it’s not even that easy!   Each avenue of service has certain 

criteria which must be met.  Diamond Creek members work very hard and are commi ed to the principles of Rotary.  But have we done enough to even be considered for a Changemaker Award?  Over the past few weeks, a few of us have been looking carefully at the criteria and having reviewed this thoroughly, I been amazed at our achievements so far in this Rotary year.  We are very close to being able to submit an applica on for an award.    However, because we are on a very  ght  meline, we need to have everything completed by the end of this month.  You may be asked by one of the Board or Commi ee Chairs to assist with a task needed for our applica on.  Please can you respond quickly as the turnaround  me is cri cal.  We all know that Diamond Creek is an extraordinary club and the members work extremely hard to achieve our goals.   It would be fantas c if, at District Changeover, Diamond Creek was one of the clubs in our District to achieve the recogni on of a Changemaker Award.    Alan Jones 

What has been accomplished by others is now Rotary history. It is our time to add to our glorious history. What is said of us in the future will be determined by you and me.” – Address to the 1972 Rotary Convention, Houston, Texas.

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what happened last week ? (wasn't it a long time ago)

President Alan Jones opened the meeting

calling for feedback and makeups following the scatter night last week. DGE John Gatt attended the rebound debriefing session for Youth Exchange at Dookie on Saturday and then a Rotary Foundation meeting at Euroa on Sunday. Pat Millar and Peter Hodge went to a Rotaract Meeting, and both will attend the Rotaract Board meeting later this week together with Alan Jones.

Steve Crosling commented on the 1000 sausages sold at the BBQ for the opening of the Diamond Valley Stadium. Alan Jones mentioned that the council was pleased with Rotary’s efforts on the day.

Alan will distribute the Food Handler’s Certificates next week to those who attended the course in the Diamond Valley Baptist Church.

Alan asked for any members who are available at 2AM on Friday morning to come to Tullamarine airport to welcome our Club’s Exchange student, Beatriz from Brazil. Alan and Kerry will be there.

Alan and Kerry invite the club to a welcome lunch to meet Beatriz on Sunday. On Monday Peter Hodge will take Beatriz to her school for orientation and uniforms and then on Tuesday if Beatriz is sufficiently recovered from jet lag, she will commence school.

Alan asked for members interested to put their hands up to help on Rotary Day the 23rd February with a stall etc in Diamond Creek. Alan also brings a “hello” from Clyde whom he chanced to meet this week. Clyde said that he will be there for the 20th Birthday

celebrations and will also help with the Conference.

DGN Phil Clancy from the Rotary Club of Southern Mitchell gave a short speech introducing himself to the club and saying that he hoped to work with us in the future.

Alan read out a letter received from the principal of the Diamond Creek Primary School thanking Rotary for their help now that work on the shade sails covering the courtyard has been completed.

DGE John Gatt and Eileen presented a slide show about their time being home hosted in Florida and then, at San Diego attending International Assembly, a training session for DGE’s.

PDG Rob Lloyd mentioned that the former leader of the GSE team a few years ago has been nominated for DG.

DGE John Gatt spoke briefly about the Conference Presentation for Ballarat requesting all members to come on stage dressed as miners of the times, the 1850’s.

Alan advised that next week is a Partner’s Night.

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Diamond Creek Primary School Sails

So that’s where the Town Fair money goes

Eh Mr President

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We talk …… and drink

Sorry, can’t think for this one

So what do we do when we run a Conference ?

We share

And talk some more

We organise KAOS

We dance like no one is watching !

We watch stuff and look important

And we share some more

We talk to the animals and leave em out to dry

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Boas vindas ao nosso novo Aussie

Beatriz (Bea) Helena

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Ashton Manor, Main Road, Diamond Creek $45 per head and drinks available at bar prices. To book please contact PP Ern Wardell 0417 363 181 Email [email protected]

The members of the Rotary Club of Diamond Creek cordially invite you to join them in celebrating the Clubs 20th Anniversary. Saturday 2nd June 2012 commencing at 7.00pm

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Phone 03 9438 3044

Fax: 03 9438 4070 Email: [email protected]

Rotary Grace Advance Australia Fair

Australians all let us rejoice, For we are young and free; We've golden soil and wealth for toil, Our home is girt by sea; Our land abounds in Nature's gifts Of beauty rich and rare; In history's page, let every stage Advance Australia fair! In joyful strains then let us sing, "Advance Australia fair!"

O Lord and giver of all good

We thank you for our daily food

May Rotary friends and Rotary ways,

help us to serve you all our days.

The Diamond Creek Rotary Town fair 2012 starts in 200 days