rouhd about the county. i 7/catskill ny recorder/catskill … · 7&. }-•• rates ok...

7&. }-•• RATES OK ADVERTISING One lUL-h lmtk $0.G0 a weeks 1.00 8 weeks 1.35 4 weeks 1.60 .3 month*.. ~-4.nn 1 jear. j 13.00 Two | Three Inches j Indie* $1.10 1.00 2.00 $1.50 2-70 3.05 4.25 ' 7 ;S0 ; 10.50 24.00 | 33 00 T;»Ui 1 tithes $2.00 8.75 5.00 0.20 13.00 40.00 .^_i_^ — ".'. ! VOLUME 132. CATSKILL, 6EEENE CO., N. Y., JANUARY 4, 1924. NUMBER 2a. MEMBER OF Select Country Newspaper Association GREENE COUNTY'S Best Advertising Medium « y — — - ""•'" '•" •••• •"- : "'- SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 A YEAR I f , Tff. i i K-::l_ I . 'ROUHD ABOUT THE COUNTY. ATHENS. " - "The W. II. Morton Steamer Co. gave a parly on New Year's night to their members, and served a turkey <;uj>i»er which was prepared by the chief _J±?£-J?;»HKLPahnatier, with John Ho- ""titling, Alfred Neslln and Harry Conly VLH assistants,. A large withering $at down to thlr> bounteous spiedd. Later the President, William C. Brooks, acted .as toositnaster, atid MiKsubJect of pu chasing a new lire engine was thor- oughly discussed, among those speak- ing being Elmore Mac-key, John Pahna- tecr. James Holmes and Charles-Hltch- .cock. "• = C a p t . Benjamin Hon*, jr., has dis- continued his business as window* _.•washer, (having had only one customer in jjoed of his services and he at too gicat a distance), and has entered upon a ^partnership '"with Berij. C. Whiting. TheVi two gentlemen, having secured th* necessary shovels and muscles for this work, are ready to do snow-shovel- ing at reasonable rates. A sample can 4>o seen in front of the lots belonging 1o O. Gates Porter, on Franklin street. = 5rr3. Julia Hallenbeck spent Christ- mas with her son-in-law and daughter, jMr. and Mrs. Edward Alohr, and their turn Irving, in the Bronx/ New York, jbefore they started for their Winter home in Soilth Palm Beach. I-'la. A • «ii«»iih> '-: ".'.'• ""•'*• took place a t this time. Capt. Elmer Hallenbeck and-, Air. and Mhii Barriett Hallenbeck of "the some city and Mrs. Henry Bogardus and son i&hor'jrhml- Wilfred of New Jersey be- ing present, all former Athenians. —The Fiction Section of the Brook- lyn Daily Eagle for Dec. 23d printed a Christmas story by Miss Isabella Mc- Dwnough. under the pen name of Jeah" McDonough. The authoress who Is assistant editor of the Belle Syndicate,; Xt'OXSACKIE; =The Community Christmas Tree has been greatly admired, especially by. out- of-town visitors. The Upper Hudson kindly furnished the power and the work of connecting, Richard Hotnling gave the tree, Mr. FJtzpafrlck supplied the lights for the star, and the musicians gnvc t'icii"wrTvtccw; uii of wi'ncn icinaness is greatly appreciated by the town. And jet we shall have to admit that there are some people in the midst of us who are so despicable that they will take bulbs from a Community Christmas. Tree! There w'-re six gone the first night, and some have since disappeared, the exact number not r.s yet known. =Mf. and Mrs. Leltoy Flonsburg cele- brated the end of the old and the be- ginning of the new year with a card party of three-tables In play and three J ualkers. th«* prizes going to Mrs. Do- herty, Mr. Hamilton and Mrs. Ada.ii Van Derzee. Refreshments were served, all being seated at the dining room table, and Mrs. Flaftsbtirg gave a toast, "Here's hoping we all meet here next year, with Increased health, wealth and happiness!" The. hostess also kept her guests busy; answering riddles, the party lasting from 192:* to 1924. ==Mlss Anteda Tan Derzee on Satur- day entertained in honor of her guest. Aliss Sybil" Alaelay of Albany. Thane present were Miss Celestla Green of the New.Pall?-Normal. Miss Sybil Maclay. Albany Teachers' College, Messrs. Ayl- ward Martin, Nelson Richtmyer, Howard Allen Richtniyer. Exeter Prep. =The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be solemnized at t!:* morning ser- vice on Jan 13th. The elders will meet at the close of the service on the Friday evening previous," to receive candidates loi-church membership. * ==Vando»-zee, Mr. and 5ire= James S. LaGrangc and son' James Earle, and Miss Grace"Oliver; allot Union Church, spent New Year';? Day itfe.. is a novice in story-writing but at the manse as guests of the Rev. and \ . shows marked talent in her first at- tempt. She is the daughter of Prof, and Mrs. H. G. AIcDdiiougli, former residents of; our village, =On Monday noon the firemen were 'called to Dr. Norman Cooper's garage ,,-^rhere a stove's puffing had thrown fire ' '<i:i -the floor. The building's interior was -s-rinieivhat damaged, while the Rev. Hobart Whitney's 'Dodge touring car caught rafso, the top and body being a dotal wreck. No ,water was employed. the Makawomucs and the W. C. Brndy Co. 'using only chemicals. Loss fully covered by insurance. =.Word ha? been received here of the illness of Mrs. Loretih. Husted. mother of the Rev. Maurice Husted of Hous- ton." Pa. She was taken to the Pitts- burgh City Hospital on Dec. 29th, and operated upon for appedicitis and gall- stones. She Is doing \-ery nicely. ,hnrg tl.pre soughylflleir cm' cm cm cm =Members of oiir school faculty are attending their vacations at their homes —rjiss Grace- Lazarus. Ticonderoga; 'Miss Ruth Kirnriiey. East Greeribush; Miss Elizabeth McCarthy, Saratoga: Miss SI. Blanche Smith, East Worcester: -Miss -Frances Weitiauf, "Leeds: Prof. >r. A. McCall, Rochester. =Mr. and Mrs- R- P. Bainbridge. who * are on their way to Honolulu via the -Panama Canal, have sent greetings from various ports, the last from Com- ; ilo. Nicaragua, C. A. _-=It was an error in print, the Item ' alhjut Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ICettenring should have read Messrs." Charles ICet- .t en ring and Alfred ICettenring. =The-tugboat Adams has been lying _•<* tiie Athens docks this week." and Capt. E. N. Van Woert has been greet- in*: old friends. ; " - =Mrs. •Jkir. A. Lenahan will eiuer'tain .1 number of ladies at cards on Satur- day-afternoon. '"•-'•' ^. =Alr. and Mrs. Elmer Benn returned <m Wednesday from a visit to Pough- jkcepsie. ___==_Warren E . Hov.-I.onit rnffrtTinojl - n».imi<er of friends on Thursday evening. =Mrs. Benj. C. Whiting entertained sit cards on Thursday evening. -:=Schodi oj>ens on .Tan. 7:li :ifter the recess. ' Out"l>f Tmrn. ' Capt. Edward Sickles and daughters Dorothy and Florence. Mr. and Mra. Charles Hitchcock and daughters Or- vjlla and Sadie, in Beacon with ?-Ir. and •Mrs. Robert Frances over the week-end *»ud New.'s Day: John Day Grit- jnon. M ilfs son Irvine in Brooklyn: ss Bessie MiiTCnight a::d nephew, in New York: Capt. Benjamin Hoff. jr.. in the s.-ime city: Mrs. Elmer Boi^e. in CohoJs: Miss Eleanor.Rouse, in Valatie. ,;y '. — Vl-Unr*. Mr., and MM." Rudolph Essler and daughter of Nev.-bitj-g'i. wi'.li Air. anil >frr. \\-:\v. y.'cth^; *: v.M..e Biooks of New York, wiiii hrr, f.'-::-,or. Jeremiah Ttrooks: Mr. nttd Mrs. Charles Newton of Hudson, on Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. <». Gates Porter's: Miss Margaret Van. Schoack of Ho<>o!:en. N. J.. f;>r two •v.veks v.-ith her ennsinl Miss Laura May HalierJieck: Arthur Vr.n Woert of Albany, at Mr. and Mr.*, llolp Spoor's: Mr. and Mrs. Eiiw.ird Sausvilln and children of Newbtirgh. with Mr. and Mr.-t. William G.-IC-J; N'.is- Sir.'.li Nedt- viclc. teacher in Njack. with Iicr father. tliy>rgc Nedtwick: .''•!:!> rind Clifford Kisselburgh. student* at H.-irtwick K'-iTiir.:)ry. with the:- parents: Mr.;. William Kissr-Pn;r:i'»: I cutd Fr.-»nk '»!:iro. ensplcyed ni'clidy. f»r th« !i'«!5-?ays v familie^: Mr. aid >ir.--. IV. Iimch and diitgiMr;- M.::i Brooklyn, with Mr;. Ov,-;. «*nl<«. Mr. .in<! Mr.-*. IV"r:rk J»«i~!il IV»rt<-r. a I'-irXr in N. Y.. with Athens t-:end.-J r TTrT lives; TTrrr Mis.* <it>. iWtlliam Co.k Mr. and 'red Leek in Sehe- ith t!u:r •e Over- • i;!.';il! of ii's i>ar- McNally: I^twville. and rcl.i- M a r m n <ts<\*. n-. nr \ii. .Airs. Ballard _ =Mrs. L. A. Warren entertained with four tables of bridge on Monday after- noon, prizes being won by Miss Eliza iNIackey (first). Miss Marion Mackey of Schenectady (second), and Mrs. George Marsh (third). i =MIss "Margaret Steele, after a fort- night with her mother, Mrs. Thomas Steele, has gone to visit her sister. Mrs. Marion Krom of Bridgeport, Conn., and will thence return to New York. : - =Jacob Flansburg and daughter, Mrs. Von Alstyne, on New Year's Day enter- tained at dinner Mr. and Mrs." Lc-Roy Flansburg and daughter, Mrs. Lillian Bcatty and Mrs. Sarah Flansburgh. • =Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Low and son Junior of Brooklyn, spent a fortnight lately at their Summer home here with Mrs. Low's mother. Mrs. W. R. Church. . =TIte Prayer and Mission Circle of the First Reformed Church will give a hot roast pork supper oh Friday, Jan. 11th. at the church, for 50c. a plate. =Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bailey, jr., of Longmeadow. Mass., have gone home after a visit with the former's parents, Mr. niid Mrs. Chas. E. Bailey. "" =Mrs. Carrie Pettit has been staying with her daughter in" Guilderland, and brought back with her her granddaugh- ter Glen for a stay here. • =Mr. and V.Irs. Dan Cameron, who spent Christmas with her parents, brought back with them M^rs. Cameron's sister Alice for a visit. =Mi?s Ruth Steele, having, passed the holidays, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Steele, has returned to her school in Bethel Ridge. =CeIestia Green has resumed her studies at the New Paltz Normal Schoo', after the holiday vacation at her home 'n this village. ==Mis3 Charlotte Williams, who had lived for several years with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Woodward, has gone home to New York. =Mis.- Alma Jones of the Hermanec Memorial Library has, come b^--JSiJI!PiIL •T : xisir""x;tirTier parents in Oriskany. ==Mrs. l**r:i!ik S«iuires, who has been ill for some time, does not improve as her friends wquld-haye her. ==Meeting ol the Consistory for Or- ganizing for 19:!4 in the nuihse on Tues- day evening. Jan. 15th. =Mrs. V. Oliver of Delmar has been summoned here by the illness of her father. M. J. Greene. ==Miss Ethel Van Alstyne and George Van Sehaack returned to Syracuse Uni- versity on Wednesday. =-The Monday Club will resume its meetings on Jan. 7th at the home e>f Airs. Arthur Spoor. =Mr.s. If. A; Jordan, who is in the Al- bany Hospital. Is in a very week condi- tion. = Mr. and Mrs. George Marsh gave n dinner for fourteen guests last Friday. Mrs. Carrie Van Denborg is oitit.** ill from the effects of vaccination. =The ollicers-elcct will l>e installed en Sunday morning, Jan. Gth. =Mr. and Mrs-. H. .McK. Curtis ft dinner on New Year's Day. = Mrs. .<;< orge Marsh entertained tl-.r Girls' Cltib <yn Wednesday. M. '. Greeiie suffered <|uitc a severe shock «>n Tuesday morning. *=The Clio ("l;rf> wiir meet on Jan. 7th with Airs. George Sweet. =Alrs. Harriet Gaylord Is ver>' ill at her home on Elm street. .,, > tint of Tnwr. Thorn' 1 - Ho Igins. who makes h i s ?i->m^ with his ii-it'lo and aunt. Mr. and .Mrs. Charles 5i'-< T :;i!is. with his cousin. John Hooii. in P.tH.-.-i.;••<-. N. J.: .Air. a n d Airs. W. K. Brad.- a<id lli«» i.ittcr's molhir. Airs. Ali-v Smith, at a family dinner oh Christni.".- l>.iv. wi'h Air. ilrady's nioli:- Cr. Airs. W. C, Brady of Athens; All?. Jr-s-ie Si:ii;i- Jiiid so-i l)«»i-ald. with Aliss Amy Sriii;!i in New York. Mrs.:Florence Miller of New Baltimore, for Christmas with her sister. Mrs. Chester Woodward: George B. Van Sehaack of the Eastman School of Mush-, Rochester, for the holidays with JIIK parents. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Van Sehaack: Mr. and Airs. Newton Wood of Kingston during the^whjlayjuAVithJ tl.e iunem parents; airrand Mr«. N. A. Calkins. Cbrlot (EptMopal) Church Note*. =Next Sunday the Holy Communion will be celebrated In Greenville at 8 o'clock, and Sere at 11 o'clock. Ser- mons that day on "The Thirst of the Soul" and "The Evil Heart of Unb-dief." Sunday School as usual. —The Juniot Brotherhood of St. An- drew meets In the rectory on Saturday at C:30 p. ni.; the candidates class of the G. F. S. In the parish hall at 2:30. =The Girls' Friendly Society meeting in the rectory on Tuesday evening at S o'clock. Special rehearsal on Wed- nesday evening for the play, "Not a Man In the Houce." - =AIen's Club business meeting In the parish hall on Wednesday evening v.t S. followed by rehearsal gerund Itefornird Cliurrti Noti-H. =Sermon themes next Lord's Day, "I believe In God," the first In a series on the Apostles' Creed, and "Claiming the Promises." Y. P; S. C. E. (consecra- tion) meeting, with topic, "Do Better Still;" leader. Airs. Lyman Black. . =The Week of Prayer will be ob- served next lyeek with union services with the Metliodlst Church. Those en Alonday and Tuesday evenings will be held In the Methodist Church,-arid on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday even- ings ,In the Second Reformed Church at 7:30; Let us start the year by deep- ening the spiritual life of our churches. AfetliodUt Church Notes. =Sermonet next Sunday on "Sunny •Jim." Communion and reception of members at 11 o'clock. Epwortfi League topic, "God"s Question and Aly Reply." It Is expected that the Rev. John Cal- lahan of Hadley Rescue Hall will preach In the evening, and everyone is Invited to hear this wonderful man. .- High. School Honor Itoll. Grade /—Ruth Van Sehaack, Minnie Dardani, Richard Marsh, Richard Vin- cents Carroll Hynes, Bruno Scott,- Louise Hotallng, Rose Pahtaleo, Charles Fos- ter, Edgar Smith. ? : T Grade 2—Robert Bogardus, Golflle Bo- gardus. Paul Cameron, Carmella Bo- nticci, Doris Hoag, Robert Curtis, George Day, Roy Ahtetomaso, Gladys' Deere, Gertrude Wood. John Black, Earle Hub- bard, John Goodwin. - c Grade 3<t—Ruth Condon. Maripii Shep- ard, Dorothy Grlesau, Ruth Carrington, Doris Gates, Hermance Hallenbeck, Eve- lyn Carter, Joseph Bucklioff, Frank Be- dell, Shirley Wheeler, Gladys Robertson; Joseph Joerg. Grade Sb—Wilbur Bogardus, Edward Dardani, Clara -Lombard!,. Florence Alat- tlce, Josephine MIsuraca, Mary] Miller, Sherwood Steele, William Roarlie, Rob- ert Craw, Irving Collier.' Grade i—Clarence. Travis, Adelaide Case, Erie Palmer, Myriilia Barkirian, Arthur Spencer, Elizabeth Neis. Mary ArcCarthy. Paul Ballard, Aladelir.e War- ner, Grace Stroud. - Grade 5—Frederick Spencer, Ina Deamer, Inez Wood, Margaret Roberts. Charles Schoonmaker, Roberta Bowman, Ruth Francis, Gertrude Hotaling, Ada Hotaling, Alildred Carrington; . Grade ffrc—George Gates, Leonard Warren. Alildred Lombard!. Rose Bc- nacci, AVilliam Gray, QUo^Berllnsky, Gladys Palmer. Mary Gianimattei, Ellen Alurphy, Helen Gates. Grade 6b—Irene Thom.-en. Rometta Van Wie. Catherine Maugere, Catherinc- I'rendergast, Margaret Smigen. William Diamond. Edwin Young, Sarah' Ah's- uraca. Frances Cooper, Alice Shaulis. . Grade Sb—Alildred" Baltronis. Berna- dctte AValther. .Sarah Fitzpatrick, Ira Finch, -fynrnnoc iFJnch__Ba. g i v e Edith Best, Dorothy Aliiler, Bertha Col- burn. llV.s." Cor.tackic. Grade 2—Howard Cary. Winifred Grotz. Grade I—Frank Heath, Aliidred Ben- nett, Harry Palmer, Raiph Brandow. Pupil* Karnfnz 10O r ,'r in .Spcllins. Grade 2—Goldle Bogardus, Gladys Deere. Gladys Foster. Doris Hoag. Dor- othy Hoag. Alaria". ..Alaruaret Hynes; .Margaret ~ KuzIoski r "Gertrude .Murphy. Bernicc Porter, Gertrude Wood, John Black. Robert Bogardus. Robert Curtis. George Day/John Goodwin. Earle Hubbard. James Aloigan. Ralph Palmer, Raymond Vandermark. Roy Antotomaso. Grade ..'a—Joseph Bucklioff. Joseph Joerg. Ernest Smith. Blanche Uergman, Ruth Carrington. Evelyn Carter, Eileen Canlfield. Ruth Condon. Bernico Ctrn- ningham, Thelnia Dixon. Dorothy Grie- .-au.Aiiim La T'orte. Alayhalia Alallert, Arline Palmer, Florence Roberts. .Marion Shepp.rd. Katharine Vincent. Orv.dc •'•!>—Wilbur Bogardus. Edward Daidani. Clara Lombard!, Florence Alat- tioe. ) —Henry Sherman, Mary Spag- roia. Paul Ballard, Erie Palmer. Alade- line Warner. Arthur Spencer, Grace Stroud. Dorothy Roico, I'rancis .Mur- phy. Dorothy Bennett. Grade •'•—Inez Wood. .Margaret Rob- erts. Elinor Briggs. Charles Schoon- maker. Ina Dc.iiiiti-, Charles Carring- ton. Grade tin—Gladys Palmer. Kathcrlne Henry Van Denburg, Ruth Wood. .Mary Svvar/, .Mildred Lombard!, Al.'.iie Qu!r.Ie>. r,r.;d- >!, -Irene Mallell. Ruth Vlu- eent, (i.^rtrtidc Dowlimr. Ins Finch. I,KI.i>S. =Mrs. William Wolfe, jr.. and daugh- ter Muriel, and Mm. John Hodum. of Kiskatom and Air. and Mrs. BUas W. Ernes of Brooklyn were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. N. Wolfe. =There will bo two game.-* of basket- ball In Colonial lhdl this Frlda^_eve»i^ —Tnjy "vSTlntnens and Leeds Colon- ial Five vs. the Big Five of Catsklll. Dancing after the game. r=AIr. and Airs. Uriah- Harris and grandson, Raymond Taylor of New Yoik, were dinner guests of Mr. aiid Mrs. Warren Allnkler of Catsklll on Sunday. =Mrs. Alarle Koehler bus returned from Catsklll. where she had been for a month with her son and daughter-In- law. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Koehler. =AIr. and Mrs.;Michael McCabe aro mourning the loss of their pet red fox, which broke his chain and ran away last Saturday night. =AIh?. Marlha Brohson entertained a large prtrty of relatives and friends at dinner on New Year's Day. =Isaac Powell of Lime Street is seriously ill. We must be sure to write 1024. _L KEW HALTI3I0RE. =Social Friendship Lodge. E>,& A. AI., held Its annual meeting on Dee. 2&th and elected: FrancLs AV. Chapman, W. M.: Arthur Knlllin. S. W.; AVyman Knlfiln, J. AV.; P. S. Wheat, Treasurer: Byron Aransfield, Secretary: the Revs. AV. Van Iderstlne. Peter DeAIeester and I. E. Usher, chaplains; L. C. Powell, S. D.; L. b.Langin, J. D.; Edward Spencer. S. M . C ; F. W. Duslng, Tyler; Bar- ney Gordlnler, Alarshal; E. H. Powell and 3L R. Tolley, Stewards. The past year has been a prosperous one for the Lodge and .In the near future It plans to re-decorate Its roortw. =On Dec. 24th Airs." Elizabeth Terry's neighbors did net see her about, went Into the tibuse and found her dead. The body was taken to the home of her niece. Miss Julia Carhart, aiid there on the following Thursday the Revs. W. Van iderstlne and Peter DeMcester con- ducted the funeral; burial In the Coey- mans Hollow cemeteryl The deceased, over eighty years of age, leaves several nieces and nephews, her husband having died some years ago. =Last week Thursday evening, at the home of Mr. and Airs. Ernest Hotalihg,- Aliss Anna Griffin had as guests Mr. and Mrs. F. Knlllin and daughter of New Baltimore Station, Mr. ahdQMrs. Em- mons of Long island, Mr. and Sirs. Dan- iel Knlfiln of Ravena, Acthur Knifiih and famllj', Mr. and Airs. AVyman Khlfiln and Miss M. Grifiln of this place. =Floyd Carpenter died on Dec. 28th in the Troy Sanitarium, and last Sun- day the funeral was. held at Charles Lowefy's, where he formerly lived, the Rev. I. E. Usher of. the Baptist Chiirch, of which deceased was a riiember, being the officiating clergyman. Burial in Riverside Cemeterj-, Coxsackle. =M?rs. George Van Hoesen has a new radio set. Air. and Mrs. James Bfbnk have one, and the Rev. Peter DeMeester is arranging to have one installed. =Last Friday the Masons had a social evening, witli some thirty, persons pres- ent, games and refreshments. On the same date a private dance took place in Cornell Hall, with about fifty partici- pants. - - ' Knfcrtalned "Lately." Mr. and Airs. J. AA'agoner, Mr. and Airs. Evart Powell. Air. and Mrs. J. Powell, at dinner at Hugh Powell's; Mr. and Airs. Henry Lampmnn arid daughter of Scranton. Pa.. Edwrard Frankeh of AA'eehawken, N. J., the Rev. Howard JCanter of WallkiJI; N. Y.. and Airs. ic. Franken. at Dr. Waller's; W. H. Sickles, sr.. this village. Air. and Mrs. E. Cole and Miss Sickles of Citskill, with Air. and Airs. AV. H. Sickles; the Rev. M. G. Nies and family of Coxsackie. at the Re v. Peter DeAIeester's: a par^tjr Helen DIehl of AVest New A'ork. N*. J., at G. L. AVheat's;' Mrs. M. AlcCormack and children of Ravena, at Charles Con- nor's; Miss Van DInginan of Alass- achusetts and Airs. Cronk of Co»;ymaii8, with Miss Noble. THE HOMESTEAD. and Airs. D.i Florence Harrinr" a! Air. and Airs. Richard Cilberf ::••} Wineqard: •>n of t h e s a m e •w V. jr.. <.f X St. TnlrirU'v < l-nrrh Note*. -Tiio Indies .'f t;-.- church aretohave n homemade bake s.i!» this 1'riil.iy nf- ionjoon in thf Rr.rkcffll''r market. BrtptWl flinrrti N'otr*. Next Sundiy niornir:: ..VI'VMI topir A New Y.-.-.i";: steroo|it<(M!i "Th will lv> ' evening < shown on Nation." -TIIA \V..>k ..f ..,..,vol. begfnnitiK . 7tlt and continum «~of»i S a t u r . l a y . -Tho Snndiy S AT. Blanche Smiii' wcro en'^rttin^d ;"!iirr: Prav. rdi.i, Child I.ifo I" the will ho of the Ci.v. eve: Will lip oh- oniric of Jan. evening ex- >ol cl s of Miss .-!::d M m (irlTOi.ld i? a Watch N'chl'y on N CW Year's Eve. hv the nvm- horn of Air. GriswoJd's clnse. VUilnn.^ Aliss: I.noy \":in I >onbnrg of 'Albany. for several days with her mother. Airs. Snrnli X'.in Denburc: Air. mid AI.-<--. Thcodon- ritiyck Spoor «>f Newark, for the week-end with his parents. Air. and Airs. Ala'tbew Spoor; Jesse Green and son Herbert ol Brooklyn, at their horn<- for the week-end mid New Year's D.iv : Mr. and Airs. Irving Daley of N'ow A'.irk. for so\oral days with his mother, .Mrs. D. 11. Daley: .Miss Edith A'an Denburc. slud'-nt at Cornell, for the vacation wltn her mothei : Counselor F. II. Osbom and wife m:d daii::htor of Catsklll calling on Id? sister. Airs. 1). II. Daley: Dr. and .Mrs A. it D.lley "f Athens, with his mother. Air.-. D. II. Daley: .Miss An- nette Kellorhoiise. student at Syracuse University, with Airs. W. R, Church; Mrs. Jennie Gardner of Carman. Conn.. with her ii.ii'g'nter-in-law, Mi^. Emtn.i iJarihur: Aliss Alnrlon Mackey of Schc- mieindy. wilh Airs. I. K, Vnn Hoesen; - -^'t'm^nnTTies _ ot~"rrie Reformed Church l.isi Friday evening entertained the teachers, pupils and friends of the Sun- ii.iv School at a delightful luncheon,and a lino program was carried out by the childien. Slide picture.* were also showa. :>nd a very pleasant evening was. six nt by all, ; James Scott, who went to Orlando. Flo., a few weeks ngo with Iximont Dcihrick, has returned homo, arid Air. i.Vdoriok and fiimlly are on their way, expecting to arrive in a few days. Their ii'<t being able to find work Is the rea- son for coming back so prion. At 2:30 on Tuesday. Jan. Sth. a meeting of Alotluxlist Church members and congregation will l>o held in the cl-.urch for the purpose of electing trustees and transacting such other hupJiK.Pii As may 'nrnio before it. Mis. Elide Potter and daughter Jennie Ruth are spending a week with her son-in-law and daughter. Air. and Airs. Samuel Atf»ngam of Oyster Bay. of"friends.' at CHarles""BnldwTn's; thirtv. persons, dining on New Year's Day with Air. and Airs. Paul Court; the Rev. Peter DeAIeester aiid family, at Dr. Wal- ler's; Dr. and Mrs. Reid of Coeymans at Harry Thome's: Webster Van Slyke. on Christmas Day at Herman Schtll- inger's: Miss S. A. \ r anderpe>oi, with Airs.-S. T. Whkbeck: Miss Van Slyke. with Airs. Harry Thorne: Aliss Viola Terry of-Jersey City.-with Airs. Lillie Schermerhbrn: a party, at the Alisses Van Iderstine's: Byron' Mansfield. John McCitnn and Clarence' Parsons, with Aliss Simmons:" the Alisses Florence Hotaling, Alildred and Elizabeth Wheat and Alary Str.ats. Harvey Miller. Henry Powell. George Giddings. Charles Stott. Fred Badgley,. giving Ali.cs Jennie Stott a surprise party: Airs. Charles Ander- son and family, with Airs. R. Boice: F. AV. Chapman and family. Air. and Airs. Alark Tolloy and daughter and C. E. Poisons, at C. W. Alead's. Ont o* Town. Capt. E. S. \\ ilson and Aliss AVilson. In Troy; Air. and Airs. Alartin Bronk. In New Baltimore Station: Aliss Harriet Bronk. in Coeymans: Aliss Schillinger and Webster Van Slyke. In South Balti- more: Air. and Airs. P. S. Wheat and son. In Anuctuek: Arthur Anderson and Elmer Goldsmith, in Alyers. N. Y.: the Rev. Peter DeAIeester and family, in Coxsaokie: the .Misses Katharine and Florence Hotaling. Airs. J. C. Winn and son and (laughter. Aliss Carhart. the Rev. Peter DeAIeester and family, the Rev, Howard Kautor. Percy and Harlan AA'aller, Francis Chapman. C. B. Par- sons. V. C. Schermerhorn. C. II. Burger. Kichard Chapman, it: Albany: Air. and Airs. P. V. Erode. In Schenectady; Henry Wtitsio and family, in Fount Rush; the Misses Badgley. in" Albany: Air. and jVJil.—I -^4,-1—«~t~.T-rsnTTr~T*.—AnnTileAvs and family, in fndian Fields; Miss Alary Cn^cy. employed in Albany; Richard Burilngham. on the U. S. S. Shawmut: Aliss Carhart. in CatsklH; W. II. Bur- ilngham, there aiso. M»l|or», _ Aliss Griffin of Dormansvillc, at (teon;^ Hempstead's: Aliss Bidlake of Worces- ter, at Aliss Carbart's: Airs. James Car- hart. Aliss Wetter and a friend from New A'ork. at the W. II. Sickles homo; Ge-orge Alorton of Johnstown, with AVill- iam Scott: Airs. Otis Kerlgan of Water- ford anil Fred Connor of Albany, at Charles Connor's; Mr. and Airs. D. S. Terry nnd Airs. I.. Barlow of Albany, at V. C Schermerhorn's; Ernest Fink of the same city, at the •ame house: Air. : ( nd .Mrs. Charles Wheat of Ilion. James Wheat of Boston. Aliss Tripp of Coey- mnns, at F. Wheat's; Air. and Mrs. M. llhitiinn of t'tli a, at Chniles Anderson's; Stewart Parks of Gayhead, at t-. 1). Langln's; Charles Anderson nnd Airs. :Mith'mI»rCh""ureir?itotc«. =sA full attendance Is desired at the OHiclal Hoard ond trustees meeting In the parsonage this Saturday evening.. =Nexl "SuinLiy morning the sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper is to be ad- ministered. Junior and Epworth League meetings as usual. Preaching service in the evening. =ThIs Saturday afternoon the Ladles' Aid Society will hold a food sale tit Mrs. Charles Stott's. =Tbe pastor requests' Ute. choir to come to the parsonage at 8 o'clock.this Friday evening for Important business. =On Dec. 20th our Sunday School had Its Christmas party In the church, and was entertained by the classes under their teachers' leadership. Gifts, candy and oranges were distributed, and the Christmas spirit prevailed. A'olna Titus, teacher of the Alen's Booster Class, was given a handsome Bible; the superin- tendent, O. G. Hotaling, one from the school; the p:istor, a very satlsfactory purse. and Airs. A'an Iderstlne a rug, for which both are grateful.. =The AVeek of Frayer is to be ob- served, beginning with Sunday evening, in_ the Baptist Church, the Rev? Peter DeAIeester preaching. The Rev. W. Van Iderstlne will ;>e t h e shaker on Alonday, the Rev. I. E. Usher on Tues- day, on AVednesday (In the Reformed Church); the Rev. Peter DeAIeester, Mr. Van Iderstlne' on Thursday, Air. Usher on Friday.' This congregation joins In these services. J= v =A\"ork on this church's Interior Is progressing, and plans for Old Home AV/eeic, beginning on Jan. 20th, are being completed. ~ Reformed Church' Motes. ==AVhat-So-Ever Circle birthday party in the chapel oh Jan. 9th; hostesses— Airs. C. H. Burger; Mrs. C . AV. Alead, Aliss Wiison. - /"""""^-v =The Circle's annual meeting will be held on Jan. 16th at Mrs. Paul Court's. AVord for roll-call, "Te&ch." r Convey- ances leave the-chapel at 2 o'clock for all who .wish, to go. They- are asked to bring pencils. =Tiie Rev. Peter DeMeester received a gold Alasonfc pin as a Christmas gift from the boys of his Sunday Schooi class. .. ". a =Communion service next Sunday mornlng, with the eiders meeting "at 10 o'clock in the chapel. Offering for our Board of Domestic Missions. Sunday School and C. B. meeting as usual. ==The Ladles' Missionary Society, will meet on Friday afternoon, Jan. lith, hi the parsonage. - _ —Reguular meeting of the Consistorj- next Tuesday evening! ~ . —As in previous years, our three Churches will unite in AVeek of Prayer services. - - PAiENYIIiTiE. =Friehds of Mrs. Fred A r an Voorhiss of Saugerties were shocked and deeply- grieved to learn of her death, at the Benedictine Hospital in Kingston, on Christmas morning. On their marriage several-years ago Mr. Van A r corh!es rented from Mrs. A. C. AVhite a cot- tage which they occupied for two Sum- mers. Thej- were fond of golf, tennis and dancing, and were enthusiastic mem- bers of the Country Club, where man? friends learned to love the happy bride and will sincerely mourn her loss. She leaves two little children, and the be- reaved husband has the sympathy of a host of acquaintances. ,_^ _, —Airs. Otto Jakob on Dec. 27th was operated on for gallstones and append- icitis, at Lenox Hill Hospital. New York, and at present is doing well. _. .=Mrs^Bottv- Doderioty wr»g . h o s t e s s for Here we came when love was young. Now that love la old. Shall we leave the fioor unswept And the hearth :t-cold7 Ilere the hill wind in the dusk. Wandering to and fro. Moves the mooiiflowers like a ghost Of long ago. Ilcic from every doorway looks ^A remembered face, Every sill and pane' wears A familiar grace. Let the windows smile again To the morning light, And the door stund open wide When the moon Is bright. Let the breeze of twilight blow- Through the silent hall, And the dreaming rafters hear How the thrushes call. Oh. be merciful and fond To the house that gave AH Its best to shelter love. Built when love was brave! Here we came when love was young. Now that love is old, Never let Its day be lone Nor Its heart a-cold! The Century. Would Omit "Obcj" from Service. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE D0INO3 The modern husband does not expect or want his wife to obey him, and this alone Is sufficient reason for striking Ihe word out of the marriage ceremony, according to Dr. Herman H. Home, professor of education and philosophy at New York University, lecturer on theology and author of many religious works. "- , 'In. addition to this fact," says Dr. Home, "it is well understood that wo- men, rio matter how conservative, never 'obey' their husbands in the strlctrsanse of the -word. So, from a. common-sense viewpoint* there is ho value to the word, and It makes a hypocrisy of what should lie a. very sacred vow. Ifcihter- polates In a solemn service a promise to do something there is ho.honest in- tention of carrying out. "Here in the United Slates either the legal or religious ceremony is binding. Otthe religious ceremonies, the sim- plt^tl'foriii is used by the Society of Friends, In which case the two per- sons marry themselves before 'Aleeting.' The legal ceremony is equally lacking In formality and no question of obeying is Implied. It is merely a contract sub- scribed to before a representative of the law. ,, ;~ "A religious service .of some sort, in my opinion, is4nost satisfactory and most effective, so far as making an im- portant agreement lasting. Without a spiritual-background, marriage Is more likely to go on the rocks. Religion of some sort is a very necessary requisite to even the most primitive races. marks ihe line of difference between us~ ami the animal kingdom. But with this religion I insist on applying the Tight of modern science and social relation- ship to_ the outward and visible sign of that vital force within us," concluded Dr. Home. "I hope to see the marriage service Stripped of all its ancient and outworn phrases and made to fit the twentieth century." At the regular meeting of the Cham- ber of Commerce last Friday night mat- ters of Interest to those who failed to 'attend—and thev were leglnri —went din. fT-ussed. Pre-sldc-nt Beach made report that since the opening of the Rest Room no less than lO.OOO 1 persons had been accommodated there*. Report showed that there would be a balance of approximately $200 in the Community Christmas Tree Fund, which was voU.'«'i to be made a permanent fund, ib be u«sd only for this Durpcse. A'otcs Of thanks were given Airs. Hubbard nnd her assistants .In raising the funds: to the Upper Hudson Electric & Railroad Co. for labor and light: to II. C. Cowen for erecting the tree; and to the Board of Supervisors for |>ermHtlng the com- mittee to place the tree oh the county property. Austin R. Newcombe spoke on tho probability of interrupted highway trav- el in l'J24. and advocated determined steps early In »he season to demand that roads leading iiito Catskill be kept open by contractors, anil O. T. Heath, mem- ber of the committee having this part of the work in hand, promised that ef- forts would be made to comply with the suggestion made by Air. Newc : ombe. Chairman Henke of the AVinter Sports Committee said Jhat all that was needed to make this branch of the Chamber's activities a success was cold weather and more money. The Rev. J. F. Riggs promised co-operation to the committee, provided the- program called for no sports on Sunday. Mr. DeNyse In- formed Mr. Ri£gs that the plan was to start a carnival on Thursday. Feb. ~2isi, arid continue through Saturday, making a three-day meet, with races for High Schools, military organizations and fire companies in the Hudson A r al!eyr The Executive Committee, through President Beach; advocated a banquet, the Chamber voting to hold such a 7 function on Jan. 21st, iTlias. H.'Arbo- gast being, appointed chairman of the committee to carry ori the work/ • M r . DeNyse suggested a plan for raising funds" for Summer publicity as well-as for other work of the Chamber. The proposition was heartily received, but the details in connection therewith are of such magnitude that It was de- cided to-have another meeting previous to the annua! election and banquet, when this particular phase of activity will be further considered- If the idea is adopted the probability is that a paid seeretary can be employed to further J the Literary Club last week. =A r isitors: David Dowling from Riv- erdale. with his brother for the week- end; AA'illie Jakob of New York, with Air. and Mrs. Ralph Griffin over Sunday; Air. and Mrs. Chas. T. Gwynne, with Dr. ..nd Airs. S. A. Holcomh for several tlays last week: friends for the holidays with Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Holcomh: Aliss Libbie Trumpbour. accompanied by her aunt from Brocton. N. Y.. where Miss Trump- bour is teaching, arriving at the liome- of her fatiier. Rowland Trumpbour. on Saturday for a few days, and having here on Tuesday for a short stay in Co- bbes with a sister, Ahs; William AVhk- beck. •,* ROUND TOP.' " —The exercises in the chinch on Christmas Night w-ere well attended, and a very ple-asing jirogiam was car- ried out. = AIr. nnd Airs. Rol>ert Fuller enter- tained a few friends at their home last week Thursday evening. =Away: Mrs. Ella Jor.e:-. called to Fouchkeepsie by the illness of her son- in-law. (Icorge Gnets; the Rev. am'. Airs. AVilliam Pcckham and the Litter's father. Air. Race, guests of relatives in Bristol. Conn., for a few days. =Gucsts here: Ansel Albcrgrt of New A'ork. for f c holidays with his parents: Rollln Fioro. at home from his school in Detroit. Alich: Aliss Beatrice Swartz of Brooklyn. «.n Christmas Day with her parents; Airs. Josephine Smallitig of Windham, for a few days with Air. and Airs. J. AV. Fiero. sr. Would Renew Old "Acquaintance. Room 22.1, Feileral Buildia ildiag, 1 26,1923. j El Reno, Oklahoma. Dee^ Editors. Recorder—Some few years ago I" turned my back on the good old Catskill3 and have on!y_ returned one time; for-a short period. Since then I have J>een.a. total stranger both to "the country.and to the people: now I want to renew acquaintances with them both. ..I:was raised in Jlie little village of LeetlsT-having made its acquaintance when a child of about six years, in the home of Mrs,. Abrain Hallenbeck,- my grandmother. I attended the village school, and under the aide teaching of Arthur Lewis I finally outgrew this and spent one year in the High School in Catsklll. Then the death of my grandmother made it necessary that I look out for myself, so I thought of our Uncle. Sam. and enlisted in the United States Army back in February, 1915. I have been constantly with tiie Army [since that time, although "I had no op- portunity to go eiverseas. for which I am truly-sorry.' At th'. pres-nt time I am On duty with the Organized Reserve Forces at El Reno, Okla. I should like to hear from any of my friends who care to write to me and re- new o'd acquaintances. .1 would also like to subscribe to the good old Re- corder: please send it to me. Very rcspectUiHy. OMVKK C. A'.-.N HOIWKN-. AVEST COXSVCK!?:. O.V_L_cf_Ui'.^r.: :M**-.\\rirry-STnttrn f wilh her mother. In Albany; E. C Hal- lenbeck. with his children in New Jer- sey: Frank DeFr.ate. with nis son in Schenectady. . Holiday visitors: Jesse Greene of New A'ork'. wilh his family; Airs. E. J. Stontenburgh. motoring from Brooklyn to spend the AA'inter at The Kaksikee: Lovcro Chancy of Washington, D. f\. with his parents: Air. Hazard of New York, with bis wife. •»« » New Industry for Catsklll. Through the O. T. Heath agehey. Inst Friday David Senft of the Catskill 0>M1 Co. purchased from W. A. Haines & Son the buildings adjoining his prop* rty and at one time condurted by the Into Chnuncey Smith ns a coai-yard. The lot Is lfilx-40 feet, nnd the new owner will r.i7o the old buildings, erecting in their place a modern chemical < old storage plant. It is .accessible by water and should be nn Ideal place for the Bolce, at .Mis Charles Anderson's; Miss |bbuslncss contemplated by Air Senft 405030* Ocelli of Former Calskllllnn. Aliss Ella J. Palmer, formerly of this village, died on Dec. 2Sth. after a month's illness, in the hospital at Greenwich, Conn., and three days Inter the funeral took place in the Ai'Mhodist Church. Catskill. the Rev. A. M. Wilkins officiat- ing: interment in tiie Jefferson Rural Cemetery. The deceased, eldest daughter of the late Al. W. Palmer. Bushnell avenue, kept house tor her widowed father until his death five years shioe. then went to live with her sister. Mrs. II. AI. Alaro •d Peekskill. Having a talent for nurs- ing, she studied "trained attendance" in New A'ork. and later accepted a position ^;j j> strlvato sanlt^xhim ia Ccc^au^icli- whkh siie held at the time of her death. Sbo is survived by bet sister and by two brothers (Stanton of New A'ork and Arthur of Newark. N. J., of whom the latter was in California and unable to attend Alonday's service). the interests of the Chamber. c The date of the meeting will be announced later, and it is hoped that more than a quo- 'rori: will respond to the notices sent out; Think of It £ With a membership of , nearly one hundred and fifty, but twenty- five or thirty attend the meetings, and it must be said that the business meffTn particular are conspicuous by their ab- sence. - The Chamber of Commerce be- longs to you, every member being a de- termining-factor in its successful opera- tion. Why not take your parr of the work? _: 1 . - » »--•—— ;. Not njshot Fired "In the Next lloom. w The Vanderbilt Theater in New York lias a new crook play entitled "In the Next Room," and luckily for all parties interested, it has all the earmarks-, of being one of__the big hits of the current season. The authors are Mrs. August Belmont, who was knownln the realms of drama as Eleanor RoPSon. and Har- riet Ford, who have succeeded in doing a deft feat in playmaking. Murders are committed in the next room of a peculiarly mysterious kind and in iden- tically the same manner; not a shot is fired, nor is there any gun-play. Ono after another of iiie inmates of the house fall under reasonable suspicion. A3 .usual, the chief-novelty lies in the pre- cise means by which the murders are committed.—"The e-iiafjictcrsiire^istincf^ ly and sympathetically" drawn. Thrill follows thrill until at the conclusion, if one is susceptible to such things, there is a feeling of "relief when the solution to all is given. Not in many moons -has a mystery play lieen so wel! acted. Not one of the players seems conscious of- the fact, that he or she is merely a character iif'the play. There is a de- cidedly human touch in every rendition. The play is full of little tricks that mean so much and often mark the difference between a success and a failure. It will remain at the A'nnderbilt until the {lowers are- blooming in the Spring. 1 tJnlck-AVIMed Younrrsler. There is in town a small girl whom we will call Alary Smith, although that is not anything like her name. One night recently little Alary spent with her maternal grandmother, and snid her p.ayers, on going to l>ed. at that g<>od lady's knee. She besought 'he Lord to bless father and mother nnd sister and brother, and to make Alary a coed girl, and then phe lustily said "Amen." The listener gavr» a sigh: "There's no prayer for grandmother?" <:ho asked. Alary eyed her silently for a moment. Thereupon she gallantly tossed her head: "Grandmother." she replied with dignity, "I'm speaking of the Smith family." "Aly China Doll." a Alnslcal Gem. Theater-goers have a remarkable sur- prise in store, when LcComte and Flesher's new musical spectacle. "Aly China Doll.'*" is presented at the Com- munity Theater next Wednesday night. No more attractive novelty has been ProTTuccd in years than the author has turned out in this novel offering. - He has cleveily unfolded a stirrinn story about the famous little dancer. Barbara Bronell. who is starrinrt In this great success. There are two acts and eight scenes, with the play opening In New A'ork's Chinatown, where the Fete ot Lanterns is hi progress, sightseers are visiting the Oriental quartcrsnnd a night of gayety is on. The theme takes us through many wondrous scones, includ- ing Story Book Land. Alolody Town, the Land of Flowers, and a novel s-M'ing in Silver nnd I.nee at a palatial home in New A'ork. Aliso Bronell is supported by n inetnipolii.ui cast, together with the liveliest, danciest "pony" ballet e.-cr nssemha d. There aie .s"n.o .Twenty tuneful musical numbers, id which '"The TJthTI TVi TTrean»x~~is iTtf t.teniO Seats o.i sale Saturday at 10 a. box-office: prices. V m. at Oc. to $2.00. phis tax. perfected nt Leeds provided Catsklll on the Map. Arrangements have br on for the filming of "Iceliotind' during the next few weeks the weather man the ice and snow. A company of twenty-five m-ule actors will !>•- b o r e , with headquarters at tbo Xew Snulpaiigh, and. with Aitlst Wilfred Buekland on the scene, it is ex- pected thai the scenic beauties about Leeds and this s-etion when thrown upon the seri en will surpass those ob- tained in any other part <>f t h e country. High-Up alii'inK- of the moving picture profession were recently here and. ex- pressed themselves as delighted with !li prospects. Catskillinns will probably have an op- portunity i>f Witnessing the details con- nected with the making of a mammoth film, :m i xperience many arc looking I forward to. </' -:->-?.:• y&s&ZgX&msr —X?3u&» SS2ES sa^^lJlki!M<flki^Mu,, *J&#J$T+«?\~. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

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l m t k $0.G0 a weeks 1.00 8 weeks 1.35 4 weeks 1.60 .3 month*.. ~-4.nn 1 jear. j 13.00

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$1.10 1.00 2.00 y . i o

$1.50 2-70 3.05 4.25

'7;S0 ; 10.50 24.00 | 33 00

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$2.00 8.75 5.00 0.20

13.00 40.00

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A T H E N S . " - " T h e W . I I . Morton Steamer Co. gave a p a r l y on New Year ' s night to the i r members , and served a tu rkey <;uj>i»er which was prepared by the chief

_ J ± ? £ - J ? ; » H K L P a h n a t i e r , with J o h n H o -""titling, Alfred Neslln and H a r r y Conly

VLH ass is tants , . A large wi the r ing $at down to thlr> bounteous spiedd. L a t e r t h e President, William C. Brooks, acted

. a s toositnaster, atid MiKsubJect of pu chas ing a new lire engine was thor­oughly discussed, among those speak­i n g being Elmore Mac-key, John Pahna-tecr . J a m e s Holmes and Char les -Hl tch-.cock. "• = C a p t . Benjamin Hon*, jr., has dis­cont inued his business a s window*

_.•washer, (hav ing had only one customer in jjoed of his services and he a t too g i c a t a d is tance) , and has entered upon a ^par tnersh ip '"with Berij. C. Whi t ing . TheVi two gentlemen, hav ing secured t h * necessary shovels and muscles for t h i s work, a r e ready to do snow-shovel­i n g a t reasonable ra tes . A sample can 4>o seen in front of the lots belonging 1o O. Ga te s Por ter , on Frankl in s t reet .

= 5rr3. Ju l i a Hallenbeck spent Chris t ­m a s with her son-in-law and daughter , jMr. and Mrs . Edward Alohr, and their turn I rving, in the Bronx/ New York, jbefore they s ta r ted for their Win te r h o m e in Soilth Palm Beach. I-'la. A

• «ii«»iih> '-: ".'.'• ""•'*• took place a t th is t ime. Capt . E lmer Hallenbeck and-, Air. and Mhii Barriet t Hallenbeck of "the some c i ty and Mrs . Henry Bogardus a n d son i&hor ' j rhml- Wilfred of New Je r sey be­ing present , all former Athenians .

—The Fict ion Section of the Brook­lyn Daily Eagle for Dec. 23d pr in ted a C h r i s t m a s s to ry by Miss Isabella Mc-Dwnough. under the pen n a m e of Jeah" McDonough . T h e au tho re s s who Is a s s i s t an t edi tor of the Belle Syndicate,;

X t ' O X S A C K I E ; = T h e Communi ty Chr is tmas Tree has

been great ly admired, especially by. ou t -of-town visitors. T h e Upper Hudson kindly furnished the power and the work of connecting, Richard Hotnling gave the tree, Mr. FJtzpafrlck supplied the lights for the s tar , and the music ians gnvc t'icii"wrTvtccw; uii of wi'ncn icinaness is great ly appreciated by the town. And j e t we shall have to admit t ha t t h e r e a r e some people in the midst of us who a r e so despicable tha t they will take bulbs from a Community Chr i s tmas . T r e e ! There w'-re six gone the first night , and some have since disappeared, the exact number not r.s yet known.

=Mf. and Mrs. Leltoy Flonsburg cele­brated the end of the old and the be­ginning of the new year with a card par ty of three- tables In play and th ree J ua lke r s . th«* prizes going to Mrs. Do-herty, Mr. Hamilton and Mrs. Ada.ii Van Derzee. Refreshments were served, all being seated at the dining room table, and Mrs. Flaftsbtirg gave a toast, "Here ' s hoping we all meet here next year , with Increased heal th , wealth and happiness!" The. hostess also kept her gues ts busy; answering riddles, the par ty last ing from 192:* to 1924.

==Mlss Anteda T a n Derzee on S a t u r ­day enter ta ined in honor of her gues t . Aliss Sybil" Alaelay of Albany. Thane present were Miss Celestla Green of the N e w . P a l l ? - N o r m a l . Miss Sybil Maclay. Albany Teachers ' College, Messrs. Ayl-ward Mart in , Nelson Richtmyer , Howard Allen Richtniyer . Exe ter Prep .

= T h e sac ramen t of the Lord 's Supper will be solemnized a t t!:* morn ing se r ­vice on J a n 13th. The elders will meet a t the close of the service on the Fr iday evening previous," to receive candidates lo i -church membership . — * ==Vando»-zee, Mr. and 5ire= J a m e s S. LaGrangc a n d s o n ' J a m e s Ear le , a n d Miss Grace"Oliver ; allot Union Church , spent New Year ' ;? Day

itfe.. is a novice in s to ry -wr i t ing bu t a t the manse a s gues t s of the Rev . a n d

\ .

s h o w s m a r k e d ta len t in he r first a t ­t e m p t . She is t h e d a u g h t e r of Prof, a n d Mrs. H . G. AIcDdiiougli, former r e s iden t s of; o u r village,

= O n Monday noon t h e firemen were 'cal led to Dr . Norman Cooper's ga rage

,,-^rhere a s tove ' s puffing had thrown fire ' '<i:i - the floor. T h e building's inter ior

w a s -s-rinieivhat damaged, while the Rev. H o b a r t Whi tney ' s 'Dodge tour ing c a r c a u g h t rafso, the top and body being a do ta l wreck. N o ,water w a s employed. t h e M a k a w o m u c s and the W . C. Brndy Co. 'us ing only chemicals. Loss fully covered by insurance.

= .Word ha? been received here of the i l lness of Mrs . Loretih. Hus ted . mo the r of the Rev. Maurice Hus ted of H o u s ­ton." Pa . S h e w a s taken to the P i t t s ­b u r g h City Hospital on Dec. 29th, and operated upon for appedicit is a n d gal l ­s t o n e s . She Is doing \-ery nicely. , hn rg tl.pre soughylflleir cm' cm cm cm

= M e m b e r s of oiir school facul ty a r e attending the i r vacat ions a t the i r homes —rj i ss Grace- Lazarus . Ticonderoga;

' M i s s Ru th Kirnriiey. E a s t Greeribush; Miss Elizabeth McCarthy, S a r a t o g a : Miss SI. Blanche Smith, E a s t Worces t e r : -Miss - F r a n c e s Weitiauf, "Leeds: Prof. >r. A. McCall, Rochester .

= M r . and Mrs- R- P . Bainbridge. who * a r e on the i r w a y to Honolulu via the

- P a n a m a Canal, have s en t gree t ings f rom var ious ports , the last from Com-

; i lo . Nicaragua , C. A. _-=It was a n e r ro r in print , t he Item

' alhjut Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ICettenring should have read Messrs." Char les ICet-.t en r ing a n d Alfred ICettenring.

= T h e - t u g b o a t Adams h a s been ly ing _•<* tiie A t h e n s docks this week." and Capt . E. N . Van Woert h a s been g ree t -in*: old friends. ; "

- = M r s . •Jkir. A. Lenahan will eiuer'tain .1 number of ladies a t ca rds on Sa tu r ­day-a f te rnoon . '"•-'•' ^.

=Alr . and Mrs . E lmer Benn re turned <m Wednesday from a visit to P o u g h -jkcepsie.

___==_Warren E . Hov.-I.onit rnffrtTinojl -n».imi<er of friends on Thur sday evening.

= M r s . Benj . C. Whi t ing enter ta ined sit ca rds on T h u r s d a y evening.

-:=Schodi oj>ens on .Tan. 7:li :ifter the recess .

' Out"l>f Tmrn. '

Capt . Edward Sickles and daugh te r s Doro thy and Florence. Mr. and Mra. Char les Hitchcock and daugh te r s Or-vjlla and Sadie, in Beacon with ?-Ir. and •Mrs. Robert F rances over the week-end *»ud New.'s Day : John Day Gr i t -jnon. M

ilfs son Irvine in Brooklyn: ss Bessie MiiTCnight a::d nephew, in

N e w York: Capt. Benjamin Hoff. jr. . in t h e s.-ime c i ty : Mrs. E lmer Boi^e. in CohoJs : Miss Eleanor .Rouse, in Valatie. ,;y '. — Vl-Unr*.

Mr . , and M M . " Rudolph Ess ler and d a u g h t e r of Nev.-bitj-g'i. wi'.li Air. anil >frr. \\-:\v. y . 'c th^; *: v . M . . e Biooks of N e w York, wiiii hrr , f.'-::-,or. Je remiah Ttrooks: Mr. nttd Mrs. Charles Newton of Hudson, on Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. <». Gates Po r t e r ' s : Miss Margaret Van. Schoack of Ho<>o!:en. N. J.. f;>r two •v.veks v.-ith her ennsinl Miss Laura M a y HalierJieck: Ar thu r Vr.n Woert of Albany, at Mr. and Mr.*, l lolp Spoor 's : Mr. and Mrs. Eiiw.ird Sausvilln and children of Newbtirgh. with Mr. and Mr.-t. William G.-IC-J; N'.is- Sir.'.li Nedt-viclc . teacher in N jack . with Iicr father. tliy>rgc Nedtwick: .''•!:!> rind Clifford Kisse lburgh . s tudent* at H.-irtwick K'-iTiir.:)ry. with the : - pa r en t s : Mr.;. William Kissr-Pn;r:i'»: I cutd Fr.-»nk '»!:iro. ensplcyed n i ' c l idy . f»r th« !i'«!5-?ays v familie^: Mr. a i d >ir.--. IV. I i m c h and diitgiMr;- M.::i B r o o k l y n , w i t h Mr; . O v , - ; . «*nl<«. Mr. .in<! Mr.-*. IV"r:rk J » « i ~ ! i l IV»rt<-r. a I ' - i r X r in N . Y.. w i t h A t h e n s t-:end.-J

r TTrT l i v e s ; TTrrr Mis.* < i t > .

iWtl l iam C o . k

Mr. and 'red Leek in Sehe-ith t !u : r •e Over-

• i;!.';il! of ii's i>ar-

McNally: I^twville.

and rcl.i-Marmn <ts<\*. n-. nr \ i i .

.Airs. Ballard _ = M r s . L. A. War ren enter ta ined wi th

four tables of bridge on Monday af te r ­noon, prizes being won by Miss El iza iNIackey (first) . Miss Marion Mackey of Schenectady (second), and Mrs. George Marsh ( th i rd ) . i = M I s s "Margaret Steele, af ter a for t ­n ight with he r mother , Mrs . T h o m a s Steele, h a s gone to visit he r s is ter . Mrs . Marion Krom of Bridgeport , Conn., a n d will thence r e tu rn to New York. : - = J a c o b F l ansbu rg and daughte r , Mrs . Von Alstyne, on New Year 's Day en t e r ­tained a t d inner Mr. and Mrs." Lc-Roy F lansburg and daughte r , Mrs . Lillian Bcat ty a n d Mrs. Sa rah F lansburgh . • = M r . a n d Mrs . T . H . L o w and son Jun io r of Brooklyn, spent a for tn ight lately a t their Summer home here wi th Mrs . Low's mother . Mrs . W . R. Church . . =TI t e P r a y e r and Mission Circle of the F i r s t Reformed Church will give a hot roas t pork suppe r oh Fr iday , J a n . 11th. a t the church , for 50c. a plate .

= M r . and Mrs . Charles Bailey, jr . , of Longmeadow. Mass., have gone home af ter a visit wi th the former 's pa ren t s , Mr. niid Mrs . Chas . E . Bailey. ""

= M r s . Carrie Pe t t i t has been s t a y i n g with he r d a u g h t e r in" Guilderland, and brought back with he r her g r a n d d a u g h ­ter Glen for a s t ay here . • = M r . and V.Irs. Dan Cameron, who spent Chr is tmas w i t h her paren ts , brought back with them M^rs. Cameron ' s s is ter Alice for a visit .

= M i ? s Ru th Steele, having, passed the holidays, with he r parents , Mr. and Mrs . Thomas Steele, has re turned to he r school in Bethel Ridge.

=CeIest ia Green h a s resumed he r studies a t the New Pal tz Normal Schoo' , a f ter the holiday vacation a t he r home 'n this village.

==Mis3 Char lo t te Williams, who had lived for several yea r s with Mr. and Mrs. Ches ter Woodward, h a s gone h o m e to New York.

=Mis.- Alma Jones of the Hermanec Memorial Library has, come b^--JSiJI!PiIL •T:xisir""x;tirTier pa ren t s in Oriskany.

==Mrs. l**r:i!ik S«iuires, who h a s been ill for some time, does not improve a s he r friends wquld-haye her .

==Meeting ol the Consistory for Or­ganizing for 19:!4 in the nuihse on T u e s ­day evening. J a n . 15th.

= M r s . V. Oliver of Delmar has been summoned here by the illness of he r father. M. J . Greene.

==Miss Ethel Van Alstyne and George Van Sehaack re turned to Syracuse Uni­versity on Wednesday.

=-The Monday Club will resume i ts meet ings on J a n . 7th a t the home e>f Airs. A r t h u r Spoor.

=Mr.s. If. A ; Jo rdan , who is in the Al­bany Hospital . Is in a very week condi­tion.

= Mr. and Mrs. George Marsh gave n dinner for fourteen gues ts last Fr iday.

— Mrs. Carrie Van Denborg is oitit.** ill from the effects of vaccination.

= T h e ollicers-elcct will l>e installed en Sunday morning, J a n . Gth.

= M r . and Mrs-. H. .McK. Curt is ft d inner on New Year's Day.

= Mrs. .<;< orge Marsh enter ta ined tl-.r Girls ' Cltib <yn Wednesday.

— M. ' . Greeiie suffered <|uitc a severe shock «>n Tuesday morning.

*=The Clio ("l;rf> wiir meet on J a n . 7th with Airs. George Sweet.

=Alrs . Harr ie t Gaylord Is ver>' ill a t her home on Elm s t ree t . . , , >

tint of Tnwr. Thorn'1- Ho Igins . w h o m a k e s h i s ?i->m^

wi th his ii-it'lo and a u n t . Mr. and .Mrs. Charles 5i'-<T:;i!is. w i t h h i s c o u s i n . J o h n Hooii. in P.tH.-.-i.;••<-. N. J . : .Air. a n d Airs. W. K. Brad.- a<id lli«» i . ittcr's m o l h i r . Airs. A l i -v S m i t h , a t a fami ly d i n n e r oh Christni.".- l>.iv. w i ' h Air. i lrady's niol i : -Cr. Airs. W. C, Brady of A t h e n s ; All?. Jr-s-ie Si:ii;i- Jiiid so-i l)«»i-ald. w i t h Aliss A m y Sriii;!i in N e w York.

Mrs.:Florence Miller of New Balt imore, for Chr is tmas with he r s is ter . Mrs. Chester Woodward: George B. Van Sehaack of the E a s t m a n School of Mush-, Rochester , for the holidays with JIIK paren ts . Mr. and Mrs. Myron Van Sehaack: Mr. and Airs. Newton Wood of Kingston dur ing the^whjlayjuAVithJ t l .e i u n e m pa ren t s ; a i r r a n d Mr«. N . A. Calkins.

Cbrlot (EptMopal) Church Note*. = N e x t Sunday the Holy Communion

will be celebrated In Greenville a t 8 o'clock, a n d Sere a t 11 o'clock. Ser­mons tha t day on "The Thi r s t of the Soul" and "The Evil Hea r t of Unb-dief." Sunday School as usual .

—The Juniot Brotherhood of St. An­drew meets In the rectory on Sa turday a t C:30 p. ni . ; the candidates class of the G. F . S. In t h e par i sh hall a t 2:30.

= T h e Girls ' Fr iendly Society meeting in the rectory on Tuesday evening a t S o'clock. Special rehearsa l on Wed­nesday evening for the play, "Not a Man In the Houce." -

=AIen's Club business meet ing In the par ish hall on Wednesday evening v.t S. followed by rehearsa l •

gerund Itefornird Cliurrti Noti-H. = S e r m o n themes next Lord 's Day, " I

believe In God," the first In a series on the Apostles ' Creed, and "Claiming the Promises." Y. P ; S. C. E. (consecra­tion) meeting, with topic, "Do Bet ter S t i l l ; " leader. Airs. L y m a n Black. . = T h e Week of P r a y e r will be ob­served next lyeek wi th union services with the Metliodlst Church . Those en Alonday a n d Tuesday evenings will be held In the Methodist Church, -ar id on Wednesday, Thur sday and Fr iday even­ings ,In the Second Reformed Church a t 7:30; Let us s t a r t t he yea r by deep­en ing the spir i tual life of our churches .

AfetliodUt Church Notes. = S e r m o n e t next Sunday on "Sunny

•Jim." Communion a n d reception of members a t 11 o'clock. Epwortfi League topic, "God"s Question and Aly Reply." I t Is expected t ha t the Rev . J o h n Cal­lahan of Hadley Rescue Hal l will preach In the evening, a n d everyone is Invited to h e a r this wonderful m a n .

.- High. School Honor Itoll. Grade / — R u t h V a n Sehaack, Minnie

Dardan i , Richard Marsh , Richard Vin­cents Carroll Hynes , Bruno Scott,- Louise Hotal lng, Rose Pahta leo , Charles F o s ­ter , E d g a r Smi th . ? :T

Grade 2—Robert Bogardus , Golflle Bo-ga rdus . Pau l Cameron, Carmella Bo-nticci, Doris Hoag, Robert Curt is , George Day, Roy Ahte tomaso, Gladys' Deere, Ger t rude Wood. J o h n Black, Ear l e H u b ­bard, J o h n Goodwin. - c

Grade 3<t—Ruth Condon. Maripii Shep-ard, Dorothy Grlesau, R u t h Carr ington, Doris Gates, He rmance Hallenbeck, E v e ­lyn Carter , Joseph Bucklioff, F r a n k Be ­dell, Shirley Wheeler , Gladys Robertson; Joseph Joerg .

Grade Sb—Wilbur Bogardus , Edward Dardani , Clara -Lombard!,. Florence Alat-tlce, Josephine MIsuraca, Mary] Miller, Sherwood Steele, William Roarlie, Rob­e r t Craw, I rv ing Collier.'

Grade i—Clarence. Trav is , Adelaide Case, Er i e Pa lmer , Myriilia Barkirian, A r t h u r Spencer, El izabeth Neis . Mary ArcCarthy. Pau l Ballard, Aladelir.e W a r ­ner, Grace Stroud. -

Grade 5—Frederick Spencer, I n a Deamer, Inez Wood, Marga re t Rober ts . Charles Schoonmaker, Rober t a Bowman, Ru th Franc is , Ger t rude Hota l ing , Ada Hotal ing, Alildred Carr ington; .

Grade ffrc—George Gates, Leonard W a r r e n . Alildred Lombard!. Rose Bc-nacci, AVilliam Gray, QUo^Ber l lnsky , Gladys Palmer . Mary Gianimattei , Ellen Alurphy, Helen Gates .

Grade 6b—Irene Thom.-en. R o m e t t a Van Wie. Cather ine Maugere, Catherinc-I ' rendergast , Marga re t Smigen. William Diamond. Edwin Young, S a r a h ' Ah's-u raca . F rances Cooper, Alice Shaul is . . Grade Sb—Alildred" Bal t ronis . Berna-dct te AValther. .Sarah Fi tzpatr ick, I ra Finch, -fynrnnoc iFJnch__Ba.

g i ve

Edith Best, Dorothy Aliiler, Bertha Col-burn .

llV.s." Cor.tackic. Grade 2—Howard Cary. Winifred Grotz.

Grade I—Frank Hea th , Aliidred Ben­net t , H a r r y Palmer , Raiph Brandow.

Pupil* Karnfnz 10Or,'r in .Spcllins. Grade 2—Goldle Bogardus, Gladys

Deere. Gladys Foster . Doris Hoag. Dor­o thy Hoag . Alaria". ..Alaruaret Hynes; .Margaret ~ Kuz Iosk i r "Ger t rude .Murphy. Bernicc Por ter , Ger t rude Wood, J o h n Black. Rober t Bogardus. Robert Curt is . George Day / John Goodwin. Earle Hubbard. J a m e s Aloigan. Ralph Palmer , Raymond Vandermark . Roy Antotomaso.

Grade ..'a—Joseph Bucklioff. Joseph Joerg . Ernest Smith . Blanche Uergman, Ruth Carr ington. Evelyn Carter , Eileen Canlfield. Ru th Condon. Bernico Ctrn-n ingham, Thelnia Dixon. Dorothy Grie-. -au .Ai i im La T'orte. Alayhalia Alallert, Arline Pa lmer , Florence Roberts . .Marion Shepp.rd. Ka tha r ine Vincent.

Orv.dc •'•!>—Wilbur Bogardus. Edward Daidani . Clara Lombard!, Florence Alat-tioe. ) —Henry Sherman, Mary Spag-roia . Paul Ballard, Erie Palmer. Alade-line Warne r . A r t h u r Spencer, Grace Stroud. Dorothy Roico, I ' rancis .Mur­phy. Dorothy Bennet t .

Grade •'•—Inez Wood. .Margaret Rob­er t s . Elinor Briggs. Charles Schoon­maker . I n a Dc.iiiiti-, Charles Carr ing­ton.

Grade tin—Gladys Palmer. Kathcr lne Henry Van Denburg, Ruth Wood. .Mary Svvar/, .Mildred Lombard!, Al.'.iie Qu!r.Ie>.

r,r.;d- >!, -Irene Mallell. Ru th Vlu-eent , (i.^rtrtidc Dowlimr. Ins Finch.


= M r s . William Wolfe, j r . . a n d d a u g h ­te r Muriel, and Mm. J o h n Hodum. of Kiskatom and Air. and Mrs . BUas W . E r n e s of Brooklyn were holiday gues t s of Mr. and Mrs . Wm. N . Wolfe.

= T h e r e will bo two game.-* of baske t ­ball In Colonial l h d l this Frlda^_eve»i^

—Tnjy "vSTlntnens and Leeds Colon­ial F ive vs. the Big F ive of Catsklll . Danc ing af ter the game.

r=AIr. a n d Airs. Uriah- H a r r i s and grandson, Raymond Taylor of New Yoik, were d inner gues t s of Mr. aiid Mrs. W a r r e n Allnkler of Catsklll on Sunday.

= M r s . Alarle Koehler bus re tu rned from Catsklll. where she had been for a mon th with her son a n d daugh te r - In -law. Mr. and Mrs. Ot to Koehler .

=AIr . and Mrs . ;Michael McCabe a ro mourn ing the loss of the i r pe t r ed fox, which broke his chain a n d r a n a w a y last Sa tu rday night .

=AIh?. Mar lha Brohson en ter ta ined a large prtrty of relat ives a n d friends a t d inner on New Year ' s Day .

= I s a a c Powell of L ime S t ree t is seriously ill.

— We m u s t be su r e to wr i t e 1024.

_L K E W H A L T I 3 I 0 R E . =Soc ia l Fr iendship Lodge. E>,& A. AI.,

held Its annua l meet ing on Dee. 2&th and elected: FrancLs AV. Chapman, W . M.: A r t h u r Knlllin. S. W . ; AVyman Knlfiln, J . AV.; P . S. W h e a t , T r e a s u r e r : Byron Aransfield, Secre ta ry : the Revs . AV. Van Iderst lne. P e t e r DeAIeester and I . E . Usher, chapla ins ; L . C. Powell, S. D. ; L . b . L a n g i n , J . D . ; E d w a r d Spencer . S. M . C ; F . W . Duslng, Tyle r ; Ba r ­ney Gordlnler, Alarshal; E . H . Powell a n d 3L R . Tolley, S tewards . T h e pas t y e a r h a s been a prosperous one for the Lodge and .In the nea r fu ture It p lans to re-decorate Its roortw.

= O n Dec. 24th Airs." Elizabeth Ter ry ' s neighbors did n e t see he r about , went Into the tibuse and found h e r dead. The body was taken to the home of he r niece. Miss Ju l i a Carhar t , aiid there on the following Thursday the Revs . W . Van iders t lne a n d P e t e r DeMcester con­ducted the funeral ; bur ia l In t h e Coey-m a n s Hollow cemeteryl T h e deceased, over e ighty yea r s of age , leaves several nieces and nephews, h e r husband hav ing died some yea r s ago .

= L a s t week T h u r s d a y evening, a t t he home of Mr. and Airs. E r n e s t Hotalihg,-Aliss A n n a Griffin had a s gues t s Mr. and Mrs . F . Knlllin and d a u g h t e r of N e w Bal t imore Stat ion, Mr. ahdQMrs . E m ­mons of Long is land, Mr. and Si rs . D a n ­iel Knlfiln of Ravena , A c t h u r Knifiih a n d famllj ' , Mr. and Airs. AVyman Khlfiln and Miss M. Grifiln of th i s place.

= F l o y d Carpenter died on Dec. 28th in the Troy Sani tar ium, a n d last S u n ­d a y t h e funeral w a s . held a t Char les Lowefy 's , where he formerly lived, the R e v . I . E . Usher of. the Bapt i s t Chiirch, of which deceased w a s a riiember, being the officiating c le rgyman. Buria l in Riverside Cemeterj-, Coxsackle.

=M?rs. George Van Hoesen h a s a n e w radio set . Air. and Mrs . J a m e s Bfbnk have one, and the Rev. P e t e r DeMeester is a r r a n g i n g to have one installed.

= L a s t F r iday t h e Masons had a social evening, witli some thir ty, persons p re s ­ent , g a m e s and ref reshments . On the s a m e da te a pr iva te dance took place in Cornell Hal l , with about fifty par t ic i ­p a n t s . - - '

Knfcrtalned "Lately." Mr . and Airs. J . AA'agoner, Mr. and

Airs. E v a r t Powell. Air. and Mrs . J . Powell, a t d inner a t H u g h Powell ' s ; Mr . and Airs. H e n r y L a m p m n n arid d a u g h t e r of Scranton. Pa . . Edwrard F r a n k e h of AA'eehawken, N . J. , the Rev . Howard JCanter of WallkiJI; N . Y.. and Airs. ic . F r a n k e n . a t Dr. Wal l e r ' s ; W . H . Sickles, sr.. this village. Air. and Mrs . E. Cole and Miss Sickles of Ci tski l l , wi th Air. and Airs. AV. H. Sickles; the Rev. M. G. Nies and family of Coxsackie. a t t he Re v. Pe te r DeAIeester 's: a par^tjr

Helen DIehl of AVest New A'ork. N*. J. , a t G. L. AVheat's;' Mrs. M. AlcCormack and children of Ravena , a t Charles Con­nor ' s ; Miss Van DInginan of Alass-achuse t t s and Airs. Cronk of Co»;ymaii8, with Miss Noble.


and Airs. D.i Florence Har r in r"

a! Air. and Airs. Richard Ci lberf

::••} Wineqard : •>n of the same

•w V. jr.. <.f X St. TnlrirU'v < l-nrrh Note*.

- T i i o Indies .'f t;-.- c h u r c h a r e t o h a v e n h o m e m a d e bake s.i!» th i s 1'riil.iy nf-i o n j o o n in th f Rr.rkcffll''r m a r k e t .

BrtptWl flinrrti N'otr*. — N e x t S u n d i y niornir: : . .VI'VMI top ir

A N e w Y.-.-.i";: steroo|it<(M!i


wil l lv> ' even ing < shown on Nat ion ."

- T I I A \V..>k ..f

..,..,vol. begfnnitiK . 7tlt and cont inum «~of»i Satur . lay.

-Tho S n n d i y S AT. Blanche Smiii ' wcro e n ' ^ r t t i n ^ d

;"!iirr: Prav. rdi.i,

Child I.ifo

I" the wil l ho

of the

C i . v .


Will lip oh-oniric of J an . evening ex-

>ol cl s of Miss .-!::d M m (irlTOi.ld

i? a Watch N 'ch l P . i t ' y on N C W Year's Eve. hv the n v m -horn of Air. GriswoJd's clnse.

VUilnn.^ Aliss: I .noy \":in I >onbnrg of ' A l b a n y .

for severa l d a y s w i t h h e r m o t h e r . Airs. Snrnli X'.in D e n b u r c : Air. mid AI.-<--. Thcodon- rit iyck Spoor «>f N e w a r k , for the w e e k - e n d wi th h i s parents . Air. and Airs. A la ' tbew Spoor ; J e s s e Green a n d s o n Herbert ol Brooklyn , at their horn<-for the w e e k - e n d mid N e w Year's D.iv : Mr. and Airs. I r v i n g Daley of N'ow A'.irk. for s o \ o r a l d a y s wi th h i s m o t h e r , .Mrs. D. 11. D a l e y : .Miss Ed i th A'an D e n b u r c . slud'-nt at Cornel l , for t h e v a c a t i o n w l t n her mothe i : Counse lor F. II. O s b o m a n d wife m:d daii::htor of Catskl l l ca l l ing on Id? s i s ter . Airs. 1). II. D a l e y : Dr. and .Mrs A. it D.lley "f A t h e n s , w i t h h i s mother . Air.-. D. II. D a l e y : .Miss A n ­n e t t e Kel lorhoi i se . s tudent at S y r a c u s e U n i v e r s i t y , w i th Airs. W . R, C h u r c h ; Mrs. J e n n i e Gardner of Carman. Conn. . wi th her i i . i i 'g'nter-in-law, Mi^. Emtn.i i J a r i h u r : Aliss Alnrlon M a c k e y o f S c h c -mie indy. w i l h Airs. I. K, Vnn H o e s e n ;

- -^'t'm^nnTTies_ot~"rrie Reformed Church l.isi Fr iday e v e n i n g e n t e r t a i n e d the t eachers , pup i l s and f r i ends of the S u n -ii.iv School at a de l ight fu l l u n c h e o n , a n d a l ino program w a s carried out by the c h i l d i e n . Slide picture.* were a l s o s h o w a . :>nd a v e r y p leasant e v e n i n g was. s ix nt by all ,

; J a m e s Scott , w h o w e n t to Orlando. Flo . , a few w e e k s n g o wi th Ix imont D c i h r i c k , h a s re turned h o m o , arid Air. i.Vdoriok and fiimlly are on their w a y , e x p e c t i n g to arr ive in a f ew d a y s . The ir ii'<t b e i n g ab le t o find work Is t h e rea ­son for c o m i n g back s o prion.

At 2:30 on T u e s d a y . J a n . Sth. a m e e t i n g of Alotluxlist Church m e m b e r s and c o n g r e g a t i o n will l>o held in the cl-.urch for the purpose of e l e c t i n g t rus tees and t ransac t ing such other hupJiK.Pii As may 'nrnio before it.

M i s . E l i d e P o t t e r and d a u g h t e r Jennie Ruth are spending a week with her son-in-law and daughter . Air. and Airs. Samuel Atf»ngam of Oyster Bay.

of"friends.' a t CHarles""BnldwTn's; thirtv. persons, dining on New Year ' s Day with Air. and Airs. Pau l Cour t ; the Rev. Pe t e r DeAIeester aiid family, a t Dr . W a l ­le r ' s ; Dr. and Mrs. Reid of Coeymans a t H a r r y T h o m e ' s : Webs te r Van Slyke. on Chr i s tmas Day a t H e r m a n Schtll-inger ' s : Miss S. A. \randerpe>oi, with Airs.-S. T. W h k b e c k : M i s s Van Slyke. with Airs. H a r r y T h o r n e : Aliss Viola Te r ry o f - Je r sey Ci ty . -wi th Airs. Lillie S c h e r m e r h b r n : a pa r ty , a t the Alisses Van Iders t ine ' s : Byron' Mansfield. John McCitnn and Clarence' P a r s o n s , with Aliss Simmons:" the Alisses Florence H o t a l i n g , Alildred and E l i z a b e t h W h e a t a n d Alary Str.ats . H a r v e y Mil ler . H e n r y Powel l . G e o r g e Giddings . C h a r l e s S t o t t . F r e d Badgley , . g i v i n g Ali.cs J e n n i e S t o t t a s u r p r i s e p a r t y : Airs. C h a r l e s A n d e r ­s o n a n d fami ly , w i t h Airs. R. B o i c e : F . AV. C h a p m a n and fami ly . Air. a n d Airs. Alark Tol loy a n d d a u g h t e r a n d C. E . P o i s o n s , at C. W . Alead's.

Ont o* Town.

Capt . E . S. \ \ i lson a n d Aliss AVilson. In T r o y ; Air. a n d Airs. Alartin B r o n k . In N e w Ba l t imore S t a t i o n : Aliss H a r r i e t Bronk . in C o e y m a n s : Aliss Sch i l l inger and W e b s t e r V a n S l y k e . In S o u t h Bal t i ­m o r e : Air. and Airs. P . S. W h e a t and s o n . In A n u c t u e k : A r t h u r A n d e r s o n a n d E l m e r G o l d s m i t h , in Alyers . N . Y . : t h e R e v . P e t e r DeAIeester a n d fami ly , in C o x s a o k i e : the .Misses K a t h a r i n e and F l o r e n c e H o t a l i n g . Airs. J . C. W i n n and s o n a n d ( laughter . Aliss Carhar t . the R e v . P e t e r DeAIeester a n d fami ly , t h e Rev , H o w a r d Kautor . P e r c y a n d H a r l a n AA'aller, F r a n c i s C h a p m a n . C. B . P a r ­s o n s . V. C. S c h e r m e r h o r n . C. II. B u r g e r . Kichard C h a p m a n , it: A l b a n y : Air. and Airs. P . V. Erode. In S c h e n e c t a d y ; H e n r y Wti t s io and fami ly , in F o u n t R u s h ; the M i s s e s Badg ley . in" A l b a n y : Air. a n d jVJil.—I -^4,-1—«~t~.T-rsnTTr~T*.—AnnTileAvs a n d fami ly , in fndian F i e l d s ; Mis s Alary Cn^cy. e m p l o y e d in A l b a n y ; Richard B u r i l n g h a m . on the U. S. S . S h a w m u t : Aliss Carhar t . in CatsklH; W . II . B u r ­i l n g h a m , there a iso .

M»l|or», _ Aliss Griffin of D o r m a n s v i l l c , a t ( t e o n ; ^

H e m p s t e a d ' s : Aliss Bid lake of W o r c e s ­ter, a t Aliss Carbar t ' s : Airs. J a m e s Car­har t . Aliss W e t t e r and a friend from N e w A'ork. at the W . II. S i c k l e s h o m o ; Ge-orge Alorton of J o h n s t o w n , w i t h AVill-iam S c o t t : Airs. Otis K e r l g a n of W a t e r -ford anil Fred Connor o f A l b a n y , a t Char les Connor ' s ; Mr. a n d Airs. D . S. Terry nnd Airs. I.. Bar low of A l b a n y , at V. C S c h e r m e r h o r n ' s ; E r n e s t F i n k of the s a m e c i ty , at the • a m e h o u s e : Air. : (nd .Mrs. Char les W h e a t of I l ion. J a m e s W h e a t of B o s t o n . Aliss T r i p p of C o e y -m n n s , at F. W h e a t ' s ; Air. and Mrs . M. l lh i t i inn of t'tli a, at C h n i l e s A n d e r s o n ' s ; S t e w a r t P a r k s of G a y h e a d , at t-. 1). L a n g l n ' s ; Char l e s A n d e r s o n nnd Airs.

— :Mith'mI»rCh""ureir?itotc«. =sA full a t t e n d a n c e Is des ired a t the

OHiclal Hoard o n d t r u s t e e s m e e t i n g In t h e p a r s o n a g e t h i s S a t u r d a y e v e n i n g . .

= N e x l "SuinLiy m o r n i n g t h e s a c r a ­m e n t of t h e Lord's S u p p e r i s to be a d ­

minis tered . J u n i o r a n d E p w o r t h L e a g u e m e e t i n g s a s u s u a l . P r e a c h i n g s e r v i c e in the e v e n i n g .

= T h I s S a t u r d a y a f t e r n o o n the Ladles ' A id S o c i e t y wi l l ho ld a food s a l e tit M r s . Char les S to t t ' s .

= T b e p a s t o r r e q u e s t s ' Ute . choir to c o m e to the p a r s o n a g e a t 8 o ' c l o c k . t h i s F r i d a y e v e n i n g for Important b u s i n e s s .

= O n D e c . 20th o u r S u n d a y Schoo l had Its C h r i s t m a s p a r t y In t h e c h u r c h , a n d w a s e n t e r t a i n e d b y t h e c l a s s e s u n d e r the ir t e a c h e r s ' l eadersh ip . Gi f t s , c a n d y a n d o r a n g e s w e r e d i s tr ibuted , a n d t h e C h r i s t m a s sp ir i t prevai led . A'olna T i t u s , t e a c h e r of t h e Alen's B o o s t e r Class , w a s g i v e n a h a n d s o m e Bib le ; t h e s u p e r i n ­tendent , O. G. H o t a l i n g , o n e f rom t h e s c h o o l ; t h e p:istor, a very s a t l s f a c t o r y purse . a n d Airs. A'an Iders t lne a r u g , for w h i c h both a r e grate fu l . .

= T h e AVeek o f F r a y e r i s to b e o b ­s e r v e d , b e g i n n i n g w i t h S u n d a y e v e n i n g , in_ t h e B a p t i s t C h u r c h , t h e R e v ? P e t e r DeAIeester p r e a c h i n g . T h e R e v . W . V a n Iders t lne wi l l ;>e t h e s h a k e r o n Alonday, the R e v . I. E . U s h e r o n T u e s ­day , on AVednesday (In t h e R e f o r m e d C h u r c h ) ; t h e R e v . P e t e r DeAIees ter , M r . Van Iderstlne' o n T h u r s d a y , Air. U s h e r o n Friday. ' T h i s c o n g r e g a t i o n j o i n s In t h e s e s e r v i c e s . J= v

=A\"ork o n t h i s c h u r c h ' s Interior Is p r o g r e s s i n g , a n d p l a n s f o r Old H o m e AV/eeic, b e g i n n i n g o n J a n . 2 0 t h , a r e b e i n g c o m p l e t e d . ~

Reformed Church' Motes. ==AVhat-So-Ever Circle b i r t h d a y p a r t y

in t h e c h a p e l o h J a n . 9 t h ; h o s t e s s e s — Airs. C. H . B u r g e r ; M r s . C. AV. Alead, Aliss W i i s o n . - /"""""^-v

= T h e Circle 's a n n u a l m e e t i n g wi l l b e he ld o n J a n . 16 th a t Mrs . P a u l Court ' s . AVord f o r ro l l -ca l l , "Te&ch." r C o n v e y -a n c e s l e a v e t h e - c h a p e l a t 2 o'c lock for all w h o . w i s h , t o g o . They- a r e a s k e d to b r i n g p e n c i l s .

= T i i e R e v . P e t e r D e M e e s t e r r e c e i v e d a g o l d Alasonfc p i n a s a C h r i s t m a s g i f t f r o m t h e b o y s o f h i s S u n d a y Schoo i c l a s s . .. ". a

= C o m m u n i o n s e r v i c e n e x t S u n d a y m o r n l n g , w i t h t h e e iders m e e t i n g "at 10 o'c lock i n t h e c h a p e l . Offer ing f o r o u r B o a r d o f D o m e s t i c M i s s i o n s . S u n d a y Schoo l a n d C. B . m e e t i n g a s u s u a l .

==The L a d l e s ' M i s s i o n a r y S o c i e t y , wi l l m e e t o n F r i d a y a f t e r n o o n , J a n . l i t h , hi t h e p a r s o n a g e . - _

— R e g u u l a r m e e t i n g of t h e Cons is torj -n e x t T u e s d a y e v e n i n g ! ~ .

—As in p r e v i o u s y e a r s , o u r t h r e e C h u r c h e s wi l l u n i t e in AVeek of P r a y e r s e r v i c e s . - -

P A i E N Y I I i T i E . = F r i e h d s of Mrs . F r e d Aran Voorhiss

of Sauger t ies were shocked and deeply-grieved to learn of he r dea th , a t the Benedictine Hospi ta l in Kings ton , on Chr i s tmas morn ing . On the i r m a r r i a g e s e v e r a l - y e a r s ago Mr. V a n Arcorh!es rented from Mrs . A. C. AVhite a cot­t age which they occupied for two S u m ­mers . Thej- were fond of golf, tennis and dancing, and were en thus ias t ic m e m ­bers of the Count ry Club, where m a n ? friends learned to love the happy bride and will sincerely mourn he r loss. She leaves two little children, and the be­reaved husband h a s the s y m p a t h y of a host of acqua in tances . ,_^ _,

—Airs. Otto J a k o b on Dec. 27th was operated on for g a l l s t o n e s and append­icitis, a t Lenox Hill Hospital . New York, and a t present is doing well. _. . = M r s ^ B o t t v - Doderioty wr»g .hos tess for

Here we came when love was young. Now t h a t love la old.

Shall we leave the fioor unswept And the hea r th :t-cold7

I l e r e the hill wind in the dusk . Wander ing to and fro.

Moves the mooiiflowers like a ghos t Of long ago.

I l c i c from every doorway looks ^ A remembered face, Eve ry sill and pane ' wears

A familiar grace .

Let the windows smile aga in To the morn ing l ight,

And the door s tund open wide When the moon Is br ight .

Le t the breeze of twilight blow-Through the s i lent hall ,

And the d reaming raf ters hear How the t h ru shes call .

Oh. be merciful and fond To the house t h a t g a v e

AH Its best to she l te r love. Buil t when love was b r a v e !

H e r e we came when love was young. Now t h a t love is old,

Never let Its day be lone Nor Its hea r t a-cold!

—The Century.

Would Omit " O b c j " from Service.


T h e modern husband does not expect o r w a n t his wife to obey him, and th i s a lone Is sufficient reason for s t r i k ing I h e word out of the m a r r i a g e ceremony, according to Dr . H e r m a n H . H o m e , professor of educat ion a n d philosophy a t N e w York Univers i ty , l ec turer on theology a n d a u t h o r of m a n y religious works . "- ,

' I n . addi t ion to t h i s fact," s ays D r . H o m e , " i t i s well unders tood t h a t w o ­men, rio m a t t e r how conservat ive, never 'obey' the i r husbands in t h e s t r lc t rsanse of the -word. So, f rom a. common-sense viewpoint* the re i s ho value to t h e word, and It m a k e s a hypocrisy of w h a t should lie a. ve ry sacred vow. I fc ih ter -pola tes In a solemn service a promise to do someth ing t h e r e is ho .hones t i n ­tent ion of c a r r y i n g ou t .

"Here in the Uni ted S la tes e i ther t h e legal o r rel igious ce remony i s binding. O t t h e rel igious ceremonies , t he s im-plt^tl ' fori i i is used by t h e Society of Fr iends , In which case the two pe r ­sons m a r r y themselves before 'Aleeting.' T h e legal ce remony is equal ly lacking In formali ty and no quest ion of obeying is Implied. I t is mere ly a con t rac t s u b ­scribed to before a represen ta t ive of t h e law. ,, ;~

"A religious service .of some sor t , in m y opinion, i s 4 n o s t sa t isfactory a n d most effective, so f a r a s m a k i n g a n im­po r t an t a g r e e m e n t las t ing . W i t h o u t a sp i r i tua l -background, mar r i age Is more likely to go on t h e rocks . Religion of some so r t is a ve ry necessa ry requis i te to even the mos t pr imit ive races . . . i t . m a r k s i h e l ine of difference between us~ ami t h e an imal k ingdom. B u t wi th this religion I insist on app ly ing the Tight of modern science a n d social re la t ion­sh ip to_ the ou tward a n d visible sign of t h a t vi tal force wi thin u s , " concluded Dr. H o m e . " I hope to see the mar r i age service S t r i p p e d of all i ts anc ien t a n d ou tworn p h r a s e s a n d made to fit t h e twent ie th cen tu ry . "

At the regular meet ing of the C h a m ­ber of Commerce last Fr iday night m a t ­te rs of Interest to those who failed to

'a t tend—and thev were leglnri —went d in . fT-ussed. Pre-sldc-nt Beach made repor t

tha t since the opening of the Rest Room no less than lO.OOO1 persons had been accommodated there*.

Repor t showed tha t there would be a balance of approximately $200 in the Communi ty Chr is tmas Tree Fund, which w a s voU.'«'i to be made a pe rmanen t fund, ib be u«sd only for this Durpcse. A'otcs Of t h a n k s were given Airs. Hubbard nnd her ass i s tan ts .In raising the funds: to the Upper H u d s o n Electric & Railroad Co. for labor and l ight : to II . C. Cowen for erect ing the t ree ; and to the Board of Supervisors for |>ermHtlng the com­mit tee to place the tree oh the coun ty proper ty .

Aust in R. Newcombe spoke on tho probability of in ter rupted h ighway t r a v ­el in l'J24. and advocated determined s t eps early In »he season to demand t ha t roads leading iiito Catskill be kept open by contrac tors , anil O. T. Heath , m e m ­ber of the committee having this pa r t of the work in hand, promised tha t ef­forts would be made to comply wi th the suggest ion made by Air. Newc :ombe.

Cha i rman H e n k e of the AVinter Spor t s Commit tee said J h a t all tha t was needed to m a k e th is branch of the Chamber ' s act ivi t ies a success was cold w e a t h e r and more money. The Rev . J . F . R iggs promised co-operation to the commit tee , provided the- p rogram called for no spor t s on Sunday . Mr. DeNyse In­formed Mr. Ri£gs tha t the plan was to s t a r t a carnival on Thur sday . Feb . ~2isi, arid cont inue th rough Sa tu rday , m a k i n g a three-day meet, with races for H igh Schools, mil i tary organizat ions and fire companies in the Hudson Aral!eyr

T h e Execut ive Committee, t h rough Pres ident Beach; advocated a banque t , the Chamber vot ing to hold such a 7 function on J a n . 21st, iTlias. H . ' A r b o -gas t being, appointed cha i rman of t h e commit tee to ca r ry ori t he work/

• Mr . DeNyse sugges ted • a p lan for ra is ing funds" for S u m m e r publicity a s well-as for o the r work of the Chamber . T h e proposition was hear t i ly received, b u t the details in connection the rewi th a r e of such magni tude t h a t It was d e ­cided to-have ano the r meet ing previous to t h e a n n u a ! election a n d banque t , when th is par t icular phase of ac t iv i ty will be fur ther considered- If t he idea is adopted the probabili ty is t ha t a paid seere ta ry can be employed to fu r the r


the L i t e ra ry Club last week. =A r is i tors : David Dowling from Riv -

erdale. with his b ro ther for the week­end ; AA'illie J a k o b of N e w York, wi th Air. and Mrs . Ra lph Griffin over Sunday ; Air. and Mrs. Chas . T. Gwynne, with Dr. . .nd Airs. S. A. Holcomh for several t lays last week: friends for the holidays with Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Holcomh: Aliss Libbie Trumpbour . accompanied by her a u n t from Brocton. N . Y.. where Miss T r u m p ­bour is teaching, a r r iv ing a t the liome-of her fatiier. Rowland Trumpbour . on Sa tu rday for a few days, a n d h a v i n g here on Tuesday for a shor t s tay in Co-bbes with a s is ter , Ahs; William AVhk-beck.

• , *


—The exercises in the ch inch on Chr is tmas N i g h t w-ere well a t tended, and a very ple-asing j irogiam w a s ca r ­ried out .

= AIr. nnd Airs. Rol>ert Ful ler en te r ­tained a few friends a t their home last week T h u r s d a y evening.

= A w a y : Mrs . El la Jor.e:-. called to Fouchkeepsie by the illness of he r son-in-law. (Icorge Gnets ; the Rev. am'. Airs. AVilliam Pcckham and the Litter 's father. Air. Race , gues ts of re la t ives in Bristol. Conn., for a few days.

= G u c s t s h e r e : Ansel Albcrgrt of New A'ork. for f c holidays with his p a r e n t s : Rollln Fioro. a t home from his school in Detroit . Alich: Aliss Beatrice Swar tz of Brooklyn. «.n Chr i s tmas Day with her pa r en t s ; Airs. Josephine Smallitig of Windham, for a few days with Air. and Airs. J. AV. Fiero . s r .

Would Renew Old "Acquaintance. R o o m 22.1, Fei leral Buildia i ldiag, 1

26 ,1923 . j E l R e n o , O k l a h o m a . Dee^ Editors. Recorder—Some f e w y e a r s

a g o I" t u r n e d m y b a c k o n t h e g o o d old Catski l l3 a n d h a v e on!y_ re turned o n e t ime; f o r - a s h o r t per iod . S i n c e t h e n I h a v e J>een.a . to ta l s t r a n g e r both to "the c o u n t r y . a n d t o t h e p e o p l e : n o w I w a n t to r e n e w a c q u a i n t a n c e s w i t h t h e m b o t h . . . I : w a s r a i s e d i n J l i e l i t t le v i l l a g e of

L e e t l s T - h a v i n g m a d e i t s a c q u a i n t a n c e w h e n a chi ld of a b o u t s i x y e a r s , in the h o m e o f Mrs,. A b r a i n Hal lenbeck, - m y g r a n d m o t h e r . I a t t e n d e d t h e v i l l a g e s c h o o l , a n d u n d e r t h e a ide t e a c h i n g of A r t h u r L e w i s I finally o u t g r e w t h i s a n d s p e n t o n e y e a r in t h e H i g h Schoo l in Catskl l l . T h e n t h e d e a t h o f m y g r a n d m o t h e r m a d e i t n e c e s s a r y t h a t I look o u t for myse l f , s o I t h o u g h t of o u r U n c l e . S a m . a n d e n l i s t e d i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s A r m y back in F e b r u a r y , 1915. I h a v e b e e n c o n s t a n t l y w i t h ti ie A r m y

[ s i n c e t h a t t i m e , a l t h o u g h "I had n o o p ­p o r t u n i t y t o g o e iverseas . for w h i c h I a m t r u l y - s o r r y . ' A t th'. p r e s - n t t i m e I a m On d u t y w i t h t h e O r g a n i z e d R e s e r v e F o r c e s a t El R e n o , Okla .

I should l ike to h e a r from a n y of m y fr iends w h o c a r e to w r i t e to m e a n d re ­n e w o'd a c q u a i n t a n c e s . .1 wou ld a l s o l ike to s u b s c r i b e t o the good old R e ­corder : p l e a s e s e n d it to m e .

V e r y rcspectUiHy. OMVKK C. A'.-.N HOIWKN-.


O.V_L_cf_Ui'.̂ r.: :M**-.\\rirry-STnttrn f wilh her mother . In Albany; E. C Hal­lenbeck. with h i s children in New J e r -sey: F r ank DeFr.ate. with nis son in Schenectady.

.— Holiday v is i tors : Jesse Greene of New A'ork'. wilh his family; Airs. E. J. S tontenburgh . motor ing from Brooklyn to spend the AA'inter a t The K a k s i k e e : Lovcro Chancy of Washington, D. f\. with his p a r e n t s : Air. Hazard of New York, with bis wife.

•»« »

New Indus t ry for Catsklll. Through the O. T. Heath agehey. Inst

Fr iday David Senft of the Catskill 0>M1 Co. purchased from W. A. Haines & Son the buildings adjoining his prop* r ty and at one t ime condurted by the Into Chnuncey Smith ns a coai-yard. The lot Is lfilx-40 feet, nnd the new owner will r.i7o the old buildings, erecting in their place a modern chemical < old s torage plant. It is .accessible by water and should be nn Ideal place for the

Bolce, at .Mis Charles Anderson 's ; Miss |bbus lncss contemplated by Air Senft


Ocelli of F o r m e r Calsklll lnn. Aliss Ella J . Pa lmer , formerly of this

village, died on Dec. 2Sth. after a month ' s illness, in the hospital at Greenwich, Conn., and three days Inter the funeral took place in the Ai'Mhodist Church . Catskill. t he Rev. A. M. Wilkins officiat­ing: in terment in tiie Jefferson Rura l Cemetery.

The deceased, eldest daugh te r of the late Al. W. Pa lmer . Bushnell avenue, kept house tor her widowed father until his death five years shioe. then went to live with her s is ter . Mrs. II . AI. Alaro •d Peekskill. Hav ing a talent for nu r s ­ing, she studied " t ra ined a t t endance" in New A'ork. and la te r accepted a position ^;j j> strlvato sanlt^xhim ia Ccc^au^icli-w h k h siie held a t the t ime of her death .

Sbo is survived by bet s is ter and by two brothers (Stanton of New A'ork and Ar thu r of Newark . N. J., of whom the lat ter was in California and unable to a t tend Alonday's service) .

t he in teres ts of the Chamber . c The da t e of t h e meet ing will be announced la ter , a n d it is hoped t ha t more t han a q u o -'rori: will respond to the notices s e n t out ;

Th ink of It £ W i t h a membersh ip of , near ly one hundred and fifty, bu t t w e n t y -five o r th i r ty a t tend the meet ings , a n d it m u s t be said t h a t the business meffTn par t icu la r a r e conspicuous by their a b ­sence. - T h e Chamber of Commerce b e ­longs to you, every member being a d e ­termining-fac tor in i ts successful opera ­t ion. W h y not take y o u r parr of t h e w o r k ? _: 1

. — — - » • » - - • — — • ; .

Not n j s h o t Fi red " I n the N e x t l loom.w

T h e Vanderbi l t Thea te r in N e w York lias a new crook play enti t led " In the N e x t Room," and luckily for all pa r t i e s interested, it has all the earmarks- , of being one of__the big h i t s of the c u r r e n t season. T h e a u t h o r s a r e Mrs . A u g u s t Belmont, who was k n o w n l n the rea lms of d rama a s Eleanor RoPSon. and H a r ­riet Ford , who have succeeded in doing a deft feat in p laymaking. Murders a r e commit ted in the next room of a peculiarly myster ious kind and in i den ­tically the same m a n n e r ; not a shot is fired, nor is there a n y gun-p lay . Ono af ter ano the r of iiie inmates of the house fall under reasonab le suspicion. A3 .usual, the chief-novelty lies in the p r e ­c i se means by which the murde r s a r e committed.—"The e-i iafj ictcrsi ire^ist incf^ ly and sympathetically" d rawn . Thri l l follows thrill until a t the conclusion, if one is susceptible to such th ings , there is a feeling of "relief when the solution to all is given. Not in m a n y moons -has a mys te ry play lieen so wel! acted. Not one of the players seems conscious of-the fact, t ha t he o r she is merely a cha rac te r i i f ' the play. There is a de­cidedly h u m a n touch in every rendit ion. The play is full of little t r icks tha t mean so much and often m a r k the difference between a success and a failure. I t will remain a t the A'nnderbilt unti l t he {lowers are- blooming in the Spr ing.


tJnlck-AVIMed Younrrsler. There is in town a small girl whom

we will call Alary Smith , a l though that is not any th ing like her name. One night recently little Alary spent with her materna l g randmother , and snid her p . aye r s , on going to l>ed. at t ha t g<>od lady's knee. She besought ' h e Lord to bless fa ther and mother nnd sister and brother , and to make Alary a coed girl, and then phe lustily said "Amen." The listener gavr» a s igh :

"There's no prayer for grandmother?" <:ho asked.

Alary eyed her silently for a moment . Thereupon she gallantly tossed her head: "Grandmother ." she replied with dignity, "I 'm speaking of the Smith family."

"Aly China Doll." a Alnslcal Gem. Thea te r -goers have a remarkable s u r ­

prise in s tore , when LcComte and Flesher ' s new musical spectacle. "Aly China Doll.'*" is presented at the Com­muni ty Thea te r next Wednesday night . No more a t t rac t ive novelty has been ProTTuccd in years than the a u t h o r h a s tu rned out in this novel offering. - He h a s cleveily unfolded a s t i r r inn s tory about the famous little dancer . Barba ra Bronell. who is starrinrt In this g rea t success. There a re two ac t s and eight scenes, with the play opening In New A'ork's Chinatown, where the Fete o t Lan t e rns is hi progress, s ightseers a re visiting the Oriental q u a r t c r s n n d a n ight of gayety is on. The theme takes us th rough many wondrous scones, includ­ing Story Book Land. Alolody Town, the Land of Flowers, and a novel s-M'ing in Silver nnd I.nee at a palatial home in New A'ork. Aliso Bronell is supported by n inetnipolii.ui cast, together with the liveliest, danciest "pony" ballet e.-cr nssemha d. There a ie .s"n.o .Twenty tuneful musical numbers , id which '"The TJthTI TVi TTrean»x~~is iTtf t.teniO Sea ts o.i sale Sa turday at 10 a. box-office: prices.


m. a t Oc. to $2.00. phis t ax .

perfected nt Leeds provided

Catskl l l on the Map. A r r a n g e m e n t s h a v e br on

for the filming of "Iceliotind' d u r i n g the next few w e e k s the w e a t h e r m a n the ice a n d s n o w . A c o m p a n y of t w e n t y - f i v e m - u l e a c t o r s will !>•- bore, w i th h e a d q u a r t e r s at tbo X e w Snu lpa i igh , and . w i t h A i t l s t Wil fred Buek land on the s cene , it is e x ­pected thai the s c e n i c b e a u t i e s about L e e d s and th i s s - e t i o n w h e n t h r o w n upon the seri en will s u r p a s s those o b ­ta ined in a n y o ther part <>f the c o u n t r y . H i g h - U p alii'inK- of the m o v i n g p ic ture profess ion w e r e recent ly here and. e x ­pressed t h e m s e l v e s a s de l ighted w i t h !li p r o s p e c t s .

Catsk i l l inns will probably h a v e an o p ­por tun i ty i>f Witness ing the deta i l s c o n ­n e c t e d wi th the m a k i n g of a m a m m o t h film, :m i xper ience m a n y a r c l o o k i n g

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