route map to emergency planning guidance under comah

Legal requirements for the production of on-site and off-site emergency plans for major hazard sites are laid down in the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH) (as amended by the Control of Major Accident Hazards (Amendment) Regulations 2005). Regulation 9 lays down the requirements for top-tier COMAH establishments to write an on-site emergency plan, and regulation 10 requires the relevant local authority (LA) to produce an off-site plan. Full details of the COMAH Regulations and guidance on the legal requirements is given in A guide to the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH). Guidance on Regulations L111. 1 For these top-tier establishments, specific guidance on the reasons for and constituents of the on-site emergency plan are given in Emergency planning for major accidents: Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH) HSG191. 2 Regulation 7 of the COMAH Regulations requires that top-tier COMAH establishments write a safety report. The safety report must include details of the on-site emergency plan arrangements, and must contain the information required to enable the LA to write the off-site plan. Detailed requirements for what must be included are listed in Chapter 7 of Preparing safety reports: Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH) HSG190. 3 For lower-tier establishments, COMAH regulation 5 requires that a Major Accident Prevention Policy (MAPP) be written. The MAPP must include details of the on-site emergency arrangements in place at the establishment. See Major accident prevention policies for lower-tier COMAH establishments Chemical Information Sheet CHIS3. 4 However, this document highlights the requirements in HSG191 as guidance for emergency plans. The importance of working together on the preparation of emergency plans and the roles of the different agencies involved is laid down in Emergency response and recovery 5 (available from Emergency Planning College) and in Dealing with disasters together (Second edition), 6 available from the Scottish Executive Office. A brief summary of the key requirements from the main Health and Safety Executive (HSE) publications is given overleaf. Numbers refer to paragraph numbers in the relevant documents. Route map to emergency planning guidance 1 of 22 pages Route map to emergency planning guidance This is a web-friendly version of leaflet INDG### (rev#), revised ##/0# Health and Safety Executive

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Page 1: Route map to emergency planning guidance under COMAH

Legal requirements for the production of on-site and off-site emergency plans formajor hazard sites are laid down in the Control of Major Accident HazardsRegulations 1999 (COMAH) (as amended by the Control of Major AccidentHazards (Amendment) Regulations 2005).

Regulation 9 lays down the requirements for top-tier COMAH establishments towrite an on-site emergency plan, and regulation 10 requires the relevant localauthority (LA) to produce an off-site plan. Full details of the COMAH Regulationsand guidance on the legal requirements is given in A guide to the Control of MajorAccident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH). Guidance on Regulations L111.1

For these top-tier establishments, specific guidance on the reasons for andconstituents of the on-site emergency plan are given in Emergency planning formajor accidents: Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH)HSG191.2

Regulation 7 of the COMAH Regulations requires that top-tier COMAHestablishments write a safety report. The safety report must include details of theon-site emergency plan arrangements, and must contain the information requiredto enable the LA to write the off-site plan. Detailed requirements for what must beincluded are listed in Chapter 7 of Preparing safety reports: Control of MajorAccident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH) HSG190.3

For lower-tier establishments, COMAH regulation 5 requires that a Major AccidentPrevention Policy (MAPP) be written. The MAPP must include details of the on-siteemergency arrangements in place at the establishment. See Major accidentprevention policies for lower-tier COMAH establishments Chemical InformationSheet CHIS3.4 However, this document highlights the requirements in HSG191 asguidance for emergency plans.

The importance of working together on the preparation of emergency plans andthe roles of the different agencies involved is laid down in Emergency response andrecovery5 (available from Emergency Planning College) and in Dealing withdisasters together (Second edition),6 available from the Scottish Executive Office.

A brief summary of the key requirements from the main Health and SafetyExecutive (HSE) publications is given overleaf. Numbers refer to paragraphnumbers in the relevant documents.

Route map to emergencyplanning guidance

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Health and Safety Executive

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Regulation 5(1), 5(2)Lower-tier (LT)/top-tier (TT) sites.

Requirement for MAPP to give high level of protection to people.

Other documents

Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974,7 Management of Health and Safety atWork Regulations 1999.8

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125: All operators must haveMAPP – LT must be separatedocument.

126: Details of when MAPP mustbe produced.

128: Links MAPP to safetymanagement system (SMS) andrefers to Schedule 2 for what mustbe included in SMS. MAPP mustbe in writing.

131–132: Links MAPP to otherhealth and safety policies.

133: MAPP should be short andsimple – refer to otherdocumentation.


11–16 and 26: Detailsrequirements for LT sites. TheMAPP should include informationon procedures for identifyingforeseeable emergencies, and thelevel of planning should beproportional to probability of anaccident occurring.


209–212: Specifies contents ofMAPP.

209(d)(v): requires arrangements foridentifying foreseeable emergenciesby systematic analysis, and forpreparing, testing and reviewingemergency plans in response tosuch emergencies.

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Regulation 5(3) MAPP document shall:

� take account of the principles specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Schedule 2;and

� include sufficient particulars to demonstrate that the operator has establishedan SMS which takes account of the principles specified in paragraphs 3 and 4of that Schedule.

Specifically, Schedule 2(e) requires that the SMS addresses planning foremergencies – adoption and implementation of procedures to:

� identify foreseeable emergencies by systematic analysis;� prepare, test and review emergency plans to respond to such� emergencies; and� provide specific training for all persons working in the establishment.

Other documents

CHIS3:4 HSE guidance document on MAPP for LT sites. Reinforces need toidentify and control emergencies. Refers to COMAH regulation 5 and Schedule 2,and to HSG191 for help.

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Schedule 2 requirements relevantto on-site plan:

427–428: MAPP must demonstrateSMS in place.

429–456: Detail of requirements ofSMS.

431: Roles and responsibilities(control of emergencies).

434–436: Identification ofhazards/emergencies.

446–449: MAPP/SMSrequirements for emergencyplanning are detailed for LT sites.

HSG191 HSG190

189–208: Specifies generalrequirements of MAPP/SMS.

199: Figure 2 shows how MAPPand on-site plan fit with overall riskcontrol systems.

209–212: Specifies contents ofMAPP.

209 (d)(v): Requires arrangementsfor identifying foreseeableemergencies by systematicanalysis, and for preparing, testingand reviewing emergency plans inresponse to such emergencies.

220: Requires details ofresponsibilities for controllingemergencies.

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Regulation 5(4)MAPP shall be reviewed and revised where necessary in the event of significantmodifications.

Regulation 5(5)The operator shall implement the policy set out in their MAPP.

Regulation 5(6) MAPP not required separately for top-tier sites.

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138: Reinforces when changes arerequired and references guidanceunder regulation 8(4) on whatconstitutes significant change.

HSG191 HSG190


139: Emphasises must implementthe policy in the MAPP.

HSG191 HSG190


140–141: Emphasises TT do notrequire separate MAPP, but that LTsites must have separatedocument.

HSG191 HSG190

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Regulation 7 TT: Requirement to have safety report and when it must be submitted.

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Schedule 4 Part 1 referenced –details objectives of safety report.

Schedule 4 Part 2 referenced –details information required insafety report.

(See separate section relating toemergency plans below.)


8–10: repeat top-tier operatorduties on emergency planning,provision of information and writingof safety report.


214: Requires safety report todetail arrangements for co-operation with emergencyservices/LA etc.

240: Requires arrangements forcommunications with LA,emergency services, otherestablishments, the public etc.

241: Requires safety report todetail organisation for managingemergencies.

247(c)(vi): Requires identification ofpossible emergencies.

251, 256–259: Requires SMS todescribe risk control systems forplanning for emergencies.

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Regulation 9(1)Every operator of an establishment shall prepare an on-site emergency plan whichshall be adequate for securing the objectives specified in Part 1 of Schedule 5 andshall contain the information specified in Part 2 of that Schedule.

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235–236: Adequate emergencyplans – in writing, proportional torisk.

238: Objectives of on-site and off-site emergency plans inaccordance with Schedule 5 Part 1(see below).

239–242: Require communicationto the public and emergencyservices, systems for managinginformation, definition of roles andresponsibilities, and provision forrestoration and clean up.


18: COMAH requires operators ofTT sites to prepare on-siteemergency plans.

19: Repeats objectives to beachieved by on-site plan.

21: Requires production of on-siteplan in writing.

22: Requires dovetailing with off-siteplan.

29–33: Give reasons for theemergency planning.

34: Highlights it is the responsibilityof the operator.

35: Requires the involvement of allparties in the preparation.

48–57: Describe the emergencyplanning process and how toprepare plans.

58: Requires documentation of planin writing.

78–80: Cover scope of on-siteemergency plan – the operator’scomplete response to a majoraccident. Concentrate on eventsidentified as being the most likely.Level of planning proportional to theprobability. Plan should haveflexibility to allow it to be extendedand increased to deal with extremelyunlikely consequences.

The plan should detail how theoperator prepares people for anemergency, and how to control,contain and mitigate the effects ofan emergency.


120–122: Require development ofthe range of hazardous scenariosand prediction of their frequencyand consequence for use inemergency planning.

125: Requires provision ofinformation.

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Regulation 9(2)Timing of preparation of on-site plan.

Regulation 9(3) The operator shall consult:

� persons working at the establishment;� the agency;� the emergency services; and� the health authority.

Other documents

RCS8–41:9 refers to consultation with relevant statutory consultees.

Regulation 9(4)The operator shall consult the LA (except where the LA is exempted fromrequirement for preparation of an off-site plan).

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243–244: Further details of timing.


62–68: Repeat detail of timing forproduction.



245–247: Details on reasons forconsultation and roles of agenciesinvolved.


38, 40–42: Details of consultees foron-site plan –employees/emergency services/LA.

60–61: Suggests ways of workingtogether on the plans.



248: Requires consultation duringthe preparation of the on-site plan.


38/42: Require consultation withLA.


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Regulation 10(1)The LA, in whose area there is an establishment, shall prepare an off-site emergencyand such a plan shall be adequate for securing the objectives specified in Part 1 ofSchedule 5 and shall contain the information specified in Part 3 of that Schedule.

Regulation 10(2)Timing of preparation of off-site plan.

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249: Plan in writing.

250: Must meet objectives inSchedule 5 Part 1 (see below) –and include consideration topeople, property and theenvironment.

251–253: Must provide forrestoration, clean up withappropriate remedial measures.Must consider effects on foodchain.

254: Plan can be generic if forestablishments in close proximity.


103: Requires Competent Authorityto notify LA of need for off-site plan.

58: Requires documentation of planin writing.

48–57: Describe the emergencyplanning process and how toprepare plans.

21: Requires off-site plan to beproduced in writing.

22: Requires dovetailing with on-siteplan.

34: Highlights it is the responsibility ofthe LA to prepare the plan.

35: Requires the involvement of allparties in the preparation.

60–61: Suggest ways of workingtogether on the plans.

104: Plan needs to co-ordinatedifferent responders’ plans.

108: Plan specific to establishment –perhaps as appendix to general plan.

109: Close liaison with dominogroups.



255–257: Guidance on timing,consultation and interimarrangements while plan is beingprepared.


62–68: Repeat detail of timing forproduction.


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Regulations 10(3), (4)Operator must supply information to LA to allow off-site plan to be drawn up.

Information must be provided by the date the on-site plan is due to be completed.

Regulation 10(5)Operator must supply any further information requested by the LA.

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259: Only provide informationrequired for off-site plan by thedate the on-site plan must beproduced by.

260–261: Information to other sites(domino sites) who may beaffected.


74–76: Detail information requiredin the on-site plan.

77 and Appendix 2: Giveinformation required by the fireservice under section (1) of the FireServices Act 1947, for thedevelopment of their arrangementsfor dealing with a major hazardaccident.

103: Requires operator to supplyinformation. Operator to keeprecord of information supplied.Operators should co-operate asmuch as possible with the fireservice in the collection of thisinformation.


506–507: Describes in detail theinformation that must be includedin the safety report on emergencyresponse. Includes a checklist of allthe information briefly coveringdetails of the site, details of thedangerous substances and theirproperties, details of the off-siteareas that can be affected, detailsof the emergency organisation andequipment available on site to dealwith them, details of warningsystems.


263: Information must be relevantto preparation of the off-site plan.


103: Requires operator to supplyfurther information, operator tokeep record of informationsupplied.


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Regulation 10(6) The local authority shall consult the operator, the Competent Authority, the agency,the emergency services, the health authority and appropriate members of thepublic on the preparation of the off-site emergency plan.

Other documents

Dealing with disaster together6

Regulation 10(7), (8)Exemptions from preparation of off-site plan.

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264–270: Guidance on reasons forconsultation, roles of consulteesand how to consult with public.


39, 43–47, 105: Detail consultationrequired on the off-site plan –operator, Competent Authority,emergency service, health agency,members of the public.

105: Requires sharing ofinformation obtained by LA withother responders.



271: Requires request to andapproval by Competent Authority.


122: Repeats process forderogation from requirement tohave off-site plan.


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Regulation 11(1)On-site and off-site emergency plans shall (by the preparer of the plan), at suitableintervals not exceeding three years:

� be reviewed and where necessary revised; and� be tested with reasonable steps taken to arrange for the emergency services to

participate in the test to such extent as is necessary.

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273–274: Guidance on reviewing.

275–286: Guidance on testing.

287–289: Guidance on on-sitetesting.

290–296: Guidance on off-sitetesting

297–298: Guidance on revisingplans post-exercises.


200: Regulation 11 of COMAHrequires that, at least once everythree years, the on-site and off-siteemergency plans for a TT COMAHestablishment should be reviewed,and where necessary, revised.

201: Lists a number of items thatshould be taken into account in thereview.

202: All appropriate changes thatmay affect the emergency responseshould be communicated to theother parties (ie LA and emergencyservices).

203–204: Review following significantmodification/changes in organisation.

205: Objectives for emergencyexercises to test effectiveness of planand focus post-exercise reviews.

177: Emergency plans should betested at least once every threeyears. This sets a minimumstandard.

178: This testing is to giveconfidence that the plans areaccurate, complete, and practicable.

179: Testing should be based on anaccident scenario identified in thesafety report. Tests should addressthe response during the initialemergency phase.

180: The overall testing regimeshould consider, over a period oftime, the full range of hazardscapable of producing a majoraccident.


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273–274: Guidance on reviewing.

275–286: Guidance on testing.

287–289: Guidance on on-sitetesting.

290–296: Guidance on off-sitetesting

297–298: Guidance on revisingplans post-exercises.

181: Testing on-site and off-siteplans at the same time canproduce significant benefits.

182: The objective of testing theplan should be to give confidencein:� completeness, consistency and

accuracy of the plan;� adequacy of equipment and

facilities; and� competence of staff.

183: Lists various aspects that theoverall testing regime would beexpected to examine.

184: Exercises to test on-site andoff-site emergency plans form partof the ongoing training of keypersonnel in preparation for dealingwith an emergency. Theseexercises include:� drills;� seminar exercises;� walk-through exercises;� tabletop exercises;� control-post exercises; and� live exercises.

186: There are many different ways,using combinations of the testsdescribed, to address the elementsof emergency plans that requiretesting.

187: It is important to draw up aprogramme of emergency plantests, prepared jointly and agreedby all the agencies expected toparticipate.

189: The aims and objectives oftesting emergency plans shouldalways be made clear at the outset.The lessons learnt should becommunicated to all stakeholdersinvolved.

HSG190L111 HSG191 HSG190

Regulation 11(1) (continued)

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191: It is important to evaluate thelessons learnt, to determinewhether modifications are requiredto the emergency plan, and topromote good practice. Eachorganisation may wish to establishits own self-evaluation criteria.

192: The evaluation process needsto include the dissemination ofinformation and the lessons learnt,to the relevant responseorganisations. This will include anyrecommendations arising from thetesting and the progress of actions.

L111 HSG191 HSG190

Regulation 11(1) (continued)

Regulation 11(2)LA shall try to reach agreement with the operator and the emergency services onoff-site plan testing.

Regulation 12Implement plan when required because of major accident or because of potentialescalation to a major accident.


299: Expands on this and allowsconsideration of other tests beingundertaken. Must be focused onCOMAH scenarios.

HSG191 HSG190


300: Requires decision-makingcriteria to be in place.

301: Requires specification of whocan initiate alarms and plans.


69–73: Cover requirements for useof emergency plans when required,and during testing.

196–199: Cover initiation of theemergency plans.

198: The emergency plan shouldidentify who has the responsibilityfor initiating the emergency plan,and when this should be done. Theplan should also include when theemergency services should be alerted.


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Regulation 13Allows for LA to charge for writing and testing off-site plan.

Regulation 14 Requires information to be given to the public as detailed in Schedule 6.

Regulation 16(3)Pass information to other establishments in domino groups to allow them to assesseffects on their on-site plans.

Regulation 18(2)Competent Authority may prohibit operation if reports and information required byRegulations not supplied.

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302–308: Further guidance ondetail of charging and how it canbe applied.

HSG191 HSG190


Schedule 6 includes informing thepublic of any warningalarms/information.

Schedule 6(10) requires referenceto the off-site emergency plan tobe included.


206–209: Cover provision ofinformation to the public.

210: Covers warning of the public.



339: Information must beappropriate.

HSG191 HSG190


360: Allows prohibition ifinformation not supplied to LA toallow preparation of off-site plan.

HSG191 HSG190

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Schedule 4 Part 1(4) For TT sites, the purpose of safety reports is to demonstrate that on-siteemergency plans have been drawn up. Supplying information to enable the off-siteplan to be drawn up allows the necessary measures to be in place in the event of amajor accident.

Schedule 4 Part 2Sets out information required to be included in safety report for TT sites.

Specifically, (5) requires information on measures of protection and intervention tolimit the consequences of an accident:

� description of the equipment installed in the plant to limit the consequences ofmajor accidents;

� organisation of alert and intervention;� description of mobilisable resources, internal or external;� summary of elements described in sub-paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) necessary for

drawing up the on-site emergency plan.

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468: Reinforces requirements ofregulations 9 and 10 to prepareinternal emergency plans and toprovide information to the LA toprepare off-site plans.

HSG191 HSG190

37: Sets out purpose of safetyreport that demonstration is madethat MAPP/on-site plan and SMSare drawn up.


492: Gives more detail onrequirements.

HSG191 HSG190

38: Requires the information in thisschedule to be included in thesafety report.

504–507: Repeat requirements andlist all of the information that needsto be included in the on-site plan.

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Schedule 5 Part 1 Details objectives of on-site plan are laid down.

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Schedule 5 Part 1 specifiesobjectives:

� containing and controllingincidents so as to minimise theeffects, and to limit damage topersons, the environment andproperty;

� implementing the measuresnecessary to protect people andthe environment from the effectsof major accidents;

� communicating the necessaryinformation to the public and tothe emergency services andauthorities concerned in thearea; and

� providing for the restoration andclean-up of the environmentfollowing a major accident.


19: Objectives listed as L111

� containing and controllingincidents;

� implementing the measuresnecessary to protect personsand the environment;

� communicating the necessaryinformation; and

� providing for restoration andclean-up.


457–458: Require consideration of:

� the equipment to limitconsequences of majoraccidents;

� the organisation of the alert andintervention; and

� the on-site and off-siteresources that can be mobilised.

More detail on these is given in:

459: Fixed equipment.460: Organisation.461–463: Resources available.

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Schedule 5 Part 2 Lay down information required to be included in on-site plan.

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1: Persons authorised to setemergency procedures in motion,in charge of co-ordinating the on-site mitigatory action.

2: Person with responsibility forliaison with the LA.


93: The plan should include thecommand structure for managingthe on-site response. Appropriate arrangements shouldbe made for circumstances wheresenior managers are not available.

81–82: The plan should identifynominated key personnel by nameor job title.

COMAH requires the on-site plan toinclude the names or positions ofpeople authorised to set emergencyprocedures in motion, and of theperson in charge of co-ordinating theon-site mitigatory response. Thesefunctions are usually carried out bythe site incident controller (SIC) andthe site main controller (SMC).

On smaller sites the SIC and SMCroles can be assigned to the sameperson.

83: The SIC is responsible fortaking control at the scene of theincident. Round-the-clock cover tofill this role is essential.

84: Details the responsibilities ofthe SIC.

85: The SMC has overallresponsibility for directingoperations from the on-siteemergency control centre (ECC).

86: Details the responsibilities ofthe SMC.

94: Normally person responsiblefor preparing the on-site plan.


460a: Requires information on thefunctions of the different roles inmanaging an emergency, includingwho has authority to initiate plan.

460f: Requires details for how siteresponse personnel, theemergency services and the LA arealerted and mobilised.

465–466: Require full details of themobilisable resources anddemonstration of their adequacy.

460a: Requires this.

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3: Actions to be taken to control anevent and to limit consequences,including a description of the safetyequipment and the resourcesavailable.

4: Arrangements for givingwarnings and the actions peopleare expected to take on receipt ofa warning.

95: This is the principal componentof the on-site emergency plan, andshould include:

� types of foreseeable accidents;� the intended strategy;� details of personnel with roles to

play, and their responsibilities;� details of the availability and

function of special emergencyequipment; and

� details of the availability andfunction of other resources.

96: This should include thesystems, equipment and facilitiesfor early detection of a developingmajor accident, and theresponsibilities for initiating thesuitable responses by on-sitepersonnel (to evacuate, shelter, usePPE etc).

L111 HSG191 HSG190

Schedule 5 Part 2 (continued)

460b: Requires details onarrangements for controlling andlimiting the consequences of anaccident through isolation, firefighting and preventing dominoeffects.

459a: Requires detail of fixedequipment in place.

467–468: Require details of theequipment on site, that there issufficient equipment in usablecondition.

497–498: Require details ofmaintenance of equipment toensure it is usable when required.

469–471: Require details ofpersonal protective equipment(PPE) availability.

472–475: Require details of theadequacy of firefighting resources– personnel, foam, firewater etc,including dealing with firewater runoff.

476–485: Require details ofequipment and actions to minimiseeffects of releases to air and water.

486–490: Require details ofarrangements for sampling andmonitoring.

491–493: Require details ofequipment for restoration andclean up.

494–495: Require details of anyspecialist/ancillary equipment.

460c: Requires details of thearrangements for alerting peopleon site, the public andneighbouring establishments.

460d: Requires details ofcommunications are establishedand maintained.

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5. Arrangements for providing initialand updated information andwarning to the LA.

6. Arrangements for training staff inthe duties they will he expected toperform, and where necessary co-ordinating this with the emergencyservices.

87: The ECC is the principal facilityfrom which operations, to managethe emergency response, aredirected and co-ordinated. This willnormally be occupied by the SMC,other key personnel as appropriate,and by the senior officers of theemergency services.

88: The on-site ECC should havegood communication links with theSIC and all other installations onthe establishment, as well asappropriate points off site.

89: The on-site ECC requiresfacilities to record the developmentof the incident.

90: On-site ECCs generally have:� equipment for adequate external

off-site communications;� equipment for adequate internal

communications; and� site plans and maps (to show a

range of systems as recorded inthe guidance).

91: Careful consideration should begiven to the location of the on-siteECC, which should be designed tobe operational in all but the mostsevere emergency.

97: Arrangements for alerting andproviding the information they willrequire to respond.

98: This should includearrangements for training andinstructing the on-site personneland the arrangements for liaisingwith the off-site emergencyservices.

175: The safety report requiresevidence of suitable arrangementsfor training individuals inemergency response.

499–500: Require that the safetyreport includes details of trainingfor all personnel involved inemergency response or who maybe affected by it.

L111 HSG191 HSG190

Schedule 5 Part 2 (continued)

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Other documents

IP19:10 details of pre-planning requirements for firefighting.

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7. Arrangements for providingassistance with off-site mitigatoryaction.

176: This training should be keptup-to-date, with suitable refreshertraining. All those involved intesting emergency plans shouldhave had some previous training tointroduce them to their role.

All relevant staff from every shiftshould receive full training in theirexpected response.

The aims and objectives of trainingshould be clear, and theeffectiveness of the training shouldbe reviewed and evaluated.

99: Details of any specialistequipment or expertise and role ofoperator staff in briefing media.

L111 HSG191 HSG190

Schedule 5 Part 2 (continued)

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Schedule 5 Part 3Details information required in off-site plan.

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Schedule 5 Part 3 requires thefollowing information to be in theoff-site plan:� people authorised to set

emergency procedures inmotion and authorised to takecharge of and co-ordinate off-site action;

� arrangements for receiving earlywarning of incidents, alert andcall-out

� procedures;� arrangements for co-ordinating

resources necessary toimplement the off-siteemergency plan;

� arrangements for providingassistance with on-sitemitigatory action;

� arrangements for off-sitemitigatory action;

� arrangements for providing thepublic with specific informationrelating to the accident and thebehaviour which it should adopt;

� arrangements for the provisionof information to the emergencyservices of other member statesin the event of a major accidentwith possible transboundaryconsequences.


101–102: Lays down scope of off-site plan.

111: Covers organisation,arrangements for restoration andclean-up and emphasises workingas a team.

112: How warnings received andcascaded.

113: Covers mobilisation of,communications and co-ordinationbetween roles and responsibilitiesand rendezvous of responders.

114: Arrangements required to linkwith on-site plan and resources tomanage on-site response.

115: Arrangements for mitigation ofoff-site effects, traffic and accesscontrol, protection of public.

116–117: Arrangements forwarning and advising public onaction, arrangements for dealingwith the media.

118: Requires discussion withCompetent Authority if this arises.


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References and further reading

1 A guide to the Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 (COMAH)Guidance on Regulations HSE document L111 (HSE Books 1999 ISBN 0 7176 1604 5).

2 Emergency planning for major accidents: Control of Major Accident HazardsRegulations 1999 (COMAH) HSG191 HSE Books 1999 ISBN 978 0 7176 1695 4

3 Preparing safety reports: Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999(COMAH) HSG190 HSE Books 1999 ISBN 978 0 7176 1687 9

4 Major accident prevention policies for lower-tier COMAH establishmentsChemical Information Sheet CHIS3 HSE 1999 Web only version available

5 Emergency response and recovery Central Office of Information 2005 (availablefrom Emergency Planning College)

6 Dealing with disasters together (Second edition) Scottish Executive Office

7 Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (c.37) The Stationery Office 1974 ISBN 978 0 10 543774 1

8 Management of health and safety at work. Management of Health and Safetyat Work Regulations 1999. Approved Code of Practice and guidance L21 (Second edition) HSE Books 2000 ISBN 978 0 7176 2488 1

9 RCS8

10 Model Code of Practice Part 19: Fire precautions at petroleum refineries andbulk storage installations (Draft) IP19 (Second edition) Energy Institute 2007 ISBN 978 0 85293 437 1

See also:

Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 SI 1999/743 The StationeryOffice 1999 ISBN 978 0 11 082192 4, as amended by the Control of MajorAccident Hazards (Amendment) Regulations 2005 SI 2005/1088 The StationeryOffice 2005 ISBN 978 0 11 072766 0

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22 of 22 pagesRoute map to emergency planning guidance 07/07