royal chronology of india

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 06/06/2022 Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bh Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus Anus & Vasisthas Purus (Bharatas) Ikshvakus Pre-historic Period - First Humans in India 1 2 million B.C.E. Earliest hominids in India 50,000 1 million B.C.E. Oldest Human Tools in World 100,000 500,000 B.C.E. 127,000 100,000 B.C.E. Homo-Sapiens migrate into Asia 133,000 10000 B.C.E. Indo-European Migration 133,050 9000 B.C.E. 133,100 8000 B.C.E. Naveli Cori First Indian City - Pre-Surat Early Farming 133,150 7000 B.C.E. First Major Indian city - Mehrgarh 133,200 6000 B.C.E. Saraswati Cities Pre-Dynastic Era 1 5060 B.C.E. Svayambhuva 2 5040 B.C.E. Kardama Muni Devahuti Priyavrata Uttanapada Prasuti 3 5020 B.C.E. Havirbhu Lord Kapila Kamya Agnidhra 4 5000 B.C.E. Samrat, Kukshi Nabhi Meru Camasa Rishi 5 4980 B.C.E. Jayanti Risabha King Nimi Sage Kavi 6 4960 B.C.E. Rice cultivated Drumila Bharata King Rahugana 7 4940 B.C.E. Sumati Bhrgus (Bhargavas) Between 10,000 and 4,000 B.C.E., Indo-Europeans ('Aryans') migrated into India from the NorthWest. Prior to India was populated by the Dravida ('Dravidians'; Mediterranean origin) primarily with some Tibeto-Burmese Austro-Asiatics (Negro). We're starting to find clues to the Dravida dominance in early history by analyzi patterns of peoples (Brahui) that use a gutteral language related to Tamil. (IE or 'Aryans' were of white ca Dravida were of dark caucasian race.) Although we do not have much evidence to prove the validity of the Pre-Dynastic lineage (other than what is d Puranas), we also do NOT have any sure way to conclusively disprove it. Therefore I am including it for c Dera Archaeological Site Swayambhuva Manu (the first Manu - 'Adi Manu') is Adam. His wife, Saurava (Haurava) is Eve . Vapushmat, Dyutimat, Bhavya, Savala, Jyotishmat

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Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat)


Page 1: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus Ikshvakus

Pre-historic Period - First Humans in India

1 2 million B.C.E. Earliest hominids in India

50,000 1 million B.C.E. Oldest Human Tools in World

100,000 500,000 B.C.E.

127,000 100,000 B.C.E. Homo-Sapiens migrate into Asia

133,000 10000 B.C.E. Indo-European Migration

133,050 9000 B.C.E.

133,100 8000 B.C.E. Naveli Cori First Indian City - Pre-Surat Early Farming

133,150 7000 B.C.E. First Major Indian city - Mehrgarh

133,200 6000 B.C.E. Saraswati Cities

Pre-Dynastic Era

1 5060 B.C.E. Svayambhuva

2 5040 B.C.E. Kardama Muni Devahuti Priyavrata Uttanapada Prasuti Akuti

3 5020 B.C.E. Havirbhu Lord Kapila Kamya Agnidhra

4 5000 B.C.E. Samrat, Kukshi Nabhi Meru Camasa Rishi Sage Karabhajana

5 4980 B.C.E. Jayanti Risabha King Nimi Sage Kavi

6 4960 B.C.E. Rice cultivated Drumila Bharata King Rahugana

7 4940 B.C.E. Sumati

Anus & Vasisthas

Purus (Bharatas)

Bhrgus (Bhargavas)

Jahnus (Bharatas)

Between 10,000 and 4,000 B.C.E., Indo-Europeans ('Aryans') migrated into India from the NorthWest. Prior to their migration, India was populated by the Dravida ('Dravidians'; Mediterranean origin) primarily with some Tibeto-Burmese (Oriental) and Austro-Asiatics (Negro). We're starting to find clues to the

Dravida dominance in early history by analyzing linguistic patterns of peoples (Brahui) that use a gutteral language related to Tamil. (IE or 'Aryans' were of white caucasian race and Dravida were of dark caucasian race.)

Although we do not have much evidence to prove the validity of the Pre-Dynastic lineage (other than what is documented in the Puranas), we also do NOT have any sure way to conclusively disprove it. Therefore I am including it for completeness.

Dera Archaeological


Swayambhuva Manu (the first Manu - 'Adi Manu') is Adam.

His wife, Saurava (Haurava) is Eve.

Vapushmat, Dyutimat, Bhavya, Savala, Jyotishmat

Medha, Putra, Agnibahu

Stone artifacts are made and used by hominids in North India, an area rich in animal species, including the elephant.
1 million B.c. - The oldest stone tool in the world, going back to 2.2 million years old, has been found at Rabat, about fifteen miles away from Rawalpindi, thus breaking the African record. The largest hand Axe has also been found in the Soan Valley.
Stone hand axes and other tools are used in N. India. India's hominids are active in Tamil Nadu and Punjab.
Homo sapiens sapiens (humans) with 20th-century man's brain size (1,450 cc) live in East Africa. Populations separate. Migrations proceed to Asia via the Isthmus of Suez. 75,000 B.C.: Last ice age begins. Human population is 1.7 million.
Between 10,000 and 8,000 B.C. the glaciation period ends and peoples started leaving the hunting/gathering lifestyle and settling down to permanent agriculture at river beds. Last ice age ends after 65,000 years; earliest signs of agriculture. World population 4 million; India is 100,000.
The first major Indian city, Mergarh (in present Afghanistan) started as a small village in 7000 B.C. and grew over the next 2000 years into a large city. Indus-Sarasvati area residents of Mehrgarh grow barley, raise sheep and goats. They store grain, entomb their dead and construct buildings of sun-baked mud bricks.
-7500: Excavations at Neveli Cori in Turkey reveal advanced civilization with meticulous architecture and planning. Dr. Sri B.G. Siddharth believes this was an Aryan settlement.
Indian find suggests first cities 9,500 years ago (Reuters) Wednesday, January 16, 2002 Indian scientists have made an archaeological find dating back to 7500 BC suggesting the world's oldest cities came up about 4,000 years earlier than is currently believed, a top government official said on Wednesday. The scientists found pieces of wood, remains of pots, fossil bones and what appeared like construction material just off the coast of Surat in western India, Science and Technology Minister Murli Manohar Joshi told a news conference. ``Some of these artifacts recovered by the NIOT (National Institute of Ocean Technology) from the site such as the log of wood date back to 7500 BC, which is indicative of a very ancient culture in the present Gulf of Cambay, that got submerged subsequently,'' Joshi said. Current belief is that the first cities appeared around 3500 BC in the valley of Sumer, where Iraq now stands, a statement issued by the government said. ``We can safely say from the antiquities and the acoustic images of the geometric structures that there was human activity in the region more than 9,500 years ago (7500 BC),'' S.N. Rajguru, an independent archaeologist, said. The findings, if confirmed, will dislodge the Harappan Civilisation dating back to 2500 BC as India's oldest civilisation.
The stone age cultures whose remains are found from 10,000 B.C.E., developed agriculture independently of the other ancient civilizations. By 6500 BC, they were living in villages, and cultivating barley and wheat. By 5500 BC, bones of domesticated sheep, goats, and zebu, the humped Indian cattle appear in the archaelogical record in abundance.
The first major Indian city, Mergarh (in present Afghanistan) started as a small village in 7000 B.C. and grew over the next 2000 years into a large city. Indus-Sarasvati area residents of Mehrgarh grow barley, raise sheep and goats. They store grain, entomb their dead and construct buildings of sun-baked mud bricks. Early evidence of horses in the Ganga region.
Koldihwa settlement in Central India Kunal, a new site in Haryana, shows use of writing and silver craft in pre-Harappan India, 6-7,000 B.C.. Neolithic sites of Koldihwa and Mahagara have yielded evidence for the presence of the domesticated horse in India dating back to 6570 BC
-6000: Early sites on the Sarasvati River, then India's largest, flowing west of Delhi into the Rann of Kutch; Rajasthan is a fertile region with much grassland, as described in the Rig Veda. The culture, based upon barley (yava), copper (ayas) and cattle, also reflects that of the Rig Veda.
Site goes back to 5000 B.C.E. - See:
Svayambhuva, meaning "son of the self-existent," or Brahma. He was supposedly married to Satarupa and had 2 sons, Priyavrata and Uttanapada, and 3 daughters, Akuti, Devahuti and Prasuti. Four Manus: Svayambhuva, Svarochita, Raivata and Uttama all manifested from mental impulses originating from Me; populated all existing progeny in the material universes.
Wife of Kardama. Had a few daughters and 1 son, Kapila (he was very beautiful and had golden hair).
Priyavarta married Kamya, the daughter of the patriarch Kardama, and had by her two daughters, Samrat and Kukshi, and ten sons, wise, valiant, modest and dutiful, named Agnidhra, Agnibahu, Vapushmat, Dyutimat, Medhatiti, Bhavya, Savala, Putra, and the tenth was Jyotishmat, illustrious by nature as by name. These were the sons of Priyavarta, famous for strength and prowess. Of these, three, or Medha, Putra and Agnibahu, adopted a religious life: remembering the occurrences of a prior existence, they did not covet dominion, but diligently practised the rites of devotion in due season, wholly disinterested, and looking for no reward.
Daughter of Kardama Muni. She married a Sage Pulastya.
The atheistic 'Sage Kapila' is often misrepresented to be the Supreme Personality of Godhead who appeared as the son of Kardama Muni & Devahuti during the time of Svayambhuva Manu. Lord Kapila, the incarnation of Godhead, appeared long long ago; the modern age is the age of Vaivasvata Manu, whereas He appeared during the time of Svayambhuva Manu.
Agnidhra approportioned Jambudvipa among his nine sons...He gave to Nabhi the country called Hima, south of the Himavat, or snowy mountains...and retired to a life of penance at the holy place of Salagrama.
Nabhi, who had for his portion the country Himahwa, had by his queen Meru the magnanimous Rishabha; and he had a hundred sons, the eldest of whom was Bharata.Rishabha having ruled with equanimity and wisdom, and celebrated many sacrificial rites, resigned the sovereignity of the earth to the herioc Bharata. ...The country was named Bharata from the time that it was relinquished to Bharata by his father...
SB: In the Fifth Chapter of the Eleventh Canto, Camasa Rshi describes the inauspicious path of those who are unfavorable to the devotional service of Lord Vishnu, and the sage Karabhäjana explains the yuga-dharmävatäras, the incarnations of the Lord who present the authorized process of religion for each different age
Considered to be the founder of Jainism - he is supposedly the first of the Jinas (spiritual heroes). He married Jayanti and had many sons, the eldest of which was Bharata - after which India was renamed from 'Ajanabha Varsha' to 'Bharat Varsha'. Nine other sons of Rshabhadeva were widely known as the nava-yogendras: Kavi, Havir, Antariksha, Prabuddha, Pippaläyana, Ävirhotra, Drumila, Camasa and Karabhäjana. The nine dvipas, or islands, ruled by nine sons of Rshabhadeva are the nine varshas of Jambüdvipa, namely Bhärata, Kinnara, Hari, Kuru, Hiranmaya, Ramyaka, Ilävrta, Bhadräsva and Ketumäla.
King of Videha: "Therefore King Nimi offered the nine Yogendras suitable seats, worshiped them, humbled himself with obeisances and joyfully inquired from them about bhägavata-dharma. "
"The great sage Kavi has informed King Nimi about the general external symptoms of a devotee of the Lord, namely his appearance, personal qualities and activities."
Pre-5000 B.C. in Eastern India (from here it's use spread into China).
SB: "In this Fourth Chapter the son of Jayanti, Drumila, will address King Nimi" "Anyone trying to enumerate or describe fully the unlimited qualities of the unlimited Supreme Lord has the intelligence of a foolish child. Even if a great genius could somehow or other, after a time-consuming endeavor, count all the particles of dust on the surface of the earth, such a genius could never count the attractive qualities of the Personality of Godhead, who is the reservoir of all potencies."
The first Bharata was one Chakravarti King during the first tenure of Manu who was a devotee of Visnu. The second Bharata was also a king and a warrior who is said to be the son of Yogi Rsabhadeva. But in accordance with another opinion the name Bharata for India has been because of Bharata, the eldest son of Rsabhadeva ( the great Siva yogi who is also distinguished as the very first Jaina Tirthankara, Adinatha ). Bharata, having religiously discharged the duties of his station, consigned the kingdom to his son Sumati, a most virtuous prince; and engaging in devout practices, abandoned his life at the holy place Salagrama: he was afterwards born again as a Brahmana, in a distinguished family of ascetics. He had 5 sons - the eldest of which was Sumati.
Page 2: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





8 4920 B.C.E. Taijasa

9 4900 B.C.E. Mohenjo Daro & Harrappa start Indradyumna

10 4880 B.C.E. Paramesthi

11 4860 B.C.E. Pratihara

12 4840 B.C.E. Pratihartha

13 4820 B.C.E. Unneta

14 4800 B.C.E. Bhuva

15 4780 B.C.E. Bihar pre-history Udgitha King Citraketu?

16 4760 B.C.E. Prastava

17 4740 B.C.E. Vibhu

18 4720 B.C.E. SSC & South India Prthu

19 4700 B.C.E. Nakta

20 4680 B.C.E. Gaya

21 4660 B.C.E. Nara

22 4640 B.C.E. Virata

23 4620 B.C.E. Mahavirya

24 4600 B.C.E. Dhimana Mrgi

25 4580 B.C.E. Mahanta Sage Rshyasrnga

26 4560 B.C.E. Manasyu

27 4540 B.C.E. Tvasta

28 4520 B.C.E. Tustu

29 4500 B.C.E. Mehrgarh Mehrgarh Dentists Viraja

30 4480 B.C.E. Raja

Rising Urbanization

Mohenjo Daro & Harrappa cities start (based on current excavation down to 45 feet - this is continuing below 45 feet but is hampered by underground water). 20% of Harrappans lived in cities, 80% in villages and towns. By systematic comparisons of Indian, Egyptian, and Babylonian science, it shows that Harappan civilization corresponds to that of the Sutric period, which came after the Vedic period. From this, it follows that the Rg Veda is the product of an earlier layer of civilization (before the rise of Egypt, Sumer, and the Indus Valley). As a result, the currently held view of Mesopotamia as the cradle of civilization is no longer tenable.
From the Nilamata Purana: Nine divisions of Bharata, namely, Indradyumna, Kaseruman, Tamravarna Gabhastiman, Nagadvipa, Saumya, Gandharva, Varuna and this Manavadvipa surrounded by the seas should also be worshipped.
An Army officer has discovered rock shelters and caves housing pre-historic tools, artefacts, engravings and paintings dating back from 16,000 to 4500 B.C. in remote areas of central Bihar. Col. A.K. Prasad, a scholar of ancient history, who made the discovery in June-August this year, said here today that he has also discovered a cave with engravings id "kharoshti" script - for the first time in Bihar. This is of great academic value as till now, the script, a derivative of the Aramaic script used in Persia, was found in north-western India, Uttar Pradesh and Bengal. Bihar was the missing link which has now been bridged.
The Sapta-Saindvah Civilization may have extended into Southern India according to Dr. S. R. Rao (emeritus scientist at the marine archaeology unit of the National Institute of Oceanography) - "In Andhra Pradesh, when I excavated two small neolithic sites (new stone age or around 5000 BC), I got Harappan material. In a place called Bandipur Salachenu we got typical Harappan beads How did this happen? What did they give in return? So there was some contact with the south."
By 6000 BC there are site on the Indus plains that are larger than small farming villages and by 5000 BC these sites clearly have structures used for communal gatherings. At 4000 BC we get fortified communities and there is evidence of long distance trade in marine shells, lapis lazuli (Afghanistan) and turquoise (Iran).
SB: "Becoming attracted to the worldly singing, dancing and musical entertainment of beautiful women, even the great sage Rshyasrnga, the son of Mrgi, fell totally under their control, just like a pet animal"
By 5000 B.C., Mergarh had a population of 20,000. By this time, peoples started building many villages and cities along the Saraswati, and Rishis (Seers/priests) were thinking about the world around us and sharing their knowledge with each other verbally - that (combined with ancient mother goddess worship and animal sacrifice) was the beginnings of Dharma (Hinduism) - the first major religion in the world. Mehergarh in the Sibi Districts of Baluchistan comparable with the earliest villages of Jericho in Palestine and Jarmo in Iraq.
7000 B.C. - First Dentists in world history found in Mehrgarh: That's the belief of a team of archaeologists studying the Mehrgarh peoples of ancient India (present-day Afghanistan). Scientists found that teeth from several different jaws shared a similar characteristic: tiny, man-made holes on the biting surface. The holes were too uniform to have been caused by dental decay. Other possible explanations, including dental decoration or part of a funeral rite, were also ruled out. The Mehrgarh people certainly had the right tools to practice dentistry. The holes were the same diameter as those drilled into beads that were found at the site. Research-team member Andrea Cucina from the University of Missouri-Columbia, says, "At this point we can't be certain, but it is very tantalizing to think they had such knowledge of health and cavities and medicine to do this."
Page 3: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





31 4460 B.C.E. Shatajit

32 4440 B.C.E. Vishvagajyoti

33 4420 B.C.E. Uttanapada

34 4400 B.C.E. Alakapuri Dhruva Uttama Yaksa

35 4380 B.C.E. Saint Utkala Vatsara

36 4360 B.C.E. Shisti

37 4340 B.C.E. Pracinagarbha

38 4320 B.C.E. Udaradhi

39 4300 B.C.E. Divyanjaya

40 4280 B.C.E. Ripu <- m. Brhati

41 4260 B.C.E. Chakshu

42 4240 B.C.E. Sarvateja

43 4220 B.C.E. Chakshusa Manu

44 4200 B.C.E. Saraswati-Sindhu Civilization growing rapidly Uru (Ulmuka)

45 4180 B.C.E. Anga Rishi Sanatkumara

46 4160 B.C.E. Vena

47 4140 B.C.E. Prithu

48 4120 B.C.E.

49 4100 B.C.E. Balakot Havirdhana

50 4080 B.C.E.

51 4060 B.C.E. Pracetagana

52 4040 B.C.E. ?

53 4020 B.C.E. ?

Antardhana (Vitijasva)


Sarasvati River Notes

Pracinavarhi (Barhisat)

Script Deciphering

When Dhruva Maharaja heard of the killing of his brother Uttama by the Yaksas in the Himalaya Mountains, being overwhelmed with lamentation and anger, he got on his chariot and went out for victory over the city of the Yaksas, Alakapuri. Dhruva Maharaja went to the northern direction of the Himalayan range. By this indication the Yaksas may be taken to be the Himalayan tribes like the Tibetans.
Son of king Uttanapada, excellent devotee of Bhagavan Vishnu, who in his tender age as a child performed rigorous penance and pleased Bhagavan Visnu with the same and attained thereby the status of an unwavering ( evershining ) star in the sky as a symbol of his steadfast devotion. In his early childhood he suffered a great deal through the gross misbehaviour of his step-mother Suruci. The order of his mother, Suniti, and the teachings of the sage Narada awakened in the conscience ( inner self ) of Dhruva, at the delicate age of 5 years, the inspiration for true devotion to God and he performed non-stop penance on the bank of river Yamuna in Maduvana ( the jungle with honey ) till God himself came to bless him.
King Uttanapada's wives were Suniti and Suruchi. He had a son called Dhruva by Suniti and another son called Uttama by Suruchi. Suruchi was his favorite wife.
Killed Uttama in a hunting incident. Hearing this, Dhruva then went to war with the Yaksas (who were led by their Chief, Kubera - Regent of the North).
Son of Dhruva & next to be King. He abdicated the throne to his younger brother, Vatsara - who ruled for many years.
"When there was a complete inundation after the period of the Caksusa Manu and the whole world was deep within water, the Lord accepted the form of a fish and protected Vaivasvata Manu, keeping him up on a boat." Nadvala, the wife of Caksusa Manu, gave birth to the following faultless sons: Puru, Kutsa, Trita, Dyumna, Satyavan, Rta, Vrata, Agnistoma, Atiratra, Pradyumna, Sibi and Ulmuka.
Saraswati Civilization (Indus Valley) growing rapidly. Most major cities along the Saraswati and Sindu grow to maximum population in the next 2000 years.
Ulmuka begot six sons in his wife Puskarini. They were all very good sons, and their names were Anga, Sumana, Khyati, Kratu, Angira and Gaya.
The wife of Anga, Sunitha, gave birth to a son named Vena, who was very crooked. The saintly King Anga was very disappointed with Vena's bad character, and he left home and kingdom and went out to the forest.
One of 4 rishis of King Prithu.
Under the benign rule of King Prthu, forts, cities, towns, villages, homes and factories were built. These brought comfort and protection to his subjects, who became happy and prosperous. There was no more want or famine during his long reign. King Prithu (married to Arci) invented various types of crops on earth as also the jewels hidden in earth. He milched all the wealth of the earth, developed agriculture to its ' never before ' zenith and that way made the earth prosperous and magnificient for the welfare of all his subjects ( praja ). As a result, the earth came to be known as the daughter ( kanya ) of Prithu and named after him as Prithvi or Prithivi. From the Nilamata Purana: Seeing the image erected formerly in Magadha by Prthu - the son of Vena - a man obtains the merit of (performing) Pundarika.
The three sons of Maharaja Antardhana were named Pavaka, Pavamana and Suci. Maharaja Antardhana had another wife, named Nabhasvati, and by her he was happy to beget another son, named Havirdhana.
4000 B.C.E. REHMAN DHERI: Rehman Dheri is situated 22km north of DI Khan. It consists of a rectangular mound covering some 22 hectares at an elevation of 4.5 metre above the surrounding fields. Rehman Dheri represents South Asia's oldest and best preserved planned settlement. It is significant for understanding the emergence of urbanization in the region during the Indus Civilization. Rehman Dheri demonstrates cultural links with the region's indigenous Neolithic and Chalcolithic developments. By the end of fourth millennium BC, Rehman Dheri was one of a number of regional centres that developed into formally planned fortified settlements.
Balakot develops into a large city (4100 B.C.)
Havirdhana, the son of Maharaja Antardhana, had a wife named Havirdhani, who gave birth to six sons, named Barhisat, Gaya, Sukla, Krsna, Satya and Jitavrata.
The river had flowed for millennia originating from the Har-ki-dun glacier, in the Bandarpunch massif of W.Garhwal of the Himalayas flowing through Kurukshetra, Kalibangan, Ganweriwala (in Bahawalpur province, Pakistan), Rann of Kutch (close to Dholavira) and through the Nall lake into the Gulf of Khambat (close to Lothal). The river had dried up circa 1500 B.C. in many stretches. The reasons for this drying up are: river capture and aandhi (sandstorms). Yamuna (erstwhile Chambal) which is a tributary of the Ganga, captured the Sarasvati source at Paontasaheb (where there is a famous Sikh shrine in Punjab); thus the popular belief of Sangam at Prayag is based on groundtruth: the Yamuna captured Sarasvati and took her to join Ganga at Prayag, near Allahabad. Thus, due to river capture, Sarasvati was deprived of the perennial source of molten glaciers from the Himalayas. The aandhi phenomenon also accounted for the submergence of the river bed by sandstorms. As the river started drying-up, people starting migrating eastwards towards the Ganga-Yamuna doab (e.g. Alamgirpur and Kunal) and southwards towards the Godavari river, traversing the Arabian sea-coast. (Daimabad is a cognate archaeological site located on the banks of Pravara river which is a tributary of the Godavari river, near Nasik).
King Pracinabarhi begot ten children in the womb of Satadruti. All of them were equally endowed with religiosity, and all of them were known as the Pracetas.
4200 B.C. - 'Script Deciphering' - There is a strong morphological link between the Harappan glyphs, as found on numerous seals, and the later Brahmi script, which subsequently gave rise to the deva-nagari script in which Sanskrit is mostly written today. This continuity in alphabets reinforces the argument about the cultural continuity between the Harappan civilization and later post-Vedic Hinduism in general.
Page 4: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





54 4000 B.C.E. Svarochita Manu?

55 3980 B.C.E. ?

56 3960 B.C.E. ?

57 3940 B.C.E. ?

58 3920 B.C.E. Earliest Eclipse Autammi? Sutapa?

59 3900 B.C.E. Saraswati-Sumer ?

60 3880 B.C.E. ? Prsni?

61 3860 B.C.E. ?

62 3840 B.C.E. ?

63 3820 B.C.E. Raivata?

64 3800 B.C.E. ?

65 3780 B.C.E. ?

66 3760 B.C.E. ? Prajapati Ruci

67 3740 B.C.E. Silver Work ? Suyajia

68 3720 B.C.E. ?

69 3700 B.C.E. Tamasa?

70 3680 B.C.E. ?

71 3660 B.C.E. ?

72 3640 B.C.E. Manu Geneology ?

73 3620 B.C.E. ?

74 3600 B.C.E. ?

75 3580 B.C.E. Vijitasva? Narada Muni

End of Indo-European migration into subcontinent around this time.

Potter's Wheel Invented

India called "Meluhha" by


Potential Dating of Scriptures

Indus Script Deciphering

Sometime around this period, the final wave of Indo-European immigration into the Subcontinent from the Northwest occurred. Since we have bone evidence of Indo-Europeans as far back as 7000 B.C., we know that they migrated in much earlier. Over time, the Indo-Europeans intermarried with the existing peoples of India, the Dravida, Tibeto-Burman, Austro-Asiatic.
3928 B.C.: July 25th, the earliest eclipse mentioned in the Rig Veda (according to Indian researcher Dr. Shri P.C. Sengupta).
Excavations from this period at Sumerian sites of Kish and Susa reveal existence of Indian trade products. India's population reaches 1 million.
Silver working began around 4000 BC.
Supposedly there were 14 Manus (ancestors of India): 1. Svayambhuva 2. Svarocisa 3. Auttami 4. Tamasa 5. Raivata 6. Caksusa 7. Vaivasvata 8. Savarni 9. Daksa Savarni 10. Brahma Savarni 11. Dharma Savarni 12. Raudra 13. Rauchya 14. Bhautya
3500 B.C. - It is this Sea voyage that gave to the Indus Land its earliest name of Meluhha because the Indus people were characterized as Malahha (Sailor) in the Babylonian records.
Dharmic Scriptural Chronology (Composition): Puranas 7000 B.C.E.-1700 C.E. Vedas: Rg Veda 4000-1800 B.C.E. Yajur Veda 3000-1800 B.C.E. Sama Veda 3000-1800 B.C.E. Atharva Veda 2700-1500 B.C.E. Brahmanas 2500-1000 B.C.E. Aranyakas 2000-1000 B.C.E. Ramayana 1900-800 B.C.E. Mahabharat 1300-600 B.C.E. Upanishads 1500-600 B.C.E. Other scriptures? (Ayur-Veda, Yoga, etc.)... dates...?
I have approved of the idea of continuity between Harappan and Brahmi, as argued by Subhash Kak after statistical analysis and by N. Jha even before your (N.S. Rajaram) joint decipherment. - Koenraad Elst, [email protected], July 2003.
Närada Muni advised King Präcinabarhi: "You should always know that this cosmic manifestation is created, maintained and annihilated by the will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Consequently, everything within this cosmic manifestation is under the control of the Lord. To be enlightened by this perfect knowledge, one should always engage himself in the devotional service of the Lord.”
Page 5: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





76 3560 B.C.E. Harappa City Prachinabarhi?

77 3540 B.C.E. Prahalada

78 3520 B.C.E. ?

79 3500 B.C.E. Adam Buthi City ?

80 3480 B.C.E. ?

81 3460 B.C.E. ? First Writing

82 3440 B.C.E. Dhanur Veda Barhishat?

83 3420 B.C.E. Gandharva Veda Pracetas?

84 3400 B.C.E. Gold Treasure Daksa Pracetasa Sage Shankara Anusya

85 3380 B.C.E. Daughters of Daksa Aditi Nidagha Dattatreya Sage Kashyapa

86 3360 B.C.E. CivasvanaKayadhu

RgVedic Period - The Era of SaptaSindhu:

Manwantaras Dynasty - Reign of Manus

87 3340 B.C.E. Vivasvata Sage Prahlada

88 3320 B.C.E. Manu Vaivasant Manu Vaivasant Virochana

89 3300 B.C.E. Ila Soma Chandra Shukracharya? | Bali

Vedas Composed

Mixed Race in Sapta-Saindvah


7 Great Seers (Kavi): Marici, Angiras, Atri,

Pulaha, Kratu, Pulastya, Vasishtha

Sage Hiranyakshipu

Manu (Manuh) is Noah (Nuh). He left his home in a boat during the 'great


Rishi Atri Vaisvasant

Kasyapa Vaivasant

Rishi Bhrgu Vaivasant

King Pracinabarhi was son of King Vijitasva. He has 10 sons. Their descendants were known as Pracetas. King Prachinabarhi retired at the Kapila Ashrama.
Disciple of Narada Muni.
Rg-Veda The heart of the entire Veda with 10,552 verses. Rg-Veda Interpretation (Poorna Pragnya) Sama-Veda Mainly liturgical selections from the Rg-Veda arranged for melodious chanting, apr. 2000 verses Yajur-Veda as Sama-Veda, but for cadenced intonation, apr. 2000 verses Atharva-Veda Nearly 6,000 verses of prayers, charms and rites are unique. Besides its Samhita, each Veda includes one or two Brahmanas, ceremonial handbooks, and Aranyakas, ritual interpretations, plus many inestimable Upanishads, metaphysical dialogs. In all there are over 100,000 Vedic verses, and some prose, in dozens of texts.
First Writing: Exclusive by BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse The first known examples of writing may have been unearthed at an archaeological dig in Pakistan. So-called 'plant-like' and 'trident-shaped' markings have been found on fragments of pottery dating back 5500 years. Dr Richard Meadow of Harvard University: "We may be able to follow the history of signs." They were found at a site called Harappa in the region where the great Harappan or Indus civilisation flourished four and a half thousand years ago. Harappa was originally a small settlement in 3500 BC but by 2600 BC it had developed into a major urban centre.
Dhanurveda teaches the science of archery, and the use of weapons. It lays down rules for warfare, and prohibits using weapons unless for the destruction of evil.
The Gandharvaveda is a treatise on dance, music and theatre, ascribed to Sage Narada. It is described as the 'fifth Veda', since Brahma is said to have composed it with elements taken from the four Vedas before revealing it to Sage Narada. Narada then passed it on to Sage Bharata, who combined it with aspects of the Shiva Tandava (see Shiva) to compose a treatise called Natya Shastra.
Indian archaeologists say that gold treasure found early this month in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh could be highly significant. The treasure belongs to the Indus Valley civilisation and may be about 5,000 years old. A farmer in the village of Mandi in Muzaffarnagar district found the treasure while levelling his field. Archaeologists are now planning a proper excavation of the site, in the hope of finding more about the lost civilisation of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro. Accidental discovery The treasure was in some containers found buried in the field. It is believed that a part of the treasure was removed by the land owners and other villagers. Later, the authorities managed to recover about 10kg of the jewellery. A joint team of the state's Department of Archaeology (DoA) and the federal Archaeological Survey of India inspected the materials. Precious jewellery DoA Director Rakesh Tewari said the jewellery found from the site comprises mainly beads made of gold, banded agate, onyx and other semi-precious stones. Two copper containers, one circular in shape and the other rectangular, were also found. Mr Tewari says that this material is comparable to the jewellery found from the Harappan phase of Lothal and Mohenjo-daro. There are several sites related to the Indus Valley civilisation in Pakistan and India, but Mr Tewari says this is the first time that such a huge quantity of gold jewellery has been recovered. Archaeological significance This also means that the area of the Indus civilisation is much larger than previously presumed. In his report to the government, Mr Tewari has emphasised that the new site is of great archaeological significance. He has recommended further investigation of the Mandi village site. The report also says that the residents of Mandi village are curious about the gold and may try to dig the site up again. The district administration has deployed the police force to protect the site.
The flourishing trade, affluence, social order and a lifestyle of luxury had attracted to Indus Valley, the earliest civilization of South Asia, people from varied races and regions, even outside of the continent. Skeletons excavated indicate that the population comprised Mediterraneans, Caucasoids, Armenoids, Alpines, Australoids and Mongoloids [meaning people from as far away as China and Europe were living in Indus Valley].
Wife of Sage Atri.
Arundhati was the wife of Sage Vashistha. She was the daughter of Muni Medhatithi. They may have had a child named Skanda (?). Supposedly Shakti was the son of Rishi Vasistha. There is a story about King Kalmashapada who ended up killing Shakti and his brothers because of a curse. It is thought that most of the authors of the Rg Veda were from the Angiras lineage. Two of his children may have been Virupa, Suditi and Purumilha Anghirasa. Angiras' descendants were: Agvins, Bhrgus and Sadhyas.
The daughters of Daksa, namely, Sati, Khyati, Smrti, Svaha, Anasuya, Svadha, Priti, Ksama, Sambhuti, Sannati, Arundhati, Kirti, Laksmi, Dhrti, Medha Tusti, Sraddha, Kriya, Mati, Buddhi, Lajja, Vasu, Santi, Pusti, Siddhi, Rati, Arundhati Vasudhasi, Lamba, Bhanu, Marutvati, Samkalpa, Muhurta, Sadhya, Visva, Aditi, Diti, Kala, Danayu, Simhika, Muni, Kadru, Krodha, Ira, Pava Vinata, Surabhi, Khasa, Bhrsasva, Suprabha and Jaya. From the Nilamata Purana: "O king, it was beautiful Sati, the daughter of Daksa and the beloved wife of Hara, who was called Uma in Vaivasvata Antara."
Ribhu, who was a son of Brahma, was, from his innate disposition, a holy character, and acquainted with true wisdom. Nidagha, the son of Pulastya, was his disciple; and to him Ribhu communicated willingly perfectly knowledge, not doubting of his being fully confirmed in the doctrines of unity, when he had been thus instructed.
Son of Sage Atri and Anusuya. He is said to have lived a rather unconventional life, first being a warrior, then renouncing the world and practicising yoga and then drinking wine and living with a maiden etc to show his disciples that he could be unattached to such mundane pleasures even if he indulges in them. Dattatreya is said to have met Shankara near Kedarnath before Shankara's mahasamadhi. There is a still a cave in Kedarnath signifying this event.
Diti (Aditi), daughter of Daksa, being afflicted with sex desire, begged her husband, Sage Kasyapa, the son of Marici, to have intercourse with her in the evening in order to beget a child. The learned Kasyapa said: Because of your lamentation, penitence and proper deliberation, and also because of your unflinching faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead and your adoration for Lord Siva and me, one of the sons [Prahlâda] of your son [Hiranyakasipu] will be an approved devotee of the Lord, and his fame will be broadcast equally with that of the Personality of Godhead. From the Nilamata Purana: 0 king, at the approach of this Vaivasvata Manvantara, Daksa gave his thirteen daughters to Kasyapa, the son of Marica. O best of the kings, listen to their names from me. The sons of Aditi are the gods and those of Diti are the Daityas. 50. (The son) of Danayusa is Vrtra and (the sons) of Surabhi are the Bhadras. The Yaksas and the Raksasas are regarded to be the sons of Khasa. 51. Airavana is the son of Ira; ten Gayanas are ( the sons) of Prava and the celestial host of the Apsaras is born of Muni. 52. The Kalakalpas and the Kalakeyas are regarded to be the sons of Kala. The Danavas are the sons of Danu, and of Krodha are born ten daughters. 53. 0 king, the Nagas are the sons of Kadru, and Garuda and Aruna - the best among the birds - are the two sons of Vinata. 54. Kadru and Vinata, jealous of each other were, as was destined, always at daggers drawn.
Wife of Hiranyaksipu.
First major king/leader documented to have migrated into Sapta-Sindu (India) due to flooding in his homeland.
Taught by teachers, Shanda and Amarka at the behest of his father, Hiranyakshipu.
Both the Indian Rg Veda and Persian Avesta talk of tribes scattering in 16 directions later forming 16 kingdoms. The most fertile of these 16 was the Sapta-Sindhu region. Over time a recorded history evolved in this region: Manwantaras Dynasty (The reign of the Manus). Married to Sraddha, Manu had 10 sons: Sudyumna, Ikshvaku, Pramshu, Sharyati, Dhrsta (Dhadica), Karusha, Narishyanta, Prshadhra, Nabhaga and Nabhagodishta. The Iranian traditions are firm in placing Vivanhant (Sanskrit Vivasvanta) well outside Iran as their ancestor.
From the Nilamata Purana: Prajapati is called Ka, and Kasyapa is also Prajapati. Built by him this country will be called Kas'mira. Kashmir is so-called because it was originally named after Kashyapa - Kashyapa-mira (Kashyapa's Lake).
SB: "Among those dedicated to brahminical culture I am Bali Mahäräja, the son of Virocana"
Daughter of Manu.
Ushanacharya: Better known as Shukracharya he was the son of Rishi Bhrigu born of Puloma. His other name was Kavya (meaning poetry). He was the Chief priest and Guru of the Asuras and is said to know Sanjivani Vidya, the art of reviving the dead. Thus he was a great asset to the Asuras until they received the Amrit. His daughter Devayani, married to Yayati was the mother of Yadu the founder of the Yadava clan into which Shri Krishna was born.
The great devotee of Vishnu, king Bali was the grandson of the well known devotee of God, Prahlada.
Page 6: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





90 3280 B.C.E. Pramshu Budha Saryati Kavi, Dadhica Banasura

91 3260 B.C.E. Pururavas Aila Pramshavas Urvashi Cyavana Vikuksi Shyavashwa?

92 3240 B.C.E. Ayu Amavasu Puru Dynasty Apnavana Paranjaya ?

93 3220 B.C.E. Nahusa Manu Samvarani Maharaja Sibi Urva Anena (Anenas) Gritsamada

94 3200 B.C.E. Yayati Princess Ruci Anu Dynasty Tugra

95 3180 B.C.E. Yadu Drhuyu Puru Naval Civilization Vishvagasya Bhujyu

96 3160 B.C.E. Khanitra/Kroshtu Sabhanara Janamejaya Ardra

97 3140 B.C.E. Ksupa Kalanara Pracinvana Yuvanashva

98 3120 B.C.E. Avivimsha Famous Dasas Srnjaya Pravira Rksha? Shravasta

99 3100 B.C.E. Vivimsha Puranjaya Manasyu Shrutarvana? Brhadashva Rishi Dadhyang?

100 3080 B.C.E. Khaninetra Babhru Janamejaya Abhayada Kuvalayashva Sage Uttanka

101 3060 B.C.E. Ativibhuti Mahamani Sudyumna Drdhashva Rishi Nrimedha?

102 3040 B.C.E. Karandhama King Kashu Mahamana Bahugava Rakhigarhi Varyashva Sthurayupa?

103 3020 B.C.E. Aviksi Titiksu Sampati Nikumbha

104 3000 B.C.E. Marutta Usadratha Ahampati Tamil Sangam Samhatashva Rishi Vaiyashwa

105 2980 B.C.E. Narisyanta Setu Hema Raudrashva Krshashva Rishi ?





Priest Ushanas-Sukra

Vrsaparvan (Sarmistha's father)

Yayati (& Sarmistha) Sage Tura Kavasheya


Anu, Turvasa

Famous Dasa Tribes

SSC Dravidian Myth

Ancient Cities: Kunal, Niai Buthi,

Murda Sang

Rishi Brhaspati & Rishi Samvarta

Early Vedic Period Begins

Ganeshwar (Jodhpura)

One theory: Sudyumna's great-grandson Nahusha founded the new kingdom on the Sarasvati.
From the Nilamata Purana: Bhuvana, Bhanava, Sujanya, Sujana, Tyaja, Suva, Murdha, Daksa, Vya, Bandhuka, Prasava and Vyaya are regarded as twelve Bhrgus.
He built Ayodhya.
Established the city of Prayag. According to Bhagavat, son of Som and grandson of Atri, Rishi Buddh came to Bharat-khand for offering prayers and relieve his remorse. Suryavanshi Manu's daughter Ila fell in love with Buddh. They together conceived a son named Pururuva. Later, he became a chakravarti samrat or a great king. The Pururuva dynasty was called "Yela", derived from mother, Ila. Pururuva established the city of Prayag which later became the capital of his kingdom. During the times of King Pururuva, King Indra's enemy Danavraj Keshi used to rule Hiranyapur. King Pururuva helped Indra in defeating Keshi. Indra, in courtesy, offered Pururuva an apsara, called Urvashi, as a gift. This pair gave birth to six sons, eldest being Ayu, followed by Amavasu, Visvasu, Ritayu, Satayu and Ayutuyu. After sixty years of being together with Pururuva, Urvashi returned to the heavens.
Pururuva's wife. This couple gave birth to six sons, eldest being Ayu, followed by Amavasu, Visvasu, Ritayu, Satayu and Ayutuyu. After sixty years of being together with Pururuva, Urvashi returned to the heavens.
He married Princess Sukanya, the daughter of King Saryati.
Descendant of Atri: From Rg Veda: Hear the call of the Atris, of Shyavashwa [[He who has the bay-horse.]] pressing the wine, come for the drinking of the Soma, O Indra, O Fire.
He built Mathura. King Ayu married King Sarvbhanu's (Rahu) daughter Prabha. Yuvraj Nahush was their eldest son. Kshtravardh, Rambh, Rajji and Adena were their other four sons. As mentioned before, King Ayu established the city of Mathura on the banks of Yamuna River. In times to come, Prayag was considered to be the Yadav's mainland and Mathura was the capital for many generations during their rule. The Tartars from Mid-Asia considered Ayu to be their forefather. In their local language "Ayu" was considered plural of Chandrama (moon) and was considered a symbolic representation of god. Tartar's "Ayu", Chineese "Yu" and Puranas' "Ayu" are all synonyms of Indu or Chandrama(moon).
He built Kanyakubj.
He married Princess Ruchi, daughter of King Nahusa and sister of King Yayati.
He built Kashi (Varanasi). The prince of King Ayu. He married queen Vraja ( Political Bharat B.C., Raghunath Kali). They had six sons, Princes Yati, Yayati, Samati, Ayati, Viyati and Kriti along with a Princess, Ruchi, who later married the son of Chayavan and Sukanya, Aapnvan.
He was a commoner who became a priest to Kings Nahusha and Yayati. His son was Nabhanedistha. His descendants were: Bhalandana and Vatsapri.
King of Usinara and friend of King Yayati.
Descendant of Brghu who wrote the 2nd book of the Rg Veda.
The eldest Prince of King Nahush, Yati was very religious by nature. He forgoed his birthright to rule the kingdom by his pure will and opted for bhakti instead. The second son of Nahush, Yayati became the king in place of Yati. King Yayati had two wives. One was Devyani, the daughter of Danav guru, Sukracharya and the other was Sharmishtha, the daughter of Danav King. Devyani was the mother of Princes Yadu and Turvasu whereas Sharmishta was the mother of Druhu, Anu and Puru. All of the Princes earned good names and fame during time of Rig Veda and were jointly called as Panchjanya. King Yayati, in order to please his kamic senses ordered Yadu to exchange his youth with him. Yadu and the other following, three sons refused their father's request except the youngest son, Puru. Rishi Ushna Bhargav, using the youth sciences transformed the youth of a son into a father and vice-versa. King Yayati, unpleased with Yadu, took away his birthright to rule and gave it to Prince Puru instead. Prince Puru was married to Princess Pausthi. Before the youth exchange with his father, his sons were called Pauravs. The Paurav dynasty was carried forward by Kuru and the Kuru descendants, Kaurav and Pandav, carried forward Kuru dynasty. On the other hand, Yadu's dynasty was called "Yaduvanshi". King Yayati distributed his kingdom amongst his five sons. Prince Puru received the great Prayag, the capital, situated between southern regions of Ganges and Yamuna; Prince Yadu received the south western teritories which included Charmvati ( chambal ), Vetravati ( Betva ) and Shuktimati ( Keyn ). Prince Druhu received western regions of Yamuna; Prince Anu got the city of Kanyakubj and Prince Turvasu received the south eastern teritories of Riva.
Main priest of Janameejaya.
Yadu's descendants the Yadavas were divided into 3 branches, the Haihayas, the Vaidarbhas and the Satvatas. These 3 branches settled in different regions over time. The Satvatas settled in the Shurasena regions whose chief city was Mathura; they branched into 2 clans, the Andhakas and the Vrishnis. Vasudeva was born into the Vrishni subdivision (see Generation 187). The prince of King Yayati, Yadu was a self respecting and a very established ruler. He had four sons. They were: Prince Sashtrajeet, Kroshta, Nal and Ripu. The kings between Rishi Buddh and Yayati were known as Somvanshi. As mentioned before, Yadu had officially lost the title to govern by his father's command since he had refused to exchange his youth with his father. Thereby, he could not have carried on the same dynasty, called Somvanshi. Notably, the only remaining dynasty of King Puru was entitled to be known as Somvanshi. Thereby King Yadu ordered that the future generations of his would be known as "Yadu" or "Yadav" and the dynasty would be known as "Yaduvanshi". The generations of Yadu had an unprecedented growth and got divided into two branches. King Sashtrajeet's generation came to be known as "Haihai Yadav" occupying the northern regions whereas the King Kroshta's generation became to be known as "Kroshta Yadav' occupying southern regions. King Haihai was Satajeet's son and Sashtrajeet's grandson. King Sashtrajeet instituted a new state and a new dynasty and offered the same, by his own will and against his birth right, to be taken care of by his younger brother Kroshta. Thereby, Kroshta officially became the heer of King Yadu.
Also known as Purukutsa?
There is a great deal of commerce along rivers and in the ocean. The Rg Veda mentions the ocean nearly 100 times and mentions ships dozens of times. The main Vedic ancestor figures like Manu, Turvasha, Yadu and Bhujyu are flood figures, saved from across the sea. There is overwhelming evidence of maritime trade by the archaeological discoveries of the Sarasvati-Sindhu civilization. Some beads were reported to have been exported to Egypt from this valley; Sumerians had acted as intermediaries for this trade which extended to Anatolia and the Mediterranean.
The Rgveda retains the echo of a naval expedition, on which Tugra, the Rsi king, commissioned his son Bhujyu. Bhujyu, however, was ship-wrecked on the ocean,"where there is no support, no rest for the foot or the hand," but was rescued by the twin Asvins in their hundred-oared galley (Rv. i. 112, 6;
Famous Dasa Leaders (some civilized, some not): - Ilibisha - Dhuni - Chumuri - Pipru - Varchin - Sambara
Major Tribes (some civilized, some not): - Shimyus - Kikatas (ex: King Pramaganda of South Bihar) - Ajas - Shigrus - Yaksus - Rakshases - Panis ('Harrappans') - Nishadas - Kiratas - Shabaras - Pundras - Pulindas - Mutibas - Andhras - Shudras (became synonymous with all Dasas who settled down in Aryan colonies).
From Rg Veda: We have come to the Fire, strongest to slay the Coverers, eldest and ever new in whose force of flame Shrutarvana, son of Riksha, grows to vastness. As if calling armed forces in Shrutarvan, son of Riksha, from whom drips the rapturous inspiration, I comb the shaggy-maned head of the four [horses].
From Rg Veda: And Dadhyang too, the Seer, Atharvan's son, kindled thee a slayer of the Python adversary and shatterer of his cities.
This King rescued Sage Uttanka by killing the powerful Rakshas named Dhundhu near a sand-filled sea called Ujjalaka (Rajasthan).
Created a kingdom in the Cedi area (modern Bhundelkand)
Discovery of Major Harappan remains: A three-year-long excavation by the Archaeological Survey of India at Rakhigarhi in Haryana has unearthed the remains of what could have been the „provincial capital‰ of the Harappan civilisation in Hissar district of the State. Two distinct cultures have been identified in the course of excavations&Mac247;namely early Harappan and mature Harappan. The site of excavation, located in the plains of ancient Drishadvati river, a tributary of the mythological Saraswati river, happens to be the „largest Harappan site‰ measuring 230 hectares, next to Mohenjodaro (in Pakistan). The discovery of circular structures at the entrance of the valley, a unique feature of early Harappan days, has also been reported. The structures are outlined by two or three courses of mud brick with post-holes at intervals. There has also been „conclusive evidence of domesticated cattle and animal farming. Meanwhile, an ordinary patch of land in Muzaffarnagar’s Mandi village has transformed overnight into an important link to the 4000-year-old civilisation. The reason: a chance discovery of over 10 kg of gold jewellery, pottery and burnt bricks dating back to the Harappan period. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has termed the discovery as one of the biggest archaeological findings in several decades. Part of the discoveries made at this small field are beads made of gold and semi-precious stones. They also unearthed ochre-coloured pottery with black painted motifs. This pottery is similar to the Harappan pottery, which was discovered earlier at the sites of Hulas and Alamgirpur.
SSC was NOT 'Dravidian': The argument that the SSC was Dravidian and that nomadic Aryans caused its downfall and then exit to pastoral life from Urban life is nonsense: The very argument that the Aryans were pastoralists depends on the assumption that they weren't the authors of IVC/SSC. Unfortunately (for the Leftists), this assumption has *absolutely* no validity. Attempts have been made to credit the authorship of IVC/SSC to Dravidians. Yet, *none* of the Dravidian family of languages can be traced back to earlier than 3rd century B.C. Further, till the middle of the first millennium B.C., all parts of India where Dravidian languages exist, were in the neolithic. So, this rules out any possibility of the Dravidians having been the authors of the urban civilization of IVC/SSC. There have also been feeble attempts to ascribe the authorship to the Munda people. Yet, none of the Munda languages has displayed any organic growth that would let us believe that this was the language family of IVC/SSC. Nor do we see any traces (and continuity) of such an advanced civilization among the present day speakers of Munda family of languages. This leaves out only one people as the authors of IVC/SSC: the Aryans. Archeology bears further testimony to this claim. In this scenario, the death of the urban culture is to be ascribed to only one reason as B.B.Lal, Kenoyer and other archeologists have suggested: earthquakes and drying up of the river, and gradual abandoning of urban lifestyle by the squatters in favour of a rural lifestyle which involves lesser overhead. There is evidence that during the decline phase of IVC/SSC, the cities were getting crowded by squatters and even the much prided drainage system had failed. All these are enough reasons for people to get disillusioned with urban life and opt for pastoral living. Most importantly, despite the transition from urban to agrarian, what we see is a continuity of culture. Even the PGW was an ab intra development. There was *nothing* which came from outside.
The Early Vedic Period of Indian History lasts from 3000 to about 1800 B.C. Initial versions of the Rg Veda composed at this time (In planetary terms, the Rig Veda is the beginning of record keeping). There are six aspects of knowledge in the Vedas known as Vedangas: Siksa - phonetic science Vyakarana - grammar Nirukti - context (conclusive meaning) Candas - meter Jyotis - time science (astronomy & astrology) Kalpa - rituals The Rg Veda was written by: The Rig Veda is composed of ten books (called mandalas in Sanskrit). Seven of the books each relate primarily to one great seer and the family he belongs to; the second book belongs to Gritsamada and his family, the Bhrigus; the third relates to Vishwamitra and his family; the fourth to Vamadeva and the Gotama family; the fifth to Atri and his family; the sixth to Bharadvaja and his family; the seventh to Vasishta and his family; and the eighth to the Kanwas. The first book is a collection of hymns from seers of different families, mainly earlier ones. The tenth book is a collection of various earlier and later hymns. The ninth book is the collection of Soma hymns mainly from the Bhrigus and Angirasas. It is largely outside of and earlier than the family books. Hence the Soma book is the oldest of them all.
Saiva Agamas are recorded in the time of the earliest Tamil Sangam.
From Rg Veda: May we offer sacrifice as did Vyashwa with these greatest and richest thinkings to Fire, the brilliant in light. O Rishi, son of Vyashwa, now sing the word of illumination as did Sthurayupa, to the Fire, vast in his wideness, the dweller in the house.
Page 7: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





106 2960 B.C.E. Dama Sutapa Rteyu ?

107 2940 B.C.E. Rajyavardhana Vali Rantinara Prasenajit Nabhaka?

108 2920 B.C.E. Sudhrti King of Druhyas Anga Tamsu Rishi Ushija Yauvanasva ?

109 2900 B.C.E. Nara Angara Para Ilina Rishi Brhaspati Mandhatr Priest Split

110 2880 B.C.E. Kevala Gandhara Diviratha Dushyanta Rishi Bharadvaja

111 2860 B.C.E. Bandhumana Satvants Dharmaratha Purukutsa ?

112 2840 B.C.E. Vegavana Kunti Citraratha Vidatha Rishi Sobhari

113 2820 B.C.E. Budha Dasharatha Bhavasmanyu King Dasyavevrka Trasadasyu ?

114 2800 B.C.E. Trnavindu Kalibangan Turanga Brhatksatra ?

115 2780 B.C.E. Vishrava Dharma Prthulaksa Suhotra Salvas? Sambhuta Suhotra

116 2760 B.C.E. Kuvera Campa Brhat King Kasha Vishnuvrddha King Jahnu

117 2740 B.C.E. Vishala Baudhayana Haryanga Ajamidha Anaranya Sunaha

118 2720 B.C.E. Hemachandra Bhadratha Rksha/Nila Trasadashva Ajaka

119 2700 B.C.E. Suchandra Dhrta Brhatkarma Susanti Siva Worship Haryashva II Balakasva

120 2680 B.C.E. Dhrumrashva Surkotada City Brhadbhanu Purujanu Hasta Kusa

121 2660 B.C.E. Srnjaya Brhanmanu Trtsu ? Rohidashva Kusamba

122 2640 B.C.E. Sahadeva Durdama Jayadratha Chaksu; Bhrymyasva ? Vasumanas Isiratha

123 2620 B.C.E. Krshashva Haihaya Dynasty Drdharatha Mudgala Urva Trivrshan Kusika

Rishi Dirghatamas

Emperor Bharata

Renaming of India to Bharat

Kurukshetra Archaeology

RgVedic Period - The Era of Conquest: ( "Krta Yuga")

Drishadvati River dries up.

Kalibangan damaged

Bharadvaja's father.
Ikshvaku King Mandhatr (of the terroritory on the Suvastu (Swat) River [west of the Sindu River] ) fought a 14 month long war with his neighbor, King of the Druhyu Dynasty of Gandhara (later called Avaghan; present Afghanistan). He eventually killed that king and drove his people west into Iran. The Ikshvakus ruled over the Gomal and Siritoi tributaries of the Sindu River. Later, when their descendents spread to the East and South (the Ganga River), they named some smaller rivers there after their original homeland, thus we get the Rivers Gomati and Sarayu.
Fight over allegiance of Aryan priests to Devas or Asuras as top of Pantheon. Followers of Asuras forced west into Persia.
Dusyanta married the beautiful maiden Sakuntala. The son of Dusyanta and Sakuntla was the illustrious king Bharata.
From Rg Veda: Fire protected Atri and Bharadwaja and Gavishthira, protected for us Kanwa and Trasadasyu in the battle, Fire Vasishtha the vicar priest calls, the vicar priest calls him for grace. Vasant NavRatri Festival History: THE DIVINE MOTHER or Devi is worshipped during the Vasanta Navaratri. This occurs during the spring. She is worshipped by Her own command. You will find this in the following episode in the Devi Bhagavata. In days long gone by, King Dhruvasindu was killed by a lion when he went out hunting. Preparations were made to crown the prince Sudarsana. But, King Yudhajit of Ujjain, the father of Queen Lilavati, and King Virasena of Kalinga, the father of Queen Monorama, were each desirous of securing the Kosala throne for their respective grandsons. They fought with each other. King Virasena was killed in the battle. Manorama fled to the forest with Prince Sudarsana and a eunuch. They took refuge in the hermitage of Rishi Bharadwaja. The victor, King Yudhajit, thereupon crowned his grandson, Satrujit, at Ayodhya, the capital of Kosala. He then went out in search of Manorama and her son. The Rishi said that he would not give up those who had sought protection under him. Yudhajit became furious. He wanted to attack the Rishi. But, his minister told him about the truth of the Rishi's statement. Yudhajit returned to his capital. Fortune smiled on Prince Sudarsana. A hermit's son came one day and called the eunuch by his Sanskrit name Kleeba. The prince caught the first Syllable Kli and began to pronounce it as Kleem. This syllable happened to be a powerful, sacred Mantra. It is the Bija Akshara (root syllable) of the Divine Mother. The prince obtained peace of mind and the Grace of the Divine Mother by the repeated utterance of this syllable. Devi appeared to him, Messed him and granted him divine weapons and an inexhaustible quiver. The emissaries of the king of Benares passed through the Ashram of the Rishi and, when they saw the noble prince Sudarsana, they recommended him to Princess Sashikala, the daughter of the king of Benares. The ceremony at which the princess was to choose her spouse was arranged. Sashikala at once chose Sudarsana. They were duly wedded. King Yudhajit, who had been present at the function, began to fight with the king of Benares. Devi helped Sudarsana and his father-in-law. Yudhajit mocked Her, upon which Devi promptly reduced Yudhajit and his army to ashes. Thus Sudarsana, with Ms wife and his father-in-law praised Devi She was highly pleased and ordered them to perform Her worship with havan and other means during the Vasanta Navaratri. Then She disappeared. Prince Sudarsana and Sashikala returned to the Ashram of Rishi Bharadwaja. The great Rishi blessed them and crowned Sudarsana as the king of Kosala. Sudarsana and Sashikala and the king of Benares implicitly carried out the commands of the Divine Mother and performed worship in a splendid manner during the Vasanta Navaratri. Sudarsana's descendants, namely, Sri Rama and Lakshmana, also performed worship of Devi during the Vasanta Navaratri and were blessed with Ha assistance in the recovery of Sita. It is the devout Hindu's duty to perform the worship of Devi for both material and spiritual welfare during the Vasanta Navaratri and follow the noble example set by Sudarsana and Sri Rama. He cannot achieve anything without the Divine Mother's blessings. So, sing Ha praise and repeat Her Mantra and Name. Meditate on Her form. Do worship. Pray and obtain Her eternal Grace and blessings. May the Divine Mother bless you with all divine wealth!
He honored Emperor Bharata for his military victories by consecrating him with the coronation rite known as Aindra Mahabhiseka (Universal Sovereignty). He lived to 116.
- descendents of Yadus defeated by Bharata.
Bharata Dauhsanti was a king with difference. The Rigveda, the Aitareya Brahmana, the Satapatha Brahmana, the Mahabharta and the Purana all sing his eulogies. He was a pious king, a great conquerer, a magnificient scrificer and a man of high principles. He expanded India and ruled it down to the Indian Ocean. Bharata had 9 sons, but none were fit to rule so he appointed Vidatha. Bharata won his victories on the Sarasvati (Aitareya Brahmana 8.23) as well as on the Ganga and the Yamuna (Satapatha Brahmana Lands of the Vedic people are mentioned in these texts (Rig Veda, Shatapatha and Aitareya Brahmanas) from Gandhara (Afghanistan) in the west to Videha (Bihar) in the east, and south to Vidarbha (Maharashtra), as well as from the western to the eastern oceans.
Emperor Bharata was the first King to control all of India down to the Ocean. As a result, the country was named after him to Bharatvarsha. Before that, it was known as 'Sapta-Sindu' (Land of 7 Rivers) or Brahmvart, then Aryavart.
Dravidian (Dasyu) peoples living near the Yamuna River at the time of the Satvants.
Descendant of the Rishi Bharadvaja appointed by Bharata as the new Emperor.
Excavated arrows and spearheads in Kurukshetra have been dated back to 2800 BCE. (July 2003,
From the Rg Veda: We the sons of Sobhari have come to the Fire with its thousandfold mass of flame, strong in its approach for protection, imperial, the Fire of the Terror of the Destroyer. [[Or, Fire of Trasadasyu.]] Come, O Fire, with the Rudras, comrade of the life-gods, for the drinking of the Soma-wine, to the laud of Sobhari and take thy rapture in the godhead of the Sun-world [Solar Dynasty].
His name means "Wolf to the Dasyus"
His name means 'Terror to the Dasyus'
The best of the Apsaras, the highly qualified girl named Alambusa, accepted the similarly qualified Trnabindu as her husband. She gave birth to a few sons and a daughter known as Ilavila.
Kalibangan is a large city.
The word 'Harappa' is derived from 'Hariyupiya' and it is mentioned in the Rigveda. It was a city re-built by the Salvas who are described to be a sub-clan of Bharatas in the Vedic age.
Near descendent of King Bharata.
Established a kingdom in Kashi (named after him) with the capital at Varanasi (previously controlled by Dasas).
He was the first Aryan ruler to found a kingdom on the Ganga River (prior to that most Aryans lived in the Sapta-Sindu Region).
The principal author of the Sulbasutras, Baudhayana, a South Indian, "discovered the theorem of Pythagoras some two thousand years before Pythagoras. His work was known in Egypt... as early as 2700 BC. He is the first known of the world's mathematicians.
Rksha's younger brother was Nila. The descendents come from Nila.
Seals of Indus-Sarasvati Valley indicate Siva worship, in depictions of Siva as Pashupati, Lord of Animals.
One of many Saraswati-Sindhu cities (3000 to 2500 B.C.)
Sage Manu credited with writing much of Vedic culture (he lived between the Saraswati and Drishadvati Rivers).
Kalibangan city damaged by major earthquake (potentially the first archaeologically recorded earthquake).
From Rg Veda: Thus have extolled thee, O Fire, the sons of Vrishtihavya, the Upastuta Rishis; [[Or, sages, extolled;]] protect them and the illuminates who speak the word, rising on high they have attained with the cry of vasat, vasat, with the cry of obeisance.
Descendant of Brghu.
Page 8: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





124 2600 B.C.E. Somadatta Kritavirya Kutsa Angirasa Vadhryasva Rcika Tryaruna Gathin/Gadhi

125 2580 B.C.E. Sumati Divodasa Trishanku

126 2560 B.C.E. Janamejaya Jayadhvaja Pijavana Parashurama Harishchandra

127 2540 B.C.E. ? Talajangha Sudas ?

128 2520 B.C.E. Vitahavya Yamuna Battle Sahadeva Bhima Vaidarbha Harita ?

129 2500 B.C.E. ? Somaka Mitravat? Cancu ?

130 2480 B.C.E. Ananta Vijaya ?

131 2460 B.C.E. ? ? Rakhigarhi Ruruka ?

132 2440 B.C.E. Durjaya Ketumant II Vrka ?

133 2420 B.C.E. ? ? King Bahu ?

134 2400 B.C.E. Banawali City Supratika Taurean Era Suketu King Sargon Sagara

135 2380 B.C.E. ? ? Asamanjasa ?

136 2360 B.C.E. ? Sage Asuri Dharmaketu Amshuman Rahugana

137 2340 B.C.E. ? King Barhi King Mitrasaha Dilipa

138 2320 B.C.E. Krostu Satyaketu Bhagiratha

139 2300 B.C.E. Vrjinivana ? Shruta

King Arjun Sahasrabahu

Sage VasisthaPramati?

Rishi Jamadagni

Sage Vishwamitra

(1st Egyptian pyramid under construction)

Madhuchandas & Devarata

Dasharajnya War

Rohita (Rohitaswa)

Aghamarshana, Jetr

Saraswati Civilization at


DICE, and the 4 Periods in

Indian History

Mohenjo Daro at peak

Ksema (Kasi Bharata lineage)

Dholavira Stadium

Warrior Sage Kapila


Later Vedic Period - The Era of Expansion: ("Treta Yuga")

His contemporary was Puru King Shrutarvan.
Married Satyavati and had son, Jamadagni.
Divodasa Atithigva, grandfather of Sudas, had an empire in the regions of Punjab. He earned fame as a warrior by waging a long war with the powerful non-Aryan King Sambara whom he ultimately defeated and killed. Divodasa has contact with Babylon's King Indatu (Babylonian chronology).
He was a profligate prince who was banished by his father from the kingdom for abducting another man's wife. In the jungle, he changed and became remorseful. Later he met the Sage Vishwamitra there and the Sage helped him get restored to the throne.
He was born a prince into the capital city of the Gadhi Kingdom - Kanyakubja (modern Kannauj in Western U.P.). Since he preferred to follow religious studies, he became a priest*, wrote the entire 3rd book of the Rg Veda and created Hinduism's most sacred prayer, the Gayatri Mantra ('Let us meditate on the excellent glory of God, the vivifier, that He may inspire our thoughts...'). Vishwamitra had a big heart too: he once saved a boy, Sunahsepa from being sacrificed. He adopted the boy as his own and renamed him Devarata. *In the early Vedic age, people switched occupations often. Only in later times, did caste start to become rigid and take on a racial tone.
The son of sage Jamadagni of the Bhrigu-clan and Renuka. His mother was the adopted daughter of King Prasenajit - belonging to the Sun-clan (Suryavamsa) and his grand mother (Jamadagni's mother) was the princess belonging to the Moon-clan (Chandra-vamsa) of Kanyakubja and the elder sister of Vishvamitra. His name was Rama, but he was called Parashurama because he used to weild an axe (Parashu) against his enemies. His younger brothers were Rumanvanta, Sushena, Vasu and Vishwavasu. He was famous for defeating the Haihaya King Arjun Sahasrabahu. He married Satyavati, daughter of King Gandhi (?).
According to the Markandeya Purana, he was a King of Ayodhya. He married Saivya (Chandramati) and had Rohitaswa as a son.
Dasha-Radnya (Battle of 10 Kings): This was a well-known accounting of how King Sudas outdid his combined enemies (The Confederacy of 10 Kings) at the war on the Parusni (Ravi) River (not too far west of Kurukshetra). These 10 Aryan Kings got nervous of his growing power and ganged up on him. The 10 groups were: 1. Yadus 2. Turvasas 3. Druhyus 4. Anus 5. Purus 6. Pakthas (ancestors of present-day Pathans) 7. Bhalinases 8. Alinas 9. Vishanins 10. Sivas 12,000 warriors were killed from the Druhyus and Anu Kings alone. This group of 10 may have been led by King Chayamana (of Abhivarta - present Iran). Sudas took over the main area on the Saraswati and North, East and West of it. South of it was controlled by non-Aryan kingdoms of Krkata and Pramaganda.
Fought and won the Battle of 10 Kings. He was well known for having two sage advisors, Vasishtha and Visvamitra. He was an author of Hymn 133 of the 10th book of the Rg Veda in addition to being a great warrior and king. He gave much to his priest, Vashistha (200 cows, 2 chariots, 4 horses with gold trappings,...). Like his grandfather, he too had to fight off non-Aryan kings (Dasas). He defeated King Bheda (who led 3 tribes against Sudas: Ajas, Sigrus, Yaksus). Vedic texts like Shatapatha and Aitareya Brahmanas list a group of ten to sixteen kings, including a number of figures of the Rig Veda like Sudas, as having conquered the region of India from "sea to sea." ) Lands of the Vedic people are mentioned in these texts from Gandhara (Afghanistan) in the west to Videha (Bihar) in the east, and south to Vidarbha (Maharashtra), as well as from the western to the eastern oceans.
King Sudas also fought with the non-Aryan King Bheda who led 3 tribes (Ajas, Sigrus, Yaksus) against Sudas. King Sudas beat them all at a battle on the Yamuna River.
Mohenjo Daro, Harrappa, Dolavira (Kutch) at their peak (Mohenjo Daro was more populous). Harrappan ("Saraswati") civilization covers over 500,000 square miles and has over 500 cities (total of 1600 settlements) along Saraswati and over 3 dozen along Sindhu. It stretches to Iran in the west, Turkmenistan in the north, east to Bihar and south to South India. The Saraswati civilization trades extensively with and to some degree dominates the Mesopotamian civilization (economically and culturally). The Rig-Veda of the Aryans describes an environment and particularly river systems that prevailed prior to 1900 B.C.E. (in the case of the Sarasvati River) and even 2600 B.C.E. (in the case of the Drishadvati River). The Harappan civilization was therefore located in the same riverine region as the Vedic culture. The Vedic literature, moreover, shows a population shift from the ancient and now dried-up Sarasvati River (extolled in many hymns of the Rig-Veda) to the Ganges (as reflected in the subsequent literature of the Brahmanas and Puranas)-a shift that is faithfully reflected in the archaeological record. Mohenjo-daro is a large peripheral trading center. Rakhigari and Ganweriwala (not yet excavated in 1994) on the Sarasvati are as big as Mohenjo-daro. So is Dholarvira in Kutch. Indus-Sarasvati sites have been found as far south as Karnataka's Godavari River and north into Afghanistan on the Amu Darya River.
The 4 Periods ('Ages') of Ancient Indian History are called: 1) Krta Yuga 2) Treta Yuga 3) Dvapara Yuga 4) Kali Yuga These names come from the 4 different types of throws of dice - a popular game then (although some people were addicted to gambling). The dice were made of vibhidaka nuts and the krta throw was the best since its number, when divided by 4, left no remainder. A Treta throw, divided by 4, left 3 as a remainder. The Dvapara and Kali throws left 2 and 1 respectively. Over time an analogy was drawn to ages of Ancient India and it was felt that things were getting successively worse. In addition, the time periods were increased (100,000+ years) as the history of this grew into a rich mythology. For further information, read the books of P.L. Bhargava.
From Rg Veda: This is he who is kindled in the front in Srinjaya, son of Devavata, he is luminous and a destroyer of foes. The mortal who is a hero can have mastery over the Fire in its march, the sharp-tusked bountiful Fire. They make him bright from day to day like a conquering war-horse, like a shining babe of heaven. When the prince, the son of Sahadeva, woke me with his two bay horses, though called towards him I was not ready to rise. Even so, I took at once from the prince, the son of Sahadeva, those two sacred horses he gave. O divine Riders, here before you is the prince Somaka, son of Sahadeva; long-lived may he be!
Mohenjo Daro at its maximum population (40,000) - The entire city was an island flanked on one side by the Sindhu River and the other by a branch of the Saraswati River. It had well-built houses with private showers and toilets that drained into municipal sewer lines. Suffering from occasional flooding by the Sindhu, Mohenjo-daro was rebuilt seven times. The largest structures were the elevated granary and the great bath or swimming pool which was 12 by 7 meters. Around the pool were dressing rooms and private baths.
From Rg Veda: This is he who is kindled in the front in Srinjaya, son of Devavata, he is luminous and a destroyer of foes. The mortal who is a hero can have mastery over the Fire in its march, the sharp-tusked bountiful Fire. They make him bright from day to day like a conquering war-horse, like a shining babe of heaven. When the prince, the son of Sahadeva, woke me with his two bay horses, though called towards him I was not ready to rise. Even so, I took at once from the prince, the son of Sahadeva, those two sacred horses he gave. O divine Riders, here before you is the prince Somaka, son of Sahadeva; long-lived may he be!
DHOLAVIRA: Excavations at Dholavira, in the Rann of Kutch-chh, unearthed a multi-divisional cityscape of the Harappans, remarkable for its planning. The city had a citadel with two fortified subdivisions, a fortified middle town with spacious houses, and a lower town with densely packed houses, within the general fortification. Between the middle and lower towns were open grounds and for the first time on an Indus site, there was an outer fortification. Huge reservoirs all around complete with a dam indicated the water harvesting system the people living in the desert of the yore had designed for themselves: Dholavira was located on a sloping terrain between two storm-water channels. The town probably had the world's oldest and biggest stadium, as well as the first sign board: The archaeologists literally unearthed two stadiums, one of which was 284 metres by 48 metres, and discovered on the citadel's northern gate a ten-character inscription. The stadium was probably the equivalent of the modern-day religious mela ground used for games as well as social functions. The site offered exquisite pottery, clay figurines and animals, beads of lapis lazuli, gold, silver and shell, besides the usual Harappan souvenirs: weights, seals of bulls and unicorns. But the high point of Dholavira is clearly its town planning, architecture, drainage and water management. Apart from reservoirs Dholavira exposed a well not different from the ones we see in some of our villages Mohenjo-daro and Harappa, on the banks of the Indus and Ravi respectively were excavated in the 1920s and were recognized to belong to a previously unknown culture. Around 1950, some 40 sites were known of this culture. By 1985, around 1400 sites had been identified. A recent catalog lists some 2600 sites. The Harappan civilization may have had 5 million or more people in its hey-day. of the nearly 2600 archeological sites of varying sizes, over 1500 settlements were found on the Sarasvati river basin, which included settlements larger than those of Harappa and Mohenjodaro.
Rakhigarhi, located on the long dry Drishadvati river of Vedic fame in the Kurukshetra region, though barely excavated, has been found to be much larger than either Harappa or Mohenjodaro and perhaps the oldest city of its type. This confirms the Vedic idea that the Sarasvati-Drishadvati region was the real center and origin of civilization in ancient India. Digging so far reveals a well planned city with 1.92 m wide roads. Pits surrounded by walls have been found, which are thought to be sacrificial pits or for some religious ceremonies. Which shows fire was used extensively in their religious ceremonies. There are brick lined drains to handle sullage from the houses. Among other things that have been found are, terracotta statues, weights, bronze artifacts, combs, needles and terracotta seals. A bronze vessel has been found which is decorated with gold and silver. A gold foundry with about 3000 unpolished semi-precious stones has been found. Many tools used for polishing these stones and a furnace were found there. A burial site has been found with 11 skeletons with their heads in the north direction. Near the heads of these skeletons, utensils for everyday use are kept. The three female skeletons have shell bangles on their left wrists. Near one female skeleton, a gold armlet has been fond. In addition semi precious stones have been found lying near the head, showing that they were part of some sort of necklace. Based on the density of houses in the excavated areas at Rakhigarhi, it was earlier estimated that the population here was just under 50,000 - but the area now under excavation is an expanse of 224 hectares - much larger than the earlier estimates - the demographics of this ancient settlement could well exceed the 50,000 number. Senior archaeologists consider this to be no ordinary Harappan site and say it is the most important of all the archaeological sites of India. The unearthed clues may yield answers to many questions that have remained unanswered so far. They say the findings have already started showing new civilization contours. Excavations conducted by archaeologists in India and Pakistan have thrown up about 1,400 sites, of which about 900 are on this side of the border (i.e., 500 on the Sindhu, 900 on the Sarasvati/Drshadvati Rivers).
King Bahu (Vahu) was attacked by the Haihaya Kings in revenge for the harm Parashurama caused to King Sahasrabahu.
One of many Saraswati-Sindhu cities (2600 to 1900 B.C.)
Recent research has shown that the sacred Rig-Veda is based on an astronomical system and calendar that hark back to the Pleiades-Krittika (Taurean) era of 2500 B.C.E., or the Harappan era, and still earlier. Therefore, the earliest Rishis were studying nature probably as early as 4000 B.C. with the foundations of the Vedas soon thereafter.
Ruler of Sumeria (see Sagara) --->
Sagara is possibly the Sanskritic version of the Sumerian Emperor Sargon’s name. Sargon’s date is given as 2371-2316 B.C.E.); this ruler of the city of Agade apparently spoke a Semitic language, had a permanent army of 5,400 soldiers, which allowed him to conquer the neighboring city-states one after the other. A myth grew as follows: Sagara's horse dissapeared when he was doing a horse sacrifice (sending the horse out unchallenged defined the limits of his kingdom). King Sagara send 60,000 troops out to find the horse. They found it at the hermitage of Sage Kapila. When they accused him of stealing it, he had them all killed. King Sagara sent his grandson, Amshumat to pacify Sage Kapila. Amshumat told the sage that the dead persons' souls will only achieve salvation if the River Ganga flowed over their ashes... Stories such as this created the tradition of cremation on the Ganga for salvation.
He is said to have killed 60,000 sons (warriors) of King Sagara.
He was a disciple of Sage Kapila.
More than 50 kings from King Barhi to the Pandava King (Pandu) have been recorded.
After King Yadu, a descendant, prince Kroshta acquired the kingdom and became the first Yaduvanshi ruler. His generations became to be known as "Kroshta Yadav".
Myth about Bhagiratha: Despite much austerity and prayer, neither Sagara, nor Ansuman after him, nor his son Dilipa, could get Ganga to appear on earth. Finally it was Dilipa's son Bhagiratha, who after severe austerities, propitiated the Goddess, and she agreed to come down to earth. However, the impact of her fall would be so severe, that it could be borne by none less than Shiva himself. Therefore Bhagiratha went into meditation again and obtained Shiva's consent after many more austerities. Finally, the river came down and fell into Shiva's hair, and thence to earth. Bhagiratha led the way on horse back and the river followed. In this manner they reached the spot where lay the ashes of the six thousand sons. They were thus liberated, and an ocean formed from the waters there. This is the Sagar Island of today, where the Ganges flows into the Bay of Bengal ("Sagara' is also Sanskrit for ocean).
Page 9: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





140 2280 B.C.E. Svahi Mitathal City Vibhu Nabhaga

141 2260 B.C.E. Rusadru ? Ambarisha Durvasa Muni

142 2240 B.C.E. Citraratha Suvibhu Sindhudvipa

143 2220 B.C.E. Shrashavindu ? Ayutashva

144 2200 B.C.E. Bhoj Sage Manu Sukumara Rituparna

145 2180 B.C.E. Prthushrava ? Sarvvakama

146 2160 B.C.E. Tama/Dhamraa Dhrstaketu Sudasa

147 2140 B.C.E. Ushana ? Mitrasaha

148 2120 B.C.E. Shiteyu Venuhotra Use of Spies Ashmaka

149 2100 B.C.E. Rukmakavaca Lothal City ? Urakama

150 2080 B.C.E. Paravrt Bharga Mulaka

151 2060 B.C.E. Jyamagha Diviratha Dasharatha

152 2040 B.C.E. Vidarbha Bhargabhumi Ilivila

153 2020 B.C.E. Bhima/Kratha Trstsu Dynasty Krtasharma

154 2000 B.C.E. Kunti/Kriti Dharmaratha Vishvasaha

155 1980 B.C.E. ? Dilipa

156 1960 B.C.E. Nivriti Rojdi City Citraratha Tamil Sangam Dirghavahu

157 1940 B.C.E. Dasharha ? King Ashvapati Raghu Medhatithi

158 1920 B.C.E. Vyoma Sage Vichaknu Aswhaloma Satyaratha Sage Yajnavalkya Aja (& Indumati) Sage Vashistha

Alcohol in Ancient India

Assimilation by non-IE

Saraswati River starts drying up.

Creation of Aranyakas

Ajamidha Dynasty

End of Golden Age

India is ~20% of world population

Bihar Archeo. Revelation

Drshti (Vrshni)

One of many Saraswati-Sindhu cities (2500 to 2100 B.C.)
Also known as: Ushnak, Roosdrig, Roosdrug, Unkas.
Alcohol Drinking (Soma, other drinks) were popular in ancient times. The Mahabharat indicates that Lord Krishna liked to drink with Arjun (Arak, Bhang, etc.)
In the Ninth Canto of Srimad-Bhägavatam we find that although Mahäräja Ambarisha performed elaborate Vedic sacrifices, his goal was always the satisfaction of the Lord.
SB: "Even a great yogi who transgresses the law of God by his so-called mystic opulences will be severely punished, as revealed in the story of Durväsä Muni cursing Ambarisha Mahäräja.
There seems to be evidence that non-IE started to follow some religious ideas of the Indo-Europeans. Some non-IE Kings at that time were: Varo Sushaman, Balbutha, Brbu and Taruksha. Brbu was king of the Panis in the Ganga region. Brbu's grandfather immigrated to the Ganga area. Brbu ended up fighting with the Bharatas.
King Shrashavindu (Shashibindu): A powerful King after King Chitrarath. In Sashibindu's leadership, the Kroshta Yadavs won the states from King Puru's dynasty in addition to some part of land from his brother Druhu's estates. Shashibindu's daughter, Bindumati was married to Mandhata, however, they were great enemies. King Mandhata won the Kanyakubj from Anu's dynasty along with parts of land from Pauravs and Druhavs. The King of Druhavs, Gandhar, fled to what is now known as Afganistan and took shelter there. Later on, this same place was named Gandhar. Sashibindu, in an endless mode to acquire more land, created several problems in the states of Pauravs, Anuvs and Druhavs , resulting in higly unstable states. Therefore, all the lands from the generations of King Yayati and his second wife, Queen Sharmistha:Puru, Anu and Druhu - were acquired by King Sahibindu and King Mandhata. Due to the rise of Kroshta Yadav King Sashibindu, - the Haihai Yadavs had a wrong impact on society as well. Under the leadership of King Arjun Kirtivirya ( Sahastrabahu ), the Haihai Yadavs forced the Bhargav Bramhins of Narmada River to leave Kanyakubj and attain shelter in Ayodhya. The Haihai took the Kamdhenu cow of Rishi Jamdagni by force. This was the primary cause of the enimity between Haihai Yadavs and Bramhins. Under the leadership of Parshuram, son of the Rishi Jamdagni, the Bramhins attacked the Kshatriyas twenty one times. Every time, the kshatriyas lost. Therefore, they accepted the defeat as their ill fate and the Bramhins over took the ruling. During the Bramhin ruling, the Vaishyas and Sudras became troublesome broke away from the established caste system. Teasing and harassing Bramhin ladies became a normal act. Due to the lack of peace and law and order, the high caste society became highly sensitive and unstable from the lower caste. During these tough times, by the advise of Rishi Kashyap and other Rishis, King Vidurth - a Puruvanshi - overtook the ruling and brought back the peace to the Bramhins from the lower caste.
The latest satellite data combined with field archaeological studies have shown that the Rig Vedic Saraswati had stopped being a perennial river long before 3000 BC. It will take approximately another 700 years (to 1500 B.C.) for the river to dissappear. It is now known archeologically known that the river changed courses at least 4 times before drying up. This calamity - the drying up of the Saraswati - and not any invasion was what led to the disruption and abandonment of the settlements along Saraswati river by the people who lived a Vedic life. The drying up of the Saraswati river was a catastrophe of the vast magnitude, which led to a massive outflow of people, especially the elite, went into Iran, Mesopotamia and the rest of India. Around the same time (2000-1900 BC), there were constant floods or/and prolonged draughts along the Sindhu river and its tributaries which forced the inhabitants of the Indus valley to move to other safer and greener locations, and hence a slow but continuous migration of these highly civilized and prosperous Vedic people took place. Some of them moved to south east, and some to north west, and even towards European regions. For the next thousand years and more, dynasties and rulers with Indian names appear and disappear all over West Asia confirming the migration of people from East towards West.
Sage Manu credited with writing much of Vedic culture (he lived between the Saraswati and Drishadvati Rivers).
It is well documented that Kings used spies (Spas in Sanskrit) against other Kings.
Large cities/shipping port in Lothal (Gujarat) - at this time (3000 B.C. to 2000 B.C., Gujarat was an island). Documents at this time show that Saraswati seamen brought gold, silver, copper, jewelry etc, to Ur (Mesopotamia) to trade with.
Established the southern state of Vidharbh. He had three sons named Bhima (Kratha), Kaushik and Rompad. Kaushika established himself in Chedi (named after his son, Cidi), which is now known as Chanderi.
These were ritual texts for forest-dwelling ascetics.
Of the 24 Kings mentioned in the Rg Veda, the 8 Trtsus descended from Ajamidha were the most powerful.
The Golden Age of the Saraswati Civilization is thought to be 2600 to 2000 B.C.
Grandson of Diviratha. This is now the Anga lineage of Bharatas.
Bihar Archeological Revelation (2000 B.C.E.): Ancient site discovered in Bihar Manuwant Choudhary Sunday, April 27, 2003 (Pandavsthan): After digging in the dirt for four years, archeologists in Bihar's Samastipur district have finally hit luck. They have found a 3500-year-old site in Pandavsthan village and some 2000 artifacts that are said to date to around 1500-2000 B.C. Charcoal samples from the site are being sent to the Birbal Sahani Institute of Paleobotany at Lucknow. Pandavsthan's residents always believed their village got its name from the Mahabharata and that the Pandavas spent some time here. The excavations carried out by the K P Jaiswal Institute suggest that there may be just a bit of truth to this belief. The artifacts found here suggest that the site is at least 3,500 years old, making it the oldest site in the Mithila region. "Earlier we had excavations at Balrajgarh in Madhubani and Katragarh near Muzaffarpur. But their antiquities could go up to 2nd and 3rd Century BC but here is a site that throws up the potentiality of antiquity going back to 1500 BC to 2000 BC," said Dr Vijay Choudhary, K P Jaiswal Institute. The city was spread over 200 acres. Its brick structures were developed during the Kushana period in the 1st Century A.D. And even now, almost every home in this village owns Kushana coins. At least one villager, a CRPF employee, thought it fit to hand the coins back. "After I retired and returned home I saw that excavations were on. I saw them take out the same coins I already had. I took it to sir and gave it to him since it's a national heritage," said Ram Swarth Singh, an ex-CRPF employee. It isn't just villagers and research students who're traveling to the excavation site. The District Magistrate is keen to cash in on the find and wants to develop the site for tourism. "First of all a museum should be constructed here and then, as Dr Choudhary was saying, the site should be reserved from the rain. A shed can be placed and a wall built around it," said Narmadeshwar Lal, DM, Samastipur. That northern Bihar had a medieval past is well known. These excavations now prove that the ground beneath the feet of Pandavsthan's villagers is far, far older than that.
Dilipa Khatvanga: His wife, Sudakshina was from the royal house of Magadha.
One of many Saraswati-Sindhu cities (2000 to 1900 B.C.)
1915: All Madurai Tamil Sangam is held at Thiruparankundram (according to traditional Tamil chronology).
King Darshah, whose generations were called as "Darshah Yadav".
Father of Queen Kaikeyi - one of 3 wives of King Dasharatha. Yudhajit was Kaikeyi's brother.
Also known as Medhyatithi Kanwa.
Wealthy Brahman. Had 2 wives, Maitreyi, and Katyayani. Other important Sages mentioned in the Upanishads are: Uddalaka Aruni, Shwetaketu, Shandilya, Aitareya, Pippalada, Sanat Kumara.
Priest to King Dasharatha.
Page 10: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





159 1900 B.C.E. Bhim Gargi King Janaka Lomapada King Ravana Dasharatha

160 1880 B.C.E. Jimuta Janaki; Sita ? Ramayana

161 1860 B.C.E. Caturanga Rama's Bridge Luv/Kush

162 1840 B.C.E. Bhimaratha ? Atithi (from Kusha)

163 1820 B.C.E. Navaratha Prthulaksa Nisadha

164 1800 B.C.E. Dasharatha ? Nala

165 1780 B.C.E. Campa Nabha

166 1760 B.C.E. Shakuni ? Pundarika

167 1740 B.C.E. Haryanga Kshemadhanva Abraham

168 1720 B.C.E. Devarata Bhadraratha Devanika

169 1700 B.C.E. Devaksatra Daimabad City Rksa Bhisma Ahinagu, Rupa, Ruru

170 1680 B.C.E. Madhu Samvarana Kuru Dynasty Paripatra

171 1660 B.C.E. Anavarata Parikshit I Kuru Dala

172 1640 B.C.E. Kuruvatsa Jahnu Sudhanu Chala

173 1620 B.C.E. Anuratha/ Anshu Vedic Meat Diet Suratha Suhotra Uktha

174 1600 B.C.E. AIT MYTH Viduratha Cyavana Vajranabha

King Balin / Chief Sugriva

Hanumant - counsellor of Prince


Rama (Ramachandra)

Angada (son of Balin)

Later Vedic Period - The Era of Settlement: ("Dvapara Yuga")

Vamshakrti/ Vikriti

Ayodhya Evidence

Later Vedic Period Begins

Zarathushtra (Persia)

Karambhi/ Karibhi

Dronacarya, Krpacarya, Dhrtarastra

Puruhotra/ Purumitra

Gargi, the wise and learned daughter of Rishi ( sage ) Vachaknu, was known as Brahmavadini because of her having the knowledge of Brahma-vidya. She participated in a debate with the knower of Sage Yajnavalkya in the Yajnasala (place for sacrifices) of King Janaka.
Son of King Hrasvaroma (Aswhaloma), the fabulously wealthy King Siradhvaja Janaka of Mithila, a disciple of Yajnavalkya. Married to Queen Sunayana. His daughter, Janaki (Sita), married Rama. Sita means furrow (ditch) in Sanskrit.
Visrava had two wives. The first wife was Idavida, from whom Kuvera, the master of all Yaksas, was born, and the next wife was named Kesini, from whom three sons were born--Ravana, Kumbhakarna and Vihhisana.
King Balin ruled Vanara (capital city of Kishkinda) - in present Karnataka.
Hanumant is the son of Sri Kesari, the King of Sumeru mountain and Anjana, the daughter of Gautama. He introduced Rama and Lakshmana to his friend Sugriva, the prince of Kishkindha. Vanar is sanskrit and it literarally means men of the jungle ('Van' means forest or jungle, and 'Nara' means men or humans = Van-Nara).
The daughter of the royal sage, king Janaka of Mithila, and the wife of Rama.
Ramayana (Story of Rama). It was a historical chronical of the most well-respected and well-loved King in India. Much later in history was he considered an incarnation of God. Ramayana (immediately post-Vedic period) city of Ayodhya was said to have high walls, high-steepled houses, and big assembly halls city in Lanka had decorative structures and high walls, all made of gold city of Nasik (place from where Ravana carried off Sita)
When he was banished from Ayodhya, he was 25, Sita 18 and Lakshmana 16 years old.
Rama's Bridge Notes: Here's the photo (click on it for the bigger one and print out on color printer if you wish): And no surprise to me that Archeologists are finding out that Rama's Bridge is actually around 3500 years old (circa around 1500 B.C.E.) since that fits in closer with my 1900 B.C.E. estimate: Who knows? Perhaps this Rama's Bridge could end up being a key piece of evidence (in addition to Ayodhya) in the historical evaluation of the Ramayana Epic. See I'm afraid that you're confusing mythology with history. The mythological story occurring millions of years ago where "Monkey people" assist King Rama to cross to Sri Lanka is exactly that - mythology. It is, however, NOT mysterious if you learn the facts. The literary and archeological data point to a more reasonable timeframe around 1900 B.C.E. when Prince Rama was assisted by Hanumant, a leader of a small tribe known as 'Vahner' to enhance the natural rock formation between India and Sri Lanka to cross it to move in troops and arms for a war with a Lankan King. The word 'Vahner' was mistranslated into Sanskrit as 'Vanara' which means 'Monkey' and the mythology grew from there. Given that nearly 4000 years have passed since this Epic, it is understandable that most people have forgotten the underlying historical basis for the mythological Ramayana Epic.
Kusha took over the Kosala Kingdom (ruled from Ayodhya) from his father, Rama, and also founded a city called Kushapur (today called Kasur). Luv (Lav; Loh) created a kingdom elsewhere. It is believed he did so to the Northwest (present Punjab). He founded the city of Luvpur (or Loh-Awar [Loh's Fort]; today known as Lahore). The Mewar Lineage descends from Luv.
Ayodhya Evidence: Ayodhya: Over to archaeology by Sandhya Jain A god who was once a king on earth, a king who is also God, may soon win judicial reprieve and mercifully end centuries of bloody disputation over His legitimate birthplace. The March 5 order of the Allahabad High Court directing the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) to excavate the disputed site at Ayodhya and determine whether or not a temple could be adjudged to have pre-existed the Babri Masjid there and submit its report by March 24, is as sudden as it is unexpected. ... Personally, I view the attacks on Prof BB Lal, who has an awesome reputation as a meticulous archaeologist and scholar, as evidence that fear has overtaken fury in the Marxist-Islamic armoury. Much water has flown under the bridge since the mid-1970s when Prof Lal's discovery of pillar bases in the immediate vicinity of the disputed structure resulted in the abrupt termination of funding for the project. Dr SP Gupta, who also undertook extensive digging next to the site in the mid-1970s, found structures dating back from 3000 BC to 900 BC. These included pillars, floors, brick walls and even statuettes, which were covered up with earth and left in situ. In another dig in 1992, just before the demolition, 68 idols were unearthed and evidence found of a sprawling temple complex that pre- existed the mosque. Traditional techniques such as carbon dating, comparison with contemporary architectural styles and a study of the composition of the rocks can be used to determine the age of the structures once they are unearthed again. It is also worth noting that the Hari-Vishnu inscription that emerged from the debris in December 1992 has been written in chaste Devanagari of the 12th century AD, which puts it in the era prior to the Ghurid offensive (approximately AD 1192). Experts from the Epigraphical Society of India, who examined the tablet, observed that it recorded the construction of the temple. It reportedly states that a beautiful temple of Vishnu-Hari was built in the temple-city of Ayodhya and beautified with a golden spire; the temple is said to be unsurpassed by any shrine built by previous kings. There are also references to Vishnu destroying King Bali, and to a 10-headed person (Dashanana), which clearly indicates Ravana. The evidence of the tablet, therefore, may be considered as pretty conclusive by all but die-hard secularists. It is to be hoped that they will be more open-minded when the ASI trenches unveil the truth before them, layer by layer, in brick and stone. Actually, it is high time that all parties taking an interest in the dispute showed respect to the Hindu community, which has waged a bloody struggle for more than four centuries to reclaim this sacred site. Notwithstanding the calumny that Hindus have no sense of history, the community has preserved the memory of this sacred spot and its association with Sri Rama through centuries of oppression and disempowerment. It is now within a hair's breath of proving its claim even to unbelievers, not by faith but by stone. The Ram Janmabhoomi Nyas should honour the Hindu civilisational memory by incorporating the ASI findings into the temple plan. What I mean is that the layers, pillars, bases and statuettes officially excavated by the ASI should be incorporated into the temple as a basement, protected by glass panels, and preserved as a permanent museum for future generations. It would be a fitting tribute to the thousands who struggled and died for the Janmasthan.
The Later Vedic Period lasts from 1800 to 1100 B.C.
Life of Zoroaster of Persia, founder of Zoroastrianism. His holy book, Zend Avesta, contains many verses from the Rig and Atharva Veda. His strong distinctions between good and evil set the dualistic tone of God and devil which distinguishes all later Western religions.
Abraham (from Ur City in Chaldea, Mesopotamia) founds Jewish religion. Abraham migrated with his father Terah from Ur to Haran. After his father's death God called Abraham to go to the land that he would show him where he would make a great nation. Abraham went through Sichem to Canaan (Hebron & Beersheba) with his wife Sarah and nephew Lot. As Abraham and Sarah grew older they had no children, so Abraham fathered a son, Ishmael, through Sarah's servant Hagar. Later, Abraham and Sarah had a child Isaac.
One of many Saraswati-Sindhu cities (2000 to 1400 B.C.)
Grandfather of Kuru.
During his rule, Yadavs had become very powerful. The generations of King Madhu, known as "Madhu Yadav" or "Madhav" ruled from the South-Western states of Gujarat to Northern states of Yamuna river.
Descendants of Kuru were called Kauravas and were centered around Kurukshetra. In old Persian language, Kurus is Cyrus.
The Rig Veda recounts the rituals in animal sacrifice and the roasting and carving of its meat -- with Brahmin priests receiving the choicest cuts as prasaad. A black cow was favoured by Pushan, red by Rudra, an ox by Vishnu, and bulls by Agni and Indra -- the latter urged to slay his foes "just as cows are butchered at the altar of sacrifice." In the Mahabharat and Ramayan, sumptuous feasts abound with the meat of pigs, deer, sheep, fowl and "young buffalo calves roasted on spits with ghee dripping on them". The Atharva Veda mentions the sacrificial cow as "destined for the Gods and Brahmins." And in the Brhadaranyak Upanishad, Sushrutha, the father of Indian medicine, describes beef as being pavitra for health.
AIT Myth: Etymologically, according to Max Muller, the word Aryan was derived from ar -- "plough, to cultivate" -- meaning an agriculture background and indicating a more settled, peaceful, and civilized society contradicting at the very outset the description of a conquering people of nomads and hunter-gatherers that the Aryans were projected out to be. (For reference, in Sanskrit, Arya means pure or noble). Surprisingly, the roots of Aryan Invasion Theory (supposed 1500 B.C.E. invasion) are found NOWHERE in any oral, written, or archeological records of India, but only in the European political discourse and more specifically, the German nationalistic trends of the 19th century. This is the foundation which led to the desecration of the Svastika symbol by the German Nazis.
Page 11: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





175 1580 B.C.E. Amsha Sarvvabhauma Krtaka Shankhanabha

176 1560 B.C.E. Satvata Jayatsena Kuvaya Vyuthitashva

177 1540 B.C.E. Andhaka King Revata Ayavi Uparicara Vasu Vishvasaha

178 1520 B.C.E. Kukura Lokpat Aradhin Hiranyanabha

179 1500 B.C.E. Dhrsta Dwaraka City Mahasatva Pusya

180 1480 B.C.E. Kapotaroma Dvaraka Date Akrodhana King Brhadratha Dhruvasandhi

181 1460 B.C.E. Viloma Devatithi Kushagra Sudarshana

182 1440 B.C.E. Bhava Rksha Rsabha Agnivarna, Shighra

183 1420 B.C.E. Abhijita Mitravaruna Bhaumasena Puspavana Maru

184 1400 B.C.E. Punavasu King Andhaka Sage Vasishtha Dilipa Prasushruta Sage Narada

185 1380 B.C.E. Ahuka/ Vrashni King Kukura Shakti Pratipa Sudhanva Sugandhi King Agrasen

186 1360 B.C.E. King Ahuka Sage Parashara Shantanu Jantu Amarsa Sage Sandipana

187 1340 B.C.E. Shura/ Sursen King Ugrasena Sage Vyasa Vichitraveerya Nabha (Sambhava) Mahasvana Sage Sandipani

188 1320 B.C.E. Vasudeva King Kamsa Sage Sukadeva Pandu Vishrutavana King Sishupala

189 1300 B.C.E. Krishna King Dantavakra Yudhisthira Sahadeva Brihadbala King of Salva

King Keshin Dalbhya

Cinnamon exported from Kerala to Middle


Brhadratha Dynasty (Magadha)

Saraswati River gone.

Vedic culture in Middle East

Philosopher Charvaka

Total decline of Indus Valley.

Sage Vishvaksena


King Suchi (Magadha)

Devaka/ Devmudh

King Jarasandha (Magadha)

Mahabharata War

He had six sons named Princes Bhajan, Bhajman, Divya, Devvardh, Andhak, Mahabhoj and Vrashni. The dynasties of Satvatta, Andhak and Vrishni were known as "Satvatta Yadav", "Andhak Mahabhoj Yadav" and "Vrishni Yadav" respectively. The Yadavs mainly had four states of which Andhak and Vrishni were most significant. King Andhak's state was in Mathura and had two sons, Prince Kukur and Bhajman. The generations of Kukur were Drashnu, Kapot-Rome, Devatta Viloman, Nal, Abhijit, Punarvasu and Ahuk. Ahuk had two sons, Devak and Ugrasen. Devak's daughter, Devaki was married to King Vasudev and gave us Lord Shree Krishna. Ugrasen, King of Mathura had a son named Kans, who by force, dethroned his father from his kingdom and became the new king. Furthermore, Kans locked his father Ugrasen, cousin sister Devki and Vasudev in jail. The king of Magadh state, Jarasandh was Kans's father in law. Shree Krishna killed Kans and returned the kingdom back to Ugrasen. Later on, Jarasandh was killed by Bhim. King Bhajman's generations included Vidurth, Rajdhidev, Shur, Shodashav, Shami, Pratikshrat, and Hridayak. Hridayak had five sons named Kritvarma, Darvah, Devrath, Shatdhanva and Devgarbh. The eldest son of Hridayak, Prince Kritvarma, in spite of being a Bhojvanshi, took Kauravs side during the great battle of Mahabharat. His younger brother, Shatdhanva killed Shatrajeet, a Vrashni Yadav as well as father of Shree Krishna's Queen Satyabhama. Retroactively, Shree Krishna eliminated Shatdhanva. (?)
He built a fort on an island which became the city of Kushasthali. Eventually, this sank into the ocean and Dvaraka was built upon it, though this city too eventually met the same fate.
? Also known as Uchaihshravas, son of King Kuvaya.
One outlet of the Saraswati into the sea was at Lokpat which was also a major seat of learning and a port. Further downstream was Narayan Sarovar which is mentioned in the Mahabharata as a holy place.
Panchala King and his successors (called Dharbhya Kaishina) ruled in what is now U.P. His uncle was Uchaishravas, son of Kuru King Kuvaya.
Saraswati Civilization gone, but a few large cities still remain in Western India. The largest of which was Dwaraka (in Gujarat; 3000 to 1200 B.C.) which had a population greater than Mohenjo Daro. Dwaraka was built on top of Kaushashtali (a fort which grew into a city) - which sank. Dwaraka sank underwater again in 1600-1500 B.C. due to the rising level of the ocean floor in that area. The city was the capital of Lord Krishna, and the Mahabharata tells us that after the successors of Krishna took over the city, they destroyed themselves and the city thru internecine conflict. Krishna had forewarned the residents of Dwaraka to vacate the city before the sea submerged it. Physical disaster later submerged the sea. Descended from 'fortynine generations' from the initial origin from the pitcher of a northern sage, Agastya, the vELir chieftains had ruled over Tuvarai (Dwaraka) of the 'soaring bronze walls' ". Forty nine generations may be approximately equal to 1000 years. The Great Epic, Mahabharata, recounts the migration of yaadava's from Mathura to Dwaraka to escape persecution by Jaraasandha and Sisupaala. Agastya had reportedly led a migration of eighteen kings, descendents of Krishna (neTumuTiaNNal) and of eighteen families of vELir from Tuvaraapati (Dwaraka) to Potiyil (of Tamil land: Nacc. commentary on Tol. Paayiram.PoruL. 34). The Chalukyas are also referred to as descendants of the pitcher sage, Agastya. According to Tamil nighanTus, vELir considered themselves as yaadava's. In epigraphical inscriptions (aaykuTi plates), vEL aay (aabhiiras) are described as vRSNikula. vELir are also linked to dynasties of andhras, kadambas, kaakatiiyas and yaadavas of Devagiri.
There were supposedly 32+ generations of the Brhadratha Dynasty that ruled Magadha. Roughly 10 generations before the Mahabharat and 22 after till they were defeated by the Haryanka Dynasty.
Due to geological forces (earthquakes, etc.), the rivers feeding into the Saraswati (Sutlej and Yamuna) change course and feed instead into other rivers such as the Sindhu (Indus). As a result, the Saraswati dries up (during the Brahmanic period, it is mentioned that the Saraswati now runs through a desert - later known as 'Rajasthan'). Later Vedic texts contain descriptions - Jaiminya Upanisad Brahmana (4.26.12) and the associated Srauta-sutras say that Sarasvati disappears in the desert sands at a place called Vinasana (literally disappearance). The majority of the population leaves the now desertified areas (once rich farmlands) and migrate east towards the Ganga (Ganges) River which later becomes the holiest river in India and the center of Indian Civilization.
Dwaraka City created - 1500 B.C.E. - Recent excavations at the Dvaraka site, a port city in Gujarat larger in size than the largest Harappan city of Mohenjo-Daro and dated to about 1500 B.C.E., have revealed architectural structures similar in style to the traditional city of the same name in which Krishna is said to have lived. The archaeological Dvaraka corresponds to the Dvaraka described in the Mahabharata epic as the city of Krishna. The evidence includes the use of iron and the employment of a script that is intermediate between the Harappan glyphs and the Brahmi alphabet of later India. According to the traditional view, Krishna lived at the conclusion of the Vedic period.
Vedic Culture extended into the Middle East: The Hittites and Mittani signed a treaty with the name of the Vedic Gods - Indra, Mitra, Varuna and Nasatyas - around 1400 BC. The Hittites have a treatise on chariot racing written in almost pure Sanskrit. In addition, a Hittitie inscription (1400 B.C.) talks about Rama's father - Dasharatha. The Indo-Europeans of the ancient Middle East spoke Indo-Aryan, not Indo-Iranian languages and thereby show a Vedic culture in that region of the world as well. This shows that Vedic culture extended from India to Anatolia (Turkey) by 2000 BC.
Saraswati Civilization in total decline - over grazing, deforestation (resulting in desertification), and salinization of water supplies make the situation worse. However, A pilgrimage route of c. the second millennium B.C., is depicted in the great Indian epic, the Mahabharata which described in the Salya parva, a pilgrimage undertaken by Balarama (brother of Krishna) from Dwaraka to Mathura along the Sarasvati river, paying homage to the ancestors at holy places on the banks of the river. (This shows that the river (or river bed?) was navigable from Dwaraka in Gujarat to Mathura on the Yamuna.)
? Also known as Dushtaritu Paumsayana ??
Around 1400-1200 B.C. Iron starts to be used (called 'Black Metal' in the Vedas).
One of Vasishtha's sons, Shakti, died in a battle while Vasishtha's grandson, Parashara was also a rishi (though not a warrior priest). One day as Parashara was crossing the Yamuna, he fell in love with the fisherman's daughter, Satyavati, who was ferrying him across. To them was born a son named Krishna. The location is near the present day Kalpi in Uttar Pradesh. When Krishna (later renamed Vyasa) grew up, he left his mother and joined his father and brought up under the tradition of the Vasishthas. He became an ascetic but had a son named Shuka.
King Shuchi (Satyadhrta; Satyahita; Satyadhriti) of Magadha writes Jyotisha Vedanga, including astronomical observations which date this scripture-that summer solstice occurs in Ashlesha Nakshatra.
He taught Sage Vyasa.
King Vrashni had three sons named Sumitra, Yudhajeet and Devmudh. The generations of Yudhajeet were Satyaki, Prasen and Shatrajeet (killed by Shatdhanva).
Ancestor of Agrawals - our family: Ikshvaku king ruled small kingdom around 51 years before the Mahabharat War. He built the city of Agroha (ruins exist today in NW Haryana). His 18 children later became 18 clans (Gotra). These peoples from Agroha were known as Agroha-Wala or Agrawal.
His wife was Satyavati the daughter of the Vasu (fisherman),
King of Hastinapur. Supposedly has a brother named Devapi. Since Shantanu already had a son (Bhishma), the fisherwoman's father said that Bhishma and his lineage would become the heir to the throne and his daughter and her sons would be neglected. Bhishma then vowed that he would never marry. Therefore, Shantanu and Satyavati married and two children were born, Chitravirya, and Vichitravirya. They were unable to bear any children, and Bhishma had already taken a vow. Therefore, Satyavati called upon her ascetic son, vyasa and asked him to continue the lineage. Vyasa mated with three people in order to continue the lineage of the king. The three women were his two step-brother's wives, and a maidservant. To them were born Dhritrashtra, Pandu, and Vidura, respectively. The mating may be have against the inclinations of Vyasa and others, but the duty had to be carried out, however unpleasant it may be. There is mention of a 12 year drought during Shantanu's reign that may have involved the drying up of what was left of the Saraswati.
King Sursen The father of Prince Vasudev and Princess Pratha. Pratha was an adopted daughter of King Kuntibhoj, and in time to come, she was known as the famous Kunti. Kunti was married to King Pandu with whom she gave three key players of Mahabharat, Princes Yudhishtir, Bhim and Arjun. Madri, the sister of Madradesh King Shalv, was the second wife of King Pandu and gave the remaining two Pandavs, Princes Nakul and Sahdev. The second daughter of King Sursen, named Shrutvata, was the mother of King Shishupal of Chedi state. The second son of King Sursen was Devbhag and his son was Uddhav. Through his wife, Marisa, King Sura begot Vasudeva, Devabhaga, Devasrava, Anaka, Srnjaya, Syamaka, Kanka, Samika, Vatsaka and Vrka.
He was the brother of Devaka - Devaki's father. King Andhaka > Kukura > Ahuka > Ugrasena. Kamsa, Sunama, Nyagrodha, Kanka, Sanku, Suhu, Rastrapala, Dhrsti and Tustiman were the sons of Ugrasena. Kamsa, Kamsavati, Kanka, Surabhu and Rastrapalika were the daughters of Ugrasena. They became the wives of Vasudeva's younger brothers.
Born Krshna Dvaipayana, he arranged the Vedas and became known as the VedaVyasa or just 'Vyasa'. He documented the Civil War (Mahabharat) in an epic originally called 'Jaya' (8800 verses). Over time, this epic was expanded to 24,000 verses and was renamed 'Bharata'. Later it was expanded to 100,000 verses and renamed 'Mahabharata' - its present form today. He entrusted his Veda work to his pupil, Sage Sumantu. MANDALA COMPOSED BY 1 191 hymns composed by different poets belonging to different families 2 Gritasmada and his family (descendents) 3 Vishvamitra –do- 4 Vamadeva –do- 5 Atri –do- 6 Bharadwaja –do- 7 Vasista alone 8 Kanva and his family (descendents) 9 Hymns addressed to Soma Pavamana; composed by different poets belonging to different families 10 191 hymns composed by different poets belonging to different families All the 10 mandalas were compiled by KRISHNA DVAIPAYANA VYASA who was hence called VEDA VYASA.
Had sons, Drtharasthra and Pandu. Drtharasthra's eldest son was Duryodhana and Pandu's eldest son was Yudhisthira.
Krshna and Balarama were sent by Vasudeva to Ujjain to study under the famous scholar, Sandipani.
From Vasudeva's first wife, Rohini, was born Balarama. Queen Rohini was daugther of King Prateep and Sunanda. King Prateep, a Puruvanshi (King Kuru's dynasty) was from Hastinapur. Shree Balram was an avatar of Sheshnag whereas Shree Krishna was an avatar of Shree Vishnu. From Vasudeva's second wife, Devaki was born Krishna and younger sister, Subhadra. Their 7th son was Krshna (the earlier 6 were killed by King Kamsa - ruler of Mathura, who usurped the throne by imprisoning his father, Ugrasena.)
Note for King Bheeshmaka of Vidharbha: His daughter, Rukmini, was taken by Krshna to be his wife.
Sukadeva Goswami: Son of Vyasa, of ascetic bent of mind right from his early childhood, having inquisitiveness -jijnasa - for Brahma-Vidya ( knowledge of the Absolute Being ) and a preacher of devotion to God, Shukadeva (Suka) studied tbe Bhagavata Purana mainly under the guidance of his father. Shuka, and his primary disciples, Sumantu, Jaimini, Paila, and Vaishampayana also presided over various sections of the forest universities at the modern Pehava and Kurukshetra.
Pandu had three sons by Kunti: Yudhishtira, Bhima and Arjuna. Pandu had two sons by Madri: Nakula and Sahadeva. The five brothers were together called Pandavas.
King of Chedi (modern Bundelkhand) was killed by Krshna after picking a fight with him. The second daughter of King Sursen, named Shrutvata, was the mother of King Shishupal of Chedi state.
Krshna was raised by foster parents, Nanda and Yashoda. Radha was married to the brother of Yashoda, Rayana. Radha was Krshna's aunt. All stories about Krshna and Radha are later myths - she was his aunt and much older than him. Krishna studied the Vedas under Ghora of the Angirasa clan, who seems to have inspired Krishna to develop ideas that later went into the Bhagavad Gita. The Gita is essentially a summary of the Upanishads combined with the rationalism of the Sankhya philosophy. No less remarkable is the fact that there is a reference to this episode - of Ghora providing the seed of the Gita - on one of the Harappan seals. The message is 'ghorah datah dvayuh varcah' - meaning 'Two essences given by Ghora', the two essences being the Upanishads (Vedanta) and Sankhya. He went to Mathurä at the request of His uncle, Akrüra. Shree Krishna had eight queens: 1. Rukamni: The daughter of King Bhishmak of Kananpur. They had nine sons and one daughter. Prince Pradumgn, Sucharu, Chakbhadra, Sadasva, Hasva, Chargupta, Charuk, Charuhas and Princess Charukhasti. 2. Satyabhhabha: The daughter of King Shatrajeet. They had seven sons. Prince Bhanu, Bhimrath, Khad, Rohit, Diptiman, Tambrandh and Jalandham. 3. Surya: The daughter of Surya 4. Mantra Vranda: The daughter of Mantra Vrand. They had three sons. Prince Sumitra, Charumitra and Mitravind. 5. Satya; The daughter of King Satyajeet. 6. Lakshmana: The daughter of King Mandra. 7. Jamvanti: The daughter of King Jamvan. They had a son named Samb. 8. Bhadra;The daughter of King Bhadrasen. He tried to simplify Hinduism with philosophy such as: "Action is its own reward" "Work is worship" "Take refuge only in the one and true God" KRISHNA ruled at Dwaraka for thirty-six years after the Kurukshetra battle was over. The Vrishnis, the Bhopas and other branches of the Yadavas belonging to Krishna's tribe spent their days in unrestrained self-indulgence and luxury. Krishna's clan pursued trade with the Phoenicians. Over time, Krishna became more than just a great King, he became deified in the same way Rama has.
Mahabharat (Great India) War. It was essentially the Civil War of India. It is mentioned in the Mahabharat that at that time, the Saraswati did not even flow to the ocean. One outlet of the Saraswati into the sea was at Lokpat which was also a major seat of learning and a port. Further downstream was Narayan Sarovar which is mentioned in the Mahabharta as a holy place. A pilgrimage route of c. the second millennium B.C., is depicted in the great Indian epic, the Mahabharata which described in the Salya parva, a pilgrimage undertaken by Balarama (brother of Krishna) from Dwaraka to Mathura along the Sarasvati river, paying homage to the ancestors at holy places on the banks of the river. (Was the river navigable from Dwaraka in Gujarat to Mathura on the Yamuna? or did Balarama follow the river-bed.)
He was a descendant of Rama that fought in the Mahabharat. Krishna trained many warriors (chariot-warriors) who later fought in the Mahabharata war, warriors such as Ahuka, Satyaki, Kritavarman, Gada, Brihadbala, and many other famous fighters.
King of Salva (near modern Alwar, Rajasthan). When he heard of his friend, King Sishupala, being killed by Krshna, he attacked Dvaraka. Krshna fought and killed him.
Page 12: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





190 1280 B.C.E. Brhatksana King Vasudeva

191 1260 B.C.E. Aniruddha Parikshit II Shrutashrava Guruksepa

192 1240 B.C.E. Aristanemi Uddhava Ayutaya Vatsa

193 1220 B.C.E. Pratibahu Niramitra Vatsavyuha Ugrasravas

194 1200 B.C.E. Rishabha Dwateeyram Suksatra Prativyoma Trojan War

195 1180 B.C.E. Santasena Kshatramal Brhatkarman Divakara

196 1160 B.C.E. Satasena Aiksakava Divakara Chitrarath Senajit Sahadeva

197 1140 B.C.E. ? Kruddhodhana Vishakhayupa Dushtashailya Shrutanjaya Brhadashva Brhadratha Senajit

198 1120 B.C.E. ? King Janaka Ugrasain Vipra/Vibhu Bhanuratha

199 1100 B.C.E. Brajanabh ? Shoorsain Shuci Pratitashva

200 1080 B.C.E. ? Vedic Migration Bhuwanpati Ksemya SupratIka

201 1060 B.C.E. ? Ranjeet Suvrata Marudeva

202 1040 B.C.E. ? Shrakshak Dharmanetra Sunaksatra

203 1020 B.C.E. ? Suhkdev Nirvrati, Sushrama Kinnara

204 1000 B.C.E. Kashi (Varanasi) Narharidev Drdhasena Antariksa

205 975 B.C.E. ? King Nichakshu Suchirath Sumati Suvarna King Solomon

Pradyumna (&Samba)

Krshna heads Sangamukhya

Royal Lineage Misc.

Abhimanyu (son of Arjuna)

Maghasandhi; Somapi

Priest Tura Kavaseya

Sage Vaisampayana

Priest Indrota Daivapa Saunaka

King Vajra/ Vajranabh

Emperor Janmeejay

(Musa 'Moses' leads some Jews out of


Brahmanic Period - Brahmanas and Upanishads: ("Kali Yuga")

Brahmanic Period Begins

Sage Vidura & Sage Maitreya

Shatanika, Ashwamedh

Sucharu (Subahu)

Kamantalpur & Kotwar

Sage Lomaharshana

King Paurava Adhishmakrshna

Babylon is world's largest city.

Yadavas: descendents of


Second Urbanization

Dvaraka Timeline

Hastinapur flood

Krshna had a number of children, the most famous of which were Pradyumna (from Rukmini) and Samba (from Jambavati).
a) Bhagwat gives 28 Kaurava kings from Parikshit to Kshemaka. "From Kshemaka, the Pandava Dynasty will end in Kaliyug, and Magadha Dynasty will start." [Bhagwad 9-22-45]. This implies that the Pandava kings ruled before the advent of Kaliyug, and Magadha dynasty will not super-impose the Pandava Dynasty. b) Further it is stated in Bhagwat that after 28 Kaurava kings, Magadha Dynasty would rule and 22 Magadha kings would govern for 1000 years. Here it is given a average of 1000 years for 22 kings. It can be found that the 28 Kaurava kings would have ruled for 1273 years and then Magadha Dynasty started with King Sahadeva, whose son was Somapi. On the other hand, Maghasandhi was the son of Sahadeva and the grand- son of Jarasandha [Ashwamedh-82]. many scholars have neglected this fact and have assumed that this Sahadeva fought in the Mahabharat War and was the son of Jarasandha. c) Ripunjaya is the last king in the list of 22 Magadhas. But Bhagwat 12.1.2-4 mentions that Puranjaya will be the last king who will be killed by his minister Shunak. It is to be noted that there is no men- tion of the kings between Ripunjaya and Puranjaya. People have wrongly taken the two names as that of one and the same person, without any evidence. d) Bhagwat 12.1.2-4 state that Shunak would coronate his son Pradyota as the King and later five Kings would rule for 138 years. After this Pradotya Dynasty, Shishunga Kings, 10 in number, would rule for 360 years. Thereafter 9 Nandas would rule for 100 years. Nanda would be destroyed by a Brahmin and Chandragupta would be enthroned. We know that Chandragupta Maurya ascended the throne in 324 B.C.
Story about one of Abhimanyu's enemies: "NEWS of Arjuna's oath reached the enemy. The spies informed Duryodhana's friends that Arjuna, having learnt that Jayadratha was the cause of Abhimanyu's death, had vowed to kill the Sindhu king before sunset next day. Vriddhakshatra, the illustrious king of the Sindhus, was blessed with a son, who was named Jayadratha. Jayadratha grew up and, when he reached manhood, Vriddhakshatra handed over the care of the State to the prince and retired to the forest, where he spent the evening of his days in austerities in an ashrama near the plain, which after wards became the Kurukshetra field of battle. "
He was the King of Pundra (West Bengal) who happened to have the same last name as Krshna. He started spreading lies that he was Krishna. He even sent a messenger to Krsna to tell him to give up his name, Vasudeva. Krishna attacked him and killed him and his ally, the King of Kashi (Varanasi).
SB story of Yadus fighting with each other: "Their mutual enmity aroused, Pradyumna fought fiercely against Sämba, Akrüra against Kuntibhoja, Aniruddha against Sätyaki, Subhadra against Sangrämajit, Sumitra against Suratha, and the two Gadas against each other. Others also, such as Nisatha, Ulmuka, Sahasrajit, Satajit and Bhänu, confronted and killed one another. Completely abandoning their natural friendship, the members of the various Yadu clans—the Däsärhas, Vrshnis and Andhakas, the Bhojas, Sätvatas, Madhus and Arbudas, the Mäthuras, Sürasenas, Visarjanas, Kukuras and Kuntis—all slaughtered one another."
Main priest of Emperor Janmeejay.
Emperor Janameejaya's Purohit and pupil of Sage Vyasa.
He was the grandson of Yudhisthira's brother, Arjun. He was killed at age 60 by Naga (Mongolian) tribes in the Northwest of India.
Another priest of Emperor Janmeejaya.
Became King of Yadavas at their new location of Indraprastha (at the behest of Arjuna after the Yadavas had to leave Dvaraka since it sank into the ocean and since they couldn't stay in Rajasthan where they were repeatedly attacked by the Abhiras (Ahirs). After Dwarka was flooded by the sea, Krishna passed away, and Arjuna took Krishna's great-grandson, Vajra ('thunderbolt'), back with other Yadavas to Mathura. Thats when formal worship of the famous Krishna began. The religion that sprung up around him was called the Bhagavata Dharma, and integrated Saankhya of Kapila Rishi with Yoga. It was a revolutionary spirituality, breaking the tradition of Vedic ritualism, instituting a new spirituality of bhakti and yoga. He built the present temple dwarkanath.
Krishna's grand-nephew was a fellow called Aristanemi, who later became revered as the 22nd Jain Tirthankara. Arishtanemi is mentioned in the Kalpa Sutra. All of the Tirthankaras were Kshatriyas, and Arishtanemi was the son of King Ashvasena of Varanasi.
One of Krishna's disciples.
First Indian Emperor to have full , DIRECT control over all of India down to the Ocean (indirect control existed for Emperor Bharata). His capital city was Asandivant (City of the Throne) and was better known as Hastinapur (City of Elephants). Had 3 brothers: Bhimasena, Ugrasena and Shrutasena.
The Brahmanic Period lasts from 1200 to 600 B.C. This is when many Brahmanas and Upanishads were composed.
More of Krshna's disciples.
Possible date of the semi-legendary Rishabha, the first “ford-maker” (or enlightened teacher) of what came to be Jainism.
Aug 14, 2002, The Times of India reports a major archeological find of structures dating back to the Mahabharata period: "Archaeologists have discovered ancient monuments, dating back to the Mahabharat period, during excavations carried out near Gwalior. The excavations, carried over a period of five months, were suspended on July 7 due to the monsoon.' The archaeologists believe that Gwalior town was established in the first century AD and not in eighth century AD, as was believed earlier. They came to this conclusion following the discovery of a large community structure at the Gwalior fort. Superintending archaeologist of Madhya Pradesh A.K. Sinha said the excavations had exposed a 1.7-metre thick burnt brick wall having a height of about three metres. Mr Sinha told TOINS that the wall appeared to be a part of a large community structure, possibly a huge reservoir. On the basis of the ceramic industry and workmanship, the structure was dated to the first century AD. Though Naga coins dating to the 2nd or 3rd century AD were found from the surface on earlier occasions from Gwalior fort, this is the first time that any structural remains dating back to the beginning of the Christian era has been found. The ASI plans to carry out more excavations after the monsoon. A Mahabharat period site has also been found at Kotwar, about 40 km from here. The site is located about eight km from Noorabad, a sub-divisional town on the Agra-Mumbai highway. The excavations, which started in February last, will be resumed after the monsoon. According to the archaeologists, the site has been identified with Kamantalpur, which was derived from the name of its founder, Kamant, father of the mythological character in the Mahabharat, Kunti, who later became the mother of the five Pandva brothers. The site has a 18 to 20-metre-high mound and covers an area of about 2.5 sq km, according to Mr Sinha. He said the site had also been identified as one of the chief cities of the nine., Naga kings.The archaeologists claim that the digging at Kotwar had led to the recovery of painted greyware which had been interpreted by noted archaeologists B.B. Lal, as belonging to the Mahabharat period. During the excavations at Kotwar, black and redware and black slipped ware, typical ceramic industries which pre-dated even the painted greyware (1100-800 BC), were found from the lowest levels. The remains found at Kotwar have been sent to the Physical Research Laboratory and the Birbal Sahni Institute of Botany for precise dating. The excavations also revealed a number of ring wells which date back to the later half of the first millennium BC."
Probable time of the legendary Greek Trojan War celebrated in Homer's epic poems, Iliad and Odyssey (ca 750 B.C.). Trojan War: For centuries people believed that The Iliad and The Odyssey were works of fiction composed by Homer till Heinrich Schliemann (German archaeologist), dug out Troy on the hill of Hissarlik. On this basis, the dating of Trojan War has now been fixed between 1218 and 1209 BC.
The Yadu dynasty had 101 clans in different parts of the country.
He was a famous story-teller of the Puranas. He spent 12 years in the Naimisha forest (on the Drishadvati River near Kurukshetra) performing before audiences.
Among Krsna's greatly powerful sons, eighteen sons were maha-rathas. The maha-rathas could fight alone against many thousands of soldiers, charioteers, cavalry and elephants. The reputations of these eighteen sons are very widespread and are described in almost all the Vedic literatures. The eighteen maha-ratha sons are listed as Pradyumna, Aniruddha, Diptiman, Bhanu, Samba, Madhu, Brhadbhanu, Citrabhanu, Vrka, Aruna, Puskara, Vedabahu, Srutadeva, Sunandana, Citrabahu, Virupa, Kavi and Nyagrodha. Of these eighteen maha-ratha sons of Krsna, Pradyumna is considered to be the foremost. Pradyumna happened to be the eldest son of Queen Rukmini, and he inherited all the qualities of his great father, Lord Krsna. He married the daughter of his maternal uncle, Rukmi, and Aniruddha, the son of Pradyumna, was born from that marriage. Aniruddha was so powerful that he could fight against ten thousand elephants. He married the granddaughter of Rukmi, the brother of his grandmother, Rukmini. Because the relationship between these cousins was distant, such a marriage was not uncommon. Aniruddha's son was Vajra. When the whole Yadu dynasty was destroyed by the curse of a brahmana, only Vajra survived. Vajra had one son, whose name was Pratibahu. The son of Pratibahu was named Subahu, the son of Subahu was named Santasena, and the son of Santasena was Satasena.
There is an accounting that one exiled Kaurava King, Balhika Pratipiya regained control over the Kuru sub-tribe of Srnjaya.
King Ugrasena Janaka of Videha.
1124: Elamite Dynasty of Nebuchadnezzar (-1124-1103) moves capital to Babylon, world's largest city, covering 10,000 hectares, slightly larger than present-day San Francisco.
The spread of the Vedic people to U.P., Bihar (Kuru, Panchala, Magadha) and second urbanisation or the Iron Age.
There are two marus in ikSvAku dynasty: one 6 generations before bRhadvala, and one 11+ generations after him.
Shree Krishna's grandson and son of Pradhugmn, Prince Anirudh was married to daughter of King Banasur or Multan, Princess Usha. They had a son named Mrigketan. Yet another son of Banasur was Kou Bhand, who had a daughter named Rama. Thus, Usha was Rama's "bua". Once Rama had accompanied her bua Usha to Dwarika, Usha's sasural. Once arrived, Anirudh's Uncle, Sambh got attracted towards Rama and married her. They had a son named Ushneek or Ushaneer. Prince Kou Bhand became King after Banasur. But since he had no son, he called up Ushneek and make him the King of Sonitpur, the capital of Mistra. Many centuries later, one of the generations of King Ushneek, Devendra lost the kingdom to Nabi Mohammad and as a result his son, Prince Ugrasen was forced to convert to Islam. Prince Ugrasen was also known as Asvapati. Devendra's second son, Prince Gajpati came to Surat and established his own state. Gajpati's generations were known as "Chudasiya Yadavs". Devendra's third son, defeated Firozshah in Gazni and ruled thereafter. Devendra's fourth son ruled the states of Kacch and Sindh.
2nd urbanization of India around Ganga River well under way.
Kashi Kingdom (Varanasi) at peak.
Dvaraka Timeline: (See: and ) 1. Kaushastali I – 3000 B.C.E. (early SSC site; village) 2. Kaushastali II – 2500 B.C.E. (mature SSC site; village/port - timeframe of peak of Lothal) 3. Kaushastali III – 2000 B.C.E. (later SSC site; port city - timeframe of decline of Lothal) 4. Dvaraka I – 1500 B.C.E. (assuming Mahabharat War in 1536 B.C.E.); The entire coast of western India sank by nearly 40 feet around 1500 B.C.E. and therefore the Yadavas move to higher ground in Prabhas (near Somnath) 5. Dvaraka II – 1000 B.C.E. (currently Bet Dvaraka - where the only Matsya Temple can be found). Dvaraka is also known as Dvarkavati. 6. Dvaraka III / Temple I – 500 to 100 B.C.E. (Evidence = red polished ware, copper coins known as Karshapanas) – Temple I built at this time. 7. Dvaraka IV / Temple II – ? 300 C.E.; built on the ruins of Temple I after that was destroyed. (Evidence: 574 C.E.- Palitana Plates of Samanta Simhaditya. This inscription refers to Dwaraka as the capital of the western coast of Saurashtra and states that Sri Krishna lived here). 8. Dvaraka V / Temple III – 800 C.E.; built on ruins of Temple II after that was destroyed. 9. Dvaraka V / Temple IV – 1100 C.E.; temple rebuilt after storm damaged Temple III. Around 1250 C.E., the Rukmini Temple was built nearby in honor of Sri Krshna’s wife. Around 1500 C.E., the carvings outside the temple were updated. 10. Dvaraka V / Temple V (Dvaraka-dhish) – ? 1600 C.E.; present-day Temple (Chalukyan style) built around existing Temple IV. Around 1850 C.E., the Shikara (Tower) was built – 52 meters tall. For images of Dvaraka and Dvarkadish Temple, see:
Great flood washes away much of the city of Hastinapur
965: King Hiram of Phoenicia, for the sake of King Solomon of Israel, trades with the port of Ophir (Sanskrit: Supara) near modern Bombay, showing the trade between Israel and India. Same trade goes back to Harappan era.
Page 13: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





206 950 B.C.E. ? Shoorsain II Suvala Amitrajit Jews in India

207 925 B.C.E. Sanskrit dieing Parvatsain Sunita Brhadraja

208 900 B.C.E. Yaska Medhawi Satyajit Dharmmi

209 875 B.C.E. Koshala Kings Soncheer Vishvajit Krtanjaya

210 850 B.C.E. Bheemdev Ripunjaya Vrata

211 825 B.C.E. Nraharidev Sunika/Punika Rananjaya

212 800 B.C.E. Makhädeva? Pooranmal Pradyota Sanjaya

213 775 B.C.E. Kalarajanaka? Krsna Devakiputra Kardavi Palaka Shakya Olympics started

214 750 B.C.E. Okkãka? Upanishads Alamamik Vishakhayupa Kruddhodhana

215 725 B.C.E. Okkamukha? Parshvanath Udaipal Janaka Ratula

216 700 B.C.E. Sihassara? Panini Duwanmal Nandivardhana Prasenajit Later Upanishads

217 675 B.C.E. ? Sage Pracetas Damaat Shishunaga Ksudraka

218 650 B.C.E. ? Valmiki Bheempal Kakavarna Kundaka

219 625 B.C.E. King Jayasena Rajgir City Kshemak Kshemadharman Suratha

220 600 B.C.E. King Sinhahanu King Siddhartha Vishwa Kshatraujas Sumitra Lao-Tze (China)

Imperial Period - Buddhism and Ashoka

Yaduvanshi Rajputs

Virudhaka (Ikshvaku)

Sage Kapila Gautama

Kapila-Vastu Kingdom

Indian influence on China

Chinese adopt Indian Zodiac

Kapilavastu Dynasty

Takshila University

Yajnavalkya Vajasaneya

Puranic Period Begins

Katha Upanishad

Kanada Pippalada

Haryanka Dynasty


Sauryayanin (Astronomer)


Jewish people arrive in India in King Solomon's merchant fleet. Later Jewish colonies find India a tolerant home.
Gradual breakdown of Sanskrit as a spoken language occurs over the next 200 years.
For a genealogy of Prince Siddhartha Gautama Sakya Muni, full-blown lotus of the solar dynasty, Lion of the Sakya clan, prince and heir-apparent of the city state of Kapilavastu, we have to rely mostly on the literary material embedded in the immortal Sanskrit poetical works of Avaghosha and Kshemendra. Asvaghosha flourished in the second century A.D. at the court of the Kushan King Kanishka in Northern India and recorded the Buddhist chronicles which had been handed down through oral tradition. Kshemendra, a great Buddhist poet of Kashmir in the eleventh century, wrote a poetical chronology of the dynastic history of the Sakya clan in his Avadana Kalpalata, an epic work which was translated into Tibetan in 1272 A.D. by Sovi-rton Lochava under the supervision of Phags-pa, spiritual instructor of Kublai Khan. The original Sanskrit text was lost for many centuries but recovered in 1882 by the Buddhist scholar Sri S. C. Das in the Tibetan printing establishment at Potala. The Sakya-utpatti ("Birth of the Sakya clan") of Kshemendra, as well as Pali commentaries and Tibetan legends, together give a comprehensive account of the origin of the Sakya clan. Almost thirty miles to the south of the foothills of the Himalayas, a rolling plain extends for hundreds of miles along the Nepalese frontier, verdant and picturesque, rich in scenic delights and silent forest glades through which flow sparkling streams. In this ideal retreat Buddhist tradition has it that a bodhisattva, Kapila Gautama Muni, lived about three centuries before the advent of Gautama Buddha. Sometime between 950 and 900 B.C. there reigned a mighty king named Virudhaka (son of Koshala King Prasenajit), lord of a vast confederation of vassal states, and descendant of the Ikshvaku dynasty. On a pleasure trip he beheld a most charming young princess and felt himself compelled to make her a matrimonial proposal, which the princess accepted only on condition that the king appoint her youngest son, instead of her eldest, to be his heir to the throne of Kosala. In due time the queen reminded her lord of the promise he had made; the king was distressed by the demand that he break the Vedic convention, but the four older sons volunteered to accept banishment. They loaded their chariots and rode towards the Himalayas whose snow-covered peaks glittered on the far horizon. After some days they reached the monastery of the celebrated sage Kapila Gautama. The princes were well received and, instructed by the sage, they founded a flourishing metropolis which became known as Kapilavastu. After many centuries of benign rule, the sovereignty of the Sakya kingdom fell to King Sinhaharm. During his reign Kapilavastu became a center of international trade, learning, and spiritual culture. (2) King Sinhahanu had four sons and four daughters. The oldest son was Prince Suddhodana. He became known as King of Law, for he governed in accordance with the rules prescribed by Manu for righteous kings, and was loved by all his subjects. King Suddhodana married his cousin Maya and, after her death, another cousin, Maha-Prajapati. Queen Maya was the personification of beauty and purity, compassion, cosmic love, and intelligence. In esoteric schools she was considered the materialization of a divine vision: Queen Maya had all the virtues to become the mother of the universal Lord of Compassion, and yet after several years of married life the royal couple had not been blessed with a child. The account of the annunciation of the Sakya prince who was to become Buddha, known to every Buddhist in Sanskrit, Pali, or his native vernacular, is charmingly rendered into English by Sir Edwin Arnold, one of the great poets of the nineteenth century who spent a large part of his life in India.
Yaska, a famous Sanskrit grammarian and composer of the Nirukta (“Etymology”), who is mentioned in an early portion of the Mahabharata.
"India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border." - Hu Shih (former Ambassador of China to USA)
The Chinese are using the 28-nakshatra zodiac called Shiu, adapted from the Hindu jyotisha system.
Atreya Samhita is the oldest medical book in the world; it survives from Takashila University which was operating as early as 800 B.C. Atharva Veda (800 B.C.) lists the Eight Divisions of Ayurveda: Internal Medicine, Surgery of Head and Neck, Opthamology and Otorinolaryngology, Surgery, Toxicology, Psychiatry, Paediatrics, Gerontology or Science of Rejuvenation, and the Science of Fertility.
Early proponents of monotheism.
The oldest and longest of the Upanishads (Brihad-Aranyaka and Chandogya) written.
The 23rd Tirthankara, Parshva, probably lived in the eighth century BC. Legends connect him with snakes, one of whom he saved from fire when a Brahmin ascetic was about to burn a log where it was hiding. He married a princess, and up to the age of thirty he lived in great splendor and happiness as a householder. Then he gave up all his wealth to become an ascetic. After 84 days of intense meditation he became enlightened and taught as a saint for seventy years. Parshva was called "Beloved" and organized an Order (Samgha) of monks, nuns, and lay votaries of many thousands, though the numbers are probably exaggerated. He had eight or ten disciples (ganadharas) according to different sources. His religion was open to all without distinction of caste or creed, and women were a large part of the Order. He allowed his followers to wear an upper and lower garment. The main emphasis of Parshva was on the first vow of non-injury (ahimsa) or abstinence from killing any living beings. The other three vows Parshva required were truthfulness, not to steal, and freedom from possession. These vows are exactly the same as the first four vows of the Sannyasins of the Vedic tradition who renounce the world. The Brahmanic fifth vow of liberality could not be practiced by mendicants without possessions. SEE:
Panini, India’s most famous Sanskrit grammarian, who composed the Ashtadhyayi, a grammatical textbook that served nineteenth-century Western philologists as a model for their own grammatical theories.
The Puranic Period lasts from 700+ B.C. to about 200 A.D. This is when many Puranas (18) were composed and when Buddhism influenced the culture of India and Asia (it was the first religion to send missionaries abroad to teach and convert). Categorized list of the eighteen Puraanas 1) Visnu Purana - 23,000 verse. Stories of various devotees; a description of varnasrama; the six angas of the Veda; a description of the age of Kali; description of Sveta Varaha Kalpa, Visnu dharmotara. 2) Naradiya Purana - 25,000 verses. This Purana contains a synopsis of everything; it describes Jagannatha Puri, Dwaraka, Badrinatha, etc. 3) Padma Purana - 55,000 verses. Contains the glory of Srimad-Bhagavatam; the stories of Rama, Jagannatha, Matsya, Ekadasi, Bhrgu, etc. 4) Garuda Purana - 19,000 verses. Subject of Bhagavad-gita; reincarnation; visnu-sahaasra-nama; description of Tarsya Kalpa. 5) Varaha Purana - 24,000 verses. Describes different vratas; Lord Visnu's glories. 6) Bhagavata Purana - 18,000 verses. (included by some in the mode of goodness) Lord Brahma (predominating Deity) 7) Brahmanda Purana - 12,000 verses. Describes the vedangas; describes the Adi Kalpa. 8) Brahmavaivarta Purana - 18,000 verses. Contains the glories and pastimes of Radha and Krsna. 9) Markandeya Purana - 9,000 verses. Stories of Rama and Krsna. 10) Bhavisya Purana - 14,500 verses. Contains the glories of devotional service; prediction of Lord Caitanya. 11) Vamana Purana - 10,000 verses. Contains the story of Lord Trivikrama. 12) Brahma Purana - 10,000 verses. Lord Siva (predominating Deity) 13) Matsya Purana - 14,000 verses. Temple construction; describes Vamana and Varaha Kalpas. 14) Kurma Purana - 17,000 verses. Contains the conversation between Krsna and the Sun-god (mentioned in Bhagavad-gita); Danvantari; Describes the Laksmi Kalpa. 15) Linga Purana - 10,000 verses. Contains the glory of Lord Nrsmhadeva; Janardhana; the story of Ambarisa; the glories of Gayatri. 16) Siva Purana - 24,000 verses. 17) Skanda Purana - 81,000 verses. 18) Agni Purana - 15,400 verses. Contains the description of Salagrama; Describes the Isana Kalpa. All these Puranas describe five subject. The Amarkhosa describes the Puranas as follows: sargas ca pratisarga ca vamsa manvantarani ca vamsanu caritam capi puranam panca laksanam A Purana describes: 1) sarga (creation) 2) pratisarga (recreation) 3) vamsa (history of the sages) 4) manvantara (periods of Manu) 5) vamsanucarita (geneology of kings)
Father of Valmiki.
The Katha-Upanishad, which defines Yoga as “steady sensory control” (sthiram indriya-dharanam), which corresponds to the early understanding of the yogic process.
Poet and author of the Ramayana. He was a descendant of the Brghu lineage.
Rajgir (Raja Griha; King's Fort): It was here that Lord Buddha delivered many of his famous sermons and converted King Bimbisara and many others to Buddhism. In the cave of Saptaparni Shanti Stupa in the hills of Rajgir was held the First Buddhist Council. See:
He is the author of the Vaisheshika-Sutra, the principal work of the Vaisheshika school (of natural philosophy) of Hinduism.
Founder of Haryanka Dynasty. 630 to 604 B.C.
The father of Mahavira was King Siddartha; he and Trishala were both pious and virtuous followers of Parshva. Trishala was the sister of King Chetaka of Vaishali, the capital of a federation where the Jainism of Parshva was popular. King Chetaka had seven daughters, one of whom was initiated into the Jaina order of ascetics while the other six married famous kings, including King Shrenika (Bimbisara) of Magadha and Mahavira's own brother, Nandivardhana. SEE:
Student of Kanada Pippalada.
Vishwa, the prime minister of Kshemak, killed Kshemak and took over the kingdom. Fourteen generations of Vishwa ruled for 500 years.
Founder of Taoism in China, author of Tao-te Ching. Its esoteric teachings of simplicity and selflessness shape Chinese life for 2,000 years and permeate the religions of Vietnam, Japan and Korea.
Page 14: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





221 575 B.C.E. Mahavira Purseni Bimbisara Munika

222 550 B.C.E. Buddha Vruddha Garga Veerseni Ajatashatru Pradyota Pythagorus

223 525 B.C.E. Rahula King Cyrus King Udayana Anangshayi Darshaka Palaka Confucious

224 500 B.C.E. Harijit Aryaka Sage Agastya

225 475 B.C.E. Coin Evidence Tamil Sangam Paramseni Udayin Vishakhayupa

226 450 B.C.E. Sukhpatal Nandivardhana Socrates

227 425 B.C.E. Kadrut Mahanandin Avantivardhana

228 400 B.C.E. Hippocrates Sajj Shishunaga

229 375 B.C.E. Amarchud Kakavarna

230 350 B.C.E. Amipal

231 325 B.C.E. Kautilya Dashrath

232 300 B.C.E. Pandya Kingdom Jaimini Veersaal Bindusar

233 275 B.C.E. Veersaalsen

234 250 B.C.E. Raja Veermaha Mahendra

King Suddhodana

Sushruta (Surgeon)

Pradyota Dynasty

Maskarin Goshala

Bhadraka, Mahanama

Darius I invades Indus Valley

First Council of Buddhism

Founding of Singhalese Dynasty

Harsha Vikramaditya

Buddhist Dhammapada

Shatkarani Gautamiputra

Dir Buddhist Archaeo Site

Shishunagas rule in Kashi

Arya Sayyambhava

Shishunaga Dynasty


Council of Pataliputra


Nanda Dynasty (Magadha)

Alexander the Great

Chandragupta Maurya

Maurya Dynasty (Magadha)

Author Vatsyayana

Emperor Ashoka

Satavahana Ruins

Choudri's leave Agroha

Agrawals leave Agroha

Suyasha, Dasharatha

Father of Gautama Siddhartha (Buddha). His wife is Anjana. He's in the Ikshvaku Lineage.
Vardhamana Mahavira, 24th Tirthankara and revered founder of historical Jainism. Like Hinduism and Buddhism, Jainism is concerned with the spiritual liberation of the individual. His teachings stress strict codes of vegetarianism, asceticism and nonviolence. Mahavira married a princess named Yasoda, and they had a daughter, Anojja. She eventually married his nephew Jamali, who later caused a schism in the order. When Mahavira was 28 years old, both his parents died. He wanted to renounce the world; but to please his elder brother he agreed to live at home for two more years during which he practiced self-discipline, giving up all luxuries and giving charity to beggars every day of the last year. He lived to age 72. The 24 Tirthankaras in order are as follows 1. Lord Adinathji (Rishabdaji) Bull 2. Ajitnathji Elephant 3. Sambharnathji Horse 4. Abhiaandam Swamy Monkey 5. Sumathinathji Curlew (Kraunea) 6. Padamprabhu Red Lotus 7. Suparaswanath Swastik 8. Chandraji Prabhu Moon 9. Suvidhinathji Crocodile 10. Shitalnathji Srivatsa 11. Shregansnath Rhinosocerous 12. Vasupujya Buffalo 13. Vimalnath Boar 14. Ananthnath Bear (Falcon) 15. Dharamnath Spike-headed Club (Vajradanda) 16. Shantinath Deer 17. kuntunath He-Goat 18. Arnathji Fish 19. Mallinath Water Pot 20. Muniswasthji Tortoise 21. Naminath Blue Lotus 22. Neminath Shell (Conch) 23. Parswanath Serpent 24 Mahavir Swamy Lion The 24 Tirtankaras were sons of rich Rajput Kings; who have left their kingly living to practise the 5 Anuwrath (The basics of Jainism).The Tirthankaras are identified mainly by their symbols (ie: Lord Mahavir by the lion symbol embossed below the seat)
At 500 B.C. at the university at Benares, Sushruta, a surgeon who developed the operative techniques of rhinoplasty (plastic surgery), wrote the Sushruta Samhita which describes a highly developed surgery.
580 to 552 B.C. See:
Ruled for generations in the region of Avanti, from 560 to 422 B.C.
Bhuddhism founded [Life of the Buddha (Prince Gautama Siddhartha) (624-544 BC)]. He lived a long life (80 years) - that's why he became known as 'the Buddha'. Siddhartha Gautama, of the Shakya clan of what is now Nepal, founder of Buddhism, attained enlightenment at age 35 (589 B.C.). He is known to have studied with two teachers, Alara Kamala and Udraka Ramaputra, who probably taught him a form of Yoga. He was fond of meditation and very skilled in it. He was an old man when Mahavira died.
Maskarin Goshala, the third and last tirthankara (“ford-maker”) of the Ajivika sect of wandering ascetics, which was very prominent and was criticized by the Buddha especially for their doctrine of fatalism. For six years, he studied with Mahavira (see under 599-527 B.C.E.).
552 to 527 B.C. He was the 4th King of the Haryanka Dynasty. The Buddha was 72 years old when the coronation of Ajatashatru took place. He descended from the Puru line and was King of Purus and Kasi together at one time. He fortified his capital, Rajagrha, in anticipation of an attack by King Pradyota of Avanti. Rajagrha was an extension of the ancient capital of Girivraja and was so called because it grew around the new palace built by King Bimbisara. Generations later, the Mauryas ruled the Magadha Kingdom which then became the imperial government for all of India.
560 to 537 B.C. Mahavira organized his order into four groups of monks, nuns, male householders, and female householders. All those initiated had to take the five vows, which included the four vows of Parshva (nonviolence, truthfulness, non-stealing, and non-possession) plus chastity. After spending the rainy season at Rajagriha, Mahavira went to Vaishali, where he initiated his daughter and son-in-law Jamali and spent the next year's monsoon season. Perceiving telepathically that the king of Sindhu-sauvira wanted to meet him, Mahavira traveled there and initiated King Rudrayana into the religion of the Shramanas. Returning from this long journey through the desert of Sindhu, they suffered from lack of food and water but remained indifferent. At Benares a multi-millionaire and his wife were converted. Spending two more rainy seasons in Rajagriha twenty-five of King Shrenika's sons were initiated into the Shramana community. It was recorded that Ardraka Kumara, a non-Aryan prince, who knew his past births, traveled to Mahavira to join his order and on his way defeated in argument Gosala, Vedic Brahmins, and other ascetics. At Kaushambi Mahavira converted King Prodyota and several queens, who were admitted into the order of nuns. After spending a rainy season at Vaishali he went back to Rajagriha, where he converted many followers of Parshva's religion who adopted the fifth vow of the Shramana community as well. Later he convinced Keshi Kumara, the leader of the Parshva religion, that he was the 24th Tirthankara, and Keshi brought his disciples into the new order. A few years later his son-in-law Jamali left the Shramana order with his disciples to form the Vahurata sect; but it was not successful, and most of his disciples returned to Mahavira's order.
In Greece, Pythagoras teaches math, music, vegetarianism and yoga-drawing from India's wisdom.
Siddhartha Gautama's son (by wife, Bhaddgakaccana) - he became a monk along with his father.
Added Gandhara region to Persian empire (it was a major source of gold). Darius, his successor temporarily extended power across the Indus (Sindu) River.
King (descended from Arjuna) - reigned over the province of Vatsa with its capital at Kausambi (somewhere near modern Allahabad). See:
527 to 503 B.C. See:
537 to 513 B.C.
551-478: Lifetime of Confucius, founder of Confucianist faith. His teachings on social ethics are the basis of Chinese education, ruling-class ideology and religion.
Since both Gautama and his son Rahula became monks, Suddhodana had no heir. (It is not clear whether dynastic rule prevailed in the republic.) Bhadraka succeeded Suddhodana, followed by Mahanama, who also became a monk. Sakya power weakened and Kapilavastu became a feudatory of the powerful kingdom of Kosala and then of Kasi. (see:
518: Darius I of Persia (present Iran) invades Indus Valley. This Zoroastrian king shows tolerance for local religions.
513 to 492 B.C.
Tamil Sangam age (500 bce-500 ce) begins. Sage Agastya writes Agattiyam, first known Tamil grammar. Tolkappiyar writes Tolkappiyam Purananuru, also on grammar, stating that he is recording thoughts on poetry, rhetoric, etc., of earlier grammarians, pointing to high development of Tamil language prior to his day. He gives rules for absorbing Sanskrit words into Tamil. Other famous works from the Sangam age are the poetical collections Paripadal, Pattuppattu, Ettuthokai Purananuru, Akananuru, Aingurunuru, Padinenkilkanakku. Some refer to worship of Vishnu, Indra, Murugan and Supreme Siva. (His father was Pulastya??) The great sage named Agastya married the first-born daughter of Malayadhvaja, the avowed devotee of Lord Krsna. From her one son was born, whose name was Drdhacyuta, and from him another son was born, whose name was Idhmavaha.
325 coins of Buddha period uncovered in Orissa Giridhar Gopal in Bhubaneswar The Orissa State Museum has discovered 325 punch-marked silver coins dating back to the sixth century BC, the Buddha period, director Dr Chandrabhanu Patel said on Tuesday. The coins were lying unnoticed at the Tarbha police station in western Orissa's Subarnapur district for a long time before being found by museum officials who were checking for unclaimed antiquities, he told The coins were reportedly salvaged from the Tel river valley in Subarnapur district, 277km from Bhubaneswar, by some villagers, and later collected by the local police. Five symbols on the obverse side and minor symobols on the reverse side reveal that the coins belong to the period of the Buddha in the sixth century BC, he said. Dr Patel said the museum was planning to put the coins on display. The River Tel was known as the Telavaha in the Buddhist Jataka Tales, he said. The discovery of the coins is likely to support Orissa's claim to being the birthplace of the Buddha, Dr Patel said.
483 Probable date of the First Council at which the Buddha’s senior disciples systematized his teachings. An offshoot of Hinduism which was started by Siddhaartha Gautam who was born to Suddhodhana and Mahaamaayaa, the king and queen of the kingdom of the Sakyas. According to tradition he was born on the full moon day of the month of Vaisaakha (That would be May according to the Christian calender), in the park of Lumbini (present day Rumindei in Nepal: it was jointly owned by the cities of Kapilavastu and Devadaaha) when his expectant was journeying from the capital city of Kapilavastu to her parents' place in Devadaaha. Siddhartha was of the Kshatriya caste, but, according to tradition, Suddhodhana's guru, a Brahmin called Asita Kaala Devala recognized that he was going to gain great religious enlightenment. He married his cousin Yashodharaa, and had had a son by her called Raahula (means `bond'). Siddhartha however renounced his worldly life and left Kapilavasthu as an ascetic. He is supposed to have gone to Raajgaha (modern day Rajgir in the state of Bihar), the capital of the Magadha empire, and entertained by the king Bimbisaara. After studying under various teachers like Aalaara Kaalaamaa and Uddaka Raamaputra, but was not satisfied. He and a group of five ascetics started searching for truth (in a village called Senaanigrama, near Uruvelaa, near modern Gayaa in Uttar Pradesh). His renunciation of the ascetic path disgusted the others, but he continued on in his quest. At the age of 35, after a meal of milk rice offered to him by Sujaataa, the daughter of the landowner of Senaanigrama, Gautama fought with Maara (A daemon who tempts people with desires and away from knowledge), and became a Buddha (or the enlightened one) under a fig tree on the bank of Neranjaraa river. According to buddhist tradition, buddha was the last in a long line of Bodhisatvas (those who try to become buddha). Tradition has it that Ajaatshatru, the son of Bimbisaara forbid buddhism in his kingdom. Much later when Ashoka (270 to 230 BC, the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya, 321-297 BC, who founded the Maurya dynasty in Magadha, and followed Jainism) converted to Buddhism, Buddhism became the state religion. After the Mauryas, they were again persecuted by the Shungas and the Kanvas (from around 185 to 28 B.C.). The Gupta kings (320 AD-600 AD) allowed the Budhhists to flourish, though it was also a period of great Hindu brahminical revivalism. A lot of their monasteries (called stupas) were destroyed by the Huns. Around 8th to 12th century, it again became a state religion under the Palas in Eastern India: however, the religion declined in India with the decline of this dynasty. Buddhism does not believe in the religious significance of the caste system.
Tamil Sangam age (500 bce-500 ce) begins. Sage Agastya writes Agattiyam, first known Tamil grammar. Tolkappiyar writes Tolkappiyam Purananuru, also on grammar, stating that he is recording thoughts on poetry, rhetoric, etc., of earlier grammarians, pointing to high development of Tamil language prior to his day. He gives rules for absorbing Sanskrit words into Tamil. Other famous works from the Sangam age are the poetical collections Paripadal, Pattuppattu, Ettuthokai Purananuru, Akananuru, Aingurunuru, Padinenkilkanakku. Some refer to worship of Vishnu, Indra, Murugan and Supreme Siva.
He ruled from 503 to 470 B.C. He built the new capital city of Pataliputra (modern day Patna) in 500 B.C. The architecture of the Magadhan empire is the first of which we have any contemporary record.
492 to 442 B.C.
478: Prince Vijaya, exiled by his father, King Sinhabahu, sails from Gujarat with 700 followers. Founds Singhalese kingdom in Sri Lanka.
450-350 Probable date of the Dhamma-Pada written in the Pali language, which can be looked upon as a textbook of Yoga not unlike the Hindu Bhagavad-Gita.
470 to 446 B.C.
Athenian philosopher. His disciple, Plato, founds the Athen Academy in 387 B.C.
446 to 422 B.C.
442 to 422 B.C.
Mahavira's travels spread Jainism to various parts of northern India, and later migrations of monks enabled the religion to take hold in most of India. A poetic work on the rules of behavior for monks by Arya Sayyambhava written about 400 BC expresses concern that an act might "undermine the prestige of the Jaina order."6 This lapse of humility, one of the main virtues emphasized in this work, does indicate that Jainism was very likely respected by many. The examples of these extremely conscientious ascetics surely must have had their affect on people wherever they went; since they were homeless, they traveled constantly.
Shishunaga (ruled for 40 yrs) and his son, Kakavarna (ruled for 25 yrs) ruled for a total of 65 years from 422 to 357 B.C.
There were 8 generations of Haryanka Kings, 2 of Shisunagas, 2 of Nandas, 9 of Mauryas, 10 of Sungas, 4 of Kanvas and 19 of Satvahanas. All these dynasties (54 Kings) ruled consecutively for 850 years.
350 Council of Pataliputra, after which the Jainas split into Digambaras (nude followers) and Shvetambaras (followers dressed in white). Composition of important philosophical passages of the Mahabharata epic, notably the Moksha-Dharma.
Mahapadma (28 yrs in power) and his 8 sons (12 yrs in power together) ruled for a total of 40 years (347 to 317 B.C.) till Chandragupta Maurya seized power from them.
According to the purANas, Nanda is born of MahAnand I and a Shudra mother.
327-325 Alexander the Great of Greece invades, but fails to conquer, Northern India. His soldiers mutiny. He leaves India the same year. Greeks who remain in India intermarry with Indians. Interchanges of philosophy influence both civilizations. Greek sculpture impacts Hindu styles. Bactria kingdoms later enhance Greek influence.
Kautilya (Chanakya), minister to Chandragupta Maurya, writes Arthashastra, a compendium of laws, administrative procedures and political advice for running a kingdom.
330-298 B.C. 32 years After a period of over 100 years where there was a lack of leadership, Chandragupta Maurya subjugated the Punjab region and then the Magadha empire of the Nandas with the help of Arya Chaanakya in 317 B.C. Pataliputra, at the confluence of the Ganga and Soan rivers, was a city 9 miles long along the banks of the Ganga, with 64 gates on wooden walls and 570 towers. Chandragupta Maurya, founder of first pan-Indian empire (-324-184), defeats Greek garrisons of Seleucus, founder of Seleucan Empire in Persia and Syria.
Megasthenes, the Greek Ambassador at the court of Chandragupta Maurya, noted that there were 153 Kings from the time of Manu to King Maurya. This provides historical validation from a foreign source that agrees with Vedic and Puranic records.
Pandya kingdom (-300-1700 ce) of S. India is founded, constructs magnificent Minakshi temple at its capital, Madurai. Builds temples of Shrirangam and Rameshvaram, with its thousand-pillared hall (ca 1600 ce).
300-250 Composition of Jaimini’s Mimamsa-Sutra, the authoritative text of the Mimamsa school (of ritualism) of Hinduism.
298-273 B.C. 25 years.
273-232 B.C. 41 years Repudiating conquest through violence after his brutal invasion of Kalinga (modern Orissa), 260 B.C. (where over 100,000 men were killed), Ashokavardhana converts to Buddhism. Excels at public works and sends diplomatic peace missions to Persia, Syria, Egypt, North Africa and Crete, and Buddhist missions to Sri Lanka, China and other Southeast Asian countries. Under his influence, Buddhism becomes a world power. His work and teachings are preserved in Rock and Pillar Edicts (e.g., lion capital of the pillar at Sarnath, present-day India's national emblem).
After fighting off many invaders of India, descendents of Agroha clans scatter throughout Northern India sometime between 600 and 100 B.C. Choudri is my Nanaji's family name. They left Agroha and eventually settled in Churu, Rajasthan.
After fighting off many invaders of India, descendents of Agroha clans scatter throughout Northern India sometime between 600 and 100 B.C. Agrawal is my Dadaji's family name. They left Agroha and eventually settled in Narnaul, Haryana.
Emperor Ashoka sends his son Mahendra (-270-204) to spread Buddhism in Sri Lanka, where he is to this day revered as the national faith's founding missionary
Page 15: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





235 232 B.C.E. Ajitsingh

236 200 B.C.E. Jaimini Tirumurai Sarvadatta Greek Hindus Great Wall

237 190 B.C.E. Bhuwanpati Brhadratha

238 175 B.C.E. King Kharavela Veersen

239 150 B.C.E. Chola Empire Patanjali Mahipal Ajanta Caves

240 125 B.C.E. Shatrushaal Vasumitra

241 100 B.C.E. Sanghraj Kalidasa

242 75 B.C.E. Tejpal

243 50 B.C.E. Vikram Sanvat Manikchand

244 25 B.C.E. Kushan Empire Andhra Dynasty Kamseni

245 0 Shatrumardan Bhumimitra

246 25 C.E. Vikramaditya Saint Thomas Shritkantakarni Jeevanlok

247 50 C.E. ? Shribhasvani Harirao Satvahana

Maharishi Nandinatha

Sangata, Shalishuka

Somasharma, Shatadhanva

Pushyamitra Shunga

Sunga Dynasty (Magadha)

Agnimitra, Sujyestha

Poet Saint Thiruvalluvar

Menander Converts

Mahayana Buddhism

Adraka, Pulindaka

Ghosavasu, Vajramitra

Shakari Vikramaditya

Bhagavata, Devabhuti

Greek Strabo visits India

Vasudeva Kanva

Kanvas Dynasty (Magadha)

John the Baptist's Father

Yah'shua ("Jesus") the


Shipraka, Shiprkabhratkrshna

Narayana, Susharma

Buddhism arrives in China

South Indian Empire in IndoChina

Satvahana Dynasty


ca -250: Lifetime of Maharishi Nandinatha, first known satguru in the Kailasa Parampara of the Nandinatha Sampradaya. His eight disciples are Sanatkumar, Shanakar, Sanadanar, Sananthanar, Sivayogamuni, Patanjali, Vyaghrapada and Tirumular (Sundaranatha).
Jaimini writes the Mimamsa Sutras.
200 B.C.E. Era of the greatest influence of Buddhism in India. Probable date of the composition of the Tirumurai, the Tamil equivalent of the Sanskrit Vedas. The Tirumurai was collected as an anthology by Nambiandar Nambi in the eleventh century A.D.
Beyond Vidisha and before Udaigiri caves, is an interesting archaeological find – this is the Heliodorous Pillar. A monolithic, free-standing column, the pillar bears an inscription which states that it was a Garuda Pillar, raised in honour of Vasudeva by Heliodorus, a resident of Taxila, who had been sent to the court of Bhagabhadra as an envoy of the Indo-Bactrian monarch, Antialkidas. This inscription is a particularly valuable historical record, revealing the relations that existed between the region and the Greek kingdoms of the Punjab, and the remarkable fact that a Greek had become a follower of the Hindu god Vishnu. (From:
ca -221: Great Wall of China is built, ultimately 2,600 miles long.
The glorious king of the Cheta or Chedi dynasty of Utkal Pradesh ( Orissa ) who after being victorious over some contemporary enemy kings, had just picked up a fight with no less than the emperor Pushyamitra Shung of Magadha that he came to know of and recognised the national calamity of the attack of the Greek king Demitrese on central India; he at once made peace-pact with Pushyamitra to defeat Demitrese. After defeating King Satavahana and also the alien invaders in northern India, he organised in his state a great Jain-conference and gained the degrees of Khemaraja ( the king who protects ) and Dharmaraja ( the king upholding the Dharma, the dutiful king ) as given to him by the Jain saints. The rock edicts of the Jain king Kharavela have been found in Udayagiri and Khandagiri complexes of caves near Bhuvaneshwara ( in Orissa ).
190-149 B.C. 41 years He took over the throne after killing the last Mauryan ruler, Brihadratha, under whom he was the army chief. He did so on being disgusted with his ruler's policy of the so-called non-violence that stood in the way of his leading a campaign against the alien invaders who had occupied a big chunk of North-Western India. He after that fought against the invaders and pushed them beyond the natural north-western boundary of the country and performed Asvamedha Yajna on the bank of River Indus ( Sindhu ). He also performed a grand Ashvamedha Yajna in Pataliputra ( Patna ), the capital city. We find a mention of these Yajnas in a rock-edict of Ayodhya. Thus he re-established the Vaidika-Dharma in India. We find an account of his son, Agnimitra's life in Kalidas's drama Malavikagnimitram.
145: Chola Empire (-145-1300 ce) of Tamil Nadu is founded, rising from modest beginnings to a height of government organization and artistic accomplishment, including the development of enormous irrigation works.
150 Patanjali, the grammarian, who is traditionally regarded as the author of works on medicine and of the Yoga-Sutra.
ca -150: Ajanta Buddhist Caves are begun near present-day Hyderabad. Construction of the 29 monasteries and galleries continues until approximately 650 ce. The famous murals are painted between 600 bce and 650 ce.
130 B.C. - The Poet/Saint Thiruvalluvar wrote the Holy Kural. This is a Tamil text on virtuous living.
-130: Reign ends of Menander (Milinda), Indo-Greek king who converts to Buddhism.
100 B.C.E. The rise of Mahayana Buddhism; composition of the earliest Mahayana.
100 B.C.E. : Lifetime of Kalidasa, the great Sanskrit poet and dramatist, author of Shakuntala and Meghaduta. Kalidasa is undoubtedly among the greatest poets of all time, and certainly the greatest among Sanskrit poets after Vyasa and Valmiki. Four poetic works, Raghuvamsa, Kumarasambhava, Meghaduta, and Ritusamhara, and three dramas, Vikramorvasiya, Malavikagnimitra, and Abhijnanasakuntala are attributed to him; in addition to these, Indian tradition attributes to him several other works in diverse disciplines, ranging from poetics and astrology to mathematics and astronomy. It goes without saying that he had more than a little mastery of all these disciplines. His casual references to the sciences, philosophy, and literary tradition in his works are particularly enchanting, and show the extent of his mastery over the various disciplines. His breathtaking reference to Valmiki and the Ramayana in the Meghaduta (Valmikagrat prabhavati dhanuhkhandam akhandalasya) and the Sankhya and Vaiseshika philosophies in the opening invocation of the Raghuvamsa (Vagarthaviva samprktau…) are only two most famous examples. It is only fitting that his most famous commentator, Mallinatha Suri should say that he spent his entire life appreciating Kalidasa (Maghe Meghe gatam vayah)! The purpose of this brief article is to establish the date of Kalidasa and to examine two of his works for interesting historical information. I also verified the information against traditional sources such as the Puranas, and drew several conclusions, which I hope the readers will find interesting and useful. Kalidasa's Date Almost nothing definite is known about Kalidasa's life, although legends abound. What one can definitely infer from his works is that he was a Brahman, a devotee of Siva, but not a fanatic of any Hindu sect, was widely travelled and very well versed in the arts, sciences and philosophy of his day. He lived in a city in affluent circumstances, and was well acquainted with royal courts and court politics, almost certainly because he was patronised by a powerful king. Kalidasa has been placed in the Gupta period (5th century AD) by the early European historians of India (where he continues to be placed faithfully even today). The following circumstances seem to have influenced their decision: Association with King Vikramaditya Indian tradition has long associated Kalidasa with a king bearing the title Vikramaditya. The Guptas had been great patrons of fine arts, so it would have been quite irresistible to identify the patron with the Gupta king, Chandragupta II, who also bore the title of Vikramaditya, and place Kalidasa in the Gupta era. Emperor Skandagupta's victory over the Huns Kalidasa mentions the conquest of the Huns by King Raghu in the poem Raghuvamsa. One famous Indian king who performed this feat was the Gupta king, Skandagupta; this apparently strengthened the belief of the early historians that Kalidasa belonged to the Gupta period. Resemblances with Asvaghosha's works There are close resemblances in certain passages in the poetry of Kalidasa and Asvaghosha[1], the author of the celebrated Buddha Charita. Asvaghosha has been reliably dated to the 1st century AD, because of his association with the Kushan emperor, Kanishka. Clearly one of the poets is imitating the other; Kalidasa was conveniently stamped the imitator (with no convincing proof), as this further helped in placing him in the Gupta era! I am certain that Kalidasa belonged to the 1st century BC for the following reasons.
King around 57 B.C.
58: Vikrama Samvat Era Hindu calendar begins.
-50: Kushana Empire begins (-50-220 ce). This Mongolian Buddhist dynasty rules most of the Indian subcontinent, Afghanistan and parts of Central Asia.
20 B.C.: Thus the Greek geographer Strabo, who died a decade or so before Jesus, reported in his famous Geography (15.1.19) that when Aristobulus was on a mission in India, he saw a country of a thousand towns and villages that had been deserted because the Indus had changed its course to the ocean. The Indian peninsula continues to be a very active tectonic zone.
See: (also add 'Absalom, son of King David' to the Israel chronology; It’s unlikely Absalom, son of King David, lies buried in the tomb, which was built hundreds of years after his death. Medieval Jewish tradition, however, held that the monument was his tomb, and — based on that tradition — Jews, Christians and Muslims stoned the monument for centuries to curse Absalom for his deeds: murdering his half brother Amnon for raping their sister Tamar, and later inciting a rebellion against his father.)
Yahshua born in Bethlehem in 7 B.C. by normal birth (NOT immaculate) of parents Joseph and Miryam ('Mary'). Yahshua was of royal lineage (House of David; Davidic line of Judah) - and 42 generations from Abraham. His parents broke some rules at the outset: Messianic parents were allowed intimacy only in December, so that births of heirs would always fall in the month of September-the month of Atonement, the holiest month of the Jewish calendar. Indeed, it was this very rule which Jesus's own parents (Joseph and Mary) had themselves broken. And this was the reason why the Jews were split in opinion as to whether Jesus was, in fact, their true Messiah. He grew up and became a leading Jewish Priest (Meshiah 'Messiah') and was a reformer of the Orthodox aspects of Judaism. Yahshua was a well-known Nazarene-a radical, a "westernised Jew" (Greek influenced). He preached his reformed, Buddhist/Essene-inspired teachings ("gospels") for 3 years. As a result, the other Jewish leaders (the Sanhedrin Council) had him excommunicated from the priesthood ('symbolic death'). He was punished by being tied to a wooden cross for 3 days. At the end of that period, his brother, James took him down and everyone nursed him back to health. He married Mary Magdalane and had 3 children: Daughter and 2 sons (Jesus Justus and Joseph). He, James and his followers continued to spread the Nazara beliefs (which spread into England and became the Celtic Church) while Peter and Paul went to Rome and started the Christian movement (during Yahshua's lifetime). He lived a full life and died of natural causes. Prior to the birth of her second son in AD 44, Mary Magdalene was exiled from Judaea following a political uprising in which she was implicated. Along with Philip, Lazarus and a few retainers, she travelled (by arrangement with King Herod-Agrippa II) to live at the Herodian estate near Lyon, in Gaul (which later became France) and their descendents married into French royalty and became the Knights Templar organization. She carried the Sangréal (the Blood Royal, the Holy Grail)- the Sacred Chalice of her womb and from it came the Fisher Kings who would rule for around 300 years. Mary Magdalene died in Provence in AD 63. This group was the enemy of Roman Catholicism because they challenged Roman power - the Romans launched the Inquisistion initially for the purpose of wiping them out, and then later also killed off Jews and Muslims. The Knights Templar funded and built the largest Christian churches of that time (Notre Dame in Paris for example). See for more information.
The Vikrama Era (also called Maalava Era) begins on Kaarthika Shukla prathama (around October-November). It was started by King Shalivaahana's grandfather King Vikramaaditya who too defeated the invading Saka tribe & returned to his capital in time for the Deepaavali celebrations.
53: Legend records Saint Thomas' death in Madras, one of the twelve Apostles of Christ and founder of the Church of the Syrian Malabar Christians (Syrian Rite) in Goa.
Buddhism is introduced in China by Emperor Ming Di (reign: 58-76) after he converts to the faith. Brings two monks from India who erect temple at modern Hunan.
ca 50: South Indians occupy Funan, Indochina. Kaundinya, an Indian brahmin, is first king. Shaivism is the state religion.
Page 16: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





248 75 C.E. Shalivahana Veersen II ? Poet Ashvagosha

249 100 C.E. Caraka Shatakarni Adityaketu ? Hatab Seals

250 125 C.E. Dvivilaka Raja Dhandhar ?

251 150 C.E. Sangha Maharshi ?

252 175 C.E. Ptolemy Shatakarni Sanrachhi ?

253 200 C.E. Mahayudha ?

254 225 C.E. Plotinus Pulomavit Durnath

Vedic Renaisance Period - Guptas and Pallavas

255 250 C.E. Aristakarma Jeevanraj Pallava Dynasty

256 275 C.E. Gupta Dynasty Rudrasen ?

257 300 C.E. Chandragupta I Sundara Shatakarni Aarilak Pallava?

258 325 C.E. Samudragupta King Varahamihira Cakora Shatakarni Rajpal

259 350 C.E. Chandragupta II Tantrism Gomatiputra Samudrapal Licchavi Dynasty King Visnugopa

260 375 C.E. Vikramaditya Chess invented Chandrapal ?

India in Indonesia

Silk Road Started

Roman Empire at peak.

Paper invented in China.

Cambodia Malaysia

Mrgendra, Kuntalasvati

Philosopher Nagarjuna

Last Magadh King

End of Magadha Dynasties

Gupta Archaeology

Manichaeism Religion

Pattalaka, Pravillasena

Fall of Buddhism

Early Christianity in


Pulimana, Shatakarni Shivashri

Hun invasion into India

Huns invade Europe

Saka era starting in 78 AD. King Shalivahana of Ujjaini after exterminating the invading Saka tribe beyond the river Sindhu, returned triumphantly to Ujjaini.
ca 75: A Gujarat prince named Ajishaka invades Java.
Court physician of the Kushan king, he formulates a code of conduct for doctors of ayurveda and writes Charaka Samhita, a manual of medicine. A great authority on Ayurveda, and of the Buddhist adept Nagarjuna, founder of the Madhyamika school. This also is the period of the renowned Buddhist teachers Aryadeva, Ashvaghosha, and Candrakirti.
Raja Dandhar of Prayaag killed Adityaketu of Magadh. 9 generations of Dhandhar ruled Indraprastha.
ca 175: Greek astronomer Ptolemy, known as Asura Maya in India, explains solar astronomy, Surya Siddhanta, to Indian students of the science of the stars.
ca 200: Hindu kingdoms established in Cambodia and Malaysia.
205-270: Lifetime of Plotinus, Egyptian-born monistic Greek philosopher and religious genius who transforms a revival of Platonism in the Roman Empire into what present-day scholars call Neoplatonism, which greatly influences Islamic and European thought. He teaches ahimsa, vegetarianism, karma, reincarnation and belief in a Supreme Being, both immanent and transcendent.
This last king (name?) ended the Satavahana Dynasty - the last major one of Magadha.
Rare Gupta period frame damaged during ASI relocation Note: It is not an arch, but an exquisite rectangular door frame. Note that the reporter with name "Samudra gupta" is named after a major Gupta king! It is a remarkably beautiful frame. You can see a large image at Guwahati, October 12: The famous Da-Parbatiya arch at Tezpur, dating back to the Gupta period, was partially damaged while an Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) team was trying to relocate it yesterday. As leading citizens lodged a protest with district authorities, Deputy Commissioner Sanjay Lohia rushed to the spot and instructed ASI officials to replace the structure to its original position. The ASI had embarked upon the project following Director General K.N. Dixit's inspection. Former archaeology deputy director of the state Dr Pradeep Sharma said the Da-Parbatiya arch was one of the three rare architectural pieces of the Gupta period that were still in existence in India, the other two being located at Bhomra and Nathnakuthara in northern India. ``The archaeological remains at Da-Parbatiya were discovered during 1922-23 by the British,'' Dr Sharma said. The oldest discovered architectural site in Assam, Da-Parbatiya is a major tourist attraction of Tezpur, and replicas of the same have been subsequently installed in several major institutions in Guwahati, including the Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra.
ca 250: Pallava dynasty (ca 250-885) is established in Tamil Nadu, responsible for building Kailasa Kamakshi Temple complex at their capital of Kanchi and the great 7th-century stone monuments at Mahabalipuram. Early 4th-century to late 9th-century southern Indian line of rulers whose members originated as indigenous subordinates of the Satavahanas in the Deccan, moved into Andhra, and then to Kañci (Kanchipuram in modern Tamil Nadu state, India), where they became rulers.
Mani, founder of this religion was born in Babylon in 216 C.E. heavily influenced by Dharma and Sanskrit literature. Mani travelled to India to learn with Hindu and Buddhist masters. He taught his religion to peoples all over the world and until the 1600s, Manichaeism was one of the most widely practiced religions in the world (in Europe, China, etc.). He helped introduce many Indian ideas into Europe - these are still apparent in European Gnostic traditions. Christianity and Islam made it a priority to exterminate all Manichaens and that is why the religion is dead today.
Why Buddhism vanished from India: Here are 7 reasons why Buddhism vanished from India. 1. The main cause was the neglect by the monks of this life and its values. While the Buddhist monks realized that everyone was not fit or could not become a monk or nun, they paid attention only to the life of a monk and not to the life of a householder. Which meant that they focused on the life of a monk, which is a life of inwardness as compared to that of a householder, which is one of outwardness. Now, both these aspects need examination, study, guidance and control. It is not enough to tell a householder that this existing life is only a stepping stone to the life of a monk. Why and how is it so and what relation it bears to realities have to be explained. Instead Buddhist philosophers began to teach that this life was nothing but a value of tears and misery. While some forms of Vedanta taught the same philosophy, the attitude of Mimamsa (philosophy of action) and the Epics saved Hinduism from the fate that overtook Buddhism in India. Many great Indians were impacted by spiritual teachings but unless there were some codes extolling the values of the world, they tended to become one-sidedly inwardly. 2. Another reason was the admission of women into monasteries and the more or less indiscriminate conversion of men, women into monks and nuns. While true renunciation and celibacy were appreciated, people wanted to see them well practiced. When people supported these monasteries with their hard-earned money, they did want its residents to live in luxury and enjoyment, virtues, which were condemned. If monks and nuns had lived by the rules that they were taught, people would have supported them inspite of any hardship that they had to face. 3. The next reason was the deterioration in the political and economic life of the country. Monasteries were supported by the people and the Kings e.g. Ashoka. Now, when a dynasty fell or a king died, the next in line might not give the same degree of support. The king's thinkers realized that their defeat was due to the loss of their best fighters, leaders, who had become monks. This made the country an easy prey to the foreign invader. Coincidence or otherwise, India's first foreign invasion by the Greeks took place in 327 B.C. a couple of centuries after the birth of Buddha. 4. Buddhism existed in the monasteries and unlike the dharmaasutras (ethical codes) lacked a moral code. So when monasteries disappeared, Buddhism disappeared. The invasion of the Muslims and the ruthless destruction of Buddhist monasteries extinguished the lamp of Buddhism in North India. The wanton destruction of the great monastery of Uddandapura (Bihar) and the wholesale massacre of its monks might make us visualize how the great monasteries of Nalanda, Vikramasila and others met with a tragic end. 5. The extreme asceticism practiced and popularized by both Buddhism and Jainism disturbed the social life of India. Magadha, the seat of many imperial dynasties, became Bihar, the land of monasteries (viharas). There was nothing in these religions to emphasize the importance of life in this world and its values. These causes led to a bloodless revolt by the orthodox in the eight century a.d. The revolt was staged from two sides, the Brahmanic and the Upanisadic. Kumarila was the leader of the former and Sankara of the latter. Kumarila succeeded in reviving a strong positive attitude towards the world and its values and all that could be called human and activistic. On the other hand, Sankara said that everything that was good in Buddhism already existed in the Upanishads. In fact, Gaudapada, the grand teacher of Sankara, unified the current spanda (vibration) doctrine of Saivism, the vijnana ( mind ) doctrine of the Buddhists and the Atman doctrine of the Upanishads in his Mandukyakarikas and made the way easy for Sankara to assimilate and absorb Buddhism. Thus, there remained no justification for its separate existence in India, it has no social ethics and consequently, no hold over society. It could not stand alone as a spiritual discipline as it was shown to be part of the Upanishads. 6. Quoting Swami Vivekananda. Thus, inspite of preaching mercy to animals, inspite of the sublime ethical religion, inspite of the discussions about the existence or non-existence of a permanent soul, the whole building of Buddhism tumbled down piece-meal and the ruin was simply hideous. The most hideous ceremonies, the most obscene books that human hands ever wrote or the human brain ever conceived, have all been the creation of the degraded Buddhism. The Tartars and the Baluchis and all the hideous races of mankind that came to India, became Buddhists and assimilated with us, brought their national customs and the whole of our national life became a huge page of the most horrible, bestial customs. Sankara came and showed that the real essence of Buddhism and that of the Vedanta are not very different but that the disciples did not understand the master and have degraded themselves, denied the existence of soul and one God and have become atheists. That was what Sankara showed and all the Buddhists began to come back to their old religion. 7. Buddhism adopted various thoughts and beliefs between the first century b.c. and the sixth century a.d. Some Buddhists adopted the tantric sadhanas and distorted them for the sake of enjoyment and comfort. The highly advanced philosophy of tantric sadhana is difficult to understand without the guidance of a proper teacher. This undigested knowledge of tantra, including the use of wine, meat, fish, gestures and physical union led these Buddhist followers to their downfall. Also, the distortions of Buddhism produced a variety of schools which were not pure Buddhist schools but contained a variety of practices. To give you an idea of the syntheses between Vedanta and Buddhism, the concept of Maya in Vedanta in borrowed from Buddhism. Sankara accepted the logical connotation of Maya just as it was given by the Buddhists. Jainism was saved by tacitly allowing its members to become part of the Hindu fold by adopting rules of conduct of the third caste, namely Vaisyas or traders.
I279 Foreward by Koenraad Elst According to Christian leaders in India, the apostle Thomas came to India in 52 A.D., founded the Syrian Christian Church, and was killed by the fanatical Brahmins in 72 A.D. Near the site of his martyrdom, the St. Thomas Church was built. In fact this apostle never came to India. The Christian community in South India was founded by a merchant Thomas Cananeus in 345 A.D. (a name which readily explains the Thomas legend). He led four hundred refugees who fled persecution in Persia and were given asylum by the Hindu authorities. In Catholic universities in Europe, the myth of the apostle Thomas going to India is no longer taught as history, but in India it is still considered useful. Even many vocal "secularists" who attack the Hindus for "relying on myth" in the Ayodhya affair, off-hand profess their belief in the Thomas myth. The important point is that Thomas can be upheld as a martyr and the Brahmins decried as fanatics. In reality, the missionaries were very disgruntled that the damned Hindus refused to give them martyrs (whose blood is welcomed as "the seed of the faith"), so they had to invent one. Moreover, the church which they claim commemorates St.Thomas' martyrdom at the hands of Hindu fanaticism, is in fact a monument of Hindu martyrdom at the hands of Christian fanaticism. It is a forcible replacement of two important Hindu temples (Jain and Shaiva) whose existence was insupportable to the Christian missionaries. No one knows how many priests and worshippers were killed when the Christian soldiers came to remove the curse of Paganism from the Mylapore beach. Hinduism doesn't practice martyr-mongering, but if at all we have to speak of martyrs in this context, the title goes to these Jina- and Shiva-worshippers and not to the apostle Thomas.
308-330 A.D.
In the early 4th-century to late 9th-century southern Indian line of rulers whose members originated as indigenous subordinates of the Satavahanas in the Deccan, moved into Andhra, and then to Kañci (Kanchipuram in modern Tamil Nadu state, India), where they became rulers - the Pallavas.
330-375 A.D. 45 years
Varahamihira's dietary prescriptions are likely to excite antipathy within present-day Hindu orthodoxy. Indeed, in his unapologetic advice to the sovereign of his day that he should partake of the "ceremonial eating" of the meat of buffaloes, cows and bulls, among other animals (his texts, notably the Brhad Samhita). See
300-400 Emergence of Buddhist and Hindu Tantrism.
Rajpal was killed by Samant Mahanpal who ruled for 14 years. Later Mahanpal was killed by Vikramaditya of Ujjain (called Avantika). Vikrmaditya ruled for 93 years. He was later killed by Samudrapal yogi of Paithan. 16 generations of Samudrapal ruled for 372 years.
Licchavi dynasty (ca 350-900) establishes Hindu rule in Nepal. Small kingdom becomes the major intellectual and commercial center between South and Central Asia.
375-414 A.D. 39 years Ruled a vast region and conquered much of SouthEast Asia.
ca 400: Shaturanga, Indian forerunner of chess, has evolved from Ashtapada, a board-based race game, into a four-handed war game played with a die. Later, in deference to the Laws of Manu, which forbid gambling, players discard the die and create Shatranj, a two-sided strategy game.
358: Huns, excellent archers and horsemen possibly of Turkish origin, invade Europe from the East.
Page 17: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





261 400 C.E. Gopaditya ?

262 425 C.E. Kumargupta Murrah Chandrashri Narsinghpal Bhodidharma Simhavarman Ajanta Caves

263 450 C.E. Skandagupta Kilab Pulomaci Sampal ?

264 475 C.E. Buddhagupta Qusayy Aryabhatta Raghupal Sage Shuka ? AXUM Christians

265 500 C.E. Vainyagupta Abd Manaf Govindpal Sage Gaudapada ? Aryabhatta I

266 525 C.E. Bhanugupta Hashim Amratpal Sage Govindapada Pallava Dynasty Chalukya Dynasty

267 550 C.E. Abd al-Muttalib Yashodharma Sage Shankara ? Pulakesin I

268 575 C.E. King Hanspat Abdullah Simha Vishnu

269 600 C.E. Muhammad Mahendravarman Kirtivarman

270 625 C.E. Emperor Harsha Fatima Vikrampal Narasimhavarman King Pulakesin II

271 650 C.E. Huen-Tsang Malukhchand Pandya Dynasty Mahendra Vikramaditya

272 675 C.E. Narasinha ?

273 700 C.E. Bappa Rawal - Rajasinha ?

274 725 C.E. Pratihara Kings - ? Vikramaditya II

275 750 C.E. Lovchand Varagunamaharaja I

Laws of Manu written

Shivaskandha, Yajnasrhi

Sahaypal, Devpal

Kamasutra writen

Romans becoming Christian

Bhodidharma (to China)


in Europe

Hephtalites invade India

Hephtalites leave India

End of Gupta Dynasty

Balipal, Mahipal

Indian Astronomers

Haripal, Seespal

Mahabharat Composition

Arabian Polytheism

Madanpal, Karmpal

Chattisgarh Archeo. Find

India Population tops 60 million

Scientist Brahmagupta

Arabs conquer much of Middle


BhartrihariVikramchand, Manakchand

King Arikesar Maravarman

Buddhism into Tibet/Nepal

Chinese learn Ayurveda

Ramchand, Harichand

Arabs invade Sind

Pala Kings of Bengal

Kalyanchand, Bhimchand

Chalukyas beat Arabs

Indian knowledge to

Mid East

Narasimhavarman (Rajasimha)

Rashtrakuta Dynasty

The 70th ruler in the list of Kashmir Kings, Gopaditya (400 AD.) founded agraharas and built temples of Jyeteshwara and Shankaracharya.
ca 400: Laws of Manu (Manu Dharma Shastras) written. Its 2,685 verses codify cosmogony, four ashramas, government, domestic affairs, caste and morality (others date at -600).
ca 400: Vatsyayana writes Kamasutra, famous text on erotics.
391: Roman Emperor Theodosius destroys Greek Hellenistic temples in favor of Christianity.
Lineage of Muhammad: Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abdul-Muttalib ibn Hashim ibn Abd Manaf ibn Qusayy ibn Kilab ibn Murrah ibn Ka'b ibn Lu'ayy ibn Ghalib ibn Fihr ibn Malik ibn an-Nadr ibn Kinanah ibn Khuzaymah ibn Mudrikah ibn Ilyas ibn Mudar ibn Nizar ibn Ma'add ibn Adnan. The lineage of Adnan goes back to the Prophet Isma'il, the son of the Prophet Ibrahim. See:
Bodhidharma was born in Kanchi in the Southern Indian kingdom of Pallava around year 440. At the instruction of Prajnatara he travelled to China by ship and arrived around 475. He is associated with the Shaolin temple, and is honored as the founder of kung fu. He is also credited with bringing tea to China. He is also credited with bringing Zen to China, even though he had few disciples in his lifetime.
ca 440: Ajanta cave frescoes depict Buddha as Prince Siddhartha, wearing "chudidara pyjama" and a prototype of the present-day "Nehru shirt."
450-535: Life of Bodhidharma of South India, 28th patriarch of India's Dhyana Buddhist sect, founder of Ch'an Buddhism in China (520), known as Zen in Japan. Bodhidharma was born in Kanchi in the Southern Indian kingdom of Pallava around year 440. At the instruction of Prajnatara he travelled to China by ship and arrived around 475. He is associated with the Shaolin temple, and is honored as the founder of kung fu. He is also credited with bringing tea to China. He is said to have cut off his eyelids to stay awake in meditation, and so is usually depicted with bulging eyes.
438-45: Council of Ferrara-Florence, Italy, strengthens Roman Catholic stance against doctrine of reincarnation.
Aryabhata wrote Aryabhatiya , finished in 499, which is a summary of Hindu mathematics up to that time, written in verse. Contribution to trigonometry The first actual appearance of the sine of an angle appears in the work of the Hindus. Aryabhata, in about 500, gave tables of half chords which now really are sine tables and used jya for our sin.
Aksum (Axum) is perhaps most renowned internationally for its enormous monolithic stelae, erected during the third and fourth centuries A.D. as funerary markers for deceased members of its elite. To the faithful of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, it is the place where the Arc of the Covenant was brought by Menelik I, son of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon of Israel, as detailed in the thirteenth-century Kebra Negast, "The Book of the Glory of Kings." In the fourth century A.D., the rule of one monarch in particular marked a defining transition in Ethiopian religious and cultural history. Byzantine and Roman historians chronicle how a Syrian Christian named Frumentius, called Abba Salama in Ethiopian versions, came to be captured and later hosted by the Aksumite court, whose king he ultimately converted. Following his conversion, King Ezana had the crescent-and-disk of South Arabian polytheism removed from his coins and replaced with the Christian cross.
510: Hephtalite Mihirakula from beyond Oxus River crushes imperial Gupta power. Soon controls much of N.C. India.
499: Aryabhata I (476-ca 550), Indian astronomer and mathematician, using Hindu (aka Arabic) numerals accurately calculates pi () to 3.1416, and the solar year to 365.3586805 days. A thousand years before Copernicus, Aryabhata propounds a heliocentric universe with elliptically orbiting planets and a spherical Earth spinning on its axis, explaining the apparent rotation of the heavens. Writes Aryabhatiya, history's first exposition on plane and spherical trigonometry, algebra and arithmetic.
ca 533: Yashovarman of Malva and Ishanavarman of Kanauj defeat and expel the Hephtalites from North India.
In the Vatapi region. ca 543: Pulakeshin I founds Chalukya Dynasty (ca 543-757; 975-1189) in Gujarat and later in larger areas of West India.
Tribes of Hunas gradually moved over the mountains into North-western India. Yashodharma vanquished the Huns.
Gaudapada's lineage is very active thanks to the maths established by Shankara. There are currently five maths in India, and the vedic advaitic tradition is faithfully preserved.
King Hanspat of Hisar city was the 76th Yaduvanshi King after Shree Krishna (descendant of Krshna) as per Bharat calendar, Vikram Sanvat. King Hanspat was born roughly 1520+ years after Shree Krishna.
Indians should learn to regard their own pioneers in the astronomical sciences, such as Aryabhatta and Varahamihira, with the same respect that they have been according Copernicus and Galileo.
The Mahabharata epic -- the text of 100,000 verses -- which is a source for the events of the War to be taken as history? The epic itself claims to have been originally just 8,800 verses composed by Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa and called the Jaya. Later, it became 24,000 verses, called the Bharata, when it was recited by Vaishampayana. Finally, it was recited as the 100,000-versed epic (the Mahabharata) by Ugrashravas, the son of Lomaharshana.
Allah, the moon god, was married to the sun goddess. Together they produced three goddesses who were called 'the daughters of Allah'. These three goddesses were called Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat. The daughters of Allah, along with Allah and the sun goddess were viewed as "high" gods. That is, they were viewed as being at the top of the pantheon of Arabian deities. It is a well known fact archaeologically speaking that the cresent moon was the symbol of worship of the moon god both in Arabia and throughout the Middle East in pre-Islamic times. Archaeologists have excavated numerous statues and hieroglyphic inscriptions in which a crescent moon was seated on the top of the head of the deity to symbolise the worship of the moon-god Asar - God of horses Anbay - God of oracular destiny Gad - God of fate Alilat - Mother/Fertility Goddess Afreet,Afrit - malicious giant genies Basamum - God of healing Amm - weather God Quzah- God of Storms/Thunder Allat, Al-Uzza - Venus (South Arabians) - Powerful One. Arabic Goddess. Founder of MohammedÕs tribe, the Koreshites, hereditary tenders of Her Sacred Stone in Mecca.The Mighty. Mohammed worshipped this Desert Goddess of the Morning Star. Acacias are Her sacred tree Baltis - Venus (North Arabians) Atarsamain - God of Stars Athtar,Ilumqah - God of morning and evening star (South Arabians) Azizos and Monimos - God of morning and evening star (North Arabians) Ilal, Illaliy - moon Malakbel, Suwa - Sun Atthar - Ancient Arabic Sun Goddess. Torch of the Gods. Fatima - Arabian Moon Goddess, Creatress, Source of the Sun, Tree of Paradise. She existed from the beginning of the material world Manat - Arabic Moon Goddess. Ruler of Fate, Luck and Fortune. She was venerated in a Sacred Stone at Kodaid in pre-Islamic times and was one of the Trinity of Fates worshipped at Mecca. Moon Mother of Mecca. aka Al-Lat, Al-Uzza. Lapis Niger (Black stone) sacred to Her Shayba - Arabic-Aramaean title of the Great Goddess. Shayba was Old Woman whose spirit dwelt in the Sacred Stone of the Kaaba in Mecca "Have you seen al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat, the third, the other?" These words are recorded in the Qur’an as part of what Muhammad believed to be direct divine revelation. The Qur’an goes on to ridicule these three supposed deities, condemning them as "nothing but names you have devised." Some classical Muslim commentators, however, record that Muhammad may have originally interjected another phrase suggesting that the pagan deities were "exalted birds" through which the Meccans could intercede with Allah; but he quickly retracted these words, saying that they were of the devil. These so-called Satanic verses, which inspired the title of Salman Rushdie’s novel, are for Muslims evidence of the Prophet’s utter trustworthiness, of his ability to distinguish true from false revelation, and hence of the authenticity of the Qur’an as the very Word of God. Islam’s detractors, by contrast, have used these words to impugn the nature of Muhammad’s inspiration, to caricature him as at best confused, at worst a tool of Satan. This is nowhere more evident than in the long history of medieval Christian polemic against Islam which perpetuated a character assassination of Muhammad, with lasting consequence for Western attitudes toward Islam. When the Messenger of Allah (SAW) realized how alienated the Qurayshites had become, and how intensely they had persecuted his companions, Muhammad expressed the wish that a revelation would come so as to reconcile his people, rather than further alienate them. When, one day, he was sitting with some Qurayshites in on of their club houses around the Ka'abah, he recited to them the chapter of "al-Najm". After reading the verses: Would you consider al-Lat and al-Uzza? As well as Manat, the third goddesses? He continued the recitation with the statement "They are the goddesses on high. Their intercession is worthy of being sought." He, then, proceeded with his reading of the Surah to the end. When he finished, he prostrated himself and all the attending Qurayshites also prostrated. Subsequently, the Qurayshites proclaimed their satisfaction with what the Prophet had read and said, "We have always known that Allah creates and gives life, gives food and resurrects. But our gods intercede for us with Him. Now that you have allowed for them a place in your new religion, we are all with you." Thus the difference between Muhammad and the Qurayshites was dissolved. When the news of this reconciliation reached Abyssinia, the Muslims, who had migrated there three months earlier, decided to return to their beloved country and people. As they drew close to Mecca, they met some Kinnanah tribesmen who informed them that Muhammad allowed the gods a good place in his religion, reconciled Quraysh, and was now followed by everyone. The narrative has it that Muhammad reverted to condemning those gods, and the Qurayshites reverted to persecution. The returnees stopped to consider what their next move should be; however, they missed their relatives and next-of-kin so much that they went ahead and entered Makkah. Then Jibreel came to the Prophet (SAW) and said to him, "What did you do? You recited to people what I did not come to you with from Allah, and you said things which He did not say." The Prophet was grieved and full of fear of Allah. Allah, who was ever merciful to him, consoled him, lightening his burden and informed him that, when prophets and messengers before him wished, as he wished, or liked something as he did, Satan would throw in their wish…etc. Thus, Allah relieved His Prophet of his sorrow, strengthened his confidence, and rectified what Satan had put into his mouth (when the Prophet said of their goddesses that "they are the highflying cranes. And their intercession is to be sought.") by saying concerning al-Lat, al-Uzza and Manat "How many-so-ever be the angels in the heavens, their intercession will avail nothing, except after Allah has given leave for whom he pleases, and that he is acceptable to Him." The intercession of these goddesses is therefore of no avail. Once Allah rectified the words put by Satan into the Prophet's mouth, the Qurayshites said: Muhammad renounced the importance he assigned earlier to our goddesses. And it so happened that those two sentences concerning their goddesses became so much liked and repeated by every polytheist when they were rectified by Allah that the polytheists became more hostile than they were before. This is the story of al-gharaniq as given by al-Tabari and repeated late on by most of the commentators, the Prophet's biographers and traditionsists. The God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, does not fear examination. In fact, He says plainly, "come, let us reason together" He also says, "you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free." Faith is pointless unless it is a faith based on solid fact. I can have all the faith in the world that if I jump off the Empire State Building Ill fly; and Ill still plummet like a rock to the waiting pavement below. Now, why do I insist upon the label "Mohammedian?" First, it must be pointed out that a label is simply a label: A useful term to summarize (in this instance) a belief system. I refer to Jehovahs Witnesses as "Russelites," as it was Charles "Taze" Russel who actually formulated the tenets of that faith, and "Word-Faith" adherents as "Kenyonites" or "Kenyonists" for the same reason (Kenyonism, aka. "Word-Faith," was created by E. W. Kenyon near the turn of the century). Jehovahs Witnesses no more worship Russel, and Kenyonists no more worship Kenyon, than you worship Mohammed. "Islam" is a generic term that refers to a large group of disparate beliefs. For instance, as a Sunni (I assume, since you accept the Hadiths as binding) Mohammedian, you certainly must object to Louis Farrakhan being referred to as a Muslim, considering that even you would hold his beliefs as grossly heretical his label of them as "Nation of Islam" notwithstanding. The term applies, demonstrating that I am specifically referring to the religion predicated on the precepts first expounded by one Mohammed. (Though, to be fair, it is far from established that the Sunni branch of Mohammedism accurately represents the faith of Mohammed; the historicity of many of the Hadiths is far from an unquestionable issue, as any knowledgeable Shia would point out.) It is a fact of history, however, that the tribe from which Mohammed came was polytheistic, and particularly devoted to the worship of "al-Ilah," the moon god. The fact is, "Allah" is not the Arabic word for "god," as some of the more dynamic translations into English would have one believe. Most Semitic languages (Arabic is a Semitic tongue) use a cognate of the Hebrew word el to mean "god." "Al-Ilah" was the personal name for the moon god of Mohammeds tribe. Ergo, Allah is not the God of the Bible, but is the moon god of ancient Arabian polytheism. As such, it has absolutely nothing to do with the God Who has inerrantly and finally revealed Himself in the Word of God the sixty-six Books of the Old and New Testaments. Noah worshipped and served this One True God, "Jehovah" (More properly YHWH), as did Moses, Abraham, and all the Prophets. This One True God El Elyon, the God Most High. Al-Ilah (Moon God) is the reason why the symbol for Islam is the crescent moon (and star). The original Arabian bedouins were not very religious at all: In the judgment of the Koran, "the desert Arabians are most confirmed in unbelief and hypocrisy." Even in our present day they pay little more than lip homage to the Prophet. Arabs, worshipped angels and jinn - the true offspring of Allah according to them. "prophet" (Gk. prophetes; "one who speaks for") = messenger. Add to Israel timeline (mythological lineage): Adam = Man Seth = Appointed Enosh = Frail, mortal Qenan = Sorrow Mahalalel = The Blessed God Jared = {roughly} Shall come down Enoch = Instructing, teaching Methuselah = His death shall bring Lamech = Despair, despairing Noah = Rest in A.D. 610, Muhammad--a merchant of the Hashimite branch of the ruling Quraysh tribe in the Arabian town of Mecca--began to preach the first of a series of revelations he said had been granted him by God through the angel Gabriel. A fervent monotheist, Muhammad denounced the polytheism of his fellow Meccans. Because the town's economy was based in part on a thriving pilgrimage business to the shrine called the Kaaba and to numerous other pagan religious sites in the area, Muhammad's censure earned him the enmity of the town's leaders. In 622 he and a group of followers accepted an invitation to settle in the town of Yathrib, later known as Medina (the city), because it was the center of Muhammad's activities. The move, or hijra, known in the West as the hegira, marks the beginning of the Islamic era and of Islam as a force in history; indeed, the Muslim calendar begins in 622. In Medina, Muhammad continued to preach, and he eventually defeated his detractors in battle. Monotheistic beliefs were also present by this time, acquired through contact with Byzantium and Persia. Christians and Jews dwelt in the region as well as Zoroastrians. Present here were also hanifs, men who were "dissatisfied with Arabian paganism...[who] lived ascetic lives and believed in a single god" (Early Islam, p.14). One of these was a relative of Mohammed. Arabs (a word which seems to mean "desert dweller") Symbol of Islam (crescent moon and brightest visible next to it - Venus). Mary (Miryam) is she had a son called "Jesus" she would have stared at you blankly. The son of Mary was not called "Jesus" but Yah'shua Gabriel said that He would receive this Name because "He shall save His people from their sins". Every Hebrew scholar will tell you that the Name given through Gabriel was Y'SHUA or YAH'SHUA. Literally translated this means, "YAH saves" - and you will remember that Yah is a contraction of Yahweh. In Tell-el-Obeid, a copper calf was found with crescent moon on its forehead, the same idol the children of Israel worshipped in the Desert of Sîn (Sînai) during the apostacy whilst Moses was on top of the mountain getting the Ten Commandments from Yahweh. While God's prophet (Moses) was conversing with the true God, Yahweh, the Israelites were descending into idolatry worshipping the moon-god, Sîn! While they worshipped 360 gods at the Kabah in Mecca, the moon-god was the chief deity. Mecca was in fact built as a shrine for the moon-god. This is what made it the most sacred site of Arabian paganism. Muhammad was raised in the religion of the moon-god Allah. But he went one step further than his fellow pagan Arabs. While they believed that Allah the moon-god was the greatest of all gods and the supreme deity in the pantheon of deities,Muhammad decided that Allah was not only the greatest god but the only God. In effect he said, "Look, you already believe that the moon-god Allah is the greatest of all gods. All I want you to do is accept the idea that he is the only god. I am not taking away the Allah you already worship. I am only taking away his wife and his daughters and all the other gods." this is seen from the fact that the first point of the Muslim creed is not "Allah is great" but "Allah is the greatest" - he is the greatest among the gods. Why would Muhammad say that Allah is the greatest except in a polytheistic (many gods) context? The Arabic word is used to contrast the greater from the lesser. s it any wonder that the symbol of Islam is the crescent moon? That a crescent moon sits on top of their mosques and minarets? That a crescent is found on the flags of Islamic nations? That the Muslims fast during the month which begins and ends with the appearance of the crescent moon in the sky?
570-632: Lifetime of Mohammed, preacher of the Quraish Bedoin tribe, founder of Islam. Begins to preach in Mecca, calling for an end to the "demons and idols" of Arab religion and conversion to the ways of the one God, Allah. Abdul-Muttalib, chief of the Quraysh, had ten sons. Abdullah, the tenth, was the noblest and his father married him to Aminah, daughter of Wahb, leader of the Banu Zuhrah. At that time, her lineage and position made her the best woman in the Quraysh. His father was of the Quraysh tribe (the name means ' shark ' and may have been derived from an ancient tribal emblem.) This tribe gained much power and influence, both because of their commercial activity in their hub at the city of Mecca, and because of their importation and custody of important idols at Mecca. Muhammad was born in Makkah. His mother Amina bin Wahb, was widowed at the time of his birth. His father's name was Abdullah. His grandfather, Abdul-Muttalib named him Muhammad, which means "he who is praised", because he believed that he would grow up to be highly praised. Sources say frequently that in his youth Muhammad was called Amin, a common Arab name meaning "faithful, trustworthy", suggests the possibility that this could have been his given name, a masculine form from the same root as his mother's name, Amina. His birth name was most likely Abu al-Qasim, since his full name was: Abu al-Qasim Muhammad ibn Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al-Muttalib ibn Hashim. In addition, he was sometimes called Al-Amin or Al-Mustafa. (see: Muhammad was illiterate. Muhammad was a shepherd who could not read or write. In Arabia at that time, a person was a shepherd for one of two reasons: you were mentally deficient, or two, you were dangerous or otherwise in need of being separated from society. Islamic tradition says that Allah chose a shepherd, to demonstrate the importance of humility. (The humble shepherd prophet was already a theme in the Jewish and Christian scriptures.) Mohammed later was hired as a purchasing representative for a rich widow woman merchant who subsequently became his wife. Muhammad, because of that marriage and the wealth he gained therebay, was later able to retreat to solitude in the desert to think and pray. Muhammad lived in the Arabian peninsula, in Mecca, which had an important well, and whose religion was polytheistic and pagan. The Ka'bah (cube), the famous stone shrine in Mecca, 50 feet high and nearly 40 feet square, housed one idol for each day of the year. A cornerstone of this cube was a meteorite. (All Semitic peoples revered meteorites.) Muhammad most certainly practiced the idolatry of his countrymen, and there is at least one accepted account of him sacrificing a sheep to the goddess al- 'Uzza. Muhammad's exposure to the monotheistic religions Judaism and Christianity, must have influenced him toward monotheism. He is said to have been severely rebuked once by a monotheist, for offering the man some meat that Muhammad had previously set before an idol. Monotheism became the primary tenet of Muhammad and of Islam. During his lifetime, Muhammad became a powerful political and military leader. He had many visions and mystical experiences. Muhammad had 23 wives (plus concubines). His favorite wife (Aishah) was engaged to him when she was six, and married him when she was 9 years old. Muhammad is said to have loved three things: "Women, Perfume, and Fine Clothes". Muhammad was known for a calm, deliberate, judicious temperament in all his decisions, and skill as a diplomat. Yet, underneath, he had a nervous and anxious longing for something much more than could normally be attained. His inner restlessness was in fact so severe, that he reputedly had nervous breakdowns. He was outwardly successful and respected, but inwardly restless, unhappy, and anxious. One of the main sources of his unhappiness was that he had no male heir. This was a disgrace for all Semitic people, including Arabs. The Arab epithet for a man who had no male heir was "abtar." This means something like "castrated" or "emasculated." One of Muhammad’s wives, Khadija bint Khuwaylid, was rich, one of the most successful merchandise importers/exporters in Saudi Arabia. She was a widow (when her husband, Abu Halah, died.), and 15 years older than he was, and she is the one who proposed marriage to him. This happened when she was 40 and he 25. Her wealth enabled him to devote all his time to his spiritual pursuits. Her primary problem to solve as a trader, was the constant warring and raiding between the 200 tribes of the Arabian peninsula. She saw in Muhammad a young man with principles, equanimity and charisma, who might be able to unite the tribes, and bring about peace and security for her caravans. Khadija's nephew bought a slave in Syria who was a Christian. She gave this slave to Muhammad as a gift. His name was Zayd, of the Kalb tribe, and Muhammad granted him his freedom, and adopted him as his son. Salman Farsi was born in Persia, and trained in the Zoroastrian/Zarothustrian religion. He was educated, literate, and inquisitive of mind, and also acquainted with the Jewish and Christian religions. In fact, he is purported to have been a Christian at one time. Salman was well versed in the Persian language and literature. He became a political dissident, against the Samani dynasty in Persia. (His own supposed autobiography says he left in order to escape his over-controlling father.) He escaped to Saudi Arabia, with many adventures on the way, and was hiding out in a cave there. That cave is apparently where he met Muhammad. Muhammad came to use the cave as a meditation center, and Salman Farsi was his first convert. The Arabs were a people skilled at the bedouin lifestyle, but literacy was not their thing at all. Mohammed could not read or write. It was in fact Salman Farsi the philosopher and writer who wrote the Qu'ran. Among Muhammad's group, only Salman Farsi could have written the Qu'ran. That would not mean necessarily that the words of the Qu'ran were not the words of Muhammad. Muhammad could have dictated the words to Salman, who acted as his scribe. This is the kind of ethnic tension there is between Sunnis and Shi'ites. Perhaps the Sunnis feel inferior, and resent the fact that the Persian culture had a much richer history. This is true, that the Persian culture contributed most all of the literature and art. Another reason for the conflict between Arabs/Sunnis and the Shi'ites/Persians, is that Persia historically has not been as hostile to the Jews, as have been the Arabs. On the katibe (Arabic-katibat, a cylindrical meteorite stone on which inscriptions of decrees were made) issued by Cyrus king of Persia, one of the bills of rights was the freedom of religion, including specifically the right of Jews to practice their religion. This is the first known official governmental decree in world history, that mandated freedom of religion. Since the Jews at one time were taken captive to Babylon, and subsequently Babylon was taken over by the Medes and the Persians, there has ever since, existed a Jewish population in Persia. Daniel the prophet was educated in the Zarothustran religion of Babylon and Persia. And Abraham, the Father of both Jews and Arabs, was originally from Mesopotamia. Muhammad began to preach in the city c613 but was forced to flee to Medina in 622. Eventually, the Muslims had to leave Quraish due to severe mistreatment. In 630 Muhammad returned with 10,000 men to take over the city and establish it as center of the Islamic world, changing the name of the city to Mecca. Each year over 1,000,000 people visit during the month of pilgrimage. The heart of Mecca surrounds the al-Haram or Great Mosque, which can hold 300,000 people. It is the center of worship for all Moslems. The main economic movement in Mecca is supplying services to pilgrims. Merchants in particular profit from the business of pilgrims. Large fairs are held during the month of pilgrimage. Near the Great Mosque is a small structure shaped like a cube. It is called the Ka'aba. The kaaba holds the sacred Black Stone (meteor) that Muslims believe God sent from heaven. Wherever Moslems live, they face in the direction of the Kaaba where they pray. The Black Meteor Stone was also sacred in ancient Arabic religions.
Subject: Antique trove unearthed at Sirpur, Chhattisgarh TIMES NEWS NETWORK[ WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 2003 12:18:42 AM ] NEW DELHI: A recent excavation funded by the Archaeological Survey of India has discovered a Buddha statue dating back to the 6th century along with other Indian sculptures in Sirpur, Chhattisgarh. Around 164 mounds have been found around the area of Sirpur of which only 10 have been excavated so far. The newly-revealed heritage site would definitely add to the existing USP of eco- and ethno tourism and would place Sirpur as an important place in the Buddhist tourist circuit, said A Jayathilak, managing director tourism, Chhattisgarh. "We are working on a project to avail international funding to conserve and develop Sirpur as a heritage tourist centre," he added. Some of the mounds that have been excavated have revealed monasteries and nunneries, which are being restored to their original state using the excavated material. The other discoveries include a six foot statue of a lady with a missing hand and Greek like features. The sculptures which are the earliest depiction of Panchatantra and the only depiction of bison fights, a unique hollowed out cylinder with `jali' work carved out of a single stone. The discoveries have been mentioned in the writings of Huen Tsang, who had visited Sirpur in the 7th century. The writings also reveal that there is a Bodh Stupa made by King Ashoka, 100 Bodh Vihars and 150 temples in Sirpur. These when excavated could reveal a city that could be four times bigger than Nalanda. Source: Yahoo Groups - IndiaArchaeology - May 21, 2003.
606-647 A.D 41 years. Buddhist Harshavardhana, reigning 606-647, establishes first great kingdom after the Hephtalite invasions, eventually ruling all India to the Narmada River in the South. The capital was in Thanesar. He was plunged into power as a teenager when he brother was assassinated by a King of Bengal.
When Narasimhavarman ascended the throne in 630 A.D, his prime vow was to revenge the insult done to his father. With immense strength and tact he defeated Pulikesi II in the Battle of Manimangalam and Pariyalam. It was also said that he completely burnt the capital city of Pulikesi.
Chinese traveller who came to India and documented his visit for his countrymen. Chinese pilgrim Hiuen-Tsang (Huan Zang) travels in India, recording voluminous observations. Population of Varanasi is 10,000, mostly Saiva. Nalanda Buddhist university (his biographer writes) has 10,000 residents, including 1,510 teachers, and thousands of manuscripts.
641-45: Arab Muslims conquer Mesopotamia, Egypt and Persia.
The Pandyas in Madurai had established control by the sixth century. Their territory was the southern-most and the south-eastern portion of the Indian peninsula, and roughly included the modern-day districts of Tinnevelly and Ramnad in Tamil nadu. The Pandya country was prosperous and the kings profited from trade with the Roman empire. The brahmanas enjoyed considerable influence, and the Pandya kings performed Vedic sacrifices. By the early eleventh century, the Pandyas were subjugated by the strong Cholas. Pandya Kings (650-800 A.D.) Muthukudumi Peru Vazhuthi Korkai, the ancient Port City of the Pandya Kings of the Sangam period Southern Indian hereditary rulers based in the region around Madurai (its capital). The dynasty extended its power into Kerala (southwestern India) and Sri Lanka during the reigns of kings Kadungon (ruled 590–620), Arikesar Maravarman (670–700), Varagunamaharaja I (765–815), and Srimara Srivallabha (815–862). Pandya influence peaked in Jatavarman Sundara's reign 1251–1268. After Madurai was invaded by forces from the Delhi sultanate 1311, the Pandyas declined into merely local rulers.
Bappa Rawal, the ancestor of Ranas of Chittor. From the eighth to the 16th century, Bappa Rawal's descendants ruled over an important kingdom called Mewar stretching from Gujarat to Ajmer. The Rajput (from Raj-Putra i.e. prince or literally "king's son") who held the stage of feudal rulers before the coming of the Muslims were a brave and chivalrous race.
by 700 A.D., Chinese scholars were studying medicine in India at Nalanda University. Indian thought, as well as influencing Chinese spirituality and philosophy through Buddhism, greatly influenced Chinese medicine and herbology through Ayurveda.
The conquest of Sind in 711-12 by Muhammad ibn al- Qasim who came to the Indus region to avenge some Muslim women fallen into the hands of pirates. The Chachanama, which provides a detailed account of the conquest, gives the impression that the largely Buddhist indigenous population, being dissatisfied with the local brahmana ruler Dahir, facilitated his defeat and embraced Islam. The use of force in this conversion was neither necessary nor possible as is evident from the account of Alberuni. Much of the memory of Sindh's ancient culture remained alive till 8th Century AD when Arabs, under Mohammed Bin Qasim, conquered Sind. Raja Dahir Sen, the last Hindu Sindhi King died on the battlefield. 730: Khalif Hisham. Junaid, Governor of Sind
The Gurjaras were Hindu kings. The Palas in Bengal on the other hand were Buddhists (and sent many missionaries to Tibet) centered around Mudgagiri (Monghyr) of current day Bihar, and regained power under Mahipala I (reigned 988-1038), only to decline again. The last important Pala king Ramapala reigned 1077-1120 A.D., though they survived for about 40 years longer in Southern Bihar. In Kanauj, after the fall of the Pratiharas power passed on to the Gahadavala dynasty (late 11th to mid 13th century, though at Kannauj only till 1197 A.D. when he was displaced by Qutb-ud-din Aibak, a slave general of Sultan Muhammad of Ghur) and like most North Indian states at that time, was marked by an extremely strong feudal structure based on the Brahminical religious tradition. Vijayachandra (reigned 1155-69 A.D.) was an important king of this dynasty.
739: Chalukya armies beat back Arab Muslim invasions at Navasari in modern Maharashtra.
ca 750: Hindu astronomer and mathematician travels to Baghdad, with Brahmagupta's Brahma Siddhanta (treatise on astronomy) which he translates into Arabic, bestowing decimal notation and use of zero on Arab world.
The Chalukyas held power till the mid-eighth century, when one of their vassals overthrew them and established the Rashtrakuta dynasty.
Page 18: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





276 775 C.E. Vatsaraja I Ellora Carvings ? Krsna I, Dhruva

277 800 C.E. Jams of Sind Nagabhata II ? Govinda III

278 825 C.E. Mubarak Ramabhadra Aparajit Ramabhadra

279 850 C.E. Umar Abdul Aziz MihiraBhoja I Raja Adhisen Chola Dynasty MihiraBhoja I

280 875 C.E. Mahendrapala Aditya Chola Mahendrapala

281 900 C.E. Mahipala Parantaka I Indra III

282 925 C.E. Mahipala Rajadityan Rajyapala

283 950 C.E. Alptigin Rashtrakuta Indra III Vira Krsna III

284 975 C.E. Damodarsen King Rajaraja I

285 1000 C.E. Rajyapala Deepsingh King Rajendra I

286 1025 C.E. Last Pratiharas Rajadhiraj Jagadekamalla

Misc. Sindhi History

Govindchand, Rani Padmavati

Srimara Srivallabha

Arabs and Europeans

learn Ayurveda

Hariprem, Govindprem

Adi Shankara (Sage


Gopalprem, Mahabahu

Scientist Mahavira

Jam Nizam al-Din II (Nanda)

Vilavalsen, Keshavsen

Author Aandaal (Tamil)

Jam Firuz bin Jam Nizam

Jain Sculptures found

Madhavsen, Mayursen

Jam Salah al-Din

Bhimsen, Kalyansen,


Khajurao Temples

Kshemsen, Narayansen, Lakshmisen

Chalukya Revival

Khan of Putnabad

Thyckal Ship Ruins

Khottiga Amoghavarsa IV

Raids by Mahmud of


Atisha spreads Hinduism in Tibet

Al Buruni visits India

Kalyani Chalukya Dynasty

Ghazni sacks Mathura

Gypsies leave India

Rajsingh, Ransingh

Naval Expeditions to


Boundaries of The Empire: - Hindu Kings ruled over parts of Kutch, Gujarat, Bilk Las Belo (Aram Belo), and sea front of Makran, prior to invasion by Arabs over Sind. Sind was still ruled by Somras. The Samans first conquered Kutch and Kathiawar, and later took over Las and Sind. Kutch Rule: - According to History of Kutch, King Rai hailed from Jharayjan family. The founder was Jharo Valad Lakhoo, a Samo Rajput, hailing from Nagar Thhata. Ruler of Jhunagrah: - Tale of Rai Dhiyach (Rai Diyas) and Surath is well known in Sind. Rai Dhiyach was ruler of Jhunagrah hailing from Chora Samo Rajputs of Sind. (This information is derived from a volume written by Capt. Wilber Fores Bell, History of Kathiawar.) He had three great honors to his credit. Fulfillment of Commitment (Sukha = Promise), Bravery (Veerta) & Living by his word (Vachan Ji Palna = Honour). It is said, in the year 1010 A.D., a song sung by a peasant by name of Bijal, a folk singer, brought enchantment to King Rai Dhiyach. King ordered Bijal, "ask what you desire". Bijal replied, "your (Kings) head"! King Rai, true to his word, cut his head and gave it to him. All Kathiawaris and Sindhis remember this tale, till today. Even "Shah Abdul Latif" Sind's noted poet and writer, has written a poetry in his praise, saying " Pasi Pat Par Thio, Sindu Jadam Jodh". Shah Sahib has called Rai Dhiyach, Jadam. Jadam meaning Jadhoo (Yadhoo). Yadhoo meaning Yadhoovanshi, decedents of Raja Yaddhoo. Shah Sahib thus acknowledges that Sama Rajputs were from Yadhoovanshi family. Shri Krishna was born in this family also. Rulers of Las Bela: - Rulers of Las, Runjhas, were from Jaam Unar Khandan ( Family ). Amongst them was one called "Spar", who was blessed,. Many would travel miles to see him to have their wishes (Sukha) granted. He came to be known as "Seer Sakhi". Shah Sahib has praised him in his volumes. Capital of Samans: - Samas, rulers of Sind, were known as Yaams. For a while their capital city was located at Vegh Kot and at Tor. Later they shifted from there to Samoey. Which today is a small village, about 3 miles away from Thhata, a town built by Yaam Nandi, between Karachi and Hyderabad. Earlier, the river Indus flowed from there but changed its course again to flow from Kalan Kot and now flows from Thhata. Yaam Tamachi: - Yaam Tamachi, also a ruler of Sind, married Gandri, a girl from the fisher folk family due to her beauty. Shah Sahib in his volumes has written about them. Mystics of Faqirs: - Seven mystic Faqirs spoke in their mystic ways and predicted future. One of them was: Jadhahin Kadahin Sindhri, Tokhay Kandharan Jokho". Meaning, where ever you go River Sindhu, you have danger of changing shore. ( ???????? Hopefully right. ) Their predictions have turned to be true most of the time. Yaam Odho: - Yaam Tamachi's brother, Yaam Odho was looking after the affairs of areas of Kakrani (Shah Bunder). It is learnt from history of Kutch that one of the Rani (wife) of Yaam Tamachi, fell in love with Yaam Odho. But Yaam Odho treated and considered her as his mother/sister. This Rani, then made allegations against him to her husband who, sentenced Yaam Odho to extradition from the State. Yaam Odho left Sind and migrated to Pilani in Kutch and married Hothal Padmani, and had two children ,a son named Jakhro (Jakhri) and an extremely beautiful daughter named Sakhar. Even Shah Sahib has praised her beauty in his volumes. Shah Sahib has also written about Jakhri calling him Yadham Jakhri as he was like Rai Dhiyach, from (Yadoovanshi family). Many from Somas and Samrans had converted to Islam, but Yaam Odho and his son Jakhri remained loyal Hindus and prayed to the Sea Lord. Due to this, it is considered that the Hindu Era lasted till the end of Saman Era. For about 400 years from now on, Sind remained an integral part of Ummayed and Abbasid dynasties. The Provincial Governors were appointed by the Arab Central Governments, and history had recorded some 37 names of these governors. By the end of 9th century the Saffarids administered Sind of Baghdad. After the weakening of the Central Arab Authority, local Arab dynastic rule continued for nearly 130 years which included the Fatamid influence from Egypt. Sultan Mahmood and his son Masood came next. The Sumras of Sind came under Fatamid influence, but they subsequently revolted and established their independent rule in Sind. Arab Rule brought Sind within the orbit of Muslim civilization. Sindhi as a language developed further and Naskh was introduced. Sindhi scholars began to play their part in various Arab and Muslim empires. The evidence of Mansura, the Capital of Arabs in Sind, testifies to the greatness of Arab administration. Sumaras (1060-1350) were the native sons of Sind and they fraternized with the Arabs. They accepted Islam and grew strong and established independent rule in Sind. Names of 21 Sumra rulers are recorded in history. They ruled Sind for about 300 years. The great Sindhi romantic stories of Doda Sumra and Alauddin inform us of the invasion of Alauddin and the resistence put up by the Sumras. Tharri, Muhmmad Tur and Rupah were centres of their activities. This is considered to be the most romantic period in Sind history which gave birth to patriotic literature and folk songs. In this period lived Qalandar Lal Shahbaz at Sehwan. The Sumras were followed by Summas (1350-1520) who had accepted Islam in the 8th Century. They called themselves Jams. They made Thatta their capital. The tomb of Jam Nizamuddin the 17th ruler at Makli is a great architectural beauty. It was during this period that Sind came in direct contact with Delhi and Persian became the official language in place of Arabic. This period marks the beginning of Sufistic thoughts and teaching in Sind
The line of Nagabhata, 8-11 century AD, was first centered at Ujjain and then at Kanauj. Nagabhata's relation to the line of Harichandra of Marwar is unclear. Nagabhata I might have ruled in Marwar, his grandnephew Vatsaraja (around 783) ruled in Ujjain and was defeated by the Rashtrakuta Dhruva (780-3), and his son Nagabhata II, in turn, probably captured Kannauj in 816 from Chakrayudha, who was put on throne by Dharmapala (The Palas of Bengal had arisen under Gopala, reigned 750-770, and Dharmapala, reigned 770-810, and then under Devapala, reigned 810-850). He however lost it to Rashtrakuta Govinda III (793-814), and his son Ramabhadra (reigned 833-836) was weak. Then his son MihiraBhoja I (reigned 836-890) probably regained Kanauj and his son Mahendrapala (reigned 890-910) made it a great empire conquering part of the Pala territory. After this things are a bit unclear: Rashtrakuta Indra III sacked Kanauj in 916 by defeating probably Mahipala (908-942) (his relation to the earlier pratiharas is unclear), and Pratihara power declined. Rajyapala, their last important king was ousted from Kanauj by Mahmud (son of Sebuktigin, turkish governor of ghazni, died in 1030) of Ghazni in 1018, and was killed by Chandela Vidyadhara. The pratiharas probably survived for another generation till 1027.
JAMS OF SIND: Jam Babinho I ? ? Jam Unar I Firuz Shah 737 – 753 Jam Babinho II Sadr al-Din 753 – 768 Jam Timaji Rukn al-Din 768 – 772 and 791 Jam Unar II Salah al-Din 772 – 784 Jam ‘Ali Sher 784 – 790 Jam Karan 790 – 791 Jam Fath Khan 791 – 802 Jam Tughluq 802 – 830 Mubarak 830 Jam Sikandar 830 – 832 Jam Sanjar (Radhan) Sadr al-Din 832 – 866 Jam Nizam al-Din II (Nanda) 866 – 914 Jam Firuz bin Jam Nizam 914 – 929 and 935 Jam Salah al-Din 917 – 918?, 927 – 928?
In 800 A.D., Ayurvedic works were translated into Arabic. A century later, under physicians such as Avicenna and Razi Serapion, both of whom quoted Indian texts, Islamic medicine became very influential in Europe, helping to form the foundation of the European tradition in medicine. In 16th century Europe, Paracelsus, who is known as the father of modern Western medicine, practised and propagated a system of medicine which borrowed heavily from Ayurveda.
Rani Padmavati was the wife of Govindchand. She had no child. So her advisors appointed Hariprem Vairagi for the throne. 4 generations of Harimprem ruled.
788: Adi Shankara (788-820) A.K.A. Adi Shankaracharya (the great Hindu crusader), was born in Malabar (in village Kalati in Kerala to Shivguru and Ayamba - a Namboadri Brahmin family), he was attracted to contemplation and vedantic studies from early age. He became a famous monk philosopher of Smarta tradition who writes mystic poems and scriptural commentaries including Viveka Chudamani, and regularizes ten monastic orders called Dashanami. Preaches Mayavada Advaita, emphasizing the world as illusion and God as the sole Reality. He established 4 Monasteries which are still famous.
Founds Habbarid rule in Sind.
Mahabahu took sanyas. Hearing the news of his sanyas, Adhisen of Bengal attacked and took over the kingdom of Indraprastha.
846: Rise of Cholas (under Vijayalaya) and defeat of Pallavis.
Date: Thu May 22, 2003 8:31 pm Subject: Rare 10th century Jain sculpture found near Kamuthi MADURAI MAY 21. A rare 10th century Jain Tirthankara sculpture, which throws more light on the Pandya kingdom's glorious past in the trade sector and prevalence of religious harmony between Saivism and Jainism during that period, has been found near Kamuthi in Ramanathapuram district. The Archaeological Officer, C. Santhalingam, who located the image recently, said the sculpture was 2-foot high, showing the Tirthankara seated in `Arthapariyanka Asana'. "The oval-shaped face is slightly damaged on the left cheek and ear portion. The body is slim with well-proportionate features and a gracious look. The figure is shown as seated on a square pedestal. The circle of wisdom is present behind the head and above it the triple umbrella and branches of Ashoka tree are exquisitely carved. Each of the two attendants standing on either side is seen carrying the samaram." According to the iconographical features and style of the figure, it might be assigned to 9-10th century A.D., he said. Though Kamuthi was known for a historical fort built by the Sethupathis during the 17th century A.D., the recent explorations conducted by the personnel of the Department of Architecture had brought to light the over 10 centuries-old history of the area. Just 2 km west of Kamuthi on the Aruppukottai main road is situated a temple, where hundreds of villagers offer prayers to the deity, Vazhivitta Ayyanar, tonsuring their heads and sacrificing goats. When the Archaeological Department officers from Madurai visited the temple last year, they found two interesting `Vattezhuthu' inscriptions engraved on a slab, which dated back to 10th century AD. The inscriptions revealed the existence of a Siva temple, Arikesai Iswaram by name, at Tiruporpunam, since the early Pandya period. The shrine had lost its trace even as the modern Ayyanar temple, which had come up in its place, started gaining popularity; the name and location of the former assumed importance in its historical settings, Mr. Santhalingam said. According to him, Maravarman Arikesari, who ruled the Pandya kingdom during 650-700 A.D., was a contemporary of Tirugnanasambandar, the first among the Thevaram trio. It was Sambandar, who converted the king from Jainism to Saivism "at the instance of Queen Mangayarkarasi." The exploration of the Jain sculpture, which had been made in the proximity of the Siva shrine created in the name of King Arikesari Pandya, was of much interest to historians. "It leads us to the surmise that Jainism had flourished up to the 10th century A.D. even after the revivalist movements by Saiva saints were launched during the 7th century A.D." One more inscription datable to 10th century A.D. was already noticed here, which spoke of the activities of traders from the Karnataka region. Most of these traders were following Jainism during the early Pandya period. "By reliable evidence, it is believed that there was an ancient trade route up to Rameswaram connecting Sri Lanka and inner heartlands of the Pandya country through Kamuthi and Aruppukottai." "The present find strengthens this view as well as the prevalence of religious harmony despite the raging rivalry between Saivism and Jainism then," he said.
970: Revival of Chalukyas and defeat of Rashtrakutas.
960: Chola King Vira, after having a vision of Siva Nataraja dancing, commences enlargement of the Siva temple at Chidambaram, including the construction of the gold-roofed shrine. The enlargement is completed in 1250 ce.
Maharajah of Putnabad in Sind, Khan of Putnabad (990-),
985: Rajaraja I (reign 985-1014) ascends the South Indian Chola throne and ushers in a new age of temple architecture exemplified at Tanjavur, Darasuram, Tirubhuvanam and Chidambaram. Pallava architectural influences (dominant vimanas, inconspicuous gopuras) fade.
980 A.D.: The Life of Atîsha By Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D. Like Gautama the Buddha, Atîsha was born into a royal family of Bengal. His father was Kalyâna Shrî and his mother Prabhâvatî. He was the second of three sons, and his given name was Candragarbha. His birth occurred c. 982 C.E. and was attended by a number of auspicious omens, clearly marking him as a superior spiritual being. In particular, his parents had a vision of a blue lotus flower falling on him from the heavens, a blessing from Târâ, who played an important role throughout Atîsha’s life. At the age of eighteen months, his parents took him to the monastic university of Vikramashîla, where he promptly uttered blessings and expressed the prayerful request to become a monk. Later, when still in his juvenile years, Târâ appeared to him in a vision, reminding him that over 552 lifetimes he had been a monk and encouraging him to take up the monastic life. Without hesitation, he took refuge and the bodhisattva vow from Arhat Zetari, who dwelled on a hill near the palace. But that master advised him to study with Bodhibhadra at Nâlandâ University, who, in turn, sent him to Bodhi Koyal. For some time, Bodhi Koyal, who had attained the power of longevity through his intensive meditation practice, passed on all kinds of philosophical teachings. By the age of twenty-one, Atîsha had mastered the sixty-four forms of sport as well as grammar, literature, philosophy, and medicine. Then Bodhi Koyal instructed Atîsha to seek out Guru Avadhuti, who continued his spiritual instruction and impressed on him the need for complete renunciation before he sent him on to Guru Rahula Gupta at Black Hill Temple. Guru Rahula Gupta initiated his new disciple into Tantra and bestowed on him the name Jnâna Guhya Vajra. After seven years of Tantric practice, in which he mastered many secret teachings, Atîsha had a dream in which many dâkinîs appeared to him, revealing to him the existence of hidden Tantric texts, thereby curbing his growing pride. In another dream, Heruka appeared advising him to take full ordination. When he did not take action right away, he had a third dream in which the Buddha himself asked him why he had not yet taken the monastic vows and what he was afraid of. At once, Atîsha requested his parents’ permission to renounce the world, which they joyously granted. He took ordination from Shîlarakshita at Mativihâra Monastery and received the initiatory name Dîpamkara Shrî Jnâna. For the next twelve years, he immersed himself in the study of the Mahâyâna Sûtras and then went on to study the Mahâ-Vaibhâsha under Dharmarakshita. Despite all his learning and extraordinary powers, Atîsha started to wonder just which approach would help him become enlightened most quickly. Perceiving his disciple’s quandary clairvoyantly, Guru Rahula paid Atîsha a timely visit and explained to him that no amount of meditation experiences and paranormal abilities could lead him to his desired goal and instead advised him to cultivate bodhicitta and compassion. He went on an arduous and dangerous journey to Sumatra, where he knew Suvarnadvîpa Dharmakîrti was teaching, who had mastered the great practice of bodhicitta. Atîsha and his party of 125 people, including Pandit Kshîtigarbha, were warmly received by the sage and his 535 arhats and 62 novices. All of them studied with Suvarnadvîpa Dharmakîrti for twelve years, and at the end of that period, the sage of Sumatra gave Atîsha his blessings and presented him with a gold statue of the Buddha. On his return to India, Atîsha settled in Bodhgayâ, where the Buddha’s enlightenment occurred under the bodhi tree. With the secret help of Târâ, he defeated in intense dharma debates many learned Hindus, winning them over to the Buddha’s teaching. His fame spread far and wide, and during the reign of King Mahâpali, he was invited to Vikramashîlâ University as one of its directors. Around the year 1030, Atîsha received a delegation from Tibet presenting him with the late King Yeshe Ö’s request to revive the Tantric teachings in his country. Yeshe Ö had sought to amass gold to offer Atîsha a proper gift but was captured by the ruler of a neighboring kingdom. When the king’s nephew brought the ransom—Yeshe Ö’s weight in gold—the foreign ruler capriciously demanded an additional amount: the weight of the king’s head in gold. At this point, King Yeshe Ö instructed his nephew not to pay any ransom at all but to take all the gold to India as an offering to Atîsha. Atîsha was very moved by the request and the king’s action, yet because of his own advancing age and his Indian disciples did not immediately accept the invitation. But, after consulting Avalokiteshvara and Târâ in meditation and also speaking to two yoginîs, he understood that he would benefit numerous people by going to Tibet. Even though he knew that living in Tibet would shorten his own life by nineteen years, he gladly went to restore the Buddha’s teachings in the Land of Snow. When he arrived in Central Tibet in c. 1039 C.E., a delegation of high lamas was eagerly awaiting him. But when Atîsha saw them all dressed in brocade and seated on highly decorated horses, he covered his head and asked, “Who are these devils?” Atîsha’s chief disciple Drom Tonpa, who had joined him on the way to Tibet, advised the delegates to return to their monasteries and put on their monastic robes. When they shame-facedly returned in appropriate attire, Atîsha cordially greeted them. Traveling from monastery to monastery and reviving the Buddha’s teachings, Atîsha spent thirteen years in Central Tibet before he passed away in 1052 C.E., at the age of seventy-two. Today Atîsha is gratefully remembered as the founder of the Kadampa school, out of which Je Tsongkhapa’s Gelugpa order arose. Je Tsongkhapa’s celebrated work Great Exposition of the Stages of Path was written under the direct inspiration of Atîsha and is based on Atîsha’s seminal and still popular Bodhi-Patha-Pradîpâ (“A Lamp for the Path to Enlightenment”), which is a succinct outline of the stages of the path (Tib.: lam rim). Several other works are attributed to Atîsha, including “A Summary of the Means for Accomplishing the Mahâyâna Path” (Mahâyâna-Patha-Sâdhana-Varna-Samgraha), “A Letter of Stainless Gems” (Vimala-Ratna-Lekhâ), and “A Guide to the Two Levels of Truth” (Satya-Dvaya-Avâtara). Atîsha’s name is inextricably interwoven with the second dissemination of the Buddha-Dharma in Tibet. “Thus his kindness,” states Je Tsongkhapa in the introductory section of his “Great Treatise on the Stages of Spiritual Practice” (Lam-Rim-Chen-Mo), “pervades the entire Land of Tibet.”
The Chalukyas, however, persisted for 200 years until the tenth century, when the Rashtrakutas grew weak. The Chalukyas then regained supremacy, only for their empire to be partitioned by the third quarter of the twelfth century, among three of their own vassals. They were the Yadavas of Devagiri (northern Deccan), Kakatiyas of Warangal (Andhra) and Hoysalas of Dwarasamudra (Mysore).
1017: Mahmud of Ghazni sacks Mathura, birthplace of Lord Krishna, and establishes a mosque on the site during one of his 17 Indian invasions for holy war and plunder. 1024: Mahmud of Ghazni plunders Somanath Siva temple, destroying the Linga and killing 50,000 Hindu defenders. He later builds a mosque on the remaining walls.
ca 1000: A few Hindu communities from Rajasthan, Sindh and other areas, the ancestors of present-day Romani, or Gypsies, gradually move to Persia and on to Europe.
1025: Chola ruler Maharaja Rajendra I sends victorious naval expeditions to Burma, Malaysia and Indonesia, initiating decline of Mahayana Buddhist empire of Shrivijaya.
Page 19: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





287 1050 C.E. Narsingh Rajendra II

288 1075 C.E. Ibrahim Kalhana Poet Jayadeva Vimaladitya ?

289 1100 C.E. Prathviraj Kulottunga I ?

290 1125 C.E.

291 1150 C.E. Khosrow Malik Yashpal Ankgor Wat ?

Islamic Period - Sultanates and Moghuls ("The Dark Ages" of Hinduism)

292 1175 C.E. Sultan Gauri Chola Dynasty

293 1200 C.E. Slave Dynasty Yisugei Gauri Dynasty

294 1225 C.E. Aram Shah, Iltumish Genghis Khan Qutab Minar Magna Carta Singhana

295 1250 C.E. Tolui Sun Temple ?

296 1275 C.E. Saint Gyanadeva Marco Polo Hindu Genocide Ramachandra

297 1300 C.E. Khalji Sultanate Alladin

298 1325 C.E. Vijayanagar Ramdev Rai Yadava Kakatiya Dynasty

299 1350 C.E. Delhi Sultanate Yaduvanshi Rajputs Black Death Bahmani Dynasty Rudra Deva


Gunpowder in India

King Somesvara I

Philosopher Ramanuja

Harisingh, Jeevansingh

Masoud IIIShirzad



Scientist Bhaskara II

Abhayapal, Durjanpal, Udayapal

Poet Kamban (Tamil)

Tribhuvanamalla Vikramaditya

Maharana Vijaypal Dev

Mohammed of Ghur

Yadava (Jadhav) Dynasty

Philosopher Madhavacharya

Nalanda University destroyed


Kulottunga Cholan III

Rukhuddin Firoz Shah…

Nasiruddin Mahmud…

Kublai Khan, Hulagu Khan

Jatavarman Sundara Pandya

Speed of Light Calculated

Tughlug Sultanate

ca 1040: Chinese invent the compass and moveable type and perfect the use of gunpowder, first invented and used in India as an explosive mixture of saltpetre, sulfur and charcoal to power guns, cannons and artillery.
1017-1137: Life of Ramanuja of Kanchipuram, Tamil philosopher-saint of Shri Vaishnava sect that continues bhakti tradition of S. Indian Alvar saints. His strongly theistic nondual Vishishtadvaita Vedanta philosophy restates Pancharatra tradition. Foremost opponent of Shankara's system, he dies at age 120 while head of Shrirangam monastery.
Jeevansingh sent his army to the north for some reason. Hearing this news, Prithviraj Chauhan of Vairat attacked Indraprash and killed Jeevansingh. 5 generations of Prathviraj ruled for 86 years.
Bhuvanagiri or Bhongir exemplifies marvellous engineering and architectural skills. The fort in fact is said to have been finally completed by the sixth king of Kalyani Chalukyas, Tribhuvanamalla Vikramaditya in the 12th century according to some historians and came to be known as Tribhuvanagiri, and over time the town that grew around it came to be known as Bhongir. It is amazing, despite the fact that the fort was an impenetrable one, it has had successive rulers of different dynasties occupying as evidenced from the stone edicts. During the Kalyani Chalukyan period, it was occupied by the subjects of the rulers and its fame gave a nightmare to many people who wished to conquer it. Its subsequent occupants include Sathavahanas, Ikshwakus, Vishnukundins, Chalukyas, Cholas, Kakatiyas Munusurulu, Recharla Padma Nayakas, Brahmaniya dynasty, Qutb Shahis and Asaf Jahis. It was during the time of Abdullah Hasan Tana Shah's troops, that the Golkonda fort fell to the Mughals. In the same year the Bhongir fort was seized by - Sarwaipapada and once again came under the occupation of the Asaf Jahis. It was ruled by a long line of the Asaf Jahis for two centuries. With the country shaking off the foreign yoke, and monarchies ceasing to exist, Bhongir fort minus its royal custodians fell into a state of disrepair.
The kings of Ghor sacked Ghazni in 1149 but later (1173) made it their secondary capital. Ogotai, a son of Jenghiz Khan, completed its downfall in 1221; Ghaznavid Kings (1025 - 1150 A.D.) Ghaznavid (Khurasan) Sebüktigin, 977 - 997 Ismail I, 997 - 998 Mahmud, 998 - 1030 Muhammad, 1030 Masoud I, 1030 - 1040 Muhammad (restored), 1040 - 1041 Maudud, 1041 - 1048 Masoud II, 1048 Ali, 1048 - 1049 Abd al-Rashid, 1049 - 1051 Toghril, 1051 - 1052 Farokhzad, 1052 - 1059 Ibrahim, 1059 - 1099 Masoud III, 1099 - 1115 Shirzad, 1115 - 1116 Arslanshah, 1116 - 1117 Bahramshah, 1117 - 1157 Khusrowshah, 1157 - 1160 Khosrow Malik, 1160 - 1186
In A.D.1017 this gracious temple was looted by Mahamood of Gajanabi. In the book, Tarike Yamini written by Mir Munshi Al-Utabi, it is stated that in the very middle of the city there was a elegant temple which appeared to have been built by angles. It is very difficult to describe the elegance of the temples in words and in pictures. Sultan Mohammed has also stated that if anybody tries to built such a gracious temple, the expenses would be 10 crores of Dinar and it will take not less than 200 years. However, Mohammed has destroyed this temple in the heat of anger. The history shows that the very sincere devotion towards Krishna and lively Hinduism inspired a person named Jajja to built another Krishna Janma Bhoomi and during the regime of Maharana Vijaypal Dev of Mathura in 1150, the temple was rebuilt.
ca 1150: Khmer ruler Suryavarman II completes Angkor Wat temple (in present-day Cambodia), where his body is later entombed and worshiped as an embodiment of Vishnu. This largest Hindu temple in Asia is 12 miles in circumference, with a 200-foot high central tower.
1185: Mohammed of Ghur conquers Punjab and Lahore.
Raja Raja Cholan II
1193: Qutb ud-Din Aybak founds first Muslim Sultanate of Delhi, establishing the Mamluk Dynasty (1193-1290).
1197: Great Buddhist university of Nalanda is destroyed by Muslim Ikhtiyar ud-din.
1227: Mongolian Emperor Genghis Khan, conqueror of a vast area from Beijing, China, to Iran and north of Tibet, the largest empire the world has yet seen, dies. The Mongolian warlord, whose conquests extended from present-day Korea to Hungary, was born in 1162, son of the Kiyat-Borjigid tribal chief Yisugei. He originally was named Temujin, after a rival chieftain his father had captured. After his father's death and the breakup of his forces, Temujin was successful in his attempt to unite the divided Mongolian tribes of central Asia into one nation through war, beginning in 1189. It was not until 1206 that he took the name Genghis Khan, which means "emperor of emperors," and it was in the next century that his grandson, Kublai Khan, overthrew China's Ching dynasty. Genghis Khan often has been portrayed as a ruthless barbarian, but that is not the whole story, said Mr. Jambaldorj. Mr. Choinhor says there is evidence of the development of a legal system and scientific improvements under Genghis Khan's rule, though inaccurate portrayals have lead to negative images of the warlord in the West.
1215: King John is forced to sign the Magna Carta, giving greater rights to citizens in England.
3 Rulers: Rukhuddin Firoz Shah, Razziya Sultan, Muizuddin Bahram
One of Genghis's other sons, Ogödei Kha'an, became his successor upon his death. His son Tolui had a son Kublai who took over China.
1230-60: Surya temple at Konarak, Orissa, India, is constructed.
Kublai took over China and Hulagu invaded Punjab, but was defeated.
1272: Marco Polo visits India en route to China.
According to Prof. K.S. Lal, the author of the Growth of Muslim population in India, the Hindu population decreased by 80 million between 1000 AD, the year Mahmud Ghazni invaded India and 1525 AD, a year before the battle of Panipat. One can safely add another 20 million Hindus to this list to account for the number that were killed during the Mughal rule or the rule of the Muslim rulers in the Deccan plateau. By all known accounts of world history, as pointed out by Koenard Elst in his book the Negationism in India, destruction of about 100 million hindus is perhaps the biggest holocaust in the whole world history."
Ancient universities of Nalanda & Vikramshila (detroyed during the Khilji's regime) were fine places of learning situated at Nalanda & near Bhagalpur. See:
1296: Ala-ud-din, second king of Khilji dynasty, rules most of India after his General Kafur conquers the South, extending Muslim dominion to Rameshwaram.
Speed of Light Known, 1300 C.E. - Sayana, circa 1300 CE, who was prime minister at the court of the Vijayanagar Emperor Bukka I, calculated the speed of light to be 2,202 yojanas in half a nimesha, which does come to 186,536 miles per second.
the last scion of the Yadava dynasty - Ramdev Rai Yadava who ruled from Devagiri (today's Daulatabad)
1347: Plague called the Black Death spreads rapidly, killing 75 million worldwide before it recedes in 1351.
Page 20: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





300 1375 C.E. Sharqui Dynasty Emir Taraghay

301 1400 C.E. Timur Ramananda

302 1425 C.E. Sikhism: Kabir ? Saint Annamacharya Joan of Arc

303 1450 C.E. Lodi Sultanate Ulugh Beg Guru Nanak Srisarvajna

304 1475 C.E. Adil Shah Abd al-Latif Guru Angad Dev Mirabai Aniruddha Krishna Deva Raya

305 1500 C.E. Vasco da Gama Mughal Empire Guru Amar Das Soordas Rupesvara Saint Chaitanya

306 1525 C.E. Babur Guru Ram Das Tulsidas Pabmanabha

307 1550 C.E. Vijayanagar falls Humayun Guru Arjan Dev Eknath Jagannatha Bali Rudra Pratap

308 1575 C.E. Akbar Guru Hargobind Chandidas Kumaradeva Galileo Madhukarshah

309 1600 C.E. Jahangir Guru Har Rai Ramdas Virsingh Dev

310 1625 C.E. Shah Jahan Guru Harkrishan Shahji Bhosale Jiva Goswami Pandit Bhatta Jujhar Singh

Hasan Bahman Shah

Sayyid Sultanate

Malaysia Conversion

Muhammad Shah I & II

Saint Ramananda

Shah Rukh, Jahangir

Author Vemana (Telegu)

Spanish Inquisition

Guttenberg invents printing


Christopher Columbus lost

Portugese in Goa/ Jesuit


Philosopher Vallabha

Bundela Dynasty

British defeat Spanish Armada

British East India Company


Rupa, Sanatana, Anupama

Adi Granth & Gold Temple

British and Moghuls make


1393: Timoer-I-Leng (Tamerlane) conquers Bagdad. 1398: Tamerlane (Timur) at age 60, he invades India with 90,000 cavalry and conquers Delhi on December 17th and destroys it on March 19th because its Muslim Sultanate is too tolerant of Hindu idolatry. He killed 80,000 in Delhi and made a pyramid of their skulls. A Mongolian follower of Sufism, he is one of the most ruthless of all conquerors. 1399: Timur destroys Lahore and takes all treasures back to Samarkhand. 1399: Hardwar, Ganga pilgrimage town, is sacked by Timur.
1414: Hindu prince Parameshvara of Malaysia converts to Islam.
Ramananda is one of the chief figures in North India. Born in Prayaga in 1400, he was a follower of Ramanuja's shrivaishnava sect and the vishista-advaita philosophy when he resided in South India. However, on his return to North India, he settled down in Kashi and established the sampradaya called the shrisampradaya. His twelve disciples founded subsects, known as the dvaras. His sect is more popularly known as 'Ramanandi' and is one of the largest sampradayas in India. Distinct from other vedantic sects, Ramananda accepted women and members of all castes, education levels and made exclusive use of the vernacular in preference to sanskrit. Ramanada attained mahasamadhi in 1470, after establishing a sect with revels in the love of Rama-Sita.
The Bahmani Empire eventually breaks into 5 kingdoms.
1440-1518: Lifetime of Kabir, Vaishnava reformer with who has both Muslim and Hindu followers. Born in Kashi in 1440 to Muslim parents, he approached Ramananda numerous times for initiation. Each time, he met with refusal. One day, he hid near the steps leading to the Ganges river anticipating to confort Ramananda again. Ramananda, however, by mistake stepped on Kabir and and uttered 'Ram, Ram.' Kabir took this as a sign of initiation and Ram as his mahamantra. Ramananda is said to have accepted this. If Eknath established a close link between Sufism and Hinduism, Kabir blended both Islam and Hinduism. (His Hindi songs remain immensely popular to the present day.)
Ulugbek (Muhammad Taragai) was born in 1394 in Sultania. His father was great Timur's son Shahruh, his mother was Gavharshodbegim, the grand daughter of the Naiman's padishah Kutlugkhan. His grandmother Saraimulkhanum brought up Ulugbek. When he was 15 years old he became the ruler of Samarkand. When he was 17 he became the ruler of Mavara-Un-Nahr and he ruled the state for 40 years. Really it was very difficult for him to combine the state affairs with science and Ulugbek realized it only after his defeat by Barakhan. The great scientist liked to devote himself to science, but he needed the throne too: if he were not a sultan emir how could he build the expensive observatory, erect madrassahs, pay hundreds of scientists for their work? Ulugbek's mother Gavharshodbegim didn't want her son to be the scientist and she said that the world was not governed by science, by books, but only by power. Her son Ulugbek became a great scientist, he tried to send human ideas to the stars and to get the knew knowledge from so long distance. He compiled the catalogue of stars, which is very popular even today. When Ulugbek was the ruler of Samarkand, it became the center of art and science. Mavara-Un-Nahr became powerful and strong. But a lot of his emirs didn't support his policy and they tried to plunder the state treasure, to begin the war between cousins and between the father and the son. Historians of Ulugbek's time wrote that Ulugbek had been beheaded by his own son's decree at a spot some ten or twelve miles from Samarkand.
1469-1539: Lifetime of Guru Nanak, founder of Sikhism, originally a reformist Hindu sect stressing devotion, faith in the guru, repetition of God's name and rejection of renunciation and caste. (Most Sikhs in the present day consider themselves members of a separate religion.)
Many Muslims and Jews killed in Europe.
1504 to 1552
1450?-1547: Lifetime of Mirabai, Vaishnava Rajput princess saint who, married at an early age to the Rana of Udaipur, devotes herself to Krishna and later renounces worldly life to wander India singing to Him beautiful mystic compositions that are sung to the present day.
1498: Portugal's Vasco da Gama sails around Cape of Good Hope to Calicut, Kerala, first European to find sea route to India. He found a route around Africa with the help of Indian seamen in Africa.
1479 to 1574
1483-1563: Lifetime of Surdas, sightless Hindi bard of Agra, whose hymns to Krishna are compiled in the Sursagar.
1492: Looking for India, Christopher Columbus lands on San Salvador island in the Caribbean, thus "discovering" the Americas and proving that the earth is round, not flat.
1510: Portuguese Catholics conquer Goa to serve as capital of their Asian maritime empire, beginning conquest and exploitation of India by Europeans. 1542: Portuguese Jesuit priest Francis Xavier (1506-1552), most successful Catholic missionary, lands in Goa. First to train and employ native clergy in conversion efforts, he brings Christianity to India, Malay Archipelago and Japan.
Bobur, Zahir-Iddin (1483-1530) founder of the great Mogul dynasty in India, was a Barlos Turk descended on the male side from Timur and on the female side from Chagatai Khan (son of Genghis Khan, the great Mongol scourge of Asia). In 1494 at the age of eleven, he succeeded his father, Sultan Mirza, as a ruler of the small state of Fergana. From 1494 to 1504 he vainly endeavored to maintain his position in Fergana, but he was expelled by more powerful neighbors and eventually sought refuge in the mountain fortresses of Kabul, which became his headquarters until 1525. Political conditions in India contributed to the success of his plans. Babur's defeats and victories are recorded in his frank and intimate memoirs (the Bobur-Noma). Bobur record in his famous memoirs that his chief ambition was to recover the vast territories, which had once formed part of Timur's mighty Empire. At his death in 1530 he controlled the greater part of Northern India. He was called Babur ("Tiger"). He defeated the Sultan of Delhi and captures the Koh-i-noor diamond. Occupying Delhi, by 1529 he founds the Indian Mughal Empire (1526-1761), consolidated by his grandson Akbar. 1528: Emperor Babur destroys temple at Lord Rama's birthplace in Ayodhya, erects Muslim masjid, or monument. But Bobur is famous not only as the founder of mogul dynasty and the general, he was a prominent poet of 15th -16th centuries, the creator of Bobur-Noma, historical work of a world importance. His memoirs are of great influence for our knowledge about India of those days.
1534 to 1581
1532-1623: Life of Monk-poet Tulasidasa. Writes Ramacharitamanasa (1574-77), greatest medieval Hindi literature (based on Ramayana). It advances Rama worship in the North.
Rajput Bundela dynasty that ruled over Orchha for over two centuries beginning from 1531 A.D. They were known as 'The Blood Givers' because of all the Blood, war and sacrifice they had to grow and maintain their kingdom.
1565: Muslim forces defeat and completely destroy the city of Vijayanagara. Empire's final collapse comes in 1646.
1563 to 1606
Eknath was a major saint of the varakari sampradaya founded by Jnanadeva. Born in 1533 at Paithan, Eknath lost his parents at an early age and was brought up by his grandfather. Eknath's great-grandfather was Shri Bhanudas (1448-1513), a major figure in the Vitthala sect at Pandharpur. Eknath was initiated by his guru, Janardana, a devotee of Dattatreya. Eknath was unique since he combined a blend of Vedanta and Sufism. Eknath was a devout gurubhakta and wrote under the name of Eka-janardana meaning eka of janardana.
Buddhist and Saiva Hindu princes are forced off Java by invading Muslims. They resettle on neighboring Bali, with their overlapping priesthoods and vast royal courts: poets, dancers, musicians and artisans. Within 100 years they construct what many call a fairytale kingdom.
1595 to 1644
1610: Galileo of Italy (1564-1642) perfects the telescope, with which he confirms the Copernican theory. Condemned a heretic by the Catholic Inquisition for his discoveries.
1630 to 1661
1608-81: Lifetime of Ramdas, mystic poet, Sivaji's guru, Marathi saint, who gives Hindus the dhvaja, saffron flag.
1603-4: Guru Arjun compiles Adi Granth, Sikh scripture. 1605: Sikh Golden Temple (Harimandir) at Amritsar, Punjab, is finished, completely covered with gold leaf.
1615-18: Mughals grant Britain right to trade and establish factories in exchange for English navy's protection of the Mughal Empire, which faces Portuguese sea power.
1630: Over the next two years, millions starve to death as Shah Jahan (1592-1666), fifth Mughal Emperor, empties the royal treasury to buy jewels for his "Peacock Throne." 1647: Shah Jahan completes Taj Mahal in Agra beside Yamuna River. Its construction has taken 20,000 laborers 15 years, at a total cost equivalence of US$25 million. 1649: Red Fort is completed in Delhi by Shah Jahan.
1656 to 1664
Shahji Bhosale, who was Shivaji's father typified this practice of shifting loyalties from one Muslim overlord to another. He was from time-to-time in the service of the Mughals, the Adilshahis and the Nizamshahis. The thought of establishing an independent Maratha-Hindu kingdom, does seem to have crossed his mind, but he never really got about to doing it successfully. The germ of this idea however seems to have got rubbed into Shivaji - his son by Jijabai.
Page 21: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





311 1650 C.E. Aurangzeb Shivaji ? Kanakachala Bhatta Premchandra

312 1675 C.E. Bahadur Shah Timmanachar

313 1700 C.E. Saint Tukarama

Modern Period - British Era and Independence

314 1725 C.E. Haider Ali

315 1750 C.E. Siraj-ud-Daulah Guman Singh

316 1775 C.E. Lord Bentnick Saint Tyagaraja

317 1800 C.E.

318 1825 C.E. First Steam Train

319 1850 C.E. Max Muller Eknath Ranade

320 1875 C.E.

321 1900 C.E. Dutch sack Bali Sufism Sri Aurobindo

Catholics in Sri Lanka

Guru Tegh Bahadur

European pilgrims land at Plymouth


Guru Gobind Singh

Sikh-Muslim Feud

1st black slaves sold in U.S.

Bhagwandas, Champat Rai

India's population reaches 175 million

Govind Singh killed

Venkatachar (Saint


Maharajadhiraja Chhatrasal

Guru Granth Sahib

Jagatraj, Kirat Singh

Marathas defeated

U.S. declares independence from Britain

British defeat Moghuls

British increase power under


Nadir Shah sacks Delhi

William Jones visits India

2nd Anglo-Maratha War

British defeat Tipu Sultan

Thomas Jefferson bans

slave importation

Mohan Lal Agrawal

Napolean faces defeat in Russia

2 million people at Kumbha Mela

Eli Whitney invents cotton


First Indian immigration to


British make deal with Ranjit Singh

Bahai Faith Created

Bhaju Ram Agrawal

Swami Dayanand Saraswati

Ram Mohan Roy

'Dravidian' term created

British Subversive Agenda

Radhakrishna Agrawal

Keshab Chandra Sen

Aryan racist ideas created

U.S. Civil War (1861)

Sepoy Freedom Battle

Indian National Congress formed

Baktawar Mal Agrawal

Swami Vivekananda

Rabindranath Tagore

Alexander Graham Bell

invents telephone

Automobiles invented

Mark Twain visits India

Gulab Chand Agrawal

Edison invents light bulb

1619: Jaffna kingdom is annexed and Sri Lanka's ruling dynasty deposed by Portuguese Catholics who, between 1505 and 1658, destroy most of the island's Hindu temples.
1658: Zealous Muslim Aurangzeb (1618-1707) becomes Mughal Emperor. His discriminatory policies toward Hindus, Marathas and the Deccan kingdoms contribute to the dissolution of the Mughal Empire by 1750. 1679: Aurangzeb levies Jizya tax on non-believers, Hindus. 1688: Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb demolishes all temples in Mathura, said to number 1,000. (During their reign, Muslim rulers destroy roughly 60,000 Hindu temples throughout India, constructing mosques on 3,000 sites.) .
1621 to 1675
1627-80: Life of Sivaji, valiant general and tolerant founder of Hindu Maratha Empire (1674-1818). Emancipates large areas confiscated by Muslims, returning them to Hindu control. First Indian ruler to build a major naval force.
Born in 1643. Ruled from 1707 to 1712.
1666 to 1708
1675: Aurangzeb executes Sikh Guru Tegh Bahadur, beginning the Sikh-Muslim feud that continues to this day.
1708: Govind Singh, tenth and last human Sikh guru, is assassinated.
Born in 1598, in the state of Maharastra, to an illiterate farmer, Tukaram went on to write some of the wonderful verses in the Marathi languages in the form of abhangas. He married and had a son but due to a famine, lost both of them due to starvation. Despite these personal tragedies, he never lost the love towards Krishna.
About 400 years ago, there lived a poor and pious Brahmin well versed in the Vedas and Puranas in Bhuvanagiri near Kanchi. He was a pandit in "sangita vidya" besides being a well read man. After going through a lot of suffering, he finally settled down in the court of Krishandevaraya of Vijayanagara as an "Ashtana Pandita". His son Kanakachala Bhatta followed suit and lived happily at the palace in Vijayanagara. However, his son Timmanachar was forced to leave for his ancestral place Bhuvanagiri since Krishnadevaraya was no more. He led a very happy life there but had no children. So he and his wife Gopikamba decided to go to Tirupati to worship Lord Venkateshwara. By the grace of the Lord the couple was blessed with a child whom they decided to name Venkatachar. He was no other than Raghavendra. Venkatachar, who became the disciple of Sudhendra Tirtha at a very young age, exhibited extraordinary talent in Vedanta and Sudha Sastras.
1700s: The Holy Book of Shishya Dharma ('Sikh-ism'), The Guru Granth Sahib is considered to be the 11th and final Guru.
1761: Afghan army of Ahmad Shah Durrani routs Hindu Maratha forces at Panipat, ending Maratha hegemony in North India. As many as 200,000 Hindus are said to have died in the strategic eight-hour battle.
1803: Second Anglo-Maratha war results in British capture of Delhi and control of large parts of India.
The Agrawal family traces its lineage directly back to Agrasen who founded the city of Agroha (1300 B.C.) - See Generation 185 above. The descendents (18 gotras) from Agroha became known as 'Agroha-walas' or simply Agrawals.
1809: British strike a bargain with Ranjit Singh (Punjab) for exclusive areas of influence. 1831: British Christians defeat Ranjit Singh's forces at Balakot, in Sikh attempt to establish a homeland in N.W. India. 1849: Sikh army is defeated by the British at Amritsar.
1817-92: Lifetime of Bahaullah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali, founder of Baha'i faith (1863), a major off-shoot religion of Islam.
1856: Catholic missionary Bishop Caldwell coins the term Dravidian to refer to South Indian Caucasian peoples.
Origin of the Subversive Agenda In India: It was February 1835, a time when the British were striving to take control of the whole of India. Lord Macaulay, a historian and a politician, made a historical speech in the British Parliament, commonly referred to as 'The Minutes', which struck a blow at the centuries old system of Indian education. His words were to this effect: "I have traveled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such calibre, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native self-culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation." (Source: The Awakening Ray, Vol. 4 No. 5, The Gnostic Centre) Reproduced in Niti issue of April, 2002 at p. 10 - a periodic publication of Bharat Vikas Parishad, Delhi. The history behind this writing is as follows: When Lord Macaulay was traveling with some troops, which was headed by an Indian, the young Indian stopped in the middle, got off his horse and touched the feet of an old man. When asked, why he did this, the soldier said is is my guruji (teacher). This made him believe that the culture that respects teacher (no matter what physical / economic condition and that too after such a long time, will be difficult to conquer, unless you remove the roots.
1840: Joseph de Goubineau (1816-1882), French scholar, writes The Inequality of Human Races. Proclaims the "Aryan race" superior to other great strains and lays down the aristocratic class-doctrine of Aryanism that later provides the basis for Adolf Hitler's Aryan racism. 1859: Charles Darwin, releases controversial book, The Origin of Species, propounding his "natural selection" theory of evolution, laying the foundations of modern biology.
In approx. 1870, Baktwar Mal and his son, Gulab Chand left their home in Narnaul (Haryana) to Bihar. Many Marwaris left Rajasthan in the last 200 years for better opportunity. Marwaris started businesses everywhere they went. Today Marwaris are known throughout India as the best businesspeople.
1879: Incandescent lamp is invented by Thomas Edison (1847-1931). The american inventor patents more than a thousand inventions, among them the microphone (1877) and the phonograph (1878). In New York (1881-82) he installs the world's first central electric power plant.
Page 22: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





322 1925 C.E.

323 1950 C.E. Albert Einstein

324 1975 C.E. Niraj Mohanka Sri Lanka War Bengal War

325 2000 C.E. Arya Mohanka

326 2025 C.E. ?? ?? ??

327 2050 C.E. ???? ???? ????


8000 B.C.E. 1,000,000

7000 B.C.E. 1,500,000

6000 B.C.E. 2,000,000

5000 B.C.E. 4,000,000

4000 B.C.E. 5,000,000

3000 B.C.E. 6,000,000

Airplanes invented

WWI - 1914-1919, WWII - 1939-1945

Communists seize Russia


Udaichand Agrawal

Swami Yogananda

Mahatma Gandhi

Indus Valley discovered

1947: India wins independence from Britain

U.S. Drops 2 atomic bombs on Japanese cities

Shyam Sunder Mohanka

Swami Chinmayananda

Swami Vaswami

China invades Tibet

India removes Portugese

India goes Nuclear

Indira Gandhi assasinated

Babur's Mosque demolished

U.S./Coalition's "War on


History of Bharat Ratna Award

Vickash Mohanka

Jayent Mohanka

INDIA most populous nation

Power shifts from U.S. to Asia

China largest economy on


8000 B.C.E.

7000 B.C.E.

6000 B.C.E.

5000 B.C.E.

4000 B.C.E.

3000 B.C.E.

2000 B.C.E.

1000 B.C.E.

0 C.E.

500 C.E.

1000 C.E.

1500 C.E.

1700 C.E.

1900 C.E.

2000 C.E.

2100 C.E.

2200 C.E.







India's Population Growth:






1869-1948: Lifetime of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Indian nationalist and Hindu political activist who develops the strategy of nonviolent disobedience that forces Great Britain to grant independence to India (1947). Succession of Gurus: 1) Gopal Krishna Gokhale: 2) Mahatma Gandhi: ( 3) Martin Luther King, Jr. Gopal Krishna Gokhale, 1866-1915, Indian nationalist leader. A Brahman from Maharashtra, he was educated in India and became involved in the nationalist movement when he was quite young. A moderate, he stressed negotiation and conciliation rather than non-cooperation or violence. He was elected to the Bombay Legislative Council in 1899 and to the Imperial Legislative Council in 1902. The conflict of Gokhale's moderate views with the more militant ideas of Bal Gangadhar Tilak led to a breach in the Indian National Congress that nearly immobilized it from 1907 to 1916. Gokhale was instrumental in founding the Servants of India Society, a nationalist organization whose members, sworn to poverty and obedience, were enlisted to serve as volunteers for the social, political, and economic welfare of India. Bibliography: See biography and collected works by J. S. Hoyland (1948); M. K. Gandhi, Gokhale, My Political Guru (1955); S. Wolpert, Tilak and Gokhale (1962); D. B. Mathur, Gokhale, a Political Biography (1966).
1924: Sir John Marshall (1876-1958) discovers relics of the Indus Valley Hindu civilization. Begins large-scale excavations.
1955: Albert Einstein (1879-1955), German physicist formulator of the relativity theory dies. He declared Lord Siva Nataraja best metaphor for the workings of the universe.
Left India in the 1960s to do a PhD in London, U.K. Later took family and settled in the U.S. (1969). The family last name (surname) was changed to Mohan-ka in honor of our recent ancestor, Mohan Lal Agrawal.
1959: Dalai Lama flees Tibet and finds refuge in North India as China invades his Buddhist nation.
1984: Indian soldiers under orders from Prime Minister Indira Gandhi storm Sikh Golden Temple in Amritsar to crush rebellion. She is assassinated this year by her Sikh bodyguards in retaliation. Her son Rajiv takes office.
I was born in London, England in 1966 and grew up in the U.S. (upstate N.Y.). I put together this timeline.
1992: Hindu radicals demolish Babri Masjid - built in 1548 on Rama's birthplace (?) in Ayodhya by Moghul Emperor Babar after he destroyed a Hindu temple marking the site. The monument was a central icon of Hindu resentment toward Muslim destruction of potentially 60,000 temples during a 1,300 year period.
1971: Rebellion in East Pakistan (formerly Bengal). Ten million Bengalis, mainly Hindus, flee to India. Indo-Pak border clashes escalate to war. India defeats West Pakistan. E. Pakistan becomes independent Bangladesh.
After nearly 4,000 people are killed from the 9/11/2001 Terrorist Attack on the U.S. (WTC in NYC and Pentagon in D.C.), the U.S. builds a coalition of nations to destroy terrorist cells and sponsoring nations around the world starting with the Taliban Regime in Afghanistan (harboring terrorist leader - Osama bin Laden).
British historian Arnold Toynbee (1889-1975) predicted that at the close of the 20th century the world would still be dominated by the West, but during the 21st century India will conquer her conquerors, preempting the place formerly held by technology. Religion worldwide will be restored to its earlier importance, and the center of world happenings will wander back from the shores of the Atlantic to the East where civilization originated.
Based on existing trends between 1980-2000, China is set to overtake the U.S. as the largest economy in the world by 2050.
Page 23: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas

Royal Chronology and History of INDIA (Bharat):Generation YEAR Yadus Drhuyus IkshvakusAnus &





2000 B.C.E. 8,000,000

1000 B.C.E. 10,000,000

0 C.E. 20,000,000

500 C.E. 50,000,000

1000 C.E. 100,000,000

1500 C.E. 150,000,0001700 C.E. 175,000,000

1900 C.E. 400,000,000

2000 C.E. 1,350,000,000 (Greater India) 1,010,000,000 - India alone

2100 C.E. 2,200,000,000 (Greater India) 1,700,000,000 - India alone

2200 C.E. 2,100,000,000 (Greater India) 1,700,000,000 - India alone

Greater India =

(South Asia)

Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Butan, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka and Indian Ocean Islands (i.e., India Pre-Partition)

8000 B.C.E.

7000 B.C.E.

6000 B.C.E.

5000 B.C.E.

4000 B.C.E.

3000 B.C.E.

2000 B.C.E.

1000 B.C.E.

0 C.E.

500 C.E.

1000 C.E.

1500 C.E.

1700 C.E.

1900 C.E.

2000 C.E.

2100 C.E.

2200 C.E.







India's Population Growth:






Page 24: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)


>>> YEAR:See columns 2 million B.C.

K through P

to the right >>> 500,000 B.C.

100,000 B.C.

10000 B.C. Pre-History

>>> 9000 B.C.

8000 B.C.

7000 B.C. New

6000 B.C. Stone


5060 B.C.E. Jericho Oasis Village

5040 B.C.E.

5020 B.C.E.

5000 B.C.E. Ubaid Period

4980 B.C.E. Fayyum B

4960 B.C.E. culture

4940 B.C.E.



Early agricultural development

See columns K through P to the right >>>

No civilization before 6000 B.C.E. due to

flooded delta

Fayyum Aculture

Primitive Temple in Jericho

The consensus among historians (as reflected in the recently published volumes of the UNESCO History of Humankind) is that Egyptian civilisation began c. 3,100 BC. Researches of the last few decades have established that the Nile valley could not be inhabited till 6,000 BC due to large-scale flooding in the area during the period following the end of the last Ice Age. Add this cell to the early Mesopotamian section: That this date is not a ‘printing mistake’ is obvious from the section on Mesopotamian civilisation. This civilisation is stated to have developed around “7,000 years ago” (p 63), making it later than Egyptian civilisation. It is generally recognised by historians that Mesopotamia (Iraq) was the home of the world’s oldest civilisation — the Sumerian civilisation. The sequence in which the section on Mesopotamia is placed (it comes after Egypt) suggests that the authors are convinced that it developed after the emergence of the Egyptian civilisation. Moreover, the beginnings of Mesopotamian civilisation go back to c. 3,500-3,200 BC (i.e. less than 5,500 years ago, and not 7,000 years ago). the term ‘civilisation’ denotes a specific stage of historical development which follows the paleolithic and neolithic ages
Page 25: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




4920 B.C.E.

4900 B.C.E.

4880 B.C.E. Agrarian Fertility Cult Ubaidian people

4860 B.C.E. start to establish

4840 B.C.E. settlements in

4820 B.C.E. land between

4800 B.C.E. the rivers Tigris

4780 B.C.E. and Euphrates.

4760 B.C.E.

4740 B.C.E.

4720 B.C.E.

4700 B.C.E.

4680 B.C.E. Villages form

4660 B.C.E. Pottery which later grow

4640 B.C.E. into cities:

4620 B.C.E.

4600 B.C.E.

4580 B.C.E.

4560 B.C.E. Adab

4540 B.C.E. Eridu

4520 B.C.E. Isin

4500 B.C.E. Kish

4480 B.C.E. Kullab

(in Arabic called: "Dijla & Furat")

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by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




4460 B.C.E. Lagash

4440 B.C.E. Larsa

4420 B.C.E. Nippur

4400 B.C.E. Ur

4380 B.C.E.

4360 B.C.E.

4340 B.C.E.

4320 B.C.E.

4300 B.C.E. Semitic Immigration

4280 B.C.E.

4260 B.C.E.

right >>> 4240 B.C.E.

4220 B.C.E.

4200 B.C.E.

4180 B.C.E.

4160 B.C.E.

4140 B.C.E.

4120 B.C.E.

4100 B.C.E.

4080 B.C.E.

4060 B.C.E.

4040 B.C.E.

4020 B.C.E.

See columns K through P to the

Semites integrate with Ubaidans

Semites from Syrian and Arabian deserts began to infiltrate, both as peaceful immigrants and as raiders in quest of booty.
Page 27: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




4000 B.C.E. Copper Stone Age Aryan Immigration

3980 B.C.E.

3960 B.C.E.

3940 B.C.E.

3920 B.C.E. Beersheba Village

3900 B.C.E. Sumerian power grows.

3880 B.C.E.

3860 B.C.E.

3840 B.C.E.

3820 B.C.E. Sumerian Domination

3800 B.C.E. Uruk Period

3780 B.C.E.

3760 B.C.E.

3740 B.C.E.

3720 B.C.E.

3700 B.C.E. Wheel & plow invented

3680 B.C.E.

3660 B.C.E.

3640 B.C.E.

3620 B.C.E.

3600 B.C.E. En Gedi Temple

3580 B.C.E.

Badarian (Nubia) culture

Sumerian (Aryan) Immigration

Naqada I (Amratian) culture

Around 4000 BCE a people called Sumerians moved into Mesopotamia from around the Caspian Sea ('Aryans'). And the Sumerians found among the Ubaidians a people who spoke a Semitic language who had moved in among the Ubaidians.
Sumerians built better canals for irrigating crops and for transporting crops by boat to village centers. They improved their roads, over which their donkeys trod, some of their donkeys pulling wheeled carts. And the Sumerians grew in number, the increase in population the key element in creating what we call civilization -- a word derived from an ancient word for city.
By 3800 BCE the Sumerians supplanted the Ubaidians and Semites.
This begins the time of the Antedeluvian ('before flood') Sumerian Kings List.
Page 28: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




3560 B.C.E.

3540 B.C.E.

3520 B.C.E.

3500 B.C.E.

3480 B.C.E.

3460 B.C.E.

3440 B.C.E.

3420 B.C.E.

3400 B.C.E.

3380 B.C.E.

3360 B.C.E.

3340 B.C.E.

3320 B.C.E.

3300 B.C.E.

See columns K through P to the right >>>

'Treasure Cave' Temple in Judean


Early Persian History

History of Persia: The Elamite civilization in Iran, first developed in the Susian plain, under the influence of nearby Sumeria and Mesopotamia in the Tigris-Euphrates valley. Around 3500 B.C., animal drawn wheeled carts were in use in Sumeria. They also used ploughs to till their land, and oars to propel their ships on the Euphrates river. The Sumerians were the most advanced and complex civilization in the world at that time, and by 3100 B.C. they had invented a system of writing which was the first of its kind in the world. In 3000 B.C a group of people called the Akkadians drifted into the northern Sumerian territory. The Akkadians adopted some aspects of Sumerian culture and for that reason, the region is sometimes referred to as Sumer - Akkad. Around 2340 B.C. Sargon, ruler of the Akkad defeated Sumer and went on to conquer Elam and the mountainous lands to the east. His empire spread from the Mediterranean Sea to the Caspian Sea in the north, and the Persian Gulf in the South. The Guti, among other tribes living in the mountainous areas controlled many of the routes that crossed western Iran. They took advantage of periods of weakness in Babylonian power and, around 2200 B.C., even succeeded in invading Babylon, causing the fall of the empire of Akkad. This fall allowed Elam to capture Susa, a city that was to become one of its capitals. Elam developed into a civilization that could be compared with that of Sumer, and during the 13th and 12th centuries B.C., at the height of its glory, it succeeded in defeating Assyria and Babylon. Throughout the centuries that followed, the Assyrian Empire continued to fight for control of the region, at times succeeding with great force. They waged war with deliberate frightfulness, sacking cities, and killing their inhabitants indiscriminately. By 900 B.C. Assyria was busy restoring its control over Babylonia, and by 700 B.C. the Assyrian Empire included the entire Tigris-Euphrates region, and all the Eastern Shore of the Mediterranean. It was the most powerful empire the world had yet seen.
Page 29: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




3280 B.C.E.

3260 B.C.E.

Kasi Kings 3240 B.C.E.

Ksatravrddha 3220 B.C.E.

? 3200 B.C.E. Jemdet Nasr Period

? 3180 B.C.E.

? 3160 B.C.E. Pre-Flood Kings:

? 3140 B.C.E.

? 3120 B.C.E.

? 3100 B.C.E. Alulim

? 3080 B.C.E. Alalgar

? 3060 B.C.E. Adam Enmenluanna

? 3040 B.C.E. Enmengalanna

? 3020 B.C.E.Enosh (Edna, Noam)

Dumuzi the shepherd

? 3000 B.C.E. 1st Dynasty Early Bronze Age Ensibziann San Huang

Kasi Kings 2980 B.C.E. Upper and Canaanite Period Enmeenduranna Fu Xi

Naqada II (Gerzean) culture

Seth (&Azura),(Cain, Abel)

3 Legendary Emperors:

Descendant of Pururavas (Lunar Dynasty).
Page 30: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




? 2960 B.C.E. Lower Egypt (Emergence in Canaan Ubartutu

Anena 2940 B.C.E. ruled of Semite City States

? 2920 B.C.E. separately. which were at times Great Flood

? 2900 B.C.E.under Egyptian rule.)

Priestly Split

? 2880 B.C.E. Cainan (Mualeleth)

? 2860 B.C.E.

? 2840 B.C.E. 2nd Dynasty in Mesopotamia Buanun, Kali-Bum

? 2820 B.C.E. King Menes which influences Galumum, Zukakin

? 2800 B.C.E. unites Upper Judea. Atab, Mashda Shen Nong

? 2780 B.C.E. & Lower Egypt. Mahalaleel

? 2760 B.C.E. King Etana

? 2740 B.C.E. They have their Enmerkar

? 2720 B.C.E. capital at Acre. Lugalbanda

Kasi Kings 2700 B.C.E. Jared (Daniel)

? 2680 B.C.E. Enoch (& Edna) Gilgamesh

Suhotra 2660 B.C.E. Center of Canaan Mesanepada

Karsya 2640 B.C.E. 3rd Dynasty is in Upper Jordan Aanepadda

Kausi 2620 B.C.E. King Djoser Valley. Tasadum

Early Dynastic Period

Ga-Ur, Buanun, Gulla-Nidaba-Anna-Gad

Emergence of advanced civilization

Pala-Kinatim, Nangish-Lishma, Bahima

Dumuzi I,Arpu-Rim

See columns K through P to the right >>>

Western Semites called Amorites

(Amurru = 'people of the west')

Meskiaggasher, Dumuzi II

Descendant of Ksatravrda.
First kingdoms arise in Kish City-State.
Fight over allegiance of IE priests to Devas or Asuras as top of Pantheon. Followers of Asuras forced west into Persia.
"Dumuzi the Fisherman" of Uruk City-State.
King Etana ("the herdsman") & his son Enmerkar (flourished about 2750 BC; ruled from Kish). Enmerkar was succeeded by Lugalbanda, one of his military leaders.
He built Uruk into a city.
King Meskiaggasher (ruled from Uruk).
Soon after the death of Mesanepada, the city of Erech achieved a position of political prominence under the leadership of Gilgamesh (flourished about 2700-2650 BC), whose deeds are celebrated in stories and legends. King Urnungal (son of Gilgamesh) rules after him.
At the end of Lugalbanda’s reign, Enmebaragesi (flourished about 2700 BC), a king of the Etana dynasty at Kish, became the leading ruler of Sumer. His outstanding achievements included a victory over the country of Elam and the construction at Nippur of the Temple of Enlil, the leading deity of the Sumerian pantheon. Nippur gradually became the spiritual and cultural center of Sumer. Enmebaragesi’s son Agga (probably died before 2650 BC), the last ruler of the Etana dynasty, was defeated by Mesanepada, king of Ur (fl. about 2670 BC), who founded the so-called 1st Dynasty of Ur and made Ur the capital of Sumer.
Kasya: 15 generations from Anena.
Mesanepada (reigned about 2670 BC), the earliest Mesopotamian ruler described in extant contemporary documents. His son Aanepadda (reigned about 2650 BC).
Misc. Kings: Etana Balih En-Mennuna Melam-Kishi Bargal-Nuna Mes-Simug Tizkar Il-Kum Il-Tasadum c.2615
Page 31: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




2600 B.C.E. (Zoser) Methuselah Enmebaragisi Awan Kings Yen Di

Dirghatama 2580 B.C.E. Agga ?

Dhanvantari 2560 B.C.E.4th Dynasty

Meskiagnunna ? Age of 5 Rulers:

Ketumana 2540 B.C.E.Sneferu

Annanne ?

2520 B.C.E. Cheops (Khufu) Noah Lugalanemundu Peli

2500 B.C.E.Chephren (Khafre)

Mesilim Tata Juan Xu

Pratardana 2480 B.C.E. Shem (Sceaf) IL Ukkutakhash

2460 B.C.E. Redjedef Lugalkinishedudu Khishur Gu

2440 B.C.E. 5th Dynasty Arphaxed Akurgal

Dharmaketu 2420 B.C.E. Userkaf Eannatum Shushuntarana Yao

2400 B.C.E. Sahure Uruinimgina

Sukumara 2380 B.C.E. Niuserre Lugalzagesi Napilkhush Shun

Vitihotra 2360 B.C.E. Unas (Onnos) Agade Period

2340 B.C.E. Cainan Sargon I Kukku-Siwe-Temti

2320 B.C.E. 6th Dynasty Salah (Shelah) Akkad Kings Lukh-Ishshan

Janaka 2300 B.C.E. Teti (Othoes) Rimush Khishep-Ratep

Kasiraja I (Rastra)

Hazor City(North Canaan)

Laznech (Lamech, Rakeel)

Megiddo City(Jezreel Plain)

Huang Di (the Yellow Emperor)

Bhimsena (Bhimaratha)

Divodasa Dhanvantari (Kasiraja II)

Bet Shean City(Jezreel Plain)

Mycerinus (Menkaure)




Sichem City(Highlands)


Videha Ikshvakus


Geser City(Highlands)

c. 2615-c. 2585
AWAN - Southwestern Iran (Mesopotamian Influence).
c. 2585
Ur Kings: Meskalamdug Akalamdug c. 2600 Mesannipada A'annipada Meskiagnunna c. 2550 Annanne Meskiag-Nanna Elulu Balulu Kaku Elili c. 2230
Under the leadership of Lugalanemundu of Adab (flourished about 2525-2500 BC), was extended from the Zagros to the Taurus mountains and from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. Subsequently the empire was ruled by Mesilim (fl. about 2500 BC), king of Kish. By the end of his reign, Sumer had begun to decline. The Sumerian city-states engaged in constant internecine struggle, exhausting their military resources.
UMMA Kings: Ush Enakalli Urlumma Il c. 2450 Gishakkidu Bubu
URUK Kings: Urlugal I Utulkalamma Laba'sum Ennundara-anna Meshe c. 2600 Melamanna Lugalkitun Enpirigdu-Anna Urlugal II Arga-Ande-A Enshakushanna Lugalkinishedudu c. 2450 Lugalkisalsi Lugaltar
LAGASH Kings: Enkhegal Lugalshagensur c. 2600 Ur-Nanshe c. 2550 Akurgal Eannatum Inannatum I Entemena c. 2450 Inannatum II Enetarzi Lugalanda 2384-2378 Urukagina 2378-2371
AKSHAK Kings: Zuzu - To Lagash (conq. by King Eannatum) Unzi Undalulu c. 2450 Ur-Ur Puzur-Nirakh Ishu-Il Shu-Sin c. 2370
Eannatum (fl. about 2425 BC), one of the rulers of Lagash, succeeded in extending his rule throughout Sumer and some of the neighboring lands. His success, however, was short-lived. The last of his successors, Uruinimgina (fl. about 2365 BC), who was noteworthy for instituting many social reforms, was defeated by Lugalzagesi (reigned about 2370-2347 BC), the governor of the neighboring city-state of Umma. Thereafter, for about 20 years, Lugalzagesi was the most powerful ruler in the Middle East.
2371-2315 B.C. Sargon I the Great: By the 23rd century bc the power of the Sumerians had declined to such an extent that they could no longer defend themselves against foreign invasion. The Semitic ruler Sargon I (reigned about 2335-2279 BC), called The Great, succeeded in conquering the entire country. Sargon founded a new capital, called Agade, in the far north of Sumer and made it the richest and most powerful city in the world. The people of northern Sumer and the conquering invaders, fusing gradually, became known ethnically and linguistically as Akkadians. The land of Sumer acquired the composite name Sumer and Akkad.
AKKAD: In northern Iraq. The Akkadians were not Sumerian, they were an early Semitic folk. Sargon I the Great 2371-2315 Rimush 2315-2306 Manishtusu 2306-2291 Naram-Sin 2291-2254 Shar-Kali-Sharri 2254-2230 Civil war with 4 contenders, one named Elulu-Mesh 2230-2226 Dudu 2226-2205 Shu-Durul 2205-2191
Page 32: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




Udavasu 2280 B.C.E. Phiops I (Pepi) Manishtusu Khelu

Nandivardana 2260 B.C.E. Naram-Sin Hsia Dynasty

Suketa 2240 B.C.E. Phiops II (Pepi) Heber (Eber) Gutian Invasion Puzur In-Shushinak

Devarata 2220 B.C.E. Elili

Brhaduktha 2200 B.C.E. Gudea Tazitta I Yuncheng

Mahavirya 2180 B.C.E. Ur-Ningirsu

Satyadhrti 2160 B.C.E. Lugalkidul Eparti

Dhrstaketu 2140 B.C.E.1st Intermediate Period


Haryashva 2120 B.C.E. Khety (Achthoes) King Utukhegal Tazitta II Yu the Great

Maru 2100 B.C.E. 7th - 10th Ragau (Reu) Guti

Pratibandhaka 2080 B.C.E. Dynasties Each of these cities King Shulgi Manosh Aorvar

Krtaratha 2060 B.C.E. has its own 'Baal' Amar-Sin Manosh Chehr

Krti 2040 B.C.E. 11th Dynasty(resident God). Naplanum Ch'i

Vivudha 2020 B.C.E. King Ibbi-Sin Erech (Rajan)

Mahadhrti 2000 B.C.E. Middle Bronze Age Amorite Period Niaajem (Ayjem) Ta K'ang

Krtirarata 1980 B.C.E. 12th Dynasty Medes Chung K'ang

Maharoma 1960 B.C.E. Kings of Larsa Vaedesht Hsiang

Suvarnaroma 1940 B.C.E. Sesostris (Senwosret) Spitman Shao K'ang

Hrasvaroma 1920 B.C.E. Nahor (Nachor) Gungunum Hardaar

Merenre (Methusuphis)

Epir-Mudi, Khita

Jerusalem City(Highlands)

Phalec (Peleg) - King of Babylon

Hebron City(Highlands)

Ur III Period

Dorasharoob (Dorasaroon)

Serug (Saruch) - King of Ur and Agade

Amenemhet (Ammenemes)

2291-2254: After Sargon's death, however, the empire was fraught with rebellion. Naram-Sin, Sargon's grandson and third successor, quelled the rebellions through a series of military successes, extending his realm.
KISH Kings: Dadasig Mamagalla Galbum Tug-E Mennunna En-Bi-Ishtar c. 2450 Lugalmu Ibiera Ku-Baba (fem.) Puzur-Sin Ur-Zababa c. 2370 Simudar Usi-Watar Ishtar-Muti Ishme-Shamash Nannia c. 2230 Lugalushumgal c. 2230 Puzur-Mama Ur-Utu Ur-Mama Lu-Baba Lugula Kakug Ur-Baba Gudea Ur-Ningirsu Ugme Urgar c. 2120 Nammakhni c. 2000
Misc. Uruk Kings: Urnigin Urgigir Lugalmelam Kuda Pulur-Ili Urutu
Utuhegal of Uruk (Ereck) defeated the Guti. One of his lieutenants, Ur-Nammu, usurped his rule and established the Third Dynasty of Ur around 2112 BC.
The mythical founder of this first Chinese dynasty was Da Yu (Yu the Great). Most historians once thought that the Xia dynasty was a myth since no known writing records of this era survive. According to the legend, Da Yu stopped a great deluge which had already reached up to Heaven. He made holes through the mountains and thus produced outlets through which the water could drain away. His next feat was to make the land arable by regulating the course of the waters and connecting the nine provinces with each other. In 1928, scientific excavations were made at early bronze-age sites in Anyang , Henan Province. Since then, and especially in the 1960s and 1970s, archaeologists have uncovered urban sites, bronze implements, and tombs that point to the existence of Xia civilization in ancient Chinese historical texts. Now, historians at least believe that the Xia period marked an evolutionary stage between the late neolithic cultures and the typical Chinese urban civilization of the Shang dynasty.
The Guti, among other tribes living in the mountainous areas controlled many of the routes that crossed western Iran. They took advantage of periods of weakness in Babylonian power and, around 2200 B.C., even succeeded in invading Babylon, causing the fall of the empire of Akkad.
"Now, I swear by the sun god Utu on this very day -- and my younger brothers shall be witness of it in foreign lands where the sons of Sumer are not known, where people do not have the use of paved roads, where they have no access to the written word -- that I, the firstborn son, am a fashioner of words, a composer of songs, a composer of words, and that they will recite my songs as heavenly writings, and that they will bow down before my words..." King Shulgi (c. 2100 BC) on the future of Sumerian literature.
Ancestors of Zarathusthra: Faridun Aerach Jishak Farjishak Eebitak Eethritaak Aeriaak Veejak Varjidedin Nairyosang Manosh Aorvak Manosh Aorvar...
In southern Iraq, Larsa was probably founded in prehistoric times, but the most prosperous period of the city coincided with an independent dynasty inaugurated by a king named Naplanum (c. 2025-c. 2005 BC); he was a contemporary of Ishbi-Erra, who founded a dynasty at the rival city of Isin. Naplanum was succeeded by a line of 13 kings, many of whom exercised great authority in Babylonia and represented the new hegemony of Semitic Akkadian elements that superseded the Sumerians.
2004 B.C. Elamites capture Ibbi-Sin (reigned 2029-2004 BC), King of Ur, and destroy the city. Kings of Ur: Ur-Nammu 2113-2095 Shulgi 2095-2047 Amar-Sin 2047-2038 Shu-Sin 2038-2029 Ibbi-Sin 2029-2002
During the second millennia B.C., successive Indo-European (Aryan) invaders broke through into the Iranian plateau, either from the Caucasus, or through Central Asia. Those who settled in Iran were divided into tribes that were distinguished from each other by their different dialects. The most famous of these tribes were the Persians (Parsa), and the Medes (Mada). The Persians eventually settled in the province of Fars and in the Bakhtiari Mountains, while the Medes occupied the Hamedan plain. The Medes, were fierce warriors and skilled horse breeders, and at first were organised as independent tribes; however, this changed under the tribal chief, Deioces. The Median capital was established at Ecbatana or "Place of Assembly", modern Hamedan.
Ancestors of King Janaka go back before 'Devraj' (Devarata) down to 'Mahar' (Maharoma) and 'Swarnadar' (Suvarnaroma) then to his father 'Aswhaloma' (Hrasvaroma).
LARSA: Naplanum 2025-2004 Emisum 2004-1976 Samium 1976-1941 Zabaia 1941-1932 Gungunum 1932-1905 Abisare 1905-1894 Sumuel 1894-1865 Nur-Adad 1865-1849 Sin-Iddinam 1849-1842 Sin-Eribam 1842-1840 Sin-Iqisham 1840-1835
Page 33: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




1900 B.C.E. Amenemhet II Babylonian Period Chu

Kushadvaja 1880 B.C.E.Sesostris II

Mythical Lineage Haechatasp Feng

Dharmadhvaja 1860 B.C.E. Sesostris III Silli-Adad Huang

Kritadhvaja 1840 B.C.E. Amenemhet III Kutur-Mabuk Peteretrasp Hsieh

Keshidhvaja 1820 B.C.E. Amenemhet IV (Economic problems Warad-Sin Paurushasva Pu Chiang

Bhanumana 1800 B.C.E.Queen Sobkneferu

in Mesopotamia drive Rim-Sin

Shatadyumna 1780 B.C.E. 2nd Intermediate PeriodTerah & son to leave?)

Hammurabi Rishi Atharvan? Chiung

Shuci 1760 B.C.E. Sobkhotep Terah (Tharah) Samsuiluna ??

Urjjavaha 1740 B.C.E. Sobkhotep Kings Abraham (Abram) Rim-Sin II Chin

Satvaradhvaja 1720 B.C.E. Kassite Bablyonians

Kuni 1700 B.C.E.13th Dynasty

Isaac Abieshu K'ung Chia

Anjana 1680 B.C.E. 14th Dynasty Jacob (Israel)

Rtujit 1660 B.C.E. Ammiditana Kao

Aristanemi 1640 B.C.E. Hyksos Period 12 Tribes of Israel Ammisaduqa Fa

Shrutayu 1620 B.C.E.15th & 16th Dynasties


Suryashva 1600 B.C.E. Apophis (Apopi) Late Bronze Age Samsuditana

Siradhvaja Janaka

Arej Dareshane (Harshan)

Abisare(Palace of Nur Adad)

Aurogdaspa (Urvadaspa)

Zarathushtra (Zoroaster; Persia)

The Exodus of the Israelites into Egypt

Shang DynastyErlitou

Son of King Hrasvaroma (Aswhaloma), the fabulously wealthy King Siradhvaja Janaka of Mithila, a disciple of Yajnavalkya. Married to Queen Sunayana. His daughter, Janaki (Sita), married Rama. Sita means furrow (ditch) in Sanskrit.
Babylon (from Bab-ili, meaning "Gate of God")
Adam = Man Seth = Appointed Enosh = Frail, mortal Qenan = Sorrow Mahalalel = The Blessed God Jared = {roughly} Shall come down Enoch = Instructing, teaching Methuselah = His death shall bring Lamech = Despair, despairing Noah = Rest
The king constructed a ziggurat, a temple to the sun god, and a palace of Nur-Adad (c. 1865-c. 1850 BC).
Isin and Larsa seem to have existed in a state of armed neutrality for more than a century during the time when each city was consolidating its rule. Isin was initially recognized as dominant at Ur, but business records on clay tablets found in the latter city show that by the time of the fifth and sixth kings of Larsa, Gungunum (c. 1932-c. 1906 BC) and Abisare (1905-1895), Larsa was already on the road to dominance. The 12th king of the dynasty, Silli-Adad (c. 1835), reigned for only a year and was then deposed by a powerful Elamite, Kutur-Mabuk, who installed his son Warad-Sin (1834-23) as king. This act apparently caused little disruption in the economic life of Larsa, and this was in fact a most prosperous period, as many thousands of business documents attest. Agriculture and stockbreeding flourished; much attention was given to irrigation; and long-distance trade connected the Euphrates with the Indus valley through commerce in hides, wool, vegetable oil, and ivory. Under Warad-Sin's son Rim-Sin (1822-1763), the arts, especially the old Sumerian scribal schools, received great encouragement.
Father of Zarathushtra.
Life of Zoroaster of Persia, founder of Zoroastrianism. His holy book, Zend Avesta, contains many verses from the Rig and Atharva Veda. His strong distinctions between good and evil set the dualistic tone of God and devil which distinguishes all later Western religions.
Hammurabi of Babylon, who had long been determined to destroy his most dangerous enemy, defeated Rim-Sin in 1763 BC and substituted his own authority for that of Larsa over southern Mesopotamia. He is best remembered for his code of laws ("An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.").
Atharvan is also an important figure in the Zoroastrian religion. Atar is the Persian name for fire and the Atharvan is the fire priest.
BABYLON Kings: 1st Dynasty (Amorite) Sumuabum 1894-1880 Sumulael 1880-1844 Sabium 1844-1830 Apil-Sin 1830-1812 Sin-Muballit 1812-1792 Hammurabi 1792-1749 Samsuiluna 1749-1711 Abieshu 1711-1683 Ammiditana 1683-1646 Ammisaduqa 1646-1625 Samsuditana 1625-1595
Abraham (from Ur City in Chaldea, Mesopotamia) founds Jewish religion. Abraham migrated with his father Terah from Ur to Haran. After his father's death God called Abraham to go to the land that he would show him where he would make a great nation. Abraham went through Sichem to Canaan (Hebron & Beersheba) with his wife Sarah and nephew Lot. As Abraham and Sarah grew older they had no children, so Abraham fathered a son, Ishmael, through Sarah's servant Hagar. Later, Abraham and Sarah had a child Isaac.
BABYLON Kings: 2nd Dynasty (Kassite) Gandash Agum I.............................................fl. c. 1700 Kashtiliash I Ushshi...........................................fl. c. < 1650 Abirattash Kashtiliash II Urzigurumash Kharbashikhu.......................................fl. c. 1600 Tiptakzi Agum II..........................................fl. c. < 1550 Burnaburiash I ? Kashtiliash III Ulamburiash......................................fl. c. < 1450 Agum III ? Kadashmankharbe......................................1415- ? Karaindash Kurigalzu I......................................fl. c. < 1390 Kadashman-Enlil I Burnaburiash II...................................c. 1375-1347 Karakhardash Nazibugash Kurigalzu II.........................................1345-1323 Nazimaruttash........................................1323-1297 Kadashman-Turgu......................................1297-1279 Kadashman-Enlil II...................................1279-1264 Kudur-Enlil..........................................1264-1255 Shagarakti-Shuriash..................................1255-1242 Kashtiliash IV.......................................1242-1235
The Exodus of the Israelites into Egypt (by Jacob and his son Joseph) coincides with the campaign of the Hyksos (Asiatic conquerers who, after the heyday of Egypt's Middle Kingdom, conquered & ruled Egypt from 1720 to 1560 B.C.)
Family Tree of the Founding Fathers of Israel: Terah: Haran > Lot > Moab, Ammon Abraham > Ishmael (via Hagar), Isaac (via Sarah) Nahor > Bethuel > Rebekah, Laban. Laban > Leah, Rachel Isaac & Rebekah > Esau (Zilpah, Bilhah), Jacob Jacob > 12 sons (12 Tribes of Israel); Ruben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphthali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin.
Jacob and son Joseph were among those fleeing.
Beginning of China's Bronze Age, the Shang Dynasty was established by a tribal leader who overthrew the last Xia ruler. The earliest and most complete written record of Chinese history was from the Shang dynasty. These records were inscribed on bones and tortoise shells. The first Chinese calendar also appeared during this time. The Shang was a loose confederation of kingdoms, and did not have a fixed capital until its 11th ruler. A line of hereditary Shang kings ruled over much of northern China, and Shang troops fought frequent wars with neighboring settlements and nomadic herdsmen from the inner Asian steppes. The human sacrifice was popular in the Shang. Evidence from the royal tombs indicates that royal personages were buried with hundreds of slaves who were buried alive. Later dynasties replaced the humans with terra-cotta figures, resulting in things like the underground army. The Shang had a very odd system of succession where the kingship passed from elder brother to younger brother, and when there were no more brothers, then to the oldest maternal nephew.
Page 34: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




Samjaya 1580 B.C.E.Seqenenre Rebellion

Ta E, PuPing

Ksemari 1560 B.C.E. Ahmose (Amosis) Nan Jen

Anena 1540 B.C.E. New KingdomPerez Ta Chia, Tsu Ting

Minaratha 1520 B.C.E.18th-24th Dynasties

Zerah Ta Keng

Satyaratha 1500 B.C.E.

Satyarathi 1480 B.C.E. Tuthmosis II Ta Mou

1460 B.C.E. Hatshepsut Hezron Chung Ting

Shruta 1440 B.C.E. Tuthmosis III

Shashvata 1420 B.C.E.

Sudhanva 1400 B.C.E. Tuthmosis IV Ram Ch'iang Chia

Subhasa 1380 B.C.E. Amenophis III Tsu Ting

Sushruta 1360 B.C.E. Nan Keng

Jaya 1340 B.C.E.Tutankhamun ('Tut')


Vijaya 1320 B.C.E. Ay (Nefertiti's father) Ammin'adab Pan Keng

Rta 1300 B.C.E.

Judah - King of Goshen (in Egypt)

Amenophis I, Tuthmosis I

Under Tuthmosis I and II, Egypt rules


Hsiao ChiaYung Chi

Upagu (Upagupta)

Pu Jen Chia

Amenophis II (Amenhotep II)

Apiru or Habiru "Hebrew" Nomadic Tribes

Tsu ETsu Hsin

Amenophis IV (Akhenaten) & Nefertiti

After heretical Pharoah Akhenaten, Egypt declines.

Canaanite Kings take advantage of Egyptian


Horemheb (Harmais), Ramesses I

1560 B.C. Seqenenre and his sons Kamose and Ahmose lead a rebellion against Hyksos King Apophis.
1552: Kamose defeats Hyksos. 1551: Ahmose captures Avaris, expels foreigners and reunites Egypt. This may be the foundation for the Biblical story of EXODUS.
The father of the beautiful Nefertiti, Queen of Egypt, was a king of the Near East named Tusharatha or Dasharatha. The Mitanni, who worshiped Vedic gods, belonged to an Indic kingdom that was connected by marriage across several generations to the Egyptian 18th dynasty to which Akhenaten belonged. The first Mitanni king was Sutarna I (“good sun”). He was followed by Paratarna I (“great sun”), Parashukshatra (“ruler with axe”), Saukshatra (“son of Sukshatra, the good ruler”), Paratarna II, Artatama or Ritadhama (“abiding in cosmic law”), Sutarna II, Dasharatha, and finally Mativaja (Matiwazza, “whose wealth is prayer”) during whose lifetime the Mitanni state appears to have become a vassal to Assyria. The daughter of King Artatama was married to Tuthmose IV, Akhenaten's grandfather, and the daughter of Sutarna II (Gilukhipa) was married to his father, Amenhotep III, the great builder of temples who ruled during 1390-1352 BC (“khipa” of these names is the Sanskrit “kshipa,” night). In his old age, Amenhotep wrote to Dasharatha many times wishing to marry his daughter, Tadukhipa. It appears that by the time she arrived Amenhotep III was dead. Tadukhipa married the new king Akhenaten and she became famous as the queen Kiya (short for Khipa). The Egyptian kings had other wives as well. Akhenaten's mother, Tiye, was the daughter of Yuya, who was a Mitanni married to a Nubian. It appears that Nefertiti was the daughter of Tiye's brother Ay, who was to become king himself. The 18th dynasty had a liberal dose of Indic blood.
Page 35: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




Sunara 1280 B.C.E. Sethos (Seti) I Battle of Kadesh Hsiao Hsin

Vitahavya 1260 B.C.E.

Sanjaya 1240 B.C.E. Merneptah (Menephthes) Hsiao E

Ksemashva 1220 B.C.E. Sethos II Enlil-Nadin-Shumi Wu Ting

Dhrti 1200 B.C.E. Merneptah Siptah Early Iron Age Kadashmankharbe II Tsu Keng

Bahulashva 1180 B.C.E. Sethnakhte 'The Judges' Period Meli-Shikhu Tsu Chia

Krti 1160 B.C.E. Ramesses III Salmon (& Rahab) Enlil-Nadin-Akhi Hsiung Hsin

Mahavashi 1140 B.C.E. Ramesses IV Israel invaded by Nebuchadnezzar I K'ang Ting

? 1120 B.C.E. Ramesses V-IXPhilistines (Aryans)

Wu E

1100 B.C.E. Ramessses X Bo'az (& Ruth) Marduk-Nadin-Ahhe Wen Wu Ting

1080 B.C.E. Ramessses XI Fu E

1060 B.C.E. High Priest Herihor Obed Ti Hsin

1040 B.C.E. Tanis High Priest The Age of Kings Chou Dynasty

1020 B.C.E. Simbar-Shikhu Wu

1000 B.C.E. Pinudjem's Sons King David Ch'eng

975 B.C.E. Pinudjem's Sons E-Ulmash-Shakin-Shumi K'ang

Ramesses II (Ramses II)

(Israelites return to Canaan: Musa

'Moses' leads some Jews out of Egypt)

Israelites conquer most land from Canaanites.

Babylon is world's largest city.

Pinudjem VI (Psusennes)

King Saul (& son, Jonathon); Jesse

Ea-Mukin-Shumi, Kashshu-Nadin

1285 B.C. At Kadesh (near Homs in Syria), Egyptians under Ramses II battle Hittites (North Canaan/Syria). The result is a draw with both sides demarcating their territories.
Nahshon, son of Ammin'adab
Musa/Moshe "Moses"- from Abraham>Isaac>Jacob>Levi>Kohath>Amram His son was Gershon. 'Moses' Egyptian Name' See:
BABYLON 3rd Dynasty Enlil-Nadin-Shumi 1227- ? Kadashmankharbe II Adad-Shuma-Iddina 1224-1218 Adad-Shuma-Usur 1218-1188 Meli-Shikhu 1188-1173 Marduk-Apla-Iddina 1173-1160 Zababa-Shuma-Iddina 1160-1159 Enlil-Nadin-Akhi 1159-1157
1200-1025 B.C.: Israel invaded by Philistines ("Indo-German"; Aryan) Seafarers - who also threaten Egypt. They take the coast and establish strongholds at Gaza, Askalon, Asdod, Ekron, Gath and Jaffa, and then extend their territory up to the southern shore of the Sea of Galiliee. In the 1100's B.C., the ill-organized tribes of Israel, under the leadership of the 'Judges' (Deborah, Gideon, Samuel, etc.) fight the Philistines - who have an advantage due to iron weapons. By 1100 B.C., the Philistines defeat the Israelites at Eben Ezer, capture the Ark of the Covenant and destroy the sacred shrine in Silo.
1124: Elamite Dynasty of Nebuchadnezzar (-1124-1103) moves capital to Babylon, world's largest city, covering 10,000 hectares, slightly larger than present-day San Francisco.
BABYLON 4th Dynasty Marduk-Kabit-Ahheshu 1156-1138 Itti-Marduk-Balatu 1138-1131 Ninurta-Nadin-Shumi 1131-1125 Nebuchadrezzar I 1125-1103 Enlil-Nadin-Apli 1103-1099 Marduk-Nadin-Ahhe 1099-1081 Marduk-Shapik-Zeri 1081-1068 Adad-Apal-Iddina 1068-1046 Marduk-Ahhe-Eriba 1046-1045 Marduk-Zer 1045-1033 Nabu-Shum-Libur 1033-1026
The last Judge, Samuel, annoints Saul King at Gilgal near Jericho. This begins the 'Age of Kings' which lasts until Nebuchadnezzar captures Jerusalem in 587 B.C.
BABYLON 5th Dynasty (Sea-Land) Simbar-Shikhu 1026-1008 Ea-Mukin-Shumi 1008-1007 Kashshu-Nadin 1007-1005
1006 B.C. Saul falls in battle against the Philistines. The tribe of Judah elects David, born in Bethlehem, as King - he is crowned in Hebron. With the assassination of Saul's son, Ishbosheth, David becomes King of all Israel.
BABYLON 6th Dynasty (Bazu) E-Ulmash-Shakin-Shumi 1005-987 Ninurta-Kudursh-Usur 987-985 Shiriqti-Shuqamunu 985-984
Page 36: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




950 B.C.E. Libyan Kings King Solomon Chao

925 B.C.E. Sesonchis I (Seshonq) Mu

900 B.C.E. Osorkon Kung, E

875 B.C.E. Takelothis Hsiao, Yi

850 B.C.E. Sesonchis II

825 B.C.E. Ethiopian Kings Li

800 B.C.E. Tefnakhte Hsuan

775 B.C.E. Piankhi Yu

750 B.C.E. Bocchoris (Bekenrenef) Medes Dynasty Ping, Hsi Wang

725 B.C.E. Sabakon (Shabaka) Deioces Huan

Later Upanishads 700 B.C.E. Late Period Sargon II Chuang

675 B.C.E. Taharqa Kshatrita (Phraortes) His, T'ui

650 B.C.E. Tanutamun King Amon (Amos) Scythian Dynasty Hui

625 B.C.E. Psammetichus I Madius

600 B.C.E. Necho Lao-Tze

Kingdom breaks into 2 Pieces

King RehoboamUrartu (Ararat)


King Omri / Abijah

King Ahab (Asa) Chinese adopt Indian Zodiac

King Jehu (Jehosh'aphat), King Joash

King Amaziah / Joram

King Uzziah & Jotham

King Ahaz

King Pekah,King Hezekiah

Ukin-Zer, Tiglath-Pileser Pulu

Sargon II &Hezekiah

King Menasseh

King Josiah,King Joachim

HsiangShu TaiCh'ing

King Zedekiah rises up against


Nebuchadnezzar II of Babylon

Medes DynastyUwakshatra (Cyaxares)

965 B.C.: David's son, Solomon becomes King of the now larger Israel. Solomon expands the economic sphere of Israel. King Hiram of Phoenicia, for the sake of King Solomon of Israel, trades with the port of Ophir (Sanskrit: Supara) near modern Bombay, showing the trade between Israel and India. Same trade goes back to Harappan era.
928 B.C.: With the death of Solomon, the Kingdom breaks in two. In South: Kingdom of Judah (capital- Jerusalem) ruled by Solomon's son, Rehoboam. In North: Kingdom of Israel ruled by Jeroboam. Tribes of Judah and Benjamin here. 925 B.C. Palestinian Campaign of King Shishak (Shishonq) of Egypt - the sacking of Jerusalem.
Urartu (900-600 BCE) In eastern Anatolia, and called Van by it's inhabitants, "Urartu" was the Assyrian name for them. The Hebrew transliteration of the name was Ararat.
The Chinese are using the 28-nakshatra zodiac called Shiu, adapted from the Hindu Jyotisha system.
Under the rule of Cyaxares (633-584 B.C.), the Medes put an end to centuries of war against the Assyrians. Their capture of Niniva in 612 B.C. finally brought down the Assyrian Empire. For more than half a century after the fall of Niniva, the Medes ruled over a vast empire with borders stretching from Afghanistan to Turkey.
Founder of Taoism in China, author of Tao-te Ching. Its esoteric teachings of simplicity and selflessness shape Chinese life for 2,000 years and permeate the religions of Vietnam, Japan and Korea.
Page 37: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




575 B.C.E. Psammetichus II Amel-Marduk

550 B.C.E. Apries (Wahibre) King Vishtaspa Ling, Ching I

525 B.C.E. Amasis (Ahmose) Persian Period

500 B.C.E. Jechoni'ah Achaemenid Dynasty Tao, Ching II

475 B.C.E. Darius I Kurds YuanC

450 B.C.E. Xerxes I, Artaxerxes I She-al'ti-el Ting

425 B.C.E.

400 B.C.E. Zerub'babel

375 B.C.E.

350 B.C.E. Abi'ud

325 B.C.E. Hellenistic Era Macedon Dynasty

300 B.C.E. Eli'akim Seleucid Dynasty Tung Chou Wu Kung

275 B.C.E. Persian Period

250 B.C.E. Ptolemy III Eugertes Azor Sin-leqe-unnini Parthia Dynasty Chin Dynasty

Babylonian Captivity

Ishtumegu (Astyages)

K'uangTing, Chien

Judah now a Babylonian Province

Nabonidus, Belshazzar

Persian Rule(Greek Influence)

King Darayavayush (Darius)

Kung Fu-Tzu(Confucious)

Psammetichus III, Cambyses

Xshayarsha (Xerxes) I the Great

Artaxshassa (Artaxerxes) I

Darius II(Herodotus visits Egypt)

Xshayarsha (Xerxes) II

K'ao, Ai, SsuHsi Chou Huan Kung

Artaxerxes II, Artaxerxes III, Amyrtaeus

Artaxshassa (Artaxerxes) II the


Wei Lieh & Hsi Chou Wei Kung

Nepherites I (Nefaurud), Achoris (Hagor)

Artaxshassa (Artaxerxes) III

Warring States Period

Many Kings fight for control of Egypt:

Alexander the Great invades

Arsha (Arses), Darayavahush (Darius) III

Lieh & Hsi Chou Wu KungTung Chou Hui Kung

See Columns K through P to the

right >>>

Greek Rule(Ptolemies)

HeienHsi Chou Wen Kung

Alexander the Great, Ptolemy I Soter

Ptolemy II Philadelphus

Shen ChingNan

This is the 2nd Exile of the Jews. 587 B.C.: Nebuchadnezzar II recaptures Jerusalem and destroys the temple - this ends the Kingdom of Judah and starts the Babylonian Captivity. Josi'ah & sons including Jechoni'ah deported to Babylon.
The last Babylonian king, Nabonidus (reigned 556-539 BC), who appointed his eldest daughter high priestess at Ur, embellished the temples and entirely remodeled the ziggurat of Nanna, making it rival even the temple of Marduk at Babylon. Nabonidus (555-539 BC), the last King of Babylon, built Tayma, Arabia, as a centre of moon-god worship (Al-Ilah).
Father of Darius.
Hebrew prophet Daniel was an advisor to King Darius during the Babylonian Captivity.
551-478: Lifetime of Confucius, founder of Confucianist faith. His teachings on social ethics are the basis of Chinese education, ruling-class ideology and religion.
Hakamanishya (Achaemenid) Dynasty: Kurush (Cyrus) II the Great........................550-529 Kambujiya (Cambyses) II............................529-522 Smerdis the Usurper....................................522 Darayavahush (Darius) I the Great..................522-486
KURDS (c.500 BCE-present) An Aryan folk related to the Persians, occupying northern Iraq and southeastern Turkey. They comprise the largest (approx. 17 to 25 million) ethnic group in the world without a state.
Sogdianos..........................................424-423 Darayavahush (Darius) II the Bastard...............423-404
An with Hsi Chou Hui Kung.
Nectanebo I (Nekhtnebef), Tachos (Djeho), Nectanebo II (Nekhtharehbe), Artaxerxes III, King Khabash
HELLENES (400 BCE-636 CE) An Aryan people, under whose aegis several empires were established such as Macedonian.
Alexander, the Macedonian, conquers Persia 330 B.C.
Akkadian epic of Gilgamesh seems to have been composed in Old Babylonian times but was reworked by a certain Sin-leqe-unnini later in the 1st millennium BC.
Page 38: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




232 B.C.E. Ptolemy IV Philopator Shihuangdi (Zheng)

200 B.C.E. Ptolemy V Epiphanes Zadok Great Wall

190 B.C.E. Achim

175 B.C.E. Eli'ud

150 B.C.E.

125 B.C.E. Elea'zar Jingdi (Liu Qi)

100 B.C.E. Matthan Wudi (Liu Che)

75 B.C.E. Jacob Zhaodi (Liu Fuling)

50 B.C.E.

25 B.C.E. Chengdi (Liu Ao)


25 C.E. Hsin Dynasty

50 C.E.

Ptolemy IV marries Cleopatra

Er Shi (Hu Hai), Ziying

Ptolemy VI Philometor

Gaodi (Liu Bang)Huidi (Liu Ying)

Ptolemy VIII Physcon, Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II


Maccabean Uprising & Hashmonean Rule

Shaodi KongShaodi Hong

Wendi (Liu Heng)

Ptolemy IX Soter II Lathyrus

Ptolemy X Alexander I

Ptolemy XI Alexander II

Ptolemy XI Neos Dionysos ("Auletes")

Joseph(& Miryam)

Xuandi (Liu Bingyi)Yuandi (Liu Shi)

Cleopatra VII (& Ptolemy XIII Philopator Philadelphus)


Caeser (Ptolemy XIV, XV Caeserion, Antony)

Yah'shua (Jesus) born in Bethlehem

Aidi (Liu Xin)Pingdi (Liu Jizi)Ruzi (Liu Ying)

Roman Rule (Cornelius Gallus, Augustus, Tiberius)

Yahshua's Crucifixion

Caligula, Claudius, Nero

Daugher, Jesus Justus, Joseph

Wang MangHsuan Sheng-K'ung

Guang Wudi (Liu Xiu)

ca -221: Great Wall of China is built, ultimately 2,600 miles long.
Yahshua born in Bethlehem in 7 B.C. by normal birth (NOT immaculate) of parents Joseph and Miryam ('Mary'). Yahshua was of royal lineage (House of David; Davidic line of Judah) - and 42 generations from Abraham. His parents broke some rules at the outset: Messianic parents were allowed intimacy only in December, so that births of heirs would always fall in the month of September-the month of Atonement, the holiest month of the Jewish calendar. Indeed, it was this very rule which Jesus's own parents (Joseph and Mary) had themselves broken. And this was the reason why the Jews were split in opinion as to whether Jesus was, in fact, their true Messiah. He grew up and became a leading Jewish Priest (Meshiah 'Messiah') and was a reformer of the Orthodox aspects of Judaism. Yahshua was a well-known Nazarene-a radical, a "westernised Jew" (Greek influenced). He preached his reformed, Buddhist/Essene-inspired teachings ("gospels") for 3 years. As a result, the other Jewish leaders (the Sanhedrin Council) had him excommunicated from the priesthood ('symbolic death'). He was punished by being tied to a wooden cross for 3 days. At the end of that period, his brother, James took him down and everyone nursed him back to health. He married Mary Magdalane and had 3 children: Daughter and 2 sons (Jesus Justus and Joseph). He, James and his followers continued to spread the Nazara beliefs (which spread into England and became the Celtic Church) while Peter and Paul went to Rome and started the Christian movement (during Yahshua's lifetime). He lived a full life and died of natural causes. Prior to the birth of her second son in AD 44, Mary Magdalene was exiled from Judaea following a political uprising in which she was implicated. Along with Philip, Lazarus and a few retainers, she travelled (by arrangement with King Herod-Agrippa II) to live at the Herodian estate near Lyon, in Gaul (which later became France) and their descendents married into French royalty and became the Knights Templar organization. She carried the Sangréal (the Blood Royal, the Holy Grail)- the Sacred Chalice of her womb and from it came the Fisher Kings who would rule for around 300 years. Mary Magdalene died in Provence in AD 63. This group was the enemy of Roman Catholicism because they challenged Roman power - the Romans launched the Inquisistion initially for the purpose of wiping them out, and then later also killed off Jews and Muslims. The Knights Templar funded and built the largest Christian churches of that time (Notre Dame in Paris for example). See for more information.
29 C.E. - First appearance of John the Baptist. 33 C.E. - Yahshua crucified for 3 days in Jerusalem. The practice of punishment by crucifixion pre-dates Rome. It possibly originates with the Persians or Greeks before 600 B.C.
Yahshua (Jesus) had 3 children: one daughter and 2 sons (Jesus Justus and Joseph). In total, there are roughly 14 generations from Abraham to David, from David to the Exodus and from the Exodus to Yahshua.
Page 39: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




75 C.E.

100 C.E. Romans Silk Road Started

125 C.E.

150 C.E. Simeon II Shundi (Liu Bao)

175 C.E. Lingdi (Liu Hung)

200 C.E. Judah I Shundi (Liu Bien)

225 C.E. Macrinus Bishop Alexander Xiandi (Liu Xie)

250 C.E. Decius, Valerian, Gallienus Origenes, Eusebius Shapur I 3 Kingdoms Era

275 C.E. Prophet Mani

300 C.E.

325 C.E. Constantine the Great Byzantine Rule

350 C.E. 325: Council of Nicaea Toba Sheyigian & Son

375 C.E. Byzantines Qian Qin

Galba, Otho, Vitellius, Vespasian, Titus

Titus destroys Jerusalem

Mingdi (Liu Yang)Zhangdi (Liu Da)

Domitian, Nerva, Trajan

Roman Emperor Trajan

Hadrian, Antoninus Pius

Roman Emperor Hadrian

Paper invented in China.

Marcus Aurelius (& Lucius Verus)

Avidius Cassius, Commodus

Septimius Severus, Caracalla

Sassanid DynastyArdeshir

Macrianus, Aemilianus(Alxndr), Queen

Zenobia (L.Egypt)

Hsi JinWudi (Yen An-Shih)

Claudius II, Aurelian, Probus, Diocletian

Constantine the Great

Huidi (Chung Cheng-Tu)

Huaidi (Chih Feng-Tu)Mindi (Yeh Yen-Chih)

Constantius, Theodosius I, the Great

Roman Emperor Theodosius I

ROMANS (100 BCE-242 CE) The Romans themselves were an Aryan (Italic) people, though their influence in the region came largely through Hellenized Semitic subjects.
100: Zhang Qian of China establishes trade routes to India and as far west as Rome, later known as the "Silk Roads."
He forbade the Jewish rite of male circumcision.
Rein of Hedi (Liu Zhao), Shangdi (Liu Lung) Andi (Liu Yu)
and other rulers: Chongdi (Liu Bing) Zhidi (Liu Zuan) Huandi (Liu Zhi)
2 famous religious teachers.
Death of the prophet Mani, the founder of Manichaesim 274 C.E.
In 316, northern barbarians seized most of northern China, shattering the dynasty and forcing re-establishment in the south, at the city of Nanjing... Liu Yuan-Hai (Chief of the So. Hsiung-Nu 290-304)..304-309 Liu Ho.............................................309-310 Liu Tsung..........................................310-318 Liu Ts'an..............................................318 Liu Yao............................................318-329 Toba Yilu..........................................311-315 (Son, name not known)..............................315-316 Toba Yuiliuy.......................................316-321 (A usurper, name not known)........................321-337
Byzantine (395-636 CE) The Byzantines never ruled in Mesopotamia proper, aside from ephemeral military expeditions, but their influence was significant.
Page 40: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




400 C.E. Byzantine Rule Wei

425 C.E. Theodosius II Jewish Patriarch lapses Chou Dynasty

450 C.E. Marcian ?

475 C.E. Zeno Samaritan/Jewish uprising Mazdakism ?

500 C.E. Anastasius Emperor Justinian ?

525 C.E. Mazdakism ends ?

550 C.E. Justinian more rebellions Yu-Tung-Wan-T'u

575 C.E. Sui Dynasty

600 C.E. Heraclius Wendi (Yang Jian)

625 C.E. Chosroes II Emperor Heracleus Omar Ben Al-Khattab Rustum T'ang Dynasty

650 C.E. Arab Rule Arab Rule Arab Rule

675 C.E. Arab Rule Omayyad Caliphs Umayyad Caliphate Gaozong (Li Zhi)

700 C.E.

725 C.E. Merwan II

750 C.E. Abd el-Rahman Abbasid Caliphate Abbasid Caliphate Abbasid Caliphate

Roman Emperor Theodosius II

See Columns K through P to the

right >>>

Conflict between local Monophysites & Byzantine


Chosroes I (Anosharvan)

Chosroes II (Persian) conquers Palestine

Arabs defeat Syria, Byzantines, Persians,


Gaozu (Li Yuan)Taizong (Li Shimin)

Omayyad Dynasty (from Damascus)

Caliph Abd el Malik builds Dome of the Rock

Zhongzong (Li Zhe)Ruizong (Li Dan)

Wu Zetian (Wu Zhao)

Zhongzong (Li Zhe), Chong Mao, Ruizong (Li Dan)

Xuanzong (Li Lungji)Suzong (Li Yu)Daizong (Li Yu)

& other rulers: Yung Mi-Lo-T'u.....................................560-578 Yun Chien-Po.......................................578-579 Yen Shan...........................................579-581
& others: Yangdi (Yang Guang)................................604-617 Gongdi (Yang Yu)...................................617-618
Egypt becomes a province of the Caliphate: 640: Amr ibn el-As 641: Babylon given up to Arabs 642: Fustat 650's: Othman 660's: Civil War between Ali and Muawia (Omayyad Dynasty)
641 A.D. Muslim Conquest.
Sassanid invasion of Byzantiun 603 Sassanid conquest of Alexandria 619 Death of Chosroes I 628 Arab conquest of Persia 637-651 Battle of Nahavan 642 Death of the last Sassanid king, Yazdegird 651
Rule of the Umayyad caliphate over Persia 642- 750 Death of the first Shi-ite Imam and fourth Sunni caliph, Ali ebn Abu Taleb 661 Death of the Third Shi-ite Imam Hosayn at Karbela 680 Revolt of the Persian general Abu Moslem in Khorasan agains the Umayyads 747
Abbasid caliphate 750- 1258 Death of the Sixth Shi-ite Imam Jafar al-Sadeq 765 Death of the Eighth Shi-ite Imam Reza 818
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by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




775 C.E. Abbasid Caliphate

800 C.E. Harun el-Rashid

825 C.E. Mamun

850 C.E. Independent Egypt Saffarid Dynasty

875 C.E. Ahmed ibn Tulun Ahmed ibn Tulun

900 C.E. Khumaraweih

925 C.E.

950 C.E. Buyid Dynasty

975 C.E. Fatimid Caliphate Ghaznavid Dynasty Taizong (Zhao Guangyi)

1000 C.E. Caliph Al-Hakim

1025 C.E.

Dezong (Li Shi)Shunzong (Li Song)

Caliph Haroun al-Raschid

Zaroastrians leaving Persia

Xianzong (Li Chun)Muzong (Li Heng)

Tahirid & Samanid Dynasties

Jingzong (Li Zhan)Wenzong (Li Ang)

Wuzong (Li Yan)Xuanzong (Li Chen)

Yizong (Li Wen)Xizong (Li Yan)

Yun, Zhaozong (Li Jie), Aidi (Li Zhu)

Fatimid (Shiite) Caliphs of Kairouan

Taizu (Zhu Wen), Yu-Kuei, Modi (Tien Huang),

Zhuangzong (Tsun-Hsu)

Mohammed el-Ikshid (Turkish)

(Later) CHOU: Taizu (Wei Wen-Chung), Shizong (Jung), Tsung Hsun

Kafur, Gohar (El-Muizz)

El-Aziz (El-Muizz's son), El-Hakim (El-Aziz's son)

Zhenzong (Zhao Dechang)

El-Zahir (El-Hakim's Son)

Renzong (Zhao Zhen)

More than a hundred years afer the defeat of the last Sassanian King, Yazdagird III, by the Arabs, a group of Zoroastrians from the Iranian province of Khorasan (ancient Parthia) decided to leave Iran because of religious persecution. They made their way south, to the port of Hormuzd on the Persian Gulf, where eventually they secured a ship to take them overseas. They sailed from Iran and landed on an island known today as Diu, near the west coast of India. They lived on that Island for 19 years, after which, they set sail once again to reach mainland India. At sea, they got caught in a fierce storm and they prayed for divine help. They promised to build an Atash Behram if Behram, the Yazata of Victory, saved them from the ferocious storm. Their wish came true and they landed safely in Gujarat, the west coast province of India. The Hindu King Jadav Rana of that time, 936 CE, granted them refuge in his kingdom. He gave them fertile land to live on and the Zoroastrian pilgrims called their new abode Sanjan, in memory of the place they originally came from in north-west Khorasan. These Zoroastrian immigrants came to be known as the Parsees.
SAFFARID DYNASTY 867-1163 Beginning of the "lesser concealmet" of the Twelfth Shi-ite Imam 874
And: Mingzong (Tan), Ts'ung-Hou P'u-Sa Nu...................................934 Feidi (Ts'ung-Ko)..................................934-935 (Later) CHIN Gaozu (Ching-T'ang)................................936-944 Chudi (Chung-Kuei).................................944-947 (Later) HAN Gaozu (Kao)........................................947-948 Yindi (Cheng-Yu)...................................948-951
Taizu (Wei Wen-Chung)..............................951-954 Shizong (Jung).....................................954-960 Tsung Hsun.............................................960 d. 973 SONG In the south only from about 1113 (for the north, see Juchen Chin). Taizu (Zhao Kuangyin)..............................960-976
Page 42: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




1050 C.E. El-Mustansir Seljuk Dynasty

1075 C.E. Zhezong (Zhao Xu)

1100 C.E. Crusades Huizong (Zhao Ji)

1125 C.E. El-Afdal

1150 C.E. El-Adid, Amalric I 2nd Crusade

1175 C.E.

1200 C.E. Mongol Empire Ningzong (Zhao Kuo)

1225 C.E. 5th Crusade Lizong (Zhao Yuju)

1250 C.E. Il-Khanid Dynasty Duzong (Zhao Mengqi)

1275 C.E. 7th Crusade YUAN (Mongol)

1300 C.E. Mameluke Rule Wuzong (Khaisan Guluk)

1325 C.E. Hasan Bahrite Dynasty Jalayirid Dynasty

1350 C.E. Salih, Hasan Shundi (Togh-An Timur)

Turkish Seljuks conquer Baghdad

Yingzong (Zhao Shu)Shenzong (Zhao Xu)

Christodulus, Badr el-Gamali

Crusades launched due to persecution by



King Baldwin

Baldwin IFulco, Count of Anjou

Qinzong (Zhao Huan)Gaozong (Zhou Gou)

Xiaozong (Zhao Bozong)

See Columns K through P to the

right >>>

Shirkuh, Saladin (Salah el-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub)

King Alamrik ISaladin

Guangzong (Zhao Dun)

Ayyubid Dynasty(Malik el-Adil)

3rd Crusade4th Crusade

El-Shemsa, Malik el-Kamil, Frederick II

El-Adil II, El-Salih Ayyub, Louis IX

English Crusade6th Crusade

Mameluke DynastyBaibars I, Qalaun

El-Ashraf Khalil, Mohammed el-Nasir

Wenzong (Togh Timur Oijagatu)

A powerful Mongol leader named Temujin brought together a majority of the Mongol tribes, whome were nomadic people, and led them on a devastating sweep through China. At about this time, he changed his name to Chinggis (Genghis) Khan, meaning "World Conqueror." In 1219 he turned his force of 700,000 west and quickly devastated Bokhara, Samarkand (in Uzbekistan), Balkh (in Afghanistan), Merv capital of the great Seljuk Empire (in Turkmenistan), and Neyshabur (in present-day Iran), where he slaughtered every living thing. Before his death in 1227, Chinnggis Khan, pillaging and burning cities along the way, had reached western Azarbaijan in Iran.
IL-KHANID DYNASTY 1256-1336 Death of the Sufi poet Jalal al-Din Rumi 1273 Death of the poet and moralist Sa'di 1291 Rule of the local dynasties in Persia 1336- 1380 Rule of the world conqueror Tamerlane 1380-1404 Death of the suprme lyrical poet of the Persian language Hafez 1389
And: Gongzong (Zhao Xian)...................................1274 Vacant....,.......................................1274-1276 Duanzong (Zhao Shi)...............................1276-1278 Bing Di (Zhao Bing)...............................1278-1279
Shizu (Qubilai Setsen)............................1279-1294 Chengzong (Timur ljaitu).........................1294-1307
And: Renzong (Ayurparibhadra Buyantu)..................1311-1320 Yingzong (Suddhipala Guequen).....................1320-1323 Taiding (Yasun Timur).............................1323-1328
And: Mingzong (Kusala Qutuytu)..............................1329 Wenzong (Togh Timur Oijagatu)(restored)...........1329-1332 Irincinbal..................................(2 months) 1332
Page 43: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




1375 C.E. Haggi, Barquq MING Dynasty

1400 C.E. Farag Burdchite Dynasty Timurid Dynasty

1425 C.E. Xuande (Zhu Zhanji)

1450 C.E. Qait Bey Jingtai (Zhu Qiyu)

1475 C.E. Mohammed Bey

1500 C.E. Safavid Dynasty Safavid Dynasty

1525 C.E. Turkish Rule Ottoman Dynasty

1550 C.E. Sultan Selim I Sultan Selim I

1575 C.E. Suleiman II Wanli (Zhu Yizhun)

1600 C.E.

1625 C.E. Tianqi (Zhu Yujiao)

Yongle (Zhu Di)Hongxi (Zhu Gaozhi)

El-Muayyad, Ibrahim, El-Ashraf Bars Bey

Hongzhi (Zhu Yutang)

El-Ghuri,Tuman Bey

Jews driven out of Spain come to


Zhengde (Zhu Houzhao)

Turkish Rule(Ottoman Empire)

Jiajing (Zhu Houcong)

Longqing (Zhu Zhaihou)

Egyptian Pashas (Governors)

Egyptian Pashas (Governors)

Kabbalists thrive (Jewish mystical


Taichang (Zhu Changli)

Egyptian Pashas (Governors)

Hongwu (Zhu Yuanzhang)............................1368-1398 Jianwen (Zhu Yunwen)..............................1398-1402 d. ?
And: Zhengtong (Zhu Qizhen)............................1435-1449 d. 1464
And: Tianshun (former Zhengtong: Zhu Qizhen)(rest.)....1457-1464 Chenghua (Zhu Zhienshen)..........................1464-1487
SAFAVID DYNASTY 1500-1722 Death of the philosopher-gnostic Molla Sadra 1640 Afghan invation and rule of Persia 1722-1732 Rule of the king Nader Shah 1736-1747
And: Chongzhen (Zhu Yujian)............................1627-1644
Page 44: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




1650 C.E.

1675 C.E. Kangxi (Xuan Ye)

1700 C.E.

right >>>> 1725 C.E. Daher el-Omar Qianlong (Hong Li)

1750 C.E. Ali Bey Zand Dynasty Jiajing (Yung-Yen)

1775 C.E. Ahmed el-Jazzar Mamluke Rule Qajar Dynasty

1800 C.E. Mohammed Ali Daoguang (Min-Ning)

1825 C.E. Ibrahim Pasha Amir Kabir Xianfeng (Yichu)

1850 C.E. Abbas I, Said, Ismail Tongzhi (Zaichun)

1875 C.E. Iraqi Nationalists Guangxu (Zai Tian)

1900 C.E.

Egyptian Pashas (Governors)

QING (Manchu) Dynasty

Egyptian Pashas (Governors)

Druse Emir Fakhr-al-Din

Egyptian Pashas (Governors)

Yongzheng (Yin Cheng)

See Columns K through P to the

Egyptian Pashas (Governors)

Mohammed Bey Abu Dahab

Napolean Bonaparte conquers Egypt & defeats


Mehemet Ali, Tusun, Ibrahim Pasha

British conquer Sind, Kashmir

European Jews migrate into Palestine

British Rule (Taufiq, Sir Evelyn Baring, Abbas II

Hilmi, General Kitchener)

Jews start agricultural settlements

Sir Eldon Gorst (Husein Kamil, Ahmed Fuad)

Theodor Herzl2nd Aliyah (migration)

British Invasion of 1917

Constitutional Revoluition

Puyi (Aisin Gioro Puyi)

Shunzhi (Fu Lin)..................................1644-1661
QAJAR DYNASTY 1787-1925 Death of the prime miniter and reformer Amir Kabir 1852 The Persian Constitutional Revolution 1905 Foundation of the Pahlavi Dynasty by Reza Shah 1925
Death of the prime miniter and reformer Amir Kabir 1852
1846: British forcibly separate Kashmir from the Sikhs and sell it to the Maharaja of Jammu for pounds 1,000,000.
Page 45: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




1925 C.E. British Mandate King Ghazi I Pahlavi Dynasty ERA of the Republics

1950 C.E. State of Israel China invades Tibet

1975 C.E. Saddam Hussein Islamic Revolution

2000 C.E. Hosni Mubarak

2025 C.E.

2050 C.E.


Methodology - the methodology to build this timeline was as follows:

Sources - timeline component and its related souce:

Kingdom of Egypt (Fuad I, Farouk,


PM Nehru, Shastri, Indira Gandhi, ??,

Indira Gandhi

Republic of Egypt (General Mhd.

Neguib, Colonel Nasser)

Allied Invasion of Persia

Shah of Iran

PM Rajiv Gandhi, V.P. Singh, Narasimha Rao,


Mohammed Anwar el-Sadat

Suez War, 6 Day War, Yom Kippur War

Peace Treaty, Palestinian Intifada

Islamic Republic of Iran

China becomes the largest economy on


See Columns K through P to the

right >>>

Methodology, Sources and a Request: (mouse-over cells to see comments)

1. Compile and bring together lists of Royal Dynasties,2. Create a timeline associated with these dynasties,3. Relate king's lists to each other to determine LINKAGE POINTS,4. Integrate ANCHORS into the timeline.

8000 B.C.E.

7000 B.C.E.

6000 B.C.E.

5000 B.C.E.

4000 B.C.E.

3000 B.C.E.

2000 B.C.E.

1000 B.C.E.

0 C.E.

500 C.E.

1000 C.E.

1500 C.E.

1700 C.E.

1900 C.E.

2000 C.E.

2100 C.E.

2200 C.E.







India's Population Growth:






Foundation of the Pahlavi Dynasty by Reza Shah 1925
Republic of China.................................1912-1949
Allied invation of Persia 1941 Beginning of rule of Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi Aryamehr 1941
1949 to today: Peoples Republic of China. 1959: Dalai Lama flees Tibet and finds refuge in North India as China invades his Buddhist nation.
Islamic Revolution and the end of the Pahlavi Dynasty 1979
Death of Ayyatullah Khomeyni founder of Islamic Republic of Iran 1989
Based on existing trends between 1980-2000, China is set to overtake the U.S. as the largest economy in the world by 2050.
…and also refer to the Readme file.
1. In the absence of sufficient stone inscriptions carbon-dating certain events, the best evidence available in India is the enormous amount of ancient scripture and literature. These thousands of documents have been preserved meticulously over the millennia and have well-documented stories and genealogies that tend to correlate with each other surprisingly well. Therefore, these accounts can be reasonably considered to have some element of historical validity beneath their layers of mythology. The royal dynasties and genealogies from Indian history are the best starting place to assemble a continuous view of India's ancient past. There is a precedent for this method. A great deal of the history of the Middle East has been unlocked by correlating ancient king's lists and mythologies to known events and by using the lists as a means to direct archeological work. This logic was used by the noted German archeologist, Heinrich Schliemann who rightly considered the Trojan War Epic to be based upon historical events and not merely a product of wild-eyed Greek fantasy. He located likely regions where the event may have taken place (northwestern Turkey) and started digging. Unsurprisingly, he uncovered the lost city of Troy and then was able to date the Trojan War to roughly 1220 B.C.E. This exact same methodology can be repeated in India.
2. Once the Royal Dynasties of India were listed in order, the next step was to create a timeline associated with them. Given that most Indian dynasties were based on a father-eldest son succession, the average regnal timeframes must correlate to human generational timeframes over long periods of time. Assuming that Ancient Indians had a longevity similar (if not slightly less) than ours today, I set up a generational length of 25 years per generation from 1000 B.C.E. to today and 20 years per generation from 1000 B.C.E. backwards. If actual generational lengths are found to be less, Indian History is slightly younger than this timeline shows, if generational lengths are longer, Indian History is slightly older than this timeline shows. For example, one of the main sources for the geneaologies in this timeline are the books by P.L. Bhargava. In his timeline, he assumes a generational length of 17 years and thus his date for Vivasvat is 3100 B.C.E. whereas mine is slightly older, 3400 B.C.E., because I felt 17 years is a bit young for a prince to complete education, get married, have a first child and assume that the first child happens to be a boy! In the future, I may potentially change regnal periods to 25 years per generation uniformly which leads to a date for Manu around 4000 B.C.E. which interestingly is the exact same date that the Bible sets as the start of the human race with Adam (Adi-Manu). I may also change the cell numbers from 1700 C.E. to today to be 5 years per cell and therefore 5 cells per generation. This will open up a great deal of room for more “news” and events to be placed into this timeline to make it a resource for recording history going forward.
3. Once the Indian King's Lists and associated timeframes were established, the next step is to relate these lists to each other. For example, when the 23rd king of one list is known historically to have fought a war with the 12th king of another list, this provides a LINKAGE POINT between the two lists. In this timeline, there are dozens of such linkage points and these points did not IN A SINGLE CASE break the timeline. In other words, there was NEVER a case where linking king's list 'A' with king's list 'B' broke the linkage point between king's list 'B' and king's list 'C'. This in itself should provide the reader with a great deal of confidence in the soundness of these king's lists. As was the case with Middle Eastern genealogies (Egyptian, Mesopotamian), these lists have proven to have a greater veracity than we might initially give them credit for.
4. Once the king's Lists, timeframes and linkage points were established, the next step was to integrate ANCHORS. 'Anchors' are pieces of evidence that are indisputable and thus help to provide a solid structure or framework from within which all the other genealogical data resides. The anchors of this timeline are: geological data (carbon dating of dessication of Drshadvati River, Sarasvati River, etc.), archeological data (carbon dating of ruins of SSC (Sapta-Saindvah Civilization) cities & dating of GRR (Ganga River Region) cities) and anthropoligical data (carbon dating and analysis of SSC skulls). Obviously, most work of this type in India HAS YET TO BE DONE considering that only 2-3% of the SSC sites have been excavated thus far and considering the landmark archeological find in Pandavsthan, Bihar recently. NOTE: I did not give any credence whatsoever to astronomical data in this timeline because dates derived from astronomical references in ancient texts appear to vary too wildly and to be inconsistent with other data sources.
Page 46: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)




>>> 1. Main genealogies from Vivasvat to Rama and Krshna - books by P.L. Bhargava2. Cross-checking of genealogies and post-Epic lists - http://tanmoy.tripod.com3. Medieval King's Lists - ( Key events in history - and Itihaas.com5. Yadava (post-Krshna) Genealogy - Agrawal ('Mohan-ka') Lineage - http://www.agroha.com7. Buddha genealogy - and and (Lanka Buddhist lineage)

>>> 9. 'Comparison of Religions' Spreadsheet - The 12 book series from:, and,, Ishwar.com10. 'Indian Festivals' Spreadsheet -, vedanet.com11. General Information - Kautilya's Arthashastra & Nitishastra, books of Swami Dayananda Saraswati, books about Swami Vivekananda, numerous Dharmic Scriptures (Vedas, Puranas, Srimad Bhagavatam).

Request for Academic Assistance:>>>

8. 'History of Religions' Spreadsheet - 'The Fountainhead of Religion' by Ganga Prasad, and numerous Zaroastrian websites.

This timeline must be thoroughly vetted by an academic effort in order to gain more credibility by the academic community and become part of the official educational system in India and the world. I am not an academic. I am a critically-minded, Indian-American who has put a great deal of time these past 4 years into this ongoing project. What I want to see and what we need to have is at least one full-time PhD scholar work on this timeline as part of a Doctoral Thesis and produce a book as the output (with the Royal Chronology India Timeline in an Appendix and associated website). Areas where more work is needed include (but are certainly not limited to):1) Map all the kings of the 10 books of the Rg Veda against the kings in this timeline to both add depth to this timeline and to pin down a more accurate timeframe for the composition of the Rg Veda. Continue this effort to the later Vedas.2) More information about all the royal dynasties of Persia and creating a solid LINKAGE POINT between these lists and Indian King's list (especially at the Zarathushtra point - which is supposed to correspond to a timeframe of the later Vedas).3) More information about the ancestors and descendants of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) and Mahavira (tied to archaeo. evidence)

8000 B.C.E.

7000 B.C.E.

6000 B.C.E.

5000 B.C.E.

4000 B.C.E.

3000 B.C.E.

2000 B.C.E.

1000 B.C.E.

0 C.E.

500 C.E.

1000 C.E.

1500 C.E.

1700 C.E.

1900 C.E.

2000 C.E.

2100 C.E.

2200 C.E.







India's Population Growth:






Page 47: Royal Chronology of India

by Niraj Mohanka [email protected] 04/08/2023

Sources: Dr. P.L.Bhargava, Ganga Prasad, Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Swami Vivekananda,,,,, ,,, Srimad Bhagavatam, Vedas


Civilizations (Misr) (Yosrael, Judea) (Mesopotamia) (Persia; Parsi) (Xinhua)





This timeline must be thoroughly vetted by an academic effort in order to gain more credibility by the academic community and become part of the official educational system in India and the world. I am not an academic. I am a critically-minded, Indian-American who has put a great deal of time these past 4 years into this ongoing project. What I want to see and what we need to have is at least one full-time PhD scholar work on this timeline as part of a Doctoral Thesis and produce a book as the output (with the Royal Chronology India Timeline in an Appendix and associated website). Areas where more work is needed include (but are certainly not limited to):1) Map all the kings of the 10 books of the Rg Veda against the kings in this timeline to both add depth to this timeline and to pin down a more accurate timeframe for the composition of the Rg Veda. Continue this effort to the later Vedas.2) More information about all the royal dynasties of Persia and creating a solid LINKAGE POINT between these lists and Indian King's list (especially at the Zarathushtra point - which is supposed to correspond to a timeframe of the later Vedas).3) More information about the ancestors and descendants of Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) and Mahavira (tied to archaeo. evidence)

4) More information about the 24 Jaina Tirthankaras and determining the historical validity and timeframes of as many of these 24 leaders/law-givers as is possible (assuming that many of them have an historical basis).5) More information about the chronologies of South Indian dynasties6) Inclusion of lists of priestly teacher-student disciplic successions (Guru-Parampara)7) Try to name and locate in ancient literature some of the SSC cities thereby creating more archeo-based 'ANCHORS'.8) Decipher the 'Indus Script' tablets in order to understand the culture, religion, economy of the SSC and map it into Indian literature.

The need is great and it truly requires a full-time effort by a qualified and motivated individual. I will support that individual (or individuals) as best I can. If you have any recommendations for someone who can fill this role, please contact me at [email protected] Thank you.

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The History of World Religions:Overview -->


1844 A.D. >>> Bahai'ism <<<2

1517 A.D.

1470 A.D. >>> Sikhism <<<825 A.D. 1

680 A.D. Islam splits

630 A.D. 4 Islam

450 A.D.

300 A.D.

Bible Text

30 A.D. 3 Christianity

100 B.C. Holy Trinity <<< <<<525 B.C. Jewish Exile Confucianism 5

4 Western Religions

2 Integrated Religions

5 Eastern Religions

Protestant Reformation

Tulsidas adds to Hinduism with

Hindi Literature

Adishankara reforms


Buddhist 'Zen' taken to China

Roman Empire becomes

Christian Empire

Essenes & Therapeuts

Buddhist Missionaries

1817-92: Lifetime of Baha'ullah, Mirza Husayn 'Ali, founder of Baha'i faith, a major off-shoot religion of Islam (merging Eastern and Western beliefs).
Martin Luther protests the Papal organization's selling of indulgences ('bribes') to raise money to build the Vatican complex of buildings.
Guru Nanak, founder of Sikhism, originally a reformist Hindu sect stressing monotheistic devotion, faith in the guru, repetition of God's name and rejection of renunciation and caste. Holy capital city of Sikhs is Amritsar in Punjab, India - location of the Golden Temple. Amritsar means 'Lake (Sar) of Nectar(Amrit)'
Into Sunni and Shia sects due to disagreements over succession of rule of Islam.
Mohammed, preacher of the Quraish Bedoin tribe, founder of Islam. Begins to preach in Mecca, calling for an end to the "demons and idols" of Arab religion and conversion to the ways of the one God, Allah.
Some text in the Bible is greatly influenced from Buddhism and Hinduism: "A wicked man sees another's faults even if they are so small as a mustard seed. But he is wilfully blind to his own faults, though they are as big as a Bel fruit" - Chanakya Niti "The fault of others is easily perceived, but of ourself is difficult to perceive. A man winnows his neighbor's fault like chaff, but his own faults he hides as a cheat hides the bad die from a gambler." - Dhammapada "Any why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye." - Bible (Mathew)
An effort to reform Judaism by a Jew named Yahshua ('Jesus') results in creation of new religion around his teachings. One of his predecessors, John the Baptist was very influenced by the Essenes (thus the water purification ceremony). Some believe John was an Essene himself. Many theologians feel the higher morality of Christianity ("if someone strikes you, offer them the other cheek...") versus Judaism ("an eye for an eye...") is due to the influence of Buddhist sects.
The Holy Trinity idea starts in Hinduism, travels with Buddhism and becomes part of Christianity: Hinduism: Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (God can act as the Creater, Preserver, or Destroyer of the Universe) Buddhism: Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha Christianity: Father, Son, Holy Ghost The recitation of these 3 aspects of God at Baptism comes from the Buddhists who recite these same 3 aspects during their ceremony of Abhisheka. The resemblence of ceremonies was so great that the early Christian missionaries in Tibet and China thought these Buddhists took the idea from Christians.
Buddhist sects in Palestine (Essenes) and Egypt (Therapeuts) have an impact on religious thought.
Buddhist missionaries in Syria.
Jewish Exile in Babylon from 587 to 450 B.C. (Judaism formalized based upon Persian religion - Zoroastrianism) by Kings Nebuchadnezar and Nabonidus.
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The History of World Religions:600 B.C. Creation Text Taoism 4

625 B.C. 2,3

800 B.C. Later Hinduism

950 B.C. Jews enter India

1300 B.C. Jewish Exodus Mahabharat War

1700 B.C. 2

1760 B.C. Aryans in Babylon

1800 B.C. 1 Zarathushtra

1850 B.C. Ramayana Epic

2200 B.C. Sage Manu

2700 B.C.

2900 B.C. <<< Priest Split >>>3000 B.C. Early Hinduism

3500 B.C. Vedas

4000 B.C. Early Vedas 1

Zoroastrianism in Persia

Buddhism, Jainism

Judaism founded by Abraham (of Ur,


Aryans take over holy capital

Persian Aryans worship 'Ahura' and

have 'Hoama' Ceremony

Indian Aryans worship 'Devas' and

have 'Soma' Ceremony

5000 to 10000 B.C.

Early SSC beliefs

The text in the Old Testament about creation comes from Hinduism via the Persians: Vedic Genesis: (these 6 steps take billions of years to complete) 1. Then a shining (nebulous) mass was produced (evolution of Universe). 2. This shining mass was supervised by the Supreme Spirit. 3. Subsequently from this mass were seperated the Earth and other bodies. 4. By that Adorable Being worshipped by all were then produced the vegetables forming food. 5. He also made the animals, those of the air, forest and domesticated ones. 6. He also created men including the sages and seers who, by contemplation, then worshipped him. Him, the Adorable, and Supreme Spirit existing from the beginning. Zoroastrian Genesis: (these 6 periods take 1 year to complete) 1. Heaven was created. 2. The waters were created. 3. The Earth was created. 4. The Trees were created. 5. Animals were created. 6. Man was created. Mosaic Genesis: (these 6 steps take 6 days to complete) 1. Heaven and Earth were created. 2. Firmament and waters were created. 3. Dry land, grass, the birds and fruit trees were created. 4. Lights, the sun, the moon, the stars were created. 5. Moving creatures, winged fowls, great whales were created. 6. Living creatures, cattle, creepers beasts and man were created.
In 550 B.C., Gustapa ('Vistaspa'), King of Bactria, made Zoroastrianism the state religion of Persia.
Rama and Krishna fully deified by now and previous emphasis on Shiva or Vishnu lessened.
Musa ('Moses') leads Jews out of enslavement in Egypt.
Kassoeans (Aryan people from Kashi, India?) conquer Babylon. These people worshipped the Sun-God by the name Surya.
Zoroaster of Persia, founder of Zoroastrianism. His holy book, Zend Avesta, contains many verses from the Rig and Atharva Veda. His strong distinctions between good and evil set the dualistic tone of God and devil which distinguishes all later Western religions. He was the first recorded proponent of monotheism.
Aryan King Kasha takes over ancient Dravidian religious pilgrimage city on Ganga River and re-names it 'Kashi' after himself. This city is later called Varanasi ('Banaras').
Fight over allegiance of Aryan priests to Devas or Asuras as top of Pantheon. Followers of Asuras forced west into Persia. Military victory of King Mandatr may also be a factor here.
Aryan beliefs merge with Dravidian beliefs to create Hinduism (Sanatana Dharma - Eternal Truth)
The Vedas represent the original root of modern religions. In numerous places where traditions appear to have no lineage, we now can trace their origin from the Vedas.
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The History of World Religions:Pre-History

(SSC = Sapta-Saindvah Civilization)

Early tribal beliefs

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Dharma 1B Down 500 C.E. None None None

Dharma 100M Up 4000 B.C.E. Vedas None None

Zaroastrianism Religion 1M Down 1800 B.C.E. Monotheistic None None

Buddhism Dharma 1.5B Level 600 B.C.E. Dhammapada None None

Jainism Dharma 20M Down 650 B.C.E. Akaranga Sutra None None

Judaism Religion 40M Down 1600 B.C.E. None Jerusalem None

Christianity Religion 2B Level 30 C.E. Bible Jerusalem

Islam Religion 2B Up 650 C.E. Quran Mecca, Medina Jerusalem

Sikhism Dharma 25M Up 1450 C.E. Monotheistic Amritsar None Khalsa - Amritsar

Bahai'ism Religion 6M+ Up 1850 C.E. Monotheistic Qitab I Aqdas None Haifa, Israel None

Confucianism* ~Dharma 1B Down 550 B.C.E. Atheistic Confucian Canon None None

Taoism* ~Dharma 600M Down 640 B.C.E. Atheistic Tao te Ching None None

NOTES: * Technically, Confucianism and Taoism are not religions; but listed here for informational purposes.

A great source for information about these major religions is the website:

Ancient Hinduism is listed separately from Modern Hinduism because the religions are nearly diametrically opposed to each other.

Polytheism: The belief in many gods

Atheism: The belief that God doesn't exist

Monism: The belief that "all is one"

Religion or Dharma?

Growth Trend

When Founded?

Central Holy Book

Exclusive Holy Cities

Shared Holy Cities

Central Administration


Polytheistic(Monist in reality)

Kasi, Ayodhya, Mathura, etc.

Ancient Sanathana


Monotheistic(Monist in reality)

Kasi, Ayodhya, Madhupura (Mathura), +

Zend Avesta (Gathas)

Yazd, Pasargade, Persepolis, Kernan,


Atheistic(Monist in reality)

Bodh Gaya, Rajgir, Kapilavastu, Saranath

Atheistic(Monist in reality)

Palitana, Kashi/Varanasi, Parasnath,etc.

Monotheistic (originally Polytheistic)

Tanakh (Torah, Neviim, Ketuvim)

Monotheistic(almost Polytheistic in


Bethlehem, Vatican City

Vatican City (Catholicism)

Monotheistic(originally Polytheistic)

None (prev: Kaliph system)

Guru Granth Sahib

Nanjing & Wuxi, China

Jinhua & Guangdong, China

Belief in Deity: Diverse beliefs. Many Hindus believe in Brahman (God) as the impersonal ultimate reality/world soul. Many believe God is both impersonal force and personal savior. There are many, or countless, gods and goddesses (devas) representative of various aspects of the One supreme God. The Hindu trinity of Brahman is: the creator (Brahma), the preserver (Vishnu) and destroyer (Shiva) of the universe. Incarnations: There are many if not countless incarnations and manifestations (avatars) of God also worshipped as Gods. Origin of universe/life: Diverse beliefs. Many believe the universe recreates itself cyclically after karma is extinguished from all individuals. Many believe in a Creator God, but not per the Book of Genesis. After death: Through laws of karma, one’s soul is reborn until enlightened and liberated from rebirth at which time you enter a state of ultimate bliss (moksha) and become one with the ultimate truth and reality, God, Brahman. One may be reborn into a number of heavens and hells, or as lower life forms, depending on one’s karma. Why evil? Diverse beliefs. Some believe in gods who have powers to do some evil, a small price to pay to have the gods on our side with their powers to provide great benefits. Many believe evil, sin, and death are illusions, as only the Ultimate Reality (or God) truly exists. Most believe people have free will to commit wrongs, and evil results as cravings, attachments and ignorance accumulate through perpetual rebirths, resulting in greed, hatred, violence. The illusion of evil is extinguished with egoism through enlightenment. Salvation: To become liberated from cycles of rebirth and merge with the Universal Spirit, Brahman, one must worship God or gods, do good works, and live correctly according to the Dharma (based on one’s caste and phase of life), go on pilgrimages to the holy places in India, and learn through meditation, yoga, and, with the help of a master, the truth of one's true nature as one with the Universal Spirit. An ascetic lifestyle is recommended in the last phase of life. Some Hindus believe salvation is granted by the grace of a forgiving God. Undeserved suffering: Many believe that suffering is a result of past life greed, hatred, and spiritual ignorance, which returns as suffering (karma). Coping with suffering is sometimes viewed as valuable in furthering spiritual growth. Suffering is also seen as illusory in that it results from attachment to bodily pleasure and pain, and only the Absolute, or God, truly exists. Contemporary Issues: Abortion is considered an abominable, as the fetus deserves protection. Views on homosexuality range from neutral to strong opposition, in part because sexual activity itself is generally regarded as contrary to enlightenment and, as such, is only acceptable within marriage for procreation. Divorce and remarriage is traditionally and culturally unacceptable, although not prohibited by the scriptures. Divorce and remarriage of widows is becoming more common, however, among Hindus.
Belief in Deity: Both Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism posit no Creator or ruler God. However, deity belief is present in the Mahayana doctrine of The Three Bodies (forms) of Buddha: (1) Body of Essence -- the indescribable, impersonal Absolute Reality, or Ultimate Truth which is Nirvana (Infinite Bliss); (2)Body of Bliss or Enjoyment -- Buddha as divine, deity, formless, celestial spirit with saving power of grace, omnipotence, omniscience; and (3) Body of Transformation or Emanation -- an illusion or emanation in human form provided by the divine Buddha to guide humans to Enlightenment. Any person can potentially achieve Buddhahood, transcending personality and becoming one with the impersonal Ultimate Reality, which is Infinite Bliss (Nirvana). There are countless Buddhas presiding over countless universes. Bodhisattvas, humans and celestial spirits who sacrifice their imminent liberation (Buddhahood) to help all others to become liberated, are revered or worshipped as Gods or saints by some. Incarnations: The historic Buddha, the person Siddartha Gautama, is considered by many as an emanation or illusion of the highest power (which is also called Buddha). Many believe there have been countless Buddhas on earth. Origins of universe/life: No Creator God. All matter is illusion or manifestation of the Ultimate Reality. Generally Mahayana Buddhist beliefs don't find modern scientific discoveries contradictory to Buddhist thought. After death: After death: There is no transmigration of individual souls, but through the law of karma, one's wholesome or unwholesome intentions become imprinted in the mind. Negative mental states persist through continual rebirth until one's intentions become wholesome. Once fully enlightened, one is liberated from rebirths, reaching a state of absolute selflessness resulting in ultimate bliss called Nirvana--the "Deathless State". One becomes Buddha (or one with Buddha). Some Buddhists, especially modern Western, don't emphasize or believe in literal rebirth. Why evil? People have freewill to commit wrongs. Evil results as cravings, attachments and ignorance accumulate through perpetual rebirths, thus perpetuating greed, hatred, violence. Salvation: The goal is Enlightenment, leading to Nirvana, liberation from cycles of rebirth and suffering, which is life. All are already endowed with Buddha nature, but need to come to fully realize that only the Ultimate Reality (the great "void" or "emptiness") is real (or nonconditional) and permanent. The Four Noble Truths and Eight-fold path show the way, along with worship of the essential Buddha. One must work to extinguish self: all worldly cravings, desires, and attachments, through loving kindness, compassion, charity, moral conduct, wisdom and meditation. Renouncing worldly possessions and goals is not necessary for the laity, if balanced. Buddha taught the middle path, moderation. Human and spirit world Bodhisattvas are sought for help in gaining enlightenment. Pure Land Mahayana Buddhists aim to find a place of eternal Nirvana in a paradisical Pure Land, attainable by calling out the name of the Buddha ruler of the Pure Land. Undeserved Suffering: Suffering is inherent in life. Suffering results from this and past life greed, hatred, and ignorance, which, unless mitigated, returns as suffering (Karma). Intense suffering may be viewed as the release of karma, hastening one's liberation. Suffering is illusion or ignorance of one's true nature as Buddha -- the blissful "void." Contemporary Issues: Abortion is considered murder, and all violent acts cause horrific karmic consequence. Homosexuality in itself is not specifically condemned by scripture, but opinions vary, especially among various Buddhist cultures -- e.g. USA Buddhists are generally very accepting while Asian Buddhists are generally strongly opposed to homosexuality. It is believed that divorce wouldn't occur if one follows Buddhist precepts, but a couple is not condemned if they separate due to vast personal differences. Gender roles are generally traditional (e.g. woman as child caretakers and men as providers), but less rigid as contemporary demands are made on women (e.g. working women). Nonviolence and non-injury to other life forms and to the environment are fundamental.
Belief in Deity: Humans who have destroyed their karmas achieve Infinite Knowledge, Infinite Preception, Infinite Power and Infinite Bliss. They become Gods, or Jina, and as such will never suffer rebirth again. There is no Creator God, and Jinas do not manage the universe or humankind, which operate under their own laws (cosmic and karmic). The souls of Jinas retain their individual identities. Twenty-four Jinas are worshipped as inspirational bridges for others to achieve liberation, the latest being the founder of the religion. Any living being may become a God once enlightened. As more people become enlightened, the number of Gods becomes innumerable. Incarnations: No incarnations. Gods are humans who attain enlightment and are liberated from rebirth. Origins of Universe/Life: There is no creator; the universe is eternal and infinite and operates under its own cosmic law -- consists of three sections: earth, heaven, and hell. After death: Through laws of karma, one’s soul is reborn until enlightened and liberated. One may be reborn into hell or heaven or as a lower life form, depending on one’s karma. Once fully liberated, you become a God with omniscience and omnipotence. Why evil? People have free will to commit wrongs. Evil results as cravings, attachments and ignorance accumulate through perpetual rebirths, resulting in greed, hatred, violence. Salvation: Ridding oneself of all karmas (good or bad) and extinguishing all attachments enables one to become enlightened/liberated from cycles of rebirth and become a God with limitless perception, knowledge, power, and happiness. One must follow the “Three Jewels” of right faith, right knowledge, and right conduct. This includes no violence to any life form, even vegetables (eaten if the plant is not killed by doing so). To hasten liberation, one must confess/repent regularly and often and live ascetically, especially in the fourth and final stage of life. Undeserved Suffering: Suffering is a result of past life greed, hatred, and ignorance, which returns as suffering (karma). Suffering is also seen as illusory in that it results from attachment to bodily pleasure and pain, while only the Absolute truly exists. Suffering is one way of actively ridding oneself of bad karma. Contemporary Issues: Homosexuality would result in negative karma as sexuality is only to occur between a husband and wife; celibacy is required on the path to spiritual liberation...
Around 1650 B.C.E., a polytheist man named Abram led his tribe out of the Ur City (Mesopotamia). Abram's God commanded him to sacrifice his son Isaac --but just as Abram was about to obey this harsh command, God took back the order and established a covenant with Abram and his offspring. God announced His name to be YAHWEH (which means "I AM WHO AM"), and He then gave Abram a new name: Abraham. Abraham urged his followers to renounce their belief in other gods (they were all polytheists) in favor of Yahweh, the one true God who had established the covenant with him. The Hebrew Bible teaches that Yahweh would send a messiah to save the chosen people of Israel, and today, religious Jews still await the coming of this messiah.
Belief in Deities: God Almighty is impersonal, formless ultimate reality and He is the Creator, personal savior, inner teacher, omniscient, omnipotent - incorporeal. Incarnations: God reveals and manifests Himself through all in the universe, but no finite form can be worshipped as God, who is infinite. God chose to embody the Divine Light in the Guru Nanak and in 9 gurus successively and finally to the scriptures themselves, but none are to be worshipped as God(s). Origin of the universe/life: God existed in deep meditation of the void for countless ages until deciding to create the universe and life. Only God knows how and when the universe and life and the first karma were created. After death: One’s soul is continually reborn until liberated by the Grace of God, at which time the soul merges with God (Guru). Why evil? No original sin, no Satan. We are currently in the age of sin when evil is likely to flourish. Humans are inherently prone to succumb to temptations. God created all, and gave people free will. Evil is permitted as a test of the character of humanity and the faithfulness of evil’s victims. Godless evildoers are to be avoided. Salvation: Salvation is enlightenment, granted by God’s grace only, resulting in liberation from cycles of rebirth and the soul’s merger with God (the Supreme Soul or Guru) after death. Frequent prayer, mediation, and song in praise of God, adult baptism into the Khalsa brotherhood, good works (alms and free food kitchen), morality, and obeying God’s laws (divine words conveyed through 10 human Gurus) demonstrate devotion and purify the soul of impurities accumulated over many prior lifetimes and of human vices: lust, anger, greed, attachment and pride (or ego). Undeserved suffering: Rebirth occurs, but one is not destined to suffer under the law of karma. Suffering is not inflicted directly by God, but is permitted by God as a test of courage and faith. Suffering is appreciated for the good that it often brings out in humanity, e.g. compassion. The faithful are most vulnerable to suffering at the hand of evildoers who challenge their faith. Suffering is seen as the remedy and pleasure the disease. Contemporary Issues: Abortion is a sin. Homosexuality is not addressed in scripture, but one source indicated that it is considered as part of one's karma, and subjects the person to psychic imbalance between female and male energies, which could lead to self-destructive behaviors. Gender equality is a stated position and is emphasized in practice. Remarriage of widows is permitted.
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Monotheism: The belief in one God

Page 53: Royal Chronology of India


None Flexible NO NO YES NO

None Rama, Krishna Flexible YES NO NO NO

Zarathushtra Zarathushtra Rigid YES NO NO NO

Flexible YES NO YES NO

Mahavira Mahavira Flexible YES NO YES NO

Abraham Abraham, Moses Jerusalem Rigid NO YES YES YES

Yah'shua (Jesus) Jerusalem Rigid YES NO NO Sometimes

Muhammad Mecca, Medina Rigid YES YES YES YES

Guru Nanak Guru Nanak Amritsar Rigid YES YES NO NO

Baha'ullah Haifa, Israel Flexible YES NO NO NO

Kung Fu-Tze Kung Fu-Tze Flexible NO NO NO NO

Lao Tze Lao Tze Flexible NO NO NO NO

Founder of Religion

Prophets / Incarnations of


Pilgrimmage Sites

Rigid or Flexible?

Practice Proscelytization

Special Clothing Requirements?

Special Dietary Requirements?

Mandate Genital Mutilation?

Rama, Krishna, Buddha

Kasi, Ayodhya, Mathura, etc.

Kasi, Ayodhya, Madhupura (Mathura), +

Yazd, Pasargade, Persepolis

Gautam Siddhartha

Gautam Siddhartha

Bodh Gaya, Rajgir, Kapilavastu, Saranath

Palitana, Kashi/Varanasi, Parasnath,etc.

Yahshua, Abraham

Muhammad, Yahshua, Abraham

Many from many faiths

Nanjing & Wuxi, China

Jinhua & Guangdong, China

Page 54: Royal Chronology of India


Relativist Unity YES

Triumphantist Unity YES

Triumphantist Duality NO Zaroastrianism

Relativist Unity YES Buddhism

Relativist Unity YES Jainism

Triumphantist Duality NO Judaism

Triumphantist Duality NO Christianity

Triumphantist Duality NO Islam

Triumphantist Duality NO Sikhism

Triumphantist Duality NO Bahai'ism

Relativist Duality YES Confucianism*

Relativist Duality YES Taoism*

Relationship of man to God:

Belief in Reincarnation

Modern Hinduism

Ancient Sanathana


Page 55: Royal Chronology of India
Page 56: Royal Chronology of India


No. Date Festival Religion1 1-Jan New Year's Day ALL

2 14-Jan Makar Sakranti Hinduism

3 January Republic Day ALL

4 Jan 20+ Pongal Hinduism

5 24-Jan Mauni Amavasya Hinduism

6 Jan. 9-Feb 21 Kumbh Mela Hinduism

7 Jan/Feb Vasant Panchami Hinduism

8 Feb 25+ Hajj Islam

9 Feb/March Maha ShivaRatri Hinduism

10 March Holi Hinduism

11 March Mawlid an Nabi Islam

Page 57: Royal Chronology of India

12 March/April Ram Navami Hinduism

13 April Easter Christianity

14 April Baisakhi

15 April/May Mahavir Jayanti Jainism

16 June Ganesh Chaturthi Hinduism

17 July/August Guru Purnima Hinduism

18 4-Aug Hinduism

19 August Krishna Janmashtami Hinduism

20 15-Aug Independence Day ALL21 21-Aug Parsi New Year Zaroastrianism22 September Buddha Jayanti Buddhism

23 October NavRatri Hinduism

24 October Id-ul-Fitr Islam

25 October Karawa Chauth Hinduism

26 October Dassera Hinduism

27 Oct/Nov Diwali (Deepa Vali) Hinduism


Rakhi (Raksha Bandan)

Page 58: Royal Chronology of India

28 November Guru Nanak Jayanti Sikhism

29 Dec. 25 Christmas Christianity

30 Dec. 27+ Id-ul-Adha (Muharram) Islam

Page 59: Royal Chronology of India


SignificanceInternational New Year's Day.

Festival of India (National Pride Day)

Smaller version of Kumbh Mela (see below).

Pilgrimage Muslims take at least once in their life to Mecca, Saudia Arabia.

This festivals coincides with the Sun's northward journey (Uttarayan) when it enters the sign of Makar (Capricorn). This astrological day has been considered as good luck since the advent of the Aryans in India. During the Mahabharat War, Bhisma supposedly waited until this day to die. Legend has it that anyone who dies on this day escapes the cycle of birth and death. Many people share sesame sweets on this day.

A Dravidian festival of Spring celebrated in Tamil Nadu after the winter solstice. This is a 3 day festival of prayer with the 4th day for outdoor activities. People eat a special 'pudding' of boiled milk, rice, dal, nuts and saffron.

Largest religious gathering on Earth (30 million+ people). Every 12 years, Hindus from all over the world come to the town of Allahabad (Prayag) at the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna Rivers for 42 days. The purpose of this great gathering is to share knowledge and take a purifying swim (Baptism) in the waters. The Kumbh Mela (Jar Festival) takes place in 4 locations: Nasik, Ujjain, Prayag and Hardwar. The 'Jar' is symbolically filled with the Nectar of Immortality.

This is a Spring Festival (Vasant Panchami means 5th day of Spring). Saraswati (equivalent to the Greek/Roman god: Minerva) is worshipped and people decorate with yellow colors since yellow flowers bloom in Spring.

Worship of Shiva - part of Holy Trinity. It is believed that in the past, on an evening during this time of year, Shiva showed himself to the world. People fast during the day and pray to God at this time to relieve themselves of sins committed in the past 3 lives. The main place this festival occurs is at one of the 12 JyotirLingas - in Ujjain (Avanti). * See Notes below.

The festival of Spring where everyone goes out into the streets and gets each other colored with brightly colored powders (grains). People play joyfully with coloured water and everywhere one hears the shouts of "Holi-ho! Holi-ho!" People stand in the streets and pump coloured water over the body and clothes of any man who passes by, be he a rich man or an officer. There is no restriction on this day. It is like the April Fool day of the Europeans. People compose and sing special Holi songs.

Muhammad’s Birthday. Go to to see how the Muslim Calendar compares to the standard Gregorian Calendar.

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Resurrection (rising from the dead back to life) of Jesus.

Birth of founder of Jainism – Mahavir.

Festival celebrating the birth of Prince/Lord Krishna (this should fall about 8 days after Raksha Bandan).

Independence of India from Britain on August 15th, 1947.

Zaroastrian ('Parsi') New Year.

Birth of Gautama Siddhartha – The Buddha.

Celebration of the birth of King/Lord Rama. The noblest lesson embodied in the Ramayana is the supreme importance of righteousness in the life of every human being. Righteousness is the spiritual spark of life. Cultivation of righteousness is the process of unfoldment of the latent divinity in man. The glorious incarnation of the Supreme Being in the form of Lord Rama has exemplified the path of righteousness. Let mankind follow His footsteps and practise the ideals cherished by Him, for it is only thus that there can be everlasting peace, prosperity and welfare in this world.

It was on this day that the last Guru Gobind Singh organised the sikhs into Khalsa or the pure ones. By doing so, he eliminated the differences of high and low and established that all human beings were equal. For Hindus, it is the start of the new year, and is celebrated with requisite bathing, partying, and worshipping.

He is addressed as the "Remover of Obstacles" ("Vignaharta"). His devotees believe that no enterprise will succeed unless he is invoked. The picture of Ganpati is often found on the doors of houses and printed on wedding cards. On the occasion of the Ganpati festival a large number of images are made of all possible sizes, and people buy them to keep in their houses as a divine guest for one and a half, five, seven, or ten days, after which the image is taken out ceremoniously and thrown into the river, sea or well for immersion or "visarjan". When he is immersed in the water, people sing, "'GANPATI BAPPA MORYA, AGLE BARAS TO JALDI AA," ("father Ganpati, next year come again.")

Remembrance of Sage Vyasa - who edited the 4 Vedas and wrote 18 Puranas, the Mahabharat and the Srimad Bhagavatam.

This festival (RAKHI PURNIMA) which originated in Vedic times celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters. Sisters tie a string/Rakhi around her brother's wrist so that he will remember her. The amlet is known as a Rakshi (Raksha means "protection ") or Rakhi is tied round the wrist of brothers by the sisters as a protection from evil during the ensuing year. He gives her a gift and she cooks him something sweet.

Worship of Goddess Durga for 9 nights 'Nava Ratri' - who took 9 avatars (incarnations) and killed 9 evil forces (Asuras). Each day of Navratri is devoted to one avatar. The 9 Avatars are described below.

Marks the end of fasting in the month of Ramadan and is celebrated with public prayers, feasts and exchange of gifts.

Karawa Chauth (4th day of month, Karawa) - women fast and pray for their husband's long life and that they may get their husbands again in the next life. They break the fast when the see the full moon.

Dassera (the '10th' day) celebrates King Rama's defeat of the evil King of Lanka, Ravana. People burn large effigies of Ravana symbolically recreating King Ravana's defeat.

Indian New Year: Deepa Vali ('Row of Lamps') is a celebration of King Rama's return from 14 years of exile in the jungles of India and Sri Lanka back to the candle/lamp-lit city of Ayodhya - the capital city of his kingdom. This is the most important Indian holiday in the year.

Page 61: Royal Chronology of India

Guru Nanak’s Birth

Celebration of birth of Jesus (actually a historical combination of the celebration of Jesus's birth with the ancient Roman winter equinox festival).

A celebration at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan to commemorate the martyrdom of Muhammad's grandson, Hussein.