
r,:r„ ; : IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^Rise^l In Storm fC lcriedjcd upward j.ff with“l« persons jg^'eW m luintia -H D ^ e s of mishaps that M H, ggr*”‘T?A-'c ^ iDte rnimooi of 601’ In by ho*Ung w«>t-«nd r^ n pom^_U= . u ia SSsS IM Wllh »nolher SK a » Mrro?-fog;^<I«! br Toityo w. m ^m “^ y . i « i x x i i » b » 1 beeDr< - H H ■ni» 47 PffW"* « b o « tl iHf UU - ton Nonreslv> l||f l SijdBn>Tlg.Uieolh««Wpta ^etSiiloa were meuMl. Ten _______________BESOJ aewhere H «•: . Trinlly r Th, 11 ertwmen of the fUhlnj tuiaUier t aueoe NldnJjht Sun, out of ilnkln/, I SJ^ford. M«J, were uatc- etnUr. ai for after» itorm H »ea Pftasadiy. ^ Twh'fSianWi fishermen were | tiroCTed m a lUmn SSUll 6paln'» north coMt Sun- *^J »,»■. nnilUmc »I«r i;t»- A k, ,tn ^ two Japanese fishing X X U * mU with M crewmen w t« tiAurr their home ports . HAMI in a 8101 —— ----------------- m g hi!) > FlireeHurt nTw is^Car— p A! . frciBhlet load-Misliap-Xfi? SiaLTON, NOT. 19 — HJree cap o a were hoiplUU*^ tol- “ «‘n‘ (t« I tw9^ cr**Ji Math al «B« Sm lar tflereoon. 8 a p tu u i3 ^ -Magle Valley ^ [cmatlsl hoflaiil U Mr*. Bwln rfD ud her wa. Btcren. Mrt. rd rtcelted mulUpla Ucer- g^_ UcBi oa tw foreheadjna leaJp BdwUiM lnrilrlrsoodcoa: first spotu lUen l&Dday noon. Btera Brill im tor js u idfflltted for obeerratlon. tha Qnel Semi Warner, Burlay, driver Oeorse, a C tbt second car Inroired ta the causht fin tn ntiala Clftffc. _0 IracrUl.bonillaL Bufler, with ^<X wara itgesl Injuries and was Ustad the East B taidiy mortlnj la laixlr good 2S"tfeifrftr salmon. 1 hold wlie ^^and^tlw ^er of ^e otrrt la the accident. They were netted and'ieleased from-the "J"’ ■pllsL The Em ■n» seeldent occurred a t 4:30 h r ih L S h ! a today ihrtetnlles east aad :« ttd fhtte-fourths mUes ^ « na«lton on a wunty „ a slop^ ^ Both ears approaeheA the . 1,^5 !^p ^ ntWon. Iwlead of ( Duaise*-ia-the_Wamcr car --w i. T«it «»«) >« •^■lu-WiKiitrwaho SUte pa- to u intMUMted. NO d U - or fuel we “a woelMutd. ship's llghU )eGauUe . « )• I w r. 1 ’ “** W terV ote W intei S?S;s?^Snow llrn round of th^ na- *»l u«ml)ly elections wllh a «»W re»„din« v ^ iT orer Southern li !I5« ‘ oM line poUUcftl partlM. Oauliui Union for a New jw«k-end 0 wllh a one-plank plat- “>* « « “«• ; n'* 'ifUKerflng Joyalty to Amounla < ' uwijs, dijpiicfj U,e gjim. generally ll{ ?5'l-“«re I r l f S U n d n y lind'led in reporUd'Ki SJiB <1lstflcU of metro- the’ ground 5k- V .2"" ®>'«« runoffs Inch, and M irtrt .5, Sunday. The SniOte RU of tfte popular toI o ho f^Il* to . foe and lo. AllC.h o jT ^ ^ In te rlo r Minuter near. t«e"Wm ElMwhere peratures ii [daho-May~ Es aa buS‘“ ® '> '“ollar general mltleo belle < ffwrnmended by dollar budgi hudget-oon,. wllhout-a-b >»i rtie t leglsUjure The D7. n * Ota .*P” “**tloa'today million doll gefby with- been rwjues „n. ^ IM.* current two- "*'* inSn.i U*e f“nd budcet ? I»9 »M ‘ '™*lh over the lars represei K i^p;!.-r ----------------- ia.8jnlUl«nj Jgrj^^TTenarma, jl. tIous budget d *■ port! “»»>ouwtpproprl. hDwerer/^wa ^ ----------- *— :-----------------------n n r S i a j t i S*- " 7 . . • ~ I grSCCTD OBEgg ««Hm» fma-ttM-bmlB Trlnlly Natigalor, In Pblladelphia Jllonday. aoattarr meue vettel look (wo other* to a C slnklDf, tscladlnc * brother et Georgtts AnI center, aod Thamlstokllj Falsattis, SS. (AF « ¥ ¥ ¥ . ¥ Captain Says C Aboard in Plac HAMILTON, Bermuda, Nov. 19 (UI in a storm" that wreaked liavoc wrtfi - ing hiii vc-ssciy fuel tanks with water gnllona of fuel in Havana, and it was ] of the East Star .said ye.sterday. ClarJ a fte r they were rescued . * from~the"hclp!csfr-155=foot ~v«j--------- - freighter East Star which wa3_£c.p-0tted-t0-bd still - k j U l afloat today. . The captain said the frelsht- er^ engines were Idlod for nine || I I day# ty lack of fuel and It toad no power to navlgnle or use Ita PHII.AD radio."Hie MJ-ton ressel was tossed around by xnoiinuitnDUi ^recK irci. seas, unable to get aid from and ironica passlhR »e«els unUl tho tanker abandon fl«V.OuPRr..«lghtcd -.Ita.Jlaies tftoifn-Bnfp 8«uRUy.nlgh{._Tho.nivm_ffere 1?° first spotted by a plane aearch- tiro ceap . Ing for. 18 missing crewmen of The bodies tha Greek. freighter CapUln aro Still m Otorge, abandoned after H ------------------ caught fire and exploded. Clarl:. d St. JOMpbts, | jAnOI ifld~iSm were breaklng-ovtr A /C |i« tJ OieEasrBtar'and'U'Wiu-Ustlnff ^ 1 . yg^-rctroiOTwater-in-thB-Ko: -W lrnVJ 1 hold when the San Caspar ar- ^ J —Ke^ile<^th»-harro«lag-sia» -V V |>nll< days adrlJt "Uie worst experU JrJt' enee ot my llle." ’Senoior Le The East Star left Havana advised the "i Not. a and set out wllh whnt egram Monda] he thought was a full load of department 0 fuel. and welfare Four days out of Havana. afU application of er a slop In Omnd Turk Island ceptor oulfal to pick up a cargo of salt, the goon, engines began drawing waKr nie total ct Instead of oil and stopped. <236.700, w ith --W e ralsed-the-'LV' W lstms »71fllO. -- - flag) in plain alght ot five ships said. The few remaining gallons TTllCltS of fuel were used to keep the ship's lights burning. W |iQ lr<3 There also were reports that 0 kJllwIVC KofWfiflsn/fcleh«r‘« creir njlfihS _ _ board the East s u r 10 dalm sal- »a«e rights. The ship was pur- J.UUUSI W » MOSCOW, 1 Winter Shows Snow to Idaho— ' .'By The AuecUted Press Light snow fell over moat ot Khnisliehev Jouthem Idaho Sunday as the iTS-mcmber c 3em State experienced Its first central cnmmi veek-end ot winter weather of cmphwls wouU he season. . ^ . hm'T Indusir? Amounts ot snow .Sunday were armjunenta-ra tenerally light. Pocatello report- sumer goods. D :d one inch ot new snow, bring- elforU to pul ng lo six the toUl amount to other consume all there since Frldny. Dufley shops._____ epMied 'Ko'lMheroTTnlHiroH -ThrT>rociMi he' ground: Idaho Falls one a long speech nth. and MaJnd. a trace. itpeclal meouni Snake River Valley, from Ida- affrtoillure . n 10 Falls to Boise, reporMd den«e major rtcmmt og and low clouds Sunday, a tlghlrtilng ^ 1 ure IndlMtloa that wlnlcr Is RU piui.'w of.pi ifnr. Khrushchev 1 Elsewhere ln-the-rt«te.- tern- 1’)'“**-““ - ^ wratures were dropping as akies lake a UiOUgh; legan to clear' after the storm maiM profits )assed. in the west. Escape-Additi tlons committee aald the com* of the,4ufpju* [Jltteo believes -th e B7 million help of Uie c^ ollar budget ^an be flnoncea tax. rllhout-a-broad-baBO-lAa.-------^ —TOe >»•« l«ls The D7 million dollars li 10 n Mrmanent b illllon dollars leas than had npproprlated 6 een rwjuesled by atate agen- milhon dollars lei.'Tim'represenla almost 8.0 a^lng the JIO h ilUlon dollars more than the jor source of n mount appropriated tor the .pjj, eommltt eneral fund operaUon f v the jg ^mion do sehooli. 4i ml ind budget of S8.4 njllllon ilol- jind'aJkrd biit irs represented an of the 1 >.a million dollars over the pre» vMrs ago. - ■ lous budgeToI'^SjJ miHfoh floP _ toaimitt« irs. X portion of this Increase. Tha DWTcr/^waj: taken from part tlons will b* n nnrSlajtc Valley rJi^Bpaper Dedicate 7 ‘ ■ ^ T\VIN FALL -.S' i-tfc»-befeliiffrt<fhl»rH)ephilit-<leeiTr,‘1eiTe' a Monday. The tanker brought (ire reseoed sail Her* to a Canadian porl.-.A( least 18 other sal eorgies Anthlj. M. iefl. Other* are ArapU Ai s, SS. (AF wirephoto) ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ys Cubans Put \ Place of Fuel^G 1^19 (UPD—The cantnin of_a frcifijii ;oc witii Atlantic shipping has accused ' ith water in.stead of oil. ‘‘We took on 1 d it was 15 tons of water,’’ Capt. Edw; Jay. Clark and 12 crewmen were brougl . ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SumyorsjoflGr Ship Tell of Fi^ PHILADELPHIA,- Kov. 19 —Five aui 'reck freighter Captain Gcorge<unfo1di nd ironical story today of how'the^ rislt 1 abandoning the burning ship while fc jok rsnfer lifeboat bufwero'lolit fri the , ic“oceaTirOf“th6'^5inifliccte.wn€?vcn‘ ho' bodies of three others have been rec ro still missing. The ficc men, all fror : ----------------------------- -- — r area of Grec Jepartment— •\i T> 1 1 tankcr,“ the ' JkayrBuU— I !• _ • 200 miles norUi' Senator Lcn Jordan. E , Ida., day. The five ir Jvlsed the Tlmes-News by u l- Arnpls. il. Cos ram Monday aftemoon that the Themis PaUat; ipartment of health. educaUon Authls. 3«. and id welfare has approved tlie Ides. 55. ipllcatlon ot Buhl for an Inter- Velctga* * pUr oulfall and sewage la- apcaking througl OT. explained thnt ■nie total cost of the project Is Ufeboat on the ) 38.700, with a federal grant of CapUln Ocorge IfllO. ................... .• tlio left side. Til , _________________ the windward 1 ^ikita-^ks— crew to nbnndo: iliakeup in S JT Jettisoning Uie < ndustries ' lifeboat because c .toscow , NOT. IB W -Sw -lct or .ulphur fume: imterttimtshchertodar<mkr- ~TRc7^Ic!ITOr a dniaUc ahapeup of Soviet windward side. ' lustry and-agriw lt^ to spur members preferr xluetlon ot aU klnd.i of fiood.% -0 on the boat 1 fl-told hLn Communltr:party-U SD ^V e-ien’ard irt -ieam fnsn the-capiuil-—^-n-tirriied‘m Chnisliehev told the powerful p-mcmber communlrt p a r t y i-j^ itral committee tho prlnuirj- tu t only iw phAils would continue to be on ' .w SnSSSK?" E “ “cS,’: K f ’£ s 3" ner goods. But he stressed new foy^ Montreal. orU to pul mere food and ' I ,« consumer goods In Spvlet Z lllVkOV J ?hfT>rociwn-wM-lBld-dgwi>-ln ‘T t f f l n 'a v l Q * ORg speech to the committee* D U lgdlld dal meoUng on Industry, and VIENNA. Nov. ■tculture . reorganlaUon. lt< Bulgarian nation jor rrcomniejulAtion oOJed for unonlmoatly elcc iirtiing ot party cofitrol'over party leader Tot pluow of production. .. premier. .of .-BuIc airushehev also told the com- Bulgnxlim ne«'s n A«»-Uie-fim-let .Union i^iould Fonner Premlei e a UioughtXul kx>k a t' U'hat a n d Deputy 1' kM proflU for tho C04iltAllsts Tsonkor were rc the West.___________________ duUei. the agency Idition of New the 4ufp}ui created with the nibert E. Smyll [) of iJie controversial hend 1063 legislature. Tho legislature I Trtkit-ifglslature-aiso-set-up mrmanent gliding fund and 2? iroprlated Tn addlUonal 7.4 within S “ Ullon lion dollars for this .purpw . committee ^ 0 irs SIS ;L"°£‘5i;," iSl™ ,'S e than the approprlaUon two conuniuee M Mmmittee's rtcommenda- t n ^ * e d u ^ J will b« fubmltUd to Oov. gnm In ^ e scho< Dedicated to Sm-lni; and rromollng IN FALLS, IDAHO, MONDAY, NOV i C l l Pa I M np NEW Iiiiliiiii cipfci forccd the 1 mnninfr to Assam. ;>l;t th( ^ n i - n - p b c e —tr on a c f((t up. Mini the (1 he the In c]Bm..ln_rjac subjrcii In Asi .-h'cliru'a. luui lOM or liourj otter He told par nr.->e 'oiiltlhnVi on foreccl the m *.iU It tl now tiige, leaie-On1f-o»-iatilrrn- oommandeHn- reseoed salleN to port while to.decldr where 18 other sailor* died In the In an effort lo e Arapis Antonios, 47, rear Cliltiwe. iilvwliere 0; ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ northern balll •;__ Kashmir to -D' 'uf W ater™ _ _ - and a battle aLi el Oils vs*: La frdlthtcr-abandoMii s accused Cubans of fill- Ruardinjr a viti took on 18 tons nnil 88 at ciiujJiul am :apt. Edward Clark. 61, cr. brojBht to Bermuda „I'“ * Sunday nlgiit ! £ —J-W-----: -------- ------------- lhe_Cliliiwe of Jureek ^ ------- jlnniM-to-rei » *r^* 1 I not a border dl Fiffnt “’AmS .’S w nese Oojttmunl ~Fivc survivors of the En-tat ri sayln ge-unfolded a touching I'thij; rwkcd mc»t odd. p while fellow cre\vmen Afro-Aaiin p« Dlft iri th e sto rm y A tlan- million dollars ETsovcn' were rescued: heeded-infane 0 b'een recovered and 15 been flown to ir n, all from the Aegean pSii,^ a of Grccce, a r r i v e d after capturing e late S u i r d n y niprht nesepreaeTthi ard-thfr-tiberian-flnt fu^cMi.iti th. ker,- the Trinity -Navi- ir. TliB Trlnltr-plckcd-them —^ ^ n ^ S n i from the AtlanUc more than ,L“ " ^ IlLe II, 5 M . Ocorge in a storm Tliura- nnmhiu nn fi<. . The five men nre Antonlus pis. 47. Coslns VeleUas, 30. mis Patialzls. 38. George Te*pur on the his. 34. and Stellas Fasclial- • efetiA s and PaschiblJdea. i U jL f iing through an Inurpreter, ained thnt there was one IJ oat on the right side of the X 1 CC/ X Uln aeorge and another on ^ _. left side. Tlie right sldfi.WAi f . |v < t 1« r wln'dward ride facing Inlo W C l X. 'y .go'«- ' .........._MnK_iOBK. Iftmhe mniUnJrdcrenur Droadcasllnff ex to abandon ship atter the jf„jrty snya th atos-ed wllh It 18 hours try- u to extlnRUl.ih the fire ond gram ri, sonlng Uie cargo of ammu- ^.4, #n exerclsi in from the holds, tiie fiw {hj pretj by tlie : unable to gel the left-side Tlie America oat because of a lica\7 screen company had a ilphur fumes. view Hiss, a co; itydciiflta lu (!u DiTT tlw mcni; wun otni Iward side. The other crew gram, Kagerty ; ibers preferred to wait and statement alrei n the boat whldi was safer Sunday night. ■the'leiward side.— ------------- “I'm-agaljist-: ■lt”turned‘buirU»c five were thlng-he.sUndi led afier being In Uie waUr use for him -r t an hour. Ta-enly crew- ne^'cr will have, piled Inlo the oUier 'Jlfe- . "But Uiat dc but only two ot Uiem were |«et Ui(it he did led by another Liberlan.flaj er, Uie Virginia which head- -T 1 erltlelsm of- Uie ivkoy Named ' ilgaria'fceader” aJNA. Nov. 10 m — The atuck."' irtan notional a a s e m b l y -------------- i e a ^ Todor Zhivkov as Christian rented. iBeforeC mer Premier, Antml.Yugov v.Ttrn>j'rrr Deputy 1-resnkr Georrf g.j, F pw Tax 1 V TT X a>A.. A spokesman, r •t'E.‘ smyHe' and“ lo 'me lefflslature ®‘ , I'^egUlature In Uie past has lheJccommendaUonaj4-a -fniut "!*fk prpgi and Uie ISOl budget waa gression. neip ar 1 2 million dollars of the ment- in the C Ittee recommendaUoa ^'eld. ^jed 45 million dollars for 1 a 10 bring the stau’s share - 1X311 IC J . 60 per cent. That level jport was endorsed by the idar nemf>en>tle ■platform and inx-i iuMnj saiQ me siaie tn^i 1 move toward It. ' 'V o i ................ .commiuee recommended MagIc > In tte schools. 196J-.'--------- - ..; _________________ rcmoling the Growth of Nine Irrl^t AY, NOVEMBER 10, 1902 M n e s e ^ C Past^on Vear Pla KEW DELHI. Illdin, Nov. 10 .,V1_C | iliiiti cipfcnite poaititm n t the <‘;i.«UTri i' ; I'Hiuiloiis Indiiin Mliniia~or~Af^<;ini. 1 •cc(t the Indian withiirawal t.. Humdil ining to Tezpur on the sani. i>Jillns. The next | isible defen.-^e po.««ition. I ttII*! ■haiw the only one. i.'< ^ a-pbce—cnllftl—Knitle'#—.Npjt “ F j m --------- a range crossed by n ron4 « feet up. I 111 t rime MlnlJter Nehru an- ' incrd the fall of Bomdllft, A* JIL’UTAl tlld 10, the British high rnm- ,v„i||ii l„. l„ .^lon 111 New Delhi ninde 'V. m..m rvaninte 1.500 PrltlMi » f t.'ril(ii)n il' ■jrcij In Asjiam. cuieiilal.tdK W inii announcement _oI_lha oiic.4ar.^tcci I of Domdtia was made a few ---------------- --- iri oJter the loss of Sc piuu le*^W'’parllftm entlheChl- _ R llG ( e '5innhnlird~In(innrTn)tij\? 13,758-foot Se poM and thus _ :ccl the Indians to wltiidrnw. / 1 Un J itnander'ln'the Homdlllfv-ftrra 'AVA^TTT^i ecldp where to set up defeatrj , . , 5, ,n effort lo hold the stornilng {”!** *0' I,Me. tory answer .vwhere on the rrpmwllng today cr Ti hern batllefront — f r o m today. 'Diis hmlr to-Burma — flKhUng r Inued south ot Wnlong. which r Red ChIne.^e seized Frldny. •» ^CW lorh he ea-itern end of the line: the authorit a brittle aLio waa mglng near -iliul airfield in Ladakh, to "•* ..... I Lftdnkh. al the Swai ot Uie tibpuied border, the ■: i« n n iT t ~tngcn~&n aucpo.u r — one-Af-tii •din/ a vital Jndinn lUrfield »' Inliablt Uie riiusliul and fighting U con- i' Memorial p Ing In the, area.-Nehru aald, 1 Ing Sundaj A announcement ot the new .. down rses came after a. speech : coulee past day night In which he said .; James W Cliliiwe offenslvo is Uireat- of Mr. and ■g iBiaHTnaepcndence. H* -r-\Vatsonrl72i otliff counlrles are now be- -i ®R*t, and Ji iIM"lO“ m llM “tH nt-thU -ls -aon-of—M a border dispute but ••naked. Charles (Ri le and phameless aggre&slon." ■ Third aveni Peking broadcast quoted Chi- ! the bird w! Ooflununlst Premier Chou U pJJU'lng abo lat R( saying TT. B. arma atfl r day aiong U ndia will enlarge tho conflict ; 1 Thinking Uie detriment ot the Chinese ' vlld, Uiey sr Indian people and ot the ! the water 1 i-A4lin.pcopjcj.tl_About.Jlvc L-homc. ."It.t Ion dollars, worth ot bndly | and didn't led“ lnfan{ry—weapon»“rhave r—aUUiioe,—V I flown to India by tho United [ Monday mo es. I jjra. J. king radio claimed that J isos Seconi! • capt^ng Bo pau Uio Chi- } • looked out h preuM their advance to the 11 saw Uie twc !iciui.lti..thejdfreetfon_ofjfie her hou m army's advance^headquar- 1! big bird an .on.the.Phlmng river; ?! 'n o UricdMha le Indian army was reported 1 wiie'ti Dal nlng to put Uie next ;i arrived at In this area ot the norUieoAt . Mrs. Dahl blla, on tlie next pldge of nn •, officials one m-bullt rood running to | «he should d ur on the Assam plnitu. ! tng tor a re; —^ ----------------------- I she remembe BC Claims i ;JnT .1 Upon call! r e e 'P ress’ S d“ S ;i had left. M ver'Hiss--- i, S'iiS w vonif^ Vnv ■la-in— L=^- - r .r,ia .T=r:r5 dcasUng execuUve Jame.i C. rty Kiya the appearance of I ^ W • Hlu on Uie television pro. U « i l » O J . about Richard M. Nixon _ . ,rr.S.'n"'.S.'’'’” Denud s American Broadcn-UIng _ any had a right to Inter* I nfiiic Ulis. a convicted perjurer. i J d lA Jll S . , Kagerty said In a taped ” *1! ry"nlEht” ^ the U.N. poll n-agalnst-Hl-M-nnd-every- «rccd today.lo; -he.sUndi-for. I have no “ make LaUn.^ for him-never had. and .elearlzed wne. ■will have. Brazil was a It Uiat doesn't alter the pinn, alonif' with Ji(it he did play nn impor- and Bolivia, -n part In the political career received subsUn chard Nixon.” it ran Into dlf lerty. nmpllfyinir hi* dc- ^etic q of ABC during lr«t week's Bmendments wli tm of- the television np- „oiable to ihe 1 nee Of Uie man whom Nix- jlptd send xv free*p^'*hM*com’e under moved iliU mom ■_______________________naUon commltu __________________ tlon on Uie p: ristian Unity fore Council Three j ncArf r.rry. .Nov. lo 'jG= ____.. loman Catholic ecumenical A *ft»» K i- ll was urged today to treat / X l i i X i J l J troveralal theological thesis "rh.rllr ^^^Fltv ulmnllfltV A OJie-Cftr RCCll enileness" In Uie Interest of lan unity. Memorial bridge »kesman. reporting on the pf »““> n>lshaps 4tiilQnJn.St..Ecjrr's. add- ■*» ‘hree separat ■t many of today's fpenkera *he Wldge-withir I ihai Lh^ council's work Ules. mark Dwr<« and not re- DcPU^y Sheriff wnmcd-an-iepc in the ChrUtian unity fdwts. In whitii jured and no cll . xued.___________ ^ "Elie frUi affic Deaths Idaho - 22. 328 w« Jerome, skidded I ■3i,R...M.n .in .......... 2A7 — 'a(ii'r'mit';u f' voi J............................... 237 Sklcitfed in to Che 2i77=r;Tr:i-..i„....— -5 3 — Mllr-The-VehW*- J-.'..-— 51* la the ceater of th le Irrl^ted Ida^ Counties jComrnui )MerFas lains7)f I n <»V)—Cliiiu'se m n n m n ist troops, 20,(1 i‘a.*l>‘rri I'nil uf Ihi-'fiKhUmr_fronl lwla> II Hunnlihi. r»Hmilo.H tu t h e HotUhca.sf < iirl Killed in G Phree Hurt in I 'IL'UTAUnH. Nov. 18—It wa« not dcc lllll liu hclii into the iiccidciitiil «hooli criidon iit'.-ir .Murlantrh. Jniiet Eluino 1’ emaL.HiHiiniiij; in n home near Miirta i~mr.utccit]ujit4h;tUofciirrcd-wbilo-U}u iussJEeajJJ.SJ )n Jet Withdra i the Soviet Union that it hope.s'to hn' y answer'iibmit withdrawal of bomber iiy or Tuesday, slate department aut ay. 'Dii.s word was given by U. S. nej •IcCloy to Soviet rcpre.ientative Vasily '»ew York on Sui^dny, tho authoritiea sn authorities added, the United States .................. ccived a sati ~ - ................ •• 8wer from th Swan Song U ss ' k IJ -OneTjf-the-awims-whtarT: xriftc niustne~pii nliablt Uie pond at Suniet I; ot a Cuba settle femorlal park was miss- j. A White House Ig Sunday after swim- Ji, a report from K ling down Uie Perrlne ; the U. 8. coordl oulee past Kimberly road. tee on Cuban pol James Wat-wn, 12, npn S with Kuaietaov f Mr. and .Mrs, J. Glenn 3 hour's meeting V /atsonrl725-Third-«venu*-ii .dtty_wiUi-U»-ex ost, and James Dahl, 10, H too of Ui# - ni on-of-M r.- and-JUr*^^ ------------ Iharles (Ray) Dahl, 1737 The White Ho ■bird avenue east, spotted 3 word on thejiatu he bird while they were t But sUte dept iJaylnir about 5 pja. Sun- H reported tt ay alongUieeoulee.. h KuaieUoHorcef Thinking thtf s»-an waa ; sollatlons on a ' rlld, Uiey snatched It from h lie water and carried it H the bombers a re ; omc. ."It.was.very uime_fl neUov gava whot nd didn't offer any re- f* descrlbW aa a c lxlaiio4>,'.^Mrs.-Oahl-aald-;^ iuid_unfifttUtAetO] fonday morning. M Uie negoUaUon* Mrs. J. Lyle SUams, K 908 Second avenue «i8t, h lOked out her window and S^.i^ Stl iw Uie two boys walUng ^ ^ »«t hcrJiou«s lugging Uie_[ IZ Aj ig bird and Immediately | w!rS~!!"ii"Sfw .u on p nniSraTTOtiro" Tired at Dahfj house, j » PUbllo sUtemei 'n. Dahl first noUtled !■ . come of tho Ku flelals and asked what : Tliere was sunr le should do. While wait- I'; primary reason t g for a reply from Uiem, h ban govcramenfi 10 remembered there were f; domeaUo avlaUon .•ans at Uie cemetery |! difficulty In detec md. ' Ing V3. deconnal Upon calling the ceme- ; The planes v ry manager's home, tt ' Sunday, following IS discovered (he bird Castro’s warning id left. Mr. and Mrs. | that surveillance »hl returned Uie swan to ; over Cuba will be e 'pond'Abouf5:30'pjn.' ] "iLow and'hlRh'f ' ' ' ' ' tab on former m N. Shelves = « -I Iraclng aircraft jnuclearize -• jii some question abo ituis Plan__ n TTED NA'nONS. N.Y. Nov. separate friendly < —At Uie request of Brazil, from a true Urget U.N. political committee consldernblo "sopl d today, to shelve ajropoj/il th6_«iypm_ent ajic ike LaUn.JVtntrlca a dcnu- ot crcws to Inierx red Mne. nn**- lU was a sponsor of Uie alonif'wlth Ecuador. Chile, R* '« '* Bolivia The nrooosal had conrtatoance ml«J cd subsUnllfll support, but n S “ *’hl*io5 ^ into difficulty lau l« l S d a r\i« m , when Cuba suggested dments whlcli were unac- 3le to Ihe sponsora. •, gANTa DOM:^ zlllan Amba.<isador Alfonso can nepubllc. Nov i..dC^ll.q.EnUlgQ.IOnPCll£ and-pnUrr nmrrt> 1 lliU momlru: that Uie 110- today tc block Joa 1 committee postpone ae- returning from exi on Uie plan Indeflnltely. presidency—a post was no opposition. Ing the ousted T iree Accidents on Br tributed to Icy Cond :ie-cftr accident about I3r30| on the bridge. SQIlfldy Ul uie I lilt AUjut lu uiliiul^ rial bridge caused a dialn Miller’s car had 1 lo mishaps which resulted Oilbert Kemer. 30, ree separate aeeldent* on ^hone. also travellr Jdre-within-about-IS-inln- -onto-tlie-bndge,-!^ loce Rambler at Ity Slierltf David HunUr behind Miller's car ron-ierToad-for'th6“4c- 1ie“lloppcdrin55l' I. In which no one was In- en by Lee H. He and no citations >-ere Is- S04 East avenue G -----------------------— ' ------- driving nortJj,-ski. frUi accident resulUd rear ot Kemer's a a 18S7 Chevrolet driven Five minutes Ul on Uie bridge by Virgil M. 48. 1201 Kimberly 22. 328 We-it Sixth street, south onto Ui« b: '■ skidded on UieJ^ee and hU loca Ford after 1 into Che east guard rail ddenta. While he itn bounced back ocross his car was struck' Idge inlo the west guard by a IMO' Chrysl ne-vehld»-flnaU?-*t«pped -Jnhn aobertaon,-a! x&ter ot Uie highway, itUl who klso wm <Mt1 i * Final Editior [unistsPu a ^ S ta m LAM aBL )ops. 20.0110 stnmK, ovi'rrau So pa^s ani onl Iwlay. now iJtand only 2.') 1 ^iilhea.sldn Iho next riiljtc of a» Indian n Gun Accideni in Rush for He < not decided Momlny morniiiK whetllur al fihooliiiK' of a M-year-old 111111.1011 g niaino l’eat-.soii. l l was killcil iiiHinnlh ir Miirtaiiirh and tliroe frieiid^Vere iii v’bilo-U}uy-wura r»xhi>i;r-))er lo-« hf>Hj>lLi 1 ^ ical attention, ui I -1 with Sheriff James drawal "s'.:srs»; _______ _____ cuting Attortiey Jai The Urilfen atate.t irns lUriied wtnelTiyim le.s'to have a satisfac- from Bobe. tj t bombor., from Cuba J S , w K S ment authorities said no advanuge to an U. S. negotiator John mim I’earaon waa: 0 Vasily V. Kuznetsov oriUes saul. As of yet, S^Jed S^hegSn tc id State.i ha.s not ro- The shooting occu d a satisfactory an- living room of the from the Soviets on Aubry Ci val Of the bombers. M K™n.d, a . l.l 'hlte House spokesman said art from McCloy, head of Five teen-agers. Ir . S. coordinating commit- Pearson, were m the . Cuban policy, on his Ulkj time. The rine had 1 Kuuietdov figured In'- a a daveno In the Uvl meeting Kennedy had to- young Cummin* pit •iUi-U».exccuUrft.£flmmlt; put i> away. Ho wc it U ia. naUonal lecurlty Uon ot the le»er-«c IL__________; ___________ when Ui9_acVlon d ' White House released no discharged because 1 in the^iature ot the report, on the trigger. sUU deparuhent Inform- The Pearson girl reported that'McCloy told %rh«ir About 10 tei itsoriorcefuily thattheno- th* rU^alug hlt b 10ns on a Cub* setUertent ear and loro halt hi not make progress until sheriff Benham fnbers are pulled cut. Kuz- morning the thrM gave'what U.S. authorlUes tn the one-ear an lid u a contused, evaalve resulted' from' Uie f aaatUtftCtory_MHW«r,.Thuj to.take Mlas.Feana :goUatlons remained dead- pital, were not In the time and appai , InformanU said, there Is rm llcatlon as yet Uiat tho *■ i-4™tiriiccilnBd'tmniikS Sen;:^!ha lo staUment on Uie out. Dt the Kurnetwr-McCIoj j j j g g ^ 5 'to?WASUINOTOK. : ivcrament’s grounding of heart atUck at 74 lo avlaUon may be radar ^ , ly In detecting and'track- .T n etel^ N ^ }. deconnalssanee planes. u a 6»Pe planes were Brqunded fy ^ Oeorgeto, . following Premier Fidel hosplUL 1 warning late last week Bis successor will urvelllance - craft flying Oov. .Edwin L. M iba will be destroyed. - ' Mexlco^i outgoing snd'hlRh'flylng'American chief“ executlTe;’ M llvffn-x leaves-offlcB-Jsnnr former missile sites and a prime prospect fo n l l l t a r y devdopments, term which runs ur , Castro’s Ire. eral elecUon in 1804 iry mdar for locaUng and if u,e po,t goes U aircraft ha.i been In- , lupubllcan the t/rsc OOP senate r i ‘"a‘i;o“u ? z ’s ; K ^ •able "sophistication" In f‘eetJon. He naa a ipment and in Uie ability J O” f^d a high tevi ,10 iSL-iBirfiratt-iCr ■JS. tactic of flying low Jock Campbell, wl well a.1 high altitude re* Mecham In .the 1 ranee ml«lofij hai com- ™ce. Cuba's problem. Bome Chavez waa-chain ly in below the searching senate publlo works eams. and a member ot the ' Ions committee. ON GUARD a , DOMINOO. Domini- _ Umted F J block Joaquin Balaguer . __ Ig from exile to seek the p-i icy—ft post he held dur- ousted Trujillo regime. in Bridge ilondition bridge. car had been removed, Kemer. 30, route 1, Sho* » Iso traveling norUi. drove »-bridBe,-He.stoppcd.-lila__________________ ambler about 300 feel ' Stlller's car. ShorUy afUr iedrinBSITOnUoe-driv^----------------- L*e H. Hendrickson, 55, : avenue E. Jerome, also • norUi,-sklddod-lnlo-the ---------- -- — S 15 Kemer's car. . - ill nlnutes UUr, Bill Black, ' H Kimberly road, driving nto Ui« bridge, stopped .■ Ford after seeing one of ■fiw» the-precedlng-acr —= -------- ---------- While he was stopped, ,^B vas struck Irom the rear - - MO Chrysler driven by »bertaon,-M..Jwln.Falls. ____ WM drlTln* wuUi. i IM * : litioiL __ __ -— ri^EN:CENTO— E*5sE md ii pa^s and llie next li only 2.') mile.s fruni, an liulian-lniilt foad ' dent, • Help K whether an imiiiest lian.icn girl Sunday ll iiiHinnlly in’ mi 110- tl^ V ere inJiireil in n 0-« hf>Hj>lL!i) fo r med------- tention, unaware she I r e a d y dead. Twin • county ■ Coroner Wiley-c o n f « r re d—- lerlff James H. Benham ’ monilng, but Uicy de- I wait until county prose- Attortiey Jftmei May re- wmclTrtrc-OTonaaTafle?:------- om Bobo. to. discuss the matter further wlpi lilm. • WiJry SBld he tould K# • intage lo an Inijuest, •earson waa killed when a «r rlflo held by Allen IS. IS. dlsdiarged u he ip the gun to put It away, ootlng occurred In the oom of the home of Mr. s. Aubry Cummins, who a tenant hou« on the Ed snch west of uuruugh. 1-Mrfc-Cwnmln*-w«fM» t >when the accident hap- een-agers. Including Mlsa , were m the home at Uie le rifle had been lying on .0 in the living room and Timmins picked It up to iway. He worked the'ac- Uie l6»er-«cUon rifle and------ He acUon dOMd the aun led because his finger waa trigger. 'earson girl w u sitting In ld»ut 10 teetjiwty when ^slug hit b« la Ihs left' : tore halt her head away, ff Benham said Uonday ; the three bo}t tnrolved .onc-car-.acddent,-which----- . from the futile aitempt ere not In the home at B and apparenUy arrived »««< — p»>^a. c»iim s> y Mexico’s i;^avez= SNOTOK, NOV. ll (XV- nnls Chaves li dead of ft .Uek at 74. eteron New Mexico Dot- Ued unexpectedly early In aeorgetown tmiverslCy . ccessor wlU be named by Iwln L. Mechem, New outgoing Republican teeutlTe;~ Mechem;'who" - lfioe~Jv>. 1>U ctnutdncd prospect for the senate ilch runs unUl the gen- :Uon in 1984. post goes to Mcchem or lUpubllcan, he will be OOP senator team New Unce IMS. The lineup ot r senaU had been ca' ta and 32 Republicans. i ciiluol Ui« iiuipital un he'day after the general* He had a virus Infee- a high fever he Is be- ling In New Mexico for ' impbell, who defeated In .the govemorslilp : waa-chairman of the lUbllo works commlUee anber of the approprtat- mittee. dted Fund “I ^ 572.000 -- "-$15,736.09^— f e

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Page 1: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

r , : r „ ;

: IPieatKerCloudy> Warm

P e a t h s a t H^ R i s e ^ lIn Storm ■f C l c r i e d j c d upward ■ ■

j .ff w ith“l « p e r s o n sj g ^ ' e W m l u i n t i a - H D

^ e s of m ishaps th a t M H ,

ggr*”‘T?A-'c^ iDte rnimooi of 601’ ■ ■

Inby ho*Ung w«>t-«nd r ^ np o m ^ _ U = . u i a

S S s S IMWllh »nolher

S K a » M r ro ? - fo g ;^ < I« !br Toityo w . m ^ m

“^ y . i « i x x i i » b » 1 beeDr<- H H

■ni» 47 PffW"* «bo«tl iHf U U - ton Nonreslv> l | | f lSijdB n>T lg .U ieo lh««W pta^ e tS ii lo a were meuMl. Ten

_______________BESOJaewhere H « • : . Trinlly rTh, 11 ertwmen of the fUhlnj tuiaUier t

aueoe NldnJjht Sun, out of ilnkln/, I S J ^ f o r d . M «J, were u a tc - etnUr. ai

for a fte r» itorm H »ea ♦Pftasadiy. ^Twh'fSianWi fishermen were |

tiroCTed m a lUmn SS Ull 6paln'» north coMt Sun- * ^ J

»,»■ . nnilUmc » I « r i ; t » - A k ,, t n ^ two Japanese fishing X X U *mU with M crewmen w t« tiA u r r

their home ports . H A M I in a 8101

— — ----------------- m g hi!) >

FlireeHurt nTwis Car— p A!. frciBhlet

load-M isliap-X fi?SiaLTON, NOT. 19 — HJree cap o a were h o ip lU U *^ tol- “ «‘n‘ (t« I tw9^ cr**Ji M ath a l «B« S m la r tflereoon.8 a p tu u i3 ^ -Magle Valley ^[cmatlsl hoflaiil U Mr*. B w ln “ rfD u d her w a. Btcren. Mrt. rd rtcelted mulUpla U cer- g^_UcBi oa tw foreheadjna leaJp B d w U iM ln r il r lrso o d c o a : first spotu lUen l&Dday noon. Btera Brill im tor js u idfflltted for obeerratlon. tha Qnel Semi Warner, Burlay, driver Oeorse, a C tbt second car Inroired ta the causht fin

tn ntiala Clftffc. _0IracrUl.bonillaL Bufler, w ith ^<X w ara itgesl Injuries and was Ustad the East B taidiy m ortlnj la laixlr good 2S"tfeifrftr salmon. • 1 hold wlie^ ^ a n d ^ t l w ^ e r of ^ e

otrrt la the accident. They werenetted and'ieleased from -the " J " ’■pllsL • The Em

■n» seeldent occurred a t 4:30 h r ih L S h ! a to d a y ihrtetnlles east aad :« t td fhtte-fourths mUes ^ « na« lton on a w unty „ a slop^ ^ Both ears approaeheA the . 1, 5 !^p ^ntWon. Iw lead of (D uaise*-ia-the_Wamcr car - - w i . T«it

«»«) >«•^■lu-WiKiitrwaho SUte pa-t o u intMUMted. NO d U - or fuel we“a woelMutd. ship's llghU

)eGauUe . «) • I w r . 1 ’ “**

W t e r V o t e W i n t e i

S?S;s?^Snowllrn round of th^ na-

*»l u«ml)ly elections wllh a « » W re » „ d in « v ^ i T o rer Southern li !I5« ‘ oM line poUUcftl partlM.

Oauliui Union for a New jw«k-end 0 wllh a one-plank pla t- “ >* « « “«•

; n '* 'ifUKerflng Joyalty to Amounla < ' uwijs, d ijpiicfj U,e gjim. generally ll{

?5 'l-“ « re Ir l f S U n d n y lind'led in reporUd'K i SJiB <1lstflcU of metro- th e ’ ground 5 k - V .2 " " ®>'«« runoffs Inch, and M irtrt .5 , Sunday. The SniOte RU

of tfte popular toIo ho f^Il* t o .foe and lo.

AllC.ho j T ^ ^ I n t e r l o r M inuter near.t« e "W m ElMwhere

peratures i i

[daho-May~ Esaa buS‘“ ®'> '“ollar general mltleo belle < ffwrnmended by dollar budgi

hudget-oon,. wllhout-a-b >»i rtie t leglsUjure The D7. n* Ota .*P” “**tloa'today million doll

gefby with- been rwjues

„ n .

^ IM.* current two-

"*'* inSn.i U*e f“nd budcet? I»9 »M ‘ '™ *lh over the lars represeiK i ^ p ; ! . - r -----------------ia.8jnlU l«njJ g r j ^ ^ T T e n a r m a , jl . tIous budget

“ d *■ port! ” “»»>ouw tpproprl. hDwerer/^wa

— ----------- *— :-----------------------n n r S i a j t i

S*- " 7 . . • ~

I grSCCTD OBEg g ««Hm» fm a-ttM -bm lB Trlnlly Natigalor, In Pblladelphia Jllonday. aoattarr m eue vettel look (wo other* to a C slnklDf, tscladlnc * brother e t Georgtts AnI center, aod Thamlstokllj Falsattis, SS. (AF

« ¥ ¥ ¥ . ¥

Captain Says CAboard in Plac

HAMILTON, B erm uda , Nov. 19 (UI in a storm" th a t w reaked liavoc wrtfi - ing hiii vc-ssciy fuel ta n k s w ith w ater gnllona of fuel in H avana , and it was ] o f th e E ast S ta r .said ye.sterday. ClarJ a f t e r they w ere rescued . *from~the"hclp!csfr-155=foot ~v«j--------- -fre igh te r E ast S ta r w hich w a3 _ £ c .p -0 tted -t0 -b d s ti l l - k j U l afloa t today. .

The captain said th e fre lsh t- e r^ engines were Idlod for nine | | I I day# ty lack of fuel and I t toad no power to navlgnle or use Ita P H II.A D radio."H ie MJ-ton ressel was tossed around by xnoiinuitnDUi ^recK irc i. seas, unable to ge t a id from and ironica passlhR »e«els unUl tho tanker abandon fl«V.OuPRr..«lghtcd -.Ita.Jlaies tftoifn-Bnfp 8«uRU y.nlgh{._Tho.nivm_ffere 1?° first spotted by a plane aearch- t i r o c e a p . Ing for. 18 missing crewmen of T he bodies tha G reek. freighter C apU ln a r o S till mOtorge, abandoned a f t e r H ------------------caught fire and exploded.

Clarl:. d St. JOMpbts, | j A n O I if ld ~ iS m were b reak lng-ov tr A / C | i « t J O ieEasrB tar'and 'U 'W iu-U stlnff ^ 1 .yg^-rctroiOTwater-in-thB-Ko: - W l r n V J 1 hold when the San C aspar a r- ^ J

—K e ^ ile < ^ th » -h a rro « la g -s ia» - V V |> n l l< days adrlJt "Uie worst experU J r J t ' enee o t my llle." ’Senoior Le

The East S tar le ft H avana advised the "i Not. a and set ou t wllh whnt egram Monda] he thought was a full load of department 0 fuel. and welfare

Four days out of Havana. a fU application of er a slop In Omnd T urk Island ceptor oulfal to pick up a cargo of sa lt, the goon, engines began drawing w aK r n ie total ct Instead of oil and stopped. <236.700, with- -W e ralsed-the-'LV ' W lstm s »71fllO. -- - flag) in plain alght o t five ships —

said. The few remaining gallons TTllCltS of fuel were used to keep theship's lights burning. W | i Q l r <3

There also were reports th a t 0 k J l l w I V CKofW fiflsn/fcleh«r‘« creir njlfihS _ _ board the East s u r 10 dalm sal-»a«e rights. The ship was pur- J . U U U S I


Winter ShowsSnow to Idaho— '

.'By The AuecUted Press Light snow fell over moat ot Khnisliehev

Jouthem Idaho Sunday as the iTS-mcmber c 3em State experienced Its f irst central cnmmi veek-end ot winter weather of cmphwls wouU he season. . ^ . hm 'T Indusir?

Amounts ot snow .Sunday were armjunenta-ra tenerally light. Pocatello report- sumer goods. D :d one inch ot new snow, bring- elforU to pul ng lo six the toU l amount to other consumeall there since Frldny. Dufley shops._____epMied 'Ko'lMheroTTnlHiroH -ThrT>rociMi h e ' ground: Idaho Falls one a long speech nth. and MaJnd. a trace. itpeclal meouni

Snake River Valley, from Id a- affrtoillure . n 10 Falls to Boise, reporMd den«e major rtcm m t og and low clouds Sunday, a tlghlrtilng ^ 1 ure IndlMtloa th a t wlnlcr Is RU piui.'w of.pi ifnr. Khrushchev 1Elsewhere ln - th e -r t« te . - te rn- 1’) '“ **-“ “ - ^

wratures were dropping as akies lake a UiOUgh; legan to clear' after the storm maiM profits )assed. in the west.

Escape-Addititlons committee aald the com* of the,4ufpju* [Jltteo believes - th e B7 million help of Uie c ollar budget ^ a n be flnoncea tax.rllhout-a-broad-baBO-lAa.-------^ —TOe >»•« l« lsThe D7 million dollars li 10 n Mrmanent b

illllon dollars leas than had npproprlated 6 een rwjuesled by atate agen- milhon dollars lei.'T im 'represenla almost 8.0 a^lng the JIO h ilUlon dollars more than the jor source of n mount appropriated to r the .pjj, eommltteneral fund operaUon f v the jg ^mion do

sehooli. 4i ml

ind budget of S8.4 njllllon ilol- jind'aJkrd biitirs represented an of the 1>.a million dolla rs over the pre» vMrs ago. - ■lous budgeToI'^SjJ miHfoh floP _ toaimitt«irs. X portion of th is Increase. ThaDWTcr/^waj: taken from p a rt tlons will b* n

n n r S l a j t c Valley rJi^B paper D e d ic a te

7 ‘ ■ T\VIN F A L L


i-tfc»-befeliiffrt<fhl»rH)ephilit-< leeiTr,‘1 e iT e ' a Monday. The tanker brought (ire reseoed sail Her* to a Canadian porl.-.A( least 18 other sal eorgies Anthlj. M. iefl. Other* are ArapU Ai s, SS. (AF wirephoto)

¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

ys Cubans Put \Place of Fuel G1^19 (UPD —T he cantn in o f_a frcifijii ;oc witii A tlan tic sh ipp ing has accused ' ith w ater in.stead o f oil. ‘‘We took on 1 d i t was 15 tons of w a te r,’’ Capt. Edw; Jay. Clark and 12 crew m en w ere brougl

. ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

SumyorsjoflGrShip Tell of FiPHILADELPHIA,- K ov. 19 —F iv e aui

'reck fre ig h te r C aptain Gcorge<unfo1di nd ironical s to ry today of h o w 'th e ^ rislt 1 abandoning th e b u rn ing sh ip w hile fc jok r s n f e r lifeboat b u fw ero 'lo lit fri th e , ic“ oceaTirOf“th 6 '^5 in iflic c te .w n € ?v cn ‘ ho' bodies of th re e o th e rs have been rec ro still m issing. The ficc m en, all f ro r :----------------------------- --— r a re a o f Grec

J e p a r tm e n t—• \ i T > 1 1 tankcr,“ th e '

J k a y r B u U —I ! • _ • 200 miles norUi'

Senator Lcn Jordan. E , Ida., day. The five ir Jvlsed the Tlmes-News by u l - Arnpls. i l . Cos ram Monday aftemoon th a t the Themis PaUat; ipartment of health. educaUon Authls. 3«. and id welfare has approved tlie Ides. 55. ipllcatlon o t Buhl fo r an Inter- V e l c tg a * * pUr oulfall and sewage la- apcaking througl OT. explained thnt■nie total cost of the project Is Ufeboat on the ) 38.700, with a federal g ran t of CapU ln OcorgeIfllO. ................... .• tlio left side. Til, _________________ the windward 1

^ ik i t a - ^ k s — crew to nbnndo:

i l ia k e u p i n SJT Jettisoning Uie <

ndustries 'lifeboat because c

.to sc o w , NOT. IB W -S w -lct or .u lphur fume: im terttim tshchertodar< m kr- ~ T R c 7^Ic!ITO r a dniaUc ahapeup of Soviet windward side. '

lustry a n d -a g r iw l t^ to spur members preferr xluetlon o t aU klnd.i of fiood.% -0 on the boat 1 fl-told hLn Communltr:party-U S D ^ V e - ie n ’ard irt -ieam fnsn th e -c a p iu il-— ^-n -tir r iied ‘m

Chnisliehev told th e powerfulp-mcmber communlrt p a r t y i-j^itral committee tho prlnuirj- t u t only iwphAils would continue to be on ' .w

S n S S S K ? " E “ “cS,’: K f ’£ s 3 "ner goods. But he stressed new foy Montreal. orU to pul m ere food and ' I,« consumer goods In Spvlet ZlllVkOV J?hfT>rociwn-wM-lBld-dgwi>-ln ‘T t f f ln 'a v lQ *ORg speech to the committee* D U l g d l l d da l meoUng on Industry, and VIENNA. Nov. ■tculture . reorganlaUon. lt< Bulgarian nation jor rrcomniejulAtion oOJed for unonlmoatly elcc iirtiing o t party cofitrol'over party leader Tot pluow of production. .. premier. .of .-BuIc airushehev also told the com- Bulgnxlim ne«'s n A«»-Uie-fim-let .Union i^iould Fonner Premlei e a UioughtXul kx>k a t' U'hat a n d Deputy 1' kM proflU for tho C04iltAllsts Tsonkor were rc the West.___________________ duUei. the agency

Idition of Newthe 4ufp}ui created with the n ib e r t E. Smyll[) of iJie controversial hend 1063 legislature.

Tho legislature ITrtkit-ifglslature-aiso-set-up mrmanent g lid in g fund and 2?iroprlated Tn addlUonal 7.4 within S “ Ullonlion dollars for this .p u rp w . committee ^ 0

irs SIS ;L"°£‘5i;," iS l™ , ' S

e than the approprlaUon two conuniuee

M Mmmittee's rtcom menda- t n ^ * e d u ^ J will b« fubmltUd to Oov. g n m In ^ e scho<

Dedicated to S m -ln i; and rrom ollng


■ i C l l

PaI M n p

NEW Iiiiliiiii cipfci

forccd th e 1 m nninfr to A ssa m . ;> l;t

th (^ n i - n - p b c e —tr

on a cf((t up.

Mini the (1

he theIn

c]Bm..ln_rjac subjrcii In Asi .-h'cliru'a. luui lOM or liourj otter

He told par nr.->e 'oiiltlhnVi onforeccl the

m*.iU It tl now

tiige, leaie-On1f-o»-iatilrrn- oommandeHn- reseoed salleN to port while to.decldr where

18 other sailor* died In the In an effort lo e Arapis Antonios, 47, rear Cliltiwe.

iilvwliere 0;¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ northern balll

•;__ Kashmir to -D'

'uf W a ter™_ _ - and a battle aLi

el Oils vs*:L a frd lth tc r-ab an d o M ii s a c c u se d C u b a n s o f f ill- Ruardinjr a viti to o k on 18 to n s nnil 88 a t ciiujJiul am

:a p t . E d w a r d C la rk . 61, c r . b ro jB h t to Bermuda „ I '“

* Sunday nlgiit !

£— J-W-----:-------- ------------- lhe_Cliliiwe ofJureek^ ------- jln n iM -to -re i

» * r ^ * 1 I not a border dl■ Fiffnt “’AmS.’Sw nese Oojttmunl

~ F i v c s u r v iv o r s o f th e En-tat ri sayln g e -u n f o ld e d a to u c h in g “I 'th i j ; rw kcd m c » t odd. p w h ile f e llo w c re \v m e n Afro-Aaiin p « Dlft ir i th e s to r m y A tla n - million dollars E T s o v c n ' w e r e r e s c u e d : heeded-infane0 b'een r e c o v e r e d a n d 15 been flown to ir n, a l l f r o m th e A eg e an pSii,^a o f G rc c c e , a r r i v e d after capturing e l a t e S u i r d n y n iprh t nesepreaeT thi a r d - t h f r - t i b e r i a n - f l n t fu ^ c M i.i t i th. k e r ,- t h e T r in i ty -N a v i-ir. TliB T rln ltr-plckcd-them —^ ^ n ^ S n i from the AtlanUc more than ,L“ " ^

IlLe II, 5 M. Ocorge in a storm Tliura- nnmhiu nn fi<. . The five men nre Antonlus pis. 47. Coslns VeleUas, 30. mis Patialzls. 38. George Te*pur on the his. 34. and Stellas Fasclial- •

e f e t i A s and PaschiblJdea. i U j L f i in g through an Inurpreter, ained thnt there was one I Jo a t on the righ t side of the X 1 C C / X U ln aeorge and another on ^ _ .left side. Tlie right sldfi.WAi f . | v < t 1« rwln'dward ride facing Inlo W C l X .'y .go'«- ' .........._M nK _iO B K .I f tm h e m n iU n J r d c re n u r Droadcasllnff ex■ to abandon ship atter the j f „ j r ty snya th atos-ed wllh It 18 hours try- u to extlnRUl.ih the fire ond gram r i,

sonlng Uie cargo of ammu- ^.4, #n exerclsi in from the holds, tiie fiw {hj pretj by tlie : unable to gel the left-side Tlie America oat because of a lica\7 screen company had a ilphur fumes. view Hiss, a co;ity d c iif lta lu (!u DiTT tlw mcni; wun otniIward side. The other crew gram, Kagerty ; ibers preferred to wait and statement alrei n the boat w hld i was safer Sunday night.■the'leiward side.— ------------- “I'm -agaljist-:■lt”turned‘buirU»c five were thlng-he.sU ndi led afier being In Uie waUr use for h im -r t an hour. Ta-enly crew- ne^'cr will have, piled Inlo the oUier 'Jlfe- . "But Uiat dc but only two ot Uiem were |«e t Ui(it he did

led by another Liberlan.flaj er, Uie Virginia which head-

- T 1 erltlelsm of- Uieivkoy Named 'ilgaria'fceader”aJNA. Nov. 10 m — The a tu c k ." ' irtan notional a a s e m b l y --------------

i e a ^ Todor Zhivkov as Christianr e n te d . iBeforeC

m er Premier, Antml.Yugov v .T trn > j' r r r Deputy 1-resnkr Georrf g .j ,

Fpw Tax1 V TT X a > A . . A spokesman, r • t 'E .‘ smyHe' and“ lo 'm elefflslature ®‘, I' egUlature In Uie past has lheJccom m endaU onaj4-a -fn iu t "!*fk prpgi and Uie ISOl budget waa gression. neip ar

1 2 million dollars of the ment- in the C Ittee recommendaUoa ^'eld.

^ jed 45 million dollars for 1a 10 bring th e s ta u ’s share - 1X 311 IC J . 60 per cent. T h a t level jport was endorsed by the id a rnemf>en>tle ■ platform and in x -i iuMnj saiQ m e s i a i e t n ^ i1 move toward It. ' 'V o i .................commiuee recommended M agIc >

In t te schools. 196J-.'---------

- . . ; _________________

rcm oling th e G row th o f N ine I r r l ^ t

AY, N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 1902

M n e s e ^ C

Past^on Vear PlaKEW D E L H I. Illdin, Nov. 10 .,V1_ C | iliiiti cipfcnite poaititm n t the <‘;i.«UTri i' ; I'Hiuiloiis Indiiin Mliniia~or~Af^<;ini. 1 •cc(t th e Ind ian w ith iiraw al t.. Humdil ining to T ezp u r on the sani. i> J il ln s . T h e n e x t |isible defen.-^e po.««ition. I ttI I * ! ■haiw th e only one. i.'< ^a -pbce—cnllftl—Knitle'#—.Npjt “ F j m ---------a range crossed by n ron4

« feet up. I 1 1 1 trime MlnlJter N ehru an- 'incrd the fall of Bomdllft, A* JIL’UTA l tlld 10, the British high rnm- ,v „ i||ii l„. l„ . lon 111 New Delhi ninde 'V . m..m rvaninte 1.500 PrltlMi »f t.'ril(ii)n il' ■jrcij In Asjiam. cu ie iila l.tdKW in ii announcement _oI_lha oiic.4a r.^ tc c iI of Domdtia was m ade a f e w ---------------- ---iri oJter the loss of Sc piuu

le*^W '’p a r l l f tm e n tlh e C h l- _ R l l G ( e '5 innhnlird~In(innrT n)tij\?13,758-foot Se poM and thus _:ccl the Indians to wltiidrnw. / 1

U n Jitnander'ln'the Homdlllfv-ftrra 'AVA^TTT^i ecldp where to set up de fea trj , . , 5,,n effort lo hold th e stornilng {” !** * 0 ' I,Me. t o r y a n sw e r .vwhere on th e rrpmwllng to d a y c r T i hern batllefront — f r o m to d a y . 'D iis hmlr to-B urm a — flKhUng r Inued south o t Wnlong. which r Red ChIne.^e seized Frldny. •» ^CW lo r h he ea-itern end of the line: th e a u th o r i t a brittle aLio waa m glng near -iliul airfield in Ladakh, to " • * .....

I Lftdnkh. a l the S w a io t Uie tibpuied border, the ■:

i« n n iT t ~tngcn~&n aucpo.u r — one-Af-tii•din/ a vital Jndinn lUrfield »' Inliablt Uieriiusliul and fighting U con- i' Memorial pIng In the, area.-N ehru aald, 1 Ing SundajA announcement o t the new .. downrses came a fte r a. speech : coulee pastday night In which h e said .; James WCliliiwe offenslvo is U ireat- of Mr. and■g iB iaH T naepcndence. H* -r-\Vatsonrl72iotliff counlrles a re now be- -i ®R*t, and Ji

iIM"lO“ m llM “ tH n t- th U - ls - a o n -o f—Ma border dispute b u t ••naked. Charles (Rile and phameless aggre&slon." ■ T hird aveniPeking broadcast quoted Chi- ! the bird w!■ Ooflununlst Prem ier Chou U pJJU'lng abo lat R( saying TT. B. arma atfl r day aiong U ndia will enlarge tho conflict ; 1 Thinking Uie detriment o t th e Chinese ' v lld , Uiey sr

Indian people a n d o t the ! the water 1 i-A4lin.pcopjcj.tl_About.Jlvc L-hom c. ." It .t Ion dollars, w orth o t bndly | and didn't led“ lnfan{ry—weapon»“rhave r— aUUiioe,—V I flown to India by tho United [ Monday mo es. I jjra . J.king radio claim ed th a t J isos Seconi!• c a p t^ n g Bo p a u Uio Chi- } • looked out h preuM their advance to the 11 saw Uie twc

!iciui.lti..thejdfreetfon_ofjfie her hou m army's advance^headquar- 1! big bird an .on .the .P h lm ng river; ?! 'n o UricdMha le Indian arm y was reported 1 wiie'ti Dal nlng to put Uie nex t ;i arrived a t In this area o t th e norUieoAt . Mrs. Dahl

blla, on tlie nex t pldge of nn •, officials onem-bullt rood running to | «he should dur on the Assam plnitu. ! tng tor a re;

— ----------------------- I she remembe

BC Claims i ;JnT “.1 Upon call!

r e e ' P r e s s ’ S d“ S;i had left. M

ver'H iss--- i, S 'iiSw v o n i f ^ Vnv ■ l a - i n — L=^- - r .r,ia .T=r:r5dcasUng execuUve Jame.i C.rty Kiya the appearance of I ^ W• H lu on Uie television p ro . U « i l » O J . about Richard M. Nixon _ .

,rr.S.'n"'.S.'’'’” D e n u ds American Broadcn-UIng _any had a r ig h t to Inter* I n f i i i cUlis. a convicted perjurer. i J d l A J l l S .

, Kagerty said In a taped ” *1!

ry"nlEht” ^ the U.N. polln-agalnst-H l-M -nnd-every- « rc c d today.lo; -he.sU ndi-for. I have no “ make LaUn.^ for h im -never had. and .elearlzed wne.■ will have. Brazil was a It Uiat doesn't alter the pinn, alonif' with Ji(it he did play nn impor- and Bolivia, -n part In the political career received subsUn chard Nixon.” it ran Into dlf lerty. nmpllfyinir hi* dc- ^etic q of ABC during lr« t week's Bmendments wli tm of- the television np- „o iab le to ihe 1 nee Of Uie man whom Nix-jlptd send xv

free*p^'*hM *com’e under moved iliU mom ■_______________________naUon commltu

__________________ • tlon on Uie p:

ristian Unityfore Council Three jn c A rf r .rry . .Nov. lo 'jG= ____ . .loman Catholic ecumenical A * f t » » K i ­ll was urged today to trea t / X l i i X i J l J troveralal theological thesis " rh .r llr ^^^Fltv ulmnllfltV A OJie-Cftr RCCll enileness" In Uie In terest of lan unity. Memorial bridge»kesman. reporting on th e pf »“ “> n>lshaps 4tiilQ nJn.St..Ecjrr's. add - ■*» ‘hree separat ■t many of today's fpenkera *he Wldge-withir I ihai Lh council's work Ules. mark D w r< « and not re - DcPU^y Sheriffwnmcd-an-iepc

in the ChrU tian u n ity fd w ts . In whitii jured and no cll

. xued.___________^ "Elie frUi a«

affic DeathsIdaho - 22. 328 w«

Jerome, skidded I■3i,R...M.n .in .......... 2A 7 — 'a (ii'r 'm it '; u f ' voiJ............................... 2 3 7 Sklcitfed into Che

2i77=r;Tr:i-..i„....— - 5 3 — Mllr-The-VehW*- J- . ' . . -— 5 1 * la the ceater of th

le I r r l^ te d I d a ^ C ounties

jComrnui)MerFaslains7)f I

n <»V)—Cliiiu'se m n n m n is t troops, 20,(1 i‘a.*l>‘rri I'nil uf Ihi-'fiKhUmr_fronl lwla>

II Hunnlihi. r»H milo.H tu t h e HotUhca.sf <

iirl Killed in G Phree Hurt in I'IL'UTAUnH. Nov. 18—I t wa« not dcc lllll liu hclii into the iiccidciitiil «hooli criidon iit'.-ir .Murlantrh. Jn iie t Eluino 1’ emaL.HiHiiniiij; in n home n ea r Miirta i~mr.utccit]ujit4h;tUofciirrcd-wbilo-U}u

iussJEeajJJ.SJ )n Jet Withdrai the Soviet Union th a t i t hope.s'to hn' y answer'iibm it w ithdraw al of bomber iiy or Tuesday, s la te dep a rtm en t aut ay. 'Dii.s word was given by U. S . nej •IcCloy to Soviet rcpre .ien tative Vasily '»ew York on Sui^dny, tho au th o ritie a sn

au thorities added, th e U nited S tates.................. ccived a sati~ - ................ •• 8w er from th

Swan Song U s s ' kI J-OneTjf-the-awims-whtarT: x riftc n iu s tn e~pii nliablt Uie pond at Suniet I; o t a Cuba settle femorlal park was miss- j. A White House Ig Sunday after swim- Ji, a report from K ling down Uie Perrlne ; th e U. 8 . coordl oulee past Kimberly road. tee on Cuban pol James Wat-wn, 12, npn S with Kuaietaov

f Mr. and .Mrs, J. Glenn 3 hour's meeting V /atsonrl725-Third-«venu*-ii .dtty_wiUi-U»-ex ost, and James Dahl, 10, H too of Ui# - nio n - o f - M r . - a n d -JU r* ^ ^ ------------Iharles (Ray) Dahl, 1737 The W hite Ho ■bird avenue east, spotted 3 word on the jia tu he bird while they were t B ut sU te dept iJaylnir about 5 p ja . Sun- H reported t t ay alongUieeoulee.. h K uaieU oH orcef Thinking thtf s»-an waa ; sollatlons on a '

rlld, Uiey snatched It from h lie water and carried i t H the bombers a r e ; omc. ."It.was.very uime_fl neUov gava whot nd didn't offer any re- f* descrlbW aa a c lxlaiio4>,'.^Mrs.-Oahl-aald-;^ iuid_unfifttUtAetO] fonday morning. M Uie negoUaUon*Mrs. J. Lyle SU ams, K

908 Second avenue « i8t, h lOked out her window and S ^ . i^ S t l iw Uie two boys walUng ^ ^»«t hcrJiou«s lugging Uie_[ I Z Ajig bird and Immediately |

w !rS~!!" ii" Sf w .u o n p nniSraTTOtiro" Tired a t Dahfj house, j » PUbllo sUtemei 'n . Dahl first noUtled !■. come of tho Ku

flelals and asked w hat : Tliere was sunr le should do. While wait- I'; prim ary reason t g for a reply from Uiem, h ban govcramenfi 10 remembered there were f; domeaUo avlaUon .•ans a t Uie cemetery |! difficulty In detec md. ' Ing V 3 . deconnalUpon calling the ceme- ; The planes v ry manager's home, tt ' Sunday, following IS discovered (he bird Castro’s warning id left. Mr. and Mrs. | th a t surveillance »hl returned Uie swan to ; over Cuba will be e 'pond 'A bouf5 :30 'p jn .' ] "iLow and 'h lR h 'f

' ■ ' ' ' ' tab on former m

N. Shelves = «-I • Iraclng aircraftjnuclearize

- • j i i some question aboituis Plan__nTTED NA'nONS. N.Y. Nov. separate friendly < —At Uie request of Brazil, from a true Urget U.N. political committee consldernblo "sopl d today, to shelve a jropoj/il th6_«iypm_ent ajic ike LaUn.JVtntrlca a dcnu- o t crcws to Inierx red Mne. nn**-lU was a sponsor of Uie alonif'wlth Ecuador. Chile, R* '« '* Bolivia The nrooosal had conrtatoance ml«J cd subsUnllfll support, but n S“*’hl*io5^ into difficulty la u l « l S d a r \ i « m ,

when C u b a suggested dments whlcli were unac- 3le to Ihe sponsora. •, gA N T a DOM:^zlllan Amba.<isador Alfonso can nepubllc. Nov i..dC^ll.q.EnUlgQ.IOnPCll£ and-pnU rr nmrrt> 1 lliU momlru: that Uie 110- today tc block Joa 1 committee postpone ae- returning from exi on Uie plan Indeflnltely. presidency—a post

was no opposition. Ing the ousted T

iree Accidents on Br tributed to Icy Cond:ie-cftr accident about I3r30| on the bridge. SQIlfldy Ul uie I lilt AUjut lu uiliiul^ rial bridge caused a d ia ln Miller’s car had 1 lo mishaps which resulted O ilbert K em er. 30, ree separate aeeldent* on ^hone. also travellr Jdre-within-about-IS-inln- -onto-tlie-bndge,-!^

loce Rambler a t Ity Slierltf David H unUr behind Miller's car ro n -ierT oad -fo r 'th6“4c- 1ie“llo p p c d r in 5 5 l' I. In which no one was In- en by Lee H. He and no citations >-ere Is- S04 East avenue G-----------------------— '------- driving nortJj,-ski.

frUi accident resulUd re a r o t K em er's a a 18S7 Chevrolet driven Five minutes Ul on Uie bridge by Virgil M. 48. 1201 Kimberly 22. 328 We-it Sixth street, south onto Ui« b:

'■ skidded on UieJ^ee and hU loca Ford after

1 into Che east guard rail ddenta. While he itn bounced back ocross his car was struck ' Idge inlo the west guard by a IMO' Chrysl ne-vehld»-flnaU?-*t«pped -Jnhn aobertaon,-a! x&ter o t Uie highway, itUl who klso w m <Mt1i

* Final Editior

[ u n i s t s P ua ^ S t a mL A M a B L)ops. 20.0110 stnmK, ovi'rrau So pa^s ani onl Iwlay. now iJtand only 2.') 1

^iilhea.sldn Iho next riiljtc of a» Indian

n Gun Accideni in Rush for He< not decided Momlny morniiiK whetllur al fihooliiiK' of a M-year-old 111111.1011 g n iaino l ’eat-.soii. l l was killcil iiiHinnlh ir Miirtaiiirh and tliroe frie iid^V ere iii v’bilo-U}uy-wura r»xhi>i;r-))er lo-« hf>Hj>lLi

1 ^ ical a ttention, ui

I -1 with Sheriff Jamesdrawal "s'.:srs»;_______ _____ cuting Attortiey JaiThe Urilfen atate.t irns lUriied wtnelTiyim le.s'to have a satisfac- from Bobe. tj t bombor., from Cuba J S , w K S ment au thorities said no advanuge to an U. S . negotiator John mim I’earaon waa:0 V asily V. KuznetsovoriU es saul. As of y e t, S^Jed S^hegSn tc id State.i ha.s not ro- The shooting occu d a satisfactory an- living room of the

from th e Soviets on Aubry Cival Of the bombers.M K ™ n.d , a . l . l

'h lte House spokesman said art from McCloy, head of Five teen-agers. Ir . S. coordinating commit- Pearson, were m the . Cuban policy, on his U lk j time. The rine had 1 Kuuietdov figured In '- a a daveno In the Uvl meeting Kennedy had to- young Cummin* pit

•iUi-U».exccuUrft.£flmmlt; put i> away. Ho wc it U ia . naUonal lecurlty Uon o t the le»er-«cIL__________;___________ when Ui9_acVlon d 'W hite House released no discharged because 1

in the^iature ot the report, on the trigger. sU U deparuhent Inform- The Pearson girl

reported that'M cCloy told % rh«ir About 10 tei itsoriorcefuily th a tth e n o - th* rU ^ a lu g h lt b 10ns on a Cub* setUertent ear and loro halt hi no t make progress until sheriff Benham

fnbers are pulled cut. Kuz- morning the thrM gave'w hat U.S. authorlUes tn the one-ear an

lid u a contused, evaalve resulted' from' Uie f aaatUtftCtory_MHW«r,.Thuj to.take M las.Feana :goUatlons remained dead- pital, were not In

the time and appai , InformanU said, there Is r mllcatlon as yet Uiat tho — *■

i-4™ tiriiccilnB d'tm niikS Sen;: !halo staU m ent on Uie out.Dt the Kurnetwr-McCIoj j j j g g ^

5 ' t o ? W A S U I N O T O K . :ivcrament’s grounding of heart atU ck a t 74lo avlaUon may be radar ^ ,ly In detecting and 'track- . T n e t e l ^ N ^}. deconnalssanee planes. ua6»Pe

planes were Brqunded fy ^ Oeorgeto,. following Premier Fidel hosplUL1 warning late last week Bis successor will urvelllance - craft flying Oov. .Edwin L. M iba will be destroyed. - ' Mexlco^i outgoing snd'hlRh'flylng'A merican chief“ executlTe;’ M llvffn-x leaves-offlcB-Jsnnr former missile sites and a prime prospect fo

n l l l t a r y devdopments, term which runs ur , Castro’s Ire. eral elecUon in 1804 iry m dar for locaUng and i f u,e p o ,t goes U

aircraft ha.i been In- , lupubllcan the t/rsc O O P senate

r i ‘"a‘i;o“u ? z ’s ; K ^

•able "sophistication" In f ‘eetJon. He naa a ipment and in Uie ability J O” f^d a high tevi,1 0 iS L -iB ir fi ra tt- iC r

■JS. tactic of flying low Jock Campbell, wl well a.1 high altitude re* Mecham In .th e 1

ranee ml«lofij h a i com- ™ce.Cuba's problem. Bome Chavez w aa-chain

ly in below the searching senate publlo workseams. and a member ot the‘ ' — Ions committee.

ON GUARD —a , DOMINOO. Domini- _

• Umted FJ block Joaquin Balaguer .__Ig from exile to seek the p - iicy—ft post he held dur-

ousted Trujillo regime.

in Bridge ilonditionbridge.

car had been removed,Kem er. 30, route 1, Sho* »Iso traveling norUi. drove»-bridBe,-He.stoppcd.-lila__________________ambler about 300 feel 'Stlller's car. ShorUy afU riedrinB SIT O nU oe-driv^-----------------L*e H. Hendrickson, 55,: avenue E. Jerome, also •norUi,-sklddod-lnlo-the ---------- -- — S 15K em er's car. . - i l lnlnutes UUr, Bill Black, ' H

Kimberly road, driving ■nto Ui« bridge, stopped . ■Ford after seeing one of■fiw» the-precedlng-a c r — =-------- ■ ----------While he was stopped, , ^ B

vas struck Irom the rear - - MO Chrysler driven by»bertaon,-M..Jwln.Falls. ____WM drlTln* wuUi. ‘


I M * :

l i t i o i L _ _ _ _

- — r i^ E N :C E N T O —

E * 5 s E

mdi i

pa^s and llie next li only 2.') mile.s f run i,

an liulian-lniilt foad '

dent,• HelpK whether an imiiiest lian.icn girl Sunday

ll iiiHinnlly in’ mi 110- tl^ V ere inJiireil in n0-« hf>Hj>lL!i) for med-------tention, unaware sheI r e a d y dead. Twin • county ■ C o r o n e r W iley-c o n f « r r e d — -

lerlff James H. Benham ’ monilng, but Uicy de- I wait until county prose- Attortiey Jftmei May re-wmclTrtrc-OTonaaTafle?:-------om Bobo. to. discuss the m atter further wlpi lilm.• WiJry SBld he tould K# • intage lo an Inijuest,•earson waa killed when a «r rlflo held by Allen IS. IS. dlsdiarged u he ip the gun to put I t away, ootlng occurred In the oom of the home of Mr. s. Aubry Cummins, who a tenant hou« on the Ed snch west of uu ruugh .1-Mrfc-Cwnmln*-w«fM» t > when the accident hap-

een-agers. Including Mlsa , were m the home a t Uie le rifle had been lying on .0 in the living room and Timmins picked It up to iway. He worked the 'ac-Uie l6»er-«cUon rifle and------He acUon dOMd the aun • led because his finger waa trigger.'earson girl w u sitting In ld»u t 10 teetjiw ty when

^ s lu g h it b « la Ihs le f t ': tore halt her head away, ff Benham said Uonday ; the three bo}t tnrolved.onc-car-.acddent,-which-----. from the futile aitemptM not In the home a t B and apparenUy arrived »««< — p»>^a. c»iim s>

y Mexico’s i ; ^ a v e z =

SNOTOK, NOV. l l (XV- nnls Chaves l i dead of ft .Uek a t 74.eteron New Mexico Do t - Ued unexpectedly early In aeorgetown tmiverslCy.ccessor wlU be named by Iwln L. Mechem, New

outgoing Republican teeutlTe;~ Mechem ;'w ho" - lfioe~Jv>. 1> U ctnutdncd prospect for the senate

ilch runs unUl the gen- :Uon in 1984. post goes to Mcchem or lUpubllcan, he will be O O P senator team New

Unce IMS. The lineup ot r senaU had been ca' ta and 32 Republicans. i c iilu o l Ui« iiuipital un he 'day after the general*He had a virus Infee- a high fever he Is be-

ling In New Mexico for ' impbell, who defeated

In .th e govemorslilp

: waa-chairman of the lUbllo works commlUee anber of the approprtat- mittee.

dted Fund“ I ^ 572.000

-- "-$15,736.09^— —

f e

Page 2: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

-^^-TCndiyrNo7n9ny82' I \l' 2 Twin FatU Tlme»-N»w* . T

New Officers OfQ ubTake Over Dec. 6 Sw

M n. SlerllDK U n o o . prcil* pertm den( of M a Je TooU nlsU tM club. U ben

• i n n o u n c e i iw eJnb-offleen-i»Ul------- --be IniUlled D«e. I.

Al the KCuUr dinner n M tln f a a hiW Thurid*jr evesln t Ihe InTO* laf* e cation « u flTCn b ; M n . J . Al> U rn «

ToAitmlitreH «nd *Uo led lo btl«« the pledge to the fUc. pertlo

A if*dln» by Hobert Proet, of ihl -W h»t Home U .“ WM |l»en by yrf. Mr». L«l» Porreiter. An to - (tiw n promptu one-minute speech v m c e n t« given by e tch member, demon* c

• # tr*llnf the-polnU - leerM d on »u j , speech orguiluU on *nd delivery.

Table Topic* were under the , direction of Mr». I. L. lU n«en. ^ n

tereiim 'i pretenUtlon of ne» nord i. M n. A«ne* Hur»l K ted ^

— M chU t tvaluator fo r-the-m ett-

- - l i j e U bis WM •tlnietlve * lth ThtnlMglvlnj decorations and p^rmi programs prepared by M rt. De.n Kendrick. Mrs. Ilobert H. Drown p,(, u u • special luest. oiosll

Plan* were made for the dls*----- lrict-conferenee-ln-T w ln-F *lU ^

in January. The elo«ln« thought v as given by M n . Lorson. ^ 1,

Speculation “uV

Of ShiibertsNEW YORK. No». 1# iW o h n

flhul?ert-* body haa bw n r e tu ra ^

TIohS. wtdSSS*^"»«*•" the™M to who will succeed him m head of the vaat Shubert family

■nia Bhubert empire IncludM 3i theaters of the legltlmaU ^ lU te . among them IT o t the J3 cn Broadway. O ther th e aU n In h « J the Bhubert enUrprises are lo- f^ tn cated in Philadelphia. Chicago. »nQ ‘ ClnclnnaU and BosUtn.

A family spokum an said the value of tho Bhubert holdings. Y t Including real etU te housing tempi tnovla th H te n , la a e v e ^ hun- 8 a ^ dred million doUan. B ut the a**''* bualneu to so r u t . tto^apokM- man aald. th a t cvan the f h uberta c C r rp Ih p o In r an e x a c m ju r t . aij>"i

John Snubert died of an ap- parent heart a tU ck Baturday a t nio.n U while aboard & tra in cn rouU ^ im to ClearwaUr. Fla.

--------- :----------- —— nuHii

Mafflc Valley H Funerals g

JSROME — yuneral aerrtces d J i for Leltol .Dean Cutwrlght will DJJ] be held a t a-pJO. Wednwday a t p. the Crlppen-Hove funeral home ron

• w it hthe Rev. Donald A. 'SVM of-

------ U ryrPTlO K U -lD ay-tall-Tu^ayafternoon and evenlng.unU l I u . '

----- •pjn.-'Wedneid By . „ i - , --------------- S o■ I ■ cept

RUPERT—Funeral aervlcea for Port W alter & Dunlap wiU be held a t C a t ID aJn . Wednesday a t the tain ChrlsUan church, with C. Paul Moor*. Pastor, officiating. Con- d u d l ^ teffli

^ ^ ^ c ^ -T u « d a y -a rM n » a a = a t - tb e■Walk mortuary and untU time ot aervlcM Wednesday. . . m. m

BURLEV-Puneral servJeei fw ^ Wesley D. fWeck) Taylor wlU be held a t 1 p jn . Tueaday a t the B u r l e y LDS f ln t ward chapci suii w ith DUhop William E. Toolson AV-t otfTclatlnir. concluding t l t e s ^ ^ B ki

, planned a t th e Pleaaant View B>r» cemeUry. Priendi may caU a t c»U;

' Mcculloch funeral home unlU tim e of aerrlcea Tueaday. n i j

I t will be held a t 3:50 pm . ~Ti Tuesday a t Beynoldj funeral few chapel wllh the Rev. E*cU Hlser, day Tw in FalU Church of the Brelh* — ten . officiating. Concluding rites will be held a l Buaaet Memorial p u t . _____

TWO! F A liS - P u n m J ^ - Ml -• Sees for Dwight Jacob Peckardt

ftt Reynolds funoral «d»pel wllh > th e Rer. H enir J . Oem hordt. as- Th;

' Ins. Concluding rU a a n ’planned EUi In the Buhl cemeUw}-. W enda Th may c*U a t tha funerta home ds.

' from 4 to 6 p . m. Tw»day and E\-< b a n B a. m. to noon Wednwday. ^

Berlin Garrison S , Changes Leaders «■;

WASmNOTON. NoT^y^ l C ^ ^

■ nounoed a switch In’ command of k , the V S . Berlin garrlaon.

: t was described a s - a normal , changa In mUltary commands.

-■ The present Berlin-command-«r. MaJ. Oen. Albert 'W ation H . « ,was promoted to the grade of m lieutenant general and wUl bemade commanding genertd ot the ),{;Srd anny a t FU McPherson. Oa. jx

H e will be replaced In Berlin s),h r M«l. ge n . Jnmea.H. polk, a t |^jw oenl'eom m andtng general or jjv tb e 4th armored division of RtaV B . army In Europe. p«

Conversations I On News Logged S

WASHINOfON. Nov. 1# (.fV- ar • -whn«~HocM o tneialv like thoM M

a t the Pentagon and aUte de- VI partm ent, a n under instructions be io report on coaversatlons with Bswimes. I t developed today.

White House Preas Secretary P 1PT« SallngCT. » h o get> the

t to p o l i c y ^ 'o d J l e d J e te r alnce h e afadUtbed lha lys- »<

t&nnigtr tba p r a s aecrt' i t i f t office. di

s s i - W ^ t h e r i - T e m p— Made Valky-C«BaUcrabU high deoiUse------aB4 Ti*ad.y. bflt W atfrT tfeaday .-P w lW «2 • tDcreaaleg ciMdlMai witk a ebanec fa r i1 _ U w a J e n U h « ^ h lg ^ i .^ « T w . O w d ^ . 3

and i f . Belli, } l and M t CaiUefofd, J* »B« A 4 i j B e r t e y .» a » d 4 i : C a » w m W e .» « »

. 1 1 . ^ I I .1 > .» » ;» a l T. T, rm r fa c ts l alalleti. n with H perutm uw . 11 ■ '■TS''*- ' i J

-----Bt-CaitWerdt a t » ltt i-5 4 .n trj?n ‘real- pertiDtiil sUUen. 41 wilh SI per eeot b w Wdub. Ubonteryj hawmelerj __________

: n W -D A T POUECASrtln'g A Bteaa b l |h preaanre ridge aloft and U

Al- iwB e r tf tbe tatenneontaln r » g ^ d as cncfa 'a 'p ttic rw -iem penlsrta will artragc 1 In bttow netmal. Slight wartnlng e « ^ e ij

pcrtlen of tbU week fellowtd try ^ l n » * rost. 5 U.I, period. Normal, for th .» by rreelplUtlon . tm- pM tany JO ef aa toeh w I™*- was „ n l of pe»lWe wllh dayUtne cftodlntsy ai

non- c ie ideere r will tend to d e e rf.« af.ler I on WlU avtrage le t« I J m lk a - p e r ^ ^ .

* the OUTLOOK TO MID-pRCluen. A mean ridge of hlah preuure aloft loa

p e c te d - t9 ^ ih * - p r « d o m la a n U r " ^ ^ o ^ ne» m a te r part ot ihe time during t J i e n ^ l ^

ft gtneral trend toward a iniermounUln

»>th t o " « S w 7 r o r T t o s 'desree . b e lw not normal maalmummlnlmums average from the mid W loa-e.

rown pftcipiuilon from “

■««« I h r m h Magic Valley. ,Wind speeds will ftverane « ‘®„

Amount ot poulble "an avense of seven-tenth* *ky ®®ver.

Late farm ploa'lng conditions with care and feeding of » >esl

r S i i f S?hW r»rresulie. in cloudy skies wllh »ome

upward under •"•iJ .fu rnw rread lnB s In the «PP«f*® ” fh» 40? tT low W a tomorrow. Nllhttlm

trem tha over southweitem valleys 1

cago, »n<l _______, ,h . t e m p e r a t u r e a n d PREC-

KAlbyOMBiM----------« " M««phlt

beru Am«i>IU>-------------- *; }, IlfX : « i &ay S t S[‘X u - - = : \ l

------------JJ nklthomi

. CktttanA J? i , t# ntWth55 » .«T n»pw cu

rrlcej ----------- « ” n'thmgni; Vin :--------------- W 1« SI- 1-“?'ay a t ... . •-:= »• »» . ir , a uhome K n w.nh ------------JlS r „ ,Al of- — — „ , , pi, 8u. NUl be « - “ U lil'it.eeme- j»rtnoi.. — ■— ** ■ JJ -

jMk»q»lU*-— — *1— - Tr. WmWmII K>u*> t l l » ----------” , , . wifWlK

Alaska. H awaii.and C

■-S,t i t h e »J».JPST l. . -------ima of -------- . - t l 4 ,«i V4o««i»i‘ HiMBlM — -------- { ' I Ai.thor.1

t r«lrUn»

^ 11 *i I t the . IDAHO TEMPERATlAapel 8u ii« “ V

View BsrW.— — — — *J , MuunUli all a t c»wwfU — ’ JJ , rtrm*

unm « TowiM* ■ st I n*«btiT«

J ----- !£ !T M S n M 5 S 3 j a i r a » O T » ; =

uneral few showen lower elevation* today thro tJlMi- .I . . . .n in BJ. Low* tto lgh t 30 to 43.

B re lh*------------------------------>

Magic Valley ]a serr- j i a g i c V f l l lc y M e m o r i a l S t 3

AdmltUdMra. i t a r l V H l J p n i . ' J ^ y r n T l

as- Thomas Murray. Leroy Ine Cc1 W ls Robert J .S u lc U f f .R lc h a r t l ^ C roatfk lil - Hilda JuarlsU. both «ilanned Euwne Seele, lo r l ta Ollbert;fHtnda •meodoreR. Knight. Lorry r r ^ M n.

home ds. Edward TadJock and Mr*. Hagerly and E\-erett Jewell. aU Twin O t^ liBMday. M n. Charles Hency, Debra Long, and s. W h y Raimuasea. Rachael O lt- Conwi

• en. 'Mr*. Ardean. peletaon and Cowat) n Mr*. John Conrad, a ll Kimberly; I^JPh. • Allen U n n cummUu, Hansen; all sho r a Mr*. Dencll Gold and Mao Brown. M n ^

bolh Buhl; Ralph Oary WrUht, Slo-Rn i e r : ^ t e ^ M l I ^ j J r t . . j ^ - J f ” ""

land Of Ksnneth Ennto. Ruperu''' ^DISBbMd ' *

normal „ .Arthur Budden and / daughter, M n. Glen C. S i^ lh

smand- ^nd *cn;Mri. Jo h n RuaseU.-Ada - - - laon H . Humphrey*. Mr*. Donald Me- ■ rade of M utxto and M rs. Junior D. “ u w« m b . w in ; T u txn “ “ ' " ia of the Myen, Joeeph Harrtoon and on. o a . Donna KeiT. aU KlmberlK , Berlin shields and M n. Vempn Taylw,polt. * t both Wler:-Mn. Harold M ^ t t .leral oi Buhl’ G «y ChrUlopnerioo, Jlf^ wiracl I Of {Be « iw i ; Mr*. Robert Lowder. Ru-

pert, and Mra. Wesley TaU and______ - son. Wells. Nev. ■________________ >nd N

_________ 3 Mr*.J BencU Gold. Buhl, and Mr. and

g e d MTV Chari® Heacy. Kimberly, j 1# (.fv- and daughten to M r . w d Mrs. j:* those Merte H « ln* rT V ln -P alls .-B nd-------a te de- Mr. and Mrs. John Conrad. Kim- j j j ruction* berly. ______

Sri" G o o d in it M e m o r ia l

S ' S Bill. ” "■eilrted RlchMd°Mc(»». r a ^ o n e :_ M n . Rupei

lha u s - Nephl Johnson and Nora wmdl- n tm enu >te, both Ooodlng. M n

u slst- 'DUtDbwd le CaiI aecrt- Besale Brown-and Olen Hen- WllUa

dilx, both poodlng. pert, i

’emperatoresi^^-;‘,££r:.Sljirs.S5S! Rupei

ta t rate W e d n ^ y nlgbl. '*■


„ ” ; S u i r .11. r .-« i.» .iw “ Jg__________ ____________________ Springfield, n

^ n ^ sT rr.i r from J ta I dejriea town, which “n ” «5s:ii<ni5K rm -nwf coollnr dorin r Ih* U tU r pcrtJoB In Septemt

a t Twin ra lU are 4* and » ^ ’ .1 i»M ihaa norm .] with amoonta In 19&3.

fiun.blne will total abcBt 45 per Mr. Dunlaj hiadlnevi averaging i U .7 cover- eariyday a r f . « i l l . r B ia-eek . Wind speeds hanr phone compa.^ - ■ - kirveyorforiMID-DRCEMBER ber of t ^

•e aloft loos the west coast U ts - chureii trniure of the weather map fw_a o l j h ^ lOOF

wtiterlT flow o t air aloft Into the m «. Robert , in lilow-norm al temperatures. porUand: a

1 average in the lower 40’s and ,nd Melrln-lid lo loa-er 20'a. - one brother,ember to mid-December will be no, callf.: oi

and snow flufrle.. PreclpluUoo puUerton. Cftal from 45 to 1J)S of an inch In ^ a th U d r e i .>r.itniii«tlon will average 3 to t Puneral w

jund 8 to 13 mllM per hour. The chrletlan ci III range around, 40 per cent with uoore. paat* V cover. ,' eluding ril« jng will find lesa cemetei ,g of Uvesusck becomlng.lhe more ju f^ la y aft- __ — . . — L. mortuary an■ ‘ ~ — :---- -- - - - w w e a n wICULTUnAL SOm Ma r y --------i ^ s t r o r t r w o t t r t r f l o r * ^ ' ^ TTS------- nm Canada wllh Pacltlc-born a l ^ I J g o H « carried Inland inlo Canada ^ e sfthward will result. In the In ter- _ ^L. CuI wlih some light snow o ^ lo n a ^ y J e r o m e , tonU ht and early tojnoMw. P « - cutwrlght. 1 t wllh no anowfall of consequence g,

, . W . to Ih . JOH over t . n ™moved lo BI

S n .R E a P IT A T I O N K ' J S l.Ighest umperaVur# Sunday, l o w tsclpiutlon for 24 hour* ending a t ,

i ' « s a ”j . i h - ^ = ••

** » 1* Chrlstlwi

E lS ",i= = • li •“ S towN«rth r u n * ---------- -; 11 e* B unlvlnnkithomi cit» - » „ 04 Jerome: ot

a i vhiu‘.i» h i« ---------- --‘ *J •*’ Cutwrlght..It ri-»"i» ^---------------} t l parents. M

.1# --------------------------« ?! •“ Mo,; wiiw)

.«T ■ 41 IS . . . rensburg, l ni.hmgni--------------« . ” E. Culwrlg

, , s » S . s ^ K■ H4i> FrmiiflM* -------- •» *J pcn-HOVe

f,, 8u. ------------------« T,. the nev. I- g « aUng.Ma*

.»! " i ; }» .»! ducted BtTr. W1.WMM*— -------- ' I , — « — ;w rrie n d j mifroJS i iu i in th e 'u n lted BUtea ex- noon and

day hlglis.-W-at.Orlap_do and M a t pm._Wednr™in» lo ia . 8 a t Limestone and 10 - -----eatest «no« depth (except a t moun- j v j[Town. Me. 1 / . J . .

.wall and Canada T d k C IIgheat temperature Da-leht J■ffclplUUon for 3 t houn ending 4

B n .1* day 'aliem - 4 1 - .n - H T i R r

"■ A ithor... ------------- »J ” •“ Albion. NH. . - • ~ «i s« -Oi from Nefai

'll'iirialultt r ~ i= ~n tt Bkii^y______ ___________________________ lo Twin FEMPERATURE3 . . „ rled Maxlrrep. . M*«- «,'?• ’ • IMS, In

»■«” ----------- a i ; member otil»u iea . ■___4: s« and Tw-ln_________________ ‘f I « “1 ^I MMtiUl. Hoc. ------- 41 . of the TvP^TIJik,----------r r M , J odL-i tfaun

----- i t J Sunivlni(uimon 4( i» daughter.Twin r»ita-------------•* ” F^lls; two

iua7-wllh-wcaslonaV«now-mwm^lM today through Tuesday. Highs bolh gjn>-(ion. j

10 to 43.____________- nU; a brcFuneral

ley Hospitalsl o l s t B e n e d i c t ’s . J e r o m e E S S . "

Admitted ^ held m lira: ^^W a^d FHonds m

lne*Cort«! boih Wendell: Alvin S d f t ^ wl*. c ross and -mereaA Newberr>-, nesday.

both . ________________ =

an- Mr*. Robert Relnka and *on. T T a n n Mr*. Hagerman; T am en WebsUr.Uls; Ooodlng: M n . Oerhard Luttmer f i f f , - ong, and *on. Wendell: Mr*. Ralph U l l l t : 3lT- Conwa>', Twin FalU: Wendy Me- EleeUon and Cowan, Dietrich; Penny CUyton, the meell irly; Ralph Ballard and Jack Dunn, Lucky 4-t sen; all Shoshone; Mrs. William Last, noon a t I >wn. M n. Ellel Hepworth, Mr*. Refu- Brlit, leac gh t, filo ’n>rres and Robert Fallon, all Otflcen Ev- Jerome. president;

Births * president; “Ti"'ijinjtitcr*waT'born*<o-M ri x jurrC an

, and M n. Vernal Weeka, Jerome. Beth !Dr --------, Peterson.

C a s s i a M e m o r ia l .

:S ,r r ,rW ,in .T S rn S « in »«•.»», n Bunn and MaUlda Rodrwjuft. aU


M n. Dewalne Jensen.Oerald Roman*. M n. Darrel Van

w l i ? “ r Mingo If.] | ; [ : w i t 3 e h l n i , T ^ n ^

D aughten were bom to Mr, ^ .J^e nw___ and Ntra. Raftl Rodrtoquea. Bur- v o v m„ ley. and Mr. and Mr*. Nennrtti - .

0*ntry,-Rup«rl.-8ons-w *r*-bom ------- u__to Mr. and Mr*. Luther MeOlll 't i and Mr. and Mn. Deloy Condcr; f C ^ h _ B u rie y . ______________

“ »■ M in id o k a M e m o r ia lAdmitted Inc office

1 Mrs. Mina Houston. Marcella pearson, 1 Perrenoud. Mn. Minnie Loeall, -niey ar M n. Audrey Newcomb. Blaine Cecil Cor

^^n. Hleler. and Mr*. Uoyd part*, all both H e^ M n. Rupert. Burley. Tlndl- BIralned vmka of I

M n. Minnie Loosll. Mr*. Maud- land air f le Carter, baby oam er, and Mrs. King e:

{en- WllUam Rodgen and son. all Ru- Pfeifer, m pert, and Carolina Yoa*. Paul. Com lelec

& S d l u d a p , i 3 & d lR up e r t A rea P io n e e r . D ies

m ip rR T . No.: i > - ™ " 5 JOIIM, w . p M » r 5 *5S ^ ’

D H .U . .

” m a w m w r . UU. M *Donn In I W n , Sb i aHJ »■

n IBiS * 'Mr Dunlap had been acUve in In Bundayl

^ y .d a y community Ufa and drUl teamsvetoed o r« n lie the first U ie- the Judge**2 n e conpany, .erved « c o i^ y fof f j " ^ imreTor for m wBer of the Rupert Chrlitian waa held or :iiu«ii and a long-time member luve baal*.

a d a t ^ r . T T

K^ilaSa?*r . ^ e p - d a u ^ , ^ 3a n /^ S itn ^ D u m i. Ode'u, fined » l» one brother, Craig Dunlap. F rta- ^ U c j no caUf • one slsitr,’ M n. Jeasle drunken dr PuUer<on. ChlUcothe, Mo, apd 10 wm revoke*

.1 ID a ' H-TeacChrletlan church »1*h C. PaulMoore. pMWr, ' H n weluding rilw *r« set a t lha Ru- J J O W .pert cemetery. Frtenda «nay oU1 ___Tueaday afternoon a t the Walk ] pS i r t S i y and until nOme cf a ert- O l K


B e a t i iT a k e s ^

L C u tw r ig h tJ e r o m e , nov. i ^ - lcroi Dean TeicRw

Cutwrlght, M. died Sunday a t t - tha father S i ^ ^ ^ a t BU Benedict-, hospital f .u i ly U s JollowlDta brlBf Illness. day night.

He was t « i r T a a r » r n i J r « t ■m unatrwLogan. He moved to Rupert w ith town Cara< h to '^ re n iJ In IJIB. where they studentslived for a short tlma before they ^ id themoved lo Bllsa. On Aug. 3 1 .1M«, classroomhe married Florence Deal a t Balt to'suspendla k e City. The couple came to w tion o t t Jerome from Richfield In 19M. the death It* wa* a ilaUon agent a t the while attei J ^ a depot and had' been with Ramlre* the Union pacific railroad for refused.JS yean. He was a member of Authorll Hagerman lodTe No, IB, AF and ran t to e AM, Hfl ftt^ nded the Jerome C en tn lJP rhrintian church and wa* a and arres m e X r ot the Order o t Rail- lalobM Ar road Telegraphen for 2S years, ed with ll

a u n lv lr . Include his widow, -rtiB un Jerome- ona son, Stanley Dean LaUn An Cutwrlght. com ing. Calif.; ^ oarents. Mr. and M n . Jay O . bodies, cutwrlght, BUS*; three brothers. poUce seFrante-H .-Cutw rlght.l ..Lumroh Jh-ai-datmMo,; Wilbur J . Cutwrlght, War- grad" and rensburg. Mo,., and ,D r.„puM c equlpmefil E. Cutwrlght, Waahlngton. D.C. toi which

Funeral services will be held nt *as used 3 p jn . Wednesday a t the 'C riP* a supply «pen-Hova fuhertl chapel with ------the Rev. Donald A. Ross offlel- p U l atlng. Masonic riles will be con- j j U l l l

I dueled a t the Jerome cemetery, q • I r rle n d j m ayea ll T unday-a tter- - O C r V l

noon and evening end until 1 TO»gi.i-.....................D. J. Peckardt Taken by Death “v,!."

; EK-lght Jacob PeekaitSt, 53. 331 Hmixim avenuo wert, died Bun- {^r of thi d a y "a tie m o o iro ri" :to n rllln w .- wil~glre~ - H T W rb « n - A U B r l3 r l« » r tn Albion. Nebr., and moved to Buhl w hat?" 1

: from N etm k a. Ue later Uved In chuniiea- Burley aiiJ T win r a >tor4le-mov»l a a tW i' wl

10 Twin FalU In 1M«. He mar-ried Maxine V anPaUai on Sept.

- 7, IMS, In Elko. Nev. He wm a member of the Burley Elka lodge ^ and Ta-ln PalU lodge No. 45. AFand A.M, Ho also waa a member

^ ^ WornSurviving are hU «1dow, a

daughter, Sheila Pccknrdt, Twin i T l a l t F^IU: two Btep-doucfWen. M n . BERLH

- Betty BAinbo, Phoenix. AHa, and munlst -b J MMt-Margaret-CoIe^-flcflttle; a captured' stPp-son. Allan Pedmrdt, P n « - » "ilee' I . nix; a brother and tico alslers. of Berlin

Funeral aerrlcea * ill bo h d d her escap , a t 2 p. m. Wednesday a t Rey- police ref

noWs funeral home by the Rev. The En. Henry J. Ocmhardt. a.«l4tan t 30 shoo paator ot Twin Falls Moujodbt chine pi

' church. Condudlne rltea will be through I held m the Buhl cemeterj-. der beWi

‘i FWends may call a t the funeral tor’s-Ncul ■* hom e'fn(H '4 'U 8 p. tn. T unday Otiiiiaiiy ” and from B a. m. to noon Wed- nM .

^Happy-eo-Liicky = . '1 ; Officers Elected « ;:• ElecUon of ottleers highlighted The aUi t*. tha meellng of the Happy-Oo- year-old ^ Lucky 4-H club Saturday after- u,eir eao tl noon nt the home ot -Mra. Fred ^rea whe )■ Brlit, leader. n e r eoUH Otflcen are Oeneal Ho«-a, mounded

president; O'mny ' Mingo, vice uinjggh 1 president: ■ Plane Bright, secre- ban

r* uu7:'ca iu l3u Chellne, treasurer; ~e. Beth IBrltt, reporter: Tracy I

Peterson, praj-er leader, and K l i r l ' Sylvl# Brlgg.1. song leader. ~

DemonstraUans were given by k V p n ft Beth B rttt-on-batter-ro lU -and

M n .'B ritt on rules for a good RUPET “ cook and corrert measuring. HaxbJ, 41

Plans were m»de for a tour ot a r 1:15 tha Amalgamated Sugar com- Comet si

*• pany plant Dec. 1. ' out ot c(Tracy Peterson and Qlnny inltrchar

Mingo led the flag salute and cmb.nkn

aruwered w itf i^ V h a tts y o u rfa - rest on ! TOriie food?" • eistlmateC

The next meeting Is scheduled wm atUi Nov J8 a t the 'home of Mr*, on the pi5!“h- — ^Sim

J Four Enlist .fre------Four-Magle -V a lle y -m e a -h a v e ---------

enlUled In the air force throuKh the T«'ln FalU air force recruit­ing office according lo Sgt. IL O. v r ,

l» Pearjon, local recruiter. I n l11. Tliey are Albert King. Jerome:« Cecil Com and Lester Pflefer. Q 01 to ih H e^ um . and Billy J--Pace.

weeks ot bMic training a t Lack- | f | | { 1 - land air force blue. Tex. I IU I*. King enlUted In e lectronla: ’q . 1 • 1- Pfeifer, mechanics, and Page and ‘

c o m lelected th* general fields, h m h

Twin-EallsJfewdi»Ui PalU, U enrolled ta_the_re- M*ho Power

I tmti«>«« llnance and market- t« k e City Su w atth eu n lT fn lty .H e U K U M eauseJf-the <1 » ROIC acunoes iMluding ih* j , , c . M . Hlinny-rtfle-team .and t i« flight ■ .

( ^ l l U v e basl* at the fourth C*llf.

«hool Inatead Of eompetltlve wUl hava a . . .I . t* w u Incorrectly aUted a jn . a t th< n Sunday* TUnes-New*. All the *hop, Depot ( Iriu were criticised by lee *hop andhe Judge* and were not Judged eeeds will gi

n*" th T w tn S T o V 'T O e ^ o r fa ^ l^ a ls o w U ll

-i?alierTraffic-€Ined *150 and co*U by R44*rt felted a 114 ?ollc* Judge Jake Wall for algned SO t Irunkw driving, and hU license Wall for ape. n a revoked for one year."

________________ forielted a .

Teacher-Shot^ Down; Ouster w£ °™ Of Reds Set.

CARACAS, VeneiueU, Nov. IJ felted a *30 c n - T h e murder of a high achool SO. deoertU teacher'bcfiire-Uie.eyes o t j i ls driving with mathemaUn cUss touched off cx laU ng^j^ demand* today for a purge of Jack Ctets communtou from VenetueU’s r t r ^ ^ » « .

* ^ ^ e r JMeTXmltn-Ramlrtt; twp-car aeelc tha father ot seven children, wa* a » d v near faUlly beaten and ahot T hun- day night, reportedly W » com- F ^ ^

town c'ara'cas night school.Students ot the slain teacher

aald the gang bunt Into the F ^ C h « classroom and ordered Ramlre* w the tO'SUspend cUsses In commemo- w V ration o t Uie first silnlversary of t c n ^ the death of a terrorist shot h : ^ ^ ta while attempilng to bum a bus.

Biunlre* was killed when he

Authorities obtained a war- "ran t to enter the aulonomoia T h i < a A Centn l Onlverally of Venetuela Vand arrested Jorge Ramon vu- T « P n * * lalobos Ane*, 22. who was chars- J-H ed wllh the murder. , Threo pen

Tha unlvtnlty. like many In minor Injurl LaUn' America. Is uadlUonally Magic Valle off-llmlta lo law enforcement late Salurd bodies. accident al

Police aesrched Villalobos' room *Jn-.:datmllaryJ;;Si5«n-grad" and said they foundlia io f^^ traequlpmefil, hand grenades, a pU- *S i ih lc l, b o p . r u «,ld S S S 'o iV ,

Buhl Ministerial Services-Planned “ S ' ;

BUHL. Nor. 1>-Unlcn "nianks- collided wlU giving services, an-aanual.event hy.Oary.L.. sponsored b>- Ihe Buhl MlnU- school leac terial aasodsUon, a-Ul be held a t for failure 10 a. m. Thunday a t the«m- way. Condoi bly ot Ood church, “n ie pubUc Klmbarlv rt Is InvUed. make a left

•me RCT. Robert Bufdiell. pos- <>/'!*• tor of the Flrat Baptist church. P* '" « mil-Kre-the-'n»nkaglvlng-mM* -. -5®“ * ^ (5ge t i ^ t l ed, ‘■ITOUimit-Tor What?" MlnUten oL the other chuniiea of the MMtflerlftl aaso- no ljn juredCaiW i' wm-VMtHJpttte:------------- }

Spedal music will be present- ( y l r S . I ed. according to the Rev, Sheldon ' Slagel. pastor of the hart church. T o I f a r who has charge ot the servtce. A t t i a v a i

-----------------:--------- Mra. Ola

Woman-Shot;Man Flees East

BERLIN, NOV. ID aTtk-Com- munl*t-border_»uarda.fihol.and captured a >xiurig uximan tz^-lng „» flee' W-tne-Amer1ean-«*Sot of Beriln today but a man with her escaped ^ e l j - . Weat Beriln

; S S e m 'poUce fired about; 30 shoo *t the palf from ma- “ V : chine plstoU a s^ th e y crepl . through barbed viire on tha bor- “ •. der bc t««n the American sec- ^

‘' woman, said to be about

25, WM hit in the arm. Bhe be- came the B2nd-known-ca*ualty among refugees alnce the <wn- • munUt waU dividing Berlin went up Aug. IS. 1961. Of the total, a t “ least 41 have been klUed. USE TIME

I -nw aueeeasful escapee Is a 2«-• year-old man. 'n » pair made *; their escape bid In a suburtjan . ••I area where B erlben have *um-

m e r coUagw. The woman wm• wounded while tn ’lng to get ■ thiwich the first ot three barbed

»1ra barrlera' on the border. 1

' Burley Woman ! EscapesJnjury___1 "RUPERT. |Jov. ll>-Mrt. Magda

HnxbJ, 48. Bilrley, escaped Injury t a r 1:15 Sunday when the ISfil . Comet she 'was driving skidded

out ot control on the intersUla r Interchange and le tt .a - IS-^oof

• rest on Its top.. Damages were) ‘ estimated a t MOO. The accident .

] WM attributed lo anov and ice - on the pavement,_____________ .

Fresh Turkeys I ^Starting |

Thurs., Nov. 15 |ORDER NOW!

Hull's Turkeys F TDial 733-3159, 733-1931

c ia ii ia

WS in BriefSeal .GiJ


------------ . , bercul0*u a**odi*»t. U w ftae* K. Egb«t. *on ol Lener* conlali

.nrt Mn- w illlam-Egbfi^ w«*jnalle<Lfro«in PalU. U undergoing l ^ u re*ld<nU of 41M iry training a t Ft. Ord, tn j, ,ear, CUf. — - ed. A record ll

- -----------U irorfrom-eachritillm f ' r — aoiorlty r»i comm ittee ctll have a coffee hour a l 8 thorUed to r^ueiD ftt th« Rogeraon coffee jn u n actlvltle*BP Depot O ria W*gn«n «cf* year. .1 *hop and Norm"* cafe. P ^ proceed* f r t» •ds will go to the muscular must do more Ui itrophy aasocUtloo. The soror- present « tl»ltlei ’ aUo wUl be »*Ulng candy this cu lo si ck with proceeds going to Ihe out e d u « t lo ^ . ^ Seal center.

• _ , ' necas of breath"

Se-€ourts—Tied SO denwrU* by Judge ^nd willall for apeedlng. • __ of the medical •Wayne-Ar-WrtgW,-R*Jp«t- -puBllc'bealth-w

rfelted a tlB bond and waa ouryij,en JO danertta by Judge WaUr-apetdlng--------- ---__i'Etfort4_t(LlHDouglas Nakomo, nupest, « « o t tubeled tlO and oo«U by Judge g y „ ,ftU fof nmnln* a slop algn. k ItLeone Oenli? fortelled a W n d In Rupert police court for pmhit

V w ^ tT 'R u p e f t for-

ivlng without jtoe to

lua lAkea boulevard north and cu UU avenue east. ________

S r r a e v r o l e td r iT m T 5 ^ S f v l f t rJlolloway. 32, route 3. T v ia 1 / 1 I V C l

ilU. Christensen w tr a v e l l i v _ ^orth on the boulevard and Hoi- l . | , I q t »«-ay driving south. ChrU- A l l V 4 C |1 avien attampMd to make a lelt- _ _ lOf turn Into a drive-ln reslau- _ . j : . m t and drove Into the ^ i h of j ' ^ :on«-ay-s on«mlng car. No one j S m b ? ^• a Injured. . valley Memorla

: ' Ing an acddenfhree InjuredSrCar Accident SSZToSThree person* were treated for The aoddenCilnor Injuries and nleased from nancU , drtvlalaglc Valley Memorial hospital »-agen. wm tnlU Saturday after a two-car «tnick a 1859 ccldent a t the Inttrsectlon ot driven t>y Allellmberly road and EttsUsnd roote 4, Buhlrive. Driven of bolh c an were protn InIted-for-traftlc-vloUllfinj.— ■ drlrtcjaTL-th#.Injured were Merlin L. Fair- to Investlgotlni

.anks. 19. 173J Eldredge avenue, patrolman Rlc. ,river of one of the cars; his pas- Deputy Sheriff engtr, Robert Met-ers. IT. 722 Moore, with 1 lain avenue north, Kimberly, rlbi, wai not h nd Earl Shields, 14,5» Yakima pishned to tak Ueet, Flier. meat.Fairbanks, drlvbg west on Damaccswen

Clmberly road ln_alSSa Rambler, qqO lo,Uie.W58. ?as dted for speeding. Jits car the VrtkawagenoUldcd wllh a 1855 PWd driven . -----------ly.Oary.L. CondM. 22. a Nampa . p Q v m n n chool teacher. ^ 0 wm died i V a j i l t U l i or failure to yield the right of itay. Condon was drlrlng east on X l 0 n 0 r 6 ( Clmberly road and allempied to oraveslda si nake a lefthand turn onto EasU 3 utl(.and drive. He drove Into the g, Sunsei » th o t Fairbanks- oncoming car. under the dlrn

A M thtr passenger l ^ o n d a n s armored cavali a r-w M rx«R cy-E llls;=2l.-=aun. •h^TiationaMUi 4ampa. Condon and EllU were jj^ g n Whllhlt lo tJn jured. Mra.‘ Nellie

Mrs. Olena Ek Taken by Death

M n. Olena May Ek. 68, 400 Z h t by meml rw rd street north, died about 7 tau-h Farm ). m. Sunday a t Magic VaUey Q n n ae hall I vlemorial h o ^ la l afler a *hort Edward Untua. leaving for Be

Bhe WM bom June ar, 18»4, a t make their hor JtkA, Nebr. and came to Twin Lamar Egbei PaiU -about-tw o-and-one-haU and-K endaU J nonUi* ago from Seattle. She on the atate 1 m rU ved-ln-SnU Je-far-aevsra) fantlon-at-SoU i-eara where aha w u a mamber .~TT)f the Baptist church.

Her husband, Edward Ek, died last Oct. 15.

Surviving are three toiu. May- nard Ek, Ta-ln Falls, and Le- ' W ^ f * R-am Ek and Dale Ek, both Se- ! 1 . W | ■ attle; a daughter, Mra. H. 0 . XLoaery. Boise; three slaters, Mn,Fred bardizw. ~Mn. " Oarence Jonhson and Mn. John E. And- erson, all Holdrege, Ndir,; 15 gnmdc^lldren and ono' p ta t - grtndohlld.

Funeral services will ba held In Seattle.



- — menjoy th e ta s te of

F o r h e re is 'a r ^ ^ — in- t he- a f f ef- d ist

■ w hisky th a t h a s tr - W it t ir a ja s t& j(

■ o th e r w hisky in tl . E veryonelvou!

a w hisky. Only S(

Knowri by th e com p'a ny it keI c i i i i i i i i i i i i i - i i L i i i e t i iL U i i t i i i i i i u . i i n i

ristmas Seen T( ilG ifia —

. • • Uoa . . . Robert Bt:

e-A rnving-,S ,^ SaiX T NOV. i» -C on lrtbu - R i^ w t Day estlnj 1 ^ C ^ tm a *

^ ^ ^ ? H 5 ? w e e k . a n - atufflng envelope■d-Pr:-J-R .-glrch*r..B ur. ilCM ^f.forCicomta^ e n t of the Idaho T u - • • • TTiomas HwrniMi. aaaoclatlon. about letter . . .t n containing" the aeats Paaalng Uirouih b-.u llM Lfron »t»t« office • • • YarbtouiS e iS roJ t r ^ t l t t T n - i n c paaslng-motoftst . ,S u ? e « , W ^ S d ie r a U t- er ir « t ln g lrl.n44,7 ^ il kept of the re - Mra. Consunee L*ir ..jii ta th county, and Jo- a r t Swan a-aUlni S t t S l h f f i n are au^ flce 'a fU r-iltynu iriA ta ^ 'uHt'Tunfli'f'tf p io* Ton*Ecker-e*iinir ^ U vW e* thrtnighout th e w l» eho^ilcks tn

:eeda from thU campaign » n driving ir do more than maintain th e l « lot . , . aii' It acUvltle* against tuber- .“Time* a ren i reall; L Dr. Klrcher *ald. An a ll- paying more In inct ducatlonal effort calling a t- than 1 used to e»rn to the poaalWe haiard* ______—chronic cough* an d -ah o rt- p * 1 T T * ] ] of breath’ wUl ba Uunched V j l T l J V U j

forta to find the unknoa-n They placed the '‘’ WberoSlSS-imoag the-Wwt-or a over 40 must be intenal- atarted for T ain F

Dr. Klrcher w ntlnued. f ^ >“ th t,

■. form* of resplntory dll« " S ^ n k m S ' ^

im * of health edueaUon, t o ^ w l «•culm testing, chest X-ray*, e rt Seele. 15, r w ^iilUtatloa and/oH wr-up care wn. ofSO enU, medlcti tn a oth e r

“ ■> u"" Raamuisen, 14, so

r i V l f t r T T l i r t 'll*localedl l V C l X A U X »■ luieo abrasions, tr 1 leased, and Earl, 1I Car Crash

TO., Nov. 18—L a r r r f^ « « l* . abrasions.M n Falls, Incurred a broken she riff Benham nd head Ucefatlon* and w m Ujb time of the 1 by ambulance lo Magic Pcanon ’* parents, ry Memorial htapltal follow- w uilam Pearson, an ocddent a t 6:20 a. m . in ooodlng.

four miles n o r th a a t o l m u s Pear*on wi a t a county road Inteiw c- . 5. .

;i f e -w « - ;^ - l j^ a lr ly -« o o d -^Vvb-d^illhVerS Itlon Moatoy In 1049. She alter:e aoddent o c c i ^ w hen ^ j g ^hureh and d*, driving a 1900 Volks- ,h e r« *hn , WM traveling west, and

t “ S i C !

» re , wllh possible fractured Pwai not hOBpltallied b u t ho J

S S i i Ktmaces w re estimated a t 41,- W o. and a mi

-------------------------- A auter, Charle

jymond B u t l e r “ ? J ! S i i . S

onored a t R i t eraveslda services for Ray- id D. Butler were held M on- ■DIa A /I

n t Sunset Memorial park J>X U U U er the direction ot the llflth q l e NNS FEI ored cavalry regiment, Id a - _ T h # Woodmol i4U6navpiard,-witn-thc-Ber.- —ffori l l 'm i . m *n Whllhlle offldaUngt— —yjesday a t tha :ra.‘ Nellie Ostrom was or- ^ 11.

I of tha Idaho naUonal guard. the areCOUPLE IIONOIIED

URTAUOH, NOV, ID-A pot- ’ 'i '; dinner wm *«n-cd Priday LIt by memben ot tha M ur- w otken and dc ;h Farm Bureau a t the ngo h*ll honoring M r. and , Edward Dutton who are DRAWINGS mg for BellevlUe, K a m , to ' LONDON. Nov, :a their home. Picasso drawing unar Egbert, Frank Blades yesUrday from ll -Kendan.fiyver>on reporU d Osbert Sitwell, b the aUte Farm Dureau’ con- es*-D im e -Edith JonH»t-aol»*___ were valued a t <l


V m k I m ore , I snow s . k . m

II when » doesr

I .

F i i i Mi M W i i l i l i i H i i I coMF

i j y / p / nW / ] f m o s t peop le ,

ta s te of S e a g r a m 's V .O . e is 'a ra re a c c o m p l i s h m e n t , o f diatilling: a lig h t- b o d ied—

i t h a s tru e b rillian ce o f flavor.

iky in th e w orld q u i te like i t n e lv o u ia lik r tF 'm a l< e M Jch ^ , ^ O nly S e ag ra m c a n . \

iny it keeps, S e a g r a m 's Im porteii»iu.«iimuoiJ.eM Hoor.iiiMni j i « a i i ‘». ■ ■ < ■ ■

en Today •*<»>*«

I env^oprt J;-!

letlef . . . B r w ^ t through sck Y.rbrouih r-motoftst. , .-Q i fS • ;tlng «rien44p .u S !!* ^ ansunee L eaniad t " ran *-»Uln, l r , i o ^

:k » r-e* iln rD ttn f,i-S -hopallcks tn-locsl . . Dr, and Mri j e«d driving lni<Hoc»]t3 't- . . .• And ove:iT3:I a ren i really « umT.-

^u«d to'e’*'’™'**”'*

r T K U H ; ! i o 4 h i r t ^is in f o f ^ T3tlaued_»oni Fsje £tai_I house ihocily afle, ig mUhap.I placed the tifi'i bed, snct'seat-of-iH e“s r i S 'I fo rT a 'm Falla. -m eiS the ranch to hlsliaii a directly west tnd the« by Brucc Eatl, I8. xotiti Fall*, wa* tnveliai ba un. Tha a r »ent ic « gy-SttynaTnnjWiniiirB ikment on the t c lUty ilghway. ShfOlt-Braito here _were IW Uld msrti. ired In the crash acre ele. 15, route I, Twin TCt if Mr. and Mrs. Eti«

-VUIey Memorlil Forehead lacentlons: I n lasen, 14, son cf \u . sy

dUlocaied shoulder u abrasions, treated tnd iv , and Earl, ion ot Mr. u Quinton Earl, treated bfi :lan for knee Injurtei d abrasion*. -

riff Benham u ld Um a Ima of the shooting, ici in ’* parents, Mr, tnd IL1 m Petnon, Htnsen, r a odlng.J Pearson wts bom MliI >48, a t Prlncton, Its. & rwlUi'lieFfanillj'loTliao 19. She attended Mumep chureh and'llanMn I, where' ahe w u la Bi grade.

vlvlng are her ptre&ti, 1 er, William L>'nne Pctmi Ihree *l*len. Undt D!« on, Bonnie Ruth Petn*

;n; her mtlemal gru^ tr. Mrs. Bonnie Aleise* rny. Mo, psUmtl gti* er, M n. Ruth Ftim ra; a palemul greit-put r, Xra Cane, Mount W A nnd a malemal u *

Itather,. Oeofge Alexttta rd .'^o ;-------------------ister, Charlene Carol Fa died En 1S51. leral-ienrjces arepmfflsj olds'funeral chapeL

Blood StopILENNS FERRY, Not. U Tie bloodmoblle will tB ri i f t J ti. tu'3T-m.-g ;j:; day a t tha Olenns Rnj .h a ll.

for the area, nia WSCS of the Melbc* diurch win provide ti-

shmenta fo r voliaus rken and donor*.

DRAWINGS STOLEN^ NDON, Nov. U S T t - ^ ao dntwlngi were rday from the horn? rt SltweU, brother ot Dime -Edith-BliwslL-It* valued a t <1.880 nch. _

SUBURBANITE W INTER CAPS)re tfoctlon when il jw s . k . more milwji len » doesn 't.




m e n t ,iHifldlavor.■'s noike it . 0 m h

Page 3: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

T r v / ^ a l e s

g D e a t U

V ■5 > £ S S ‘-“ » S ,

J « « « • Kcordlnu w ^ • ___•»^^JueM»ocUtlon»poltc*- ,

s^ -w jrrpo ft* -!

& " ^ r s •• ■,1 lachc* were rtportwl. ■,

^ 3 ^ ^ 5 « r t : i S a i i a E t = | B |

t a » k s

"”£ 2 ^^ h r« vfMtli on the roeka nn<l -------------

w U e o p i» r «f«* b»ttled r \high wind. U, C e

Speech T d p iir [jfeatiu -ed :— J “£?:

^ £ P T A _ _ S

iH l under . dlncUan ot James Mechwn.

p:(na ehftlnntn. . ,un. Hub PaiWrton, Jr.. re- -^ 10 irtlele »TltUn by Mra.

. . . . . . . B y Bn*d lh« B11.U library Jn her ^

Sff.Wr'SSSS? Hlgll^ library, will move _ R i o K n i

, th» hscrit ef Mr*. Oeorge nej^ high,iiU u foon u ihelvlnj is pj^j. „nniUe. succeatul bTfte jgt*r»Jn number* ovtnliw jxto m b room tnd class In the the hlch r4Btin itbool. The UireTO flrtt grade, under the dl* "J*®*’ ;trti* ot Mn. Fred# Miller. ouUior. Vclej lad paniomlmed a Mn*. EUene Br awea-imderetw-toughUbF. m ib llA h .^ttlCBer. gave » choral read , local bonS^ ■ wcr« portnto fcU r Walion. third and icrtbpds Uacher. has taught tfitstoU Spanish, and they

a skit using a Hanoel Humorouw d .u d -lold “The Three Miss Proclan 'Ja-8panl»h .-TheT -» lso »st sad recited In Spanbh. WhlttscU. iTha WUr and sUthgradea gave I^R oy LUaatl.poazas,.uDiler.tiie-dlrec* tln.ploye<IB of Un. norence Massey. Mrs. EUelatomlna vere given by the « a s presen•tenth and eighth grades. *-lth from thc iiKbatn Uielr teacher. _ . atadeirt bo<CUadU Tlojd read the essay sen receiveIt btt written iw the Amerl- In the p}iuilia contest, tpontored by the class opon;pp ■iTiikfyi h/wviiny UnHii p lay prodi«Tei j m a report on OlrU* scrvwl aaii«, and Dale Zellar on boys' Klhg andHe. ' ushers,■fte-hlth Khoot ipetch class =

Jeront l i™ HelpCt Helen Cox. Mn. w . W. jE R m atodrtckwn, Mn. Oreg Belshcr rome w fa:dUn.HerbSlroud. ™ e - hU« next meeUng will be the ironhV fiL-ttT\«d.y in February. ® a y .

aassstarting- r S " .BuRtEY’.'N ovno-A dult eda- ~T nrticlpn »tai eluiej In typing, book- Valley Cal BJfflnhortJiBTnnjtinnisiiiEar ■orUR'and" yllih «m begin a t 7 p jn . Commlsslo " .a in the Durley high school. T he Not iw « a by Ihe school. der of D^ eliUM ire open lo any Malcolm i -cated persons and will ru n has dlstrll » » »eek.v More Information Jerome fira t* ptulned by eaillng tho ------^ acbaci. J v a B .T a a :

ichenley brings you "thi


^ IN AGE. UP IN aUJB rtoc» • a w i u n i w w aw

~ ~ '.v t

TANKS OF H RST AlttlOHED division w tS T and rumble alone »leel eanieway to


Cease Fire TwolST. PETERSDURO. F la ,

Nov. 19 HTtu-Resldents here T-a*i ^ ( \ ‘

> week-end Irom Oeneral Tel- cphone comptiny; P l e a s e ' BERLIN. > don't shoot the phone men, atyle concenti

— O om panyoH lclali«plalned_ re tu m ed -to J th a t more than 40 truckloads cording to t« of men would be working on In one.t/rm lnflh m n-iMi-ni.lal srr^------- Uus_U-fl_mlions as part of the firm’s fled, to West changeover' to seven-dlglt communist co. dialing. lal beaUnRs. 1

"We were afraid tome mny . forced 'lalwr,-E r- m S ta r e n ^ roT-W ^ m ^ - liffd h a re R T r

said manager Orville Cook. lerlan Justice word for crue

Conditionsf - v i * ^ • which were ca

Play Given • g>” ™V By Richfield. ™ High School s S m-RIO K nELD .-N ov,-l#-----Rich-neld high school's first doss *"1^*jlay In two yeors was termed .i,„Vnicccaful by the audience a t the camps were wjvtnlnji performance Friday a t ^Jie hlRh rcluMl auditorium. T C P D | . /

Thc Uiree-net mynterj’-comedy. 1 H'H ot Ice.-cenierwl around ft new r p o lL - c , f ,lu lhor, Velma Warren, played by X a l u O I ’EUene Bnulu whose recently BUHL. No'publtehcd story oolncldy with a Taylor, presllocal bon i robber)-. O Uitr ro l« H iHocOlietc:were portrayed by Martlyn Crow- purposes and[her, Moo'anne Lee, M arti Proc- u well as U»etor, Tony Jansen. J a n J o n s ^ a t the collegiu id Agnes Schlsler. view Orange

Humorous ports were played by fliglit. . .Ml£s Proctor, a maid, and Pete Mr. and jA {^U .. a deoilve..Tind-.Shlrley delegates, gavWhlteseli. a goadp. Orange sessio

Mrs. Eileen Schaeffer, director. oeorge was prese«ed a corsagfl and gift j,osU for thifroen thc class by Tony Jonacn, meeting. ThijtJideirt body president. Jan Ja n - Orange meetl sen received a Rllt for taking p a rt ■ - — „— In the Play. Percy Chrtatensen. ■ri_Oass sponsor, also assisted with f a C t O F ^ plav prodiMtlon. D t t ^

M d o a r y B?alMton. ^ S c m E L t- r j g ^ l on Tri6

Jerome Cafes to S f ' H Help With Drive

JEROME. Nov. 19-Several Jc - whey frcromc cafe.i-wlll participate In a impiemen-coffee hour for tnujtcular dj-». ^Irophy" from 0 to 10:30 a.m. gf j,[,T u ^ a y ; All money Uken In i«,Irom c o l j t » ! ; . W Althouili a . lauranta during Uie time . eonsclouadonated to the drive., ^ medical -pu rtlc lpan ts -1 n e I u d o-Waglc Valley Cate. The Pit. McCIeery

T ' T V ' r . i ’S r S S ™ n “ s ’s x ' s r i p . c r , o r .der of DeMolay. directed by Malcolm Stuart, chapter Dad.

tlflg T O O a -NEWB WANT ADS years.

D U "the Scotch th ey prefer n

8 0 ^ P

!lrnW p

5 ! ^ --------N QUALITY i j[TtoM Nna(NrM ci,Li.

- --- 1---- i r


division roll from mouth of I ih s moek mani ueway to beach landlni a t Cubsn crliU. T syi~toiaieK~are~t«ltintT»irnn~pbrokf.-fAr wlrti

fwo East German Ei

BERLIN. 'Nov. ID Cfi— Nasi-. In everyUilng-b -]e concentration camps have bare b a r r a c k * ;umed-to-Eaat-GermBny._*e* bnrbed uire, 15* rding to two men who served and waich tbwe

rl'K fg-n mfn. hnth af whom «hivifd to West Berlin, said the The existencerimunlst camps have the bru* wa* no sccret. Tb

beatlnRs. 17-hour work days, government annote d 'labor, starvation diets ubllshment soond 'h a fb is in n rrtiiiin tin H eT n p t« r “ mTt!-jtni(tefeIan Justice a worldwide by-<Weil Berlinrd for cruelty. 1001.:ondltlona In the c a m p s , j,_ .mIch were established for anti- a w ld bnmunlsU.-wcre so h m h Uiat ^ e s t Berlin, dcU:y knew ot a t least three lul- {^mpj was unkm

S v m'en'T'Demv-Muclter. *3.d Ouenter Brcuer. 28, told K . L - m i rMr story In a West Berlin re t. 'ee camp a fte r a ao-day flight,m the AflMenberr "work edu-.ipn «rnp." « a r Oransee, 30les north o rU crlin ,rhey said w o r k educationups were concenUatlon camps ^Thst meant, 1— ------------------------------------- they had denoui r t Tk • 1 i ^3C President ,,5'alks to GrangeBUHU NOV. 1 8 - D r . J ^ e s two other camps , y l ^ president of southern Bemdsdorf. nortl aho coneprTpokc-on-the-alms, ^ B -o u ,B n jc a i- l .rposes and future proa^cts ^hey heard 0 well as Uie curriculum ottered women in Uie pr the college, during the Fair- lenben?.

w Orange meeUng Friday Mueller said 1

and M rs. Dick Atkin,. Lt BSS.n t'? legate*, gave » r e p o « ««’ »'“ '« u_p. Brcuer aald ■ange sessions they attended a t Vas‘’sc!ted 'V e'c «ur d'Alene. U was noted Mr, „ved Mrs. Cecil Calhoun, t o . and ,py. .rs.-Dlolt-Atldn*-and_Mr. and _ n r .u e r - s a ld - tn . Oeorge Atkins servrt as communist guarc sU for the Pomona arangB nazlieellng. The next r e g u l a r "inmates were •onge meeting will be Dec. 7. gunrds wi■ ■— -I------------- , he said. "We wi

'actory Mishap ma'lercoimnltte<

[mires Worker— rdomoi 'tflrnFUCHFIELD. Nov. lO - A " « - "We had to ge ig n tM F rld / 'y 'a tth e .ra c h t^

factory ho sp iu iiic au iu a s « » ■-ird. S3,'for observation. i T l l S * A l l t

Honoredird, was using a cheese Jack to je r o m e , Nova s whey from m e checse when Mrs. A: Implement slipped, a tru in j celebrated atn on the head behind Uie ear. j^ y a t St. Jete rim of his glofses U believed church by the R<have protected W ard. Bride, Rosary 1UUiougU dared. W ard did not padueah. Ky.e consciousness and -d id not Honorary pallljk medical old for several w . Williamson,jrs.'H e cntereil-6t. Benedict's ao rk -H eU s—EasDltal. Jerome, shorUy after Joe Shirley-. 3i i^ d a r» n d - w a s - d ls m u i« l _AcUye.psHbean e on Saturday. He was treated B. Churchman, a possible concussion and was Harold Carlson. C

der o ^ a U o n for possible son. John Hosn npll'caUons from a head Injury T ^rp e . elved while playing Pinal rites wei hfleld during his high school Jerome cemeter)-.

■efer In Scotland”

•' - k S S I^ M

moek maneu»*ri In Florida. f|t»i tinee Ui sn crliU. Troopi were rtiihcd (o Florida 1 le.-fAF wlrtphBio) —-------

an Escapees Tell 0

ve ryU iIng-but-nam e-w ith Mueller said. b a r r a c k * surrounded by ana roll call wi ■d u'Ire, 1 5 > f^ high walls day divided betn watch tbw'ers--maimed by n c a r-tn e “ cnmf

nuntsi police wlUi orders to farms, In the •

t existence of the camps was so 110 sccret. Thc East O ennaii p o t a t o e a onl nm ent ahnounced Ihelr e.i* Brcuer said. "P hm ent soon after It built ea i 1 ,0 iHeei 1 imn-rtTUBefT' w B ti ''o ii- tt!P t Ki5cfg(i -er-jaftinn West Berlin border Aug. 13. and supper aboi

tausjiRc, a smatt I until Mueller and Brcuer two slices of bri 1 a cold border cnnal to i „ uicory the Berlin, details of life In Uie wnges of 310

i was unknown. montli bul theyey escaped white on a work a lt but 30 marks ’ a t a collective farm Oct. InR, id swam a cannl after flee- O ut of the 30 ,nd hldlnif out for 24 days, had to pay for D ey said the camp they es- toilet articles.I from held 230 men Jallcd Tlic two safd i -the-w all-w ent-up-b tcauae J tjv h lltj '.o rk ln were considered unreliable. Uve farm, mad at meant, they snid. th a t Eiwt Berlin In had denounced Uie wall, hid out near I to flee lo Uie w est, were ‘hey escaped

■cted of harboring fllRht w‘re and swam I or had held Jobs In Wesl __________n. Q T i i r k p ^ey reported the cxlsUncc of ^

S™?m"orDSr".nS Won at (DlhBt-JJCai-LelpilirrTTT:-----------^RICHFIELD-ley heard o f .a fourth for turkej's were w en in Uie province of Meek- field turkey sh< ;rR. Uie Richfield Ljeller said he waa sen t to day afternoon a tamp becaiwo h e Rwriced In two turkej"* < : Berlln betore Uie wall went Sidney Edward. Brcuer said he ■ apparently johmscltcd ■ Vc'c am » e 'h o - once jcrfyT>avIs~ajl ■d five years In Jail oa a c„c^

fu™ -S i,^ :th e .b n .ta llty _ .o t K l d ununlst guards was remlnls- ,of the nazls. y 7*ha.o nimates were brutally beaten

ened criminals. T lirce In- !. . u l t f a . bv U l"»nn .tn& themselves .because Jhey b ~ ~m onjtitrT iny-m iyre :^— — 1 'e had lo gel up a t 2 a jn .." p Q U B

:s. Alice Zug ^ mored a t Rite WITROME, Nov, 19 — Requiem i iJor Mra. Alice Clark Zug

celebrated a t 10 a jn . Satur- a t St. Jerome's Catholic.

:h by Uic Rev. Bem anl Me-!, Rosary was recited a l 1 icah. Ky. [norary pallbcarera were R.jWilliamson, C. J. Carlson,, OPENt-H eU s—E arl_Jenscn_andl ______________

Jye 'S ilbearers were Wilsoni H f t t l I Jhurclim an.'Irv inc Towle,Id Carlson, Charles L'Herfs*. . Q iC John Hosman and Vem

lal rites were held a t the n» cemeter)'._______ _______ I—


i i i ^

( M onds^ . N o Falls Timi

IjiS lE : S wO f P o i i

. PARIS, I ^ - ' ed statcii luld w

tradr ol(iri,il> t---------r t s u ic u v a ja u u

Icirs th r r a tr i i^ ■ sirengih the

f c warnedH ' has Ihe power tc■ — ^

The A mrrlrnnM l j J - • • kife “* “ tu l F t v K f l relary nf Asrl^iV . ~ •’■Rj* J-Yrcniiin for <lrlI ** . ■ .•V.'.’ •f’- S M rlculiurnl comm■ • '!•- M M ganlu tlon (or e■ ' - V . ' r ^ m a atlon'B iiddcvelo I ' bershlp u made■ Etiroprnn cniinti

the Unlied Statirrecm nn's

Six’ ' proved by Pre

||| i W l i i "lie Mild th e U

-eotiMntfd,— par farm policies be

— t l i e-Ei i roivenh-C .1 since the ito r t of the . Florida when the crisis IV.h

. ■ Drltnln niay be

!’eliofTime.E'..^'Stry—major U.S.

t l I ^ Q T Y I T I C area—are being

. r suppliers thpous ler said. ."After breakfast Import levies.roll call we had a 17«hour _________llvlded between a brick yard ^ . » /«•


i t o e a only on Sunday," rr said. "For breakfast we emi,wo slices of bread and a Tw'ln I •fiT'jafflrranisi'Vii'JRwmM wppcr about two ounces of J ’?':RC, a smatterlng-of fa t and Mondaillces of bread." u i ^ k . cxunUietheory the Inmates received »«rvlce. n of 310 marks (»«) a AppUcaUons ; h bul they had to give back «<«'• 3®- F u rthe r It 30 marks HUO) for lodj- >>e obU lned a t

pootofflce.I of the 30 marks left Uiey --------------:o psy for their ctoUilng and sO N El. articles] HAILEY. Novc two safd they e.icaped Oct. Mrs. Jack AItre« lille-yi'; recclv ftl.w o riljl farm, made tlielr way to has been elected Berlin In three days and house a t U tah

out near the border until m d gtnte rcpre escaped UirouRh barbed emire cen ter w

and swam a border canal, j,uch he will-----;------------- ------ 700 studcnt.% a t

r i i r l f P V C A r p His two bro then L UL IVC.Y a r x i C ry. wchtr to Logi

m at Contest mlng football g C H F isL D ^ a Y f l - —-Minesj's were won a t the Rich*turkey shool spons.>red by U C ,

Rlchlleld Lions club SMur- . F l C iafumoon a t Ui« local alrporL _ ^ _.-0 turkej-s cflcfi k w won by Dey Edward*. Donald Myers l \ W WJerry Johnson .Carl Paulson, - ,,n>avIs~aHa“Btemng“Klng - a - J l N a U u

won one turkey. Nine All ty p e sJng hnea w e« run by Peie | A lum inum IildU Lions club.mem ber.ln - jI t of Uie shoot. d o w s. Alun-ms Theo B, Brush. Lyle Pip- A ll W o rk »nd “Albert Pellcy assistedildi and presided a t Uie re* 7I h m e n t booUi. Myers also: T n O .n O /:d the men._______________ [ W H p M H p

) o i D E l W t i r n ^- s t SlV i n g s — H | | t

WITH . . . O



I n n P i e n c r ^ J | g | i■ GAS FOR LESS r ^ | | a

140 Addison Ave. West


n — E G G


■ ■ ______

n d iif .N o v . 1 9 ,196J, ,Falls Times-Nevos

S. Warns _P o lic ie s t y t i-T i-a d i i ig ^ 7-^ \ *IS, S'ov. is (.n—Ttie Unit- f ftcii luld Western European ■ - M M .oi(iri,ii> today tliat their A .Uvg.fai «i import-trade p o U __h re a if ii^ -th e -u u liy , and .Ih of the West. h . iviirned tha t Washtiiston . e ,power to tuke retallstOQ-______

Amrrlciin view *»• onl* ' ___'n a iiilk prrpiired by Sec- _nf AsrI.-ullure Orville L.

»n for drllvrry to the bk- m U Iirnl commlUe'e ct the. or- tlon for economic cooper*Mid dcvelopmrnt. 11* mem- ^[> U made up ot Wrslcrn y^nn cnnntrlen, Canada and .

by President Kennedy (fj

nollcles being developed byiiro|>enh-Common-Market —sed of France. Italy. Wesl .my, Delglum, Tlie Nether* B |D ^ ^ V / T \

1 m ay become a member / .

t European producers. of I. teed grains, rlcr and poul* injor U.S. exports to that are being given preference

ers thpough imposition' of

itoff ice-Sets— t-Examifla(ion I B P / -exnmlnalion for custodial I-• for employment a t the f •l^ills postofflcc. wlUi a sal*

id’ Monday by Apies A. f .c xun lner In cliarse. U £ , I

^rvlce. IUcaUons m ust be In by /0. F u r th e r Information can /lAlned a t the Twin Falls / rice. I

SON ELECTED I /LEY. Nov. i9 — Mr. and / ack Allred. Oannetl. have:«_w orilJhtlr_B on..Robert.________________en elected president of his a t U tah SUtte university, tote representative 'Of the cen ter whcfe he reside*.

:h he will represent some \udcnl.t a t ntatc meeUng*. \•0 brolhers, Larry and Jer* \htr to Logan. Utah, to vLilt Vnd jittend the Utah-Wyo- \football game. ' j

T i E A R D n j r ~ slOOFING M

h a n e _ 7 3 3 ^ ^

G I more lurki


BUTTER, roai

fi™ !-- -ow t'H t#*lra|

uiei). Other

appttiung c

~H o"othirspi

or basting p

' gooil'food.


be«au$e-it- iHtter Bake




plumper drum slkks and juicier white m

Shrinkoge is reduced and .your family has m

more turkey lo enioy.

ONIY BlitterM akos-Holiday—

Cookies ond Cand) "BUTTERY RICI

JllTTEJl. fwl ifMmefy buttef, mekej oil other fo

jm t t ! . . . BUHER . . . . ond bottor otono, bri


jsed. Other (ootls ore ihodt mors wholesomo, 11

ippetiung ant] more satisfying BECAUSE OF SUT Wolhirspreodriio'othBnhortening.-no other ff]

)r basting preporolion tioos so muth lo IMPROVE o'

jooil'food. Hbthing else Is slmilor fai fiaol rest

Sutter Is N ever _ _ _ _ _ _ _in EXPENSE . ., rather it h m iKV^MEHT in the better eo mii-ticcti-lrrtttg-yoo-yont-the-folla-in-your-foi

lo Miloy. , .............




ir-on«!-o$$ufes— — r white meat,

mily fios mudi ■

I Candy RY RICH'oil Other footis

Dr otone, bringt

ritH*-whkfMt>)i— *—

'holesome, triert

USE OF bu tte r:

'HO other frying ■


in fiaol results.

Page 4: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

--------^Aonda‘y r N i ^ 9 r W 3 -------------^ ^4 ' Twin Fall! t in ^ N e w *

"" \± K »n«.iw.w» J r«i. i. i» a

JARWnOW iACK ^uiMWlileV I g j

— *LwtsTr.'i^;itiM io w n . t o i c r “ witXTtwDDs^ H B

i^e^rTt'^eilSIftlee pubiubwJ -wH/ •'<» J"

£ s t ' K- . “ “ • “ ■’ s . :ntritUi Cll» •■< CmibU' N w i- j - r Ih f »

---------- ^

No Reduction 2KW hen Mnho U ijjiay c r. corns to th e jn m

realization thnt u talc ta x e s — lll<c all other taxes and m ost pricc»—ju s t « ren t j |,„ Koing down.

tax setup. In th e ^ s e n c e o f siioh RensiDie .^ c o r jc a n iia tlo n .. tnxnaycrn can c x c t _ re,

.m o re .ta x e s to be piled on flui Hnme.old ico<ft overworked soiirces y e a r a f lu r year.

A nother raise in ta x e s i.< cominjf a t ^jpiu— th c next-se.Hflion-of-the-8tttt«-lcffislalurc- «ver^

Tho hanciwrltinK i« on th e wall already, meni • w ith th e sta te 's afrencies requesUnK a

whopninR 31.7 per cent in crease in funds ^i* nfo r the next two yea rs . Even thoujfh pormthey may request m ore th a n they ac tu - »}*

■ ■ ■.lliy - lll.|fc- n r - |i(!l. Ihi. •in ; i-ca»e - f a - Mlll ^_ _ J ilie a liIe J liL n !U l! ' c u .

caUHQ tnxpflyern mTglil r c c a l l all th e tiro i Bcratchlnit anil Iliiurinit by th e last »e». p.>lW

— «ion-of-lho lc i i l« la lu re J o J iB _ u p j m ere S ? ~ BR.h milHon dollars fo r th e cu rren t fiscal ,o ,n , period. N«5W requests to ta l i lb .a mtillons. Tti«

A sales tax was m entioned prom inent- - ly two ycara ngo as one w ay .ou t o f th e

— -tftK-rovanua.diIm m a.JjutJt.ntV-qi;-<iyvl'-l iflwei Bot o ff the jrround. N ow wilh tKe ^ l« i squeeze on more than ev e r, i t s a good Ruess th e sales tax w ill be pushed a s a n. , W hatever happen*, i t Is hoped ejrisla- to rs take steps to reorffanizc Idaho a t a je rrybu ilt tax stru c lu re . .in s tead of ju a t pilinB .more taxes on th o already-over- , worked sources. soon

Governor Smvlle could be a real leader In th is respect if l ^ o u l d ask the legis- la turo to undertake BdcMTrprojEctr-ATia projr for th c sake of h is own political fu tu re , rn^ju he would do well to se a rc h fo r means to kill tho unpopular “head ta x .” Air

S la te taxes aren’t th e only place ta x - land payers have had gloomy w ords in recen t «w« days. E stim ates are s U r t ln s to cryslaHzo on th t size of-thft c u r rc n t federa l defic it, awt w ith * 7.8 billion dollars th e m ost f r c - uon

. . quently mcnUoned fig u re . Bcm uso th e — U.-S.-hns been-operatIng-ln-b illion^olU ^ „ a -

figures fo r ao long, i t m ig h t bo d ifficu lt ,u ,„ to visualize th e size o f th o U . S. deficit.

J u i t l y way o t com M riM n and to show th e size of th e fed e ra l deficit, I t «tto<

___ could .bo .c»m pared .to M aho 'a t ^ ^ Mbudset. A t the 8B.8 liBlllon d o l l in o v e l P™ lo r Idaho durinlt tho la s t tw o yeara, th e federal deficit la a u ff ic le n t to o pera te «h.i Idaho’s sovem m eril f o r 8 8 Wonnluma, «n* o r 176 yoare. Keep In m ind the corn- ^ parlson conelderi only th « cu rren t fed- cral deficit—the m oney th e U. S. sp e n t cre<i

••without having. The d e f ic it itself, com - b___ pared to th ^ fe d e ra l^ b u d g r t o r d ^ ^------S ^ )ean u t» ;^ A n y w fty ^ th a t* a= th B ^ p tn = raw

ion o f politicians a n d b u reau cra ts , a n pur _ _ ^ ln t o n - » - c i t l » n - m i g h t , havB-tXQUDia m

comprehending a s he ex am in es an .over- ^ draw n notice from h la ow n bank.

Even whllo com plaining about Idaho’s ^ taxes, th e Idaho ta x p a y e r can s till fin d Bomo com fort in tho f a c t Idaho is a sol- ven t s ta te . T here m ay b e a little s ta te m debt from tim e to tim e , b u t bw lcally . rtfu

— Idaho has been o p e ra tin g In the-black, a ... re fresh ing departure f ro m th e rnodomand “nrogrcsalve” c o n c e p t of defic it financing.

POLLUTION E X P E D IE N T ^--------- Concern-DVcr p o llu tlon -o f-S nake r i v e t ^

continueif to be ex p ressed by th e s ta te ® board of health. Latci$t m an ifesta tion bitr Is th e proposal to tho S nake river Com- m itleo of Nine to c o n s id e r ra is ing th e ^ •winter flow of Snake r iv e r hlgh^cr th a n

Jlderation. Tho board o f health po inU m out a g rea te r flow o f w a te r will serve to ^

____ o£fflet_a-aerious p p lu t lo n . .tir*peeled agmn th is y e a r dow nslream fro m xhi B urley. W ithout an increased flow o f ten th e river, the board o f hea lth envisions w a m ajo r fish kill In M ilner reserv o ir ^ again. i'• M ilner rc8er%-oIr f ish — virtually all tra sh f i s h - h a v e d ied b y tho ten s o f «<> thousands the la s t tw o w in te rs b ^ a u s e „ ,

' o f nolliitlo^.'Tha bo a rd ’s request fo r in- his rlv^r flnw iS ftVidcnCC thO SOUrCCS ^

of pollution have n o t b e c n ab a tw -co m - w pletely In alm ost th r e e y c a w .- I t would seem increased flo w 'o f th o riv e r co n trib . et« u tes nothing to so lu tion o f th e problem ;

— n ’s 'ln o f t iy ^ in s x p e d ic n t- to -T e d u c e - th e — effects. t te

O ther than th e h e a lth danger posed fo r immediately a d ja c e n t areas, th e f ish c kill Itself is of no consequence, and th e du danger to health fro m th e accum ulation

w in te r months. R a th e r th a n ^ expedienU to o ffse t th o fac t of pollu- th« tio ri.iit would seem th o b e tte r solution would be to elim inate th o pollution itse lf,

-----------F a lla rc - to -e llm lp a tc - th e -p o llu tio n - jn n a--------B lroostahrcft->-carM 3Q inta_taJn?d^uate. ^—---- lat\-s. If th flt-is so. t h e n -e v e ry -e f fo r t “ Bhoulj~bc~m ndc-now - to - a s k - th e - n e x t

session of th e 's ta to leg isla tu re fo r ade- ho. ounte anti-pollution law s. <

Regardless o f w h a t th e Com m ittee of « N ine decides on th e h e a lth board’s re - quest, there is evidence M other N a tu re ^

reservo ir c a r r y o v e r th is fall Is high enough ’to carry th e prom ise of am ple ' flow down Snake r iv e r fo r m ost o f the w in ter months' to save reservo ir capacity upi fo r th e spring run o ff. cd

I— ^ i f c = N A T - 1 0 N A b = i = = = =

V V H I R I . I G I G _

WABHDJOTON. No». I t - T t i t CW ntte W - m uB ltU '' lavulon ot India tn>T /orte NlklU

■ ^ KhruihehcT lo eompfomto* hUdlffleullln w ith Ih t W a t la |___________

r ^ S ^ B T « i J r * i * t h - h l i .nemin.l_J>ui h p . . ------------tile »nd contemptuovi i^U nalir. 11 could be one. of thow itiKU of *UUnee» th a t h»»e frt-QUMtiT he»W «l * tum ln* point .....

AllhouBh iu e h 'B rtallicnment

^ of-world forcf* *nd nUUotuhlp* . - ^ m iy i«»m vUloniry. It h»* Men

■ f iM c V .r tf -T O C h -A m fr tc a n —m.. r**... i u t e w m u Adlal E. BtereMon. . ^ t

•h« l«i# John r» l< r DuUr* and 0 « « e r . Ken* • 1? . n ^ e SSl/undlng Americann.uiiisn affalia None, howeter, tha t •

encM bet" « n the t*o had b « n J»mely_ldc^_-------iMlcal and acadfnitt. Khruahehev p rtlc«ed to , fhflleve In "rwnceful coeaUiencc on the ground \tha t communlim mould eventually dtm onjlrtta . \ i r e i l f r orosfeu •«<> wperiorUT over the dOTO- OTitlfl Although ^ .

BttECTS HIS nA T T tE riE L D S - Mao ha* >

m unlitj can aehlere their world aim only by -- —f>enUt«nt «»r a ja ln it Uie 'Im pertalliU and IuDltallii*.’' eipeclally the United SiaU*. Ho»- \

i ^ e f rS i.p iiT ld ln * m ilitary reinforce- S .n ien rto the North KoreaM and tho Norin Vtet«namrjfl he had not enw aed In a major wnfllct . in punult ot hU “WccUTes. lie e « n m W olf hl» iporadle bombardmenU of Chians Kal-»h«k1

*^HU°*iSiT'a mHIUry adventure# In Korea and

u u or* 1 ip« t iheT alance of power betwe<n«he , ti^o toUllliH»n"iUtes.— rtier-»eT e-K ‘n’o‘* - ^ — pJriplicral a lfaln . In fact. K hrm hchev probaWy , aotiroved of them becauM they lervcd to em-

to .d rag _u» Into

le 'S ’w d lfterl^ t w<l"dangerous ep l»^e . ShouldMao conquer Utli ra*t lubeonUnent and gain

more U«n match the BoTlet Union In military C t t ^and economlcpo»CT- . ,

TAnCET.S MISJtlDOED — Mao ha* boantedUiat China could afford 300 mil ion ea»unme» in I---------------

' an atomic w»r. and atUl lu ^ lv e to carnr_ on the conflict n u u lf a population U only about

. ’° m ana p .rU c « M r tT i™ toQ... belleMlnHlcr n . M , iliouW h a v . p t o j * 2 ^ !

; r , s r r u : L r ? r s " ' ; « r f r » s » £beachhead In Uifl western hemUphere. . .

. ; S *■ achle»e nrlm iry In all of Aala and to oubi tin meter* ond' mild and paellUtlc Nehru « Uie spokesman o( nnd nickels» S e A ^ w i^ p le * . In sp teche . and wrlUnw. lie ^nd now, and liU Msoclate* have pcricticc. T- tlon of oveminnlng U»o itandlnc In

: IMBAKIlABBITia P n O O n E S S -M .0 . t o U

r India can make r a t e r •aoclal and ecoaomo5 iS S ^ -U ia n - ta la & ia r la n C hina. *lUj U .re ^ -

menUUon and brutalltatlon of 600 mllllOT suh- ^ So when* lect*. Our economic aid to New Delhi, even Stephen* ce wh«n Nehru »nd V. K . K rlahna Menon showed oflce, hoI Jn d u e -f r l^ l ta m -to -b o th Moscow, and somethingI h u bean Juitlfled by Pre»ldenl Kennedy and nil -piease

1- brr»%pSNSS';i . . . J . .1► to u l challenie. albeit slowly and reluetMUy. t h o a e p C n n r U t w M rta. hn It <>tey're-llki

n O ilnese. Indian plloU p y p j

^ hl3 con n .^ '- P o t;*” cem o m M«S‘* ulUmato and ulterior aims. Wc have

Now WathlJigtoa await* fu rther evidence of lils romernnla -a i ^ ’hle r t o K o n e n l w im Uie West. U may are eallns d bT nrea led la forUieomlng nesoUatlon* over Oie may bo sc 1 Allies' future status m Berlin and on an effec- j*• tWe ban on nuclear tesUne. On both questions.;e he seem* to be retreating from h li stubborn iT,' rtfuaal to reach a satUfactory compromise

i" 'V IE W S O F O T H E R Si t t o IS IN TROUDLE purebred

'I t ha* become IncrcMlnjly evident th a t Poea- ellRlblo fo« t«llo’* United Campaign U In aerlou* trouble. ^ black ai N «rly * moBUx-am it^besan. Uie jg rdriw to now c iro rcb lc

IT S ^ r l ^ i c id ‘ln " X id ‘ l s ' ^ l . -n ilsT a * ^ o( the pu] n rc ^ ita ie d b» the lllness o t UC'i execuUve s« - can be pic retftry and of It# chairm an In a crucial stae< In of Wnshln, Uie annual one-ruad drive. ' , avenue ca

Q l *u>w.»h It to said th a t mile n o ^fn In inMble. v h a l to really n inu ii 1* Uun U."-' \.Qur!ielf. I tn agencies *-htoh depend on UO are seriously Uut»l«ned. Most of Uiese ascndes count en-

*■ tlrcJy on tinned CampiUgn* for opw U n* f u n ^ .________m Their d««ands a re ' n>5ilest“ comparnl“w ia j-th r o f i r r lc w mey offer the community, and when P«‘ , , u c <w»era tt»ey sufrer w llh lu Aa a rew lt, U>elr A sheph I!: program* are curUUed and Uiey Mti of less \-alue drcn on a

and *erYlec. try lu he iI t U to be hoped th a t the lied Crons repre- ij good w;

ill *ent*uves can get U»e cftnipalgn moriiig a ^ n .No mlmclei are to bo expeot«s: when an «>fJon of UiU kind loeee I tj momentum. It to difficult Ut r « reauirted. He dm enxa coop<Tatlon. not for ,

n - his own good, bu t for ours. For If United Cam- “ O" es Ru lotohed.stnrtetB. A m « l« a contrlbotlon n o w ^ l n g 733-» {“ many w fl p tw n t U»at fnwv happening.-ldaho a a Nbth •>* e u te Journal .v „ ,n ; ----------------------- ----------------■ Dear Poth e itsw F THAT r n o K iE . t i e t h a t k n o t We hav.

Thto to Ui8 aeitoon when Liie i»rw u7o7 j-oung- away, will , *{er* In the earlj- elwnentarj' cnxde.i lenrn u ith a ^^d t

ed ahock Uiat U»e children are orcanlzKl the.'<e dsp.Sh Cub Scoifts, Brou-nle. Indian Ouldw and Blue hn Birds are gathertnc m new croups. Parents are

expected to lead. plan, go on hikes, oversee meet- mgs. coUeet d lm « and newspapers, fashion tom-

t o SaJC T uT w ^- TOBe^ tie bioLs. w a lk " . i l j^ h «.s»i *<U . the woodi and bnke poiAtor.i tn mud. i?[e:ise fcnn Abo, parcata .are expec'.ed to do. homework your subjw* wlOt their oflKprlwt c<)rwcml«R Uio Plaice ot |>ui,lic Fo;

Allt«tanee._ Uie be nngrj-.

ite of tttoerfou'l. Ilsh and oUier anlmoto. American [ f t ixbXoryraiiaTiOa-'ta-ajLnffrujtrmcrrAioaKrwKh-

the >winc«ers. Uie parmLs learn quite a lot. In-e lud lhg-fo iuror Uic respoailbmue* o fp irc m - - * ‘»ihN

le - hood. Pols:One Imte father, eomplolnln* nbout the end- . Tu-o whi

of less mecUnia. learacd from o T-reaf-o^a Uiat have, long. . there to one uaajir*«uble quwiUon: “Daddy. If be civcn s

you don t like all thto. then whi- did you hare . t iai Hec h lto m ;- -K a n » s City Times. , '________ • . '

(rh ' T i iA r s TOO f a rl ie We don t mind paylne taxes If «'e know Uie

money goea a lone oi»y. W hat m don't like about ,,.y'" Ux«9 to for our monev to be sen t skyhootlnc into . . • Tl ty upper space; tha t, to coins loo far. — Medlnna ' . C

Coiinty. O , Le«aer-PQst.



Shot ^ing feellni

______ I near? 1 di■ Santa Clai

PESKY MBTERSt ' They ha John D. Stephens probably ready cli

know* bctlcr tlinn n n /o th e r resl- down a g dent of Twin Falls that parking spruce f r ; melers can’t be Uiistcd. When U>e iradRcts-are supposcd lo have Unw ^ ” ^ - 1 " . ^ f t on them, they-re bl^hing red •n u fs a story Johnny has heard *downs ot times M he mokes hi* o m people round* chccklnR nnd repairing »hlppe u meter* ond collectlnR Uie pcnnie* place to w nnd nickels from Uicm. cure l « '

And now ho has a personol.ex- pcricticc. The othjr day, he was j** Standing In line a t Iho poslom «. | mail n package. The Mllccman wbo-chccfca-for-oyer- ’Betime parkcrs waa riding hts motor= uiito ot tHi cycle past the posloffleo when he foottaU to jpoUed Joliany Stephen*' vehicle. JT h e bosl lie stopped, w o tc something cn The^ ^ k .

; »omc paper and depwiled »anie . on Johnny-* moUrcycle. ‘

-So w heir Jlc tc r Checktrr John ges■ Stephens em erjed from the post- „ i« ,h* . & I oflce, ho found a note reading of what u• something like this: _ _ I rtaltae. ' "Please wfltch t l i e parking when I «

m ctm . Fine Is *10 which can be me a Mi paid at Uie pollcc sUiUon." .

I Even when you lake care of. t h o a e pesky parking m eter*,_________

4 hey 're-llke l^o-bite-you|-^----- :

‘ PUPS FOR KIDS DEPT. c = 3 zn.»jir Pot Shnls:______________ - ,

. ' We have five small pup*, part ^ 1 Pomernnlan. lo give away. They I are ealing oul ot a pan now. They breas; f may bo seen ot their Ujut

900 Fourth Av*. Eail (od baby '■ (Jerome) Uiumb. Ui‘ -------- poUoy to

DcarPolsie: him stayJI.V . tl th l G cm an i*cplttil

pupple* tor free. The moUier Is n purebred German shepherd ond ^

■ ellRiblB for registration: father is i^um b ^ a black and white shepherd b8^ ing u mor• ilcr coUlc..The pups , have, a varl- men In >* cirorcblo-r"nnd'nre-rvady'lo-j!o: fcU-infaJi

Five a r t female and three moles. « u .« , wlI First come, first scr\-ed. ns two ^ > 7 »)«. n ot the pups are promised, They;- can be picked up four miles east n of Washington school cn Addison pjj

avenue east and one-fourth ot a un^Jien mile n o ^ . I t no one at home, help can be d \-ourscif. Mother ts real gentle. wlUtamal

L. B. Thorp. pics wlUi '■ (Rl. J. Kimberly) Uny hol«f ; __________ - — -•__________I L J a jn Dear Pot Shots: your bob]ir A shepherd dog lo give to ehU- U7 not tc le drcn on a farm or out ia Uie coun.

try ns he is not happy in town. He U good will, children.

Phoo. i iS f e r in, tJeromel Some r

„ ‘ " drcn pie.A shorthalred male p u p 5 dociors d<

^ months old needs a new home, m an w ftfin piij him fftr frttQ hy phnn-

ly Ing 733.202 or pick him up al "10 a a Nbth a w nuc eaat. ^

Dear Pot Sliols:. ' ^ ^

• tan and thc other white. Phone*: 73WI736, into the!! Rob«rt I. P«rry mildly: uZ (Twin FalU) no tJcnll■ . . . t> pe - I U OUR BULLETIN BOARD thumb de IT U »l 'Anghy W 4mM ,"'B W ir"

I?le;ise feel frws to enlarge on ^ *' •k your subject In a Idler to Uie ^ J S J

I’ublic Forum, Someone ought to or fn 'C be nngrj-. Sorr>'. but your note to neeesa “ IsnVjiropenrintcriBl-forthij-cor'J. nnvM’ny.

11 -KITTENS.F0R.KIDS-D6P!T_Pots; ' ' a

!• . Tu-0 while kittens 2 months old'II have.long hair and arc ready lo; /

be given away. You can get Uicm I' ^ 'V» ■* at 191 Heyburti avenue or C T V ^.

• •__________Phww ^ i l M

;* FAMOUS LAST LINE0 . . Tlili il living?" t a m ^:« . GENTLEMAN IN THE ^ r t t y i

FOURTH ROW • c«*i.

e;xm 3 51i i f c

i P

Poor Man’s 1BV HAI, BOYLE Happy Ne«

NEW YORK. NOV. IB W -D o Havingyou have an uneasy, overwhelm- withered, ring feeling tha i Chrtolm u U - o u r dau |near? 1 do. I hear Uie song of Uie ghostlySanta Claus ringing clear. lit Jack-o-

They have al- v e ^ ’- ' o a i our a;ready chopped n K | | ^ ^ a t ^ o 7 ^

w^euem^si‘1 ^ to l^cfore )bring Its o ld c . Uie pmyerK r e c n o - d lB i i iU t i - « ^ ':« ^ H - grateful-fo to W a s h in g - push to putowns, w h ic h w hal perh.

2ifpp?"^as '^the Uiat beforplace to w h ic h har\-est—Ifloure taxes do II to small-

lowo and (ro:n ii.i luri* the great . which the true flower of our Well, for being to promised. lag the a

A* one season leaps upon a n - quite th a t i other now. so our choice to dU- flag on i mayed.'Before Uie fU'lng base- bought In 1 boltooftH e'w orJdM rlcsH na.the l e r c n n m fooUiaU to In Uie-air. last Pebrui

-The basketball player dribbles. Planning Tlie hockey player uases Uie ranU ges bi puck. The people who like to ski Don’t ce don’t wait for the snow lo fall; untl-Banta Uiey create arUflclal snow. of the situ

The se a io n T T u iro 'le jf Uielr I f you'hi reason*. Everything now to ahead en t wou w* of what used to be. one ovcrsei

I realised thto some weeks ago advloe of t when I recelved'a cMd w lshlni -“M a ir t t mo a "Merry Christmas and a a* possible

— TherDoctori------- — B r lTAr WC-O:------------ r th n m r-s a

BRANDSTADT, M.D. Uio child Infanu saUsned by nursing a t In Uito ma.

Ihe breast do nw usually suck AlUxwcl Uielr thumbs. Bo. If your breasl- stoteni Uw fed baby does s u n to suck hto fant may Uiumb. Uie bert ■■ • — , tw sh out' poUoy to to lel fronl tecthim stay a l the habit to sbreast about 10 gradual]];:m l m i t e a - l o n g - p o s l U o n . ‘I er a t each feed- cantlnuesln«. six, which

T h u m b s u c k - . ^ B ^ C l - V of Uie n e i ing to more com- ■ g p T ^ lead lo an tncn In boule- erly. Pn>1c

menl xmy

boby 'has learn- B L that th e hed to m p ty hto or.’ nr>ns>t><i no t tuck bottle In 10 minutes, he wlU pre- alarming fer hto Uiumb lo an empty n tp- »how o t i pie. Again, Uie. answer to to guekbiff a| lenffUien Ui« feeding Ume. TWs „ « y «ggn can be done by celUng nipples > hannlta with smaller Holes or genbiii plcs wiUi no holes and making tiny holM wlUi a needle. .

^ ^ W £ u ° ' i S S £ - ' S ---------- \UT not to ehow concern. He will almost surely stop of hto own a c - 'cord before he reaches five. R e- atralnu. punldtmenl. and pu l- Un« red pepper on hto Uiumb .*111 do more harm tftan good. ----------

Some pam ita g lv e ^ e lr eiUl- drcn p jclflen. Although some By Unit* doelors do not approve ot them , NEW Y' m an are tolerant. They often agent, tell Uke Uie place ®f Uie child’* quickly to

•^huinb - gh-ff-ygmetim«'-if is ‘tHB m H 3; easier to withdraw a cliUd I m n -11 was hto iMcltler pertnanenUy than to in before make him stop sucking b l a use the e

lil jn iw -a rc - tu T i rtl«inrt_typea of Uiumb sucking. The gtnUe InserUon of Uie Uiumh part way * l‘“ into the mouUi Uien suckln* U mildly: a.,ually a t bedUme. to o t no sJgnlllcanec. But .Uie other ,_ * t>pe - InserUon of Uie whole Uiumb deep Into t t« mouUi and

rlodft — siKsests U » l Ihe baby tooverty Ured. feeto lU or neglect-ed. or tha t he to frlchtm ed. a n - NEW Y'cry or frustraUxL In thto case U lal E. Steito necessary M trea t, ne t th e Eleanor I

“A grle:


I / i > O v X ' OULUT

. N>saM I rapidly:T a s a were a 1st lower when 'Public

him.plar ever tbe bood w u an tasUc. P(aeUTlty rescrvtd exclnslvely for horn- one re*wi. to rtprod

' ______ j _ u 3 3 V £ R I

j : . -* • * v a s h in o t c• * .-Bepuhliean l

— • • ■ — ------- o tte red a n d -U■ > ■‘ no lo m « c**

' ■- - u = . r - ‘— '” “ 1— ^ w d arg-con____ 1_. ridB td; pttlfl*

.1 , ........ ............ " ture.i -nie dream « f , t w o - p a r t :

. : SouUiJMy-g®-------- ................ .......... ......... uve Kwe d «hut not rlgli

— • . J , . . -_______ ____ I------ ---------[— ttrB e ad -o f-lh

lUpubUcsn oa ' tloaal ««n»lt

■ 1 le e t t o u t h e r ------ d iv i s io n wa

--------------- --------- Jljiing U « «1' — - • K ~ I . when he c ^

I /O y C i / ----------- Uie Bouth opet

w W ==“Is0 were about U«

A Uiere wtre. • — TtlH

---------------- i — p 5 2 o S * r-» w• • 3 ^ - y O O P »o“ ‘i

.mnsOi K>— ■ _____________ _ - iltift. T «e Vlr«

MsU wfre los 400 vt>W»

■ DUl when yo — . — wtre’ o n i r O t

' -w ; '.- , candldsle* rur• / ----- V u ie u cf « «

• - / - -r ; Undillde./ . ^ , Tlie Jltpublle

l f \ .. ■ ' Thruslfin fJor

btlng elected v ot Atobama.«

.................. . ' pff eeal

I’sB a toI I <ni— I l e g u i a w a

... ' _ two bul jaiDilappy New Year In. ISO. legtolaWr. for

Having Just, discarded ^ Georgi*- dUiercd. bome-cam d Pumpkin -o u r daughter lUtes to s u s ^ a , , , 1,h e ghostly splendor of a o w d l^ « ale jack-o’-U ntem -w o ^ lusd a *u te itA a« our appreclauon o , g ,in of pressed upon u* unduly by jj-jjiator* for ‘jiTtH, of the Imminent arrival Ke5f Sant* Claus. nd Loublana

BtloTt. you CK» t* a cuidWai®Ihe pmyerful atUtude of being uintur*. t^nofi jnHeful-lor-wVirt-yeu ha 'rt- ^BUsh to put upon you to confer c = U S S ^ • h a t perhaps you- cani.

such, to Ihs ntohm at before you can enjoy w etiar>-esl-lt any. and ‘“" e _______It to small—you are summoned lo -irr-r.v i .r

‘"w e ^ V o rC e T d o n -t like turn- BY PHIing th e calendic upsld# d o w n ,au^to Uiat far. Who likes to get a Even in Uie& otv Uw EWirUi Of Julyl^ U S l in December, c r ji s p e ^ mlllloa.dollan! ? rc n T « tm a ^ K « te T « r c ta « d

'* w ^ n i ? ^ » h n d has Jta ad- nwellj u u p u„ S : S 2 b .. 2 2 V d « . . u . l id i r i n w

Don’t cel me wrong. I 'm ntA UonsMitl-Santa Clau*. I'm speaking g o i n g onSf the sltuaUon « ^ o m ^ • tw e e n ^

I f you'havfl »:Chlr»imarprcs- lenuuves oi ' tn i w C want to *end to any deaj West and Eone oversea*. I echo Uie urgent Oerinan g<«e X i r o ? t S u 3 . p « t a l « r v l ^- M a i r t t - a l m d r - ^ - a s sw n n « - a o U « U

■' pttoe to th

toriSasnHZ s S s__ i i i i i j t n ■*” ‘

t t e r t r - a itjuiu}. t u l Uii.- r tsT O ganon Uio child has W seek comfort may help W In Oito manner. problem th a t

AlUxnigh It Is true th a t per- aipiomato. stotent thumb sucking In the In- The problei fant may the upper fron^ one of a free t«£h outward and Uie lower The westeri front UcUi Inward, when Uie Uiere can be habit to stopped Uie leelh wlU three Jundai m duaU x tttu m to Uielr normal *eslem prex DcelUon.'If,-however, the-«hUd (meaning thi wn^Unuta UUs haWt a f « r he to freedom of v »lx. whJch Is rare. dl^>lae«nent city and cond o t the »ew petwatwoi tw O i may tuw te tr«d> lead to an inabUlty to bite prop- West Berlin. X ^ V m s t d c o ^ t e t« a l - r b i tliiVmenraw ybeTifcded......... ............rlghto-of-co

All auUiortUa have tcntluded mento concV Uial th e happy. lo**d child does western not suck hto thumb to any Bovlel^jHS&n alarming degree but th a t anylthe war In I S h o T o t alSm . even U Uwmb Tho-Uilrd i w eklna appeon to be exccsslve. difficult bee* may aggravate wiiat to probably clearly deflni

-t o y___^Quotes—

f r o m t h e V / S ^

News.- _ • AIDS

Ot United PreM lotematlonal questo for ha KEW YORK. Nov. l# -A O PDI Jacoby Trans

asent Wlim* how Uie FBI struck ums thto wee

S v s S a -••It was a quesUon of moving opening n»-t

in before Uiey- had a chaoee to use the equipment.’'

WASHINOTON - P re ideflt _________XeiuieUy, lu iirexchm iB T irttie - grams with Oermaa ChaooeUor Konrad Adenauer after hto washuigwin vtolt: ^ . 7 ^

■I feel tha t UU* .to Uie best AlCS and most helpful mseUng we V A Q 7* have had . . . W« are^proud tohave had a chance to ^ o w agabiW l tK iW M Siititi Ka» to r a great defender of freedom."! NEW YORK—Ambassador Adr Inl E . Slevtnicn. eulogizing Mrs.Eleanor Jloosevelt a t memorial ...prt,:«er\t«a-(ciPUi«^t9rm« t t t « t - l ^ • ^1 "A trrlef perhaps net eq i^ led ,■tiRH h t r h u s ^ p,17 years ago to ihB_«rorld'*_be«t _4 * ------p,i tM tT te one e l Uie g t ta l III- P iures o f our age . , ." Opealaf

DULUTH. Mtnn. - M a y o r Oeorge Johnson, oa hto city a . fight to keep a mongoose a l Ito Uie opener p too despite a gOTttnmenl ^ a tte i an cp t

mnn|jii..............III. rniTn* ft ,JUiiir^' beeattst Uity mMlUpVy n> sponder Wds rapidly: has a heart

-Public m e tio a h u been fan- It h e has a s] tasUc. People can't understand the no-thimp how one male mongoose to going bid hts partn to riproduce." The transfi

3 V £ R IN e^ T H ‘ElCAPI1tAI

P E T E R E B S eftSHIHOTON, N ot. W (NTAI cate Republlcsa c:

bowU th a t th e led to,county an *oUd SouUi ha* now been wtre few and t*r 1

iye44nd4hal-lheJ>em oa»is F rc tajhe Cemo longer can take DWa for H e ^ ^ ^ iH lic a n i

t S i i T T ^ - I * ’* OO?h»nnreanm a:te.,

le dream of the iw o - p a r t r A B i S H opposed. WlUi (c

a r ”- ; ;

Tind-of-the— i l f c iM ------ - V in a .---------------i b U ^ M - T 3 B 1 •, O n eo flh e n o ia d commit- la Uie 8»

a o u th e m ^ ‘ • Negro Democrat il i i o n was p*M> U ms . gro Republican foi ing Uie elephant therefore seat In OeorgU, n he claimed th a t U>e ISM craU can gradual! » presldenUal campaign la capture Uie N «l 8w m opened th e day after B w ^ ‘ tUcan"!

heartened, of can make any loti « by Uielr southern gain* Ing galas, appealii

rear. Aside from a few rotor*, hem goVcmorahlpa. they Democrats admi » about ihe only OOP. gains Uie James Meredl

/ - verslty_of

!liM« w au -,"tg tm ti n r - th e ing-Uifr-Republici iP s o u t h e r n delegaUon SouUi Uito year, ngth U> 13 In th e next aes- gays 'Bldwell 1. Two Virginia congrts ilm al chairman of-th# I 4 were lost by fewer Uian ty In MtostoslppI; Toto In each dtotrlcU James Marlin Inu l when you remember th e rt luiown how to c# e’ oniyCJ-aOP-congresslonBl tosue,-he would h: dldale* running In IIS dto- Ltoter Hill, who u of 12 states, thto wm no ii>out ll for loo l Isllde- , . e Through a mlhe Rtpubllcaas ree l« te d Ben, ,j erronloui -usion Morton in Ken ucky.

r ix _ o ^ e r _ .^ P a., tu it .the senate m loo ow»ui.>*c*o pfj^jiieni aneated. ___ general brother ch rtV trw hcr-carae -dosM ^to ta ~teaera l-tro5}i5 ng elected were Jam es Marlin

C arouna.*M

.1 stato and local level* In the P'

I.i.iftr. f irriwi. P lortda-lost BOOdDye. i b r J ^ d o'SThcw-'sCaU- - '- r-v n rn tK -T T tolator. for a n e t toUl of publican*. I hat • GeorgiJ^ two sU to sena- ss chairman of s elected. BouUi C aro lina-lost party In Mtsslsj ) stale legtolators. North Car- hav# been for thi « - lw o stoto K nators elected wlUi ta-o, more ■ 1 33 stato legislators for a net do not know to n n of seven. Texas-gained five in MtostoslppI toi tolatcn for a to ta l of seven. tlO to send to Virginia. Kentucky. MtostoslppI party In WashlnB 1 LoubUna had no Rcpubll- Independent Wc i cuidldato* tor Oie stato leg- pledged group ar itWrt-.Unofflclal returns Indl- seversl oUier sU'

World Corner— .....> .w r T ~ r« T q s t :3 r r7 7 T 7 i- r n ^

BY PHIL NEWSOM Germany and CT Fcrelfn Newa Analyst treaty, and Ui<

bven ln Uiese'day* of massive forsee Uie need i>emment expenditures. 9 00 later cf guarat llloa.dollara must be regarded Berlin.-falrtystoeable-aum. ' ---------But-UiaUu^-i:t to Uie figure Involved In to a fact and ii istly u o p u b < ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M conUnuIng Sovle:

liuU u d ‘ t h u ‘ > 1 n g on b e - ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 w V Berlin access Ir r e e n r e p r e - B ^ H j ^ j ^ H the communist E itatives of t h e t ® P r f ^ -T h to to where. » t and E a s t K V |c P I ' - i ^ Uons between t irman g o v e m - l |S ? i A j H ■nt*. and t h e ^ ^ Q B f f H The Impoverto T e - n o U e e - t n i t n | | Q M im -m e -to ^ d ^ :

<ns extot m a y ^ A '^ ^ ^ l ^ l Oermans for ne me u a s u r - ^ B u ^ B ^ V dollars In long I toe to th « e n» i «••••■ ~ T he East Oen l o - w n f v e - t m t '^ lm p e n r t : coTdtnrwtiiBTJ Ble"' vacuum exUt* between dmle; research eM"two“remlnder* ■ the~World o*te#mie-8o»l#i. •r II left a divided world. Uon dollars paya But more than tha t to a sub- taah. _ illoiT Uittt inrrfl Bcomjintn CitiiU liaie ly help'toward solution bf .a Sovleto wllUdva oblem th a t conUnues to defy or oUier aid t nlomsto. ideological ambllThe problem to th e continuing so want to be rc e of a free Weat Berlin. A recent ex»The western Allies have agreed relaUons with P ere can be no compromtoc on now to reported ree lundamentato, continued price for prev a lem presence In West Berlin nanclal and led leaning the Allied garrtoonsl. At any rate, eedom of western acccss to the in s apparcnUy :y and condlUons ui Insure Uie luck elUier In tt ture freedom and peace .of Uiey already i est Berlin. Union or InoblalThe f la t two are baied_on 'Therefore, they jhto-of-conquest, and agree* Bonn,_ ’ enU concluded between the Bonn in lUrn. »tern beillKcrento and Uie allies, to reporto >vlet Ulnon six monUis before dIUon. of any m le war In Europe ended. ance Uiat Uicre • Th'o’Uilrd to perhaps Uie most In Berlin acce.M fflcult because 11 to the least means Uiai ther early defined, tempi by the cof)rigln«t I.tllwl In SCt.Ull a Vtoft sysjndon and Potsdam looked feet would mea 'Ward'; an eventually reunited an Independent

m m » n i i iii ,,iJ7 7 B r3

Oswald Jacoby, Bw m s im ;‘;j'; r r r , r r.. r r ; f u - ,, ...... .;

JACOBY TRANSFER wlUi any «ort AIBS TO SLAM strengUi to sho«

There have betn so many re- today’s example, lesto for hands UlusUatlng the mild Interest In icoby Transfer bid ih a l Uie col- opening no-trui na thto week will dtocuss it, wanted to be d Ba^^^|y. the^ JTB^^makes It spw drf twb^hei

wnlng no-trump bidder lo let duUful response weat to three dl

NORXn 11 of a new suit to A K O J T iS SouH*"*_________ w « v i Z l ! _ Uiat If North w

X a k d s -------------ilaaThiTw drTrl a NorUi had alreo

™ *AW 1 “A 8S •- m ' r e s t of

U j 1 0 5 3 . X l l W------------- ro tn rm u j----------

A ABB dbb and evenuV K B 8S to Uie ace ot hi* Q S 4 Blx no-tnuni♦ A K 7 Blade and U N

_____IJWh-YUlnerable • . *p»des_a heu t8 ^ ^ Wwth ^ have

3 A ' Pass S ♦ . Pais o —Tbe blddl- 4 * ------P a ts—S * ------P aa i- - n m — Wert-OA P a u Pa*. Pass T t ? P»s*

Opening l e a d - * Q t■__________________ You. South. 1

4 A V A Q » * *le opener play th e band. Thus, What do you !ter an epenlng no-tnim p and A—a id ■tUU By Ult liekt player' H - y w i l *"****

wnder bids two diamonds If he «r IS a heart suit and two hearto he has a spade su it whereupon TODAY'S

le no-tmmp bidder to 'forced to Your partner d hU partner’s h and , no-tnimp. WhaThe transfer bid can be made Answer I

vPiT-AlrWlTB~DSOTvT-tepubllcsa ean<ua»iti .u . '0 , county and o ; ,rew and f . r b . t . 4M Uie Cem>v-r-.ti. . . __

r 'e a n m w lc A 'l^ c 't^I Uton the D em o c-,?^ * cd. WlUi fea ^ iT -:^ m souUiern

egro rotes and na; " r t e K ,ir , A t J g g

i Of Ihe noiablf OfnusCT,!;, la Uie South I. ti? " ^

I Democrat UJlrA-rd a s,J cpuwican for a In OeorgU, if ,hf ^ can gradMlly build u o ^ re Uie N « w vo:e m ^ u the Qucition raUtd u lepubtlcanj l, uheihtr i tZ tiake any long trmi or l ^ lias, appealiiiB only to «hn, |

nocmts admit, hoMfver.Uui'' amcs Meredith c.-i%e at CauIS a ^‘■‘•'‘” 1100.

,•* 'Bldwell A(I,>-n. itsu man of-Uw Deniwraiie n i .~ Mtostoslppl: “11 nepubUoa

s Martin In Al.ibntna hw n how to campiilsn on Uuj -he would have bcaien Bea;“ r mu, who wa* too quiet t ll for loo long.- rough a mtoundcrstandlBt as erronlouily trporied la column that Adnm had rt> a. ail ttntu rhntrrr^r, President and his atlorset •al brother ordcfed Intftrv e3cral'troopa nnd UjS. my. Into MtostoslppI.

Hto may have been good pol>- (or the Preeldent und-Sobbr- rarUi." says Adam, - r can. natch my political Mgaclty isl theirs. Bul I wrote {Sobh might as well k lu the souUi aye.■ w nrnonnpp6rt-U ff~R «ri cans. I have- not resigned lalrman of Uie DemDcmit ' In Mississippi, which I been for the pa.M six yean, ta o, more to serve. Bul J.

st know to whom I could go tostoslppl today nnd ask (« to send to the DcmocraUc I in WashlnBUin, We will u lendenU Wc will be an un* ted group and Uicre will h al oUier su te s wlUi us.-

irnersnany nnd a single pescs ty, and Uiercfore did net le Uie netd nearly 20 yesn ' cf guaranteed acceu D*u«b-* altuaUon <*UU- fact and to aggravated b;

Inulng Sorlet threato to sl|a parate peace treaty with thi . and thus place control «f In access In the hands of communtot East German*, ito to where-currentJicgoUi-.I between the two Germu * come lale Impovertohed East Ocnn.' one-todesperfttely-lnn*«J of ey and has asked Uie Wt« nans for nearly SOO sJIlIoa >rs In long torm credlli. le East.O erm an regime, le- tnrw -U iBTnstinitc-ot K03*-

research In West DuUa. Hhe-Bovlel-Unlon-»s:&-o^' dollars payable In hard esih,

!eto^wllUdvance*’crcdlto, losai oUier aid to . further ihea logical amblUons but Uicy U' .•ant to be repaid,

recent example to Sortrt Uons with Red China wtiicl

to reported paylns a hesrr e for previous Soviet fl* clal arid technical favors.I .ny n l . . t h . l iu i o m -

apparcnUy have had in-*. clUier In ratolng the ! already owe the Sonn oner In obtaining newcridlis rtfore, they have Wmtd W

pnn ih’ iumrsupported by W !S, to reportod making s c*®' in. of any new credits f Uiat Uit-re will be no c ^ . lerlln occc-m routes. And lu .n* Uiai there shall be no s • Dl by the communtot East uunaytoftsystornw hlch^ t^ j

would meaji independcnt East Germany.

)y,JBridgeI any eort of a lian^ngUi to shown “ I,ys example. North had kjm I1 intoresl in a atom after W Inlng no-trump, but ne ited to be dummy m he ir^

tw bhear u .SUtnT t»0iful response and ihen^Nc^,1 to three diamond*.I new suit to a force to ga»' ' tjuUi-B four clubs s u r t ^I If North wanted to «o » r h iT w d r r r s d r t o 'Ul had*ult and BouUi reaiiy

h?" rest of Uie bIddM ^

re.r« .3s“s■drtw trumps._dl«*rd«d^dummy's heart*> and eventaaUy lost." “ h e ace ot hearts. . . j,ix no-trump could 0 0 ^je and U NcrrUi hsd dw _a h e u t jr tp .

“ •ar4to»«“ ^a t a k * h l n t o » ^ _

TODAY'S ^'cur

Page 5: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

* * * M AR Kf

Stocks.g J S

■’ ®*Lw'Skn**'f<th » d™P BMd.'” ”*«^ni!» » u followed " 7 , r ; " ' '


...... ..M ^ „ ? 'f “ *cUon repfcsenud

”^ e n u r y p«u»e In the ’h ,.®“*? Hr civini iu x t* time a .- :».

irS-"'!"”'r"*"“ S S ^ — “

Vhtn ■ nolnl In ft mixed irM :»«nu t

s s i » i ‘ ' " , “ " ” “ '^ i c a l action, Auios were dknvkh. i - S S ml*®*!- 0 *-«u-Ullno a t'.tti. s,n^

^ U ^ n \ x »llpped rouKhly j;;;;;* i7«fh In Ihe *>*''' chips. „ „ „

M e rslU «n<> uUlltles found « ,« : .i,,r p S ^ iu ^ r t hut food* moved

f j f h jm7 " r - - " - - " ‘' SS£iStlnV*%^dU?d" Nortdk

t»MlridVlphla a n dnead - i.m u.*ffk

£Vclflc u n d T m i nnd T e r n " «'>-.PKme coal ond Oil rose 1 or

®^ioe U B. Smelling, Jnltr- u U ^ I Jewel Tea. corn. to Olus. Coen-Cola and BrU- td-Urer« dropped a t least 1;■* i t . ____ . . f i ' ; , , ” •"

I t o c k A v e r a g e s ■ I t i S j H

ISK ^ V S?”-» ! “ ■.■"“ “I '* '' ’ I.™ISSSS;';S£Ei!iS, SS'k;::: S'S ', S U N*t Dulry »>%

-iTiliUwi-JlUJitUUlil____J1‘i- „CmCACQ,ilci« «l N*l (irp»um a«‘i Hai»0.U0;1 S ct.»i <«»; NVOnlrml li< 1-S iZuiura t : ‘< Knr Am A>. <(S tnlixl IJ 1. > 1 R l(‘> NW Altlinn » :]0.:sn ll>. I1 It *T II!‘5 OtI" M*'h >'S nst»; r«in« <:« s t ' i s^*2!?. O '! p»n Am.r » ! . sofl^on II-. II S Z r JT’i I '.I . n . » :s C...I.-H.5'*I I sr l'*nnfr Ji , .t~ nii^tk lUf IIK 1.400 Ib, «UiUlOblo t*i r>l«l-Cal> C’.i liulk hirh rhc

It !SnS"?;t i! ItJS?:!MUmI nS'TTM fiimbl* «»V m l In.rf. h<i f l . Pi. I‘ullm«n U S I.OiO Ih. hfir>tSL - - U ’i-I'urt Oil It-,

(uhriTU IS llfpuh Klr«l 9<\ built IK.nn.t1 J |{ » t?, Klchfl.l.l Oil S“ , Shffp l,r.00ar* lu K.;"'- :s if.-;;;,

r<« Cn4 i:U KImmoiit n ^ .1ES?"».-I;!!-KS !S- -PotafCm Slnl U Sou r>cirie 7SSlSl'WiS

’a w O c - U — Sun.l-«k U S I f ‘V»!.; & 3;lo is sun^jin.

n » i» . u u T tlll Ca . I l'JS.'’winT(n

-gS risliiS rlS HC««Rir «'4 TWokol Cp S•OfTiCM----T8TT1ti.lHm-n- I’5-C« UMr. MS Timi-.m CpCSrtU i : T* ct. Fo» m ''*.V

a'sr' ia iiS! s;' '■ ■•'-£-,i'in Craint »»U II 8 HlywDoJ JJ ?]!*{,IH r s 11 .S Uul.Ur 40U H J"l«lllrr«t 4»»; U B flm»ll «0 ,*"'‘"7 ' . ^Ill NUk.l t»i; I) R fliMi <j I! n T * T i t '! Uuh r A L 3S% l;0«-UJ. Uriw i A Un 4<i \ ’>lcrrM>

B: a.4!:Ljr‘»«„iK?Sr?i«-S'5 - —Jbti y>f4 t.»H &>«»>■ - - - Wli .-------,

CubansRea3y-ZE U. N. Pi’otest O n P ln t t e r .^ ^i>SSKi3iU^S: liitSs

- fcil.pfcteit to the United Na- c«S«“ rrrW ■ W M J r » « T c ln r th e ' relea»e " fU T S i l^ « « alUehe. one ot three men ^ e d in an alleged Cuban Fint s«..riii

• ttboUte plot. rin l 8«url»' . i ? . *pokcsman *ald- the Kronii" kIVijjwted trio wnj believed plan- r..rr.ii Preh

lo blow up oil reflnerlt* In ,‘l; tVrjencr. I t l orr Ineendlnry i„„rmf.uni.i.

“» » and *moke devlcei .In in im u i. »i i|*T York'* major department

1 f!®'* »nd tJirow hand srenades o^ 'jlu !» 'PP-

PDl nlw disclosed, In s i^ n 'T ify " the arreaia Friday n ljh t « • «

BniunJny. that 10 other* S"*"n J 'W n i: trained here In the ?nX V «-;r

by a federal pan d _ the FBI salfl. P t i f f o

» ^ 'o { Uie three arresUd. Ro. - D U L I C^ n tlu ieban Casnnova. 27, .m r x m

^ ‘uelie Bt the Cuban U. N.Sfi'on. Ue arrived here Oct. 3 h.>m. 4i*;w;

bringing Cuban Prea- ;^ r''’,V

I No Harmful Food'isTV*:i*^ues:Seen=^ i ^ N O T O N . Nor. 19 m - J ------------

^ U u r e departmenf* research today there 13 no

S ® « ‘h it the legal of '---------------»nd weed klllen left

f«ldUM itj food. sA r i — « ;^ « lve

» eopy-rlghled in- s S ? tn U5. Newi and World co»,n,on

“ *6 knoitt c.riifitd k»>Incident o7 *■',

nacUon haa com# to “j](DMltn B<

A M ) I 'i.NAM ARKETS AT G U N C EKEW YOltK. Xm. I» . W r

riiii-Aiio. Nj.

Whfat—i*irm, »hMrt c>*%rrlac, Xmtnd.Cvm—*~lrm = »> ili.«. WMc»t tl.»wl m

- »rrt»mna ~ rinii: n>ll«ral< ilr. lu 1. b<>U»n. ur ninil. nnl Utd unrlon

IlM^VVnk lu :i i«ou k>rri |U .,l,r tKhlln

S-S;,vrvT?r' ” “ SitSj™ -Livestock-

friKTLAND birni.. >>im ><fltllTI.AND, .Vi-v. im n-il^hD A l- '"J"

' In.Ilt |.uirb»r.C*lll> 1.904: <hi>U* ilMn I.IK lU. |*b«M 1>ir U.l •

W ?Toc)r;;‘oo; '.'.n.M““u »'.>l'»h.i l-.„„ Muit» .Iwlr* brlfrn k:S ll». fra i.,|i, u , . , l„„|UR'Itrd ulllllr .ind rum* •«!»•' uf MBTrh!!■'" U.u m5.<i!p; ' ' ‘’ ‘ c illli 'C.1.r.3(Xl; r —t «r.l.r» »T.eM«.08: fh i... nfk<-t«l

b<jlr< <11 :U.O<J: I r ^ n mtvllum soJ *>>'1 'MrKiil* >1 ruul itMTi :.',u-«uo lb<. cell'll.

ii»i7’lK 'w iiito -''r/s* ''d huuML* u‘.<iihljtiillk rl'Mlnf. : i ; 'lU . I>.:»: riclr drt«n.j"‘nwnlh<''"i“‘r . Vr*'-i'' ■" r 'li'^’n 'i’n i ’i r * * ■

b.3in Nii. i l» fell .Writ p>ll t».S«. ' roo: »«n utlllir x<->l f~d«r CA8

.nj lUio 7t-TT "CnlCAfiB. Ko

~ IICS'VKR n.wnjRfUnKNVKIl. N«». IV m -IJm liv l i t oi.^M(fh.n»r (.'•til' r ilir t I.SM; >liu(l>|.r ''I'"** M<".fI'HiMii hflfrr. II.lKi.S».ug; J-IO; K.>.~4 >«l

u». M.oO-li.O«: liulli 1IJ0.|».60; rfll-*-!'.>»Jfr • !« « 5«.SO-:«-JO; brlfin IS.»«. , / f =H.M; .I»»r ral>n JO-W-JU«; b.l(.r J.ul!'j-l.o«(.. •»l*™ sa.ooji.ou.

S.ZOO; irMxtriftlfljr ftclltr. Ukr- *.(*.Dx. (Illj tnil •n .i xridx to >llun<. !>>'• U'Khanii^n.uiiff. Si hlihtr: b*finw, ,ni (IIU mtlllx'fcT^U " " , V o ^ ; ' * « 2 4 31 rJil'Iw .u : iH>niit r rrnt (m l.ii | al aurllon K^liufhlrr KniilKaiir unrk.mb. » ,,k to JJ l„ .,r! S-M%. »«>■ I’.v.ifrr~-K ii“ r«i V ..t:r* i» u rtiir -------------------4Inb« ll.«U.20.«S: » n S.IM.I.SO. CAM.

oma'm’a CHICAGO. Ko-OMAHA; ■ „, . ‘o.ioo: cliJi *i,J *■:.<1 » l;5^«nd I.J K>nH I**«'’To»t ;:o.j50 Ik* s.:s; j3ti-Mo lb.,M. My — rl? ..t'.tll. r .I .n J.JUO; .lrfr< Jull- ■ -- •* >

.I'll bflffr. iiMilr: f~* ■U' ’« l.»>'>IrtJr: hl»h cholr» l.i;j Ib. .i»«. ....0.:J: « hii>I» W.oci; m,,.! ,h„ |„ Virch — • > •.;«.5ft-:».S0: hl(h fholo inj l.rlni» W*» l.M « ,ftO« 111. h>ir>ra :tl.oa: ct>olr> >llh (nil _ —l,l«'.4.rlmt hl«h cbolt. «JJ Ib. j#«r. S«nu^^.....I.M'tMcf M.0».:j.?57.<hiii»"tlSr f.u 'f . f 'f . . ._ /I 'i i ;:.on.:5.00: cli»lc htlJ»r ».!.« :».00. } *"h, _II.M. M.r ------ «»

Hhrrp S.fKW; n,.l rnoutk .liutklfr ----.n,h. or r - r . jnt,l 1-. ^C.'JI.h »»r.Hl jj«»» , . j

C'IIIC'A(;i) Ju l^ . . l.! i '.„CmCACQ,_MoT^J_UUlUaDAl- . . .l!r.;si’''r=,,K ';aEK; Trusimo.:m I'li ilno.‘i” ?jl*“:'.j nli investsi

;s isl'S;"lUlli hlrh rhcilf* anil piifii» 1.160.1.«00 N»‘j- \u.;.no; Iiiiik rhclf. I.l8-l,i:« {i»'l- •”' ’1’'La,JO.KJI.r.O: IIN.J H.M.M.SO: trr. fit"-tk=r.K,;,t j.«s vE'a.'K: =r;irtl8:TICTir^ i.lUH7—inM- «mriTf.cI.I I>ullt K^Mlo"' M —

Shffp l.r.OO; .Uiiihur l.mU J>*r*l*"'» k- —rkolr. ana prim. 90.1M Ib. wc.lH « ->Iauihl«r lamli t».M.lO.O«: butk »no.l hmtunf M _

r .

Potatoes. Onions W allciircARO

OIICAnO. Niiv. I» m -ro laton i Total U. S. >hlpm<nli CO: arri»h . I ' h SIS: tr»fk X7«:- inrpllft oio<Ur»t»: - \ ^ X l drmand n»i«t< (onH. maikrt firm: ^"f,wvS: 5S"voSW rlh.n.1.. .U1..UI N.b« mM«U „ ‘ “ ‘j4.M: W«.lilnirtr.n nli..n_J.U: >|ltinf Dr«dljUry_K..'

Uaknii; nrf iltrr Y.IIor C(*U and S t"!:i,r.Vr-,V."h. ™.™ ii"i..!...^ tit-«».n. .........muciumQi£_atI.Tt, hakrn 4.»l>: AVIironila ruu<u morltCt Ond

15E!HSEB’i2!!Z2Zplln moJi’raUi tlmtnd akK; Biarkrt enough public

. .I ~ . N . . . »"tllml tain! Colora.lg Mllu<r tatfr He iays It '

t.IMJlS; Maha .1&>l.M. vklK mflluin . vqmI n fewta t!ii a. 3"«.r™ IMldont r '1U>v tlob« mKllumi lllrh- nlng.1 of the litn l.4#.t.M: Wl.«ntln 1.40; Illlnolt nrc tested. Hi I.OO-UJ. Ur«« I.M. rcftctlonnry m

ruTiiKM couple of da;Tha folUiitlBt fuUirm.BMlilJont tr t blllty. Of ft^'m

pravldri br K. W. Mr!l«b.iu and com- „ound 600panr. - n ^ a t . U .I . .I , trial avernse. Januatr___ ----------------------- s.« he .concludes,...-^ a K/rr,J

Idaha PalalM ’ yCnf.TTTTt---------------- • Joieph-E . <

“ » r a i r ; ; : ^ ------------- nu tton and i-------------------------- Intermedlntc t

Unlisted Stocks •clbiwki. ‘TJo v rn THIS co iiw rn »iRn for his

(CaartMr B. W. McBak.iU tn* would COmc 01 raapanr) mnrlcel lo bei

■ M ........ -----— jlTTr~ hlgti r n f te f ii-1

;s ’.‘Jm “‘El>n>nl. Frrlihtwari — in C , VOlume llSHrC;wiM-T»TWr-=s=-ii>»»H-JS4»W gtie* when-tbcas:,z.; = 'a 'tsk-int s«..riir C orp .-41.04 4S.M tnpc readers alPint 8«urliy lavcl.. T.TS , *.« •, Ujat they ftTCPn.nti« A i'iin- — J.Jji'i iV'.t j,ably In thehK ' p w.'i iti jf .i tmdlng hour*nr»»n r.iani _______ ii.M Doherty of HIdaho 1-nwer Tfil -----H.M M.M - company, l i t .tnlcrmnunlaln Cat — H.(>0 20,00 i_ .nmAinirnuu sinfiriinf.. u,;» Ji.7» re.iull In *omekfcC!rr»or ...... ........ ».« «*» Iwt tha t WOUll^W|iMn.Kn«d.»o — nummated^BW

«™ ,A ^ »n iu r« _ jiji i . n 'H H Z I 4;so some backing

iit.ia ----------------- s.‘o nceeisary hertluw r Lif» • ------- i j '« I ; ” favortle tecJjr

£ : : i " A i; [ in .n . ^

Butter and Eggs. ciiiCARO I and *#ys this

..CIIICARO., Uoy. i» m^rro-iuffi ‘ Dernlird T.Sv •«I0' 4:ch..hiaim; 40 lb. bi«k. J«».-*0’. : Miys aegregalt

u.,A. \ f i , ^ i U . n : Swli« l,-i;a_hccn_dli

i;” ',i. " . 4^ 2; »r.d, n 4W«. record-brcakln nm i.n flwaiir. *J “ i J* pcct* for the

‘"’I*. ‘r ? - . -M nhnplng up fat " u n i Ateui Will. itrf« are that result

— ~Twia~Falls Mark f .

narki ■:------------------ ----- tJVn a U ____ —------------------ ‘" J CkolM nmtb»n. ■

(Veaf 4nl«r« «»9Udl Hn>r Row* — SEEDS „ (On«i~ltrqti.

Coninion n*J C lo .cr------------>-5'M . Da s s s; • jir»7iSarUfW Uaniar Alfalfa ------- Ml-M 2* j gn,»n n.d


M N C E ' n t e----- V— TT— i ---------------- Bjr-MEnnVLE

Grains ;rncAi.O. ' tn All II.In that only prudent•J!- u"i'.i .!t t'.!!.’. .‘.'"tw d U V u i w ' “inlL inl, ii ...,.,.1 ■ i..,.t A nyr»m»iih1f )T

, . ________»fcretar>'-propo»e

»..!« tijhiiicrb.i..»n ii.,ut*.M I io c k ^ w h le h ^the imso of the

Ii.iakiu p u ^ (.Iru n... market place U

L'iril""‘'."l ’"1 5 0 s Wtegoiy.[II! ,U c‘j o r d « r toi-* ^ w -» u i> -M -^ ,.4 r^ i ..,.is ]2 o c t the-ciU - I'Vfi*'"} i f " “ 'lo ■

ch. naikrt fi.i ani.lhfi l.icM.mM polliird OUt tha t she (loubtlea* u»e3

: ur‘ Ma»h' : . z ' z , out or her bo»i. tal ana rummrrTlal>r< .,t> r»'J explained tlJftt, 11 !*■ ..r^ ‘.'iS"’,'b.''■rUTu'”; ' , ' l“': liiKfase and

«idr«»l. ab~iipil..o uf ra.h ,'r- l«X Ihlblllty 'O U n>*• It Win tftke herat. “ Ilk furn. r..b accumiilate UW.‘"h..u!!J WrIV'?.'ir i.‘ h .?irl"L'i si'incfs. tie cautl.ri.dnu.nlh.. . ' shOUld .UOl InVCSt

JUL-a iinlyUcAl, til , pui.k.»« ul n.uti^t.. p tijiii advice.

CAHii CRAIN money." which IsniCACO.-Ko..-i> iri:^Ca.h » jJnnlc-io-cftlm-thi

I -V. on ly -a-halftrum ;

..i.i>M(rhan»..l l.i bl.h.r; N... t pay JOr OUr W1. -^i..i.ii ; N... J i iiii,_. 5ou,fj 10 nilnd.i.- Ml,-i.vsUi Jtr«k ■tV.d;";,i“ muminllllonnlre r

« i . ;u u : ■k,.‘^4% .iu,- k,ai clenited oul In th.K, . l^enui'e he had

‘.il ,. ' . ' ' ■ his holding* and ir» uiKhaniri: Kc-. I plump I.S4 them during the :

f>riKanr unrh.n.f.1: I }>il»« had minimal can-». n'>aci». tirrdrd_M mfort. 1

CAMll’ MiAlS dwell on irTihl niciiiCAiai For einotlonnl I

iiiCACO. Ko.. n i4>- - portnnt to take ftJllib !."• Cl>«» cl*i» Tll’oilcjV'uiny^HO

• financial margin■ 1-....• « - position to thlnlc

-Inveii l . ‘ ' ‘ ByWIlXIAA

. - / I ' , .JT .« !. Q. 1 read Iny ■ Z ■"! C ll is;*! ; 't i ; Slftndard Oil coirr Z .....C6i; .r,i‘. .«< .<is announced plan*” 1 •! 1—!• 1—■ !•!•■ *t Bioekholdera■ch l i iM t:;5** i-I* i i;:i.! Standard OH com^ __ i . j f ; i.:i ij i- ij '. i .:j aey). W on't th tK... I.!;-, i-si'. i .m . i.:i Ihe BUmdard o n

TrusfFunds. , U

... (irewih----------- T.u 7.11 Ihelr generally!■ --------?M i'Ji accepted nick-nam cn.^^k “ t!*! name* - s u n d -nl.lnn Klrflronlr. — «.?« 7JT ard Of IndlftHft“• y " * ‘"” ' " * i — J’Jj ftnd 60N J.;R e- iinti. ni _■ . .^ .. |j>» i«;7« m c m b e r - 'lh a t-

i \ —---------- <:<g s'.Ij separate c o m -^lun. M ________ 11.07 i:.oj panles, SONJ h arttun. M -------------ISJl 11.14 |K,n ghaKJ Of *t4irna^oflai r^A^iTZZ isii* i4;:i Encli shaft. Of et

• ■ a 'share or owjr » T 1 1 / ^ 1 I giant petroleum

iVall-Street-— _ - . , holder*. The 1ft

ChatterW .i,,.... u . » . t e n on 0.1. " “ r f <E\V VOIIK, No. 1» ™

hu and Sletaon stty* he now fOJ” - s the feeling tha t Uiere Is . ,p " ®ic iunorcjtocK JoiL fn lcJnJhe dbt^a will dlstrlb irkcl, and tha t profewiiwiil h o lB n ^ n p ih n t yers a l have withdrawn each u s snnres

th>.r.. ^ d lnn ii owncd ql jugh public Interest to absorb Thla will be“ln“ 5 new offering*. quarterly leveryle .ay* ll would be logical lo cash dividend t, aect a few week* of hacking p ^ d on everj sh d •lining w hile 'the underpin- of Indiana *locl ig* of the recent market rise time. I: tc.ited. He look* for a quiet Tn round niiml ictlonnry market for the next tha t Slftndard c iplc of day* with the poul- distribute ab o u t: ity.of ft^'mlnDr_rtactloa!lback 60NJ_*ioek_io S around e00>010 In the Indus- dlana siockholdei al average. Such a reaction. Indiana *tockholi .conclude*, ahould be followed receive fractions an nllempt lo advance Inlo win be paid In t

: 0S0-7S area by early next This doesn't cl ir. ■ number of BON)aieph-E.-O ranvU le.cf_£. T. standing. I t slmpl tton and company says the crship o f - s o m e ermedlntc trend of the market shares from 6Wni higher but subject lo minor u> other people, bucks. •Tlie next teclinlMl Thi* 1* not a n il n for higher stock price* tlce. A number uld come on the abUiiy of Uie »hlch oa-n *wck*

u “ t i a A^u!unlv!l u ° g lo ^ " ^ e s m a k e dbtr n connecUon w ith 'th o new matter of fact. S ck exchange policy of deleUng dlana haa dlsirlbu ume figures on Individual Is* holder* stock of tia when-the-Upe l*-ln-{lBng*r rinc8-19«.-----—falling behind, many chartist*, q i u5c<]'to f 5C reader* and Uader* complain o i l ’sUKk regula It Uiey ftre hampered comld- ^ ju i ,,bly in their operatlow durliig ^f -New Vding hour*, say* Tlioma* P. ejmp.g irndlnc. herty of HarrU, Upham and TOmy, I I , w . thU I « l mw Ull in some trftnsactlon* being t tha t would otherwise bo con- nmated and could have some o" =8 P ^ n ect on Uie market pattern. .Itm in-ailbertn tvsiT A iyst^r. S « i i ufd*

r ‘lln‘?USii"?l1Mn.J'm a?^ etC.) tO'OhIO,Oil [tc backing ftnd filling may be , . . ^ :e«ary here, he doubt* If Ihe ■ortle tecJinleal market posl- n will bo reverted In the to - J f ' 'diate - p«rlod-ahead.-Jle- notes pread of buying recently Inlo » ["« irealer amount of s l« k Iwues UtOT Oil.J *ays Uils 1* a good sign, „,Tl*e sale was e Jernltfd T. Freverl. editor of .ndard and W s . outlook,

S . b S n ; L , ‘ ' f w £ p'™ t K K T SU for the final Quarter also amount lo $3»0 ,plng up favorably. Indications ever about «.« ml

Uial rcsulu lor the full year the»proceeds froi I top,Uie previous high estab- the company* a « [ed linP39.~hP~wp. ^ ’e d . - ^ d ln 8 - t

~i \Vhen the comiU f o f l r ^ t a _________ liquidate igo out 0i T i a r K t J l S itock“ waA-ae;ilite(

■ on the stock exch e cc s The point to be

.» IB trmdt. Ur»t ---- . *»4*« obvlOUS. I t yOU fttuvESTont . ested In ft stock i

Im Jiu»b<n. IS»;» Jk. >ng ftbout buying

Dm i»ikr qoM^t look a t It* markciDBAN8 year'* Upse. . ,

} riBto*______________ (Ur.-D>rl* >111 «”I GMt KortbarM _______ S7Jt amiaU.. Im m of rt Eman Ilxia --------------- ki. coluBa. U« «ano

K> tX M *«U 1-*

Everybody’s Mor“M EnnVLE ST.AStEV.. objectively. 1 , RlTKCYSEIt : ariluent knows Iht

me MeUger, a thouKhlful; the end-all and th Itreet stock broker. kiioaslAt best. II U but i nly prudent cusiotncr* siayj abi.-nce of funds tl books for a long prriud. I aniirrale* the I

iry—propo»ed putting tiOO| On lop of *th u n p r o m - b a k e d moralist*.,

■ to w ^ t> r l* - :- ^ ^ R ^ ^ ^ B a lo i i^ ie y Inculca •omotkonftl • - ^ ■ T I i a r i n ? m » r i s - rR'hlch In ■ This m okay (or

t place 1* B R I trent and realgat

category. Imiuniure person,r d e r to money while asplfthe-c iU - ^ ^■ ■ B T ^ |L s la iu l» rd .o f .liv in g Into ft rcciiomUt Thorstt

ol reallly. cribcs as "consplciM e tz g e r tio ir—is on his wd out th a t ■■‘ chiiiirUt's couch, jubtle** uses wile ond strn- ^py ,5 ^ j^iI wheedle a *10 a week mlie [„ p„,uiaiing tlie

her boss. U ien the broker euu„ti,ij. Tlie aull ncd tha t, If she s-ives al istrase and lakes c.ire ot jijie c „ ls lo conce iiblllty'OurDf other lunds. .jfpreciauon. 1 take her fifty week* lo gppHfj iiilate UW. Itl tlje clrcum- buildings. U the rs. he cautioned thnt »be frlorailon or wea l.uo t invest ll llKhily with- ^.,5,, llfllyUcAl, tom; aau ltaa t ra-p-Ut tdvlcc. _____cliuttct. llierc Ik■'debonair cliche, • 'irT oinrY oii of obsolesceii l'.“ which Is used In time ol (irooess of beco to 'ca lm -thc-frlghtened.-lj a n d 'o u t-o f-fa sh

1‘ h a lft ru m :-------------------- w hen-npplied-tthe adventure of living, we sources, including for our mistakes. Tliere mliiernls, Is the r I . to . m in d . the .cB.«c_ol_a .IrrcpliiccAble.aast inllllonalre realtor, who «.’ns surface, rd oul In the big dcprr&sJOi) (0 (I,,w he had overmorlRageiL i^rcal revenue la )ldlngs and could not retain t,cing tax ci during the flnancltil *torm. ,q allowances to , la ter In hi* old age wh;n fpf geprec

ninlmal care and, when he ,]'e 'orm o f 'a ira d comfort, hU Imagination . . . . ri.Huctlon fi-o ir*T tarm lg litn iftV rbecii:i,Jc"o l^emotional health. 11 to Im- conic, namely, pn

nt to take ft mature view of p„ . » n ± j pTDiny in w e -w in n ia r ra j„ D,e hunger 1 elal margin of sarety are In iho 1030'*. thla on to Uilnlc about the sub- .ucceaslvely whit -------------------------------------- it lias been dlsi

Investor- £ £ “=Jy WILLIAM A. DOYLE u f u n , as It mI read In th# paper thai „ a n jormulalard Oil company (Indlann) „aneinl plan,jnced plan* to dl*irlbuie to productive year*lockholdera »ome stock of ,in the'form of tlard Oil company <New Jer- jor the future. Tl

W on't thla Rhqrl-chnnKC keeping, ro r pan;Uindard Oil company'tNew ual'* true cost Isr>-«t«okhold8r*7----------------- human-capital*-:No. W e l l .............. , energy, life expet

3 keep th e n g | j B ^ r . \ Uy to aiay in toslon to ft 71,1* approachI m u m by than vague adtg Uie*e two ftbatracUons a* U

generally* never been ableted nick* fts'exelUng nnd* — SUnd* a v : mediate spendini of Indiana for creative Impi SO N J.:Re- J direction. For c: i b e r - ' t h a t ; | m K t ’J i peUUon vlUt In-« r« - tw T > -------- ------------- llfo-lnsurance-iate c o m - tha t Uiey w ere :a, SONJ htui some aiB mil- cause Uiey off< sharcB of stock outsUuidlng. benefit realliablishaft, of course, represent* ,n,i^ ume m Uit

lare of ownership In tha t approach Is uni , petroleum company. i.m ily head, whe record book shows tha t (ate by-the'eln j-T iftr-about 716.000'aloelt- buylng-a We cor :r*. The I f t t a a l available give buying pow da shotv th a t Standard of denu after hla ,na -owned laoe.CM -ahare* recelvea nn Immi DNJ atock. Tn nUicr word*, take* Uie form « lard of Indiana la ft big A *ftm atlerof holder (part o w n e r ) of tltlon between ItJ;------------------------------------- tn ir m n a 'tn r ia '

Dec. 10 -S tandard of In - conflict. Prom » I will distribute to lU alock- point, savltig bee !i* unr"Tihnrc-of“ 60N J-for -Uonntly aypeatln 115 shnres of Standard of ed a* a Ume bo

im owned of record OcU 31. vidual's arsenal win be In ndUIUWJ 14 Ul« fiavlng'ln

erly levery tiiiee moiiUisi portfolio. Instead dividend of . IS eeni.i to be temaUve to spen on everj' slinre of Standard lor assuring Uio ndlann slock a t the same dividual and hli

( *pend a t a defenround numbers this mean* future when the Slftndard of Indiana will airenm may dim bule about 300.000 share* or Ttius. tlie wa J stock lo Sundord or In- rently spends nil, I slockhoiaersTStandnrd'or facU of Jlfe.'liena *tockhoUlera enllllert t o -----------------------.•e frneilons ot SONJ fiiarca t>e paid In c;ish. . _Is doesn't change Uie lotal T T X J IC I )er of BONJ share* out- r V w J „ I - llng, Tl.slmply swltclies own- L / l l u K I) of-aome-300.00Q^SONJ a from Standard of Indtana JV I lher people.I* la not an iincommon prae- .A number of companies •

i ott-n alock* of. olher com- B s inake d ^ ^ ^

;r of fact. Standard of In- , haa distributed'to lU alock- ■ ^ n stock or BONJ e\ery year I f f 1 1

I u s r t 't o follotv piymouUi itock regularly. But I no r see It listed In new.^paper 'I of New York Slock Ex-1 ____le trndlng. W hat happened!' I t was there a year ago. ■This ahow* th a t a lot of J cftn happen In ft year. Back % :arch 28 PlymouUj OH slock- . 'ra approved the sale of sub. lallv all of Uie company*I (Oil and gas property, _Tto-O hio,O il company nt a price of about 114 million

I’t look for Ohio Oil In Uie Uble*. Tlinl company haschnnB edltsram c-W rM ara-----------Oil. / j U ^ S !• sale was effecUve April 3. /l% : « suth o n suxkhnledni re- ' i. I cosh ItquldaUng dlsirlbu. A of UO a share .and S3 a T V

- fo r a touil of »33 a share. / , | f . » # l j.a oHn etiHieiM tnni uigi-------- / A - —aUng dlsu-lbullon* would: /^ S t * * 1 nt lo $3JiO « share. How- ^ ' i f S S F ^ ibout 4.4 million dollar* of /A .iroceeds from the sale of f { k ' >Bnpany's a«ela la being le - 1\ \ . C* L.pcndliig_thc_duicome_«}f 1—

en the company began to ale igo out oT bu*1ness> Uiow a*-ae;ilate(J-frtJmtnidlng------e stock exchange. point to be made here I*

IS. If you are rcftlly Inter- In ft stock and ftre think- X)ut buymg 1^ you j^ou ld

It Ita market price after a '

T .'iir::?'i:l iu;.tiD lu ^ n u 11* “ • « ' p"""*! uauntsuT .n i/>s(

Money | >insiiiIJectively. .Tlie fliiiiiTcnvUy ^,t know* that moiify u not ' i T l l l 1 1-all and the be-all of hie. ^. 11 u but i tool. But Ihe ..

,1., .1

, .p .1 •ii.u, 1...I j ” ,;‘ moralist*, spread cpniu- ‘JvA-,,.?,

gr^ss far be>Zd • ii?m »r-ts-n«^m poH niiu tnrT m tSIfT iO lltri » okay for Uiose wlioie |Phy of life calls for re- J

r 'E

. . U > « e « Ilr. Mulalliig tile splrll or nc- ^ j procrams sect iig. The authentic account- th a t tlie 1)ks beyond Immcillalc vis- ,.Its lo concealed cost*, such around,rpreclauon. Deprtclullon applied to macliliier?' and . , „IRS, U the process of de- ‘ ,1" ' , | r ,ion or wearing out. Now- „ „ „ „

orKanlratlons k»ot. llierc liFUttf '^m pnnlotl ^■oSSSlesceiicelTtl^lcins-in? ‘" ‘J ' a of becoming outdated , ri, anv'wav ut-of-faah1onrOeplcllon.- ;-Applied - to - n a tu ra l- re - ^ -p * ^s. including petroleum and ' T, ils, U the fact or using up *..ccable.ft«cu bcae«lh.the

r 'to the new deal, the in . ?,‘. ? , l C r \ « ' “b revenue l o * , * ! ' ' * ' ' p a r t or Ute mlse 1

for depreciation, obsoles- *

rm^f°nffaut^allc**'*5*per produce more and l£iucilonJromnel_Uxitb1e » t the t ^c of *o.calIe(Tew-ncdnn. >0™* « compen. namely, proceeds from *.-il- opllons. company

.„H >.>. fnr ■PJ1CCUSl'to-t?IUJr h u n g e T f w revenue* m HH «»er rctlremi 030'*. thla allowance was And the tax la' alvely whltUed down, and complicated, e-ipt I been discontinued since corporate level,, war II. 100,000 WX speclothe searcJi for tax refornv time Uckllng oU .iTomaly' br’'trea'ang'Triiin. -^CorSarSnUha'-ttt asset* more tenderly tax- Uvea and count

than human, bebg*' need* handle Uie many itlon. and seek ou t th<Ull* aa It may, the prudent uigeou* approacli. In formulaUng his. life fl- Avoidance of ta al plan, sliould. during Itself, both for c< cUve year* sel up reser\'es for Individual*, le'form of unspent Income) bralna Uiat might le ruture. This Is good book- ed on earning m :ig. For part of the Individ- occupied In Iryli true cost Is Uie using up of taxea. Buslne.u t

y, life expectancy, and abll* way In Uie long 1 I aiay in vogue. Advocatca of laa approach la more specific pllflcntlon aay ll vague adherence to such economy surtera

ictlons a* Uie Ideal of thrift. Economlsia a t best, merchandising hns tlonnl City bnnk

■ been able to make saving 'clUng nnd dnvmaUc ft* Im- old m an (hlmiwlf xte spending. There is room nnd Oiua deprive reatlve Improvement In thla deferred ability I. Uon. por example, in com- This approach on with ImpuLie spending, augment, ha* thi Innirance-agmUrhBTtr-felt unT ng-ltr-w Ith- Uiey were handicapped be- M vinj fund U m I Uiey offered a deferred eiric fore*eeable :it realizable a t some Ind^r- t u t also const time In the future. But Uil* against conUnge 3och la unlitiaglnaUve. The a. mature way of y head, who create* an es- of cerUilnly by- the, elroke of a pen 1* world. And even l ig-ft We conlract, whleh wlll on-iplrlt-aom eth buying powef to hU depen- „p youll be In bt 1 ftfler hla deaUi. In truUi participate If yo ?ea on Immediate sntnrThia avallafalB for inv the form of peace of mind. Savlnga alao g

ft matter or facl> the compe* independence an between Immediate apcnd- individual, with

m a - tn n a - l s - w ro r u n c iu « n ’ea, la l i n r p t let. Prom ft practical stand- unpleasant ftaaoc . sftvltig become* more.cmo- (m,. R i iw f »»:

“ i T t i ^ ” to m i r h v i h c ^ N a't«l

5110, Instead or being an al-Uve to spending, la a devicessurlng Uie right of an in- _iial and his dependenla to ■ ■ ■I a t a deferred period In the O M ■e when the current income . ■ ■ ■n may diminish, B M His. tlie wastrel, who cur- 9 | S H' spends nil, hna Ignored Ute - ■ ■ M of life.'H e'hiu 'chcattd a u i —

VhenMen rink W ith mteno, —Men------; -U 9 ^ ^ ■« *v I Udy-HoUt«Int W I I I _____ ..,^'hc»lf-WL C trC n . 3 ®, j .u w

- frch" ' 0 1 ^ - - Msllv-HoUltIr

j P«yun-Holni

M "*“I r f O D G f i / tKxk-fick. psi

' ■ »»|d*r^iiH(hff

I ^ E b S ^ ^ S B FAtM ro* 1A1tow birn. that

_______It f .Ouptl________ ___________^*’■"* ' AUCTIONEE

LOiuwtiittu.i7.c.(4rtooK 1 J im ^«>S(UaHIIIUMflt

Siisinessi T l i r r O I * ' ‘ of-countltu special r

have complicated the V ,H.\M D.W SOS and nintlr them ratllyYORK. NOV. to Lf - cull 10 admliiuier and . . ) • c l W , U involved .

Un to cut taxes and re- addOhat-UaU-prK^-tli le »yMem. And m a y i comphcale action m spifoi-of inflnllon si >1 t^ u - ^-- --r war U. Since cottipanli

Ihxt hair ol tiir ms,

Half'prlre thinkinj of b u s l - l i i S ^ K B T ^'^t* Ihe maiiiirr ut

■ buslneu eipaiuion.

: 0 U l i t l f M ^ ^ | 2 2 ^ ^ n lM '“ill“ '‘? d l ^ i l( i r t d l M c d ^ w J y ^ l money. liiierr»t p.i)

n“. ‘ hnlf! # . - 1 . . . - . “ »“* unking. Many products d'.'"Kraitis seem to cost only .wltal the ilcket s.-iys'be- ': the tax snvhiK. Or. the “"il » '« « «;iy around, many seeiiilUKKcs or rewards are worth “ ‘an Juj11 What they promise be- °I the exira lax liability. “ »* “P P*J'"«‘t 3iie exftiitple, cliarltable iilons know lhal much W « n i o » » - R t o •jTTrrTOiTTSriWrAiiennii - W - O m a i r o l C

I given, taxes would lake B 'T C H IC 'A C C II lt_aity«.iay,_8ome, d ia rj. _ r e d 0 N D 0 BEA( wondrrliig io^)M f ^ e l r jjov^ ia Qjs-A ndicaj Will drop If tax rale* do. monlh-o^ld daughter ie other aide of the coin, tanne Olese of Palo* ,lih exccullvc skill* know tote*, Callt„ died tc DeUcrT)nymg-]ob wlllTict - ju rle f -a f te r -« -f re s part ol iu lace value. In when she got her hea her tax bracket a large a picket fence, tlie raise will melt away. Antlrea waa rushr a of the pre.«nt high U x Bay hospllal Thurs^ rgue th a t oflen It doesn't Ung . trapped In Ihc „r,'. I . .r,. tn fence. Unconsclotu 1. more and earn more. Or wedged beUreen the ,l t l „ top tom .0 o t to Jf-compensiUon— slock ftrU flc lal^ lraU m i- , company bought Insur- Uie hoapltaL ftlnn- naymenla dcftrrfd B i i ^ t p « Mid,*hj t r retirement. , , nad permanent tlamil l ,. t .x I . . . n o . » " “ “” 1” '

r - i . v S r S “ ,1.1',;; l e g a l a d v e h t i ;WX specialist* work full

tckllng oUiera' problemj r rsn5ha '‘ttl» ^ ilre "« e tu « " p ta t f : o n n x i i m ind countless clerka to Ute many.official forms ° “ w in t i*k,

ek ou t tho most advan- <■.I nnnroaeli nVllOH r. AHTILt,approaai. . atj! o r idauo ..lance of taxes la an art In „ .hu,, dtr » th for corporations and r. Amiii. llvlduala. Many t>“»'neM Uiat might be concontrat- ,h, earning more income arc Judiriai tiitirirt «( ik» 1 ;d In trying to save on 'Buslne.u and Individuals „iu an kmbr dirttttd

Ute long run. funhtr nmifirt ikatcalcs of lax cut* and slm. appear «nd pitid t» nBn m 111.1 Ul.' i« i |. t . i ; K 5 , |> ' . , s - ; . i " S ,ty sufrers aa n result. „ p„ ,rJ for iii ,<omlsla a t the First Na- Hummgn. and Compltl. City bank or New York 5L'----------------------------------- ikt .Irf.nilanl. upon «a (hlmaelf In later yeara) lUa dcprived-hlmscU or a ,ai.i Di.uirt Cuuit uiii :d ability to apcnd. onobtr. i»«.approach to money man- ci.ik

:it. haa the advantage ot R«Wri~N. w. ti*iwm> l iT -w Ith-U ic-realllltJ-A rund U not only for epe- ivin Fati. idX

foreaeeable fuluro needs, rubii.hi Oct. »». N«. ilso constitutes reserves t conUngendea. T h rin la jre way of achieving a de- . f e C l G l l t cerUilnly In an uncerUln ^And even If In Ut« ^^lcaw- V f - ^ , \ X T n ' irit-aomethlng ahould-tum - i > 6 W —W a ill be In belter position lo _ . _ ;

-Stops-Itiga alao gke a btials for ^ , ,^ 1ndcnce and Integrity. An # -1 tlrn# k Imc* ku UAI, .wlUi f f iu ie la L re . la in ft position tT rellat ,b ,u „ „ ,hsant ftaaoclatlona. rholds. stop Itchlnr

Pkln-w H ^alw rt*:


W E D N E S D A Y , Nwill soli tho following, jocoled 4 milej sot miles nonh and Vh m ilci eaal o f Jerome (

ALE ST^WTSJ 2:30 p.m. lunch

25-CATTLdy-HoUt«ln cow, will fitihtn Un. 13 »I'h PI<ih c»y. W»l glv« 6 fltl. whtn <««> ) r ______

3rd e.U. Will glv* JVj o*'. ®'irlv-Ho!»Hln cow, will fr#ih»n ftb. 7 witii 2nd calf. Will qIv* J Qtl, wh«n Irtih Ci

Ftb. 20, with 3»tl Ciif. win fllvt 4 b«'. frcjh ,9lly-HoUl«In cow, mllUng now. wi» ftb. 19. with <th <tlf.-Will bIv* 7 fl*1. whta f...h »' ilchti-HoliMn cow. milking now. will ftoKtn > Fib. 17. wlili 2ml ctK. Will glvi 5 gil. whtri - frtiS _;ag»r-S«d HoUltIn cow.' will fttihtn Ftb. 4 7 wllh 2nd <iir. Will gtvt'5 oU, wStn.fftlh 2.r»H-HolO«lr» tow.^w;IMft.h«^n F.k 1. wllh ____

• cVr-Hoil'ttn cow, milking now, will frtthtn ^ Ftb. 2S, wllh <th ciif. Will g l^ 7 git. whtn f . Iftth 2ilt-HelileIn cow, milling now. will (rtiStn [|. Ftb. 27, wlih 2nd call. Will givt 6 g tl whtn l.tih___________ ______________ ___________

M A C H IN ER Y !,=-John Dtert Iraclor. tuni good. Ulf nibbttj W Oil^r tftctor; 1«J» Chtv. Ai-ten pickup wilh

Kk-.ick. flood mpiof tnd n<bb«fi Oliw *-(r *

1 6.{|. doubit wing diichtr wllh hydrtullc jickj I. otf.fl dltci lnl»fntllontl grtin drill wilh idtr ttiichmtnrj <-it<llootprlng tooth hinow ih drawbtri ].t«cllon titti ht'tow wllh drtw A| rj John Dttr* Ifi-ln. htngon plow; Olivtr iO A| flint tfinimlulon, IHl, front tnd .nd .tdillwi ^

IM ron lA tl (ntl It fuc1ltn)-B0 <e>n-72 scrii n il w birn. ^hop ind michint thtd, llt ti On ell i


JCTIONEERS: John Wart, Wandell;Jim Maataramllh, Jsrom*

;w»yr-I«»-h*e»rbr*ffci5----- M OTtdByrNoVTl^l <work b no »t.»s*rjw in F«H> Timei-N#w . Our punlilte ta x i------------ ----------------------

S.K“!«:r;r.’;NewGoyprnaS ;,r .S S -"" Demes Any 1i r ? r lu .L u u r ' i* '? P r f i s i d e n (!Mt u “tte • HOBE eoUND. Pla-. :iiiflfltlon since World i-R- - peimylvanla Oo ice coitipJiilf* have fm elect Willlani Scnmion d cl tlip «age increAse rtininr* he wuuld l ^ « P>

, irlrd. unMl Ultly, to wvHic.lw Uid ~ w twt«i«Ipirsi, M^kltiK tlif tiomlnallon. r r tUi«kvtiK atfco af.* “I h '" 'c "o Intention cmaiiiifr ul llnsncUiK Ini;-either llie presldeticy

rxpaiuion. Iii.te.d ol vice prcMdnici in IPM.ica-iiccka many com- under cxirftordliinrx circtve relied ou borrotting e " - ” B-Tanton. whomcTTM p.iymtnti w e callti»\ns 1««-»ir before taxes, and m e extraordinary!U' IwU-prlce. Block. Mauce. he uuJ^would be i■xpect dlvliVnds. but Hepiibllcnii inrty could t

paid out ot a com- niiother cuniUriate and(iflls alter tax net In- ilraliril.I Ihui seem hall-prlce. timik ihc Job of t re's nvote it> lax fates governor » lo s|)eiid hi*iiui than Just the pain priiniylvania problenDill tax fprnjs and get- ace m> ae Aie aixd aohe payments. ous." he said.

a n - D ie r in - ^ i“ ' " r tcc iden t^ STSSTS'^ KDO BEACJL—C aill- Loyolft-unlverslly-here- ■8-Andrcaa^ OlesC. 23- rormer-UiUverslty of D»tt dauehter o t Mr*. 8u- school teKttl. died y .>« of Palo* Verdes Es- after a long lllneta. ilf„ died today ot In- . -v.cBTitBL.te r-B 'fre a lr-ac tld m l LEQAL-ADVERTtSEhgot her head caught I n ------ noT ii^ tii ' ATrA« n«Itnte. IM T iis iiirtw rT v.hukt

waa rushed -to SouthItal Thursday ftfter get- voh the couSTV < iped in Ihe three-fool rAi.tJi, ^ l o u * when four^ ■■,--------eUreen Ihe pltkrl*. ahe wii.i.tAH jcimhaU, . ned breaihlni 'ollowlng x tm rK i* iikhkhV r.i'

IftL C.«iit In Ik. »bo»i k;tor* saltl ahe apparenlly. iiuB.ii .iti.i it; nniwn»^ i in e n t damage, and ahe *<Vp

ADVEIITISEMENTS U sK .* '" .." .! : .“ w i t j

r m ’t?r*t:inm’T Of tiik • (m»:ai,) , - „ jtivei TH JimiriAl. ntnTittCT.M v n o S r^ Y n n w , .

K " “ 11“ S „ E ’. W . , f i„ . ISibllthi Ht*. IS. M. u . Ir. AHTILl, OrrESPANT J»tt__________________

j r IDAUO M"'l* --------------------------------------------,* nam'd iJtttndani, U/n> ~'lin#d Ihtl • Corn- H i T T | j T 1 9

.iriSt M Ik, fliaw of w»h" iJ f y |T T > )* iM N

£ H k v |:J l i l l li'iiMi-SAVE-

\fm t V«iB‘*lTJil'w. ii>« H D T H A.t\9/ '!V^oVln“^^7"i«V u^‘• ,1 - ♦

S a t ' ^ S ' S O n A l l P ic t u i,‘:,';i 'ISJiiv'’^ n X T ^ i ." (printi, illde*, m o.


*■ It. II, IHI

Science Shrinks Piles v-Way Without Surgt )DS Itch—Relieves Pa^ B. T. < i»« i.l» -r«r tka »<• tboroBih

a i .oi f a .


X, N O V E M B E R 211 mllei wulh °* •’" ° ™f Jerom e Golf Courio--------------------- ------------

lunch on Grounda b y C>nyon_Slde_C2][

CATTLE-25,h KACH-HoUtiln eow, milUng now, will f«»i

Mifch n , wiiw 3td t»«. wm S '« * 9*1. •

Soli^i^-Hol.itln eow, will ( M«ch"

aj;llIl--HoMt‘|! cow, v ll

,h .. • Bobby-Hol.uln eow, mllHnfl now, will ftii L Juni 10 with 5ih c»U

B .X -H oi.ttln cow, miiklnfl now. wUl I-» ,K,. I JUM 12. wllh 3<d eaif

fllYin rfiru , 7 Hol.t.In htiftr. du. to f.i.h In A^H ,“h 2 HoUtiin biHtf £ii»*». * ®'‘’

■Ji---------- m h - k i n g - e q u i p m e n :th*n ^ i n firm M u'tr milk eool.r (front optnmi .hin 2’-vnlt Cond* mllVtr-20 IMl*'. mllV tim

2 «1«k wattr tinklilock •w.w ‘"il *'*•'«

__________ M I S C E L L A K I E O U S

.C P Itoiv ."d

'rJ •7»oinS'!o'k'»ovio-w.»o’-i,h HI .i .- K t o . -llh » I .J ~ . ■".< <l«*. v»tT rr«v»kU.

wilh f e e dAppfO*. to lOM •"<* W"!"?

r «0 Appreiimil»1y 4 3'<l "'""O ,,6,1 ■ 300 bill* itriw wllh, p»»lvfi Mtdlng •

I ■ isa^bilti irraw wlih.alUUajitd^ft____ —

72 scri. oltlvitid, 72 ihsf.i of wiltf, 2 b » * ^ ho niry. On oH loid. Conlict G«m St»t. g.illy. Twin

\ S H D A Y O F S A L E

H O R P E r O w n e r —1,11, ClERKt J . W . M tiw ram lA

e f O *m SU f« Twin Fall*

• ^

TimeS'Newt ' 5

Dvernoi'Any Try esidencyOND. Pla.. Nov. ID ylvatUa oovenior- I Scmnion dlspelletl ~ uuld be a presltlen- r -m -iirenod ity -by— d -no inlentlon- of iioii'ilnallon.) Inientlon of teek- - le presidency or the ' icy in 1904. exceptrdlimrx clrcumsiaii;___TBtiion. who Is vft-

aordlnary clrcum- ic'. would be that ths ;nrty could not find tUdnle and he waa

Ihe job of Uie new to s|>end hi* elforta. am* problems slnc« icule aiul *0 iiumcr- 1.

E fison-D ira--------------. Nov. 18 U-ni-TllB .

r of philosophy a l ' ersliy—here—and—I*— erslty of D«troll4aw— fi{. died yfstecd ty Illness.


jtiiiiciAi. Di.HTiiitrr TATK t)K IDAIIO, IN HE COUNTT o r TWIM l.lTr^n. TMMII.ttUIIAU., D.f.ndt'iit - IIKHKIIY r.IVKJ* Thai

^jL w S juIT 'lha* *U

M WDCKEOK, 1 biTt ir Hand and t(fli.4 mr ai tih iMf «t Nttimbtr.

T. w._BTiy ita_

BAYrioRN. BATnOIWAllon>.T. tor i’lajBtlft r«ln I'alla. l<Iib«.

IS, M. U, t». 10. tl ,

fAVE— -TO 40%III Pictures,iIlde«,m ovitt)


PilesSurgery—'es-Pain—;b that aalTarar* iaad( lUtMDiBta Ilk* “PUa*

I lo b« ft probUmr rlir«¥*Wb-iaIla-i-*Bl.f- >-D7ti**)-dUeoT*t7 ' ol- HSUS raliarth Instltnta.

tr» er a(al«ual /» m Dana Pnparfttiia : tanaljltfc AilniUttmtnS

f f l

R21o f Jerome or

n Side Grange

now, will f>«ihtn fllvf t gil. whtn

ttjhin Mirch 15,

ttihin Mirth 2S,

fl now, wlit-ft«ih- -~ ~

now, will fiiihtn

now. will riithtn

Jliilltn rttardi

1 In April I Kilhi old

I P M E N T — -(front optning)

]>l. milk cint


l E o y s, poiiti 2 ilttttie inclng. dO ctmtn' mo>< irlieltt too

-20'i40’ bwlidlng .• wlndowt tnd _

culling tlfilfa. ling tlfilfi' 'Hiding .

2 bsdraom homa, lily. Twin Fslli. ee

er— ------*anmltli Twin Falh

Page 6: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

_ Twin Fillt TImet-Nevrt Mof

— ^ s 6^ A H

: / # ■











v t M onday, N ov. 1 9 ,1 9 6 ? ‘

. P IE F O R ' T H A N K S G IV





\ -■Y -

I N S . . . .BNINC^r • . . ! « • m


. . . . . .-2.4Creme 2:

. . 4 ‘

AIL...5iUS-^^ * . . . . - . . — 1

. . . . . . ^ 2• • • • • • • • '

• • • » - r - y - n r

Spice 2 7

B M iS B- \

2 i l 7 ‘ c_ -gj.— --------- - — 3or;

* ----------- DOUILUCK

2 i 4 5 « ~ ~

1 ^ ; : ^ ^ : _ _ Q

j L lj 8 5 t z i i '

5 i 89‘....................................................................21 1 «


8 o:

2 n s= ^

029 ?- - - - - - - -- — ------ PIT

4 0 « H O

• • ■ f T V 20’ 1_______ ^ _ _ _________ ^ J B R l


L 'I ^ B ^ r

l e a n

^ U l

G REEN BEi3 0 3 c a n t - “j f l P ”

- DOUBLE.................. ............... — V -LUCK ........................................... J f fe

G O L D E N S»-■ -1— N o . - 3 - e o n i -------- --------------—

ROYAL ' 3PD iM rc W fo

PIN E A PP211 can t * D fllM ente / | CHUNKS or TIDBITS ......... " T 'f<


— ^ R £ A M -C H E E S E -=8 0 2 . KRAFT P U IN OR PIMEN

“~ C H E E S r W H i m Z22 OZ. DEL MONTE


- p i n E r o L i v E s —25 ' KAISER ,




" A " G R A D E F

TOMSn m r



n+iNs t ::C h .c t your locci AGDUCKS - GEESE ond ROASTING IKEYS) th a t will add greotly t o you



B E A N S S/

I-Y A M 5 =Broi 3 fo r 1»00 ^ D J > r S _ ,

X;U/w^l»s.<^■<v^^^X>N/wg^ W N ,^W S /S ^

lPPL E s >...4 'f o r 8 9 c SHILLINI

25 FEE

3 9c - SAR.R PIMENTO M 8. ^

■... . . . . 3",0,1.00 CANNO 1

iLVES .. .. . .. . 39c DOGJfLECT 4 /2 0

~ -4771:00— BAB50 CO

L .. . . . . . 3 ,„ 8 9 c DINI

... . ■: ■-

HiiiH I



5 ...3 <5 . . . 4 ;;h t u r k e y s

V V V— . 4 3 c i b .

T T T r r T ^ T i T l b .a t D epaitment for a eompioto u icc i kSTING HENS (olio a few "C“ greda y to your holiday dlnnort.

U SA G E ib 5

SALAD DRESSYQ t-S fxe---------- — -------------------------- IMIRACLE *W H Ip-nnr::;:..;.;...... ______________ — *

Bfowii^j! Serve IEDDY'S ..-.. ... -_ 3 fer 1

SA G E LEAYSHILLING ................................ A for i




DOG FOOD.. ..... . . . . . 14Y2 OZ. GERBER'S STRAINED




mi h r -

I b . T " ^lot# lelccH on of "C" gredfl TUR-



rve Rolls ^ . 1 . 0 0

AYES 2 .,2 5 c

39ij t

-------~ 29i

....>1ED ’ -5r. .

— 4 w 4 3 i

; ..........2,.,49i

_______ __ _____ ' ___


Page 7: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

s fresh PROPl



s t i i

r o p e f------------

CREAM COg} com m III- ■ % , io n n ------------------------------ f o r

CRANBERRY S/i cam ... ........ ................ ... _ m:iA H »R AY — ----------- f l . —

/holi Of Je tlted __________ for

mcniEsi^RTEO I A UVORS............. ........... I V h r


t - — --------- ---------^ ........-


H E A D S _

r u c f :

E R Y ^F L O R ID A ,

s f r u iP

C O R N IVlayi5 ,.j9 c ]_ H L

r SAUCE Poif e a 9 e I SC H ai,IN G

ESERT ” Bl!0 fo r 9 5 c J IF F Y _____

1 . 2 1

E Vl..c

H l i z z r J

g r n j g g j r —


E 2 ^

4 2 ^

Moyonnaise^ressi. Size A'Sm.... ..... is

Poultry Seasonmm i , I N G ........................ . . . . 2 for 2

T IS C O IT T W nli.......:._ _ _ .....3 fo r IJ

, 1 l l . CAM 6 3 c

I Gillette's 0

----------------- ----------------- t l - O Z - O Tmy

-------------- ------------------- J O J ^ Z ^

---------------------------------- 5 c -0 F P ! -N I

1 9 ‘ Ch18 O Z . PIL

CAI H ^ l # 8 O Z . BALI

• 5 B l8 O Z . PILL

j g , J l8 O Z . PILL

— B l

— ~ — n F R 0 2. • 2 2 O Z . PU/iressmg— | i |

__________ 10 oz. VA'

;onmg S I1-0 O Z . V A

--- -------- ,----------- L--------6 -0 Z .-P A S C

" i » r w » , 1 . 0 0

SBBHIl e's of Declo

•O Z -G E jS W A -...... .......... ......................

nANDARIP i-O Z .-X R A n i-M lN lA T U R E _______

HIARSHM-O F P !-N E S T L £ iS - l 2 -O Z .----------------

ChocolateO Z . PIL L SB U R Y .

: a k emD Z. B A LLA RD 'S





rrRAWEO Z . V A LL E Y -H l

{ASBER)Z .-P A S C O --------------------- ------------

m m<r

t h r

• .-r

-■ ‘ - ■ - - .Jiflond«y.Woy.-:

RINORAI MAtrovi te Morse liXES. . . IIITS V .i lT S ^ il l TS „DS

O IE S l




THRU NOV. 24th

.-r • . • ■ ' ■

i«y .W ov..l9 ,-1862— ,T w ;n-F«ll»-T )m «4fey

ANGESSi l IWS 2 3sels 3*

. . 3 i * l , C

. . > . . 1 1r T T V v T i

. . . . .4 '

r mm mt u Mc m ^




-T ?m t-K ew y— — ■'--------

s i ^ r "

F 3 ^

1 . 0 0


4 0 u

M :m


Page 8: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

WondayTNovTTVrTW?- TwIn Folli Tim et Nev

$800 RaisedDuringEastej

“Seal^Tfction-About UOO « u rftlKd duni

tde £ u te r B«tl ctn tcr commur Uy Buctlon n t UcM ahu-* (um tuT« tlort FiUtr m d UlanU Ttpont M n. M«le picrce. <Uft, to r « Ih* Tirla KtlU centtr.

People i f 0>e auctlen U bid t Uw lUmi." Mn. Pierce u td .

K n . Pierce u id the 'a fce h « l tJit ftueUon n iaed mo, U: m m m ije u ie brougdt In *boi 1176, MO Jrom UiB T * ln p w Junior club hot d o u and cofTc »*le and more ihan |j ( » rrora Hi •u e th tt tiM ll.

P ro « td i Jrom Ih , .ucllon wl - - b e u^ ._ topu reh*M eguipmer

a n a improve - (he f«elllUu~t(] ^ a U n e n t of *p«eh and hearln

«fTce Mid ererylhln aold a t Ihe auction waa donate. i r Twia biwntMi f ir m

_ ^ fe i i lo n a l pwple. «rvlee club. ' T w in -n to -m ldenu -and aevera

“J P M t to thank evfTjronewh donated the liema to r Uie auc m>n and the perjon* who help ed.“ ahe tald.

-Open House- Set-Tuesday At New Office

yADUTELD, NOV, IB - Open nouw in the new telephone

Robert W eti, mana*tr of tJie Parm a aiKl rairfleW office wiu tw ;m«ent and fctrs. W tbb will be ta Cham ot m rtahmenia. Mra. OhMlta WattrtHoy j* u,® }« a j o w t o r aod aecretory.

•nw ^ « « « " >» byttio IVltijfioM comiwny.M ln j l e ^ d e n t s y n m *tUi of-

In Panm , u owna lines Jn; • pMta of WtBtero Idaho a i far '

M^ltoCoU. The (Irm u w t i o f to mU Unet to

_ t h e dial ayrtem. M rfie ld waa d»lWt-to th«dial-.,M «n-NoT.

ro r the ftrrt Urae P'alrfield h u tdepbone lUree-

to»y. w e oontp«my iw M a four- _ ! » « • , folder of aubacrlbora about

« Jw W 'lw eit-ir«8 -fncom pj«* . U hM alnoe extended Un<« to -.. .to«b*S»»ore«abaeTlber».- •

W orld w r I. I tT O *5Jd In Jxme,• lM I. by Mr. and Mra. Alph D*!,}.

Win utjo had opemted t t for n r w * . H arryB ean. Botoe., <rt th* 0 « n Tele- phoM q n q w ty who tn turn »old I t toth*jc?»enti.owoen.

Lola wort puKiwwil' .‘acK ia trom tfM H tf le U tu iger tU -

■ tlon and a ataeeo buUdln* etocV- — *<l-tDiiou4e.U»8 offfce « w equip*

ittehJ. C r ttti naTe bem-VwUiioJor month* t tu to g out c/ie oM line* and ptdfis a ed IntiAUms new n le a and Une* ta d oxt«od- ^ O then haTB been busy ; fe*(affiaf-~«J[B,preaW«i a p u p -

- - 0 ^ dW

loe*i lyaten la th * - f i i« _ in T s l xauloo to hare th e K ta n h e rv

XU-UIU City are*. l

Famed Atom i Physicist \ Dies at 77

C O P S S tu a e if, j y e a m i i c k , N ot. l» tn -D r. Nl«is Bohr, one * o f the cenluiyli leadta* nuclear I PbytielitA. u dead a l TI. t 4 H« »M »UIcken hy a heart * t- 5

_ Sohr. a a ah*ent>mtnded m t- feuo r admired by tehoUra for ^

w aa n ^ e d aeeond only to the a

_ mateatfllTlni jihyal twho worked w ith ilo h p on Uie “ dSTdopinrat of (he atcmte bomb i to th# paited SUte*. Beth* of I JU uca. W. r - u U DahFt d e sM '

, ^ j r e a a »old which nobody ou t (

aimllar tribiitea came troni , r j . 0 1 ^ T . Seabotf. chairman « of (h» V. a atemJc energy cam - nl*»lon:. s ir John Cockcraft. the lewUnc BrlUah atomic aclen- C til t ; .fapaaeee fAibef prfM -w tt- T

____ ner Hldeki Yuk*wa, and other 1(

B ^ r a t the a n of 38 plo- O neew l exploration of the atom JO

E u g e n e T a te , 46, S T a k en b y D e a th

I0M8SIU,T. NOT, 19-B ui*ne u L . T ali, UteUme Kimberly o

l i b e r t y ^ , a h li Ufe. H e V j U e ^ Kimberly achoola and ^ had been aaaoclated with th e po- ^ UU> toduttiT Unce he waa a boy. S

. B r e t t h S e r f * ^ ! * ^ I~aen*-Murpio...ftSrlch,_M JFuneral eerrtoei ar* peadU a ' f

« t WhJto teortuwy, h

' "" A tT lflJJ l U l t s ------—. lOiroON.*Nor.-W S?

wrtiB t author a it t o n t Lea ”— - Bax..1S. died here yesterday. B w 5?

HM>I* Ilia |ili>i Illl 1T u»• SSw* "Tlnie ' gm t h ft O lft o f Teira." u id the c t M i f t r a m » l c jw e i t^

, _ S O IS r , N or. 19 u n -C itr tf cIG o H Idaho ^ r natlonjil loard for m<t o v U Capt. R obert A. Ctup; reertiltui_ . --------- f lth tc r froup , anaounetd fiuniU:I . O a f A l * P*rschu(e r tc re r to coolu and j a s i c i year m m u ry aerrlce obUgation.

r f 4 n t l — FALW. K et.’i T

alKd dunn« •< th e N aU eul PeUlo[ * r ^ m u n . tomnDtU*. H*lh Ntlb»B:

^ t u S ‘S* I* to' l e r « ^ c . i»« " * « . A » * rk M Falla. alt»<a « n i« ? r ' • •

a n J i i i S S i .. tafiet-of-tmlt«d-«am{>*lin» M-llv. ,1“ gain mom entun) Ihlt » e rt. TOe

h . ‘'r r fllufM w ri^ ^ ‘0 «U e to

■‘x w t «''0-‘»0 haa been ra

% and coffM POCATEIXO. Nar. I t Ifr-Coa 103 from the n a jk In . j , , „ ta „ | „ tt

Mbool band t« march In Ihe N aucllon will in PaaAdcn*. CalU. New eontrlbut

e egulpment ____aellltlU-Top -McCAM M ON. Nov.-M.LB-Fout. and hearing BUnda>-when the ear ihey »fre i F t iu EaatCT u . 8 . highw ay 81-181 and 10 lour «oIH ~itrce t s n UimeB'BTenn-a borroc plt afi

were O . Mreelco, <3. Pocatello; I t ererythlng ACeer IV. 4, and Chrli llartne, i

vaa donated • ----- -ineu firms, POCATELLO, Not. J» tr i- id ib o m ic e clubs, annoal convention here Haaday i and aeverAl do«a_by_bad weather. Mil O aar

said about 150 peraona had^ regllt feryone who tlon. About 2M to : h persoiu ar« f or the auc> fcla In to full suing, t who help- —

GARDEN VALLEY. Nov, 19 « u____ wns killed Sunday when the plcku)

"** II ■111" " iV-V mnfl r r ftr'h fre a 1 1 C A - BUte pauolm an Jack Dewaid or

-----I W i - a m l th r M . '- - .................. .....

? n v - OROFINO, Nov. 18 ( f^ A nor((i * * * 7 be will call f c F n fiU U U re Inveil O p» a t th e 1»03 acsslen. Hn\. Cy C bu

T f i p p n e an c en e n t after the nenU l ht Medical aawcUllen toured (he ho

IB — Open employe*, b a t did not hear from fer telephone * W«l»® p*»chl*(t(»(. beadfd (fas /

'rom 1 to 4 ■ . “ “ — --------------------------- rB O ia E ^ O V .,I« _ (n 7 ^e n - FWnk* tr of th e Sunday for % tour o iW e PafT n office WlU senato foreign relation* committee.(bb will b« --------lehla. Mra. POCATELLO. Nov. 19 tfl-T b* 3

the iocaJ Idaho weelgrowers assoclallen waa f. E. Burger. dIrMtor of pobllo reUiOftTied by company, Paaadena, Calif, tald tl eonipany, a cuatomer and never let him fs rr

I «-tth o f- sheepmen for their prometlenal pro u line* in try'a own members without belp fro ho a i f a r — —- e (trm U D orSB, N or. t i M>-A panel dJ*II Unca to questions o f member* of the Idaho 'field WAA traction on today’s agenda ol the : *(«n-NoT. Id ab o .8 t« i« Chamber o t Commerce

question &nd *ns*'er pregram~wer* irfleld h u Payottc. and Carl C. Moore, D., t me dlree* C enarruta, R , Blaine, And T. V. ' !d 4 four- '>ers about K O 8C 0W . Nor. I» M ^T be North xomplw*. w*>-l8l4_thU week-end a Joint stad;

Un<« to highw ay W oveFTa0»0Bl-p*s*-l*-*jtj * ,- l*r. O . Bryce Bennett, Idaho stat4jany - v u s tn d r <* b e la r eondueied by the ld«> td during departaseni*. Beonett said -two all 1 In June . *U «re«l-« .u rfaee hJghway over (biJphHaW* :----------------------- .

£ K I O O F - E o o d s“^ T r a i n V isits ; K S iV a U e y A re a ■ ,I w w U iia HAILEY. Nov. lO-i-Tho-Odfl “ i . Pellow food train. Ancient MysUc im s m iw Order of Samaria, stopped a t tha 1

Hailey lOOP- hail a t «:M tm . Saturday and picked up contrlbu- I U o6»^nim e'm bet* of th* Haller ‘

friend* of Ihe otder. v —Prit* -O r»o»-.w a»-d rtie d ateve Dorchak and LouU B t e w n in

t o T ^ U asslated h im load the tfuek. w a rc c r - —Q rana i l in slfinned in BeUevue. P

Shoshone a n d flooding for d o n a - l^ _ Uon* to th e tra ln and then drove p

on to BU**. where he Joined the A i m »"Wn car»v*n a l I p jn . Th* A l i U tra in sta rted a l Salmon City o n l i l

■ Friday. Richard young. Salmon. , p u t grand master of the lodge, ‘ brought tlj* load from Salmon • ' to K etchum , where Or«ce picked f r

_ . It up . ! r............. D orchalc. dUWct depcly grand coia m a r f c m * » t« r- ln -6 h arf« -o t,th e /liB ln u , | «hr. one *or d is tric t No...?, *Ute* thU Is

nuclear t*o f » » t Ume tha food train n . baa been » lodge project. II M..r» a t . become an annual affair. . h £ r ^ O the r train* wm cover tha entire . \

l.vMdonation* f r e m w u tS ^ / f b J

J S ^ ^ l S o i o . TtMhed C*ld*eU Ute " t o t h e Sa tu rday e re a ln g ..

among H ero th e food wa* given to mtury. lira lim iit u i Uw-41l»r4 h*.hnm« ^ I Bhyaiclit elderly OddfeUow* and Re-SWe! t J

i'SvJ Form er R e ^ m t p Of T .F . Passes f e

, O N T /JU O . O re, Nov. IB-Ru*-f a l S =““*>■• «■nrday In Ontario. . j i "«kcr*ft. H « WM bom J * a 3*. 3905,,'in c h f c *clen- C uanlngham , Wash. He llvtd In tend iM-wln- Tw in PaOl* for 14 year* prior to j„ . j d other 1M3 and opented the Dllley 0- tn jck line. In JMJ he moved to ~ h n Bio. O nW IST 'H rttim W B lW -a 'w eed TOiei e atom Ja ““ March 8, 19»- tJtMi nujale^ Survivor* Include hi*.widow:^ hi* parents, Mr. and Mt*. Amo* M

D lll^-. Eugene; one son, Everett H Mg* R uucU Dllley. Ontario; two 1

4 u « brother*, five *lster«, two grand* M .ff ' children. I ^ |t h P uner« l «enlee* wUl be a t 3 H

■ p jn . TUe*day a * B e r u U o n - l^ l .Eugene Uenk»em p«r funeral ch*pel I n f ^ l Imberly o n u r lo . Final rltra are *el I n ^ ^ l Ight a t O ntario .. - - H

ISIS.' tn .SA IL O R TRAINED f H - ta .the _M A brRM A N . No» lB_nn>»rt H«e. .. .................. I l l ........ M>1* and l u ^ t T: Adolf, route 1, Hager-

m an. complete* recruit training } * Wedne*day a t the tvaval ta lnlng “ beriy cen te r. s * n Diego. _

E® Does BLADDER J - JRRITAIION jf™- P i v - " ^ S S S S S " ~2i

. i s S « w l E ‘S ‘3•Time -----------nd the otbt« at erwiuu. rt*i tautr'iut. j

A r o u n d I d a i r oR-Careef opefUna h*re Iwer ^ lo O r f U>« ' »*rd for men without prior-military *enlcfc IP. reeraiung projeci o J tiem Sof the 134th iced Sunday. Openings, he said, range from cook* wtd WlU s*Uify requlrem enu of a l* . - obUgation.

), Nev. }» ir» F e U le row er* la thte arcs ' >iani*T » tu rap0p »a rteeat

>Dsl Pet«l« ecMUill »ilH IliF iislU nal piilil*M h Ne/wor, Trbt*. p m S itM i>l l i e I t v i h PaUta Grawlnr aod MorKcUog a>*«eUU«a,

inaed la «»« lrt* lbr»U r Ja A s f r k s a Foil*. Falls, altmded thc jneeUDg* a t Waahlagteii,*« a ecvoUlU* m ttaU r.

j» tf>-poc*j#llo businei* firm* will be the «lin* M-ilie |l3 4 M 0 -fw d -d d v « .tr le i^_ K f. —

werk. T5)6 luniJ drive itaU ed ewUer thi* figures acre sidelined by tllne**. But a new 10 r*Ue to the balance of the 1134.000 goal,

ho* betn raised to pay tor the operation of

I t in^CoatrlbQllen* have poaaed Ut* tM< to rsiM U.MO to send tbe.PocaU lle high

tl In the New Year-, d a , parade ef rote* rw eomrlbuyoo* BaWrd^y were » » .

',9 tesldcRU « tr e injuredthey »ere riding in skldded 'offlw -eO Tetrt - ind 10 jour mllea north of McC*mmon. Ttie jrrow plt alU r leevlng-th* r t*d -T be4nJu ttd »oc*iello; Ir* WcAteer. J4: Charle* W. Mcr Is Il*r«ne. *ge unavailable.

9 ifwidsbeT^oelgrewer* opened theU 76 ^ re SaadST night, bot alteadanee wm beld

Mil Claar. »etreUry of the organlttUoa.had- r« m te t< a -fo e - tb e -th r* ^ y -« o a T tt. ^V * expected by th e lUn* Uw neetlag

Nov, IS «V-A S*-ytat-o5d Em m ett w « ^ n the pickup trueK »h* was driving *Wd?ed "Ar fre and down.a steep embftnkment. Dewaid 01 '«om*ii_wa* -

^ -A north U fU uicr bMlaUve inv*itlrmtltm-«l aU to -h o * p lt^ .ao n hn . Cr Ctiwe. 0 , Benewah, made Ui* * a -

n e n u l health committee ot the Idaho ired (he h«ip(t*». Ae*r<f r l e n o l . . r Irom lo m e r eroptoje*. Dr. Dale CortwU.■,d(d (be /lve-m*n eommJHee.

sJrn. m n fc ChurcR. D , Id*.. M l IdahoW e'P af'D U rt'on*an-***l|nm fln t.lo r.,il«committee.

1 u i - T b t JflOi annaaj conveaUon «f th e J» » -.tallen wa* uoder way her« to ^ y . I< »pH _Uonpatillo rtUUiOM h r (he « . V. Noelb**r ___,llf, Uid the woalirowers “heTer forget r p

lut btip from (he federal roverumeiit. j Q .

I p*nd'"di*c0Ml0n *m> new*men ssU n i t the Idaho legislature waa the main a t- - p Id* ol the 3flih all-Idaho congrcM of the |;1 ^ r commerce. Scheduled to ap i»ar on the3 i«m -w era-fien*.-Jam «*-A .-M cC luit..^ . _ B E!o « e? D , Net Pcrce, and Rep*. Peto T . jg titnd T.-V. Terrell. D. BonncieK. comr

------- . • lum i-The North Idaho Chamber of Commeree S*.P, Joint stndy of a aew rout* for InU ntaU gh

T.Sbr «j* ld*bs *nd Jitoataaa sU te highway lid two •Uem aU » “ te* - are being eon- ,, *y over lb* p a u *ad a tunnel.

■ “ ■7 J : • —

d ------------ N e w - t o . Z o o . _ .SALT LAKS'CrTY, Nor. M g“i,' ts t f l-T h « S alt like too t>u ^

t* o new tenant*. • . f l u ,

athe Uogio too Sunday night

ho~oaa - * f t « - ' j i n —8,000*mile—fligh t—c mSSc Iroma«Taraag*lp«Jt -dV tth* In Sidney. Atistralla.“ *JI. «t«e Ml®*!*onlruS- B«t to s a l t U k e CUy from , 2 ”a H allfr QMlJU. Atutrallan Air5 - S which opened offloe* bar* a l* .. ^•a jo K l ”»"»»» __________________*nd 1S te v e & i______ ■ ■- J - luIiiA

^ C h ieM tB oard^ Praises Fanning sJS

0,1,™ As Key to Peace »3 » ^ < * BALT W K E c m r . Nov. 19 t* I ■« 1 * 1 ’ —The director of the Utah water PAH

and Pcnrer board. Jay R. B ln j- Harris ham. Bundtky tow rntmber* o t «haltw thff Utah Junior Chamber of bllUal

[ grand commerce th a t farming m ay be Will!lhe-k*y-U> world p e flc t_ ---------- man, t

thU “ The Joycets-ncld-thelr Norem* ber; an ‘ her quarterly eon/erence~*t the wlUon

Prudent!*! Federal auditorium. Thej Bingham told the Jaycee* th a t * t thj

I enure ^ U jj ^ K ld ’a p«opl« go ‘lo bed Jjungry every nlfiht. He _

-“ r t l l Mid. T h e producuon of food and w them jib t r a n j w ilT tF T J irw w w -to I Ute world peace." H T ,

S^|lQlliBLD3inagea_ H Caused by Crash “

-------------M T Penr. wtw. 10 — p.mKgM .estimated a t more than UOO re- t i

B i l l *uUed from a t«->car coUtilon *t 13:30 p. m. Saturday on P ttr e ii

a bet*-een po w th and PUth t t m u .-A J909 ffldwnobUe driven by

, LaRAO Blacker. JO. Rupcrl, W _ ^ being p»rk«: a t (ho curtj when 5

the car wa* struck by a IH l » 3 „ in c h w o lo t drlve.'i by Roger We»* ved tn tendorf, 15. Rupert, who Wai fol- rlor to }„ in g OldsnvsbUe.DlUe; Damagca to th e OVtencfcUe ved to *et a t J?o. and to the Cher-

l a n n itrT U C T ■ ■ ■, 1B59. tJpjis.


— ^ B a t a n f » 7 > T i y ! W B F « ¥ ^ a; p W j N l M i l H i l i l l• " Need m oney TODAY? It’s a s near as

Give us a call. Chances am your mo Buy^new clothes, s belter car, or pay

a - , • C I T Y F I N A N C E C 0 ^

a ? 217 Main Ave., East— Ptone; 733-

3 | *ZSSSTO •I f Ji»ibJ

the '’ *ervlc«. be J34(fa ic« from

a u -

bb area '

« faarth

10 FalU. blagtoa.

be Ute

Her thUt * ne*

atlon of ' ^

be MM


«>. The

w. Mer

»lr ' u btU luU oa .



.noM h be a a - Idaho

two erlUcally. Th* r*eer bumped am of t t e J t »»«rtled ihroufh Ih t ale, rtpplog a fCMph Uen that had been occupied by *t*t elbaar* ■" ' ' ~ —

3 '“ T r u m a n T o p s D i n n e r S la te »

S S; F o r I s r a e l- SR i ■ngyy-Hi.v H IU S, C#1W, uov. ,

!to T . IQ I’r t - A gala filale o f I i r« e i in ,' c^m endaU on dinner U*t n ight eie

turned Into a ttsUmonlal for -Uu meree s*.Pre*ident Harry S. Truman, a*

Sharing a head Uble with a u rt • « r .noC*«l-guMt*.:fla_ r«n , C l i b ^ «*• Jaek Denny and o w T p ^ Bradley, Trum»n shotred hi* de

*““ ■ m a a itn io t -tbe «;ulck, <iUl9_on __t|0: several occulon* and "’arned —

— ... u a ln a t "poIlUcal budget'cutters-and "saiUIng RusiiiBf,::___ • - j l f l

Th« dinner honored Tmman ata« ' n r " ■|ndni-oUjerfamcm* person* for

ttjelr *ervlcei to the B ute of Is- U l " •* rael. T im a n tomtoiiUiJ t h t « • n u

fair u each speaker told an .a n -y e a recdote about him. eei\«

,„h i A crowd of about BW P«raona ,ut* !*£ !_ i t t c n d td - th e ^ e L to ^ Bev- jtm oK i . eriy Hill* Hilton hotel, sponsored ^

by U»e Lo* Angeles com m ute. , , - 8U U ol iK tU bond*. ^ . *ar, J

■ • -Truman told the *udlence tha t ^ American* m uit "bewarB of

people who beUlOe U»e danger* —' S*H-ssHirbt u.. w mm 5“S____ * n d who use the smiles ot the

ftSfliHriolusUrrKiifliminrar, t^iCMe*." .|on<

»0* Truman urted that.Uie United »& SU tes maintain a strong defense,

'Five Elected«aU r I-AIRFIELD. Nov. 19 - Boyd Otag- Harrison. Hill Clly, was elected “ ’ r* of chairman of the agricultural sU - T of blllMllon counly committee.«y be w nilam A. Simon Is vice ch»lr. •

man, O ltnn Miller, regular mem-W?7and D<SlltrCtMr*nd W mani --------

t Oir Vnison, alternate* . lum. They will begin ihelr term* . th* t » t the beginning of Uio fiscal ^

go year, Dec. 1.____________, < 5^

I a^d P g g TIMES-NEWS w a n t ADg; ^ z! T -MoviesrSlWeJ,-^ - —

P r i n f s . . ." J ) ; -Too N .m . II Hid

t o Sympac Saves — Yob $ $ $ . . . ^


fser- _______________________' H M H H V I H I ' ~


m m - : .

______ Ia s near a s your TEIERHONE. m your money will 1» waiting, — cor, o r pay oJf oWbUlSi---------------- *

C E C O M P A N Y ■ —hone: 733-8405, Twin Falls

Its poft nnldenUfled speeUtor from bene.Un S f t lS a H a r n n e 'a e e ia w t 'a t^ P b o ta l i f rA ^A»mptd m a th ev ; then w*M e a t o l watro) Is , ripping a wire restraining fence, before Uni «d by a tandlag specUtora. |AP wirepboto)

Honor T iWASKUiOTON. Nov. 19 t o

S m - T h e Rational AnU-Vlvl. Wa e e t l o n aoclety yMterday ” asked former Vice Presidenta ich a rd M. Nixon to be li* 1 , 2 honorary president.

NOV. C l a r e n c e t Richards, pji, Itraei “ iriahaglng'dlrectorof-tho so-— Two' night eJety, told Nixen Jn a wire' th a t "your love o t animals, pitaiiman. a* exempJl/lfd by yOUr eon- earauch ■ eem for •'Checker*’' ithe crashbum Nixons' dog> and other hu- ing <jJbhQ' —W ttn o -ac ts -w a k ts -T o u -o n -------Tlie

hl» Ideal choice for th is pOsJ- M il 5.J on Uon." the b'rn ia ............ ........... - - • - —ter*-

MembersKip Pins ;£ Given Grangersi a f . BUHL, Nov. 19 — Tft-«nty-flve and i

year memberahlp p im Were pre- injury acnted to Uve penoa* Aurlns pot- ^>*P

•sons lut* dinner meeting of the Lu« them ccme_OranEq Friday night. ' .when

ileeeivlng-.ippclal rtCTffniUon ^ J ” pin* a-ero M r . ^ Mr*. Pel* Te- sar, tSr. and Mr*. 'n«*Ra5 Hejt- .» .» > manek and Arnold S^ancaia. ?

®* Master John Dayl* made U)e pre- «»cnlaUon.T.,Blrthday,honor*_wcfit • ____

‘2*' to Joo Kudlac. jJ^ __Mr..janri MriL J o to P»vl^ gave ■ .__

‘ a report OR « a ie Orange alon* held recenUy ,a i Coeur.i

Oee.*7. A report on «hooJ • opwaUon* will be given iQ’ a * n faculty member of Souihem id*- « i fJ lu> coUete a t UU* meeUng. J .

. Member* of the loatng (cam of •;*Ji? the O range a tto d an c o contest ! it* , hoatw^ the dinner. t m . .

• o m i o m PTa o o n an o I / '


_a^tw oto aeoTCH wmukTi M tgi>&»»«tMrit

■ ' M

. KLtX KDOl Twlo Falls B«Ue Channel t l C bw ntl \

Cable 6 Cable 1 ABC-NBC- Cas

CBS ______________~ > 1:00 Oii)« a Utrrut! J unl»< tJ

' US OmI. a u .to « I-VM..4 ■ V ' t>««« |>


7:00 ntnnr THoriu in«cinr TVnu.iCl :IJ D«nny T»omM OMRr 'Itoiiiu ( aVa & a ' , s ; I t n i ' . a i a i e

g;M Cornu Vm m I U rtiu YooH U

l i sri-r'^lang""*' ?----------- ‘ S e

. :30 Pirrr Mmm Sknrr'llutkt (u• - frrr, Slnn>T_|.„,W p.

. * ^ ilS r m i U>.M (T .lU U tM li S1i iSO Ciir s 't.i

rs;j* {***»^" Im’"*

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tha t h eoUege Jt wa«


n .of ^ <leo)»l


said C


^ H S |M | | | |H | h" 'TNJ

£ | | 1^ . » oi

[ i l lDm beneath Elmer (^eorge'*-crashed

before Unding upside down In a see*

;z““’ pT w o I n j u r e d K

;• W l ie n R a c in g B “ C a r G ’a s l ie s j *ds, PifOSf^lX. A ri t, Nor. 19 w - Two'penons-were-erlUcally-la. — f.A . Ire Jured and 31 other perjson* hos- l | Ils. pluilzed Sunday when a racing «■ ear driven by Elmer Oeorge he crashed Into a crowd of stand- u- ing speftatoi*.an-------.'n\c-ucldent-nccurr«d.w .ltte^l• ; m l*p of the lOO'mlle finale of

Uie big car season. A crOKd of B H | liOiB filled Uj»_»UU. J a ^ i M - M B ; slandi.

_ _D iyll_Jnm e*, 18. Seotiad*le, _ i m i n s ArU;- end--Pred-aovilhelr,

Phoenix, were InjumS «Klc*l\y. r - Driver Oeorge, 34. Buffered cut*' on Ute chin. f*ce and right hand U H ■five and underwent surgery tor an W T J J^ pre- Injury to hi* left ahoulder. pot- Deputies aald Oeorge told V M S Lu* Uiem he lost control of his car

when he h i t lht> bumper ot a -m 'dnT fn-bT -C huelrH ulse-of - I K V Downey. Calif. - . . - . B w

lejt- ........................................ i i . i . j 6l£*ef(W« • ; rtorga SS -G allon . ; . 1 1 ^

« ;---------T R A S H ^ ; Wlwg!t;— BARRELSHijSSS ^ , ^ , 5 0 - 4 ^m l • • W ■ ^


151 R oie Street I

^ _____T h ^ —

I IProclaims:

^ ------------------m S l P re m iu m Scotch

2 1 available tollie peop le ." S 5 F *

Enjoy the King's W l^ o w n s c o t c h . I C K K IS JI

\ FIRST Woof.atM ritio iMro»t[»«.ao..H .v, i

MONDAY, NOVEMBEBKDOl KT\T» KID K jpBobe Boise Idaho Fan* Idaho Iisnnel J C hanneH . Chancel J Chaan,^ le J Cable J ABC-CBS NBCc a s ABC.NBO

::j ■ S K 5 ::;: S S . ”_______ llulNlftVIt lluftyWfTy 7 f t S l o p

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- chl’T * • S '” ' ’***"rTibu, 's°tj;tltri!l, F,i„ I. KtfM 4,<. firi/nih S.lni., m.

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ANDERSON, s . c , Nov. t» IP - The achool aegregaUon b ifrlen to tnteo

- « > P » . m k ‘ \“• W"" I

“ Itthat h e be adaiJUed to Clemson coUesea i

m .U l.rtto i i * , " S c« wa« fouBded 73 ye*»» ago. Oeorgia

• ^ twen studying orehl- Texa*

W tWarMUWrifc who reeeatJy *g*loit « ” ^ “ *«‘J ' ' r * temporary UniverHty

laJUMUoa hecuWng 0*ntt's lm.l»tudent». mediaw admlsUon to Clemson i

C l e a ^ President Robert C, 'n tY T t t !E d w ar^ tesUflcd a t Uiat hearing -------------that G an tt had hot completed k i a

M Oregard to admission of Negroes. PM

------Ibe_D*_S._4Uj circuit court of ■? r oappeau u ^ e ld JuH je 'W jrthet

.^^ifenW oftheiJU uncuoB. and sent the case*BK rW -ntBrfirtriiJT--


' ■‘ '■'THE BEST OF KNEMJES- •- H l l k5t«rrfng OAVIO NIVCN tnd '

__ Infrodutlng SOIDl J U m iD

- ~ - K » . HOP£-.^UJC!at BAIL '“FANCY -*'■ ~ J S r S 2

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• Bhow Tl«e*~l

— ^ fiSBmtsraur Rf.

f IRST *UGIC VAHEY showing rma

M B E R 1 9 ^ 1 9 8 2 —

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Th^-S tSJU »>HJo«irBfr' | UlHl«t 1 1 ^ K«

f e d f e d l l g d i H-‘'S *»««'« B'«fW ffft,

N '" U . H.n'. w«l4- I dII■Ls«i’'u . St!'"*’ 8iPB»>»lAfl

S E E i i B ^ iS l l S z i S z l iWMJS3 MUi

Lx-nl,),, “ « • TBtlih. Mo,M a ---------- LlMtfW • iMti

ssii'dmiita5ce~t d e m s o n T o ^ a y -I - T ^ have here p « i ^ n to totesrate Uie u w J S ? » ,U ’ wUj Carolina s t ^TO W loU w ptoW eie.u ,e^S ut£5■> for w ^ a t Roct-Hia M e**e. U>* applying N eow T vS r l to prts* UjcIt * t : « „ p ^ ^ ^

elusive decision in th* r r t ^ ' ll, UOT* U»»n 3 « o iK now enroUed in fo r to w ^ J?

■y The Dnlveraiiy o! AJ*h»a» milted AUtherine L u « T C y

or girl, several yeir* ajo. S h f i ',e otpelled-^^oi—I, against school w jicuu.^ uni»er*lty now has no k,T I- suidenu. "* «

;, r a v TIMES-NEWS WaNt u *-

S M O T O R ^ V e(. ENDS TUESDAY '{ 2 G R S A 7 C L A SSIO L .

I S 2 2 !!11Z2 I2S

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\ ENDS TONlfE'~^W o ^ n * ondS ttw oT tln"tJBERTY VAUNCr

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Page 9: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

E S n r tf r l lS # p « * « coapMy*! n«U l Cl 2 S innonnelBit It b u !n»e*l«d no r

S S C u PUT *M M -U lew »U Um » C ta f

to tto n s Rise Fi A^bntrovSrs^25d Kin. rtiJIy Ilnlshed now lonRcr, bee ^ l u i n e u A reiult of losing U' my Ust

- NcxL. cbiw a f gram, btonS0 t tbK nrek Inctudlns for- •The PoUtl ^ftwldent Dwight D. Elsen- w d M. Nli e«r. UJ ttiey doubt It. Alger HL•Hi'i l» tble ft m»n. extreme- pressing hi

• iSlt* EUenhoirCT Mid In New an InvcsUs ^ r t n o t ooulble-Uj M j.M a Itndlns.rol K o d e d f ^ b e he think* of H lu by iBntwaebody l» golnn to In- on un-Air 5 , » S b u . poliut..- m t . H ta 1 bH uB njtet, tstomiilsl D«- ' “ 1 " '] ', ‘I

M B .* "? ™ V «lt M d AIrfflen'JotedTOi-unWentlfled oUlclaltJiL asdtit ot Nlwn u eaylnn a In the i ingHka p r e s i d e n t would York n e « iM 'RU MeitUUTOf aUle.- - ccor«s-at-U It'ta; cue. tbe Imtnedlale two evenU Rssttb ct KUon's defeat In pearcd (o I

bi4 bc«D to focus tre- t o ^

I fact.tbui «t u iy Uma ilnce la still a iild ttluv lap re ildeoey . I t h u marlRut, ( b « wss NlxoD's u - ever since 1eWat-nledleUirr.—-------------for-congA!

to plan «a tbe m om - One o f 'i| if to the eleeUen.' he 't t i^ Earl Moro,eiml Mort about 100 report- on th is suli^'iB^the telertolon camefna, "As to ,t

E 3 ®

LIKE-SUWfllL- ^ B R O I-----------f o r . h o l l d a Y . g f f t s . a n d j j

•, flawless Kentucky straight bourbonvcide reputation for superb (lavo PEopte-wirfl’Uflfitor todiy** llvf Brook for lh | holidays.


RAlK-Uk«-tUi-rack-pstat-U<li- ^ 'm U LlU ffawi r h a te pu»h«I f t r Inlo North mennttd ^ l U MtrecUon of * _t«TO-Uae aeem M el« cf goUd y*i IfcUs Coareo dam ille.' n e it«ep ttouhtali retied nore than to Kork li more tUeU» Csayap p n j t t t , u U kaown u Sfftti

se From Sidelines I rs^wirls AKoufNiand ' tald bitterly, "You v e n t belns controvei have NUon to kick oround'any that when ;ou lonRer. because, sentlcnien. Hits tlont on Issues, Is' 'my last press confertncc.' public may not ..N ext..came. a.televUlon pro- support t

pram, b to idcu t ty ABC, enuiJwJ run a sr<at pol T h e Political Obituary of Rich- *hort run. I t jn ard M. Nixon,* But In

Alger HL'i appeared In It. ex- “ ? Iu “X pt J n , hU View. «r H t o u an Investigator. NIxen played a . ^Ixon becam Itndlns role in_the_lnmil8aiion w someof Hiss by the houM comnillUe' ewctlcns i n ^ l on un-American actltllles In .igiB., His* Uter .was eonvleled of 4 ''* ' perjury In denying he passed "UB. secreU to the Soviet Union.Thousands of telephone e a lU ‘MJand BcvefaniilinireirwtfgtBma m M tJ l£ a d> ,pdetuned ABC after the program, Hiss said on 1nrflnlflUfit Ihr.cnmpanyjaid.__ Bt»m:_________

In the succeeding diys, New' “My Impre.ul York n e w a p a p e r a published investigator wa Koraa-otlettera-relatlag-Ui.lhcse Interwted in d« two evenla. The majority ap- objectively thai pearcd to be favorable to Nixon, cf making a i

Bo today, eren to pollUcal ob- appear plauslbl ltTlon-terfip(jr*Jf''or nlK-mxon But Rep. C Is still a cinter of controversy, Mlirfi, sala on t I t has marked his poUUaJ career "In my oplnl ever alnce UHO, when be first ran p«ple owe a pf o r - c o a g r t f c l_ _ _ :________ Nlxon.for h!a 6

One of^ Nlxon'a bloirat^ers, Ing oul all the Earl Mazo, quoUs him as saying the -commKtw on th is subject: about the Alger

••As to my. whole ouUoolc on raraltlcaUona. 1


t o O K WS M n d j t a r t h s J ^(ht bombon bis 1 nation- | r llp !» i | |tmiy'sllHBl-liteSuDnil--

_____________ ■ no (


nUa. W fbw ay, te .*B «e . tJukaJ»-Ptt-ctnL jc«apl(snUd iMlls bore bales tor explotlvet Chat will'bl i«a of loUd ro fk ta clear route around a poUst rp~»otihUlnaU<&n<arreiV~tbtU'en~«liIA~iBeia~ k ll more th a n 600 feet abort a m ib inc atretoh rwB M Sffttair Creek rapidi.

les Even ^ iifNixon ^g controversial—I am aware '. when you U ke slrong posl-i on issues, knowing that thelo may not a t th a t particular! support the posIUons, youa great political risk. In the .t run, it-m ay result In youra t. But In th e long run It f> 1»; - J m>e only way to build a sound IT .y position.” | fxon became a eontrorerslalre, 10 some degree, afler thetlons-ln-w hlelT-he-dereated —J Voorhls for eongrcst and 1 Helen OahARon Douglas (or senate In lOSO. B ut It w u

:he InvesUgatlon Hlsi In controversy swirled

t XlfrcMv around him.________lu u ld on tlia teJevlsJon pro-

>Iy lmpre.<;alon of him a t an jUgalor was th a t he vas less rested in developing the facts «Uvol>'~thairtn--seeklns-ways- making a preconceived plan ear plausible.^' 'ut nep. o e ra ld Forrl, R , h , said on tho some program: n my opinion, .the American ;>!e owe a great deal to DIek }n (or his Ilnd^

all the possible lacU that -cofflffl{(t«e couJd t ta i -o a t - Jt ths Alger H las^ase and Its ItlcaUona. U was Dick WU-

” "v ■


zii-5r5-i— ^A

■j ^ 7 1 tu '^H A / i ^1 3 / 1 4 * 1 / fn

w irW .— ■ . ___________••

iW V#V ■ w_________— s

gEz^zzSS S fS ir ip M li L^no»lra»sl _____BOURBON WKlSKEf • «0 WOOf

m t sole purpose to and » h r

Nisonvhm It w u dbcc group Of CallfomU

put up a pe r 118.0CD {or hL-n,80( leadert ihotfehl he u Otn. Eltenhoi ciat« In the prca palgn.

plain (he fund aai one

otiicr money ever «rnt to me BK. Every penny <lo pay (or-i^lU ealI not think sh(

(tie laxptyen

Afttr lie loit the Ual rlrciion-lo-Joh NIxot) out U enicrrd a lav o home, ntid ost«i

Controvei-S)- Into the


hepnlgn,M;n»«r Inncctsslbli

^ ■ U n i__•JVra’iM d o '

you get «hen; h«lpcd

ctnLjC«apUJeJ..Txaflox------- •Chat win 'blast away pin. u U w rB il Qihd a polDt Jutting Iroai • __ Ut* them forr tle lT w a 'W a 'm a e U n a - — th* Judi«.-YiH lin e s tre toh of the 6aakt *>k»«.l]uya'

n o t i


- ^ W O N BA lovinR way to any H nppy Thnn: flcrvo wann, homo-bolcod W onder bnkc tlicm, so you know U iey're i frnpnincc of luacioua home>bokc( chccr in your liomo. Y ou serve n bnkcd flavor whori i f i W onder B i

And tlicv take so lit tlo o f yo • W onder Brown 'n Serves arc fresh

' ' short m inulca.'N o cxtm trouble,_________ tkra' liomp.bakcd rolls! S o easy ! S

You'll love the flivor o f Wonder Bfowii’nServa

purposeto (Ind ou fw h a tic o it him the pres: d and »hy Mr. Hlsa «Ud wr^ diirnc.'ianird

-irat-tonU 'titeiaj-^bout-po litical oUtefrers^i t hU 'ev n party In 1952 l‘o stay on Uie sldell

WM ducovem l th a t a foon. he was catr r calltom la busutfssm en'th^ lortm onhlp.

up a penonal lund o f : Will he iiay on or h tn , Botne RepubUcau; now? W a> thnt ove :h o * h t h e should realgniP^arancc on the n . Elsenhower's running i‘he eleciHm rwUy 1I the prcaldentUl* isarn- conterrnce?"

Murmy ChoUnetwent on televlklon to ex-

' f r ' t i . i o cme cent o f the <18,000 or g„m -er money ef th a t type ..j ,oy,,i ^e me n to me (or my personalry penny o( U was used run l,ir an elect*or-pollUcal axpenses Uiat juc . iiowtrer. If tl■t think should ^ charg- p , r , , ,e laxptyera of th e U.8. national tdmlnljtr*peegh k^pi bis place on * ^ " r jo n e t iu

lie loii the 19C0 prtalden- vuuld be able to » tion to John-P.-K ennedy, pIp-ainl-tlK ^Hiiit I'eiit out to Lot A ngeln, high .admlnlntrailvc

a lav oftlce. built a A coinmeni. poM and ostensibly settled mime lo the quesiiibly.lnto private life. futurr now, U aUr3ven>- pu'nued him even bj- Maiu> In. ihat ■ nflcrmatti of Uie presl- -Noiliini In polIlectlon. Californians who liko sure»i. and iiporlrd hlm armcdObnl.'^tngrcJtlgiiJBllUtc. conducted a poor cam- •■But n docj not

llsresarded advice, made, coje."Inncctsilble; and a lleged-l— -*■ -■____m ctcir o m er -g rTors -t hnt ; T R V ^hita-N E W

RTHRITIS PAIIn- PEEP-DOffW REUEF OR YOl/gMHtxra’i M doubt th a t pain atUckt of tnltwr At>

n ^ R u t i m anrf MuwuUr Aehn can be U.M*lr UMomfortebU. WIh thry occur, uil OftpJouit n lW . . . /•)•(. And Ihat'* ju>t what •u get -hen TOO take pnuV O»t.. PliUVO ■ .« htlpni mUlho* r f •uffcrrm to Intd h*n>lfr

^ ia jr« i» of w . 1 ^ f « why w» offff tliU

ftfiey Uck. Biirt gt»a PnUVO a fnIi irUI. Don’t C* a E U i T ^ V T ^ m1ncul5rin<.ull..--M them for 10 daya, u dlrvcM. Tl>m you b* f Jud|«.-Your BfJiMand-jxiJnn«-»u you h»Y«~ lOM, Uuy «7S alyouidrvaitwa.


~ I I I I

S E E V E W A R M , I

ID E R '^A diippyT hnnksg iv inB to y o u r fnm ily . . . d W onder B row n ,’n Se rve Rolls. You _ f tliey 're dclicious! .T liis year let Uto sm e-baked roll* ndd to tho holiday >u serve m clt-tn -you r-rhou lli, home-- Vender B row n 'n Scrvca.Ltlo o f y o u r p rec ious holiday lime!B arc fresh from y o u r oven in j'ust a it 1 troub le , no e x trn tim e needed for So easy ! So fe s t iv e ! So delicious! Say

_____V r ~ : 1 I • ' u .- * / __^ I J \ ' I

And be sure to try Wonder . Brown ’n Serve Rollsmarfs with------- euitenn/Ucj(fluUiA»t^ml__

» the presldencT. Some .. M onday, Nov, 1< rnc.'ianied with Nixon. * , c . i j , helea.— few -O am otn la jw m fa lls rim a^tS

n Uie sldellnt* rerylong. MAN nirENLI! was campaigning for CASTLETOIU). Nov monhlp. . Emesl Richardson.-e iisy on the sidelines recnllited in the an It thsl overwrought ap- other three y rnn. e: ’ on the morning-'alter tiaUoned In Europt ion rwUy h li “last prtsa riovn to r t . Ord. c« ce?" proctulng before tr CtioUner, who man- «igned. He Is the s ion's ( in t campaign and K eturah Richardson.n a clOM .advisee.cTcr — ------------------------Id on Ihe irlevUlon pro- *

uld be inellnrd lo be- . ‘al Mr, Nixon will not ____

an elected public of- T T M F ( »ever. If the Republican •*• V.ould gain conlrol o( the sdmlnlitratlon. It would _

to me tha t Mr. Nlxon, J ^ 'S U D tC "of” h ii VBifexperlrncr,' — - » c able to sene the peo- c t ^ n W l t l-tlK ^H iiitry -ln -a -v fry -----o l C . p _ j a i i imlnlntrailve post."iineni. poMibly-very ger-• the question of Nlxon'alow, u aitrltjuted lo him S in c e youT:> In - tha t biography— b e e n new laini In poltUcs succeeds t jo n j a n d incfii. and nothing hu ru t , . « * nrnh>i K i j .n u t t_____ * ________ S*™ P '° ^ ‘11 d»e» iioi last in eWter ---------- finiO C iaU U l

IM M -N E W a^V A W T ^ ScO ^O U f

PAINS? ■tlnor Af.

S « = i Qa you b*you hav* ^ ^ — ~j sIrvaitwa.AIU, WAHO_____________ • •__________


--- l i t __

i w | i | j i | j j i | ^ ^ ^ ^ J i , i l ,

?M, H O M E -B A K E C

l A « ) W H - K - S k l / £ r Ry . . .

ander • . , " ’ utfo with

__________ . 0 1 9 6 2 , COHTIH*

ly, Nov, 19 ,1962 V —I nmas-Nev»i* L e / / e r S A o p

s REENLisTs ~ | S e t c t c ePORD. Nov. 18 - rre. Direct Mall Advertlslni<hard»on.--Cut]<(ord.. .UulUUthlns , . , PfrsutIn Ihe army (or an- L.ettert Addrcasine 'yrars. ehoM lo-be' MaUlng Service . ,' , IIn Europe and wai Copies - . .

' b S ; ; ■ ■ / / / u s O F / D A


u p t o y o u t o k e e p y o u r s

p _ w i t h j : l i a n g i n g _ c o j i d i t i o ]

ice y o u r WUl w u w riflea th e re m ay h«v en new law s enacted, changes in ta x regula n s . a n d im portanl court decisions. A nd ther v e p ro b ab ly been c h an g c s in y o u r owi > oc iaU I» ig iinn ai.wclL___________________

^ o ^ o u rm io rn e y ^ f lo w .^ H e ^ R o w f '-w h B t- m u s t be done lo bring y o u r W ill up to d o te . H is modesl fee is a w ise investm en t ( b a t m ay save you m any th o iu a n d s o f d o lla r s In eslate taxes.

22aM o]nAv«.S«.


R O L t S - ^



t e r S h o t i ________e r t i c i — 7 --------------------

I Advertlslnt . . .; , . , Pfrsuntllted

Addressing aad rvlce . : , Photo*

o v w A l m ' ' ”ust Dldg-723-4&03

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Page 10: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

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t e t t ^ p r t , W orld, N ational, S to te an d fc 0 onir dally -newtpeper In th e ito ta thol d A«*M loted Pr«ii w ire lerrje* 'itiA n ^ W ito Pham (or IN ST A N T p lau r

m plite sport cbverege, notional ond .loecm plete State C overage from th a N EW Idahihett M oritet Report* DAILY;iol N e w i DAILYid k ated Fe'atiirei DAILYM egle V alley correipondentt for com plete

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I SUNDAYS I ■ . .. 2 0 , 8 9 4ions for 12 M on th s Ending Ju n e 30 ,

F B Ig ff

d a y T T vT im e s -N e w s r e a c h e s

re peo p le . . . A t a y Jow a d v e r t i s i n g t per, h o m e . . . R e -:e s -sd lin g -C o s tS - .- ,._ ._ ---------) s ts 's a le s v o lu m e

It'i Your

rOTAL —ing Medium!

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I P f l\TIOM IAYS I 9 4 ^ _ I ?June 3 0 , 1962 ^ 7

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Page 11: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

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Hlecture H f [ d H j nyGivicClub l H i |

c h tln n u , p r f Q K Wbs SSU I"”" « “f ■ HBrN

6 s ? i w a s a s sluiflelent food. lelf w . \ / *

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m id dtlT. I j r

w T « » . ib m RldT _ p 3 k f l i ^! S y a i John Woolty. M n. ^

* U u cteUi »nd

S.” ‘ ;« g L a S ^ , Miss',g H ^ S p H T s T A E5 ^ ? lS ? S a 3 £ :R ^ )g e iI ____________________ :---- Btwryl H.------------------ 7 ] “ «•• “ <» “Marian Martin S3 & • ,Patt6m nSv?" 9*

^ _____________ ■■ ; . . - f ^ a ^ , m r

' | | , ^ ^

m il —

-----\ — pearUHHie

j B ^ ^ ^ M K 9 c ' bride, w u I

- m n j j ^ ----- o t ito txr. t :

m i^ lA r rjr :

brocade stw

Sprdal ffTVi.itiH o u tf it_w v the A. r .

la w Ttrtlco In-» dw k tone. 'M™. J' imd Tenloa In lighter celor. P " » - Iioen back 'to* school cottons *^d Mr. nnc t drliHliy blends. OnUrio;- OiPrlaled Pitte ra 83S5; O Irb' bride««

'» « a. a, 10.13,.14. Size 10 out- 1»»e « U ht ] yard* 35-lneh fabric: 70 Promise i Tr t ecn t m t ._ _ _ _ ding Pmye: •Bftn*nif*Ih coins 'for this <J<»nne M « ‘>»n-add 10 cenu for each At the : Ulan far flrst-<ks» mML Bend ceremony; t 9 U iilu Martin, Tlmcs-News, oovcred wlU Jten Dept. 313 West 18th white. I t wa H Net York l l , K.Y. Print tiered wedd ^ um e, address wllh looe, Mrs. Jodc I

itjle number. - w u deoonrfe ra t time e n r i Oliunotoua rtoea, sUrer 2*«t*r’i winJrobe plus 110 ped *1th «U' « B | styles to sew In our new Mrs, W»jrt “ •Winter pattern ca ta lo j. aad Mr*. Or

Tliere^s DOU BIE-RI

j j j ^ - u i t u r e tralala j U the key to lucc dlCTllled aad rewarding p iv f w

- ^ ^ * ' ' '" Y o u c jn ‘ oarn w h II « '^ usupplying sblons w ith highl)

'«? - n d m .n v J i K . - . ' . g .

feouty Arts Aco'» ! m a in w e st '

M ^ ' AND MES. ROGEB J . MU IShlc M oriU pboto)

* • * * ------------------

Miss H olm quist lsM a7ried to_ _ R ^er-M u rrd y —Bheo-l HotaQUlft, dftuehtCT of la chftfBO ot

itl. and M rs. Harold »ok»nils t, c a r rlen vert md no«er J . Muiroy, om of Mr.\ca M ix WUli M um y . a ll T u la *>rtde. Bererlj rails, w tro unltod IA morrUme M u m y .s ls ttt ^ov. 9 t a tho n r s t ChilsUM theihiiTKh. K lm berlr..— :. , ,m r„,.tavell

I b t H er. M arttn *D)rtw>oe per- M urray chan 0rroe4 U>e <louble ring ccre- *>•* wiUi wh nony beforo nn altar banked «» orehld cor rtih jo ld and v tilU chryaan- The bride, bentuns flanked by candclehn Tn-ln Falls h ii-lth turquoise blue taperB. - ployed a t thi

O lren In nuuriasv l>y ber bank, Ta-U) alher. th e bride wore an Ivory groc«n. a 1B« aUn brocade p w n . I t nns de- jc n jji j* ■Uned »1th a acaUoped neck- ln e .-f ltt« l.b o d lc e jo d W ylpolnt r ^ i T ; T f z aeere«.-over-ft-IuU-hooi>-fidrt. - S l j c - h r id a - ie r TCll o( bridal Uluskm «tlA pn-nupU ol U Kkl by a Unra of iwjuln# nod Alvin Wonet >earia.-*n»o-bi'lJe woi'e -a - pearl muJaat. a gift of the bride- ®**” “TOxa. S h e carried a bouquet of rehearaal port urquolse bhie -roses centered . rith an orotUd, on a white Bible. P>Madeline Murray, d ster o t the

irJdesrootn. waa mold of honor. *ate «-ore n turquoise blue u t ln - irocade ehenth matching L — _

She carricd a caaaule bouqurt d white om m tlona. ' • W hit* onlo;KarU n Holmqulat,’slater of the pected wllh

irtde, waa brldesnmld. Her gomi d inner. B ut I ras IdenUcol to th a t or the n>ald w llh varlalloiJ ix a c r . TheaUeodflatoLdfeflsei______OWO.'r m made by*the brides mother /Y t»wnd »Tte Blfta Irom the bride.Dan Shooae, Hansen, was b«at S X t a l l h

m a -U rry w u.the.bride- —Tocm'e M*«adani. D*anla-Holm- —, ulsl.-brother o f the bride, and .f a n y D<wles, Haascn, w e r e J4 teaspoon i ftndteUehten a ad uahers. H teaspoon iTor h e r dausW ert w tdd ln j ,

Ira. Holmqulat choee a b d je * tablespoon rocade ah«Hfi t e a s with black . m ar*«lne oecsories. T h e bridegroom's JJ^felejpoon

------- IT r *><■— - Pimentortfls with white a«eB#ories.Sach l-table*poQn ore a ootvace of vltlte cam a- parsley

Spcdal Bucsta were Mr. and saucepan aloni tn . A. r . HolinqutsC. Wendell, e r and beef bi nd 'Mrs. Jenny Doughty, Twin u> boUlne poll (alls, grandparenta of the bride, w ithout cover nd Mr. and Mrs. R d o ^ Hagan, bon uniU Uni ® lano ;-O re; gmndpttTcnt* of

Torrence aang 3 Promise Me- and -T ti t Wed- ^ Pm yer,”.. aoccmPMiJcd. by 91 oanhe U adland . , ' ’ "At the rteeptloo after the.

rttmony, the b rldei table « « |>vcred w ith ttmiuoUe bhie and I hlte. I t w « centered by a five- ^ (ered wedding c«ke made by ' • ■; [rs. Jade Dodaon, Kimberly. U Uas deoor»tod w ith tuniuolse b l u e ----------------MS, sUtct leate s aad was top­ed n lth Bllrer beHo.M n. W ayne Batbbun. Wendell, od Mrs. OrriUe Davis, Dietrich, iWa of t t e bride, accrtd the ____________

J J IE W A R D ^ for YOU

L in 0 \ )& Beauty Tculture | 1 " Career I

1, it's 'Interesting, /■■■ 'dignified, rewsrdlng. /

2. Itpi/ti^Boairty” Infh e llv e io fo lh e r i ^

s t and fMtest-STOwlng ffl- • / iippo rtun llleslnaw lde ra ri- j I

^ to lu c c m tn tms vasi, T~lag pr^tesston. /

i f '^ u leorrv Beauty A r iT " ; I /1th h igh ly -trained beat>- | J h f ty a .i i« c e « fu l .ih o p i o f . . i --------------1—


^ ■ ■ | | | |B | [ H | Open He

N ext SurPlLER .N 0T .i l

honoring the UU renary of U r. at Walters, Jerome

. ser%-ed on ere tt Bonnlchsen way 30. one mile Ju ue tt«n^ t-;U w

------- F tltnds and r<Tlted to call 3-5 ' requests no gifts.

M r.' and Mr*, m arrlrd 3i F ine s a p u it chu ' ^ y have.resldi area uqUI several they moved lo tjs r(-T T o-aiu i^ i

: a rd Boilmer, BelKaster. Filer, at children.


.BusinessWENDELL, No

TroQnson meeting of-the During the bt conducted by K le lt—flrst-Vlce-i were made for (

. V - tV '------D ee _ J .th a ^ u i

w ith tlie legion EC J . MIIBBAY for an annual Ic

pboto) th a t time final a--------------------------------- --------- the Christmas 1ke, Mr*. WUllani West, Ed**n, »» *>eld Dec. 15 ' in t Of the bride, pow td Uie A display o f . ff»<t h»m i wiihAm h ^ jD ca ila ra -ia . a, served the punch. Veterans hospltJuao lta LueU was la o l» » e of •"“de. e -g u « t t^efcH p r e i l d e n t . - ^ ^>enccr, cousin ot the bride, wa» delivery, charge of the gift book. Olfc Hostesses w n

r r le n were Teal* Darls and Preem an.-Ur*, «>i Jlathbun. cousins of the and Mrs, jM m tt Ide. Beverty Murray and Diana OuesU were Mi itrray. alstcn ot the bridegroom, and Mr*, Paeth jp la jtd the gifts. ♦ *Pnr tra vglinp U>b nwr Mm n n p t ,* ,t. lum y changed to a black wool D p ^ ^ t u C It With white acceuories and HEYBORK, K orehld corsage. - b b club met Wt

RiQ bride, a l« a gnduaie of bome of Mrs. O ,-ln rw is high school. Is em - Three tables i >yed a t the PldcUly National played, with Mr nk, Tft-ln RiUs. The bride-w inning high and x m . a IBM grodutte of H an- winning low. M ri t h lch Khool. is employed by * " ^ * M y rU e lo cnelU Seed company. jueal.n jr tr r ( r f ,.~um- hftnnwvi-nt - n --*niir~retr tth m e e^nupUfll ihowcr given by Mrs. w ’« red ' with fi r in Won ^ b^ T^e_ .M do- om's porenta hosWd an after- , t u , f home of ie«»raal party a t thtlr home, Cloughley, Emers

Food for Am eriaBy G A Y N O R M A D D O X .

ONION VARIATION place waler and iVhIt* onions are always e«- :ted wllh Uie Thanksgiving onion combine m er. B ut thts ycsr try them potatoes make sLh variations. different turkey— o « o . v / w i s i i ______

{Yield: 0 serrlnga) jo-pound turkey;, pounds small white onions jpo for a 'IS to 3(. Inch boiling water la ______ ,.l.p*ckag8' o r - t7s4Ucepan •". -. 4 servings) I

beef bouillon cube potatoes or 3teaspoon salt . c ashed poUbteaspoon ground white S. tablespoons tpepper onion

. Ublespoons butter or . . m cups sliced c. margarine 4 aUce, bread.

_Ufelt«>oon chopped a teaspoons pou-Bln?en_tfl______ ______________ l_ „ g ______ ^• tablespo(jn chopped fresh ^ jup melted t p w le y garlne

'fri_oninni_«nH tn « _E ripar«U nstan t .cepan along wllh boiling wat- toe* according to and beef bouillon rube. Bring tiohs, using addllli boiling pomt. Boll t minutes gcsted for softer p hout cover. Then cover and Instant minced on 1 unlU tender, '13 to IS m ln- C ut bread into s. Remove from heat and potato mixture al In. Add remaining ingredients try seasoning. Be I toss lightly. Note; I f chick- and mix Into slufi or beef_ stock is avgUable, re-, e d .b u tter^ O Q iU

f G IF Ifrom A


j J F U R E f O R F I

--------- 1 --------------------------------shB »thr-T «rga:I beauty has an aI /V clAir cut lines. 1

-------- I t ^ ....... N j r V gSrtem piaU on iI f accessories.

/ i W hiting In Deer/ • , ken's all wool tla:

y - Color Blue, Mlir ’ " - - Black flf tix . Sire

B ty^^So.:n87 <

3en House js Jobs Da :t= in ^R le ti= = Holci^o s x t SundayLER. Not. 1» — Opm-heruse. Kin*— Hl»-r-Or ring the 5Sth wedding annl- 'nfmbcfi o t tin ry of U r, and Mr*. Stanley Olenm Perry . er*, Jerome. »U 1 be ob- The proceeds ' d on Nov, 25 a t the Ev- help dctray expc Bonnlchsen home on high- Shrri Dames i

30. one mile west ot the 03 and Tunette Ri» n ^ t-F U « -----------------------cIll>rst.ot the siends and relative* are In-I to call 3-5'p m . T he couple ^ , , ;us no gift*. b O C i a l. and Mr*. Walter* were ; ‘led NOV. 34. 1937, In the „ _ ----------Baptist church. Twta fIsiU. SHOtsJIONB • have resided In the Flier O w iw Home

uaUI several years ago when meeuiK schedul moved to Jerome. They l'“ ,t)crn poitp<

-tw o“a n i2h w n .-M rc n ic h = « th e ho< Qollmer. Boise; Mrs, W alter J»ckNi!i. A Oh cr. Filer, aod four grand- 'IH ^ preaenU ren, >»« excluuigrd,

* « « - * ' . I . . Tu Ui Falls ee<jxiliary in «ci«> wm i,oid

endell Holdsjsin65siNDELL, Nov. I 9 -M r l“^ may aay after t insdn wai hostess a t the »-ork wM on. / Ing of -the Legion auxlllao'. to stay sliould brng the— btiJinesi—losslon :---------------v — :ucted by Mf*. Owen Col- i ^Jlrst_vlce_prcaldeat._pU n3 - L Q Q 1 6 S C

made for early winter ac- _ , , , , .ElksHol

c_j.tha-AuiiUiiry_KlH.meel _Ti»*-i«diM-of the legion a t their hall °{

m annual lolnt meeting. At £ ™ o"esT * '

c S litm M " 3 r “ ^ r t y to n ^ ro m ^ h i eld Dec. 15 wUl be made. display o f .g lfU furnished f

ntm ben to be sent to the aanflitoLjatJCl* r sSs bospltai: Boise, w u Turkeif. M n . J . A. Sm ith, auxiliary a „ r r n;dent.-y|ll-bB- In- charge -of delivery, y „ _ jjoj»tesse* were Mrs. Irene iMiated. by Mr man.- Mr*, Grace Hartwell Mr*. Robert Wl| Mra, jM a tt HlCTenbotham, ciyde jfcClsJn.:f« w m Mrs. •pyrn ' H a r r is ----------------------Mr*, Paeth Eaton,

P ^ u b -M e e ts ----- NOVYBOBN, Not. 19 — Thei;lub met Wednesdoy a t ihe _____ __I of Mrs. Grace Blxler. ree tables of bridge were! d, with Mrs. Dell Holmes! InghlghandM n-L eoH andyt Ing low. Mrs. M lnnetta Pull-

game prUe.9. Myrtle L olt was a special

B-Tetr tth m ent-tHblM -w er«; :—red' wlih fall'H ow crs andr NC

B_nextJuKUng j ' l l l ,be,held _____le home of Mrs. Wlnltred ihley, Emerson district.

nericans '^D D O X .

water imd toiiUlon cuW l ~ V ' E M 1

Ion combined w llh mashed I oes make a delicious and ■ T w in Folli rent turkey slutting.- ■ 3 4 a A l lON-POTATO STUFTLNQ | a R i 'tn o n j i f *tuffing-for-B m m m m m i fm lund turkey; double the ree- >r a 'lS to 30 pound turkey) aclcage'or-envelope-(for-

servings) Instant mashed IoUloes or 3 to 3 cups Jlashed poUtoea C r \tblespoons Inslant minced I I \(lion i J ijps sliced celery Ices bread, toasted ^aspoons poultry seasonlnff

;p melted bu tter o r m ar- l _

.... ........... i r i i \lecordlng to package dircc- .____________using additional liquid s u g - ____________1 for softer potatoes. Mix In It minced onion and celery.Dread Into cubes. Add t o ! ___ ________') mixture along wlth poiil- • - ' sasonlng. Beat egg slightly J Wllx Into slutting with melt- tleL,fipoQiUiitn.hlrd. . . — — ^

^IFTS «rrTAtcTZ— o t ------------

I A Y F A I R 5 H . P I ____________^


- Ju s t Jn time

^ ^ 1/ * 4 - ir tU/ » nuts. OorgeousI

' I many olher us

IRE FOR F U N N E L■_ln pure shape. Just_____________step away f r o m a , % ^

tn m ^ lf - g a m K ir tM — - ^ ^ ty has an affinity for M ' \I cu t lines. Is the big- ___ ;! ____\templauon for any o f ' ' I Iaccessories. By Helen '

Jng in Deerlng Mllll- 1 I all wool tlaaael.,1 . . . .T ibne, Whlli, WilW------ ----------------r Blue, M int Ortw), L / l "c flf tix . Sires 5 to IS. ------ -rSo .: 7*87 Cost: *#.75 V l S l t

bs D aughters Visitors I 3ld^ood=SQle==SeotlondSO HILL. Nov. 19 - I A I n r ' n ) d-rood sale was held at the l - U c U l ^ w O —HlU-r-Oroewy— *to r«-by -M r.-and-M rs. f >rrs o t the King Hill and and (hetr son. Dc u Perry Job's Daughlrrs- Scoiland. are (Ui proceeds will be used 10 Mra. Ortirge [11; dctray expetues lo r a dance- nvrnue uest. Mr. •ri Dames and 'Joan Bamrs Tunette Robinson were in ' “"rt » « « :t ot the sale. »l»ce lB3t.

’ '-TTtir II thr , , f . iRLich. ,Ntr. and >

)Ocia! Events J;;;is t . ' Marie, bn

OtSJIONB - TTw M a g ic «f,fre .\fcKay li (Cf Home ftonocnlcs club moiel and rr»tj IK scheduled for thU werk which'tlip couple Lxni ixutDoned to 3 p. in. ai ks at th e home or MrB."Vi»Ton*T ”•Oil. A Ohrlstmaa progmin L O I S n 6 n tx! presented and gltta u ill . . , . , - .

♦ 4. WedSuilm Falls oeoond ward Relief I p i - o m o P ;>• will hold a liu ra tu re Irs- J C l U I 1 1C T iiierllng a l 10 a; m. Turs- Mr. find i ln . I Mrx. EUdon.llaskel Is teach- announce the unrry core «-Ul be provltl- thrlr dnuKtiter, Irnibcn kIm «1ali to mnkc Olcnn Sutler, tt t t -o e- HttUU^pro3eAllasa Afa_B_iV_au«< »ay after the meeting for a MIm Jlcnr>-

K.'Mon. Anyone planiung Falls hlgli ichoi ly sltould bring a aack hinch. grndunie br 3rro

¥ ♦ n ra”7anho'St*teJ * ' _ deRrcfl In educntd i e s O t - t n e ----------»di00l-hujcrw nc

<s Hold M eet . . . r ' . r r 'a*-L«dle*-of-lhe-Elks-heltl-a tnbfr meeting o l the Elks . Guests were husbands of ^ ^nembers. Mrt. John Lelnen ♦> m n m chairman. The pro- ^

/M iured film shown by FOU FAOT-SEU md Mrs. Arthur. Klelnkopft*.i isj,. trulnwnpf ■ lu jn'. ji riree turkeys were ' prlie I '

l~CAR~’cd. by Mr*. Robert Lbhc. I V - « i V . Robert Wlglngton and M rs .il MAIN A• i fcClatn. ;r.________

N O M - c S i f f iM ony Name Brands


• Term* ABC Credit P N othing Down

H l - N O 'C A R R Y l t T G ^ X R G r■ .Up »» 36 Menlhi to Piyl


(ENVERL^ Carpelfwln Foils Oldost Exclusive Floor ,Cov«

3 4 B A d d lio n A ve. W . 7 .

P fO fT lP


Q ^ c, Jn Ume f<fr good holiday eaUng . . .* full of a variety of the best fruits and t. Gorgeous tin Is 'so handy , , . for stor- o lher foods,, fo r a-sew ing basket and

i f olher UiCsl

. OF TWIN~FACtS— V i s i t O .i ir C h r i s t m a s T

litors From I FAlIU'IELD.*'.N^oi,1 , . A - annual b iw .ir and

“O l • Nev. 30 In iJjefd-'M Sfri iMcKay iftr son. Donald. Inveme»s.,(Id. are guests of Mr. and , ^Oet.rse RUcm 630-TJ»lrd] \ / / _? uesi. Mr. and Mrs. Blach V / f L - v fonner residents ot Scot-} /» f T * \ i r t / and Iwve lived In TMln ^ \ \ 11/ / ilnce lB3t. 1 MJL S jiJh e iirm hrr nf Mff ' -------------------------,Ntr. and Mrs. McKay will'

n the T«'ln Falls a rea fur.; eeks before going'to Sault I .larie. Ontario. Canads, flTfore 1 llcK ar tits purchased <; U i r e f S I and rettAuranl business' thp'couple will operate, i

___ » ___ * __________ ________________

's Henry to | ' O d Suiter in T O'ome Rite I (fo,find Mn. Ralph E. Wlndle. - ince the engagement of' dauEhter, LoU Henr}-, to W l l

Suiter, son o t Mr.- and!l_iV-_au«cr^Jcfome.____ J ____________

Jlenr>- attended Tw in ' ,high school, .Suiter Is « ' .u u s n e ilie br Jerome high school ■ - - - Work .wl

In education. He teachti] get it.-huJcrcm e______ . J ___ _________ cotTi'o fswedding will be held s t flnvor.iv

t o « . . C M M e h m .,!

couple will reside In Je- "


■: -J2 /th3 MINUTE :

^ w n ^ v ^ o j m i

dy C on Buy „[gh,y ft,

►ETiNS-:sgee.e lc. ^

iC Credit PU n ^ B 8 | | | |ng Down

GrriRSTTEAR |lePiyl

FInl Paym ent ila rt* a fte r

irpetlaniflii^-feloor .C overing Shop

7 3 3 -3 1 6 9

^ V f I


t .

rults and ^ P ^ I M n i n l l l ^ ^ l i ifor stor- k e t and

t s -IQS Toylond . . . Use Oui

tiai.-(.-tr and eooked-food Twin Fall* Tirrtes-Ne'

Oware otore. Handmsclr »o'd.

ffersT helasyW ay toM a-^coffee—

f o r y o u r p a r i)( f o r 4 g u e s t s o r a d o i o n )

automatically•Tills new W est Bend “ Parly Perk" doc* tha

^ w o r k .while y o u .rc lfu ! Ju sL n o u cold

get it. Signal light on Uiik‘ flashes when -co flt'o f* riinly lo w rve . Keeps cofTec a t Iti

flnvor-i>e.ik ns long ns you leave it on. Easy. to<,(lurnble nluiiiinujn. O n ly "

i O F| t ^ e £ l B e f « L W AU* A.tUtkl* I*

C»pp.f t»,tf

-12 to 30 cttp Party Vercohik

mlghiy hondy Ion

IH H ISp-^R 'T oC Tfi-------- —I f tm '• c o m t tUAKf J *1 m ;PAtTllt • BAItlCUIS h I H .

fl I m

' r r '


:a k iPOUND

jL s iz e -

P a c k e d I n Colorli R E U S A B L E


■ - n 9 ^

^7~~~2.10 2nd Ave. So. e Our L a y o w o y P I g n . . .

ay, Nov. 1 9 ,1962 ,!s Times-New* H

iluble for g u u w iu 'be ' ’

[]9 „J / S = ,

to Make J------------------

a rtyd o i o n )

^ l y;rk“ doc* thaMur. i n C0I4 , , , —

lashes when cofTec a t lU Uon. Easy.n l y / __________________

8.88> A.tUtkl* I*•f t»,tf

^ mok tor . -----

IP < i

/5)-L Xv- -

t Z- [ EUNDKE— -

XI . C o l o r l u l



i/e. So..'Ia n ...

Page 12: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

-Y oun^ Help& Gt Edge Go]

J t ’5 jjo t J im T o y lo r , B a r l liny in G reen B ay . B u t « yoi M r. Clutc h for th e s econil U j)rcKB hlKWnniinK a l b W n t i ---------------------------------------(I

Maple Leafs ! Stymied hy Low Rangers ;

njr Th« AuofUUd PrtM

lo<l«y >iM kn unuaual «nd *m- '* barraultiK problem: hU M«ple I

------mn-t y pm to .hindle------— *

Th* lUnBtri. «lio hM fnt - . c*uitd major. dlKomfort »moMB "

the rw l'o l the N#tlDn#l,HocVc>- lesffu* for *ome :im^, Ji«»? nttde g

____ thc-Playalla anlY-once in the l u t Iifour K uotu and currthiiy u e In ii

•*-=tlJ{th pl«e. . PtliVy h»ve playtrf the SWnley >

eup chimplon .Mtple Lcnii live R' time* thin Btftion tn d Invejtl

Otf with vlc(orle»-Uirec tJ tlmfn. Hit tpnlnut. TorOiiCo hm fi iMt only (our buum to u i t tM i

• of the letiitiie. >'-------- ^ i»4U ng«r»-tum ed.tbB .,tfJtlt 1

- • n i l n lMt night, uupplnB.4Jive- .. g«me Toronto winning #irlns 3-1 ol ftnd delaying, At le u t momenUr- ai l ly the U t t f drii'tf to ovrrlakc « Uie Uadert. Detroit beat Botlon Ir 3 -t and Chicago and Montreal 01 played to ft 1-1 tl« In tb e olher P

____ O Bia. _______________ PSecond period goau b r Ken

echlnkel and U » n lUUltv- and (( th t iteadjp toal-lendlns o t Oump "I Wonler wers Uia key* (0 Uie Jtanger victory. In

Wonley turned back 31 ihoW, ^ IS of them In Ui« acorole?* flr il n' period before the lU ngen got orjanlMd. They dominated play n the r u t of Uis «ay, out-ahooting ^ the Leafi U - l l orer the la tt two f(

•— -pertodi;............................... ........... L

' U|Present mpnT SauB O II. N or. w i« • ®

- I t wMnt Molher'f. day. bul J 'you’d har* a »ugh lim a » n - b]

— n n r tn r to u -M Jc h a rt i^ o th -— -*r. y*

Por Lou piT8 Mni. .M leh. p iteli t present yetU rtltr

_ •J ttr that. y-WiUi mom In tho «Undi. fc

Xxm kIckM % st-yord fieldRoal wllh IS leconOs remain- alIng In the B<une, giving the ft

---------- Piit«bun!h-aK efef»-*-»-’9 l -........ -victory •v«r-tb*-W *ahln»tna- C

RediUni. ft would-be Cinder* l:; «llft team. K w u the i«cond 1(

tJms in ths 2 u t thrM con- 41 teela that • MlchoeU' left*TMUd field BRtl b u won (or rth i BtMlera. p

• U

_ B a b ^ a r i m i s S

— O u l o n F r a c f u t e l bHOTJ8TON, Nor. 19 » -B » b e T

■I>ulUl. lecond leftdlng p w e r In “--------H irT tinerlcan -P oo tb tiH eap ie , <C

received • broken collarbone -when tftckled in the second quor- ” te r Sunday while leading the Boiton Patriot* agftUut the HDuiloa OUera.

Tha bone was broken u Por-

Ban. Ifouiton detenalve tackle.ParlUl. who hftd led the.Patrl-

ot« Into th« Icague'a Eoitem dl- Tlslan lead, w u replaced by Tom Yewtlb fonner MIcMgan State ita r who had thrown only eight paates this season while nrvlng M ParlUl> understudy.

StandingsiH e o c x in n im ty T M tr o r - ^ -

E u ltn DKUlMw L T ru . o r OA

» 1 1 1 * s »!— I I iHHf -

'J I s n a ilT jiu ^ r r t----- I t 0 t; » J .

S«*4ir’rV M lu H>ltln»r< t. lluffU# s.

' BotWWf I. QMUe «,rmMMX* I. aprln(«ri>ll t I


XMmIi t S ti <t s« IChinn — — * * i JI 10 4»t e l — : \ i It i? II

Y.rt ___ 1 10 '-2 ll « M" iiw lu 'i R*»«1U 1

■ V " *• To«int» I. I

weStr^n lilK'KCr UUCUB ' . _____________ H»rtfctfi|i Dl»w*« I

— 1 a j T L r : ! 1;, : ' ! !i SI n AnnlM__ll » 0 Si if 11ronWnJ '____ « « 0 -U U 40 IB. mixiM o__* 1 0 0 It M f:Opo^».------- ■ * 0 U 1; Jt' KiUtuI lUikxWU AwMltllt*

Eultm DltUlin

Jt iT XciMlBMll'ZZZnn » • .4n* s 'i

York ----------» U .n i »!,_________ VT..1... D l.i.l.. _

I d Anf«lw — ■■ 10 >111 1-_Driroij JT 1 1 j u

BnS«t'i KmiIu a « la .il l U i u n Fn>riK« It#.8>rM>iM no. ChUtn 1«.Ua AnctW III. Dnrall M.

I ' A -t>ku bI M eH U4r*«I IU-

oah>4 — ____^ i 4 ii. m«»«»-■ Km«!u

ntOhrrck tit. nU M r iU M.

G reen B ay 1 Golts b y 17 1

By The AsioeUtrd P m ilor, B a rt S la rr o r P au l HtyflunK who B ut A younK (icfcn.nivc buck nomcd 11( Kccond tim e th in .y ea r to keep th e Pnc Tofiff n t record-miilciiitr' npeed Int6 ~thol---------- <lny c! w ith th e Detroit

L ions. A d d c r ly b ro k e th e f i 1 8 bnckft o f t h e nm b itiouH Bill- i j l

t im o re Coltfi th r e e l/fne.s ^ IT Sundoy and ihrugged off a clwe I7 call wllh the lag of ••goal" ba *■

Oreen Day rolled to Its 10th P 1 «C iirBlRht 1SHI2 victory, and l i( tt W i

In all comcwllllon alnce Iftal p year. » llh n H-IS viclory,I imlach The Michigan S late grnd. who coll

V arrU ii-t»a-eK trs^ -0--' l~ g niTr cfa\ la Maole eholcc Iwo years ago, Joined four mec0 handle "leiwr llghU", three of Ihem n,e ^ f TT— tield-KPaUpwlaUsts,Ja-oLlicr.fJtt- lerci

haven’t donal footba1I~leaeur~KctoTy pjay t amQiig making performances. Ttl.HocVcy ■ Don cnanfllfT k lc ltrt four-IIjld p laj «»? made Koa)a Sor Ow easttro coiiffrrnce- J the last leading New York OlanU In a “ ‘ tly a f f ln iD :rrvIclory 'over-the-T hlladeU ^

phia Eagle*. PltUUurRh's Lou ■ Stanley booteil hl.» DjJrd of iheenJi nve game » llh 13 jfconds to. play In ‘".i, >d Itave the -8ie«Irra' 23-31 victoo' over J"" ,es-Uirec t*ie W aihlngton nedaklns, while onto has the C T fca g Q -ltfa rn '^ f r Lw ^rc

•'^*** lait.31 aeeonds for a 34-33 win fhi. (Hfk against the Dnlliia_ Cowboys. ^^^1 iB aJlve- "^S H e riae li^ n T iT arraH n tin ir « tu i trliig 3-1 olf Uie bcnch In Uie second half excfl }mentar> and fired th e Lions to n 17-0 win ue. Qvmakr agaliwi th e Minnesota Vikings. Tt1 Boston In other games. Cleveland rolled beca' Montreal over St. LouU 3B-14 ond (he San Thai be olher Francisco 49ers derw led Los An* Cata ; jf le s 21-17. . ^C o

elfchand <8-31 are both members of the of Oump "I remember A d d o r l e y club," • " ' : lo the .Against th e LJona Josl month, he

Intercepted n M ilt Plum pass In _ 31 shou Ihe final mlnule and set up H o f P f le?s first nung's game winning field goal. ‘ gen got Sunday ftgalnst the ColU, he y i l ted play ran back a kickoff lOS y a rd ^ o r " * shooting a touchdown In th e first peHod C l . la tt two following Dick Dlelskl’a field goal.

-----------Lnterln-thOTWTlodrhBfnterccpt- -_____ ed ft Johnny D nltas p u s and *et — c

up Jerry K ram er’s field goal tor ” **5----------- ino;7nefta.-T tiB nrtn-thB -< lnaJ

m lnuus of Uie game and the '« * 18 M . ColU on O re tn Bay's 3-ytvrd line,

hu. he dedectcd ft fourth d o m pass Th/ cot- by-IIo-w a»ibealen_otiJIiilt& iJlieJO M

yard touchdown pass to Jim O rr Salu MIeh. tha t gave Uie ColU ft Uilrd period £«« ' ien lsr B ut Tom Moore, subbing

next for Ibo Injured Horoung pul on rnioreT UiBT»ackcr8‘-clineher'w ilh-»-3j- _33i

yard touchdown run early tn the In 1* lUnds. fourth period, In tl1 Held O rttn Day’s defense, which lo I •main- slopped th e Colts eight limes In 1MB. Qs the ft n-fi victory lo st month, pul on Th

tw o.*oU -lln«-at«ids.-8tU U U ie and ilag too- ColU.QUtgatofd_artcn..BBj_3«0- 8*iu :inder> and held Taylor, the league's Full* second leading rusher U ld scorer, to only e con- 40 yards and no touchdowns. i' left* Alter Phlladelphlft (1>8-1) had 0> ron for gono-fthcftd M .lO - lo -U ie .lin t » t-

period. Chandler got the rest of ‘_____ Uie G iants' point* wlUi hi* toe, nine

■ '' eetUng a club record and .com* ^

b tng w ithin ono of an NF1< game mark. T he victory left New York for :

----------- w lO jH i-tw o-gam e-Jead-w j-the off tU P ^ _ R e < ^ n » ^ '^ tn ^

lost Hopalohg. Cass’ldy for Uie 8n«

y “ *i* I n ' mTE»«™'> ‘h the last three garnss behl

ling the « t the p ;,''* .

le^nJtri- ' ■ ' ' 'Item dl-byTom • ■


I! to 4i

UCUB ' .

i* i; t i .M Ml Ul* *J#»p' aiadlalor. the {it &eas on th e b ighvay . sure.foolt

% il"* 5nie Q lodlator's 140 hp. Toniad !:>o 1 camahftft engine. 11 produces hii*?o •!> comparable convenUoa------- M .-------- O thet-O ladiator-featiw s-lnclB t

■T r7^ot-control-aadrfoT -lhe-flT»t-( 1 m ission and ledeprndSBt front i

j,* Sea th a Oladlator-J-SD O v ith^ Jach wheef'base and B*ft. box, 0

S t o p l a . B iz o i t u p . T r y i t .IU- '

} 'm n T 8 i4 0 T o aa;ri> R ij) '8 u a ia



ve Back b ly Packers 1 17 to 13 IunK who wears the hero ta ? to* K ' . nnmed Herb Adderly has played B|jP>) th e PnckcrH’ chufnpioM hip ex-

into^thcIr cruclahThttnkajrinnirc tr o i t ----------------:

;m'S emifinal of ^ g Two Teams J ’ Z Slated Friday ^

^ KANSAS CITY. Nov. IS ^ Kd. who College of Emporia. (ICana.) and | K ^ ■oniTr cfn rrd -O U ahem a— S ta te .-w nd four meet In a semifinal maUh of 7 ^ .

Ihem (he National AssoctaUon o( In* M g'.'ier.Na- tcrcollfgiaie Athletic__ football

The two unbeaten teams willir-JHd pU y_ln_O klshom a_City_m iay L j Mrrnce- n 'sbt. Tlie winner will advance 5 S 3 , in . to the Camellia bowl game tn

Bacramcnto. Cnllf.,_to puy tmI Lrni U>e nailanal champlonsHTp Dec. B. | t | n

iv,“ NAIA headquarters said pair* I f ^,,v i„ Inss for Uie oUier playoff game Q J N

! wlil be made Priday. In the E »' running for tliese two vpots arc r f [ ^ * Lenolr-IUiyne of Norm Carolina,

Northern fiiale o f ^ ^ u th uakoU, | | l ^

’ o f'Iow a. Carthage o t’ llllnoU.*• Earlham of Indiana, and Texas '■cwnir ATuid-1—A tl-fiare^rteot-racords KW'A d half except A -ftnd-I,-whieh has-one - { « M•fl win Ue. .Iklngs. The selection Is being delayed . ■ „ rolled because Lenoir-fihyno has a e San Thanksgiving day game against ®" “j*; ■9 An* CaUwba.

College of Emporia w rm ptd up 't U l ^ lh « - g .n t» i fnnf.T>r^>TehAm.)f lha pdonahlp and a 10*0 aeasdn wlUi dub - • 12-r victory over SouUiwalcm a t o B .IO T .,, , I

Pasco College ^ And Santa Ana

S Slated for Bowl ®-PASADSWA,-CaJJf,Jli>r^J9J») — ~

nd Ret — Columbia Basin college ot rp * 1 al tor Pasco, W ash, was named today I I C I I

to.face R a n ta .A n f t - ( C n m j .^ - M o * .a the ' « * iv j s rd line, bowl game Dec. IB. B , 1I pass The Columb^ Basin Kawks, a sudi

unbeaten in 18 stra igh t games, tn d a J

Mriod Eastern Oregon.- a .four-year E uU n) ibblng »ehool.. t t will be Uie Hawks’ Americai lUt on appearanoo In the bowJ. Quebe<

tn the In 17 straight games, have been erh r a * In the bowl once before, losing ond Um<

which 10 UtUe Bock. A rk, 35-10. In ■ nes in W 9 . Played 1lu l on The Dons were 8-0 Uils year In an i IL-the and U nlihtd-thtlr regular season BalUmoi t 3S0- Baturday with , a 38-ia’ w b over IcaBer'IiTgue s Pullkrlbn^uhior colleke:-------- -- oUier-gaoonlv — Tl i e n i WINS OPEN "nTLE three pc) had ORMOND BEACH. Fla. Nov, fauf tea< I l i n t ts (A—Veteran pro Pete Cooper ■■ ■■n « t of of Lakeland blistered Uie back ■ • b toe, nine Sunday and won the RJver- I k com* open gotf tournament. ■ ” game — — — — — j

I York for Pittsburgh. Ed Brown came a WRI ea-the o/f-thp-benetrTnr-twoioiicnaeTit *— ^ ’ next passes lo propel tha SUelers (6-0 . * ''0 '

ir the Snead tossed a pair for ihe ned* I . RT skins (S*3-3). Bolh dubs are still •____g j

ganus behind New .York. l a n a i


a lo r.the f'frst 4 -w hed drive truck to offer paase ’. sure.fooled 'Jeep ' trnction off th e rosd.

hp. Tomado.OUC engine is America't only auto produces higher torque a t lower engine apeed*. c convenUoiiAl eogines.

tiw s-lnclodor*Jeop‘-4*'wheel-driTfl-wlth-*lmpll T-lhe-flT»t-tlme la ftny4*WD'vehicJe, optional-i dSBt front loipenaion,

NSOOwith 180-lsch wheelbase and 7* ft-bo* ,; B*ft. box, OVWa up to 8000 lbs.

p. Tit i t o u t a t y o u r Jo o p Dealor’s ^




t o* S i

yB .•^0 \ *«'V ' ■

" t s r '



Ina,o u , | j S ^ f l B 8 9 R 9 | R n g 9 i nons - f ivv g w . y r .i


^ , ' rillLA D ELPlIIA BACK Ilopalonf Ci in., on a stretcher Sonday after breaking hli

cfflcUls said he woxUd be oal for Uie

m - 1 ? M onJ g y . N o .. 19, 1912jlUi ------------ “ ■

' tmj.°; T ig f ii S c r a m b l e i s M a rk s H o c k e y ------ =

n , T b . A u .c i .u a M 'ks, A sudden surge by Providence >es, and a Just*as*tudden slump by

Wear E u U m division race In Uie v n r t 'ks’ American Hockey league. ,

Quebec, which once threatened tea lo make^ft n n w tt |a y ^ o f ^ ^ E ^ - ^

Ing ond time, losing 8-0 to Rochester to PrWay , nighc. Providence dls- a —

played Its new-found Ilrepower , _ car In an 8-3 rou t of Sprlnglleld. TRY~n ion BalUmore knocked o{( western w IcaBer'Buffalo 4-2 In-Uis oatj _ r~ ~

other'game.— :----------------- ;----- --- —Tlie comblnaUon left only

Uvee points separaUng the flnl lov, ^our teams tn the SosC.

Audio-Visual ;~ ; GROUND SCHOOl j

; E veryT u o ir foy ,8 p.m . ;

i r u ------- -------

) offer passenger car amooth- ' osd. . . .

I's only autom otive overhead lae speed*, c o su lesa to op«r*

Trtth-*lmpmiBar*lngls-shlft----- ——.ie, optionai-aptonatic^ traB i^----------------------

1 7*ft-bo*, J*800 w ith iw “ 'A

/eSlnew ! l a U i ^ ,



SHOW TUES., 6 :0 0 P.M.

_______ V

lopalanf Ca«ady Is carried from New Tork'i breaking his r ifb t le r In fetirth quarter of f»a al fer Ute test cf the season. QUnU won 19

7 W £ - Z Z $ to

m iDifferent

NEW YORK, Kov. 19 ( f f - T e D i ©on Chandler missed 20 of 2J g . « p pracllce field goaU 'before yesterday's game wllh Uie « ,ooo t_ PM4ilclph5iiJ!?Bles..^___

"* In UiB gam* h e set ft New *be Acqi York club record and fell

^ one Short of th e National • ^ c ^ i ” Football league m ark wllh

_ fou£_tleldjoal3.B t.dJjtoncca_ranglng^from SO t o n yards. ^

» « 'Id. TRY TTMES-NEWS WAKT AD3 heavyweli m‘'y - j ____ i- . V - . - - '- i" .. , t ;

lly ' r " ”ral ,,


m ic : 1 m- J f c - «

y p B Say Seagrar

E H r HeAi:

A n ai: ahip sec

.'-y/it-c C T S w rivals o f ton Oilei still

- Broncos vision,

| ^ S B | ^ ^ K 9 Q i H C r R 9 - handling but Uie bl to uie Ol Boston ‘ Pa

HousUin, cm dlvtslo; lolling a rau io ts . n


broken col ^-BatU ior Ut. in Its winless .Oa

comingvictory.-'Dalh3-<:twonexthara a I t a t home a

3 ^ D D h b H B H ^ B ^ B 9 | Tiuins. Dei lU once-po

^ the groun.'? '■ - T i B l i K S S l S Z ^ i S ^ ' muH face

■■-? 'i i^ f fT B B W fy S ^ i 'iV Itnm once -n ,e - T e *

New York's Yankee aUdlom field Tter o f game agaiasf Clsnta. «o6 nU wen 19 ta 14. (AP wlrtphoio) S S l to 2i

M £ S ’AfEWS

1 ^ 1 _____ P * "

Clay Offered— 1 « ;- febniary^Fight- s-S K

SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. IB (fl "-Cassius Clay h as been offered ■ Lincom WJ.000 to figh t Eddie Machen ■

- here_ncxt_rcbruary._prQ m otct. t/-o- t-it Abe Acqulstapacc says. |

, AcqulsUipaco said Sunday he _ y N t O has not y « jecelved an answer ■ P cun , i from William F avershom; l ^ ls* ■ nam e -

whose k n o ^ o u t of Archie Moore | -last week made him a prime —

3 heavyweight conlender. f a ^

......... ......■■■" • I

■ :

e p ^ B i


a g r a m ' s a n d be S o r e -

• lUttU DUIlUUl ct

American-L Heading To All-Texas H

Jiy Tba Associated Press A n a ll-T e x as A m e ric an F o o tb a l l le

a h ip se e m e d in th e o f f in g to d a y a s r iv a ls o f th e division-I(Mdinfi: D a l la s Te to n O ile rs b egan to f a d e f ro m s i s h t . ' s ti l l h a v e to co ntend w ith ih T " s e ( » n d - -p ) a c e - D tn v f rr B ro n c o s In t h t W es te rn d i- V ision, even a f te r so u n d ly handle u ie p, handling Ihem 24-3 yesterday; backingforih but Uie biggest break has gone to Uie Ollera-rand against Uie _ - Beaton •Pairlols.

Houston, now atop the East* T T em dn-tslon by a half game foi- T ijE S M . lotting a 21-17 victory over Uie Painois, may ilnd the prowire f ^ n i n M(Mi after— Bo«on’s_.veienui «juartert»ck Babe PaiUll w u loel lor the r e « of the season with a ■‘'.'■'■ 'M broken coUjrtJone Simday.

rin iUt. In Its las; six gunes, handed , . f lwlAless .Oaklojul lis lOUi low In - . - -tile wily m»h»rtii1nH cumi. - '' . ^coming fnan twWnd Ice a 10-9 , Mvictory."Dalh3-(a*})-wtll-have-pl«yed -d tB B K M Stwo few'er games than Denver bynext week-end as the Broncoshare a n«m k«lvlng day gim ej •a t home against Ihe New YorkTitans. Denver has suddenly los’.lU once-po«'erfu! attack, getting I C .! ^ ^ E >

the ground Sunday,- and still . . . . m , ma-* face an Improving Dallas ’— M A I

= £ x e c iLcn Dawson, bombed Denver'ssecondary with Uuw touohdcFwn _____ _V »posMs, raising his Jesgue-JeadUnr p-_total to 24. Gene Mingo’s first ' W K t i lperiod field goal w u Uie only L ueeioffense Denver (7-4) oould pro- M e n d e i -

* p lr iii i had tnrcsfl ona tw iSr- — pnT rT T idown pois for Bortan before his ■*crippling JnJury. OUcrs' fluarter- TICKElMck George Bianda tcesed a pa ir WRato break down Boston’s 7*0 lead TVTOJ FALLand Charlie Tolar added Uie last ■ SponsonHouston (7*3) touchdown. Matchmal

Tom Yentdc, rarely used this

1^ OET INTO CIVIL SERVICE V,-Many-«ppolntmenU-toU.8.-ClvU-8ervlcfl-jot)

during Uie next 12 months.

I These positions provide S tsyun lT Y for you a w ith good par, steady e c ip io j^ m t and aovsi jobs re<iuire lilUe or no apeeiallsed educaUon

■ Lincoln Service, a privately owned school, h prepare for Uiese tesU each year. For full i V S . Ctril Service jobs, mail T ODAY.

lVn COLN S t t V WI Pekin, Illinois

■E= ::= ^

gW -; : ■ ,

M J -

(SWK't (in HllF-On/HAlF-SWEn); •«S, ADO SODA TO FlU.

.................... .................... :■.................- I

O T e ~ ^ — ' ■ ; '—

u DisTiuut cDwurr. a« itai orr. u n « mutti. H rtw.esx


Toward 5 Honorated Press *o o tb a ll leacuc cimw. i - to d a y a , t h . ' , ? S f e D a l la s Texan* ami

m B igh t.

sa r..* leppedJa.f»• r w ft 09-jvd cn Burton. He u andle Uie Pou x c k in g f o r ih e r e M c ;^ ;-

W restlingTU ES,, N . , . 20 ,8:30 .® ,


• - ^ A I N EVENT--


W RESTLE R O Y A f L u ee i • Gomez

M e n d e i • Doyle ■ U »!i


rV?IN FALLS CICAR STOa ; Sponsored by V j.w MaUhmaker Tex Hsser

ERV iC £ WORK! -Servlcfl'jotattlll'be ms6

r y for you and vour i t and sdvsncrfflrnt. Misr !d educaUon or experlenct ed school, helps Ihtnisanit r . ^ full informauoo a

— ....... - — A te ---------


Vj o i,

J . _________________^I

■. - I

m .M n w r .e r tu " '^ '^

Page 13: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

projected I Sugar Bow

i">» " •'¥•■ ‘r"dSendinfe national champ on

--— i would lig p a r t a n s - A r e

f a v o r e d f o r* - J unbeiUn

Race T o d ay JS V

w chwnplOMhIp the Rebel

• '^ J l^ o u n S r «ho WM ourl»> mld-wlnl*t o prsduBled. but Don »h!cl. »po

S ^ - ;n ^ r P u l tb e r , - 1 3 lh « u l In c lu d e 2 f v » b j c t OUwr SpoTun* wsanJiall

S ' “ “ “ " ' J S S mS S i “ i«na P“ ■"•' Cr

^ “ ■• 1 ® ?Sio« and P«Qn 8Ul« » e rt New Orle«

prdjiide-tiie—idaIu tn jlM LTI .Tom SlUvnn. VllH- dlum is tl

yMf« m ln * a « ‘*b^hjeconds u » teen-»R«r cbnfirtnS

« wo. wUl one of the e#eh olhe P ! iS ^ r « the Individual tlUe. Arkatm* _____________ « rivaJjy £

Smai’tD e b l s K “'' ib t m t - O u t t — ^ .3

O f R u n n i n g ^, B. Tte Ai»ocI»led PreM ”. B a it Dcb luu ]u»t BboBl Q uoTO knr d u n c e abe b»d o( i j * J . • S S i the 2.>'e«.ol<l illly •

T iW ^ n n M m j-f lr jtn n -e lg lit - A t 6 - nces U)d rated a atrong _ -

g y . ' ” O n 1jnn’ Mrs. R- Ij. Rdneman'* ^ _ BiU* bai w u n d up either aee- *>7 t i e i or third Ih her last four Take It oouap. , riors of_jkB«taUy-flJnnrt;I>«b_dKin> M.Wace_ IHt I u n e e of gromxJ. for her T he; at iMaj of tetbncks started when lu t Tue« tSttwe* for Juvenile fillies waa nndtheNi AnUJved oiit of a mile or more. Basketball

dijtathe l«.405 Mirftuerlle av Today.* ru !u In which ahe waa third. fi,« tdUa nearly four lenstha, back j,ome In I {<tt»Brookmeade SUble'a WUe j,Kk of 1 Kiwied Mrs. K. lUlble'* Naltf. only one ' -*sirt-Deb.- « d d tn -b y Bobby trip. ' nB7..i£i.lhe.pacfl_for_tbrs<* _ x iia _ w (oslhi of a mile, then faded In k.M nfr Iht ilrttch a* Wllll# H arm au ,. ,v t , , tfoajM Wise Nurse lo the end ci'einna.) of the 1 M6 m lla i \ i length* Mjn" h^lfi B frent of Nftlee. Sm art Deb 5,e Royai. m » Mci itO c ot-N tlte . TJJ* of their r

Use w u 1 minute 45 3-5 tec* Sunday nl

Pw winning her first take In aiS I m M' tl»t-ita«ir-W l«i-M urM..plcked Bpm;8»3S and paid « aa-tho mood choice. jyll-0»W de-of-tht^arr*erlt«-laal fijracuse^ Bitardar'* feature races faJltd lo in the fir ^ out any, of the title can- doublehea<

------------------------ '■— r p D tm m- ^ — — — Robertsc


r £ > s \a i:» sr -jst ^»»«| IJlij high tcnUk {MB ttrin,ml C»»«. 1,4,0. J.J for Ul

m'T.V fi.Jl'.'**'* *"• ^ 3-0.jf» ^"'*‘7 ,<i»r«ud Ter. Mnsix™ The fast . ; ; *"• ''"I Nil* OwU l.J: Ton *ft s 2fi-ll^ i»T^ d«rr*t»4 Coof DaIU l>tl trBnina /'In t>>at.

UtCindUM mCtJllibrld*, 4}|| high

IttWt HO ,pin.S ’ ^iU.B plArt .iMt ••A IIJ tr1pllt»l.

- " S ' ,

•tiff n T o w n

r .u U n j ._______ „

|ayl^PaceL_^ _ KSX akers «“

: f e » s x r ^ T , s s -**ei rttmL 4l® ^ An««>«

hair of V .

Chlcag^ I ‘“' “w tii;;” ''’”'"";'' ,.Iy

T ech Ts Ol- ^ . . . . ____ ■— —TT- — 6A K -ra

d Into S j owl Talk p19 ( f lV -G e o rg ia T e c h c r e p t ene^^tm e

■e to d a y . A c tu a lly th e E n jr i- *»** e r th e i r S a tu r d e v t r i u m p h _ Nineteei fism plon A la b a m a : X s o u r c e m 'le lectlon com T nittec te ld t h e - n e ^ « ■ A sso c ia ted P rcsB th e K ro u p n a t te a p i _ w o u ld i ik c jo s n a n U h e E n - . . le tlJ iu te i

Rincera na an o p p o n e n t f o r ‘^ai M i a s i s s i p p i in t h e N e w ”Y ear’s d n y c la ss ic . s a i - =

Ole Mlu, headed for Its first unbeaten season In the 16 years I Johnny Vaughi has been he»d V f v * w coach, b believed to be In line ^

. for the bid lo be host team in f

. tha fius&r bowl. V jU u V1 Arkansas has been mentioned ~ promlnenUy us an opponent for

1 the Rebels, aUo. The B»iorbacks O l c H l J I »re believed lo have the Inside n p n v v t i I track for the sugar' bowL

TUe Sugar bowl peopjs now > fafl.Ta^rflinr tn thT m i m , til l t I It would be IcnpoMlble lo gel Ala- . bama here lo play Mlsilsslppl.- -S eM fa l-perM ns-eloM -io the 1 mid-wlnler Sports assoclaUon— n i . .fI which sponwrs the Sugar b o w l- *‘>* ‘**8tan. 1 Includjnc-one Jcey. official. o L lhe “ S?’*®!'' * I orsanliallnn seemed almoel cer- “‘ “ '(t I Uln last we«k Uiat Alabama ®‘ pracUc*.! could be Induced to come here. sam ts. He I The Crimson Tide played In »«alw t Perti

Uie l» n bowl and also came lo *ans1 New Orleans early In the season " , ,I In nlAv Ttilnnf' « h n v hnmi- >tii. mlnUteS bef<• dium Is Uie'Sugar bowl.• Mississippi and Oeorgla Tech “He has a• are both In the Soulhcttslern as etpU dt: conlerence. \Tbey do no t play ix ry a a ia r ! each other In regular season. th a t he wll . Arkansas to d Mississippi hnd tln^e Salurd

«rlvalJ7 of )onr standing bu t the guarterback Parkers and Rebels played the ir —•TVell fel Iasi regular season game a year plan and m ago. approach aci

Arkansas finishes Its season pens (lo Ui th ji -8 a tu rd iy —a ta lo r t—TeKM “ auSra"D r' Tech and then can legally accept injured a let a .bowl Inviuuon, Neither Ole r „ v u . Mia. OeorgU Tech nor Alabama %uwm wind up until Dec. 1. orldley and

., . ~ ------------- both mlsietl

S. F. Warriors JSJT. ™this week '

-At€ Dropped-i-v T . m • California

-QnJLojigTrip s a tBy The AasocUted Press ' _

Take it from the weary W ar- riors of San Pm nclsco-lhere 's *■ .like j i ome.____________j r j . ..

They sel oui“ on a road tr ip 'jYeHU last Tue*day-wlih-»-7-3-record J T .r ': '* * '*nndthe No. la p o cln the National i~w |Basketball assodaUon's W ealem J J e J j l ]

Today, six daj-s, five clUea and By Tbe flte gomes lawr. they headed Peru a M< home In third place, two gomes debut In ihi back of leading St. Louis w ith urday nlghl only one victory to show for the of a campal; trip. ■ - - - »orld—Th#-W Amot*,_toa ..w eaj7_la hold off Oscar Bobertaon and The Jack TwTman In a lost half Cincinnati drive, blew an eight- s tr t aht. ta) point halfUme margin and lost to O' «w>k In the noyaU 13J-120 In Uie windup York’s Mad of ifielr road trip In O lnelaM a Mina ha* Sunday night, from .the U;

The loss, coupled wlUi Los *Angeles- llfl-98 triumph over D e- o « f IroltTTlropped-the-Warrlora-oul o f-a -ah are '« f-seco n d -p lace ,-» full game back of Uie Lakers. 8jracus«ilpped-Ohleago-lJ0-;0? Xlqt^ d-y In Uie first half of Uie C e tio lt ^AIJ but^» doubleheader, the only o ther nsh la have BUIie OilTCllBltile.**~' *' ' .whera .hn nil

Robertson scored 20 points and Twyman M in Uie last half as lilt Royals chanred from behind. .i,Each finished wlUi 32. f ??

C l i i e f s D e f e a t — S s

K a n s a s C i t y S ; . " ? . 'LONG D EA ai. CalifH Nov. 10 w a r h e h u i

W-Tlie Long Beach Chiefs won ord.Uielr second stnilght game over _____the Kansas c ity steera last n igh t p(In Uie American BoskeU>oll g^N JUAlleague, 103-74. lo m -Q on J

The loss dropped the Steers to header from3>2 for the season. Long Bench innings andIs 2-0. and Caguas

The faat-breaklng Chiefs raced guea wlnnln;to a 30-11 fW l quarter lead and Caguas UieKansas City was never close afte r Puerto Rlerthat. league gamej

h o l i d a y S H O P P I

; “ M O R E ^ O N '

- a n d I t ’s e a s i e r , 1


EXTRAUSH--------------------I N J « ) U R - E 0 C 1 <

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Wlll7 TwInF^tlo^lrfa

, W i p b o n *

Outsider— SAK-fnAW OiflCQr.ton-ttJ - - : :

t^ - ip ie Dig Six named In M O B lL t Alloutsider today as l u football ractog, you coib a a ot Uie week - N a y n lappe<t ,Uie fieRoger 8U ubach-for nearly probably "would

, upaetUog favored Southern nleal knockoutCalifornia In 'th e ir clasts a t Jusi about an jLos Angeles. runaway.

u s e won l3-« but mlddlt Tall Tuny LeiSuubach impressed confer* ^ . — —ence offlclaU with Uils per- y U J P

Nineteen carries for 11] yards, including an ie>ysrd' A dash for. N avyi touchdown. 5 K | | ^ ^ ^ ,

D eren pass compleUons In K \ 'n a ttem pu for 10« yards and

J e d i iu iea:n.ln.a.lasi-m inuie- drive tha t ended on the U8C 20 u Ume ran oul. g '

Golden Bears’C o a c h J L e t S c m c A o o . ;

Weber, with a

Stanford WaitDEKKELIY. Calif, Nor. 1» oH Jo ridV rnv lS S

- California coach Merv L-ry |» he plana t o - let-Stan- 'orO »Wt»t“-»bout ‘whether fluar* _ , i"*Jenr' •erbaek Craig Morton, hurt In Jalurday* California game, will ‘n* Jlay'next Saturday In the Call- « n l ho lier of :omla-Slsnford foolball clash. B'” - doubles

Morton, who'underwenl surgery l ‘j ! ? iftc rbeing hurt-on ihe n rsi day .f pracUc*, has played only four tames. He saw h b flrsl acUon ^igalnst Pertn Stale, amaslng Call* . omla fans by compleUng 30 ot Despite Web !fi passes, tie was hurt two the lanea a t nlnutes before the —averaging abiflaW ."----------------------------------- (tsJiiis - . liB'l ieU

“He has ft leg Injury and ihafs o v e r 'a i IS etpllcli as n i be about J L l -cry said," H«~-s*ld.“TUweVil7 ' a tn o h B •,^0 h a t he will know before game apolb average iirie Saturday whether Ihe sta r » wiuiluarterback will be able to play, ^ f M JO and l i ““W ell fel them prepare a game - ■■ ilan and make them alter ihekr pproach according to what hap*>ens (to M orton),' Levy said. - *ausr3"i]:ne«ruxcD oniia~ tiwQjured a leg In the Kansas game n d b a queaUonable starter gainst SUnford. End Mike UIdley and fullback I\3m Luiei >olh missed the Kansas game «cause of leg injuries, and Levy aid he w ont know unUl later h b week wheUier they’ll pUylaturday. ____________

Should M onon~be bench^i ;atlfomla will use defensive pctlaUst Larry BaUlett in theuarWrbaek-aJol:------------ :-------------

“ . “

Peru Fighter a B b Ready^or - tH » DehutJiulI.S._ IMM

By n e Aasodated' Press Peru’s Msuro Mina makes hb

lebut in Uie United Slates Sat- jrday night In the opening bid it }f a campaign to get a Utle crack .i t world UJhl heayywelght ^am plon Harold Johnson. 'T h e 'S S ^ e^ Id 'S o u U i-A m eri-

» n ctumplon. winner of 24 ithilRht. takes on Detroit's Hen- 7 Htmk tn a ]D<rounder a t New ,srork-a Madbon Square garden. ,

M ins ha* beaten a ll 10M b te n ^ rom. the U;B. th a t he has faced, ncludlng a 10-round decblon >ver releran Eddie Cotton of Se- ttUC-ttt Lima last OcL 17. Cot- on_woa_lhelNo^,_l contender a t he time. Now Mina is nmkedIrst and Colton second._________

All buh^wo of the Peruvians' *IghU have been held In Lima

Alors. H b record, b 30-2-1,'ln- Judlng 10 knockout*.

In Hank, eighth-ranking mid- Uewelght contender, he will face I perfect foil. The banl-hltUng JeUolter wades righ t after an ipponeRHn-the-hope-of'laodlng —I knockout punch. He succeeds iften. H b record b 53-18-3, In- ludlng 38 knockouts. But th b ;’Y- ■ear h e h u a mediocre 3.-3-1 lec- / ■ird. / 7 *

WIN DODBIXnEADEB / ■ SAN JUAN. Puerto lUco. Nov, --.rl

9 if t-S a n Juan swept a double- «c*>oal raci esder from Areclbo 3-2 tn 11 inlngs and 6-3 while Mayagues nd Caguas split a pair. Maya- ues winning the flrat 8-3 and :aguas Uie nightcap 3-1 In uerlo Riean w inter bosebull ■ W A . - . :ague games. ______________ H i l A a ^

iOPPING'S-FUN— --------------isier, t o o - U H A V E.


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0 $1000

N A A T C E' o R A T I o -N H W y

l i n A v e n u e , E d s t

„ Ffins, Idah* T s a C T *, o n « 7 3 S . l W » They p u l ocv

■ ema Wins ■lO B l i i . A ii- Nov.‘ » c lC -In 'annual l i « i o ' ing, you could have said he nament by se%i P « l , the field: ln„£ox;iis it the most sine ibably'would have beTn a tech- capturcd a PO al knockout, in football, or nam rnt Utle I I about any sport, ll was a ear»r'r_lhljJ«i lau-ay. l * ^ , 23. w»"all Tony Lema won the fourth off Uie pace In


Lieader Bowls 1rillCAOO. Nov. 19 ir r D lc l ' Plact w llh3J9 :ber. with a record 3.5W -for Louti. wos in games, led the field In today's Jjisi.I games of Uie preliminary ' .p,^ . j Jlllylng ■ round of ihe *48.009 therld's liivlutlonal bowling lour- lotlay. with tli

. . . . . .. . . __________JnliiiUii.dcfend

Louis, who was tiamrd bowl- games semlfl ot ihe 'year In IMl and Is cur- il ho lier of Uie-all-atar-jln- a, doubles and Icnm tltl» .ed a U » In yesierdny's six n ___,iacsJUs-toial.topped..U ic.old ------ r u S U

ol 3M 0 S« b r Pal P ill.........son of S t. Loub for 18 games LAS VOT< t yrar. * Vaiice AndeiJeiplie Weber's high scoring F,??'Uie lanea a t McCormick Place ,

n ln g “ h r fo !d o v e r 'll Awkliorse In the • imey. Jim St. John,_Cjile«BO. „ ,^ tnohB•.^o^ner^rof-M lnnB ^ 'h im d re d lh j ' olb. averaged SO In hb last mo finals.gamts wlU» six game blocks ___________l.<10 and 2JM «e take second ■ i"

f c j | / ffl\ / i

Iccboal racing exerts magnetic-pnllTJirthc;


bey put oew liTe into the old folk songs

IS liloMle inusl 'siMO Mobile golf tour* Thursday, took i lent by se%’en>sixoke m a ic ln - Friday, bu ilt 11 most since Arnold Palmer 8alurtL^y and II

■urcd a I ^ A iancUoned lour, wiih an easy 70 irnt Utle by the same edge edge.[rr_ihljj e i r ._________ Tlie San Learr ^ , 28. who was two stroke* card read 67-61 Uie pace In the opening round the par 98-3S—7

VEWS Monday, Nov. 1

Is 18-Game 3,9a; wllh 3JM. Uarry Smith. 6i. morrow! ' b . wos in third place wtth After (He se I. lendJiiB scorersh r men fire tlie final >li star Uic ni.itcl If.i III the quolltylng round Wednesday.••■ttl ly. witli the high 47 sliootcf, nicellns r.ich, .iiii: dcfendlng.champlon.lJoii tour Kamf^ j Ih ter. SI. Lo'ils. tor th e . U Sunday, w ith t: les semlflnais surtlng t^'. winner.

------------- M ena-D cm nChicago oecrclai lop spot In the

..Fastest GunJumDJnu Jwo

LAS VEOAS. Nov. 19 blonde Lavemenice Anderson, 30, Lai Ve- of the d^fendl IS, Nev, hair stylbt, provrt S on w l« cl"cc niself the fastest gun In le naUon last night by win- riileairo w m U :ng the fonah.annjial na- “onal open I ^ t draw cham *r current • nll-slaonshlp. _ __ jkumeaJ»wlsr.<'ATldcnon.lwlct flredTiLJI:_ andJilBl..ahol i undredlha of a second In b s t night, Ih 10 finals. woman th u s f

• tallied oft In h« and finished ii


a g^


ill-om h67ounfi:heflried'i(wil

I n l D B i H $'HrlHSEF3il-■ B s B l i l n H j " ' *

c songs Uocommonly smooth bourbon:

in Ruriawa:iday, took a o iie -s tr^e lead bll< municipal coi r. bu ill It to seven atro)ies ' Thc t2.000 lop pi cL y and Ilnlslied yesterdsy oftlcial wlnmiici an easy 70 to maintain hb S38.4U and moved

to UUi place amo I San Leandro. Calif..'pro's pro money winnei read 67-68-M-70-J73 over Ddirg Sanders i ar 30-36-73, e.BOO-yard Mo. sliot the besi card------------------------------------- - rounr. o3:-JJ-C7., , N o , . 1 9 , 1 9 6 2 1 3

up second place n

----- :-------------------------------- was tied with tiert

3 r \ 4^ / \ monl. T ex-w llll IQ G Q Brewer won las

• t / t / t / open wlU\ a 75-lit. •' one over Lema's

er (He semlOnals, the l i jr** andVoIiiieVd IB scorers ond Carter will jo i,u Pnul Jone: Uic ni.itch-Knme finals on w ajsunl prt

icsday.'.-ttllh. ench bowler 7-under-pnr OJ Tl ns r iic h . other flnnllii in toumfcV'a beu , r Kamf^Jrl^(Lt.ourIley..^vlU.fnd a .7 7 _ a :.a u i ay, w ith t7J00 going lo Uie ue for 50lh. lie w

na-D crnnns.- B-HO-ywir-old t h y tp>IE3*NE\' igo secretary, moved hiio ilie pot In thc .women's division iilslK. shooting eio lo give I B k i ia v i a i i.u iu l.o f U 9 3 fur 12 games I . R I J Y I N ' jiplng iw o second plflce was I a* w ■ iiw le LAveme Cortcr. lli« wife I * ^le d£tendlnR mcn'a eliam* I _who checked In wllh 3Jin I F i n n

ler 12 gamea. Pat Sennlng I ■ * '* “>go, wns th ird with SJU. I

n t n il-star ^gm ploii a n d !

UKll..ahol A 207 Kcond ganicll________ 537_A^night, tho highest for a I A U T O F IN / in th u s fa r . However, she I <1 oft In her final two games I finished In fifth place,

- r i y i n g ' t o o n e or-F Iorida’s.on 'shore isbnd

s o u rb o n : i t measures up fo r th e young-bear

way — Trial oinlci^T'eourseT^' ~(2.000 lop prbe boosted h b l l r l i l H l

wlnmiigi ihU year lo X K f \ ^ X . 1and moved him from 17th . »place among Ihe leading W 'T A i * ' ! ' ' ! V I

mey winners of (he y^ir, ■ 0 l , c l l . L l I Sanders of ojal; Calif, V X A I

,e besl card nf the clojlng ' RALEIGH. N .0 3:-JJ-C7. dfjplle bosey- 19 (/P )_T he f.'i'io f

l!w “m'S'.rp“ 5'''l-f'I,md place monry ot IIAOO, Ci'Ut't.s III alloBcd rs anumt Uic lop 10 were tn f ix 10 NorthRfl/rn:!. i>u:i ciiy. Ma.; iif ji le c o 11 c g 'e I-KnudMin. Toromo; and .T'inu>« s h i r U in

:;‘”£ S 'o - r t 'h e r o lo.i,,y.Je rry —riiim an, -TuImi, -Jefen d o iila arfcJoM

183, ond saOO, Aaroii WacniBn, Jose[idlng c h a m p io n Gay ClmrlM Tiickrr. Dj , Jr- CryFlal Itlvrr, Kh., J'.’ ''’*'" ''' S'esal, Lou D d with tlert Wrsvcr, Uenu- ‘ ‘“f ' Walker, nil New Tex- wllh a Mt nnd jc :i. ?"*' aoldbrrc er won last year’s Mobile bol*' 61.•IU\ a TJ-liole loial ot 274. PoUi'Hor (praieciil er Lema's tolal, The pre- Chalmers snid W«H ,wo winners. Hilly Casper. pleaded guilty1 Poliner, did not compete. b«b rrr eounUi. nnd , Pnul Jone*. the liirudnle, -■'Is expect st' j ls u n i pro, »hn tJiol a I’'" '* *■” ' ^r-pnr Oj Tliurxlay for the • Tlie Wake counly y'a ben .round, finished relumed a 99-count .77—28i.aii(l lnj-tour«way Jiin. H. It Dccuted.llic 20th. lie won >l»i. of rlgKlng lll^o u^eom

’■ lOTtPEB Daskelball'^l ■P>IE3*NEWS WANT At?S Raleigh. _________

i U Y I N G a N E W o r U S E D a

when o r where yo u buy it,

Finance it with HIATICHIC HIATT

__ IDAHOJIMANCEj COMHANY-___ 537_MoIn A Y e B u « J ^ T w ln _ ^ l l i , IdqhITO FIN A NC IN G D IR E a I

Phone 7 3 3 0 1 8 3

lo rc isbnds, Ihcy discovcr.a n?\ov.ay t(i.folli

’ i ft' Ip ‘ M

H H ..-IZ T I 5

oung-hearled crowd T h ey c h a l l ^ tbe f

ia l“o f - ^ il)ers ^ i r t i n g " “JIGII. N. C., Nov.•Thc r.isc of 10 mea

w ith 99 bribery ill alloBcd'utlempls 10 North Carolina .. o llc f f^ e bn.<tke(bnJI s ta r ts in superior jre loiljiy.immrfcjQsepU Haeken.__ .acniBn, Joseph Greene, Tiickrr. n svr niiHin Slesat, Lou Darshak and ker. nil New York Cliy, r Goldbi'rc and Steve oa, bolh 61. 1.0UU. r (praieculori Lester I snid WnUcr already ided guilty to seven foufitii, nnd Chalmcrt 1 expect srveral other I be entered.” ake counly gmnd jury a 99*count indictment QCCUKd.lhcdcfeiidams

: ihroiileonio of several____D T O tiib n r 'rs 'n n 'n iT

SED CAR?>uy it,

H IA T T !

^ I l l , Idoho___________D IR E a LOANS


I' .\V.ay tl}.follow the luti

Uenge tbe fu t slopes

Page 14: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

' . Pali, fcielHng •

STOCK CAil fh« fitlltmtnt of f»»l mlng

__ tpin-ooti, lW«wlp«» «nd iH.. two K4l. mod.1 1940 F»d c( Mlih •Itcl'k (King melo't. Ctch I d«pcnd«Ally op«tit«d. H*> IV4 powtr p»l>. (TUUI)

-R eg. 2 9 .9 5 A .h »

2 3 . 8 8 H---------------flafftffy tfperafeJ STOCK -

CAR RACE S E T ..................

U Y -A W A Y t^OW

..........2 2 7 M oln A ve. E.

MEN'S one

v ^ A F T E R S K. • b e a u t i f u l , '’ W a rrf

O u te r— F u r Liri

_ 9.5CHILDl

AFTER^SKL i s s j r r ' > ■

• C hlldren'l M— --------------« ie in k , . . . . . . .M . . . . . - W



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C CAR RACE__________ ByG ILBERT .

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-F u r Lined. A ll S i ie s .

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COMPAIltON h tip«cl*ll> Invlttd wllh priot quoHd S«* «i>t rh* MlMtlan *r dltm«i>d rhfli, '

dltiKond 1*1 wiKhti tnd dlim*nd pfnd<i»l.

C R E D I T T E R M S !


N e x t to’YeilowCa'b

Twin Pallt Phor

l > g t i € d

- ' s i b k-----------T kcnkiglvlHg C *nt6r - . I ~ i

. piece, Reg. i 7 S ..............| •

ra L E R AT FILLMORE I . ' ■“



» f fmuTW iN FALU

Furnilurs ^1804 .

TUB. ■& W ED.


musrAERFIELD.........................$ 60.00

............. .........S18S.00Z Z Z Z Z . $495.00

ipore— Quolity ip o r ^ W e ig h t flpore— Price


prlct quoHd br wk.I.»l* tm«i>d rhfli, wtddlflt ri>|i. >d<i>n.

■ R M S !


wCoT)Phone 733-6WI

1 .4 9

Page 15: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

fiSWI — I— • - Serve your holii

wondprful foods yot rew ard will

enjoy th is lonj - ^w h ere

I Grod» A - Birdi 5 to 8 Poundi

SmokdHiButt ,V C udahyPPortion lb* 3 * 5 ^ Shank Poi

:Smoked HiCudohy B a r " S " - WhoI« or HaJvM — For a Quick Meo)

=SlicediBaciWicklow - From th e FIne»t Porkeri - Try Thi* Fine Bacon

Nationally Known Bi

Piflsbury Cake M ix Colgate T oo thpaste

— C row nP rince ilo rjtM E at^ n _ C M m fd m e _ H o j3 e .M e a t_ S

Kitchen Charm W ax P aper Kitchen Charm N apkins N.B.C. Chocolate Pinwheels

— Pillsbury-Flaky-Biscuits— Dubuque Luncheon M eat

- S to r -K ls t Light Chunk-Tuna-

---- ‘ T h is ^ e k - Eo c - ^ i* M elm qc P lac e

i. ' •

n3ur holiday dinner proudly! Choc (ods you w ant to grace your Tha ird w ill be in th * happy faces lis long-to-be^remedibered bai where variety is wide and prices


Si lb. 47^Hamsj%

C udah /P u ritan I L U |Shank Portion I P * m m ^

kMcal ID. W m

59^Bocon I D * 9 0 m

tow n Brand%l

M e a t : c * , „ . , I ' r ; 4 3 i ^ _ _ _ _

M e a t _ S ; _ 2 ! r i l i _ | r «

______ 'rjs^' v dPaper '“:ri23 ' ^

:ins 10''

iwheels "*;;;49' T i llits-----------I ' z m i --------

/\eat "r..47" t u a

k J u n a j _ ^ : 3 j L _ r n


a3P-Y ouf-3-Kece--------U f f lla ce S e ttin g f w l

. Price* Effsctlv# Tpdoy. T

---------- -------------- jw iN - F A U S ,-J E

DOiry ! Ghopse, a t Safeway, the our Thanksgiving table. Yoyr y faces of your fam ily as they red banquet. Come select ,d prices are low. ■

’ ■ Norl3 < T lw'S/Si'S'S'SM ^

9 - TendlerJr -------- ------- • U.S;D;Arlnspected

Delicious, F lovorfulr M eoted Birds Select

Finest Flocks — St

?t E ^S a v e Twice..'.Sc

GelatinDeM fed^iFrozen Pie Fruit Juice

■ Check These I

fascat£F u ll F l a v o r e d L a r g e S ta lk s U .3 . N o . n F la v o r f u l C r i s p o n e ) N u t r i t i o u s

KussetRot Ked Grapes

ra TpdoY,.Tu«idoy and;W edn«iilay

:A U S ,-JE R 0M E ,-B U H L — — -----------------:

he j HYojir _______ _ r ^ | Has they 'ec t

irbesr^ru m c id e r J T o m s - ^ ----------------_ >

Inspected — Grode-A------------------ U.S.FlavoffulrH eovy W hite T endei Irds Selected. From the* To Clocks — Serve O ften Turns «

ce..'. Save on Stamps . . .S a y

DessertSKM M B A A A Bel-air Fami

----- ^ W ~ a i 1 1 C Your ThankI U l l l v Dinner Com

Bol-air Delicious ' Custard Pumpkin

' I W ^ ' (Mincemeat 39c)

— Bftl-oir - None Finer Fresh Frozen Oronge or G rape - Delicious

These Dewy-Fresh Produce 5

s S ta lk s

1 each

*otatoesi— ■ ^ A Emperors — Extra H O C Fancy Delicious l # V ^ Full Flavored

___u.s>-No<jW alnuts, Alm 'onds - As You Wi

f e )r a

CEYS___Young Hens------- U .S .D w \.Jn jp e c le d j= j3 ra d e jL -

T en d er, M eaty ond Flavorful Read;To C ook Brood Breasted B irds-

Turns a n O rd inary Meal Into a Peas

III. 43‘

. . . S a v e on Price!

^ 3 . i r . S l

■air F am o u s — To Make ' J J j r T hanksg iv ing 14^x . j ne r C om ple te . can ^ 0

OUIp . „

Cgo H con* T ■m ■ t 0 ■ I

duce Selections!

S r

i l 0 5 l 2 9

2* 29serf u ro w n , ■' •

'b“ ° i > s O v

Moliday-NutS. N o. T Filberts. - M 'a lnu ts . Brazils or Im ^nds — MTjT'Eifi I You W ish

-- ' ... . . . . . -■ Meftday .>i9r

jT A//Sf« Thanks

nsrade A________________________ful Ready C/B ird i-

Fruit CocklaI r>j____ Golden CprliI V Fancy Yams - - - - - —I Pear Halves


, , $ ! W hlppingC T :Creamery-Bi

_ ___ Dairy ToppIJ j / __ Fresh Eggs!

. i g Deviled Hatr■ ood

"■ I .

'■ $1'* ■ laundry Datargar

" _________ r . . 8 5 L


2 ' r 3 3 ‘

r V Lux Liquid. ■ D etergent - 8c Off I

---------------------SavoA tSafew oy

— r - - ^ . W -

Toilet Soap

^ Toilet Soap__________ lux---6e.O ff^oniQ l

I i J —

■ ' Liquid Bleaclm4 ^

^Ha».>19,-1962— TwIn'-FflHi-Times-Ne > ^ -

II Stores Closed anksgiving Day!

Side D S h es!,

:ockiairorL::?“c.5":;»“ 95^rcps;s:;x,n:r6'-r5r

I d m S Tttfl/re Dtllcioui con 4 0 ^


Dairy Features! ■_ _ _ _ _

)lng Cream c h S r SSI 3?iceryButter Eoiy Spread

ToDpinq S r . 55/ d..5Ic

led Ham Beads 0 ' Bleachderwood Powder*

t . 4 3 " ' ‘^ 4 9 ' '

xydol Clm tiM ry Detergent Old Dutch _

'S,« 85«__ 1 7 '.‘:!^79 ''_ _ _

sanser ■ Toilet SoapZomet Sweetheart

r 3 T ; ; : 5 4 '

: Liquid Ivory Liquid- B c O f f lo b e l ■ Delergent

1 5 6 1 ' ' ii ::6 9 *

^gbgc , Flour~MSofowoy G oldM edol

n 3 ? '- - - - - - - - - - - - - '^ ? ;1 t2 9 - - - - -

Bt.Soap , Salad Oil ' ,lux Critco

■ ’u ^ ;::5 5 ‘

BtSoap P epp eridg eF aon-O ff .o n iQ b * !,. A itorted Turnovert

r 2 9 ^ _ . ' ^ 5 9 ^ ,

d Bleach Baby FoodPurtx--- -- - - - - - - - cn*rrs"5TBAtf«o ^:r45* j ^ . T 4 5 r ^

•ie<‘N ew >— I S —


I B . ______•

idl y /

i “ 9 5 / ’ » r 5 i “ — 2 ^ 4 3 /» » $1 ■

S - 7 3 C —S 5 5 £ _ _0 . 5 1 c


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e r “ ^


9 t______

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) * '


19- - - - - - - - —


I ___




i S c - j — :

Page 16: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

Mond»y.Nov.19,1962 :— 1 6 — T w trT P a lll^ lft^ N fcw i

. Drill Teaiii At Hagerman Attends Meet

nAokhwAK, K o rn s jU sem un tcbool boMTl a t- a

tm ddnct of tlM kM( <trUl i* u a a t a worluhop a t X lmberlr. Tn-tntT-iU memben wera l*k- c a 'b y hiHr-----------------------------

The-tuxn* (WnonatraUon d u b %-u granud permUalon to uaa the hom« eoonomlea room wlUi* out c o l lor the next alx T tiun* <U>-8 to bolij an adult aewln*ClMS.

U «-ai mxrted t ta t Joel CWd> ««}) U M)« ot Uu 30 atudenta in Idaho Ul a UM on Ainertcaa govEnuntnt ftTm by the at»U deparunmt of educaUon. Tbe top two atnlort m o ' thU ' i m p whl6h ll to be dMecnUned br *n> othCT ttal WUl reedre an e*penae paid trip to rlall o«)fTe« next •prlni.-

The achool board ap p io rrf the purchaM Ot a drum Im a M n .

- — R o b « t-n « d n tt_ lo t_ llS i_ » * P ? : O rone Camie reported th a t Mra. Gardner had aaked ■ th a t tM i money be donated to the drill ( n m to hdp defray tlie expeniea of their new untforme.

Since »W of the p ia r f rails a t the urade school are rotten, board mwiberi approved te u ln c new onoi. •

' auUuirued to.......the Ilfliemun icftooJ-dletrtct for

Uie Mtiool year of 1P83>1PC3. 'Die board of educaUon roced to ha re 5 by 7 croup plcturea mode avail­able for Uit p»de achool chlU dren at « m t of U cenu per picture. "

Blnce tereral community rtal* denla hav# miuenied.Uuit the ecliool cell toiuton tlckoU to all

....rerniunmded UtM Uteae be aold a l a eoA ot »8 per ticket. Thi* cost ««Ud Bl« Uw faim tul Ion ta « hoine in e .

6uperintcndenl Carole report­ed u a t achool <Uatnot Ko. 333 ha< an excellent chance o t re- celrlnr federal aM under public law 874. Thia Uw waa paoaed by conpeas aeveril yean aflo to holp

-»chool dUUlcta u to a re e<hioal-------- jj^driU ren-of-federBl emploj>ee.-----------T tw -federal-tw em m ent-pay*

no taxes In the kx»l school dls- trtols vhleh are expected to edu* eale thaw ohlldjen, h e pointed out. To «*npen*W lo r th is un ­fa ir aUuaUon Uu law'waa pooMd

—— k r that-TrhiM*Wp"wm-n«>frbo p u t loe*l eommuniUe*.• TtiB main aouree of tedoroUy-

-------- eonnBttad-tmaknta In Hag tm o na m la Uh federal fish ha taw ry .

Window bUnda were onlerod for lira . Penfold'a flret trade rocro;


TOE HIU. AND H ig -O C T a E F

-wmMj ,



a n d a b o u• T . Dilcrimlnatlng'pwpio

j J ________ Kantijcky f lavor is 'm e lt f f i• The bourb

l a u

[ e e t

J d a t a

in u K omWmberly. ' fr’r e n U X-

ktlon d u b n to uae o n wlUi*IX T tiun*It aewln«

d a ld - students

Ainertcaa Uu a t» u 1. Tbe top lU- ir a u p ed by *n> n expense

nex t ,

lha l this Um drlU

I expenses

d a t :en. boardtine new ^ U N YARBINGTON,'UfL Bm I«

M enl^at the inter-dub .iaetlln t for

B W rnT n ~eiiiB 'nnnU ii w«ie lulUatedHTlaMi Istrtct fo r ■ - - . ' ■ '

S U . S . M a y R e - H e

T o P r e v e n t ‘ C a gilty real- b y WILUAM U RYAN , ofm a t the AP BpteUl Cerrwpondent misIts to a ll i r n d e l C u lro U not to emerge the

inu fja «uiw-c:-.riclor.and..J)ero a »J be aold from the US.-Sovlet c on fron t- Khik e t T hla tion. I t may bo heceaary one of theUtful Ian ihe«! daya tor thp United Slate* II

lo reheat Uie Cuban crlab. theB report- Tlie appearance ot a Cajtro koy

No. S 3 Tlctory In the Cuban standoff, moi» of re- after all th a t has happened, odeer public could liave dlm trous results for the>aased by U 5. poUcy In LaUn America, (tlm[o U> help where It scored heavily wlU> the Ujb> eduoal- s tn n c posture whleh rMulted In Sotemplojiee. dlsnantlln ; of Sorlet m lulRs (h Tle n t-p a y s tbe-Carlbbeaa.------------------------ » mhool d ls- Yet u n d e r certain circum* and1 to edu* stances caitro might make points mieI pointed for his aide, i t U entirely po*- wotth is un* slble for him lo proclaim hinuelt a taas paoBod a victor over Uie "North Amer- glvli-n o f rb o latn-trapertallsU '-'lf-nolhln«-U - TdUee. done about Uioae Soviet bombera Pre’ed«raUy* o>' Cuban soil or Inspeclora are selfIm ttm an not put In Cuba to make sure weaha tc^ 'ry l ofTehilve weapom have-been-re- offcderod for moved. apole rooro; The communists could.propa* for__ eandUe the compromise on elth* His^NT ADS er Ot Uie» potnU as a backdown no 'taSULTS by the United flUtea In U>e face to «

bout the people \g 'p w p lo havo long selected fllil'ana'H iii;^ ror is' mellowed over tho years to strict quali

i o u r b o i r w i t h t h e f l a v

U ft Barley Key elab p rw U snt, tveeU D eas Vi BittUnt for Uie year o f tbe pw ips a t Neben's

!e-lleat Crisis S> t ‘Castro Hero’ SIN of C u tro 's - defiance. ' C o tro tute f :ent might thus try to recoup aome ot c u tro emerge the losses hs sustained in LaUn uon. d hero America when boUi Kennedy and Thei IronUi- Khnuhch'eV'hiimniftted h U n 'in gfjppog one of the showdown. ' to In iSlate* I t Is dlfllcult to bellete th a t ^

1. the long su y o t Anastas t Ml- Cajtro koyan In Cuba has beenanyUilng choice indoff, more than a. K remlin masquer- ~ ' ipened. ade, a subterfuge to Indicate-to ilts for the world th a t the Havana re- nerlca. (time aUll enjoys aoverelgnty. lU) the th a t It la not owned ouUlght by iTT Ited in soviet c o m m u n ta m .,_ _ _ — _ uresfh -T l ■lrdlf^lcull^to believe Uiere H______a-oa no collusion between Castroircum* an‘a"the Sovlel'flrardepU ty-pre- -----points mier In w hat U presented to the , y pos- world e r a stubborn Castro stand f l ilmselt against InspecUotl and against Amer- giving tip Uio Wrmbers. f<jlng-U —T be_S ov le t_U n laa ._ th rouah . _ !5 smbera Premier Khrushchev, pledged It- _ >ra are self to remove from Cuba any - 0 e sure weapons Kennedy, regarded as•en-re« ortenslve.-and_to.pennlt.on-the* __^

spot InapecUon. Moscow's excuse propa* for no t removing tha bofflbers n elth* His bridges ore burned. He has :kdown no choice In the long run except le face to obey Moscow. The whole C »


S H mH i s s

pie who enjoy itiHBT^ill 85 th 'S F favb rile lw urboh rits ' rich ij s tric t quality s ta n d a rd s . Enjoy it'tonight. t

J flavor of America I




Uveap*»y-y * n r


club ' uneo.

spoke FIvi

were. U2k. o f lea wick. Muru

Tel' Mra. D .'H ; stead, year ]

teU D eas V aa Enden. Klvaals pres* a t Neben’s dialog nom last week.

lie JOwsali slBb. yw rteea j e i r Key _____

baas econotny and all- the Is* ■land's military hsrda’sre .depend Hupon the Russians. I t Moscow - ■support were wlthlrawn, Cuba ■would be In chaos. 'Hie Red Chi* ■nese are In no poalUon to substl* H

u tro tute for the Ruulans even If Hne ot C u tro wanted to pull a devla- f l:a Uq Uon. - Br and Therefore, It seem* logical to MSn i n siipposfr^ftHf-M oscow •w ant«| ..~gH

to Insist. U) twist Castro's arm. BJ41. the Cuban boss would have no H

Jilng choice but to do u he .w u toM. 9

r ^YMPAcl^ - Itha all new way ■

^ to Save on Film _ ■ w ond Processing I

!m " ■ . ■ NOW AT YOU» • I

s ~m srm i~ IC » — H


3 | i

^ ~i O' It 1 ^I t s - r i c h ~ --------------- r ----------onight. I f

g ;g iz i_________ ---r - l ____________________rica l ^ V

|- | AnnflalDinnetJs I Honor 4-H Qub 13 Ninety 4-H leaders and f u ^ Glenna met Frtdsy nljW a t U>e Twta ad JUa PalU Orange haU lor Uu iM u a l PaUs:a 4-H leader* recosnlUoa dinner and fc■ ipoosortd by the Idaho Power ford, n eOBjpaDy sad the Seart Roebuck a di n foundaUon. Mr*. Marvin Custer. „n ted■ Twla PalU. WM mliiress of c tr - Twin H " tm oales......................................... ^ Irvln l■ Ray Ohlensehltn. W er. intro* chalrnB - dilced-M r.-ind-M r« .-ean-B ar---------- -■ oldsen. Twin fall*, rep rtsen u - i■ Uvea of Uie Idaho Power eom<■ ' pany. CartOjn Van Xante. TwinM t p an f-ap o k e -o n — H ow -Junlof wu"*!■ Leaders Help Leadera.' and Jean a t Uu I Baltser ipoke on "W hat «-R Bureat■ Club Leaders Ate to Me.- TuesCi I Gueat speaker was Maurice » “ ; R■ Johnson, asalstant a u te 4-H I club leader. University of Idaho■ ■ extension division, Moscow. He■ spoke on ‘ Challense of ■S3." W a i I PIve. 10. IS snd 20-year pins ■■ W l■ , ,wefe_awsrded after, Johnson's | . | | I■ U2k. Rteelrlng puis for 30 y e a n J J f f f■ of leaderahlp were Frank SouUj- ^ ,* _ j■ wlck. Buhl, and Floyd Morrtson.■ Munaugh. A IS-year pin was ■ ' jlven 'W T M 'B lertr.-- -----------I Tel-year pln» *ere given lo F.Kfmi■ Mra. Lee MaUiewi, Buhl: Mra. k'■ - D .-H -B alttehr^nd-R alph-O lm : Jt■ stead, both Tvin I^IU. r iv e .■ year pins *ent to Mr*. Ray C ar.I tee, Mrs. Oary a rln d s u if and •ha tiii■ Mrs. James McArthur, all Buhl;I Mrs. atarrlo Sheridan, M n.

is-ek.V ___________


sti* m ^ ^ J a M m B i M U ^ S I S R


I toit« i —irm,

I r o ^ r

I k . ^ l o r c o n su lt youi I ----- ---------------------— T im es-N ew i ad>i

I - — -------------- . ” !V?T ‘’' ‘

I •••■■•'irfI iiiiyri^I_

I '

Over 70,

l e t J s J B ^ d t p _ _ _ y r ^

lui) Leaders 1a ia Olenn Doiaett. Mrs. Pred ShoW 1eta a d j l r a . P. C . Odell, all Twtn^ual PalU: Mrs. Howanl MlUi. Filer.;ner and Mrs. Joe Potucek. CuOe*;eer ford. . .« k A dinner before Use mwtJl was £ C .« • aerved by th e won>en‘of Uie ■ ■ !

Twin PalU Orange with Mn. ^

ro* chairman. In charje- ^ 5

t»- auEB A U TO M K T \ K ~PILIR. Nov. 1»-Henry Crow, \ ^

t ; ” county_eommtssloaer, will speak Vran a t Uie W er Communliy f a n a • ^ ,-H Bureau meettng a t l:SO

Tuesday a l th e parm Bureau of*4— flee. R efrtshmenu will be served. m.H reports Uwrenee RalbfleUch, L

chaUttan. . . | |

1‘Woman Tortiired L J m byAgon'BinglTCH -Noih

• ' rM i^p^:,’‘t F r H i f M ^ m n i M - 3alerl

S; — »»•“sr.



W m7 3 3 - 0 9

su it your te le p h o n e for th e d ir e c t ( Mewi a d .fa k e r l


■ m i

0,000 R e i

■itrrffBsrWewspper /dc

l i ® #; SEGO MILK’S



r " * - f is T f i iu acoH oV ini


Us»c you entcreil lliia Msy ami tjilting sMertntakr^'/ .All rnlrir* mutl be mailed nut

- Isltr lhBn-.\«ve«.l*er-30,JS61 —

' rii'k UN a ciiii>rnii'nl rniry blanV IC ^ I — Ctft<iaiMin|;(>frii.’ialruIcs.invuurstore.

(I ihc Sego Afilk Jiipfa/. W f ?


9931d ir e c t (to ll free) nutnbar to Ihe


l e a d e r s D l

ing Idaho's S k i h i iMrgesTMo' ''

m ma k e s - ^ ^ -

ncoNoVtiztA l i A Jh 100 («oi

SDDOR BGUM OUT — --------1

10 th e | b H

; Daily


Page 17: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

vSmM*rd mem*

. m«Un* in

Wmu « ? " ‘"v".ui^ wKh .chooj msmr * ^ l.h cenenl »tlen<l»nce. H H E Sixs *‘‘h. <i «u» SmSCR

='?f!^ '^ndude~W ‘' ^ " ‘ ‘*" ' B H Km»th Uiromhout

‘i“r« iS'Sf “olSw . HBs E S s > « ' H

'^/o^*!w**» or »oeUl tclence •j’'"*''’, ? ’!!"

2S iK len«cl»a««m be*pent HW J^u/rofcurTcnievcaw . 1*(^:nmfnilitloni or Uie ^ 8 - ^ K K

and unllp™’ »PPf«»ch

^ J i t . An remedial *prosnim Intro-

‘? J u 2 n u « e dtpartoent rtc-a-BHidfd 111* purclitt« of a i . C lrea"r'a«?-A t-siS i rteommended Ui»t where t Ii c T wIi doDblc or •‘■'P'® clMses exUl. renUon dep itiBiUrtlttd *«“ •** pleK d IniU

Uemben of the conunUtcM coal b u rn t >tft Ur*- H-1* P irCWrtjhl. »>«• ,T?i"in;V,'’ ‘ W Jlllam :m Murphy, Mrs, C^riw ^ l l c - ^ ^tda. Mr». Dtxler Walkliu, Mr. ^ eoncre t f r ^ lUrry KurU. U nn le ‘ "i* S a rw iilU m K*y Htll, Mr«.S^Joim ion. Doyd H u l « ^ . nId Bodily *nd Uurencfl Pree- “ i„ j ,

‘ tolfniUon of n*lph McCau-

K2eU!fJ«n»«1*l<Ju!Je»o/Mc-aaley. Anuiscni*nl« are bclnu * “ade «lUi» locut Mrvlce lU Uon ,---------------u KTlee ll<e buses prevlouily P r n n pUSDH br McCiuley.-:----- : -------- .C i O p e

TW.MI «ere Inforined tha t la fom ii b n ttsu or buie skUU for Twin tlffisliry sr*des and lowft testa Adji(J tdaauonil development for ' - ■. - - U« bUb aehopl h«Te been com- wai

. ior*iV’iiiock

Dirt Hauled to re' ”• * Church GroundsKAILEV, Nov. 19 W Several -w illU m t.

baodrtd yuda of earth have beta hauled from wejt of town L«- n. Me' aad. placed on the UWtifuIar if"',J«ft of round &e{r«n V. S. h^hw rW -M d'the-B roadford oiw"i iT iJ i road, bet»-Mn the Blaine County *iun>-on. sui toplul and the LD3 church. * j- ^

Tlic ikfOUUd WhTCll"IK10n|;d to T C''Ult churcKjhu been leveled, a i;rinUer aTiCem Installed, and nTBTTsnsnwapraTmnnimteff nvrwrr la the fprlnj. ii^ .i c»,uU

Mr. and ifra. Lesley ShJrt-i. u i u y eajtodlani at the church, will **' .. are for this 37S-foot trlanuular iirta lo addition to tlie large Uoi»M a . rounds aurroundlnf thc church. r . * ' S . ;

Church authoriues wish—to Ihiftk all sho donated their i,;i*!r,? w tructs and time for this work. Aiiditiun. iiu

4-H Leadership ”14. “I Club Is Formed-H A lL E V -N on-itJA pre-or- -VT'itrTJjrj'

s M,S"j.w; S K i K i ’ip H . B S s l ' p l

The meeilnic was planned by jV*'”'* ’' Juiea Eiikin Mm f ^ t f r Timn- coiiE_ t t w d Mn. Cylnslon; Alao a t-T*nHlf», .. — . , «. * , xfUafonan* 1"III »iiiL iiii. Him iiua, uftri Ll'rtnn'i .WWMlcr, Mra. Spencer Blntt- T ,i„ f . m.

Jiag;g j ^ C lo u K h to n . Kenneth V -in \-iu .‘. Wwwler. Joyce B l n s h a m . v .iir r Tr.

f m TJw~h• W membcw cf Uie Leadership N»ii Hnnl' J b mmt be U yea» ot ase to t » Aii»n

k M two m r a of club n„ ,.. c . c

. *n ortanlMiion meetlnB will ArtSiilan.* t . wiihin the next tft’o

INSPECTING NEW CIIAIICOAL, UUKNCI FalU park la John Ancerbauer, left, city commi o{ parka and recrtaUon. while William Pawi a tteodan t, and Howard Johtiion. rifhl, acting

* ' * * * * *

New Facilities Are Ai At Slioslioiie Falls Pi

TIic Twin Falls paries and rec* had to bo ab< eaUon departm ent recently com- and' aliapc. let«d Inktallatlon of three char* Tliere arc noi oal burners a t Shoshone falls nnd eight oC a rK piDcea a t the ;W illiam Pawaon, pnik attend* Johnson, netln

n t, b u ilt the burners of roclu atlon auperlnti nd concrete. The tliree burner* t i,j p jtj gf i re abou t three tect square by era will be eler hrco te c t high. Tlie charcoal pit, aurlns Uie eut 3cat«d on lop of the concrete, _ john ion ia ld , tw o Inches deep, eight inches rido -nnd -about-one-foot-loiig,

SATi.'srL,:'” “T he rockn for Uie burner» were

ollected by Pawaon from .round' he pa rk . Pawson said each w «« ode waa hand picked and each

, ~ This, fountainP r o p e r t y T r a n s f e r s ithe ccneeaior

- ■laformaUon-F^mUbed b , - Tw in Falla Credit and

Adjusiinenl Bureao wnlerI bulk out ot r

WAItBANTT DKEU8 >>5’ Pl'VSOn.rrkri Xunl to Ailira Lvcir Uli I. fountain Ik Ioc

0. n niock 11 I'ikr. ce^lon stand.s . i i K . i i i p“ ' » f '

•.lu. partment alsoA. s. nori»iu to William u iiiii ground betwci

_u ;« U l » Ul«k »2 To-nillt, T.Jn nfxi {q the g

' ■ ‘S kR. to ai»ll« P.nnlnf. " ’Ojf

nn ixit 1 ni»ck 12 Towmiir. Ing built n t 6h > in K.iu. next auinmer.Norjn.n J. Schml.U l>i V«rnun Lnllc ■ ■ __

CONS i ^ t ^ x a S A S . ' K i l WSTS

i f i l i i s p

I - • blind t

• itW'fln - .. _»_iolln il

• buiton • rltkrai

■ * »Qllop -• tordlni • Itor ttl • broldln • monoff

• mertdt • bar lac • lorwon

I___________ ;

iklUifcilriUMw!BKCr>kl»Sil ' 1 2 3 Eo

L UUK.VEHS~at“ HboIiuiM iTloiriujKrlnleiicity commUiloner la charge erete bnraer th

llllam Pawfon. center, park park. PawMo b|h l, acting parka and recre- the main road 1

* * • * * ------------------------

ire Added Cli>y ClIls Park . . Berlin .l-ip“c ' . “™ ““ Reds Sihere are now four such burners BERLIN^ Nov, I eight other outdoor fire* lu c Iu s D Clay tea a t the park, wya Howard ft^vbcr 0:inson. netlng pa rla and recre- u , ,.n .» p . , ln l .» d « L --------------- „ S i , “ ulie pita of the cliorcoitl burn- im and peeped c will be cleaned out every day the eyes ot two

'Ing Uie euinmer months. n ls t border RUar oh»wnaaldJasi.*uinmcr.tlicre ...C lay 's wall-cll s wiavcraRC ot 25 tmllcrs a n d 'an c e not, only st ilDirt“ xtnymc~ovcmlghr—ai-*muijlslB-bul.-aU Mlione Falls. ■‘|Berllncra whonie three burners arc located ^ «>u«si, Krnm n ir-lhc-m nln-road-that-leads la t- .^ o n a -« n o _ Uie conccMlon stnnd. J , *matiier focHlcy added flt »ie •k is a aecotid waler fountnln. is fountain Is located above 1 ccneeM lon-atandrftlotig 'ihe

rhe wnter fountain also was W hnt he mw It out ot rock and concerete

Pawson. The other water intaln la located near Uie con* I f f Sion stand. I f l l l V V rhe pnrka and recreation de- 1 . , . rtment also seeded an acrc ot i V A R R mnd between the large pond (t to the grode nnd the road 7 3 3 ” 7 3 7 1 h grniwi:...... ........ .. .rhe departm ent hopes to haveJlhcr modem restroom build- _ .: built n t Shoshone Falla before * •. I(t auinmer. Johnson noted. ' t '- ■


Than Ordinary • *'*"U Concrete

h 6 u m >

-------------------- A m u SH E PMCA U T H lS W IfflO U I b UIIT SEWING MAi ATTACHMENTS

WEEK (• o*if*«it • Jl __■ htmiiltth T :

• itW'fln buttoni J r

. 1 m i „

• fo g flo lln g ;? ^ ACT NOW l. . . Offir n• f n e r td t^ 'O ' / p « o |a d . W orld FomByi• b o r l a d c t / H o d iln e* o f T r im in d w• forward Bnd rtvtnt '

-_________i ^ _________fBt£_5IWINC:JKSTI


irillDRItKi B n a i n L i i i i i123 Eosf M oin , Jerom e

H p=

V ; *

D^utwrlntendcJit, ioak on. I ' a ^ n bulK the e bnrarr thla lall while doing malntenanci (. PawMo balll thrte luch burnm . They ar main road a l Ihe park. (Timei-Newa pholo)

• 1 • niUiy. unfrlendl.ay Climbs s x l i n W a l l ;U A - 3-— tocmpners.’wno

C d s S t U l l l l c d retired Bcnernl.

:RLIn’ Nov. ID W - O e n . ' js D. Clay, Prc.'ldeni Ken- •‘»0N R t•a adviser on Beflln. puUtd OAKLEV. No e lt up Uie nIne-toot com- Gruni^'Andenoi ist antl-retugee wall In^Ecr- j . A ndenoa O md peeped over Uie top hiio ,r " , ^ eyes ot two startled coniinu- In the rborder RUards. another three }ty'a wall-cllmbing perform -----------------------■ not, only atunned thc c c m --------. - - ..........lsiB -but-aU o-anu«d--W cJl---------Inera who had never icon u rb t Krnmble up the vail.

on^ *1'** w^ti^rn l l l i If d's leading figures.1C C5-ycar.old hero ot the 'H A > —✓ In blockade chose a spot tor V ,feat opposite the Brandcn- \G ate where (lie oommunlsis

.taken.pains to make their _ e-ipeclally high and wide. '

hot he saw waa a a chilly. \

aNGCdALl VU!WARBERG'S8 3 - 7 3 7 1 l<" g u . l l t Y H ^ ^ * ■

_JE A R N T O FIso w COURSE T ^ O " lo r O N L Y ......................... I W ^ I

REEDER-Ei.YING SEI733 -S920 . . . J i e n l n g . 7 3 3 -0


. SIZE PRECISIOd ^ - 4 4 O lEWlNG MACHINE ^ 1 ■ ^

mK ONlY! l l f l

.~ . i I i i i i i J J i i i M i i

I . . . O ffir moy n e t b< ri* o rld 'F o m B y i PfAFF J iw jn g W a l n u t , m o h o i Bt T r t m i n d m S n rin g t, a n y j l t n t d e a k c o

I n t la o v o l lo b l# .



c K s o t n il e Phone E A 4 - :

^ ^ ■ ^ H I B l i s T G i

AreaCa. BIJSS. Nov. ID

. era decided to e munlly wrvire t'

. meeUiie Thursda. Dean Duller n*

, - ^ Mr*. Veme Carw. . . » men for tli< proj

-----------------— ^ ■ » m m u i u T > ' - s m i•; > ■ i f eluded building i

V . . . ,«* to *iore the city.H , » Ijig the winter:

_ i 5— .— nmU-mall-route: . . ' ■ ' ! tlonal marker* fi

•• • IM -’ and repn'lrliiK ih( ' ' • ,)»>■', A new janitor \ ’’-V' '4 B I'lred for th

• An executive comf...- L •'■ Donleiv wa

V . one.year term.- The Orange ag

the •■Employ tlie ~ dicapped- essay-«

Uie dIreciUni of t th r Ic

I ' high Khool ttud<

Orange to the handle

Maatrr Duller coniinlttees for are Dob D thur Mn

Jamea, economic*

nn Butler Fred llalnUiie, .

r W M the roek '.n i ^ ^ TOi5I.H5Jff:rxHl lalntenance work a t the Dlalne Steele. Ill I. They are located along James Ascuena. wa pholol___________ ___ U nker. Harold

unfrlendly.Iooklng Soviet ” *"* * *and two red guarda atar- Veme Carson, p}

,t him In disbelief. Tlie '* ‘ turned around lo hideJacea from Westcm pho- ■ .iners.'Who poked thelr-cnm-ivcr the wall alongside the . / I tO AJ general. / f W l

.SON REENLISTSKLEV. Nov. lO -Pfc, Arlo _l^'AnderMn. son of James L M l l iiderson. Cakie}-. haa reen- | I I I M

In the regular army to r ■ V i * ' icr three years. .

A fore — J--------L It) the

m ~

P FLY 1S SERVICE I9 .7 3 3 - 0 1 9 8

:iALi / M

1 1 1 9i t t s i i m —____4—

■ i W p f l i c i \

- f _____ =

l u l . m o h o f l - W I 0 1 , 1, S IItntdeakcob* Io y a lb b l . . ._ ‘ . @|2£10(§(O


“SEWmG ^ ~ -CENTER X;:, E A 4-2792 J

S S i y r f l l l U f C mill '________ P Oullrr. n-J>crlinii;;

ll~ElltCr ■■ -Sleelr, Ifciuier* eon

ja Contest rtcilon ol Mrs. Ttaireadlns «a>. s1 rn b

3. Nov. 19-D11j» O raiic- M „, r o j Duller :ided 10 enter the com* trci,iiinciii.v

service eoiitejt at the ir Tlie rem.iiiidrf cf S Thursday and M asier w.i* jpem. markl.i Duller named Mr. and tvm, mrf^tiis d;iii erne Carton a t eo*chaJr* a „a progrjnis to I>r tile project. --------------------------i-pmented-to-m em bervaa 3:::— —r x iim > '-sm ? rT )i5 ]R rr]iu T , ‘ j u q n

building a cellar gantge I I l C Ve the city fire track dur* le mlnier; extending then a ll-ro u te r-m a k tn r^ tre e ---------------------------marker* for farm homes palrUiK Ihe Orange hall, ew janitor. Ann HurI|cs. red for the Orange hall, cutlve cominllieeinan. Ar*)onlr1v waa elected to r^a ' __

Orange agreed lo aiwusorniploy tlie phy&lcally hnn- • ird“ essay- roniestrthrDugh --------------------------■eciUni of the eniploym^ni #M aCi*■ and the local wliool, Only jf" -1 llchool *tudenta are ehglble I n 1!T the contest. | f . . '1mce and pie social will h e : I T t^It S pjii. Dee. I al ihe I I L K 1ehall. to rin a tic eU ie -D n - ' j L Z Uhe handicapped- coiileel.l I ’Tr^sy^iIter Duller appointed Ihei i f ' hIHliee* for the year. They( I i ( ^ f *r». Dob Duller. Mr*. Ar- ‘ ■ ! famnlel*. Mr*. Lloyd Haiiaten:ira, Jame* Aaeuena, homeiilc* conlmlttee: Mr*. Dor*itler and Mr. and, Mr*. I IH PrOl'llalnUiie, .youth and Ju* _______ _

Harold Butler. Mr*. - -

lI5i?:TArihuT®.T3»uTi-Ta; T T . r ^ i r T S i T S Steele. Harvey'Shirk and lhan .theJlea l'..w h Ascuena bulldinc- Prank SUalnted wllh Cain'

r.^Slaroid H a l n L H a n a te n . agriculture; ,heir

Carson, pjirchaalng agent;

lot r .

Folks, meet HI) J*BMf=Agei

J ^ D A N T ' S - i



MIFMl!) ■ g j

____ JS .PR O O t^______R i c hS i r a

' >; X \

rrliHHehiltnerllubltdtTr*^—'s ; r w i,, f. h, n ^ „ . N „M rr~5Jffl-Dlmop.-^Jr5;'-;---------------------------- -3I>.ir ana-M n,-Blainc-‘l>* mea><*er». Tlie O •ciuiers eomniiiiee. 1 co"'pal,y furnished th ojnni was under the di-ll Mrs Frank Lcnkrr. A A ll TREA TI«a» S1^rn by Leiiker. i i r a U V f t J c o * Boj Duller served re- STOKER .,

, , , $15 per ton Deli■m.iiiidrf, of the e\riiins■m. ni.rki.m- calendAr. Inferm ountoin Fu re;ins d;llr. , llo. te . e .grjnis to be mailed- to

r h T C I T K i a F t S , ™

Tm pietly sick of running around In ri

1 wllh C'aln'a; The friend* alwaya reflect* the man* ■I pelley of Ibe Golden

aU their dealinjta. y W W i B q C T j

_____________DAHT OiSTIlLCTY CO, DAWT, K

my pride and Iged-Whisltie!

■ r 1 ^ ^ f £ i £ ! ^ i f r V ' ' ^ PMsident,I ^ ^ H j H j l l j j ^ l l

1 JH

B S \ XnhiAj 5lr*i)U lU iU . D J h l l j l B


XYearOldJ:"^^Smooth 85 Pfoo,f Kentucky

’ Strtight Bourben WhUkey ,

■■“•DANT-Bottled in BondRicHriOOTBorKelllucSy-------------^Slialjhl Bourbon Wblskty. • > c C

■ - ■ 17r+-*0V 7l9r1962---------------:■ rimet-New» 1 7

en . Tl>« Conoco O U ------irnlshed th^ calendars. '


:r ton D elivered I

Buntain Fuel C o. <R l - Twin J-alU '


ound In rogsl"- .

S iQ ^ S B• CO, DWT, ICPmiCCT . .

ind joy k i e s ! ^




’i^DANTlucky • •

Wey ^

M ■


Page 18: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

— 1 0 — T w tn .f « l l* J W » N « w i — M a

j V t S Y ^ H

wi p- i-z) P ^ It iI

^ _ - J l t e ndiy. N ov.19 .1 9 & 2 ^ _ _ _

T ~ T R E S H '— G O L D E N

A R IZ O N A ■


I ■ -Lj - .:___ C_:„'

: m

I j iE Z toT j t r j t r j r j t r : ; 0 ’j f ' M M - j n r M M ^

S l Zm ncHI


ts mLARGE V A UI Stuffi

2 Tge Red Emperor j j

R f tP iS ^ \ 12 5 ‘ ■-TENDER HEARTS

E iE nEtv|-R4PE— -— — ------

n w w f f l !

jOflS °''“S ^ ? | S -M iss- Decoral

5 ^


ia s iVi LB. SPIC Y -SEA !ffiifm

l l i i l


IH fe lttslTiOrder Early! Okay's

Miss-Muffef Specially tecorated Holiday Cqkes

K i f i 's e a s o n e d ^ _ .ead 2 9 *

p i v i l

_ _ 7 S ^ Y i § S


S I S #. .................... ......................

,'s 5 ^

.1 1 , i — '

. FRUITS D.„ ■qkes vegetable—--- --CAKE-MIXE|^_CR1SC0^.*.




» + J

' « r ,.

_: ( t jVA ^

I io TURKE[ 9 - •» « < •» ' • ' y eur O U y Feed C«<k n StvtOn Drvci. r«v b« Ihi IvtI B ' ol . b g IhtnkiQlvlftfl Tufk.r, &. I - M 'b* K*W WidrMidty, N»v««b*t ]|.A I H M l«tM n«n for d«t>ni. Nsthlng lo 9 H Mrt V.HI b. iwiriid.

c , VTI

ifc t”/?- '

s - • ~ N y j i .

5 D«I n o a U Buffet 81m .— I-------------------

A B L E S ^D*LMoat^ Blw B n ffc t-----------

M IX ES-»^^,.,...- _ _ . I Z


r A I L S H R I M P p»fl(lo *«-(«. w

l - M E A l ^ - ™ ,^ . ,^ * ,^

K I N LlbbT** »M SI* -------------------------

ARINE ______ : _ _> DRESSING Mfcteli W h ip ------- ^

A CHEESE- rUU ^tlpbU t mnn .CIDER----- L .

HMALLOWS E .S fK „„ ,„

RS-COFFEETl- .> .» . frif COCKTAIL T u ltv t l l m e S D t -

!RS ,„' :„„,_____ L -

^ '

V U a A j ^

af/j ___

A y .


IRKEYSlUy Tttd C.«-m .U m.y b« Ih. IvKk, » w i r.g Tufk.y, 0<»wi«9 «« NM«bw Jl, A.k«,

Nsthlno 10 bvr, Z

rVt y• wr 1 '\ i

Qe"; rH .-S \

...Z j 1.1

« IM-01. a n t - 2 fer


f fb ip ____ ^ <«• ^

% t mnn --------____ Hni.[ * » « '! ------— 2 (»

.CM llkC U V U m e s D t-------

___ fu

[ i FORY(


W TABIBto___Betuliful^H s 3 arranging RK . every h9*iJ■MjL

w .f liH

Page 19: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

ig15 g r a d e "A"

.W " A " H 6 n s ” ^ — ^

i 3 ! r -GRADE " C ” ‘


r t y . j S s W M r

t m m Z . ■

rge, p l u m p , ■ ■

^ E t r S - Oliday f e a s t . '

I§e'SSDRTED 1 0 -o z .

“ckages - Choice

m" A " YOUNG TOf393 M S : . 3 ^

9 S Something t C. y your holiday

^ year. Fresh, LoiT^ Island

j - u z . r ^o i c e T ^ ' T 7 7 T ~ m ~


M rhing different for ' B H olidoy table this -resh, plump - ' v ' J sland ducklings

f i

\m i

5 5 1fc ia if lS OCEAN SPRAY H 5 CANS, WHOLE OF ^ G reat with M e a t oi

frrr^v m i

i ',__Falls Brand . _' or—Yorlcs__ H^ Sugar Cured lu b i ickor-y-Smok<

I I BUTT POR'm w h o le h.


s m

NBIAR4^Y NO. 1 g % f i .E OR JELLY / 0 e a t or Poultry ^ R. f

w ^ ,

1 ^

Mondiy, Nov. 1


PORTION . . . lb E HAMS . . . . Ib

<r- • ■

RK"SAUSAGE-rr7-3 Ib!


i y . N ov.JP, 1962 Twin Fall? Tlme^Newa

‘x^~~ •ih^ ■ * ~ T V W V ^ BJRKEYS

S s 3

. lb. 55c m M m . lb. 53c ■ ) p

~3 lbs. 1 . 0 0 - ^ ^ y


' } : ■'. ' V

Jlm m -N ew i 1 9

¥jy M '

^ hH

jT ' - s U R ^ H


Page 20: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

Times^N^I FooJshitf I I


i i s . „ -“ a r n

!;E““ E.....“

S E r r * " ^ So«K ! i l S K S ’i h . " =il

» (K U ihtUtr«4 liaa; U .

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5 T - - - s t H

s-------- s " n__ .. - - iJliWBPAm KhTO

m iB IS~SO M 6\fW LLV fl0lJD U M P,««30R i/f5P£CIA Lirelp;THKTRUGIH

i /w B V H d tf r to \ / 1^ ^ V / f ^

M 0V B 1H B 1«ie) > f a o m s M T V /

r ^ r c w m u A x r r _ _ l .•THSgTov^ y ~ ^ ~ ^ v

1 ^ — 1 y .

J— i j i i —1 . *' •. TH^COCTC

I » .c '

«<<-fWlW< HCWT6R(?lBl£ UFE wo

,. ----- ..eeiP/VWJCCSXDMTSTANT H E S M E U -O P A IR .

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A . ' ' ' '


' ] t b » f ptrtedi 38B«aa WK » i'c n « r ‘i «T>dy„ ---------- paniKt _ _ « KWihfi lltif< Ih* S ir a ro f i t* 45 A d lu f le d .................. ,r»4 uda; «AIitnwo». Dinli i

M nin « JU ted \Uit ' ' ' ■•coPtti —I MSollcllud* SIC«nUn«nt.IriJiki ITMlBla B2Hrrtf»c*- -_E S S . - i S r ™ _ ^ _f Sin«li<t U Girdle lm«Ul*|MIW»i«IW*«k » S « « rl.U t. u aSSrur* iu i t _____

i | i b ’ I b ^ " I J

r a " ----------- i ? ^

TM ST “ Sr* “ T ” ”

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iZH ”ch a p n ” • "

zP ZE Z Z Z _ Ji ST-}- KZZZ' ^I I®® t l ^

■>^taiihTiadJ#* ASSN. .,

6 R W 40F * m E R H O O P t i WAS « o ^ r ft p e r s o n a l a O A R O T O T H B '

JAkO*'I| au>it-i9 at/z. f a o A ^^ f e o N o MiNBT/i g r s g p g w --------

i g l ’ S eUTHS COOUOTAKfe HOMB ^ ? v vm K teySR H SV JA M T 60/ ^

H & W lT -A R X eR jO tU liL A -ll:__i l h J . MONTH,BBCAOSE-TMB <'i i S NlCffn.'f ROOTIKJBWAS ) •

11, LC z

^ j r a ' - l T^ — -----------

1 > ^ | ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | A H 0 0 Q £ £ _ I

) \ /» 3 - M o /c o M e R ia K T \. j f O U rpPTHBMTgHW / /


r I Accipa»JT**i pc*JT r I • ~ V VMMT MM cowuvoa I L. . ^ y M M S t o o u e / J


p ; j ‘t s w T ] ' =

f B e w i n c r !I R . _• [ - A l f ? D ce S M 'rS M E I

i.s.'arry ;;** ', ‘ ■ ’

3 for the Entire

I ||p i ' 111


r . _

“ Co com b you r h a ir . L inda! You to' rr= _ . - ; ' - yoiir-W oW tt^i-W H

- r ^

^ “ Now th e n , S o n . g e t in th o r* a m M a te r h e r m oney** '


- - — ' J t

'■7T. ei>«in«*v**______________n-rt ^ ----------------

“ S h e I n i l i t s on be in g »ho

_________ I

w iD jo r ! > . I f t o v c o . ^ V S M B L L . J A V ,V B E \iu i

« i» L - « ——

; ' .

tireFamily Q' X:

1^ #

I< S ^ f \ •

) T 4 4 : 4• fi,

da! You look like y o u h iv e on ip re 7?i : w ig i:! r :— r

_ ! o — _ t ^ ) _ ________________ m

• PK w f f l ^ r t S y r t ~ \ USX

\i^Xy 'i?\ v S ^ * witI K B B a R ^

C m f f i S l — ' ■»” » " . =ju:

M M m cI there and give your old Almi ^ ■ money*! w orth!'

j 3 — S —— ^V . -

__^ Jbe in g th o t b l ln d fo ld e d r . s.

By Jolinnjr Hurt ^•--------------— B».

H ow D o ^ KHC\N ? . ' • . • n ilA V B a d c s T U S E D T O tr.- - I

^ ^ 7 = = " I^ I______ 4 \ I

____________ W - • •

'tn AW■ /^SMES ’AH ts £A?£.7, SMeU. r TCHOU.'

_______ C tf»‘« _ ! « 7 _ _ _ _ _____________

r / uar puoum thaf / Tir r " " ^ ^ I « * i w A l t e op.l jc»r K5P0U5T \ BtlU6 ttUOl H5LP ,V ■ EA«y HA& KEPT VM $0lVU6 in

_________ MU.i>ffORMtLr>~T— r—i-< T < a y i

) ou o n o f f ^ ^ ! j f f T r 1 1 5 4

■ • M U * ...................... ' ...................

n DoeeoMrr/ H> v A /H e R rs ^

-OmUwAnn' '.:.^ -------- - ' ^

T b 's f o r th e h s - js e T r e r t a l n ’u T- n !x ; m r f c : r = b c d v L 9 " ”^

-N i - tt*,ere. Ccu'd I 1i , leave ^

- ~ 10 rS' 'jELJ»rp Wrfcy

I ___— m tt/tr v r s ■ntsiJi\^ ThSOTMKSX...AREN'T TOO \-----------—f,-■ ■ Kip kiwy; the ) lT x I? PRIVATE y 'PETECTlVEf r

tw ft i » l ____________ •_ ______ I - ' - tH £ B g S A ~ | P

OCrAlOKlflCfiElHIHE KIK6t>0w

Alby 0*»------------H15HMESS|'r YNE4N \ HE PlO NOTHING

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WESS|'|znMl3TVH0l£-AmUR-P -|/- SHING HAfi BEEN AN I J . , .. f. A i lJT rrs k IMPOSSIBLE f w

WTtlCCO'tKAT JLJ I (l>£dl THERt'a NO X TOfl IStEHrBUINd ' i ABHWWAIIT/ ■’IS-LL THE JME WAtt ■ 2^ ^ ^ P ie a TtO^^

h J ^ SWU?AiAH/WHATTHE>E(WAF?H£Pc«wi; L PO y o u WAKT^ ' EN5tt5H,a>uuic?K. u

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rwTOX0ifl0lT’w H l5l|BBCAM £TH60Hiy /n t v/rsPic«rH n)K Ei«nfiRd it&aappeaiuu<>lu tn: ^ i r ^ W f l t g —. ^ All riVE PAPERS NAS M

9 ^ 'iCU A17E e O U 3 I: -T O A A E tfTA — I ------------J R ^

T A U -. DARkT I a T, M A M /V f l ^ V ' T

’’/ ' b - , . | . , S > ^ ‘IVS from -the-'T N onJutV X w ddg Man-jfactunng) K'ina. Na

t f f S k Co Kiaht be 7 t h e a t o I Kno'j tn e .r y i _


m u I I pcoR\ / TOU CAN'T PE4 ^V^NP WILL « |

- > V GO 0RHAKINS M TERRIBLY I Ir V - \ - w T o - H O A \ e s ______ SHOCK® w r _ I I. \ f 0 fiW O P m U 5 AT LEAST I j B l r f r , SAFES. WEIL KSRNEP HIM- f j l

V have t o • ................J m a/ - U BOOK T O U ..

1 | / m U.V^HAT^ B E V jE _ \^ | l '5 0 f f ? 5 T g T : y r o g o n ^ j

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Page 21: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

^ ^ ’ Ivoil

!5*a**®‘ •” ^ r , i M ?onnUl»ble

i ^ r . ^ S L . si r f S f c p*i<i •»>« I® *p'^rtoM <U” *‘ * '“®* “ *“* ! S £ d ilrtr* *“ Tlie ailllo.

, . pe»uullC8

•‘ ^ST fW both Uw^250r- i ^ n o r ju e uul ■ W» “ Tm w “I

^ e f Uie house. ^ jou ,belUe> ^ J tt>* Jobs. He t o f i a ,J« ^ ^„a«uhJp witlioutpay- turbed by

m «n InlCTtlew-M i r t suseirl X ® ^ £ h u dem ooftftttd In tr* rr epln

h t W* beld itupW or u tha t he h « no t doini. to

M Of D O ^T w lnim "jn 'lR r a u n tn im m a c

^ * S c £ t L t he -ouW dder criUcJ matdeetolan. glUaoyou:

>oors Quite DroclookbyReportei

S ' ^ ' pSt a t O ^ A l K tn - IMl. Appai

K “ haVDb*.

» 5 . l IM M ."

ST»£."taup^.rff,‘';iI S T o n •■f«e»t«hirt vigor"

S .rr..'s ‘5i;s;£-S£ „., ,oa mp»U”‘ “ J £ “ J

s s ^ »' ‘ <»u"“ - s ; “S i wnUnue to rale t*o ««W* t« * 'Sealy- SS,V'^J'nu S “ J “ - . . t . . „ o , t h .

t D»i»’ (Bobta-MerrtJJ. $i>, ' , , .Mjyjoudy Irreverent report oa Prp S ^ p l » " who huTc tftk. boot^ Inc , m thg naUon'a cap lt^

Mamie m o T e d l o ^ «

a t - 8 » lt lr -h a » -b « i» tfrnat'nnM Good new cemed will

News of Record S &

k n b o o o a tr a « k -« o if iw

r i s s r u r j s ' s ^ ' ; ™

tra irtm Tomray-Calleii“ 6n ■'■‘n ilr 'mtwimdi or extreme menU! «on l i ^tfty.‘n*y«CTC iiairrletl-Jone ™ny-eocUUXl, la T»ln Pall*. Injto". « «

Bihl PelloB Cflori PM«y 8J»Chult* MtCoy. Buhl. 110 »nd with a elcB

n \.w h o te u ;-^ ’ •M. liu lltrect

-i------ phonie*. SnCASSIAXOUNTY Washington

■"B«wri*Sirt* Court---------T O ta r r s ttitn Ulddleton; Burley. $25, ent, or new ta t rujBS, you R

Bailey JuiUee Coart . an Ivy lea( bluro Qonnles, Burley. 15, no mole, but 1 m n, u d Truman Pctenwn, throaty ' vo jtrt. M. expired driver"* lU you're rera; a*. wtih a numUrla Amen. Burley. tS, ex- «a>-* good td drlrtr't llcen*e; c. Gordon but a ch. It, Bailey, ilO. overwelRhl on doesni ncce lunuon. and Joahn Kelley, since nay ol

t o . u , expired drivers 11- HllUns t) ue. Ohlo.cannl

Cudk Sberirr* crriee o . Douglas r*olmklnitten>)nve»Uiral«d wurce of i naiyHyTJ^uty'SSOTniaY -comBnOT-T. a u tl Thfy ve re a t Bue's more ehlc n te t ewt-nf Biirtwf nn -high- PhOl^OTPhC IW iftereM r».BuaEngland, t a l e n t e d ?«or. reported the bu Jt though act »b»d been pHed open and ** no a iu ol beer, dgowttes, n 0"5«, » “ • ^

'f n s t and a hnm hnrt W n points by wi m at W hlteleys wart!- Not aU c

» nftr Oakley where tho directed at adM thid been amashcd and would like'J«lprieil-oiL_____________ and miRhty' ^ l Of ralue wa* taken Mtatlngly w o Ihe w a r e h 9 u * e oJllce ’ Ijo r istt the iw o w tj , which were ■^Hl. had been rltled. but 1“ '

r . ' s s__ lesiilly aerfUSCOLN COUNTY driveway*: t

^ a l y clerk's Office

5 b'H ? K ^ 5 ;H“ Ti9-nichard-ain'ana ?uuu®'t'hc ^ o a « , both R ich, f f i m n r n--------------------------------------ean't-shoot

•iWOM— OUNTY, ..Coort. r J. 1 „

^ rolrorn, Tv,in FalU, 13 J 61 L 2 no Idaho drlver's U- 4 ^ ^ ■ ■


^ Hill JusUo* Court • " ^ P *JIties were paid by y“ « «W .

'y E. Y o»r.^” g ‘° 7 let atresme sS: J?“ ' **• Jscohs! k S iIktI ? *1“ " “ ffom

Hennon, Bolsi IIB- Jet t^ 0-Butk. i r e y f f i ' J , , : minute* late

g “ ‘s uoodiiig. t j i - J #1*. develop^ _ ^ in i'a u a .. |u 'io ,-a n d attcr.tflkfo.fJ ;««.T5.^cKltrtck. BeUewe. J«.“ »on Its

i ^ ^ ^ S ™ r S u s p (Woodland. .LOa.AWa

rJT’ *0 re f li- NveoUea ^ ^ 2 u*h, t t . re*ted u sui

Oj “ ^ roundup, ll •

i J ^ ^ ^ n i f e S r a f e i o t a ; - tnaiconfnt**

nfii!L“ ‘‘ ^ o l d - I * ducted a serl

• ^ V P O r to f e n t iy . Brre*U wer«


-MONDAY, Nov. 19 - Bom to . SecsU*« yo day, you are on; of the fortunate ed aad work Iev _ K i9 .judcm £iiU .can you m^ybe trtW rf. This give* you a finger In far formidable *edge“ over those m ight be wls. who aau t. of necessliy, *pez>d no more lhat mneh-Ume — time tha t you a re tflne. howeve ablo lo spend in getUng lhlncr**lderable dsn done - • In thinking thing* over. li>« yourself The aUlleoltr. £*, as always, in flcieney and. peisuadlcg nol yourself bu t oth* accuraor will ers that your instinct 1* correct. Among tlioi_Mat nnii In >y gou'fri hv n iim . a re : ^UftOnbets or sUe. you are alwsys ready A. O arn ^ d .J to *tand up and fight for w hat S.: Allen you , belUeve. Howe\’er. because « lU e : Charle yon arc Dot particularly d is- 'H i find w lurbed by adverse erltlclssn, you J'ou lomorrot are susew hal prone to set con- «l»y «nd rts4 trary opinions' aside as e ith er partg raph . 1 stupid cr unlnfonned and, In so <tAr be your 1 dolnt, to miss a t tlmea w hat ^ e s cm lgbi—scluaUy.. b e -lm p o rta n t BCORPIO “polnteii" tha t could aid xa lher You can 1ft i n im m a tTT cu. Leara-to r o n - little now. Oi slder criticism carefully, aad you from strlcllj WlU do yourself a favor I m*nce. •

• S A o rr tA ii

Drool, Says | i S orter-Smith-Whito House correspondent fo r others. A b Veiled Press lu tem sllooal s liu e ihould resuIL IMl. Apparently the long hours _ a q u a iUC£ have been too much lor him . lo r _ sonIn this book be has risen la r r - aslnatlon am

« » nro

from the bartenders a l the SU k- BTBr™ i* ler holel to the “unlouehables" "ol th . p r a . c o n . .h o a m b . «quite nasty and vindictive "when

»■If you want to know.wh»t-Jlf« ~ A R B S -< M

In Washington Is really like. T ake pa rt la without any of the phony glam - w llh a tlghlc or tha t outside writers spray leaves you fn

^ m f r r r ,HU description of Georgetown Vlalls to kith

houses, for e x a m p le .- f lh o u ld th e .d o o rJo r bring.down-thftJnflfltcdjrlcea of mafttle_«lev,eli th a t itjeodary real estate b y 'a please, least SO per ccnt. To Sm ith, OBMINI (J there It n o t h i n g quaint or U ake the bes charming about houses w hich todayl BenefI are so narrow th a t fa t people Telopments m: get stuck In the hsllways. T he In* accompli* one good thing to be said about CANCER C -the genleely ratty traps of Ts.'.o head* a Oeorgetown" Is lha t they m ake today. Rendi a good backdrop for *'an ugly thoughtful n wife who's a bit on tho horsey benefit.viflfT”----------- -------------------------------LEO <Jo5yr

omUh proved la four previous Ih s how upon book*, Including *Thank You. o^ yesterdsy Mr. p r e s i d e n t , " tha t he cun B u t remembe. wrlumisccmtngtr-nOoxitTwltjus w m w I ' ■ subjects, such as pollilcs and In-

Good New Days” he Is no l con - r m y - ^ h T l cemed wllli appraising the Im- pool of the Kennedy admlnl*- '®*Uallon on hlnoo '. Hi* sole pu r- B ring distantpose I* to ^ v l d e a "baleful closer to htBaedeker" for the atranger to phone or letWashington who wants un lnhlb- s l« d results.Ited aniwers to such Import an ----------HuesUons na. "How can ! c ra sh " O . ; ! . T a bIg.ccckUll party?- and “How X U i e X do you Tell the phonies from the U uly.Jm p«t«m t_peopjer_____'•‘mi? siism i to the-flret-flues- k

S ? * f S d S ' ’ h d d ^ 3 pjrwith a clean Shirt and haUwoy Smi'c!p resen iab le-su it_c ftn ..rom aln(nntncaT nd-m oderately-drtinksix nights a week a t tho be tter Ooodlng 1»ot«u." •

e " lp l* J n « ^ 5 " D S o n SWashington "point sysum'^^^^ . OltJcScSK ' o r r o ‘n 1 1 e ‘‘(rrSiind

male, but It Ukes a "deep and throaty" voice lo score pofnU If ,

“Si?r s , r S i “ ‘r - ? ' s s K f -w is J

we'diiT^r'w hn'’«3hol9OTPhc5U>y_tho-J“« /« ;?;a le n te d wife, Mercedes. a P LEGAL ADV hough acUve parUdpaUon In iporls 1* no longer a* vita aa ll - „ jnee was, you can still &lck upMints by waKr-skllng. . f th»^8ui« m 1

llrecled* nl thoso who are., orvould like to be thought, high i« ^ ;i*; ^md mlRhiy. He abo deaU dev- f®*istatlngly S .llh-lhe-virginii'latfrvho “can ride well enought to so Twin ralk fluent horse": Uie m inor “ p■mbassy functionaries who take r .',,. counw.ulhlejB advanUge of the ir dip- »»■■»omatlcileenM taBs-to parfc-U; I;,egally aero** o t h e r people* c.Irlveway*: the news corrMpond- «„n.i.iJsits who view themselves astelevision perwnallUa*'-' since ,Vhlte House press conferences f„rmni.>n in«r b»lave been on live TV. and the yf >h.

■ W M

hey like to hear the gun go off. ^

Jet Lands Safely : r E ; " lifter Mistiaps "S 's':/;.TA.MPA. F la , Nov. 10 «TO -•

:amp« residents were alarmedesttrda£wg-e!|A »:i »'g|X ^cSo* j e l ^ ^ e r ' landed safely ilnutes later. - in* W ftit funa..The pisne. carrying a crew of „„ pro}-»u /««

Ix. developed trouble shortly IHer tnkfoff “" tl * “ forced to jd,

ay before cnfJTng'. ' ^ ,7 “boi "-iTn..*

Suspects Held”ated t2 suspected peddlers and f,r thi. sera In ajundup, 11 was UaTIlSa lUHlBliU 1“ ^ . ArmrA with secrct pa n A J u ^ .i.„m »‘'J’

bouTpo plalnsclolhesmen con-ucted a series of raids In various 0. nsin ro r th e r -c l ty . Several-ajorenests wer* expected. - — ----------------

aad work easily and quietly, ' " Un - may be lea p u d .w - f ta .^ a ^ger in far loo many pies. You ■. i x S t '■Ight be wise to limit yourielf tu V-.,'!I more than two endeavors al ane . however, tor ihere' ]V c o n . T ^ H '^ H Mlerable danger that. In sprrsd-g yourself too ihin. your ef.:iency and. u a result, your ' . Acuraor wlU suffer.Among tliose born on this date« ; CUrton Webb, actor: Jam aa a r n ^ d .^ [ f i : E f ^ c n i ^ t h eS.; Allen Tate, auUior and

lUe: Charles l of England. i)n t t t -o |i ^To find whal U In slore for 'K .n iw Cli'U tomorrow, select your birth- .npertntendenl cly and read the corresponding th Z th »iJl beiragraph. Let your birthday durlnr a lhrt«.<

Tuesday, Nov. 30 j_ . confrr»nc« I BCORPIO tOct. 24.Nor,i3> - 2 . J t „>u can Ut down your gunrd a 7 v± k thT Ue now. Cains on all jVtels - K r^ strlclly business to ro- ^ Uie ehureh-a

SA O rrtAIU U S (Nov. aa-Oec. | f « ” fn“ th .^ eh '> — Wise dtallna-w llh olh»rs bftor e l« l*^ hsuId enluince your populsrliy u>e Nasareimin"? occupational pw- 2 m ln * ry .-» « B

CAPBICOfW (Dec. 23-Jan. 30) TT ]Take. Bdvaatage_or-yQur.own K l t m P n - ^

m iy to bring oul the besl In * > U l* ‘ C U ^hers. A beneficial backwash * would resuIL s U O W n 111AQUARHJ3 (Jan. 51-Peb. 18> - - s t t t iitt- r

T m e now* to free your Im- ^ ^ T LAKE CInaUon and creative Instincts. ,7^® u*.y l i « r n t e t . o t im t rm I . S tn x r aonaiiy; ' ' — M u r ninF tt t= mP18CE8 (Ptb, 20.Mar. 20) - ^>w the pendulum begins to , 'ta g the oiher wayl You should fau 'I-S Jo b lo rcompllsh a trea t deal today - “ 'd « « * »>urod with aatlsfylng recognition! “«es UiU year.A RrES_<M ati^-A pr,_W j. - . “i i "k< pa rt Jfl usual activities but t ia n SMO iLh' a tightened schedule Ihnl --------------•vea you free for lai« evening T J « 7_ A •_Tirlses. •• • X I C I P A P I J

. u r s " ’ o'i'

3BMINI (May 22.June 'Sn -ifce the best use o f your time * ""* '- *“/layl Beneficial afternoon de-■opments may depend on mom-r aceomDllshments. raising affair.7ANCER (June 23-JuIy 23) —,'0 heads are better than one lay. Render and r e c e iv e oughtful servlca for'm u tua l

LEO <J0ly-H*AUT-23)-^'Act. ---------------------I now upon the weU-Jald plans yesterday should see rpsuH*.

It remember th a t baste makes

VIRGO (AUg.-24.Scpt. 23) -duce b i^ e s s associates t O j ______________Uy round your cause, ifpos*lie,.let theio.speak for youlLIBRA (Sepl. 24-Ocl. 23) -Ing distant matters of Interest 'iser to hbme. Contacts via ___one or letter may bring de- ed results.

iite Honors).-J. Singer ----- ;3 0 6 d iN 0, Nov. lO-Puneml•vices fororville*j7Sln6«r'were- ---------------------Id a t 2 pjoi.'TTiursday a t the >9 church, wllh Bishop Aldon tinson officla'tlng.Qjft.openlnjwnns_TBS_amie-hy-} _ . - • - s Ooodlng ward chHr, and the :nlng prayer was given byihuft—A— Thurber. J J a h n p | _______ ________anson read the obituary, andi y Dixon spoke.rhft invecMlon was m int bv a ______________J composed of Eva Pond. Zella rrus and Phyllis Neal.3lshop M . flUley Cheney was ,

I h>-mn was sung by the choir, j ^ / / ^1 Bishop Verl Dixon gave the ^ ’< lYsing prayer. \’allbearcn were Arnold Al- tso n ,' Pnul Bishop. Hubert lod. Melrln McOee. Lee Hayes i Eme*t. BrowT).lonorury pallbearers were Ray l l t o i M i P ^ tson. Andy Robinson. Ed out.-W arren Hoodenpyle, Al U h and Rex Painter.

Jd cemeUry where ValighnITUS dedlcBled th e m w . ______________


n» t lo Im IU4* hr thtdi. .

m!!4nlnl b7 •> >rrrpubl*^p>l>mil

m iL T>il" suifmnlr muU b* In th» '1 st > »«rtlflrf cW i or k roibltt'i k (if«»n «n « n J ^ o Unk,

frim t lun^Th* lutnMrul l>M'lfr| i^ R IT T frR ?pro}.rti (niehint Irtrnl (tri4i I aTlh ’Llll'im'J Im

« 'C-Blmter will b* rmutwd ta I rn I'orm fir-Ir4 In U» *<!>ti11..<l IlIit»Uan». ind ,M4 r'T'I"**- 8u(H , , _________"I .111 !•* mid* * p«rt o( tM fvn.I lb« pmjtrt. -,» Fiir t.«brr SM<l<nU Act nf ims C. A. TIITTII. r«i». l«t-llt.,. II .4•IU^P> «mpls7«f»» M _

M »llh coml mnitnitllnn. N«w ___________■

Sul* ltlihir» CnclnMr l~.lil Ho»- tl. » . *1. St. U. 1M» I__ _____________

mlM lon'ls propoi H p- grani lor doo tst

g t jw fy > . '' cuirnifiit from -'.I . • . > V - J .•»»•» through D ec.'si,

' T . -<

matrrlat'Tiow co A livery to ilM

and purcha mUslun an eiiunl amc

rruiiii^ nt a rutJU. HUOII C. BENNEH ‘on., pcr ) p r f<.'Kansas CUy. .Mo. irn fra l IOC. thrc

rrtntendenl of the N ssairne Pr«lucUon rrb, wm b t r . « t .p rsk rrii r a lhr»«.day ldah*.O r«. U3M jkt N aiartne presrh- . yrM \w x mlllli

eonfrrenc« to 'be held Nov toi In the Twin t 's l l i - i l n t - Mvcriiitf Hie quaireh of the N asaren,. Ur. foncfntrnic m (Iner bas Krved stnce, 1955 th®,Jie church's geoeral super- 0* 'vHHfndent. blgheit eleftUe o l- dvUvry alter J9l

In > h . eh«r»h. Prior U> , Jl'C COiam^Lrr eleel*«l h* »»* presldenJ "“ t«rlal^the Nasarrne Tbtolotlcal durihg ll

. teriiil undrr prea

irned-Acreage- ,;K“'S;'.• -• ¥T i../v l. (Irfcrred nnfl dwn in Utah .^nd isoa, would

L T LAKE C n V . NOV. 13 (.? jnrumaf .e acreage burned by tcrcst in 01^ is do^^^ »>l* year,

nlluuabic costs ( Ul L. SJoblom. stote forester, [jjp p*ri fires burned oboul ,7.000 „udlt of mining 1

» UiU year. Tlic fixed prici. saJd. “N om ally fires de- U30B In- roncet -#rem-9.0» 10 J.ROOO acres." m W. u-JJl be SS

_________________ ■ Blloftivble prodi« > ■ * i J pound plus (l.e I p A P P r 6 C l & t 6 d ni'ixlmum prlcc CKSON, Miss., NOV. 19 « » - ’*^"^11 mlnln»

Barry Ooldwater dinner _ nlllcc include, John K en- Sf U 3 o K e T “

milled to take ] nnedy, a Holly pram, up to on 1 ;y, was named Sunday* to of 1 ailUion pcni »mmltle« for the state Re* —■can party 's Nov. 29 .fund- TRYTIME8-NI ng affair.___________ .• POR PAST-SEL

6 *

T h r e e f a s t - ^

a = m g u la r ~ S L

K i d s o n - t h e - g r o w n e e d l o t s o f

s h o e s , b ik e s , s w e a t e r s , v i t a m i n i

■ b e fo re y o u k n o w i t , a - c o l l c g e c

~ - a l l> ta k G S jn o n c y r .a n d - c o l lc g & 4 :c

— o u t l o y - i n a s h o r t t i

iw b2|1 t - h e ' ^ o > i c y g o i:

f r o m ? T J ie a d j a

s h o w s y o u h o w n u

J _______tBI

233 SEMND S m t T NORTH . B U R U Y ®

C C r t o T r o p o s e P r o g r

1 H r a n i i i m P r b i i m ’ c n

s iiin q t o n . not. »U. s . atomic energy com- ttJ±e ,»i-u BMOosini a new pro- The AEC said < lor dooestle uranium pro- rlvtd Irom ores

t S S ^ J a n . 1. l » « w ch small ptop i n purchased In the

w w o t U a uranium nt M &er pound <

a n urom ffl provW eilor lion ol the U ri U' -.11 of a portion of the be pconomlc lor : Aat-T ew c o n ^ ^ M

to llie AfiC before 19T6 rate of productloi Ihc p u l ^ by U.e com- slon_s_^d ln _ a juin of an addlUonal quantity ^ ----------to the amounl deferred. - ■ « ■ ■ ■ ■i,!eferT 7 .1ell# .W 0to iu ,l* ' I M C Iip<1." the AEC-aald. _ l i i ^ ______W f . C IS E l^ u Z E r a ^ u lC - b c - u u t------------gii: nt a rule of about 8.000 cnPMFCL' Mr year for the four-year FORMERL1 10C7 through 1010- Cur- nrbducUon U a t the rate o(, iximauiy_ ll.WO ton* c t V

iiiL riS 'u in s cQWPanlfs are ^ e m p lo y m«lied to submit propMuU'

iiitf llie -------n tn ic in (heir pnaen t con^ ' I X ) M lI « iih the AEC which,they 1 be wlUlna to ^«Jet lo t. •■ryaHerJ9C(l. . '• Com|: cuaunlssliin .aald th e -d e v q«8lit Muiterlal would be pur- • '(1 during the period Jan. 1.’ • • ,iuouch.D ec.3l, IBM at th f , 2 , Cmpl, established for such ma*j eiipe\jn6rr present eonltacta. 3 _ ro (un(1(llt}f> qusntity.of eon.i , .Vies, U u al to the quant^iyi 0 ^red nnfl delivered In 1967 • uporI 9 c a , vould be bought dur-; 4 . Qua!thc pe rio d -Ja a — 1.-)9W .. . p j | | j i:h Dec. 31. IfllO. 01 fixed'" p r t pOMWl o{ UKA tlw , 5 . ^ o c

Wo aro nowiible casts of production for, ploYfnent. « ,Sfl3-C8 period, based on an, pjH j f,of mining and milling w u . ■Ilxed price per pound ol In-concentrate, the AZC.i NOJ-

wll! b t M per cent o t the; • - - .vble production east per!1 plus Jl.eo, su b j« l to ai C-C'-MT,ium price ol 10.70 per b b N lj ■ — ---------^ -------^ ~ ~ T E tnil mining properUei, th o r t i,clng less than 20,000 poundsJ05 per yen;. Vtll P'*'* 1d to take pa rt in the pro-, up to on overall maximum 1 , . •BJlUlon poonds.of U303 per j


L i



s t - ^ r o w i n ^

r i s a v i n g s p i\ l o t s o f f t m g s . . . I ” " ; , I

Child's -v i t a m i n s , lio o l is , a n d

c o llc s i! e d u c a t i o n . I t j |

a U e g c a 'c q u i tc a - a J j i f f ^ ^ — - = 1 = s 4 n

i s h o i 't t i m e .W h e i - e 'B _ j _ i |

e y g o i n g t o c o m e - | - 7

i i d j a c e n t c h a r t

h o w m a n y f a m i l i e s

-------------- — ------— EAI. *

a n i

j s g n t a R o i rb v E ra H ir s T O

'ro g ra m ["Stuckpilel]. ” WAaillNOTON, N

;u rcm cn t 1 yestetdsy t h s t _ ^

,liho\it being retjulrtd to ^ 7 o n S x n iM 'th *, dtferral. -of conmmrnL notAEC said « ^ n t « t e de- again during j rom ores produced from■mall properties will be hissed In the >-ear* 16ffJ-lSM port on the stockplrer pound of U30B and la cotton w u lianifcj

the fact Uiat It would not Hs transfer madt a wmlc for most small op- In the stockpile of w s to rrduce Ihelr current iars. he said. Hnd

production" the commls* moved, tlie stockpile Id^ln a stnteiiient._______ have rUcn by t7,<0»l


MEN WANTEDW e need trainees h r electronics

em ploym ent. Technlciani, Radar Technicia ta b Tectinicians apd others. ■


1. Com plete Electronics Iraining suFiicient qua lify you for [obs w ilh p sy up to as Ii a* i6 8 5 ,0 0 p e r monfh irarf/ng. ■ . -

2. E m ployrncnljerv ice of fobt lo meet y_oi ex p en ses o f training end living.

3. R efund of all training costs if you do nc g e t an o ffe r of em ploym ent in EleetronI upon com plclion of training.

4. Q ualify ing exam inations given In Twin - Falls b y qualilfed Twin Falls resident.5. f^o cost o r obligation for pre-training ai

em ploym ent Inlerview and examlnatioi

I a re now se lecting m en to begin training lymenr. W ? will contact you of lime and in Falls fo r Information and exams to sole dnTcn. .



WELTECH1931 South.lllhE ast Sail Lake City, Utah

r e a s o n s fc

p r o g r u m l ^ .SlsH> Ksrs's hew vatieut emsunts bvild V|

i??.?.' bylh*ilffl«your«hUillt1Sh « .n ‘t Vs” I JIO « 0 I *25.1 T s

Afl> mcnrhly monlMy monihly weniMy mor 0 1 3 7 i^ 3H>.D6 6112.12 78?0.»3 H7t ^ 1457,83 2tt5-65 SB3tJ0 72SV.13 I4S7 7 13<2.29 268<J6 S3&9.I6 *711.45 1343

—r ~ m w ^ « tr« g - «««:?>' ia »-4 1124.50 2249.01 4498.02 5422-52 112<3 1021.^1 2043.82 40B7.«5 5109J4 10216 923.30 1846.61 3t93.2t 4616.52 9837 62B.52 KS7.0S 3314.10 <142.62 8288 y37.43 1474.85 2949.70 3t87.12 7379 649.86 1299.73 2599.45 3249J2 649

10 I 365.701 1131.40 12262.81 |3B2aj1 |-565

S A V E BY T H E 20th . , - E A R N - F R O M ^ I W i s I

^ S -tF E b E R ^SAVINGS

t A N D LO AN A SSO C IA TIO N J' o r rw i N ^A L ls i

I c p M e p o r t 1 ■INOTON, NOV. 19 m - Twin Falls Times-Neriry p. Byrd. D- Va- s a id ----------------------- ;

that only the tr9nsfrrij_^jj O tld -Founa—'v—imioirdolliin worth o‘l r iiT r~. ww. iinbi»»« t.TTvenied the total valuenment stockpiles Irom l vu.k.." i->»«*Mn durtM AugMit. r * .« -. Jnskinr hi* moctWy re-f _____________the stockpile, «ild the Mis U aiisltn t'l w UK cy-citdK —ecrporatHJn; fer road* a net decUne , , , lo -Xknllt o{ M WlUlcn dol- tu m . ttf.h. __

ii.d B m t « lie tlockpHe value wW '4 bu,„,M r it*«*ni, Uiu •I, by S7,<004«. 1«.. m «IK A..n_y* a« .

~ n Pcraono1»-5pecie> Nc

lLliEGE~—iFELEaRONlCS : i.'.^iM 'sMkr*" "V *”

= D

rTecnnicianl, | le,:.K en. - ' ,

r e o F F E t t ^ .-u>!G: - I

t up to OS luQn 1 t.m, IH'M.. TH.IT«1.'9 . ■ - ^10 meet your _ ,u,k

nfl- ^ i . !l-»rV i>i.v,,,.rV nW j.u‘ ’ you 00 no l l)iiillr»-i Slt«m lUlh, o ilin Electronics '-

en in Twin i»>'riu‘i*.'*'H«

•training ana l /.,r rh,m* i,lam ination. , ■ I

1 training andV.m. . n i p l . » i " 5Sms to select qoall- I *««. ' _ .

i B eouty S o lo mt w i n i n g

lCr:>iA's‘ iMsir otioBi »r* >1111 <l<>*Utr . »fTX • 1 ilrm. l'»|-nn>. H.

i S S . A N D _ flj'fcuui. i» iwfTii»«7»>».{ E R - T O : --------------

U r i r K t i r w r ? . ’.

I; . " p r i f U' _ J Bcbv S M « n -C h lU <

HUimtatV : BuptrtUtA y»wi« ^

■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I I I H Etw playm<nt A g tn e l

H elp W a n te d —

---------------------—-------—iTTiimrs: ts s J ii*.

__________ _________ -trtnT<n>t«rTs*is»»:-----

en. for K• hi.i»« 7SS-m1 nr ‘tSS-tl

Sia^sia."i k ■

’ Mil la ili« futillf. tall Cl-----g J p W .IU - 0 .* ll-M.

H elp W e n f e < t - ^ ^

iMTMu litti.taS»-baoit■ f—!— l~ m .t lU tar «Bce>a>W<

\ r 'NV-H f l ---- * r i B ne" 4SI1. U-

i f - / lI I A " u U r b i i l ^ i S i ^ W : h T \ l M ---------- S S K * T S 5 ^f / I f ^ ^ l r-otor«Jo.IB ■------- Andy »»4 flnb’i MnUir

ron) <Ml.r. D»lil «>» So

/ ' • . TWO T U M N raf § • , *450 -

MONTHLY 8« A 1. ^ e S r PI*08 ■


rS S a S ':\ J L J ^ U DUok J * '" . "

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i 'g x P E R i E N C E D RSALESMANB90.J5 |5760J? M«l«« ,

?n .*S 134M-W I U »«rr. with PM.iMlori

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lllibUnS T*ril*r, took*'«» 1SS.SSU.________ • . •nSTkilTi^MluMrBiCHoik/. llt«4r\L rs«i>»

KlBk*iu tu«4. Z0-* blrrtk*. Kr->r4. FkoM

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.III» Jroci nmrl|iu>h R..B, it|<b>H llli-

IIU n»r«* •pccitliiii Dr.

rilM'ir Antwtr III It k i” ’ tor"'lh *"f'* ^

tcir Vn4 •liiuu t,MM lar«m lUih, Olir l«h..|,pin*Wll UUU*». mlMl (MB.

ItMr* <»n. ^'»,ilm*l-*■ __

S»nU>t ntuucr. ilNuJU - rnu. I'hiinr Tii.lilt. I ';Ur. W*j«»4«r.-y,ij.y.

rnUL •M,su {’,'T » ''d«

iion i 15IIS rtrsaoMi M* fl. ilrWxip. I'ixMt TSi.i^a

v>... soaiiQ .MiMr ass p. rmm. ru jM i.h—Ul» »- .A.

l«nli, *l M«r«4 . t>. Uouir Am Ao4- Uln Wwl. 7114»qto; hUf .iiUnf, lltlia*.i ' s s ' i . r i ' . K

irt^ChHj Core 16

int A aetic itt 17Ilia >1 -ffneiiul Itonln

fte(i->F«m aIo 18In mr b o ^ M»s Mttk,.

1. ror m o u r wbtIi. Smu

s f s i v r a1X1 nr idif S.II.; in boB. »t tlS*rlr

'k muit b*‘>bl< u dlaiwrr*. 81i» ”» p!w*fl.* lC

utMritn** wllll iblllir to • pullle, fall cr pin (/««.rixirtunllr far lb< rifbl ll«-II«x-ll.|ll,-«/a'Tlm<»>—

ntad— Mtrie 19» .n - k: , o»U U . t.

f fuU tJm« m u <r«rkl guBr-r.Wrtl*.Vr.-SMM<>,— 0*k>*»4 U. CiUbnl*.UD rot~r>nu),it tu .:M la city.«rTwi. n iw •* T S 5 jM o ir* B 2 ? S

nblnatlon b<xtr ssd (MS*f kntr of ««ik. Connlf (UII SU-tStl, DubL *ak

tint*.—•mU*-Buiuttr, - , u li'l

3 TRMNEE8 “■ *450 ................. -



rSS.“l!F? ■rttUblt-rar'lixnw^U -


e>n U...I UoM f------i t r •rllhla 114 BlUi>. Runligt mUit et ii*^b^u»1lf|!lif MuulliatlsB. 64lM •!»«-111. bul nn nmaurr, ollns proTld*d. »*a imn

ENCED r o u t e " •LESMAN:«.»lc^V.Il,rjjr~|ror •iMh, plu* KflinWlsii.) PM. dotlor *s4 by

F * ^ i ^ s i * “V ^

nANK COtiMAM liouU FrU »-(M s )l*«inUr S u It sooo. IKloUoni t« lUi !»■»



cccssrUL S4i«1,1 Crtduil*' lUM*

‘y o u D o-WilAT-JUCXUUt-----I.8TATE CAN SIEAM .IlY pi'll COUUtSSIOK. it-m-drmw-ar ■dTiB«J— unlUn Uallmll>d.

Olulba u l LU* ta> m a tT i r B - F r n j t# —

'E iNSDRANCB—kta - 6*«n BUS.IM TSS-iTt*

Page 22: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

Buying, fR(N ov. 19-20, rW 2 ' H a m t Twin Falli Tlmet-N»wi

H a l p ^ ^ o > e ^ F < w o l< T r 20.

^ i i l p 5 3 ^ S ^ * fTOTlm.«-N»»i-_________________ _ nw iT

fa ,m -W orfc W onH il 2 3

rtMflBL I'hcint 7i,laT«IU. iiulMyA wf>-l>: Utnyt..b..1i»*. TH Hit* 1 7 ^


I>EO nm l D U ANKCUSTOM PARMWa..............

IlMTOl >2Min


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lotl Ill<,.'ukr.'A?..l"c'.1l UI-SMJKiunll.r fr.«(ir IMUlag 7H-IMOVt;

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MoVt; or blaMAiirLK i»u.b.4iu.«i offit. -- - -hmi~, f—I 'txf •"■• ‘lilniDfr. <>«•<>• ■t,«n.rT Om «»'•*». »««■ ‘■T «•»• VJJ I 3 il. »Ml, Ji •iutli. B.Ui>. »*• Thiirac

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SelHngl-W^9 H em t« Far Sal* SO F o n n t Foiil (iLbKH » Mrooo. r b ttlu r*<w«4 FUK mUbb > >t Irixh itr4, |*n fk Wi ilk ArMM lUadr. W< .. NoRk. n -« --------- ---- ------------------------------ M ACltU. f; -------- J600 DOWN---------S F h i : ^z uj™. ™ 5 J S

bo«« wilh Ur,. klUkn uUllir ll

jJ »cr nutk. fjJii- T ill. f .

“ — joH N -jr^votra-------------- iTy:i Rcallor, ’? .r*!""*M |0» Snd St Rut 1I1.JMS • 'IU Atur ba<ir» liM III — m-7014 B7V^ - - — ■■■ — ~C5J3Ih^----” TWJN FA Z ia ^—• 4 nrtroom n» 41h A.min north. DC;U IIm Ur»» llTlKc fr~». I«r«»«. tDd t:Q ACIll-

i»r*»t. Ilfl.Wfl. C«r»». Kii1 KIUBEIILY">■ V>rr iw-4 « Udrca.m. IIm d«« 0>it*U tor '* hMtliti •tAna, vlrlnf ind r'wf. * 1)1 han'IW' —h u 'doubto (MW* «• lu i* csrft* £>r M <o «

;■ j^ock( •ru r , on imill niin«r loc. l in l n . . . t ..

— h r fiilil«r WPU. «.»«, • wVrni lilu vi <» t n t ultk t >n«ll komi north* Jcbn Lui»

KImitilr. U n i hUhSlog O'p/-_ bc<tl*ft. UT.MO. OIL'*lf »ttM Ilf*2 T a y lo r A g e n c y S S T.«l Offlt, ' 4H.4IM II»!>« Konlnn 4M4I01 V*!l*V*‘ i>»• ‘ K .f. Waft ■ «M «M - fx« l irwJi

I g S f i gI | 5g 5;!gHI Two N ew

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f - 2 Sellitifr for n Pitthncc

i s S lD«..k JKKO.ME REALTY "X:

■ Lijob . ,;,.; i ;7

»^NT^ADSF o n n t For SoU 5 2IF om itF o iF&k »u<.. >rr~> ..u u . « u ^ FuR'Coiii"

tUadr. «r< *4r*rtl» <rktt w, HiU kMW*. iwnn» IU«H>. »14-»»0a. -T.rinr *f»M ACU^, Mr lapimmrau, U.»»4 UU’OIU; Ll

—luii /*"-'■ Lo*« OW

Rnluin. ngp-ir i t M i l . fVo.s f*(i»."

~ I f You re lnlertsi«a -p t ia -u rT

klatf: • r MlllBf H>or «ttU. »♦"■_ ^ _ ^ S E E OENE LAHaZN _ j p w ^ -

D O N 'T W A ITi :q Acn>;a of tb* (idmi Uod is ••I'xno c«r»r. Kic.lUm cn.» trv«ii4 »r• up|>lr. Knfarn huoM. Kwd ttlltr' <'' 0 » » U tor ]tO'b»d. tJS.OM down T>ln r«ll vlll hindW. or »lll Ktil* Uu.ilr, Ui fc, M W « .em .. .M -liu J U a IX ^

ROCKY MOUNTAIN C C : /• • 1U.I1T m.oi. n»"

B.t« (.utt r/( .r *}«.<(»4 ,T>Um, »■w .rn . IUu»f il» oKk.iJcbn U l» TIUf ' ltt.4:>: i.«M.liin

• STOCK RA NCH I I Itl« /.rtll. lrriMI«I- « r« . 101 . Timr.-N..•ttM ■lf*l(i. I t ociM H«4 (»r« B u iln e l l

- m«nrr>( t>Mlsrv. UUAr* wnl» W . , , , ■■', _U<xl>rrt 1 Mruum born*. Uti* llLll-Ul.''ti f»rp»t^ lliint rium. II»fiu. tliKU.■r.n.rU.pilni.d. b>., a ju l ,„,f,. ■ «llGaud t-mlit frntf*. «•" r»fl (r.c. iUf:Al. bumtoi». tull lli>» iimH tmthlMrj, «1 riiSl Inlltrrrur<l «■••, IKO ton bir. UM lUiUu'

i H t ei.nmn.nwY0ii

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“ Quick Ac“ • Use this handy DirZ- ■ service Tod

I - — -: ;■ i \ 'O S 'W '6 '

;:r.H Ihe Telephone o f Any Ad-

Dial 733.23B6. Telepho

Appllqnce- Repciring. ______ll ku ,.n i SnillM Acnllinr. ' n ll J.'

' l l c7;7 . j ~tv.j~' - ‘i S :

■ _ Electficol Exoeris * iwli'vi.

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S*X'n’ 1* niuiiViJin>ot n»ir oil t-rnKr. n«« prw«ut« ,p,nm»BU

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Action Ser.ndy Directoi7 as a guide t t depei rice Today ; . . and every day

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-«k.»d.. ------ FTpCTTARM. J

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•CjJA-a^iunr-nt-aiH. ■ ■Unfurflllhed T±

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bi^J»unViiL M.'C Farm Im pleiVJTfSr.i.b.4 u » i innoiAttJii T,

olKUlCllr. Inqui'* A w u* .

i f " - * ? ? ’ ”A»«tij« >orta. ---------------- on.ln.r. Viu

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; 'MobMe Homo Patklnil 7 9 O'-'™ '’

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0USINGTN£E,m . F . f « « i i t - e i A u r t l . n l

■*HW%?r ?/»'Ti»r&««.. C ottle

•L S i . S i ' S r ■ g s g ^raFKiFcTTtnisn:

i.1,% IlidSr'jK M»lB 8«lk.pbBn. J.a».rT I.l.

■: m o v i n g ?>«t * TltUCK ft«» llEBTZ «b4

^ '■ '“ " S S ‘ " " "H E R T Z S Y S T E M

........i . , . . . ^ '^ . . r . i i . . » - > . ■ ■ a s > a ^ . .v ;. . f d t o B e n t 88 ...............

liif'^fliioopr. B»lp ie i * u ouUUnaioj^UVrli« »o» »ll t 'o Tlm«»-S>w»- rfkni»rr I. Uirm ^l^m plemnnti 90 - ijc tE p tu i is i :^

ri&SirnV. zata k*m{!.t7>‘^C !.l‘^ “ uhl. tii"']i4.‘'*

fri'ti^J’/torTcSni*-Wlpni«t B*Ui ,„ . fiWbfi ^ n;

” ? 'c ‘rt‘lr. Twin Kil'li. UI-OOU. From 1 tC

- 1

U S E W n l S l R ^ t e


O L ivE n n . dicMi ButfSii.'V.*m.'iIIOLIVER 80. dlcMl '‘p*y

P lo w s ^ " " X .

m e Tumble “tm irn fnT nM

----------- OLIVER at------------ ‘'o^X 'riM >n'"

OLIVER Tractor sprcfldff

M o u n ta in S ta te s

_ _ ^ L O T O G N E E D S

™ o w S o v . r h . u l t d ,

aw IHC with cuUlvfttor - ea OLIVER will. 3.polnt

ftB, i ; a e m _ s j i e c i a l s h i i f f S . ;

EVERSMAN litnd Icvclcr, new !“

G EM E Q U IP M E N T 11 " ; ; - ,. s a l e s , INC,^._

F . ,n , S u p p U .. ■ . - 9 f .......

‘'ctl^.«*‘onJlUi"'wiU^»ia.‘l^^ T -JnF.ll.:»-

U.UI,N rullln,. .....n & J A l

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m to ition i . ^

T S S r S y & s s,V ,

■Fa>0. ' “ alLllLb A,,v. ......-------r

tk- Hrtiinn.‘Aa;,,*®-{5W

ouui»naio«^l!lU*in';-.1r’ JT»»rr I. U c. Uki, i2*L5-II0USU. tj, ^I kind. •!» ■. i„n " >hi. »r.i'i!:4.‘-'°"- V

, fm b« tltrmSJ.II «nd rtffiti.tni. n.-un i,i“ f m lrt »r»i T-ln C.lw , , j

<bU *><»lon»,' * J


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I g r . H i S ?

i S r - u J H E r S

■Com ,S«e Our A o S iS

T-Jn F.«.


Page 23: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

& >2S—— — iHlkM ’MA* u"^ J S ^ T ^ S J S ’vSSr-

% ^ ^ ^ a s s r a , M 4 . 7 . 7

«t furcH -^ FltAOllcAULr

° |5 | ; v ^

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s S r S i i s F s r . ; » , «™ I S s K g r s ^ i - T s ^ , ^

A f i f i10 Iri *»"»■ Prcsior

ABt a g v T cti AUTC!s?^ ,u.r."Vi. *J'i**rH ,"'‘DU{fc.rt ^ CU...

T o v DEpj^lO «U »»l^, 1^1,B Ib

s i H r “ ‘» i K M i t i t l i . T ,

-E D T V E E T S S v! '* . ' ' ’ '• *j » • »*»“ f a r ;

M licallanoQ


„ «U.UBf WAKTKOl lUd2 5 b ? r . ! ? J ' ' X ^ i

Fuel ond W

- t t L x f h E ^

*• wn»- --------------- Hooting Eqj.-ftinqt-to *n* ^33 »-vuxA ^»^

6i“ " s 'n » v r •

“It i i I ~ ~» ” • ■ « _________ !^JIiItro-I>M *»n- rboM OIL ,lOTt <or

i r . r ; : u . p u . —. I «1U ~.l. m non** .---- ou stovi

‘• ■ • " J ” ° “» "*.;™ g BANNER

c S ^ i i u m 0 S po rting Gt

/ ^ r / a a K E l i t ‘‘S ' f fiil'u¥ OrehKi I*' aJrth. I *•“Wwi rin rc'Bu. -

“D E E R ”t r

& mitaiw mISi i ' p ilau rV u tIiuSl)j*'?i«J.'"i»r‘’ Wrtu E L I

„(celloneoui Fot SoIo N O I I

S A ^ " ! F ,3 y g " ? ^ '‘, ; : i . ' . « ; - a r . : l i : ' t a l ]

uT°» r y ta 'p i ; it. B o o n p p T s

no-iALi. ih>M (004 .h o -k k io . a t4 Uln n jo»»l ■»tehi olh«r QDTBO* »»-llH. _______ o u i a u .MlUnilni «lill Ul* MU<( VaW t»'* 'I'"* “

^ rii l« OnLr. KI Sn4 3 u « l •}^'“

« .U « M « ! All u r i l ^ Klnii B U D"• u4 Kiiu'i In l^Bwood 8ho^ mSnUHuH

i n £ i . - . . ^ » „ . . , , . , i u i , .“ .*"•* •'»''* “p Mctorcycle:

j^ t UfHlcn ■nd domalle. Abf **7 ‘” - i VTif' lB*Ull»- LHtilNK TUMJ- **iUo*tr Kl.ctrle. phon« 1 ^ 19/ P«n

* ' ‘rptt .h.wpoo.r t W.TT OEAOI.TrS

r Z _ _ _ — . . -------- — T ru c k t-

BUY t h e P O U J S ID

■ S A L E

Continues U ntil '

November Zlst '

5 « r m tm ek buyers” !K!?„;'V,V

^ .m » k ln s KOOd A -i bui-a . “bw"sn a i price.ilftsh- ' ii"«. Huhi -

• IMf-KrtATuTr

— D ,0N T -\\^A IT--------------

____s f j s

“n io n m o t o r s “S H k

Piiane T33.mig-- -------- - i j i a - .

i , 7 ‘, :.*"■' >'“«■ r h . . . CARLES(S f t S ? - — S i 4 ; !i---------- W '.M -" ‘ ■ '" ...u ■;;:;••• ‘ , l e e

________ QMC TilD

D ^ rn UNUSI^ l i i i i s G r F s r i b i i ^ n o l T C ^ ^ ^ ^X ruml.yn. C. MU. <U «b r a c '-iW ;T;.wn .r»ii* ^U.«. It..n« Tai.; (lfl^MA» UI>T •utifiik.ui lixB Jfc*.i- <-wbnI «■!< MI. «W*Bla* klu. bunlliv kolin. t ll i . Mar b* m <krl ktUna. rKk ud4k •nhbaida, Ksd G*ru«. KdiMnbn. rill. M.P-. lUl'i T«J- -----------------------

^ ■ ■ We I« cbts* r»r Iht flril fyll 7>tr »o

- . . . P I C K«MCi*kk; lau fc«i»l >ut». .:: KuorIM r»l4 iuduf Mdin.' Uqul't Rt G c ll(|#rr< Slrwt.

’"'"""'------------------------ 1957 DODOE :OUTDOOR KEEDS glne, overc

uibi«B Inx’W Wtlkir U>>iU ||an.,T, D«k W»l l'.r.i. Il.vl • ,J5J p o jy jM v,J-«u -aaik-ra ,u .aM aj------------- ^VB.J*Bptt

H. K O PPEL'S IMS INTCRNAtt Ind Awnm »yMth ;tl-7»l HO MelfO,

SA V E 50% . » “ '. Pipe and Steel iMS PORD 'i-

Cwh or Triid* - engine,for Bcrap and MeUlt ...

w n WILLY8____ H J l Q P f l J L 'S _____________ Jrlv.,

h m c r e v b o i

ANTI-FREEZE S t .Presume and Zcrcx

$I.S7 Billon / 1931 CHEVROl


i l Ir4 Attnua Wtil — TiMOil mOtOr OTi

— ---------- laci tn' t .b r :■irOV DEPARTMBNT*NOW~ -Soout,-#U

McVEYrtrinln aLKkl Ua.» km,«o UrmniU. • , , , '• .t ,. .iLL AT DI8C0UKT8 OF S»- 1» »** *” A»«aua OS. Ilur xHr •hlla MlRtlun 1>.imulflj. USE 0011 WV.AWAY ______________^“' ‘^FARM et CITY M obile H om ei

DISTRIDUTINO, INC |ic» ANUKUUr~:win t'.IU - nuiirr M.KI. I’hor. TlMl< V.IWa Utdlnf Olicwiil WANTKb lo b”

—-,. Kinrt, —Wriu U«i ll-kl <lica lla n a o u l W onted 141 ' 7ta. i^on.*?ay?S

0.J'CTndllloB? rLBt* UMOX*!* ‘" iBoiillJ'hJm*' In fiBll or uaila >ut ruur umO (ucu.>'wl rlva I'olnu Bponlm W l., BI'ACKMA(tTJ’;ULNTKU- lUdIo and TV lub> t«l?r' »0'*ll)'. Cl«an. (li laffntr-i K«y .nd Dik. Skop. HI- •’■

Cl ond W ood .1 4 3 W K O T ,■y“ aI-1‘LkWOOU f«r Jirtplaew.

■ PRT1>L£-WU0 L)< tUa»nH f u >»tb.Ml..rtd and atarkrt; Al/.. Maul..

lo tin g Equipment 1 4 4 a l p in e I

a*!^*rhon^«>:?yy*'‘***~*'*“ : ROC1. b'TuVn >.>ud. J. T. U.r. «i>J»nun« Klwt. C~>llnf. ,.■_______NASa fUUNAtn'lloor Ir^ ET ^hmd. >14 Ind BirrH. iiup>ti. Threc-bcdrooiiL, BioVb d*iui>. Mwin Uiiurif, pletely lurnbIJ lnd ATfnm Eail. W.ndtll. I'bona g it j ^Ir c

ondUionl'Vjl' ‘’VlMUiritO fillip AltoilK.

;» ! : ,‘z a r ^ w o t n c oour d»ltr. J. f . Uandracon. Phona ntmr^u■M4UI. ««4 tth Annua W..1. » PURCS“ ou Blovcj MJO and up WILL


iA N N ER FU{iNlTURE M I C O I onir.9 G ogdi 1 5 9 T r a i l er tV »ri %vinrh:r r ~ llka nnr Fo? Twin Tall. ,.la^r tr.da for llrito.k.

-J_______________ ; Thi

^ I b~[j---- j

DEER__________ - BUY the



s 5;™;Kklotor-Vu Comer ■; Soulh j,.y maklin

IDAHO HIDE & , g y " TALBOW CO. “ on;’

>.K For 5olii 1 6 9 ® “'''

ODTBOAnO wVRa UNIONtt'i lima lo aurt thinklnr about BIC DH'••Inler alfli.t. fur r»ur BUlboard J55 Jrd A____ phon»

BUD & MARK’S op»a< evenini

. ' ^ r - r . i X -_____________ !® 2 K r . ^ f S S .

II »» cu Cktumt Triumph BwUr> K,n MrNfW, Docytle, ,1'h'in. 7» .} l» .__________ . _______e ce tio r ie i & Repolf 1 8 2


Wk«U Alirn«l - UMO. TUB..UP j jg

ANT. IO IIUYl. ii» Arwr l»«k. MVrnilL'i

'co d o d g e

•XI. OJI TKAOK tor pltkup. l»»0 |nt anrl IrS i - J K lL . f . 'T j . " *• '57 FORD

’56 PONTl'i

S i v a " " - ' ' 6C FLYMO)illl lu il lun. Loir tnll'air. (0»4 S * ': s - L g f ; . a i ; t 's s o l d ^ . ,.(f.KrtATlONAU i**«. Kll‘.

tUUK h».li. hol»t». »•■ CT!EV_J)ltlmitk »niL^up.-b..l*.-Ti»lii Fa llt —ijj jjoDOE ft

IKvilULCT. l« l. l.lun, 0U.1 - B ^ , .(jo CHEV >i tI’i'rp^r^-oidrpTrk:;".".!^; ”« • .

______________ ' Tliank you eiifKVniiLCT. i»J». i«.ei« livt* wBf fnaklns our » M 0M^7la.?'»^'rJh"rJ"nr.llVB'i Wte ft *UCe«"coTldlllon. S34.II0I. .Irroat.____~

:a r l e s o n ’s f o k u m O phon.601 Main Avenue Emt Hour* 1


lUSED (ButrUs' ' — 191 A M r e i n o ^ lw f ^

iB.n« .13 w»,------------ --- jcmI ( l» a . «1J

C«rM». t^kaiB. ** "** *AVE

We Have .'.PICKUPS ..

____ 1 ’ '"*, *"i’,T n y ! .?G cllO T 6 l H.nlllUlo Via*

— CA-RtES'CHEVROLET C or v a l r CH c/lCE

„ . . . . "S’ V8 WaiDODOE ranel V8 en. glne, overdflra IrawmU- *87 PLYMOUTH Ctlon. V» Dalradar. »|L1IV , uilomMile uFORD long wheelQite.'


INTERNATIONAL AM-HO Melro. delivery ran. ^5 PORD V8 Waj

DODOE Power wijon. '

■ PORD 'i-'lon. «-cyllndere n g in e . , . CARLESWILLY8 1-ton; 4-«hcel « i utin c . i - drive.__________________ __

I CHEVROLET > i-to n .

S t . "** L (0 ) (C. CHEVROLET !i-toh jjoi jtord

I INTERNATIONAL A - ~ -.V br»kl»°!100 4 >Uin. nen paint, Vi rordumaiimotor orerhauled.. i>r*i»r. iuau|ii

r n 'T .E lU IA .T in ii,» l ,.. ■»” j »-Soout,-#undor«l-iop,------- ---— ^H!cn*nanirt«i

acVEY'S,INC.■ ss;;.''!;-!

■______________________ ElUB Bl<«..

l l a H o m n 194 m r O ! p _« .ic t i .u . .■..■■■' ■ u , ^ . .

l-hp.. _ h „ ,„ . ¥ .r tl

ho'-.r.-i't:: “ TswrcM ETnDra:l'hon«.7a>-»»l Bfltr I p.tB. ■ ImpaU. « ^ r

Il“hJmiSn ?cid VoBdmro'Tlw'; e“n,"‘.''*'

lo“ *Cl«j,“ .lr‘’“ndUi’n'jri'i^" CHEVROLrmr4..*»"urm»a ' “ ^ a 7rT o*«

WHOLESALE loca Pl y m o u t h(4>oor i • d a



---------S o c k et --------------------NASHUA_________________tr^ i

rec-bedroom. 85’*10'. Com- 1057 PORD lely lurnbhed. Relrlger* Fairian*. ror<:Sled air condlOonlng. Md'ill’Und'hM

■| aharpl». *1057 CHRYSLER

Mobilo W otel. «»d S ; ' £ rM otile O tilco UniU „ „

. p tm c iu s E , ; x £ v , ' '------V«LL LEASE---------------------- v«fi.nttunliiit;-

1958 DODGEm c o MOBILE Trailer-Sales “ '

■\o‘'a « -« . phe« « l ” m “ 1950 DODOEo«Ud Mroat from Onad-Va 2-D»or hardu

ThHlr* trviumlulsn. i

D mobilet For Sola 2 0 0 1956 fORD. VI; o»arirl»i


OrardrlTt. VIConlinuca Until „ „

November Z l .t . .IBM DODOE

Sun*“ ft'iV■i car and truck buyen "n throughout Magic Val- 1959 DODOE are maklnj good A-1 buyi Ing 0Jl4 great prlce^alMh*. “ “ “"*•»ale. 1958 INTERNATt

DON'T W AIT r m J * A '^ T uOn TTjoo ••• jg jj OODOEB a r g a i n s t Ton. <


MONMOTOTISBlc Drlre-ln Lot. ^ . j . „

150 srd A»enue EMPhont 7M-10I8______________

tai EVENINGS UNTII. 7 P.M.Irtmen’a An«r Houn rhonta MOTORB l. wla ?ll*704l

------ !!“ S-------

^ E M M Y LOID & S *» -----------

FORD SALESA-1 Used Cars! . F A L C O f - * ^ i a i S _ . - | = l = i - —

•laBdan! tranimlMlon, r»iilo. ^ c X

) i} od^ £ A’

J S r d ' " ' " ' $795V» 4 il«r. rordoBiUf. — 7' V V'

5 PONTIAC $525 J \ I1 d<»r. ilandanl InmhiU- j V

; PLYMOUTH $2D5S .l»ir. < »»llr>d«r. aUndard. P_— 'l \ \

’ OLDS $275 m /tt 4'<5oor>»»<laii. Ural aharji; .j a. w

;OMMERGIALS-CTlEV^pjckup___ <M5- ------------ -\ft- \ -

• d o d o e pletaip MiS \

CHEV '.i ton IH95 \JMbmi -krtlbaar. r»»l (harp. ^

lank you e u s lo m e r a for j ^iklng our week-end *pecUl

-^ ^ T R R O M E z -------- ^PhoM 3Ji-5«5 D a w ir f e e r i

«t Hours a to 7 week days y o t i S a h trd B-------m B r o o k i- - ------------------------- - ¥ ; t

Home Phone 9199 «»•«

riJsefurl) Item

1I.> ___________ i,aB.pur..ltuari»k-w i m oki.^ ,u}..irB u: .« «f m. i k.i.

« l S-loor hardM- Muil |u ;u n l« fl««r Taka «... ,, ^

a. n r Kortk Bread..y.[»a.

I>H. ilanSaN l.animUati.n.' i S . 'S i J ' . T-»lllr-tlhrr«t-trn»t,-tf»^at f 0 nl)r~l»-i. S-lur.oinulo Vt«» Dil«. pWnt • h.(u.'l«. tr Bundar*

^ -R f c E S O N ^ S —

n i d l C E $695. . AklTMUI(t»;U l-«411l<d-.ka and ('«Mla Cot

RD V8 Wagon. *■YMOUTH Coupe. tlll.^llOl.M Uwhan,

:H 0 IC E $495 t eRD va Wagon. cIUiVaUIi i m iJ*w

i« an. ro»«r alacrlrEVROLET Coupe. •tuH...., r—j ruht>alt. aU«k. _1%;m _TJM4M._


A .R L E S O N ’8 y o u r e e ^ m qIn ca.i - niMijj . s m e e d - k e

.. ■ - ■ ___ Your oidtm ob:

^ ( 0 ) ( 0 ) K

ORD B2295 NUTTY’S US;:iVr‘ - - -■">« worxmg m>fi For^mallr.^ i^lo and {45

•-B n m ' B3095 •--• iO U i^A V J:

X)RD »IM5f'ordur. V>. lUnilatd Irani*

NO"" ^'ORD »OT5 From ther'ordur Covnlrv atilan ataUun.aeon.'Fordctnallr. radio.n.1 1U9 KlRlbcritaltr. For tboai tataUonin tha .hllla. _ T»ln PirHEVnDECT------ TtJiBS— ---------------------Inpala. « ^ r aajan. l'o»>r IH! FOIID CountrySlllonlns. radio. btaUr. Ona '>wn«r. l td FOUD Ralaila

l‘o » r alMrInf, Foni K S ^ ^ U n - a S »C.-FOUD 0.1..I.rjHndar. orardrl.t, rmdlo. Furdom.Il.. po-.r

ltd FOnD C U al.>LYMOUTH • $1955 maile. p».«t iiaaffni l4>oor a • d a n. t<»llnd.r, cilEVnOI.LTm u ? VI. ro».r»lld.. pow

.LYMOUTH *895 "^'tfa’S n " f^n‘I S r f l f B 1 V ^ r ^ « ----------------------- —»«ur. NIC. . .r . ^•LYMOUTH---------- *795------------------ g - A-T- ll>our anlan. VD. aulomaila O A L liir^ radio and brai. ^ qiuji

rORD ■ »»5Falrlan», Forilor'h a r d la p —J:d';lr.rd“ h . ^ « " ^ u 'r . :aharpU. ^ h iS I tCHRYSLER ■ tll95

Ju i; ; c l e a n e s t stln rln i. &a« ihli oni.OLDSMODILE *7115 Q p USEEftupar H8. I'owrr « ulpp*d. radio, braur and fa.Iurr air

m tun.,iy;-n«fw ».-------------JN M A G ICDODGE tQOS '

S E E T l

[>ODOE $C95 1963 CORVAIRl-Door hafdlpp. Torquanila Coupa. lUdlo.

~ a " i .a *PORD 1595 19S3 PORD OallVl; oraHrl.f. taJlo. and ‘r.'c iiS^r-^

t ^ ^ . g » |7 u n d . H t , . . ^ i m CH^ IJ

»ORDOrardrlTt. VI ailflBa. »'•*" ——5U IO S JM l BUICK ElfI Doof ktrdtcp.30 D O e ' ' h } " *rt Ton pickup. Up«t4' t ---------orUndar. UmI abaip. . j j j j CHEVROLE50D 0E^To^^V*.^^.p»td. J.ap«J. .

NTF-RMATI ■ 1981 CHEVROLE. V 4-Joorh.rtWSH-ToB.-«-»h»al-<l.lta.-aloek------------ ar.—iQU>m»04

nek. A m l *cod bur. p „ „ , ,u,finiDODOE ‘ ***" --------I Too. < ejrllndff. »-.patil. I- iggl r o m ) 8edl »»«•>• Tudor. naJk

5ne Year Warranty '.

5 0 B - ^ E E S E ----------------S i S S J

H O T O R C O . RICECHEVB5rDioci~iiid~M».'fioutli----------------^_j«t0« n j i a i” " '« * »"« « Q pn, EvsHiHcaMooa Jim Clark a.ndan U w .

:M M Y L O U S By M a rt


e S ^ e S r a i r O > a * - l - c a n ^ « ^ ^ i n c I S a h ird f ty , RftT» Y o u m ig h t find

« l«e jUBt IU p r e t ty a n d n i c e l .

teiii^lnt<rOAftiliirp O T ^I* = t^O b jAiHwiiabttti-yoTr............. .. --1— t .T ~ :c m v » o u : r itti.anlmUataTtW . A».r»#a »o«dJll«., I..ituB. m t. rw«» fw-i»4i. -____________«f kalu ■<th aU Mr. KOW8 Till: TIMS W

.d, e^p I1.0M. QuallW «•.». ^ «"!?Vllar Motora. BuhL:— •-"T'T r r L I____..vii: now wheckisci »; 1: ' 4 a

. ■ — I ft l FonL Kacttf-IT. IM« J-duur aaJan. t k ^ B«l.a««. ^.«ll« Waal

iui. LEO lU C E U ffI i.r Bundarv___________ Ca^dlM__________

r f h S S & S — THIS;W i «jj« : —— SPECI

JTkS T S t S ' El ci g . ' t t . * *’** TtiU CheiTolet pi'.s •&'< Ilka vaU aaaip clftaar lib* n*_ II h u I

^ dlo, heater, nei i'o.'.r**>iatriii. ‘brtkah M«u Uret tR d l«w nil)•l o Im. e t*y-ln 'thU

shaTTp e s t

S i 'iS m B CO.- YOUREE JrEED-KEHELEY TM -sau wr OldimoblH-Dealer___________________; _EST a d t o b ales

a s '^ b e V ly ^ad * * G L E N G . J I

T Y ’S USED CARS • C H E V R (Working Man'».Ptlen<l._. _ i___________ _aln E u t 755-775t TAKE A

A t O ur o k t

W ith c

NOW BUY F riend ly Si,

From the B est B U Y WU9 Kimberly Road

■T.U, F.a . c o n f i d :OlID Country Badan »a,on. A t thC Ot

nllD Kalaila.Vlrlorla togpa.' --------alaarlnf, Fordomalk

. '62 IMPonD CUal. Mdin. r«T*j SPORT SE D A

.laatJni-------- t iM je„k in» ' per*ona'iiEvnoi.LT DfiAir tadtn. powcr. air condlt«tr»iid.. pow.r aimiMUM actual mllea.

" ;a BIG DISC'


° " S , ‘ 7 n , m r . . .

~ ■ ’GO IM P.T h is I j H ie

•laartns and braktiANEST SELECTION *’’*»i9V!

DF USED CARS*lMrfn« and brakrc

iM A G IC V A L tE Y - ----------------*'6®''60 FO

3EE THEMI - r.i?,.taarlnt •"


H .7 S 1 7 " ;u S^RD Ollull “,00. lladlo. hr.ur. ontdHra,

-------S6 S-CH EV 1

iTtrdrlta. poB.r tlM.ln|. |IOT5>vwar br»k«». T iu »J« '•

JUICK Elfctm _____ .

M t h i s W EEK'S««ar and air c«adlttoB».

rHEVROLSr ptrkwood '57 MER<latlon wtcun. RadUs knlar,'owtrilHa. k« l ona ojnar. MONTCLAIR 4'B.rpi.----------------- ‘ aedan. V-B, MemEVROLBT Impal* tranimlMlon. poi. ^ r h.tdu^ ludio. W t- and brakes, acUdr.—iQlom»0«-tr«Baalaai*«i---------------------------- -^ . r auarlni. bral,^ . Q j,jy j;

"ORD Sedan _____-udor. Itadk, baaUr. Ford* matlr, kxal >ar. (barv.---------------------- l>!*f----------»68-STUDE:iUICK LeSabre stationwacon i

h.tdt»^ lUdlo. bMt- d.f. alandard Iran, r. MlomaU. IrtBiiaU.loB, chaap tran.poftalloB n« B«ii«r. TbU BB« li M85

• “ * ’59 OP3 CHEVROLET. Inc. ” , * 7 r ^ n . " 1

‘ >56 CHEVI— ' . - ~ DKLAin tMloor a«da

B y M o r ty U n k ,

’55 ,F 03.000n irdan. VI, a mlulon wllh in.rdrl

I----------1 NOW JUSt

§ '54 CHEVI

V —I • ■ “ * J-J5Q

^ _ ’54 FO» \ ■ I.DOOn .fdan. %

j mn.mU.lon.


f •haalba'.a"'■-I- I ^ r If- I ajrllndar mviAV y with lull warrai

/ “ k ^ A “ --------L Z d = = i | T . f 1W 9 CHEV V-

------- rd.“ ’‘« r'!mdl•** J , aiiid lran.n«Ui

G L E N G .J] f l CHEVR(

;^o :dM id ttB = w itfa= — 8 4 lu m « i’»3tot [h t f o ld B o m e o n e

^ASH Dial 7W t i fo r So tt— 2 0 0 A t o w o M lt - f o V ^ f lv t IMI. atr»lfkl ,U.k. PLYMOUTH l.JI 4.d-.r

ii",'."!:: ?r«".T£:S “I S S

‘ri^n"Sr.H :'lW .''T .« PLVkiiUtl*. lo t^.alla Waal ul Hoapltal but will t.Ih larma. I-b.

i ? ‘iS’:.‘=SL"Si4 a« v u l S c * ; ^ . i.«i i.Of *ru.k ••T.i* ---- '•*4ry'|Cki4-MMltlon.—n

RICEUCrrOR M_____________ ” *•*” *- THAOINI! nilAl

: I S ; W E E K - ' S — —Undanalla ' all n>m|>«1li

SPECIAL------'60 El Camino i» o c h e v r o l t t

Corvan Panel “ heiTolet pleJnip 1* /lUt erglide.. heilf;

a ' ' ,‘S Sitlc- tr^pantoloa.-r*------------- ownerrxike ht

j r : ; ^ s . r v " si*y In'thU onel a«ond car.

REE MOTORSI (M Miln South drive, heater. ______ . and rod Inserti


lur o k Uicd C an_________ S P E C I ^

rV E irT S lX " BtiraW ith Our « door wagon, va n

tomallo tranimUiloi icndly Suicsmcn tinted windshield. I

iU Y w iTH ”“r ^ r z ‘)NFIDENCE"t Ihe OK Slsii — w » -

___ , ■ BROWNIl

;2 IMPALA . AUTOr SE D A N . O ta 0 . ""■• "■I' pertonal car. Full ------------------------------air condlUontng. 8,000'm ii«. THEISEIG DISCOUNT— --------- -------------------------- ^ P I - N E - e A

51 RAMBLER ~***"coifvMK!u^nwC 4-diur >r<l.n. t<Tllni{rr ni.ile traBamloloi ■ Undard traniralulon wllb haaUr. Ilntad'du. ♦. ona'o<»ft»r.'niy-tlran.-------Uitwuihwt.---------


’GO IMPALA‘ iv«‘ 5 ~ r " r :< rIr tl.OM actual biIIn.

l i roR D’58 IMPALA .

roj' roupa. y i P0«»r-»a<. W u r. KIca." .*nd‘T.ri“« . vir/**»kl.V W MERCURY -------11695 • - -• -- couM irrut i t

arapon. bharp fflo*'6 0 ’FORD .'"m

^NK •»»' fonlar tadan. VI. b 2 ttln t iT « la * i

m n T -------------------- ’87 PONTIACCATAUNA

■ osFO hD - K S ; . i . ”. r . aV IM* todar arttB. l-»rl* • -

-*85-PLyMOUTH— 1895 4 Ouur VH nrllk

radio. h«Ur. E.M1IJ-CHEVROLET--------------Sih----------------Tt iMloor aada.. V*. Fow.f. -Jt PONTIAC .ntiaU<l;n, iitw ptlM. wfcll* CKtEFTAIN hard


M O T O R S ,

M E R C U R Y Th,..Mi».i in^u

Ualon, power itMrlng :oi Htin Annaa t u t akes, acUd white Jlnbh. ____________________

Only $585 ' _ T v lSmeed-KeJ

OLDSMOBIL-STUDEBAKER------------NWACON t-Soor. t<rlln. ^.Bdard tranin.l..loB. <;oo4 Twin PalU. ICran.ponalloB, now Jul

, ----------------------V A L U E JIA’59 OPEL

NWA<10N :.d.,or. Hand. U SED CAin.mlulon. liuU ot I«u4

------------- - u ^ R D j _aoor_

i CHEVROLET - ■» BU.OK.«-d«,r--I tMlnor a*dan, VI. Fawar- -52 0LD 6. * iOOT

•Bd ' ‘"jJ'jj*' * "*' ■*« PONTIAC a doot

■55 .FORD -sa CHEV. 4 door.^n^V^^.t.adtrt irana. '85 PORD S dOOr

iOW JUST W95 '47 CHEV. IW ton ‘

1 CHEVROLET •8« STUDE. Wagon ■SB^inCK WaTon"

tI50 -------■ ■ ' ----------•59 CADILLAC 4 do1.7 CKBIV. . door-

■ *150 ’W DODOE 4 doer• ' "SI PORD 4 door

M M E R C I A L S •*» m = h c;u r y 3 do- - ' ’SB OLDB. 4 door

»( «haalba''.a.'«lda boi. !• 19 PLYM. WagOn . Indar mwlar' o.a.kauladb tall warranlr. "« » * ■», '69 OLDS. * dOOrE«a<l tranamlulon. A IImI, a l ----------------- m i l .J l o l D 3 _ 5j Coupa

_ai..OLD3 . « iio o r -

r S £ . B . " p - l t r . t -O old' s . 98 4 dOOl!LIZ!— IL— !?*iS h _ J-ss PONT iA o «doe


JT G . J E N K I N S ■»« PONTIAC 4 doc

U P V P n T T T T -M r a m b l e r 4 doHEVROLET , j c o n t i n e n x ««tm tnt^ lonajm nnti— —

2 0 0 i--------- « ervrl9 .20rl962V .» i'4.d-,r'..4lar L.. TwIn Fiilt. TImes-Naw;llli.>ti. BjkiB tlraa. --------------------------------


SPECIALS ? S S S n S : . ........... .V_______

l*«t !«lout. fhaap. tOKli-«wT»ai1f f-« ~ lMBditioB.—nwin-trnf-: “ *'** . 1»1. . -----------------Uit: VALU:V«-----------lUlSli nilALCK l>i: Uill)i;t l.<rn, runi ■«•8 IN JEnOME____ 'B-AUTO-6 ALE8 ----------m rronB T t.'’': i;:5r<H»..all n>m|>«1llwa tW lank tlnanrlBf.. la - i i i i , iim atti m » niiii> v«. ft..n _


Ure*. many « • . . -

id car ., bbaip _________

OE . ■ 1_»»» I'lltVllOLLT Man.Club Coupe. ■ Pluld ■■ -— ~■. heater, new ringrod insert*. i«« ciikviiolct m „b.

« MOTOR CO, „ „ ,mr.iiKiT[o»» W Twin Palls ................................

' ” ■2'^ list DODllE taWw VI,'

•ION WAGON -- - a N dI iCKUPI^ 1111 CIICVIIOI.CT >j Iob

S P E C ia .______BUICK . .. . c iit. i . o m - w ^

‘■‘y . - X ; , . . . . t u c « » o vr. „ ndshleld. lUtn UOOcompany car. cirrvnoi.iT «uk„,blar Price 13254 ------------


EQUIPMENTDWNING _AUTOa phona ni-ilCl'’ WILLS------------------------ ^ NOVEMBER SPEC

HEISENSclcct Used Ca:

lOUTH ' IB95 -63 RAMDLER Cutlomp aadan. Thll en. oantr "t'* 4 door .tallon waj

brBBd na« *hlla ilila dlo. htaUr >Bd ovtnl.Jraa. radio. baaUr. laa owBtf. o«ardrl>a. Fully winltr* ONL'

■» DODOE BENECA 3 tSBS 4 Ooal aadta. liaaWr a.TRY aadaB. Fully «qulp> aid traBaBtlulen. Itaa:>ltb FAnlamaUc. radio. JUB', aW. »lca." r w v <MS "S® f o r d Station W«r S i <» i;JS[;.r£.;.T;. Bh»rp rflo-lona nnUb.” ''^4’ h«d'“M,‘bu‘‘"rad"li . ^ ONI*’, tiBtad «la*i.^lc^ ijERCnRY_Mont«

o m i

lOUTH------------» « 5 - --38 RAMBLER Super-ir Vh with OTtnlrlra. 4 ,|nor aadan. IlaaUr ail>«aUr. EmlUnlthnnifb* drl'a. It.MO atluti ml_______________ ONL]

ar ttBda-ln.ONLIi

HEISEN-:ORS, INC. . "•“■-“ ' ‘ 3 ;

plan In ih« woild ta ‘57 RAMBLER CustomImr • tar ' 4 Duur .utloa wafUB

malic. BaauUful bUell I UCnCtjnY COMCr J£i«pllenally clnii.

iTinua i4 ii iii.i:m _ _ •58 D eS O T ^

ed-Keheley MOBILE, Inc.rt-»Tmo.-Norlh----------------f!!]??----------- ora.n Palls. Idaho

■55 PONTIAC 3 dOor


3ED CARS .JJ jjujcK Superi_l_door_______ t28 i_ • u ?*!K -4-door--— M95 -----------------------------

. 4 door *195 ------------------------

lA C a door *595. 4 door «95 COMMERCIAL

13 door • «95.

• . l « t o n - »«5r- w - n . , «■«,< •58 WILLYS Pickup E. Wagon >395 witb ntkup trj, ,*-***'g WaTorT'^ >1995 _ NOW

LLAC 4 door *3095 ”^ 8 TORD M ton ''.'4 door* * 795 !uMaUa'‘uat^"uirn

JE 4 doer *1695. . "57 WILLYS Pickup

I 4 door * 795 4>Wba<l dma. uMlkrURY 3 door *3195 ■ NOV

. 4 door *1895 '47 CHEVHOLET 3 ^

t. Wagon . *1495 MiitBi urta. • /. 4 door *1885 - - -

, , . 0 » P . « , « w T T .T fi

...l a o o t ^ ^ c m - — uS E i)-C A R J)E1. 98 4 door . *4195 i-b4.o< iu -n it

, .1 XawaUWlllanA o 4 door *1395 »!•»»•

lA O Wagon *3195 ----- ----------- :—^ C 4 d o o r . i m ^ J g W C A R _ D E

EJLER i door »1S95 „lUak WlllarlNENX4door *2295 •

— . . - -bwiaSBa^ . :- ■>en tm 9 p i n . _______ \V1LLS-MOTORu n . m-<OM T “ *■“ “ “ •

nT lm e> '-N aw t~ 2^

3AN-UP .

ECIALS...UTH > .!», _ _ |U |


l-<i’n, run* ,„od li: i .

'«■ ftf.n _ tllB_______



""I __• r. l.itia ,Uan i::it

IH.IT J-1,.1,. »<,l|n. f .b^lba.,. |..^ t^

OLLT Man. N.w ----- -----.-|1»»»

OLET Mob. A-l .

T.llNATIONAl. fHoli-------- llllt

calMxr VI, (nod .

) PICKUPS.OI.CT >j Iob FlMf...n --- «nn

OLET'iTToB. inp.^.' ^-------- -------- IH4I

UINO VI. B,.rdrl.a.

OLCr Bulmiban. <-

N FALLS_" m e S T : o r " ^ '7J3-44:0


t Used Cars

Ji.n a«Bd Urir frt.ada-

:x " n 5 a ? ----------------------with 4npa«d. floor .dlo, btaur. Bharp.

ONLY *3095

LER’ C u ilom ...............lor .talloB wacoB.' IU- Ur >Bd o»tnl.l»«. OB*

ONLY »2«95

B BENECAtdan. liaaWr and aUB<>

JUBt ‘»»98

Station Wagonllaillu. bfattr. Cnilw*

ONLY *1495

cniY Montereyt.diE.-rtwir itatrlB*--------(.a. radio, baaltr, pow- ■ad kl.rtOD.Ue lr»o»*

ONLY *IJ95______

CiER-Super---------------------ad.n. IlMUr and OTtr-

‘*oV y "*U48 •

lOBILE 98»riaa. Fowar «lf»rl«*.I* tnJualuloB. Vary

ONLY *1395

Palflanedour aadan. Radio.

■“ “ “‘ o 'f f iY 'm .

LER Custom.utloa wafUB. Aulo» aauUful black and n<!. nallr cInB.

- JOST *995

___icaur aad autoai.Ua.

ONLY *598

Station Wagonor. lUdlo. baaur. Tow----------ONLY.JC95______

AO 3 d6orRadio, baaur and

Hol ---------

Supertdan. SaJla, ha.Ur Bid

MERCIALSlOLsrr. Pickup . .with haatcr and 4-«pt«i .

NOW *1^9

S Pickupikupbad, ..wbaaldrlra,

. NOW *1395

H ton ‘with luni wlda boi. la uaaamlulun.

JUST *1005

•8 Pickupdttra. aiMllaal (Ul

' NOW *1009

tOLET a Ton

_ .■ AT *491

BILLS' ■l CARJ?£PJT._______r - ’« •» “ „ i 4 « ,Itb A ’ W

' CAR DEPT, fl . - JEEP■a Fboaa TU-UII

]tT!<M■ 7ii.Aiia ..

S-M OTOR-CO_-------UkATMUWtM •

Page 24: · r,:r„ ;: IPieatKer Cloudy> Warm Peaths at H ^ R is e ^ l In Storm

" Monday, N ov. 19,~ 2 4 ~ Twin~f<tlt~TimevNBW» -

Buhl Honor R o f l Pupils Are Reported

BUHU Ncry. 19 ^ B u h l hUH ' school »tudenu pJ*clnf on W*

. honor roll for Uie flr*l nine* week ersdlng peHod J™ .

___npuncfrt by Oeortto Ooodntf. _•enlor high prlncIpiT

eiudrnU wllh «n »ver»»e ol SJ-----percfiTror-tw tter-Jnclud*-® *^ -

Kersu>on, Ten* Ore»ky. Sandrt OMier. Pt«By n«d. K»U>^nf HhleldA. noser Sehroeder, B « - bar* Bvanc»r». Fred Trmxler. lUibert WDlfe. »ll «n lo ri: no«* mnry Dtrker. Dorothy JUugh-

___m aiu Dobby-.Cl»y, Cr»lg Slortl. _James W.U. Junior*: J t^ e tW Edmoni. Druce Dlckof. 8 w n JUlIord. Lynne MlHer.Quigley. Dl»ne

•Zurek, »ophomore*, and MWe Al*Jen and Steve Rangen. Ire»hm»n.

--------StudeiiU plaelng-wi th«-*onar -roll wllh all avcrige or » per cenl or above Include Gall Ar* tord, Mary Clark. Joyce Conrad. Dolorcii Esglealon. Darbara a a i- lord. Kathrln Olddlng*. J. Orll- llth , Kiyla Ilalfleld. James Juk* e r, Ardcne LltUcton. Judy Math- ew«. Aim Owen. Dorl* Parlln. K ay Shrlver, Suian Skeem.

......Cathy' Spring.' 'Mttry Unxicker. -Oeorse Wells and F l o r e n c e W etisteln, all aenlors.

— =junloni-'ore T anya-C aJdw .il.—

Judllh Loggan. Oayle Mwre. Oeraldlne Nipper, Margarel Noli, j, Jo Ann Clion. Marilyn Bchrotd* j, er, rauUne Sniellle, Sheila Bo- j, botka. Clinrles BtephcM. Rich- , ard Svancara. Svaneara. ^ftw eanne Weaver .and DonnH Zornlk. • —

Wphomore* IntJudo Jean Ar-__ font Marie Babb, Jam ei Barker,

jS S dy BaxierVCo-’r iillJ ilM .w rle - EwelJ. Larry Ferguson, LaVern Gentry. Judy Oott, Janei.O or* man. Yvonne Oreen. Sharon IJesperle, Ronald Jagelf, Carol Jonc*. ChrU King, Connlo Loos. ' naymond Orr, Sieve Pence, Mike Pierce, Janet Relgle, Suunne SmlUi. Luelnd# Traxler and lUae

Frcihmen iro Carmen Daty. ’ Lejllo Dennett. Judy BniHey. U nd» CuHlng*. Carole Dlckard,

_____Carol Fftwcelt. Carolee FrancLvTanya IlepwortnrTWItirJohnsenr —BevllA Justice. Steve Lninmer*. Robert Lelh. Cheryl Llnehan,

--------X7IW-perJt»w-rWe-Qul«lejr,-0»ll -BhackeUord, Pliyllla Unslckcr, JoAnn# W a t s o n *nd Lowell WhlW. _ ____________

W o rry o f

FALSETEETHSlipping o r (r r lfa f ln g ?

rpViSif.™ i ! » . ! M r m % ?«"r & J k S ? £ J S « ‘ SSSTeSifSnatul ••eurtiy *»» howioi mo«

— ■ S ' S S S -*df»rti»rmfnl


— GAUEKDAItAll M agic Valley

“ Soles Listed Here

Contact Ih'e Tlmes-Hew i- ‘ . r a rm 8alei department to r complete ad rm iilng cowirag# of your farm aale; hand blitN newipaper'coverage (over 70- 000 readcn In Maglo Valley), advanco bllUng. All a t one »pe-

------------ thi* F»nn Calendar for 10

______ • dayi before wle a t no coat.


---------------- Adw rtl>« iN » ti-N a » ^ - ia —AoeUonecri Lyle M aitcn


AdrcrtlMmtnt: Nov. 18 A » Ancllonetn! Edlnbowugh.

and U n e n


AdTCrttoemetiti Nov. 19 atid :o

, Jerame and Jahn Wert, Wendell

— NOVEM BER-23---------J . W. MORRIS

AdvertUcmcnl: Nav. 20*:i AacUonter: Lyle Matter*


AdTerilstmenl: Nsv. U AHfUanwr: Lvle Staitfr*'


A d w ilK S x n t: Nor. 21 and 24 AoeUMiecn: Harold Klaas

aad Btrle Fblfer

-----------------------NOVEM BER-27---------H RS. .OWEN CRAWFORD

. AdTeril«iM nt!N oT.U and2< ' — --------------------------- ^As^oRecni Jim Mi ................................... ....................................

Jem n e, and Jsbn W ert WeniteU


AdrertlMmtBt: N « .2 * aa 4 tT


' A arcx tteB cal: Not. i t and 27ABOtlaec«r*i IXlberl Alczaoder

•ndL yJt Shafer

■■a :


edP h u h m u><

nin**e an-lodner.

e of fiS



eanelie S uun

Lon Uehard Ike Al* shmen. i4umor

per Ar*

:onrad.Oar- Orif-

ta Juk*Math-Partin.Skeem.ntlcker,

:aldw»ll.Ohnson: trr:MR8n T E n E A ^tO l!C lU U ^E B a> li irkland. i,e reclpi which b reu g h lY rr to FI

eompet'ed In Iho fourth annual niUo *1 NO'. „ „ 0 ; t . Bhe w a. one.of W.flnallsU chrofd* eventi. She h»* already won illa Bo- t f f f f t e lp t . Grand champion winner*• will rtcclro a i t i n t p rlie an RCA V 'ancara. ^ ,5, r c a ^Vhlrlpool ch eit I n n te , D0''" “ apeed aulomatle washer.____________

:an Ar- Barker, *s;-M»nB ........LaVernBt.Gor*Sharon

1. Carol .le Loos. ' (:e, Mike Buunno iid Rose

n Daty. ’Bruffey.Dlckard,FrancLvfohnsonr —— — ----------------------ninmer*.Uiielmn,

;nilekcr. .Lowell

lEJlH'S A llllVallevJ. H«h Kentucky SlrJijfit Beuibsn'

. 4 - CM.coJi-liHf led Jllet 6 lull yeiii olde Cii1onjl.ilen$«.Ih jo«eleiloiMm«ntT f ^ O ----------“I HIcoet.

JO ] —


' n i t ta is iu s s n r i 'r i r 'a is c s u i i jw


I I t “A rra I Cam

I Final I NorembcI dyatnpta;I day by V II oeianlxitI . tba cam; I . tp ^m

n —

nnual niUenal G n s ie SU.OOO baUnc IS (InallsU In bread, cake and ceeklo ready wan (he raoge ahe used to bake ■ ■ on winner* In each o t th e three ertnta an RCA Whlflpoel no-fro»t refriger-

I t Ir tn te .M B i nCA W hirlpool two- ^


I Libe ^ A dillinctivl littini'so^ HI* 1E*M ^ livonljht Beuibsn WhuHy (90 pioal). oi4'1«tioned K»ntu6 lull yeiijol «'<>{.Tie emboiHd preoli. rjitiimct olleledoinifflcntitioflttldeepinssll holioty Inmminj]in emculiucM,_________________ enhtnce llu

a is csuiij w isrni n w ums 1 w « wriiw tw « t, am ;t:nm r a a a ti tra. aweM. mntit. cina.

■ "Arrangeinents on » r» Campaign Noted «

Final anraagemenu -tp r the p „ , d Horember drive on miweular Methodl dystrophy were announced F rl- job’a Dday by Vem Doshlet, Twtn FaU* the dooichairman, who named aereral day. oeianlxaUOQs .. pa rjlc lpa tln i: In J tn y

, tbeeam p^gn. djslropt . ^iiaUon Sign* Alpha aororlty In ^.tele


SftEaiO N W-------In-Tho-------

Intermounfain B j Areo! ' , | |1

- ^ = - ' vlOVER 50 SETS------LIN STOCK. DUE |g TO VOLUME ■ BUYING... 1

----WE OFFER-------a

------- LOWEST^PF





BEIM A Uvoiilo enieTCil llie »oild o«»i. Cerui'tii Uitiioned Ktntucky SlmsM Bouibcti WhitkerHS )li. rjitilinct ol Ihotswjhbitd horHS iftd l»Jli»e dt> lijmminM, lopptd wilh 1 biisM led to*.»nce llu x jifli lieiithiide tttne on Ihe ptcVite.'

’ ' f l I H^ ' 1 ^ 9

cilb«i‘« SPCT m n SCOTCH A piemivrn.l Scclcli I01 moil lhou(hllul r<nn{. Tht lull la<l Itiluiei Mtn bindi with lltsi >'* iiilhciilic tcld cuils. Jymbolt mer* Ihiri J tetiiuiy.

—----AHistinctivegifUpackagesva« tw in , a in a i, tiw. initar. n if n ffn mu iw 1 nu ii. uinut. ciFO: 1(1030. s tu ia . im uam u riouit lai

tw o h a te » "coffeehw c; t h r w * W j i S1 lo « r^u o rM « -T B e iid « -:-T i« ln W etowU

I f t S . Jay^C^Bit* •re .c sn d u c tia i . _ — ^ blocU S i i u r d a i : local ’ I ltU O ra n ta » « . bSWUig bo* *up- UNIVE

le p*rt darlns November, -and jioaeow . IT uethodiii chufth w ooen •n o kopf. h i 1- Job’* Dsuihwn will help w ith dent gn I* the door to dwr caovaaa Satur* eheaJealal d i , ......... unlteaU:in Je rr r Lrwl*- sstlonal m uscular support 1

djstfopny chilnnaru it »i*rrtn8 by tha N ty In C-televlilon spectacular. “From tion.'

l o v - € L . Y -

_ W IB

iT^PRICES IN. 10 YE /‘



M =

ertts I M I ^ p l K T m


j W Beam’s CleopR ^ H n A mitch1(» Beim till inisiiili

j v ^ H n ili cistiic {ymmeliy. tlihtd 1ind Mirc Anlonr. ine Sphini;

L ^ ^ B U ' mid.giacelhisililelyenriblic-------- ^i,niM.p,ofli,, Br.ri,

g H

i ^ S S ^ H BAUM'S PIN BOniE A n it bcti Sliii|hl Bouibon Whitkey, t yMi> Tiiit ttcluvre boUk. irilf) ;!i Is liituied on the pxXjje. err.Md .bKXiiound, neb wiiti spinsltd llcck

A pi<mivrii'li|hl I yeir old v<nt. Tht luiUouiR((il Blue ndl with lltsi'dt l>t in obch iKts, ol ih tr ititt ol'

Ekages=^v3ilablB^t^Q:^>;{f»<Qst.^ -=-

m u IW I nil Rl n r a r a i . k h iis « j c iw t'a :c:ai) a riouit la u t 11 su i ua igcu u n .

; m t J U o m a t 0 » . " * L - ' - I g ednraidiT on .gLg«TV. | | _

---- ----------------- II ■ ~ I l t t r i n T J I FBOJECT ^1 — -• trnivEEsrrv o f i d a h o . ’

11 dent graduate a*»Ulanl on a[ /. ehenUeal rewarch goject Mi

unlteaUy. A H W » *r»«l r support the work wa* f w n W r by the National SelfM* tounda-

__ :

£ E T S ^

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Cleopatra ' * *n till inifiiiilion dulintaitKed by .eliv. tlihtd lituiii ol Cleopiiii ' 1'.ifieSphini snd Iht Great Piit-. 1 iilelyonriblickciHliEm.Ctnljins |.BiJCii • I _

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■ Starting, o t 1:00 p.

Thursda>t h a n k s g i v i n g [

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Bobby Page and I

m m mPAGES

:--------- in-the-G alo-Rooi

The"W e Two" of Ihe Col

TUESD/A t T he Fun Spc



• • S ^ e d w ith C«clu»-Fe!eT Fam ous gou rm et llsllan Sauc

C om bination tossed green salj______________ your_cho]c9 of drajs ing i,.

12 d ilfe re n t choices o f folisH Sliced tom aioes, b read sticks, gerii

rye b rea d , Italian io u r cfough I Famous Italian G arlic Sausages, PolisI

Cocktail Franks - Garbano Boi



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N othing to buy. Just ri

Clip This CheckCash It for M.

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I P 'jr ^ ’-THE-BEARER^ f t jP iT I n a ONE AND NOnOO__I Chttki muit b« etih

houri of p.m.

p»r«on ovti 31 yt*r



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With All th e . 5 • Trimmlns! •

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idu»-Fe!e'» llallan Sauco I green" salads, drassingi,. _

es o f folisHei" sticks, garlic slicks, ur cfoughages, Polish SausaQei, >srbano Beans

Y FROM 6:00 P.M.

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)heck and orM.OO ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■•E'S S A N D [E D ESERTBOAT, NOV. al, \U i

:ARER^IOO1 N onoo____ D o a mI muit b« e»«w bttwMfl * of 6M p.m. »"(J tJiOO (X* •»d.y..Nov..:i.= l>l!'.f~J!. « ov« 31 yt*r* of tp-


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PETE’S)fthe.B orj^