r.rassool soul city mcp sahara

Presentation SAHARA 2 December 2009 Gallagher Estate Rayhana Rassool

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1. Presentation SAHARA 2 December 2009 Gallagher Estate Rayhana Rassool 2. Background A SADC Think Tank meeting in Maseru, Lesotho, in May 2006 identified multiple and concurrent partnerships by men and women with low consistent condom use, and in the context of low levels of male circumcision as key drivers of HIV pandemic in Southern Africa. There are numerous academic and opinion articles confirming MCP as a driver of the epidemic in Southern Africa 3. Process Meeting of 9 countries to design formative research Research Design similar but adapted to local country needs 4. Research Methodology 167 Focus Group Interviews Country 16 20 years 20+ 16 - 20 20+ Total Females Males Botswana 4 3 4 2 13 Lesotho 2 4 1 2 9 Namibia 2 10 3 7 22 Malawi 6 8 5 8 27 Mozambique 3 6 3 6 18 South Africa 5 11 4 10 30 Swaziland 2 8 2 8 20 Zambia 1 7 1 7 16 Zimbabwe 1 5 1 5 12 Totals 26 62 24 55 167 4 5. Methodology 89 In-depth Interviews Country 16 20 years 20+ 16 - 20 20+ Total Females Males Botswana 4 - 4 - 8 Lesotho 2 2 2 4 10 Namibia - - - - - Malawi 2 7 2 7 18 Mozambique 3 3 3 3 12 South Africa - 3 - - 3 Swaziland - 12 - 12 24 Zambia - 4 - 4 8 Zimbabwe - 2 - 4 6 Totals 11 33 11 34 89 5 6. Research with ordinary men and women emerging themes MCPs are common practise Sexual dissatisfaction/communication Emotional and physical dissatisfaction Culture and social norms influence MCPs Money and material possessions Alcohol and MCP Men cannot control sexual desire Pressure Male domination and abuse HIV and AIDS risk and fatalism 7. Sexual dissatisfaction There are different styles in blue movies and your wife doesnt manage to do this, so he thinks to go to another sexual partner. [Malawi Married Man] Its because now we are discerning - we know the difference between good sex and bad sex. Like you know if someone is boring in the bedroom and you know when you have met someone who hits the spot. You carry on with the other one if he gives you other things but you know that he just doesnt do it for you sexually. [South Africa Women Rural KwaZulu/Natal 25-35] 8. Culture and social norms The saying that says Monna ke selepe wa adimanwa [It literally means a man is an axe and can be borrowed. meaning a man can just have as many partners as he wishes and it is not a crime [Botswana Urban Out-Of-School Boys] In addition, we are talking about nature, you cant control the feelings son. Basotho believed that the solution is to marry many wives. The person who said he can manage to control the feelings is mentally ill. Men are born that way. [Lesotho Urban, 46 and older] 9. Alcohol and MCP And when you are drunk, at the club but you know you dont have condoms, when things start heating up, you definitely not going to hold yourself back. [Male 24-28 years Kwazulu South Africa student] 10. Process Steering committee 9 countries Discussed research ISSUES WERE CROSS-CUTTING SOUL CITY & PARTNERS DECIDED TO DO A REGIONAL CAMPAIGN Developed regional messages jointly Developed name and logo and then tested a few names and logos in all countries 11. Regional vs. local Set of regional messages Each country had own message development process Country specific messages Country specific target audiences Country specific partners particularly NACs 12. Campaign model Adv oca c y Cr ea te s su Mass media p po rti ve en vir o nm en t Reflects Social change Stimulates Outreach /social mobilisation 13. Campaign Message Having multiple concurrent relationships puts you and your loved ones at risk of getting infected with HIV. A safe relationship means: there are no secrets and lies communicating effectively with each other challenging cultural practices that support MCP there is respect and equal rights for and between men and women Societies must support and encourage safe relationships. 14. South Africa Campaign Many partners TV drama series Radio drama Toolkits for partners includes booklets, T-shirts, posters, bangles etc Community dialogues Community radio 15. South Africa Campaign Many partners Well used phrase: TV drama How many are we in series the relationship? Radio drama Toolkits for partners includes booklets, T- shirts, posters, bangles etc Community dialogues Community radio 16. Tanzania TV talk show Magazine Billboards posters 17. Lesotho Radio Drama Billboards Booklet Lovers are like cabbages. They hold themselves in one place. All of us should Don't be like a pumpkin be like cabbages." The message on this poster makes a play on the Sesotho proverb on the sexual habits on men and women, which says "men are like pumpkins, they spread themselves all over the place, and women are like cabbages, they hold themselves in one place." 18. Swaziland National partnerships Radio drama Booklets Billboards 19. Zambia Launched on 16 June 2009 One Love Kwasila www.onelovekwasi la.org Partnership with NAC, HCP and SFH 20. Zimbabwe PSAs Radio Drama Booklet Partnership with NAC/UNFPA on materials 21. Malawi Booklet Magazine show Radio Drama PSAs Social Mobilisation 22. Mozambique Radio Drama Social Mobilisation Booklets PSAs 23. Regional Elements Partnerships (eg. IOM) Trucking Routes Trucking Wellness ABMP Public Service Announcements Meet Joe www.onelovesouthernafrica.org Regional TV: Love Stories Series: 10 Countries 24. 9 countries 9 films Southern Africa: each locally made, researched, produced 25. Thank You For more information about the campaign you can go to: www.onelovesouthernafrica.org