rrb atlas progress report, cern-rrb-2004-149 25th october 20041 cern-rrb-2004-149 25 th october 2004...

25th October 2004 1 RRB ATLAS Progress Report, CERN-RRB-2004-149 CERN-RRB-2004-149 25 th Octobe ATLAS Progress Report Collaboration and management Construction, integration and installation status of the detector systems (Common Projects: see M Nessi’s presentation) Computing and physics preparation Milestones and schedule Brief account on other activities Status of Completion Planning Conclusions

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25th October 2004

1 RRB ATLAS Progress Report, CERN-RRB-2004-149

CERN-RRB-2004-149 25th October 2004

ATLAS Progress Report

Collaboration and management

Construction, integration and installation status of the detector systems (Common Projects: see M Nessi’s presentation)

Computing and physics preparation

Milestones and schedule

Brief account on other activities

Status of Completion Planning


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Changes to the Collaboration composition

New Collaboration member

The Collaboration Board meeting of 7th October 2004 approved unanimously the admission ofa team from the

Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, U.S.

following the standard procedure as foreseen for new collaborating Institutions as describedin Annex 5.8 of the Construction MoU

The group is expected to contribute software tools for the Muon Spectrometer (Calibration,Reconstruction, Detector Description, and Data Challenge s/w)

The member fee is included in the U.S. Common Fund contributions, M&O contributions will be expected according to the standard sharing as prescribed in the M&O MoU

The RRB is invited to endorse this admission to the ATLAS Collaboration

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ATLAS Collaboration(Status October 2004)

 Albany, Alberta, NIKHEF Amsterdam, Ankara, LAPP Annecy, Argonne NL, Arizona, UT Arlington, Athens, NTU Athens, Baku, IFAE Barcelona, Belgrade, Bergen, Berkeley LBL and UC, Bern, Birmingham, Bonn, Boston, Brandeis, Bratislava/SAS Kosice, Brookhaven NL, Bucharest,

Cambridge, Carleton/CRPP, Casablanca/Rabat, CERN, Chinese Cluster, Chicago, Clermont-Ferrand, Columbia, NBI Copenhagen, Cosenza, INP Cracow, FPNT Cracow, Dortmund, JINR Dubna, Duke, Frascati, Freiburg, Geneva, Genoa, Glasgow, LPSC Grenoble, Technion Haifa, Hampton, Harvard, Heidelberg, Hiroshima, Hiroshima IT, Indiana, Innsbruck, Iowa SU, Irvine UC, Istanbul Bogazici, KEK, Kobe, Kyoto, Kyoto UE, Lancaster, Lecce, Lisbon LIP, Liverpool, Ljubljana, QMW London, RHBNC London, UC London, Lund, UA Madrid, Mainz, Manchester, Mannheim, CPPM Marseille,

Massachusetts, MIT, Melbourne, Michigan, Michigan SU, Milano, Minsk NAS, Minsk NCPHEP, Montreal, FIAN Moscow, ITEP Moscow, MEPhI Moscow, MSU Moscow, Munich LMU, MPI Munich, Nagasaki IAS, Naples, Naruto UE, New Mexico, Nijmegen, BINP Novosibirsk, Ohio SU, Okayama,

Oklahoma, LAL Orsay, Oslo, Oxford, Paris VI and VII, Pavia, Pennsylvania, Pisa, Pittsburgh, CAS Prague, CU Prague, TU Prague, IHEP Protvino, Ritsumeikan, UFRJ Rio de Janeiro, Rochester,

Rome I, Rome II, Rome III, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, DAPNIA Saclay, Santa Cruz UC, Sheffield, Shinshu, Siegen, Simon Fraser Burnaby, Southern Methodist Dallas, NPI Petersburg,

Stockholm, KTH Stockholm, Stony Brook, Sydney, AS Taipei, Tbilisi, Tel Aviv, Thessaloniki, Tokyo ICEPP, Tokyo MU, Tokyo UAT, Toronto, TRIUMF, Tsukuba, Tufts, Udine, Uppsala, Urbana UI, Valencia, UBC Vancouver, Victoria, Washington, Weizmann Rehovot, Wisconsin, Wuppertal, Yale,


(151 Institutions from 34 Countries)

Total Scientific Authors 1770Scientific Authors holding a PhD or equivalent 1328

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Changes and re-appointments to the management

Collaboration Board

The Collaboration has elected at it last CB meeting

Christopher Oram (TRIUMF, Canada)

as CB Deputy Chairperson for 2005, who will become CB Chairperson for 2006 and 2007, and again Deputy CB Chairperson for 2008

(He is replacing Kenway Smith, Glasgow, UK, whose term of office expires end of 2004)

Deputy Spokespersons

The Collaboration has endorsed the appointment of two Deputy Spokespersons for a 3-year term of office covering September 2004 to August 2007

Fabiola Gianotti (CERN)Steinar Stapnes (Oslo, Norway)

replacing Torsten Akesson (Lund, Sweden) at the end of his term of office

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Technical and Resources Coordinators

At the last CB meeting the Collaboration has endorsed unanimously the re-appointment of

Marzio Nessi (CERN) as Technical CoordinatorMarkus Nordberg (CERN) as Resources Coordinator

for a further term of office from March 2005 to February 2007

These appointments have been made in agreement with the CERN Management as stipulatedin the conditions for approving the ATLAS project

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ATLAS Organization(September 2004)

ATLAS Plenary Meeting

Collaboration Board(Chair: S. BethkeDeputy: K. Smith)

Resources ReviewBoard

Spokesperson(P. Jenni

Deputies: F. Gianottiand S. Stapnes)

Technical Co-ordinator

(M. Nessi)

Resources Co-ordinator(M. Nordberg)

Executive Board

CB Chair AdvisoryGroup

Inner Detector(S. Stapnes,

L. Rossi, M. Tyndel,F. Dittus)

Tile Calorimeter(R. Leitner)

Magnet System(H. ten Kate)


(D. Barberis,D. Quarrie)


(P. Farthouat)

LAr Calorimeter(H. Oberlack,D. Fournier,J. Parsons)

Muon Instrum.(G. Mikenberg,

G. Herten,R. Santonico)

Trigger/DAQ(C. Bee, N. Ellis,

L. Mapelli)


(G. Polesello)

AdditionalMembers(H. Gordon,A. Zaitsev)

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Diameter 25 mBarrel toroid length 26 mEnd-cap end-wall chamber span 46 mOverall weight 7000 Tons

Construction, integration and installation progress of the detector systems

(The Common Project components will be covered by M Nessi)

ATLAS superimposed tothe 5 floors of building 40

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Inner Detector (ID)

The Inner Detector (ID) is organized into four sub-systems:

PixelsSilicon Tracker (SCT)Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT)Common ID items

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Inner Detector Progress Summary(more details on the following slides)

Pixels: Steady ‘on-schedule’ progress on all aspects of the sub-system

SCT: Module mounting (‘macro-assembly’) on thebarrel cylinders has now started (216 modulesassembled and 203 tested on the cylinder)

Module mounting also started on the forward disks

The specific support bracket and harnessesproblems reported earlier in the year are solved,on-time component delivery for the moduleproduction is still critical in some cases

TRT: Barrel module mounting into support structureis progressing on schedule

End-cap wheel production now also smooth asthe web circuit situation is very much improved

The schedule for the Inner Detector remains a worry, withoutany float left (critical path: all SCT, and second TRT end-cap)

SCT barrel cylinder

TRT barrel support with modules

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ID updates – TRT – 1

The TRT barrel continues to make good progress, the second layer of modules is now also integrated into the support structure (see previous slide)

The FE boards for layer one are being burnt-in presently, and the first modules have been tested successfully with the final electronics Beam tests with barrel modules give confidence in the performance with the final electronics

TRT barrel test beam track

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End-Caps: The web circuit situation continues to improve and is not limiting anymore

The first wheel is now on the stacking table in SR1

The delivery of the wheels for the second end-cap remains the critical Parameter

The wheels for first complete EC are expected to be at CERN by November 2004

ID updates – TRT – 2

1st end-cap 2nd end-cap 1st end-cap 2nd end-cap

B-wheels A-wheels

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ID updates – SCT – 1

The barrel module production is very near completion

The first 216 modules are mounted on cylinder B3 in Oxford, 203 tested and cooled successfully

Cylinder B6 will be ready for module mounting end of October (with repaired harnesses)

Both B4 and B5 are also making good progress and follow the revised schedule

SCT barrel module mounting robot

B3 with 54 modules mounted

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ID updates – SCT – 2

The end-cap module production has passed 30% (44% started), with a yield above 90%, the

production rate however still has to improve (now at 80% of required speed)

3 SCT disks are now ready to receive modules after services mounting, and the module mounting

is indeed on-going

There is good progress with continued disk machining

Finished(all radii)

Started + finished

SCT end-cap module production

First fully assembled SCT disk

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ID updates – Pixels

The 2nd and 3rd lots of PIXEL chips (each 48 wafers) have excellent yield, above 80% Two more lots are expected (Oct/Nov) and we hope for similar solid yield performance

More than 140 modules have been built with the FEI-3 chips (not all modules tested yet)

Good Die on wafers



























Total Good chips

Chips needed for 2-layercompletion

Chips needed for 3-layercompletion

Bonn Good FEI3 chips

LBNL Good FEI3 chips

Flex modules












Apr-04 Aug-04


Apr-05 Aug-05





ber o

f mod


Qualified available flex



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LAr and Tile Calorimeters

Tile barrel Tile extended barrel

LAr forward calorimeter (FCAL)

LAr hadronic end-cap (HEC)

LAr EM end-cap (EMEC)

LAr EM barrel

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LAr EM Barrel Calorimeter and Solenoid Commissioning at the Surface

The cold system test campaign for the barrel LAr EM calorimeter and the solenoid in Hall 180has been concluded successfully (including excitation to full current (8 kA) for the solenoid)

The cryostat has been warmed up again, and will be transported to the cavern on 26 th October2004

Barrel cryostat with the LArEM calorimeter and the solenoid

LAr EM barrel calorimeter temperaturehistory from April to September 2004

Emptying and Warming up

With gN2

With lN2


With lN2-> stop


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LAr End-Caps

The first LAr end-cap integration has been completed with the insertion of the Forward Calorimeter, and the cold vessel welding is almost finished (following extensive tests which concluded a design modification)

The cold test of the completed end-cap will still start this year (ready for pit May 2005), and the second end-cap integration is in a well-advanced stage as well (cold test in summer 2005,ready for pit November 2005)

Final insertion of the FCAL into thefirst end-cap LAr calorimeter, viewed before welding the cold vessel

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Insertion of the EM calorimeter intothe LAr End-Cap A

Insertion of the first hadronic wheel into the LAr End-Cap A

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Power supply

A series of Production Readiness Reviews (PRRs) took place over the recent months for LArelectronics components, in particular for the FE boards and the power supplies which are on the critical path

Special comments:- The rad-hard ST negative voltage regulators have still a delivery delay- The rad-tolerant low voltage power supplies are finally in fabrication- The BE electronics system (including RODs) has accumulated a few months delay- A new problem was encountered very recently with a special timing circuit (QPLL, part of the common CERN TTC system components) which means that FE board production is currently stopped highest priority to be solved

Detailed installation and commissioning plans for the LAr electronics have been prepared

Rad-tolerant FE board(1524 boards, each 128 channels)

MAC based SBIT3With TMaclib

LV Power Supply

LV U and I

VME:• TTCvx, TTCvi, PDG,PDC, Fanout• CALIB• SPACmaster• miniROD readout

2 hours per board

FE crate

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Tile Calorimeter

Module construction and instrumentation have been finished since more than a year, and in the meantime the pre-assembly and dis-assembly of the barrel and extended barrels (EB) have been completed

The lower part of the barrel Tile Calorimeterhas been installed in the cavern already earlierthis year, and is ready to receive the LAr barrelcryostat in the next days The electronics components are in fabrication,

the assembly into the ‘drawer’ system with allon-detector circuits is now progressing well(was flagged as a critical issue at the last RRB)

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Extended Barrel Tile Calorimeter – LAr End-cap load and assembly test

A successful test was made in Hall 185 for the assembly of the ATLAS Calorimeter End-caps

- 273 Tons loaded to simulate LAr End-cap weight- Deformations and measured forces well within calculations (on the safe side)- Important exercise for the later EC cryostat installation and alignment

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Muon Spectrometer Instrumentation

Precision chambers:- MDTs in the barrel and end-caps- CSCs at large rapidity for the innermost end-cap stationsTrigger chambers:- RPCs in the barrel- TGCs in the end-caps

The Muon Spectrometer is instrumented with precision chambers and fast trigger chambers

A crucial component to reach the required accuracy is the sophisticated alignment measurement and monitoring system

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(The EE-type MDT chambers will be required at high luminosity)

MDT/CSC Chamber production: Status 31/Aug/04

Production planning production planning Production planningbare MDT bare MDT MDT with FC MDT with FC integrated MDT integrated MDT

Greece - BIS 112 112 78 112 34 80Boston - EI, EM 80 80 70 76 30 50Univ. Michigan - EM 80 80 80 80 67 44Univ. Washington - EI, EM 80 80 80 80 18 36Dubna/Munich - BOS/BOF 85 88 40 73 35 4Frascati - BML 94 93 78 84 9 52Cosenza/Roma - BIL/BIR 58 64 40 58 1 41Dubna - BMS 84 84 25 79 0 52Protvino - EO 160 145 76 105 2 12Nikhef - BOL 96 95 74 77 9 45Cosenza, Pavia - BIL/BIR 49 53 26 48 21 39Freiburg - BOG 3 12 0 10 0 3Beijing - BEE, BIS8 5 22 0 17 0 0Sum 986 1,006 667 900 226 459Fraction produced (w/o EE) 90.4% 92.2% 61.1% 82.5% 20.7% 42.1%Fraction produced (with EE) 85.4% 87.1% 57.7% 77.9% 19.6% 39.7%

panels bare chambers certified chamberstotal produced total produced total produced160 171 32 32 32 32

Total number of tubes 371232 Total number of MDTs w/o EE 1091Total number of MDTs with EE 1155



production is completed

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MDT Chamber Production (w/o EE)








Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06Time


. Ch



Bare MDTPlan Bare MDTMDT with FCPlan MDT with FCIntegrated MDTPlan Integrated MDTReady for Installation MS

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End-cap MDT chamber preparation for installation

Barrel muon chamber stationwith an MDT sandwiched between two RPC trigger chambers

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Muon trigger chamber production

The production rate for the TGCs (end-caps) is as scheduled

TGC production & test: schedule and progress



















Production scheduleProduction progressTest scheduleTest progressCern Final Tests

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Units Production








20-giu-2001 6-gen-2002 25-lug-2002 10-feb-2003 29-ago-2003 16-mar-2004

2-ott-2004 20-apr-2005


its a




units done: 62%

BML = 90% BMS = 91% BOS = 26% BOL = 0%special = 11%

The RPC (barrel) production rate isexpected to reach completion by spring 2005


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Assembled RPC + MDT stations

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Correlations between theZ-positions of test-beam muons as measured by the inner detectorand the muon chambers

Very preliminary

Combined test beam (H8 SPS)

Very major effort combining all detectors of a ‘slice’through ATLAS including TDAQ and computing

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40 MHz

75 kHz

~2 kHz

~ 200 Hz

120 GB/s

~ 300 MB/s

~2+4 GB/s

Event Building N/workDataflow Manager

Sub-Farm Input

Event Builder



EBNDFMLvl2 acc = ~2 kHz

Event Filter N/work

Sub-Farm Output

Event FilterProcessors EFN


Event FilterEFP



~ sec~

4 G


EFacc = ~0.2 kHz

Trigger DAQ

RoI BuilderL2 Supervisor

L2 N/workL2 Proc Unit

Read-Out Drivers

FE Pipelines

Read-Out Sub-systems

Read-Out Buffers

Read-Out Links


120 GB/s







Calo MuTrChOther detectors

Lvl1 acc = 75 kHz

40 MHz


LVL2 ~ 10 ms






RoI data = 1-2%

RoI requests

Trigger, DAQ and Detector Control

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The level-1 system activities (calorimeter, muon and central trigger logics) progressed with thefinal ASICs developments and with testing full-functionality prototype modules

Design work and prototyping work is now almost completed, production has started for some items

Some – not yet critical –delays occurred for thecalorimeter trigger, partially because of implementing various technical improvements

The muon trigger electronicshas been tested with 25 nsbunched test beams, and somefinal improvements are now implemented in a final iteration

On the critical path is the on- detector muon electronics (RPC and TGC ASICs)

The Central Trigger Processorsub-system was modified to include important improvements for the trigger combination flexibility, benefiting the physics selection

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ROD 6U prototype CP/JE crate


Receiversand Patch Panels

On-detector: PS-pack

Near-detector:HPT and SSW

Calorimeter Level-1 trigger at the combined test beam

Muon Level-1 trigger at thecombined test beam

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The HLT/DAQ/DCS work has now proceeded within the approved framework of the TDR, and within the responsibility and cost sharingendorsed by the last RRB

The HLT/DAQ community works heavily in the 2004 Combined Test Beam as well as in test beds for optimizing the final design

The next major milestone will be a ’10%’ set-up at Pit-1, planned for the end of spring 2005

It is recalled that an important criteria in the choice of the HLT/DAQ architecture was theability to scale the system for staging needs during the initial running of ATLAS

Components of the DCS are in fabrication, and the DCS is already in use at test beams and construction labs

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Pre-series “Module-0” of final system: 7 racks at Pit-1 (10% of final dataflow, milestone May 2005)

One central switch


DAQ rack-

128-port Geth for L2+EB

One ROS rack


TC rack+ horiz. Cooling



One Full L2 rack


DAQ rack-

32 HE PC

One L2-misc


DAQ rack-

50% of RoIB


3 LE PC(1pROS - 2L2SV)

Part of EFIO rack


DAQ rack-

10 HE PC(6 SFI - 2SFO -


Part of EvFilt rack


DAQ rack-

12 HE PC

Part of ONLINE


DAQ rack-

4 HE PC(monitoring)


2 LE PC(control)

1ROSrack L2+EB












All racks : one or more Local File Servers - One or more Local Switches





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ATLAS Computing Timeline

• POOL/SEAL release (done)

• ATLAS release 7 (with POOL persistency) (done)

• LCG-1 deployment (done)

• ATLAS complete Geant4 validation (done)

• ATLAS release 8 (done)

• DC2 Phase 1: simulation production (in progress)

• DC2 Phase 2: intensive reconstruction (the real challenge!) late

• Combined test beams (barrel wedge) (in progress)

• Computing Model paper

• Computing Memorandum of Understanding

• ATLAS Computing TDR and LCG TDR

• DC3: produce data for PRR and test LCG-n

• Physics Readiness Report

• Start commissioning run• GO!







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Data Challenge 2, initial plans

DC2 operation in 2004:

- Distributed production of (>107) simulated events in May-June ( was delayed to July-Sep.)

- Events sent to CERN in ByteStream (raw data) format to Tier-0

- Reconstruction processes run on prototype Tier-0 in a short period of time

(~10 days, “10% data flow test”)

- Reconstruction results distributed to Tier-1s and analysed on Grid

Main “new” software to be used (wrt DC1 in 2002/2003):

- Geant4-based simulation, pile-up and digitization in Athena

- Complete “new” Event Data Model and Detector Description interfaced to simulation

and reconstruction

- POOL persistency

- LCG-2 Grid infrastructure

- Distributed Production and Analysis environment

Major goals:

- Use widely the GRID middleware and tools

- Large scale physics analysis

- Computing model studies (document end 2004)

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~ 1470 kSI2k.months~ 100000 jobs~ 7.94 million events (fully simulated)~ 30 TB

September 19
















































































Three Grids were fullyintegrated

Various technical issuesrequired longer than foreseendebugging efforts during the start-up phase

ATLAS has run DC2without taking any short-cuts from the LCG objectives

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Integrated LHCC milestone plot with the latest follow-up point end of June 2004 (LHCCComprehensive Review)

(An updated baseline was approved by the LHCC at thebeginning of 2003)

LHCC milestones

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Summary of major concerns, and points of special attention

Construction issues and risks

A list of these issues is monitored monthly by the TMB and EB, and it is publicly visible

on the Web, including a description of the corrective actions undertaken:


The list is also regularly reviewed and discussed with the LHCC referees, and the major

entries are currently

- Delay of the Barrel Toroid coil integration (heat shield schedule, vacuum vessel

integration) now progress as expected, two first coils tested (see next talk)

- End-cap Toroid cold mass assembly (contractual situation unblocked, need to

follow the progress now)

- Macro-assembly of the barrel SCT (delay legacy because of brackets repair and

the harnesses problem, but progressing well now)

- End-cap SCT schedule for assembly of modules onto disks (good recent progress)

- TRT on-detector electronics boards and end-cap schedule (delay legacy from the

webs, again progress very satisfactory now)

- LAr FE board production delayed because of recent TTC QPLL problem

- There is also a list of open engineering issues for the overall

integration, and which are worked on with high priority

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ATLAS Installation Schedule (working version 6.24, not baselined)

Name Start FinishPHASE 1: Infrastructure 4 Apr '03 21 Dec '04

Experiment Surface building SX1 15 Apr '03 27 Apr '04

Pit PX14 19 Aug '03 31 May '04

Experimental Cavern UX15 4 Apr '03 21 Dec '04

PHASE 2: Barrel Toroid & Barrel Calorimeter 3 Sep '03 13 Oct '06

Phase 2a: ATLAS Bedplates and Feet 3 Sep '03 17 May '04

Phase 2b: Barrel Toroid 15 Mar '04 18 Dec '05

Phase 2c: Barrel Calorimeter 7 Jan '04 13 Oct '06

Phase 2d: Racks, Pipes & Cables 29 Sep '04 7 Dec '05

PHASE 3: End-cap Calorimeters & Muon Barrel 3 Aug '05 30 Aug '06

Phase 3a: Pipes & Cables 3 Aug '05 19 Jun '06

Phase 3b: Endcap Calorimeter C 24 Aug '05 11 Jul '06

Phase 3c: Muon Barrel 16 Aug '05 30 Mar '06

Phase 3d: Endcap Calorimeter A 21 Oct '05 30 Aug '06

PHASE 4: Big Wheels, Inner Detector 8 Nov '05 28 Aug '06

Phase 4a: Big Wheels, side C 8 Nov '05 4 Apr '06

Phase 4b: Inner Detector 16 Feb '06 28 Aug '06

PHASE 5: End-cap Toroid 17 Mar '06 14 Nov '06

Phase 5a: Flexible chains 12 Apr '06 29 Jun '06

Phase 5b: End-Cap Toroid A 17 Mar '06 4 Sep '06

Phase 5c: End-Cap Toroid C 29 May '06 14 Nov '06

PHASE 6: Beam Vacuum, Small Wheels, Start closing 31 Jul '06 21 Nov '06

Phase 6a: Beam Vacuum & Small Wheels, side A 31 Jul '06 19 Sep '06

Phase 6b: Beam Vacuum & Small Wheels, side C 17 Aug '06 13 Oct '06

Full Magnet Test 15 Nov '06 21 Nov '06

PHASE 7: Big Wheels A, Forward Shielding & End wallchambers

19 Sep '06 30 Mar '07

Phase 7a: Big Wheels, side A 19 Sep '06 21 Feb '07

Phase 7b: Forward Shielding & End wall Chambers (EO)22 Nov '06 30 Mar '07

Phase 7c: Beam Pipe closing and bake-out 22 Feb '07 8 Mar '07Beam Pipe closed 1 Mar '07 1 Mar '07

Global Commissioning 22 Nov '06 21 Feb '07

ATLAS Ready For Beam 1 Mar '07 1 Mar '07

Cosmic tests 22 Feb '07 18 Apr '07

439 days PHASE 1: Infrastructure

262 days Experiment Surface building SX1

195 days Pit PX14

439 days Experimental Cavern UX15

790 days PHASE 2: Barrel Toroid & Barrel Calorimeter

174 days Phase 2a: ATLAS Bedplates and Feet

453 days Phase 2b: Barrel Toroid

710 days Phase 2c: Barrel Calorimeter

304 days Phase 2d: Racks, Pipes & Cables

275 days PHASE 3: End-cap Calorimeters & Muon Barrel

223 days Phase 3a: Pipes & Cables

223 days Phase 3b: Endcap Calorimeter C

157 days Phase 3c: Muon Barrel

217 days Phase 3d: Endcap Calorimeter A

204 days PHASE 4: Big Wheels, Inner Detector

100 days Phase 4a: Big Wheels, side C

137 days Phase 4b: Inner Detector

173 days PHASE 5: End-cap Toroid

57 days Phase 5a: Flexible chains

122 days Phase 5b: End-Cap Toroid A

122 days Phase 5c: End-Cap Toroid C

81 days PHASE 6: Beam Vacuum, Small Wheels, Start closing

36 days Phase 6a: Beam Vacuum & Small Wheels, side A

42 days Phase 6b: Beam Vacuum & Small Wheels, side C

5 days Full Magnet Test

132 days PHASE 7: Big Wheels A, Forward Shielding & End wall chambers

105 days Phase 7a: Big Wheels, side A

87 days Phase 7b: Forward Shielding & End wall Chambers (EO)

11 days Phase 7c: Beam Pipe closing and bake-out

1 Mar Beam Pipe closed

60 days Global Commissioning

1 Mar ATLAS Ready For Beam

40 days Cosmic tests

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Technical Coordination is working on optimizing and updating the schedule taking into accountthe by now better known and consolidated BT construction schedule

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ATLAS submitted two Letter of Intent to the LHCC in March 2004

Both LoIs have been well received by the LHCC, and ATLAS was encouraged to proceed withthese activities

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Other recent and forthcoming activities within the ATLAS Collaboration

At this stage the RRB report concentrates largely on the construction status and the preparation for the initial detector, however it is worth to list at least some of the other activities

- The coordination and planning of the commissioning of the detector, as it arrives in the cavern, is now operational, and takes already a prominent place in the ATLAS discussions and activities

- The Authorship and Publication Policy is being elaborated in a Publications Committee and the Collaboration has approved an Authorship policy

- The Collaboration is entering, albeit in a very early stage, the planning phase for how to run and operate the experiment in the future

- The Collaboration has also set up a steering group to ensure coherence and efficiency for future high-luminosity LHC upgrade R&D activities

The next large overall ATLAS Collaboration meetings which will be held outside CERN have beenfixed for

(October 2004 Freiburg ATLAS Overview Week, just a couple of weeks ago)June 2005 Rome ATLAS Physics WorkshopOctober 2005 Paris ATLAS Overview Week

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Cost to Completion, and initial staged detector configuration

The Cost to Completion (CtC), which is defined as the sum of Commissioning and Integration (C&I) pre-operation costs plus the Construction Completion (CC) cost in addition to the deliverables, andfunding to cover them have been an important matter at all the last RRB meetings since a few years

The following framework was accepted at the October 2002 RRB (ATLAS Completion Plan, CERN-RRB-2002-114rev.):

CtC 68.2 MCHF (sum of CC = 47.3 MCHF and C&I = 20.9 MCHF)

Commitments from Funding Agencies for fresh resources (category 1) 46.5 MCHFFurther prospects, but without commitments at this stage (category 2) 13.6 MCHF

The missing resources, 21.7 MCHF, have to be covered by redirecting resources from staging and deferrals

The funding situation will be reviewed regularly at each RRB, and is expected to evolve as soonas further resources commitments will become available

The physics impact of the staging and deferrals was discussed in detail with the LHCC

It has to be clearly understood that the full potential of the ATLAS detector will need to be restoredfor the high luminosity running which is expected to start only very few years after turn-on of theLHC, and to last for at least a decade

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Guiding physics principles:-- all sub-detectors needed already in 1st year-- physics potential decreases fast with decreasing coverage (e.g. H significance decreases linearly)-- full radial redundancy in tracking less crucial at ~ 1033

technical (e.g. installation) and schedule constraints

Staged components for the initial physics run


stagedin part



Staged/deferred components:-- One pixel layer -- TRT outer end-caps-- Gap scintillator-- EEL/EES MDT and half CSC layers-- Part of forward shielding-- Part of LAr ROD -- Large part HLT/DAQ CPUs

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Profile and break-down into components of the HLT/DAQ/DCS expenditures, which arestrongly affected by the deferral plan

Restoring the necessary high-luminosity configuration is assumed in this profile plotto occur over 2008 and 2009

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ATLAS has pursued, since the October 2002 RRB, the initial detector construction and planning within the accepted framework of the ATLAS Completion Plan, CERN-2002-114rev.

Since then many constructive interactions continue to take place with Funding Agencies, and the national communities continue the necessary actions to secure more funding in order tocomplete the detector

Step by step the overall funding situation is slowly improving, even though ATLAS is still shortby some 14 MCHF to meet its initial detector requirements, and therefore will be forced to startup with a significantly staged configuration

The present status of the Completion Funding planning is given in the updated table (CERN-RRB-2004-116)

There is also an issue of cash flow, which will be addressed in the budget discussion later on

For the implementation of the Completion Plan it is very important for the Collaboration thatthe funds for deferred items will be made available early on, documented to the RRB based on ATLAS agreements specifying in a transparent way the corresponding accounting

The Collaboration is very grateful to all the Funding Agencies that have already agreed to the category 1 completion funding and found new resources, and it hopes very much that the others will be able to support the ATLAS completion as well in the future

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Cost to Completion Funding Planning (all in kCHF, revised 30th September 2004)(CERN-RRB-2004-116)

Funding Agency Member New funding (category 1) New funding requestsfee 2004-6 including member fee as prospects (category 2)

Constr. (included in without commitment from FATotal Comp. C&I Constr. Comp.) Total Total

Armenia 66 48 18 38 45Australia 357 242 115 75 140 238Austria 67 52 15 38 67Azerbaijan 43 38 5 38 38Belarus 85 75 10 75 75Brazil 64 47 17 38 41Canada 2090 1528 562 263 564 1526China NSFC+MSTC 143 99 44 38 141Czech Republic 316 196 120 113 316Denmark 423 291 132 38 48 375France IN2P3 5890 4176 1714 225 4260 1630France CEA *) 1940 1379 561 38 1089Georgia 43 38 5 38 38Germany BMBF 4529 3250 1279 338 3617 912Germany MPI 1093 761 332 38 1093Greece 260 172 88 113 113 147Israel 739 497 242 113 739Italy 6639 4651 1988 450 4000Japan 4362 3029 1333 563 4362Morocco 58 47 11 38 41Netherlands 1934 1368 566 75 1934Norway 581 391 190 75 581Poland 137 94 43 75 80 57Portugal 446 265 181 38 339 107Romania 141 85 56 38 140Russia 2991 1995 996 263 1141 212JINR 1066 660 406 38 521Serbia 300Slovak Republic 70 52 18 38 82Slovenia 223 152 71 38 223Spain 1706 1109 597 113 1706Sweden 1692 1122 570 150 1692Switzerland 2372 1701 671 75 1560 812Taipei 445 318 127 38 445Turkey 85 75 10 75 75United Kingdom 4386 3063 1323 450 3134 1252US DOE + NSF 12243 8437 3806 1238 6200CERN 8451 5767 2684 38 13700

Total 68176 47270 20906 5563 54680 7268

*) The commitment shown does not include a 1 MCHF additional engineering contribution provided on the initial BT contract (see MoU Annex 8.A)

Cost to Completion proposed sharing

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The ATLAS detector construction is proceeding within the framework of theaccepted Completion Plan

Further important milestones have been passed in the construction, pre-assembly, integration and installation of the detector components since the last RRB status report, and several outstanding

technical problems have been overcome recently

The remaining construction concerns are regularly reported to, and reviewed with, the LHCC referees

Large-scale system tests continue, and in particular the combined test beam runs, ending in two weeks, have been a very major activity in 2004

M Nessi will report on the installation in the cavern, which was impacted by the most critical component construction delay for ATLAS given by the Barrel Toroid,

but good progress can be noted there as well, on which a new schedule can be based

Very major software and computing activities are underway, with the running of DC2, which turned out to be a harder task than initially foreseen

Planning for the commissioning and the early physics phases is progressing well

ATLAS remains on track for LHC physics in 2007

(Informal news on ATLAS is available in the ATLAS eNews letter at http://aenews.cern.ch/)