rs4 phop crp

 PHOP, CRP OF ASTHMA | Tutorial B-1 RS 130110110177|Gabriella Chafrina| 22/11/13 PHOP - Develop patient, family doctor partnership to identify risk factors, medications and monitoring asthma - Identify and reduce the risk of exposure to risk factors like tobacco smoke, allergens additives and food - Take medicine regularly - Modifying or changing your environment - Allergy shots (immunother apy)  small doses of allergens are injected under your skin on a regular schedule. Over a period of time, your body may become accustomed to the allergen and less responsive to it upon exposure. This can help prevent a worsening of asthma - Respiratory infections (upper)  These infections include the common cold that triggers 85% of asthma attacks in young children - Assess, treat and monitor asthma. Patients should attend their follow up and should know what they should do when t hey have an attack PREVENTION OF ASTHMA - Primary prevention: before exposur e to risk factors known to be associated with a disease o The goal: to prevent the onset of disease in susceptible (at-risk) individuals’  evidence indicates that allergic sensitization is the most common precursor to the development of asthma. Since sensitization can occur antenatally, much of the focus of primary prevention will likely be on perinatal interventions. o Example: potential measure to be applied prenatally, potential measure to be applied postnatally, environmental tobacco smoke - Secondary prevention: after primary sensitization to allergen(s) has occurred, but before there is any evidence of disease  focus specifically on first year or two o f life o The goal: to prevent the establishment of chronic, persistent disease in people who are susceptible and who have early signs of the disease o Example: H1 hantihistamine using, immunotherapy - Tertiary prevention: avoidance of allergens and nonspecific triggers when asthma is established o The goal: to prevent exacerbations or illness that would otherwise occur with exposure to identified allergens or irritants o Introduced when first signs of asthma have occurred o evidence would suggest that the histopathology of the disease is fully established by the time asthma symptoms occur o Example: Avoidance of indoor allergens (domestic mites, animal allergens, cockroach allerg en, and fungi), avoidance of outdoor allergens, avoidance of indoor pollutants, avoidance of outdoor air pollutants, avoidance of occupational exposure, food avoidance, avoidance of certain drugs, vaccination

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