rsm install v145 caea

ANSYS v14.5 R t Sl Remote Solve Manager Installation Guide © 2013 CAE Associates

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Rsm Install v145 Caea


  • ANSYS v14.5 R t S l Remote Solve

    Manager Installation Guide

    2013 CAE Associates

  • What is the Remote Solve Manager?

    The Remote Solve Manager (RSM) is a The Remote Solve Manager (RSM) is a job queuing system designed specifically for use with the ANSYS suite of solvers

    RSM enables jobs to be offloaded from your local machine and distributed to remote compute serversremote compute servers

    Integrated solution, no batch scripts required!

    Setup many design points and distributeSetup many design points and distribute them to multiple compute servers to run in parallel

    The RSM architecture allows users to disconnect from a remotely running job and reconnect to download at a later time


  • Typical RSM Workflow

    There are 3 main roles in the RSM hierarchy: There are 3 main roles in the RSM hierarchy: RSM Client machine from which jobs are offloaded Solve Manager hub that receives jobs from RSM clients and dispatches them

    to the available compute serversto the available compute servers Compute Server machines on which the jobs are actually run

    A given machine can play any combination of the 3 roles A given machine can play any combination of the 3 roles. A typical RSM implementation is shown below

    RSM ClientsCompute Servers

    RSM Clients


    Solver Manager

  • Configuring RSM

    At version 14.5, configuring RSM is simple! Just follow the RSM Setup Wizard found in:

    Start > All Programs > ANSYS 14.5 > Remote Solve Manager > RSM Setup Wizard 14.5IMPORTANT O Wi d 7 b t RMB Cli k d R Ad i i t t IMPORTANT: On Windows 7, be sure to RMB Click and Run as Administrator

    Prompts differ depending on the role of the machine in the RSM hierarchy, however the first few steps are always the same

    Configure the Compute Servers first followed by the Solve Managers and finallyConfigure the Compute Servers first, followed by the Solve Managers, and finally the RSM Clients


  • Configuring RSM

    To connect to an existing cluster that is managed by Windows HPC LSF To connect to an existing cluster that is managed by Windows HPC, LSF, or PBS select the first option.

    Otherwise, select the second option. This is the default option and is the more common selectionmore common selection.


  • Configuring RSM

    ANSYS Workbench and RSM must be installed on all machines in the ANSYS Workbench and RSM must be installed on all machines in the RSM layout. Ensure that this is the case and confirm by selecting the check boxes

    RSM is automatically installed along with Workbench RSM is automatically installed along with Workbench Next, well detail the configuration procedure for each role in the RSM



  • Configuring RSM th C t on the Compute


    2013 CAE Associates

  • Configuring RSM Compute Servers

    A Compute Server is a machine on which the jobs are actually run A Compute Server is a machine on which the jobs are actually run To Configure RSM on the Solve Manager, select the appropriate check

    boxes and complete the prompts as described in the following slides


  • Configuring RSM Compute Servers

    The RSM Services must simply be started on the Compute Server The RSM Services must simply be started on the Compute Server. If the services are not yet running, click the Start Services button and wait for

    the message window to indicate that the service configuration is complete

    Once the RSM services are started on the Compute Servers they are fully configured and we can move on to configuring the Solve Manager


    configured and we can move on to configuring the Solve Manager

  • Configuring RSM th S l on the Solve


    2013 CAE Associates

  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    The Solve Manager is the hub that receives jobs from RSM clients and The Solve Manager is the hub that receives jobs from RSM clients and dispatches them to the available compute servers

    To Configure RSM on the Solve Manager, select the appropriate check boxes and complete the prompts as described in the following slidesboxes and complete the prompts as described in the following slides


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    The RSM Setup Wizard will prompt you to confirm that RSM Services The RSM Setup Wizard will prompt you to confirm that RSM Services have been started on all Compute Servers. Ensure that this is correct before moving forward.


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    The RSM Services must be started on the Solve Manager The RSM Services must be started on the Solve Manager. If the services are not yet running, click the Start Services button and wait for

    the message window to indicate that the service configuration is complete


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    The RSM Setup Wizard will allow you to modify the settings for the Solve The RSM Setup Wizard will allow you to modify the settings for the Solve Manager being configured. These include:

    Job Cleanup PeriodProject Directory Project Directory

    Compression Threshold To keep the defaults, select the No radio button

    These settings can always be modified at a later time These settings can always be modified at a later time


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    To add Compute Servers to which the Solve Manager can submit jobs To add Compute Servers to which the Solve Manager can submit jobs, select the Yes radio button and then select Define a new Compute Server


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    Enter the Machine Name or IP Address of the Compute Server along with Enter the Machine Name or IP Address of the Compute Server along with a name used to identify the Compute Server in RSM

    The following prompts will then ask you to specify the details of the Compute ServerServer


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    The next two screens prompt the installer whether the Compute Server is: The next two screens prompt the installer whether the Compute Server is: Part of a Cluster select Yes only if the compute server is managed by

    Windows HPC, LSF, or PBS A Linux machine requiring SSHA Linux machine requiring SSH


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    The following screen prompts the user to specify a working directory for The following screen prompts the user to specify a working directory for the Compute Server

    If the Compute Server has one hard drive that is faster than the others, specify its local path (i.e. F:\RSM)its local path (i.e. F:\RSM)


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    The following screen prompts the user to specify the maximum number of The following screen prompts the user to specify the maximum number of jobs that can run at one time on the Compute Server

    This is useful for workstations that have multiple coresAllows for simultaneous job submission to a single Compute Server Allows for simultaneous job submission to a single Compute Server


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    Finally the wizard will prompt you to select some job options Finally, the wizard will prompt you to select some job options The defaults are acceptable for most users


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    Confirm the Compute Server settings are correct and then choose wether Confirm the Compute Server settings are correct and then choose wetheror not to add additional Compute Servers (repeat from slide 15)


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    Once the Compute Server details are completed we need to set up the Once the Compute Server details are completed, we need to set up the Queue that will manage them

    The Queue manages the distribution of jobs among the Compute Servers and the availability of resourcesthe availability of resources


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    Define a new Queue to Manage the Compute Servers you have previously Define a new Queue to Manage the Compute Servers you have previously configured


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    Specify a name for the Queue and select the Compute Servers that will be Specify a name for the Queue and select the Compute Servers that will be assigned to the queue

    localhost refers to the local machine. Enable this choice if you want the Solve Manager to also act as a Compute ServerManager to also act as a Compute Server


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    By default RSM will use the current Username and Password to log in to By default, RSM will use the current Username and Password to log in to the Compute Servers when submitting jobs. If this username is able to log in to each Compute Server then no further action is required. Otherwise an alternate account must be set upalternate account must be set up


  • Configuring RSM Solve Manager

    Finally now that the Compute Servers and Queues are set up use the Finally, now that the Compute Servers and Queues are set up, use the RSM Wizard to Test the configuration

    Easier to debug the configuration now rather than when users start submitting analyses!analyses!


  • Configuring RSM th RSM Cli ton the RSM Clients

    2013 CAE Associates

  • Configuring RSM RSM Clients

    An RSM Client is a machine from which jobs are offloaded (i e your An RSM Client is a machine from which jobs are offloaded (i.e. your desktop)

    To Configure RSM on the RSM Clients, select the appropriate check boxes and complete the prompts as described in the following slidesboxes and complete the prompts as described in the following slides


  • Configuring RSM RSM Clients

    The RSM Setup Wizard will prompt you to confirm that RSM Services The RSM Setup Wizard will prompt you to confirm that RSM Services have been started on all Compute Servers and Solve Managers. Ensure that this is correct before moving forward.


  • Configuring RSM RSM Clients

    Select Define a new Solve Manager and then specify the Machine Name Select Define a new Solve Manager and then specify the Machine Name for the Solve Manager that you have previously configured


  • Configuring RSM RSM Clients

    If the user account used to set up the RSM Client does not have If the user account used to set up the RSM Client does not have administrative privileges on the Solve Manager, the following notice will appear. We will need to set the account settings locally.

    Note: An alternate account may need be configured RSM will then use the Note: An alternate account may need be configured. RSM will then use the alternate account to log in to the Solve Manager


  • Configuring RSM RSM Clients

    Select the Username that you are currently logged in under so that we can Select the Username that you are currently logged in under so that we can configure its settings. The first step is to enter the Password associated with the username.

    If this account can log on to all Compute Servers then no further action is If this account can log on to all Compute Servers, then no further action is required. Otherwise, an alternate account must be configured by selecting the No radio button


  • Configuring RSM RSM Clients

    In the event that your Username and Password cannot log into all In the event that your Username and Password cannot log into all Compute Servers, an alternate account must be configured

    Specify the account details and which Compute Servers the Alternate Account will be used to log in to.will be used to log in to.


  • Configuring RSM RSM Clients

    Finally test the Compute Servers in the selected Queue to ensure proper Finally, test the Compute Servers in the selected Queue to ensure proper configuration


  • Summary

    Configure the Compute Servers first followed by the Solve Managers and Configure the Compute Servers first, followed by the Solve Managers, and finally the RSM Clients

    Once RSM is config red it sho ld look similar to the e ample belo Once RSM is configured, it should look similar to the example below. Queues and associated Compute Servers listed under configured Solve

