r&t 2007 - replacement interval calculations - elder

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  • 8/13/2019 R&T 2007 - Replacement Interval Calculations - Elder


    Pressure Relief ValvePressure Relief Valve

    Pop Test DataPop Test Data


    Replacement Interval CalculationReplacement Interval Calculationbyby

    Frederick T. ElderFrederick T. ElderIRC Research and Technology ForumIRC Research and Technology Forum

    February 9, 2007February 9, 2007

    (c) Frederick T. Elder(c) Frederick T. Elder

  • 8/13/2019 R&T 2007 - Replacement Interval Calculations - Elder


    When to Replace per IIAR 110When to Replace per IIAR 110 After a known relief, and within a reasonable time,After a known relief, and within a reasonable time,

    springspring--loaded relief valves shall be replaced by newloaded relief valves shall be replaced by new

    or remanufactured certified valves. If reor remanufactured certified valves. If re--seating isseating isnot complete, replacement shall be immediate.not complete, replacement shall be immediate. When a component reliability program is in place toWhen a component reliability program is in place to

    verify relief valve functionality and longevity byverify relief valve functionality and longevity byhistory, testing, disassembly and inspection, andhistory, testing, disassembly and inspection, and

    periodic statistical review of these activities, reliefperiodic statistical review of these activities, reliefvalves may be replaced at any interval justified byvalves may be replaced at any interval justified bythe findings of such a program. In the absence ofthe findings of such a program. In the absence ofsuch a program, each relief valve shall be replacedsuch a program, each relief valve shall be replaced

    at the frequency recommended by the relief valveat the frequency recommended by the relief valvemanufacturer. In the absence of both a componentmanufacturer. In the absence of both a componentreliability program and manufacturersreliability program and manufacturersrecommendations, relief valves shall be replacedrecommendations, relief valves shall be replacedevery five years if not indicated earlier at annualevery five years if not indicated earlier at annual


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    Why Test?Why Test?

    Properly assess health of NH3Properly assess health of NH3

    refrigeration safety systemrefrigeration safety system

    OSHA has required it in priorOSHA has required it in prior

    settlement agreementssettlement agreements It may save $$$It may save $$$

    It may answer a PHA questionIt may answer a PHA question

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    Maintenance GuidanceMaintenance Guidance


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    Background andBackground and

    Advantages of WeibullAdvantages of WeibullAnalysisAnalysis

    Failure CriteriaFailure Criteria

    Generating Weibull PlotGenerating Weibull Plot

    Weibayes AnalysisWeibayes Analysis


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    BackgroundBackground Invented byInvented by WaloddiWaloddi WeibullWeibull

    in 1937in 1937 he used it forhe used it forfatigue life estimationfatigue life estimation

    Dr. Robert Abernethy theDr. Robert Abernethy the

    modern Weibull Analysismodern Weibull Analysis


    Weibull Analysis first usedWeibull Analysis first usedextensively in aerospaceextensively in aerospace

    applicationsapplicationsWaloddi Weibull 1887-1979

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    Advantages of Weibull AnalysisAdvantages of Weibull Analysis

    Main advantage:Main advantage: Small sample sizeSmall sample size

    Samples may be expensiveSamples may be expensive

    Reduces time/cost of testingReduces time/cost of testing

    May not have many recorded failuresMay not have many recorded failures

    Weibull Analysis is displayed by anWeibull Analysis is displayed by an

    easy to read graphical ploteasy to read graphical plot

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    Pop Test Failure CriteriaPop Test Failure Criteria

    Example 250 psig valveOpens at pressures < 242.5 psig failure

    Opens at pressures > 262.5 psig -- failure

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    Alternate Failure CriteriaAlternate Failure Criteria

    Reduce the set pressure of reliefReduce the set pressure of reliefvalves when possiblevalves when possible then expandthen expand

    failure definitionfailure definition

    Do not consider low pressureDo not consider low pressureopening a failure for those valvesopening a failure for those valves

    where that does not create a hazardwhere that does not create a hazard

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    Weibull Analysis PlotWeibull Analysis Plot

    Most Weibull Analysis done from plotMost Weibull Analysis done from plot

    To Plot, you need:To Plot, you need:

    Failure criteriaFailure criteria

    Number of failures and timesNumber of failures and times Number of suspensions and timesNumber of suspensions and times

    From Plot, you get:From Plot, you get:

    Predicted failure ratePredicted failure rate

    Failure mechanismFailure mechanism

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    Plotting DataPlotting Data

    Plot scalesPlot scales X axis: Age parameter (Units of Hours in Figure)X axis: Age parameter (Units of Hours in Figure)

    Y axis: Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)Y axis: Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)

    Defines percentage of units that will fail up to an ageDefines percentage of units that will fail up to an age..

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    Weibayes AnalysisWeibayes Analysis

    Weibayes is used when thereWeibayes is used when there

    are no or very few failures:are no or very few failures: Finding the MTTF of a unit afterFinding the MTTF of a unit after

    initial testing lead to no failuresinitial testing lead to no failures

    Redesigned component, severalRedesigned component, severalunits tested without failure, isunits tested without failure, is

    testing sufficient?testing sufficient?

    Smaller sample sizes neededSmaller sample sizes needed

    with Weibayes since previouswith Weibayes since previousfailure history is knownfailure history is known

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    Weibayes AnalysisWeibayes Analysis Weibayes Analysis equation,Weibayes Analysis equation,

    uses anuses an assumedassumed

    Can be used whenCan be used when no failuresno failures

    have occurredhave occurred

    Need to have back groundNeed to have back ground

    failure infofailure info

    Company Weibull libraryCompany Weibull library

    OtherOther WeibullWeibull librarieslibraries


    N =N = total number oftotal number ofsuspensions and failuressuspensions and failures

    r =r = number of failed unitsnumber of failed units

    == assumed slopeassumed slope

    t =t = time or cyclestime or cycles







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    Weibayes AnalysisWeibayes Analysis Relief valve failure dataRelief valve failure data

    shows typicalshows typical value ofvalue of 11 http://www.barringer1.com/http://www.barringer1.com/


    Weibayes can be used toWeibayes can be used todetermine replacementdetermine replacementinterval timeinterval time

    Can input data intoCan input data into

    Weibull program orWeibull program orcalculate by hand usingcalculate by hand usingequationequation

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    Weibayes AnalysisWeibayes Analysis

    Determine New Replacement IntervalDetermine New Replacement Intervalfor Test with Zero Failuresfor Test with Zero Failures

    1.1. Gather suspension dataGather suspension data2.2. FindFind (as described in next slides)(as described in next slides)

    3.3. Find kFind k11--value from Onevalue from One--Failure PlanFailure Plantable for your assumedtable for your assumed andand

    number of samples being testednumber of samples being tested

    4.4. Replacement Interval =Replacement Interval =(k(k11))

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    Weibayes: FindingWeibayes: Finding With No FailuresWith No FailuresHand CalculationHand Calculation

    Confidence Limit Equation for Zero Failures:Confidence Limit Equation for Zero Failures:


    wherewhere r=# of failuresr=# of failures

    TTii=Time of each replacement=Time of each replacement

    : look up this value from Chi: look up this value from Chi--squaredsquaredtable for C confidence and 2r+2 degrees of freedomtable for C confidence and 2r+2 degrees of freedom

    ( ){ }2 ; 2 2C f +

    ( )1

    22 ; 2 2 0

    iT C r for r

    = +

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    Weibayes: FindingWeibayes: Finding With No FailuresWith No FailuresWinSMITH CalculationWinSMITH Calculation

    Can Select SpecificCan Select Specific

    ConfidenceConfidence Enter number of units, allEnter number of units, all

    as suspensionsas suspensions

    Select Weibayes methodSelect Weibayes method

    Choose specificChoose specific

    confidence,confidence, 63.2%63.2%

    confidence equivalent toconfidence equivalent to

    assuming 1 failure isassuming 1 failure isimminentimminent

    FindFind from Weibayes plotfrom Weibayes plot

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    Weibayes Example:Weibayes Example: No FailuresNo Failures

    During TestingDuring Testing

    Parameters: 30 relief valves used forParameters: 30 relief valves used for5 years, 0 failures, want to increase5 years, 0 failures, want to increase

    Replacement IntervalReplacement Interval

    Question:Question: How many years can theHow many years can thevalves be used and have at most onevalves be used and have at most one

    failure with a 90% confidence?failure with a 90% confidence?

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    Weibayes Example:Weibayes Example: No FailuresNo Failures

    During TestingDuring Testing

    Data entered in WinSMITHData entered in WinSMITH

    30 suspensions, 5 year time30 suspensions, 5 year time Weibayes method,Weibayes method, =1, 90% Confidence=1, 90% Confidence


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    Weibayes Example:Weibayes Example: No FailuresNo Failures

    During TestingDuring Testing

    Table of KTable of K11--values For Onevalues For One--Failure Test Plans,Failure Test Plans, =1=1

    Read N=30, KRead N=30, K11=0.132=0.132

    Complete table and equation to derive KComplete table and equation to derive K11--valuesvalues

    included in Appendix Bincluded in Appendix B

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    Weibayes Example:Weibayes Example: No FailuresNo Failures

    During TestingDuring Testing

    Replacement Interval: 65.14(0.132)= 8.6Replacement Interval: 65.14(0.132)= 8.6yearsyears

    So with a 90% confidence, you can replaceSo with a 90% confidence, you can replace

    the relief valves every 8.6 years and havethe relief valves every 8.6 years and haveat most one failure during that periodat most one failure during that period

    Reasonable approach: 8.6 years minus 5Reasonable approach: 8.6 years minus 5

    years = 3.6 years/2=1.8 years, so add 1.8years = 3.6 years/2=1.8 years, so add 1.8years to 5 year zero failure plan to haveyears to 5 year zero failure plan to have

    reasonable probability of no failuresreasonable probability of no failures

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    Weibayes AnalysisWeibayes AnalysisDetermine New Replacement Interval forDetermine New Replacement Interval for

    One or More FailuresOne or More Failures During TestingDuring Testing

    Most CommonMost Common

    Typically, there will be failuresTypically, there will be failures

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    Weibayes AnalysisWeibayes Analysis

    Determine New Replacement Interval forDetermine New Replacement Interval forOne or More FailuresOne or More Failures During TestingDuring Testing

    1.1. Gather failure and suspensionGather failure and suspensiondatadata

    2.2. FindFind (as described in next slides)(as described in next slides)

    3.3. Find kFind k00--value from Zerovalue from Zero--Failure Plan table for yourFailure Plan table for yourassumedassumed and number ofand number ofsamples being testedsamples being tested

    4.4. Replacement Interval =Replacement Interval =(k(k00))

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    Weibayes: FindingWeibayes: Finding With FailuresWith FailuresHand CalculationHand Calculation

    Use Weibayes equation to findUse Weibayes equation to find


    to get ato get a specific confidencespecific confidence, where f=# of, where f=# offailuresfailures

    : look up this value from: look up this value from

    ChiChi--squared table for C confidence andsquared table for C confidence and2f+2 degrees of freedom2f+2 degrees of freedom

    ( ){ }




    ; 2 2c


    C f



    ( ){ }2 ; 2 2C f +

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    Weibayes: FindingWeibayes: Finding With FailuresWith FailuresHand CalculationHand Calculation

    ChiChi--Squared Table, C: 90% ConfidenceSquared Table, C: 90% Confidence

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    Weibayes: FindingWeibayes: Finding With FailuresWith Failures

    WinSMITH CalculationWinSMITH Calculation

    Enter number of failures, allEnter number of failures, allwith the assumed time ofwith the assumed time of

    half the usage timehalf the usage time

    Enter number of suspensionsEnter number of suspensions Choose the specificChoose the specific


    FindFind from the Weibayesfrom the Weibayesplotplot

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    Weibayes Example:Weibayes Example: One or MoreOne or More

    FailuresFailures During TestingDuring Testing

    Parameters: 30 relief valves used forParameters: 30 relief valves used for5 years, 2 failures, dont know when5 years, 2 failures, dont know when

    failures occurredfailures occurred

    Question:Question: How many years can theHow many years can thevalves be used and have zerovalves be used and have zero

    failures with a 90% confidence?failures with a 90% confidence?

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    Weibayes Example:Weibayes Example: One or MoreOne or More

    FailuresFailures During TestingDuring Testing Data entered in WinSMITHData entered in WinSMITH

    28 suspensions, 5 year time28 suspensions, 5 year time

    2 failures, assumed half of 5 years, or 2.5 years2 failures, assumed half of 5 years, or 2.5 years

    Weibayes method,Weibayes method, =1, 90% Confidence=1, 90% Confidence


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    Weibayes Example:Weibayes Example: One or MoreOne or More

    FailuresFailures During TestingDuring Testing Table of KTable of K00--values For Zerovalues For Zero--Failure Test Plans,Failure Test Plans, =1=1

    Read N=30, KRead N=30, K00=0.077=0.077

    Complete table and equation to derive KComplete table and equation to derive K00--valuesvalues

    included in Appendix Bincluded in Appendix B

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    Weibayes Example:Weibayes Example: One or MoreOne or More

    FailuresFailures During TestingDuring Testing

    Replacement Interval:Replacement Interval:

    27.26(0.077)= 2.1 years27.26(0.077)= 2.1 years

    So with a 90% confidence, you canSo with a 90% confidence, you can

    replace the relief valves every 2.1 yearsreplace the relief valves every 2.1 years

    and have no failures during the intervaland have no failures during the interval

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    MI of pipes and vessels is also of high priorityMI of pipes and vessels is also of high priority

    Relief Valves not to be placed back in serviceRelief Valves not to be placed back in service

    after testingafter testing Need judgment to extend the replacement/testNeed judgment to extend the replacement/test


    Failed relief valve may never be neededFailed relief valve may never be needed

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    Where to Buy Weibull MaterialWhere to Buy Weibull Material The New Weibull Handbook and theThe New Weibull Handbook and the

    WinSMITH software packages can beWinSMITH software packages can bepurchased at:purchased at:



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    SourcesSources Engineering Safety Relief SystemsEngineering Safety Relief Systems, March 2006., March 2006.

    by Reindl, D.T, Jekel, T.B., Available from theby Reindl, D.T, Jekel, T.B., Available from the

    Industrial Refrigeration ConsortiumIndustrial Refrigeration Consortium The New Weibull HandbookThe New Weibull Handbook, Fourth Edition, 2000,, Fourth Edition, 2000,

    by Robert Abernethyby Robert Abernethy

    The New Weibull HandbookThe New Weibull Handbook, Fifth Edition, 2006,, Fifth Edition, 2006,by Robert Abernethyby Robert Abernethy

    Fitness for Service of Pressure Relieving SystemsFitness for Service of Pressure Relieving Systems,,by W. E. Short II, presented at The 2003 ASMEby W. E. Short II, presented at The 2003 ASME

    Pressure Vessels and Piping ConferencePressure Vessels and Piping Conference Reliability Testing of Relief ValvesReliability Testing of Relief Valves, by Robert E., by Robert E.

    Gross, presented at The 2004 ASME PressureGross, presented at The 2004 ASME PressureVessels and Piping ConferenceVessels and Piping Conference

  • 8/13/2019 R&T 2007 - Replacement Interval Calculations - Elder


    SourcesSources Plant Guidelines for Technical Management ofPlant Guidelines for Technical Management of

    Chemical Process SafetyChemical Process Safety

    , pp 169, pp 169

    --172, by Center172, by Center

    for Chemical Process Safety, 1992for Chemical Process Safety, 1992

    Armor SwiftArmor Swift EckrichEckrich OSHA settlementOSHA settlement

    agreement of October 9, 1997agreement of October 9, 1997

    IBPIBP OSHA settlement agreement of 2001OSHA settlement agreement of 2001

    Code Requirements for Safety Relief SystemsCode Requirements for Safety Relief Systems,,

    Todd Jekel, 2005 Research and TechnologyTodd Jekel, 2005 Research and Technology

    Forum, January 20, 2005Forum, January 20, 2005

  • 8/13/2019 R&T 2007 - Replacement Interval Calculations - Elder


    SourcesSources Center for Chemical Process Safety (1998).Center for Chemical Process Safety (1998).

    Guidelines for Pressure Relief and EffluentGuidelines for Pressure Relief and Effluent

    Handling SystemsHandling Systems. (pp. 104. (pp. 104--107). Center for107). Center for

    Chemical Process Safety/Chemical Process Safety/AIChEAIChE. Online version. Online version

    available at: http://www.knovel.com/knovel2/available at: http://www.knovel.com/knovel2/

    Toc.jsp?BookIDToc.jsp?BookID=831&VerticalID=0=831&VerticalID=0 Center for Chemical Process Safety (1989).Center for Chemical Process Safety (1989).

    Process Equipment Reliability Data with DataProcess Equipment Reliability Data with Data

    TablesTables. P 212. P 212

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    Appendix A:Appendix A:Weibull Analysis BackgroundWeibull Analysis Background

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    Advantages of Weibull AnalysisAdvantages of Weibull Analysis Weibull AnalysisWeibull Analysis

    can be used for:can be used for: Failure DistributionFailure Distribution

    Failure ForecastsFailure Forecasts

    and Predictionsand Predictions


    Effectiveness of aEffectiveness of aRedesignRedesign

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    Weibull Analysis SoftwareWeibull Analysis Software WinSMITH Weibull from FultonWinSMITH Weibull from Fulton

    FindingsFindings http://www.barringer1.com/wins.htmhttp://www.barringer1.com/wins.htm

    Created by Wes Fulton and Dr. BobCreated by Wes Fulton and Dr. Bob


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    Weibull Analysis SoftwareWeibull Analysis Software Enter age data, suspensions and failuresEnter age data, suspensions and failures

    Software will:Software will: Plot DataPlot Data

    CalculateCalculate EtaEta, Beta, and PVE numbers, Beta, and PVE numbers

    Run a distribution analysisRun a distribution analysis

    Generate a results reportGenerate a results report

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    Plotting DataPlotting Data Age must be known for dataAge must be known for data

    Standard Life Data: exact age of partsStandard Life Data: exact age of partsknownknown

    Interval Data: Age of parts not exactlyInterval Data: Age of parts not exactly

    know, so parts are groupedknow, so parts are grouped Could be from weekly, monthly, etcCould be from weekly, monthly, etc


    Age may be operating time,Age may be operating time,starts/stops, etc.starts/stops, etc.

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    Plotting DataPlotting Data FailuresFailures

    Establish failure modeEstablish failure mode

    Every part displayingEvery part displayingthis mode constitutes athis mode constitutes a



    Parts that failed via aParts that failed via adifferent modedifferent mode

    Parts that have not yetParts that have not yet


    Early Suspension: AgeEarly Suspension: Agebelow age of firstbelow age of first


    Late Suspension: AgeLate Suspension: Age

    above age of lastabove age of last


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    Plotting DataPlotting Data Plot scalesPlot scales X axis: Age parameter (Units of Hours in Figure)X axis: Age parameter (Units of Hours in Figure)

    Y axis: Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF)Y axis: Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) Defines proportion of units that will fail up to an age as aDefines proportion of units that will fail up to an age as a


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    Plotting DataPlotting Data

    WinSMITH Data PlotWinSMITH Data Plot

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    Plotting DataPlotting Data TwoTwo--parameter most widely used Weibullparameter most widely used Weibull


    CDFCDF (Cumulative Distribution Function):(Cumulative Distribution Function):

    F(tF(t) = 1) = 1-- ee--(t(t//))

    F(tF(t) = fraction failing up) = fraction failing up--toto--time ttime t t= failure timet= failure time

    = characteristic life= characteristic life

    e = 2.718281, the base for natural logarithmse = 2.718281, the base for natural logarithms = slope parameter= slope parameter

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    Plotting Data on Weibull PaperPlotting Data on Weibull Paper Arrange failures and suspensions in time ascendingArrange failures and suspensions in time ascending


    Set up the following table:Set up the following table:

    Fill in Rank and Reverse Rank, and in Time column,Fill in Rank and Reverse Rank, and in Time column,include whether it was a Suspension or Failureinclude whether it was a Suspension or Failure

    If two data points have the same time to failure, theyIf two data points have the same time to failure, theyare both presented in the column, and they will bothare both presented in the column, and they will both

    get median rank valuesget median rank values

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    Plotting Data on Weibull PaperPlotting Data on Weibull Paper Use equation to get Adjusted Rank (A.R.):Use equation to get Adjusted Rank (A.R.):

    A.R.=[Reverse Rank X Previous Rank + (N+1)] / [Reverse Rank + 1]A.R.=[Reverse Rank X Previous Rank + (N+1)] / [Reverse Rank + 1]

    UseUse BenardsBenards Median Rank formula to getMedian Rank formula to getnew Median Rank (since adjusted rank isnew Median Rank (since adjusted rank isnot an integer):not an integer):

    BenardsBenards M.R.=(iM.R.=(i--0.3) X 100 / (N+0.4)0.3) X 100 / (N+0.4)

    Fill out previous table, and plot:Fill out previous table, and plot: BenardsBenards M. R. on the yM. R. on the y--axisaxis

    Time on xTime on x--axisaxis Draw a best fit line through the points,Draw a best fit line through the points,

    make sure it is 1:1 Weibull papermake sure it is 1:1 Weibull paper

    W ib ll E lW ib ll E l P iP i

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    Weibull Example:Weibull Example: PreparingPreparing

    Weibull Plot by HandWeibull Plot by Hand

    Parameters: You are given theParameters: You are given the

    following data, 8 total parts, 5following data, 8 total parts, 5failures at 49,82,96,30, and 90 hoursfailures at 49,82,96,30, and 90 hours

    and, 3 suspensions at 45,10, andand, 3 suspensions at 45,10, and

    100 hours100 hours Question:Question:At how many hours canAt how many hours can

    you expect approximately 50% ofyou expect approximately 50% of

    the parts to fail?the parts to fail?

    W ib ll E lW ib ll E l P iP i

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    Weibull Example:Weibull Example: PreparingPreparing

    Weibull Plot by HandWeibull Plot by Hand Set up and fill in table:Set up and fill in table:

    Plot the points on 1:1 Weibull PaperPlot the points on 1:1 Weibull Paper

    Draw a best fit line through the points andDraw a best fit line through the points and

    draw a line across from the 50% mark anddraw a line across from the 50% mark and

    down to the time axisdown to the time axis

    W ib ll E lWeib ll E ample P iPreparing

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    Weibull Example:Weibull Example: PreparingPreparing

    Weibull Plot by HandWeibull Plot by Hand

    50% fail by 77 hours50% fail by 77 hours

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    Interpreting the PlotInterpreting the Plot

    PVE %: Goodness of fit indicator forPVE %: Goodness of fit indicator for

    Weibull lineWeibull line 10% is acceptable, 50% is average10% is acceptable, 50% is average

    N/S: Total number of data points/ NumberN/S: Total number of data points/ Number

    of Suspensionsof Suspensions

    Eta, Beta, PVE,and N/S

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    Interpreting the PlotInterpreting the Plot EtaEta -- Characteristic life: Age at whichCharacteristic life: Age at which

    63.2% of parts will fail63.2% of parts will fail Parameter most effected by suspensionsParameter most effected by suspensions

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    Interpreting the PlotInterpreting the Plot

    BetaBeta Slope of Weibull line: Failure ModeSlope of Weibull line: Failure Mode

    Beta < 1.0 indicates infant mortalityBeta < 1.0 indicates infant mortality Beta = 1.0 indicates random failures that areBeta = 1.0 indicates random failures that are

    independent of ageindependent of age

    Beta > 1.0 indicates wear out failuresBeta > 1.0 indicates wear out failures

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    Interpreting the PlotInterpreting the Plot Use PVE number to evaluate fit ofUse PVE number to evaluate fit of


    Use Beta to evaluate failure methodUse Beta to evaluate failure method

    Look for Bad Weibull characteristicsLook for Bad Weibull characteristics

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    Bad WeibullBad Weibull Curved Weibull dataCurved Weibull data

    Origin not at t=0, mustOrigin not at t=0, must

    use threeuse three--parameterparameterWeibullWeibull

    Outlying data pointsOutlying data points Look at engineeringLook at engineering

    aspects of dataaspects of datarecording, test records,recording, test records,calibrations, etc.calibrations, etc.

    Two different slopes ofTwo different slopes ofWeibull dataWeibull data More than one failureMore than one failure

    mode represented bymode represented bydata, try to separatedata, try to separatedatadata

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    Bad WeibullBad Weibull Close Serial NumbersClose Serial Numbers

    Batch problemBatch problem

    If PVE number is unacceptableIf PVE number is unacceptable

    Look to different distributions, LogLook to different distributions, Lognormal, Threenormal, Three--parameter Weibullparameter Weibull

    Careful, few data points leads to highCareful, few data points leads to highPVE numberPVE number

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    Failure ForecastingFailure Forecasting Expected number ofExpected number of

    failures that mayfailures that may

    occur in a specificoccur in a specificperiod of timeperiod of time

    Predicts:Predicts: Future failures whenFuture failures when

    failed units are replacedfailed units are replaced

    Future failures whenFuture failures when

    failed units are notfailed units are notreplacedreplaced

  • 8/13/2019 R&T 2007 - Replacement Interval Calculations - Elder


    Failure ForecastingFailure Forecasting Additional input needed:Additional input needed:

    Age of components in serviceAge of components in service Usage rateUsage rate

    Introduction rate of new unitsIntroduction rate of new units

    Failed parts replacement infoFailed parts replacement info

  • 8/13/2019 R&T 2007 - Replacement Interval Calculations - Elder


    Appendix B: WeibayesAppendix B: WeibayesExtrasExtras

    Weibayes: FindingWeibayes: Finding With No FailuresWith No Failures

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    Weibayes: FindingWeibayes: Finding With No FailuresWith No Failures

    Hand CalculationHand Calculation

    Assume at Least One Failure is Imminent:Assume at Least One Failure is Imminent:

    Use Weibayes equation to findUse Weibayes equation to find

    Assume 1 failure (r=1) since a failure isAssume 1 failure (r=1) since a failure is

    imminent (yields 63% confidence)imminent (yields 63% confidence)

    Use the following table to achieve differentUse the following table to achieve different


  • 8/13/2019 R&T 2007 - Replacement Interval Calculations - Elder


    Zero Failure Plan Table,Zero Failure Plan Table, = 1= 1


    Chi Squared Table for Use WithChi Squared Table for Use With

  • 8/13/2019 R&T 2007 - Replacement Interval Calculations - Elder


    Chi Squared Table for Use WithChi Squared Table for Use With

    Weibayes Hand CalculationsWeibayes Hand Calculations

    Use 0.10 column for 90% Lower Bound,Use 0.10 column for 90% Lower Bound,

    0.05 for 95% Lower Bound, etc.0.05 for 95% Lower Bound, etc.

  • 8/13/2019 R&T 2007 - Replacement Interval Calculations - Elder


    OneOne--Failure Test Plan Table,Failure Test Plan Table, = 1= 1









