
RuHL How can I see with all that code in my view? Wednesday, December 9, 2009

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This is my presentation on RuHL I gave at the Dec 9th Atlanta Ruby Users group meetup.


RuHLHow can I see with all that code in my view?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The first thought...Haml is so far away from HTML, why not take it further?

Repeat content instead of having to write loops.

%ul - @school.special_features.each do |feature| %li=

# Maybe something like...%ul { repeat: special_features } %li=

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The next minute...I could actually pull this off with HTML.

...more on this coming up

<ul ruby=”_collection: special_features”> <li ruby=”name”/></ul>

# Which later changed to<ul> <li data-ruhl =”_collection: special_features, name”/></ul>

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Thoughts from JSP days and beyond • Working with designers inefficient after converting views.

• Why convert the code from HTML to a language that generates HTML if it is not necessary?

• Views didn’t garner the same architecture attention ‘code’ did.• Did formulating the Fat Model/Skinny Controller idea take everyone’s


• Over time, code in views grew as quick fixes were applied.• Little restrictions on what is allowed encourages misuse.

• Testing views more difficult than models or controllers.• Shouldn’t the multiple attempts to improve view testing be an indicator?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The 2 minute RuHL history.• The attribute was initially called ruby.

• Peter Cooper suggested data-ruby for HTML5 compliance.• Coworker suggested data-ruhl to prevent potential naming collisions.

• Crystallized the idea of ‘No code in views’• This became the rule that could not be broken.

• Should not have to code extra HTML tags to make something work. • Exceptions to this arose and _swap was introduced. (details later)

• Functionality to be driven by real use cases, not imagined scenarios.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Standalone RuHLʻhello_world.ruhlʼ)).render(self)

Breaking it down:data =ʻhello_world.ruhlʼ) # read the html fileengine = # instantiate the enginehtml = engine.render(self) # render the html # using self for context

RuHL can be used outside Sinatra and Rails.

In the Rails helper, self is the @template object available to the controller. This gives you access to all the helpers available within the view.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

RuHL: _ifHow would I conditionally display data?

#Don’t show the div or it’s contents if there aren’t users. <div data-ruhl="_if: users?"> <table> <thead> <tr> <td>First Name</td> <td>Last Name</td> <td>Email</td> </tr> </thead> <tr data-ruhl="_collection: user_list"> <td data-ruhl="first_name">Andrew</td> <td data-ruhl="last_name">Stone</td> <td data-ruhl="email">[email protected]</td> </tr> </table> </div>

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

RuHL: _unlessHow would I conditionally display data?

#Show the message if there aren’t users. <p data-ruhl="_unless: users?">No Users were found.</p>

If users, the <p> tag would not be included on output.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

RuHL: _useI want to use the user object as the local object within the scope of the div to simplify the calls. The methods will first be tried against the local object, then the global context.

<div data-ruhl="_use: current_user"> <h1> Editing <span data-ruhl="_swap: full_name"/></h1> <table> <thead> <tr> <td>First Name</td> <td>Last Name</td> <td>Email</td> </tr> </thead> <tr> <td data-ruhl="first_name">Andrew</td> <td data-ruhl="last_name">Stone</td> <td data-ruhl="email">[email protected]</td> </tr> </table> </div>

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

RuHL: _useSo what about iterating over a collection? <select id="states"> <option data-ruhl="_use: state_options"> </select>

The option tag will be repeated for each item returned.state_options can return an array of hashes:

def state_options [ {:value => 'AL', :inner_html => 'Alabama'}, {:value => 'AK', :inner_html => 'Alaska'}, {:value => 'AZ', :inner_html => 'Arizona'}, ... ] end

:inner_html will set the contents of the tag. all other keys are treated as attributes for the tag.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

RuHL: _swapI have some template text, but want to replace content within a paragraph.

#Replace the span tag with the results of language <p>The programming language, <span data-ruhl='_swap:language'/>, is awesome.</p>

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

RuHL: partials, layouts and params <div id="page"> <div data-ruhl="_partial:file|header_search"/> <div data-ruhl="_render_" class="metro"/> <div data-ruhl="_partial:file|footer"/> </div>

Can pass parameters to methods with a pipe (‘|’).

Use _render_ to get the =yield result in Rails. Defining the layout works as expected within Rails. Outside of Rails, you pass a :layout option to the engine constructor. The value of the :layout option is the path to the file. Use :layout_source if you’ve cached the reading of the file (as Rails does).

Use _partial to pull in page partials. The method, in this case :file, must return a path to the partial.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More information on keywords:

Moving on. A lot to cover...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

If the code isn’t in the view, where does it go?

• RuHL encourages the use of the presenter pattern.• It’s easy with the helpers if you follow the convention in a

Rails app:• Have presenter in app/presenters• Name presenter similar to controller conventions (just

singular): class UserPresenter < Ruhl::Rails::Presenter end(file name: user_presenter.rb)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

What does my controller look like?Controller methods look like:

def new @post = present end

def create @post =[:post])

if flash[:notice] = 'Post was successfully created.' redirect_to(@post) else present :new end end

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

And this works how?For this example, let’s say we are working in the UsersController.

• Calling present in the controller method creates a new instance of the UserPresenter.

• The UserPresenter instance is passed to the view as a local object. • RuHL will first apply all methods to the local object. If the local object does

not respond to the method, RuHL then tries to apply the method to the context.

• The context is everything you are accustomed to in a Rails view:• Controller methods exposed with helper_method• Helper methods (ApplicationHelper, UsersHelper)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

And my model?For this example, let’s say we are working with the UserPresenter.

• When the presenter is created, it has a local object called presentee which holds the instance of the model you are presenting. (@user)

• If you have this call in your view: data-ruhl=”first_name” the order is:1. Does the presenter respond_to?(:first_name)

1. Does the presenter have first_name defined?2.Does the presentee (@user) have first_name defined?

2.Try the method against the context1. Raises exception if method not found.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

So what about testing?• With RuHL, rendering your view is not required to test.

• Only interested in the correct placement and content of data-ruhl attributes.

• Helper provided:

<div class="single_box"> <h2>Topic: <span data-ruhl="_swap: name"/></h2>

<div id="chart"> <img data-ruhl="src: chart_period"/> </div></div>

# To test above:

it "calls to replace name" do data_ruhl('div.single_box > h2 > span').should == "_swap: name"end

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

But wait, there’s more...Since RuHL encourages presenters, test your presenters as you would your models.

This simplifies your testing!

• Don’t have to go through your controller to trigger conditions that decide the output in your view.

• This decreases the amount of time required to run your tests.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Summary• Allowing code in your view is a bad practice.

• This simple requirement ensures a holistic approach.• Utilize the presenter pattern to hold the code you would otherwise have

placed in your view.• Using RuHL encourages continued designer involvement with the

maintenance of views.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009