rules damath

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Post on 25-Feb-2018




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  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath



    Basically the rules in playing the Filipino checkerboard game called dama will be used with

    some modifications in integrating Mathematics and Science as follows:

  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath


    After the starting positions of the chips have been set the first player is determined by drawing

    lots! "he first player will occupy the side of the #AMA"$ board where %& &' is located!

    A chip is allowed to move diagonally forward only to an ad(oining vacant s)uare!

    A chip has to take the opponent*s chip diagonally forward or backward thus pass is not

    allowed! Mathematical operations %+ , - .' will be used depending on the vacant s)uare*s

    operation symbol where the "aker chip lands by (umping over the "aken chip %the latter chip

    has to be removed from the board after performing the indicated mathematical operation and

    recording the same in the scoresheet'!

    A chip has to take the opponent*s chip diagonally forward or backward thus pass is not


  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath


    /n taking a chip or more than one chip the "aker chip is always the addend minuend

    multiplicand or dividend as the case may be!

    /n taking a chip or more than one chip the #ama 0ules on dama mayor dalawa or tatlo

    mayor tatlo over dalawa mayor dama and mayor dalawa or tatlo over dama prevail!

    1hen two dama chips will take same number of chips it*s up for the player to decide which to

    move! 1hen two dama chips will take same number of chips it*s up for the player to decide which to


    A chip is declared as dama upon reaching terminally on the following designated s)uares!

    Situations where a chip is not declared as dama

    A dama chip is allowed to move to any unoccupied s)uare along its diagonal path! /t can take a

    chip or more than one chip!

    Moreover a dama*s score is doubled in taking a chip or chips!

    #ama*s score is )uadrupled if it takes the opponent*s dama chip!

    Similarly an ordinary chip*s score is doubled if it takes a dama chip!

  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath


  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath


  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath


    2"$30 0453S

    4se of calculator is allowed! A move 6e!g! 78 %9 '; is good only at the most for one %

  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath


    "his is to give the player time to finish writing in the scoresheet!

    "he e-tra time is e-clusive of the twenty,minute game duration!

    A player may consume the whole minute in taking chip>s and

    writing the entries in the scoresheet!

    A player is re)uired to take chip>s when there is still time left

    %remaining second>s of the 7&,minute game duration'!

    "he game ends when any of the following situations occur:

    /f no show of one player is declared after ten minutes!

    0epetitive moves of any or both players!

    A player resigns or refuses to move!

    A player*s chip is cornered!

    A player has no more chip to move!

    "he 7&,minute game duration ended!

    "he remaining chips have to be added to the respective player*s

    total scores!

    #AMA chip*s corresponding value is doubled!

    "he player with the greater total score is declared winner for which

    he>she is entitled to one %

  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath


    with this #epartment*s advocacy of the culture of e-cellence in

    Mathematics and Science!

  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath



  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath


  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath


  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath


  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath


    #AMA"$ 0453S

    1. Games for Damath Competitions

    Grades I II . . . . . . . . . Countin Damaths

  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath


    Grades III!I". . . . . . . . #ho$e Damaths

    Grades "!"I. . . . . . . . . %ra&tion Damaths

    '. Set the startin positions of the &hips as fo$$o(s)

    a* Countin Damaths +* #ho$e Damaths &* %ra&tion Damaths

    1, - ' 1 / 11 0

    1' 2 3

    2 1 /, 3 1, -

    11 0 '

    1,41, -41, '41, 41,141, /41, 1141, 041,

    '41, 41, 241, 341,

    3. Toss a &oin to de&ide (ho mo5es first.

    /. The t(o p$a6ers a$ternate$6 ta7e turn in mo5in a pie&e 8pass is not a$$o(ed*.

    . Tou&h mo5e sha$$ +e o+ser5ed in the ame. A p$a6er (ho tou&hes a &hip is re9uired to mo5e that &hipun$ess it is i$$ea$ to do so.

    2. After ma7in a mo5e: a p$a6er sha$$ re&ord his mo5e in one s&ore sheet. ;n$6 one s&ore sheet (i$$ +e used+6 the p$a6ers in a ame. In &ase of in&orre&t entries in the s&ore sheet: a p$a6er has to immediate$6 &a$$ the

    attention of the ar+iter +6 raisin onedama?.

    11. A &hip is de&$ared >dama? if it rea&hes and stops termina$$6 on the fo$$o(in desinated s9uares)%or red &hips) 8,:-*: 8':-*: 8/:-*: 82:-*

    %or +$ue &hips) 81:,*: 83:,*: 8:,*: 8-:,*

    1'. ;n&e a &hip is de&$ared >dama? it &ou$d s$ide diaona$$6 for(ard or +a&7(ard in an6 5a&ant s9uare

    pro5ided no opposin pie&e +$o&7s it. It &ou$d ta7e a pie&e or pie&es and dou+$es the s&ore: and 9uadrup$ed if

    it ta7es the opponentdama? &hip. Simi$ar$6: an ordinar6 &hipdama? &hip.

    13. A p$a6er &an ta7e one &hip or more than one &hip (ith the re9uired option to ta7e the reater num+er of


    1/. @et(een a >dama? ta7in a &hip and a &hip ta7in another &hip: the former is o+$ied. @et(een a >dama?

    ta7in a &hip and a >dama? eatin t(o 8'* or more &hips: the $ater pre5ai$s.

    1. >Dama? &hip shou$d +e identified +6 en&ir&$in the &hip in the s&ore sheet.

    12. The ame ends if)

    a* no sho( of one p$a6er is de&$ared after 1, minutes+* a p$a6er has no more mo5e

    &* a p$a6er has no more &hip

    d* the mo5es are repetiti5e 8%i5e repetiti5e mo5es of an6 or +oth p$a6ers*e* ',!minute ame duration had e$apsed.

  • 7/25/2019 Rules Damath


    1-. The remainin &hip8s* sha$$ +e added to the tota$ s&ore of the respe&ti5e p$a6ers. If the remainin &hip is a

    >dama?: its 5a$ue is dou+$ed.

    10. The p$a6er (ith the reater a&&umu$ated tota$ s&ore (ins the ame.

    1. $a6ers are a$$o(ed to use &a$&u$ator.

    ',. ;n$6 p$a6ers are a$$o(ed to raise 9uestions durin the ame throuh the ar+iter and shou$d +e so$5ed


    '1. Bo 9uestions sha$$ +e entertained after the ame.

    ''. Ar+iter