rules of composition


Upload: mattbarber94

Post on 28-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Rules of composition
Page 2: Rules of composition

Keep the picture simple focus in on one subject and don’t have a cluttered background. In this picture I’ve have done a close up of a bin, which in this case is the subject and there is little going on in the background

Page 3: Rules of composition

When taking a picture you need to imagine that the image is split into thirds across and down. When taking the image you should position the subject so it’s not in the centre third as this makes the image a bit boring, but if you position the subject so it is along one of the lines. In this picture the subject is the tree but its split off into two and they go off to the left and the right of the centre and go along the lines.

Page 4: Rules of composition

Framing is when you use things in the background to frame the subject of the picture. For example in this picture the trees act as a frame, they frame the building behind them. Also in this picture the trees act as an entrance in to the picture.

Page 5: Rules of composition

Balance is when you’re taking a picture you need to make sure that the image will be balanced you can do this by have light and dark contrast in the picture for example if the subject is light then you could have a dark background. In this picture I’ve shown balance by having the tree that is quite dark in the foreground but having the bright blue sky and the white of the clouds in the background shining through the tree.

Page 6: Rules of composition

Leading Lines is where you use lines in the photo to lead to the subject, so that your eyes automatically follow the lines to the main subject in the photo, so you know what you’re supposed to look at. In this photo the lines on the windows lead you towards the little building