running reports for reimbursement the aaa has developed reports for each provider to use in...

Running Reports for Reimbursement

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Running Reports for Reimbursement1Once you have reconciled your SAMS data to your hard source information (Rosters/sign-in sheets) using the methods learned in the lesson titled Running Reports for Reconciliation you can run your reports for Reimbursement.The report that all programs will need to run is the Agency Summary Report (ASR).The AAA has developed reports for each Provider to use in reporting units of service to the AAA for reimbursement. Lets begin with the Agency Summary Report (ASR).Once you have logged into SAMS select Reports from the toolbar at the top of the screen.

ReportsThis will take you to a list of all available Reports.

In the upper half of the screen you will find a list of Report Types

From this list you will want to select Agency Summary Report by single left clicking.

In the bottom half of the screen you will see Report Definitions. These are reports that have been developed using the report type that you have selected.

The Report Definition Title you are looking for will begin with PSA 2,3, or 4 depending on which PSA Region your program is located.Followed by the Program name and Agency Summary report AAAFor this lesson we will look at the Agency Summary Report AAA for Tucumcari which is located in PSA3Using the scroll bar, scroll down the list by left clicking on the arrow in the bottom right hand corner of the screen until you come to PSA3.

We will continue to scroll until we come to PSA3 Tucumcari, City of Agency Summary Report AAA

Open the report by either single left clicking on the folder icon located to the far left of the title.

Or double left clicking on the title.

This will take you to the Report Definition screen

This report has already been set up for you with the appropriate filters applied. The only field that you can change is the Service Delivery Start and End dates.Single left click on the word open in blue, to the left of Report Definition.

Using the scroll bar, scroll down the list by left clicking on the arrow in the bottom right hand corner of the screen until you come to the Service Delivery section.

You will want to indicated the service period to report by first selecting the Service Start Date.Single left click in the date field

Type the date of the first service that you want the report to capture. For this reimbursement report we will look at the month of November 2014, so the first date of service would be 11/1/201411

Notice as you begin typing a box will pop up displaying a date, if the date is incorrect continue typing in the correct date. If it is correct simply press enter on your keyboard and the field will be populated with the date.

Next follow the same steps to enter the service end date.You are now ready to run the Report. To do so single left click on the arrow to the right of Preview

A drop box will appear with different formats for you to choose to run your Report.

The most common formats used are Adobe PDF and Microsoft Word. For this example we will select Adobe PDF by single left clicking on it.

A screen will appear notifying you that your Report is being generated.

When your Report is ready it will appear in the widow.

To save the report single left click on the Save icon at the bottom of the screen

A window will open allowing you to choose where on your computer you would like to save the report.

Select where you would like to save the report, name it and single left click Save.

Tucumcari November 2014 ASR.pdfIf your program also receives NSIP funding you will need to run the NSIP reportEven if your program does not receive NSIP funding this is a good report to run as it helps identify if their may have been units entered for someone who is under 60 or does not meet the eligibility requirements for Title III. Under Report types in the top half of the reports screen scroll down using the down arrow on the scroll bar to the right until you see the report type, Services, report title, NSIP Meal Reports Tab.

From this list you will want to select NSIP Meal Reports Tab by single left clicking.

In the bottom half of the screen you will see Report Definitions.

For this lesson we will look at the NSIP Meal Reports Tab for TucumcariUsing the scroll bar, scroll down the list by left clicking on the arrow in the bottom right hand corner of the screen until you come to PSA3 Tucumcari, City of NSIP Report AAA.

Open the report by either single left clicking on the folder icon located to the far left of the title.

Or double left clicking on the title.

This will take you to the Report Definition screen

This report has already been set up for you with the appropriate filters applied. The only field that you can change is the Service Delivery Start and End dates.Single left click on the word open in blue, to the left of Report Definition.

In the Service Delivery Section you will want to indicated the service period to report by first selecting the Service Start Date.Single left click in the date field

Type the date of the first service that you want the report to capture. For this reimbursement report we will look at the month of November 2014, so the first date of service would be 11/1/2014

11Again you will notice as you begin typing a box will pop up displaying a date, if the date is incorrect continue typing in the correct date. If it is correct simply press enter on your keyboard and the field will be populated with the date.

Next, follow the same procedure to set the Service End Date.You are now ready to run the Report. Follow the same procedure as before to Preview and Save your ReportYou will want to compare your Congregate and Home Delivered Meal totals from your ASR to those on your NSIP report.

Remember, The NSIP Congregate Meal total should match the ASR CM Lunch total plus CM Other if applicable. The CM Non-Reimbursable total will not be included in your NSIP Report.If both reports match you are ready to submit your reports to the AAA for Reimbursement.Along with your Completed SAMS Verification Statement

If the totals on the reports do not match, you can identify the discrepancies by following the instructions in the lesson titled Finding Discrepancies using SAMS Reports.Providers will be required to adhere to the same deadlines for unit entry and report submission as they are currently doing.Providers will e-mail a signed ASR and verification form to the regional office. A consumer coordinator will then review and submit to Dorothy for payment. The review will include a spot check to make sure there is not over or under reporting of data.Thank You!92