rural case1

 U IN justgotposh  kh hlaq S in gh ujla  T NN t's a n olds to ry that farmers f r om North India lovetheir Mercedes almostasmuch asthei r must ard . According toaConfeder at ion of Indian Industry-A T Kearney report , Punjab alone accoun t ed for 2 , 870units out of10 , 870imported ca rs sold in India in 2012 _ This incl u ded names likeBMw , Mercedes and Audi . Toda y, c o mpanies believe they are right onthemoney bylaunching luxu- rytractors target ed atconsumers pow- ered by rural wealt . Escorts Ltd is alread y s elli n g Ferrari tractors in In- dia , whileItalian m anufacture r SAME Deutz - Fah r (SDF)Gro u p , ownersofthe Lamborg h ini tractor brand, will b e bringing a ra ng e ofLamborghini trac- torstoIndia by2014 . One of the first to get i n to the p re - mium tractor market was Mahindra & Mahindra , India ' s larg e st tractor man- ufacture r. Back in 2011,it announce d the launch of Arjun International, a premium trac t or wi th a high-powered engine and air-conditioned cabin, priced at Rs 15lakh. The boom in the luxury car industry - valued at 5.8 billion  2011and expected tot r eb l e by 2015-encouraged international p l ay- erstoenter the high - end tractor ma rket as well .  India's interest in high - end products has been pr ovedbytheluxury car s egm e nt and wehope these tr ac tors willcatchthe imagination ofthefarm - ing community like luxury cars , S Sridhar , CEOofEscorts Agri Ma chin- erysaidinan earlier interview toTOI . One of the oldest m nufa ct ure rs o f tr ac tors in Ind ia, Es cor t s has signed a partnership agreement with Italian company BCS SpA to distribute Fer rari t r actors in India . Rajan Nanda, chairman and managing director; Es - corts Ltd believ es that In di an agricul- tur ist s have evo lve dfrom beingsubsist- ent farmers tothose with an entrepre - ne ur ial bent of mind.  Today ' sfarmers are looking forequipment that ishigh onprecision and output Escorts want s to partner with this forward looking Indian farmer by bringing i n ter n a- tionalte chnologyand design st a nd ar d s tothe Indian tractor mark et .  Escort s isoffe ring a26lIP machine suitable for speciali se d farming, such as in vineyards and fruit orchards. Priced at Rs8lakh, itisalready avail- able in Maharashtra and is being tar- ge ted at Kolhapur; Sa ngli and Nashik districts . The need s of orchard and vine ya rd grower s are more advanced and the product will address them ef- ficiently, says Nikhil Nanda, joint managi ng dir ect or , Escort s Lt d . Uday Mahajan says he was im - pressed b y more than just the brand name of the 26lIP Ferrari tractor he bought ThefarmerfromPet h Vadgaon in Haat Kanagale tehsil of Ma ha rash- tra ' s Kolhapur district , among the fi rs t to bu y the Ferrari tractor in India, re - searched the be st options for hi s40 - acre pad dy field.  I saw 20 different video clipsbeforezeroing in on Es cort s Fer- rari ,  says Mahajan, who paid Rs 6. 5 lakhfor the tractor and isp l ea s ed with th results. Ittook half alitre ofdi es el tosowoneacreofl a nd. Had the sowing been done manually, I woul d ha ve to assign six farm hands and pay them A Fer rari f o r your fa r m ? That  s not a fa r - fetched dream. E n c oura g e d b y b oo m in g s ales of luxur y cars  c o mpanies are dri v in g p r e mium tractors into the rural market ER H RVEST lam b orghini tract o rs are li ke lyto hit the markets ne xt year Rs600per da y  He ' s particul ar ly happy about the four-wheel drive which makes turning in co n fi n ed spaces easier as well as the exte n sive at tach- ments the tractor can accommodate. With it s Lamborg h ini tractors, the SDF group is targeting rich f armers, high net worth i n divi du a l s wit h farm- i n g i n terests and ow n e r s of g olf co ur s- es,c r icketsta dium sa ndlu x ur y r esor t s. Lamborghini tractor models in Rani- pe t, Tamil Nadu, for export toEurope and Mal ays ia. Har m inder Singh, a SDF distribu- tor from Bh ogp u r in Jaland h ar district, be li eves h is cl i ents wi ll beexcited about l u x u ry t ra ctor s. Someofour farmer s have ri ch NR I relatives who wi ll b e keen to i nvest, w h i l e ot h ers wi ll ju s t want to b e the first to buy a n exc lu sive, h ig h - end foreig n bra nd, he s a ys. Luxury tractors aren't j u s t m eas - u red by horsepower ( lIP ) an d other tec h nical specifications, it's t h e cus- tomisa ti on of fere d that se ts them apar t . Internationally , luxury tr actors ac com- modatesmall wor kstations , andfeature fr idges orcoolboxesand dr ink holders, sound systems and luxury tr ims , ei t her in wood or leather. They even have leather st ee ri ng wheels. While some distributors believe there isa market forluxury tractors in India, others are mo r e cautious . Ac- cording tothestat e fa rm d e p artments , the number of tractors i n Pun jab and Haryana are about 4 . 43 l akh and 2.70 lakh respectively. Most of these are high horsepower and suitable for large farms, but since land holdings inboth states have been shrinking over the years most machi n es are under-uti- lised . Tractors are used for about 400 h o ur s a ye ar in Pun jab, far lower t h an the 1,0 00h o u rs per annum req u ired to make them economically viable. For new entrants to make a dent in this alread y sat ura ted mar ket , dea ler s poi t out that local brand-building and an efficient after-sales service count fo r more thanjust aluxurious brand ide n - tity . American company New Ho lla nd Ford , one of the wo rld's biggest manu- fact u rer s of tra cto rs,launche d in Ind ia i n 1998 .  D espite being a b ig f o r eig n b r a nd ,i n itia ll y westr u gg l edtogai n the c on fidence of f arme r s i n Pun jab a nd Haryana, w ho wer e un awa r e of o u r name, s ays a ealer. Ma n preet Singh B ajwa, a farmer from Khaira Ka l a n vi ll age i n Mansa district of south P u nja b , says t h e trac- tor market ishighly co m p e t itive .  C om - panies of fereve r ything fro m fr eea ft e r - sales servicet o accesso r ies topers u a d e far m ers tot rad e in thei r old m ac h i n es ,  he say s.Jang B ahadur Si n ghf r om Jam- shed village, Jalandha r dist r ict, isone of the area's biggest potatofarmers. He is skeptical about the u tility value of the se fan cy pr o du cts . I'dwantto k n ow whetherrotavators, straw reap er s an d balers of large sizes can be attac h ed and o p era ted eas ily wi th t h ese mod e ls ,  he says, revealing that h ile so m e farmers are already operati n g 90l IP tr actors with air - con dit ioned ca b i ns fo r driver s, pa rts and accessories th at ca n befitted tot h ese t ractors a r e n o t easily available in t h e mar k et .  Farmers are not able to get th eb e s t ou t put or th e machines are u nd er- util ised,' h esays . With i l ee p  t ha v a le inP un e and Nikhil eshm u kh in Ko lha p u r It s the customisation that sets luxury tractors apart. They c a n accommodate small workstations fridges sound systems and luxury trims s uc h as leather steering wheels Their machines are priced approxi- mately Rs 10 lakh upwards abroad. BhanuSharma , ma naging director and CEOof SDFIndiaPvtLtd, toldanews- paper in April ,  Weare studying th e market and ma y introduce so me range of Lamborghini tractors in abo u ta year. SDFalre ady man ufa ctu res select

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Page 1: Rural Case1

8/11/2019 Rural Case1 1/1

  U IN

just got posh

 kh hlaq Singh ujla


t's an oldstory that farmers from

North India love their Mercedes

almost asmuch as their mustard.

According to a Confederation of

Indian Industry-AT Kearney

, Punjab alone accounted for

70units out of 10,870imported cars

d in India in 2012_This included

s like BMw,Mercedes and Audi.

Today, companies believe they are

t on the money bylaunching luxu-

tractors targeted at consumers pow-

d by rural wealth. Escorts Ltd is

y selling Ferrari tractors in In-

, while Italian manufacturer SAME

-Fahr (SDF)Group, owners of the

hini tractor brand, will be

ging a range of Lamborghini trac-

to India by 2014.

One of the first to get into the pre-

um tractor market was Mahindra &

, India's largest tractor man-

turer. Back in 2011, it announced

launch of Arjun International, a

ium tractor with a high-powered

ine and air-condit ioned cabin,

ced at Rs 15lakh. The boom in the

ury car industry - valued at 5.8

  2011and expected to treble by

15-encouraged international play-

toenter the high-end tractor market

well. India's interest in high-end

ucts has been proved bythe luxury

segment and wehope these tractors

ll catch the imagination of the farm-

community like luxury cars, S

, CEO of Escorts Agri Machin-

said inan earlier interview toTOI.

e of the oldest manufacturers of

tors in India, Escorts has signed a

nership agreement with Italian

pany BCS SpA to distribute Fer-

i tractors in India. Rajan Nanda,

rman and managing director; Es-

s Ltd believes that Indian agricul-

ists have evolved from being subsist-

farmers to those with an entrepre-

ial bent of mind.  Today'sfarmers

looking for equipment that is high

cision and output Escorts wants

partner with this forward looking

ian farmer by bringing interna-

al technology and design standards

he Indian tractor market. 

Escorts isoffering a 26lIP machine

able for specialised farming, such

in vineyards and fruit orchards.

ed at Rs8lakh, it is already avail-

in Maharashtra and is being tar-

d at Kolhapur; Sangli and Nashik

. The needs of orchard and

yard growers are more advanced

the product will address them ef-

ently, says Nikhil Nanda, joint

aging director, Escorts Ltd.

Uday Mahajan says he was im-

ssed by more than just the brand

e of the 26lIP Ferrari tractor he

ht ThefarmerfromPeth Vadgaon

Haat Kanagale tehsil of Maharash-

's Kolhapur district, among the first

buy the Ferrari tractor in India, re-

ched the best options for his40-acre

dy field.  I saw 20 different video

s before zeroing in on Escorts Fer-

,  says Mahajan, who paid Rs 6.5

hfor the tractor and ispleased with

results. Ittook half a litre of diesel

ne acre ofland. Had the sowing

done manually, I would have to

ign six farm hands and pay them

A Ferra ri for your farm? That s not a fa r-fetched dream .

Encouraged by boom in g sales of luxury cars  com panies are

drivin g prem ium tractors into the rural m arket


lamborghini tractors are likelyto hit the markets next year

Rs600per day  He's particularly happy

about the four-wheel drive which

makes turning in confined spaces

easier as well as the extensive attach-

ments the tractor can accommodate.

With its Lamborghini tractors, the

SDF group is targeting rich farmers,

high net worth individuals with farm-

ing interests and owners of golf cours-


Lamborghini tractor models in Rani-

pet, Tamil Nadu, for export to Europe

and Malaysia.

Harminder Singh, a SDF distribu-

tor from Bhogpur inJalandhar district,

believes his clients will be excited about

luxury tractors. Some of our farmers

have rich NRI relatives who will be

keen to invest, while others will just

want to be the first to buy an exclusive,

high-end foreign brand, he says.

Luxury tractors aren't just meas-

ured by horsepower (lIP) and other

technical specifications, it's the cus-

tomisation offered that sets them apart.

Internationally, luxury tractors accom-

modate small workstations, andfeature

fridges or coolboxes and drink holders,

sound systems and luxury trims, either

in wood or leather. They even have

leather steering wheels.

While some distributors believe

there isa market forluxury tractors in

India, others are more cautious. Ac-

cording tothe state farm departments,

the number of tractors in Punjab and

Haryana are about 4.43lakh and 2.70

lakh respectively. Most of these are

high horsepower and suitable for large

farms, but since land holdings in both

states have been shrinking over the

years most machines are under-uti-

lised. Tractors are used for about 400

hours a year in Punjab, far lower than

the 1,000hours per annum required to

make them economically viable. For

new entrants to make a dent in this

already saturated market, dealers po

out that local brand-building and

efficient after-sales service count

more thanjust a luxurious brand id

tity. American company New Holla

Ford, one of the world's biggest ma

facturers of tractors,launched in In

in 1998.  Despite being a big fore

brand, initially westruggled togain

confidence of farmers in Punjab a

Haryana, who were unaware of

name, says a dealer.

Manpreet Singh Bajwa, a farm

from Khaira Kalan village in Ma

district of south Punjab, says the tr

tor market ishighly competitive.  C

panies offer everything from free af

sales service to accessories topersua

farmers to trade in their oldmachine

he says.Jang Bahadur Singhfrom Ja

shed village, Jalandhar district, iso

of the area's biggest potato farmers.

is skeptical about the utility value

these fancy products. I 'dwantto kn

whetherrotavators, straw reapers a

balers of large sizes can be attach

and operated easily with thesemode

he says, revealing that while so

farmers are already operating 90

tractors with air-conditioned cabins

drivers, parts and accessories that

befitted tothese tractors are not eas

available in the market.  Farmers

not able to get the best output or

machines are under-utilised,' he sa

With ileep  thavale in Pune a

Nikhil eshmukh in Kolhapur

It s t h e c u s t o m i s a t i o n

t h at s et s l u x u r y

t r ac to r s a p a r t. T h e y

c a n a c c o m m o d a t e

s m a ll w o r k s t at io n s

f r i d g e s s o u n d

s y s te m s a n d l u x u r y

t r i m s s u c h a s l e a t h er

s t e er in g w h e el s

Their machines are priced approxi-

mately Rs 10 lakh upwards abroad.

BhanuSharma, managing director and

CEO of SDFIndiaPvtLtd, told a news-

paper in April,  We are studying the

market and may introduce some range

of Lamborghini tractors in about a

year. SDFalready manufactures select