rural multiracial and multicultural health conference

Dec. 4-6, 2012 Asheville, NC Multiracial and Multicultural Health Conference 18 th Annual National Rural Health Association

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Dec. 4-6, 2012 Asheville, NC

Multiracial andMulticultural

Health Conference

18th AnnualNational Rural Health Association

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The National Rural Health Association welcomes you to the 18th Annual Rural Multiracial and Multicultural Health Conference, “Diversity in rural health care and leadership: Now is the time.”

We are pleased to have passionate professionals come together to share information and skills and form partnerships to collaborate with each other to ensure access to quality health care for all.

We hope this conference will be both a valuable learning experience and an enjoyable time. Be sure to attend educational sessions and visit the display table area and posters, but also take the time to explore Asheville with your colleagues.

Most importantly, take back valuable knowledge to share in your community.On behalf of NRHA, we thank you for attending this event and taking the

time to assist in our collective efforts to improve the health of rural multiracial and multicultural populations and Sovereign Nations in America.


Lance Keilers2012 NRHA president

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Tuesday, Dec. 4Noon – 5 p.m. Registration

Wednesday, Dec. 58 a.m. – 5 p.m. Registration

8 – 9 a.m. Breakfast, posters, display tablesBurghley A room

9 – 9:30 a.m.Conference welcomeBurghley B roomAlan Morgan, NRHA CEO

Sandra Pope, NRHA Rural Multiracial and Multicultural Health Council chair

9:30 – 10:45 a.m.

Rural Healthy People 2020: Priorities for the next decadeBurghley B roomGail R. Bellamy, PhD, Florida State University Blue Cross Blue Shield

of Florida Center for Rural Health Policy and Research director and professor

Jane N. Bolin, JD, PhD, Texas A&M University Health Science Center Southwest Rural Health Research Center director and associate professor

Get the “hot off the press” report of Rural Healthy People (RHP) 2020 priorities, and see how they differ from RHP 2010. Find out how you

NRHA Multiracial and Multicultural Health Conference agenda

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can be involved in the next steps for RHP 2020, identifying which health care objectives should be the rural targets for communities and funders, and how RHP 2020 can benefit your community.

10:45 – 11 a.m. Break, posters, display tablesBurghley A room

11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Concurrent sessions

1A. Resources to develop community health worker programs: Toolkit, lessons learned from cancer prevention program in rural S.C. Vanderbilt I roomJessica Bellinger, PhD, University of South Carolina Rural Health

Research Center research assistant professor

Kathleen Spencer, University of North Dakota Rural Assistance Center librarian

Community health workers can be effective partners in addressing health disparities in minority populations. Explore an overview of a community-based participatory project in rural South Carolina seeking to identify culturally-appropriate strategies to increase access to cervical cancer prevention and control services. The Rural Assistance Center’s Community Health Worker Toolkit will be demonstrated.

Social media as a health education tool in the rural U.S.-Mexico border region David Denali, PhD, A.T. Still University School of Health

Management assistant professor

Jim Guillory, DO, A.T. Still University School of Health Management professor

Michael Samuels, DrPH, A.T. Still University School of Health Management professor

Mary-Katherine Smith, DrPH, A.T. Still University School of Health Management assistant professor

Review availability of traditional and modern technology for promoting health education and disease prevention by public health agencies. Explore uses of social media for conveying public health information and their potential application for health promotion.

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1B. Developing rural community and health care leadership capacity Vanderbilt II roomKim Byas, American Hospital Association regional executive

Angela Jukkala, PhD, University of Alabama-Birmingham assistant professor

Rural health care professionals often fill leadership roles with little formal education or mentoring while isolation, work schedules and scarce resources limit opportunities to develop leadership skills. Discover the keys to effective leadership and how to increase knowledge and skills to support interprofessional teamwork within health care settings and rural communities.

1C. Multiracial, multicultural curriculum for oral health professionals: The Alaska dental health aide therapist Amherst roomLouis Fiset, DDS, University of Washington Dental Health Aide

Therapist Educational Program curriculum coordinator

Mary Williard, DDS, Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Dental Health Aide Therapist Education director

Alaska’s dental therapists provide access to care for 35,000 rural Alaska natives. Examine the program that produces graduates who return to their home communities as oral health providers and role models, providing economic stimulation to their villages. Emphasizing culturally relevant learning leading to culturally competent providers, this program uses multiracial and multicultural considerations as a driving force.

State policy levers for addressing preventive dental care disparities for rural childrenAmy Martin, DrPH, University of South Carolina Rural

Health Research Center deputy director and research associate professor

Rural children are less likely than urban to receive dental services. Examine two state-level policies that could expand access to preventive care in rural settings: Reimbursement of fluoride varnish applications by non-dental clinicians and provision of dental hygiene services in primary care safety net settings without supervision or under general, indirect or public health supervision.

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12:15 – 1:30 p.m. Networking lunch

1:30 – 2:45 p.m. Concurrent sessions

2A. Federal grants technical assistance workshop: ORHP programmatic funding opportunities and grant writing tipsVanderbilt I roomLeticia Manning, Office of Rural Health Policy public health


Learn about ORHP’s community-based grant opportunities and gain grant writing tips necessary to apply for funding.

2B. Culture as relationship not competency: Care of Muslim patients in rural America

Vanderbilt II roomReem Alkadhi, MD, Duke/Southern Regional Area Health

Education Center family medicine resident

Sushma Kapoor, MD, Duke/Southern Regional Area Health Education Center assistant director

Daniel Marlowe, PhD, Duke/Southern Regional Area Health Education Center applied psychosocial medicine director

Discover the concept of cultural attunement, a relational expansion of cultural competency. While competency describes the behavioral practices of a health professional toward a patient, attunement denotes an ongoing process of relating between caregiver and receiver taking into account general cultural beliefs, as well as how those general beliefs manifest specifically for that individual.

Integrating cultural competency, experiential learning into interdisciplinary education Michael Bradfield, East Tennessee State University medical


Joe Florence, MD, East Tennessee State University professor and director of rural programs

Sharon Loury, PhD, East Tennessee State University College of Nursing assistant professor

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Hear discussion on interdisciplinary, rural, primary care training for professional students, using a research practice course as an example. By participating in experiential learning in culturally diverse settings, future health care workers are cultivated to be leaders in community-based health care.

2C. Bridging the gap: Engaging non-traditional partners in farmworker health

Amherst roomAlexis Guild, Farmworker Justice migrant health policy analyst

Farmworkers have a low utilization of health care services, requiring creative approaches to increase access including reaching out to non-traditional health partners already working within the community. Discover the benefits, challenges and strategies to engaging non-traditional partners through the lens of two of Farmworker Justice’s health projects.

Farmworkers and the social determinants of health Jessica Felix-Romero, PhD, Farmworker Justice

communications director

Farmworkers, as a population, are at increased risk for a variety of poor health outcomes from occupational injury to diabetes to HIV. Explore the various social determinants of health impacting Latino farmworkers at the levels of policy, socioeconomics and environment, living and working conditions and community networks.

2:45 – 3 p.m. Break, posters, display tablesBurghley A room

3 – 4:15 p.m. Plenary session: Health care reform: Equal or unequal health careBurghley B roomJeannette South-Paul, MD, University of Pittsburgh department chair

Review the most pressing health disparities, outline the challenges of a new health care system and suggest approaches to address these disparities from both private and public sectors.

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5 – 7 p.m. Networking reception sponsored by AT&T Garden Terrace Gallery

Thursday, Dec. 68 a.m. – noon Registration

8 – 8:30 a.m. Breakfast, posters, display tables Burghley A room

8:30 – 9:45 a.m. Plenary session: Washington updateBurghley B roomMaggie Elehwany, JD, National Rural Health Association government

affairs vice president

Join rural health’s top lobbyist for an insider’s update about what’s going on in Washington and what to expect next year.

9:45 – 11 a.m. Concurrent sessions

3A. Mexican Nationals accessing health care services across the border: Is a bi-national coordinated health care network possible?

Vanderbilt I roomPaul Dulin, New Mexico Department of Health Office of Border

Health director

Residents of Mexico have accessed health care services for many years, if not from the 1800s. These residents are accessing preventive and primary care, and in some cases, emergent care in four U.S. border states. Review a case study on how this impacts the sustainability of EMS and hospital facilities in the border region and efforts to build a bi-national network of care.

Communicable disease issues in the rural U.S.-Mexico border region David Denali, PhD, A.T. Still University School of Health

Management assistant professor

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Jim Guillory, DO, A.T. Still University School of Health Management professor

Michael Samuels, DrPH, A.T. Still University School of Health Management professor

Mary-Katherine Smith, DrPH, A.T. Still University School of Health Management assistant professor

Learn the state of communicable disease in the rural U.S.-Mexico border region, and discover the general state of communicable disease status. Two specific issues spotlight major communicable disease issues: tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS. Review theory of herd immunity, specific examples of communities where it has broken down, and policy recommendations for health education efforts to prevent reoccurrences.

3B. Distance to health care among vulnerable patient groups

Vanderbilt II roomKevin Bennett, PhD, South Carolina Rural Health Research

Center associate professor

Jan Probst, PhD, South Carolina Rural Health Research Center director

John Stewart, University of South Carolina Institute for Families in Society, Division of Policy and Research on Medicaid and Medicare senior research associate

Discuss the highlights of recent research studies including access to dialysis facilities among rural ESRD patients, distances to services among rural HIV patients and the proximity of acute care services and its relationship to income. All studies further examined the experience of rural minority populations.

Frontier extended stay clinics: An effective modelPatricia Atkinson, Southeast Alaska Regional Health

Consortium program director

Explore the frontier extended stay clinic model, a geographically isolated medical clinic designed to provide primary, emergency and extended stay care 24 hours a day when hospital services are not readily available. This model is ideal for communities requiring emergency and after-hours care, but not requiring the resources of a full-service hospital.

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3C. The Health Sciences and Technology Academy: The effect of an after-school program to bridge achievement gap

Amherst roomAnn Chester, PhD, West Virginia University health sciences

assistant vice president

Feon Smith, PhD, Marshall University adult and technical education assistant professor

Learn about the Health Sciences and Technology Academy, a 9th through 12th grade pipeline to health professions for rural under-represented populations in West Virginia. Standardized test scores from 336 students (50 percent academy, 50 percent non-academy) were compared and matched by grade, gender, race and grade point average.

11 – 11:15 a.m. Break, posters, display tables Burghley A room

11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Concurrent sessions

4A. Evaluating needs, access to care among African-American breast cancer survivors in the Alabama Black Belt

Vanderbilt I roomAngela Jukkala, PhD, University of Alabama at Birmingham

School of Nursing assistant professor

African-American breast cancer survivors experience many quality-of-life challenges following completion of initial treatment. Learn about breast cancer survivorship needs among African-Americans, particularly in the Alabama Black Belt, and support and education needs identified through community-based participatory research. Topics include access to care, body image, sexuality, depression and menopausal concerns.

The American Cancer Society’s Community Health Advisor programMarcie Fisher-Borne, PhD, American Cancer Society health

disparities and evidence-based practice director, North Carolina State University assistant professor

Kathlene E. Stith, American Cancer Society South Atlantic Division community health advisor manager

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The combined efforts of community organizations and individuals will make a difference in eliminating the high incidence and deaths of communities at higher risk for breast, cervical and colon cancers. The American Cancer Society is currently working with community health advisors in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee cities as well as counties in West Virginia, Kentucky and North Carolina, including the Cherokee Indian reservation.

4B. Creating a culture of diversity and inclusion: A nonprofit model for inclusion, engagement

Vanderbilt II roomCraig Wesley, National MS Society diversity and clinical

outreach manager

Discover the MS Society’s diversity councils’ advice on the best approaches to reaching and engaging underserved communities. Explore the difference between diversity and inclusion, how to operationalize effective strategies for creating a culture of diversity and inclusion, and outreach and engagement strategies.

Rural palliative care: Developing capacity with multicultural considerations Al Hernandez-Santana, JD, California State Rural Health

Association policy director

Karla Weng, Stratis Health program manager, rural program area lead

Examine issues that present challenges to palliative care for rural communities and the unique strengths and opportunities rural communities have in developing palliative care services with a particular focus on multicultural considerations. Learn to identify results, lessons learned and best practices in developing community-based palliative care services across multi-setting, interdisciplinary teams.

4C. Writing for publication: The how-to’s and wherefore’s

Amherst roomAngeline Bushy, PhD, University of Central Florida College of

Nursing professor and Bert Fish chair

Learn about the benefits and obstacles of authoring articles, the process of writing for publication and how

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to get started. Strategies for planning, writing and editing a manuscript will be outlined. Word choices, sentence structure and paragraph organizations will be highlighted. Technology and software designed to assist writers will be reviewed.

12:30 – 1:40 p.m. Networking lunch Burghley B room

1:45 – 3 p.m. Plenary session: Challenges in American Indian health care and leadershipBurghley B roomDonald Warne, MD, North Dakota State University associate professor

and director

The American Indian (AI) population suffers from among the worst health disparities in the nation. AIs are also significantly under-represented in the health care workforce and in leadership positions. Hear an overview of AI health and workforce disparities and strategies to reduce these disparities.

3 – 4 p.m. Town hall meetingBurghley B roomThis will be a forum for giving voice to topics or issues from all points of view, providing an opportunity to express opinions, offer recommendations and pose questions related to what was heard throughout the conference. Everyone is invited to share their perspectives.

4 p.m. Conference adjourns

Plan now to attend the 2013 Rural Multiracial and Multicultural Health Conference Dec. 3-5 in San Antonio, Texas.

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PostersCollaborative partnership to increase response to domestic violence, sexual assault in tribal communitiesPaula Ciniero, Alaska Public Health Nursing itinerant public health nurse

An examination of health disparities in the long-term follow up of neonatal intensive care unit graduatesBarb Jackson, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center associate professor

Howard Needelman, MD, University of Nebraska Medical Center associate professor

Holly Roberts, PhD, University of Nebraska Medical Center pediatrics assistant professor

Cultural competency and the Barren River District Health Department: A vision of excellenceKorana Durham, Barren River District Health Department public health services


Innovations in patient-centered care: Enriching the cultural, linguistic competencies of critical access hospitalsKenneth D. Johnson, JD, HHS Office for Civil Rights, civil rights division chief

Using storytelling to promote diabetes prevention and control in rural, ethnic minority populationsAlexis Williams, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention public health advisor

We’re not just urban: Strategies for addressing health disparities in rural New YorkPamela Planishek, New York State Department of Health Office of Minority

Health and Health Disparities Prevention graduate student intern

HELPING: A framework for home-based community workKevin Gillespie, Integrated Services of Appalachian Ohio executive directorWilliam Madsen, PhD, Family Centered Services Project founder/director

Health risk behaviors and barriers to care in an African-American faith community: A rural health needs assessmentAudrey Burnett,PhD, James Madison University health sciences assistant professor

Use of video novelas as an outreach tool on safe medication use to Latino womenDeborah Kallgren, Food and Drug Administration Office of Women’s Health

special assistant

Critical information for pregnant women taking prescription drugs: The FDA Pregnancy Exposure Registry websiteBeverly Gallauresi, Food and Drug Administration health programs coordinator

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The South Carolina collaborative approach to the Health Information Technology Regional Extension CenterGrishma Patel, South Carolina Rural Health Research Center research associate

Crossing levels: Moderators of health leading up to and during the recession for American Indians and Alaskan NativesSamuel Towne, South Carolina Rural Health Research Center research associate

21st century well-woman examLinda Prine, MD, Institute for Family Health director of women’s health, Reproductive Health Access Project medical director

Display tablesCenters for Disease Control and Prevention – National Diabetes Education ProgramThe National Diabetes Education Program is a collaborative effort between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the National Institutes of Health and more than 200 partner organizations.

National Center for Interpretation Testing, Research and PolicyThe National Center for Interpretation is a nonprofit language interpreter testing and training facility affiliated with the University of Arizona.

Public Health FoundationThe Public Health Foundation is a national nonprofit organization, providing the community with training, information and technical assistance to support the nation’s public health system.

Tourette Syndrome AssociationThe mission of the Tourette Syndrome Association is to identify the cause of, find the cure for, and control the effects of Tourette Syndrome.

Via College of Osteopathic MedicineVCOM’s mission is to prepare globally minded, community-focused physicians for the rural and medically underserved areas of the Appalachian Region and to improve human health, especially of those most in need.

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Remembering Rosemary

Rosemary McKenzie’s passion for rural health care and dedication to multicultural and multiracial populations were unparalleled.

Rosemary served as the National Rural Health Association’s minority liaison and program services manager for 27 years. She died in March due to complications from pancreatic cancer.

“The world has lost a very cool woman,” NRHA member Marilyn Kasmar said. “But she has certainly left a legacy behind in all of us. We will work hard to carry on the work she believed so strongly in.”

To carry on Rosemary McKenzie’s legacy and honor her memory, the National Rural Health Association has established the Rosemary McKenzie Legacy Award to be presented annually during the Rural Multiracial and Multicultural Health Conference beginning in 2012. Donations are being accepted for a scholarship to help award winners attend this educational event.

Tax-deductible contributions may be sent to NRHA honoring Rosemary 521 E. 63rd St. Kansas City, Mo. 64110

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pack your bag.Rural Health Policy Institute Feb. 4-6 Washington, D.C.

Rural Medical Educators Conference May 7 Louisville, Ky.

Annual Rural Health Conference May 7-10 Louisville, Ky.

Rural Quality & Clinical Conference July 17-19Chicago, Ill.

Rural Health Clinic Conference Oct. 1-2 Austin, Texas

Critical Access Hospital Conference Oct. 2-4 Austin, Texas

Plan now to attend these upcoming events.